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Los Túneles de Klipot
Existen veintidós caminos hipotéticos conocidos como los "Túneles de Seth" o las "Cuevas de Choronzon" entre las esferas del Plano Negro del Caos (Kliphoth // Sitra Ahra). Cada uno de estos hipotéticos caminos está gobernado por un archidemonio específico, y dentro de doce de ellos residen las fuerzas del Zodíaco Infernal conocidas como los Ejércitos Cliphóticos o los Príncipes Cliphóticos. Los Túneles de Cliphoth :
I. Amprodias
Los misterios de lo irracional llevados al extremo. Una exploración de la locura como herramienta de creación y destrucción. La ruptura del velo entre los mundos y la capacidad de ver con el Ojo del Dragón.
II. Barathial
La ciencia como medio de lo trascendente. Traspasar el velo que divide los mundos y explorar lo que hay más allá de la mente. La capacidad de dominar el mundo y convertirse en el dueño del propio destino.
III. Gargophias
El camino a través del Abismo. Secretos de la magia femenina y los ritos lunares. El poder de destruir y crear la realidad. La magia de los sueños y la imaginación visual como herramienta para hacer realidad los deseos.
IV. Dagdagiel
El poder de vivir con los sentidos y flotar con la corriente. La Oscuridad Femenina y sus misterios de tiempo, destino, género y muerte. El Vientre del Universo como fuente de toda creación y toda manifestación.
V. Hemetterita
La Astrología y los poderes estelares de la Divina Femenina. La apertura de la conciencia a las corrientes extraterrestres y su aceptación en aras de la autoafirmación. Magia Estelar y la visión de la Serpiente Cósmica.
VI. Uriens
Poder y responsabilidad en el camino mágico. Autoiniciación y confianza en uno mismo. Rituales de poder y dominación, tanto en sentido secular como espiritual. La autoafirmación y el camino del aislamiento.
VII. Zamradiel
Misterios de la manifestación y la inexistencia. Adentrarse en lo desconocido. Viaje astral y habilidades de biolocalización. Ritos para expandir la conciencia y convertirse en un canal para enraizar la Corriente Dracónica. Fusión de lo masculino y lo femenino.
VIII. Harasit .
El cuenco como símbolo de la feminidad y recipiente de transformación. El poder de lanzar hechizos y conseguir todo lo que deseamos. Misterios de seducción, magnetismo personal y atracción sexual.
IX. Temphiot
Magia de la lujuria y el deseo. Rituales de creación y misterio sexual tanto para la curación como para la destrucción. Teriomorfismo y fusión con los instintos atávicos primarios del cerebro reptil. El poder de la Feminidad Divina.
Х. Yamatu
El chamanismo y la búsqueda de visiones. Secretos de la inmortalidad en la carne. Rituales de curación y regeneración para alcanzar la plenitud interior. Magia de la Tierra y comprensión del Dragón Exterior.
XI. Kurgasiaks .
La Rueda de la Fortuna y la capacidad de aceptar y cambiar el destino. Ascenso y dominación. Misterios de la sucesión y manipulación de los destinos.
XII. Lawkursiax
Equilibrio en la frontera del orden y la incomprensión. Misterios de verdad y justicia, equilibrio y desarmonía, dicha y olvido. Manifestación a través de la aniquilación de la ley y la exploración del caos creativo.
XIII. Malkunophat
La magia del Vacío. Los misterios del tiempo y la disolución. La exploración del inconsciente colectivo. La capacidad de dominar y rendirse. La Diosa Negra y el Vientre del Universo.
XIV. Niantiel
Eros y Tánatos. Los misterios de la transformación a través de la muerte y el sexo. La purificación a través de la decadencia. La exploración del sol de medianoche y el viaje de regreso al corazón de Sitra Ahra.
XV. Saxaxalim
La alquimia y el poder de la transmutación. Destrucción de la individualidad y fusión con los sentidos. La unión de los opuestos mediante la conversión y la transformación. Romper las polaridades y experimentar el universo como un todo.

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Yamatual and Yafiend
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: M/M Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationships: Libertus Ostium/Yamachang, Tredd Furia/Luche Lazarus, Crowe Altius/Pelna Khara Characters: Libertus Ostium, Yamachang (Final Fantasy XV), Crowe Altius, Pelna Khara, Nyx Ulric, Tredd Furia, Luche Lazarus Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Romantic Soulmates, Romance, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers
A03 Story Found Here
Summary: Everyone is born with a soul mark. Dark lines that create a symbol, one that is shared by their soulmate somewhere in the world. Libertus is almost 23, and while most of the people around him had met their soulmates, he's yet to find his own.
