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Flowers For Your Garden
The Hogwarts Mystery Cardverse is an AU that takes place in a fantasy land called Cinderhaven. There are five regions, four of them representing a suit of cards; Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds. The final region representing the Jokers.
HPHM Cardverse Masterlist
Warnings: Diego trying to impress Veruca
MCs Mentioned: Carewyn © @carewyncromwell , Sarahi © @dat-silvers-girl
Tag List: @catohphm @lifeofkaze @eternalchaoschocolaterain @oneirataxia-girl @akikocho
If you want to be updated on content for the AU, let me know and I'll put you on the tag list!
I had this in the drafts for a while! Wanted to get this done last month, but so many things were going on. Still currently dealing with the aftermath of Typhoon Mawar TmT Also, sorry if I portrayed the MCs poorly I tried qwq I kind of gave up in the end, and didn't bother proofreading =w=
Weeks after the civil war, the Country of Spades has continued the process of restoring its home to its former glory. Machinery that were used during the war have been refined back to their original intended uses, building and mining. The streets were easily cleared of debris and destroyed buildings were quick to have the wreckage removed.
Along with the people, Clubs have provided medical aide and man power to help remove debris and rebuild some infrastructures. Diamonds has offered funding for businesses and people who need help with damage repairs. What surprised the people of Spades the most was the Jokers offering to host the children and the elderly while Spades continued the restoration. They have even offered to hold Rakepick’s devoted followers as prisoners, or more so to have them forced to take part in a comedic act where they are the targets of humiliation.
With Hearts’ contribution, they have helped with clearing the railroad tracks between the mountain path connecting Spades to Hearts so the train can operate again. Upon the last meeting between both the officials, Spades' Ace, Bill Weasley, had mentioned that Queen Veruca was upset after seeing the damage done to the garden she frequented. Wanting to make up for his horrible first meeting with Veruca, King Diego had taken it upon himself and prepared a new shipment for the country after the tracks were cleared.
The royal gardener, Sarahi Silvers, was tasked with gathering bundles of flowers, seedlings, sprouts and potted trees for Spades' restoration. King Diego had hand picked the types of flowers to be planted in Spades' parks. With all the florals in the kingdom, he wanted the perfect ones to be sent to Spades. Sarahi went through each of the plants, making sure everything was accounted for on the list as they were placed on the carts. Seeing that everything was there, Sarahi gave the guards a thumbs up for them to finish loading up the carts.
Standing by the gates, she waves them off as they head to the stations with the shipment. If the stations aren't crowded, the shipment should be able to reach Spades within a day.
~ Next Day • Country of Spades ~
Back in the Country of Spades, the newly appointed Jack, Rowan Khanna, rushes through the corridors of the palace, nearly bumping into the staff and workers trying to restore and clean up the damage from the war. The palace was the last thing Veruca wanted repaired as she wanted the resources to be used more for the people.
Hastily passing by people trying not to knock more things over, Rowan makes her way to the main garden of the palace. Excited by the latest supply delivery Rowan hopes the letter will bring some comfort to her friend. Afterall, the Country's acting Queen, Veruca McQuaid, cared more about her home than most people realized.
On the other side of the palace, Veruca stands in the middle of what remains of the main garden. What was once a beautiful place to relax during the day has now been wrecked in the midst of the war. As depressing as the sight before her, a melancholic aura hangs heavy in the remains of the garden. Her priority right now is to make sure homes and businesses were attended to first before public spaces like the parks.
Though Veruca cannot help the doleful look as she made her way towards the broken down gazebo. This very garden was her favorite place in the palace. When her brother, Coby, was still the King, they would have lunch in the gazebo on days Coby was free. That was quality time for the McQuaid siblings, that he would make sure everything was already prepared and would send away any servant or guard to prevent any interruptions.
Oh how she misses those simple days. Days where she didn't have to worry about getting stopped on the street by guards abusing their authority or constantly looking over her shoulder for someone following her.
If Veruca closes her eyes, she can remember how lush the plot of grass was, contoured by connected flower bushes and shrubs. The gazebo standing near the back of the garden, surrounded by a plethora of more exotic species. The flower beds were slightly overgrown, but looked otherwise in great shape; they were a unique, miniature world.
A couple of benches were carefully placed in specific locations of the garden, almost taking people by the hand in order to show them the best sights. Grass and plants had crawl their way over and around the garden, eager to claim all pieces of land.
The gazebo demanded all attention, but in doing so also drew the attention to everything near it. The flower beds often looked fantastic, and the flower bushes and shrubs certainly attracted attention too, but the spotlight was always on the gazebo.
Veruca hoped to restore the garden to what it once was. But how and where were they even going to start? Some of the flowers were not native to Spades, and the gazebo was designed by an architect from Diamonds. The last thing Veruca wanted to do was ask the regions for more assistance when they have already offered more than enough support for the country. Veruca has already owed enough people a favor for their assistance in the rebellion, she would hate to add more to ongoing list.
