#yall are very funny
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nyuheartbreak · 10 months ago
hi i normally don't talk or interact with posts much because im shy BUT
first of all thank you all for the recent support on my art, genuinely means a lot to me
second of all (and something more funnier)
the recent surge of fake posts (basically the isat universe found access to tumblr) are so funny to me, because yes the existence of tumblr is VERY funny but PLEASE CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING
imagine, the party is in the house
then maybe mirabelle goes like "haha sorry guys give me a second" AND PULLS A BLINDING IPHONE 13 PRO MAX
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emberglowfox · 1 year ago
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Keeper -- a short comic about an angel meeting a robotic lighthouse keeper that doesn't know the world has already ended. Made in about 18 hours for a 24-hour 24-page* black and white comic challenge (that I arrived late to, ha.)
*the actual submission does not include the cover, which was created after the fact for this post.
This was a really great learning experience as someone who's... never really made a completed comic. I ended up really attached to the story by the end of the project (possibly due to all-nighter deliriousness lol) and ultimately am very proud of what I made.There are some things I'd still like to change, particularly text placement, but in keeping with the spirit of the challenge I've elected to leave it as is.
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separatist-apologist · 7 months ago
Genuinely, and I mean this kindly, but learning to recognize bait and not engaging with it will change your fandom experience.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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Merry christmas everyone <- 3AM, December 26th
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chloesimaginationthings · 9 months ago
I love how you drew foxy, he so scruckly looking <3
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Here’s some more Foxys I’ve drawn!!
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clockworkreapers · 2 months ago
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so we all know the main characters of course... but these two I really like in the books- for very different reasons
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 2 months ago
Hydra appears to be the only freight who isn't a part of the main choreo of Wide Smile, and therefore, I raise the idea that he is the only one of them who's absolutely oblivious to Slicks work.
He walks onto the yard and goes, "Hey, did ye hear about the crash over by Barnhill? Pretty bad, they don't think they can be repaired."
Porter and Lumber side-eye Slick as if to say "That was you, wasn't it?" and Slick starts giggling.
Hydra is just left standing there in confusion because he's not in the know of what's going on.
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 4 months ago
More "Bumblebee and Optimus meeting as ✨Adults✨ but still being Father and Son" stuff I came up with, plus extra because I can't get these chuckle-fucks out of my head.
Link to my prev. post for context. incase yall missed it bc I'm not explaining myself, we're just diving right into the deep end
Edit: i entirely forgot but i have a third one.
Bee knows Optimus isn't one for physical affection, and he fully understands and accepts that. He doesn't want to make Optimus uncomfortable by disrespecting one of his boundaries, that's just a shit thing to do. And Bumblebee is not a shit person. But... he's also desperate. Look, being deprived of physical parental affection your whole life fucks you up something good, let Bumblebee tell you, it makes you do some odd shit just to get a taste of what you've been missing out on. And! And most of the stuff Bumblebee has done are perfectly normal things to do! Plenty of casual stuff, leaning against his chair to look at what Optimus is working on, high fives and fist bumps (Optimus rarely, if ever, does these but for Bee he'll do anything just to make him smile, see Optimus acting totally normal about his feelings what are you talking about), leaning against him for a second when he's tired, totally normal! There are, less normal things, like when one of Bee's legs nearly got torn off on a mission and Optimus had to carry him back to base and Bee curled up close in Optimus's arms the whole time- because of the pain, totally 100% definitely only the pain that was Not mostly taken care of by some field anesthetics. It felt nice to be carried like a kid, sue him.
Getting injured is a special case with giving and taking affection. For example, when Bumblebee had to drag Optimus to a med bay after he passed out from a mission. They were walking into the common room together; Optimus was telling Bee he was fine when he CLEARLY wasn't because he didn't want to wake the medics for something as Trivial as THEIR LEADER and FREIND'S HEALTH (Bee is this close to strangling him) when Optimus just pitched over onto the floor.
