warmaidensrevenge · 7 months
It's not a never
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Pairing: Eddie x friend!fem plus size reader
A/N: Hi! So I lied. This is gonna be a three part series. I was getting a little carried away with everything I wanted to put in this fic. So that pushed it out to one more part. Tonight's part is basically filler. Just a heads up this is a slow burn. So if you don't like that kind of fic, this one is not for you. Anyways, thanks for reading. As always love ya. Byyyyeeeee
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,230
Warnings: 18+ no minors please. Language, angst, pinning, slow burn, slight fluff and not proof read.
Summary: A trip to be remembered and a confession that leaves Eddie puzzled.
Part 2
Bags were packed and loaded. Snacks and drinks were bought. A Ziploc bag full with coins for tolls and a map were in Eddie's glove box. And hours of music were picked. All that was left was to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. 
This senior ditch day was going to be epic. Months and months of saving and scrimping was all going to be worth it. 3 days of total and complete freedom. The road trip of a lifetime. One last hurrah. Together. 
Only this was gonna be tough. Being in close quarters with you for 3 whole days. How was he gonna deal?
Lately he was doing pretty good at keeping his feelings at bay… well that wasn't true. You had left for a week after the senior outing to visit the college you got into.
He missed you more than ever. But over those few days, he reflected back on everything. Sure how he now felt about you came unexpectedly. Still, he never wanted to be with anyone more. Especially since he realized you were perfect for each other.
However if he decided to make a move, there was no certainty that you would be up for it. Also, what would it do to the friendship? You guys had been friends way too long. It would be awkward. 
So he chose to push all that he felt away and enjoy this last trip with his friends.
It was 4 am on Friday and everyone was ready to hit the road. You had just hopped in the passenger seat with a huge thermos of coffee. 
“ Sorry. Thy birth giver wanted to pray for safe travels and a safe return.”
Eddie smiled. “ Welp, hopefully one of the pagan gods heard her.”
You turned around and offered up some coffee and donuts to everyone. When you turned back, you pulled out the map.
“ Okay Eddie. Please for the love of all that is holy. Please don't kill us.”
He chuckled. “ Ye have little faith kid.”
You rolled your eyes and took a bite of a donut and pointed forward. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone whooped and hollard. “New York! Here we come!”
3 hours later
“Oh crap! Munson please!” Jeff whimpered.
Gareth backed away a little. “ Man oh man. I told you not to have that second cup of coffee.” 
Eddie shook his head while you were laughing your butt off.
“ Calm down.” He said. “ The next gas station in 3 miles out.”
“ I-I don't think I- I can hold it!” Jeff stammered.
“ YOU BETTER!” Grant yelled.
You turned around. “ Guy, guys guys!” It's gonna be fine. Jeffrey. 2 ½ minutes. You can do this. Just squeeze.” 
You looked back at Eddie and just grinned away. All he could think about was how nice your eyes looked. 
As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, Jeff kicked open the back door and ran into the store.
Once Eddie turned off the engine everyone sat there quietly for a few seconds before laughing like crazy.
When it died down you guys got off to move your legs around.
Eddie went to fill up while the other guys went to see about some real breakfast. 
He had just put in the gas nozzle and turned to find you doing toe touches.
He shouldn't have done it, but he did. He checked you out. Loving how your leggings hugged your round bottom. How beautifully wide your hips were.
When you stood back up you walked towards him.
“ Eddie? Can you pop my back?”
He nodded and took a step closer to you. “ Turn around and cross your arms around your chest.”
Once you did as you were instructed, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He then took a deep inhale in and caught a whiff of your shampoo. He instantly got goose flesh. 
Stop it! He told himself.
After lifting you up for a second, he quickly put you back down. Your bottom brushed his lower half in the process. 
His hands fell down to your hips. He mentally had to tell himself to not pull you to him.
“ W-was that okay?” He nervously asked.
You turned around and nodded. Bodies only inches apart.
“ So much better. Thank you.”
He stared at your lips as you spoke. Were they always so full? They definitely looked incredibly soft.
“ G-good.” He stuttered as he kept looking at your mouth and thinking.
“Eddie? You okay? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“ Hmm?” He met your gaze. “ Yeah. No. Yeah. You're good. I just ummm…sorry I was just trying to decide if I should take a leak.” 
“ Alright dude." You held up your hand. " Too much info. Go, I'll finish pumping.” 
With that said he practically ran away. Rushing into the first stall that was empty. While sighing deeply he cursed himself. He really wanted to kiss you.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a god awful stench.
“ UGH! Jeff what the hell man?! Ever heard of a courtesy flush?”
“ S-sorry man.”
Eddie smiled when he saw the buildings in the distance. He looked at you and your eyes were so big. 
“ Guys look! We're almost there.” You said excitedly. 
Gareth moved between you and him. “ Awwwww yeah baby. Just think, in a couple of weeks we're moving here.”
Eddie caught a sad look on your face. He knew how bad you wanted to go to Columbia. To be close to them while they followed their dreams to be rockstars. But things didn't work out. Instead, you were going to a college on the west coast. 
It was a good school. Everyone knew that. It had a great biology and geology department. Something you were excited about. Still, you were scared because you didn't know anyone there. Everyone you knew and loved would be on the other side of the country.
That's why Eddie understood the sad face. He remembered conversations he had with you about it. He remembered wiping away your tears as you told him about your rejection from Columbia. And though he was the one to talk you into getting some California sun, he now realized he didn't want you to go either.
He tapped your knee and started writing.
‘ okay?’
You peered out the front windshield and slightly shook your head. Then you put your hand on his and squeezed it gently. Letting him know you would be fine. 
He knew you would be. You were awesome and you would make friends easily. It's just now he didn't know if he would be okay without you.
You put your finger against your lips.“ Shhhh! Guys I know you're freaking out, but I need you to trust me.”
Everyone was following you down these concrete hallways for a good 5 minutes now. After checking into the hotel and getting food, they had all found themselves sneaking into a building.
Jeff was the first to doubt you. But as soon as a security officer came close to catching you guys, everyone tried to convince you to turn back.
Eddie looked into your eyes and nodded. “ Okay.” He whispered. “ If we go to jail, it better be worth it.”
You held out your hand for him. “ It will be. I promise.”
Your hand was everything he thought it would be. Soft, warm and fit perfectly in his. He swore he would follow you anywhere if it meant that he could hold your hand. 
Once you guys were finally in the spot, you told them to stay put. When you let go of his hand, he now felt like a part of him was missing. 
You were only gone for a second. But in those few moments they had all realized where they snuck into.
Eddie was speechless. There were absolutely no words that could describe how he felt. 
A few spot lights turned on. Pointing directly in the middle of a huge stage.
You returned on top of it. “ So?”
“ Shit!” They all said in unison.
You gave them a huge smile. “ I know right? Obviously you guys can't perform or anything like that. But I wanted the first time you step foot in here, that it's with your biggest support. Cuz I know one day I'm going to be standing right there… screaming my head off.”
They looked at the spot where you pointed. It was right in front of the platform.
You locked eyes with him.“ So get up here and take it in.”
The guys looked at each other then ran to get up too. Once up there you asked for help getting down. You then watched them laugh and wrestle playfully.
“ Alright freaks!” You announced. “ Imagine this.  Every seat is full. And the floor is packed with bodies. All waiting for you.” 
They all stared at you after moving to their respective place. As if they're standing by their instruments.
“ The crowd is chanting. Corroded Coffin. Corroded Coffin….Then the lights go out. The ones that are sitting jump up and everyone screams in anticipation. But then... it goes silent…”
Eddie pictured everything. It was all him and the guys ever wanted.
“ Then they hear you.” You point at Gareth. “ Then you.” You looked at Jeff. “ Then of course you bud.” You nodded towards Grant. “ And finally the strum of a guitar along with oooooohhhhs and awwwws from you.”
Eddie finally had your eyes on him. And he knew right then and there that he was in love with you. It wasn't just a silly crush anymore. It was the real thing. The can't eat, can't sleep, the winning touchdown, the home run, the one in a lifetime love.
He loved you because you loved them. You believed in them. And the way you laid out the scene with so much conviction, it had him convinced that they were gonna make it too.
You smiled at him and continued. “ And while you blow off the roof of this place, the crowd sings and sways with you."
