#yeah i think the f⁴ are all fucking eo yeah
ratatatastic · 2 months
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it will absolutely haunt me the way lundy accidently says "wheres my name" to which sasha corrects him by going "wheres my name? wheres my name?" in a tone thats sooooooooooooooooooooo to which lundy shifts the cup closer to find the cats inscription and once he finds it looks towards luosty quickly...then up at sasha and lifts it up and i-
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Jikook literally went to NY, they literally recorded the whole fucking 'Letter' and not a single word was said by either of them. Like not even once. They were just dancing around the letter song but jimin didn't once mention jungkook's participation in the song. Jungkook hinted, played the song but he also didn't talk about the process or his involvement in the song.
And again the whole NY trip went by and none of them said a word. They could've just mentioned that they were together in NY because we already know that they were together. Yeah it could be because they didn't want to spoil whatever they recorded in NY but even when jimin posted a picture from the trip he barely mentioned the trip or how he and jungkook were together or how the picture came to be. No. He didn't talk about the trip again. And was very vague.
Jimin has mastered the art of saying so much and giving nothing.
I've also noticed that jimin whenever talks about jungkook he somehow manages to make us think that he and jk are not spending time together as much. I mean it could be true. But we've seen them taking a whole fucking trip so it's obvious they didn't break up. And they obviously don't act like exes considering jungkook's bed live. But yeah jimin always does this thing these days. He becomes very vague when talking about jungkook. Even in this live he was not making eye contact as if he was lying or something and he looked like he was thinking hard about how to form his words. He omits a lot of things and dare I say he sometimes lies too. I don't know why he's like that these days when it comes to jk but this is something that I and a lot of people have noticed.
And jungkook too doesn't talk about jimin (or any member) on live that much anymore. I know jungkook is busy because his album is coming up obviously he has to work. Jimin is cooking something too and like jk said their schedule doesn't match. But it doesn't mean that they don't see each other at all. No one works 24 hours a day. They come live after months so how can we know that they didn't spend time together in between that time period? Like come on. And since they don't talk about whenever they hang out it makes us think that they don't when in reality they just don't want us to know.
It's obvious that they don't wanna tell us that they're hanging out. Jimin had mercy on us and gave us the picture but he didn't talk about the trip or the picture(very vague). So yeah he was like "this is all you can have for now". And if it wasn't for jk's bday, I doubt he would've posted that picture. So we should keep that in mind that they don't wanna tell us. And we should mind our own business and enjoy what they allow us to see.
And for taekook, they are literally friends. Like who tf even takes that ship seriously anymore? That ship is a f*cking joke. Do people expect them to never mention each other? They're friends ffs. I mean people will literally trend tkk and say that they are dating when either of them even mention the other's name. While they have held jikook on such high standards that if they don't surpass them then they're not close anymore. While other ships have to just look at eo or mention eo's name and suddenly they're married. 🙄
Ngl I'm honestly done with the whole shipping discourse. I will love jikook always but this whole shipping discourse is mentally taxing and so f*cking annoying. Like everything is micro-analyzed. Jimin and jungkook doing or saying the simplest thing is so fucking analyzed from word to word when people themselves in their life wouldn't even think twice while saying or doing the same things with their partners. Other members' words too are so analyzed when people wouldn't think twice while doing or saying the same to their friends in real life. Like give it a break.
Since there's no jikook moment coming anyways I'm just leaving the whole shipping shit show. I'll be happy when I see any jikook moments but I'm not expecting anything anymore. I'm genuinely tired and the whole shipping discourse is so fucking toxic. The people are so toxic I would rather not stay here. Sorry nobody asked but I just wanted to rant.
Hello anon,
It's ok. You are allowed to have a rant because people are truly exhausting. You have no idea how many times during the day I roll my eyes and cuss the hater anons out and close tumblr. Really.
I agree with everything you are saying. But... Jimin has become vague about everything including Jk. He is much more private now. And who can blame him? Sometimes, Jk gets crazy and shows us he has a head full of Jimin. And who can blame him. Even without words, there is evidence that there are present in each other's life.
I get you, though. We will be here when you decide to come back and celebrate some good jikookery.
See you later, anon!
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Mysterious Benedict Society Episode 7 Liveblog - A Joyful Lens
I wrote this and then completely forgot to come back to it, but here we are, the day before the final episode is dropping. 
Wow, immediate new record for how fast I’ve wanted to punch Curtain. Usually it takes at least a couple minutes but this time it was just. literally the first line. may your tea always be too bitter and scald your fucking tongue. 
I am staring at Number Two under a microscope rn, ma’am are you okay. 
“Big day tomorrow” pls no that sounded so wrong. I’ve been saying big day today for the past year, and big day tomorrow made me v uncomfortable. 
Tbh I wouldn’t be shocked if Curtain picked up on the fact that there was something in the tea. Not that I think he’s smart enough to pick up on it, but he just seems paranoid enough as a person to notice that something’s off. 
Ughhhhh having such conflicting feelings on number two getting whammied because yes it’s bad but also the things she’s saying are things that Mr. Benedict really needs to hearrrrrrr and things she should have been saying all season but ehhh. Mixed feelings. 
Love Kate and Milligan’s farm system. All of the moments that show how much they’ve built their lives and relationship with one another over the past year really warm my heart. It’s a nice other side to the moments where they’re struggling with their relationship 
RUN SILENT RUN DEEP!!! Thank you for the actual episode title bc I’m still uncomfy over big day tomorrow
But also yeah Milligan, running silent running deep really worked out well for you last time, uh huh, I’m sure it’ll go off without a hitch this time 
Reynie did you really think Kate was going to stay put, I love your confidence in people 
Hey disney I can’t take Reynie and Kate getting whammied too, so keep that in mind pls 
Oh my god this feels like a fever dream
J e f f e r s, he’s so proud of himself, you pathetic pathetic man 
Where the fuck did you get straightjackets, Jeffers? Did you go to a store after grabbing them? HAVE YOU BEEN CARRYING THOSE AROUND FOR WEEKS??? 
The way unwhammied Constance would just be biting him. Someone get her some acid for whenever they bring her out of it 
Jeffers of course you don’t know how to take off a straightjacket, can’t you see you’re undercutting Curtain’s reunion with two of his child nemeses? 
Shedding it like she’s shedding all the negativity in her life rn. She was in that straightjacket because she chose to be 
Yeah Sticky!!! Get him!! Call him evil!! 
Ew no Curtain you’re not allowed to refer to people as ‘friend’ anymore, I thought we left that behind last season. 
Slightly disappointed we didn’t get Curtain expecting Constance to straight up murder him, but that’s okay 
Wait no. Don’t you fucking dare. 
It’s so much worse because Curtain knows all of Sticky’s insecurities from last season and just. AGHHHH. 
The Mabel Pines voice is really jumping out now that Number Two is whammied 
Ohhhhhh is number two getting whammied what’s going to knock Mr. Benedict out of the hypnosis??? He’s so worried 
It’s really interesting that Mr Benedict has been able to have analytical thought about the hypnosis while he’s in it, like “why am i feeling this way, i feel like i should be fighting this” but other people don’t seem to be able to do that. It might just be for story purposes from the writers, but I wonder if there’s an in-universe reason? 
H W A T 
This episode is making me question my grasp on reality like none of the other episodes have 
WOLVES CBSHFBSHB absolutely roasted
Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Mr Benedict finally gets a hug~
“Dressed in the faded rags of a hostage” has the same energy as “the clothes of someone who has given up”. Unintentional jillsoncore
She! Requested! Yellow! 
Kate not knowing what an alpaca is is really good content, thank you disney 
“I know I tease you, Sticky, but the truth is, I enjoy your scientific facts.” Cuteeeeee, I kind of hope once she’s unwhammied she says she meant that even though she was under the happy influence, but she’ll probably just go back to her friendly bullying, which is okay too 
Kate and Constance hug Kate and Constance huggggg <3 <3 <3 
“She’s an absolute pleasure to be around” Sticky nooo, like I totally get it but nooooo 
Oh thank god Sticky didn’t get whammied, I couldn’t have taken that. 
Him doing long division in his head to avoid it is precious, he’s so good. 
Ahhh it is once again cult leader time. Great.  
Uh oh Enzo
Oh that was REALLY fast since we saw him get hypnotized by Auguste like 2 episodes ago. I wonder why it seems to happen at different speeds for different people 
Ohhh Curtain seems very shaken by someone else freezing 
Lmaooooo J&J’s little super awkward backwards shuffle with the wheelie chair 
N I C K Y 
N I C K Y 
I’m just buffering over not now nicky 
Okay okay back on track 
The track I’m back on is adoring Miss Perumal
But also no thanks I cannot take the kids realizing their parents have been whammied 
Milligan hugging kate but her expression just stays blank like she’s realizing what has happened uhhhhhh I’m in pain 
Constance is just. vibing. 
Idk if this is intentional but I love the framing of almost never having Constance and the other three in the same frame in this scene, and the only times they’re in the same frame there’s both a lot of distance between them and a tree splitting the frame between them 
No, you DO need Dr. Garrison, because I need the show to bring her back
I was wrong on who did it, since I had guessed it would be Constance, but I’m still excited 
“Garrison’s proven she can’t be trusted with technology.” HEY. LEAVE MY FAVORITE WOMAN IN STEM ALONE. Haven’t you ever heard of intellectual property?
Uh oh he’s MAD mad 
Lmao at Mr. B poking his head up over the window
But also oof now he knows about the people freezing
Jackson and Jillson I’m so sorry you guys cannot catch a singular break 
Two people I love with all of my soul but also occasionally fear on deep a primal level 
Excuse me Curtain you do NOT get to yell at them 
Add J&J to the list of people who deserve post-Curtain therapy (and also to commit physical violence against him, but that’s a given) 
LMAO the side eye towards frozen Marlon on “current personnel situation” 
I hope Marlon can hear them vagueing him. Get wrecked.
Still going for that promotion, good for you guys 
Curtain put your psych 101 “correlation does not equal causation” away, we all know you don’t have a degree. 
✨Don’t fucking patronize my blorbos✨
Nooooo the way they both kind of just deflated the second he walked out of the room. Every time we see how scared they are of him I get sad™️. 
It’s hard for me not to feel sympathetic for them because it’s framed in a way like they’ve invested so much in him and his methods, and then he’s very threatening and dismissive. 
Someone made a comment last season that was something along the lines of “the girls are fightingggggg” and that’s what I think every time they snipe at each other <3 
Thank god it’s actually him, I got so scared from the post-trailer discussion 
But them them them <3 I’m so glad we got a proper little reunion even though I wish it was longer 
“I’ve successfully stolen several items recently” yeah you have! You’re doing great! 
I really love scenes where we see the talents of the kids being highlighted, I’ve really been missing that this season
The multitool!!!!!! I still think about Milligan saying “I whittled it. :) for the bucket :) 
Once again feeling like I’m in a fever dream
We’ve got the dorky dancing and then Miss Perumal still looking absolutely STUNNING no matter what
“Where’s my dad? Let’s start with him” <3 <3 <3 <3 
Still wondering why Mr. Benedict is capable of rational thought about the happiness but other people don’t seem to be. Maybe just a plot hole but hmmm. 
This conversation happening during dancing feels pretty on point for this season
Katie kat! 
Constantly torn between how wholesome the interactions are and being horrified that everyone is hypnotized, but I love Milligan and Kate as always
Kate’s lil smile when Milligan gets mad!!!!!!!
Miss Perumal looking STUNNING as ever, I want to dance with her. If she told me to stay and get whammied I would listen to her
Curtain imposing his fashion crimes on everyone else this season can’t touch her, she’s too perfect
“Trust me.” “And I do, with my life.” 🥰🥰🥰
J&J y’all need to run, I fear for your safety once number two gets unwhammied 
When I said run that is NOT what I meant, but go off I guess uhhhhh
They’ve really been through it this season and I guess this was how those feelings manifested themselves 
Rip Jillson’s shoulder 
It’s all haha funny until I start thinking about the way he was immediately SO concerned for her
“That was an odd impulse!” WEUHFWIUVBS sir you just got tackled 
“She gets a vote now?” Yes she does because she’s perfection personified and everyone needs to respect her more
c o m a e 
Mr B looks :( :( so upset :( and it makes me upset 
Number two definitely meant removing Curtain from his followers when she said the best way to stop a snake is to chop off its head, and totally doesn’t want to physically start removing Curtain’s limbs 
“US” 🥰🥰🥰🥰🎉🎉🎉🎉
Curtain I’m begging you not to look into the camera while doing the hypnosis thing, it’s terrifying 
The facade is once again cracking!!
Gotta have one scene every season where Curtain is losing it in front of a mirror 
Good, get him 
Mr B patting Curtain’s leg when they’re about to drive away is giving me feelings 
I love all of the background interactions between the kids and adults 
Tell me why I half expected Jackson and Jillson to both have a sling just to continue the identical vibes 
Wait no no NO NO NO 
Like we knew it was gonna happen but FUCK 
Okay final thoughts: 
Overall, I loved this episode too! I’m finding I’m really liking the later episodes as the plot ramps up and character beats come to a head, but I’ve been enjoying it all. I’m really interested to see how they close things out next episode, and how the hypnosis side effects end up being resolved, especially now that I don’t know if the main group is going to be going back to the compound at all. (J&J call in Garrison please, she can fix this.) And excited to see more character moments especially when people come out of the hypnosis. 
Where we’re at right now has me kind of worried for next episode, but I’m trying to stay optimistic. I feel like there are so many loose threads that need tying up, but with the much shorter episodes this season I’m a little worried things are going to feel really rushed next episode and not have very satisfying closures, or some things are just going to get dropped altogether.
But yes very good episode and I’m both excited for the next episode and already sad the season will be over. 
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catelyngrant · 2 years
4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 23, 24, 25
4. Favorite books read this year: I really loved Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield, Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner, Honey in the Marrow by Emily Waters, and The Carlisle Series by Roslyn Sinclair.
7. Favorite TV show episodes of the year: "Safe Room" (Succession 2x04) didn't actually air this year, but I saw it for the first time this year, so I'll count it (same with "Tern Haven" and "Retired Janitors of Idaho"). I also loved Hacks 2x06 "The Click", andGrace and Frankie 7x16 "The Beginning".
10. Biggest fandom disappointment of the year: I did this partly to myself, but several years after giving up on The Walking Dead due to bad writing, empty shock value, and little character service, I hopped back on board when Angela Kang took over as showrunner and the Carol/Daryl spinoff was announced. Season ten was actually really good, and I got invested all over again despite my better judgment, and...yeah. Did not go well.
11. Biggest squee moments of the year: It's got to be Dolly showing up in the G&F finale, right? That was very high up there. Also, tbh, everything about JSC from her outfits to her tweets to her endless mockery of her favorite costar put a giant smile on my face.
19. Fandom that made an unexpected comeback: Well, it wasn't unexpected in that I'd been planning a rewatch for some time, but my Battlestar Galactica rewatch was nostalgic af and really made me happy (for the most part). On a much more unexpected note, though, announcements of David Tennant and Catherine Tate's return to Doctor Who and the TNG reunion on Star Trek: Picard bowled me over in the best way even though they haven't aired yet!
23. The most missed of your old fandoms: As I said, my BSG rewatch brought on some serious nostalgia for the old days. I don't think fandom as it existed back then is quite possible anymore, but they were good days.
24. Fandom resolutions for next this year: Same as ever—try to enjoy the good, ignore the bad, steer clear of drama, and step away from anything that's giving me more angst/frustration than fun or joy.
25. Fandom predictions for next this year: I don't think I'm going to have any major new fandoms this year, but I expect that both Star Trek and Doctor Who will consume my life with a renewed vigor. I am very hesitant to make predictions, so I'll call them hopes instead, but GOD, I am hoping very much for a satisfying season four of Succession that serves my specific interests, and I am hoping that the L&O franchise will quit fucking around and that the EO fandom can know peace.