Optimus, clearly tried and hurt: I will be fine, there is no need to wake the medics, I just need some energ... *faceplants*
Bumblebee: What did I say? What did fragging I say?! *Hefts Optimus's limp body onto his shoulders* fragging, stupid, slagging, moron, 'I don't need a medic, I'll be fine' he says, if I had been the one doing this, you would have torn the base apart getting the medics up, fragging idiot. *drags Optimus's body out of the room*
Optimus: *Mumbles something about not wanting to bother anyone*
Bumblebee: Too fragging bad, big man, you are going to take care of yourself and you're going to like it!
So now Bee has to drag a bot much bigger than him back down the hall and into the Medbay, just because Optimus was being fucking stupid. Yes it looks as funny as you're thinking. Optimus is semi-conscious but delirious as they make their way down the halls of the base and says "I don't want to take anything that would be better served helping any of you, I care about all of you so much I don't want to see you hurt. I love you." and Bumblebee's like Optimus, I feel so loved and so angry right now, but fuck what you want you're getting taken care of. No, you did not just make my fucking day, I lOve yoU tOo dAd-. He gets Optimus into the medbay on a berth then goes to forcibly wake the medics up to calm himself down because he is seconds from crying.
Optimus eventually gets better with affection, and now Bee gets a hug whenever he asks. He has yet to come down from this high.
Bumblebee calls Megatron his "Shit Ex-Stepfather". The entirety of team prime thinks this is hilarious. Even Optimus can't help but smile, though he tries to hide it. Someone, probably Jazz, changed Megatron's file name to "Worlds Worst Stepfather". After the war, if Megatron is still alive, he will mysteriously acquire some kind of award saying "Cybertron's #1 Worst Stepfather". He is very confused.
If you could get Optimus drunk, he would become such a sap. Like, insufferably soft and emotional. And he would be talking about Bee damn near the whole time. He would be so annoying.
Optimus: *Drunk* Did I ever tell you about Bumbl-bee? He's, he's my boy, my bumble boy, my gold'n boy, my buzzy boy, my sweet cheese. An, he's really yellow, you'll know it's him, he looks like- he's really yellow, it's hard not to see him, but he's really really good at sneaking. Even though he's so yellow. He can sneak around so good, no one sees him. I can see him, 'cause he's my boy. He can sneak around and nooo one finds him, 'cept me, 'cause he's my boy. He can hide so good, he hid under sshockwave's chest once. Riiiight under his eye, his big purple eye. Bee's so funny, he tells such funny stories. He tells his stories better then me, they're a lot funnier. I'm not good at funny stories. He's really good at it. He's really good at lots of things. Bee's so cool. I'm so happy he's here, he's so cool and funny and nice and cool. And he fights real good too, he's so cool. he once- Bee once punched my ex once, right in the face. Riiight in the kisser, just, boosh. My ex sucks, Bee's so cool. I like him, he's my boy. An-and he taught himself how to do aaaaall the cool things he does. He didn't have anyone to teach him, he did it all by himself. All alone... I wish I met him sooner, when he was small. He says he was really cute when he was small and I want to see him small. I like him big though, he's really fun when he's big. He's- *Sobs* He's my booooy, and I love him so muuuuch.
This continues for hours. Luckily he never drinks so no has to suffer through this.
If you thought Optimus was the Serial Adopter, you'd be wrong. It's Bumblebee. No bot is safe from his clutches. He scoops up family members like a pelican scoops fish. Optimus is barely aware of how many family members he technically has, he stopped keeping track a long time ago.
Bumblebee: *Bursting into the room dragging some bot he was on an extended mission with* OPTIMUS, I GOT ATTACHED AGAIN YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER FAMILY MEMBER
Optimus: *Not looking up from his data pad* That's great, son, go put it with the rest.