Later that night everyone settled into the shared room. Gareth and Jeff in one bed, Eddie and Grant on the sofa bed. And of course being the only female of the group they gave you your own bed.
Eddie has just come out of the shower to find everyone asleep. Except you. You weren't even in the room.
He looked at Grant who took up the whole bed and he sighed. Looked like he was gonna sleep on the floor. 
He waited a minute to see if you would come back but after about 5 minutes, he went to look for you.
You weren't far though. He found you sitting on the steps reading something.
“ Hey kid. Whatcha doin?”
You gave him a quick little smile before looking back at your book. “ Uhhhh nothing really. Just checking out courses.” 
He sat next to you and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Before he could light one you plucked it from his mouth.
“ No you promised. No smoking on this trip.”
He gave you a thin lip before taking back the smoke and returning it to the carton.
“ You really should quit. I don't want to see you end up with an oxygen tank.”
He put the pack back in his pocket. “ One day. I promise.”
You flipped a page. “ I'll keep you to that.”
You guys sat quiet. Listen to the bustle of the city. Eddie was trying to gather the courage to tell you how he felt. But he was scared. What if he took a leap of faith and it turned ugly? What if you did like him the way he liked you and things didn't work out? Or what if his confession lead to you guys not being friends anymore?
Doubt filled his thoughts. But then a bit of hope shined on him. What if it did work out? What if you guys made it past the long distance thing and were truly happy together? What if this love was meant to be?
“ Eddie?”
His inner rambling came to a halt. “ Y-yeah?”
You closed your book and started fidgeting with the corners. “ You know you're my best friend right?”
He softly cleared his throat. “ Yeah.”
“ And we always tell each other everything.”
He nodded. “ Yeah.”
You sighed a little. “ So you know that I have family out here….well my uncle actually works as a security guard at the garden. He worked tonight…he knew we were coming and he did me a solid…we wouldn't have gotten in trouble if we got caught.”
For a second there his heart sank. He thought you were gonna say that you liked him too. But then he smiled and wrapped his arms around you. 
“ I'm really gonna miss you.” He said softly.
You hug his waist. “ I think I'll miss you more.”
The hug lasted a minute or so, but it was the best damn hug he had ever had. And when you tried pulled away he hugged you tighter. Making you giggle. 
When he finally loosen his grip, you stared deeply into his eyes. The way you sat there, it was like your eyes were trying to tell him something your mouth couldn't. It was almost as if you were asking him to kiss you.
He was gonna go for it. He was gonna take that leap. However the second he leaned in you yawned. Pulling completely away from him so you wouldn't do it in his face.
“ Wow I'm beat. We should get some sleep. Big day in Time's Square tomorrow."
He frowned at the fleeding moment that seemed to be fate. 
“ Yeah you're probably right.” He conceded to it. “ You think you could lend me a pillow and that blanket you brought?”
You looked at him and raised a brow. Silently asking why?
“ Gonna crash on the floor. Grant's a bed hog.”
You laughed lightly and yawned again. “ No. You can sleep with me.”
His breath hitched in his throat while asking a shaky. “ W-what?”
You grinned and stood up, holding out your hand. “ Like when we were kids. If you're worried that I'll get handsy then we can make a pillow barrier.”
He chuckled. “ Maybe I like handsy.”
He regretted it as soon as it came out.
The silence that followed his comment nearly made him shit a brick. You stood there with an almost visible question mark above your head.
Shit! He thought. Shouldn't have said that.
You then shook your head and laughed. “ Stop being weird and take my hand.”
He practically wiped his brow and said whew before grabbing your hand. Allowing you to lead him back.
He laid there for a while thinking about all that happened. He couldn't believe he was gonna kiss you before telling you how he felt. That wasn't the guy he was. He always made sure he got consent. And with you it would be no different. All he had to do was get some real alone time with you so he can finally say something.
When we get home. He said to himself. 
He heard you sigh and felt you move a bit. Then he felt your arm sliding across his stomach. Without thinking he lifted his arm and gently pulled you closer. Slipping his arm under your head. 
Both of you sank further into the bed. He smiled and his last thought before falling asleep was how much he loved you.
The next day and a half was the best in his life. Exploring the city, eating the best pizza and getting some information about playing at clubs when they moved there. It was fantastic. 
Now it was time to head home and finish up the school year.
The drive seemed longer this time. More quiet. And he knew why. In exactly 2 weeks things were going to be different. Everyone was going to graduate and their adult lives were going to start. For a long time he couldn't wait to get the hell out of Hawkins. So did his friends. But now that it was happening, it was so hard to see the next chapter. Well with this little monster of love inside him.
When it was time to switch off. Jeff and Grant traded places with you and him.
You guys crawled in the back with the sleeping Gareth and tried to catch some z's. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and started to hum a familiar tune. He put his hand on your knee and started tapping to the beat. He caught a small smile from you. 
“ Hey Jeff? Could you drop me off first when we get into town?” you asked.
“No problem.”
You went back to humming and Eddie was trying to figure out what exactly he was gonna say. Before he knew it he was sound asleep with you. 
Until he heard the vans break squeak to a stop. 
He opened his eyes and saw they were in front of your house. You had just opened the door and hopped out. 
Though he wanted this to be a private moment, it was now or never.
He sat up and followed you. “ I need a minute man.” He said to Jeff. “ Hold up kid. I'll help you.”
You tried to refuse his help in carrying your duffle bag, but he could see you were too tired to try.
You stoped on at your doorstep and reached for your bag. “ Thanks Eddie.”
He handed you the bag and took a deep breath. Just as you turned to open the door he said your name.
“ Yeah?”
His eyes fell to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck. “ Uhhhh nevermind. I'll tell you later.”
You cleared your throat gently and took a step towards him. “ I hate when you do that.”
His gaze shot up to yours. “ D-do what?”
You put your free hand on your hip. “ When you look like you have something important to say then just brush it off…Just tell me because I'm gonna be up all night wondering what you wanted to say.”
He looked away and stood quiet for a few seconds. “ I-I’ve been acting different lately.”
“ I know.”
He met your eyes again. “ Yeah?”
You didn't say anything, but he knew that you did.
“ So I-” he cut off. Suddenly his nerves were getting the best of him. “ I don't- ummm shit…I- well the reason…damn it! I cant- I don't know-”
You grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it. Letting him know that it was okay. To calm down and take a breath.
He took a deep inhale and slowly let it out. “ I think possibly, maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
Your expression after that gave him a sinking feeling. You didn't feel the same.
Your frown said it all.
“ I'm sorry. I-I just needed to say something.”
You nodded but surprisingly you didn't let go of his hand. You were actually staring at his hand in yours.
“Eddie…I want to talk more about this. But I can't even think straight and my knees are about to give in.”
That wasn't what he was hoping for. 
“Right! Umm yeah. Sorry, just forget I said anything.” He said trying to walk away. 
But you held his hand firmly. Preventing him from taking a step further. “ No. Don't do that.”
He looked back at you and you had your eyes closed. 
“ Eddie, this is important. If it wasn't then you wouldn't have said anything at all…This deserves a real conversation that I can't give you right now. So please don't leave thinking that I don't feel the same way."
He was in disbelief. Did he hear that right?
You gave his hand one last squeeze before letting go and going inside.
He stood there staring at the door. Did he dream that? You like him too?
Gareth rolled down the window. “ Munson, let's go. I wanna go home!”
He sighed and smiled to himself. " Y-yeah. Okay."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @crookedcrone
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mysticalmallard · 1 year
🦆: Ahh, my first oneshot. I hope you guys like it. Please feel free to comment your feedback. I'm still new to this.
Pairing: Happy Lowman x OC (Can be read as xfem!reader)
Word Count: 524
Masterlist || Rules and Requests
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The last straw
He scoffs when he sees her face
"Not today, Hap. I'm already in a pretty shitty mood." she stares at her drink, lost in thought.
He scoffs again "..and why's that missy?"
" You wouldn't care it's stupid, I just want to be alone"
She continues to not look at happy trying to keep the tears at bay. A few moments pass with nothing but the background chatter of the club.
Happy seems frustrated and takes a seat in front of her, leaning in her personal space. "...I'd like to know" he says in a hushed voice voice
"WHY!!" She shouts, grabbing the full attention of the room. "Why the fuck do you suddenly care about me now Hap!! Huh? Why?"
