#writing other fanfics tho
bomikalover · 1 year
Scrapped Fanfic me and my friend Lee made called "Puree Passion." Wrote 3 chapters and decided to post one of them lol. LMK if you want the other two and I'll gladly post them! K Bye!
Chapter 1: Le début
It was a bright and breezy day on a regular Sunday afternoon at the beginning of summer. Bose walks into Man’s Nest with a grin on his face and a pep in his step. He was so joyful today, and no one knew why, which is one of the many mysteries of Bose O’Brien. The others sat on the Man Couch, curious as to why the young boy was so happy today.
“Someone’s feeling cheery!” Mika teased.
“It's disgusting.” Chapa sneered.
“Let the boy be happy!” Miles defended.
“So are you guys gonna ask me or what?” Bose questioned.
Bose joins the others on the couch.
“Do we have to-”
“What got your spirits so high?” Miles asked while cutting off Chapa.
“Ok, since you guys are dying to know…I got a summer job!” Bose exclaimed.
Chapa gave him a semi-smirk of pride, Miles applauded while cheering him on, and Mika flung out of her seat, jumping for joy, almost sonic screaming out of excitement. The others looked at Mika with confusion. You would have thought she was getting the job.
“Sorrieee, I’m just excited.” Mika says sheepishly while sitting back down.
Chapa leans over to Miles, whispering. “Some of us more than others.”
Miles cackles like a witch as Mika continues the conversation.
“Anyways, where are you working?”
“That's the best part! It's Hip Hop Paris!”
Mika’s smile faded. She must have been hearing things.
“Do you mean Hip Hop Puree?” Mika questioned.
“No. I mean Hip Hop Paris; Becky recommended it to me.” Bose answered.
“Becky? You mean Becky Butler? The Becky Butt!” Mika stressed.
“I thought she moved away?” Miles questioned.
“She did…to Paris!” Bose replied.
Mika sighs while rolling her eyes. It was already bad enough that he was going away to Paris for the summer, but he would be working with Becky. They all knew Becky was bad news…at least Mika did. She couldn't comprehend why Bose would ever listen to Becky…like it’s Becky.
“Not that I care, but why can't you work here in Swellview? You know at Hip Hop Puree?” Chapa asked.
“Well, Hip Hop Paris pays way more than Hip Hop Puree, and now that I'm getting older, I decided that I wanted to be more independent. All I know is Swellview, and this might be my one opportunity to get out of here.” Bose explained.
The others knew what Bose meant. Out of all of them, Bose will be the one stuck behind fighting crime with Ray. Not that being stuck with Ray is the worst thing in the world, but there are always better opportunities out there. Miles could sense the heavy vibe surrounding this conversation.
“Well, I'm happy for you. Hopefully, this is a small stop on your path to greatness.” Miles said.
“Yea dude, that's sick.” Chapa praises.
Bose smiles at his friend's support, but he looks over at Mika as her opinion means the most.
“So Mika, what do you think?”
Mika looks up at Bose, breaking out of her gaze. She plasters on a fake smile.
“Yeah, it's great.” Mika lied while nervously giggling.
Bose sensed something was off with her but brushed it off as he didn't want to upset her. Mika wasn’t just upset. She was confused, sad, and most anxious. Bose was going to work with her academic rival for an entire summer in the city of love. Yeah, no biggie.
“I’m so happy you guys are so cool with this, especially since I leave tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow!” The group screams.
Bose jumps back in his seat, not expecting such a big reaction.
“Well yeah. We’ve already gone through the first day of summer, so if I want to have a good head start, I need to leave for Paris tomorrow. I’m sorry, I didn’t know I would leave so soon either.” Bose explained.
The silence drew over the group. How could you be happy for your best friend but sad for yourself? Since they were 12 years old, this quartet is all they've known, and they wanted to keep it that way. But the other three knew that this would be good for Bose, even if it sucked for them. Chapa wasn't one to openly feel for people, but Bose was like a little brother to her. He drives her insane sometimes, but she would kill for him. She knew Bose could protect himself, but he was too nice to even hurt the meanest of people, besides villains, of course. So she always did it for him, not realizing how self-dependent Bose became because of it. Miles didn't like the thought of losing their best friend for a summer, but they knew they couldn't interfere with their friend’s path. If his path went to Paris, unfortunately, they couldn't stop him. Mika felt defeated. She’s losing her honey for an entire summer; even worse, he’ll be closer to Becky Butler. What if that vicious snake of a girl poisons her sweet Bosey with her malicious ways? Mika couldn't allow that to happen.
“Well, I'll gladly teleport you there.” Miles voiced.
“And we'll be there to send you off.” Chapa added.
“Yeah, we wouldn't let you go without saying goodbye.” Mika says while placing a hand on his arm.
Bose smiled as his friends were being really cool about this. It almost made him think that they were happy to see him go…but they still wanted him around, right? Bose was just overthinking; his friends were not his parents. They actually like having him around, unlike his parents, who don't even care if he moves to Paris for the rest of his life.
“Thanks, guys, you're the best. I'm going to go since I have to start packing, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” Bose said while leaving down the tube.
Once Bose was out of sight, Mika slouched into the Man Couch.
“What’s up with you?” Miles asked.
“Isn't it obvious? Mika’s loverboy is leaving her for some chick in Paris!” Chapa pointed out.
“Chapa, how many times do I have to tell you that I am not in love with Bose!”
“Yeah, okay.” Chapa said while getting up from the couch to grab a snack.
“Chapa!” Miles warned.
Chapa raised her hands in defense while leaving the room.
“I'm just looking out for Bose; I know Becky, and she's bad news!” Mika warns.
“You know 14-year-old Becky, the one that moved away and you haven't seen since freshman year. We're going to be juniors now; maybe she’s different.” Miles argued.
“Once a snake, always a snake.” Chapa says, walking in while munching on Choco Crocos.
“Whose side are you on?” Miles asked.
“Nobodies, that's the fun of it.” Chapa joked.
The twins roll their eyes at Chapa’s teasing manner. Chapa was the best at stirring the pot; she couldn't care enough to actually pick sides. Plus, someone always ends up hurt when you choose a side, so she never did. Plus, she thrives on making things harder for people.
Bose packs in his room, and hears a knock on his door. It opens to Celia coming into his room.
“Oh hey, mom.”
“Bosey, what are you doing?”
