#yaz is still my main bitch
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bluiela · 3 months ago
The sway Gwynriels have over the fandom
Few days ago a famous Gwynriels creator yazthebookish shared her sentiment about the ships
Now I open twitter/X and I have seen too many accounts bitching about her there and her stories,
Posting screenshots and calling all Gwynriels fandom names,
Now you see how much sway we have over them,
Anything that we say gets republished and talked about on many other sites, they can't help but be insecure in their ship because of the lack of canon evidence so they try to feel better by harrassing us,
They're saying" How did yaz say that the BC is the one which set up the supposed forbidden set up she's wrong because it was set up in MAF these idiots and what not"
My honey you know what an entry level requirement for a forbidden relationship?
The characters actually having feeling for eachother
When Elain was still in love with Grey by the end part of ACOWAR
And Azriel was still yearning for Mor (when Elain was in the same room)in ACOFAS, he look at her with so much yearning that Feyre had to look away,
Where in this is the forbidden set up? Where?
E/riel having any crush/lust was introduced in the BC, and that is why it is set up in the BC.
And then the author ended that by literally making Elain reject the gift (when she couldn't return greysan's ring and still has lulu's gift), not make Azriel plan for Elain beyond sexual fantasies and then put all the mate language for Gwyn.
Yes, these guys are basing their main trope and ship in the BC. But they are so confidently saying MAF set it up that it is giving me second hand embarrassment.
And again I see no e/riel creator get this harassment of having so much sway and honestly that is all you need to know about their side.
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oreo102 · 11 months ago
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna
 also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather
 boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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necronymie · 5 years ago
julian chaseđŸ€me
loving miranda
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receivemymajesty · 2 years ago
I enjoyed the episode but I think my main hangups were:
- Low emotional stakes. Dan just... Left. Yaz just... Left. I understand there were some themes behind why but realistically there was not enough time in the episode to give those actions the emotional weight they deserved. It all felt very low stakes. I never once genuinely feared the characters were in danger.
- Every Doctor prior has kissed a woman and I find it infuriating that coincidentally Thirteen doesn't. I don't think she NEEDS to, but it says a lot that the first female Doctor is the one to break that tradition.
- I have so many questions!!! So many questions!!! That did not get answered!!! It didn't feel like a finale to me because I still had so many things unaddressed!! I didn't even feel sad about the Master because I know that bitch is still alive!
- Minimal Doctor/Master interaction, it was mainly him doing things and her emoting at them. Again I think this was a time issue.
- Confusing Master intentions. I don't really feel like he got a proper resolution to everything, it was all very quick. I don't know where this leaves him now nor what his plan will be going forwards, I don't know what his motivation is now. I thought everything was leading up towards his annihilation, but he has a vague death which definitely implies he's returning.
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melancholydreadfuldream · 5 years ago
Cosmic Love Nightmare
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Whittaker!Master x Reader, 13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: DW AU. You and the Master are definition of bad romance. The Doctor is determined to separate the two of you.
Warning: ooc, use of violence, mention of rape, murder, bad moral, depression, dark!reader, etc
 A/N: So, lately, I have been reading plenty fan fiction about Whittaker!Master and Dhawan!Doctor and I love each one of them. I got inspired to write one too.
I’m sorry for the quality of the language as English is not my first language so you will probably get a bit or a lot of headache. So, I’m not sure about this fic, I hope you all enjoy reading it? And if you do like it, please like/comment.
   The Hybrid.
 A Galiifreyan prophecy that predicted that a hybrid creature of a crossbred from two warrior races would stand over the ruins of Gallifrey and unravel web of time, breaking a billion billion hearts to heal its own.
 “Hybrid bla bla bla...” The Master said with a mocking tone as she rolled her eyes.
 I frowned. “And...what? The other Time Lords think that hybrid thing is us?”
 The Master shrugged her shoulder. “Look around.” She said. “Here we are standing in a ruin of a planet.”
 We stood on top of a cliff with the best view of the ruination.
 “Not Gallifrey though.” I said with a shrug. “This is just a general chaos.”
 She smiled as she come closer to me and whispered, “Only you would call the ruin of planet a general chaos.”
 I shrugged. “If we didn’t do it, someone else would.” I said with a careless tone. “I’m not the only one who called it general chaos. You did it too.”
 The Master grinned and did a dramatic twirling. “I know. Let’s call ourselves team Hybrid from now on.” She said.
 As if on cue, they could hear a distant echo of groaning Tardis of the Doctor.
 I sighed. “And here come team Tardis.”
The Master sighed dramatically just as a man walked toward us followed by his three companions. “Oh, Doctor, have you come to join the party?”
 “Stop it. Both of you, stop this nonsense right now!” The Doctor yelled in fury.
 “But where is the fun in that?” The Master said with adorable pout.
 I watched the interaction between those two. Apparently, they have been dancing around like this since forever with the everlasting theme of savior-villain. I let them have their moment and then turned away to watch with fascination the fiery ruin before me.
 “How could you stand with her, (name)?” Yaz suddenly called out to me.
 I rolled my eyes. I have no interest in defending myself to a bunch of goodie-good. I shushed her much to her dismay. But she didn’t get the hint and stepped forward toward me, demanding my attention. What a foolish bitch. The only reason she still standing is because I’m currently in a good mood and also the Master told me not to harm the Doctor’s companion directly. She warned me that the Doctor is a goodie-good but he is also dangerous when it come to the protection of his companion.
 “Don’t come any closer. I won’t be held responsible for hurting you if you are within distance for me to break your...” I looked her up and down with disdain. “...well, everything...” I said with a fake sweet smile.
 Yaz still opened her mouth to blabber but thankfully, Ryan and Graham pulled her away from me immediately. They knew I am a mutant, that I am very strong, I could break their bones without breaking a sweat. They also knew that I am a killer and a monster. Who else would join the Master in her quest for chaos?
 I sighed. I got bored already. “Master, can we just go? This is getting boring...”
 The Master and the Doctor stopped their banter and glanced at me.
 The Master gave me a fond smile before stepped forward toward me but was stopped when the Doctor gripped her wrist.
 “Master, please...” The Doctor begged. “The way you are going right now...Gallifrey will come for you and her...”
 “Doctor, are you worried for us or are you worried me and (name) will destroy your precious Gallifrey, Mr President, dear?” The Master pulled her wrist out of his hold and mockingly took a bow at him.
 The Doctor groaned in frustration.
 The Master grinned mischievously as she walked backward and then turned around to face me. She pulled me to her and kissed me hard.
 I smiled into the kiss. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the companion of the Doctor making a disgusted face at the sight of us kissing.
 “Come on then, my dear, our work here is done.” She said.
 “I’m sorry.” The Doctor suddenly said.
 We ignored him as we walked away from them. I was about to put on coordinates on my vortex manipulator that would get us back to the Master’s Tardis but stopped when the next thing he said gave me chill.
 “But I can’t let you two be together any longer.” The Doctor said.
 I turned around and growled at him for the threat on us.
 The Master stopped me and turned to glare at the Doctor. “And how are you going to stop us?”
 Yaz suddenly grabbed me and put some bracelet on my wrist. I didn’t expect that so I have no way to stop it. She is quick to release me and took a few steps away from me before I could attack her.
 “Master!” I yelled when I realized I couldn’t get the bracelet off me.
 The Master turned to look at me and at the bracelet just as the Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver toward me, activating the bracelet. Her eyes widened as she realized something. “Nooo!” she yelled as she tried to reach me but before she could, I vanished in a blip.
 The Master fell into the ground in shock then she turned to look at the Doctor. “What have you done, Doctor? Where did you send her?”
 The Doctor actually looked almost sorry but he was calm. “(name) is safe. I just send her faraway from here, to a place not of this universe, where you can never reach out...”
 The Master stood as she glared at him. “Oh, you just watch me, Doctor.” Her eyes blazed in fury.
 I fell into the ground and immediately puke. Cold sweat covered my face. I blinked my eyes and tried to focus on the surrounding.
 I was in a park on Earth...I think? But something is wrong. The sky...the color is a bit off and the oxygen here just not the same as I used to. The Master once told me in passing about alternate universes where some things were different and others remained the same. I dreaded the thought that damn Doctor actually would go this far in order to separate me from the Master.
 The Master. My heart felt like it was about to shatter. I was hoping to hear her voice right about now. But I realized I was alone. I glanced at the cursed bracelet on my wrist. To my surprise, the bracelet fell off my wrist easily this time as if it knew it already finished its purpose. I growled angrily. I begrudgingly picked up the offending item, hoping to figure out a way back using it. But I am not a genius like the Time Lords, hell, not even a human genius. I am just me, a mutant, and a result of human experimentation gone wrong.
 I fingered the vortex manipulator on my other wrist and to my great frustration, it was broken. Not that the vortex manipulator would be much use, it can’t be used to travel to another alternate universe.
 I prayed I was wrong, that I wasn’t in some alternate universe. My hope got smashed when I confirmed my worst fear as I pick up the newspaper from the nearby seller.
