#for now tho expect to get a lot of memes from me
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epicfirestormer · 6 months ago
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midnight1nk · 5 months ago
So, this week's episode...
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[Spoilers below cut]
And now here's my live reaction:
Hey, wait a minute, yeah... where is Mr Puzzles staying anyway?
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...uh Mr Puzzles, is this a bad time?
... no... I just... hmmm...
This reminds me so much of the YouTube Arc
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AAAAAA THE FACE IS BACK... ahem sorry just Eye of Ra theory stuff
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[*looks at my murder board and back to the screen*] ...do they know?
btw people have mentioned about the numbers on the board and I personally think it's a texture. Hmm, then again it could mean something so I'll try to see if I can figure it out.
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sorry Mr Puzzles, but there's unfortunately an audience for this
hey, kids can be terrifying
can I just say, these little bits of animation are so good!
correct me if I'm wrong but is that a new Mr. Puzzles face (animation)?
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Hold up, is he in Karen's house?
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Karen, you should really upgrade the security of your house. First, Marty, and now Mr Puzzles.
somewhere deep down in my heart i still love you [yes, i did say this out loud]
Karen's kids my beloved ❤️ love it when they act like cute siblings
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still the same SMG3 as always... uh, I mean it's totally not Three what are you talking about?
also I want to talk about my Ferris Wheel Wedding concept so bad
also pink…?
[*lays on the floor and zooms out of the room*] ok bye bye
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[*ducktales theme song plays*]
damn those kids are fast bringing Mr Puzzles from 10 million to 39.7 million (why is that number so specific though, hmm...)
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...oh ...oh ...now I feel bad what the hell
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Mr Puzzles: "My ratings haven't moved?"
please be the car please be the car YEAHHHHHHH
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ok, the traffic scene got me lmao (i have no sense of humor anymore)
seriously tho how did he fit in that little car, but hey that's canon now
god I'm annoying but I just love this, found family my beloved ❤️❤️
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Mario: "Do I join...?"
well, Mario, you did join Three back in the YouTube Arc (unintentionally) so this wouldn't be the first time...
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I seriously did not expect that, but it makes sense, I don't blame her having mixed feelings about this.
aww Mario and Four making sure Meggy's okay, family is found ❤️
Meggy: "Who does he think he is... thinking he can just roll up and ask me to join him-"
It's technically not out of the question Meggy, that's why we theorize
also I smell a redemption arc for Mr. Puzzles
well, Mr Puzzles, kids do deserve good stories and I'm sure they would've loved to know how you do things but looks like you picked that wrong your audience for that
oh hey Three :)
👀 "laughing stock" you say?
PFFT I was going to say, that was good cinematography
It's high noon...
wait, was that audio from AMPHIBIA? OH SHIT AMPHIBIA MENTION (timestamp 12:20)
hey remember what I said in my 'ONCE UPON A Ṕ̷̱E̴̺̽R̵̖̎̕F̵̢̗̈́̀E̴̞̍C̴͈̽T̶͓̘̈́ SMG4’ theory:
Every story, no matter how outlandish it seems, is grounded in reality.
The showdown is exactly how it played out at the end of the Meme Factory mini-arc, with the gun and everything!
"I thought we were friends." "You are not my friend(s) anymore."
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oh shit OH SHIT
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oooh that song at the end tho
damn Mr Puzzles really snapped. like, I know that's him breaking down, crying, but I can also hear it as insane laughter. he's broken broken...
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also congrats VerperrTea for your art making it to the credits, love to see it!!! 🎉
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.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
so uh, that was a lot to take in. It was good to follow Mr Puzzles in this episode. Love to see all the fanmade faces featured as well. Overall, a great episode! I'm surprised at how much it got me. Now that we know FOR SURE that WOTFI is coming, we're getting the little bits of clues we have put together. And the title did not lie, Mr Puzzles really did reach his lowest point. I also loved the bit of the channel acknowledging the "i want the old SMG4" fans.
Aw, my dear fellows, I'm just anxious but ready to see how Mr Puzzles will go all-out villain again. (please goop!4 please goop!4) I've checked the WOTFI website and nothing has changed so we're good... for now. Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
...what do you mean I have to wait a whole week for the next episode?
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 year ago
unfortunately i think that might just wrap around to being misogynistic again if that gets to the larger public <:/ its not great that the 'Girl ' prefix is being used the way it is now, but working to have it be bad things is just gonna end up being neo-misogyny. its fuckin' funny tho
to make it abundantly clear, i am not genuinely ethically opposed to Girl Dinner as a meme, i think it's largely harmless. though i also think it's important to remain conscious of the language we use regarding ourselves, as its easy to become flippant and reinforce your own expected low standards, which i dont think anyone should do. ive been enjoying cooking and sewing and cleaning my space and getting more work done and being happier ever since i started thinking less about how much im not doing, and instead on how many things i enjoy doing.
it does make me sad when a lot of people who do legitimately have a lot of self resentment use the girl dinner meme because i know on some level they actually think about themselves that way, and not in a fun way. i'll also not stop myself from breaking away from that kind of self-deprecation because i think im very smart and capable. but i also think that using it as a fun little moment of levity every now and again is not a harmful thing at all.