“Packing?” The boy questioned as if it wasn't obvious.
“Yes, I see that. But why?” Celia questioned.
“I'm going to Paris, remember? I told you two weeks ago!”
“You did?”
“Mama, I literally told you about how Becky was helping me find a job, and of course, you weren't listening.” The boy complained.
“I was listening!” Celia argued.
“Oh really, where am I working?”
The mother was stumped. She was listening, but Genuine Moments was on, so she might have blocked Bose out just a little bit.
“Umm, a surgeon?”
“Really? A surgeon? At 16? I'm pretty sure that's illegal, mama.” The son stated.
“You got a driving license at 12, so anything is possible!” The mother debated.
Bose rolled his eyes in annoyance, an emotion he’s portrayed more as he got older and more aware of how irritating some people could be…including his mother. He loves her, but she could be a little dim sometimes, and that’s coming from Bose, of all people.
“Look Mom, I’m going to Paris to work at Hip Hop Paris with Becky for the summer, and I leave tomorrow. Whether you care or not.”
“I care, Bosey, I do.”
The boy scoffed as he went to his dresser to get more clothes. The mother knew she wasn’t the best parental figure, but she did love and care for her son. She just needed to show him that.
“Bose, sweetheart, I’m sorry for not listening to you, but trust me, I’m trying my hardest to be better. Because I love and care for you, you deserve to go to Paris and begin your journey of becoming an independent young adult.”
Bose smiled at his mother’s efforts. He knew she was trying her best, and he wasn’t always the perfect son either. The boy walks up to Celia, engulfing her in a hug. The mother hugged back. Her baby boy was growing up on her.
“You’re gonna do great, Bobo; I just know it. I’m gonna miss you, but I know you can handle yourself. Try not to get into too much trouble; I know your job is to save lives but think of this summer job as a vacation, ok?”
“I will, thanks Mom.”
And there’s her sweet Bosey. The duo breaks apart from their hug.
“You’re welcome. I have got to go with Vicey on some business trips, so I won’t be here to send you off. But I love you so much, Bobo, and be safe.”
“Of course, love you too.”
The mother places an arm on his head, caressing it before smiling and making her exit. Bose keeps packing his bags with a happy heart, knowing his friends and family are supporting him.
The next day came rather quickly as the kids already stood outside Swellview Airport to send Bose off. It was bittersweet, they didn’t want to see him go, but it was time for the baby bird to leave the nest.
“Thanks for coming guys.” Bose thanked.
“Of course.” Chapa said.
“We wouldn’t miss it.” Miles voiced.
Mika was relatively quiet for obvious reasons. She still wasn’t grasping the fact that Bose was actually leaving for Paris. She was more focused on figuring out a loophole that could keep him here, but she kept drawing blanks. She watched as he briefly talked with Chapa and Miles, hugging them separately before moving on to her. He stood before her, smiling gently, but his eyes spoke volumes. He was going to miss Mika the most, to no one’s surprise. Everyone knew how bad the duo suffered when being separated. During the Thousand Pranks War, Bose couldn’t help himself and snuck out to Mika even though their cities warred against each other. Mika being from the rival town and pranking Bose herself, should have been enough to push Bose away, but it didn’t. He stayed by her side. It was even worse when their moms kicked them out of Danger Force. He only saw Mika in school, which wasn’t much since their schedules differ and they both have extracurriculars. But even then, he sat with her every lunch, walked with Mika to her locker or class if he could, and even got to school extra early to spend time with her. He always made time for Mika. And Mika never shoos him away. So being countries apart might be challenging, but I doubt Bose O’Brien would let that get in his way of making time for Mika Macklin and staying by her side…whatever way he can.
“Hey.” Bose said.
“Hi.” Mika voiced.
They both had so much to say, too much, actually. Mika teared up, with Bose looking back with teary eyes as well. Mika wraps her arms around Bose’s torso, her head against his chest, and Bose’s arms around her shoulders. They would have had more time to depart if Miles could teleport them there, but of course, Becky got Bose a first-class flight there and will be waiting for him at the airport. Bose swayed them slowly, neither having the courage to let go. Their friends watching them felt for them, knowing how important they were to each other. Chapa looks at her still outdated phone, checking the time.
“Bose, you have to go now if you still want to catch your flight.” Chapa announced.
Bose went to let go, but Mika squeezed harder.
“Don’t let go, not yet.” Mika whispered.
“I wish I could hug you forever, but Chapa’s right. I got to go.”
The duo gradually loosened their embrace, Bose taking hold of Mika’s hand with his own.
“I’ll call you as soon as I get situated in Paris.”
Mika smiled, squeezing Bose’s hand right before he let go.
“Alright, I’ll see you guys.”
Bose grabbed his suitcases, giving one last look to his friends, Mika’s lasting the longest. Then he turns around, strolling towards the airport and farther away from his home. Chapa walked over to Mika, putting an arm over her shoulder. She knew her friend needed some comfort right now.
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Honey, I’m Home-!
Sirius Black x Mom! Reader
Ever since Sirius was sent to Azkaban, you were the one in charge of raising Harry. Doing your best, and lucky to have Remus to help. Because of that, a certain Rat wasn’t able to avoid any of your gazes. When Harry’s third year came to a end, you were given quite a surprise at the train station
Warnings 18+, P in V, Female Reader, high emotions, hurt comfort, fluffy and heated sex, getting back together, implied breeding kink, taking care of your man with baths food and you, sir this bed is about to be destroyed with how hard he’s going to rail you. Also, implied Wolfstar/ Remus x You/Poly situation deal up in here hehehehe
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“Harry-!” You called, with a smile. Always there to pick him up from the station, every single time. As a good parent would. Ever since you found out he had such a risk to end up at the Dursleys, like hell you would let that happen. Made you pamper him a bit, given your good friends lost their lives for him. But like hell he didn’t deserve it.
“Shhh shh-!��� Harry was soon hushing his friends, leaving you confused. Hermione and Ron quick to hush up, while Remus would set the last of the bags off the train. Wanting to help out, since there were so many Weasleys to worry about. The way he smiled, you were even more curious. You couldn’t recall the last time he looked so relieved. Was there a change in laws that permitted him to work at Hogwarts?
“Children, settle down. Settle down. Go on and show her the surprise.” He teases them, as he would help Molly with the rest of the Weasleys. He threw you a wink, which had you very confused. Not what did that Marauder have in mind this time?