The sound of dead grass and twigs being crushed break Veruca out of her train of thoughts. She turns her gaze over towards the entrance of the garden to see Rowan rushing over to her, an envelope in her hand.
"Veruca, there you are! We just got a delivery from Hearts." The Jack holds up the envelope, the Hearts official stamp in clear view. "They sent an entire abundle of floral sprouts and potted trees. King Diego says it should be enough to help restore the plant life here."
Taking the envelope from Rowan, Veruca reads over the letter contained inside of it. "I hope these flowers can help return the Country's true glow with all their beautiful colors." Unexpected, but pleasantly surprised by the gesture, Veruca cannot help but smile. "So the King of Hearts can be genuine."
Rowan nods, "Despite his showmanship, King Diego does show genuine compassion towards others. It was a surprise though when he greeted you with that ridiculous comment."
A tight frown appeared on Veruca's face, "Hm, yes. Bill wasn't joking about Hearts and their obsession with beauty." A tired sigh escapes from her lips, "well come on then, let's go see what they had to offer." She nudges Rowan by the arm before making her way to the entrance. A small laugh was heard as Rowan comes rushing over to her side. "You're going to be impressed by the array of florals Hearts has. I wasn't even aware some of them were native to the Kingdom!"
The two made their way to the palace gates discussing what was next on their line of business. Bill was helping with the construction work while Veruca's family was helping in any way they can to provide for those who lost their homes. Rowan's family was working harder to provide materials and products for the people. Everyone was doing everything they could to rebuild Spades. Even Peregrine Pierce, a Trades Tracker, has even offered products and services from his company. Mister Pierce was a huge help during the rebellion, he was able to provide most of the rebels with equipment and gear without any of Rakepick's soldiers suspecting it.
"Everything seems to be going in order. The roads are being reconstructed, and most of the homes and facilities are in repair." Rowan addresses, flipping through the papers on her clip board. "I say if things continue to go this smoothly, we'll be done with all the repairs in no time!"
Veruca simply nods, "That's good. I want nothing more than for the people to go back to their old lives, before I plan to do anything else."
"I know, the staff here are surprised you haven't started the building plan for the palace's repairs."
"The palace can wait, the people should be able to sleep comfortably first. They're my priority right now."
The two women stepped through the palace doors, walking down the steps leading towards the gates. Three carts fully decked with plants and other gardening supplies, ranging from sprouts and seedlings to potted trees and shrubs. The carts were full with a beautiful array of florals, each one with its own unique set of gorgeous colors. They felt so out of place in the ruined remains of the palace entrance, surrounded by grey from smoke and soot. But still, these plants can help bring back some color in the country and lift people's spirits.
"Wow," amazed by the rainbow assortment, Veruca admires the way they shine under the sunlight. Taking her time to examine each of the greenery the Queen was impressed with Hearts' flora and vegetation. "You weren't kidding Rowan. I don't think I've ever seen some of these plants before."
Rowan lets out a small chuckle, "I knew you'd be impressed. Here take a look at this set right here!" The Jack takes a hold of one of the potted plants, holding it up carefully for Veruca to see. "These are Alstroemerias, also known as lily of the Incas. They come in many different colors. Their outer petals are solid colors while the inner petals are flecked or striped with darker colors. Beautiful aren't they?"
"They indeed are," Leaning closer to the plant, "perhaps we can–" the strong scent of the plant causes Veruca's face scrunches up, "we can– ah– achoo!" The sudden gush of air caused the pollen to spread.
"Bless you!" Rowan chimed, offering her handkerchief to Veruca. "Thank you," Veruca takes the cloth, sniffling a bit before wiping her nose. Her face scrunches up once again as she breathes in the pollen. Sneezing again, Veruca holds the handkerchief to her face.
"Veruca, are you alright?" Rowan puts the lily down quickly coming to Veruca's side. "You're not looking too well."
True to her words, Veruca's face was flushed. Her eyes were red with tears forming on her waterlines, slight swelling was beginning to form. A dull, throbbing pain was pounding against her head. Bringing her hand up to her head, she massages her temple to try and ease the pain.
She takes deep breaths, finding it hard to breathe despite her runny nose and congestion. Her throat and mouth begin to itch, coughing, clearing her throat and running her tongue on the roof of her mouth to try and soothe the itch. Her attempts were futile though as it just made the itch worse.
"I think–" another sneeze cuts Veruca off, "I think I'm allergic to… the pollen…" Rowan lets out a huff, "I'll say! You're definitely having an allergic reaction!" Taking Veruca by the hand, Rowan leads her back towards the palace. As soon as they were inside, the Head Maid, Aishe Durrant, comes rushing towards them.