Everyone's head in the club turns their way whatever they were doing before can wait for now. Their expressions are a mix of shock, surprise, confusion and humor wondering if it was actually happening. Their heads go from looking at her, happy, and between her and happy trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Happy remains completely calm and doesn't raise his voice, but he looks a little annoyed.
"...because ... I do."
He takes a deep breath and a swig.
"...do you not want me to?" He says in a stern voice.
"Fuck off hap" She furiously rubs the tears from her face. Everyone else are more confused as ever wondering what the fuck they are missing what the hell happened.
After noticing everyone's attention on them both looking around at all their expressions she calmly gets up and walks for the door.
The crowds mixed emotions stay the same but with a hint of glee at what just happened to their most feared member. The silence in the club after she leaves is so loud that it becomes deafening. When they notice that nothing else is going to happen today they return to whatever they were doing before as tonight doesn't seem like the right night to tease the tacoma killer. Happy's eyes are watching the door where she left.
As she gets into her car, fat tears run freely down her cheeks she starts hitting her steering wheel over and over again as she finally lets the emotional dam break. It's only when she catches her reflection in the small mirror that she stops. After taking a beat to compose herself, she whispers, "If he was ever around, he would already know what's wrong, I shouldn't have to tell him."
As she drives off out of the lot, she thinks about what she said. It's true that Happy has been very busy lately, and she really misses being around him. She wonders if her current issues have anything to do with him being occupied with someone else.
Back at the lot Happy is stood in the shadows as he watches where her car drove away, clearly seeing how upset you were. He knows the club was probably not the best place for you both to hash things out. He takes in a deep breath, lets it all out, and starts walking back inside with a light but noticeable frown on his face.
How on earth can he fix this?
🦆: hope you guys liked it. Guess in the comments what you think happened ? And let me know if you want a part 2.
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drenix004 · 3 months
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𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄 | Soshiro Hoshina xFem!Oc!
❛Despite the odds and risks, he carried on the family legacy. He created his own Joshitai team, even if it caused life to slip through his fingers and sanity to slip away.❜
"Everything in life has a price; nothing is free, because even life has to be paid back." 
❛I got married at sixteen to Soshiro. Sometimes I wonder how we lasted so long. ❜
❛That's a very rare compliment, darling.❜
❛It wasn't a compliment. ❜
❛Wait, what?❜
English is not my mother tongue, so there may be spelling errors. An apology for that in advance :D
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atokirina-writings · 2 years
The Calm Before The Storm, A series
III. The Destruction.
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⭒ series masterlist
⭒ this means speaking in Na’vi, this means speaking in english
⭒ warnings/notes: death, angst, use of cannon background characters.
⭒ parings: tsu’tey xfem!reader, jake sully x fem! reader, reader x son oc.
You don’t know how long you had been crying over the death of your son when you begin to hear footsteps. Multiple of them, coming your way. Your ears perk up at this but they’re not heavy enough to be sky people in their machines. They’re Na’vi.
They’re the students of Tsu’tey, he’s been training them to become hunters for you clan. Saeyla, Ka’ani, Maru, and Atan emerge from the thick of pandoras forest. “E! E!” Saeyla calls, signaling everyone else to come over to you.
“Y/n what has happened?” She says kneeling to your level as her eyes frantically switch from your grieving state to Hea’tey’s cold and unmoving body.
Your voice is so hoarse from all of your wailing that you can’t even make out a sentence. Instead you move your hands to your neck, pointing out the comm. “Find.. him” you choke out.
Nodding she presses her thumb and pointer finger on the device. “This is saeyla, Y/n is here and Hea’tey is dead. She is unable to speak come quickly please.”
Tsu’teys pov.
What. What did she just say? His mind is racing all over the place. Did she just say that his son is dead? Making eye contact with Vaytnay he notices that he looks confused and scared. Tsu’teys heart clenches at the sight. Together they circle in the sky trying to identify their family on the ground below. “There!” Vaytnay yells, diving his ikran as fast as he can to the ground, his father follows.
Landing on the ground he rushes to his mate. She’s cradling Hea’tey in her arms, her chest protectively covering his face. Hearing his arrival she looks up at him and he sees it. He was hoping he heard Saeyla wrong over the comm but this just confirmed it all.
Frozen, he watches as his son sobs angrily, his body switching from crying atop his brother and banging his fists into the ground. He can see her stare blankly into the distance as she grips his shoulder attempting to soothe him. He sees all of his students with their heads heads hung low, a few of them even crying at the sight.
“Tsu’tey! Brother do you read me?” The volume of jakes voice in his ears makes him cringe and break out of his thoughts. “Yes” he replies coldly. “Where are you!?” Tsu’tey him gives him details of the area surrounding them. “Will be there soon over.”
Your pov.
Tsu’tey sinks to his knees starting at his sons dead body. He places a hand on his chest to really confirm. He feels nothing. No warmth. No thudding from an active heart. Nothing. You can see his blood boiling within in.
He grabs the nape of my neck pulling me into his chest. He tugs at Vaytnay’s shoulder placing his body over mine. Finally he takes hold of his sons hand placing it on his face. We stay this way until Jake and Neytiri arrive.
You hear Neytiri gasp as she grabs Jakes arm for comfort, her heart sinks at the sight. She had been friends with your son for a while. He would often collecting beads with her and making jewelry to pass the time he wasn’t hunting.
They stay in silence for awhile until Toruk Macto finally speaks up. “Brother, the fight is still going on. You are Olo'eyktan, you must protect the people.”
Something in you snaps at his words. Tsu’tey places a hand on your cheek, staring at you intently. “Be strong. For the people, for us.”
Deeply inhaling you rise from where you’ve been sitting for hours, your legs are sore but you ignore it. Boarding your ikran you take off. Jake, Neytiri, Tsu’teys students, your son, and Your mate following suit.
You will not let your son die in vain.
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shiinata-library · 3 months
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Glasses [11K words] x fem!reader with glasses | Fluff, angst
Too much mulled wine at Yule [5K words] x fem!reader | Fluff
A comfortable armchair [3K words] x fem!reader | Smut, fluff
Welcome home [3K words] x fem!reader | Smut, fluff
Open the door! [5k words] x fem!reader | Smut, angst, fluff
Tea and apple pie [900 words] x fem!reader | Comfort, fluff
You're right [ongoing] x fem!OC | Angst, fluff
Invisible desires [1,3k words] xfem!OC or fem!Reader | Smut
[ 📚 Main Masterlist 📚 ]
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months
Silvia (she/her) 16 yo Desi 🇮🇳 Current Obsession: ATSV 🕷 Love getting tagged in other people's fics/lore dumps REQS ARE OPEN!! I write fluff, angst, toxic relationships, headcanons, basically anything that doesn't involve smut!! FYI I only write fem, gn, and desi readers
Taglist, 🕷 Request, 🕷 Wattpad
You Can't Fix Me -->Hobie Brown xFem!Reader
Hobie Brown Masterlist 🕷
Most Recent --> My Favorite Underdog
Miles Morales Masterlist 🕷
Most Recent --> Braids
Pavitr Prabhakar Masterlist 🕷
Most Recent --> Meri Jaan
Other Characters Masterlist 🕷
Most Recent --> Miguel O'Hara; Wedding Edition
Maitreyi Jokhar (My OC) Masterlist 🕷
Researching Characters Series Masterlist 🕷
feel free to drop a request for either a fanfic or another character research/analysis Warning ⚠️: Reqs are usually answered 4-14 days after submission <;3 I try to answer my mutuals' asks before I answer anon asks so that might affect your wait time :/
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: The urge to use Imagine Dragons songs is coming back and I'm gonna let it win -Danny Words: 2,104 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'End Of Beginning' -by Djo
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XLVI: I Develop a Parasocial Relationship With the Voices
Ara gasps as her friends fall face-first into the room, she tries to run to their side with Hazel and Leo following. Then Clytius moves, standing in their way.
"Clytius, you've lost! Let them go, or you'll end up like Pasiphaë!" Hazel exclaims.
Annabeth sits up and talks in a voice that's definitely not hers. "I am not Pasiphaë. You have won nothing."
"Stop that!" Hazel gasps in fear.