“Mum…..Can we get a dog?” Harry asked you, as the trio stood next to each other. With cuts and bruises all over, but smiling. Even Ron seemed chipper, despite the fact he was in crutch. The hell did those three get into this time?
“A dog-? Harry….You know why we can’t get a dog.” You sighed, not wanting to have this discussion again. With out Sirius, you just couldn’t. Any dog was to painful of a reminder. Oh how you miss your padfoot. What you would give to see him again.
“Mum, please? He’s got no where else to go. Just look at him-“ Harry pleaded, as the trio stepped aside. The dog now exposed to you. Was so painfully skinny, yet also so furry at the same time. Matted fur, and just looking like a grim. He looked so much like Sirius, but so dead as well. Your heart just couldn’t say no this time.
The defeated sigh had them cheer, as Remus returned. Still giving you this coy smile, that had you furrow your brows. You felt like you were missing something, but you didn’t know what. You just knew that it was time to take everyone home.
With Harry hugging his friends goodbye, while this new dog stuck close to your legs, Remus would catch up quickly with Molly. Explaining something. You swore it was about Scabbers, but the new playmate was keeping your attention. Suddenly jumping on you, and licking your face.
“ACK-! HEEL HEEL-!” You called, as the dog was just to strong. How was something so fragile so durable? Reminded you of Sirius. How even in his dog form he was able to tackle people down. Was just making your heart hurt more, which in a morbid sense made you unable to refuse the dog either.
“Mum, Uncle Remus said you should head home with our new dog. He needs me to stay here and catch Mrs. Weasley up on stuff.” The way he fidgeted with his glasses told you it was a mixture of a lie and some truths. What the hell were these people planning? Was this some scheme to help you move on? Accept Sirius was never coming back? That hurt, but also a point was made. Who can escape Azkaban?
“Alright. But be home before dark.” You warned, as you kissed his forehead. Right on his scar, which made him smile. He made sure to give you a hug, before quickly returning to the red heads. Poor Molly looked ready to faint. Make that she did, and the twins had to catch her. Yeah, like hell you wanted to be involved with that.
“Alright, let’s-“ But the dog was running. Right through the wall, with no hesitation. You were flabbergasted, but had no time to think. Harry’s new dog was running off. No way you wanted his poor heart broken over that. So, you ran after it. Trying to catch up, but it seemed high on life.
“GET BACK HERE-!” You hollered, as the dog was running like it was the last thing it could ever do. You were so focused on trying to catch up to it, you barely noticed where you were running towards. By the time you finally caught up, you were wheezing. Hands on your knees, as the door the dog stopped at opened.
“About time Master and Mistress Black returned.” Kreacher sneered, as the dog hurried inside. Did he say what you think he said? No way. That can’t be Sirius. No way in hell. Looks like him, but he’s in Azkaban. You don’t just escape Azkaban. Sure, the daily prophet said he did. But it was more than likely gossip gone wild. You swore every week they said someone did, only for them to be returned the next day.
“Kreacher, phew, give me a minute here.” You coughed, as you stumbled inside. Left for the building to vanish, in the early morning fog. As if it was never there. Leaving you to be alone, with the elf and dog, as you hung up your coat.
You did your best with making the home more live able. The spare rooms built for whenever Harry wanted friends over for the summers. Along with just a safe haven for friends in need of a stay. You turned what was once a cage, into a proper home. Seemed the dog loved it, as it was quick to run up the stairs. Bolting past the curtained painting, and straight to your bedroom.
“How does it….No. no this can’t be. No way…” It was starting to become harder to deny, as you walked up the stairs. By the time you reached the door, you heard it. That familiar eerie bone cracking, when a animagus was changing forms. No way. It couldn’t be. It can’t-
“Home sweet home-“ That gruff voice sung to you, as you opened the door. There he was. Your husband. Your world. Your everything. Standing there, bending his back, as he sported a tattered Azkaban uniform. Bloody, dirty, hardly clothing at all. Hair a mangled mess, and in desempate need of a bath and shave. He was so sickly thin, the very thin fabric was just a sheet on him. Hardly could process it, when those dark eyes locked on yours. Hair so long now, and body tattered. No matter the design, it was still him. Your Sirius.
“Hardly changed a day…” He dreamily said, with that exhausted smile. He was so drained, but you could still see the pure joy in his eyes. He was home. He was with you, and could be there for Harry now. His best friend Remus was in his life again. He’s not in that damn prison, and he’s in your sight once more.
You didn’t care about the grime, as you practically fell into his arms. Sobbing in joy, as he held you close. Despite his thinner structure, he was able to hold you tightly. As tightly as he could, and sway with you. No need for words. Just gentle tears.
That was why Remus was so coy, and why Harry had you two run off. You two needed time to reconnect. Even so young, Harry could grasp how important this was. Guess you were rasing him right. Seemed also that Kreacher might have missed Sirius as well, because you could hear a bath being run. No one asked for it, but he did it. His own free choice. He missed him, in his own way.
“Darling, I love you so much. I really do, but I am so fucking gross right now. You know I’m being honest when even I’m unable to handle my own stink. I’ve had sex with Moony under a full moon. I’m GROSS gross right now. I will kill for a bath-“ He went on, making you just laugh with your tears. Despite the years in such a horrific prison, he was still himself. Guess he was always a little insane.
You didn’t let him go an inch, as you trailed after him to the bathroom. More than happy to help him wash. Just enjoying the needed intimate moment. Just a wife, washing her husband. By god was he filthy. By the time Harry and Remus returned, he was finally drying off. You had no idea if the bathtub will ever recover. Least he was now in his favorite black robe.
“I’ve got dinner handled, don’t worry-!” Remus called, as Sirius would come down the stairs with you. Unable to let go of his arm, and he hardly complained. He missed your touch all the same, as you two would enter the dinning room. Where Harry sat.
“Guess we better start from the beginning.” Harry murmured. You had already gotten used to your son’s insane adventures, but this one took the cake. He got his god father out of Azkaban, somehow-? Yeah, you were sitting down for this. Mindlessly playing with the exposed chest hair you could grab, as the trio of misfits began to explain.
Even while eating, more like Sirius devouring anything in sight, there was so much to discuss. Was mostly Remus, and Harry, speaking. Given Sirius was more so busy hiding during that time frame. Oh how your heart had broken, and repaired, over and over from it all. Your poor husband. But, he’s back now. He’s back, and he’s never leaving you again.