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intolerancecare · 23 days
Why Eve
An unpopular celebrity who hangs out with the populars is stealing my life. Because my cousin has deferred and is now living a new married life? Opportunity for her? We both worked abroad. She stole my life WHEN THEY PLACED ME IN REHAB. Yes, a half american who is supposed to be neutralized. NEUTRALIZED. Do you know how some people are rude to not citizen? How much more to not your name or blood relation? I am now rude to her. They killed me so there would be amortized american CITIZENS who would be simple landowners (Then, now, irrelevant)
You answer me. My effing mistake here aside from going home late is all written in my blogs. The ACTUALIZED MISTAKES ARE THE ASSUMPTIONS. I said I will not be a mistress, so I wrote how I was entangled to a delusional player, he was single. You didn't understand my blog then? I related the past in how I should I accept, of what is just for me. My mistake part time catering and going home late. I thought the cameras are security. Hey, YOU DON'T HAVE CURFEW.
Who is her benefactor? Her manager, right? Never me. DUH!!!!! I chose a one look? How long did he look?!
EO? F**** What is the effing holy prediction that would clean the effing oppression that they did to me?
You know the ex-university president doesn't seem to know. My cousin grew up with his cousin (father side) and our cousin (motehr side). Their names, your mother and father respectively. So, I think you her.
Now I am thinking of how about me? Aside from his father who is a LAWSON. The car, the model... yeah, yeah... drowning in this story. What else? Oh... maybe he is married. TTSP. You also can't see him online?
Can I give a big CURSE?! Fuck you!!!! You can cohabit and still be chaste and loyal? And I your fukcing slave? Because you have fuciking bullied me to be in rehab? CLASSIFIED REHABTEE? F* High profile foster kid. Do you know how many GI babies here? Do they get to be there?
That effing nanny who said I should just adopt like her who is in a relationship with a lesbian. RESPECT! Even if I am ugly, I DON'T WANT AN EFFING LESBO! When did this start?! Fucking appeal. RESPECT! I am not a lesbo. I like girls who can make me feel like a girl and ladies who I can act with lady likely. Stupid.
Yes. My pinaka anti-social act. Curse online. Fuck.
Fuck she landowners' F. I factionless.
0 notes
pesterloglog · 10 months
Porrim Maryam, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5263
PORRIM: Welco+me back.
MEENAH: sup maryam
PORRIM: So+, yo+ur death certificate has barely dried, and yo+u're already busy raising an army, I hear?
MEENAH: howd you even hear that already
PORRIM: Wo+rd travels fast here. Plenty o+f go+ssip.
PORRIM: No+ o+ne quite prepares yo+u fo+r the fact that o+n the o+ther side o+f death is an infinite echo+ chamber o+f teen drama.
PORRIM: Funny ho+w when we left o+ur wo+rld to+ play yo+ur game, we all tho+ught we were leaving o+ur juvenile scho+o+lfeeding days behind us.
MEENAH: yeah
MEENAH: all the more reason to get out of here and fight bad guys and stuff
PORRIM: I no+ticed ho+w yo+u cunningly sidestepped an enco+unter with Kankri do+wn there.
#Nicely do+ne.
MEENAH: yeaaah
#poor shouty 38(
MEENAH: nomoby deserves havin to meet a dead teen alt universe ancestor like that
PORRIM: I think he might be entertaining so+me delusio+n o+f taking him under his wing.
PORRIM: Or if no+t his wing, the red fuzzy arm o+f his sweater.
MEENAH: what is with that ugly thing anyway
PORRIM: I made it fo+r him, actually.
PORRIM: Fo+r o+ne thing, I go+t tired o+f lo+o+king at his stupid hiked up pants, which he refused to+ change, ever. Serio+usly, did yo+u ever see him wearing anything else?
MEENAH: haha no
PORRIM: So+ unfashio+nable.
PORRIM: Also+, he was always shivering. It gets kind o+f chilly o+ut here, and he just wo+uldn't sto+p. No+t that I minded to+o+ much, but he just has this way o+f making such vo+cal and o+stentatio+us displays o+f suffering, like it's so+me kind o+f righteo+us state o+f being. It gets difficult fo+r everyo+ne to+ endure, especially after eo+ns. Hence his nickname, I guess.
MEENAH: wait nickname
MEENAH: if theres some new dig on vantas i need to know about it pronto
PORRIM: The Insufferable.
MEENAH: fuck yes highfive
MEENAH: wait forget it my hands still sore from latula
#goddamn radgirl
MEENAH: bitch slaps )(ARD
PORRIM: Oh, I kno+w.
MEENAH: you do
MEENAH: wait that is soundin fishily like innuendo
MEENAH: you and her ever uh
PORRIM: I was under the impressio+n yo+u didn't co+me here to+ start trading go+ssip.
MEENAH: whoa youre right
MEENAH: almost forgot to not be glubbin a fuck
#glub exactly zero fucks
MEENAH: i apologize for prying into your romlife that was so shrimpudent of me
PORRIM: It's alright. It's no+t like I have many well kept secrets.
PORRIM: Co+me visit any time. We'll get yo+u all caught up o+n exactly who+'s been seen passing thro+ugh the well-greased revo+lving do+o+rs to+ my quadrants.
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a-libertine-affair · 3 years
Seventeen Mixtape Vol. 14 - Un Haeng Il Chi Translation
Un haeng il chi ilchi, un haeng il chi ilchi* You get scared and force a cough, cough achoo achoo Un haeng il chi ilchi, un haeng il chi ilchi Your spot, [my] spot is higher than yours, higher *: Un haeng il chi: 言行一致, a four-character idiom (sajaseong-eo) that is usually read together as a meaningful expression. The Chinese equivalent is Chengyu - sajaseongeo is very similar in that many expressions are derived from Chengyu, but there are Korean-specific hanja expressions as well. Unhaengilchi means ‘to act in accordance to what you say,’ or to be a person of your word, basically.  ‘Ilchi’ (same hanja) is also a Korean word that means “match up,” so even though they repeat the ilchi part, the word can also stand alone.  verse 1 Vernon  pretty ma fu*kin’ idol Deep clean delete/erase it well* ASAP copy paste that, so well you can’t tell so cool it’s all ready, the firepower zone out often, it’s a habit. Yeah, it becomes reality Walter and my imagination (one two three) it gets more distinct (un haeng il chi) [I’m] f*cking real, rough to the bone They’re all acting, strip them of their skin Strip it off and slather gochujang on it*** This one for the fakes so shut the fuck up If you’re listening to this and sympathize, then sing along **: The Korean here, 지우다, can also mean erase but the copy paste in the next line meant that ‘delete’ seemed more fitting in theme here. It can be either! ***: Strip them of their skin: Pigskin is commonly eaten by slathering a gochujang (red pepper paste) sauce on it, so I’m pretty sure this is the reference here. Which means... he’s calling the fakes pigs, what a diss! verse 2 Mingyu What I say becomes reality and that phrase will become one of my famous sayings in the future Last year’s big picture is this year’s (sketch) 30 to 100, from 100 to 300, 800, next is 3,000, 7,000, 13,000 Right in front of my eyes and in front of me, the stars are blinking and sparkling**** But this isn’t enough, need more ****: A likely reference to the sparkling caratbong lights! bridge Wonwoo Move busily like Monday Enjoy and enjoy it like Sunday I make my work a masterpiece yo (masterpiece) Just as I say Move busily like Monday Enjoy and enjoy it like Sunday I make my work a masterpiece yo We’re un haeng il chi ilchi, un haeng il chi ilchi You get scared and force a cough, cough achoo achoo Un haeng il chi ilchi (aha), un haeng il chi ilchi (aha) You reach, our spot can’t be reached with your reach verse 3 S.COUPS Why are your words not matching up again? (yayaya) Hey, who are you peddling lies to? (yayaya)***** Go brag about those empty house trophies you’re holding to your mom (ya) Pinky promise then, bet your neck if you don’t have any stakes to bet Go back rewind to 2015, I can see it clearly too We Think we’re afraid? No way, the things I’ve achieved in just 3 years Will you be as dumb to think you’d be able to take away my hands full of medals woo woo don’t need to go hard, just toss it casually Even if I do, you’re afraid, intimidated, tilt your head because you’re unsure dummy (Loser) *****: 약을 팔다 (literally: selling medicine/drugs) is a phrase often used to denote people who scam or trick others - kinda like quack doctors selling you medicine that doesn’t really work. It’s derived from these types of swindlers or snake oil sellers trying to upsell something for more than what it is.  verse 4 Wonwoo I'm like a vulture I explode this ground, mine****** Okay, here are the results I don’t say things twice, the type to show you through my acts Look at my work yeah I’ll earn my riches just through music Do it my workin' My motto’s absolute: un haeng il chi, and if I don’t I’ll die My finger Fuck yeah ******: So Wonwoo apparently mentioned that he made a Starcraft reference here. Oh boy here we go [Note: SC is not my favorite game but I’ve played quite a few matches so if the description gets really technical here, feel free to skip LOL]!! The vulture is a Terran unit that can bury spider mines in an area and is undetectable unless you have a unit that can detect invisible units - it’s also very good at dealing with or crippling units that players usually use to rush bases (zealots, zerglings). Here is a better explanation courtesy of the SC fandom wiki and a video of what the in-game unit looks like. So Wonwoo is comparing himself to the Terran Vulture, saying he hides mines and explodes the area they’re buried in. It could be interpreted to mean that he’s well-equipped to play against the tried-and-true tactics of his opponents. That’s not all, though - the line is a double entendre as ‘바닥’ can also mean this industry. So he explodes it and it’s “his.” Mine here can be the explosive mine OR mean the possessive mine, and I love it. bridge Mingyu Move busily like Monday Enjoy and enjoy it like Sunday I make my work a masterpiece yo (masterpiece) Just as I say Move busily like Monday Enjoy and enjoy it like Sunday I make my work a masterpiece yo We’re un haeng il chi ilchi, un haeng il chi ilchi You get scared and force a cough, cough achoo achoo Un haeng il chi ilchi (aha), un haeng il chi ilchi (aha) You reach, our spot can’t be reached with your reach
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
Escape & Release (EoWells x Reader)
Rating: M (Smut)
Summary: After vowing to return for their next showdown, Eobard Thawne flees Barry Allen in the year 2049. He’s free - free at last from that God-awful Iron Heights prison. So what does he plan to do first with his newfound freedom?
A/N: Anyone else still thirsty from the latest episode? Well, here’s another Eo fic (a request, to boot!) to keep us going. PWP for you and me!
Tag List: @blogforhoes​
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After vowing to return for their next showdown, Eobard Thawne flees Barry Allen in the year 2049. He’s free - free at last from that God-awful Iron Heights prison. So what does he plan to do first with his newfound freedom?
The Reverse Flash has a couple of ideas…
First and foremost, the riskiest, most pressing matter involves visiting the person he couldn’t help but fall in love with all those years ago. Someone who never left his mind. Who got him through the darkest of nights. His ‘Juliet.’
Letting the moments of the past thirty years literally blur by him, Eobard runs like the madman he truly is through his Negative Speedforce. His eyes glow a fiercely bright red in his tunnel vision.
There. This time. This will do just fine.
The villain comes to a stop and stalks outside your Central City apartment you kept in May of 2019. A quick sprint up to your balcony brings him to peer into your living area. You’re currently in the kitchen, rounding the corner. You look up in the dim evening light to discover the figure outside your window.
You scream out of shock, but in a split second, a leather-gloved hand appears to cover your mouth to muffle your surprise. You finally register who it is, but how can this be…?
“Eommmffff!” you exclaim behind his hand. He removes it and subsequently, his bright yellow cowl, messing up his hair in the process.
“Hello, my dear,” Eobard greets you with a twisted smile (something you haven’t seen in a long time). “It’s felt like centuries since I’ve seen you last.”
You can’t believe this! Barry and Nora and the rest of the gang have only just left to the future to try to stop Eobard!
“What are you doing here?!” you ask breathlessly while running your hands down his body, as if touching him will assure you he’s real and here. “How…?”
“I came to see you, of course.” Eobard runs the reverse side of his fingers down your cheek. “I’ve been locked up for years in the future. A wretched place, and you were one of only two things I thought about while I was in that hell hole.”
“...What was the other thing?”
“Oh, you know, the usual plotting revenge of the Flash.”
You laugh. “Naturally.” There’s a brief pause, in which you break from being mesmerized at having this man here in front of you and begin to think semi-rationally. “Aren’t you afraid they’ll find you here?” you ask. “Team Flash will be back from the future any time now, won’t they? If they’re not already back. Remember a few years ago how they reacted when they found out about… us?”
“Then we better make the most of our time.”
As much as you were hoping to keep Eobard safe from your friends, you really really like the sound of that.
“And how do you suggest we do that?” you say playfully, only to shortly find yourself pinned against the wall adjacent to your bedroom. You pull his face toward yours and kiss him after saying, “A little to the left,” in regards to reaching the door. With a strategic jump, you straddle his hips, locking your legs tight around him. The deep and dark sound his throat makes drives you to attack his mouth.
It’s been so long.
He speeds you into your bedroom to throw you down onto the bed with enough force that you bounce on the mattress. On the one hand, it’s sexy as all hell, but you also let out a squeal like a kid in a bouncy house.
The Speedster has you naked faster than the blink of the average eye.
You always loved that neat little trick.
“I’ve thought about every possible thing I’ve wanted to do to you in there,” he says while hovering over you, offending you to the nth degree by still wearing the suit while you’re completely exposed. Eobard Thawne never did care for fairness.
“Yeah? Care to elaborate?”
Eobard hums in your ear, then begins to nip and kiss around the area. You are a puddle under him. He hasn’t even dealt with your beckoning need down below, and yet you’ve found nirvana with every little thing he does to you.
He smells of sweat, arousal, and a lingering lust for vengeance from his earlier fight. It’s enough to send you into a state of frenzy - needing desperately to get him out of that damned suit. Yes, it outlined every muscle on his body to prove that he was essentially a Speed-Sex-God, but it currently had no right to be hugging him tightly anymore. You’ve missed his body, how he feels against you, over you, inside you. And you need him now.
“Ditch the suit, tough guy,” you order him. “Right now.”
Eobard smirks. “Someone’s gotten a little more feisty since I’ve been gone.”
You lower your hand down between your legs to play with yourself, looking him straight in the eyes. A taunt. An invitation. A beckoning.
“A little naughtier too, it seems. I have half a mind to just watch you do that until you come.”
“We both know there’s no time for that,” you point out and press two fingers to his lips. The villain sucks on your fingers like they’re the treat he’d been denied for far too long.
“You’re right, as ever.”
At that, he phases out of his yellow Speedster suit. It drops to the floor, leaving him gloriously naked and ripped just like you remember. Possibly even more impressive, it’s a toss-up, really. You also haven’t missed noticing the small amount of peppering grey in his hair. Time was kind to him, goddamn...
You crawl backward on your bed, and
Eobard follows. His arms flex when he pins your hands above your head and into the mattress.
“How do you want it?” he asks.
“Fast and hard.”
“Ah, my specialty.”
You chuckle under him, but Eobard swallows the sound with another kiss - firm and needy and owning. While he’s distracted by your lips, he lets his hands wander back down to knead your breasts. You moan and arch your back at his greedy touch. The villain looks like he’s playing his favourite instrument and is wholly pleased by the music he produces.
He’s about to make a whole lot more “music” with you as he lines himself up in preparation to enter you. For a Speedster, he sure does take his time. Deliberately, you’re sure of it.