"Not quite dead." Now is Percy talking with the giant's voice. "A terrible shock to the mortal body, I would imagine, coming back from Tartarus. They'll be out for a while. I'll tie them up and take them to Porphyrion in Athens. Just the sacrifice we need. Unfortunately, that means I have no further use for you three."
"Oh, yeah?" Leo scowls. "Well, maybe you got the smoke, buddy, but I've got the fire."
They realize his move is a mistake a little too late. Leo bends over in pain as dark smoke encircles his body and forces him to his knees. "No!" Hazel tries to get closer but then Leo starts talking for Clytius.
"I would not. You do not understand, Hazel Levesque. I devour magic. I destroy the voice and the soul. You cannot oppose me."
The black fog covering Leo spreads across the room and Ara hears a buzzing ahead, the Doors of Death are fighting against their enclosure. "Hazel," Ara says tensely, nodding at the doors and reaching for her Octopi to rummage through it for the right bomb to throw.
"F-fire," Hazel stammers, trying to distract their opponent. "You're supposed to be weak against it."
"You were counting on that, eh? It is true I do not like fire. But Leo Valdez's flames are not strong enough to trouble me." Annabeth responds.
"What about my flames, old friend?" Hecate speaks behind them.
The giant tenses, his anger is palpable when he talks through Percy. "You."
"Me. It has been millennia since I fought at the side of a demigod, but Hazel Levesque has proven herself worthy. What do you say, Clytius? Shall we play with fire?" The goddess asks, lifting her torches.
"Bold words." Clytius continues, the fog getting thicker. "You forget, goddess. When we last met, you had the help of Hercules and Dionysus—the most powerful heroes in the world, both of them destined to become gods. Now you bring... these?"
Leo winces and curls on the floor, Ara's heart leaps at the sight. He's not dying today, she'll make sure of it. The girl turns Almighty back into a sword and stands tall, her cloak moves behind her covered in dirt and stinking like the Underworld, but showing all of her seven blessings.
"Hazel," she speaks lowly, "bring them back to us."
"On it, Strategus," Hazel stretches out her palms, and somehow, the girl transports Leo, Percy, and Annabeth to their side of the room.
Hecate smiles faintly. "You're right, Clytius. Hazel Levesque and Arae Jackson are not Hercules or Dionysus, but I think you will find them just as formidable."
"What's going on?" Leo coughs out, coming back to his senses. "What can I—"
"Watch Percy and Annabeth." Hazel orders. "Stay behind us. Stay in the Mist."
"But—" Hazel glares at him and Leo shrinks in his place. "Yeah, got it. White Mist good. Black smoke bad."
Ara tosses her Octopi bag at him and he barely catches it. "Help Percy and Annabeth."
"Formidable?" The giant's voice sounds all around them. "Because the girl has learned your magic tricks, Hecate? Because you allow these weaklings to hide in your Mist? Arae Jackson... She's just a puppet of the gods."
Ara's ancestry has nothing to do with blood or place of birth, it's who came before her, who stood where she stands, and who got her to this point. The lessons her friends and the sons of Olympus gave her are what she's valuing in herself from now on.
Clytius makes a sword appear in his hand, made of stygian iron like Nico's. "I do not understand why Gaea would find any of these demigods worthy of sacrifice. I will crush them like empty nutshells."
Hazel screams and thousands of precious stones hit the giant like bullets. Ara runs forward, dodges the bad guy, and slashes the chains on each side of the elevator's doors.
"No!" The voice bounces off the walls. "You worthless—"
"Worthless?" Hecate hums. "I'd say Hazel and Arae know a few tricks even I could not teach them."
"So, daughter of Pluto, do you really believe Hecate has your interests at heart? Circe was a favorite of hers. And Medea. And Pasiphaë. How did they end up, eh?"
Clytius is trying the classic brainwashing move. The problem is Hazel and Ara have had enough encounters with manipulative jerks by now that they're immune to this tactic.
"Hecate will not tell you the truth. She sends acolytes like you to do her bidding and take all the risk. If by some miracle you incapacitate me, only then will she be able to set me on fire. Then she will claim the glory of the kill. You saw how Bacchus dealt with the Alodai twins in the Colosseum. Hecate is worse. She is a Titan who betrayed the Titans. Then she betrayed the gods. Do you really think she will keep faith with you?"
"I cannot answer his accusations, Hazel," says the woman. "This is your crossroads. You must choose."
"Yes, crossroads." The giant's laughter echoes. "Hecate offers you obscurity, choices, vague promises of magic. I am the anti-Hecate. I will give you truth. I will eliminate choices and magic. I will strip away the Mist, once and for all, and show you the world in all its true horror."
"You give no hope for a better outcome, and I already have too much of that crap in me," Ara expands her shield and Almighty turns into a javelin. "The Doors of Death are gone, so I have no reason to waste more of my time here."
"You can't seriously believe you have the strength," Clytius sneers. "What will you do, pelt me with more rubies? You'll bury me under a pile of compliments, daughter of love?"
Hazel and Ara share a look. Men. Then they charge. Ara gets his rear while Hazel strikes his front, the giant's unsure of who to attack first, and Ara forgets about being calculating and sneaky. He'd said that he fed on magic, voices, and soul, then Ara would use none of that, and he won't be able to stall her.
She makes use of nothing but fast and easy brute force. No blessings, he could absorb them and she won't risk losing that advantage. It's her, Almighty, and Hazel. Oh! And her flintlock. She shoots unsure of his weak point, if he has any, but she's trying hard to find it.
Clytius fights with wild rage, and before she can help it, he hits Hazel. The girl rolls away, clutching her ribs. "It's over, child of Olympus. Without your blessings, you alone cannot weaken me, and if you use them, I'll drain you out."
"Alone?" She turns her weapon back into a sword. "I've got Achilles and Hercules in Almighty, I carry Olympus on my back, and as the General of all armies, Clytius, I will personally kill you in the name of all demigods, Greek and Roman."
The air in the room shifts, Ara looks over her shoulder and spots a new group of people stepping into the scene through a newly made door: Frank, Nico, Piper, and Jason all ready to help.
"Sorry we're late," Jason speaks. "Is this the guy who needs killing?"
Ara laughs—one of her loud and melodic ones. "Took you long enough!"
When they move, Leo joins the fight without asking for permission. Ara panics for a moment, thinking it might be dangerous, and then scolds herself. She doesn't want to see him as a weakness anymore.
Nico's Stygian sword seems to suck in the fog that comes out of Clytius, and Ara remembers Lily's weapon and turns to Percy and Annabeth. "Lily's dagger!" She calls urgently.
Both teens are standing, though they're barely able to. Annabeth unsheaths the blade and slides it across the floor. Ara stops it with her foot and picks it up. Almighty and her shield shrink, the first to become a dagger and the other back into a hair-tie around her wrist.
Her hands have equal-sized weapons, and Ara feels ready to end this. It's a little hard to get back in without getting hurt on accident, but she manages to. "Leo, Jason! I need a grenade and a lift—in that order!"
Leo pulls out two grenades of Greek fire. He tosses one to the giant's face and temporarily blinds him as when Clytius eats it, and then he dumps the second into his breastplate. "Duck!" He screams.
Everyone drops and covers their heads as Clytius's armor blasts into pieces. Jason lifts Ara off the ground several feet up and throws her on top of the dazzled giant. The girl slashes his chest with Almighty first, then just as quickly she sinks Lily's dagger deep into the wound, absorbing the giant's energy.
"Good luck draining this," she mutters.
Clytius faints and Ara slips off, yanking the stygian dagger out in the process. The rest of her friends gather around her, and Hecate steps forward. "And so it ends," she says.
"It does not end." Clytius's words are slurring. "My brethren have risen. Gaea waits only for the blood of Olympus. It took all of you together to defeat me. What will you do when the Earth Mother opens her eyes?"
Hecate doesn't dignify that question with an answer, she just stuffs her torches in the giant's head, igniting his body so quickly that Ara doesn't even get to feel grossed out.
Hazel breathes in harshly and Ara snaps out of her murderous fit. "Broken rib," Ara says with concern. "We have to get you out of here."
"Yes, you should go now, Hazel Levesque. Lead your friends out of this place." Hecate tells her.
"Just like that? No 'thank you'? No 'good work'?" Hazel asks through gritted teeth while Ara helps her up.
"Let it go, Haze," Ara whispers.