“I know you are my god father and all, but….Do I call you dad now-?” Harry asked. He’s thirteen, still a child after all. It’s going to be a lot to process, even by Wizard standards. With his meal finished, Sirius did have to think a moment. Dispite the fact Harry knew Sirius from stories, because of you and Remus, he was still a stranger after all.
“Uncle Padfoot will work just fine.” He smiled, as he ruffled Harry’s hair. That made the young teen give an awkward grin, as there was something to work with now. Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot. It’s a start, and you couldn’t be happier. Just staring with such love to him, with your head on his shoulder. Taking in that scent, as Remus was unable to stop his smile to.
“Harry, dear, why don’t we go out for a walk. Hm?” Remus asked him, making the boy raise a brow. Why would he want to….Oh. Right. Remus would give a gentle head nudge towards the door, and Harry was quick to get the message. Grabbing his jacket, wand, and chasing after his uncle. Not wanting to say another word, as he really rather not think about his mother’s sex life. Even if it’s with his god father.
The second the door closed, you were yanked from your chair. You gave a squeak, as you were tossed over his shoulder. Just like the old days at school. Whenever he wanted your attention, he simply tossed you over his shoulder. Forcing you to pay attention to him, as he would steal you to a private room for a discussion.
“I’m not letting you out of that bed until the head board breaks-“ He warned, as that had your heart racing. Twelve years is a long time, and there was most certainly some catching up to do. You couldn’t deny that, as you watch the stairs trail behind him. Escorting you to your once shared bedroom. Now together again.
You were plopped right on the bed, and he was on you like the hungry dog he was. Stealing you into his lips, and you couldn’t stop your moaning. It had been so long. You needed him as badly as he needed you. How you were enjoying the new long hair, and tangling your fingers into it. Needing as much skin as you could get from him.
He was more than happy to give it to you. The robe thrown aside, as he was pulling at your clothes. Not giving damn if they tore. Nothing else mattered in this moment. He wanted to fuck his wife, and by god was he going to. Twelve years, in Azkaban. He’s going to get all twelve years of pent up desire out in one night. Will your body recover? Do you even care?
“Sirius-“ You sighed, as he finally got your top off. His face buried into your chest, as he snapped your bra strap off. Tossing it aside, as he drank you up. Just feeling your skin on his, and savoring the long missed flesh against his bearded face. Feeling that freshly softened hair on your chest felt so good. Every single fiber of your existence was on fire. Felt like you might implode.
“Not a day passed by, that I wasn’t thinking of you. You, Remus, Harry, you three were what kept me sane. I knew you three were safe with each other. Waiting for me. I came back. I came back, like I promised.” He sighed, as you felt the tears on your chest. Gentle fingers played with his hair, as to try and calm him down. Comforting him.
“I always knew you would.” You felt so silly thinking Remus would ever try and help you move on. Hypocrite he would have been. Human emotions be human emotions, and they were being carnal right now. Needing to burn and burn and burn.
“Have me again, like you’ve had me before.” You asked him, as you cupped his face. Having that thick beard nuzzle into your palm, as those dark eyes stared up to yours. So much pain in his face, but comfort in his eyes. It’s a long journey to recover, but his soul was still there. His body is damaged, but a body can repair. A mind is harder, and that was the battle. A battle he won.
With a kiss to your palm, he would soon attack your lips. Growling into you, as he pulled away the rest of your clothes. Needing to devour your body. Soon marking away at your neck, your chest, your arms. If there was anything his lips could grasp, and making sure you were marked. As if to remind the world you belonged to him, and he wasn’t going anywhere. Not anymore.
“Sirius, how can you still be such a tease?” You whined, as he was grazing his teeth over your thigh. Leaving a bite on your flesh. Letting himself enjoy the flavor of the tingling flesh under his tongue.
“What? I’m an old dog. Old dogs have bad habits.” He teased, before he finally allowed you to get some attention. He really didn’t change, and you were shocked. Never thought being abused could be useful. Only a Black would have such a morbid survival skill.
Before any more depressing thoughts could fill your head, you were able to enjoy the familiar sight. Your husband between your legs, with his cock rubbing against you. The tip of his cock coming into view, whenever he rolled his hips up and down. Rubbing right on your clit, and making you whimper. Sure you’ve played with yourself, but nothing beats his touch.
You both were gripping tightly. Him on your thighs, while you grabbed his shoulders. Needing to feel him in your hands. You both needed it so badly, but both held a near fear. As if afraid that it was all a dream. Luckily, he had the nerve to test that fear. Test it, as he finally pushed in.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this-“ He moaned, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. The way he growled, and his body just shivered. Aching, and moaning. Might spill just then, if he didn’t stop. Just savoring the feeling of being back inside of you, and how your eyes watered from pure comfort. To have your husband back.
He would lean down, and kiss away your tears, before he allowed himself to move. Just moaning for you, as his nails dug into your flesh. Marking you more, as you moaned into each others mouths. Needing to drink in every last thing you both could offer. So much to catch up on, and to make up for.
With the tender moment passing, you were soon reminded of the wild man you married. The feeling of your legs being pushed towards your shoulders, as he tried to get into you deeper. With his hands now on your ankles, as he was snapping his hips into yours. Needing to make sure you felt ever inch of him.
You loved it, and missed it, all. The feeling of your arms around his neck, and tangling your fingers into his hair. How he growled into you, and the snarls. Oh how you loved how animalistic he was for you. How he would bark and howl at the beg and call to you. Your big bad wolf.
It was all you missed. Had you in a mixture of tears, and pure desire. How he wanted to fight your tears, and kissed you. As heated as he could, to make up for the years parted. To taste you, and savor you all over again. Just the sounds of your moans, the creaking bed, and the flesh on flesh.
You didn’t know how long it lasted, but you felt him pull your lip. Sinking his teeth into it. A typical sign that he was close. A need to ground himself, to last a little longer. Oh how you missed his little habits. That thrill of pain again sent you over, as you came with him. To be as connected as possible.
You expected to get a moment to savor the after glow, but he kept true to his word. You were soon tossed onto your stomach, with the ass in the air. Of course he wanted doggy. It’s cheesey, but a favorite. Suppose one more round could be mustered.