 I made a vow though that I would do everything in my power to return my beloved, the Master. I have to find some calibre genius to use to figure out this dilemma. I wonder if I should track down the version of the Master in this world but decided against it until further investigation.
 “Just you wait, Master, nothing can separate us...” I whispered.
     Six months later...
 Six painful months later, I was still stuck in this alternate earth. I have to work to support myself. I worked in a diner somewhere in New York. I went my daily life with annoyance. It was a miracle I could restrain myself from killing half the idiot people here.
 I lay on my dirty bed inside my small and dirty rent room. I raised the vortex manipulator, hoping it would stop being broken already and let me use it to travel off the earth. I growled as I shake the damn thing really hard. To my surprise, it started to make a bleeping sound.
 I moved into a seating position and observed the vortex manipulator. “No way, it works!” I said with a disbelief laugh.
 Thank God, the vortex manipulator works otherwise I would have loss my sanity and started killing people just for breathing wrong near my vicinity.
 So, what is the first thing I do? I track down a version of myself in this universe. Apparently, the thing that remained the same is the other me being caught and experimented on by the Division.
 Division is an organization who worked outside the law and consists of both alien and human. Their main purpose is to monitor the happening within the universe and sell the information to those who is willing to pay a high price. They are not the good guys, obviously. Their purpose is to create a world that fit their agenda, so, depending on the current agenda; they might step in as the saviour of the people or become the instigator of chaos.
 Their purpose at the time they caught me back in my universe is to create super soldier with the intention to sell them to the highest bidder.
 I was an orphan after I lost my parents in accident. I was nobody, no family, so they thought even if I was missing, no one would truly care. I was taken to be used as an experiment. Luckily, if you can call it that; I was one of the successful experiments. I got super strength. I broke through the restrain in my fit of anger and attacked every last one of my tormentors with my bare hands.
 I was covered in blood from head to toes after I finished with my slaughters. That’s when the Master came into view. She took me in after that, she took care of me and she helped me understand my power and to use it to do the most damage. I love every second of it.
 Of course, at first, I didn’t trust the Master. I almost kill her that first time but something she said made me let her go and it helped that my rage already subsided by then, enough for me to see reason. I demanded to be left alone and she did for the most part. She gained my trust after she saved me when I was taken by surprise and ambushed by Division’s soldiers. 
 She saved me even though I almost strangle her to death the first time we met. She reasoned with me that she is on my side. She gave me my space albeit with a lot of mocking on her part. Once I let her in, she showed me everything, taught me everything I need to know to survive and to fight back. I knew she is not on a side of good, she told me so, but thanks to her, I craved for chaos as she did after she show me the joy of ruining lives. They have ruined mine so why shouldn’t I ruin others too?
 The Doctor found me and wanted to take me in his care. The Master allowed him to take me just so we could play a nasty game with him and his companion. That’s how I knew the Doctor and his stupid fam. Apparently, I passed the test from the Master regarding whether I would be influenced by the goodness of the Doctor.
 The Doctor warned me that the Master is only using me, that she didn't really care about me. But he didn't know us. I have enough confident after the time we spent together to believe that the Master did care for me. I didn't know if she loves me but I didn't mind it for now. I love how she kissed me hard and flirted with me. She made me happy and that's what matters.
 Anyway, back at present time, the base where the other me is imprisoned, located in the same place as my past so, sneaking my way into the base is quite easy. I disguised myself and I located the other me, she was restrained and looked absolutely pathetic. Do I want to rescue her? But I would like to know if she is truly the same as me? Will she gain super strength too?
 I thought about the Master and wonder what I should do. I think she would want me to mess the version of the Doctor here. So I made a plan to get the Doctor here and rescue the other me and the others. The Master taught me how to cheat with psychic paper. I was able to send SOS signal toward what I hopefully into the Doctor’s psychic paper. Now I only have to wait for the goodie-good team to arrive.
 I was floored when I saw the version of the Doctor here. I recognized her companion, the annoying fam I remembered back in my universe. But the Doctor...she has my beloved’s face, she has the Master’s face! How is that even possible? I confirmed her identity when I heard Yaz called her the Doctor. Ugh, I’m going to barf. And what kind of clothes she is wearing? Glad to know every version of the Doctor in universe apparently have bad taste in fashion. Seriously. My beloved Master dressed better than her!
 Wait, if she is the Doctor, then the man who is called the Doctor back in my universe would be...the Master over here? Ugh, what kind of twisted world is this?!
 As predicted, once team Tardis found out about the human experiment going on inside the base, they set their goodie-good shoes to set them free. The Doctor even gave whoever in charge of the base a firm oncoming storm talk.
 I watched in secret as the Doctor interacts with the other me. The other me looked very grateful to be rescued. The Doctor took all patients to the best hospital in galaxy. They even stick around for a while to observe the damage on the patients.
 That’s when I made my way to the room where the other me currently lying in bed peacefully. She woke up when she noticed someone in the room and her eyes widened in shock when she saw me.
 I grinned viciously. “Hello, me.” I said as I pulled the machinery that monitor her heartbeat off. It wouldn’t do to alert the others that I was here.
 “Goodbye, me.” I said flatly as I grabbed a pillow and pushed it to cover her entire face rendering her unable to breathe. Easily, I removed her body and dumped it somewhere where no one would find for a long while. I took her place and get into the bed and put the machinery back on me.
 Not long after, a nurse came in for my check-up and to draw some blood. The result of that blood test would surely get the Doctor to come and see me. The Doctor can’t resist mystery so she will definitely want to talk to me.
 Mission to infiltrate the Doctor’s inner circle is now commencing.
 All I have to do next is put on doe eyes and pretend to be surprise to suddenly have super strength and faked a mini freak-out. I purposely broke everything in sight in my total panic and acted as if I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t hard to do. I smiled as I remembered my past. I once got amnesiac and forgot about my power and did exactly that, breaking stuff without meaning too. The Master told me I was very adorable and very damsel in distress-like. But she was glad when I finally got my memory back because she can't stand that version of me who was stupidly innocent.
 So, now I just have to pretend I didn’t know my own strength. As predicted, the Doctor invited me to travel with her on board of the Tardis. She said she will help me understand my power and if there is a way to cure it off me in case I didn’t want the power. I got a bio damper on my person to hide the void stuff that the Master once told me someone who have crossed on alternate universe will have. I can't allow the Doctor to find out that I was not of this universe.
 Yaz, Ryan and Graham are very welcoming and friendly. They kept sending me a look of pity every time I told them about the torture that the Division put me through. Since it really did happened to me, I didn't have to fake the emotion regarding it. 
 The Doctor, though, seemed very upset. I could see the dark look passed her expression for a few seconds and on that few seconds; I almost thought she is my beloved. The Master once told me about the Doctor's dark side and should he ever give in, he will be the cruelest villain in the whole universe. I must admit I'm curious about the Doctor's dark side but on this version of the Doctor, the one who has my beloved's face.
 The Master, I wonder how she is doing back in our universe. Did she still trying to get me back? She has to, right? She has yet to grow bored of me. I'm the best companion she could ever have. My heart aches for her. Seeing this version of the Doctor certainly didn't help. 
 Sometimes I want to kiss the Doctor whenever she is being adorable, then next thing I know, I just want to punch her and claw her stupid face whenever she is being too sunshiny for me. Why did she has to have the Master's face? 
 She made my life difficult because sometimes I could have believe she is a better version of the Master, one that might be capable to love me properly. But I know better. I am a monster and the only one who could ever love someone like me would only be someone who is as mess up in the head as me, like the Master, one could hope. Even then, I still don't know what exactly I am to her. We were not exactly traditional couple. The circumstance of our meeting is shaky at best. 
 I clawed at my arms till I drew blood at the thought I almost got swayed by the goodness that is the Doctor. If the Master knew, she would be disgusted with me. 
 We went to a random planet on the Doctor's whim. Next thing I knew, the fam and me were taken hostage by the royal family in order to ensure the Doctor's cooperation. I was ecstatic to see the oncoming storm in action. I was planning to let thing unfold to see what is going to happen.
 And then this royal bastard has to go be an ass-hat. He went after Yaz for being mouthy. Stupid bitch. He tried to rape her. And he was going to do it in front of us too. I snapped, enough said. I must have black out for a bit because I woke up drenched in blood in a corridor littered with mangled corpses. And the companions were understandably decided to keep their distance from me. They were afraid of me.
 Well, this is suck. I hated it when my fit of rage turned me into a basic hulk. I have no control. It was a miracle that the Doctor's companions survive unharmed during my raging period. This kind of ruined my plan to stay the innocent companion for a while. Will the Doctor kick me out of the Tardis now that I did this? Surely, she would want to keep her companion safe from me. But I have to stay with the Doctor until I could figure out to use her to get back to the Master. What do I do now?
 I must still in haze from the blood lust that I didn't realize the Doctor has bent her knees in front of me, uncaring that her clothes will be littered in blood. She was fussing over me. She pulled her sonic screwdriver to scan me. She look relieved upon realizing I was unharmed and that relief immediately turned to horror when she realized what exactly I have done. The companion steered clear of me. They cautioned the Doctor to do the same. But the Doctor ignored them and gently shaking me out of my stupor. 