"Aishe make some herbal tea, and call for a doctor. Her majesty is having an allergic reaction." Aishe nods hastily, running to call a doctor. Rowan helps Veruca to her chambers, guiding her to the bed before heading towards the private bathroom. She searched through the cabinets, sifting through the contents hoping to find something to help alleviate Veruca's condition. Finding a small bottle, Rowan checks the label. Painkillers. While it might not help much with the itchy throat or watery eyes, it could help with the headache.
Taking the bottle, Rowan heads back into the main room to see Aishe placing the tray of tea on the nightstand. Madam Strout, one of Spades' best healers despite being somewhat inattentive and naive, stands beside Aishe as she examines Veruca's condition. "So this is your first time having an allergic reaction?"
"Yes, doctor." The queen confirmed with a curt nod. "I have been around many flowers before, being able to breathe in the pollen until today." She sniffs, before coughing into a tissue.
"Mhmm," Madam Strout quickly wrote down the information on her clipboard, "and it was a lily that had caused your sudden allergic reaction." She stated, "The alstroemerias to be exact."
Veruca could only give a slight nod before another coughing fit starts. She swallows hard, taking deep breaths to try and steady herself. Rowan frowns seeing her friend in this condition, though she cannot do much but stand by as Madam Strout continues her assessment. The doctor nods her head, tapping her pen against the clipboard before turning her gaze towards the queen. "Well your majesty, your allergies are not severe. We are able to provide you medication."
"Oh that's good," Veruca gives her a small, shaky smile, "what are they, and when will I be able to take them?"
"With the alstroemerias being planted here, we can give you allergy shots to help your body build a resistance to the pollen. Yet remember since it will be your first time taking the shot, the medication will take some time for it to take effect." Madam Strout sorts through her medical bag, "I can prepare the medication for later and have it sent once it's complete. For now, you can take these allergy pills to ease the other symptoms."
"Thank you for your help, Madam Strout." Rowan takes the pills from Strout, grateful that Veruca's condition wasn't as bad as she thought, "I was really worried there for a second."
A soft chuckle left Madam Strout's lips, "Of course my dear. Now remember, call me if her majesty's condition gets worse." Madam Strout waves at the two women as she follows Aishe out of the room.
"Well, having an allergic reaction was not how I planned to end the day." Veruca sighs, throwing herself down onto her pillow. Rowan can only hum in agreement, "If I had known you were allergic, I wouldn't have brought the flower so close to you."
"It wasn't your fault, Ro. It's not like I knew I was allergic to those flowers too." Shaking her head, Veruca once again lets out another sigh. Taking one of the pills from the bottle Madam Strout provided for her, Veruca swallows the tablet. "I have never seen those flowers until today!"
Rowan stays silent for a moment, analyzing her friend before a smile takes over her face. "Well, we can place blame on King Diego. After all, he was the one to send it!" Even though she was joking, Rowan is already thinking of what she was going to say to the King of Hearts when she sends them a letter. Seeing the mischievous glint in her friend's eyes, Veruca can't help but laugh. "Oh alright, but go easy on him. It's not like he knew about my allergies as well."
"Of course, of course your majesty!"
~ Kingdom of Hearts ~
Back at the Kingdom of Hearts, the Royal messenger wolf cub awaits the postman outside the castle walls. Taking a short break from the day’s hard work of going around the kingdom delivering letters from the royal court and townsfolk, Borf was resting under the shade provided by the tree near the gate. After all, Borf was a good hardworking boy, and he deserved a little nap.
His ears perked at the sound of an engine running, alerting him of another presence. Instantly awake, Borf gets up from his laying position and stands guard. Facing the entrance, his blue eyes searched for the new presence approaching the castle. Finding that it was just postman's vehicle pulling up to castle gates Borf's tail wags expectantly. The postman steps out of the vehicle, waving towards the excited wolf cub hopping in place before it trots towards the postman.
Letting out a content sound from being petted, Borf sits to enjoy the attention the man is giving him while the postman places the navy blue envelope in his messenger bag. Accepting the treat with a happy bark, Borf waits till the postman leaves the castle grounds before turning around and heading back inside the castle.
A happy bark catches Chiara's attention and she turns to see Borf skipping over to her. "Hey there, Borf." Chiara crouches down to Borf's level, a smile adorning her face, "Did you retrieve the letter from the postman?" Another bark from the cub tells Chiara that he has received it, before turning around to show off his bag. Chiara takes the envelope from Borf and pet him on the head, "Good job, boy." Standing up with the letter in hand, Chiara makes her way to the monarchs sitting under one of the big trees in the garden.
The messenger cub makes his way through the massive corridors or the castle. His grey coat along with his red and gold vest shine under the bright lights as he walks by. Borf has completed one part of his task, retrieve a letter from the postman, and now he has to deliver it to the Jack of Hearts. He makes his way to the private garden the monarchs occupy for their usual tea time. Upon reaching the doorway, Borf wags his tail once his eyes land on his owner, Chiara Lobosca, the Jack of Hearts. Her silver hair is the first thing he notices.