One more became two, and three, and soon you had to chug a Pepper Up potion to keep up. You lost track of the rounds, before you were laid on your back. Soaked in sweat, and sticky from it all. Sheets hardly on the bed, and you were certain there were cracks in the wood. Hardly could breathe, but it seemed he was satisfied.
“Pretty sure you fucked a dozen kids into me.” You wheezed, as he chuckled. Enjoying a much needed cigarette, but still making sure you were comforted. Having your head in his lap, as he played with your face. Admiring all your features.
“Good.” He snickered, as you swatted at his hand. The both of you able to share a laugh, as there was a soft knock at the door. All Sirius had to do was give a sniff in the air, and he knew who it was. A whistle was given, before he grabbed a pillow for you. So you could cover up, despite the fact Remus has certainly saw you naked many times.
“Feeling better now-? Could have used a silencing charm. Had to tell Harry Kreacher was fixing a wardrobe.” Remus scoffed, with a tray of needed drinks and snacks. He would set it down on the bed side table, before joining on the bed. He deserved to catch up with Sirius to. Fine by you.
With some shifting, you were soon snuggled between the two men. Sirius still playing with your hair, as the two men remained sitting up. Keeping their voices low, so you could drift. Just able to be safe, and warm, again. Snuggling your husband, and comforted by the sound of old memories.
What a wonderful lullaby.
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laxxarian · 7 months
Instead of Danny joining the JL, its Dan who joined
It was to redeem himself and bring back his protective obsession instead of massacre
Danny liked the idea and let him go off on his own while Vlad who is in underway of his redemption arc by talking out with his parents, Vlad had also adopted Dan in his care.
And Vlad, who has Batman's in his radar, is wary of Dan Phantom because the kid said he's a ghost living in a clone's body. It wasn't really alive, it was just a body for Dan to live without a problem.
Vlad was seen as a villain after seeing his past actions before. Yes, Batman knows about Plasmius.
But since the day Dan came, Vlad stepped down and started to go on a redemption arc. Batman is still wary though, it's still good to have Dan here so he could monitor both the "son" and Plasmius.
Batman doesn't know about Danny being Dan tho, because Dan said his true age that is somewhere around 20's or something and his ghost half could prove that.
Unless this is another one of those time travelling but Batman will soon find out.
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epicfirestormer · 1 month
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skelepen · 6 months
Following the popular idea that the eggs slowly transform to look more like their parents, I love the idea of Ramon slowly picking up Pac's physical features after looking so much like a younger Fit for so long.
It starts slow and barely noticeable with Ramon's hair getting a couple shades darker. The check from his scarf becoming a deep blue and yellow. Then the most damning- Ramon wakes up with yellow sclera and at first Fit is internally freaking the fuck out bc this hasn't happened to him before.
After a quick talk with Phil, Fit calms down a bit bc he sees similar has happened with Tallulah and not only that but Pac comes over, concerned, and immediately points out how Ramon and him match.
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musicalmoritz · 22 days
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I was skimming through my old Soukoku fics and LMAO Chuuya chill out
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toxintouch · 2 months
I'm not sure if what I wrote is what this post had in mind but… also I meant to do this as a rb but my toxic trait is writing things in drafts/private posts so I err uhhh look I can't keep fighting with Tumblr formatting ok
Mhin receiving an unusually specific compliment. ᵕ ω ᵕ
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“You're so fascinating, Mhin. If you wrote a book, I would definitely read it.  Even if you wrote the book about something really boring.  Even if you wrote…a dictionary, full of words I already know the meanings to.  I'd still read it, just because you wrote it.  Just to feel like I got to walk beside you in the world for a little while."
Mhin looks over at you despite themself. Your voice is low, tone affectionate difficult to parse over the incessant noise permeating the Wet Wick. They find themselves staring at your lips, as if to read your words despite hearing you clearly.
“You're really the most interesting person I know...  Which is saying a lot, in this city!”  You laugh at yourself, bandaged fingers trailing around the rim of the glass placed in front of you at the bar.  Your face is flushed, pupils dilated.  The longer they look at you, brows furrowed as they try to make sense of your words, the less you seem able to look them in the eyes.
The liquid in your glass is clear.  
Tequila?  Vodka?  Gin?  A stomach wrenching combination of all three, possibly.  Who knows what Leander was willing to put in front of you, if it makes you so…
Mhin huffs, mouth wrenching into a frown. They clasp a hand around the glass in front of you. "I think you've had enough." They must have gone (miraculously) nose-blind from the boozy scent of the Wet Wick because even as they slide the heavy tankard closer to themself, the pungent tang of alcohol is no more invasive than it was prior. They expected to be able to taste the fumes coming off of whatever concoction they just took from you.
"I'm--" You start to protest, but you find yourself cut off when Leander says something that causes the crowded bar to go wild, cheers erupting. One of the Bloodhounds jostles Mhin in their mirth, causing your confiscated drink to upend, contents sloshing over the surface of the bar and soaking the sleeve of Mhin's shirt.
It's water.
You were saying those things while sober.
Mhin's eyes find yours, no attention spared for the slurring Bloodhound beside them. You're looking at them affectionately, lips quirked.
"Would you be mad at me if I told you that you're too cute?" You ask, something far too warm, too inviting in your words.
Mhin is halfway across the bar in a heartbeat, burning red ears gone deaf to the sound of Leander's voice, calling out to them that they haven't picked their pay up yet. They'll get it tomorrow, they think, racing towards the respite of the fresh night air. Away from the urge to--
Mhin doesn't let themself turn to look back at you as they leave. Though they can't stop themself from wondering: if they did, would they see you staring back at them?
Damn Mhin just take the compliment. I made Mhin's about their brains instead of their looks etc. bc while I think mentioning wanting to kiss their beauty mark would fluster them I think this is the type of thing that would absolutely infect their brain.  Have them thinking about those words over and over until it completely ruins their nightly Soulless hunting; they give up & just stargaze all night.
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
For me the ‘canon homoerotic subtext’ between brick!Valjean and Javert is really more about the parallels between Javert and Eponine, who are explicitly set up as character foils.
Brick!Javert isn’t obsessed with Valjean like he is in adaptations. He’s not psychosexually obsessed with hunting him down; he really doesn’t seem to think of him as being any different than any other criminal—- he doesn’t think about Jean Valjean much at all until after Jean Valjean saves his life.