Optimus would be such a good grandparent. In the future, after the war ends, Bumblebee comes into possession of a kid; whether he finds someone and takes them under his wing or he just fucking makes one, I don't know nor care, but he gets a kid. And when he introduces them to Optimus, Optimus just fucking melts. He was already a huge softie before but he's so much worse now. He goes full grandma mode. He has snacks in his pockets (or whatever bots have) that he sneaks to the kid every time he sees them. He gives them money at random. You best believe he would destroy anything that even looked at his grandbaby wrong (Bee: Optimus, stop attacking the door. Optimus, the door just bumped them, they're fine. Dad stop, omp(rimus))
The "Bee finds a kid and both of them get attached and now are a family" is the funnier option. Because the kid knows who these guys are, they saved Cybertron. The kid's still getting used to having Bee as their guardian, so when they meet the 13th Prime: Holder of the Matrix of Leadership, Savior of Cybertron, they don't expect Dotting Grandparent Extraordinaire.
Bumblebee: and this is Optimus Prime. He's your Grandpa.
The kid : *nervous* He's my what?
Optimus: *on the verge of tears* mY grAnDbABy-
The "Bee made a kid" version is still pretty funny.
Bumblebee: *Exasperated* Optimus, give me my child back.
Optimus: *violently crying* nO, It'S mY bAbY nOW.
Imagine, if you will, Optimus and Bumblebee sitting on a roof together, not talking, not touching, just watching the sun set. Just enjoying the silence together, maybe with some energon to go with it. Because they get it, oh they get it. Sometimes you just need to be alone with someone. That good mutual respect and love from a found family that understands you. this is why I need bee to be an adult, I need both of them to be hurting and find some comfort in each other, to find solace in each other, to be a family and to be equals, is that too much to ask?
A list of things Bumblebee is allowed to get away with:
Interrupting Meetings to Tell Optimus Something, important or not (hi dad)
Casually touching the Usually Touch Adverse Optimus (Physical affection ftw)
Calling Optimus out on his self-sacrificial bullshit (you're going to see the medics and you're going to like it, old man)
Using the three points above to drag Optimus into the Medbay by force (Ratchet is so smug about this)
Getting Optimus to do something fun and relaxing (father son bonding time, as Bee says.)
Swearing aggressively (for everyone else it's unprofessional, for Bee its therapeutic. He stretches this excuse as far as it goes)
Making Insulting comments about others to their face (look they deserve it if the Perpetually Friendly Bumblebee is saying it)
Talking about Megatron (Usually team prime avoids talking about Megsy outside of war related convos out of respect for Optimus's history with him. Bumblebee does not give a shit, Megatron is a bitch and he's going to make his opinions known (Everyone thinks it's funny dw))
Illegal activities (this fucker street races in every universe, you think he isn't doing shit like this on the daily?)
Stealing/Sneaking snacks (he shares with Optimus)
Making jokes about Optimus being his dad (he thinks it's funny bc they're not related and they met like 6 years ago. Optimus explodes with emotion every time bc you consider me good enough to be your dad?)
Bee is a fucking menace, Optimus loves him so much.
Misc. funny word vomit I came up with that have no context, reason, or sense
Optimus is working at a desk focusing on some data pads. A tiny energon cube flies into frame, bouncing off Optimus's forehead and landing on the desk. Optimus grabs the cube and eats it without looking up from the datapad. A few minutes pass, another energon cube flies and bounces off Optimus's head. He eats it without looking. Bumblebee is sitting off to the side in the room with Optimus with a bag of energon snacks, periodically throwing one at the distracted Prime. This is Bee's and Ratchet's newest scheme to get Optimus to actually eat, and it's working splendidly. (Actually, Bumblebee originally was throwing the energon onto the desk, but over time he got bored and started just throwing the cubes directly at Optimus. He hasn't noticed any of the cubes hitting him at all, so Bee's started trying to do trick shots.)
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Bumblebee?"
"Absolutely, now throw me."