 She thought I was in shock and I played along. I was mostly pissed at my out of control rage. And then, I remembered when I have that royal ass-hat's neck gripped tight within my hand, I saw the Master, or at least, a hallucination of sort.
 "I love it when you are feeling murderous, dear." She said with a wink. "Go ahead, you know you want to. Make it bloody. Make him suffer. I knew you always had a weakness for these types of bad guys..."
 She was right. I would kill indiscriminately if I have to and if she asked me to. But rapists and torturers pissed me off greatly, the Master said I suffered traumatic experience with that sort of thing, which make me lose my shit whenever I come across those types. I honestly didn't quite remember the trauma though. I took very great pleasure in torturing and killing them. The man was begging me to release him but I ignored him. I would rather listen to my beloved.
 "Though, I'm kind of worry that you are beginning to be a softie, dear. Staying with the Doctor would do that to you. Are you now good, my dear?"
 I growled at that.
 "Was it because she has my face? Did she make you want to be a good girl?" She asked teasingly.
 I tightened my grip on the man's neck.
 "Prove it then. Kill him. Kill his royal family and his soldiers. Make it bloody rain, dear." The Master grinned as she urged me to surrender to my blood lust. "Show me a bad girl."
 I could distinctly hear the companion saying something to me but I ignored them. I lost my shit afterward.
 The Doctor covered up my crime. I would have thought the goodie-good would surrender me to authority. She said she forgives me. She knew I didn't mean to do it. Yaz did say I did it to save her from being raped...somewhat. Even though she can't explain why I lost my shit and gone on a killing spree.
 I faked a panic attack and asked to be left alone after I cleaned myself off all the blood. I even cried telling them that I was a monster and I deserved to die and sobbing stuff like that. As predicted, the Doctor and companion tried to calm me down and reassured me that I am a good person at heart. I almost snorted at that. Almost. I purposely being dramatic and said I have to leave the Tardis now. The Doctor won't let me go though. I think she wanted to keep an eye on me. Ugh, now I have to be extra careful around her. I hope I could get back to my universe soon. This universe is suck and I miss the Master so much.
 In the end, all ended well, I remained on board of the Tardis. Though, the dynamic is changed now that they were wary of me. It was like they were waiting for me to lose my sanity again and go on a random killing spree. But I remained angelic for display. I acted with hesitation and wary of leaving the safety of the Tardis. The Doctor promised me she would keep an eye on me and made sure I will be okay for the duration of our next adventure.
 I purposely put myself in danger in order to rescue the Doctor during one of our routine adventure. I did it to establish reputation within the Doctor's circle that I could be redeemed or whatever. At least, that is what I said to convince myself. It was her face, my beloved’s face that made me want to save her. For a second, I forgot that she was not the Master and I didn't want her to get hurt so, I jumped into a line of fire to save her. That is what happened. No more.
 The Doctor kept giving me a look I can't decipher, once I was on board of the Tardis, resting in the med-bay, after she treated my injuries. She was upset that I risk my life for her; that I could tell. Well, that won't happen again, pal, don't worry!!
 Oh, this is bullshit. Of all the thing that could happen to me, I had to get ambushed by the Division. They somehow heard that the experiment on 'me' was successful and now they wanted to capture me for their own gain. But they were prepared. They slapped a cuff that somehow damper my ability. I was helpless and under their mercy much to my annoyance.
 And then I saw her. Sonya. I knew her back in my universe. During captivity, we became friend. But, she was one of the failure subjects and she got disposed as a result. But, this Sonya...she has power. She can control mind and bitch is trying to control my mind. Well, shit! Apparently, the Division has got to her earlier in this universe and she has become their lap dog. I saw the collar she wears though. I recognized the collar back in my universe. It has a calming effect and a bomb encased within to ensure the subjects' cooperation. They put one on me here too. Double shit!
 The Doctor and companion have no idea who captured me but I have faith that the Doctor will figure it out. She is smart, isn't she? She will know and hopefully come to my rescue soon before they turn me into mindless pet of the Division. 
 Back in my universe, the Master made it a point to invade my mind once I deemed her okay. She said she wanted to make sure I would be ready in case someone or heck, maybe even the Doctor, tried to get inside my mind to make me agreeable to whoever. She taught me to put a block on my mind. I was very grateful for her lessons now. Sonya is hilariously frustrated because she can't remove the block in my mind. But, I could tell she is very powerful. It would only be a matter of time before she breaks into my mind. I can't afford that. She could outed my true identity. If only I have my power, I would have snapped her neck in an instant.
 It finally happened. She broke through the block. I immediately pushed my memory of being friend with the Sonya of my universe. Sonya look confused. I showed her my devastation when the Division took my Sonya away. I showed her the experiments on me and how I lost my control and killed most of Division's people on the base back then.
 "You...are not (name)." She said. "What happened to the real (name)?"
 I showed her my memory of killing the other me.
 She stared at me as if I was crazy. "Why would you do that?"
 I pictured the face of the Doctor and my intention with her. "I want to go home..." I finally whispered.
 'You...are really not from this universe?' She asked telepathically.
 I nodded and I said some stuff to her from within my mind so that no one can hear. 'But you can't tell anyone...' I begged. 'Please help me. Don't let Division control us.'
 Sonya didn't reply for a few seconds. 
 'That collar contain bomb, you know, they lied to you. It does have calming effect but it was also a tracker and a bomb. They can't afford of losing their asset and if the assets become useless or a loose end, they will detonate the bomb.' I explained. 
 'Do you know how to get the collar off?'
 'I know of a way, yeah, but we need a sonic screwdriver. You need to contact the Doctor and tell them where we are.'
 'The Doctor?'
 'She can help us. She will be able to receive your telepathic message too.' I said. 'Do it if you want your freedom, Sonya.'
 Sonya left without a word. I hope what I said convinced her or I have no choice but to serve as the Division's pet. Ugh, I would rather die. I tried to carefully mask my thought of killing Sonya deep down. If she knew, she would not want to help me.
 Alarm within the base suddenly blared loudly. I sighed in relief. I hope that would be the Doctor coming for me. Shortly after, the Doctor came inside the room where I was restrained. She let me go and I expressed my most sincere gratitude. 
 "Thank you." I whispered weakly. "Thank you for coming back for me."
 The Doctor gave me a sweet smile as she sonic the collar offs me. But I noticed she hesitated for a brief moment to sonic the damn cuff off me. Thank God, she did. "I got your message from Sonya. Nice girl."
 "Where is she?"
 "She is controlling the Division men to leave us alone." The Doctor said. "I really need to do something about this Division."
 But, the Division is like that villain organization from those superheroes movies, hydra something, cut off one head and another grow, like worm or whatever? At least, back in my universe, when I hunted them, they just seemed to come back again one way of another. Even with the help of the Master, I still can't completely get rid of the Division. It would probably be the same over here.
  "So, you already freed her from the collar? I'm glad I was right about you coming back to rescue us." I said with the most angelic look I can muster.
 "Of course, I would. I would never abandon my companion." she said with cheerful tone.
 "Is that what I am? Companion? Not a charity case?" I asked.
 The Doctor glanced at me with an expression I can't comprehend. "I would like to think we are friend now, (name)."
 Shit. That face... My heart just skipped a beat and I didn't like it one bit. I can't be catching feeling for her. I think I will barf.
 The Doctor took us to a carnival in some planet for holiday. I managed to purposely lose them. I pulled my vortex manipulator intending to take care of the loose end called Sonya.
But, she knew I was coming for her and she warned me not to cross her. What a bitch. She did promise to keep my secret. I warned her back that if she broke the promise, I would come for her and torture the hell out of her.
"You saw within my head. You know what I am capable of." I said.
Sonya nodded. "And you better not come back for me again later. Or I will take control of your mind and make you my puppet." she said.
So, I left her and returned to the carnival. I found the Doctor and companion immediately and apologized for making them worry.
The Doctor pulled me close to her and showed me one of the attractions that caught her attention. She asked me to play with her and so I did. Some people in the carnival thought we are a couple on a date.
 The next time team Tardis got into the usual trouble, it was the Doctor who stepped in and pulled me out of harm way to the point that she was the one who got hurt. I was pissed at the random villain of the weeks and I kind of lost my shit, wanted to go after him. I didn't see his minion drew their weapon toward me but the Doctor did and the goodie-good actually jumped and pushed me out of the way.
What the hell, Doctor? What the hell is wrong with you?? I was pissed at her and worried for her. That last one is new. But I calmed myself down by telling myself she would do the same for the other companion. But, her face, I hate to see her in pain. I kept telling myself it was because she looks like the Master; not because I care for her. The Doctor was okay, though, thankfully.
I suddenly was feeling angry at myself. Did I actually worry for the Doctor? She might have the Master's face but she is NOT the Master, dammit! Get a grip, Me!
