#ya bee novel
abronzeagegod · 11 months
Untitled YA Novel Project Part One
Part One: The Silence Comes
The zlilfian people have many things in common with the average North American honey bee, from the gold and black hair patterns to the compound eyes and wings. One of the biggest things they have in common is not just the physical similarities, like how homo sapiens have commonalities with the great apes, but that of their social hierarchy. They have three tiers in their society, most similar to gender roles, that are that of the qiin, the political head of the Great Houses that run much of the zlilfian society, the jdargandins, the minders who watch over the internal operations of the Great Houses, and the shrar, the soldiers and laborers who do the work for the Great Houses.
Chapter 1: Adventure Missed It’s Wake Up Call
7:06 AM local time
Chicago, Algonquin State, United States of America
Justin hated waking up early for school, so it was no surprise when he rolled over in bed and saw that he had missed his alarm, sleeping through it. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, he had gotten somewhat used to the early mornings and only woke up fifteen minutes late. Mornings were the worst. Why hadn’t the administration realized that teenage students wanted nothing more than to sleep until ten, or even ten thirty.
He rolled over and just slapped at the alarm clock out of half asleep muscle memory. After stomping to the bathroom, Justin brushed his teeth with mechanical disinterest. He saw how bad his hair looked, the shaggy brown hair was all over the place from the night of restless sleep. The second he got downstairs he knew that his dad was going to tell him to comb it. Might as well get that done now. He rinsed out his mouth of the strange mint flavored toothpaste and watched the water drain slowly out of the sink before cupping his hands under the faucet and wetting down his hair.
There was something about the dreary, cold November weather, and the second year of high school that really didn’t work for Justin. He didn’t want to go to school today, and even if he was late, he couldn’t bring himself to rush. This strange liminal space between being new at high school, all eager and excited, and the stressful ‘have you decided what you are going to do with the rest of your life’ junior year, was extremely dull and not all that exciting.
He didn’t try that hard with his hair since it was a losing battle anyways, and what was really the point of caring what he looked like. He was an average high school boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin tone that he got from his mom. Screw it, it didn’t matter, it was just high school.
After throwing on his clothes that were mostly clean, Justin went downstairs where he found his dad mechanically making some coffee and toast. They didn’t greet each other aside from a small nod. Alex, Justin’s father, wasn’t any more of a morning person than his son. He was off to work soon.
Luckily, Justin didn’t hear any comments from his dad about being late, or the state of his hair, or any of the usual complaints. Which was a small mercy.
The rushed breakfast was silent and still. Justin took some of the fresh made toast, liberally covered it in butter and then some cinnamon sugar, before taking it with him. He grabbed his backpack and left the house. He was going to be late for the bus, and if there was one thing he hated it was walking to school.
He must have told his dad goodbye, because that was what he always did, but he couldn’t hear himself say it.
Justin took a few bites of the toast, and chewed. He didn’t really have many thoughts in his head as he walked down the front walkway towards the bus stop. The only thing that was really there was the observation that the house was always so quiet and empty now that his mom had left.
“Justin! Hurry up! I will leave you behind!” yelled his only friend, Mike, from the bus window as the heavy truck lumbered to a squeaking halt a few houses down from Justin’s house.
This made him stop short.
The wall of sound, the shout of Mike, the rumble of the bus, the sounds of the traffic down the street. All of a sudden it was all there. The sound. It was utterly absent from within the house. Justin realized that his house was totally silent, but not in a way that was normal in any way.
“Justin! You’re going to miss the bus,” his dad called form the driveway as he left for work. The car chirping gently as he unlocked it with the remote.
“Yeah, the bus,” Justin muttered, his dad didn’t seem concerned, or he didn’t seem to notice. It’s just that he didn’t know which was worse.
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my kofi where i post everything
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mybrainismelted · 7 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Valentines Day Edition
thanks for the tags @heymacy, @deedala, @creepkinginc, @heymrspatel, @energievie, @lingy910y, and @jrooc!
name: Kat 😽
where the heck are ya? Ontario, Canada
do you believe in love at first sight? hell no
do you believe in soulmates? it's a great fictional trope, but... no
what’s a song you’ve been loving?
how about a show you’ve been loving? Just finished Only Murders In the Building.
your ultimate OTP: Gallavich, always
your comfort book: I dunno if I have one. My comfort fic is Teenage Dirtbag
a fan work you adore (fic, art, manip, etc — tag the creator!):
a trope that captures your heart: ironically.... soulmates
favorite candy: nope, not gonna pick a favourite. Candy is my favourite
dark chocolate or white chocolate? white, but the actual good stuff, not the crap most places pass off as white chocolate
romance novels or thrillers? thrillers
pink or red? If I have to pick one, I suppose red
and finally, spread some love! share words of encouragement, a positive message, or say something kind to yourself — it’s up to you! ok, not feeling a lot of positivity these days, but... you guys rock. Truly. The Gallavich fandom is just so warm and fun, and welcoming, and encouraging. I 💖every one of you!
tagging in these fun folks to join in if you want to play! @krysmiss, @juliakayyy, @stocious, @transmickey, @dynamic-power, @spacerockwriting, @ian-galagher, @palepinkgoat, @jessieoneday, @rayrayor, @deathclassic, @gallabitch73, @vintagelacerosette, @francesrose3, and @sam-loves-seb
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beemovieerotica · 11 months
i know this girl at my college and sometimes i eat lunch with her and no matter what she eats the bees chase after her food and not mine so im pretty sure she's haunted by some sort of bee demon (beemon if you will). anyways we're rewriting the bee movie as a dystopian YA novel and wanted your input
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haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
Now that you mention it, the Volsung-Nibelung-Dietrich cycle would make a good sitcom if you just focused on the zanier parts. The Nibelung siblings Gullrond, Gunther, Gernot, Giselher, Kriemhild, and (maybe) Hagen, with all their pals. Nephews Dankwart and Patavrid; Gunther's incredibly athletic girlfriend Brynhild and her dog and horse; the Nibelungs' best pal and Brynhild's ex Sigurd, who would be the man you wished your man could be if not his moments of random philosophizing or idiotic life decisions despite knowing what was going to happen; Hagen's best pals, Volker the musician and Walther the nerd; local businessman Rudiger and his sweet, cutesy young daughter; socially maladjusted Dietrich and his gang of pals, who always pop up during hangouts despite nobody inviting them... With less murder and more mayhem, it sure would make a good show!
You know, one thing I will always be irrationally sad about when it comes to the Sigurd/Siegfried cycle and related legends is that... it just never gets any of the wacky, zany, "how tf did you even come up that" adaptations and reimaginings Arthuriana keeps getting.