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cannibalovers · 1 year ago
posted on my personal blog about hannibal so much that i decided to create a separate one just so i can rant about it cuz i think im gonna get very deep into this gay cannibal shit for a very long time <3
my primary blog is @aggressiveguitarnoises so if u get a notification from that url, then yeah, that's me :) (personal blog, music especially nin based and other interests)
rumai/canni/any variation of my url lol ¦ ukrainian ¦ 18 ¦ she/her
ofc expect hannibal on here (nbc for now but who knows!!!)
probably mostly reblogs than original posts? although i do make art but anyway expect:
hannibal quotes out of context (although most of it is on my other blog but...)
hannibal song of the day, music overall (got like 4 playlists just for hannibal,,,, concerning ik but here)
art!!! mostly digital and will be hannibal related (gonna be under rumaiq art hashtag)
hannigram. a lot of it. like cmon that's what the show is about. but other characters too obv
shit posts
prob giving my opinions and thoughts in the hashtags, theyre very elaborate,,
rants about specific scenes or moments cuz i had a mind blowing realisation
asks open for anything(tho preferably hannibal related), including doodles
dms always open too:)
also got myself into a lovely mess of a hannibal rp and I am somehow running jack crawford's blog, @jack-loves-bella !
(there's also a discord server in the post which i highly encourage to join, it is very fun and very active, very friendly I love yall already)
also, i have a redbubble shop, encourage u to visit it :3
i think thats it for now
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aihoshiino · 28 days ago
What traits get you invested in fictional characters? (Asking this to gauge my chances of hooking you on one of my long-term hyperfixations.)
tumblr asks that feel like someone with a sniper trained on you ready to shoot
anyway this is a very easy ask for me because a little while ago, my friend group on another site and I did like a little ask meme where we broke down what sort of character types we each thought the other gravitated towards and my pals @relares and @astrabysm really kind of nailed it down in a way I think about All The Time
I think one of the #1 things that gets me initially interested in a character off the bat is when they have a sort of element of chaos (as Isa put it) to their personality - even something as simple as like, a goofy genki dumbass who turns out to be surprisingly emotionally intelligent or something like that. I don't really like characters that are entirely humorless or impossible to put into a situation that is a bit Silly - tho similarly, I find it hard to get invested in characters who are 100% Wacky Doing A Bit Goofy Funtimes with nothing else to dig into or analyze. I also tend to really gravitate towards moms/material figures and big sister types, for some reason...?
As for characters who get me really Brainrotted, I'd say the main things that make a Claire blorbo a Claire blorbo are not only characters who have very deliberate and dedicated facades but facades that are inextricably linked to Types Of Womanhood or Gendered Expectations they are pressured to perform. You can probably reverse engineer a lot of this from how I feel about Ai LOL but I don't necessarily need or want the 'true' self to be like, materially different from the face personality or the face personality to be 'fake' in comparison - like I said up top, it's the element of chaos and the duality that is most interesting to me.
Like, for instance - Yuuri Wakasa is a character you can suuuuuper directly see The Pipeline in terms of like. A to B progression of characters I got brainworms about. She's the group's resident big sister/mom figure who's capable, strong and emotionally intelligent... who also happens to be rotting alive on the inside with misery, guilt, fear, shame, suicidal ideation and about every other bad emotion a person can feel at once. She's terrified of letting go of her carefully controlled mask for even a second (for extremely justifiable reasons - if she loses her shit, she and all her friends could actually literally die horrible gory deaths), but in her terror of letting go, she isolates herself and refuses to see that the people she's desperate to protect will understand and love and protect her in turn even if she needs to be the 'weak' and 'useless' one for once.
oh, and most important of all. they can't be guys. ik this sounds like a joke but i spent my entire teenagerhood forcefeeding myself shonen and BL slop because it's what my friends were into and i wanted to have fandoms in common with them and now i have an allergic reaction if i try to get into a show and there's not at least five girls doing cool and interesting things.
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mercymermaid · 8 months ago
dark remains dark remains dark remains dark remains (spoiler alert)
my live reaction + ramble
first off, live reaction, copy and pasted:
okay they changed the actor for lizzy but that’s okay that’s okay
a little off-put by the voice-over for the stuff between songs but that’s okay
“… or you can marinate to death in a trash can. Not even I can make that sound cool.”