 I have to kill someone, right now, preferably, one of the good guys. Better yet, I thought I should leave the Tardis for the time being or maybe forever. The Doctor is no help anyway in figuring a way of home. Though, that was partly my fault because I didn't exactly tell her what I need from her, did I? Shit. Shit.
Perhaps I should try locating the version of the Master in this universe as much as it would make want to puke to ask the face of the Doctor back in my universe. But, with the Master, there is no guarantee he will want to help.
I growled angrily. "This is bullshit!!!" I raged at the world. "Fuck you, Doctor! Fuck you!!" I cursed the Doctor back in my universe. I hope the Master made him pay greatly for what he did to us.
 I left the Tardis. Pretty sure, the companions were relieved that I decided to go, especially Yaz. I was not blind; I knew she has feeling for the Doctor. And, I knew the Doctor also care for her a great deal. Given time, I think they would end up together. I also get that feeling with the Doctor and Yaz back in my universe is the same. Some things were meant to be. Did that mean I robbed the Master of this universe his (name)? Ugh, just no! The other (name) is better off dead.
 The Doctor tried to stop me but I asked her to respect my decision. I spouted bullshit about wanting to find myself. She was reluctant to drop me off but eventually relents.
 So, I left and I decided to take a break from the world for a while. Then I found her, my mother, I meant, the other (name)’s mother. It was purely coincidence to meet her. But I recognized her from the picture I used to keep back in the Master’s tardis. How can she be alive here? If she is alive, the other me actually still got a family, so, why was she captured by the Division?
 I eventually found out that the other (name) ran away from home. Her mother was so happy to see me. She hugged me in tears. I was shocked. I let her took me home.
 I missed my mother. I suddenly felt guilty for killing the other (name). I couldn’t tell her that I wasn’t her daughter. I was weak with nostalgic emotion and all I wanted right now is to be a daughter. So I did exactly that.
 I was happy for a while with my mother until the Division came again for me. This time, they knew the truth that I was not the real (name). They found her body and they were very curious about who I really am.
 During the confrontation, my mother was taken hostage and eventually got killed. And the rest is
you can guess. I lost my shit again and went on a killing spree. I was lucky to get a move before they could slap that power-dampening cuff on me.
 I was in pain. The grief of losing my mother, she wasn’t even my real mother, but it still hurts so badly. So, I did the only thing I could do to lessen the pain, I went hunting for Division and I tear every member of the cursed Division limb to limb. I let the monster out and I didn’t care.
 Like I said before, this version of Division is pretty much the same as back in my universe which mean I knew most of their secret bases. I didn’t always use my bare hands. I used weapon and bomb to lure and destroy them. The Master would be proud of me. The Doctor would frown and be disappointed but who care about her opinion?
 I went to one base and another. Pretty sure, the Doctor would eventually caught wind of what I have been doing and knowing her, she would try to capture and reason with me. Just like the Doctor in my universe once did to me. I didn’t care though. Let her come. But I won’t be letting her capture me. I have an exit strategy, one that I hate to use but I will if I have to. Lately, I felt like giving up altogether. I felt like I could never come home to the Master. I lose hope. What if the Master also given up on me? Why else she still not here to get me?
 To my surprise though, it was Sonya who appeared before me. She was sorry for my loss but she begged me to stop killing.
 “Get out of the way, Sonya! Do not make an enemy of me!” I yelled.
 “If you won’t listen to me, maybe you will listen to her.” She said with a sigh.
 I frowned before realizing that it was a trap as I turned around, the Doctor was already behind me and she was quick to put that damn power-dampening cuff on my wrist.
 I screamed in rage as I attacked her. But I was no longer strong. She easily captured both of my wrists and tried to have me calm down. But I wouldn’t listen. I started sobbing and crying in her arms. Before I knew it, she put her hands over my forehead and I fell into a deep sleep.
 The next time I was awake, I was in a glass prison. Predictable. I was angry as I raged within my prison. I knew I was not on Tardis, the Doctor probably didn’t want me to endanger her precious companions. This is somewhere I don’t know. But the security of the prison is of high quality. I can’t believe it. The Doctor actually put me in a private prison, not a galaxy one that I can be thankful of, but still a prison is a prison. I hated this.
 The Doctor and Sonya eventually came to visit me.
 The Doctor glanced at me in sorrow.
 I observed her and then turned to Sonya. “You broke your promise.”
 Sonya shrugged. “I have to. You are making scenes with your reckless killing.”
 “When I get out of here, I’m going to enjoy torturing the hell out of you, bitch.” I said with a cold smile.
 The Doctor stepped in front of Sonya and pleaded with me. “What happen to you, (name)? This isn’t you.”
 “Really? And how do you know that this isn’t me, Doctor?” I asked mockingly. “If Sonya here has told you the truth, then you know everything you think you know about me is a lie.”
 “But you saved me. You saved my friends. We saved each other.”
 I scoffed. “It was just part of my elaborate ruse.”
 The Doctor looked like she want to argue but she didn’t. She scrutinized me with her sad eyes. Finally, she asked, “Why did you kill the Division men?”
 I shrugged. “They killed my mother.”
 “Don’t you mean the other (name)’s mother? Who are you, really? Sonya said that you are from an alternate universe. How did you get here?” The Doctor asked, no, demanded. “Why would you kill the other you?”
 I smiled viciously. “How else would I be able to get your attention, Doctor? I need to be with you in the Tardis.”
 “I want to go home.” I finally said. “I thought if I stay with you, I would eventually figure out the way home.”
 “Why didn’t you come to me and ask for my help honestly?” She asked. “Why use the elaborate ruse to gain my trust?”
 I sighed. “I suppose I thought it would make her proud.”
 “The Master.”
 “You know the Master back in your original universe?”
 I smiled evilly. “Jealous?”
 The Doctor scoffed. “You kept bad company.”
 “Well, ours is always a bad romance.”
 “You? And the Master?” she asked in disbelief.
 “Why so surprised? Who else would love a monster but a fellow monster?”
 “You are not a monster, (name).”
 “You are still deluding yourself, Doctor. The (name) you think you know never existed.”
 The Doctor is visibly upset with herself and me. “How did you get here?”
 “I never wanted to be here. It was you, the other you, who did this to me! He felt threatened by the Master and me, so, instead of killing me, he sent me far away from my beloved.”
 “You want to go back home to the Master.” The Doctor said, finally understanding my motive.
 “She can’t be allowed to come back to the Master.” Sonya suddenly said.
 I glared at her. “Shut your mouth, bitch!”
 “I saw her mind. The word ‘hybrid’ came to mind.” Sonya turned to face the Doctor. “
something about a crossbred of warrior races that will stand in the ruins of
 The Doctor’s eyes widened as she turned to look at me again. “You and the Master
are the hybrid? Did you two destroy Gallifrey?”
 I rolled my eyes. “Gallifrey still stands, at least the last time I heard about it.” I said.
 “The Doctor, in your original universe, he believed that you and the Master are the hybrid.”
 “Not only him; the Time Lords seemed to think so, at least that was the Master said to me. They kept trying to kill us. We haven’t even step one foot within Gallifrey and already they condemn us. Time Jackass.”
 The Doctor frowned at me. “Sonya is right. I can’t let you go back to the Master.”
 My jaw dropped at what she said. “Doctor, don’t you dare
 She glanced at me in sorrow. “I’m sorry, (name).”
 “So what? You are going to keep me here? Like a freaking pet?” I yelled as I hit on the glass wall in front of me in my anger.
 The Doctor sighed. “I will cure you, (name). That power of yours, I study the project, you are always angry because of the power within your veins. I am going to help you.”
 “I don’t need your help. If you think you can experiment on me again, think again!” I yelled.  “You think I wasn’t prepared for this eventuality?!”
 “Oh, I know what you did. I removed that bomb you planted inside your body. I won’t allow you to hurt yourself.” The Doctor said calmly.
 My eyes widened in panic when I realized my exit strategy is basically taken away from me. “No. NOO.”
 I didn’t know how long I was in the prison. It felt like months. It has been a while since the Doctor’s last visit. Sonya is within the prison as some sort of warden. She saw my mind and she knew I have been thinking various way of killing her once I got out. But she was confident that I wouldn’t get out.
 With times, I did lose my hope of getting out. I can’t even kill myself. The Doctor has taken that choice away from me. People always do that to me, except, the Master. But she is not here. Why isn’t she here???
 I got depressed.
Â ïżœïżœïżœHi, honey, I’m home.”
 My mouth hangs open as I saw the Master, my Master, right in front of me.
 The Master winked at me. “Step back; let me get you out of this horrid place.”
 I followed her instruction and took a step back away from the glass wall.
 Once the glass wall shattered, I walked forward and stared at her, still not believing my eyes.
 “Well, what are you waiting for?” The Master asked impatiently.
 I slowly smiled as I jumped out and hugged her. “Where were you?!”
 “Ugh, you smelled.”
 “Oh, nice, ruin the moment, why don’t you?” I said in annoyance.
 It was then I noticed she wasn’t alone. Yaz is there but she looks like she is in daze. The Master must have used mind control on her.
 “Is that
?” I asked as I glanced at the Master.