Until one day Nyx tells him about a little shop that makes Galahdian food a few blocks from his home.
There is no one story with this pairing that I have seen - holy asdfghjkl. My friend Glaivenoct, and I have dubbed this pairing "Yamatus". Enjoy, lol.
This is dedicated to Jazzraft, and they know why... they know what they did, lol. XD
It was what made the world go round, this unending need to find the one meant for you. Over the years he’d heard many stories of love and loss. Those who had found their other half when they were young. Others who had searched for years or met their destined partner in their elder years. Sadly, some went through their life without their destined partner. Many believe this was due to an accident or some type of untimely death.
Having known friends who had yet to meet someone, part of him feared he’d end up the same way. It was a warranted feeling, having lost so many lives with the fall of Galahd. So, when Libertus looked back on all the near misses he and his soulmate had over the years, he couldn’t help but laugh.
They had grown up a village apart, close enough they could have met at random a million times over… and the near misses hadn’t stopped here. As they exchanged their life stories, both realized how close they had been the whole time. The bar he’d run with Nyx when they had both been younger had been a popular little stop, and Lib’s soulmate admitted to knowing of it. In fact, he’d gone there to have drinks with friends several times. When discussing their move to Insomnia, both discovered they had left Galahd within a year of one another. On top of that, he’d lived a few blocks from his soulmate all this time.
So many near misses, and it had been Nyx who had steered them to one another.
It had been late one night, after a lengthy training session. Nyx had mentioned some hole-in-the-wall street vendor that made Galahdian food as they changed, and they all had the following day off. At the time, it was better than going home and being alone with one's daemons, so they had decided to go. That’s where they had met Yamachang, or as he’d insisted: ’Call me Yama’. He had been a chef from the coast of Galahd. Yama wasn’t a big talker, but they did learn his family had insisted he leave the island nation with them days before the Empires final attack. Lib’s couldn’t blame him. By that point, their home had been a shadow of its former glory.
Regardless… they had found a friend in the quiet and at times grumpy, chef. Thus, he found himself added to the little group of Glaives normal routine. Whenever they had a tough training session, or if they had returned from a mission outside the wall, they would all find themselves gathered at a table by Yama’s shop soon after.
It was funny how things happened, and how someone could feel a pull towards another person without registering it.
He and Yama had gotten along splendidly, but it was easy to brush off the bond as friendship. It wasn’t until they had been going there a few months that the subject of soulmates came up. Now, in some circles bringing up one’s soul mark could come off as rude. Lucky for the small group of fighters, they were beyond intoxicated and had thrown all decency aside. While Nyx had declined to comment, Libertus having long known he’d yet to find his soulmate, the others went off on tangents of their own.
Crowe has been the first to offer, turning to show the mark on her shoulder. She and Pelna hadn’t spoken much, but they found themselves on the same team for their first mission to the front lines. He’d been the one to rush to Crowe’s side during an attack after a bullet from an MT’s gun struck her arm. Pulling at her uniform, Pelna had exposed her soul mark and found a match to his own.
Tredd and Luche’s story, as the woman went on to point out, wasn’t close to being as romantic. It had involved a few arguments, one that had turned physical, and Drautos yelling at the two of them to go to the showers and cool off. During their shower, as the two men continued to bicker, they realized that the soul mark on their left side matched. As it turned out, the two bickered so much because they were so much alike. A similarity that had made Crowe tell the men they deserved one another because no one else could have dealt with their shit.
Yama chucked at the story, admitting that he had yet to find his own soulmate. Crowe was the one who’d asked him what his soul mark looked like. While he had hesitated for a moment, the chef had tugged on his shirt to pull it down. There on Yama’s collarbone was his mark, one that Lib’s knew intimately. It was the same spot his mark had appeared. Pushing up from the table, he’d closed the few steps parting them and looked closer. The dark lines against tanned skin made it clear it wasn’t that it was the same spot, it was the same mark. Lib’s couldn’t deny it, he’d known those lines his whole life. He’d traced them a million times with his own fingers.
