#xna lara
messydiabolical · 7 months
I use XNA lara XPS for posing and character references all the time.
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It's a nifty little basic 3d viewer/posing program that I find much less intimidating than blender or daz. It also has a bunch of Mass Effect models available for it, so it's everything I need for my kind of doodles.
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I realised talking about it earlier here that a lot of tutorials for how to download and install it are outdated or hard to find, so I put together a step by step with lots of screenshots, following the steps as I went to make sure they all worked. It's too big for a tumblr post so the guide is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JlzVLKd7NICPr3z0RmGZp5Rfnaz315Zz0_dBFmohq7A/edit?usp=sharing Please note this is for Windows PC's. It requires specific .NET framework so I'm not sure how that would work on Macs, sorry. (I have included how to get the framework in the guide) In that guide is also a link to some XNA models I've popped on my google drive. I will also add some guidance on how to use the tools within XNA later on, for now it has how to download and install it and how to add custom models. I hope this helps someone!
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bahlinka · 1 year
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solradguy · 2 years
I don't know what the deal is with this "tumblr sexyman" discourse lately because the only tumblr sexyman I need is fire-wheel mk-ii
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moekakiryu · 1 year
Got A New SSD For Art
GOOD News Everyone,
I have been Using the same drive for my Models as for my games for almost 3 months but that all changed this past week when i got a 1TB ssd for art project storage it is a sata ssd so I'm looking foreword to seeing how it performs with blender and daz studio but it also has enough space for SFM and XNA Lara models so i will be able to start porting those some day as well and that leads me to the bad news.
BAD News Everyone,
I am leaving twitter for good and deleting the account it is just too toxic and unstable there now because of MuskRat so I'm saying farewell to sexual and Nude art work in favor of softer lesbian romance Art and the other thing is that this will obviously take a long time to do with over 900 posts on twitter there is a lot to go through and decide on starting with what to keep and what to toss. i will Post updates here and there but i expect it will take the rest of this month to get through it.
Thanks for all your love and support through this trying and unpredictable time. <3
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minespatchart · 10 months
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Patches mugging for Slabs.+
I really should've got my controller and visit new Londo for a better angle. 🤔
Church doodle I did two weeks ago that I finalized between yesterday and today. Felt a bit frustrated with the drakwraith cut off from the paper border, so I got some refs from XNA Lara and printed them out. Unfortunately, the lines didn't match when I drew on the receipt paper, so a ton of Frankenstiening between the two papers when I used my mouse to combine the lines.
Big thanks to Moonlight ruin on Twitter for Stone soldier refs.
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darkxmartcom · 5 months
Game Engine
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Wellcome friends in this article I am covering The Game Enginethen feel free to read this article and don't forget to press the follow button.
What is Game Engine?
A Game Engine is a product system fundamentally intended for the improvement of computer games and by and large incorporates important libraries and backing programs. Game Engines are reusable parts engineers use to fabricate the game's system. This gives them an additional opportunity to zero in on the special components like character. A game engine is a design that engineers use to run a game. A computer game engine permits you to add: Unreal Engine; Unity; Godot; Open3D Amazon; CryEngine. Or on the other hand, the right game Engine may be one. As such, a structure is planned explicitly for the development and improvement of computer games.
material science
crash discovery
man-made consciousness
also, more without the need to program them
Generally speaking, we can rapidly present the idea of gaming motors as being facilitators, furnishing game engineers with instruments to chop down advancement time.
Why are Down Motors Significant?
Game Engines are reusable parts designers use to fabricate the game's system. This gives them an additional opportunity to zero in on the remarkable components like person models, surfaces, how items connect, and so forth. Assuming that everybody made their games without any preparation and the assistance of astounding game advancement Engines, games would take more time and be more challenging to make. That being said, there are still a lot of huge organizations and, surprisingly, nonmainstream groups that make their exclusive Engine. This requires utilizing application interfaces like DirectX, OpenGL, and XNA as well as business and open-source libraries containing material science, scene charts, and GUI libraries. Making a gaming Engine is no simple undertaking except for some of the time vital if the game is different enough that no current Engines will work. So, we should figure out which is the simplest game motor to learn.