 “She is the Yaz of this universe. I found you through her. Her Doctor dropped her on earth for a break. She thought I am the Doctor.” The Master explained. “Speaking of, I can’t believe that the other me is actually the Doctor. What’s up with that?” She scrunched her nose in disgust.
 I laughed. “Exactly what I thought the first time I saw her.”
 The Master grinned at me. “I heard you have been a very naughty girl. Tricking the Doctor into making you a companion
but you got caught. What happened?”
 I frowned and grinned slowly. “Did you happen to meet a Sonya on the way here?”
 “The telepath. She tried to use mind control on me. But I turned the table on her.”
 “Of course you did.” I said as I glanced at her with fondness. I raised my wrist in front of her. “Do you mind?”
 The Master smirked. “Say please.”
 I rolled my eyes. “Pretty please.” I said deadpanned.
 She grinned and used her version of sonic cane to disable the cuff off my wrist.
 I smiled. “Thank you, love.”
 Sonya was screaming non-stop as I kept my promise to torture her. The Master is dancing in the middle of room, waving her cane around, dancing to the telepath’s scream.
 I knew she is sending psychic message for the Doctor to help her. But I won’t let the Doctor rescued her so I snapped her neck immediately. I know the Doctor will be coming anyway
for Yaz. I glanced at Yaz who finally regained her bearing and was staring at me and the Master in fear.
 “How could you do this, (name)?” Yaz asked.
 I rolled my eyes. “Why wouldn’t I do this? The Doctor and Sonya trapped me in a prison.”
 “They just wanted to help you.”
 “I don’t need their help.”
 “Obviously you do.”
 “You really need to shut up, Yaz, don’t make me want to kill you.”
 Yaz visibly paled and she, thankfully, shut her mouth.
 “The Doctor is on her way here. Should we leave?” I asked as I turned toward the Master.
 “Why? I would like to meet the other me, the one you have been chummy with.” The Master replied.
 I rolled my eyes. “You can’t seriously be jealous. She was annoying as hell, you would hate her. I hate her.”
 “Then, we should torture her together.” The Master said with an evil grin. “What should we do to her Yaz?”
 I shrugged. “Are you sure? You said the Doctor is
“I know what I said about him and I don’t care. The Doctor here will pay the price as the other Doctor did for what they did to you.”
 I was touched that she actually was mad on my behalf. “What did you do to the other Doctor? I hope you give that bastard hell.”
 “Oh, I trapped his Yaz on the same mirror he used to trap one of his enemies, a family of blood? Whatever. He went inside the mirror to fetch his pet so I shattered it. It would take him a while to figure out a way out. Best case scenario would be making him watch his Yaz grew old inside that mirror while he remained trapped and immortal. He always hated ending and now he will be forced to face an ending.”
 I frowned. “Wish you would throw him into the void
” I muttered. “He has the tendency to come back.”
 “Don’t worry, my dear, we will deal with him once we return to our universe.” The Master promised with a feral grin. “And then we will fulfill the hybrid prophecy
” She pulled me to her and kissed me hard.
 I honestly didn’t care about the prophecy. I was just happy to be back by her side.
 The Doctor’s Tardis materialized on the room. She stepped out of the door and was taken aback to see her own doppelganger was kissing me.
 The Master stopped the kiss and turned to greet the Doctor. She grinned at her. “Hello, Doctor. I heard you have been treating my companion very poorly.”
 The Doctor turned to look at me. Her eyes widened. “I
she is the Master?”
 I smiled a chilling smile. “Now you know
 The Doctor’s face looked very pale.
 Of course, the Master and the Doctor would have to have the same usual dialog of savior-villain theme again. So, I let them have their moment.
 “What did you do to Yaz?” The Doctor demanded.
 “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” The Master said.
 “Yaz, are you okay?” The Doctor asked.
 “I think so.” Yaz replied.
 The Doctor then proceeds to threaten us but was stopped when she saw me put a hand over Yaz’s neck.
 “Let us leave and you can have her back.” I said.
 The Doctor frowned. “You know I don’t take kindly to a threat.”
“And I don’t take kindly to people who imprison me!!” I yelled angrily. “Don’t test me!” I turned to the Master who is glancing at me curiously. “I just want to go home. I’m done with her and this universe.”
 The Master nodded, for once acknowledging my wish. “Your wish is my command.” She raised a hand toward me.
 I pushed Yaz hard toward the Doctor. The Doctor was barely able to catch her. I walked toward the Master as I rose to reach for her hand.
 The Master and I disappeared with her vortex manipulator.
 They are now inside the Master’s tardis in space.
 The Master put her forehead over mine. “I’m sorry that I took so long, my dear.”
 “I’m just glad that you found me.” I said with a watery smile.
 “Did you ever doubt I would?” She whispered softly
 “Well, truthfully
 The Master pulled away from me. “Don’t ruin the moment.” She said.
 I laughed. “You did it first.”
 “You did smell bad before.”
 “Now who is ruining the moment?”
 “The Doctor, she said, this power I have, it was what causing me so much anger, a side effect of the experiment? Did you know?”
 “Why didn’t you tell me?”
 “Does it matter?”
 I pondered over it. “Not really. I don’t regret it. This power, it was what led me to you.”
 “Oh, stop it; next, you are going to break into a song.”
 And they returned back to their original universe where the wrath of Galifrey descends upon them, leading the army to squash down the suspected hybrid before they ever think to set foot into Gallifrey.
 The Master lost her only companion that day. She was taken and imprisoned within Gallifrey where she eventually hack her way out and found out the truth of the Timeless Child. She is the Timeless Child.
 In a fit of rage, she destroyed Gallifrey.
   A/N2: I love Florence and the machine; I listen to Cosmic Love on a loop while writing this.
Originally, I planned to make the Master and Reader stay a while in 13th Doctor’s universe causing chaos. 13th Doctor would eventually defeat the Master and tricked the Reader by pretending to be the Master.
But the Reader would recognize her as the Doctor through how she kissed her. Because the Master is complicated person and although she does love the Reader, she also hates her that every time they kissed, she would give her psychic message in her mind about how much she hates the reader for making her weak.
I decided not to write this because I kind of feeling like the reader is tired and just want to go home and hopefully cuddle with her beloved? Though that bit with the reader’s death come so suddenly. I wanted to end it with fluff but somehow it ended with the timeless child fiasco.
Well, that’s it folk. Hope you love this fic. I know it is far from perfect but I’m just going to say that I’m evil that’s why I posted this regardless whether anyone actually bother reading this fic.
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13atoms · 4 years ago
Gods Higher Than Us: Chapter 3 (13 x Dhawan!Master)
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Two measly blasters, she’d given him.
They’d been stashed under her bed, but at least they were advanced tech. The antiques he’d found in the armoury weren’t going to kill any Judoon. He’d been surprised The Doctor hadn’t objected, that she hadn’t foolishly insisted on him going in unarmed. Maybe she knew they just couldn’t reason with lifeforms like the Judoon, so far from comprehending the verbal gymnastics which the two of them were so talented in.
Maybe she was just sick of the Judoon, of their interference in her life, at a time when all she needed was recovery.
It was strange, to have The Doctor so okay with his violence. In the past she’d at least pretend to object. He supposed the universe owed her something. More than either of them had ever imagined it would. She had been robbed, of lifetimes and lifetimes, and she had every right to readdress the balance.
“Yaz, you have this.”
He threw her a blaster, and the girl caught it with fumbling hands. At least she caught it.
“You’re the one I expect to fuck up the least.” She nodded like she was being given military orders, and he struggled not to laugh. “Button. Make. Go. Bang. It’s terribly simple.”
He shot his own blaster into the wall of the TARDIS, making sparks fly but aiming where he knew wouldn’t hurt the ship. He grinned as the humans jumped, ignoring the grumbling projected into his mind from the TARDIS as he paced in front of them.
“Just press the button to teleport. They’ve got two trips, it’ll take you there then back. That’s
He yelled the last word at them, just for a laugh. Ryan, stood at the end of their odd line formation, swayed. The boy looked ready to pass out.
Oh god, Graham had one. And he was raising his hand. The Master didn’t stop pacing in front of them, but acknowledged the old man with a nod.
“How are we gonna find the Doc?”
“We’re bonded. She’s in my brain. I can talk to her now, hi Doctor!” He said the words out loud, not really bothering to touch their link.
The humans nodded solemnly.
“So you’ll just follow her directions?”
“Yu-up. That’s it for questions?” They looked ready to say something, but The Master needed to get on with this. Now. The less the humans knew, the better. “Bye!”
He slapped the button on his teleport, expecting at least a few seconds grace to recover before the apes eventually got around to following him, no doubt sharing a quick gossip first. But nope, they were there when he landed, just milliseconds behind. For all their flaws, he admired their dedication to helping The Doctor. It made sense why she had them around. Breathtakingly loyal. Far more loyal than a smarter species might be.
“Right. Be quiet, single file line behind me. Sensors will be a bit of a bitch here, but not to worry. Judoon are pretty slow.”