But at last, the Reverse Flash finds his place deep inside you, where he belongs. You suck in the air and hold it in your lungs, your head tipping back a little more with each bit further he delves within your heat.
“You feel just like how I remember…” Eobard says, which quickly tapers off into a hungry groan. You need more of that. More of those sounds. It’s been years since you’d heard them, and you almost had forgotten entirely. You whine and meet his giving thrusts in response.
Wrapping your legs around him, you let your heels dig into the small of his back above you, and use your thigh muscles to push him closer to you. You desperately want the full weight of his body on you - if he crushed you, it would be a blessing.
He starts to pick up the pace a little bit more. You see a thought flicker behind his eyes.
“Have you been with others?” he voices it, complete with rumbly, territorial undertones, “While I was gone?”
This question catches you off guard, especially with him buried inside you and pulling and pushing and kindling a stronger fire inside. There’s too much happening at once, too many sensations. You are unsure of how to answer. Or if you can answer.
“I-I mean…” you start carefully, meanwhile taking a particularly hard thrust, “you were g-gone. I didn’t know when you’d be back. Or w-whether you ever would…”
Eobard takes your chin in his fingers and forces you to look him in the eyes. They flash red.
“Have you?”
You swallow hard, he inches out.
“I have.”
The man growls and his hips propel forward. You feel the jealousy, the vicious possessiveness in the movement and let out a strangled cry when he strikes you in the right spot.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Faster. Harder. Deeper.
It’s just what you asked for.
“Did they ever make you feel like this?” he asks through gritted teeth. You wish he’d bite you with those teeth.
“What do you think?” you retort.
“Fucking say it.”
“No, what?” Of course, this is the moment he decides to bring his thumb down between the two of you and play with your clit.
“Fuuuck no- no one. No one. No one but you makes me feel this way.”
It’s as if that’s exactly what Eobard needed to hear in order to kick into overdrive - to finish you, so to speak.
Finish me.
In all honesty, you would be concerned about the neighbours hearing deafening, verging on worrisome sounds coming from your mouth, but you are so deeply lost in your overpowering ride of pleasure that you don’t even care. You let your entire body just feel and let go.
You never thought you’d get to feel that much again.
You never thought you’d get to feel him again.
You think you must have been out of it for a bit there, because your eyes open to find Eobard now laying beside you, moving a piece of hair sticking to your forehead.
“Wow…” you say, then puff out a breath, looking up at the ceiling, shortly turning to face those eyes. It’s like they finally see you, finally assessing everything about your 2019-self and what he’s missed.
“I think I know the answer,” you dare to start, “but there’s no way you can stay, is there?”
“I’m afraid not,” Eobard confirms, sounding genuinely downhearted at the fact. “I’ve already risked so much coming back to this time. But we will see each other again. I can promise you that.” He meets your lips in a gentle kiss this time, something slightly unexpected, but not unheard of. “But I’m not leaving just yet. There’s still plenty left to do to you.”
Lucky me.
Anonymous Request: Would you please write Eowells x reader smut that takes place right after he runs off at the end of Flash S5? Like he and the reader are reunited and it gets steamy.
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mustangshelby04 · 4 years
Boston Boy - Safari
A little smut, a little fluff.... Might lead to something else along the way.
Kate looked up as her husband walked in the door.  She was on the floor in the baby’s room playing with Madison and Dodger.  Gally was sleeping in the living room on the back of the couch.  Kate’s stomach did a little flip at the sight of him.  Chris was looking incredibly sexy these days.  He had grown his hair out and let his beard get kind of shaggy for a new role he was filming soon and was also buffing up again to play Steve Rogers.  Kate found herself extremely attracted to the new look he was rocking.
“My girls!” Chris hopped down onto his belly on the floor, kissing Kate quickly before scooping Madison up as he rolled onto his back.  Madison squealed in delight, clapping her hands as he lifted her above him.
“You’re home early.” Kate said, laughing at Madison.
“Meeting ended early.  Thank god!” Chris brought his daughter’s belly to his face and blew a couple of raspberries, making her squeal again. “I have a surprise for you..”
“Me?  Really?”
“I know you’re not exactly huge on surprises….”
“I changed my mind a little bit on that.” Kate’s eyes drifted to Madison and Chris laughed.
“I guess so.” 
Kate stood up. “Ok, Jelly Bean, it’s time for your nap.”
“No.” Madison said.
“Your favorite word is going to get you in trouble one day very soon.”
Chris laughed. “Come on, kiddo.” He got to his feet easily with their daughter and deposited her in the crib.  Madison started to tear up, but Chris shook his head. “Nope.  No water works.  It’s naptime.” He leaned down. “Mommy and I will be here when you wake up.” He kissed her and she threw herself back angrily.  Chris chuckled at his pouting daughter as Kate ran her finger down Madison’s nose lovingly. 
“Night-night, Maddie.” Kate flipped on the baby monitor and turned on the little speaker that played soft lullabies and she and Chris walked out with Dodger, closing the door until it was only open just a crack.
Dodger took off downstairs and Kate and Chris headed into their bedroom.  Kate shut the door, setting the monitor on her nightstand.  He grinned when she suddenly pulled him to her by the back of his neck, running her hands through his hair and giving it a little tug. “Can you please keep this look forever?”
“It’s really doing it for you, huh?” Chris asked, lips pressed against her neck. 
“Fuck yes, it is.” She took his hand and helped lead it up her shorts between her thighs.  Chris groaned at how wet she was and bit down on her neck. “Every time I see you, this happens.”
“Fuck, baby….” He bounced on the bed when she pushed him back.  Kate leaned over and began unbuckling Chris’ jeans.  He let out a groan as she pulled his jeans off and freed his erection, wrapping her hand and lips around him.  His hips jerked when she added some suction and his fingers dug into the comforter. “Shit….” Chris watched her bob up and down on him as he felt himself getting closer to the edge.  Just when he thought he was going to burst, she removed her lips from him with a quiet pop.
Without missing a beat, Kate stood up and removed her clothes as quickly as possible.  Chris yanked his shirt off and reached back to grab a condom from his nightstand.  He had barely rolled the thing on before Kate speared herself on him.  They both moaned at the feeling and he sat up, pulling her against him.  Her fingers raked through his hair again as his hands gripped her hips.  Soft curses fell from their lips as she ground down on him over and over.
Chris knew his wife’s body fairly well by now.  He knew she wasn’t going to get off with this position.  His arms wrapped around her waist and he stood up.  She let out a little squeal of surprise and held onto him as he knelt on the bed.  When he released her, they were in the center of the bed near the headboard.  Chris turned her around so she was facing the wall and took her hands in his, guiding them to the top of the headboard.
Kate gripped the wood tightly as he slid into her from behind.  His teeth sank into her shoulder and his hands held her hips tightly.  He set a bruising pace, needing her to find her end with him.  She growled his name among the string of f-bombs and he moved one of his hands around to cup her sex.  Two fingers slipped past her folds and began to rub the bundle of nerves there in a punishing rhythm.  Kate cried out pitching backward and shoving herself even further on him.  He sucked in a breath as he felt the tip of his dick hit her cervix.
“Right there.  Please.” Kate begged.
Chris kept up his pace until her walls suddenly clenched around him.  She shook through her orgasm, gripping the headboard so tightly it began to creak in protest.  A moment later, he lost his rhythm and shoved deep inside of her, filling the condom as she milked him through her long climax.  They stayed still for a moment.  The only movement was Chris’ left hand massaging her hip where he had held it tightly.
Finally, he pulled out of her and discarded the condom in the small trash can under his nightstand.  Kate stretched out on top of the comforter, looking like a sated sex goddess.  Her hair was splayed around her and her skin had the post-sex glow.  Chris stretched out beside her, running his fingers over her ribs and breasts.  She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair again. “God, I love this look on you.”
“Clearly.” Chris chuckled.
“I also prefer you with the chest hair.  Have I ever told you that?”
“I don’t think you have.”
“Steve Rogers is gorgeous and all, but he lacks your chest hair.” She ran her nails down his chest.  “I appreciate Ari Levinson so much right now.”
“The man playing him appreciates the view he’s getting right now.”
“You’re welcome.” Chris laughed. “So, you mentioned something about a surprise earlier?”
“I did.”
“Will you be telling me the surprise?”
“I will.” He kissed her. “You have to come downstairs, though.” Kate put on an oversized t-shirt and grabbed the baby monitor as Chris put on some sweatpants.  She followed him downstairs where a group of wrapped boxes were sitting on the coffee table in the living room.
“What’s the occasion?”
“Do I need one to give my wife a gift?”
“I guess not, but that’s not a gift.” 
“It all goes together, so technically it’s one gift.”
“Ok.” She sat down on the floor and began ripping into the paper on the first box closest to her.  It held an extremely expensive Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS USM long lens. “Holy shit!  What’s this for?”
“Keep opening the boxes.”
Kate eagerly opened the next box and found a sturdy backpack for her cameras, lenses, and accessories.  The next box held a new Canon EOS 7D DSLR camera body. “Are you trying to turn me into a paparazzi?”
Chris laughed. “Fuck no.  Keep opening.”
She smiled and opened the next box.  It contained a stuffed elephant, a stuffed lion that roared when you squeezed it, and a large manilla envelope.  Carefully opening the envelope, she pulled out a large brochure with an itinerary and plane tickets.  The brochure and itinerary were for a twelve-day safari in South Africa and Namibia.  There were pictures of a luxurious tent that could be considered “glamping” instead of camping, various African wildlife, fancy picnics, massage tables on the African savannah, and a luxury resort.
“I have a two-week break between pre-production and the start of filming.  My mom has offered to babysit Maddie for the twelve days and then fly her out to the set to be with us.” Chris walked over and sat down on the couch in front of her. “Let’s mark something off both of our bucket lists together.”
“You want to go on a safari, too?” “Since I was a kid.”
“I can’t believe you!”
“Are you mad?”
Kate suddenly launched herself up off the floor and into his arms. “You’re amazing!” She kissed him all over his face and lips as he laughed and held her tightly.
“I thought you could use a new camera for the experience and the man at the store said that lens would be the best for a safari.  You can get amazing pictures without putting yourself in harm’s way.”
“You are literally the best husband in the entire world.”
“I did good?”
“You did great!  This is probably the best present I’ve ever gotten.”
Kate laid on her stomach, head resting lightly on her arms.  Chris was beside her on his side with his head propped up on his arm drawing light circles all over her bare back.  They were on the final night of their safari and had spent the day luxuriating in the spa of their resort.  They had seen so many amazing animals on their trip, Kate had taken over 2,000 pictures with her new camera and lenses, and they had even gotten to love on a baby elephant.  This was the perfect honeymoon they hadn’t taken after they had gotten married.
“I have a surprise for you.” Kate said, turning her eyes up to her very sexy husband.
“Yeah?” Chris leaned over to kiss her bare shoulder.
“Unfortunately, I have to get out of bed to get it.”
“That is very unfortunate.” His large hand roamed down her back and over the globes of her backside to slide one of his fingers between her legs.
“Mmm, but I really want to give you this present.”
“Give it to me after round two?”
“You’re ready for it now?”
“What can I say?  Being around all of these wild animals has brought the animal out in me.” He growled against her shoulder, biting down lightly as his finger began a slow in and out movement on her tender flesh.
Kate hummed happily, wriggling against Chris as he allowed more of his weight on top of her. “But it’s a really good gift.”
“Better than this?”
“Not better.  Different.”
He nipped at her shoulder again. “How far do you have to go?”
“The bathroom.”
Chris glanced at the door across the room and sighed. “That’s so far.”
“I’ll make it quick.” Kate wriggled out from under him and rushed to the bathroom.  He heard her digging in her bags for a minute and then she reappeared with one hand behind her back.  She slipped easily back into bed, taking up the same position she had left.  In her hand was a little black box that looked like a ring box and a navy blue folder with no markings on the outside.
“What are you plotting?”
Kate giggled. “Something major, of course.”
“Of course.” Chris sat up, crossing his legs in front of him.  She presented the folder to him first and he took it, dramatically taking a breath before opening it.  Inside was a realtor’s packet for a six bedroom house in Concord, Massachusetts.  There were also packets from an interior decorator and a contractor. “What….”
“Well, we’ve got to pick out color schemes and I really want an open floor plan for the kitchen, dining room, and living room.  The kitchen needs a massive overhaul to get it up to what I want.  I’m going to absorb one of the smaller bedrooms into the master bedroom as a walk-in closet and update the master bathroom.”
“Hold on…. You bought a house?”
Kate grinned. “I had your mom and Carly go on house tours and this one just spoke to all three of us.  The outside is perfect.  There’s a big yard in the back and it’s in a very quiet, nicely spaced out neighborhood….”
“You’ve seen it?”
“Yes.  I drove up two weekends ago when you were in LA.” She sat up, wrapping the sheet around her torso. “Are you mad?”
“No!  I’m impressed!”
“It won’t be ready for another two and a half months, but you’ll be done filming by then and we can move in when you get back.”
“This is amazing, Kat.”
“I really hope that you’ll like it.  Your mom was so helpful with this.”
“I already love it!” He leaned over and kissed her. “So, I’m assuming the keys are in that little box.”
“Actually, no.  You’re mom has the keys.” Kate held the box out to Chris. “This is actually bigger than the house.”
“Are we getting shrunk down to fit in our house?” He teased.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Just open it, dork.”
Chris took the box and opened it.  Inside was a tiny T-bone shaped device.  It took him a second to realize what he was looking at. “Is this….”
“My IUD.  Yeah.”
“Should I be grossed out?”
Kate sighed. “No!  This is supposed to be a romantic gesture.  It’s supposed to be me telling you that I’m ready to start trying when you are.  I’ve got birth control pills as a backup in case you’re not ready yet, but….”
“Throw them in the trash.”
“Oh god, baby,” He set the box down and gently held her face in his hands. “The thought of expanding our family is just…. It’s the most wonderful thing I can think of.”
Kate smiled happily. “I was so worried that you would be angry.”
“Well, I mean…. I didn’t consult you before I bought the house and took my IUD out.”
Chris laughed. “Kat, I would never in a million years be mad at you for this.  Please don’t ever feel like you need to consult me on every little thing.”
“I mean, this wasn’t exactly a little thing.  I should’ve at least consulted you on spending that much money.”
“Maybe, but we had already talked about doing this.  And I’m happy that you took the initiative.  Sometimes I’m not the best at making big decisions.”
“Case meet point,” Kate let the sheet slip away as she straddled Chris’ lap. “You buying our penthouse without telling me.” He chuckled as his lips found her collarbone.. “Yeah.  Like that.”
“You still up for round two?”
“Are you kidding me?” Chris glanced at his lap where his manhood was standing at attention.
“Good.  Me too.”
“Quick question.  Why did you wait until the end of the trip to tell me?”
“I didn’t want to spend our vacation planning the future.  I wanted to be present with you every moment.”
“Just when I think I can’t love you anymore than I already do, you go and prove me wrong.”
Kate grinned at her husband. “Shut up and kiss me.”
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rebelliouslala · 4 years
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The hot summer sun is practically burning your back
and your travel from your small village to Athens just started
sure you didn’t rly get out often but goddamn this hill was HUGE
you were sUPER anxious to sell your load of fruit
you needed more fabric so you can become a weaver
because it’s ancient greece
today wasn’t the greatest day to go out since it was pretty sunny
and there were no clouds to help the sun not bake you
you still walk up towards a hill, pulling rly rly rly rly heavy bags of fruit
your brows were getting all sweaty
by the time you’re nearing the peak you look up at the sun to check the time
Problem was there was no sun
you’re kinda like, “? uhm, is the sun god Helios on a break?”