"Alright... Three, two, one- Ngha!"
*distant loud metal slam*
*distantly* "I'm good! We're in business!"
*quietly* "oh thank primus..."
*distantly* "Okay, I'm done. I'm coming back down."
*distantly* "Hup!"
*loud crashing metal noises*
It's early morning, everyone got back to base late the night before. Everyone is tired. Optimus is sitting at the table in the common room, slowly drinking a cube of energon. His eyes are half open and bleary. Bumblebee is beside him, head in his hand, dozing. Bee's head falls from his hand and slams onto the table. Optimus doesn't even blink at the noise, just takes a sip of energon.
Bumblebee takes a lot of pictures. Mostly of his team. He's pretty sneaky about it too, usually just taking a capture from his visual feed and saving it to his personal datapad. And at a glance none of the pictures are all that special, captures of a group of bots hanging out between missions, selfies of Bee and company on missions, drunken mishaps, quiet moments, he's got this really funny one of Cliffjumper stuck in a storage closet, but Bee keeps all these photos out of sight. The others are aware of his habit but they never see most of the photos, they never ask. Bee only opens his photos folder when ever he has a quiet moment alone and just scrolls through, reminiscing. His favorites are the ones where he caught someone's genuine smile. Sometimes they're in the background of a larger group shot, or it's just them smiling at Bee in conversation. He's got a lot of Optimus's smile. Optimus doesn't smile a lot, but he always seems to smile when Bee's around. Bee's proud that he can do that for him.
this could literally be anyone on team prime: *teasing* You playing favorites, Prime? Giving Bumblebee all this special treatment is making the rest of us feeling left out.
Optimus: You all treat him the exact same way I do.
again, literally anyone on team prime: ... Touché, Boss bot, touché...
After spending an extended period of time in close proximity to Megatron (for what ever reason), Bumblebee and Optimus talk.
Bee: You had terrible taste in partners.
Optimus: *sighs*
Bee: Physically, I can see the appeal, but everything else is a wild thing to say yes to.
Optimus: ...
Bee: His personality, his interests- just why none of that clocked you onto how fragged up he would be is beyond me.
Optimus: ........
Bee: You're not stupid, I hope that your next partner will be leagues better than him. Ratchet maybe, oh or Elita, they would make great partners (and even better step-parents), or maybe-
Optimus: CanwePleasestoptalkingaboutmylovelife??
Bumblebee: If you get back together with Megatron I'm disowning you.
BB: This is... so dumb.
OP: The higher I am the better I can see.
BB: You can- You can fly.
OP: Hush now Bumblebee! I am searching...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk man, brain rot hits something different when I think about it for long periods of time
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seaweedraindraws · 1 year ago
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Sir Pentious I love you but I think all of Heaven only knows you for how hard you fumbled
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mourn-and-watch · 2 years ago
one thing that is fascinating to me about merrill's arc is the way narrative manages to convince a big part of the fandom that she's immature and irresponsible and overall stupid. what we know about merrill and what we actually see on screen is that she successfully avoids possession for 6 years while working closely with a demon, almost every time she participates in some magic/spirit-related discourse she acts calm and confident and has some interesting input, she actively uses her knowledge of dalish lore and tradition to reason with her keeper, and that she actually did make progress with fixing and studying an ancient long forgotten artifact no one knows particularly anything about. but then an old woman who's never been shown to be an undeniably wise and reasonable figure, a guy who got willingly possessed with no awareness of possible consequences and whose whole mindset is still deeply andrastian and a bunch of people who know nothing about magic start judging and doubting her and everyone's like. yeah. she's so fucking dumb.
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kyurochurro · 3 months ago
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HELP!!! ....its so cold!! ❄️🧣🧤☃️
referenceee! i know its flipped but thats how i found it HSJAHJAS
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dailykafka · 29 days ago
I have two very concerning messeges in my asks… and when Im saying concerning I want to make clear that Im concerned for YOU. Now that this is clear, i shall post them with no further judgement.