Diego's eyes light up at the news, "Ah, wonderful! I have been expecting their letter." He sets his teacup down and readjusts his position to lean back against his chair. "I wonder if her majesty is quite pleased by the array of florals she has received."
"Your majesties, we have received a letter from Spades." Chiara calls out, catching the King and Queen's attention. The silver, spades shaped wax seal catches their eyes as it shines under the sunlight. "It must be their response about yesterday's shipment."
Carewyn, the dutiful Queen of Hearts, squints her eyes at her fellow monarch as she sets her own cup down. "An array of florals?"
"Nothing but the best!" Nodded Diego, feeling proud of his noble deed. "I had heard from their Ace, Bill Weasley, that her majesty wishes to restore the gardens and parks. So I–"
"Tasked Sarahi to pick out every floral arrangement you had requested and shipped them off to Spades." Carewyn cuts in, waving her hand to signal Chiara to open the letter. "Well, she is better at handling floral than you are."
"Absolutely! She was our best person to handle it. All the assortments were gorgeous," Diego exclaims, happily snacking on the tea cakes. After dusting his hands clean of any crumbs, he clears his throat, "Chiara, what has the Queen of Spades said in her letter? I'm sure she and her people adored our gift."
"Actually, it's from the Jack, Rowan Khanna." Noticing the slight disappointment in the King's eyes, Carewyn raises her brow as Chiara lets out a small chuckle before reading the note.
"Dear King Diego, we appreciate the shipment you have provided and will happily plant every flower and tree around the country. Her Majesty was quite fond of the alstroemerias–"
"Ah I knew the lilies would be perfect for her majesty!" Diego raises his cup, making a small cheer before bringing it close to his lips.
"However," Chiara interjects, cutting Diego's celebration short, "despite her majesty's appreciation for the flowers, they have triggered an allergic reaction and her majesty is now on bed rest until it passes. Her majesty has ordered that the alstroemerias will still be planted, yet it will be on the far east side of the country by the tracks by the mountain path. The next time you send something over, please make sure it will not potentially kill our queen."
As Chiara finished reading the letter a loud thud resonated from the table. Both women looked to see Diego's head faced down on the table, his teacup knocked over on the side. Muttering can be heard, yet he dared not to make any movements. "Uh, Sire…?" Chiara called, Borf walking over to the King before nudging his foot. "Are you okay?"
More mumbling from the King, "That's twice… twice I messed up my impression to her… Stupid Diego, how could you be so stupid?!"
Slightly amused by Diego's moping, yet is in disbelief by his intentions, Carewyn lets out an exasperated sigh. "Diego, you didn't think to ask what flowers Veruca or her council would want for their parks?" A groan was her response followed by a mumbled 'I wanted to surprise her.' Carewyn pinches the bridge of her nose, "Oh you surprised her, alright."
Diego turns his gaze away, looking anywhere but the two women with a pout on his face. "I'm not trying to make a fool out of her."
"It's hard to root for you when you're fumbling terribly over a woman." Carewyn claims, resting her elbows against the table and her chin upon her hands. A sly smile graced her features. "You've never been so shaken up over a woman before. Are you perhaps fond of the Acting Queen of Spades?"
"Right, because the only one who is making a fool out of themself is you, my Lord!" Chiara chimes, earning a soft chuckle from Carewyn and a huff from Diego. "Hey, you're supposed to be on my side here!"
Before Diego can answer, Carewyn raises her hand to silence him. "Veruca is clearly not like the women here in Hearts. They did not lead a rebellion and lost their only brother to a tyrant. Veruca is dealing with more than what we manage. You understand that, right?" She sternly holds his gaze, the seriousness of her words getting to him. "I know you're not trying to hurt her, nor were you intentionally being ingenuine. But do you understand that simply giving Veruca flowers without knowing her wasn't going to turn out in your favor?"
Not being able to turn his gaze away, Diego nodded, "I do… I do, I just–" he lets out a deep breath, "The way she looked at me when we first met… It was almost similar to the glint in your eyes when we met but more… intense. I felt chills throughout my entire body, and I liked it." Chuckling as he recalled their first meeting with the acting queen. "And then I acted on impulse! Said the first thing on my mind, tried to fix it and I blew it!"
The two women laughed thinking back on the memory. Carewyn left Chiara to continue the lecture as she took Veruca around the castle. The silver haired Jack remembers her king pouting as he watched Veruca follow Carewyn. He probably wasn't aware of it at the time, but he was quite smitten by Veruca.
Another sigh is heard, "I was hoping that by giving Spades flowers and trees for their parks, I'd be able to make it up to Veruca for our first meeting. I don't want her to think I see nothing past her beauty."
A moment of silence passes, letting Diego's words sink in before Carewyn hums in acknowledgement, "Remember the music box you gave me for Christmas?" She asks, receiving a nod, "You went out of your way to give me something when I was feeling down." She gave him a pointed look, "You can give thoughtful gifts when you are being genuine and sincere."