There’s a loud metal clunk and a scream from the top of the hill
You stop on your path, looking near the peak of the hill, wondering what the fuck THAT was
u see this weird and large, bright yellow glow, and you gasp softly
“Hello? Sanha if you’re over there I’m going to kill you!” the voice is loud, making you stumble back
but you fall back, squealing softly once you realize your balance is uneven due to the fruit
“Hello?” someone says, hearing your fall
“Uh, yes?” You respond quietly
There’s a gasp, and the bright light dims
You look over at a handsome man
He smiles in relief it’s almost as bright as the light from earlier
wiping his brow he happily runs down from the top
his hair is messy and it bounces with each step
his skin is gorgeous
like what the hell you had okay skin but he was a really nice tan that you just adore
aphrodite must’ve blessed him
“Hello mortal! Or- er, sorry I don’t see mortals often.”
You gasp softly, and get on your knees, cursing yourself for being in awe
“F-Forgive me oh mystical one! Hello! It is an honor to meet you.”
u didn’t know wtf else to say
His touch is warm as he help you up, a frown on his face, “I don’t mind. And please don’t have to do that either.”
you look over, “Is that your chariot?”
“Yeah, my bastard cousin, or whatever, he starved my horses! MY horses! My precious Tony and Stark are so hungry they can’t fly.”
you push your bag of fruit in front of you, like an offering to the worried god “I don’t know what, uh, winged horse eat, but will this suffice?”
His face lights up, like the sun, and he takes it, “Oh my GODS yes it is you’re a literal life saver,”
he runs back with a squeal, and the glow becomes brighter, you shield your eyes instinctively until you feel an hand touch your arm
“I cannot thank you enough. if I didn’t get them anything the day would be VERY long, and i’m so tired,” he pouts
oh my god ur heart almost combusted he looks so babie
“of course, uh,” you finally feel a little regret since he just took a whole bag from you, so now you would get less fabric
“Say, where are you going?” he asks, grabbing your bag and holding it, and you can see his arms bulging oh-
“uh, am i scaring you or-?”
you snap back into reality and gulp, “Oh, well, I was going to Athens,” you point, kinda in the west
honestly all you know is to follow the path
“that’ll take two days!” the man cries, and he tsks, dragging you with the other arm “I’LL take you, besides I owe you one,”
you sigh in relief because you were probably like half a day journey’s in and you wanted to die
“thank you so much, sun god,”
“call me Myung Jun, or MJ!” he smiles wide, flashing his pretty teeth
you have to look away because sweetie you turned redder than the goddamn sea
see what i did there okay sorry
you look at a huge chariot, in front are two pure white pegasus -pegasi? ack- and you pull away to pet them
after all who meets winged horses everyday
“that’s Stark, the one next to him is Tony,”
“What odd names,” you mumble, before Stark bows her head to you
you smile wide as Tony nudges you with his head
you giggle and you look at the fruit they haven’t really finished, so you offer an apple
Tony takes a huge bite, making you laugh louder, and talk to him
now it’s the sun god’s turn to blush
he has definitely met mortal women before, but you make him all >~<
usually mortals want to get laid with him
But you were here being soft with his horses and that was just so adorable
“So, uh, we better get on,” MJ kinda mumbles, and you get on
“You might wanna cover your eyes”
“We gods are very powerful, and mortals that witness it can often go mad, that or we just obliterate them”
god. damn. you obey, since you at least have some sort of will to live
especially with this flaming hunk beside you
you feel some sort of warmth rush down your body like chills
you fall back when the chariot takes off
“okay, open your eyes, are you okay?!” he helps you up, and look at him
now you can see he truly was a god, on his head is a yellow crown, and he just looks so flawless you wanna kiss him
aphrodite was definitely messing with you what the hell
you look at his face instead as you try to control yourself
because bro he’s a god why would he like you???
so you nod, and he helps you sit on your bag, holding the reigns to the chariot
you and he are already WAY back up in the air, and the wind is cool and pretty friendly overall, despite the high height
“So, why Athens?” he ties to the reigns to the side of his gold chariot, sitting in front of you and taking your fruit
You gesture to the bag, standing up, “That, I uh, I need fabric to start to weave”
“you don’t have sheep? Gaia made all of that for you!” he pouts
you giggle from his pout, shaking your head, pointing to where your village was
“we’re too poor to afford that, so i grow the fruit,”
MJ stands up and widens his eyes, “What? I just ate and used your fruit for my horses! this won’t be enough!”
you try and explain to him it’s fine
like he’s a god why is he worried about you???
bug he shakes his head
“no, listen, uh,” he leans over his chariot, to like the back of it where he keeps his harp
problem is
he’s leaning over YOU
you kinda knew it was weird but you took a breath in
he smells sweet, you couldn’t put your finger on it, but it’s the sweetest smell ever
you could kind of assume ambrosia
but he pulls away before you can come to a conclusion, leaving you all pink
he pulls out a long and wide, glittering fabric
“i’ve had this for so long, usually we save this stuff for like heroes, but uh,” he hands it to you, and you can see it’s sme sort of gold colored silk
your mind rushes to all sorts of ideas to weave on it as he smiles, “if you cut a piece of it off, it regrows itself to be the same exact size as it’s first piece, it’s endless”
you dont even realize you’ve teared up when you embrace him, “I-I don’t even know what to say, this is the best gift Ive ever recieved!”
MJ turns RED and he hugs you too, nodding, “you deserve it,” he mumbles
you and he sort of just lay in each other’s arms for the rest of the day
the sun god makes you laugh so hard your stomach hurts
he even teases you when you snort, leaving you to never stop laughing
however, because of his speedy chariot, you’ve arrived to Athens already
by this time there’s only a few hours until MJ has to set his chariot off at his palace
he lands on a hill, and he helps you off
he secretly puts a charm on the bag so it’s not heavy for you to carry
“Myung Jun,” you say, and you smile wide when he turns pink as the dawn
literally his little sister, Eos is like a few hours away you can see her
“Thank you, for everything, I’ve never had any fun like this, and, I thank you for your gifts,”
MJ holds your hand, and his heart lurches to his throat
before you can pull away, MJ holds you close for another warm embrace
You both hold each other for felt like ages, which is just what you needed as a goodbye
you smelling his ambrosia scent, and him taking in the feeling of just
“Hey,” he mumbles
“Yes?” you say into his chest, before looking up
“maybe, I can pick you up from that hill we met, I’m thinking the day after tomorrow? when you come back from athens?’
MJ rubs the back of his neck and says quietly, “I would love to show you my palace,”
you smile, lean up to kiss his pretty sun kissed cheek as you mumble back, “I would love that,”
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 6 years
In the Deepest Darkness | Etrian Odyssey II Untold: The Fafnir Knight Fanfiction | A Dangerous Fear
So remember my EO Prompt I had with @theshatteredrose​ with the CtS guild? Yeah, figured I'd give it an actual story, since it's going to be part of the timeline of EO stories that I have in store. This is just one chapter out of five for this particular story, since this will be a full-fledged story on my Wattpad and Archive of Our Own accounts, and will take place after the Gungnir Guild defeats Ur-Child.
Plus I needed to post more on my Tumblr, it’s barely had any use since I had it...
Thank goodness I read through CtS before continuing to write this... Anyways, here ya go.
Summary: The Gungnir Guild had just defeated the labyrinth's most dangerous creature, and had just entered town. Before the guild can even settle on their hard earned victory, a Ronin runs past them in order to get deeper into Lagaard. Although explorers running around at night wasn't unusual, something felt off about the Ronin more than just his appearance... The Highlander and Fafnir Knight advance to find the Ronin and ask him a couple of questions.
Story based on a CtS Prompt from @theshatteredrose​. Be warned as it contains spoilers from Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold's final DLC.
"Another day in the labyrinth completed... God, that Ur-Child was such a pain in the ass to fight." Flavio complained, feeling incredibly worn out after the guild had defeated the strongest monster in the labyrinth. Fafnir turned to his best friend and patted his shoulder.
"No kidding... Seems like the Overlord had his reasons for sealing it away while he did." Fafnir admitted, scratching the back of his head with his free hand.
"Regardless, now that the damned thing is dead, and we can relax for the night. Right Arianna?" Chloe asked the Sovereign, as she nodded her head an clasped her hands together.
"Yes, exactly. We also need to replenish our supplies for our next trip into the labyrinth, so I'm kinda glad we managed to defeat the Ur-Child at a reasonable time."
"Agreed. But first, let's head back to the inn and-"
"Pardon me!"
A male Ronin accidentally bumped into the Highlander and Fafnir Knight, as he continued to move forward, running at a pace Korey thought he would not see from a worried explorer. "...The fuck? Was that a Ronin just now?" Korey inquired, scratching his head as he had to wonder why the Ronin had ran past them.
"It almost looked like he was in a rush. Or he was likely fleeing from something. Either way, someone's gotta check up on him." Bertrand continued, looking at Fafnir, silently asking him what they should do. Fafnir seemed to understood him and faced where the Ronin went.
"Korey, you and I will ask the Ronin. Everyone else can wait here. Better make sure we don't overwhelm him with out numbers." Fafnir announced, as the Highlander nodded.
"Alright, we'll be right back." The brown haired Highlander addressed, as Fafnir and Korey ran in the direction the Ronin went. Although they've been through Lagaard many times before, trying to think of where he could have went was quite a different story.
They eventually found him, resting near the stairs to the bar. When the Ronin heard footsteps, he quickly took out his weapon and pointed at the duo who was approaching him. "Don't come any fucking closer!"
The knight and highlander stopped where they were. Korey noticed that the Ronin had taken severe damage, thankfully, wasn't to the point where he was bleeding, but it was quite obvious just from looking at him. "Your injured, aren't you?"
The Ronin's expression changed when Korey asked him. He thought it wouldn't be obvious if he ran faster, but he was quite breathless from the running he did. The Ronin tried to open his mouth to ask them a question, but the Highlander seemed to respond faster than he can ask.
"I'm Korey, and this is Fafnir, the leader of the Gungnir Guild. We saw you run by us just now, and we wanted to make sure you were alright..." Gungnir Guild... Weren't they the ones who took down that mechanical being in Heaven's Keep?
The Ronin lowered his weapon, laying back against the wall behind him. "Is it alright for us to come closer?" Fafnir inquired.
Gaining the Ronin's trust, the knight and highlander approached him to look at his injuries. "...The name's Shen, by the way. Lynus has told me about the two of you before. I apologize for not recognizing you by name." He uttered, just enough that Korey and Fafnir would hear.
"It's fine, Shen. Though may I ask, how did you receive these injuries? These don't look recognizable from any FOEs we've encountered."
Shen looked at the Fafnir Knight, who had inquired him. "I've... uh, how do I explain this..." He started, trying to find the right words. The silence between the three of them was understandable, as Korey nor Fafnir wanted to rush the Ronin on his words.
"...Have you ever found that there was more to the labyrinth than just the thirtieth floor?"
More than just the thirtieth floor...? That was honestly baffling to both Korey and Fafnir. What did he even mean by that?
"I don't recall hearing anything of the sort, cause we were fighting Ur-Child just a couple of hours ago..." Korey replied, as Fafnir concurred with the Highlander. There was no possible way they would've missed stairs to this new floor Shen was speaking of.
"Well, there were rumors that there is a thirty-first floor that has no monsters whatsoever. Just a bunch of mysterious F.O.E's that move randomly." Shen articulated, getting surprised looks from the Knight and Highlander.
"No normal enemies? A floor literally filled with only random moving F.O.E's already sounds problematic, but the fact that there's no normal enemies is very worrying... How is such a thing even possible?" Fafnir was rather perplexed by this as much as Shen and Korey was.
"Exactly what I wonder, as well. But, when I was entering the final room, I found something that I would only describe as... pure malice and darkness. Here."
The Ronin took out a piece of paper and handed it to the Highlander, who motioned Fafnir to come look at it with him. Unfolding the huge amount of paper that was folded, something on the paper caused Fafnir and Korey to freeze in place. There, on the large sheet of taped paper...
...Well, how can he even describe it? It was still just a sketch, yet Shen managed to capture the image of what was residing within that floor, despite it showing signs of being drawn in a rush. Colored as well, despite the map making tools having a limited color palette.
"Wha-what even is this thing...? The ultimate evolution of the Ruler of Heaven?"
"The power of ruin and reckoning?"
Korey and Fafnir were honestly perplexed by the sheer fact that it looks so indescribable, and the sketch was not helping matters. Folding the paper away, Korey uttered to the Ronin before him. "Could it be connected to the Overlord's creations, somehow?"
"It could be, but I can't confirm this, as you guys dealt with him on your trip through Yggdrasil... And though I'm not sure what it's officially called, I decided to give it the name 'Ur-Devil'."
Silence befell the Knight and Highlander. This was truly some heavy news that Shen was dropping on them. Mere words weren't enough to describe the anger and confusion both Fafnir and Korey had been building up within them.
"So you're telling me that the Ur-Child, the one we have defeated, was not enough for the Overlord, and he decided to make another one?!" Shen simply shrugged in response to the Highlander's question. After all, the Overlord was dead, so it was kinda too late to ask him in person.
"Even then, that... thing, is too dangerous to let it live. But it's too powerful to battle it. It seems to be contained within that floor, but for how long? It might eventually break out, and just my guild alone might not survive the fight against it, and-"
Shen was stopped mid-sentence by Fafnir placing his hand on the Ronin's shoulder. He looked at the Fafnir Knight with worry on his face, something he hadn't had in some time. Fafnir took a deep breath, and decided that now was not the time to panic and question things.
"Relax, Shen. If we have faced the Ur-Child, we will be capable of defeating this Ur-Devil. But we'll require twice the preparation from when we entered to fight Ur-Child. Perhaps you can fight alongside us to ensure your guild's safety."
Fighting alongside the Gungnir Guild? Without his fellow guildmates? Shen only got more worried when Fafnir even mentioned that they will fight it, regardless of his warnings.
"F-Fafnir, are you sure about this? This Ur-Devil seems like it'd be an even tougher opponent than the Ur-Child! Are you really sure-"
"Yes, I'm sure. We may lose our lives, but the protection of Lagaard- no, the world, is what we're striving for. If we don't stop it, no one in the world may be capable of standing up to it. Isn't that right, Highlander?"
Both Fafnir and Shen looked towards the Highlander, who had been lost in thought for a bit before noticing that he was the center of attention. Regardless, Korey knew a threat as big as that must be eradicated, no matter how long it takes...
"...Yes. Where I came from, my Yggdrasil had a very similar threat that was willing to cause massive chaos to my world, and potentially more worlds had I fallen in battle against it. This Ur-Devil... Although it brings back painful similarities to the foe I despise, it must not be allowed to live. You even said it yourself, Shen. I'm willing to sacrifice everything to protect the world I love so much."
He couldn't believe it. Even though he had literally met the greatest known warriors in the Gungnir Guild, being asked to defeat the very foe that brought him into this predicament. It was weird, but if he had declined it, and his guild would find the very same floor he investigated...
"Korey... Fafnir..."
Shen fell silent again, giving some thought to his next move. Surely, he will be working along with the two famous warriors of the Gungnir Guild, but would he really risk it all? Was he really willing to die to protect those he cared and loved for...?
"...Alright, if you insist. We will prepare for it within a few days. I'll let you know when I am ready."
Korey and Fafnir couldn't hold back a smile, relieved that they'll be working together to defeat the Ur-Devil. "Thanks, Shen. Now, why don't you see Lynus about those injuries?"
Oh yeah. He was so busy conversing with the two that he had forgotten his own injuries. Didn't help that it still hurt as he pushed himself away from the wall, but pain was better than bleeding out where he stood in that floor he mentioned.
"...Fine. I suppose I'll see you later then." Shen breathed, as he began walking to the inn.
"Hey Shen..."
