#yeah guess what ask i forgot i had. ha. haha.
bravevolunteer · 1 year
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anonymous asked: Michael, what was it like living with your dad once your mom left? // ask michael about his rabbit dad
MICHAEL FREEZES WHEN FACED with the question, jaw clenched as his expression very clearly shifts to something guarded, the kind of defense he found it so difficult to employ in his own home for years that it leaked outwards towards any and everything else. Could he even sum it up the way this is asked of him?— what was it LIKE, it was too much for Michael to put words to. Part what things had been like between him and his father for years: distance, primarily that, they would hardly ever cross paths on purpose with William spending more and more time locked away in his workplaces and Michael taking any opportunity to avoid his father's gaze. Yet the Afton household carried a strikingly different atmosphere when the two of them were the only ones left.
— He had watched both of his parents descend throughout the years, but Michael remembers the particular hopelessness of watching his mother break underneath the weight. With her overwhelming grief and Michael's reactive isolation, he hasn't been as close to anyone since the day it all fell apart, but... she was the last of what he had left. She didn't hate him— she SHOULD, she should have blamed him for the loss of her baby and the descending marriage and everything that the black fucking hole that he is took— but... she still loved him, right? To watch the only one who still thought him something worth loving, even the smallest amount, sink until she couldn't handle it anymore... that might have been when it truly hit him, that everything his fingertips touched would come to rot.
He never blamed her for leaving. He couldn't— not after witnessing how it all drained her, made her a shell of the women who was made of warm smiles and support. Not when they both knew William Afton would do anything to keep the son he resents in his clutches, always so possessive of what he thought to be his creations even through the volatile treatment Michael had faced for years on end.
That does nothing to change how much it all hurt.
"Guess— how do you think it was?" Defensiveness strikes in the way he holds his arms crossed over his chest, reluctance to answer or even think. It's almost a blur, the year or so where it was just him and his father before Michael finally wrangled his way out. He remembers uncomfortable silences, gazes exchanged with bitterness and the mutual acknowledgement of everything being so entirely wrong. Days when his father would place a hand on his shoulder and almost ( if he didn't know better ) praise Michael for being all that was left, days where he would come home dazed with droplets of blood on his collar raving under his breath about how he could fix all of it, days when the stench of alcohol would fill the room along with the sound of rough shoves and slamming against furniture.
"Things just got worse, all of it. I mean, fuck, we already had a shitty relationship, he already spent all his time in his work and I already didn't want to see him more than I had to." That doesn't account for how much Michael craved ANYTHING from him, even with all the anger and guilt. "Mom must've been the final straw— 'cause he finally let the act go. Hell, he still looked put together after... after Evan, and... and sort of after Liz, I never saw him look so... haunted until it was just us." His father always put effort into how he appeared to others ( Michael guesses it's how he got away with so much bullshit for so long ), now he had watched him thin, his hair grey, his stubble grow uneven, his eyes form a greyish void that only seemed to spring to life when he spoke of putting their family back together, something Michael never understood. "I... I never knew which version of him I was going to get. Sometimes he seemed so calm, as if NOTHING ever happened, and then I'd come home at the wrong time or be awake on the couch when he got home and..." Michael grimaces, his grip on his arms tightening.
"I knew he resented me already, but this... it was beyond what I had done, or- ... or it started with that and turned into something else, all I knew was something was really fucking wrong." Thinking back on it now, he isn't surprised that his father decided to weaponize his guilt, reinforcing the fact that this was all what Michael DESERVED after ruining their family, trapping him in a cycle of isolation and outbursts, blinding him to what was really going on. "'Til I found out too much, and... let's just say I'm glad I finally got outta there when I did, alright?"
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ssailormoonn · 2 months
❛ UM, WHAT? ❜
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Yandere! Illumi Zoldyck X Fem!Reader
WC; 1.5k+ | !MDNI! | TW/CW :: in the pre timeskip, i imagine it to be younger illumi there (so when he's around 18-19 and has the short hair), reader is aslo 17-18 before the timeskip. after the timeskip illumi is 26 and you are 25, stalking!!! death
⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: (filled request) Could you pls write yandere illumi who has been stalking reader for years now, he finally decides to make his move, bumps into you, casually invites you for a date. But as you start talking to him, he's so in love and obsessed he lets creepy things slip during casual conversation eg. Reader: yeah I go to dance classes, though recently I haven't been enjoying them as much because our teacher keeps complaing about his life problems! Can you believe it! And Illumi replies "Yes, that idiot should've left his cheating wife months ago haha" and Reader's like, how did you know that *sweats* Anyway just creepy illumi pls:3 - ANON
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You were just a high school student when you first noticed him, but only just briefly.
It was one of those ordinary days, but if only you had paid more attention to how this man looked, maybe your life would have turned out different. The man you noticed had quite noticeable features: tall, solemn, a young man who watched you across the street with a curious expression you quickly ignored.
He was dressed in a simple jacket and slack pants, though, his eyes were pericing into your back. You were scared, more or less, the way he was observing you.
With just a headshake, you pretty much forgot the man in your mind, manipulating yourself that he isn't looking at me.
Illumi took an interest in you, for what reason, he did not know. You were just some average girl, not an assassin, and more than likely didn't even know how to use Nen. But you caught his eye.
Your simple life and usual happenings were so different to his own so much that his curiosity was piqued. You looked so innocent that he wanted to taint you to something darker. 
It wasn't very long before curiosity did turn darker and into something more obsessive. 
He started following you more often, always remaining out of your field of sight, and never once approaching you directly. He learned your schedule, your favorite spots, and your friends. He watched over one like a ghost through every mundane task, every joyful moment, and every sorrowful sigh.
Years passed, and that addiction only grew bigger and bigger. The feel of watching you, the satisfaction of knowing everything that happened in your life, made him feel good.
You were his secret obsession, his hidden treasure that no one else could touch.
Then, it happened. You walked down that street, busy with your thoughts, when he decided the time was right. Casually, as if he had suddenly bumped into you, he came towards you. His heart racing from the thrill not of the encounter but of just revealing himself a little.
"Pardon me," he said, his tone silky. You looked up with a jerk since his sudden appearance had startled you. There was something unsettling in the way that he stared at you, yet it was cloaked by a polite smile. "I couldn't help but notice you. We've crossed paths before, haven't we?"
You felt a shiver run down your spine, but you made yourself smile. "I don't think so," you said, trying to keep the subject light.
You had this feeling that you had met this man before but couldn't place with who he was and where you had seen him.
"Perhaps not," he replied lightly, shrugging. "I guess I was mistaken. My name is Illumi. I'd like to get to know you better. Would you be interested in going out sometime?"
"Um, sure," you said hesitantly, unable to shake off the feeling that something was deeply wrong but unable to refuse the polite request. "When would you like to. go out?"
"Would now be okay?" he asks with a tilt of his head, his height was towering over you, you noticed.
"Um, sure," you replied, unable to say no.
You both set off toward a small café in town. You arrived a few minutes early, trying to rid yourself of that strange feeling from earlier. Illumi showed up a little afterwards, his presence still had that air of dread hanging about him which made you uncomfortable, but his smile was warm and inviting.
As you guys settled into your corner booth, you tried to focus on the pleasant atmosphere. Illumi made small talk, his voice smooth and nice. You found yourself slowly opening up, talking about your daily life.
"So, what have you been up to lately?" Illumi asked, never his eyes leaving your face.
Not that he knew of, anyway.
"Well, I've been going to dance classes," you said.
He already knew that.
"Though lately, I haven't really been enjoying them as much. Our teacher just keeps bitching about all his life problems. Can you believe it?"
Illumi's eyes gleamed, "Yes, that idiot really ought to have left his cheating wife months ago. It's pathetic how he drags his personal drama into his classes. Haha."
You felt your heart skip a beat and you froze in shock from his response. "How-how did you know about that?" you stuttered. "I've never told anyone."
Illumi's smile picked up. "Oh, I have my ways," he said smoothly. "I pay attention to the details, you know. It's just a shame he's so miserable. I suppose that's why he hasn't been able to focus on teaching properly."
You tried to compose yourself, forcing a nervous laugh. "Well, I guess you're right. It's just frustrating sometimes."
Illumi nodded, still with that unnerving stare. "I understand. Must be hard on you, dealing with his problems besides your own. I'm sure you are doing your best."
You tried to smile, though the unease in your chest was growing. "Thanks. I guess it just feels like everything's piling up lately."
Illumi's eyes flashed, nay flared, with an eerie serious intent. "Is there anything else bothering you? Perhaps something outside of dance class?"
You felt a little cornered by the intensity of his gaze and hesitated before continuing, "Well, there's this guy at work who's been bothering me. He keeps making these inappropriate comments, trying to corner me whenever I'm alone. It's really unsettling."
Illumi's face clouded for a moment, his frown deepening as he registered your words. "I see," he said slowly. "I didn't realize this. nuisance," he grumbled to himself, cursing himself on how he could have missed something like that in your daily life.
He thought you didn't hear what he said, but you did. A chill ran down your spine at the way he said it.
You hastily tried to change the subject with the urge to get away from the intensity in his gaze. "But enough about that. I'm glad we could meet today. It has been nice talking to you."
Illumi's smile picked up once more, but didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yes, it has been. I enjoyed our time together."
You got to your feet, collecting your things and moving to leave. Illumi followed suit, escorting you to the door of the café. Outside, both of you stepped into the cool evening air, you noticed him freeze for a moment, his eyes set on something far off.
Almost as if he was gauging what move to take next.
"Well, it's time to say goodbye for now, I suppose," you said, forcing cheerfulness into your voice.
Illumi smiled reassuringly but there was something beneath that made you scared. "Indeed. I look forward to the next time we meet."
And so you went off in opposite directions, you homeward. You had walked a way when you couldn't rid the feeling that Illumi had looked at you just one beat longer than he needed to.
Later that night, Illumi sat with reflections upon his mind, bothered by the new information about the man that's been bothering you. How could he have missed this-one nuisance? 
He prides himself on how well he watches over you and has always been fully aware of your every move.
This guy slipped under his watchful eye, and that irked him.
Illumi's face darkened as he made his way to the place where you worked. He found the man who had been harassing you. Getting ready to leave for the night, the man didn't notice Illumi approach him.
The man was turning around, startled by the sudden appearance of the tall stranger. Before he could even utter another word, Illumi's hand had closed tightly around his throat. His eyes widened into a fearful expression as Illumi's voice, in low tone.
"You have caused my precious one unnecessary distress," Illumi said softly, his tone chilling. "For which you shall pay the price."
Illumi made sure the man would never utter another word ever again, his movements calculated and cold. 
The threat to you was gone, and your world would never be disrupted by anyone else other than him. 
No one was ever to come between him and the object of his obsession.