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introspectivememories · 8 days ago
thinking about that one post that's been popping off about greek/roman cultures getting sorted into this weird binary of "greek = literature&humanities" and "roman = weird alt-right guys. war!!!" and like op is goes into way more depth and originally i was going to leave this in the tags but i didn't want to like word vomit in the tags but to add my 2 cents u can see it in children's books too. look at fucking pjo/hoo
chb gets to be the fun summer camp where 'children grow into heroes!!!' and all that jazz but cj is the strict military camp??? chb gets to have fun elective classes like underwater basket weaving and canoeing but cj brands you with a spqr mark and a bar for every year of service???? not to mention how weird that is when rr's lame ass wrote that cj fought for the confederacy??? chb has capture the flag! cj has war games. chb's oracle wears paint splattered jeans lol 🤪cj's oracle is power hungry and brutally mutilates stuffed animals 😐
and not only did he write the camps like this. the charas from each camp is written like this too!!! percy is fun and charming. jason is there. annabeth is spunky and witty. reyna is... stern. dakota has an alcoholism problem but bc it's a children's book he drinks kool-aid instead??? the satyrs bravely guide the greek demigods to their home at chb. the romans have to face The Wolf b4 coming to cj. and if they fail? they die. they just die. and they've been doing it that way forever. there's a wolf who kills their fellow demigods bc she deems the weak and everyone in cj just fucking goes on with their lives. the gods interact with chb. do they even know that cj exists???
imperial gold, the main metal used by the roman demigods, is constantly in shortage? they have to go on quests to find more of it???? meanwhile, there never seems to be a shortage of celestial bronze???? if you choose to stay at chb, you might die an early death but you can still interact with the world at large. if you choose to stay at new rome, you'll be safe but you're essentially isolated from the rest of the world.
okay that last point might be a little unfair but like this shit drives me crazy!!!! he just wrote the romans like they were temu chb. chb with all the sparkle gone. like he didn't even try. as if the romans didn't have their own myths. as if the romans didn't write poetry or make graffiti. as if the romans weren't their own separate culture!!!!
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 month ago
idk if you saw my reblog but uh.
michael afton meets Crowbar Violence ™️
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he would suffer from xem
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zehl0w · 2 months ago
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Happy birthday my baby boy my present to you is my first ever fully finished comic
#genzen#zengen#genya x zenitsu#genya shinazugawa#zenitsu agatsuma#muichirou tokitou#himejima gyomei#muichiro tokito#himejima gyoumei#demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba#I've been agonizing over the idea of their first ever sleepover ouygeudgdggjdhgjj#it's so funny bc the only reason I started drawing this comic is literally just bc I wanted to draw zen with a nightbrace 💀#I must project my adolescent orthodontic pain and struggle onto zenitsu agatsuma or else my life will end#I imagine this is like. they're not quite yet all the way friends but they're getting there hehe#little do yall know what this will blossom into.......#the last page is supposed to be like. zen listening to genyas heartbeat slowing down while he falls asleep hehehe#speaking of the last page#I completely forgot to draw the nightbrace on those last two panels LMFAOOOOO OOPS#this comic has spawned genuinely just. some of my favorite Genya drawings I've ever made#especially the one of him yawning it's so. ouywghdhj. my gneys.#there was gonna be an extra page after the this is nice panel where zen is all relaxed and sleeping#and then just. gets woken back up by the most HORRIFIC beastly sounding snore possible from Genya#but i couldn't figure out how to draw it so i just left it on a sweet note hehehe#never in my life did I think I would draw as many statues of Buddha as I have. thanks Genya.#speaking of it always very much surprises zen to find out that Genya is like fully and wholly religious he does not seem like the type atAL
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artuurle · 2 months ago
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doodlepage and then a bunch of pre godhood lovestory. gramps keeps hanging on so he can get it.
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