"You look in the wrong place for gratitude," the goddess replies. "As for 'good work,' that remains to be seen. Speed your way to Athens. Clytius was not wrong. The giants have risen—all of them, stronger than ever. Gaea is on the very edge of waking. The Feast of Hope will be poorly named unless you arrive to stop her."
"We will stop them," Ara responds. "I've got a good crew."
There is a shadow of a smile when the woman talks to her. "Well, you are the voice of all demigods, so I shall trust your judgment." The ceiling starts crumbling and Hecate tenses. "The House of Hades is unstable. Leave now. We shall meet again." And just like that, she's gone.
"Never expect gratitude," Ara talks while Nico approaches and takes Hazel from her. "You can't control their sentiment, but you can rely on binding rules. Hecate will keep an eye on you now because you're her servant, that might save you one day."
Hazel looks up at her with soft eyes and takes a shaky breath. "Thank you."
Ara smiles. "It's my job."
"Birdy got taller?" Percy's hoarse voice catches their attention.
"Dude." Jason reaches Percy and wraps his arms around him in a crushing hug.
"Back from Tartarus!" Leo howls and whistles. "That's my peeps!"
Piper hugs Annabeth and cries, Frank goes to Hazel and takes her from Nico. Nico reaches Ara and offers to shake her hand. "Well done, Birdy. I told you the cloak would help."
She stares at his hand and then at his face. "I'm so sorry for what I'll do, please don't stab me." Ara wraps her arms around him and takes a deep breath of relief. Nico tenses for about five seconds, then stiffly and lightly pats her back.
"Thank you," she sniffs. "Without you, I wouldn't've gotten my brother back. Thank you, Nico."
"I promised I would," he responds curtly.
"Birdy?" The girl looks towards the voice calling her: Percy's clothes are torn, he looks sickly, and his eyes are bloodshot... but his gaze is soft and full of relief.
"Brother," she chokes out.
Ara rushes to them and pulls him and Annabeth into a hug that feels like heaven after a month of literal hell. The girl sobs as she squeezes them tightly against her, and uses her empath touch to absorb their ailings.
She kisses his brother's cheek and Annabeth's forehead, not needing to stand on her toes to do any of those since she's almost as tall as Annabeth. "I'm so sorry—"
"I'm not," Annabeth cries tears of joy. "But I'm sorry your T-Rex wasn't as lucky as us... it burned to death."
Ara laughs tearily and shakes her head. "I don't care—I've got my family back."
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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mahi-wayy · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (If you feel like it, no pressure.) Spread the self-love ❤️
thank you for sending this mom!!! these are mostly based on movies from telugu/Indian cinema but I also recommend by ao3/side blog @bangazaii in case you wanna read wrestling!!
P.s. : all the mentioned below are xfem!oc
Serenade of the lost blood : Based on famous Bahubali movie series the fic follows of a canon divergent love story with enemies to lovers, betrayal and tragic ending.
Priyatama : Another fic based on bahubali, this diverges from canon to explore the inter-family relationships of mahishmati family through a murder mystery/horror elements.
Duty On Love [wattpad] : A fic based on RRR movie, it sticks to the main events as it is they were in canon but takes a deeper dive in character dynamics and working.
Adur : Chapter 1 : The salaar fic I need to update, this diverts from canon as it progresses and will get dark at times so caution.
The Oneshots : These are basically the one chapter stories I write and can be easily found in my masterlist!!
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sofiiel · 6 months
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Snapshot with Eddie and frenemy Pete Angel
(as seen in the xreader fic 'In The Moonlight' and the xfem!oc fic 'There & Back Again')
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 6 months
i always see like xfem!oc and i’m like wtf ?? like kat doesn’t actually exist what do you mean ??
Yeah it feels so wrong every time I put that there 😭😭 Like I just want to say "Nat and Kat" but someone who hasn't read the books will just be like ????Kat???? Is that another Marvel character????
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 year
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Head in the Clouds Content (Bradley Bradshaw x Mitchell!OC)
Young Mav ✈️
Angst, Hurt/comfort
Pick up the Pieces (x Bradshaw!Wife!Reader)
Worry (xWife!Reader)
Spitfire Sweetheart (xfem!reader)
X Bartender!Reader collection
Rooster 🐓
To Be Loved
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rotting-fae · 1 year
≪ request status: open ≫
DNI LIST (read this please)
Hello weary travelers, my name is Rotting Fae but you may call me Rott or Fae, I am transmasc and use he/it pronouns.
I am a predominantly 'x male reader' writer so expect such from my inscriptions.
Will do(s):
𖤓 x male! reader
𖤓 x ftm! reader
𖤓 x Gn! Reader
𖤓 OC x Reader
𖤓 x child! Reader (platonic only)
𖤓 multiple characters x reader
𖤓 angst
𖤓 fluff
𖤓 headcanon
𖤓 Dub-con/Cnc
𖤓 gore/body horror
𖤓 yandere (nothing hardcore)
Won't do(s)
𖤓 non-con/rape
𖤓 vore
𖤓 gross fetishes
𖤓 pedophilia
𖤓 xfem! Reader
With all that out of the way, I am willing to take requests so if you have any ideas in mind do tell me!
Thank you for reading, have a day and stay safe!
0 notes
gh0steater · 3 years
| I promise
| promise me
| warnings: fluff? angst?
 luna lovegood x fem!oc
| word count: 972
“Tell me how bad it is, please.”
Madam Pomfrey turned her head to Professor McGonagall in question, not wanting to hurt you anymore.
A pale girl with blonde hair lay still on the bed, which the other 3 were gathered around. Her eyes were gently shut and sweat was collecting around her face.
“Tell her, the poor girl deserves to know.”
Pomfrey sighed and nodded, turning to the ravenclaw girl beside her.
“Miss. Lovegood here doesn’t have much longer to live. I’m afraid there is no cure for what she has.”
“What?” She began breathing heavy. “You’re a nurse for Rowena’s sake! You can’t cure a bloody cold?”
Madam Pomfrey sighed while Professor McGonagall gave her a pointed look that said ‘have patience, you know what this means for her’
“No, I’m afraid there’s absolutely nothing I am able to do-“
“Are you sure? Have you tried everything?”
The nurse nodded solemnly.
“Everything. All you can do now is spend her last day with her, and cherish the moment, dear.”
Juniper, the girl, began tearing up and nodding. “I understand Madam Pomfrey, thank you. But I know there has to be something we can do, a cure, a potion, I’ll even check the restricted section, there has tk be a cure and I know it. She’ll live until tomorrow, and when she does, I’ll have a cure.”
Professor McGonagall spoke up. “Hope is wonderful dear, but don’t have so much faith this time around, believe it or not Madam Pomfrey knows what she’s talking about.”
Juniper nodded and walked out with her head hanging low.
Later that day, around 6pm, Juniper was sitting in the courtyard on a little stone bench. The sixth year was deep in thought and frustration, she couldn’t believe that the bloody nurse of the school couldn’t cure her girlfriend.
So, she didn’t notice when she came up behind her.
“Darling, are you quite alright?”
Juniper shuddered and turned around. “Oh, Luna, you’re ok!” She shot up and wrapped her arms around the girl. It was a warm embrace, too good to be true. The blonde pulled away and cupped her girlfriends cheek. “Oh darling,” she smiled lightly, although pain was barely evident in her gray eyes. Juniper put her hand over Lunas and quietly muttered, “No, no, no”
“I’m not going to make it past tonight. Madam Pomfrey was able to get me on my feet, but we only have a few hours left. I’m sorry.”
The moon shone bright on the girls as they both thought to themselves.
One thinking: “Why her? She didn’t deserve this.”
And the other thinking: “It hurts to part but I’m ready. I’m ready.”
Luna pulled her hand away and instead placed it on the back of her neck, pulling her in for a sweet kiss.
From the outside, it was picture perfect. Large, leafy trees, a bright half moon, birds flying through the night, and a gentle breeze.
But on the inside, at least for one girl, a storm as strong as a hurricane was raging, anger, sadness, regret, hurt.
“We should end how we started, I think,” Luna said, pulling away.
Juniper scrunched her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
Luna just laughed and gently pulled Juniper along to a tree nearly the size of the Whomping Willow.
Then it clicked.
Luna sat against the tree, Juniper laying in front of her with her head in Lunas lap.