Diego remains quiet. Carewyn and Chiara are right, Veruca doesn't need a thousand flowers. And her reaction to their first meeting proved that she was not the type to accept compliments so empty like that. He can remember the look of absolute disgust when he asked what else was there to beauty. And he still remembers the hard hit to the head and the lectures about his poor choice of words. He truly was making a fool out of himself.
Seeing the realization dawn on his face, a knowing smile graces Carewyn's face. "So you now understand, that you have this whole thing backwards." She stands up from her seat, "You're treating her like she's one of your fangirls. We ladies of Spades are more inclined to accept praises when we earn them." Carewyn pats Diego on his shoulder before heading towards the archway entrances, "I can help you, but first," turning around, she gives Diego one last earnest look, "stop trying to mindlessly impress her and get to know the woman. Veruca will be more appreciative of you and your gifts if you are genuine about it." Carewyn then exits the garden, leaving behind Diego and Chiara.
"She's right, Sire." Stated the Jack, breaking Diego out from his thoughts. "And her majesty won't be the only one to help you. There's also me to help," Borf lets out a bark reminding them of his presence, "and also Borf!" The wolf cub barks once again in agreement. "It's honestly getting quite sad to see you try so hard only to fail."
Diego laughs, shaking his head. "Of course. I appreciate the help from all of you." Chiara smiles before handing him the letter. "We aren't the only ones offering our aide, it seems even the Jack of Spades herself is willing to give you some advice."
Taking the letter, Diego reads past the lines. He lets out another small laugh as he reads the words written at the bottom of the paper under where Rowan had signed.
'PS If you really want to impress her majesty, her favorite flowers are carnations.'
#hphm cardverse#veruca mcquaid#diego caplan#carewyn cromwell#rowan khanna#chiara lobosca#borf#hogwarts mystery#hphm#harry potter hogwarts mystery#writing 💙
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Some readers: darkfic is evil, and should be censored/banned!
My AO3 experience:

#ao3#archive of our own#fanfiction#dead dove: do not eat#WRITING A DARKFIC AS WE SPEAK HELLO#fanfiction community#fanfic authors#fanfic readers#to be clear censorship is always wrong besties 💙#tag your shit appropriately and avoid your own triggers and enjoy your reading experience#fanfic tropes#purity culture#neo queen serenity’s memes#dead dove do not eat#fanfic
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warnings a bit of smut, breeding, he calls reader a slut, otherwise just fluff
thinking sooooo hard about a big italian wedding with luigi omg
i feel like he’s not the type to initially want a big wedding but then the more you two discuss it he starts getting a little restless with the planning
i think also he’d be a super groomzilla when you’re like two weeks away from the date… he’s worried more about preparations than you are 😭 ‘baby it’s okay, we’ll have everything taken care of!’
his parents and grandparents will likely contribute to a majority of the wedding, even if you two refuse… but this gives the selfish part of you lots more room for spending hehehehe
especially if his grandparents like you a lot, oh my gosh you’d better know that they’d give you a fat check or stack of money as your wedding gift 🫣 ‘benvenuto in famiglia!’ and you’re just burning with excitement omgomg
also he spends so much time on his vows :( he’s nearly bringing you to tears and his mother just cannot keep herself together … of course your maid of honor is on the brink of tears too cuz she has to give her best friend away
we know luigi has an incredible sense of humor as well, and i saw something on pinterest that said they wanted their wedding/reception to be like a scene from the office, and i’m certain that if he was into shows like that then you’d have a room where people go in and gossip or talk to the ‘viewers’ (you two) and there’d be lots of looking at the camera/breaking the fourth wall or zooming in on people like his best man side eyeing the camera LMFAOOO
after the wedding, he waits a few days before you go on your honeymoon because he wants nothing more than to slut you out and be able to call you his wife that night ;)
“my pretty wife, look at you, baby. doing so good for your husband, aren’t you?” the way he speaks to you is like a sin, as if you’re doing something you aren’t supposed to. you’re just so overwhelmed with all these new phrases that you can’t do anything but babble ‘mhm’ and ‘fuck!’