The Ronin looked back, as the Highlander continued to speak. "Make sure your guild doesn't know about the Ur-Devil. Wouldn't want them to risk their lives trying to defeat it. The less casualties, the better."
Not tell his own guildmates...? He already navigated the floor, and mapped it out of sheer safety, but... No, Korey was right. Better to have less casualties than having an entire guild wiped from history.
"That... is going to be very hard to do, but I'll try." Shen responded, continuing to make his way back to the inn.
"Man, things just keep piling up, don't they? This Ur-Devil seems like it won't stop til all of Lagaard knows its name." Fafnir sighed, scratching his head. Korey turned to face Fafnir, as he sighed as well.
"No kidding... And I thought the Yggdrasil Core would've been the most concerning of all things, much less, Ur-Child. But regardless, now that we know what happened, let's head back to our guild."
Fafnir nodded, as they wasted no time in running back to their guild, who had been chatting among themselves, until Arianna turned around and saw them return.
"Sir Fafnir, Sir Korey, you're back. How was the Ronin? Did you find out what happened to him?"
"Well you see..." Fafnir started, as he and Korey alternated sharing what they were told by Shen to the Guild. Korey even took out the piece of paper he got from Shen and unfolded it, showing it to the rest of the guild. Everyone was surprised at what its appearance, despite being sketched in a rush.
"So you mean to tell me, that the Overlord didn't make not one, not two, but THREE creations in an attempt at this 'eternal life' crap?" Bertrand spoke up as soon as Fafnir and Korey ended their explanation. The Highlander could only nod his head in response.
"My thoughts exactly, Bertrand. It's quite ridiculous how the Overlord still manages to befuddle us, even after we defeated him." Korey concurred, as he began to refold the paper once more.
"But, why? Why must there be something that's so dangerous that it has to be contained on a different floor...?" Ricky inquired, despite her perplexed face.
"Perhaps it was just needed. After all, this Ur-Devil crap reeks of similarities to Ur-Child." The War Magus attempted to answer the Millennium Girl's question.
"It must be... Though, we did manage to defeat his two previous creations, so I'm confident we can take out the Overlord's strongest creation." Fafnir confidently spoke, until Flavio sighed in annoyance.
"I dunno, Fafnir... This feels like it's putting way too much pressure on us." Flavio commented.
"Despite that pressure, we must press on. This will likely be our last mission together, so we must make it count by all means. Not just for us, or Shen, but for the world." Arianna chimed in, as Ricky seemed to face Flavio as well.
"Arianna's right. Despite the difficulty we're faced with, ignoring it will only bring about the deaths of casual explorers who might get TOO curious about that floor. Just like the Yggdrasil Core back in Etria: we simply can't ignore the dangers it may put to the world if it does escape."
Korey didn't even WANT to imagine what would become of Lagaard and the world should Ur-Devil escape from it's containment. It's name literally reeks of 'ragnarok'. The end of the world. He took a deep breath, and a face of determination appeared on the Highlander's face.
"Alright... Fafnir, Ricky, Bertrand, Flavio, Chloe, Arianna, let's give it all we've got when we are prepared to face it in battle. We'll show this Ur-Devil who the greatest guild in all of Lagaard can really do, and we'll protect my homeland and the world!"
"Yes. We must do it for the world's sake. I'll stand by you til the very end, Korey." Ricky's face beamed, despite the pressure of losing her life after a thousand years of sleep.
"Personally, I'm feeling rather nervous. But you guys are gonna need a Protector by your side. And I'll stick with you until the end." Bertrand concurred, as he smirked at Korey and Fafnir.
"This doesn't feel right, and I won't lie when trying to face something we don't know feels disastrous... But we aren't gonna let it get to us. Count me in, Korey and Fafnir." Flavio commented, despite being worried a few minutes earlier.
"Count Chloe in as well. Might as help somewhat with healing you guys." Chloe declared.
"Sir Fafnir, Sir Korey, Sir Flavio, Sir Bertrand, Miss Chloe, and Miss Ricky... I will lend you my support to the best of my ability. Together, we'll end this devil and bring peace to the world!" Arianna was the last one to give her support to the guild. And Fafnir couldn't be any prouder.
"Thanks, everyone... Let's head to the inn and prepare for that fateful day." Fafnir declared, determined with their final mission in mind.
Followed by an 'okay' from everyone, the Gungnir Guild began to head back to the inn, their original destination before Shen diverged their attention. They had to be prepared for it, even if they may have some restless nights. But they couldn't let it overwhelm them before their fateful battle. It wouldn't be allowed.
Fear can be a dangerous enemy...
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chocobro-hijinks · 7 years
Bruh going on with your "Iggy actually protects Noct more than Gladio," I refuse to let anyone forget Gladio's job description is THE SHIELD yet he fucking DITCHED his king for a good fucking while! He just L E F T! Noct could have gotten hurt, captured, or even DIED and his supposed Shield would have had no idea cuz he want there to do his fucking job! So yeah, Ignis is definitely a better protector! Gladio can meet me in the pit and catch these hands! Ignis all the way!
in gladio’s defense he had left the gang in the caem cottage, a secret safe house in the middle of freaking no where.
they were supposed to lay low, plant carrots, and chill the fuck out for a few days while he sorted himself.
on the other hand, i have no idea what gladio was thinking when we met him in the Lestallum plant, his DLC had exactly zero content about how that came to be????? was he just running around Eos solo to collect cash from hunts??? did Holly blackmail him into going in there??? did he need to unlock Gilgamesh’s swords’ ultimate power by forging it a pit hotter than Ravatogh? ?? ???? ?
no one will ever know, and i think that part in Lestallum is what makes us think gladio spent more than a couple of days away from the rest of the group.
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 18: The Day The Tutor Got A New Nickname
Co-written with @tragicshadows
Recommended Song: She’s A Baby by Zico
|All Chapters|
With an eventful start to the day, you begin to question what you thought you knew.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  6370
Length: 18/?
Tumblr media
You woke up to the cold sinking into your skin. Jungkook wasn't in the bed anymore. You could hear yelling just outside the open door.
"Maj-a, byeontae ya! (Yeah right, you pervert!)" That was Jungkook.
"Nareul byeontaerago bureuneungeoya?(You're calling me a pervert?)” And that was Namjoon. “Neo sog-os man ibgoiss-eul ttae geunyeo gaseum saie neoui eolgul-i saeng-gyeoss-eo! (You just had your face between her boobs while only wearing underwear!)"
"Geugeos-i geuleohge pyeon-anhan geos-eun dang-yeonhaeyo. Naneun agicheoreom jassdayo. (No wonder it was so comfortable. I slept like a baby.)"
What the?
You were rubbing the sleep from your eyes and when you looked through the door he was indeed in just a pair of very tight looking boxers. With a squeak, you covered your eyes. But you found the image burned into your mind, your cheeks a fiery red. Jungkook gave his own squeak and hid behind Namjoon.
"G-g-good morning N-n-noona. Uuuuh... I need to get dressed..."
Namjoon looked between both of your pink faces and sighed. He headed back to his own room leaving Jungkook in the doorway.
"Uhhh, could you turn away...please?"
"I-I-I'll go wait i-i-in the living room."
"In your onesie?"
You quickly waddled out of the room, trying to think of anything other than seeing Jungkook's bare thighs and his toned butt covered by tight fitting boxer briefs. Your mind was so occupied you didn't notice that you had flopped down on the couch between Yoongi and Hoseok eating their cereal.
The two shared a look and Hoseok put his hand on your shoulder.
"Gwaenchanha? Niga bakkwimyeon andoeni?(Everything okay? Shouldn't you be getting changed)."
"Kookie… sog-os... os... pil-yohada. (Kookie... underwear... clothes... needed)."
Yoongi and Hoseok shared a confused look.
"Sog-os? (Underwear?)"
You nodded. "Geuneun jass-eoyo... amugeosdo... nawa hamkke. (He slept...nothing else...with me)."
Yoongi shrugged as if expecting nothing less. Hoseok, on the other hand, was rather surprised.
"Geuneun mueos-eul haess-eo?! (He did what?!)" His face was a picture of shock horror before it morphed into a frown. He got off the sofa and made his way to the maknae's room. Though you were still in a daze and hadn't noticed he left.
"Heobeokji… (Thighs...)"
"Mwo geudeul-e gwanhayeo? (What about them?)" Yoongi asked conversationally, stirring his breakfast.
"Geudeul-eun neomu… (They're so...)"
"Geun-yug-i manh-a? (Muscly?)"
"Geurae. (Yeah.)" You groaned, palming your face.
"Jungkook-ege niga seung-inhaessdaneun geos-eul allyeo deuligess-eo. (I'll let Jungkook know you approve.)"
That snapped you out of it.
"Mwo? (What?)"
"Amugeosdo. (Nothing.)"
The sound of Jungkook yelling your name pulled your gaze to Hoseok making his way back to his seat.
"Geuneun junbi dwaess-eo. Ije gasyeodo dwi-eo. (He's ready. You can go now.)"
You got up and made your way back to his room, blush still staining your cheeks.
"Kookie, I um... I'm gonna n-n-need help getting c-c-changed. Arm."
You gestured to the injured limb that was being cradled to your chest. Jungkook's head snapped up from where he was making the bed.
"Y-y-you need help?"
"I can't straighten my arm. If you feel uncomfortable you don't have to..."
"No, no. I can help!" He rounded the bed and stood before you, scratching his cheek awkwardly. "What do you want me to do?"
Your blush deepened, "I need help taking the onesie off and putting a top on... a-a-and I need you to help me balance as I change into my trousers..."
"Uhh..." You saw him swallow. "B-but...it means I have to see your underwear."
You nodded, "I just saw yours..."
"T-t-that's d-d-different."
You took a moment to think.
"You can leave then... I think I can manage."
Jungkook looked concerned, "Are you sure?"
You nodded and he left the room. He was only gone for about a minute when you unwillingly cried out in pain while trying to remove the Pikachu onesie. A split second later he was rushing back into the room.
"Are you okay?"
"It hurts." You whimpered.
"Fuck it, I'll help you."
He reached for your arm when you took a step back. "Did you just drop the f-bomb?"
"Ye. Come here, let me help you."
"I'm still not used to hearing you swear." He gently coaxed your arm through the sleeve.
"Look what you've driven me to. I was innocent before I met you."
"What do you mean? All I've done is teach you English."
"Yeah right. You've done far more than that Noona." There was a hint of something in his voice that you couldn't quite place. Once your arm was out of the sleeve the top of the onesie was quickly pushed down and Jungkook looked away.
"I-I-I laid out my clothes on the b-b-bed."
He grabbed the t-shirt you picked out and slowly turned back to you.
"Arms or head first?"
"I normally do it head first."
He pulled the material over your head and you easily slipped your uninjured arm through the sleeve. However, the injured one was a different story.
"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Was spewing from his lips like a mantra. You gritted your teeth and tried to lessen a number of pained sounds you were making.
And then finally your arm was through, you immediately cradled it to your chest with a small whimper. He ran a hand through his hair as you sunk onto his bed and willed yourself not to cry.
"I'll go get you some painkillers."
When he came back you were wiping away tears. He rushed over to you and offered you the tablets. You managed to take them and then fell against his shoulder. He placed the water on the night stand before wrapping you in a hug being extra careful of your arm.
"No more t-shirts. Only button up short sleeved shirts. You can borrow some of mine."
You nodded and lifted your head to press your lips to his cheek. "Thank you."
It shouldn't have been that big of a deal. You'd just seen each other in your underwear only minutes ago but yet Jungkook's eyes grew wide.
"Uh, y-y-you're welcome, N-noona."
"I still need to change into my pants."
"You can do that sat down right? You shouldn't really need my help..."
You giggled, "If it makes you that uncomfortable you can go."
You shooed him to the door with an amused grin.
"If you need me, let me know Noona."
"Will do." He shut the door behind him and you let out a huge breath you didn't realise you had been holding in.
It was only your second day in Korea and so much had happened already. As you continued to change you made sure to mentally prepare yourself for a reaction from the members. Knowing Jungkook he'd probably said something to them. Or they guessed. Yoongi seemed to be good at that. When you left the room you kept your head down trying to hide the redness that appeared to have not left your cheeks since you woke up. You were met by a concerned Jin.
"You okay Y/N? Jungkook-eun nega neomu manh-eun gotong-eul gyeokkgo issdago haeseo nega bakkwineun geos-eul dowa jul pil-yoga issdago malhaessda. Geuga jinsil-eul malhago iss-eosseo?  (Jungkook said you were in so much pain you needed help changing. Was he telling the truth?)"
"Ye. Naneun pal-eul godge su eobs-eoyo. (I can't straighten my arm.)"
He gave you a sympathetic smile and ruffled your hair.
"Hotel-e honja issji anhdani dahaeng-ine. (I’m glad you're not at a hotel alone.)"
You smiled, "Naega meomuldolog haejwoseo gomawoyo. (Thank you for letting me stay.)"
He told you not to worry and that you were always welcome at the dorm while you made your way into the kitchen where Jungkook was waiting for you.
"I made breakfast for you Noona!"
Well, that was oddly domestic. You sat down at the table only to have Jungkook pull out your seat (with you still in it) and turn it to face him. He had a bowl of cereal and a spoon with some already in his hands.
You frowned, "I'm injured; not a baby."
You heard a cough and followed Jungkook's narrowed eyes to Taehyung behind you. He waved at you before darting out the room.
"Noona. Eat."
"Not with you feeding me."
Shit, he was giving you the puppy dog eyes. There was no way you could refuse them. They were too cute. With a sigh, you gave in.
"Fine. Aaaah~"
You opened wide and ate what was offered while Jungkook stupidly grinned.
"Good?" He offered you another mouthful and you took it.
"I feel like a child."
"I was aiming for a princess."
You lightly shoved his shoulder causing the cereal to fall off the spoon and land on the floor with a splat.
"Yah! Stop calling me a queen or princess." You gave him another little shove.
He chuckled and simply offered a mouthful.
"I can call you anything I want. I've seen you call me Satan or The Devil on your blog."
You coughed as cereal lodged itself in your throat. "You're a little shit."
"What did I do that made me so evil?"
"You exist."
He pretended to be offended, hand coming up to rest over his heart.
"I'm hurt Noona."
"Good. It's payback for all the hurt you put me through."
He pouted. "I don't understand."
"Sometimes when I watch fancams I feel personally attacked."
"I still don't understand."
You huffed, "Of course you wouldn't."
"Shut up and eat." He shoved the spoon in your mouth.
You gasped, taking the spoon out and wiped the milk that had dribbled down your chin.
"That's not a very nice thing to say to a princess."
"I thought you didn't want to be a princess."
"I take it back."
He grinned, "Good."
He took the spoon back from you and was less forceful in feeding you.
Jungkook was just giving you the last mouthful when Jimin walked in the kitchen. You could have sworn he almost dropped the glass he was holding.
"Y/N-ege w-wae meog-ileuljuneungeoya? (W-why are you feeding Y/N?)”
You raised your poor arm and Jimin frowned.
"Neoui daleun son-eun gwaenchanha… (Your other hand is fine...)"
"Naneun algoiss-eoyo. Geureona geuneun isanghagejonjaeiss-eoyo.(I know. But he's being weird.)"
"Ma! (Hey!)" Jungkook shouted in slight annoyance.
"Geuneun hangsang isanghae. (He's always weird.)"
The maknae stood up as if going to square up to Jimin who just laughed and poked his cheek.
"Kookie, leave him alone."
"He called me weird."
"You're acting weird. Now sit."
He sat with a pout, "Jiminie is mean. Calling me weird for wanting to look after my Noona."
"Neoneun geunyeoreul agicheoreom meog-igo iss-eossda. (You were feeding her like a baby.)"
You could hear the sound of voices approaching the kitchen and quickly stood up, grabbing the bowl and taking it to the sink.