I mean, sure, you do have adaptations with some humor in it, and different ways to mesh Norse and Continental and even Wagnerian elements, and very different perspectives on the same characters. But Arthuriana really has anything and everything from Disney movies to anime and manga to Monty Python movies and musicals to kids' cartoons to A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and all its parodies to Young!Arthur/Young!Merlin Slashy Bromance shows to irriverent French sitcoms to loosely-inspired queer YA romance novels to a few recurring and even main characters in "all stories are true" fantasy series like Once Upon a Time or The Librarians. There's even those collector's edition Merlin & Morgana Barbies that were making the rounds on here a while ago!
Meanwhile, the wackiest, less "serious" stuff our Nibelungs get are:
The brief Siegfried & Fafnir cameo in the Mara and the Firebringer movie, where the main mythological figures are actually Loki and Sigyn (can't really say anything about the books, as I haven't read them)
A weird Hungarian (?? iirc??) comedy movie where Siegfried has a talking piglet as his animal companion for some reason and Kriemhild really doesn't like him but she apparently can't just tell him to get lost and stop courting her so she orders Hagen to drive him away from Worms and kill him, which I've only ever managed to "watch" in bits and pieces
The comedic operetta Die lustigen Nibelungen, which I've never managed to find anything about that wasn't in German, so I'm not even really sure what it's actually about
The 70s porn movie The Long Swift Sword of Siegfried, which... tbh, I'd rather stick to fanworks on the nsfw side of things, if the alternative is Siegfried with a pornstache
A Modern/High School AU fantasy romance self-pub I once found where, from what I remember of the summary and excerpt I read, Brunhild is a Mean Girl/Queen Bee who tries to steal Siegfried away from Kriemhild and Hagen is Kriemhild's shitty jealous ex-boyfriend (nothing against High School AUs, or romance novels, or alternative takes on the Kriemhild/Siegfried/Brunhild love triangle, or Hagen/Kriemhild as a ship... but tbh, I'd rather see all those elements handled in vastly different ways XDD)
A couple of old Italian Disney comicbook parodies featuring Donald Duck and his family (but those were mostly Wagner-based, iirc, and then again, an amazing thing about Italian Disney comics is that they will parody literally everything under the sun from the Divine Comedy to Twilight)
... Siegfried (or Sigurd?) showing up in one of the Fate anime series? Or novels? Or games? Not sure. I've only ever watched like two episodes of the Fate/Stay Night anime and then dropped it because I didn't like the normal guy protagonist always rushing to protect his (secretly Fem!King Arthur) supernatural sworn knight just because she was a girl
And... that's it, I think.
And on the one hand, I get it. With Arthuriana, you have adventurous romances and ridiculous (affectionate) quests and so many different bizarre canons and twists on them that even that cartoon where Morgan Le Fay sends an American football team back in time to Camelot (I think that was the plot, at least????) is just another "you know, this might as well happen" situation. I suppose that, at least by comparison, the Nibelungensage & All Adjacent Stuff may appear more grounded and less easy to play with and bring in whatever strange, unlikely new direction you want. Plus, tragic events like Sigurd/Siegfried's death, Brynhild/Brunhild being tricked into marrying a man she doesn't want, and Gudrun/Kriemhild's revenge, or even Dietrich's exile, are just central to it, so that's kind of a downer already, I guess.
... on the other hand, King Arthur's tale literally ends with him and his son killing each other at the end of a bloody civil war. And it's not like anyone's ever had any problem merrily ignoring THAT part to, idk, have everyone in the story be cats.
All this to say, I'd watch the hell out of a Modern AU Nibelung sitcom. Or even just a Nibelung sitcom set in the Middle Ages, or Late Antiquity, or a vague mishmash of the two. The dream for that would be a Galavant-style show with musical numbers and a lot of scenes poking fun at epic and heroic tropes, ngl.
Actually, let's be real: I wouldn't just watch it, I'd probably write fic and make gifs and fanvids for it!
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thewriteroflucifenia · 7 months
Decapre Headcannons
Decapre wasn't always a moody ball of rage. In her youth, she was actually a fairly lively person. She was always the troublemaker because her indoctrination didn't fully take for a long time. She craved the outside world and took every opportunity she could on missions to engage with it, much to her sister's annoyance.
With her newfound freedom, she's taken to living rather hedonistically. She wants to have all the fun denied to her before and live hard before she dies young. Lots of partying, concerts, short term relationships, etc.
Despite being a bit wild, she's actually found the most fulfillment in writing children's books about a unit of warrior weasels defeating a snake who steals weasel fur to make itself a coat. Decapre also published children's and YA novels about mourning that were successful.
Growing up, Cammy and Decapre were practically inseparable, but there was tension due to there being a golden child/black sheep dynamic. Decapre solidified this dynamic by often taking responsibility for Cammy's mistakes because she was trying to protect her little sister from being abused. She was very protective of her.
Decapre never really bonded with the other Dolls; she saw them as a bunch of annoying roommates. She has issues bonding with people in general that aren't her sister.
She loves metal music, especially Metallica and Sabatan.
She also loves to read and write. Her favorite books are the Redwall Series, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, the Portrait of Dorian Grey, and Warhammer novels. She's fond of most books but has a particular fondness for the horror genre and oddly enough, children's books. Her favorite book of all time is Martin the Warrior.
When Cammy left Shadaloo, the Dolls were told by Vega that she was a traitor and that he killed her. Decapre became inconsolable during this time, switching between murderous rages to suicidal depression on a dime. Her fragile mental health continued to fracture before completely breaking when she saw Cammy alive during the events of SF2.
She had to be under a more severe form of mind control because she was always a trouble maker and losing her sister loosened the control Shadaloo had on her. Keeping her essentially lobotomized and unable to feel anything other than anger directed at whoever she was told to be mad at was the best way to keep her under control.
On that note, she literally cannot be contained. She can break out of any restraint out of pure spite.
Decapre calls Cammy "Bee" affectionately.
Decapre once talked about Clive, "the cutest boy ever who gives the best kisses" to Cammy. Cammy naturally thought this was her boyfriend. Clive turned out to be a corgi that Decapre had befriended.