“you gonna let me cum inside? hmmm? gonna let me breed my wife?” he huskily asks, no longer letting you ride him at your own pace. he’s holding your hips as still as he can, eagerly thrusting his thick cock deep into you. you’re both sweating and moaning into each others ears, and he really doesn’t care if you ever answer him.
the moment your walls spasm around him (for the fourth time), he loses all sense and his hot cum comes in ropes and he’s stuffing you full and whispering in your ear :’) “good fucking girl” and “what a good slut my wife is” omg i’m ill
he wastes no time in convincing you to start the family early :3 we know italian people love their big families! (his mother is also pushing the fuck out of you asking ‘when am i gonna get grandkids?’ ��)
either way, he’s absolutely the best husband and father of your child(ren) you could possibly ask for 🩷🩷
#🙈: cici’s little thoughts 💙#luigi mangione#he’d be the best husband ever#i’ll write a father one soon but i know they’re already everywhere :(#luigi nicholas mangione#free luigi#luigi mangione x reader#luigi#luigi mangione smut#luigi mangione oneshot#luigi mangione fluff#luigi mangione x y/n
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Unique setting ideas for stories:
An alleyway/behind a building with graffiti over all the walls or surrounding area
A hospital NICU unit without any newborns inside
The heart of an empty wasteland covered in snow up to the knees
A kindergarten classroom before the kids arrive
A glass-making workshop in the middle of the night
An abandoned millionaire's house now worn with age
One of those tiny islands in the middle of the ocean that you never hear about (ex: Huahine)
A very empty, private apartment complex with dull colors
The grocery store when less people are shopping
A crowded, misty train station with a lot of trains coming in-and-out
Alone outside at night in a quiet city with little people around
A factory where plastic items are produced with lots of employees running around
A pet store which specializes in exotic animals
A currently-empty art gallery that security are guarding for an unknown reason
At a secret party for the elites where an empty single-color room in the host's house is completely devoid of people.
#writing resources#writing tools#writing advice#writing tips#writeblr#writing help#writerscommunity#creative writing#setting idea#worldbuilding#yyprompts#🌙💙🤍#oml I meant to schedule this for today but put it for monday mb
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Hiii, one of isagi being such a cutie and respectful boyfriend BUT then in reader's birthday she wishes "world peace and being fucked by his cute bf" and then good boy isagi let her perv side out 🛐🛐🛐
yes 🫡

bf!isagi yoichi who was terrified of PDA when you two first got together. you assured him that it was fine, the two of you didn’t have to go farther than holding hands or occasional kisses whenever he felt comfortable. he still hesitated every time his fingers laced between yours though, his face turning bright red and his eyes always being unable to meet yours.
he always saw you as his little treasure, and he wanted all eyes away from you because you belong to him <3. he was used to being in the spotlight with his career, but he never wanted to drag you into it. there were probably several talks about making your relationship public, to which you didn’t mind, but isagi didn’t share the same sentiment.
he wanted you to himself, wanted to make sure that no one else even considered trying to make moves on you without having his fangirls trying to pick you apart. he’s a major homebody, believe it or not. whenever nagi or bachira would beg for him to come out he always opted to stay in the house with you, watching movies and eating candy so sweet you swore your teeth should have fallen out by now.
his love for you and natural reclusiveness only skyrocketed the day you opened your eyes to a platter being placed under your nose, the smell of fresh, crispy bacon and toast filling your sensing before you could even register what day it was.
“happy birthday!” his sweet voice was the first thing you got to hear, a sleepy smile stretching across your face. his eyes were big and filled with happiness as he watched you attempt to sit up, rubbing the rest of your fatigue away with your hands. when your breakfast was placed in front of you a small giggle broke through your yawn at the preparations. there were around 8 strips of bacon on the plate, along with scrambled eggs, a couple halves of toast and a blueberry muffin with a little candle wick placed on top. “i made your favorite.”
“did you?” you giggled, feeling your heart swell at the hopeful expression on isagi’s face. your boyfriend was always so sweet, almost sickeningly so sometimes. he was typically all forehead kisses and soft touches, like you were a porcelain doll. even in bed, he preferred making love to anything else, it made him feel like he was appreciating you for all that you were worth. you loved it of course, adored it even. it’s what made you fall in love with him in the first place, but sometimes you couldn’t help but feel like you wanted….more.
you’d seen isagi on the field. you knew the kind of stamina, passion, and drive he had when it came to crushing his opponents, you just wished that sometimes he’d come home and crush you instead.
so when your sweet, innocent, loving boyfriend told you to make a wish on the muffin candle, you didn’t even have to ponder on your wish. leaning in with shielded vision, you spoke your wish with a sly smile on your face. “i wish for world peace and to be fucked by the undeniably hot boyfriend.”
when you looked at your boyfriend, his eyes were as wide as saucers. you were his sweet girl, and he’d never even considered being even remotely rough with you because of it. but alas, there was only so much strength a man could have after hearing that slip from your lips.
and that’s exactly how you ended up here, with your ass angled in the air and your moans muffled by the fabric of your pillowcase. there was one hand pressed against the back of your head, pushing you further into the bed when his other hand held down your arm against your back. your plea’s and moans fell on deaf ears though, the only thing on isagi’s mind being the filth that he’s spewing your way.
“aww, is this what my sweet baby wished for? wanted to be treated like a little slut, huh?” he punctuated his question with a hard thrust, hips flesh against your ass.
you wailed in the pillow, but a broken response didn’t seem to be enough for the man above you. with a brash tug his fingers were in your hair, tugging until your neck was strained and your teary eyes were looking back at him. his thrusts never slowed down still hitting all the spots that’s make you twitch and see those pretty little stars in the corner of your vision. “good little whores are supposed to answer when they’re spoken to, aren’t they?”