But after the barricades, Javert’s sudden weird desperate emotions about Jean Valjean are like a twisted mirror of his character foil Eponine’s weird desperate emotions for Marius.
Some guy takes pity on them, and extends them a bit of basic impersonal kindness— and they react by descending into this violently self-destructive suicidal admiration built on self-loathing. They’re both described as making themselves the “dogs” of Marius/Valjean, the dogs of people who barely remember they exist.
And anyway! I think there is potential to explore things there in analysis and fanfiction
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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So ya know how paimon has been kinda sus in sumeru right? Down right bashing their culture 🤨
I NEED blunt readers reaction of that
Like,, we love her and all but sometimes she just need to be put back in her place ',:/
In the case that she is not familiar with the our "ancient"/blunt language, she would be just DUMBSTRUCK !
Anywayysss just a thought.
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My genuine reaction when getting into Sumeru at first:
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Like im so happy u sent this bc this gives me an excuse to write all my rants and comebacks for every Offensive Racist Paimon Line!
also omg, i couldnt find ANY of her rough lines abt pronoucing Sumeru names or something, like no google searches showed ANYTHING- wtf- paimon trying not to get cancelled out here in??
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: Language Shenanigans
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, tiny scenario
Stars: Paimon, slight mentions of traveler (aether or lumine), Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: cussing, slight racism/culturally insults, Paimon-bashing & Trigger Warnings: slight racism/cultural insults
Bascially if you don’t know, Paimon’s had a lot of weirdly slightly out of character/insulting lines about the names of Sumeru characters/Aranara/and has insulted Sumeru food too. 💀 And she’s never said any of that about any other country that we’ve been to before, like it’s especially weird PAIMON of all people insulting FOOD.
It’s givingggg… racism. Or at least culturally offensive.
So anyway, these are all from memory or vague impressions of what she’s said, as I can’t find the exact voicelines!
“Ararana- what?! Goodness gracious, must all these names be so great in length and difficult to pronounce!”
“Your name is probably pretty shit for them to say too, Paimon, don’t worry.”
Literally can feel the jaw drops of the Aranara that was trying to introduce themselves, and Paimon herself as she sputters,
the blonde traveler has like, completely turned around to, y’know, cough (laugh their ass off)
Oh you never let that shit slide, much to the amusement (and honestly a little respect) from all of Sumeru residents
When Paimon struggles to pronounce names, you just immediately start sounding it out reallllyyy slowly, to the point of like- taking a couple of seconds for each syllable lmao
“Don’t worry Paimon, I’ll help you out since you’re brain is too little to understand words. Alllll- TTTTTTeeeeee- nnnnaaaahhhhh- rrrrrriiiiii-” (Al-Tighnari)
Tighnari was seconds away from launching a nuclear war of a comeback before you just did this again, and he just crossed his arms and smiled happily and waited on you too lmao
it drives Paimon up the wall (up in the air?) bc u refuse to be interrupted by her or stop sounding it out until she stops talking lol
(which took about 3-4 shitty comments from her, which almost ruined peoples’ first impression of you guys, before she stopped completely thank fuck)
She’d also been a little shit about the food??!!? Paimon??!!! Of all people??!?!?!?!
Which is honestly insane to you, and you genuinely thought something was wrong with her for a minute when she looked a little disgusted at the Pita Pockets
You guys had been eating with a couple of allogenes, Alhaitham, Kaveh, (who took some time off to hang out) Tighnari (who was visiting for the day), and Cyno, (who’d also made some time off to hang out with you)
Tighnari just continues to eat his food, and barely twitches an ear at Paimon’s comments, he already knows what’s coming lol
Kaveh starts to get a little red in the face, and Alhaitham and Cyno don’t change expression at all, simply watching
Right as Kaveh begins to say, “Listen here-!!!”
You just interrupt quickly, snatching Paimon’s plate from in front of her and dumping it on yours,
“Paimon if you ever make another disrespectful little comment about the food or anyone’s names or any other shit about Sumeru, I will clap you so fucking hard out the sky you’ll be crawling through Sumeru City trying to keep up with us. Shut up.”
And just drop the empty plate back in front of her, and continue to eat, best not to give her too much attention actually, in case thats all she wants
The traveler was just like 😭😭
doing that thing where you LOUDLY sip the last of your drink in the silence LMAO
Alhaitham just like, turns away to laugh into his fist, Kaveh’s still in literal shock, mouth open and everything 😭 that was the fastest comeback he’s ever heard, yknow obviously, so he’s like- still processing-
Cyno just smiles a little and his eyes are nearly sparkling as he watches you lol
It’s a unanimous thought that nearly every allogene who hears your speech, especially the Sumeru ones who’ve heard you sass Paimon already,
want to watch you just destroy someone verbally so they can hear more of how you’d say it/how clean a cut simple speech can be, just downright violating the opponents lmao
(and never wanting it turned on them)
Sorry this was short!
it was such sweet revenge on Paimon to write this, and have actual consequences rather than just 😭 having to STEWWWW in anger while she made all these comments while playing 😭😭
tbh i was worried it was giving “white savior” energy so i hope it doesn’t-
lmk if that did happen! :/
and thank u guys for being so patient with ur asks and patient with me answering them!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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foggysirens · 3 months
my brain is back and hard at work thinking about dinluke and the way they are perfect halves of the other - mirrors of each other's pain and struggles and wants and beliefs and steadfastness. how when din pushes, luke pulls. thinking about dinluke and the way in which they orbit each other - two stars drawn together in the vastness of space waiting to collide into something new and otherworldly. din and his steadfastness, hands made to fit in the spaces between luke's ribs. luke and his power, endless and all-consuming, his faith entrusted and whispered into the hollow spaces of din's skin. the spaces in which they allow themselves to cease being warriors for a moment, to lay down weapons and rest within the breath of someone who understands the dark that lurks at the edges of their lives but who chose to reach for hope regardless. dinluke and the endless pleasure of being known. thinkin' of them.
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mechaness · 3 months
First of many
So much had happened. Nasiens had found her biological family, she found out about herself, she almost died... but now her hero was with her again.
When the battle was decided, a few words were exchanged and someone gave Percival a cloak so he could cover up. He hadn't even realized he was naked. He apologized, though it was clear he didn't see the issue.
After a while, her new family (she had to present them to Ordo as soon as she could!) left her alone with him, sharing knowing smiles.
Nasiens couldn't stop looking at him.