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
Tango's half-asleep in a cabin he's sharing with Impulse and Skizz and Joker and Zed. It's been loud the past few days as they set up. Most of them plan on being busy during the break, so they won't all be sharing it that often, but they'd needed a place to crash when they weren't busy doing other things. Impulse had offered to let them stay in the Vault Hunters server, but it's practically tradition, shacking up together in a cabin in the woods and pretending no one can get to them. It's rare that they use the cabin for more than a few weeks--rare any of them need it for that long--but it's nice. Traditional. Useful to drag each other to when they get too workaholic.
Honestly, Tango's just been napping. He'd gotten Decked Out to a place it could be run alone, and then he'd gotten decoupled from Decked Out in a process he doesn't really want to talk about that sort of melted his brain out his ears again. He'd gotten yelled at for getting possessed again, and hugged, and then told to describe in exhaustive detail what being possessed was like because as much as Tango loves his friends, neither Zedaph nor Impulse are like, normal about things like that, and--
Tango's legs had barely worked during the end-of-season party. Turns out being part of a machine for like, three months, has an effect on the body when you're removed from it! Haha. Who would have guessed? He'd shared some drinks with the hermits, conspicuously avoiding alcohol on account of the room spinning enough without it, and then told Impulse he had to leave for his own good, please, Pearl could drink him and Gem under the table stop trying to prove otherwise, and they'd departed.
And Tango had taken a nap. And another nap. And... wait for it... another nap.
It's supposed to be a longer break this season. Tango is contemplating napping for at least a month. He deserves it. For him.
Anyway, he's half-asleep in the cabin, halfway still snoozing and quarter of the way catching up on the technical journals he hadn't been reading while he was Decked Out, and quarter of the way remembering how like, fingers work when they're not being puppeted by a massive death machine of his own design, when he catches a look at the time and date, pauses, and realizes something.
"I forgot," he mumbles. "Huh."
He waits a moment for the howling of the absence Decked Out's wind to be replaced with eerie, indescribable silence, like the world had been replaced for months at the start of the season whenever he saw a reminder. The thing is, though, he's just--he's too tired to grieve more. Tired, and satisfied with his work, and he's safely in a cabin in the woods where Skizzleman is sleeping in the bunk above him, snoring with a loudness only Skizz possesses. His brain is still halfway leaking out of his ears and he still sort of craves raw meat. His tongue is real, by the way. He keeps noticing it? His tongue is real? Man, he'd say he doesn't recommend getting possessed, but he's totally going to do it again, and--
"I forgot," he says again, testing out the word against his lips. "The day I died passed and I forgot about it."
He waits a few more minutes for the panic to claw at his chest. It strikes him then, though, that it hasn't for some time, and some of that may have been his brain being used as a processing chip for Decked Out in equal measure with like, being his brain, so he didn't have room for that, but. Even before then. Even in the moments he was the most himself.
"Toppers?" Skizz asks from the top bunk. "What are you doing awake, huh? It's, uh--dark, I don't know what time it is, I broke my clock."
"My sleep schedule broke during the Decked Out thing," Tango says, "I told you that."
"Yeah, but like--did you have a nightmare about evil cows or something?"
"Evil--what do you think Decked Out is?"
"I was there! I know what it is!" Skizz says. He pauses a moment. "If you need something..."
Tango lies back and thinks of his friends. They were smiling as they left, this season.
"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. It's just that it's 1 AM on the 23rd, is all."
"Oh, man, that late?"
Tango laughs. "Yeah. That late."
He means something different than Skizz.
"Do you think ghosts eat people more if they're sleep-deprived?"
"You are actively going to make it worse for yourself. Also, wait, did you say you broke your clock? How?"
"No, listen--"
He's late.
That's alright.
He'll always have time later.
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hisui-dreamer · 8 months
forgetful eel
Pairing: Floyd Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: floyd is not only forgetful, but also unpredictable
Tags: fluff, school life, floyd leech is a silly eel
Word count: 753
Notes: more floyd fluff!! this idea popped into my head and i had to write it out haha
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A gentle embrace lingered in the air, whispering promises of blossoming wonders and sunlit afternoons.  Cherry blossoms unfurled delicate petals like confetti, painting the trees in hues ranging from blushing pinks to ethereal whites. Blades of emerald-green grass bathed in the tender caress of ethereal sunlight, shimmering with a luminescence kissed by dew.
The unmistakable arrival of spring break infused the school's halls with an atmosphere of tangible excitement and animated chatter. In every corner, students were animatedly discussing their carefully crafted plans to make the most of the precious holiday ahead.
It wouldn't be the first time you would stay in Ramshackle during a study break. The memories of the tumultuous winter break with Scarabia's vice-housewarden still linger vividly in your mind. Regrettably, this time around, even Scarabia and Octavinelle would remain vacant.
Meaning, it would be at least two weeks before you could see Floyd again.
Well, at least he seemed to be upset about that too.
"Shrimpy~ I'm gonna miss ya so much~"
A rueful smile plays on your lips, accustomed to hearing that familiar line every time he leaves Ramshackle to return to his dorm. But this time, a subtle pang of loneliness pierces through, realizing that you won't have the chance to see him again the very next day.
You return his hug by wrapping your arms around him, your hand reaching up to cradle his head, smoothing it down in a comforting gesture that's almost become a routine.
"I'm going to miss you too, Floyd", you pull back slightly so you can meet his eyes. "But you'll call me whenever you can, yeah?"
His pout intensifies, but then he tightens his grip on you, embracing you warmly. "Of course, I will! I'll show ya all the cool stuff back home!"
You surrender to the comfort of his embrace, basking in the musky scent of rain that clings to him and the inviting warmth he provides. The tranquillity is abruptly disrupted by approaching footsteps. A smooth voice interjects, breaking the tender moment.
"Floyd, pardon the interruption, but it's time for us to depart," Jade announces, a wry smile on his face.
Floyd tightens his hold on you, grumbling, "Ugh... Jade, you're such a buzzkill," yet he eventually releases you from his embrace, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Guess it's time to go. But hey," he adds, pressing his forehead to yours, "ya better think of me lots, okay? Cuz I'll be thinking of ya always." He giggles.
"I'll be thinking of you every minute!" you respond, joining in his laughter.
"I'll be thinking of ya every second!" Floyd laughs, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before he grabs his bags. "See ya soon, Shrimpy!" he declares, a warmth in his eyes reflecting the affection shared between you, and follows Jade into the mirror.
You linger before the mirror, unmoving even after his figure has disappeared into the mirror. Floyd is many things, and one of those things is forgetful.
In a matter of seconds, your beloved walks out of the mirror, his demeanour marked by a sense of urgency.
"I forgot something!"
"What did you forget? The souvenirs for your parents? Or maybe your textbook?" you ask, your thoughts racing through various scenarios, a bemused smile dancing upon your lips.
Floyd's eyes widen in realization. "Oh, right! I did forget that."
You arch an eyebrow, curious about his wording. "Huh? Did you forget something else?"
Floyd hums for a moment, his face lighting up with mischief. "Ah-ha! I forgot my goodbye kiss!" he declares with a mischievous grin.
You blink, a mix of confusion and amusement evident on your face. Before you can react, Floyd closes the distance between you, leaning in with a sly expression. "Yeahh, can't forget that," he whispered, his lips meeting yours in a sweet, lingering kiss.
The fleeting moment of surprise melts as a pair of smiles bloom simultaneously as you kiss each other. As he gently withdraws, a genuine smile graces his features, and his gaze locks onto yours, radiating a warmth that envelops your entire being.
"Alright, I'm really off now," Floyd declares, playfully tousling your hair, his voice carrying a lightness as he steps back, giving you one last lingering look.
You chuckle at his antics. "Make sure you remember everything this time, you silly eel."
Floyd laughs, leaving you with a final peck on the cheek. "I'll do my best. Love ya, Shrimpy!" With that, he disappears into the mirror once more, leaving you in the mirror chamber, shaking your head in loving exasperation.
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holycrimin · 2 months
Is It Casual Now?
12!Donnie x Reader
AN: wrote this on a whim bc I'm bored and am procrastinating. and also because we don't get enough friends-to-lovers fics lmao (also might make a sequel?). also might be ooc? idk
warnings(?): not alot, mild cussing?, might be a little ooc, mention of apritello but only brief,
It was a warm summer night...
Actually, who were you kidding? It was freezing. Okay, wait, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. It was still cold though, you stand by that.
"Want me to lower the AC? You look like you're dying."
"hrnn... But what about your experiment-thingy-thing? Wouldn't that like... affect it or something? Or was that the other one?" You ask, sniffling. Oh yeah, did you mention you were sick? Because you're sick. Sick as hell! Haha! haha...
No but seriously, you felt like you were dying. You bet it's not even that cold.
"Nah, don't worry that was the other one. It's in the freezer."
"Aw dude, Mikey might eat it or something."
"No he won't, there're like, a million warning stickers on that thing, he wouldn't—" You gave him a look,
"Crap." He ran out of his lab and went straight to the freezer.
Wait a minute, why were you here again?
Oh yeah, the project. And to hang out with Donnie, sure that too.
He came back with his experiment-thingy clutched in his arms. You sniff, "Dude—" "—Gross,"
"Shut up, anyway,"
"Why didn't you put it in your freezer? You literally have one right there." You pointed at the small metal box (that you're pretty sure he built himself) next to his desk.
"Because there's ice cream in there, and I don't want to share with my brothers."
"So what's your plan now?"
"Should we like.. eat some of the ice cream to make room for your weird jelly-thing, orr..."
"Well I didn't think that far, sure, why not." He places the container down on his desk and takes out a small tub of vanilla ice cream.
"Ew, vanilla? that's so... Vanilla." You smile,
"Excuse you, that's for me. This, is for you." He says, taking out an equally sized tub of cookies and cream.
"Bro that vanilla has nuts in it, you like your ice cream with nuts? Ew."
"Oh nevermind, guess this is going back in the freezer," He takes the tub of cookies and cream ice cream and tries to put it back in his freezer.
"Wait, hold on, your honor I'm innocent!"
He chuckles, you smile.
"Shut up, dork, take the ice cream."
"Speak for yourse— Oh, oops, nevermind I forgot you had full control of my ice cream privileges."
"Mhm, yeah, that's what I thought."
He hands you a spoon and you notice a little red button at the bottom of it.
"What's this for?"
"For heating up the spoon so that we wouldn't have to wait like, half an hour to eat the icecream."
"God, that's such a good idea, you're a genius."
"Yeah, I know right?"
The two of you laugh as you both open your tubs of ice cream. Well, it was more of an attempt in your part. You eventually got Donnie to open it for you.
"Oh wait, my project... Whatever, it's the weekend, I'll do it tomorrow."
"And that's why you end up pulling all-nighters and get all grumpy on us when we talk to you on schooldays."
"Shh... SShhhut up. Eat your ice cream."