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amanitaphalloides · 5 months
can't do emojis on desktop but tea about fandom bleeding into published fiction
LOL. I don’t feel like I know enough about fiction publishing to have an opinion on how this affects trends or the industry in general, so simply as a woman who likes to read and write: extremely mixed feelings. sometimes it is really funny or even charming to me (when a mostly non-fandomy feeling book drops “he toed off his shoes” i can laugh and move on). however. i feel like many people who write fan fiction see it as fringe in such a way that they don't want to look frankly at how it influences writing style, and that can result in some very bad books. i think the "writing is writing is writing is writing!" school of thought does way more harm than good stylistically and we'd all be doing ourselves a favor to think of fic as a specific genre with specific genre conventions. and consciously or not, a lot of us practice those genre conventions for years, and i do think hopping between fic and original fiction poses some unique challenges. and sometimes this transition is executed poorly in a really obvious way. not just in the language either but also in terms of structure and idea. i think fic is so trope-forward partially because it is typically driven by pleasure-seeking, and partially because it's inherently about riffing. and this practice of RIFFING in particular stands out to me in certain contemporary novels, where it can feel like the author is trying to leapfrog over building an emotional core and instead shape it in reverse, by setting up tropes or dynamics that signify this core exists somewhere, just not on the page. and this can happen in really clear ways (trope-forward romance novels that everyone knows started as fic that include one line like "we've hated each other since we competed in our boarding school spelling bee") and more subtle ways (not to claim random authors i know nothing about are suffering from fan fiction habits but something like mrs s springs to mind. and i didn't even hate that book it just had that weird no-backstory feeling). and the fact that this so often coincides with queer lit and the perception that there's still a lack of stories just makes the whole thing feel sort of tragic.
the flip side of this is that i love fic writers, i love talking to people who find writing so fun they just do it regardless of gain, and i have found a lot of the habits and friendships i've formed through fic extremely helpful to my original fiction. i really love and support fic writers who write and publish original fiction. in a way i think fandom has a fantastic influence on publishing because it's where so many great writers practice and play. but again, ideally that involves being very mindful of the divisions instead of trying to ignore them.
overall if a fandom influence is coming through to me as the reader i'm probably not loving it. i will generally be more forgiving with romance and ya because i think they are fan fiction's closest genre cousins and have a lot of overlapping readership. lit fic i find it more annoying. little rabbit by alyssa songsiridej is another good example. also on a totally different note i think the funniest/weirdest bleed area is rpf and i am genuinely kind of pissed about the graham gore romance novel because i wanted to write that lol. anyway great question.
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imnobodyposts · 2 years
~John Rambo Headcanons~
A/N: Since there isn’t much fanfic out here, I’m gonna post something just cause... it’s fun!! Here are some random headcanons I thought of and what I personally think how John feels. So if anything seems inaccurate and contradictory to his character, *shrugs* can’t help ya there. Anyways enjoy, whoever reads it ☺~! 
Contains: Fluff, Mentions of ptsd breakdowns, all is SFW.
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So where to begin? Let’s start with the fact John is very hands on with the domestic things in life; like helping around the house, cleaning top-to-bottom, fixing things and whatever it is that needs to be done.
It’s obvious he’s handy due to his experience in the military, so if something needs fixing, he’s there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.
Sometimes at the crack of dawn, you wake up to his empty side of the bed, only to hear him hammering away on your roof. (Good thing, the nearest neighbor lives more than a block away.)
While John is considered to be quite the busy bee, every busy bee needs to cool down their motor sometime.
John has a handful of hobbies, I’m sure, and reading is one of them.
John may not look like the type to read, but he actually reads all the time. I honestly see him being a huge fan of old wild west novels.
And if he really liked a certain book in particular, he’d offer to let you borrow it (as it’s a personally owned book), or maybe even read it to you if you wanted him to. Keep in mind, you’re the only person he’d read to or let borrow things from him.
You’re also the only person he’d ever allow to play with his hair. Yes! He loves it when you play with his hair. He never admits it, but honestly, does he really have to?
The first time you played with his hair, he was rather surprised, jumpy even. Not on purpose nor was it his fault (or yours) you startled him.
The only time anyone had ever touched his hair, meant to purposefully harm him. (If you’ve seen the movies, you’ll know what I mean.)
At the very least, John questioned what was happening with his eyes.
Since you’re you, he almost immediately softened under your touch and my god, was it relaxing. Now, if you’re lounging somewhere like in the bedroom or on the sofa, he’d rest his head on your chest, letting your fingers comb through his hair as he read his books or watched TV.
I mentioned him loving to have his hair played with. Well, that’s especially the case when there’s another breakdown from his trauma of the war or when he wakes up in cold sweats from nightmares. Almost always, do you comb through his hair when you’re cradling him in your arms until he fully calms down. You being there is enough for John, but combing his hair is enough to put him back to much needed sleep.
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betweenthepoems · 9 months
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Finally got myself to actually draw a decent pic of Loki. Coupled with an older pic I’ve made of Sigyn.
Note that those are my interpretations of those deities as the characters for my Wattpad YA novel project. This is meant to be a retelling but with some major changes to the Norse lore filled with some extra details from me, so look at them as if they were OCs.
OK, with that out of the way, here’s some stuff about each of them:
AFAB, genderfluid, but mostly stays in masculine forms, although isn’t shy about being born as a girl. Will punch, however, if someone brings it up in an insulting manner.
Even if he’s male at the moment, still has some feminine traits in his looks. More beautiful than handsome, like in some old shoujo manga. For this pic of him I specifically used a panel of Lady Oscar from Riyoko Ikeda’s The Rose of Versailles as a reference.
This Loki is half Aesir, half Jotunn and a shapeshifter, capable of changing every part of his body as he wishes… except his eyes that always stay the same, showing who that person really is. That wouldn't be much of a problem if he didn’t have very unique eyes. Their odd colors and shape, coming from his Jotunn DNA with some mutations don’t help him with appearing as a good person or not standing out from the crowd.
Exhibits traits similar to that of ADHD. In universe they say he has bees inside his head. Also an extrovert.
Using high school tropes, he’s more of a class clown with some believing he’s a hopeless case.
Homeless by choice, but sometimes crashes at one of his few friends' places. This includes Eir’s, whom he sees as the closest thing to a mother figure and teacher, Thor’s, Sigyn’s and Balder’s.
Before Sigyn, Loki wasn’t ever in a serious relationship, at best flirting. Other than with her, the closest he was with Balder, but had to shut it down because of Frigg’s disapproval. Balder is still open to starting again.
Autistic and an introvert, very fond of being left alone. Takes pride in being independent and doesn’t like asking for help unless she really can’t do something alone.
Hates being touched without permission, especially touching someone else’s bare skin with her own. She finds it gross, with all that pores secreting stuff and living, moving flesh underneath.
Recently she had survived being mauled almost to death by a pack of hungry wolves, leaving her with both physical and mental scars as well as chronic pain in one of her legs and hand. Despite this she still tries to live as she used to, even if she needs to take some limits into account.
Sigyn is a demigodess. She used to live as a hermit deep in Migdard woods, believed by local humans to be a cryptid, but now, after the attack, lives in the outskirts of an Asgardian village in Thor’s domain.
Being half god, half human, height wise she’s in the middle: at 175 cm not as tall as the average goddess but taller than the average human at the time of the vikings. The best way to describe her is as if someone made a lifesize clay sculpture of a girl and then, when the material was still soft, stretched out some body parts and toned down to the absolute minimum all feminine traits. She’s still looking like a girl, but could pass as a young man by just wearing male clothing.