The latter made a routine of picking flowers and putting them in her lovers hair, arranging them beautifully.
After a few minutes, the silence was broken.
“I’ll miss you, Lu, so much.”
Luna just smiled. “I know you will love, but there’s nothing we can do to stop th-“ she was interrupted by her own rough cough, it clawed at her throat and pounded her head.
Juniper hurriedly began sitting up but was quickly pushed down by Luna.
“I’m ok,” she said with her hand on her chest. “I’m ok.”
Juniper sighed and took in a deep breath. “How much time do you have left now? I lost track..”
“10 minutes at most, the moon has been out for a while now.”
Juniper had silent tears rolling down her face now.
“You-you can’t leave me, Luna, you can’t! I need you, I can’t-“
Luna shushed her and stroked her hair. “I know, darling I know, I don’t want to leave but I must.”
“We-we were gonna face seventh year together, we were gonna get married, have a life! There’s so much you’re gonna miss because of this goddamn illness”
Juniper was breathing heavily and crying now, but Luna just sat there stroking her hair and humming a light tune.
“There there, darling, it’ll be alright, i promise.”
She then motioned for her to get up, so Juniper sat in front of her.
The blonde grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes.
“Juniper Ray, I love you so much, and there’s something I need you to do for me.”
She could feel her energy waning, and her head began to sway, blurring her vision and quickening her heart rate.
Juniper nodded, “Yes?”
“Close your eyes, and imagine I’m still here, imagine i’m holding your hand and I’m smiling at you.” She tightened her grip. “Let me leave a good memory in your head, just this last time.”
“Oh Luna, I already see you everytime I close my eyes, please don’t force me this time. Not now.”
Luna shook her head, her body beginning to shake.
“No, promise me.”
Juniper shook her head, pulling Luna in to her chest, wrapping her arm around her head, tears streaming down her face.
Luna went slack in Junipers arms, her breathing slowing.
“Promise me,” she choked out.
As Lunas heart began to stop, Juniper said in a quiet voice, while rocking them both,
“I promise.”
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Nightingale - 37
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Hatake Kakashi &/x Fem!OC Contents: Time lapse, fluff, angst, sweetness, smuttiness/smut, feels, awkward situation. It’s a bit random this time. A/N: As usual, ASK or REBLOG for tag! HUUUGE thanks to all who are reblogging already <3
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Ch. 37
A few weeks have passed, and Uguïsu’s bandages have come off – at first leaving the hands raw and red but soon improving and keen to pull Kakashi close whenever there is a chance. It isn’t as often as he would like because the snow doesn’t put a stop to the missions, it merely changes the theme of them a bit as now roads have to be cleared for officials or merchants to get from one place to another. And of course the genin teams available double as guards – even highwaymen are forced to take what they can get as traffic has slowed to a near stop.
A new trend is rising this winter: randomly, spread throughout Konoha, lanterns made of perfectly shaped snowballs appear during wind-still nights, the light from the tea candles shining out between the gaps onto the crisp snow wherever they are placed. Toddlers are quick to pick up on the idea, the lumpy creations less stable than those made by the girls a few years older who carefully insert little sprigs of fir for decoration, making their creations stand out from the original maker’s.
Coming back from a mission, Kakashi is surprised to find both apartments empty. Uguïsu hasn’t been cleared for duty yet and despite the increasing number of acquaintances, she’s still a bit of a loner.
His blue nightingale returns in the late afternoon. Wordlessly slipping in through his window (a habit she otherwise had abandoned a few months ago), she curls up next to him on the bed where he’s reading and burrows with the head against his hip.
“What’s wrong?”
An incomprehensible grunt is the only answer. Putting the book aside, Kakashi repositions them so he can wrap his arms around her. She’s tense in his embrace, breath baited as frustration dances under her skin. After knowing her for this long, the white-haired jōnin is smarter than to keep insisting on an explanation – that has never been the way to get her to open up.
“Morino had a task for me,” the woman begins after a while.
Since she passed the exams, they had both known it might happen eventually as it’s a part of the agreement she has accepted to become a shinobi of Konohagakure. Kakashi...well, he had hoped to have been informed first even if he doesn’t have a say in it.
“They found a missing-nin in the snow as well.” The woman shudders at the thought of the season’s first storm. “All I got him to tell was the same as they already had figured out.”
A test. “Hm.” The distant sound of a dog barking can be heard. “That’s not what’s bothering you, is it?”
She shakes her head further away. “No.” There’s a pause in which the walls take on a rosy colour from the evening light. “The man was trying to spy on the genin-teams...wanted an idea of the so-called competition.”
When Uguïsu had prepared for her exams, hoping to become accepted as a shinobi on chunin level, she had been informed that once or twice a year, depending on the number of viable candidates, the hopeful genins would have to pass through three stages of the exam, competing as teams against teams, and later individually
“The exams are also a means for each country to show their strength without inciting conflict, not just a show for potential clients,” Kakashi explains.
There’s a muffled hrumph preceding the reappearance of a cute, disgruntled face. “Mhm. So apparently the exams are held for all nations’ candidates. Together. In one place.”
“Which is why we couldn’t have you partake in the official exams.” He brushes stray locks out of her face, earning a wriggle of her nose as it tickles. “I’m sure you’d beat them all, though, if you could have joined.”
Looking at him, Uguïsu arches an eyebrow. “...are you trying to distract me with a compliment?”
“Depends.” Absolutely. “Is it working?”
There’s mischief in her eyes when she reaches up to pull his mask away and softly trace his lips with a finger. “Worth a try,” she smirks.
Kakashi doesn’t have to think hard before continuing, sometimes earning an eye roll (like when he mentions the way she snores in her sleep if her nose is runny) but mostly coaxing smiles from her. By the time he’s slid further down into the bed, he considers the personal mission accomplished and revels in the sensation of the lazy kisses and her fingers dancing over the skin of his chest underneath his clothes.
If only I could...
During the months together, Uguïsu has grown more comfortable with physical closeness as long as it’s in the shape of cuddling, hand-holding, and other displays that are almost identical to platonic signs of affection. These are, the jōnin presumes, huge steps for her, and because of that he doesn’t dare move too quick even if he yearns to splay a hand over her bare belly or rest it on the thigh when they’re sitting side by side. Just the thought of getting to explore more of the woman sends his mind off in a different direction than intended.
“Hm,” her voice doesn’t quite bring Kakashi back to the present, “there you go again...”
The palm cupping his half-hard cock through the pants does, though, although he’s incapable of thinking coherently for a second or two.
“You don’t ha-” he begins.
“I know...but...can I?” Dark eyes are gazing at him through the lashes. “Please?”
It’s impossible to answer by other means than a nod even after trying to swallow the dryness in his throat away.
The caresses are hesitant, barely palpable through the fabric, and maybe that’s why Kakashi’s body responds rapidly. He lets out a sigh of relief when she pops the button and slides the zipper down to create more space, then a hiss as only the boxer briefs are in between the warm exploration and his skin.
“Wait,” he grinds out, reaching underneath the elastic to reposition the cock flat against his abdomen.
Slipping his hand out, he takes care to cover what he can out of an uncertain worry for Uguïsu’s limits – limits that are being rewritten right now and he’d be damned if he was the cause for any discomfort.
Even with the restraining layer, her hand feels perfect the way the fingers curve to fit his shaft and her thumb massages his sac testingly.
“Hnng,” the white-haired jōnin bites back a moan.
The question in her gaze as she looks up is obvious and answered by a short nod before she continues stroking the length and sending throbbing waves of delight coursing through his body. Kakashi’s mind has short-circuited but he wouldn’t have denied the advances anyways when the woman tugs at the clothes and frees his cock – he can only look in awe at the sight of her ministrations before letting his head fall back, knocking it harshly into the headboard without any of them really noticing.
“Wow,” Uguïsu breathes as his erection bobs of its own accord, powered by the rush.
My thoughts.
“How do -” she stills -”what feels good for you?”
She’s a quick learner and pleased to continue the movements on her own after he has wetted her hand with a slobbering kiss and adjusted the grip by engulfing her hand in his for a couple of strokes. A delighted giggle escapes the blue nightingale’s lips when he groans as she adds a twist when reaching the crown.