He chuckles.
It's quiet.
"Soo... How're things with April?"
And that is definitely not the way to start a conversation.
"Eh.. You know. The same it always is."
And back to quiet. It's nice, but you wish it wasn't so awkward.
"..I should've given you soup instead. Giving you ice cream was a bad choice on my part." He stand up to take the ice cream (which was already a quarter finished, by the way) from you.
"Aww, come on Don. I can have the— ha..." You sneeze, "..have the soup later. After ice cream."
He snorts, "Come on," he gently puts the back of his hand on your throat, then your forehead.
"Oh damn, I did that as a joke, but you're seriously burning up. Yeah, no, I'm getting you soup."
You let out a whine of defeat as the tub of ice cream gets taken away from you, and hey, was it this cold before?
"I'll get you a blanket too. Why'd you even come here anyway?" He smiles a little, "And don't say that you needed help with your schoolwork. We already covered that like, a week ago? Get some rest, man." Before he leaves, he puts the experiment-jelly-thingamabob in the freezer.
Why were you here?
Easy, you liked hanging out with him.
Because he's fun to be around?
Might need to think deeper than that.
Who are you, my therapist?
You're literally talking to yourself.
Whatever. Because... I don't know, he makes me.. happy? that sounds weird.
Yeah. Keep going anyway.
This self analysis thing is getting weird.
And he's back. You smile.
"I got some hot chocolate too. Had to be quiet though." He covers the both of you with the blanket, and hands you the soup.
"Damn, you're cold too?"
"Yeah duh, turtles are cold-blooded."
"So you've said."
He leans back,
"You gonna finish your little experiment here?"
"Maybe. I'm tired."
"What time is it?"
"Uhh.." He checks his t-phone, "1:10 AM."
"Whatt... You're telling me I've been here for six hours?" It's fine, your parents were out of town. You liked it better here anyway.
"Also, I really don't think you should get that close to me dude. I'm, in your words, 'seriously burning up'."
"Ughh.. but you're warm. And I don't wanna get up." He dramatically lays his head on your shoulder, fake-snuggling up to you.
He gets a laugh out of you, he grins.
"I'm tired."
"Yeah, me too." Donnie yawns, pressing a button on his remote. Suddenly, the lights started to dim.
You let out a breathless chuckle, "When'd you install that?"
"A couple weeks ago. You said you didn't like how bright the lights were. So I made this remote to dim the lights, then I got distracted and made more options, then turned it into a slider... then just... booshhh... yeah."
"You remembered that?"
"Of course."
That's actually pretty sweet.
You smile at him. "Yeah?"
"Mhm. I'm gunna.... sleep. G'night."
And like that, he was out like a light. You just realized how close he was to you.
He's next to you, head basically on the crook of your neck. Both of you sharing the same thick blanket, with the empty bowl of soup that you didn't realize you had finished, and the half empty cup of hot chocolate.
And now, you start thinking to yourself,
Is there more to this?
No, you're just friends. Right?
But that tiny voice in your head that's getting increasingly bigger as the minute passes, is asking you:
Do friends do this for eachother?
Are you sure?
What else could it be? What else could we be?
Do friends go out of their way to show up to your school in a disguise while it was pouring out to take you home?
He's just like that. He's nice, he's caring.
Do friends install fancy advanced remote-controlled lights just for you because you mentioned once how the lights were overwhelming?
..He's my friend. I'd do the same for him. Well, If I had the smarts.
But the difference is that you know how you feel.
Well.. Yeah.
Do friends leave lingering touches?
..Didn't he say he had a heater in here?
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twice-inamillion · 9 months
First Date
Fluff (First Date, holding hands, first kiss)
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Chapter 2
2,000 Words
(You go on a date with Minji after inviting her a few days before. You confirm your feelings and with a surprise at the end.)
It’s been a few days since you met Minji for the first time. You haven’t gotten her out of your mind and keep looking at the photo you took of her. After some thinking, you contemplate texting her, and you give it a shot, “Hey, it’s me. I want to ask you if you are free sometime this week. I want to ask you on a date, maybe lunch or dinner?” You click send and hope for her reply. 
You wait for an hour, the evening, and no reply. You tell yourself, “She must be busy with her group. She’ll text me when she’s free.”
A day passes, and there is no response; you can’t help but feel a bit disappointed, but you have too many things going on yourself, so you try to keep yourself busy. 
A few days pass, and you are currently at the gym with one of your friends from school. “Hey, you seem distracted, what’s up?”
“No, I’m fine.”
“You sure? You’re not yourself. Look at you; you’re running and lifting less than usual. That’s not you, bro.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ve been distracted.”
“Tell me. If it's something I can help you with, I don’t mind giving you some free advice.”
“Haha, you know that advice should be free; you don’t charge someone for it.”
“I mean, you’re not going to pay me per se; you just need to pay for dinner.”
“Ohh, then something from the convenience store, then.
“Don’t be like that; how about some fried chicken or some meat?”
“Okay, okay, I’ll think about it.”
You tell your friend about Minji, how you met, and the text message you sent her. “Dang, bro. She’s cute. I mean, there are three options: either she’s busy, bad at texting like my girl, or ignoring you.”
“I hope she’s just busy. I think she’s cute, and I really want to get to know her better. Hopefully, I didn’t come off too strong and scare her.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it too much. If she blew you off, my girlfriend has a single friend. Maybe I should introduce you to her.”
“Nah, I’m good.”
“You sure?”
“Alright, don’t say I never help. Let’s hope she’s busy and forgot to text you back.”
The two of you continue your workout for another hour. After finishing, you go to the shower and change into different clothes. You gather your things in a rush after noticing you’ll be late for class, “Hey, bro! You dropped your phone.” You don’t seem to hear him as you leave the changing room in a rush.
“Hmm… there’s a few messages.”
He looks at your phone and sees it’s from Minji. He runs out of the changing room and tries to catch up to you when he notices her calling your phone. He answers your phone, “Hey.”
“Sorry to call you this early, I’ve wanted to…”
“Haha, sorry. He forgot his phone at the gym. I’m trying to catch up to him; just give me a bit. Oh, I’m his friend, Jin, by the way.”
Minji can hear Jin running and panting as he runs as fast as possible to catch up to you. “Dude, wait up.”
You turn your head and see Jin running frantically towards you, “What’s up?”
“Phone… here, it's her. Your girlfriend” passing you the phone.
“Hello, Minji?”
“Hey, sorry I haven’t replied back. I was really busy with practice.”
“Haha, it’s fine. I’ve been busy myself with class.”
“Oh… so that means you’re not free today?”
“No, I’m free. I have two classes today, but I’m free after 4 pm.”
“Oh, that works. Where do you want to meet?”
“Hmm… are you up for some Fried Chicken?”
“Okay, there is a place near the company building. I’ll send you the directions and see you at 5 pm.”
“Okay, sounds good. See you then.”
After your class, you rush back to your apartment and tidy up, shower, and get changed for your date with Minji. You debate what to wear since it's been a while since you had a date, and you really want to impress Minji. After much debate, you decide what to wear, do your hair, and go to the restaurant to meet her. 
You arrive at the restaurant, find a seat, and wait for her to arrive. You text your friend and tell him how nervous you are, and he wishes you luck.
Suddenly, you hear the door chime go off and see Minji looking for you. You wave your hand, which catches her attention, and she walks toward you. You stand and pull the chair for her, “Did I make you wait long?”
“No, I just got her about five minutes ago.”
“Oh, okay, I was afraid I was going to be a bit late.”
“Haha, no. You made it just on time.”
She smiles and places her phone on the table before picking up the menu. “I come here a lot since it's close to the company; they really have some good chicken.”
“Oh, if that’s the case, then I’ll leave the ordering to you,” giving her a smile.
“Okay, but don’t be upset if you don’t like it.”
“If you ordered, then I know it's going to be good.”
“Haha, okay,” she blushes. She calls over the waiter and places two orders of fried chicken and two cold sodas. 
“Sorry for leaving you on read; I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay; I assumed you were busy. I’m happy you messaged me back, though.”
“I kept looking at your message, and when the manager said that we had time off, the first thing I did was message you.”
“Oh, so that means you were thinking of me.”
Minji gets red by the way you phrased it and tries to play it off, “Haha, no, well… I didn’t want to be rude.”
“Well… you’re here, that’s all that matters. Also, you look beautiful, by the way.”
“Ehh…” Minji’s ears turn hot red, getting caught off guard by the sudden comment.”
The waiter arrives with a platter of food and drinks. “You two look like a lovely couple,” she says as she places the food on the table.
Minji is startled and says, “Oh, we’re not a couple, just friends.” 
“Haha, she’s not my girlfriend yet,” she said with a smile.
“Aww, what a daring guy. I wish my boyfriend was like that when he asked me out. Took it a while.” She looked at Minji and leaned towards her, “He's pretty hot; you two should date,” and walked away, grinning.
“Omg, that was so embarrassing. So sorry for that; she likes to tease.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I only said the truth.”
Minji bites her lip and turns her face to the side, avoiding her embarrassed expression.
You grab a piece of chicken and take a bite, “Hmmm, it's good. You weren’t lying when you said the chicken was good.”
Relieved that you changed the conversation, she replies, “See, I told you. My members and I come here often because it’s good and the price is reasonable.”
The two of you continued with small talk on what you had been doing the past week. So far, the vibe between you two is great; she laughs at your jokes, and you listen to what she says and even give some input. You could tell that she was enjoying the date and hoped to ask her for another one. You can’t help but admire her beauty, personality, and how she makes you feel. You know that she’s the one you’ve been searching for.
“My members said that you seem like….” she stops mid-sentence when she tilts towards you, extending her arm and placing her thumb on your lip, “Sorry, you had some sauce on your face.”
You feel embarrassed and try to say something but suddenly react to the flash from the window. Four girls are standing in front of the restaurant window with their phones out. “Oppa, I’m so sorry. Those are my members; they must have followed me. Let me talk to them,” she said as she stood, making the four girls run away in laughter.
You yourself can’t help but laugh at the situation and say, “Hahaha, don’t worry about it. My friends are the same way. All they are going to do is tease; just don’t be too hard on them.”
“Watch, just wait until I get home,” frowning at the members that ran across the street. 
After calming down, the two of you continue to eat and decide to grab some dessert. “Want to split the bill?”
“Actually, let me pay. I invited you on the date.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, if anything, you can spot the dessert.” 
“Okay, sounds good.”
You call for the waiter, pay for the bill, and head out for a short walk before grabbing the dessert. As you two walk down the street, try to walk as close to her as possible and eye her hand. You see it swaying back and forth from the side of your eye and make a daring choice. You slowly interlock hands and see her reaction. Luckily, she doesn’t reject it and instead turns her head away from you, but she notices that her ears are turning red. The two of you walk in silence and enjoy the scene until Minji stops in front of an ice cream shop. 
