#wtnv headcanons
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the-shit-show-must-go-on · 11 months ago
It’s me, im back, I have another headcanon
Ok ok so this one revolves around like derealization and stuff, but I think for a while Cecil would ask Carlos about the reaserch into the house that doesn’t exist. More specifically he’d ask about how they came to the conclusion that it doesn’t exist, and Carlos always likes to provide examples when explaining things to people so he compares something that does exist to the house. Then one day after they move in together Carlos finds a post it note where Cecil has listed out every single thing that Carlos has said about proving if things exist of not, all sorted into categories of “evidence I exist” and “evidence I don’t exist”. And afterwards any time Cecil asks a question about proving that something exists Carlos always tries to use Cecil as his example of something that does exist. Because he doesn’t know how to talk to Cecil about it but he still wants to reassure him that he’s real and he exists.
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kissyourdouble · 3 months ago
And now some fluffy headcanons to cleanse the palate!
-Cecil DIYs all of his clothes
-Kevin will sometimes straight up peel and eat a lemon. What is wrong with him
-Kevin paints little sunflowers and centipedes on his nails
-Cecil is a super annoying sleeper. He tosses, he turns, he drools, he hogs the blankets, and he talks in his sleep
-Cecil likes black coffee. Kevin likes diabetes in a cup
-Cecil can't cook to save his life
-Kevin can play the violin, though he insists he's not very good
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blackboxwarrior-mkultra · 10 months ago
wtnv 248 theory
The split audio effect wasn't intentional, there's some outside force making people also say what they actually mean. like Lauren says 'outreach' but something else layers 'slaughter' over it.
It might be something that the microphone does that we just haven't heard before because Cecil always says whatever he's thinking.
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takemyteawithformaldehyde · 8 months ago
thought: ted strange is cecil and steve's cousin that moved to gravity falls because he couldn't stand not being allowed to eat wheat by-products
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orangesideirrational · 2 years ago
Cecil Palmer has Snake Bite piercings and Kevin Dessert has a Smiley piercing
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lemoneyshipz · 1 month ago
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went back to my night vale tag and i CANNOT BELIEVE that i never posted this drawing of cecil and kevin’s tattoos here (drew it back in 2022)
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the-parmesan-seeker · 17 days ago
The Night Vale guys
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swanpyart · 9 months ago
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Cecil head canon design! His list of outfits sound horrible but I think he'd rock them... just very silly swag from him
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cr4btank · 3 months ago
the children yearn for the [ cecil palmer ]
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socialist-autist · 2 months ago
Hiii! If your requests are currently open, I have an idea that's been brewing in my brain.
Platonic Cecilos x teen reader and what their dynamic is like?
Feel free to ignore if you're not a fan of the idea
Lots of love!
Community Radio family.
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fandom: Welcome to Nightvale. pairing: Cecil x Carlos x platonic teen gender neutral reader. summary: A collection of cute moments between Carlos, Cecil and you while you intern at the radio station. genre: Found family, slice of life. warning(s): Rough family life for reader (not explicitly delved into). word count: 1,099 words. authors note: Yesss this is so cute! I hope you don't mind I tried out a new format for this one! I couldn't really think of long enough scenarios and I think it fit the request of focusing on the dynamic more. This one won't be posted on Ao3 due to the format change.
You’ve been listening to Cecil host the Community Radio since you were a kid
You listen to his broadcasts everyday and even send him fanmail
You’ve always looked up at him, wanted to be like him. It’s only natural that you interview for an intern position at the radio station. They’re always in need of new interns
You’re nervous but you ace the interview and Management likes your resume! At least you think the grunts and shrieks from behind the door sounded pleased
Cecil practically adopts you on your first day at the radio station
Your family life is… not great. So you fall into the role of adopted kid happily, just glad to finally have an adult role model in your life. Maybe that’s why he took to you so much?
Whenever he is not on air, he is teaching you the ropes of journalism and Community Radio. He is not a great teacher but you appreciate it nonetheless
He is absolutely enthralled when you tell him how much of a fan you are and that he inspired you to apply for the internship
Cecil practically squeals, placing a hand on his chest and making a dramatic gasp, “Really?! Well dear Intern, I am just honoured!” he does look really touched, “I cannot wait to show you the ropes of everything! Oh look at me, inspiring the next generation!” you shuffle a bit in front of him, a nervous smile on your face. Later on, as you listen to his broadcast, you hear him tell his listeners about you. He recounts how he himself was inspired by Leonard Burton, and how he is so glad the cycle is continuing. It warms your heart.
Cecil actually finds himself more attached to you than other interns. He essentially becomes your mentor, he even starts talking about you to Carlos!
He is always very dutiful to watch over you when you’re sent out on investigating missions, keeping up with your progress more regularly than he usually would. He is pretty protective of you
He gives you a lot of advice on how to do investigative journalism, and how to keep yourself safe
He really sees himself in you, its part of why he took such a liking to you. He remembers when he was an intern, fumbling with the copy machine and making coffee for Leonard
He hopes you’ll take over as Community Radio host once he retires, he thinks you would run it well
He even introduces you to Khoshekh! You think he is adorable and, although a bit grumbly, Khoshekh rubs against your hand when you pet him. You regularly come and feed him or give him water too
After a few months, maybe even a year, Cecil has fully taken you under his wing. Everyone can see he is very fond of you, you can even hear it in his broadcasts. You’re basically his kid now
You even start coming to him with personal issues, like school or your social life and he is always happy to give you advice!