also the afton angst is wild not him singing about how insane he is
also rip alexandra we loved you o7
i love just how non-canon this entire mess is this is an entirely different fnaf universe like dsaf
like alexandra and eggs (miyh and gz) sharing the Benedict last name, lizzy (wol) being afton’s niece but also being siblings with eggs, this is all such a web (of lies) i love itttt
afton being a psycho >>>>> “furry, one eye, RAAGAGAHAHAGFGDHEHAHSGD-👹”
anyway now my after-thoughts
dark remains (the song) actually slaps, i am so so glad they finally let matpat go true theater kid and actually sing (although his acting is genuinely amazing, he in actually one of my favorite aftons) (I’VE RUN ALL OUT OF PATIENCE TO TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, SO NOW THE WORLD IS PAYING FOR MY SINS is a banger fucking lie)
his part jumpscared me because he was the last person i expected to sing, also he sings a lot lower than i thought he would
still cackling about how he’s still on board considering that this is literally as divergent from actual fnaf as something like dsaf, but that’s the magic of it, it’s completely it’s own story
i didn’t really like how random encounters did voice overs for some of the speaking scenes but then the others weren’t voice overs? i liked it voice over-less but be consistent 🙏🙏
i really hope they bring back older characters for the last few parts, i wanna see eggs (cg5), nate, mark, and aj/purple guy in one room (yes eggs and aj are dead but it’s fnaf let’s be so honest)
actually speaking of the timeline is so confusing - is blood and tears and everything after that a prequel to the original fnaf musical? because isn’t the pizzeria burnt down and the animatronics work at the news place? i feel like this has been mentioned before and i’m stupid enough to forget (if this is true, we’re not getting any aj, nate, or mark content as their characters)
that would make aj’s death the second chainsaw death rather than the board director’s death
okay yeah no everything being a prequel would make sense since bb dies as well in the original musical, same with springtrap (btw poor guy didn’t deserve to be marinated #justiceforspringtrap)
the interview with alexandra was actually so sick she genuinely looks so asylumy, rest in pieces bro (i need to rewatch monster in your head)
lizzy bonding with bb tho 🫶🫶 wait until she sees what happens to him in the musical
that technician disguise was extremely realistic guys you guys are awesome (pls don’t hang yourself)
also the fucking “are you ready for freddy” and the stuff we’d pull with fnaf movie memes was amazing
that cliffhanger wants me dead and i’m not forgiving random encounters until they release the next part
time to go rewatch all the musicals and also the bloopers because those are the best thing on earth
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ghostaddictgremlin · 9 days ago
Kamen Rider Gavv
So... I have an important exam on Friday and tried to be responsible about it... instead I just binge watched all of Gavv I was missing... hope you missed my stupid commentary
Ep 19
Yeah, let's go, bring him to Suga. Awesome idea!!
What a fucking cunt he is😂
Oh no, he immediately lost his strawberry sauce in his face!
Sachika is doing him so dirty rn😂😂😂
All of them look so fucking stoned😂
Multitool weapon
Oh not his mom died but his brother
Oh my god, he sounds so broken
Do you... need a hug, maybe? Can I offer you a hug, Vram?
He's helping you bc he's a baby, he's a puppy, he's a sweethear😭
That fade over from Komell to Shouma??? Is Shouma just getting himself a new brother??
Also I didn't think we'd warm up to Vram that fast
That episode was awful, I need emotional support
Ep 20
God, Suga is such a cunt too😂
I am in eternal pain
I got my emotional support bat but I think he needs my emotional support bat more than I do
He apologised😭
"I didn't do anything!" *cuts to experiment*😂
I love that they never spoil that he's a Stomach bc they just hate him sm they refer to him as "red Gavv"
I repeat myself when I say I support women's rights and wrongs
God, me when she
That doesn't look healthy
I need serious help if he keep behaving like that
She's making me question my homosexuality a lot
I actually do not enjoy this show, I'd like to quit
Ep 21
I love Lakia just being like 🧍‍♂️
I think it'd be just fair to include Lakia in the intro now
Oh lol
Suga, you're so awful, I love you😭
Oh, Nyelv isn't happy about that at all
Shouma desperately needs a hug too
Actually talking to him is an amazing idea, Hanto
I knew we get evil Shouma. I saw the messy hair pics and connected the dots. KR taught me the eviler you get, the messier your hair
I'm sorry but Chinen still looks like a puppy even if he plays the evil
Oh nooo, not Sachikaaa
I need that black Gavv right fucking now pls
So... did Suga clone Shouma? Is Suga Shouma? I can't tell apart voices? Is that a new voice? What is happening?
This is not what your arm should be doing, darling
It's a bit sad, that you're loosing Hanto. He literally doesn't know what he's doing with his limbs
Ep 22
You know that "That's enough slices!" meme? That's me with Gavv plot rn
I am lowkey feeling like that jelly form is slowly but surely killing Lakia
Gavv had no build up. Gavv just continues to punch you in the face
Awww I love little jelly Shouma😂 the way he slinky dinked over that fence
You mean... he blacked out from constipation?
Girlboss him out of your house!!
"Come home safe, alright?" JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW RN
I can't do this anymore. I need emotional support bat for my emotional support bat
May need to exit my flat through the window fr
"From now on, rather than trusting you because I thought you were human- Shouma, I'll trust you because you are you." WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
Pls do not the chocogummy gay sillies
I do love little unhinged slinky dink Shouma
They just made up, can we pls not get more ptsd?
Ep 23
I hate that they still go yapping to Suga. I mean they don't know but😭
I lowkey expected some kind of Valentine's Day special but definitely not Suga😂
Sachika is the sweetest person ever on this earth
What a fucking shitty ass friend, is he yapping??