“Gotta be fuckin’ me.” He mumbled, watching as Yama’s brown arched at the reaction. It was all made clear when the glaive tugged at his own shirt, meeting his eyes. “Been lookin’ fer ya everywhere, ya know?” The words, whispered, as the man in front of him smiled and noted the matching symbols.
“I could say the same. Took ya long enough, you bastard.” Yama chuckled, feeling the glaive haul him close as they kissed for the first time. It was right, it felt like this was all meant to happen at that exact moment. They both knew they were a match.
Lib’s pulled from the kiss rested his forehead against Yama’s and smiled. “Sorry. Try not to leave ya hanging next time.”
“Yeah? Well, I’ll hold you to that.”
#logicdive writes#yamatus#libertus ostium#yamachang#yama-chan#nyx ulric#crowe altius#pelna khara#tredd furia#luche lazarus#my fic#waiting#soulmates#ffxv#ffxv fic#ffxv fanfic#final fantasy xv#final fantasy xv fic#final fantasy xv fanfic
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やまとぅ そーぐゎち♪
ゐー そーぐゎち でーびる。
くんどぅぬ やまとぅ そーぐゎちぇー とらぬ とぅし やいびーんやー。
くんどー なーひん ブログ かち 「うちなーぐち てーげー ブログ」 はなやかさびーんどー。
ゆたはるぐとぅ うにげーさびら♪
ピカゲノカズラるる 植物 やいびーんり。
花屋ぬ っちゅが ちゅらーく ちゅくてぃ くぃみそーちゃん。
ながはれー ながはるさく かふーなむん やいびーんり。
今年はもっとブログ書いて、「うちなーぐち てーげー ブログ」盛り上げますよー。
#うちなーぐち やまとぅ そーぐゎち#うちなー やまとぅ そーぐゎち#そーぐゎち#沖縄正月#沖縄#Uchinaaguchi soogwachi#Uchinaa yamatu soogwachi#Okinawa soogwachi#Okinawa New Year
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Oh look, even aliens got trapped on Yamati. 🤣
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Practice Sentence #1
Note: With any language I learn, I occasionally make practice sentences in the language for practice. Because there are so few Okinawan resources out there, I thought I could post some of my practice sentences out there to give you guys something to read to check your understanding (even if I use grammar structures I haven’t explained yet in our main lessons).
ガーナーまーさんどー! 日本うぅてぃ一番好ちなチョコレートやっさ! ガーナーまーさんどー! にふんうぅてぃいちばんしちなチョコレートやっさ! Gaanaa maasan doo! Nifun wuti ichiban shichi na chokoreeto yassa! Ghana is delicious! It’s my favorite chocolate in Japan.
ガーナー・Gaanaa = ガーナ + や
ガーナ・Gaana = Ghana (Both the chocolate brand and the country)
や・Ya = topic particle
まーさん・Maasan = Delicious
日本・にふん・Nifun = Japan (see below)
うぅてぃ・Wuti = particle marking location
一番・いちばん・Ichiban = Number one, Favorite, Best
好ち・しち・Shichi = Like
な・Na = na-adjective particle
チョコレート・Chokoreeto = Chocolate
やん・Yan = state-of-being copula
On Nifun: Nifun is an Okinawan word meaning “Japan,” but you may have heard of the word 大和・やまとぅ・Yamatu, which also means “Japan.” So, what is the nuance between the words? This is my conclusion based on observations on how yamatu and nifun are used:
大和・やまとぅ・Yamatu — Used to refer to mainland Japan (excluding Okinawa). It is often used to reference Japan when talking about Japan historically, particularly before the reversion of Okinawa to Japan in 1972. Yamatu is also used to talk about “Japanese” things that don’t apply in Okinawa (or the Ryukyu Islands). Things that originate in the mainland that aren’t naturally part of Okinawa use yamatu (specifically, I’m thinking of yamatuguchi, the word for the Japanese language). Yamatunchu refers to a Japanese person of Yamato ethnicity. While yamatu might be less of a loaded word than the Okinawan Japanese term naichi, the geography of what is covered by “yamatu” and what is covered by “naichi” is roughly identical (I’m sure a semantic debate could be made over whether or not Hokkaido fits into either of those two terms or not). However, like naichi, there’s an underlying connotation that yamatu is NOT Okinawa.