Sometimes he can be a little pushy or invasive but he doesn’t do it maliciously
You meet Carlos for the first time when he comes drop off Cecil’s lunch that he forgot
Carlos waves Cecil goodbye for now as he steps out of the recording booth, lacking the brown lunch bag he was carrying earlier. You make eye contact across the room as you’re sorting papers, “Oh! Hello!” his eyes scan your badge really quickly and recognition lights up in his eyes, “You must be the intern Cecil is always talking about!” he introduces himself and talks to you with a bright smile. Thanks to Cecil’s stories, he also feels a certain duty, one of protection and mentorship, towards you. He takes his leave soon after to get back to his own workplace.
From then on, Carlos visits for lunch breaks a little more often
He sits with you and Cecil and all three of you eat together, almost like a family
Slowly, you start to get closer to Carlos too. You guys taken longer to bond than you and Cecil, but aren’t any less close regardless
He is just as protective of you as Cecil and just as much of a mentor. He gives you advice on school, your social life and even helps you with homework sometimes!
The more reasonable and down to earth of the two, he worries for you more than Cecil does. He doesn’t think a teenage intern should be sent out on so many investigative missions
He also worries more about your home life than Cecil does, sometimes questioning you about a slightly strange anecdote about your family
Unlike Cecil, he knows not to push too deep into your private life. Unless he thinks it is a genuine danger
He talks to you, and Cecil, about his very important scientist work, which Cecil and you both agree is a bit ridiculous sometimes
(Mountains? Really Carlos?)
Carlos sits with you and helps you study, sometimes at their house, sometimes at the station. He’s very patient and explains a topic as many times as you need it
In return for the help on your studies, you try your best to explain Carlos the history of the town and the culture. He doesn’t really get it. But he tries his best!
The two even introduce Esteban to you once they adopt him. You consider him a younger brother. Its not long before they start taking you along on family excursions with Esteban
Going to the local fair? You’re coming along. Cecil’s niece has a game? You best bet they’ve got a ticket for you too
Eventually, you’re in your final year of highschool, facing graduation. So, you decide to invite Carlos and Cecil to your graduation!
Cecil and Carlos file in with the rest of the parents into the auditorium. They sit on the fold out chairs and watch excitedly as the ceremony starts. They’re both so proud of how far you have come, how much you have been through. As you walk on the stage to accept your diploma, your eyes drift to them, a huge smile on your face as you spot them. They’re both clapping, Cecil is cheering for you too. You’re pretty sure he’s also crying but you don’t want to push it. As they watch you enter this new phase of your life, they look at eachother in silent agreement; blood or not, you’re their kid. And they’ll be there for you in the next phases of your life too.
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terrys-min-catl · 2 months ago
No context, just an idea of boredom what if i drew my Cecil & Kevin barely the same. (no, i cant give em same clothes bc i do not believe that Kevin would have hanger style too)
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not bad, but id not draw them like that all the time tbh
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the-shit-show-must-go-on · 11 months ago
The neuro is really diverging guys
Anyways here’s another silly WTNV headcanon
I think that Cecil accidentally influences a lot of slang just by like things he says and does. Because he’s a pretty influential member of the community and what not. So like “Very into science” becomes a way to say that you’re gay, saying that you think someone is “Neat” means you have a crush on them, Listeners becomes the Nightvale equivalent of Chat, etc.
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the-voldsoy · 2 years ago
misc nightvale headcannons that i wrote while listening to the show for the first time but never shared
(tw:gore ? scarring ?)
Kevin has a Chelsea grin given to him when he resisted strexcorp
Cecil has been around for so long through so many eras of clothing that he’s just given up on bothering to dress well
However, his fashion is violently early 2000’s
He also loves makeup
And constantly wears fannypacks and other ridiculously tiny bags
Carlos’ many “lab coats” are actually just regular coats Cecil’s just stupid (/aff)
EXCEPT he does have some actual lab coats with different functions like his “running lab coat” is a lab coat with racing stripes on the sides
The “vague and mysterious government agency” is actually the SCP foundation
Cecil has microphone and soundwave tattoos that move when people talk
he has a third eye that he can see anywhere in nightvale when using it
He can make the night vale theme tune start playing out of nowhere
It’s not always on purpose
Like sometimes he sneezes particularly hard and it starts
on a similar vein, his 'weather' powers is because talk of the weather was banned
so every time people mention the weather music starts playing
(to avoid boring convos, yk?)
and Cecil is the only one who really takes advantage of it
Cecil has little faint piercing scars lining above and below his lips
(as in at some point his mouth was sewn shut)
cecil is VERY dramatic when sick
Cecil is taller but Carlos is stronger
However Cecil can fight really well
Carlos grew out his hair into a little ponytail and Cecil LOVED it
And then didn’t speak to Carlos for a week when he cut it off
There’s a lot of weird stuff in night vale that we don’t even know about — those are the things that people didn’t tell Cecil about because they knew he’d tell the radio
Also, no one EVER tells Cecil any secrets or gossip for the same reason
Cecil walks with a cane and sometimes even has to use a wheelchair due to the lymes disease he had
The cane has an old-timey microphone on the top (think Radio Demon from hazbin hotel)
Cecil loved one direction and was devastated when they broke up
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silly-tma-headcanons · 11 months ago
georgie and melanie love welcome to night vale.
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sparesomeserotonin · 2 months ago
yall are not ready for this
but how about
transmasc kevin (wtnv)
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future--ghost · 2 years ago
You can not convince me that Cecil wasn't a little bit jealous when Carlos called the desert otherworld "the most scientifically interesting community," which used to be held by Nightvale. He was happy for his boyfriend, don't get me wrong, but no way in hell did that man not be a little jealous
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