Of course she immediately speaks gochizo
Dente, that was the wrong answer😂😂
He do be sweet tho
I do love unhinged slinky dink Shouma so much
Why would you leave him with them?😂😂😭
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alittle-annihilation · 2 months ago
throam vol 1 act 2 reread —
it’s such an interesting space ryan positions himself in where he tells just enough of the truth to show there’s some awareness, but still complains / appears ignorant of / refuses to acknowledge some of the larger pieces that come out of that. ‘yeah i’m drinking a lot but i’m not on a bender what the fuck do you mean we need to go to the airport fuck pete and joe.’ victim mentality & unreliable narrator of course. i’m sure its similar with his music where he says so much and assumes everyone else can connect the rest. and then gets mad when its connected wrong
it does make for good writing tho
quite honestly pete and spencer did a fair amount of pushing brendon onto ryan as well. they definitely enabled that relationship even if they didnt understand the depth
who’s jackie??!!
sometimes i think about how i will never see The photo on the rooftop bc the followers never actually existed. and then i think about The silver chain and how i wear a silver chain and the bottle of jack daniels in my cabinet and how much this series quietly sits in my every day life
spencerrrrrrrrrrrr no spencer no dont walk in on them spencer don’t run away thinking ryan’s always wanted to fuck you spencer noooo don’t eventually tell everyone even though you’re harbouring secrets of your own spencerrr
you ever think about how brendon has his BBU initials and ryan has his GRR III flask and how both of them run from (parts) of their name even if they carry it around with them on their person still
i should maybe be concerned how many of the sex scenes i remember vividly but i am deciding not to acknowledge that (‘oh this is the one where he makes the little deaths comment!’)
ryan complaining that a record costs $3.49 😩😩😩 i miss prices we once had (and it was not that long ago!!!)
what’s nice about rereading things is the new stuff you pick up on such as ryan and brendon being in the nest making progress in their intimacy of each other and putting most of the cards on the table all while stopped at the train tracks. and brendon falls asleep in ryans arms. over the tracks.
whO’S JACKIE?!?!
i am still not over spencer throwing ryan under the bus when joe calls them out. like my dude my man i know shit is fucked rn but he’s ur best friend 😩😩😩 also how could you not expect ryan to air out your dirty laundry immediately after like HELLO
not that ryan is successful at all in resisting brendon. which honestly the longing and being just within reach is so *clenches fist* and is honestly just the theme of this entire series
“A dog. Jackie was a dog. […] But I still remember when it was Jackie, me, and this lady.” i am crying real actual tears right now FUCK :( as much as i meme on ‘who’s jackie’ it is quite honestly one of the most devastating pieces of backstory in this whole series
the whole brent / jac / ryan / brendon outing and suggestion of a threesome and ryan “not understanding” why brendon wouldnt do it and then quitting the band
honestly this whole last third of the book is one tragedy after another built upon ryan’s over inflated ego and his inability to be real w himself. completely falling apart and asking after bredon. completely fucking up meeting w brendon in san fran. “We’re not friends anymore, Ry.” “I know.” and all of it just building up to the point
and the radio keeps playing
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florida3exclamationpoints · 21 days ago
you can now buy me a coffee
Absolutely nothing is expected but anything would be appreciated 💕 i know it's a platform for creators and i hesitate to call myself that bc there are people who make beautiful art pieces and I paste other people's text posts onto screenshots mostly to make myself laugh. But! Idk i also write a bit of fanfic on occasion. And a lot of time ends up going into those text post memes. I've been unemployed for the majority of the last year and half and I'm trying to move out and I'm probably going to go back to school and switch careers so. But I don't want to ask for anything bc I'm not direly in need at all. I do have my struggles tho and if you appreciate my silly little fandom contributions and have an extra dollar or two it would mean a lot to me. You can also support my Etsy shop (after I get back from vacation)
TLDR: if you've ever thought any of my text post memes or perhaps fics deserved a couple bucks for my effort and you have those couple bucks, it's an option. But I truly do not expect anything and please do not feel obligated at all!! I appreciate every single like and reblog
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blackjackkent · 5 months ago
Ask meme prompt fill for @eluvisen from this ask meme: even more popular text posts ask meme Karlach/Hector: "life really isn’t what i expected it to be. less quicksand. almost no quicksand to be honest. lots of metaphorical quicksand tho."
“So, dear reader, I found myself stranded not upon the shores of distant planes but instead upon a desert of Toril itself.” Hector reads aloud from the battered pulp novel with a gravitas better suited to the historical records he was known to study at Silverlight. The Tenebrux Morrow novels are, of course, tripe - but charmingly earnest tripe, and more to the point, tripe for which Karlach has a taste.
He first started reading aloud to the camp as far back as the Underdark, when it became clear that Karlach couldn't lay hands on a book herself without setting it aflame. She claimed she didn't care - “haven't read a book since I was a kid,” she'd say dismissively, casually evading the obvious addendum that it was because she'd been trapped in the Hells that whole time. But he'd guessed - even back then before he knew her, before he knew that he loved her - that she might have more of a taste for a good story than she let on. 