日本・にふん・Nifun — Used to refer to Japan as a nation (including Okinawa). It is often used to refer to Japan in the context of nationwide-phenomena (events, culture, experience, etc) or in the context of international relations/events, especially after the reversion of Okinawa to Japan in 1972. Looking at the example sentence here, we can note that the Ghana chocolate bar can be found throughout (the nation of) Japan, from Hokkaido to Yonaguni. Because it can be found nationwide and is not necessarily unique to Yamatu over Uchinaa or Uchinaa over Yamatu, Nifun would be the best word to use. Talking about Japan in the Olympics, nationwide coronavirus statistics, the number of Shinto shrines across the country — All these would be the context to use nifun over yamatu. Especially when talking about modern day Japan, unless you’re specifically talking about mainland Japan in the context where it is important to separate it from the Ryukyu Islands, nifun appears to be the go-to word. 日本人・にふんちゅ・Nifunchu is also a word, referring to a Japanese person - That is, both ethnic Yamato people and ethnic Ryukyuan people. An Okinawan person is uchinaanchu, a Yamato person is a yamatunchu, and both are considered to be nifunchu. That being said, there is no 日本口・にふんぐち・Nifunguchi. The Japanese language is still the language that originated in yamatu that was brought over to Okinawa after the Okinawan language was around and so, the Japanese language is still Yamatuguchi. Now, let’s say in a hypothetical world where Japan wrote official documents in both Japanese Okinawan. For “nationality” (in Japanese, 国籍), the Okinawan version would use Nifun as “Yamatu” is more of an ethnic homeland than it is a politically-existing country for legal citizenship classification.
When talking about “Japan” throughout history, it might be helpful to know when nifun can or cannot applicable.
Before 1609 — ONLY Yamatu
1609-1879 — As the Ryukyu Kingdom was still nominally independent, Yamatu is still the only appropriate word to use here.
1879-1945 — This is a tricky point in time, especially given the cultural changes happening within Okinawa at the time. Though the amount of shared phenomena between Okinawa and mainland Japan during this time period was less as abundant than it is now, Nifun is an option available to you assuming it’s in the correct context though the chances for that context to pop up is lower than if you were talking about Japan today. For example, the term to use for “Japanese casualties” in the Battle of Okinawa, including both Japanese military and Okinawan civilians, might be Nifun.
1945-1972 — As Okinawa was separate from Japan during this time period, Yamatu would be the only appropriate word to use for referencing Japan during this time period.
After 1972 — With Okinawa returned to Japan, when referencing Japan during this time period, Nifun is an option available to you assuming it’s in the correct context.
This was much longer than I expected it to be for a post about how I like chocolate, but I tried to be as thorough as I could here to give the best explanation as to the difference between Yamatu and Nifun. I hope I helped somewhat in that regard. Likewise, I hope other practice sentences can help you in the future.
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Yamatu- Shurpu Asaru
Good album, really has that old black metal tone and the synths between songs really are an ode to an older/90s era of black metal.
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I'm looking for bands that start with uncommon letters of the alphabet like: J,Q,X and Y. Have you got any bands that I should check out? Cheers
Judas Iscariot
Jawzael (Israel)
Jewel Throne (Italy)
Qayin Rex Mortis
Quasar (US)
Quis ut deus
Xul (Sweden)
Yellow Eyes
Yawning Void
Yog Sothoth (US)
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Holy Day Meditation for April 1, 2020 æ.v.
April 1, 2020 æ.v.
Dies Mercurii, Sol 12° Aries, Luna 19° Cancer
An Vvi æ.n.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Day of Yod, the Day of the Hermit
Hebrew Letter: Yod
Numerical Value as Letter: 10
Numerical Value as Word: 20/14
(Yod+Vav+Daleth or Yod+Daleth)
Meaning: Hand (open, palm, side & fingers)
Thoth Card: The Hermit (Atu IX)
Alternate Title: The Prophet of the Eternal, The Magus of the Voice of Power.

Tree of Life Path Association: Key 20 - Tiphareth to Chesed (from Sephira 6-4)
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Element: Earth
Egyptian Godforms: Isis [as Virgin], Heru-pa-Kraath
Geomantic Figure: Conjunctio
Gemstones: Peridot
Perfumes: Narcissus
Plants: Snowdrop, Lily, Narcissus, Mistletoe
Animals: Rhinoceros
King Scale – Green, yellowish
Queen Scale – Slate grey
Prince Scale – Green grey
Princess Scale – Plum colour

The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Wander alone; bearing the Light and thy Staff! And be the Light so bright that no man seeth thee! Be not moved by aught without or within: keep Silence in all ways!