“Ice cream.”
“You want to get some ice cream?”
“Yes, ice cream,” and pulls you into the shop.
“Can I have two orders of chocolate?” turning your head and signaling two with your fingers.
“Can it be two scoops for both?”
The both of you enjoy your ice cream and see how much she enjoys every scoop. The way she smiles and squints her eyes makes your heart flutter.
“Wha? What you say?”
“I said cute.”
“Nooo, why?”
“You look cute when you eat the ice cream.” 
“Nooo, stop. You’re going to make me blush again.”
“Haha. Kim Minji is cute. Cute when she eats her ice cream, just like a little teddy bear.”
She covers her face with her hands, “Haha, stop. You’re going to make me cry.”
“Okay, I’ll stop. I’ll just eat your ice cream since I’m done with mine.”
You try to grab a scoop of her ice cream when she says, “No! Mine!” Her reaction makes you burst into laughter. “Haha, haha, see, you’re only proving me right.”
“Meanie,” pouting and crossing her arms.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop. For real this time.”
“Okay. Promise?”
“Thank you for inviting me out on a date; I really enjoyed it.”
“Would you be open for another date?”
“Hmm… Yeah… I’ll really like that,” with a gummy smile.
“Should I text you?”
“I’ll text you.”
“Okay. I’ll see you then.”
“Hmm, okay…” She waves you goodbye and walks towards the entrance of her building. You wave goodbye and start walking when you hear, “Oppa!” You turn around and see Minji behind you, “Hey.” 
Suddenly, she walks closer to you, gets on her tippy toes, and kisses you on the cheek. “Thanks for the date” she smiles and speeds back to the entrance of the building and goes inside. 
*Minji inserts the passcode to her dorm and sees her younger members on the living room couch, watching television and eating snacks. They all turn to look at Minji who is smiling from the kiss when she hears the members sing, “Minji unnie has a boyfriend, Minji has a boyfriend” in sync. 
“Yah! Come here!” as she grabs her shoe and holds it up in the air, making the members run around the living room, trying to avoid being smacked by Minji.  
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moongirlcleo · 1 year
Rogue x Reader x Sting
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summary: Rogue x reader mating season smut where he's been avoiding her and, with some help from Sting (do with that what you will; he can join in the fun too if you wanna sprinkle in some Sting action), she finally gets Rogue to talk to her? CW: Smut, Threesome A/N: These always get me so happy haha
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With a frustrated sigh, you throw the phone down. Mating season for the dragon slayers has come around once again and your boyfriend Rogue had decided to hide from you. "To keep you safe," he'd said. You called it cowardice. Nevertheless, he wouldn't relent.
With a frustrated sigh, you throw the phone down. Mating season for the dragon slayers has come around once again and your boyfriend Rogue had decided to hide from you. "To keep you safe," he'd said. You called it cowardice. Nevertheless, he wouldn't relent.
So, naturally, you did what any sane girlfriend would do in this matter. You went to his best friend.
"Sting?" You called, knocking on the guild master's office door. "You in there?"
You opened the door slowly to see the blonde sitting at his desk, a frown on his face. ".. Everything okay?" You asked, brow raised.
"Oh. Yeah, it's fine, yn. Just finishing up some paperwork," he grinned at you. "What's up?"
You walked in and sat down next to the desk with a sigh. "Well…. it's about Rogue." Sting nodded. "Okay, what about him?"
"It's his.. mating season or whatever you call it, and he refuses to talk to me, let alone see me. What can I do to help?"
"Oh shit, I forgot about that.. fuck," Sting murmured under his breath. He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking. "He's probably scared to break you."
You roll your eyes at the notion. "How would he know? He won't give me a chance to prove it one way or another. I'm not a delicate flower, Sting. Can you help me or not?"
Sting flashed a smile. "Of course I can. Or at least, I can try. You know Rogue can be stubborn as hell. You know where he is?"
"Sting," you groan. "If I did I wouldn't be here asking for your help, now would i?"
"Alright, alright yn. Relax. But.... if I'm gonna help you get laid, you owe me."
You give the blonde a look. "Owe you... how?"
Sting shrugged. "I dunno, whenever I need a favor, just help me out I guess."
"Deal. Now help me find this crabby boy." Sting grinned and motioned for you to follow. It took around an hour, but eventually, the two of you located Rogue in a cave not too far from the guild. "Oy buddy!" Sting called from the mouth of the cave. "Do me a solid and come talk to me." "No," came Rogue's brusque reply. "You brought yn and I told her not to be near me right now. You know better." Before you knew what you were doing, you replied. "What if Sting joins us? He helps me help you. He'll keep you from "breaking me" or whatever weird hang up you have." Beside you, Sting's jaw dropped. "The hell are you doing?" He muttered, face a bright pink. "Returning the favor," you replied with a smirk. "Plus, it's not like I haven't heard you guys talking about this little fantasy you two share anyway." Rogue's figure appeared at the mouth of the cave. Your heart lurched at the sight of him, sweating and looking worse for wear. If making this fantasy come to light was the only way to help your lover... so be it. "Are you sure you can handle that?" His voice remained calm, but you could see the temptation in his vermillion eyes.
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you nod. "He's not in his rut, so he can be a good mediator if you need it. But I'm perfectly sure I can handle you." The boys exchanged a glance before looking back at you. Rogue inhaled deeply. "Alright. But you need to come up with a safe word quickly. You standing here is... driving me insane." With a nod, you and Sting follow Rogue deeper into the cave as you share your safeword with them. It wasn't long before you see the little inlet that had been serving as Rogue's little living quarters. Multiple feathers were strewn about, the result of him ripping his pillows to shreds. "You sure you don't want to walk away from this?" His voice came from behind you. It was low, a warning. It was enough to send shivers down your spine, but you shook your head. "I'll never walk away from you. I knew what I signed up for, so stop worrying and start undressing." You turned to face your man, who looked all but ready to ravish you on site. "Fine, but I'm the one in control okay? Use that safeword if you need and just follow my directions. I'm... gonna try and be as careful as possible." Rogue said. Next to him, Sting nodded. "Sounds good. Now that that's settled, how are we doin' this?" Rogue bit his lip in thought for a moment before replying. "Yn, get undressed for us. I'm gonna fuck you while you take Sting in your mouth, okay?" You swallow and nod, and you slowly start undressing, giving the two a show. "Fuck..." Rogue whispered. "Yn..." His hands were around your waist the second your bottoms came off, rubbing small circles around the plush of your thighs. "I've missed you. Bend over for me, will you? Sting, come here. Get in front of her." The both of you do as Rogue ordered. "Ready for me, princess?" Sting smiled down at you. With a nod, you move to undo his pants, doing your best to keep your breath steady as Rogue pushed his fingers inside your center. "So wet for me already," Rogue murmured, adding a second digit. Your breath hitched as you took Sting inside your mouth, letting your tongue swirl around the unfamiliar sensation. "God damn..." he breathed. "Rogue, you never told me she was this skilled." "You never asked," your boyfriend replied, still eagerly pumping into you. "And you," he said, turning to you. "You seem ready, and I can't hold on much longer. I need you now." With quick movements, Rogue pulled your hips closer to him and pushed his cock inside you in one movement. Your eyes widened at the feeling, momentarily choking on Sting. "You alright?" The blonde whispered down to you. You give a shaky nod, and Rogue began. His thrusts were quick and erratic, as if he had been pent up for far too long, causing you to moan. "That was such a pretty sound," Rogue breathes. "Do it again." It was hard focusing on Sting when Rogue was driving into you as hard as he was, but you kept persisting. Both men were in the moment, making noises of their own which only spurred you on further. Rogue's nails dug into the sides of your waist, as if holding on for dear life. "Jesus, princess. No wonder Rogue is always talkin' about how magic you are. Your mouth is fucking sinful." Sting's eyes were shut, enjoying the moment. "Can you hold on for a few moments, Sting? I'm close and I want... I want to watch you fuck her." Rogue's voice came out small, surprised by his own admission. Sting snapped his eyes open and gave him a look. "You sure? Yn, is.. that alright with you?" You let go of Sting's cock with a small pop and reply. "Yeah, sounds like it's something Rogue really wants, too." "I just wanna see what you look like coming undone by someone other than me... and I trust him." Rogue's words come out in puffs, evident of his impending climax.
"You got any rules or somethin about it?" Sting asked. Rogue shook his head, continuing his erratic pace. "At this point, I'm so in the weeds I'd be fine with you coming inside her. Just don't hurt her. Listen to what she wants- hmmf fuck." Rogue spasmed a bit before grunting as his climax ripped through him, his spend filling you up. You bite your lip, looking back at your man. He looked better than before- less sick. "Fuck, that- that felt amazing," he panted. "You did really well." With a chuckle, you stand up to give him a kiss. "I told you I could. Trust me next time, would you?" "Alright, beautiful. I'm going to sit over there and watch you two. Just be warned though, now that I know you not only can handle me on my rut, but two of us, we're going to be doing this all night. "
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- ©2024 moongirlcleo do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
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reikoknshii · 6 months
🎤 His Charming Smile 📰
Izaack Gauss x Fem! Reader
You're his camera woman, his sole attention was on the camera you're holding as he told the whole television his daily news.
There's something bugging you whenever you're working with him, His smile. His smile melt you on the spot you feel weak while holding the camera in your hands, then again you have to remind yourself that he's smiling not for you but for the television news.
You're aware, aware that he's above you. He's famous, handsome, he had everything yet he choose to live in a apartment. You go there occasionally to send in his news scripts to practice, and thats that..
"tough day?" the doorwoman asked as she stared at you as you got out of the metal door. "Yeah..yeah-" you said softly as you stared into her chocolate eyes.
"You're into him?"
"Who wouldn't"
"Well some has preferences" The doorwoman answered as she fixed some files and putting them in the folder.
"Maybe one day, Dont give up Y/n" she said looking at you through the glass window. "Thanks Ann" you thanked her as you went in your Van to go home.
It was 1 am in the morning your telephone was ringing repeatedly, you grudgingly stood up from your bed and picked it up. "Hello...its L/n you're calling at 1 am this better be important-"
"Y/nnnnn...." A familiar voice slurred through the telephone as you frozed for a minute.
"Mister gauss?" You asked to confirm. "Why are you calling at 1 am midnight? Did i forgot something to bring to yo-"
"I wanna saayyy...you look..dashingggg..~"
'Is...he drunk?'
"Mister gauss are you drunk?.." You asked abit flustered from the compliment you heard from the drunk man.
"Yeah you're drunk..." You said and sighed, he probably said those things because of alcohol. "Where are you? Ill pick you up mister gauss" you said through the phone leaving it on speaker as you get your coat. "Its...the bar near the apartment.."
"On it.."
