#yearly reading goal
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writing-slanted · 2 months ago
Book readers both E-readers and print readers, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY! Most libraries have elibraries like Libby or hoopla (with Libby your can read on kindle ereaders!!) and some even have the ability to get a library card remotely! The libraries rely off of patrons and library card members to buy more books, do programs, and sometimes fund research. Not to mention you’re saving a ton of money by using your card!
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very-serious-book-reviews · 6 months ago
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Sooooo yeah. I’ve been busy this year
I’m thinking at the end of the year I’ll make a full list of everything I read, and on the off chance anyone wants to hear my thoughts on anything specific, you can ask me there to make posts for some of them! So look forward to that I guess
Of course if you have suggestions or wanna know if I’ve read something, feel free to shoot me an ask! I’m always willing to add more books to my… very sizable TBR 😅
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enchantedsaturn · 11 months ago
yearly reading goal 2024: 3/25
currently reading: dear sylvia, love jane - erin hall
the wicked king - holly black (reread)
a darker shade of magic - ve schwab
the queen of nothing - holly black (reread)
a gathering of shadows - ve schwab
beach read - emily henry
a conjuring of light - ve schwab
house of earth and blood - sarah j maas (reread)
conjure women - afia atakora
house of sky and breath - sarah j maas
my heart is a chainsaw - stephen graham jones
house of flame and shadow - sarah j maas
don't fear the reaper - stephan graham jones
geometry of fire - paul warmbier
throne of glass - sarah j maas
crown of midnight - sarah j maas
heir of fire - sarah j maas
the assassins blane - sarah j maas
queen of shadows - sarah j maas
empire of storms - sarah j maas
tower of dawn - sarah j maas
kingdom of ash - sarah j maas
find him where you left him dead - kristin simmons: ‎★☆☆☆☆
house of earth and blood - sarah j maas: ★★★★☆
the cruel prince - holly black: ★★★★★
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kerrytriestoread · 27 days ago
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Already half way to my goal!
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jeshaisabookworm · 1 year ago
Goodreads 2023 Reading Challenge: Goal Achieved!
This year I have decided to greatly reduce my reading goal. My reading habits have not been the same since I was in college. It’s only a few years but I have had my slump and things might never go back to the way they were and I had to accept that but something inside me wishes that I would at least be able to read 12 books this year. 1 book a month which seemed rational but difficult at the same…
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the-tarot-witch22 · 5 months ago
Yearly Goal post!!!
Guys, so I have a goal of 5500$ for november 2024 - december 2025.
Completing this goal will help me a lot!
I will appreciate your help a lot, every tip donation means a lot, need your support by buying readings from me, I offer variety of packages in my paid readings, that you can choose from, and check my feedback for more! I also offer stones and bracelets , you can buy them from me! They are guaranteed original!
Please support me by buying readings, purchasing crystals, bracelets, reblogging and liking this post , I will be so so grateful to you!
Thank you so much for your love, support and time <3!
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the---hermit · 3 months ago
2025 reading goals
My reading goal for next year is no reading goals! Jokes aside, I have a couple of things I would like to keep in mind, but my main goal for the year is really to avoid goals and challenges at all costs. I don't want to set a number of books goal, I don't want to do tbr challenges, or other types of challenges. I want track my reading as best as I can, but I want to see what a reading year with no external pressures looks like. I kind of what to see what I'll do as a reader naturally. I have never been particularly strict with my reading goals, but they are of course in the back of my mind, so I am really curious to see how the reading is going to be when I have no rules at all. I might do a quartely update on how my reading year is going? But no promises, because I might forget.
There are a couple of things I want to keep in mind anyway. Firstly my habit of trying to read the books I buy right away. I don't see this as a reading challenge personally, it's more of a thing I keep in mind to be more mindful when I am buying books. What this really is is just consider as well as I can how I spend my money in books. At this point it's such a well established habit I don't really have to think about it anymore.
What I really want to focus on instead of goals is to track my reading. I normally do that quite accurately with my storygraph, but I would also like to get back into using my reading journal more. The main things I want to track is which of my unread books I end up reading during the year, and which books I buy during the year and if I read them or not. I already kind of do this, but this year I didn't touch my reading journal for several months, and I'd like to be more consistent. As I have mentioned in my physical tbr post I will be writing a list of my unread books at the beginning of year, and then I will cross out things as I read them, if I do. Same with the books I buy, I will be listing them on a page on my journal and cross them off once I read them. I will approach neither as a challenge, it will only be me logging data in my journal.
Last thing I'd like to do is to start posting again book reviews like I did. It's one of the habits I lost this year, and I kind of miss it. I might not post a review for every single book, but I'd like to bring back the occasional book review/ end of reading rant.