Damn. It’s perfect. Admittedly, part of the ecstasy might be fuelled by the (seemingly) endless time since anyone last touched him like this, but Kakashi can’t deny how right it feels that it’s Uguïsu rather than some one else. Lust clouds his mind and he barely has the wherewithal to prevent from thrusting into her fist as his muscles clench and balls tighten and suddenly it all becomes overwhelming just as her thumb spreads the beads of pre-cum over the tip.
“Wait! Sh-ugh!”
Despite scrambling, clasping her hand in his around the cockhead, Kakashi’s too late to stop his orgasm to barrel through his defences and concerns. Seeing white and feeling the tightening throbs, he cums with a deep groan before slumping back onto the bed.
It takes a moment before he manages to release the tight grasp, carefully prying away Uguïsu’s fingers that are coated in stickiness.
“I-I’m s-s-sorry,” her whisper is broken.
No. No don’t. “Please don’t be.” He kneels before her, capturing her gaze. “You did nothing wrong. I should be the one to apologize for -”cutting off, he looks at the mess of their hands -”just...wait a second and I’ll get something to clean it off.”
Somehow, despite wobbly knees, he manages to rush to the bathroom where he washes his hands haphazardly before finding a washcloth and lathering it with soapy water.
Uguïsu is sitting exactly as he’d left her, staring with huge eyes at her hand.
“I’m sorry,” Kakashi whispers as he sets to cleaning the mess away gently, “I should have thought further. Don’t feel bad, please...it’s my fault ‘cause I should’ve known it’d be too good and it was and then -”
“You...” she interrupts meekly, “it was good?”
Huh? “Well...yes, that’s why...”
A shy smile begins to spread across her face, making the jōnin's heart begin to race all over again. “Wow...I did...I made you...”
That’s when it clicks. Bittersweet understanding floods his brain as her words echo for him only. This is her having a glimmer of control over anything sexual...for the first time. And he knows deep down that if ever he gets to stand face to face with Orochimaru then he won’t hold back, he’ll make the monster suffer for all the wrongs committed against this girl.
“Yeah, and I liked it. Okay?”
Uguïsu’s smile is broad and almost swallows her eyes. “Cool. Can I try again?”
Huh?! “If you want to, yeah. But only if you like it ‘cause you should only do these sort of things if it feels right to you.”
Well, he knows that she likes kissing, so he has no complains when their lips crash together and she pushes him back against the pillow. He does have to stop her hand as she begins to caress his semi-limp cock, though, and explain that at least a bit of a recovery period might be necessary for him.
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deadratio · 2 years
deadratio Masterlist!
Welcome to my Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist! Here you can find all of my work compiled into one, lovely post for ease of use and access! I would like to note that I am currently in my final semester of undergrad, and therefore the time between postings will vary depending on my availability. Please be patient with me! Want to be added to my permanent taglist? Let me know!
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Ghost(Riders) in the Sky - Multi-Chapter Series - Discontinued
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3  Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Tough Love - fem!OC - Multi-Chapter Series - Ongoing
Avis Mitchell isn't all sunshine and flowers when her father reveals that he's remarrying. In fact, she's furious. After cutting him off, she pursues her future with love and passion while avoiding her father at all costs. Their paths cross unexpectedly, and she's forced to face the music.
Prologue Chapter 1
You're married to Javy Machado, but you're Jake Seresin's ex
Bradley ' Rooster' Bradshaw
Blackwood - Multi-Chapter Series - Ongoing
Synopsis:  Finch Blackwood had grown up her whole life without knowing the true identity of her father. She had always thought herself to be content without knowing who he was, but when her work crosses paths with his own, they both face challenges in trying to figure themselves out. Meanwhile, she doesn’t know that her childhood best friend has made his own way through the Navy, and will be joining them on their adventures. xfem!Blackwood!Reader
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Fearless - Oneshot based off of Taylor Swift’s ‘Fearless’ (Pt 1) - Last Kiss  (Pt. 2)
Javy ' Coyote' Machado
You're married to Javy Machado, but you're Jake Seresin's ex
Current WIPs
Carve Your Name - Bob Floyd x fem!Reader - (Oneshot) - jostystyles Top Tracks Writing Challenge (Post by 10.21.22 - Delayed)
Blackwood - Ch. 8
Tough Love - Ch. 2
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twoidiotwriters1 · 27 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Happy anniversary of The Daughter of Olympus! -Danny Words: 2,255 Series' Masterlist Book II // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Talking To Myself' -by Gatlin
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I: Born to Say 'Fuck Off' Forced to Say 'Yes, Sir'
Ara can think of ten different things she could be doing outside of this musty old place that would make a difference in the world instead of this. I'm the daughter of Olympus, she sulks, giants fear me, monsters want me, but I can't get rid of Marcus from Spanish class.
First day of High School. She's looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, hyping herself up to survive the last three hours of the day. It would be less aggravating if Percy had qualified to attend his last year at Goode's, but apparently, disappearing in the middle of the school year gets you expelled, go figure.
Arae Jackson.
The girl gives a start and looks over her shoulder at the stools, where none other than Poseidon meets her eye. "My lord," Ara's voice trembles. "This is a girl's bathroom."
The god raises a brow as if silently asking if that's truly her main concern. "I'll be brief with this visit. My son needs you."
"Which one? Tyson?" That sentence immediately puts her on edge. "Percy? What happened?"
"Oh, nothing yet," the god sighs. "Percy must do a series of tasks and Zeus has forbidden me from aiding him, yet he never mentioned I couldn't bestow upon you the duty to ensure Percy's triumph."
She stares at him. "You mean a quest, sir?"
"As daughter of Olympus, you must do what the gods ask of you, I hope you haven't forgotten?" He crosses his arms.
"Of course not, my lord, but I'm a little lost," she raises a brow. "Why are you drafting Percy into this if I could do the tasks myself?"
Poseidon smiles but seems tense. "My son will explain everything to you. Goodbye, I expect good results."
The god leaves, and Ara turns to the mirror. "This is what you get for bitching."
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When Ara gets home, she finds Grover at the door. "Hey, man," she musters a tired smile. "Came for dinner?"
"It's your first day of High School and Percy's senior year, of course I'd come," he grins. "How are you?"
Percy opens the door and welcomes them in. "Hey! I was wondering where you two were..."
"I brought strawberries." Grover shoves the basket in the boy's hands. "Is that tofu stir-fry?"
"Hello to you, too," Percy answers, throwing a bemused glance at Ara.
"I love tofu stir-fry!"
"Ara and Grover are here!" Her brother announces over his shoulder. "They brought strawberries!"
Sally comes out of the kitchen and takes the basket. "They smell wonderful! Perfect dessert!"
"Last crop of the summer," Grover informs them. "Now we have to get ready for gourd season. Don't get me wrong. I love decorative gourds, but they're not as tasty."
Sally pats his shoulder as she walks past. "We'll make sure these berries don't go to waste."
Ara stares at them. Everyone thought Leo would be back by the last week of August... She keeps smiling like his absence does not bug her much, partly because she doesn't want to be like those girls who whine about their boyfriends, and also because a General being sad about a boy is plain stupid, but it's more than that. Now that their curse is—presumably—broken, nothing assures her that he'll love her still, he didn't address her in the scroll he sent, after all.
He has a whole life ahead of him, and he might decide that even if they share soul lights, his calling is somewhere else, somewhere she doesn't fit in. He's free, but nothing has changed for Ara. Hercules warned her, and she didn't take it seriously at first, thinking she'd die before she could get a chance to see how that would play.
"Who's hungry?" Paul enters the room, and Ara feels slightly better.
While the family catches up, Percy shares his conundrum: He's been asked to get three recommendation letters from the gods by doing three separate quests. "Well then, we'll do these quests together!" Grover speaks before Percy can even finish.
Percy's shoulders relax. "Grover, you don't have to—"
"Are you kidding? A chance to do quests, just the four of us? Like old times? The Fantastic Four!"
"The Beatles," Annabeth smirks.
"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," Percy adds.
"The Golden Girls," Ara finishes.
"I wanna be Betty White."
The teens laugh, and Paul raises his drink. "The monsters will never know what hit them. Just be careful, you four."
"Oh, it'll be fine," Grover brushes it off, but he's anxiously nibbling a napkin. "Besides, it always takes a while for word to get around among the gods. We've probably got weeks before the first request comes in!"
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It did not take weeks.