"I....please be safe"
"Of course mister gauss"
You were leading out Izaack of the bar leaving his passed out friends on the bar counter, one of them are sober tho so they'll be fine.
"Had a fun night Mister gauss?" You asked as you guide him to your Van's front seat. "I..mm...yeah"
"Yeah seems like it..." You said softly as he sat on the front seat. You went in the driver's seat and started your Van.
"Mmm...stranger...theres thisss one person who always care for me" Izaack drunkly slurred his eyes barely open as his face leaned on the closed window of the van.
You stayed silent trying to start your van and letting him talk. "She's so...Gorgeous..yet she doesn't see herself that way"
"I see.."
"I wish..Y/n knows....she's such a pretty lady and she's the reason i smile to the camera she's holdingg..." This brings shock to your face as you slowly turn to the drunk reporter, your face was blushing as the Van started. You saw the apartment building was locked, so you brought him to your house.
Your telephone was ringing when you dropped Izaack to your couch. You went to pick it up incase its something important.
"Ah y/n..i locked the apartment buildings there's uhm...cleaning services going so if Izaack is with you-"
"Yeah He's with me.."
"Great..thats great, can you do me a favor and just let him stay for tonight?"
"Y-yeah sure"
"Who knows what will happen~"
"Ann! I'm not that kind of person"
"Haha yeah i know bunbun, have a nice night"
You turned to Izaack and sighed, the memory of his drunk slurs in your van was repeating over and over as you cleaned him up and dragged him to your bed.
"Guess its the couch for tonight" you muttered to yourself as you tucked in the passed out reporter.
"I'm..the reason for his charming smile"  you muttered with a pink face as you lay on the couch, you smiled unknowingly and closed your eyes to sleep..
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haecien · 1 year
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SEVENTEENS reaction to their s/o being scared/screaming about bugs.
Note: I have no idea who is & is not scare of bugs in svt... this is just my interpretation!! If there is a video/post about this tell me!!! also fun fact, a Cockroach was roaming around my room while writing
Warning: mentions of killing, the word die😭 all of this is jokes, none of these are real! slight cursing!
Genre: fluff, jst fluff
766 words 3,883 characters
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C.SC -
At first he thought you were dying when he heard your blood curtailing scream, turns out there was a fly just roaming around and it happen to just touch your face.
Now he has learned to carry at least 1 tiny can of bug spray just for you, it gives him a heart attack over your screams. He finds it a bit cute whenever you clung to him after seeing a bug near you.
Y.JH -
Same reaction for the first time of coups. But.... instead of comforting he just... almost teased you to death/j
He'd secretly hide those fake toys of bugs ALL around your shared house/apartment/...idk any living place lmao
You'd almost kill him for doing that, still gets you everytime. Ofc he made it up to you, he is still your boyfriend after all
" Hey... come on I'm sorry! I forgot to remove itt"
*silent treatment*
H.JS -
He would try to calm you down at first, if you were still wailing about the bug he would try and kill it or carefully place it outside.
He would endlessly caress you and tell you that you're alright
(Bro im giggling)
"Joshua i swear ill love you til I die" " Then die😊🤭" /j
(If ykyk)
Who knows he'll eat the bug, jk. He would prob scream with you, he'll act up like " I'll protect you! " then comes running back to you terrified
Eventually he sucked it up and very "bravely" shoo shoo away the bug. BEGONE! " You know! I was just acting, I wasn't really scared... " " Totally.... "
" AAAAAAAAA " Wow is HE more scared than YOU? Yes, a matter of fact he is.... " You know i've seen tigers beat bigger enemies... yet you're scared of a single bug?? I guess you're not really a tiger. "
Those exact words, they made him furious and he quickly got a broom and vigorously whacked the bug away! In times of need you just made him question his identity as a tiger.
Honestly, would be kinda chill. He carefully took a piece of paper and a glass and scooped up the bug and placed it outside.
He asked if you wanted to play with him to help you calm down, you said yes NEVER wanting to set a foot outside right now. (Ok now imagine resting your head on his broad ass shoulders while playing and he'd run his fingers through your hair)
Same reaction as Wonwoo, BUT It would take him awhile to come down from his room😭the time he came down you'd almost started thinking of burning this entire house to the ground. (No reason, i keep thinking about the fluffy hair jihoon with THE black turtleneck shirt that's kinda tight)
So... Fuck it he's letting you take care of it/j yeah he's gnna flame that bug, BURN THE WITCH! If he mocks you about this you would bring up the thing with him and frogs😭(if you don't know I remember seeing a video of seeing minghao being scared of irl frogs but not animated ones ex: keroppi)
Hes a big boy... but he's just a puppy tbh, LITTERALLY LOOK (I got off track sorry HAJSJSK Free gyu pics ig HAHA)
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Deff is also scared of the bugs too, poor baby just stood there frozen while the bug flew on his face. Prob had to call a friend to help you HAHA
You know he's gnna hit those high notes, who's going to help you both in this state oh my god. "YOU'RE THE MAN. GO GET IT. " the bug flew away before you both could even do anything " Sunshine i drove it away!! " ".... YaaYyyy.... " *dies*
" HANSOL... " he looked at you confused literally deadass holding the now DEAD bug in his hands " what do I do with it? Throw it o-- " "NO! " bitch I thought you were scared of it " ... ill just do whatever "
He gets scared easily too so... hajimalago/j would be sassy about it " Why don't you get it! You saw it first " kind of guy you'd end up bickering with him too much that the bug decided to just dip out
The only guy who actually protected you HELP, you'd move to another room and let him take care of it. He'd keep reassuring you that you were fine and that the bug was gone, no more bugs will bother you anymore
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vivi-snow · 6 months
Heyaaa! I was wondering if you could do headcanons about geto and reader who hates each other but they eventually fall inlove (it's the enemies to lover trope:3)
Thank you, and have a good day! 🫶
tysm anon! Idk if this is exactly what you had in mind but i hope you like it!
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Bane of my Existence
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Geto Suguru x f!Reader
word count: 1k+
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You hate him.
every fibre of his being causes your blood to boil.
Heck, just by being in his direction alone makes you want to vomit.
you almost forget how this even happened, but luckily just one look at him and you remember.
It was a Wednesday afternoon.
you went to your classroom to pass your reports from your missions, but unfortunately, a familiar trio gathers together on the side of the classroom observing you… with a snickering expression on their faces.
the air begins to feel cold, and your hairs stand up in anxiety.you open your bag to get your report, but when you open it, you feel nothing inside.
you turn to the trio and immediately hear laughter. annoying, loud laughter.
“Where is it?”
“Where's what?”
“My report.”
the three begin to separate to different corners of the room. You look to each of them to guess who has your report, but a hysterical laughter from behind you confirms who has it.
Satoru fucking Gojo.
“Haha,” you laughed sarcastically, “Fun's over, give me my report.”
The ash haired boy only pulled his eye and stuck out his tongue in response, before throwing your report to his friend.
Now, he is not as annoying as the other one, let's get that out of the way, but he's really good at acting the good guy.
He caught the report, he looked at you with a warm expression.
He held the report and handed it to you.
but did he give it to you? no.
Instead, he threw it to the girl with the bob cut.
how disappointing, really.
you were getting fed up with them.
“Satoru!!! Catch!”
he in fact, did not catch it. and now, papers are floating down as if it was confetti.
you roll your eyes and begin picking up the scattered pages. The two begin to walk out of the classroom.
“Suguru! You coming?” Questioned Gojo.
“Yeah, in a minute.”
the two continued to walk out, and you continued to pick up the pages. when you thought you picked up all of the pages, you too, walked out of the classroom.
As you proceed to walk to Yaga's office, loud and fast footsteps chase you.
“Hey dum-dum! you forgot some of your reports”
It was Geto.
He stopped towards you, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He handed you some papers.
*huff… huff* “You forgot some.” *Huff*
you can't believe it. he,of all people in the school, actually did something nice to you?
“Thanks” you smile.
you put the papers on top of the ones you arranged, but to your disappointment, the papers were scribbled.
Wow, real mature there, don't you think?
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Present Day
You and Geto were tasked to take down a curse in a countryside village.
The trip there was quiet.
even the assistant caught on.
“It's gonna be quite far from Tokyo, so we'll be staying in a guesthouse for now, okay?”
You sigh and mind your own business. Suguru tapped on your shoulder.
“Hey… Hey!”
You look at him with an annoyed expression. “What?!”
he points at something from outside the window. You look at where he's pointing but you see nothing that interests you. When you turn back to Suguru, he pulls one of his eyes down and sticks his tongue out.
“Ughhh,” You scoff. “So annoying.”
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you were chilling on your own in the onsen of the guesthouse when you heard heavy footsteps towards you.
Geto stood right across where you were in the onsen. with nothing on, except a bath towel tucked on his waist.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to get in the onsen.”
“But i'm here too!”
“ So what? you can't be the only one chillin like this princess”
“why don't you go to another onsen?”
“this is the only one the guesthouse offers. either you get out, or we bathe together.”
You have no response. He was right after all.
In your state of defeat you turn to the other side as you hear his bath towel fall on the ground and splashes of water from him entering the bath.
“Okay, you can look now.”
you turn to him, and you catch yourself admiring his physique.
you looked at him from top to bottom, taking a long time looking at the bottom.
“what? you like my dick or something?”
you snap. “W-What?!”
“What? you were looking down for a while so i thought you were looking at it.”
“What the heck Suguru! I didn't know you were a pervert.”
“Me? a pervert? you were the one looking at my-”
you cover your ears with your hands as you make noises to cover his words.
After an hour of bathing, you decide you're done. as you try to move out of the onsen, you notice Suguru was looking at you.
“Suguru, i'm trying to go out.”
“What do you mean ‘and’? turn around! I'm trying to cover myself!”
“you don't seem to mind when you're IN the water.”
“That's different from getting OUT the water!”
“It's just the two of us,”
you gave him a big splash.
“Turn around!”
he sighs and turns around. You get out of the water and quickly cover yourself up.
“No peeking!”
“I'm not like Satoru. I am a gentleman.”
“Gentleman, my ass.”
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The next day
You two made exorcising curses easy. except, if you were careful, you wouldn't let the curse get near you, but you did. and it hit suguru as he protected you, it hit him quite badly.
you were outside Shoko's clinic. Holding a bowl of hot soup as you waited for her to announce her update.
Shoko went outside to see you standing there anxiously.
“he's okay now, but he needs some rest before he joins missions again.”
“can i see him?”
“maybe you should.”
She opens the door wide and you see Suguru on the bed with bandages wrapped around his chest. You feel your heart beat faster as you approach him.
“I got you some hot soup. Drink it before it gets cold.”
You place the bowl on the bedside table. as you walk out of the room, he begins to speak again.
“Where are you going?”
“i have some things to do.”
“what about the soup?”
“I put it on the bedside table!”