And so it had proved. Astarion had scoffed and Lae'zel rolled her eyes the first time Hector began, without preamble, to read out from books they'd found. But the others listened with growing interest, night by night - perhaps grateful for the distraction of entertainment to fill the dull hours between their meager camp dinner and bed. 
It's been a fairly motley assortment of literature, to be sure. Sometimes history tomes and academic texts, which only really interest Gale and Hector, and once, memorably, a romance novel unearthed by Shadowheart (that one made Hector's ears burn to read aloud, much to Shadowheart and Wyll's amusement).
But by far the biggest hit has been the adventure stories they've occasionally found; these sometimes draw even Astarion and Lae'zel to the fire to listen, and elicit a rapt attentiveness from Karlach that makes Hector feel warm all over. 
Tonight's installment is another volume of Morrow's tales. Usually they center around plane-hopping adventures, but this particular volume finds the redoubtable (or perhaps simply doubtable) captain marooned in the deserts of Calimshan, awaiting rescue from her shipmates.
“My only hope,” he continues to read, “was the scent of water upon the air, which heralded the possibility of a nearby oasis. Had I been in less desperate need, perhaps I might have noticed that the water lay not ahead but beneath, for the sand grew soft beneath my boots, and softer still, until its true treachery became known.” He lets his eyes go very wide and drops his voice into as dramatic a growl as he can muster. “A field of quicksand stretched around me, its subtle fingers reaching up to snare me down into its depths.”
Karlach snickers. “Ah, Hells, quicksand again? Didn't she run into that in the Feywild too?” She's curled up at Hector's side with her head resting comfortably on his hip; her tail gives an occasional lazy flick in the firelight. “I remember Dad reading me this sort of stuff when I was a kid, too. Always lots of quicksand.”
“And why not?” Wyll says cheerfully. “It's dramatic!” 
Shadowheart nods agreement. “Yes. Lends itself to a good tale of daring escape.”
Karlach grins, shifting her head a little so one of her horns is better braced against Hector's thigh. “I'm just saying - we've had a whole lot of adventures by now, and I haven't seen a single quicksand, not one. Have you, Soldier?” She squints up at Hector intently. 
He turns a page in the book with a soft laugh. “Literal or metaphorical?” 
“Well, literal, I guess.”
“Not a one.” He chuckles. “Metaphorically, though, the quagmires around us seem more numerous every day.”
Karlach ticks them off on her fingers. “The Absolute, the Chosen… that bloody brain. Yep, getting weirder all the time.”
He lifts his eyebrows, his lips twitching. “Not to mention the greatest quicksand of all… the tiefling temptress I've encountered, distracting me from my scholarly pursuits, ensnaring me with her wiles, sucking me in…”
Karlach smirks. “Hmm. Sucking, you say? Tell me more.”
“Please don't,” Shadowheart groans. “We're only a few days now from a city full of inns, and I for one can't wait for you two to get your own room.”
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ghostingtheconflict · 7 months ago
Alrighty. Everything is set !
Hello everyone. And welcome to this tumblr. Here i will post about my au that i been microwaving in my head for a while now so if you like long posts than i got one ahead for you.
Before that tho just gonna let you guys know some stuff.
You can call me Chillin, I use she/her and i like a lot of video games.
Anyways back on track.
Ghosting The Conflict is an au that follows Henry Stickmin, our protagonist, throughout the games events. Except that multiple endings are scattered around.
Like for example: Plain Epic from Stealing the Diamon now is in Escaping the Prison, or Laweyered Up is all the way in Completing The Mission. It doesn't mean that EVERY ending is in different places tho. Like Convict Allies only really works when Henry and Ellie are escaping together so that ending might stay the same or have a different scenario on how it happens in the complex.
However much like the name suggests. Henry doesn't really care that the timeline is weird (hence the 'ghosting') and is having a damn good time with increasing the chaos. (There is lore reasons as to why hdjsjjd)
There is a bunch of stuff. Like with the C.C.C trying to get things back the way they should, the ghosts of the toppat leaders running around free from their paintings, some making it worse and others trying to help in anything they can.
There is a backstory for Henry that involves Dmitri and Grigori, things that i'm planning for the goverment and more.
This au will mostly be in text format (as in. Me writting down like it's a fic but not that well made hxjsjssb) but if i can i will do art of it, mainly as covers for chapter. Or just memes who knows.
Fair warning that there are going to be some couple of oc's all over the place, mostly at backgrounds but occasionally a major role or another. So if you don't like stuff like that, than you might not like the au.
And of course in spirit of the charm of the games, a bunch of references (mainly from media that i consume).
Some other noteworthy thing to put here right now are that:
Henry is gonna be fairly evil here. (Imagine canon Henry is Chaotic Neutral, this one is Chaotic Evil. But like. Not in a toppat way.)
Due to the scattered timeline of events there is gonna be a lot of interesting and fun combinations of routes.