Sigyn likes to keep her hair short and would cut whenever it became possible to tie them into a ponytail. That’s because she finds them hard to maintain and bothersome getting everywhere even when tied.
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fandom-nursery · 6 months
Loona agere headcanons
Teen regressor! Regressed between ages 13-16
She regresses very frequently and often has a hard time telling when she’s feeling younger
Her regression is involuntary and tends to be triggered by anxiety or general breakdowns 
Loona wasn’t sure what was happening for a very long time and thought she was just messed up from how she grew up 
Very much embodies the moody teen stereotype while regressed 
She tends to mumble and talk under her breath and she is much more likely to bark or growl or whine while regressed than she is while big 
She is very anxious and moody when regressed, tending to respond to things the same way she used to while in the pound before her adoption 
She has guilty pleasure for things like spa days and manicures. Just little self care things she didn’t have access to growing up. Bee knows just what products to recommend to her  
She loves to be active and run around outside. A lot of her depression as a teen was heavily contributed to by having a lack of access to space to run around and be outside. Spending all day in what amounted to a windowless jail cell was not good for her at all 
She chews on things a lot. Blitz keeps a decent stash of toys designed specifically for hellhounds to bite and tear at in the house 
She loves to watch shows and play games that are aimed at younger audiences. Specifically ones that everyone else knows but that she missed out on. She has been using her regression to catch up on all the media she didn’t see that has caused her to feel left out or awkward for missing a reference 
She has a soft spot for cheesy YA romance novels but will never admit that to anyone 
Loves being able to eat as much as she wants and to have options, Bee is more than happy to provide her with as much of any possible food she could want and she takes full advantage of that 
Tex gave her some of his old gaming stuff when she expressed an interest in it 
At home she has a bunch of random toys from Blitz that vary from things that could not possibly be further from her taste to things she actually likes 
Blitz has a hunch that she regressed but doesnt bring it up because he understands feeling embarrassed about your regression and doesn’t want to push Loona if she’s not ready to tell him (he's secretly a little hurt she hasn’t told him yet though and keeps dropping hints that she could tell him anything)
Bee and Tex know she regresses. They found out pretty soon after first meeting her since Bee has a bit of a sixth sense for this sort of thing and they are both now her caregivers 
She didn't really consider the possibility of having caregivers before meeting Bee and Tex. Blitz was the only one who wanted her the first time around. Why would anyone else want her now? 
When she’s regressed she has a much easier time calling Blitz dad
She started regressing while she was still in the pound but it was always ignored or something she got in trouble for because she “was too old to be acting this way”
She has a very strained relationship with any kind of authority and is very distrustful of others 
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otterandterrier · 2 years
Here's a list of sapphic books I've enjoyed for Femslash February and Valentine's Day 🥰🏳️‍🌈
A Little Light Mischief Former scoundrel turned lady's maid falls for her employer's companion. This was my first foray into wlw period romance. Absolutely loved it, it packs a lot of UST, steam and feels into a short novella!
The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics (Feminine Pursuits, #1) Olivia Waite's wlw historical fiction stole my heart. All of her books mention background queer characters too. This one is about a lady astronomer who falls in love with her widowed patron as they break down barriers in science and art. Smart and hot!
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows (Feminine Pursuits, #2) The widowed owner of a printing business must call for the help of a beekeeper trapped in a fake marriage. Middle aged women falling in love!! Being gay!! Looking after bees!! Having sex!! Defying expectations!!
The Hellion's Waltz (Feminine Pursuits, #3) A pianist who hates swindlers tries to stop a swindler from swindling. Literally "be gay, do crimes"! Less UST and build-up than the other two, but still hot and sweet and socialist propaganda. There's poly rep too.
The Romance Recipe Restaurant owner hires reality star chef to help revive her restaurant (boss/employee), full of UST and good discussions of bisexuality. It has no less than five sex scenes.
Something to Talk About Celebrity romance with an age gap and boss/employee dynamic, deals with sexual harassment in Hollywood. Veeery slow burn with one smut scene.
The Falling in Love Montage YA, set in Ireland, our heartbroken protagonist doesn't want to fall in love so her new crush proposes a trope-filled summer fling. Plenty of making out but no smut. Very cute for anyone who enjoys the silliness of romcoms!
Perfect Rivalry Medical romance between rival overachievers who love gaming! Neurodivergent and multicultural rep, everybody is queer! Wholesome and hot.
In the Event of Love Second chance love / friends to lovers, Hallmark holiday movie vibes. Even planner heads back to her hometown after a PR disaster and reunites with her ex-turned-into-a-lumberjane childhood friend. Tooth-rottingly sweet and spicy.
For Her Consideration A heartbroken email ghostwriter is asked to meet with the cute celebrity she's writing for. Plus-size and multicultural rep, everybody is queer. It has a lovely found family theme and lots of spice.
Honeymoon for One The protagonist somehow forgets to cancel her honeymoon after calling off her wedding, goes on a solo adventure to Canada anyway and meets a cute ski instructor she does not get along with. Very sweet and with a couple of tender smut scenes.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo An aging Hollywood star hires a little known reporter to share the true story about her seven husbands - and her one true love. This one broke me.
Yerba Buena Follows the journeys of two girls whose families are impacted by addiction, and until their paths cross in LA. Deals with themes of identity, changes, growing up, grief, and healing with another person. Warnings for drug abuse, death, underage sex.
Milk Fed This one is a complicated story about a woman dealing with the fatphobia, body dysmorphia and eating disorders, and what happens when she falls for the Orthodox Jewish woman who sells her froyo. It's a tough and weird read - there's also homophobia, parental trauma, sexual fantasies, religious issues.
Siren Queen A Chinese American girl willing to do anything to become a star in pre-Hays Code Hollywood. Really thoughtful urban fantasy novel about race and queerness and the Hollywood dream.
These Witches Don't Burn A teenage witch must work with her ex to find out who's working to destroy their coven, while trying to date the new cute girl in town. This one is way angstier that it seems!
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abronzeagegod · 11 months
Untitled YA Project Chapter 2: The Working Life of A Shrar
First Chapter || More
6:58 PM local time
Training Barracks, House Kaiyantsh, Si Yátz
A thousand miles away from the cold November weather of the Midwest, Hiraksyau, woke on her small cot in the island nation of Si Yátz. She had been up late reading. Last week, she had gotten a book from the library that was a narrative history of the Caribbean Wars with her people and the Spanish back in the 1500’s. There were so many fascinating things happening, and she had already been curious about pirates so this was an amazing find. She couldn’t help herself and was trying to read through it as fast as she possibly could.
Besides, reading about pirates was much more interesting than going to bed on time and being up and ready for her required military service duty rotation.