"Noona, let me wash up."
"I can still hold things in my hand, it's just my elbow that is broken, not my entire arm."
"It may as well be. Let me do it Noona."
Jimin chuckled at their antics and refilled his drink from the fridge as Namjoon and Yoongi entered the kitchen.
"Yah! Y/N why don't you leave the cleaning to Jungkook and get ready."
You smiled at Namjoon, "I can help."
"You're his guest. You shouldn't be doing any chores."
"He already fed me so it's only fair I wash up."
"He fed you?"
Yoongi laughed, making his way over to Jungkook to slap him on the back. He whispered something to him that you couldn't quite hear.
"I told him not to. He insisted."
"And you just let him?"
"He gave me puppy dog eyes Namjoon-oppa. I can't say no to his puppy dog eyes."
Namjoon chuckled, "How about I wash and you stack them on the draining board?"
"I suppose that sound fa-"
Jungkook came rushing over and pushed Namjoon towards Yoongi.
"I'm meant to be the one helping her. She's my Noona."
You watched as Yoongi shot Jungkook a look which had the younger glancing away sheepishly. Was your presence in the dorm really causing issues after one day? Namjoon and Yoongi left you both at the sink in silence.
"Maybe I should go stay at a hotel. I appear to be causing conflicts-"
Jungkook suddenly grabbed your by the shoulders and turned you to face him.
"It's not your fault Noona. Things have been a little... tense lately between Namjoon-hyung and I, but its nothing to worry about and you shouldn't blame yourself. You're staying here, with me, where I can make sure you're okay. Jungkookie take care."
A smile graced your lips and Jungkook poked your dimple.
"Yah!" You bat his hand away.
"I like it when Noona smiles. So no more frowns. This week is going to be a good week."
You nodded once.
Doing the washing up together had shown to have its distractions, such as Jungkook splashing you with water every now and then.
"Kookie~" You whined when a particularly big splash soaked your shirt. "Stop getting me all wet or I'll have to change!"
"Can't we just dry it with a hair dryer? It would save us the hassle of getting that t-shirt off of you."
You pulled the wet material away from your skin with a grimace. Maybe using a hairdryer would work. He stacked the last bowl on the draining board and emptied the sink of water then took you back into his bedroom to dry your t-shirt. He rummaged around the room for a bit trying to find the machine he wanted and gave a little victory shout when he found it. He motioned for you to sit on the bed as he plugged it in and put it on a medium setting.
"I don't want Noona to get too hot."
He pointed to hairdryer at you and clicked the button. A blast of warm air hit your chest and you pulled at the hem of your top to help it dry.
You pouted, "This is your fault."
"I know, that's why I'm drying it."
You noticed Taehyung pop his head round the corner and give a quizzical look. Jungkook followed your gaze and raised an eyebrow at the intruder.
"Wonhaneunge mwoya? (What do you want?)"
You watched his eyes flicker between you, your shirt and Jungkook. He folded his arms, clearly amused at the situation.
"Naneun geu so-eum-i mueos-inji gung-geumhaessda. (I wondered what the noise was.)"
"Geulsse, neo ije al-ass-eoyo. Gaja. (Well, now you know. So go.)"
Instead of leaving Taehyung moved further into the room and took a seat on Jungkook's desk chair.
"Wae geunyeoui syeocheuga jeoj-eungeoya? (Why did her top get wet?)"
"Geuneun nareul mul-e ppulyeoss-eoyo. (He splashed me with water.)" You shot Jungkook an accusing glare which made him smile.
But Taehyung looked more confused.
"Os-eul gal-aibneun ge eottae? (Why don't you change clothes?)"
"Geugeos-eun Noona-reul dachige hal geos-igi ttaemun-e. (Because it would hurt Noona)" Jungkook said before you could answer. He was still holding the hair dryer up, moving side to side so the top would dry evenly.
"Hajiman deoleoun mullo geunyeoleul twigiji anh-assnayo? (But didn't you splash her with dirty water?)"
You looked at Jungkook.
"Does it look dirty enough to change?"
He shook his head, "I emptied the dirty water before splashing you. It should be fine once it dries." He relayed what he said to Taehyung who shrugged.
Taehyung muttered something that had Jungkook frowning, ears turning pink, then left the room. What could have Taehyung said to make Jungkook embarrassed and annoyed at the same time? You placed a hand on his wrist, pausing the motions of the hairdryer and raised an eyebrow at him.
"What was that?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Kookie-" You were cut off by a sudden blast of warm air on your face.
"Yah!" You pushed his hand away and he snickered.
"Noona shouldn't worry about things that don't concern her. After we get this top dry we're going to go out and you are going to buy me a bunny onesie."
A few minutes later you were at the front door slipping on a pair of shoes. Jungkook handed you a face mask and baseball cap and after a quick goodbye to the members who were still home you made your way down to his car.
"Why do I need a mask and a baseball cap?"
"Since your last visit, news of you visiting has spread from Tumblr to Twitter." He took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car. "You can never be too careful with ARMY. But if you don't want to wear them you don't have to."
"It's spread to Twitter?"
He nodded. You decided to wear the hat and mask. Once you had them on you couldn't stop yourself from giggling. You felt like a spy. He opened your door and you climbed in. Jungkook once again insisted on doing the seatbelt and then he was rounding the car and getting in.
You stayed silent as he focused on navigating the underground parking but once he was on the road you turned to him.
"Where does one buy a bunny onesie?"
"At a place that sells clothes."
You playfully slapped him on the arm, "I knew that Captain Obvious."
He chuckled and you asked him again wanting a serious answer.
"I was thinking a department store. Hence the mask and hat."
"Isn't that risky?"
He waited until he stopped at a red light to turn and smirk at you.
"What's life without taking risks?"
"But isn't it super risky for you since you're famous and all."
His smirk turned into a smile before facing the front again as the light became amber.
"I want to spend time with my Noona while she is here. I don't mind if I get noticed but I don't want bad things to be said about Noona.”
You propped your elbow on the door and rest your chin on your palm to watch him drive.
"They don't know me. It would be worse for you."
"I have a PR team behind me to deal with things like that. You don't." He paused for a second to focus on switching lanes. "We'll be careful. Promise."
You entered the store holding hands. It must have been a store he went to frequently because as soon as you were through the automatic doors he started dragging you down the aisles onto some escalators. He navigated you past the women's section to the men's and paused while taking in his surroundings.
"Ah! Pyjamas!" He pointed down an aisle and took off, pulling you behind him.
You worried about the possibility of him pulling your good arm out of its socket.
"Yah! Slow down BunBun!"
He immediately stopped, eyes wide, "Was I hurting Noona?"
You nodded and he rubbed your good arm. When you started walking again it was much slower than before.
"You're such a muscle pig." You muttered.
He flashed you a quick smile then focused back on the task at hand. You managed to find a small section of onesies hung up in a line beside slippers and prayed there was a bunny one amongst them. And if there was, that there was one in his size and it wasn't too expensive. You watched him browse through the selection and give a little happy shout.
"Noona! I found one!"
You joined his side and immediately let out a small 'aww!'
He held the onesie up against his body and grinned. You were a little disappointed the only colour option was white but it would have to do.
"You should try it on, BunBun."
"Okay, Noona." He took hold of your and led you to the changing rooms. "I'll model it. Oh! Noona should film it!"
You laughed as he entered one of the stalls and you stood awkwardly outside the entrance for the fitting rooms.
"Would you like me to post it on Tumblr?"
"I'll caption it 'BunBun's first catwalk'."
He was silent for a moment and then you heard the click of the lock.
"Are you ready?"
"Ye." You stood a little further back with your phone open on the camera app. You pressed record just as the door opened.
Jungkook stood in the doorway, hood pulled up to reveal two white floppy ears. He grinned and hopped towards you, arms held up by his chest in the bunny pose as he did so. Your giggles bubbled out of you as you couldn't cover your mouth to quiet them.
"How do I look? Am I a handsome BunBun?"
You shook your head.
"No, you're a cute BunBun."
He pouted and hopped closer. You could see a dusting of pink on his cheeks and wished you had a free hand with which to pinch them.
"I prefer handsome but I'll take cute for now... even though Noona is the cute one..."
You stopped filming and slapped him, phone still in hand.
"Yah! I'm not cute!"
"Sure you are."
Just as you went to step on those white shoes of his as you said you would the day before, he darted off and locked himself in the changing room. You could hear his laughter from the other side of the door and huffed.
You smirked as an idea came to mind, "If you don't let me step on your shoes when you get out then Tumblr will learn about your Marvel boxer-briefs."
The door was quickly thrown open, his upper half sticking out of it. His face was bright red with a look of shock and he only had his head and one arm in his shirt.
"You've looked through my underwear draw?!"
"By accident but yes."
"I feel violated." His eyes narrowed but you detected his teasing tone.
"Says the one who climbed into bed with me last night!"
His eyes widened. "Noona, shush!"
You smiled sweetly and fluttered your eyelashes, "So...can I step on your shoes?"
He hesitated, "...Fine... People might take it the wrong way if you let them know you've seen my underwear."
He finished pulling on his shirt, put on his hat and mask then grabbed the onesie.
"Then get your fine ass over here."
He cocked a brow, "You think my butt looks good? I never thought I would hear Noona say something like that."
It was your turn to blush.
"I-it's not like the internet calls it the Jungbooty or anything..." You trailed off looking anywhere but his face.
"First Jungcock and now Jungbooty? ARMY sure are creative." You hummed in agreement and shuffled forward. "I'm glad I did all those squats-s-shit!"
He swore again, clutching the foot you just stomped on with one hand.
"Wae geugeol balb-ass ni?! Noona-neun nareul dachige hadani biyeolhaeyo! (Why did you stomp on it?! Noona is mean for hurting me!)"
You felt a little bad for stomping hard enough to make him revert back to Korean.
"It's punishment for calling me cute."
He dropped his foot and shook his head. "Bully."
He held your stare for a moment before thrusting the onesie at you.
"Let's go pay."
He led the way to the checkout giving you the opportunity to sneak a glance at the price tag and the Jungbooty. It looked so firm. No! Snap out of it! Thankfully the onesie was a decent price. God, why did he have to choose those pants? You were so distracted you hadn't noticed Jungkook stopping and slammed straight into the back of him.
"Are you okay?"
It took you a second to realise he'd turned around to face you. Wow. You needed to get a grip.
"Yeah, sorry. I was distracted."
He lowered his head to your ear and whispered, "Stop staring at my ass," before straightening and stepping forward in the queue.
How did he know?! You gulped then stepped forward too.
"What makes you think I was staring at your butt?"
You heard a soft chuckle come from him, "What else would be distracting you?"
Not trusting yourself to form an answer without stuttering, you shoved him from behind. He spun around and steered you by the shoulders to stand in front of him.
"Noona pays, Noona goes first."
You passed the onesie to the cashier who scanned the item and put it in a bag for you.
"Neo-ui namjachingu-ga jal saenggyeosseoyo (Your boyfriend is very handsome.)"
You handed the money over then glanced at Jungkook to find him staring at you. His eyes were the only thing visible to the cashier and you tried not to laugh. Either she was joking or recognised him.
"Geuneun nae namjachingu-ga aniyo. (He's not my boyfriend.)"
She passed you your change and tucked the receipt into the bag.
"Geugeos-eun bukkeuleoun il-eoyo. Neondeul hamkke gwiyeowo.  (That's a shame. You look cute together.)"
In that moment you forgot Jungkook was even there.
"Jeongmal?! Neo geuleohge saeng-gaghaeyo?! (Really?! You think so?!)" There was excitement in your voice.
She smiled and nodded. Jungkook took the bag off the counter and placed an arm around your shoulders. You said thank you to the lady and let Jungkook guide you out of the shop. It felt nice having his arm around you. It felt... right. But why was he doing it in the first place?
"BunBun... your arm-"
"Let's go get some ice cream Noona."
He pointed to a small ice cream shop and kept his arm on you. You licked your lips at the thought. It wasn't overly hot outside since it was only the beginning of summer but any weather was perfect for ice cream.
The aircon hit you as soon as you stepped inside bringing goosebumps to the surface of your skin and you pressed closer to Jungkook while scanning the flavours available.
"Oh look Noona! They have salted caramel flavour!"
You did a little cheer and looked up at him. "How did you know I like salted caramel?"
"Because you told me, silly. It was a while ago but I remembered."
You felt something twist in your gut and smiled. What was this feeling?
"You remembered." You repeated under your breath.
He led you to the serving counter and told the shopkeeper the flavours you wanted each. You ended up with salted caramel and he ended up with a watermelon sorbet. He paid and you eagerly spooned the ice cream into your mouth, sighing in pleasure.
You went to take a seat at a nearby table when he caught your arm and nodded to the door.
"It's beautiful outside. Let's go for a walk."
"Won't you need to take your mask off?"
He paused but then held the door open, "It should be relatively empty in the parks. Children should be at summer school and adults at work."
You were uncertain but that side lost to the side that wanted nothing more than to sit and enjoy the weather with Jungkook.
"We have to walk quickly or my sorbet will melt."
You nodded in understanding and waddled out the door, holding the pot of ice cream in your immobile hand. Jungkook followed after you, free arm wrapping around your waist since his sorbet was in a cone.
"Why isn't mine in a cone?"
"Payback for stamping on my foot. Now you have to struggle."
You gasped, "You're so mean!"
"You broke my finger and possibly my toe!"
"I didn't break your finger. You lied to me. Like I said, mean."
He chuckled and squeezed your hip. "It was worth it."
You nearly tripped over your own feet when he squeezed your hip, not expecting such an... intimate gesture from him. He caught you before you completely lost balance.
"Noona~ You're not meant to hurt yourself while you're here. We're nearly at the park."
You apologised for almost falling and focused on not making an idiot of yourself. Turning a corner, you were greeted by a stretch of grass. It was refreshing to see amongst a lot of the concrete of Seoul and you felt yourself feeling more at ease with every step you took away from the road. It reminded you of the village you grew up in but with fewer trees. A smile graced your features. Scooping up another spoonful of ice cream you noticed some melted and dripped down the spoon, landing on your hand. Without thinking you licked it off like you were used too. When you were finished you remembered you were in Jungkook's company and found he had been staring at you intently.
"You're like a cat when you do that, Kitten."
"D-did you just...?"
He hummed in response and smiled before dropping to the floor and patting the grass beside him.
"Kitten, sit."
Your body seemed to move of its own accord. Alarm bells began to ring in your head while the word ‘ kitten’ flashed in big bold lettering. Jeon Jungkook just called you kitten. And...you liked it?
"You have a nickname for me now then I guess." You stated, wiggling to get comfy on the ground.
"If you can call me BunBun because I remind you of a bunny then I can call you my Kitten since you remind me of a cat."
"That sounds like a fair trade."
He grinned and reached a hand up to pat the top of your cap. "Good Kitten."
Your eyes dropped to his sorbet that was slowly melting down the side of the cone. You quickly abandoned your small spoon in the cup and grabbed his hand to guide the sorbet to your lips. You licked along the seam of the cone then let it go. He was silent for a moment, eyes flickering from you to his sorbet then back to you. His bottom lip was caught by his teeth as his eyebrows drew together in... annoyance? You really couldn't tell.
"Who said you could have a taste?"
His voice had lowered an octave.
"You can call me Kitten but don't treat me like a pet."
"I didn't mean-"
You cut him off by shovelling a heaped spoonful of ice cream in his mouth and taking back your spoon leaving his lips sticky with caramel sauce.
"I was kidding. Just don't pet me. It's weird."
You watched as his tongue swept across his lips to remove the sauce.
"How about I only pet you on certain occasions?"
You tilted your head to the side in confusion, "On what occasions?"
He shrugged then had some more of his sorbet.