The characters are gonna have a Loooot of arcs depending on what happens
This will be interactive. But not like other tumblr ask posts. You will see later after i post the prologue and stuff.
And lastly for now: i like both crack AND angst so expect that i switch between those often xbsjjsndsk.
Nothing detailed. But the smug ass face is the baseline personality this asshole (pos <3) is gonna have as well as the general attitude. As well as a little lore related last one.
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Anyways that's all for now. It's getting late here for me so i'll sleep, see ya!
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belladrawschstuff · 4 months ago
Hes so deep in the closet he's starting to find Christmas gifts
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General info
Russia/Ethan, nicknames: rus, ruski, He just tries to be nice to most people. I did remember from the France drawing that if their animal didn't give them anything that they would get a special ability, so Russia's is to stop time. Its only for like 3 minutes but it can come in handy.
He used to have a eating disorder because of how he was treated. He's also barley at a normal weight, for his age and hight he should be 245 pounds or for anyone that hates freedom 111 kilograms but he's 235 pounds
He was severely touched starved so whenever he can he holds someone (with their permission) if he can, its usually Ame tho.
Hes one of those controlled drunks, like he's not stupid or anything he just kind of gets tired when he drinks, its also extremely hard to get him drunk but on the rare occasions he does nothing really happens he just starts saying shit
He is a bear so you can expect on how protective he is of the few people he likes
He has a white and blue scarf that was made by America for one of their anniversaries, its a comfort item so if you take it away you best believe he'll do a lot to get it back.
Russia doesn't exactly like his president so he just doesn't tell him he's dating America, the only reason why he gets away with it is because whenever there's a meeting he just kept his same house and let his siblings live in it
He lived with America through ww1 and 2 and only got forced back to his country during the cold war, when that happened America gave him a little picture of the 2 of them and that's what really got him through the war, along with taking care of his siblings.
Sometimes when he's bored he'll call Canada and ask if he wants to play hocky, its just a little brother-in-law hobby they have
Russia has definitely made it snow so that his and Americas kids can have a fun time together
He enjoys the little things people go out of their way to do for him
Meme of the day
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((They destroyed the show the second it became a drawing instead of stop motion and now we got this shit, I'm suing) by tomorrow I could have Britain done because my poor old man keeps getting stopped by 1st me trying to make my OCs and then his re-draw because I didn't like how fat I made Russia in the RusAme drawing)
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midnight1nk · 4 months ago
So, this week's remaster...
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[Spoilers below cut]
Aha! I've expected as much, they usually release a regular episode or a Remaster. It's been a while since they've done one of these, I honestly thought we were going to get one during the Puzzle Park arc, which of course didn't happen.
Let's see, the OG "Return to Freddy's Spaghettria" episode was...
9 YEARS AGO?!?!?
...time isn't real, guys. I feel old old. Makes sense though, the OG has 44 million views, being one of the most popular videos on the channel. It's a no-brainer. also it was spooky month *does the dance* a few days ago.
Anyway, since it's a remaster, this post is going to be a lot shorter than usual.
(the following is my reaction:)
ah, of course, the updated graphics
and Mario going from his polygonal 64 model to his current one
but also peach's castle.... ahem, let's keep going
"no more saying cuss words guys" oh right, susan is watching over us
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[*sigh*] i miss my wife, tails. i miss her a lot, I'll be back
gotta make the reference I'm sorry
go off Mario, show those dance moves
also can I just say, I love how expressive Mario is now. It's one of the things I love about the show
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WIZARD ROCK IS BACK!!!! it's been so long
man, i'm old
omg the barney song (listen, I was a PBS Kid and I've indeed watched barney when I was a child soooo I still find it wild to hear that song again.)
"do you like popsicles?" oh hey a spongebob... oh...
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....i'm overthinking this i'm overthinking this i'm overthinking this
uh, moving on!
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and mario using mr. yeast to barricade the door... [*IGBP flashbacks*]
Welcome, everyone, to "Let's Remind Ink of the Show's Past Arcs and Current Mysteries" :)
"remember the locket :)" "YEAH I KNOW I KNOW"
that camera work tho
pizza :D
[*claps in terror*]
well, that's new from the OG.... okay, look, I know this purple thing is from something else and not related to anything at all i get that BUT I just got reminded of meme rehab
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happy halloween to me specifically ig, thanks Team
DAMN his coin count lowered from 24 coins in the OG to just 14 coins in the remaster
WII SPORTS, I love all the references to it in this episode
"who wants a muffin?" "no" "but I wanna die :D" /ref
the mickey mouse audio.... LEAVE ME ALONE *flachback* AAAH *flashback* AAAAAAHHHHH
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SMG4 HIIII :D good to see blue Mario every now and then
and some voice acting wow
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hold up, i gonna pull out the crafting table for this one
mario can and will teleport behind you when he wants to
pizza :D
also congrats to ArrowDustt for your art being featured in the credits 🎉
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.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
Another pleasant episode. It's really fun to see how much the Team has improved over the years while still being the show. It is a remaster so it's pretty much the same storyline, but the animation and editing and voice acting and so much more. Go show some appreciation for the Team!!