Percival... She smiled.
"So you are a fairy now? That's so cool!" Percival's voice was so soothing to her. How had she missed his smile!
"Yes... I'm not used to flying, though..."
"But now we can fly together!" Percy said, laughing. He grabbed her hands and gently lifted them up. Nasiens was shocked but soon started smiling again. A little spin in the air, and she was laughing along with him.
"I just can't get used to the height..." she admitted looking down, feeling cold sweat in her forehead. It had been fine in the battle, but now... She looked up at Percival, thinking how silly she was being. Something gleamed in his eyes.
He threw her one of his winning smiles and she felt her heart stop.
"Well, that's easy! Just keep looking at me!" His face was too close to hers, but then again, he had never been good at respecting people's personal space.
And Nasiens couldn't think of anything better to look at than his eyes. He always managed to calm her down. She could do anything as long as he's with her.
"See? You can fly really high if you want!" Like a spell being broken, she looked down. She almost let out a scream. They were so high up she could barely see the ground!
Her arms moved on their own, hugging Percival. She hid her face in the crook of his neck, trembling.
Percival was shocked. Not because of the hug, he loved Nasiens' hugs, as different as this one felt. However, she felt like dead weight. Had she stopped flying?! Of course she wasn't in any real danger as long as he was there to hold her, but...!
"Nasiens?!" He could hear her mumbling nonono again and again, "I'm sorry! I thought...! Are you ok?" He was so worried about her and Nasiens was still trembling, but she managed to answer,
"Ye-yeah..." she looked up. She was again at a loss for words. She knew Percival was still Percival inside, but he was really big now, and tall, and... she could feel her face aflame. "Yeah, I'm... I'm good. I was shocked, I guess..." she couldn't look him in the eyes anymore.
Percy was silent for while before he spoke again.
"You really feel different now, uh..." Nasiens eyes widened at his comment.
"Wh-what do you mean? Is it bad?" Percival's silence made her a little nervous. He wasn't looking at her anymore. She forgot to ask again though, since they landed in the hollow part of a cave, up in a mountain, and the sight amazed her.
"It's beautiful..." she said. Percy agreed, but he wasn't looking outside. His eyes were fixed on the pretty girl he was holding by the waist.
Screw pretty, he thought. Nasiens had always been beautiful, but now... It was like a whole other level. The way she held herself felt different. Also,
"You got boobs now!" he shouted, almost giving her a heart attack. She almost tripped, blushing like crazy.
"Ye... yeah..." she put her hand on her chest. They weren't even that noticeably, but... "the whole thing feels weird..."
"Bad weird?" he sounded genuinely curious.
"N... no, I don't think so. I never felt bad being called a boy, but now... I like this. Being a girl, I mean. It feels right, but I'm... not used to it yet. Not completely, at least. Is that weird?"
"I don't think so! Anyway, Nasiens is Nasiens, no matter what! You are amazing!" when he looked at her, he could see that gentle smile of hers that he loved so much.
Nasiens was so grateful. Of course Percival wasn't fazed. He was just Percival. He hadn't even questioned her change, something which she she was grateful for. She couldn't even imagine how she could start explain the whole thing to him.
She was thinking how much she loved this side of his and was so deep in her thoughts, she didn't realize when Percival got behind her.
"You gotten slimmer too, right? Right?" his poking sent shivers down her spine. What was his obsession with her back?!
Nasiens felt her face aflame again.
"Please, don't do that!" she almost screamed, taking a step back.
"Why? Can't I touch you?" he sounded so innocent, she almost felt bad. But when she looked up again she saw how serious he was. She felt taken back. He had never looked at her like that before, not like this.
How could she tell him that the only thing she wanted was for him to touch her all over... it was just so embarrassing to admit!
She felt her true feelings coming forward before she could stop herself.
"Well, if you a-!" a flashback made her stop. A painful memory crossed her mind and she felt silent.
She felt her blood boil.
"...you know what. I think it's best that you don't." She turned, not before giving him the iciest look he had ever seen. That kind of look was never directed at him! Percy got worried.
"N-Nasiens?! Are you angry at me? I hate it when I make you angry!" he ran to her. He grabbed her hand so she couldn't get further away from him. She flinched and stopped, but she didn't look at him. "I'm sorry, did I say something bad?"
"You got Anghalhad to touch, don't you?" she said, immediately regretting her words. It wasn't Percival fault, or Anghalhad's for that matter. Plus, she knew Percival didn't understand these kind of things! She barely could, after all.
"Yeah, I guess..." Percival's voice made her angrier and she felt so ashamed. She took her hand back, snapping at Percy.
"See?! Go to her for all I care!" she looked down, hiding her eyes as best as she could. She couldn't face him like this...
"Wha...?! No! I don't want to! I want to stay here with you! Nasiens!" he grabbed her by the shoulder, shaking her a little. He had to make her understand...!
Were those tears?
"Nasiens...? What's wrong?" she lifted her arm, trying to wipe her tears with her sleeve.
"I... I'm a horrible friend! I don't hate Anghalhad, I actually like her... but thinking about you two...!" she put her hands on her face, trying to control herself. "Who am I to say anything? You are free to do whatever you want...! But I hate it! I hate the thought of you two-!"
Percy hugged her so tightly she almost couldn't breathe. She felt his hand grabbing her hair, same way he had done early that day.
"P... Percival?"
"I won't touch anyone else!" he exclaimed, shocking her. "I don't really get it, but I thought of some else touching you and that made me angry, so I guess it's the same for you? Is that it?"
"Ye... yeah."
"Is it because you love me?" Nasiens felt trapped. She was about to protest when...
"Cause I love you too!" he said, his smile so bright it blinded her. He caught her so out of guard she almost fainted.
"Well," he continued, "I love all my friends... but with you... love falls short. Does that make sense? I want to hold you forever..." Percy said, snuggling to her. Looking down he saw her eyes, so full of hope and love, he couldn't help but smile. Nasiens smiled back.
"Y-yes, it makes sense. I... I feel the same way." Nasiens couldn't believe it. She confessed! She managed to do it and now...
"Good!" he grabbed her waist again, lifting her from the ground, "then it's settled!"
Nasiens felt tears forming again, this time from happiness. Things could be so easy with him sometimes... but then she remembered their little argument. She blushed again.
"A-about before... I don't mind, you know... but, you have to ask."
Percy was confused for a moment. Then it hit him.