Most secret seed of all Life's serpent plan, Virgin, the Hermit goes, dumb Guardian.
Liber Arcanorum Verse:
Also the Priest veiled himself, lest his glory be profaned, lest his word be lost in the multitude.
Genius of the House of Mercury

Genius of the Prison of the Qliphoth

Recommended Text for Meditation:
Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli, Cap. 5
Liber Liberi vel Lapdis Lazuli Adumbratio Kabbalae Aegyptiorum Sub Figura VII
Being the Voluntary Emancipation of a certain Exempt Adept from his Adeptship. These are the Birth-Words of a Master of the Temple. A.˙.A.˙. Publication in Class A. Imprimatur: N. Fra A.˙. A.˙.
1. O my beautiful God! I swim in Thy heart like a trout in the mountain torrent.
2. I leap from pool to pool in my joy; I am goodly with brown and gold and silver.
3. Why, I am lovelier than the russet autumn woods at the first snowfall.
4. And the crystal cave of my thought is lovelier than I.
5. Only one fish-hook can draw me out; it is a woman kneeling by the bank of the stream. It is she that pours the bright dew over herself, and into the sand so that the river gushes forth.
6. There is a bird on yonder myrtle; only the song of that bird can draw me out of the pool of Thy heart, O my God!
7. Who is this Neapolitan boy that laughs in his happiness? His lover is the mighty crater of the Mountain of Fire. I saw his charred limbs borne down the slopes in a stealthy tongue of liquid stone.
8. And Oh! the chirp of the cicada!
9. I remember the days when I was cacique in Mexico.
10. O my God, wast Thou then as now my beautiful lover?
11. Was my boyhood then as now Thy toy, Thy joy?
12. Verily, I remember those iron days.
13. I remember how we drenched the bitter lakes with our torrent of gold; how we sank the treasurable image in the crater of Citlaltepetl.
14. How the good flame lifted us even unto the lowlands, setting us down in the impenetrable forest.
15. Yea, Thou wast a strange scarlet bird with a bill of gold. I was Thy mate in the forests of the lowland; and ever we heard from afar the shrill chant of mutilated priests and the insane clamour of the Sacrifice of Maidens.
16. There was a weird winged God that told us of his wisdom.
17. We attained to be starry grains of gold dust in the sands of a slow river.
18. Yea, and that river was the river of space and time also.
19. We parted thence; ever to the smaller, ever to the greater, until now, O sweet God, we are ourselves, the same.
20. O God of mine, Thou art like a little white goat with lightning in his horns!
21. I love Thee, I love Thee.
22. Every breath, every word, every thought, every deed is an act of love with Thee.
23. The beat of my heart is the pendulum of love.
24. The songs of me are the soft sighs:
25. The thoughts of me are very rapture:
26. And my deeds are the myriads of Thy children, the stars and the atoms.
27. Let there be nothing!
28. Let all things drop into this ocean of love!
29. Be this devotion a potent spell to exorcise the demons of the Five!
30. Ah God, all is gone! Thou dost consummate Thy rapture. Falutli! Falutli!
31. There is a solemnity of the silence. There is no more voice at all.
32. So shall it be unto the end. We who were dust shall never fall away into the dust.
33. So shall it be.
34. Then, O my God, the breath of the Garden of Spices. All these have a savour averse.
35. The cone is cut with an infinite ray; the curve of hyperbolic life springs into being.
36. Farther and farther we float; yet we are still. It is the chain of systems that is falling away from us.
37. First falls the silly world; the world of the old grey land.
38. Falls it unthinkably far, with its sorrowful bearded face presiding over it; it fades to silence and woe.
39. We to silence and bliss, and the face is the laughing face of Eros.
40. Smiling we greet him with the secret signs.
41. He leads us into the Inverted Palace.
42. There is the Heart of Blood, a pyramid reaching its apex down beyond the Wrong of the Beginning.
43. Bury me unto Thy Glory, O beloved, O princely lover of this harlot maiden, within the Secretest Chamber of the Palace!
44. It is done quickly; yea, the seal is set upon the vault.
45. There is one that shall avail to open it.
46. Nor by memory, nor by imagination, nor by prayer, nor by fasting, nor by scourging, nor by drugs, nor by ritual, nor by meditation; only by passive love shall he avail.