“But i'm injured.”
“So you have to feed me.”
You stopped in your tracks. Really? He's gonna act childish now?
“Ughh…” you scoff at his words.
You took the bowl and grabbed the spoon to feed him his soup but hejust turns his head away.
“It's too hot. blow it for me.”
you get annoyed,but you have to do it.
Blowing the soup, you fed it to him again, to which he opened his mouth wide.
“It's good.”
you spoon-fed him for a while until the bowl is empty.
“thanks for the soup.”
“No problem.”
“Why did you make an effort to cook me soup? Do you like me or something?”
your face turns red. You gently slammed the bowl on the bedside table.
“Me? Like you? as if that would happen.”
He lets out a chuckle.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“Hmph! you return the bowl when you can walk!”
You stomped your feet as you walked out of the clinic.
Obviously, you don't like him. He's definitely not your type. Him protecting you was a common move, and you only made that soup because you feel bad for him. Yeah, you don't like him. He's the bane of your existence.
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Tysm for reading!!! Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Please feel free to request some ideas!!!
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
Hey is me again
Okay so here is my other request this is a short one
Here is the request that tengen meet his mom that is the reader tengen knows how get got his heights and strong arms and the same eyes color and the flashy form from
And maybe some funny moments of this
Thank you and have a good day <3
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Flashy Mama
Tengen Uzui x fem!Reader
Pure fluff, wholesome
Your pov
My soon to be husband assured me that meeting his mother would be a breeze and that she’d love me. He told me she was a sweet woman and that’s why he’s as flashy as he is today. My nerves were getting to me despite my fiancé’s words of encouragement. As we walked into the Uzui family main estate, we were greeted by one of the butlers there. He then took both of us to this beautiful sun room that overlooked a field of wisteria flowers in full bloom. It was quite a lovely sight to behold on this fine spring day. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a sweet feminine voice behind me, who I could only assume was Tengen’s mother. So I promptly turned around only to be greeted with a giant woman.
“Ah you must be Y/N. That’s quite the flashy name you’ve got there.” She spoke with the same confidence as my soon to be husband.
“Yes you must be Mrs. Uzui.” I slightly stuttered. She was tall around at least six feet. Her hair was a beautiful shade of winter snow. Her eyes were slightly more pink that Tengens. She was a well built woman and I could tell exactly where Tengen got his looks from, including his muscles. Despite her size, she was absolutely beautiful. I was in awe of her beauty that I almost forgot I was suppose to be introducing myself.
“You seem a little lost huh.” She chuckled
“Oh no I’m sorry you’re just so beautiful.” I admitted
“I know, but thank you. That’s the only reason my son is as handsome as he is haha.”she boasted.
“Mother I’m only beautiful because I am a god.” Tengen said confidently
“Heh, if you’re a god than what does that make me?” She laughed. “Anyway, it’s quite nice to meet you Y/N. From what my egotistical son has written me, you seem like such a nice girl.” She said bending down slightly as to look at me better.
“Thank you you’re very kind.” I said blushing from the kind words of my future mother in law.
“Shall we have dinner then?” She questioned even though it sounded more like a command.
“Hell yeah, I’m fucking starving.” Tengen said
“Watch your mouth young man. Say that shit again and I’ll kick your ass.” She spat
“Well you’re cursing, so why can’t I?” Tengen whined.
“Because this is my house and I’m your mother.” She said walking away to the dining room.
As we walked I saw my fiancé roll his eyes and grumble something under his breath. Something along he lines of ‘shut up you old hag’. This made me smile widely at their mannerisms. Dinner went well except the random friendly arguing during dinner that made my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Later that night, we said our goodbyes and made our way back to our shared home.
“So it wasn’t so bad, was it?” Tengen asked while wrapping an arm around my waist pulling close to his side.
“No, not at all I actually had a lot of fun.” I proclaimed.
“Well good. So what do ya think about my mother?” He questioned
“I like her, I think she’s flashy.” I stated confidently while another smile graced my features.
“Hell yeah she is, hahah.” Tengen laughed
“Don’t met her hear you curse now, love.” I laughed. Just then we heard a roaring voice from this distance.
“Tengen Uzui you better not have just cursed!” Mrs. Uzui screamed. I guess yelling also runs in the family?
“I didn’t!” Tengen screamed back as I covered my ears.
“You guys are funny.” I stated
“Yeah maybe, but hey just like you said, I’ve got the flashiest mama around.” He boasted
“Hell yeah you do.” I laughted
“Y/N!” Mrs. Uzui yelled. Which caused my fiancé to pick me up bridal style and ran us both home scared of what his mother might do to both of them.
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Thank you so much for reading💜 Thanks @bendymonter for requesting. Hope you like it!
Please feel free to request, comment, and reblog
Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
au writing shit idk
heres the Rough Plan for my first few eps:
ep1: the au branches off of canon in the final SU ep, Change Your Mind. renamed to Change Your World. when white yoinks the gem out of steven and pinksteven reforms and whiteasks W H E R E I S P I N K the response is something along the lines of "i am right here, but fuck you im not talking to you." (girlboss) and white gets the "im a child, what's your problem" and has the perfectionist meltdown, then steven's like "sorry but we gotta head out" and they're like "PINK WHAT THE FUCK?" steven goes "im not pink just leave earth alone" the gems agree and give steven The Legs™️.
pearl latches onto the idea that rose is still alive in there. (didn't write that tho just had it cut to this next bit oops) her and greg build a thing to connect to the gem that will essentially connect to pink/rose im just gonna call her rose damnit and allow her to communicate w everyone. shes like "...hey guys. uh. sorry for trying to kill myself i guess that didn't work but i have been minecraft spectating steven for the entirety of his existence with no ability to do anything but think and watch" pearl has a lesbian implosion, everyone's all happy n shit. steven eventually asks about the lying and she's like "yeag i done bad there. i just wanted to keep you guys together" (now that i think abt it there was no mention of bismuth here.. oops,) garnet gives her a Garnet Specil motivational speech and she's like "i missed you too garnet" (i forgot to mention, garnet violently explode-unfuses and ruby+sapphire are just bumbling with happy when rose spoke) amethyst has her own moment (she thought this was all bullshit and started playing fortnite upstairs but between games she heard rose and a p p e a r e d)
anyway rose then is thinking "oh man i gotta talk to so many ppl" and realizes eh guys nothing to worry abt just a HAPPY TO LISTEN, HAPPY TO STAY, HAPPILY WATCHING HER DR- but we should go there NOW" so they do, spinel is understandably distraught and breaks the gemspeaker in half but feels bad about it. she comes with the gang to earth, they show her around, a new gemspeaker is made and they reconcile. yippy! also spinel ate one of ALL. big donut flavors. sadie allowed this just for on e because steven is the LORD AND SAVIOR OF THE STEVEN UNIVERSE haha funny.
anyway she and bismuth talk. bis is kinda like "yeah i wasnt very gamer sorry about that herhee" again ignoring that SHE lied about the bubbling, conveniently forgot to explore that conversation for ease of writing and so i didn't need to go "how do i utilize my 2 iq points to channel these characters and get them to have a coherent, consistent to character conversation about this situation"
peri and lapis are called over by bismuth who doesn't say shit to them for the surprise. lapis is like "yeah ok hit me" peri is more curious. rose speaks, peridot fangirls and lapis is like "oh shit that's historically significant " peri is like "I NEED TO RESEARCH:)))" and runs off. spoiler: gem cloning
bis brings up the idea. rose is like "yeah that sounds legit" (the gem cloning conundrum took me way too long to understand. i drove my friend crazy. "hey can u explain every single quantum detail of this in the most verbose way i dont understand" but eventually i understood it JUUUUST enough to write it lmao i still don't get it)
rose n steven talk in roses room. all happy n shit. greg is told abt the plan and hes like oh shit i gotta clean up and steven is like "you know her standards. she don't give a shit" hes like "yeag"
peri makes progress! she made a little clump!! (explaining the gem cloning: theyre making essentially an empty gem with the powers but no consciousness inside. when its ready, white will take steven's gem out again, rose reforms, and the new gem gets ever so graciously stabbed into his belly where the old one was.)
peri tells steven its gonna take a year. he's like "well okay better than like hundreds of years" then he goes off to talk to the diamonds. he brings the speaker with. rose lets out the thousands of years of distrust and anger at the dismonds and they are humbled even more than when they got pinkd and rose is like "you WILL heal all the shattered ones i don't give a shit" and theyre like "whatever you say little one" (yes they do indeed heal the fallen. probably with regular shipments of steven fluid. that sounded wrong but im not a freak like that hes still 14)
also they go back home and steven talks to rose abt "you told the diamonds you literally wanted to die are you fr?" she explains and hes like YOU FATHERFUCKER, YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT (crying)"
next episode is just year-long filler but i made it actually good by making it essentially a montage of lapis and peri in the barn becoming lesbian for eachother. finally, a controversial move on my part, they decide to overcome lapis's fear of fusion and fuse for stevens birthday. their fusion is turquoise (took way too long coming up with a fucking name) and can corrode (water + metal) and can morph/control metal (liquify n stuff. definitely not taken from a lapidot fusion concept i found on google images.) garnet is like "hey pearl look at these silly lesbians " pearls like "damn relatable" garnets like "yeag"
a week or a few after the bday, the gem is finally ready. everyone is excited until steven asks how this is gonna work. peri is like UHHHHH... 😊 and lapis is just "eh just take that one out, stick this one in!" peri goes NNNO- but after some damage control and telling everyone steven will be fine hes like "well i better get some good sleep then. big day!"
there's more but im done typing my fingers are about to go peridot and fuckin fly away let me know if you want the like 1other episode and the minisode after that
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thepalaceofharuhime · 10 months
Looking at your fandoms, I can’t help but think some sort of Bingqiu in Spy X Family (or a SxF Xianxia fusion) could be super fun!
The question is… what would their roles be.
Assassin Luo Binghe, or spy Luo Binghe… and which of them gets gender swapped. 🤔
Oh!! Maybe Shen Yuan was meant to be an ally of the female half of the main duo, Liu Mingyan, but through shenanigans he somehow ends up with her role instead, and the System demands he fake marry Binghe anyway. 😂
This is exactly the kind of prompt i was hoping for! TY!!! 🙏
The way i see it Binghe would definitely be the assassin, Shen Yuan is too big of a softie not to mention one who so easily put on the mask of another man before so he would definitely be the spy.
But also being oblivious to feelings yet a capable badass, bad in the kitchen, feeling inadequate as a partner? All Shen Yuan. Binghe with his protagonist Halo meanwhile would fit better with Mr. All around perfect Husband. So i guess it'd be a little like Yor and Loyd had switched professions.