As much as I'm here for the loreeeeeeeee, I wouldn't mind if the rest of the year is just filled with silly episodes. it's the silly meme show after all... but Team, was it really necessary to remind me that these characters had trauma from previous episodes? well, guess what? it's day of the dead for me so your plan failed aha!!! /silly
Yeah, I do look too much into stuff sprinkled in the background or the episode in general, it's kinda my thing. Don't mind me overanalyzing the bingo numbers from the last episode. Anyway, it was nice of Ben (the thumbnail artist) to show some of the behind-the-scenes.
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Stretchy boi :) Love when the Team does these kinds of things. By the way, if anyone was curious, the WOTFI website is still up. Interesting....
Well, my dear fellows, that's all for now. Curious to know what the next remaster will be, and as always, looking forward to what shenanigans the SMG4 Crew will be up to next week. Hmm, maybe I'll post another episode concept (angst or fluff, no in-between >:] hehehe). Take care, and I'll see you all next time!!! pizza :D
BUT ALSO GOOP!FOUR— *green screen explosion*
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mxbo · 6 months ago
Me yapping about something that happened on TF2 today
I was playing casual TF2 with a friend now that there aren't as many bots (I SUCK like REAL BAD, so no way we're going to community servers, I would get OBLITERATED the second I stepped on one, also a lot of players on community servers dislike F2Ps for existing) and found a player who shares names with my light and it was really awesome
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[ID: Meme recreating the interaction. There's me, my bestie, the random player we encountered and batman in the background because he was also there. My bestie says: “OMG! *redacted name*” and I reply: “Voice communication is not available for this account”]
(BTW, me and my bestie are not drawn with specific cosmetics, it's just our OC's/sonas dressed as the classes we were playing lol. Yes, he was pocketing me because I'm just THAT bad)
(BTWBTW, we didn't actually talk with them, just mentioned it in our private call because like it would be super weird to go “hey, you have my love's name”. Super creepy HASHSj. Worst case scenario, they wouldn't believe I actually have a partner and think I'm hitting on them or something. And women and people who pass as feminine because of username/voice already suffer enough on FPS games with people either insulting them or simping for them and not seeing them actual players but objects. Like I'm not risking (potentially) making their day worse ykwim)
Anyway, they had pink cosmetics and I think I shot a rocket at them at some point because I thought they were RED AHSA *insert video about the problem with team recognition*.
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[ID: Screenshot of the random player with their name obviously censored not because of them, but because it would reveal my love's name and, like, I haven't consulted if I can just say it in a random Tumblr post AJSAHJ]
There was also a Soldier who had all the batman cosmetics and dominated me because of course JHS (they were super good at rocket jumping). I sadly didn't take a screenshot (THEY WERE SO FAST AND KILLED ME, I COULDN'T TAKE A SCREENSHOT) </3
Also, yeah, I'm a F2P until MY BESTIE DECIDES TO PAY FOR MY FRICKING PREMIUM UEYDEUEHR (hopefully this or next week).
Hate that I'm mute for the time being, tho. Because Valve thought not letting F2P accounts speak would solve the bot crisis for some reason some years ago. SPOILER: It didn't work, it just made the bots more difficult to identify and ruined the experience of a bunch of players (kids, people who can't pay for TF2 like me, and people who just play for fun and don't want to throw money at a corporation, which is completely valid). Thanks, Valve.
But also love the fact I own the title of worst TF2 F2P, like, that way nobody expects anything from me.
My steam profile backs this up btw
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[ID: My user says “world's worst tf2 player” and my description “I suck at tf2 it's not even funny”. Also, my pfp is the spongebob crying meme edited to have my OC's hair and Soldier's helmet and says “I PROMISE I'LL DO BETTER” in the funny impact font]
I'm genuinely bad (reason why I play Soldier) BUT I HAVE SO MUCH FUN PLAYING TF2, I LOVE THIS GAME EVEN IF I GET KILLED EVERY X SECONDS (x being equal to the time I take to respawn).
I want to meet more noobs like me and play with them while on a Discord call and learn together (would also help me with my English, probably, if they're not hispanophone).
Or maybe even players who know what they're doing and teach me (but they need to have patience with me because I'm a SLOW learner and barely know how to WASD lmao, my spacial awareness in videogames is just like in real life: 0).
Someone interested? 🤨
No, Rom, nobody's interested, nobody cares LMAO, just go back to making userboxes and stamps and drawings and stuff
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rraaaarrl · 8 months ago
Pick Your Faves Meme
I got tagged by @turtlesocksv2 for this meme.:Pick my 5 faves and put them in a poll to let you decide who is the most fave who has never done anything in their lives ever, they did nothing! wrong! your honor! There are quite a lot, so I narrowed it down to a mix of the classics and more recent I guess. It was a tough choice.