47. He shall await the sword of the Beloved and bare his throat for the stroke.
48. Then shall his blood leap out and write me runes in the sky; yea, write me runes in the sky.
Love is the law, love under will.
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Sigil of Yamatu - The Hermit. by: The Sigilist/© Alexei Vella. If you are interested in the creation of a personal (uncharged/unactivated) sigil please purchase them from - http://thesigilist.storenvy.com/ ✹ - Tip Jar -
#sigil#sigils#thesigilist#sigil creation#sigil craft#thelema#esoteric#esotericism#chaos#chaote#chaos magic#chaos magick#chaos magician#magick#magic#ceremonial magick#ceremonial magic#grant morrison#zoskiacultus#zos kia cultus#austin osman spare#occult
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The Okinawan Language
Anybody who has studied Japanese and Linguistics will know that Japanese is a part of the Japonic language family. For many years it was thought that Japanese was a language isolate, unrelated to any other language (Although there is some debate as to whether or not Japanese and Korean are related). Today, most linguists are in agreement that Japanese is not an isolate. The Japonic languages are split into two groups: Japanese (日本語) and its dialects, which range from standard Eastern Japanese (東日本方言) to the various dialects found on Kyūshū (九州日本方言), which are, different, to say the least. The Ryukyuan Languages (琉球語派). Which are further subdivided into Northern and Southern Ryukyuan languages. Okinawan is classified as a Northern Ryukyuan Languages. There are a total of 6 Ryukyuan languages, each with its own dialects. The Ryukyuan languages exist on a continuum, somebody who speaks Okinawan will have a more difficult time understanding the Yonaguni Language, which is spoken on Japan’s southernmost populated island. Japanese and Okinawan (I am using the Naha dialect of Okinawan because it was the standard language of the Ryukyu Kingdom), are not intelligible. Calling Okinawan a dialect of Japanese is akin to calling Dutch a dialect of English. It is demonstrably false. Furthermore, there is an actual Okinawan dialect of Japanese, which borrows elements from the Okinawan language and infuses it with Japanese. So, where did the Ryukyuan languages come from? This is a question that goes hand in hand with theories about where Ryukyuan people come from. George Kerr, author of Okinawan: The History of an Island People (An old book, but necessary read if you’re interested in Okinawa), theorised that Ryukyuans and Japanese split from the same population, with one group going east to Japan from Korea, whilst the other traveled south to the Ryukyu Islands. “In the language of the Okinawan country people today the north is referred to as nishi, which Iha Fuyu (An Okinawn scholar) derives from inishi (’the past’ or ‘behind’), whereas the Japanese speak of the west as nishi. Iha suggests that in both instances there is preserved an immemorial sense of the direction from which migration took place into the sea islands.” (For those curious, the Okinawan word for ‘west’ is いり [iri]). But, it must be stated that there are multiple theories as to where Ryukyuan and Japanese people came from, some say South-East Asia, some say North Asia, via Korea, some say that it is a mixture of the two. However, this post is solely about language, and whilst the relation between nishi in both languages is intriguing, it is hardly conclusive. With that said, the notion that Proto-Japonic was spoken by migrants from southern Korea is somewhat supported by a number of toponyms that may be of Gaya origin (Or of earlier, unattested origins). However, it also must be said, that such links were used to justify Japanese imperialism in Korea. Yeah, when it comes to Japan and Korea, and their origins, it’s a minefield. What we do know is that a Proto-Japonic language was spoken around Kyūshū, and that it gradually spread throughout Japan and the Ryukyu Islands. The question of when this happened is debatable. Some scholars say between the 2nd and 6th century, others say between the 8th and 9th centuries. The crucial issue here, is the period in which proto-Ryukyuan separated from mainland Japanese. “The crucial issue here is that the period during which the proto-Ryukyuan separated(in terms of historical linguistics) from other Japonic languages do not necessarily coincide with the period during which the proto-Ryukyuan speakers actually settled on the Ryūkyū Islands.That is, it is possible that the proto-Ryukyuan was spoken on south Kyūshū for some time and the