Shen Yuan's over protective brother in a position of power? I wonder who that would be? Enter Shen Jiu haha. Rather than secret police he'd be a detective looking in to all the murders rather than keeping state secrets from spies though. To keep that rivalry between him Binghe. The family member Binghe became an assassin to provide for? His mom. The gardener AKA the guy who hired him and hands him his missions? Meng Mo. Franky,the spy's funny informant and gadget supplier, occasional babysitter and not to mention bestfriend? Shang Qinghua.
I dont know if i should replace Fiona with Liu Quinge as Fiona's character really would fit Binghe better. But Liushen is a weakness of mine even if onesided and those two were just made for coworker romances. Maybe I should give Binge someone trying to woe him too? Sha hualing? Then if i dont go with your other idea of having SY transmigrate in to Liu Mingyan (which i am saving up in my head because i absolutely love the idea) then i can add something in the background with her and Sha hualing. I'm positive i could find a way to write in Mobei for SQH or i could go with Scumplane and have him end up Shen Jiu and actually yeah that would work, need to distract SJ long enough for Bingyuan to get it on afterall. Oh what about SQH x SJ x LQG? Or should Shen Yuan get a second husbandafterall? Alternatively imagine LQG crying over a bowl of icecream.
Next question is if SY didnt transmigrate into LMY then who is he? What about Ning Yingying? Who could be SJ's little sister in this world? Or he couldve just been put in there as a female version of himself. Or like it was with Shen quingiu a character who vaguely resembles him and has a similar name. She just happens to be a woman though. Or maybe go with the mulan aproach and have him crossdress? But then how does he explain to his brother that he's suddenly - he could say that he's in love with binghe and the only way to marry him was fake his papers to pretend to be a woman since queer marriage isnt yet allowed in their fictional country. Like no one cares if they date its just they havent gotten to the legalisation of marriage yet. And if SJ asks why they had to get married so suddenly anyway (cuz no way in hell is SY getting away with saying he forgot to tell him for a year) he could say that they had to so they could adopt their daughter. Who in this case scenario could be Ning Yingying, should she still have Anyas powers? damian could be Ming fan or the little palace girl or whatever (im not yet far enough in the books to now her and the old man that well so id have to check the wiki) and i could make the palace master donovan desmond and have SY and LBH team up to take him down in the end.
Anyways yeah these are just some ideas, and again thanks for the prompt! I can't wait to write this! Maybe i'll draw something for it later too. ❤️
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4ln-stay8 · 6 months
Behind closed doors- part III
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>summary: Han isn’t too happy to find out what his sister is doing lately
>author’s note: I don’t know how I feel about it but I thought the idea was nice ig… I can also take requests if you want to haha THIS IS THE LAST PART
>warning: fluff
>pairing: lee minho x han jisung's sister
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On that night you and Jisung bonded again, healing the wounds you caused each other. You finally got your brother back after weeks of ignoring each other.
He made a plan to redeem himself and fix what he broken. Han was regretting the way he made the both of you feel.
Thats why, little to your knowledge, you were outside the JYPE company after weeks of refusing to go there, with some food Jisung asked you to bring. He told you he had dance practice today and that he forgot his snacks and he was feeling a bit edgy today.
To your surprise, the man you were meeting behind the dance studio door wasn’t your brother. It was your lover, well technically ex lover.
- Hi! you said with a little voice I am looking for Jisung!
- He is at the dorm today. He has a day off!
- Oh…. He didnt tell me…
- How are things between you? he asked with a voice so little you could barely hear it
- We are ok now. He is being nice lately. How about you two? Did everything go back to normal?
-Not really. It’s really awkward between us… He- I can see how guilty he feels about it all and I felt guilty too for a while. We forgave each other but I can still see the guilt in his eyes…
-Yeah he still feels guilty about it all. I see it too. But please don’t hold a grudge against him.
-I don’t. I don’t blame him as I would’ve probably done the same, but his guilt wont change the fact that I lost you!
-I am so sorry Min! I know you hate me, god I hate myself! But please, please try to work things put with him.
- Who said I hate you? God I love you way too much to even think about hating you!
-You do?
-Would it change anything if I would?
-It would change everything Min! You whispered softly
-I do! I love you so much I dressed your pillow in your shirt and hugged it every night before sleep! I love you so much that you are the only thing on my mind. I love so so much that I cannot even breathe without you being right by my side!
Without a second thought you dropped the bag of snack that you still had in your hand, along with your bag and ran straight into his arms, collapsing your lips on his.
He hold you so close and so tight as if he was scared you’d disappear. He kissed you back so passionately until you ran out of breath.
-I love you so so much too Min! You whispered between your breaths hugging him closer to you
Minho kissed you softly again and again and again until you heard giggles from the door. You slowly break away, turning to the door.
-I guess my plan worked? said a shy Han
-I don’t know, was your plan to get your sister to kiss me?
- I- it was supposed to get you back together… Didn’t it worked? You just kissed I thought-
- We did kiss Ji, but that doesn’t mean he will give me another chance.
- Thats not even a question jagiya! You’re all mine from now on! All mine only mine! said Minho kissing your temple
-Well then I guess your plan worked Ji!
- Are you ok with me dating your sister Hanjishi?
-I know I was a brat last time, but honestly I would rather have someone I trust date her than someone who will break her heart!
-Thank you Ji! You said running to hug him
-Just so you know Minho hyung, you hurt her and I’m going for your babies! said han with a serious tone
-I wouldn’t even dare to hurt her! And by the way, Im not letting you near Soonie Doognie or Dori ever again!
You laugh at the most important boys in your life. You were happy again! You made up with your brother, you got back together with the love of your life! Life was good again because your life was back into your arms!
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Author’s note:
This is the last part. Its short but I didn’t feel the story the way I felt it at the start. I gave them the ending they deserved and I hope you guys like it even a little. Its not the best story and Im not the best writer, I can’t even call myself a writer lol, but I enjoyed writing it so I will continue to write stuff. My requests are open if you have any ideas you want to share, even if its a written story or a fake text scenario. I hope you guys liked it and you’ll hear from me soon
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fictionfixations · 5 months
the mirror and potential (???)
Spoilers for events and all books
yknow the theory that the mirror places students in dorms that would best help their housewarden or something like that? Like ace being a BIG troublemaker, but also someone who wouldnt hesitate to take action against what he views as wrong, and thus helping riddle back onto the right path so to say?
what if in that same way, the mirror chose us because we would be able to provide the most for NRC and its students (and the world ig LMFAO book 7) and help them the most from their troubles that would before likely have killed them?
like. cause. so of course there's the 'for every overblot that's happened from NRC students, we were there' which ofc brings suspicion onto us. But what if it's less that and more that because we were there during their overblot that they survived??
(It's really cold so my hands are stiff and it's hard to type so I'm so sorry if it reads weird)
So canonically we're telling people where to go and what spells to use right? And we know that NRC has a history of not doing well with teamwork or cooperation.
Losing to RSA (I think it was for Spelldrive) for I think almost a hundred years? (People ask where Malleus was. I think they just forgot to invite him LMFAO)
It's mentioned that the Pop Music Club had a bunch of people join but they could never really work together, so everyone eventually left, which left only Lilia, Cater, and Kalim as members.
Ace and Deuce kept getting into arguments during the prologue, despite the consequences that if they didn't get the magestone that they'd get expelled. And they only snapped out of it cause of us. (It is possible that they could've gotten over it in time, but is there not the idea of everyone doing their own thing causing issues? Like, think sports, and imagine no one says they're going to go after the ball. Except they do, so then people just bump into each other. Not good, right?)
The only exception would be where they had a goal where it would be unacceptable to lose (to them at least).
Where it applies: Jack working with ADeuce and the others to stop Savanaclaw's cheating. The Rabbit Run in White Rabbit Fest, although I don't think any of them actually have issues cooperating with people.
Where it does not apply: NRC losing to RSA in the VDC (was it VDC or SDC? I can't remember), although it was close. Losing to RSA in the Harveston Sledathon.
So in my opinion, in some cases we don't really apply because we don't need to be there for things to happen or turn out alright, but it's also that without us that I feel it gets complicated and spirals out of control, because we kind of bring a bunch of people together. Or give people understanding (like Deuce), give Ace shelter. Like, I feel like we're the control that tempers down things that are too harsh, and kind of help people get along. Maybe. Maybe I'm giving us too much credit, haha.
But like, okay, whose going to save the dumbass trio (Ace, Deuce, and Grim) from the Octa Trio?
Also I think the only reason we really were able to 'win' is because we had a connection to Leona, and that connection was because we were there during his overblot, and I guess. Friends?? I don't know why else would you room with someone??
But without us I really doubt anyone in Savanaclaw would particularly care. I mean, Jack might, but he might also view it as 'they deserve it' (yeah cause why put your magic on the line for TEST ANSWERS? that's so extreme for something so little. at least ask for a lifetime of good advice or something??). I honestly can't remember too much of how people reacted during Book 3.
And who knows maybe they could stop Azul without us, but it would also have to go by an entirely different way.
Or in Book 4, Jamil got stopped because Octa Trio was there. But the only reason Octa Trio was there was because of us (and Grim). Otherwise they wouldn't really have had a reason to go check out Scarabia. I mean, they still probably could've visited, but it's also like, for what reason?
I mean I guess they don't really need reasons, (and we know Azul's offering for Jamil to join Octavinelle) but if I were a merman, if I didn't have a good reason, I'd never go to the super duper hot desert. (Like bruh they're just in their suits and I'm just wondering how they aren't burning up like hello???.)
Each dorm has its own kitchen but sometimes they go to the cafeteria kitchen, usually so they don't get seen by their dorm members. So I guess an event where the Octa Trio find out about Kalim acting weird, and giving them reason to check up on what's up, would be if they both ended up going to the kitchen. So in that way probably able to still end up with Octa Trio in Scarabia. But it'd also be a lot more complicated I imagine and a lot of differences with.. maybe more risks?
Maybe I'm just thinking too much of our involvement, because I can't really think of anything we've done to really do something in Book 5, 6, or 7. It feels more like we were there just for the ride, but I mean it'd be unreasonable to think that we could help or connect with everyone, y'know? So I guess that gets a pass.
Because Epel really got it because of the conversation at the beach with Deuce.
Pomefiore grew closer and thus they go after Vil when Book 6.
I mean. I guess it's more that we were a spectator in everything. Saw a bunch of stuff, and therefore understanding the most about everyone.
But huh. Anyway I feel like I lost my point awhile ago. This was just a random thought I had and then I decided to expand on it.
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writtenbymkl · 2 years
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pairing: best friend!haechan x fem! reader
word count: 2.3k
genres: ANGST !! , unrequited love, college au, heartbreak
warnings: none
a/n: the last part to good person !! i wanted to be a short au just because i wanted to test the waters with my first completed written story so i hope you guys enjoy it !!
Two weeks later and you’re at the get-together that your friends threw for your birthday that was coming up soon. One problem, though, Haechan wasn’t here yet.