“y-yes!!” your voice was strained, body weak from pleasure although you tried to follow his instructions. your body shuffled, trying to push back against him but only receiving a rough slap on the flesh of your ass in response. his fingers dug into the skin as he leaned down, lips grazing the shell of your ear.
the air sent a shiver down your spine, your mind only filled with thoughts of him. his voice was light, the power of his thrusts leaving you both breathless. “my baby seems to be getting a little greedy,” he chuckled, a soft grunt slipping through at the wet patch staining the pillow, a string of drool leaving his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “but since it’s your birthday, i’ll let you off the hook.”
your back arched as isagi bottomed out inside of you, hips flush against your ass, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. you moaned, trying your hardest to fuck yourself back onto him and chase the tingling feeling that permeated your toes and fingertips. you could barely breathe with the way he was fucking you, and if you weren’t in love with he man before this, you definitely were now.
“you know i love you right, baby?” isagi asked, grinning when you frantically nodded your head. he wasn’t even sure if you’d heard what he said to you, your eyes glazed over and breathing so labored that he laced his fingers in your hair and pulled your face out of the pillow. “you still with me sweet girl?”
“uh huh,” you groaned, pushing your hips back in hopes for him to fuck you more rather than talk. with a chuckle, isagi wrapped a hand around your waist.
“good, because you won’t be in a second,” were the last words he said before forcing his cock in as far as it could go. the sounds of skin against skin reverberated around the room, combined with the broken whimpers coming from you and the occasional moan and groan from isagi.
the knot in your stomach tightened as he prodded that one spot inside of you, causing the muscles in your body tense as your body started to succumb to the pleasure.
“gonna come for me baby?” the man above you asked, landing a harsh smack against the side of your ass. a guttural moan left you at the sensation, the sight of your cunt creaming his cock only causing his pace to quicken. with another smack you were wailing out a positive response, thighs trembling as they tried to keep your body upright. “wanna feel the birthday girl come all over me, you can do that pretty, right?”
isagi didn’t have to say another word, the simple request being all you needed to let the waves of pleasure take over your body with a strangled moan. isagi let out a moan of his own at the way you squeezed around him, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass as he bottomed out, eyes rolling as ropes of come painted your inner walls.
isagi breathed heavily into your ear, the sensation tickling your skin just enough to make you shuffle underneath him.
“mmm baby,” you spoke lowly, turning your head so your face wasn’t plastered into the pillow. the male above you hummed, eyes closed in bliss as he came down from his high. it took you a second before you were able to respond, still trying your hardest to catch your breath. when you did respond though, the words slipped from you with a smile.
“can this be my birthday present every year?”
don’t plagiarize! it’s not nice <3

#in honor of my birthday being last week#i wil be posting this draft that i’ve been cooking w#my writing skills have gone in the trash since my break i’m#i’m trying to get better 😭😭#not proof read either so sorry for mistakes!#blues asks 💎#blues anons 💙#blue lock smut#blue lock#isagi yoichi#isagi yoichi smut#isagi smut#isagi x reader#blue lock isagi smut
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Picking up from the end of The Blurr Chapter – Swerve has a bad case of survivor's guilt
He's been to another planet. How can he have been to another planet, when he didn't even know it existed?
Swerve can't stop thinking about it as he wanders aimlessly out of the medibay.
He's been to another planet. He has been to another planet. To another planet.
He must have been. Because he knows Jazz. And Jazz is real. And if Jazz is real….
Swerve's spiral of thoughts screech to a halt. Because if Jazz is real….
The idea alone is enough to send him careening back through the hallways towards where he had abandoned Jazz and Prowl moments earlier.
"JAZZ!" Swerve shouts as soon as he has eyes on the duo.
"Hey," Jazz says, smiling casually as Swerve skids to a halt in front of him. "What's the rush? Where'd you run off to?"
"Never mind that," Swerve says urgently. "Earth, you know where it is? You're from there? It's real?"
"Yes. Earth's real. My home planet. I—"
"The Mecha program--" Swerve cuts across whatever Jazz was about to say. "That was real too?"
"Yes. I…are you sure I don't know you?" Jazz asks.
"Blurr," Swerve blurts out, swallowing back the acrid fuel trying to rise up his intake. "Was there a Blurr associated with the program? Did you know him?"
"Are you kidding me? Blurr was the program. Or at least that's what they wanted everyone to believe. Face plastered on posters and billboards and merchandise. Fastest man alive, all that. Everyone on Earth knows of Blurr. Doubt anyone really knew the man though, if you follow me, not really the friendly type. Why're you wondering? And how do you even—"
Swerve doesn't here the rest of Jazz's question. Doesn't even really see Jazz and Prowl standing in front of him anymore. Because….