Propaganda Time
Doctor Doom
tbh I feel like I shouldn’t even have to explain Doom at this point, but! Not everyone has had the opportunity to bask in his greatness! Behold: the truly self-made man! Tragic beginnings! Driven by revenge and the desire (however misplaced) to save the world, nay - the universe! Trolled with electronic gadgets and finally toppled the reign of a bunch of racist, classist noblemen in Latveria! Will never, ever admit how deep his obsession with that infernal Richards and his precious family runs! His weakness is also his strength! A very talented musician and chef! Wears cool armor! Was once a god - and found it beneath him. 
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She is the beginning and the end! She is the earth and the cosmos! She is basically immortal because she just asexually reproduces herself again and again at the end of her life cycle! So does that mean her son Mothra Leo is also herself? Yes! If you kidnap the ones she cares about, god help you, you will be blown away in a wing-spawned hurricane or worse! She will drag Godzilla's ass (literally) home! How can she be evil when she is just a force of nature! She believes the earth belongs to everyone!
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Seven of Nine
She is stunning yet off-putting (affectionate)! Smart and filled with cybernetic implants, she is clearly better than you. And yet basic human interactions confound her (can u blame her tho). Rose up from her trauma and PTSD like a mechanical phoenix from the ashes. Thinks flirting is silly and a waste of time (true!) and prefers getting right to the point! Commiserates with Tuvok on the illogicalness of it all as they exchange dry witticisms!
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Big Barda
A symbol of hope and optimism but also strength! Endured a crapsack universe and escaped with love! Taller than you! Wears cool armor! Also has to adjust to living in the suburbs at some point! (Now for some reason I want her and Seven to compare notes on what weirdos earth people are)! Can most definitely kick your ass but would much rather give you a bear hug, I suspect.
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tbh when I read the books as a kid, I focused primarily on just how pompous Lestat was, but now! Here he is. In his gaslighting glory! Straight out of a historical painting and plotting his way into your heart and veins! Although if the show goes the same way as the book…you are expecting me to forgive a lot, you little shit! Don’t look at me like that! With those eyes! Fuck off!!!
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tagging @imperiuswrecked @the-wanlorn @brw @handsomejackshairplugs @doctordoombignaturals but whoever can join in idc! the more the merrier!
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pinkpastels113 · 3 months ago
I literally forgot all numbers in existence soooo what are your favorite songs of the playlist and what number are they? Expected them to be higher? Lower?
from this ask meme
9. BIRDS OF A FEATHER- billie eilish
And I don't know what I'm crying for I don't think I could love you more It might not be long, but baby, I I'll love you 'til the day that I die
i think the standing for this song is pretty good! i'm pleasantly surprised actually haha that i listened to it for so many times this year for it to place this high... so ig you can say that i had expected it to be lower? not in a bad way tho. im happy with it :))
18. senorita- shawn mendes, camila cabello
Locked in the hotel There's just some things that never change You say we're just friends But friends don't know the way you taste, la-la-la 'Cause you know it's been a long time coming Don't you let me fall, oh Ooh, when your lips undress me Hooked on your tongue Ooh, love, your kiss is deadly Don't stop
this whole section can be the premise/plot of a fanfic i fear (as well as the general vibe of this entire song) so i expected it to be higher on the wrapped playlist hmph
20. diet pepsi- addison rae
Break all the rules 'til we get caught Fog up the windows in the parking lot
Higher. that's all.
21. starboy- the weeknd, daft punk
House so empty, need a centerpiece Twenty racks, a table cut from ebony
21's my favorite number (birthday date teehee) and im pretty content with this being the song in its spot!!
26. too sweet- hozier
You know you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait Until that day
perfection. the entire song is perfection. very angsty but also romantic. self-sabotaging love at its finest- i dont deserve you but also pls marry me vibes
(this was my ex-situationship's favorite song for like the longest time and so i had listened to it on repeat when i was pining for her lmfao)
27. all of the girls you've loved before- taylor swift
A heart is drawn around your name In someone's handwriting, not mine We're sneakin' out into town Holdin' hands, just killin' time
i would legitimately go to spotify sometimes JUST TO search for this song and put it on like-?? it's giving emotional crying session WHEN IS IT MY TURN kinda love 😔🤚
35. "slut!" tv from the vault- taylor swift
Got lovestruck, went straight to my head Got lovesick, all over my bed Love to think you'll never forget We'll pay the price, I guess But if I'm all dressed up They might as well be looking at us If they call me a slut You know it might be worth it for once
i ascend into the heavens every time this plays but it's so low because unfortunately sometimes i forget it exists sigh since it's pretty new but also was quickly overshadowed by the speak now tv era and ttpd
46. LUNCH- billie eilish
She's takin' pictures in the mirror Oh my God, her skin's so clear Tell her, "Bring that over here" You need a seat? I'll volunteer Now she's smilin' ear to ear She's the headlights, I'm the deer
also higher bc this song is smexyy. i feel like a lot of the songs that are higher in my spotify wrapped list are only there bc they just show up automatically in the "recommended" for you songs after the ones you've manually picked out or your playlist runs out in the queue lmao and im just too lazy to skip it adgshjk, forcing songs like this one to be lower in standing than it should be sigh. but anyways
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