Hira would rather sleep, or read, but no, she really had to get up. If she didn't, Natúdrafe would be all over her. Not that Rafe needed a reason to be all over her. Hira was just a shrar stationed at this middle of nowhere outpost, and Rafe was a dralf, only one step above her, so that made Hira her responsibility. Any time Hira messed up or failed a task, it would reflect badly on Rafe, so she pushed her subordinate hard.
She climbed off her bed, and rolled her shoulders, a motion that released some of the tension that had built up. She shook out her wings and then her legs, trying to get the blood flowing and wake up more.
After addressing her morning routine (a light brushing with some unscented cleaning oil and a functional brush, cleaning her mandibles and teeth), the young zlilfian put on her morning workout uniform and left her tiny little room. She had to make it to the gym on time, otherwise Rafe would be mad.
Why did she make Hira get up two hours early to do combat training?
At the small gym, Rafe was already waiting for her. Hira sighed, quietly to herself.
“You’re late again,” the older shrar said. “Up late reading again?”
Hira nodded, rubbing her right eyes, making sure to get both the larger eye and the smaller compound eye.
“What is it this time? More human history? Like the history of American colonization and their coercion of their 40 states into a government?”
“No,” Hira responded. “That was two weeks ago. This time it was about pirates and the wars with the Spanish we had five hundred years ago.”
“Sounds like fun, but not so much fun that you can get away with not doing your job.”
Hira just grumbled at her, a deep humming noise that was emphasized by a subtle beat of her wings. It didn’t help that Rafe was already a better shrar than her, but this whole being in charge thing wasn’t fair.
Rafe heard the dissatisfaction and told Hira, “How about we make a deal? You beat me in our sparring match and you won’t have to do anything with me the rest of the day.”
Hira perked up at that. Her combat skills were extremely poor, she could readily admit that, which is why she was station out in this tiny outpost at the edge of the island on the nightwatch section for her mandatory stint in her Great House’s military. She had to do her duty, she just didn’t like doing that duty. So the fact that Rafe was offering to give her a day away from all the nonsense of training and drills and tests, was an offer she couldn’t refuse. With all that extra time Hira could probably finish the general history on the pirates and then spend a couple hours looking up famous zlilfian sailors of the era and trying to find biographies to read next.
Rafe could see how excited that offer made Hira, which instantly made her much more awake and alert. Her plan did the trick.
“You’re on,” Hira said, trying not to sound too excited. She sounded exactly as excited about this as she was.
“Alright. First one to pin the other twice wins,” Rafe said as she climbed into the little sparring ring and started to get ready with a few quick stretches, flexing her arms, legs, and wings.
Rafe had the height advantage on Hira, by a few inches. She was bigger than the average shrar at just over five feet tall. Things didn’t look good for Hira, especially since she had only ever managed to pin Rafe once in their hand to hand drills.
Hira climbed into the ring and settled in to spar with her superior officer.
“Hold your guard up, in front of your face,” Rafe said, correcting her form the second they started.
“I can’t see if I hold my hands in my face.”
Rafe gave Hira a flat look, eyes slightly closed, antennae out to the sides. “You know that’s not what I meant. You’re too focused on using your front vision, let your other eyes alert you to movement and then react.”
Hira tried to concentrate and use her compound eyes, the smaller set that sat a few centimeters above the bigger set of binocular eyes. But in the time that she spent trying to concentrate and let her compound eyes take over and sense the motion, Rafe had struck her twice. The blows weren’t as hard or as fast as they could have been. Hira knew she was being played with.
“You got to stop thinking about it so hard,” Rafe commented as she ducked a very wide swing Hira let out with her right hand. “You’re smart, so you got to fight like it.”
Hira grumbled and tried again. The second set of eyes every zlilfian was borning with, while not good at seeing detail, were excellent at detecting motion from a very wide angle. She took a second to breathe and stopped focusing on the specific details. In the fight it wasn’t necessary to look at Rafe’s almost perfectly symmetrical stripes of black and yellow that ran horizontally across her face and shoulders, in contrast to Hira’s big splash of yellow across her entire face that sort of dripped down her chin and neck then down her chest. Or the fact that she was very tall for a shrar, or that, in just about every way, Rafe was a very pretty woman who was going to kick Hira’s butt again.
The next series of blows Rafe sent towards Hira, she was able to dodge all the punches, but the kick almost threw her off balance. Hira could only counter by fluttering her wings in a quick flight backwards to get out of Rafe’s range, but unfortunately that put her into the corner of the ring.
The second Rafe closed the distance it was all over. The grapple and pin were quick and not entirely painless. After a moment of being held in a tight embrace, Hira tapped out. Rafe helped her up.
“Use your strengths, use my strengths against me, come on,” Rafe said, trying to get Hira motivated and active. “Use that big brain of yours.”
“It’s early Natúdrafe, give me a minute to wake up,” Hira snapped.
“Combat isn’t going to wait for you to be well rested and ready, Hiraksyau,” Rafe countered, using Hira’s full name in retaliation for her using Rafe’s. “You can do this. Or you’re going to be joining me after rounds for a full weight work out. And flying drills.”
Hira groaned again. She hated weight training, it was hard work and intensive and gross. But flight drills were easy, Hira was always a good flier.
“Although if you can pin me twice you won’t have to do either,” Rafe said gently, trying to tease some life out of Hira.
They settled into their ready poses, and Hira had a sudden idea. She fluttered her wings, both sets, the big ones on her shoulders, and the small ones from the middle of her back. The sudden burst of movement from all over along with a feint attack with her left arm caused Rafe to back into a defensive pose as her compound eyes saw a lot of movement from lots of directions.
Using this moment of defensiveness from Rafe, Hira moved. She transitioned to using her wing movements to push herself forward, and slipping under and around Rafe’s guard. From her blind spot, Hira managed to grapple her from behind, and pushed Rafe to the ground.
After a few seconds of struggle, Rafe couldn’t break the hold and Hira’s weight pinned her down.
“Ok, ok, you got me,” she said. “Now let me up.”
Hira hummed slightly to herself in joy as she stood up off the other girl, holding out her hand to help Rafe up off the mat.
“Alright, last one,” Rafe informed her. “This is for all the seeds.”
Hira rolled her shoulders and her wings, and settled back into her ready position. Rafe did the same. Hira wanted to win so badly. She could have a night off, free to do whatever she wanted, and not have to worry about work or any of the other boring tasks she had to deal with on a daily basis. This was too good of a reward to pass up.
She tried the same maneuver, a feint combined with a flying maneuver, but at the same time Rafe went in with a series of quick attacks. Both girls moved at the same time, resulting in what should have been a soft blow, but instead was a very hard blow with a low crack as Rafe inadvertently hit Hira square in the face.
The world for Hira went black for a moment after the blow landed. The pain came in hard a second later. When the world returned and the pain subsided from a harsh spike to a dull ache, Hira found herself on the ground, Rafe kneeling over her.