"Really?!" he had pulled her down a little. His face was so close to hers...!
"Can I, then?" he asked. His lips were so close to hers, she felt her heart about to explode.
"Yes..." she tried to close the distance and...
"NASSIE! Percy! Dinner time! Come on, where-! Oh, there you are!" Tioreh shouted, appearing out of nowhere.
"...what are you two doing?" she asked, innocently.
It was a rare sight, if you asked her. Nassie with her face all red, pushing Percy away. Her hand was on Percy's face and he looked miserable, ignoring Tioreh and trying to get close to Nassie.
"But you said I could...!" he whined.
Tioreh had never seen Nassie so embarrassed. It was fun!
Later that night...
Nasiens couldn't believe it. They had almost...!
But the moment had been ruined.
She put her hands on her face, sighing. Maybe some other time... She was fixated in the fire next to the log she was sitting on, deep in thought.
"Nasiens! I was looking for you! Look!" Percival's voice took her out of her trance. She looked up to see him better, confused in what was she supposed to be looking at.
He placed a white flower on her hair.
"I knew it! It suits you!" he said, making her blush yet again. She gently touched the white flower with her fingers. "You look beautiful, you know!" Nasiens felt her blush deepen. She was going to get a fever from blushing so much...
"Thank you, Percival..." she smiled at him and he smiled back, love in his eyes. He sat down next to her and she rested her head on his shoulder, sighing.
"Man, that sucked, uh?" he suddenly said, looking down at her. "I really wanted to kiss you."
Nasiens was definitely getting a fever.
"Re-really? Honestly, I did too..."
Without much thought, Percy turned and grabbed her by the waist, surprising her. He flew them away from the dinner and the rest.
In the air, with the moon shining brightly, he looked at Nasiens. He smiled, closing the distance between them.
"Can I?" he whispered.
Nasiens laughed. He really took it to heart to ask first.
"Of course...!"
Their laughter filled the night. At least for tonight, everything was going to all right.
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azu1as · 4 months
dumb rotmhs fanfic idea where chung myung doesn't reincarnate and instead turns into a lost ghost on mount hua.
that is, until his spirit stumbles into yu iseol chasing after their lost plum blossoms technique that he begins to slowly regain his memories.
Got inspired by @dew-in-the-morning's tweet here!! You can also read the original fic thread :DD
yu iseol doesn't know who the one-armed stranger was. she had opted to ignore him when she first noticed his presence in the far distance upon arrival at the clearing. but he'd been observing her for almost two hours now, and it seemed as if he had no intentions to leave at all.
"come out." she tells the one-armed man, but frustratingly receives no response at all.
she makes a move towards him but he disappears within a blink.
a part of yu iseol becomes unsettled, but she decides to brush it off as nothing more than a one-off encounter.
she's quickly proven wrong.
the following night, she once again finds him in the same spot, facing her direction. it continues that way the next night until the next week. the man is consistently there and always leaves whenever yu iseol outwardly acknowledges his presence.
after almost two weeks of this occurring, yu iseol decides to stare just as intently at the man as he did at her sword.
she doesn't often feel conscious about how others perceived her, but something about the way the man's eyes visibly narrows when she swings or stabs her sword makes her every move feel like they were being scrutinized and dissected.
and that her results were unsatisfactory if the random clucks and tsks she hears off to the side whenever she overextends her swings were any indication.
the man's robes were clearly from mount hua. but she quickly realizes that what she initially thought were shadows on his garbs were actually dark blood stains.
then a sense of uneasiness washes over her when she notices that she could see the edges of a tree through him.
it seems that her nightly companion was some sort of supernatural entity.
she doesn't feel any true fear though because no amount of malice or resentment was ever turned her direction since she began seeing the man.
"who are you?" yu iseol finally asks.
but, as expected, the man disappears and she's left alone in the clearing.
"are there ghosts on mount hua?" yu iseol asks the sect leader much to his bemusement.
"perhaps." he replies to her after a beat passes. "what brought this on?"
yu iseol silently huffs at the admittedly lackluster reply, but responds politely, "i just saw something."
before she could turn away, the sect leader hums pensively and gently adds,
"maybe what you saw was the ghost of an ancestor watching over you."
clearly, it was intended to be an acknowledgement of her nightly sword training and visible efforts towards attaining mount hua's swordsmanship.
yu iseol, however, took the message quite differently.
that night, yu iseol lets out a breath and lowers her sword as she once again catches sight of the semi-translucent man observing her from behind a tree.
her attention zooms in on the bloodied embroidery of a plum blossom on his chest and the sword sheath strapped to his waist.
she steels herself as her eyes locks onto sharp, pink ones. she was certain that whoever this man had been, he was a strong swordsman with the way he held himself even in death.
and if the way he attentively observed her sword training was a potential indication....
"excuse me," yu iseol begins, fists clenched, "do you know how to make plum blossoms bloom?"
there was a long pause between them. for a moment, yu iseol worried that she was mistaken and that the spirit of this ancestor would disappear as he usually did.
but then the one-armed man steps forward for the first time into the clearing and replies by unsheathing his sword.
it glints against the moonlight despite its translucency and yu iseol knows that she couldn't miss the next moments no matter what.
the ghost of her ancestor holds it aloft in the air for a brief moment. And then he swings his sword into an arc.
in yu iseol's chest, the uncertain flicker of hope ignites into an unstoppable wildfire.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
Hi! Sorry if it's a little bit late, I just wanted to say: Happy Anniversary!!! 🥳
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Me: I love all the ships equally
Also me: *writes 50+ fics about fengqing being moronic gremlins in love*
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
When they start dating Sanji finds comfort in the assumption that Usopp has never dated anybody else either. Kissed anybody else. Lost his virginity yet. Because Sanji hasn't, and he just assumes Usopp can't possibly know more about relationships than him.
But Usopp grew up with Kaya until he was 17. And he has done all of those things. So now Sanji is even more nervous about all of this, but Usopp doesn't seem to be more relaxed, either? And it's so confusing. So while Sanji panics about all the firsts they have yet to have together, Usopp does the same.
So Sanji is kind of like "Why are YOU nervous?! You're the one who has done all this shit already I- I don't even know where to start!"
"But it's the first time I do them with YOU. "
We often forget they're canonically anxious teenagers who really really really don't know anything about love and they have to experience these things together. And I find that beautiful.
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