He led the march quickly across the field, zig-zagging as if he had a single clue how to avoid the supposed sensors. The humans followed his every footstep, determined not to put a single toe out of place. In fairness, they were keeping up, doing a stellar job. However, if anything went off, The Master still planned to blame them.
When they made it to the main prison entrance uninterrupted, The Master was so shocked he had no idea what to do.
“Why haven’t they shot us yet?” Yaz wondered aloud, the first in the procession just one step behind The Master.
“Dunno.” He turned, whispering just to her. “They’re a bit thick, Judoon.”
He swore he could see the girl shiver.
Suddenly, he could hear the uniform stomping of boots. Heavy, intimidatingly synchronised in a way that only Judoon could practice long enough to learn. Well, not only Judoon. He pushed the thought of the Cybermen away, determined to never think about those monstrosities again. At least until he had another plan which needed them.
The tops of their heads were cresting a nearby crater, a block for four of them, too many to take.
It would only be a few seconds before the humans could hear them too.
“Ditch the teleports.”
“It’s not illegal for us to be here, but those teleports are illegal.”
While Yaz was already taking out her teleport, Graham was squinting, concentrating on the noise.
“Judoon!” he hissed.
I fucking know. The Master wanted to hiss. Instead, he stashed his own teleport in a trans-dimensional pocket, watching Yaz rip Graham and Ryan’s teleports from their hands, hiding them in a small hole with her own.
So obedient.
She looked back at him for instruction, and he looked pointedly at the blaster she was carrying. With a groan, she hid the gun too.
The Doctor would be laughing at him right now. His plans, his refusal to act without backup after backup, planning three steps ahead, she screwed it all up. His own blaster was crammed deep into a dimensionally engineered inner pocket, and he hoped that would be enough to stop Judoon in this time period finding it.
The creatures approached them with blasters drawn, grunting in that awkward language The Master hated so much. He refused to speak it.
Even if he found it endearing when The Doctor did.
“Hello! We’re from the Union!”
The Union excuse didn’t work, but those stupid creatures barely noticed when The Master changed his story. A quick go at their records system, and the four of them were admitted – under guard – to the facility.
They were supposed to be checking security, checking prisoner safety, under a guide who was not the most charismatic. Four stars on TripAdvisor, as Ryan had joked. Graham had found himself walking beside The Master, as unsubtle as could be when he whispered to the timelord.
“So, what do we do now? Can’t be back without no teleports.”
“I’m aware. Just
 shut up.”
The prison was massive, sprawling. All identical corridors and bare metal, numbers painted on clearly to cells. It wasn’t hard to slip away while they were inspecting an empty cell, only Yaz noticed. He gave her a wink as he darted around a corner, and she stumbled in their chatter as she kept their guide busy.
His hearts ached as he looked saw the cells. They were bare. Uncomfortable. The Judoon couldn’t design for one specific species, so they’d designed for none.
The Doctor hadn’t been here long, but he was certain she wouldn’t have been able to sleep. Couldn’t eat. Barely had space to stretch out, judging by the biped rooms they’d seen. Even for her new, short stature, there would barely be space to stand.
Rassillion, he loved how short she was now.
He found an empty corridor, uninhabited even by prisoners, before reaching out.
We’re inside.
Cell 4450.
I’m on my way, love.
Short, utilitarian. He knew The Doctor hated communicating telepathically. It was strange, though, to hear her voice so curt. He knew she must still be hurting. Badly.
Ah, finally.
He was miles away from The Doctor’s cell. He was right next to the prison’s security room.
Two shots from the blaster had both guarding Judoon sprawled out on the floor. The TCE covered the two inside, and he was alone at the heart of the prison.
Where The Doctor preferred a sonic touch, The Master had a good old fashioned boot. A few carefully placed kicks, cables ripped out of walls, and the whole place was in mayhem. Alarms went off and then silenced, lights were out, power gone. The Judoon wouldn’t be able to fix the problems themselves, so they went after every false alarm with the same fervour as the false alarm before it. The Master wondered if he could just tire them out, by tricking their systems like this.
He wondered, briefly, what was happening with the humans. They’d really have to watch their backs, with all this going on.
A quick search found the only Gallifreyan on the premises. Her health records were clear, no injuries on capture next to her record, visible even under the smashed monitor surface. Good. He wouldn’t have to kill anyone else today.
The Master hit remote unlock, and got to running.
In perfect hindsight, he might have unlocked a few random doors, been a little more creative in his distraction. But he had blinders when it came to The Doctor. Just her mugshot and biometrics was enough. He had to reach her.
The teleports clinked together in his inside pocket, reminding him that he still had to get them all out of there. Still, two would be enough. One for him, one for his Doctor.
Her blonde mop of hair was stark against the industrial, dark grey corridors, coloured pink by the flashing emergency lights up above them. He’d strayed a fair way from her cell, and he wanted to curse her. What if she’d run the wrong way? The could’ve wandered this labyrinth forever.
She grabbed him in a quick hug, insultingly quick, before peering around him for the humans.
“Where are they?”
Ah, shit.
 on their way, no doubt.”
* Phones. He always forgot they had phones. The humans were rushing towards them, following frantic instructions from The Doctor as both Time Lords ran for the exit to the asteroid’s surface. They were making good time. Right up until a breathless Doctor ran headlong into a Judoon.
The Master wrenched her back, hiding her behind himself, hoping to block the view of that big, ugly alien.
Clearly not a commanding officer, the Judoon was communicating with his team, and The Master knew they had scarce few seconds before their fate was decided.
The Master tried. He really tried. To visualise a future where The Doctor forgave him for making any other choice. He considered if the two of them teleported out, left the humans. Hoped they made it back to the surface. He considered leaving the weakest of them. Perhaps Graham. Maybe Ryan. He could have asked her to choose. He could have had the humans share a teleport, hoped they’d survived.
He could have shot the Judoon, killed as many as he could in the hope they’d make it to the surface. They’d be declared intergalactic outlaws, but they might have all survived. They probably wouldn’t have.
He had to stay.
That was the only choice.
His death was the only one which bore forgiveness.
It was the only happy ending.
As he stood in front of her, he had the humans round them, stand behind their Time Lord protector as he conversed with the Judoon.
He would be executed shortly. The blaster was already out of the Judoon’s holster, more officers lining up behind him. He reached into a pocket, slowly, discretely, trying not to fumble the four disks in his grasp.
Open-palmed, he waited for the Fam to take their teleports. And they did.
His hearts broke a little as The Doctor took her own, delicate fingers holding still a little too long, stroking the palm of his bigger hand before the cool metal left his skin.
He could almost picture her, frowning at the teleport. Trying to figure out the trick he had left up his sleeve.
Is this the last one?
He didn’t reply. He just heard his own voice, harsh, loud. It made even the Judoon jump.
He couldn’t believe it when the humans actually went. He suspected they had no idea the damage they were about to do by leaving them.
The noise was so distinctive, he could count them dematerialising.
She tried to force him to take her teleport, of course she did. Desperation in her voice as she begged him to take it, tried to slap in on his closed palm. Rassilion, her hero complex was just unbearable.
“Please!” she screamed, no longer caring to be quiet. Death was on the way. It was a matter of time, for one of them.
For him.
It had to be him.
He refused to take the teleport, easily held her away, finally in the bigger, stronger body.
He hoped this body would last a while, at least. Not that it mattered to her. She had eternity.
That harsh warning, from a tongue not designed to speak multisyllabic words. The Master turned his back to the blaster, waiting to fire through his body. He wanted to be facing her when it happened.
They knew about regeneration. He suspected the Judoon would take mere minutes to kill every single one of his remaining bodies. He wouldn’t even get to see all of his own faces in a mirror. Shame. What if they were as pretty as this one?
The Doctor finally stopped struggling, stood a few feet from him, tears welling up in her eyes.
A few more Judoon finally rounded the corner, their synchronised stomps even louder than outside, echoing to make the metal corridors unbearably claustrophobic. When The Master heard the unlocking of their blasters, he turned to face them and stepped in front of her, eyes closed. He’d had a good run, been on borrowed time for centuries.
He prayed desperately, to whatever gods were higher than the two of them, that the shields were still down. That she could still make it back to her ship.
The impact was seconds away, he knew. He wanted to say something. Tell her something. He couldn’t think of a single damn word. The sound of a Judoon blaster was so distinct, almost as distinct as the teleports they were using. He prayed he’d hear her leaving first – know she was out of the way.
Please. He begged her, forcing the word into her mind. Go.