“Sorry about that,” Rafe said quietly. Her antennae pointed down, both in shame and to help her examine the injured shrar. “I didn’t expect you to move so fast.”
“Ow,” Hira moaned.
“Are you ok?”
“Nothing broken, just hurt.”
Rafe held out her hand. “Well to make it up to you, we can just do the flying drills tonight.”
Hira groaned again and didn’t take the offered hand right away. She just lay on the ground, despite the uncomfortable position on her wings.
“That sad look isn’t going to get you out of this. Even if I do feel very bad.”
Hira rolled her eyes and took the offered hand.”
“Go get ready for breakfast, my treat this time.”
Hira stood up, and failed to suppress a happy little dance. Rafe may be abrasive and much too into the physical stuff, but she always had a way of finding the good fruits and nuts for breakfast.
“Don’t look too pleased with yourself,” Rafe called over her shoulder. “It isn’t because I like you. I just feel bad for how badly I beat you.”
my kofi where you can read more of this
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twigg96 · 1 year
I forgot if you write xreader fanfiction or not, so if you don’t, ignore this 😅. But if you do, could I request headcannons for the metalocalypse band (not poly)x bookworm reader? The reader is shy but loves horror and books. Have a nice day!
Hello Anon!! I absolutely do still write xreader fanfic. I hope you enjoy this little short fic!
Toki was the first to notice the small simple comforts of their shared living space going missing. An extra large bean bag chair they used occasionally in the game room. A string of white fairy lights Pickles kept as back up in his drug room in case his neons ever stopped working. A wax warmer Skwisgaar had been using to melt cosmetic wax to make his skin smooth before he discovered bees wax strips. A soft plush oversized blanket made to look like an animal pelt that Murderface accused Nathan of stealing for weeks before giving up the fight. Three of Nathan’s favorite novels disappeared and reappeared within weeks of each other, not that the singer complained much he just wanted to know they were safe and not covered in various fluids.
However when Toki’s stuffed bunny goes missing he became more concerned about the whereabouts of their missing things. Had a mischievous imp came and claimed their items as their own?! If so maybe he could try to make a trade? Some flowers and small acknowledgments to try and appease them so they’d leave him alone? Or maybe it was witch who was using their items to put a curse on their little make-shift family? Rubbing his arms for some semblance of comfort Toki poked his head into the rooms of Mordhause.
The living room was loud, resounding with boisterous laughter of Murderface and Pickles watching a cartoon about two cartoon teenage groupies reacting to various music videos. Toki tried his best not to be too in the way as he ducked under furniture and reached behind the cushions his friends were currently sitting on searching for any of the missing items. “Uh… Toki…” Murderface growled glaring at the young rhythm guitarist as the brunette grazed his bottom in his search beneath the cushions. Toki was quick to retract his hand but the damage was already done. Murderface looked both pissed and disgusted, both men now were completely focused on Toki. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The bassist finished his sentence, a hint of his long lost southern accent shining through. Toki shrunk under his friend’s intense gaze. How could he explain he was looking for the magic creatures that stole their shit? Instead Toki simply shrugged. “Justs… looking for… my ring?” He said more of a question for himself than for the others. The heavy blush that coated his cheeks only grew darker as Pickles bellowed with laughter and Murderface stared back in disbelief. “You don’t even own a ring dood!” Pickles sputtered out between gasping laughter. Murderface huffed and shook in rage. “That’sch scho fucking gay!” He growled crossing his arms. “Awe c’mon Will. Toki didn’t mean to grope you.” Pickles teased with a wink. “What were ya lookin’ for Toki?” Pickles asked earnestly. Nervously biting the skin on his thumb Toki shuffled his feet, avoiding eye contact with Pickles. “There’s been stuffs goin’s missing. I ams been looking for it.” Toki muttered not missing the way his friends simply stared in response. “What’s missing?” Murderface asked boredom clear on his expression as if he was over the conversation completely. Toki shrugged picking at his nail until pain shot up his finger begging him to stop. “Ah… wells I noticeds things. Like lights in Pickles Smoke Den. And dat blanket-“ Toki was suddenly cut off, his shoulders grabbed roughly by his curly haired friend. “I FUCKING KNEW I WASNT NUTS!” The bassist screamed before Pickles gentled him away from the trembling Norwegian. “It was Nathan wasn’t it! That blanket hog always goes for the best blankets during cuddle time when we watch Hulu…” Murderface sulked. Pickles sighed rubbing circles in his friends back. “How can we help?” Toki was thankful that Pickles seemed so easy going about the whole situation and smiled. “Follow me.”
Leading his friends through the halls and into various unfruitful empty rooms he led them into the kitchen. Nathan leaned up against the counter. His large big gulp size cup was filled of fully caffeinated coffee and a full bottle of Z-Quill. His 2-AM Cold Fucker as he liked to call it. Everyone begged him to switch to Decalf so he could sleep and recover. But the frontman outright refused, citing the high he felt when he was so tired it physically hurt as inspiration for his best works. Whatever worked Toki supposed. The group fanned out around the kitchen, opening cabinet doors peeking inside and closing them with loud pops that made the stoned frontman jump in surprise each and every time. “The fuck are you guys doing?” Nathan growled, his growly voice sounding a tad nasally. “We ams looking for our lost things.” Toki said proudly, opening the fridge before sticking his head in to search. Nathan blinked slowly. Scrubbing his face with his palm, Nathan hummed. “Oh… I thought… uh… I thought you were looking for those fucking elves I saw earlier.” Murderface cocked a brow glancing to the open and half eaten carton of tollhouse cookies. “You mean the fuckin’ Keebler Elvesch?!” He asked smirking as Nathan’s eyes went wide. “Yeah… I guess that’s their name… they came running past here a few minutes ago.” Pickles chuckled, simply patting Nathan on the shoulder and gentling his nearly empty Cold Fucker out of his hand. “I think you had enough of this big guy.” Nathan nodded looking way too tired. “Pickle. Do you want to help him to bed?” Toki asked, but before the redhead could even move Nathan shook his head. “I think I’ll just help you guys look for a little while. I’m not… I won’t sleep. Not yet.” Nathan muttered.