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enigmaticpink · 3 months ago
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Yknow what I don't think i can finish this book
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friendcrumbs · 5 months ago
oughhhh ur writing is so good!! and ur art!!! do u have any tips on how to improve writings? i feel like my fics ive written are very bland...if u have a process im very curious to hear what it is too!
thank you so much!! ;w; first of all, your fics probably seem bland to you because you were the one who wrote them -- you got used to the plot and prose, and maybe get caught up in the technical aspects of what to tweak/improve, so much so that the 'magic' of reading becomes lost. have a little faith in yoruself! when it comes to general writing advice, it will probably be super unhelpful and something you've heard before but: writing a lot helps. it doesn't have to be good/finished/"publishable," it's about getting words down on a page. i write between 100k and 300k words a year. most of them are utter garbage or ideas that don't go anywhere, but that's kind of the point, to get into the habit of not agonizing over it. the other unhelpful and generic piece of advice i have is to read/watch media criticism -- i know it won't work for everybody, but for me, seeing why something works or doesn't work in a piece of media helps with knowing how to "steal it" and include it in my own writing. if i may be pretentious about my own writing, cicadas leans heavily on everything i had to read on horror/the gothic and weird fiction as a genre -- seeing the elements of why these genres are successful in evoking discomfort/fear and what techinques they use in plain language makes it easier to put in plot points/descriptions that mimic it (for example, disrupted/stretchy/unverifiable time to get a confused, fever-dream atmosphere).
when it comes to the process itself, i highly recommend a beta reader/friend to bounce ideas off of. they don't have to be super familiar with the original media (hi @nullians who bravely soldiered on despite not liking these guys, i owe you my life) -- it's about whether the ideas you have translate onto the page. i would usually ask for a creepiness rating on a scale of 1-10 and whether certain parts were too short/dragged on too long and then adjusted accordingly. the other thing is an outline. my outlines are notoriously shitty, no matter if it's fanfic/ original fiction/non-fiction, so i'm perhaps not to be the best person to be getting advice from on the technical aspects. but to me, it's helpful to have both the crucial plot points and the "mood" i want in a given segment/chapter. it's so i don't forget where i was going with it after a few weeks, so i can see if the bare bones of the story work without being 'pretty', and lastly, to see if the pacing works. it helps to have an 'objective' to hit within a given segment so i don't get off track and spiral into talking about something that's only tangentially related but really, doesn't contribute much to the 'goal' (if you end up with these bits, save them! i have a dumping grounds document where all the rejects go to save me when i'm stuck)
anyways, this got VERY long, but i hope it's at least somewhat helpful!! and again, thank you so much, it's so nice to hear ;w;
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writing-slanted · 3 months ago
Small reminder that even though you set a reading goal, you don't have to read that many books. It's a goal and NOT mandatory. Read at your own pace and don't stress out.
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saskia-mae · 1 year ago
monthly reset
hi everyone! since it’s the end of the month, i thought i’d tell you what i do at the end of every month, to prepare for the new month :)
brain dump tasks for the month ahead
this includes any events I have, such as a party, someone's birthday, important deadlines or exam dates, as well as the revision I want to get done in the month.
organise my calendar
i use multiple calendars to keep myself organised. first, i use ical and a physical calendar for birthdays and parties/events. then I use google calendar to time block my week out, adding in when I'm at school, my morning routine, study sessions, workout sessions and my free time. to organise my revision, I have a separate monthly study planner from emmastudies.com that I fill out. i have this above my desk on my corkboard, which helps me to know what revision I have to do on any given day.
set goals
to do this i look at my yearly goals (which i have on my yearly notion page), and then i decide how my yearly goal can be broken down into an achievable yet challenging monthly goal. for example, one of my yearly goals this year is to learn german, so one of my recurring monthly goals is to do german on duolingo daily. as I'm doing my a levels this year, my german study isn't too intensive, but once I've sat my exams in the summer I'll increase how much I study german.
tidy my environment
to bring in the new month it's super important to have a clean and tidy environment. for me, this means clearing any clutter off my desk, vacuuming my bedroom, cleaning my windows, windowsill, mirror and makeup brushes. i also like to tidy my clothes shelves and make sure everything is folded nicely, as well as my underwear and socks in my drawers. don't forget to change your bedsheets as well!
my favourite thing to do is have an everything shower and do my skincare routine, so I can get into my nice fresh bed all clean :) I also love to go to bed a little bit earlier than I usually do, and read for a little while before going to sleep.
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alvinmichaelmurphyseville · 10 days ago
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“Can check another book off my yearly reading list.”
“Do I set way too many goals for myself a year? Probably! Will I reduce them? Heck, no. I’m just going to tell myself it’s okay not to reach every single one and celebrate what I DO reach.”
“Still wish this headache would go away. It’s seasonal allergy/not enough sleep related.”
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arctic-hands · 20 days ago
CW diet talk
This fucking sucks my gastro wants me to eat fish as my main protein if I'm too terrified of chicken right now but I fucking hate fish and I'm terrified of canned tuna too now and that's the cheapest fish i have access to
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miniimerry · 23 days ago
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vampireprose · 3 months ago
My reading goal this year is only 20 books. I know that I'll probably be reading a lot more but I just don’t want to pressure myself with my hobby.
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ani-talwar · 3 months ago
I’ve been on Goodreads forever and never used anything else so I don’t really know about other apps, what are your opinions on the new Goodreads yearly reading challenge set up?
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