"I don't know but we can find out together."
Together. He said 'together'. In your chest, your heart was pounding like a drum. But you shouldn't be thinking of things like that...unless he was actually serious in which case that meant...he liked you. Or maybe he just meant as close friends. You couldn't tell.
"I like the sound of that."
He positively beamed at you, bunny teeth on full display, "I'll let Noona pet me too! It won't be a one-sided thing!"
This boy was going to be the death of you and not in the way you had first anticipated.  When you found out about Bangtan you thought your death was going to come from their choreo and costumes. But no. It seemed like anything said implying romance was going to make your heart burst.
You smiled, "Okay." And took another bite of your ice cream.
The two of you were silent as you ate. Enjoying the occasional tweet from bypassing birds and crunch as Jungkook demolished his cone.
Once you were finished, he put your empty pot and spoon in the trash and flopped back down beside you. He grabbed the bag with his onesie in and placed it behind his head as a pillow and then opened his arms, inviting you to lie with him. He wanted to cuddle? You were used to your other friends being like that but they were like that with everyone. This was Jungkook who, according to the members, wasn't a very cuddly person unless it was with them.
You must have been lost in thought for too long because he patted the ground next to him, "Come on Kitten. I promise I don't bite."
You lie down, fidgeting for a moment to get comfortable with his arm behind your neck.
"What if someone sees us?"
"The last person they're going to think of led down in a park with a girl is me. It's just toddlers and old people walking their dogs here. We'll be fine."
"Are you sure?"
The hand closest to your head started to idly twirl your hair between his fingers, "I'm sure. Stop worry and just relax. It's a beautiful day out and I want to spend it with Noona."
You let your eyes fall shut. Relax, he said. You could do that. So you breathed out a deep sigh and focused on the sound of his low humming. You didn't recognise the tune but figured it was a song he liked since he listened to a wider variety of music than you. You had never heard of future bass before he mentioned it and honestly had no idea what it sounded like. With his fingers playing with your hair you felt yourself beginning to fall asleep and tried to cuddle up closer to him. But that's when you heard it. The barking. You opened your eyes just in time to see a dog barrelling across the grass towards you.
"Jungkook!" You tapped his side and he squinted at you, then followed your gaze.
The dog pounced on him just as he sat up, knocking him backwards again. You had been scrambling to get up but the sight of him led on the ground as a dog licked his face was hilarious and sent you falling back to the ground in laughter. He was trying to stop the excited animal but the more he pushed it away the more excited it got. Jungkook tossed from side to side as the animal nuzzled his neck.
"N-Noona! Help me!"
You clutched your stomach as you laughed and shook your head.
"I need to film this!"
Taking out your phone, you recorded a video. Jungkook was practically begging you to help him but you refused. This was too cute.
"Please Noona! Tomorrow I'll take you to that cafe we went to last time you were here! Please!"
It was a really nice cafe. You sighed and stopped filming, putting your phone away again and whistled. The dog perked up and went over to you. You could tell you were about to receive the same treatment as Jungkook but quickly did something you knew turned any domesticated animal into a pile of mush. You scratched behind its ear. The dog, which looked more like a puppy (probably explaining it's over excitable behaviour), plopped it's butt down and leant into your touch. You giggled when its tail began to thump happily.
"Where's your owner, huh?"
Just as you said that an elderly couple and a small child came over. The child couldn't have been older than 3. The child crouched down by the puppy and pointed an accusing finger at it.
"Nappeun Ponyo. Neoneun nachseon saram-eul haltneun geos-i nappeudaneun geos-eul alji~. (Bad Ponyo. You know licking strangers is bad.)"
You had to hold back an ‘aw’ as she struggled with the pronunciation of longer words.
"Gwenchanha! (It's okay!)" You said and smiled at the little girl. "Geu neoui gang-aji ya? (Is he your puppy?)"
She nodded, suddenly stepping back towards the elderly couple.
"Halmae, Halbae! Ponyoneun jangnan kkuleogi yeossgo, meosjin agassiui nampyeon-eul halt-ass eo! (Grandma, Grandpa! Ponyo was naughty and licked the nice lady's husband!)"
Husband?! Your head whipped around to Jungkook who was chuckling. He looked oblivious to the comment.
"Jeongmal mianhae. (I'm so sorry.)" The elder man said.
Jungkook waved his hand, "Gwenchanhaeyo. (It's fine.)" And then he was beckoning the little girl over. "Neo ileum-i mwoni? (What's your name?)"
"Naneun Jiwoo. Igeos-eun naui gae, Ponyo-ida. (I'm Jiwoo. This is my dog, Ponyo.)"
You found it sweet that she named her dog after a Studio Ghibli film.
"Naneun Kookie. (I'm Kookie.)" Jungkook held out his hand and the little girl glanced at her grandparents for confirmation before shaking it. "Geuneun maeu chinjeol-eo. (He's very friendly.)"
"Naneun Ponyoga ne anaeleul joh-ahandago saeng-gaghae. (I think Ponyo likes your wife.)"
He gave her a small smile, "Geunyeoneun dongmuldeul-ege aju joh-a. (She's very good with animals.)"
You looked at him in shock. Why didn't he correct the little girl? She's going to have the wrong idea.
"Jiwoo, urineun jeongmallo jigeum jib-eulo hyanghaeya. (Jiwoo, we really must be heading home now.)" Said the elderly woman with her own smile.
Jiwoo pouted but clapped her hands, gaining the puppy's attention. Ponyo got to his feet and circled around her.
"Jal isseo Kookie! Jal isseo Kookie-ui anae! (Bye Kookie! Bye Kookie's wife!)"
You waved goodbye to the little girl and her grandparents and then shoved Jungkook's shoulder causing him to fall backwards.
"Really? Your wife?"
"I thought that was every fangirl's dream. To be their bias' wife."
You froze in place but then covered your face with your hands to hide your oncoming blush. This boy was definitely going to be the death of you at this rate. He laughed and got to his feet, not forgetting to grab his onesie.
"Come on, Noona. Let's go for a walk back to the car."
You took his outstretched hand and ignored your racing heart.
You had just reached the gate to the main road when you remembered something.
"BunBun, your mask!"
He stopped and fished it out of his pocket, "Don't forget to put yours on, Kitten."
You patted your pockets but felt your stomach drop when you couldn't find it.
Jungkook snickered when you looked at him wide-eyed, "I thought this might happen. Good thing I brought a spare with me."
He pulled the spare mask out of his back pocket and held it up. It had a whiskers design on it.
Your jaw dropped, "Did you plan this?!"
"No, no. I swear!" He scratched his cheek. "I saw this a while back and thought you might like it. I always bring spares just in case."
You took the mask off him and hooked it over your ears. "Thank you."
A/N: As always we love to hear from our readers! ^^
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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oakpodcast · 7 years
Transmission 6 Transcript
Transmission 6 is live on Patreon. It will go live to the general public Saturday.
This is the season 1 finale. Season 2 will return later this month.
HOLLY: If you're a new listener, make sure to start at the very beginning.
HOLLY: Before I get started, I want to thank Jemma, Melissa, Liam, and a bunch of other new listeners for supporting me on Patreon.
HOLLY: And to everyone funding my coffee habit dollar by dollar, THANK YOU. It's a serious morale booster to know that someone is out there listening, and not only that, but cares enough to buy me a cup of coffee. So seriously, thank you so much.
HOLLY: All right, so, it's about 9 a.m., July 23rd. I'm sitting outside the Walmart with a jug of chocolate milk I got on sale around 6 a.m. when I couldn't sleep.
HOLLY: Anyway, I figured I'd reply to your email and then hopefully finish this stupid assignment, pending the armored truck getting here when I'm expecting it to.
HOLLY: And if my stupid hands cooperate. I know I'm clumsy, especially lately, but normally I'm at least good with my hands, right? No dirty jokes about that. Let's keep this PG-rated, thank you very fucking much.
HOLLY: But honestly, this is getting so annoying! I took the Chromebook apart last night and I swear I dropped the fucking screwdriver every five minutes. (Sighs) I know the fact that I haven't had a good night's sleep in a few months doesn't help anything. Whatever.
HOLLY: (Tense) Uh, so, what's going on with your email address? Why does it keep bouncing when I try to email you? Hopefully that means you've finished up and you're on your way home? Never hurts to be optimistic, I guess…
HOLLY: I mean, I know you're busy, but there are some things I'd rather talk about privately, so... yeah. Send me your new email address when you get a chance, thanks.
HOLLY: Okay, I'm going to read part of your email and then respond to it. (Deep breath) Here goes.
HOLLY AS OAK: Hey Holly, how are you feeling today?
HOLLY: I'm fine. Like I said, tired... aside from not being able to sleep, I'm okay. Well, I did pass out in the laundromat yesterday, but there's probably no reason to worry. I'm just not used to the heat affecting me like this.
HOLLY AS OAK: (Reading) I know this random, but did you turn Cosette off between when I left and when you left?
HOLLY: (Sighs) The answer to that is no. No, Cosette is probably still Roomba-ing around the apartment every day, dragging her… exploded dust tank behind her. Do you remember if she stops if the tank gets full? (More quietly and uncertainly) Roombas can't... catch on fire... right? Nnnnnnnnn.
HOLLY: Well, I texted Cami and asked her to try to shut off Cosette if she happens to go by the apartment, so... anyway...
HOLLY AS OAK: (Reading monotonously) Mission is good. Can't say much obviously, but I should be back next week.
HOLLY: Great, so that gives me at least a few days to fix any damage Cosette did before you get home.
HOLLY AS OAK: Man, Holly, I had the craziest dream last night slash this morning. There was this werewolf, and first it ate Willard, and I was like "Fuck yeah!!!" (Three exclamation marks) but then it ate you, and then it ate me, and then I looked down and I was holding a cage with Frogger—remember the rabbit I accidentally killed when I was 10?—and I was like "OH SHIT" (in all caps) and started running, but I was dead, right?
HOLLY AS OAK: (Reading monotonously) So then I remembered my legs were eaten, and that's when I dropped Frogger's cage down a storm drain. And I don't know how the entire fucking cage even fit, but it did, and it went into the storm drain and I was like "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" (With, mm, eight... nine?! O's and three exclamation marks.) But anyway yeah, then the werewolf was down there eating Frogger. I don't know what that means but I'm really fucking stressed every time I wake up from it.
HOLLY: Yeah, I don't know what that means either, sorry Oak.
HOLLY AS OAK: (Reading) I'm also having a recurring nightmare about me and you playing street hockey with the Goldsteins and their neighbors. Everyone is playing hockey really gently, and you pass the puck to me, and I'm like "YEAH" (all caps) and hit a slapshot right into Emma Rosen's goaltender mask. Except for some reason we were using an egg for a puck, so, yeah, kind of a gross and disturbing dream.
HOLLY: (Laughs) Uh, yeah, what the fuck? Are you eating pizza before bed again? You know that gives you weird dreams!
HOLLY AS OAK: Anyway, it's probably just anxiety or whatever. I sent you some vitamins and supplements. Did you get them?
HOLLY: Yes, thanks. I've been taking them every day, so stop stressing about that. I'm fine. I could be way more malnourished and sleep-deprived than I am.
HOLLY AS OAK: Are you getting enough sleep and staying hydrated?
HOLLY: Like I said, I can't sleep, but I think it's just because the shelter beds are really uncomfortable. I take naps sometimes in the park, like, under a shady tree with a cheap blanket and an inflatable bath pillow I carry around. No one bothers me during the day because I just prop a library book near me, so it looks like I just fell asleep reading.
HOLLY: As for staying hydrated... I mean, I'm trying. The water here still makes me gag, but I sneak lemon packets and get free ice water whenever I can. Like I said, I did pass out in the laundromat yesterday, but I'm just not used to being quite this overheated all the time. I'm fine now. I drank some water, and I'll try to go at night next time.
HOLLY AS OAK: So you're going with Ivy for sure? The finalists are all pretty good, so I don't think there's a right choice. You should go with your gut. I trust your judgment on this.
HOLLY: Well, thank you, and yes, I'm pretty sure I'm going with Ivy and the other one we discussed? I haven't decided for sure yet, but I have a good feeling about those two.
HOLLY AS OAK: Has Leia Janeway forgiven you yet? Don't feel bad. It could happen to anyone. You're not exactly graceful even under the best of circumstances.
HOLLY: (Sighs) I think she's forgiven me, it's just that every time she starts to trust me again I step on some new part of her body and the cycle starts all over. She acts like she understands and doesn't hold it against me, but she also acts like "WHY GOD WHY," which apparently are not mutually exclusive feelings. Hopefully she'll forgive me.
HOLLY AS OAK: I know I say this every time, but please make sure you're ready to run at a moment's notice. I promise I'm doing my best to make sure nothing happens, but it scares the ever-living shit out of me that I'm over here and you're in a godforsaken place like Alabama and no one but the U.S. government is watching out for you. Nothing is going to happen, but if anything does happen—
HOLLY: (Annoyed) Yeah, I know, I know, I need to go dark if anything happens to you. I don't understand why you won't tell me why, though! Or what could possibly be going on.
HOLLY AS OAK: I'm fucking over this assignment already and can't wait to inhale some Thai food with you the second I get back. Can you eat Thai food right now, or will you spontaneously combust? Whatever, we'll celebrate with something yummy. Maybe Mexican, since they don't have that over here.
HOLLY: I don't know, I'm, I’m pretty sure I can eat Thai food. And I know I can eat Mexican. (Hungrily) Both of those sound great, actually. (A very soft moan, as if she's imagining the food.) All right, that's the new plan: Thai or Mexican food next week, as soon as you get home. Whatever we don't eat for lunch we'll eat for dinner and... hm, yeah. I like this plan.
HOLLY AS OAK: Holy fuck, did you see this?
HOLLY: And, uh, I clicked on it, and it's a link to the BBC article about Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor. Yeah, I saw, and... what a time to be alive! I just hope they don't change anything about River Song being her wife.
HOLLY AS OAK: I'm totally caught up on Greater Boston and Jim Robbie now. You were right—they're totally my jam. Got any other recommendations?
HOLLY: Yeah, I do. So the first one I'd recommend is a British comedy called Wooden Overcoats. It's about these siblings who work in a funeral home in the English Channel, I think, and… and anyway, this really hot guy moves in across the street and starts stealing all of their business. And the narrator is a mouse. So it's this weird mix of morbid humor and uplifting shit that, I don't know, it completely reminds me of you.
HOLLY: Another one I think you'd like is called EOS 10. It's kind of like Scrubs meets Futurama, so obviously it's right up your alley. Wooden Overcoats and EOS 10 are both pretty short, but hopefully since you're supposed to get back next week—
HOLLY: Huh, speak of the devil. I am getting a text from you right now. 
HOLLY: "I'm sorry"? Oh. Goddammit, what did you do?
HOLLY: "Run and hide"— Why? Why??? What did you do?!
HOLLY: I can't run! Why the fuck would you think I can run right now?
HOLLY: Okay, fine! Not that you can hear me, but I'm going, I'm going right now.
HOLLY: (Running with difficulty, muttering under her breath) Goddammit, Mica!
HOLLY: (Panting) Excuse me, where (gasps) where are the fireworks?! ... Thank you!
HOLLY: (To Oak) Anyway, (panting) fuck you, (pant) fuck General Willard, (pant) fuck everyone who took his side, and (pant) fuck society, fuck Walmart for being so big, and f–fuck everything! I'm fucking sick to death of this goddamn fucking shit! 
HOLLY: Okay, signing off! (softer) Fuck...
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john-benderr · 7 years
SPOILERS for anyone that hasn’t read ACOWAR:
Alright y’all, I did this for ACOMAF and EoS and I wanted to do it again for ACOWAR and it’s really just me sharing my favorite parts of the book and moments that were important/made me emo af. I want to apologize for how long this is but at the same time I’m not sorry????