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clarionglass · 5 years ago
it’s been three days and i still have a lot of Opinions about the new episode of dw, so i’m posting to get all this spam out. some of these thoughts i haven’t already seen in the dw tag? doesn’t mean they’re not out there, i haven’t checked the tag comprehensively, but i just want to add my 2c worth. obviously MASSIVE spoilers for spyfall part 1, so i’m putting this under the cut so i don’t disturb anyone who a) somehow hasn’t seen it and b) doesn’t have spoilers blacklisted
aight here we are chums we’re back with good old-fashioned nu!who feel--i loved the last series, but this came crashing back with a confident, punchy opening very much with the feel of nu!who, and i am So on board this is all gonna be about The Reveal because as we all know, i am rather obsessed with the master
firstly! the reveal itself was handled so well! for five main reasons: 1. we weren’t expecting to see the master so soon after apparent permadeath, even though we all knew the master was gonna come back, general feeling was that they’d give it a bit more time 2. it was a big reveal at the start of the series, not at the end of an arc with lots of teaser glimpses, where in all the speculation the master’s name is inevitably brought up 3. to scab an idea from a good pal, o wasn’t batshit insane. missy clearly was from day dot, as was razor, but o was this very normal, mild MI6 nerd who seemed plain ol average.  4. the master has changed genders before, but never race, so that may have set up unconscious bias/expectations, which were clearly thwarted 5. they kept such a tight lid on leaks and spoilers (unlike the return of simm!master) so all of these combined for a genuinely blindsiding reveal which i Loved
speaking of! thank you sacha dhawan for that incredible acting, oh my god such a switch-flip moment, he goes from nice background character to chewing the scenery and his delivery! ohhhhh my god j’adore 13 (in mounting dread): ...ohhhh o (excitedly): that--that’s my name! and that is why i chose it! so satisfying satisfying for me too, my boy, me too ”or should i say spy... master” fuck “you can’t be” / “i can be. and i very much am” and then the fuckign ”call me master”  chills, genuine chills (lol graham’s quiet, incredulous “call you what?” is amazing) his fuckin nose crinkle??? i think something happens with his hair as well, can’t pinpoint the moment even with several rewatches, but his hair goes from being very off his face to falling in his eyes, and gives him this manic cast which is oh-so-appropriate the return of the tce! so happy to see it in the new series, love me a good shrinky dink and the way he so casually tosses the matchbox aside he’s clearly very evil in this, and i’m hoping that won’t destroy missy’s character arc. current theory is that he’s post-simm, pre-missy (as possibly evidenced by the drumming in the preview? but unsure). definitely some callbacks to harold saxon tho, that trying to drive a subtle wedge between graham and the doctor with the whole “how well do you really know her?” thing is such a saxon move, and you could see it peeping through when he said that “nobody would create such a detailed legend,” yaz replied with “but it’s not impossible,” and his look was just. studiously blank which reminds me, his acting when he goes inside the tardis??? a gift, a treasure i choose to believe that “ridiculous” is his genuine comment on the decor, just as i choose to believe that the doctor’s suit pants started life as normal-length suit pants, but she cut the bottoms off herself to suit her style as has been pointed out in a million other meta posts, 13 is running from her past, and this new master is going to force her to confront it, which is a plot point i am so so keen for also, did anyone else pick up that his first words as the master were “got me. well done.” and his last words were “got you. finally.” he sees it as a constant game of one-upmanship, and as a spectator? bring it on
and not to be That Person but i’m going to be That Person that’s right folks it’s detailed character analysis time because there are two moments in that scene where the master is waiting for the doctor to catch up the first is the reveal, and he’s loving every moment of it. it’s not blood that runs through his veins, it’s dramatic bitch juice. he’s crafted this deception perfectly, he’s maintained it for literal years (”i met o! years ago!” / “i Know!!”), and it wasn’t meant to be seen through until the time he chose to reveal himself, even though he can’t help himself from giving a few little hints, playing games to see how much he can sneak under the radar. and when he reveals himself, he delights in the few moments of confusion before the doctor realises how clever he’s been conversely, the bit with the bomb it’s another switch-flip moment, all his excitement and giddiness and goofiness is drawn aside for a few seconds to reveal this burning core of anger “no! do you really think that i would not make it sonic proof, doctor? come on!” he’s properly angry there, because he didn’t think he had to explain himself, he expected her to have got it already to quote tRoS, they’re a dyad, they’re the only two people in the universe who really understand each other they understand each other, and they expect to be understood, on such a fundamental level and he’s angry because he expected her to know him. she disappointed him in that moment. fuck i just love their dynamic so much??? as friends, as enemies, as some ungodly combination of both
all in all this is just a long way of saying i loved spyfall, i loved the final five minutes in particular, and i’m so so keen for the next ep to see how some of my questions get resolved (also VOR better stand for something otherwise i was sniggering all ep at completely unnecessary vore references and that’s just disappointing)
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inevitable-anna · 5 years ago
Hello Ladies, Gentlemen and Variations There-Upon.
I’m stupid... I missed the beginning of the new episode of ‘Doctor Who’ because I was busy... rewatching ‘Doctor Who’! I then chose to wait until it came onto Iplayer to watch otherwise I’d be confused.
I had a variety of emotions during that episode. The biggest was “SOMEONE GIVE THIRTEEN A FUCKING HUG RIGHT FUCKING NOW!” Like honestly, please somebody give her a hug, just not Lord Byron because she said no and I respect that. But like... come on... just please hug her! (Although, I don’t blame him for having a crush on Thirteen as soon as he meets her. Who wouldn’t?)
The Cyberman design was actually really cool although when it appeared over the lake, for a moment I thought it was one of the Kaasavin(?) because I’m still waiting for more Master/O content.
But one thing that really hit me with a sledgehammer this episode was this...
Tumblr media
I’m fairly certain that The Doctor blames themselves for Bill’s death. It happened on their watch and they promised her that ‘they wouldn’t get her killed’ but they couldn’t save her. They arrived ten years too late and found Cyber!Bill instead.
And then she has to face a Cyberman again. Knowing what happened to Bill and I think that absolutely killed her inside, memories of finding Cyber!Bill and her saying “I waited... I waited... I waited for you...” and her mind screams that she’s gonna get one of her friends killed again.
And if any of the fam die, I’m gonna fucking riot! I need Team TARDIS! We need Yaz and Thirteen to be canon (although I do ship ‘O’ Master/Thirteen as well but come on! A canon gay relationship with the main character of the show would be fucking amazing for representation!)
I’ve also made the hashtag, #GiveThirteenAHug2K20! Because she deserves one! I think she had more physical contact with that helmet in this episode, then she’s had with the fam all season!
I hope this post is alright? It just feels very disjointed to me but I hope it’s okay. Thanks for reading! :D
(Sidenote, I love how I’ve gone from ‘oh no, no swearing on my christian tumblr server’ to ‘It’ll be alright if I just censor it’ to ‘FUCK FUCK FUCKITY BITCH FUCK’ in terms of profanity)
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jinjojess · 6 years ago
One of the main things I get asked about or have mentioned to me is why I don’t as zealously translate things on my blog anymore.
There’s a lot of reasons, some of which I’ve addressed in the past, but they’re kind of persistent issues that don’t only affect me. They affect just about every other fan translator that I’ve had the pleasure of working with and they’re why you don’t tend to see the same people stick around for a long period of time.
This is going to come across as a vent-type thing, and it isn’t aimed at anyone in particular, but just at certain trends in fandom and social media spaces in general, so I’m not calling anyone out or anything.
Like I mentioned before, you tend to notice that a lot of people who translate things for a particular fandom will drift away after a certain amount of time. This isn’t an accident, nor does it necessarily need to be an eventuality. Some people will always move on because they lose interest in the source material, but I’m not talking about that today.
Reason #1: Work and Real Life
The biggest, most persistent issue for me is my job. I work long hours, I have a two-hour commute on a train each day, and my work is very stressful and demanding. Would I rather be translating? Hell yes! Can I support myself doing translations for free? Hell no!
When I was doing really hardcore translation stuff, it was basically me not sleeping. That was a thing I could do because my hours were shorter then and I got long breaks throughout the year. I was home and in my house by 18:30 every night which meant I had way, way more free time than I’ve had in the last couple years.
I’m not in school anymore, nor do I work part time, nor am I figuring things out at my parents’ or anything. I’m also getting older and more tired. That means I can’t afford to be translating a bunch of text for free and sacrificing all my free time and time to sleep. It’s a little unfair to expect me to compete with pro translators, people who work part time, or are in university, or NEETs who happen to be doing translation stuff.
Reason #2: Lack of Motivation/Lack of “Customer Loyalty”
I was going to call this “lack of reward” but there is an inherent reward to doing this kind of work and lots of people have been very vocal and kind about their gratitude, so it’s not necessarily that you never are rewarded.
However, I do need to address the elephant in the room.
Fandom is a fickle and impatient creature. It doesn’t care about quality, it cares about speed. The second biggest reason I don’t try to keep up the pace I was going at a few years ago is because there’s really not any strong motivation to do so aside from my own pride and a handful of people.
Let me try to explain what I mean: when you’re cranking out translations quickly, before anyone else has touched anything, then people will respond well. They’ll reblog your posts, donate small amounts of money, draw you fanart, send you nice messages. The second you stop cranking things out as quickly though, all of that dries up. Yes, a core group of people will stick with you, but the majority of the fandom just kind of moves on and latches onto whoever’s faster.
And it’s frustrating. It’s annoying that I can spend hours and hours and hours putting something together, only for it to get like 50 notes. My DRT summaries have been read by countless people, but the posts themselves have less than 10 notes in most cases. 