You: where r u? everyones here and ur the only one missing _._
Sent 5:37 pm
You: seriously this isnt funny, what r u even doing?
Sent 6:40 pm
You: the get together is ending soon, we have like an hour left here, dont even bother showing up anymore dude
Seen 8:00 pm
You roll your eyes, seeing that he finally read your message.
“Hey! That was mine. If you wanted one, I could’ve just gotten you one, dude,” Mark looks at you with sullen eyes, “But I’m assuming by that reaction, he’s not coming?”
“You know Mark,” You sigh. “He’s been acting really weird since you said that stuff about being a couple. This is all your fault,” You state. You know it wasn’t his fault, it was Haechan’s for being so weird about it, but you had to blame someone. 
Mark’s eyes widen. “How was I supposed to know it would cause a disturbance in your friendship?”  
“Ugh, whatever, let me just blame you peacefully,” 
“Come on, man, don’t be so down today. We came to celebrate before your birthday, so we should make the most of it, even if it means Haechan won’t come. I mean, it’s not the end of the world, right? You guys can celebrate on your birthday?” He suggests. I mean, you guess he’s right, it isn’t actually your birthday yet, but it still didn’t take away from the fact that you wanted to spend it with all of your friends, including Haechan.
“Okay… Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a downer. It’s just, Haechan is-”
“Haechan’s your best friend, yeah, dude, I know, but you also have us as your friends, too, you know?” Mark gives you a gentle smile while looking at your other friends laughing and talking at the tables.
“You’re right. Thanks, Mark. Has anyone told you you’re a really good listener?” You ask.
“No problem, and yeah, I guess,” He shrugs. “Now, let’s get in a good moment for the last hour remaining.” Mark gets up and holds out his hand to pull you up. Right as you're getting up, the door jingling gets your attention. Immediately looking towards the door, you see Haechan walking in and greeting everyone. 
“Haechan, you finally made–” You stop your sentence seeing a girl come from behind him, holding onto his arm. Haechan finally notices you and makes his way over, pulling the girl behind him. You can see Mark from the corner of your eyes giving you a pitiful look. 
“Y/n! Hey! Sorry, I’m late. I had to go pick up Mihye from her house and drive all the way back here,” Haechan explains while the apparent Mihye just giggles. You just give Haechan a blank stare. I mean, this is unbelievable, and you don’t know what to say.
Haechan quickly realizes he forgot to introduce the girl by his side. “Oh, by the way, Mihye, meet Y/n, Y/n, meet Mihye. She’s my new girlfriend,” Haechan smiles. Mihye holds out her hand for you to shake, and Haechans waits for you to grab it, but the moment never comes.
Mark quickly grabs your own hand and places it in Mihye’s.
“Silly Y/n, haha, I think, she’s just, um, in shock and happy that Haechan finally made it,” 
You don’t know what to say. You feel tears already starting to form, but you don’t want to make a scene. 
“I think I’m going to take a breather outside. I’ll be back,” You tell Mark before rushing past Haechan and Mihye to go outside. Except Haechan stops you for a second.
“What’s wrong? You need me to go outside with you?” He says, concerned. 
Yanking your hand back, you bitterly say, “No. I need time alone. You’ve already done enough.”
Mark’s eyes widen. “Y/n, I think now should be a time to leave and talk to him. I’ll keep Mihye company.” Sighing, you give in and walk outside with Haechan following.
Not before he tells Mihye he’ll be back. Standing in the dark, with the wind blowing slightly, you sigh. A moment of silence is filled between you two until Haechan breaks the silence, like always.
“Are you mad because I have a new girlfriend?” He asks. And you snap because this is always the problem you have with him, and it is just a continuous cycle you’re tired of dealing with. 
“What?! Haechan, you cannot seriously be so oblivious?” You look at him, shocked. 
Rolling his eyes, “I knew you’d react like this.”
“How else did you want me to react when you’re telling me you already found a new person and you brought them to my birthday get-together without informing me?!”
Haechan scoffs, “Oh come on, it’s not really that big of a deal, Y/n. It’s not like they’re taking the spotlight away from you.”
“That’s not the problem, Haechan, don’t you get it?! It’s the fact that it hasn’t even been a full month, nonetheless three weeks, since your last girlfriend? Do you enjoy being heartbroken? Do you enjoy the fact that I keep looking after you every time? Are you satisfied with the fact that I’m always there to pick up the pieces? Or is it the fact that you know I’ll always be by your side and drop everything for you?” The feeling of finally being able to speak out feels liberating. Except, it doesn’t mean you’ll get the outcome that you’re expecting. 
“I never made you drop anything for me,” He angrily retorts while pointing. “And so what if it’s been less than a month, or three weeks, whatever, can’t you just be happy for me?! Isn’t that what you’re here for? To be by my side and be my BEST FRIEND?”
You stay silent. “Fine,” you weakly smile. 
“I won’t say anything more, and I'm sorry for overreacting. And you’re right. As your best friend, I should stick by you no matter what choices you make. I’m happy for you, Hyuck, I really am.” You pat him on the shoulder as you walk past him back into the restaurant.
Haechan just sighs and follows after you, grabbing your wrist before you can fully step inside. 
“Talk to me. What is this really about? Why are you so upset? You know I always do this, so why is it a problem now?” You think for a few minutes.
Should you tell him? Should you tell him about the fact that you’ve been in love with him for the past, God knows how many years? Or the fact that you’re jealous about all the girls he’s spent time with when it should’ve been you? How everyone, including his friends, knows that you’re in love with him? Is that a risk you want to take? 
Looking at him with sad eyes, you make your decision and give up. “It’s not that … It’s….” Tearing up, you know you have to get this off your chest. “I just need to get this off my chest,” you say shakily.
Haechan looks at you, concerned. “What is it?”
“I’m... I’ve just been … in-“ you get cut off by someone yelling out, “Haechan? Y/n? Where are you guys?” Your heart drops. Of course, it’s his new girlfriend.
Haechan whips his head around and yells back, “Mihye? What are you doing out here? I said I’d be back. Go back inside.” 
“I was worried. It’s been a while since you guys left,” Mihye says from the door.
“We… We should probably go back inside. They’re probably bored without us, and Mihye’s starting to get worried.”
“No, tell me what you were gonna say,” Haechan firmly states while grabbing you again.
“It’s not important anymore,” You shake off his hands, moving towards the door, as Mihye is no longer there.
“Tell me, or I won’t let you leave.” 
“Fine. I was just going to say how I’ve been concerned for you for many years now. You’ve had me worried whether you’d be able to be happy and find a good person for you, there. Happy?” You sarcastically smile.
“So that’s it? That’s what you made a big deal for?” He lightly laughs.
“It's not funny. I’m just worried about you, you’re my best friend, and I don’t want to see you lose the light in your eyes. That’s what makes you Haechan.”
Wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning his head into your shoulder, he says, “I know you’re concerned for me, Y/n, and you’re my best friend in the whole world, too. It’s a good thing I’ll have you with me every time to get me through it, though, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, you’re lucky it’s me and not someone else.” He pulls away.
“You know, for a second, I thought you were going to say you were in love with me or something. That would’ve been an easier explanation as to why you were acting like you were, but it’s a good thing that wasn’t it,” he laughs. 
As if your heart wasn’t already torn to pieces. You should’ve known he’d never see you in that light. I mean, look at yourself; compared to Mihye, you were a completely shabby version of her. If only he knew that that was the exact reason why you were acting like you were. But you’d never tell him that, not when it meant risking your friendship and never talking to him again. 
“Yeah .. that’s a ridiculous thought there. I don’t know how you came up with that conclusion,” it just came out your mouth, it’s not like you wanted it to, but it’s the only way for you to cope with a rejection that wasn’t even formal; how oblivious he was. 
Heading back into the restaurant with Haechan following behind you, you notice Mark and Jaemin looking at you both.
“Why don’t you head back to Mihye now? I’m sure she’s been waiting for a while,” You say, nodding your head over to where she was standing. Haechan just nods, and you watch as he walks up behind her, embracing her in a back hug and kissing the top of her head.
Looking away, you walk to where Mark and Jaemin are and slide into the seat across from them.
“So? Did you tell him?” Jaemin asks curiously. Mark just nudges him. “What? I’m just asking,” He shrugs.
“I’m gonna assume you didn’t tell him,” Mark scratches the back of his neck. You can’t seem to say anything. Maybe you should’ve told him. No. Everything would’ve gone down the drain if you did. Maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t. 
“I didn’t.” You finally say.
“Well, why not?” Mark asks. 
“Mark,” You look up at him raising your eyebrows. “Are you seriously asking that? He has a girlfriend, and it doesn’t seem as easy as you make it out to be. How am I going to just tell him, oh, I'm in love with you, have been since forever!” 
“Hey, you said it, not me,” He points at you. You roll your eyes. 
You point over to where Haechan is, “Whatever. I mean, it’s my get-together, and he seems to be wanting to spend more time with Mihye than me.”
“Like I mentioned before, you guys can hang out on your actual birthday. Right now, spend some time with us. There’s only a few more minutes left, so let’s make the most of it,” Mark smiles. “Right, Jaemin?”
“Yes, exactly. Forget him for today!” Jaemin says, grabbing your hand to pull you up.
“That’s if he doesn’t forget my birthday too,”
“He won’t! We’ll make sure of it,” Mark pats your back.
“Thanks, guys. I don’t know what I would do without you.” You embrace both Mark and Jaemin, and they hug you back. 
It’s been a month since your birthday. You spent the day with Haechan, Mark, and Jaemin. One of the best days and you couldn’t forget it. Except today seems to feel really familiar. Almost as if you’ve done this for the 20th time already. Why? Because Haechan sits in your bed again, eating ice cream and sniffling. 
“I’m guessing Mihye broke up with you?” You ask, sighing, not even surprised he’s here again after a month. You saw it coming, but how could you tell him that? You would seem like a bad friend, and that’s the last thing you want Haechan to think. 
Haechan blows his nose with a tissue, “Yeah….”
All you can do is rub his back once again, and it’s all you can ever seem to do. Watch him find a new girlfriend, fall in love, get heartbroken, and be there by his side when it happens. 
“I’m sorry you have to deal with me all the time,” Haechan sighs, bringing his shoulders down.
“Hey, it’s okay. That’s what I’m here for, right? What kind of a best friend would I be if I wasn’t there for your ups and downs?” He just smiles.
“Can you give me a hug?” You embrace him while patting his back as he sniffles.
“I know I’ve said this almost every time this happens, but you really are a good person, you know?” Haechan says while leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Thanks,” Is all you can say. 
And the cycle repeats, as it always will because you’re the good person he’s always needed in life, even if he doesn’t know it. And you’re okay with him not knowing. The ones who will make him cry, you can only comfort him and be by his side.
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