these 2 are the best Game Engines
Unity is a business game Engime that has been utilized by many games. Unity is intended for both 2D and 3D game turn of events. The Unity multi-stage game Engine permits you to make intuitive 3D substance easily. From the best open-source game Engine to the best Engine for 2D games, Unity takes care of everything. Many independent engineers use Unity for its fantastic usefulness, excellent substance, and capacity to be utilized for basically any sort of game. Ongoing eminent titles made with Unity incorporate Lara Croft Go, Her Story, Mainstays of Forever, and Kerbal Space Program. Quite possibly the best thing about this famous well-known game Engine is that is free. This computer game Engine is accessible with every one of its highlights and can (generally) be utilized to make games at each stage.
Downsides of Involving Unity as a Gaming Engine
The issue is that the Expert Version, which has a large group of brilliant instruments, expects that you pay a month-to-month expense. These highlights incorporate beta access, game execution revealing, adjustable sprinkle screens, and a group permit, from there, the sky is the limit.
Almost 50% of the versatile games being made today have involved Unty as their gaming Engine. A cross-stage motor gives the client admittance to the Unity store: where resources can be utilized for your game. Unity is upheld on iOS, Android, Windows Telephone, Tizen, and Fire operating systems.
Unreal Engine
One of the most famous and generally utilized game motors is the Incredible Engine, which is possessed by Amazing Games. It is basically a game turn of events quite possibly of the most famous game Engine present in the business today the Unreal Engine by Legendary Games. The first rendition was delivered in 1998 and after 17 years it keeps on being utilized for probably the greatest games consistently. Striking titles made with Unbelievable Engine incorporate the Pinion Wheels of War series, Mass Impact series, Bioshock series, and the Batman: Arkham series.
Why It's Famous
The strength of the Incredible Engine is its capacity to be changed an adequate number of that games can be made into exceptionally remarkable encounters. The most recent rendition, Unbelievable Engine 4, is supposed to be the simplest game Engine to involve when in the hand of an expert. In any case, there are different Engines accessible that are simpler for a new plan.
Unreal Engine is on Xbox One, PS4, PC, iOS, Android, Macintosh operating system X, Linux, and VR.
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random0905 · 3 years
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Ok, it’s still Tomb Raider II month and I’m actually enjoying rendering at the moment - how long that will last though I don’t know. Inspired by Core Design’s original render and after seeing Henry Arts renders, I thought I’d create my own interpretation  - I do love his renders though 😍
That’s it for nowwww...
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loveleechaolan · 4 years
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entaiho · 6 years
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Cover art for my fanfiction Capturing Your Soul. Hope you like it :)
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arisencoyote · 7 years
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I really need to post more on here.
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000-missingno-000 · 7 years
My first tutorial on XNALara XPS. 
You will learn all about the installation, interface of XPS, as well as downloading and importing models, posing, rendering and post-processing them in-software. Enjoy! Translation of subtitles by BMFreed 
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bahlinka · 7 years
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solradguy · 2 years
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I love those gifs of rotating swords from goth/fantasy pages so I figured out how to make Outrage versions. Feel free to use these for whatever or resize them or edit them or print out each frame and eat them, if you really want. Credits below the cut.
Model rip by o-DV89-o (DeviantArt) Animation done in XNA Lara Recording with OBS Video cleanup in Blender Video to Gif conversion by CloudConvert (PS wouldn't load the mp4 for whatever reason) Gif cleanup done in Clip Studio Paint EX and Photoshop CS5 32x
I accidentally fucked up the adjustment layer between the red border version and the borderless version, which is why they look very slightly different lmfao agony...
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wildcardhoney · 6 years
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Had to make a Lara render ❤️
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paprikaries · 3 years
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Borderlands 2 _ Fanart Victory memory picture
Old posing exercise XNA Lara _ PainTool SAI
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minespatchart · 4 months
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Art for strengthenjoyer for more tshirt designs. It was interesting trying to adlib the pose since I have a hard time messing with my xna lara poser.
Potential shirt back design of the Havel shield and dragon tooth. Might not be used but still worth drawing. I have good memories using in dark souls 2 during blue smelter and the three tigers.
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