People don’t really appreciate that translation is ultimately a creative act--it’s not just a mechanical process of Language In > Language Out, it require you to be creative in your word choices. Also they don’t appreciate the hidden work, like all the money spent procuring the original source material (which I always tried to do since I prefer to be self-reliant like a dumbass), or the formatting, or the TIME. 
Meanwhile, people will reblog visual art that looks similar with no qualms, but if it’s a long translation, they won’t even bother to read other interpretations, much less spread them.
People remember the names of visual artists, and will promote them and yell about how they need to be paid and whatnot, but they don’t tend to remember the names of people who translated things. Fandom just doesn’t do that. Unless you stay relevant and in the public eye as it were, fandom at large doesn’t remember the people who did seminal translations of works.
They don’t have to, of course, but I gotta admit that it doesn’t really make me want to pour hours of my own limited free time into working on something that no one will care about or remember I did after the fact.
Reason #3: Cutthroat Tactics
As you can imagine, when speed is the only thing that matters, the situation turns toxic real quick. While you’ll meet a lot of other great translators, and everyone I’ve personally worked with has been fantastic, but I think the incident that best shows off what I mean is what happened with Yaz and someone taking his raws to release their own version before shslscans did. That happens all the damn time.
While a certain group of people will cooperate and try not to step on others’ toes or be respectful (the reason why I never finished kamase-megane’s DRK1 translation), there will always be other people who just jump in and do stuff and don’t even recognize you--they can’t, because if they do, they run the risk of people going to read your stuff instead of theirs, and as we established, the fandom will only read one translation and nothing else.
There’s also the issue of the audience themselves, who will do things like nitpick everything you post if they don’t like it (which happened to a friend of mine, who ended up having people attack them because their interpretation of the vaguely worded source text didn’t line up with what they wanted to hear). 
There are also people who very clearly want to use you for their own advantage. You can always tell who these people are, because they will be up in your face and promoting you left and right until you need to take a breather, at which point they will drop you like a sack of potatoes and heavily promote someone who is doing the thing they want, but faster. They will also not circle back around and promote your version once you finish it.
The fandom will take your scans and your translations and use them without credit, gaining way more notoriety and attention than you ever could on your own (this happened to me last year on Twitter, where someone took a photo and translation I uploaded to my blog in 2014 and used it to garner LOADS of attention--while the Tumblr post that talked about the tweet credited me, the original thief never did, despite me politely asking).
Fandom will also turn their nose up at anything that isn’t a word-for-word translation. My summaries for the side novels are extremely detailed and I end up translating large passages anyway, and STILL people bitch that they won’t engage with summaries because they’re inferior. r/choosingbeggars much?
Part of the reason that no one remembers the translator or sticks with them if their pace drops is because there’s an unspoken expectation that the fandom is owed the translations. It doesn’t matter who they come from, but clearly someone has to do it, because it’s just a thing that fans are entitled to. That’s mind-boggling to me, who grew up with fan translations as the only way for me to experience a LOT of foreign language media. No one owes you translations of things as soon as they’re released!
Finally, it’s difficult to get your work even seen, because the market gets so saturated; all of the aggressive self-promotion often ignores what other people are doing, either because of sincere ignorance that your stuff exists, or because they’re intentionally ignoring you to make themselves seem like the only option.
This is not a DanRon fandom problem; this is a fandom problem, full stop.
I can’t tell you what to do, or how to engage with fan translators and their work. This is more just a vent about things that irritate me about the whole scene and to explain why I don’t update as quickly or as often these days. 
I do still want to get my version out there, and I will still do it--I was doing side novel liveblogs and summaries before anyone paid attention to my blog and I will continue on after--but I do ask that maybe you be patient, or you try reading different translations of the same thing to appreciate the various approaches. Remember who translates what and makes sure that you always credit and source. Reblog translation posts, don’t just like them. 
Basically, treat us the way you treat visual artists.
Thanks for reading, and thanks to all the folks who have stuck with me through the years. Everyone who sends me nice asks and who has sent me art or liked or reblogged my posts, I appreciate all of that. You should be the norm, but you aren’t, and so I really love you guys. I’ll have some stuff for you very soon!
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takaraphoenix · 6 years ago
Now that I watched the New Year’s special, I want to share some thoughts on 13th first series!
Prior to the series, I was very critical of the energy they’d give a female Doctor. But they - meaning the writers and Jodie herself - managed to just make it the Doctor but a woman. Not a WOMAN Doctor. That’s not the emphasis. There were some small instances where the Doctor stumbled over now being a woman and the hindrances that come with it, but they were very appropriate and called for. They didn’t change the essence of who he Doctor is just because the Doctor is now a woman. I love that.
I also absolutely adore Jodie. Now, I don’t know if it’s because Jodie has worked with David before, but I am getting strong 10 vibes from her every so often. Which, I greatly approve of especially since she took my favorite parts of 10.
That’s not to say she just copies David. She gives the Doctor her whole own spin and I love what she’s doing with the character.
Another thing I was weary about prior to the series was the number of companions. A new Doctor is already a lot to digest, but additionally introducing three new companions? That’s a lot to take in.
But they actually did a very clever thing there to help with establishing them.
For one, they left out the overarching plot. Meaning there was not also an additional Big Bad with a whole spiel to establish. The focus was solemnly on one-off episodes that served to introduce our four main characters and their dynamics with each other.
I really do think that the lack of a Big Bad helped establish the characters immensely.
Another thing is that while there was no Big Bad as an overarching plot, there still was an overarching plot - and that was Grace. From the first episode with her death that brought the four together, to Rosa where they focused so much on how she would have loved it all and did so many things according to what Grace had taught them, ending in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos where we do have a return to the bad guy of the first episode and even though he himself didn’t really pull through the entire season, facing him again was a wonderful way of tying the series - and then in the special once more, with the introduction of Grace’s son.
Grace was a wonderful way of tying the series and she was also a great way of establishing Graham and Ryan and their dynamic with each other. Having a grandfather-grandson duo is a really interesting combination and I do have to admit that family in the TARDIS is always fun.
Now while they had their own thing going for them, Yaz was... the main companion this season, essentially. She had the closest bond with the Doctor, was her right hand woman essentially (and I really want to see more of her family!).
So yes, while the lack of an overarching plot like in other series was a bit desorienting at first, it really did serve this series well and helped establish the characters.
Granted, I could have done without the Daleks, but that’s a personal thing. I really dislike the Daleks. They are bland and boring villains and aside from that one Clara episode where she was a Dalek, there has never been an outstanding Dalek episode in New Who. The whole “I thought I killed the last of them” spiel got tired after the first three times, honestly. Now it’s just something to cross off from your Doctor Who bingo - the obligatory Dalek episode.
Especially since they didn’t even use the Dalek as an exposition tool. That was kind of what I was expecting. The Daleks, the Big Bad of the Time Lords, as a perfect opportunity for the Doctor to make some Time Lord exposition.
That was missing a little this series. The usual spiel of “Where do you come from, are there more of you, what exactly is a TARDIS?”. I mean, I kind of understand it; they had to fully from scratch establish three companions and make the female Doctor prove herself to the audience, there was enough going on to also add some age-old exposition the audience has already heard five times. I’m expecting it next series, with an actual overarching villain - when things will properly start. For now, it was all in the introductions.
Now, my favorite companion this series is probably Yaz, because I adore her. But I actually like all three of them. I really want to see more of her family in future series - I always love when the family is dragged into this mess.
My favorite episode was Demons of the Punjab, I enjoyed that the most, maybe due to bias because it’s a Yaz episode and it was very beautiful.
My least favorite episode was Resolution, because... Daleks, man. I don’t know, the specials are always, well, special. This wasn’t... it wasn’t special. It was just the obligatory Dalek spiel. If they had actually brought UNIT in, it might have become more special, but as it stands, it was my least favorite of this series.
But talking about UNIT - I did love that the Doctor actually considered and called UNIT. With the network of supporters she has on Earth, the question “Why does x not help?” arises rather often.
I do however hope that in the future, such calls will be answered. I’d love to see some old faces return to the show. Maybe even older than UNIT. Yes, I will never give up hope on seeing Martha and Mickey again, or having Jack reappear - since Moffat is now finally gone, this could actually happen, after all. Hope is the last thing to die, so there is that.
Overall, this series was a lot of fun - I haven’t had that much fun with Doctor Who in years! I am incredibly happy that my love for this show has been revived. I absolutely adore 13, she is precious and wonderful and amazing, the new people in charge are turning Doctor Who back to what it used to be and I could not be happier about it all!
The only downside: Seriously, reading comments on any social media about Doctor Who has grown tiresome after the first two episodes already. If I hear one more crybaby fake fanboi claim that Jodie just isn’t good enough and that Doctor Who is too SJW or political now and how it just isn’t good anymore, while literally all evidence (ratings and views and literally just the fact that it is amazing) point to the opposite, I may smack a bitch.
If y’all misogynistic fake fanbois can’t handle a female Doctor, please for the love of the gods just stop watching Doctor Who and leave it to the real fans.
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