Please feel free to mention your favorite parts! Let’s have a discussion!
Page 18: Our first taste of Feyre and Rhys communicating through the mating bond in ACOWAR #blessed
Page 22: Feyre being sassy to Jurian and laying down the law. // “Careful what you say, girl.” - Jurian, “Or what? You’ll throw me in the Cauldron?” - Feyre
Pages 25-26: Jurian being an ass and asking about Miryam and Drakon. // “They say you were fucking Rhysand before you ever jilted your own lover.” - Jurian to Feyre // Finding out that it was all just a distraction so Dagdan and Brannagh could get into their minds. Feyre playing innocent while landing blows to Dagdan and Brannagh’s minds. // “They flinched as I dragged black talons down their mental shields, gouging deep.”
Page 34: Feyre learning of what happened between Lucien and Ianthe on Calanmai. This made me sad. Poor Lucien he replaced Tamlin in the Rite. // “I wish I had been there to stop it. I should have been there to stop it.” - Feyre to Lucien, “You are a better friend to me, Feyre, than I ever was to you.” - Lucien
Page 36: Alis telling Feyre that she let Mor take her when Tamlin had locked her up. She said that she never saw Rhys hurt anyone that he wasn’t supposed to. She knows that Rhys was is decent. // “They say you came back different. Came back wrong. I never bother to tell them I think you came back right.” - Alis to Feyre 🙌
Pages 41-43: I believe this is during the Solstice and Feyre started glowing because the Cauldron had blessed her (lol bc Ianthe was a mess after that) “Blessed. Holy. Undimming before evil.”
Page 44: “The longest day of the year. I wish I could spend it with you.” - Feyre to Rhys through the bond, “It’d be an honor to spend even a moment in the company of Feyre Cauldron-blessed.” - Rhys making fun of it all
Page 49: I simply titled this “biiiiitch” in my notes. Feyre setting up for the moment when Tamlin would catch her and Lucien in an intimate moment but it looked to be more intimate than a “just friends” moment bc Feyre is savage af.
Pages 86-88: FEYRE PROTECTING LUCIEN BC SHES A DAMN GOOD FRIEND. Feyre controlling what Ianthe does and making her SMASH HER OWN HAND!! YASSS QUEEN // “You are allowed to see a healer to set the bones. But not to erase the scarring. And every time you look at that hand, you are going to remember that touching people against their will has consequences, and if you do it again, everything you are will cease to exist.” - Feyre to Ianthe’s ugly rotting ass
Page 92: Feyre and Lucien teaming up to take out the twins. It was pretty lit y’all.
Pages 114-115: Feyre and Lucien talking about their mates. Lucien wondering and asking Feyre when she first knew that Rhys was her mate and when she started loving him instead of Tam the tool. // “One would think, Lucien, that you’d be glad I fell in love with my mate, given that you’re in the same situation Rhys was in six months ago.” - Feyre, “You left us.” - Lucien to Feyre
Pages 121-124: Cassian and Azriel showing up to protect their High Lady!!! “I suggest you drop my lady.” - Cassian to Eris while he held Feyre // Feyre stopping Cassian, Azriel and Lucien from killing the other guys. // “I am High Lady of the Night Court.” - Feyre, “There’s no such thing as a High Lady.” - One of Lucien’s brothers, “There is now.” - Feyre // Cassian and Feyre having a moment, “Hello, Feyre.” - Cassian // Feyre hugging Cassian tightly because she missed him so much, “I missed you too.” - Cassian in reply to Feyre’s hug.
Chapter 14: REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD AND ALSO OUCH MY HEART. You guys, this chapter made me so emo. It felt so good to have the inner Circle back together again. To have interaction between Rhys and Feyre too. Ugh. // “I missed you every moment. Your smile. Your laugh. Your scent. The sounds you make when I’m inside you. My brave, bold, brilliant mate. I love you.” - Rhys to Feyre // “I missed you. Every second, every breath. Not just this, but…talking to you. Laughing with you. I missed having you in my bed, but missed having you as my friend even more.” - Rhys to Feyre
Pages 186-187: Feyre casually bringing up that she wants to learn how to fly and it catches everyone off guard.😂
Page 204: Rhys calling Azriel “pretty” 🌸
Page 207: Azriel teaching Feyre everything about flying and telling her that dragging her wings makes her look lazy and it shows signs of weakness. Azriel being cocky, which I would like more of, plEASE!
Pages 216-217: Learning about the priestesses in the library and how Rhys and Mor took care of them and gave them a safe place to be in and feel safe. Learning about what had been done to Clotho before made me so sad and made me respect Rhys and Mor even more after reading what they did for them.
Pages 218-220: I titled this note “WHY IS HE LIKE THAT” // A little bit of sexy talk in the library. #kink
Pages 279-280: Mor being devastated after learning that they were going to let Keir into Velaris and because Rhys needed him to be on their side against Hybern. It was a rough moment. // “If Amarantha were alive…If she were alive and I offered to work with her even if it was to save us all––how would you feel?” - Mor to Rhys, “If Amarantha offered us a slim shot at survival, then I would not give a shit that she made me fuck her for all those years. If Amarantha showed up at the door right now, and said she could buy us a chance at defeating Hybern, at keeping all of you alive, I would thank the fucking Cauldron.” - Rhys to Mor; to everyone😭
Pages 310-313: This was titled “SWEET LORD JESUS” // Rhys messaging Feyre 😭 he’s so good to her. // “Did I ever tell you that you have the dirtiest mouth I’ve ever heard?” - Rhys to Feyre // “Will it ever stop? Wanting you––every hour, every breath. I don’t think I can stand a thousand years of this. Think of how my productivity will plummet.” - Rhys to Feyre
Pages 324-327: Feyre making a bargain with Bryaxis. Cassian coming to the rescue!!! Also, poor Cassian having to almost see Bryaxis again. His poor soul.
Page 330: Rhys beating himself up for Hybern infiltrating Velaris and almost losing Feyre and Nesta because of it. // “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that those pieces of shit got into my house and attacked me mate. What’s wrong is that my own damn wards worked against me, and you had to make a bargain with that thing to keep yourself from being taken.” - Rhys to Feyre
Pages 338-339: Having a whole new respect for Lucien when he offers to go look for the Queen on his own and Cassian helping him gear up.
Pages 341-342: I hate it when Rhys feels guilty for things that are not his fault. He has so much on his shoulders and he tries with everything in him to protect his people, his city and it hurts him when the people that have gone through so much already get hurt. Rhys talking about how he failed the priestesses and how they’ll never feel safe in the library again.
Pages 386-387: Elain being out of her room doing something and actually living for the first time and making bread with Nuala and Cerridwen.
Page 402: “You bow to no one.” - Rhys to Feyre before the High Lords meeting.
Pages 424-425: Tamlin and Feyre arguing at the meeting. Tamlin’s dumbass thinking he can insult Feyre in front of Rhys. LOL and then 😂…and then Rhys physically making Tamlin stop talking. boiii you better. // “The gasping-fish look is a good one for you, Tamlin.” - Rhys to Tamlin
Pages 428-430: Azriel defending Mor after Eris calls her a slut. And when Rhys couldn’t get him to stop Feyre was by Azriel’s side trying to calm him down. Also, the fact that the other High Lords bet on who would fight first lol
Page 490: At the bottom of the page is the most that I’ve gotten from Nesta, truly and it makes me so sad and happy that she was able to admit the following to Feyre; basically Feyre was having a hard time with being in a small space and Nesta said, “I can’t get into a bathtub anymore. I have to use buckets.” - Nesta 😭😩
537-538: (properly titled “BYE BYE IANTHE”) DUUUUUUDE. This part was so lit I had to step away from the book. Feyre going into the Weaver’s home and getting Ianthe to enter her home. // “Who did you bring, little wolf? Who did you bring me?” - Weaver to Feyre, “Dinner.” - Feyre
556: Amren and Varian’s make out session that we didn’t get enough of??? Also, what that was so out of nowhere???? what
564-565: Rhys giving Feyre a small pep talk before she enters Hybern’s army location (I forget proper terms I’m sorry) // “They took what is ours. And we do not allow those crimes to go unpunished. You do not fear. You do not falter. You do not yield. You go in, you get her, and you come out again. Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged.” - Rhys 🙌
588-589: Mor coming out to Feyre saying that she prefers females. Lowkey feel bad for Azriel because he doesn’t know this information and us not knowing how he would react to it since he’s been after Mor for 500 years is hurting me. But also, Fuck yeah MOR YOU GO GIRL. I’M PROUD OF YOU.
Chapter 68: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER. Feyre looks into The Ouroboros. And it shows her true form and when she realizes it, she accepts it. Not right away, but she accepts it and lives with it. She knows she’s not perfect and has done things that she regrets and will probably always haunt her. Then she goes to the Carver to call upon the bargain that was made. 
611-612: Y’all I cackled at the bottom of pg. 611, Feyre looking at Amren in Illyrian leathers and thinking they were so small that they were made for a child // “Don’t tell her, but they were.” Rhys confirming just that lmao // I’m crying while reading pg. 612 again because Rhys’ pep talk to the Inner Circle is so phenomenally put together. He talks to each of them when he’s giving his speech. Saying something about each one and what he’s learned from having them in his life. PLEASE GO REREAD THIS SHIT IT IS …OSCAR WORTHY????
652-653: Elain being smol but badass and penetrating The King of Hybern’s neck with Truth-Teller. // “Don’t you touch my sister.” - Elain
665-666: ALL THE MOTHAFUCKIN FEELS. I have never actually sobbed while reading a book but this fucking book man, this part did me in. I was a complete mess and cried for the rest of the book, honestly, I was in tears while reading the rest. Anyway. // Rhys helping Feyre put the Cauldron back together. Using all of his power like an asshat and DYING WTF. I’m cry 😭 noooo
Chapter 77: Feyre begging the other High Lords to help bring Rhys back, reminds me of the time Feyre died and Rhys convinced them to bring her back in ACOTAR. idk how to put anything into words for this bc it was honestly so emotional and Rhys came back to life and AMREN TOO??????? It was a lot to process.
Chapter 81 Rhysand: When Azriel notices Rhys trying to figure out if he and the Inner Circle actually made it through the war and they were all back home. Thinking it was too good to be true. // “It’s real.” - Azriel to Rhys
Chapter 82 Feyre: The fucking death bargain lol // I feel: that was an awful idea what are you two doing???? USE YOUR BRAIN!!! PLS // I also feel: that is so fucking cute FEYSAND 4L!!!!! #always
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sweetblossoms · 7 years
1-69 bay bee, I wanna know stuff
i haven’t dont one of these mass answerings since like 2015 f u c k
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Probably, yeah. I’ve had cigarettes before, but I’m not addicted to nicotine, so I’d live without having another one
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
Single as hell, and don’t care for romance tbh
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
I’d say “thanks, I know”
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
Yeah and it was prefaced with the sentence “You’re too damaged for me” bc life is gr8 to me
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?
Nope, I’m too busy getting my life on track to try and focus on anyone else
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
I’m getting a pedicure on Thursday with an old friend and my new Morphe makeup brush set should be arriving on Wednesday so it’s gonna be fuckin lit
7: Do you want to be single?
I mean I am whether I want it or not, so-
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
Stay in, I had work today and am trying out a new sleeping pill, so I’m trying to regulate my sleeping cycle
9: How late did you stay up last night?
Like 12:30 AM
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
Yeah, it was like a year and a half ago I think and it was a process let me tell you
11: Last three things you had to drink?
Water, coffee, root beer
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
Yeah lmao on the daily
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
Yeah, but that’s more directed at family, not to any partner I’ve had
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
I don’t think so, no
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Nah, it generally takes me like two weeks and I’m over it tbh
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
Yes most definitely
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
Ew no I don’t think I’ve held hands with anyone since I was like 16, I hate hand holding, it’s so awkward for me
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
Probably not tbh
20: What would you name your future daughter?
Probably some hippie white person shit like Celeste or Marina
21: Do you miss anyone?
Yeah, I’ve been missing my college friends a lot lately
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
Yes lmao
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
I think so, yeah
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I’m actually really good at hiding all my emotions besides annoyance tbh, if I’m annoyed, you fucking know it and that’s that
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
Yes, I am such an intense angry crier, I instantly tear up any time I’m mad, it’s an awful curse
26: Who did you last see in person?
My brother? I think
27: Are you listening to music right now?
No I’m listening to a podcast
28: What is something you currently want right now?
To replace my old makeup because I’m on a makeup binge rn and want it all, I’ve been obsessed with youtube makeup gurus all week
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?
“Here, take the water bottle”
30: How is your heart lately?
Still pumping blood, so it’s good I’d assume
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
Only if it’s raining because my hair frizzes up like a shitball when it rains
32: Are you wearing socks?
Ew no, I only wear socks if I have to
33: What do people call you?
Ilene, Lena, Bean, Leenie, Ling. I am a nameless orb for you to project your name fantasies onto.
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
I don’t...like anyone...???
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
An ex-fling sometime last May
37: Did you do something bad today?
I ordered a burger and stuffed jalapenos for lunch, so I’ve been real bad today ;)
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
A couple of weeks ago in a friend way. Actually wait, maybe my brother has hugged me since then, I can’t remember
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
I used to, but since getting older I realized that I don’t really get stressed easily, I just get overwhelmed easily, which are two different emotions that only slightly differ
40: Will you sing today?
I think I did earlier actually, I think I sang Hollaback Girl to my coworker
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
Yeah, I bite my tongue a lot
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
I’m not going to lie, I kind of bottle everything up and then vent in long personal posts here on tumblr and then I’m good for the next couple of weeks and then the process continues
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
No, I’ve ever actually never had to go to the hospital or ER (for myself)
44: What are you listening to right now?
The Valleyfolk Podcast
45: What is wrong with you right now?
I mean, what’s wrong with me all the time is the better question. I have no money to do the things I want in life, I’m fading away from old friends that I don’t to fade from, my depression is coming back, I live with my family instead of on my own like I used to, my job is a shithole and I want to quit on the daily, etc. etc. the list goes on and on
46: What is on your wrists right now?
Nothing?? It’s like 9:30 at night
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
It was a Christmas present tanktop 
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
Hot chocolate because apple cider is best cold and alcoholic
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
No because time is an illusion and cannot provide humans wishes. Cute sentiment though.
50: Are you a good artist?
N o p e, I wish
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
Not really, but I guess it’s cool for some people
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
I think I was actually worse six months ago, so no
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
No, I wish tho, I always wished I could drive one of those school golf carts around just for the fuck of it
54: Do you have trust issues?
Oh most definitely, not a question, I trust nobody besides myself
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
Ew no I hate phone conversations
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I...yes, but in my defense it’s a pastel tie-dye tanktop that I bought specifically for Pride because it’s the pansexual colors
57: Do you use chap stick?
Yeah, I use the organic Eos brand
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
Yes but like, as a joke, never for real
59: Do you have a little sister?
60: Have you ever been to New York?
No, I don’t really want to either? It just seems dirty and crowded and I’m too scared of heights for the skyscrapers and too cold. Love the fashion that comes from that area though
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
Probably, because my friends are the best and we all love and support each other like a true squad should
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
I don’t think so, no
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
I think I was playing Sims 4 and reading fanficiton on my phone
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Yes, drunk-me is a little shit
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
I think maybe my friend Taylor has that covered? He’s pretty good at comic relief when I need it
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
I mean, yeah, how do you only kiss someone once? My last kiss was a hook up, so-
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
Probably alone, I get too hot in my sleep and have specific bedtime qualifications before I can rest and some people cuddle way too much for my liking
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
Nah I have to be awake at 6 am to go to work all day
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