The next day, Ara notices a guy seated next to Percy at their favorite smoothie bar, one that she knows. "Ganymede." Her smile is one of intrigue. "The hell are you doing here?"
Usually, she doesn't speak to godlings like that, but Ganymede's like the cousin you see once a year and with whom you sneak out of the family reunion to talk shit about your aunts and uncles, and heck, he talks. She met him during the winter and summer solstices that she attended as the daughter of Olympus.
"Oh, is my disguise worth nothing?" He huffs. "It doesn't matter. Dear Arae, I require aid. I would've come to you, but..." he makes a face. "Well, if I use you, the gods might find out about my problem."
"What problem?" Ara sits next to Percy, taking a sip from his smoothie.
"I have to be sure this is completely discreet," he leans forward. "You cannot tell anyone else. Is that understood?"
"Discreet is what we do," Grover says.
"How much do you know about my responsibilities on Mount Olympus?" Ganymede questions.
"You're the cupbearer of the gods," Annabeth replies.
"Must be a sweet job," Grover sighs. "Immortality, godly power, and you just have to serve drinks?"
"It's a horrible job."
"Permanent waiter position with no chances of promotion," Ara nods in understanding.
"When it was just at feasts," Ganymede continues, "that was one thing. But now ninety percent of my orders are deliveries. Ares wants his nectar delivered on the battlefield. Aphrodite wants her usual with extra crushed ice and two maraschino cherries delivered to a sauna in Helsinki in fifteen minutes or less. Hephaestus... Don't get me started on Hephaestus. This gig economy is killing me."
"Okay," Percy shrugs. "How can we help?"
"My most important symbol of office... Can you guess what it is?"
"Since you're cupbearer of the gods, I'm going to guess... a cup?"
"Not just any cup!" Ganymede hisses. "The chalice of the gods! The goblet of ultimate flavor! The only cup worthy of Zeus himself! And now..."
"Oh, it's missing, isn't it?" Annabeth guesses.
"Not missing. My cup has been stolen." He bursts into tears.
Percy looks at Ara, she gestures at him vaguely and he reacts stiffly. "There, there."
The waiter hands Ara her usual drink, then he notices the crying boy. "Is the smoothie not okay, sir? I can make you something else."
"No." Ganymede sniffs. "It's just... I can't stand seeing so many cups. It's too soon. Too soon."
Ara looks at the waiter and flashes him a smile. "Thank you, Steve. I'll make sure to tip fifteen percent." The guy seems satisfied with that and leaves them alone. 
Grover turns to the god. "You know, the kids at Camp Half-Blood make some great arts-and-crafts projects. They could probably fashion you a new goblet."
"It wouldn't be the same," Ganymede whines.
"Or you could look into single-serving cups made from recyclable material."
"Grover," Annabeth intervenes. "He wants his special cup."
"I'm just saying, single servings might be more hygienic. All those gods sipping from the same goblet—?"
"You said it was stolen," Percy moves on. "Do you know who took it?"
"I have some ideas," he glares at the table. "But first, you have to promise that this remains confidential. The goblet makes drinks taste good to the gods. But if a mortal got hold of it... one sip from it would grant them immortality." 
Ara and Percy make the same face. "If it's so powerful, why would you trust us to get it back?"
"I couldn't trust anyone else! You've already turned down immortality once, Percy Jackson."
"Yeah, what a weirdo." Ara retorts sarcastically.
Percy kicks her foot. "Okay. Totally confidential."
"And these others?" Ganymede looks at her friends. 
"These others know how to keep a secret," Annabeth smiles. "Loose lips are never a good strategy."
"Totally," Grover nods.
"We're all best friends," Percy says. "You can trust them as much as you can trust me."
"Yeah, besides, you and I come from way back," Ara states confidently.
"Fine," he sighs dramatically. "I suspect someone on Olympus is trying to embarrass me, make me look bad in front of Zeus. If he finds out I lost my cup... No. I have to recover it."
"You have enemies?" Percy asks.
"Oh, yes. Hera, for one. She's hated me since the day Zeus snatched me up to Olympus. Zeus was always complimenting me, you see—how handsome I was, how much I brightened up the palace. It's not my fault I have nicer legs than she does."
Ara wants to erase that sentence from her memory. Annabeth shivers. "Let's hope it's not Hera."
"No... Probably not. She would consider it beneath her." Ganymede mumbles. "But there are others—Everyone on Olympus hates me, really, because I'm a newcomer, an upstart kid made immortal. They call me a gold digger! Can you believe that?"
Percy and Ara share a look again, having a tough time not blurting out their silly thoughts. "You suspect anyone else in particular?"
"Before I was the cupbearer," he lowers his voice, "there were two other goddesses who had my job. First Hebe. Then Iris."
"Iris seems kind of chill to be stealing chalices," Grover replies.
"Perhaps." Ganymede pouts. "But Hebe..."
"The goddess of youth," Annabeth hums. "But, Ganymede, you're, like, eternally young and beautiful. Why would she want to embarrass you?"
"Oh, you don't know her," Ganymede scrunches up his nose. "In the early days, every time I would serve drinks at the feast table, she'd mutter Spill it, spill it as I walked past. She's so immature."
"Well, if she's the goddess of youth..." Grover starts.
"That's no excuse! She needs to grow up!" 
"Okay," Percy brushes it aside. "Do you have any proof she took it?"
"Proof? That's what I need you for. Don't you heroes dust for fingerprints, analyze DNA samples, that sort of thing?"
"You might be thinking of CSI. But okay, we'll start with Hebe. Then check Iris."
"Fine." Ganymede takes a sip of his drink. "Hmm. Not bad. Maybe when I get fired and turned back into a mortal, I could work here."
"You'd make a great himbo," Annabeth nods. "So how long has your chalice been missing?"
Ganymede squints. "A century?"
"A century?!" Percy squeaks.
"Or a week? I always get those time periods confused. Not long, anyway. So far, I've been able to fake it with my delivery orders. The other gods kind of expect to-go cups with those. But if I don't get my proper chalice back before the next in-person feast, everyone will notice. I'll be humiliated!"
"When is the next feast?" Grover inquires.
"I don't know! Zeus is unpredictable! He might schedule one in twenty years. Or it could be tomorrow. The point is, I need that goblet back before word gets out! Question those goddesses. See what they know. But don't offend them. And don't say I sent you. And don't give away that my cup was stolen."
"That'll make it hard to question them," Annabeth responds. "Any idea where these goddesses hang out?"
"They stay close to Mount Olympus. I mean Manhattan. They should be around here somewhere. Do this for me, Percy Jackson, and I will write you a letter!"
"This recommendation letter will be positive?" Percy lists. "And you'll actually sign it?"
Ganymede scoffs. "You drive a hard bargain, but very well! Now, away with you, before I am undone!"
The moment Ganymede is gone, Percy turns to Ara. "You're friends with that guy?"
Ara puffs out air through her mouth and leans back tiredly. "Dude, when you work part-time in Olympus, there aren't many options."
"Well..." He looks at the others with a little smile. "This should be fun. Any ideas where to start?"
"Unfortunately, yes," Grover pouts. "But let me finish my drink first. We're going to need our strength."
Compared to what they used to face when they were younger, this is easy, and they also have each other. It surprises her how easily her brain accepts this and moves on. For years she'd been part of this family and felt the same they did about most things, but being a daughter of Olympus was shifting her character in ways she couldn't even notice until it was too late. 
Ease up, sunshine—She can hear Leo's voice in her head, twisting the perspective so it looks like something fun instead of dangerous. Before meeting him, that voice was her own, but now... all things joyful are him—this will be such a cool story at parties.
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Ara makes a beeline to her room and stops only when Percy calls after her. "Yes?"
"Wanna play?" He's showing her the PlayStation remote with a strange look in his eyes, almost holding his breath while waiting for an answer.
Ara replies awkwardly. "Ah—I've got camp stuff to review. Bunker, cabins..." Her feet are already moving forward. "Sorry..."
The girl enters their shared room and closes the door. On her side of the room, right above her bed, she spots the Polaroids Leo gifted her a few months ago, and her smile drops. Gods, she's dead worried. Ara presses her back against the door and steadies herself. You got this. Her hand dives into her pocket and closes around Almighty with a tight grip. She takes a few steps forward and collapses onto her bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
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Next Chapter –>
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