The group stumbled into the studio per Nathan’s request. Hell Toki thought that maybe the frontman had stored away their favorite items amongst the disaster of a mess he called his writing nook. Dropping their large friend into one of the oversized bean bag chairs Toki searched through the piles of garbage scattered around the floor. “Ok. Ok. I’m ready tell that fucker over there to turn the mic on.” Nathan slurred pointing to the large mirror they had hanging and not the two way glass that held the sound booth. “Uhh. Nat’an big guy. Hate to break this to ya. But Dick went home fer the night.” Pickles said with executed skill hiding the smirk clearly written on his lips. Nathan on the other hand was decidedly not happy with the news. “What?! No. Get his cyborg ass back. I need him here NOW!” The frontman bellowed making the ears ring of all his companions and the glass shake in the room. If it weren’t for the reinforcements Charles put in years ago, the glass might have just shattered. Suddenly a small click was heard over the speakers of the studio. Toki looked up in amazement watching as the Nathan, Pickles, and Murderface all did the same. “Wills you please shut de fucks up?!” Skwisgaar’s clearly hung over and sleep deprived voice rang through the sound system muffled only by what Toki could assume was his hand, a shirt or even another person’s body. “Skwisgaar?! Ams you watching us froms yous bed with groupie sluts?!” Toki cried out feeling completely violated and a little uncomfortable at the thought. Skwisgaar groaned once more, his pain resounding through the very speakers. “No Toki you fuckin’s dildo. Shut ups your dumb ams hurtin’s my head. Nat’an gots me sick wit’ his cold.” Skwisgaar said, his voice just as nasally as Nathan’s. “I didn’t sleeps wit de groupie sluts. Mys room ams too hots so I sleeps here where it ams cold. Charlie don’t pay for heat in de studio when Dick ams behind schedule so it’s cool in here.” There was a silence for a few minutes. A comfortable easy silence that washed over the little family. “So can you record me for a few minutes… ya know… before I loose my inspiration.” Nathan muttered. Skwisgaar’s laugh sounded painful and sickly. “Ams you seeing de Keebler Elves again?” He asked, his voice dripping in amusement. “Juscht hit the fucking button.” Murderface growled and with that the familiar beep of the computer recording started and Nathan started rattling off his insane ideas. Ranging anywhere from “Peppermint Chocolate Milk” to “we could totally sell merchandise at a reasonable price but make that shit super limited edition… I’m thinking like one one hundred of an item ya know. Like the thread of my sweaty underwear and people will pay… like… at least half a million for it.”
Three hours passed. It was now five in the morning and all the boys looked and felt like they’ve been run over by a truck. Toki had one last room to check. The library. The others insisted they check in the morning but Toki was insistent so they each trudged in, dragging his feet behind him. “I swears to gods little Toki if it amn’ts here I ams going to-“ Skwisgaar’s rant was cut off by the soft glow of white light coming from behind one of the shelves. “Fairies!” Toki whispered in awe. Nathan snorted half asleep his entire weight leaning on William’s shoulder. “No… Their Elves Toki… get it right…” he muttered, groaning as William shuffled him in his grip. “I don’t care what they are. He’sch heavy.” William murmured walking past the others. Peeking around the shelves the band smiled at the sight they saw. It wasn’t Fairies as Toki thought. Or Elves as Nathan was sure of. It certainly wasn’t Nathan like William had been so insistent in. No. It was their dearest friend. They laid sleeping curled in a little ball on the extra large bean bag chair covered in Murderface’s blanket. A small pile of Nathan’s favorite books were scattered around them. One was loosely gripped in their hand , the pages fluttering closed as it slid precariously off the bean bag and onto the floor. Pickles’ fairy lights were strung neatly across the shelves around them as they slept. Casting the perfect amount of light for them to read without having to turn the harsh fluorescent lights of the library on keeping them from their much needed sleep. Cuddled close to their chest was Toki’s stuffed bunny, tucked sweetly under their chin as if protecting them from the horrors that lived in the pages of the books they loved most. On the table behind them was Skwisgaar’s wax warmer sending out the sweetest aroma of honey vanilla wax melts. Toki was the first to emerge from their hiding place, gentling the book from their hand and placing the book mark in the place he was certain they were last at. Laying it gently on the table behind them he smiled, watching Skwisgaar turn the complicated wax warmer off and Pickles dim the lights ever so slightly to a more tolerable level. A soft thud caught Toki’s attention and he couldn’t help the chuckle that left his chest when he saw the compromising position William had dropped Nathan in. His face down on a hard cover book, arching his back and knees bent with his butt in the air, the frontman looked silly as he cuddled the book he was laying on close as loud snores roared though him. Their friend shifted only slightly snuggling deeper in their sleep with a soft sigh and Toki had to laugh. They always were a deep sleeper. Laying down beside the singer the rest of the band cuddled close for warmth, besides Skwisgaar who simply growled at being gross and sweaty and not wanting to be touched until either he died or he got better. Toki smiled taking his friends hand and Skwisgaar’s anyway ignoring his snotty protests as sleep drew heavy over him. This was the best he could ever hope for.
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atomatowriter · 1 year
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Hi! I'm Alex, she/her, 32 years old. I was a member of the writeblr community a few years ago, though I never made a proper writeblr introduction. I stopped being active around the time of the pandemic, unsurprisingly and for a number of reasons. Now that my life is back together and the internet is...the way it is, I decided it was a good time to come back here. I love interacting with other writers, gushing about our stories and swapping worldbuilding questions. I also have a discord for indie fantasy writers (published and unpublished) if anyone is interested in joining that.
What I Write
I am a self-published author with a debut novel that released in May, The Wounds of Wisdom. Wounds is the first in a YA romantic fantasy trilogy with court intrigue called the Time's Sacrifice Trilogy. I currently expect the second book to be out in September of 2024. You can read book one for free on Kindle Unlimited.
My stories feature messy, emotional characters coming together and learning to lean on each other while unraveling still messier truths about the world around them and the people who hold power. I also write about the queernormative worlds that I want to see, and draw much of my inspiration from years of playing tabletop RPGs.
WIPs (buckle up, folks, there's a bunch).
The Time's Sacrifice Trilogy - A would-be knight, a reluctant prince, and a prickly bodyguard from an enemy nation, each gifted with mysterious divine powers, find themselves thrown into dangerous intrigue when someone begins killing their fellow Wise Ones and they learn that the history they've been told is far from the truth. YA, Arthurian vibes, political intrigue, polyamory.
The Fox Eyes Duology - A young woman looking for the lost realm of elementals in hopes of saving save her uncle and the dying forest she calls home crosses paths with another young woman who would give anything to escape the elemental powers she considers a curse. NA, campfire talks and traveling shenanigans, dark gods and darker humans, elemental magic.
Seasons of Terrafae - a quartet of companion novels, each taking place in a different continent on the world of the Fox Eyes duology, where each continent represents each of the four seasons. Elemental magic, D&D vibes.
Siren Star: The Last Defense of a Notorious Pirate - An aging pirate captain looks back on her career, focusing on her greatest crime of all, the theft of divinity itself. Pirate fantasy, worship of the stars, flying ships, gryphons.
Wildery and Wolf - Friends-to-lovers-to-awkward-exes, Wildery and Wolf unfortunately still have a magical bond due to an experiment with a forbidden ritual a couple years ago. They embark on interdimensional shenanigans together. NA, contemporary fantasy, Bee & Puppycat vibes, not a second chance at romance but a second chance at friendship.