proto-Ryukyuan speakers then moved southward to arrive eventually in the Ryūkyū Islands.” This is a theory supported by Iha Fuyu who claimed that the first settlers on Amami were fishermen from Kyūshū. This opens up two possibilities, the first is that ‘Proto-Ryukyuan’ split from ‘Proto-Japonic’, the other is that it split from ‘Old-Japanese’. As we’ll see further, Okinawan actually shares many features with Old Japanese, although these features may have existed before Old-Japanese was spoken. So, what does Okinawan look like? Well, to speakers of Japanese it is recognisable in a few ways. The sentence structure is essentially the same, with a focus on particles, pitch accent, and a subject-object-verb word order. Like Old Japanese, there is a distinction between the terminal form ( 終止形 ) and the attributive form ( 連体形 ). Okinawan also maintains the nominative function of nu ぬ (Japanese: no の). It also retains the sounds ‘wi’ ‘we’ and ‘wo’, which don’t exist in Japanese anymore. Other sounds that don’t exist in Japanese include ‘fa’ ‘fe’ ‘fi’ ‘tu’ and ‘ti’. Some very basic words include: はいさい (Hello, still used in Okinawan Japanese) にふぇーでーびる (Thank you) うちなー (Okinawa) 沖縄口 (Uchinaa-guchi is the word for Okinawan) めんそーれー (Welcome) やまとぅ (Japan, a cognate of やまと, the poetic name for ‘Japan’) Lots of Okinawan can be translated into Japanese word for word. For example, a simple sentence, “Let’s go by bus” バスで行こう (I know, I’m being a little informal haha!) バスっし行ちゃびら (Basu sshi ichabira). As you can see, both sentences are structured the same way. Both have the same loanword for ‘bus’, and both have a particle used to indicate the means by which something is achieved, ‘で’ in Japanese, is ‘っし’ in Okinawan. Another example sentence, “My Japanese isn’t as good as his” 彼より日本語が上手ではない (Kare yori nihon-go ga jouzu dewanai). 彼やか大和口ぬ上手やあらん (Ari yaka yamatu-guchi nu jooji yaaran). Again, they are structured the same way (One important thing to remember about Okinawan romanisation is that long vowels are represented with ‘oo’ ‘aa’ etc. ‘oo’ is pronounced the same as ‘ou’). Of course, this doesn’t work all of the time, if you want to say, “I wrote the letter in Okinawan” 沖縄語で手紙を書いた (Okinawa-go de tegami wo kaita). 沖縄口さーに手紙書ちゃん (Uchinaa-guchi saani tigami kachan). For one, さーに is an alternate version of っし, but, that isn’t the only thing. Okinawan doesn’t have a direct object particle (を in Japanese). In older literary works it was ゆ, but it no longer used in casual speech. Introducing yourself in Okinawan is interesting for a few reasons as well. Let’s say you were introducing yourself to a group. In Japanese you’d say みんなさこんにちは私はフィリクスです (Minna-san konnichiwa watashi ha Felixdesu) ぐすよー我んねーフィリクスでぃいちょいびーん (Gusuyoo wan’nee Felix di ichoibiin). Okinawan has a single word for saying ‘hello’ to a group. It also showcases the topic marker for names and other proper nouns. In Japanese there is only 1, は but Okinawan has 5! や, あー, えー, おー, のー! So, how do you know which to use? Well, there is a rule, typically the particle fuses with short vowels, a → aa, i → ee, u → oo, e → ee, o → oo, n → noo. Of course, the Okinawan pronoun 我ん, is a terrible example, because it is irregular, becoming 我んねー instead of 我んのー or 我んや. Yes. Like Japanese, there are numerous irregularities to pull your hair out over! I hope that this has been interesting for those who have bothered to go through the entire thing. It is important to discuss these languages because most Ryukyuan languages are either ‘definitely’ or ‘critically’ endangered. Mostly due to Japanese assimilation policies from the Meiji period onward, and World War 2. The people of Okinawa are a separate ethnic group, with their own culture, history, poems, songs, dances and languages. It would be a shame to lose something that helps to define a group of people like language does. I may or may not look in the Kyūshū dialects of Japanese next time. I’unno, I just find them interesting.
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Stream> Emmere Ya’matu by fast rising Ugandan rapper Kaliba Najjuma
Stream> Emmere Ya’matu by fast rising Ugandan rapper Kaliba Najjuma
Emmere Ya’matu is an EP by a fast rising Ugandan rapper Kaliba Najjuma.
The EP is executively produced by Alz Music, recorded at Safe House Records, mixed and mastered at ISC Records.
The EP is mixed by Alz Music & ISC at ISC Records and entirely mastered by ISC.
It has different sounds of music ranging from hip-hop (Trap), Hip-hop (old school), Reggae/Dancehall and an acoustic vibe o it too.
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