[Working Title] Fake Transcripts for Vampires - An upcoming webnovel about a floating music hostel for creatures of the night, that also offers fake transcripts so they can blend into the human world. Being Human meets Hotel Del Luna, episodic, vampires and werewolves and fae and demons oh my what is that.
Come Home - A boy finds out he's a changeling and plunges into the enchanted forest surrounding his hometown to trade himself for the sister he never knew. His older brother follows after him, unwilling to lose another sibling. YA, Brother centric, ace sex averse MC, scary fae woods, there's a cute puppy.
Asha Crowe Mysteries - A whodunnit murder mystery series in a high fantasy world. Asha Crowe has been chosen by the God of Death, so deaths just kinda happen around her. She gets fed up and starts investigating them. Reluctant protagonist, gods fucking with people's lives, immense fantasy world.
And some more that aren't mature enough to describe yet!
What I Love In Books
Found Family bc who doesn't
Expansive worlds with chunky lore
Friendships and family relationships that are just as intense and obsessive and messy as the romantic relationships
But also yes some good good romance
Messy politics
Full and hard-fought redemption arcs
Characters learning how to people or how to relationships
Adventure stories with lots of travel
High stakes mysteries and intrigue
Probably more idk I read a lot
What I'm Looking For Here
Honestly, I'm an extrovert and I just really love yelling about our stories with my writer friends. I'd love to find some critique partners, or just to hear about what you guys are working on! Just consider this me running up to you on the playground and shouting "HEY CAN WE BE FRIENDS."
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rapidashrider · 3 months
Ignore the cameras and flashing lights, just look directly into my eyes and name one book, one tv show and/or movie, and one fic you think more people should try?
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AAAAAAH! You found me!!!
Ooh this is an exciting and fun ask - thank you!
One book: The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. It’s a YA book but I first read it a handful of years ago in my early thirties and it still knocked me for flat, and the series that follows builds on it so deftly and grippingly. It’s a low-fantasy adventure story told by a surly teen who makes a point of making it very clear to all around him how much he does not want to be there, which is pretty funny to read. Action, thriller, fantasy and political intrigue all combine deliciously. It’s so exciting as well to read a low-fantasy novel that’s not the classic Northwestern Europe influenced setting but has a much more Hellenic / SWANA flavour to its world.
One TV Show and/or Movie: I really wish more people were into the Great British Sewing Bee. I know US audiences have adopted Bake Off into their hearts but the Bee is an even gentler, warmer, kinder show even than that.
One fic: I’m afraid I have to come out as someone who hasn’t actually read a fanfic at all in several years and was never massively into fic reading (though I wrote for a while) so to recommend one in particular would be kind of redundant, though there were plenty I enjoyed. But with that said, the one that’s top of my list to read when I get the brain space is @ruby-red-inky-blue’s The World Through A Scope. Every quote or excerpt I read from it is perfection and I know that we share very close reads on the characters so I expect I’ll find the characterisations spot on. So maybe a “would probably recommend if I’d read it already” label on that one.
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
a very 2023 tag game 🥳
i was tagged by some of the best people i know -- @celestialmickey @gardenerian @energievie @shinygalaxyperson @mishervellous @creepkinginc @shameless-notashamed & @metalheadmickey -- to talk about the upcoming year & ya know what? i think i will! 🤘🏼😂✨
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hello, my name is: bee 🐝
i live in: nyc 🍎
in 2023 i’ll be turning: 31 🧱
describe your 2022 in 3 words: monumental, excruciating, delicious.
3 words you hope will describe your 2023: expressive, jubilant, rewarding.
something you’re looking forward to this year: the chance to do some things differently 😊
something you want to accomplish this year: working on & shopping out the novel i started during nano! ✍🏼
somewhere you’d like to travel to this year: i have some travel plans already that i'm really excited about ✈️ & i also want to go visit my childhood besties's new homes! 🏡
something you’d like to do more of in 2023: listening, writing, meditating, & making ✌️
and finally, what’s your 2023 mantra? when i'm up against some "adult" things slash indulging in some good ole self pity, i am going to lovingly & cheekily tell myself: too bad, baby 🖤
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tagging @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @greggster @abundanceofnots @crossmydna @howlinchickhowl @juliakayyy @iansfreckles @mikcrymilkovich @unbridgeabledistances @smokey-mickey @oatmilkovich @palepinkgoat @wehangout @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @y0itsbri @grumpymickmilk @sickness-health-all-that-shit @xninetiestrendx & @vintagelacerosette to play! if you don't want to slash are still reflecting on 2022, i'm sending you love & comfort along your way! xx
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atbondolas · 1 year
A little intro to know me better :)
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» Lu here! She/her // adult // writer // queer 🏳‍🌈
You can find some of my writing on @xbondola and AO3 ✨
What's this blog about? I post about writing, art and photography, things that I find interesting and funny or that remind me of my own stories and characters, and sometimes fandom stuff 🖤
What do I write? Short stories, fanfiction, novels – you name it. My favorite genre is... anything weird, really. I like contaminations, especially when it's between fantasy (urban, paranormal) and horror. I also like to write romance.
Fandom/ships I wrote/I wanna write for: Wenclay (Wednesday); Kanej (Six of Crows); Thiam (Teen Wolf); Stranger Things; Asian dramas; and more.
What can you find in my writing? LGBTQ+ characters (always!), introspection, lots of dialogue, focus on platonic or queer-platonic or familial relationships, unpleasant/difficult female characters, characters with anxiety/depression/other disorders, themes such as identity, change, growth, guilt, forgiveness.
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» A wlw YA novel inspired by Mean Girls, set in the early 2000s. The protagonist, Beverly, is a bitch who would do anything to protect her own status as Queen Bee of the school, but things go awry when someone starts blackmailing her boyfriend.
I just thought that it would be fun to use the stereotypical mean girl as more than an antagonist, for once – to give her a personality outside her meanness, an arc, and a redemption.
Also to make her a lesbian.
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SOTTO IL PELO DELL'ACQUA (Below The Water Surface)
» A quasi-horror story set in an all girl summer camp. A group of girls is stuck on a small island where strange things happen. Some of the other campers start acting weird, and Mallory Brown thinks she knows the reason: something powerful and ancient is hiding in the woods...
Sadly, I'm not writing this one in English. Anyway, I wanted to have a story with a majorly female cast, since I feel there's a lack of works that focus on female friendship. I'm doing my part 🤭
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who would've guessed? sometimes i write → my own writing, excerpts from my wips, complete short stories
writing → general tag about writing
the toolbox 🧰 → writing advice and resources
about stories → tropes & co.
𓃠 → original posts
👁 → visual sources of inspiration
💡 → prompts and ideas
📷 → photography tag
once upon a time → others' comics and stories
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If you read till the end, thanks! Have a nice day 🖤
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