"Oh," he groans.
Blurr is real (was real, because he was dying, must be dead by now).
It was all real.
And Swerve left him there, dying. Did nothing. He had done nothing but stand there and talk at the man as he was dying. And then left before Blurr could ask him the question he wanted to know the answer to. A dying man's last request, not just any man's – Blurr's – last request, and Swerve had ignored him. Swerve's last words to Blurr, the last words he'd likely ever heard had been that it wasn't real.
And maybe it hadn't been for Swerve, but for Blurr it had been very real.
The man had been dying. How much must his words have hurt on top of all the injuries Blurr had already sustained? Even if he hadn't known any better. Even though Swerve wouldn't have been able to do anything even if he'd tried. His hand had gone straight through Blurr's when he tried to reach out.
"You know that explains, but doesn't excuse you."
His own words to Blurr echo back across his mind. He might be able to explain his action or lack thereof, but does it excuse it? No.
Would he, could he, should he have done something different? If he had called for a medic earlier? If he could have stopped Blurr from running into the building that last time? If he could have somehow pulled the man from the wreckage? If he had installed more safety measures to Blurr's mech – measures he knew it was lacking in favor of looks and speed?
Or if he hadn't…if he hadn't left Blurr? Would Blurr have made it back if Swerve had stayed with him?
Because Swerve remembers what Blurr had admitted just before his own words – that he had a hard time remembering. And he'd seen Blurr's confidence as they worked together – Swerve marking the map and giving directions and Blurr pulling people out. But without the map, and without Swerve to give directions….
Had Blurr stumbled, lost that confidence on his own? Had he strayed, unable to remember Swerve's hasty set of directions that he'd so frantically been repeating? Had that made him just a fraction too slow?
Would Blurr have been fast enough had they stayed together? Swerve can almost believe he would have been.
But no, the man had to choose that moment to prove that Blurr was every bit the hero he was sold to be, and that Swerve had imagined when he stared at the posters.
Originally, he had hated Blurr for constantly having an entourage at his beck and call. For constantly demanding people follow him around and help him and never even caring about something as basic as a name. Had hated when Swindle bailed and Blurr had turned and enlisted him into going back into the building.
But now, now he hates more that Blurr hadn't asked for his help when he needed it. Hates that the man had left Swerve behind. Hates that his life had mattered more than Blurr's own – that Swerve's guaranteed survival might have cost Blurr any chance at his. Hates that he knows now that his going would have cost nothing, that he would have survived regardless.
He was a coward. He left Blurr. First to run back into the building alone. And then to die alone.
Swerve doesn't even know for sure that the man did die. Has no idea what happened to him. Because he left.
He needs to know. Because he owes his memory of the man that much. Because it turns out that for all he had thought Blurr an aft, he could never completely stop caring about the man.
Swerve squeezes his optics shut, ignoring the prick of coolant at the corners of his lids, and concentrates. Concentrates harder than anything he's ever concentrated on before. He's been to Earth. Had manifested himself on a planet he didn't even know existed. If he could do it by accident, he ought to be able to do it again intentionally.
Get back to Earth. Find out what happened to Blurr. That's all that matters.
Swerve feels his hand shaking and clenches them into fists.
Get back to Earth. Find Blurr. Get back.
He sways slightly, pressure building across his helm.
"…erve…swerve. Swerve. SWERVE!" Jazz's shout breaks through his concentration and Swerve watches as the faint, flickering projection of his human form right in front of him fades back to nothing.
Useless. All that effort and concentration for something barely tangible that hadn't even managed to reach beyond himself, Jazz, Prowl, and this hallway. He's never making it back to Earth. He's never going to know. He needs to know. Needs to get back to Earth.
"You alright, Swerve?" Jazz is asking, looking worried. Swerve wonders how long he's been standing there, silent in front of the others while they have no idea what's been going through his processor.
"You are Swerve, right?" Jazz asks as a follow-up.
"Yes," Swerve says, "Yes, I'm Swerve. That's how you know me, how I know you. And I need to get to Earth, now. It's an emergency. Please. Please, Jazz."
(Credits: The "You know that explains, but doesn't excuse you." line belongs to Keferon from their writing in the Blurr chapter.)

#tf mecha universe#imma go throw by brain in a blender realquick#fuckkkk I need to write fasterrrr#THIS IS AMAZING(LY PAINFUL) THANK YOU💙❤
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bit nippy out, eh?
#star trek#star trek fanart#star trek tos#mcspirk#mcspirk fanart#leonard mccoy#bones mccoy#spock#jim kirk#spones#mckirk#leonard bones mccoy#he gets cold leave him alone (or don't 🏳️🌈😌🩵💙💛)#been a bit meh abt my art/writing lately but that's because im tired hahah#love yall!! thanks for sticking around <333 really. ilu
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for make me write: 🤖🤖🤖🤖
adore this au!!
The team had decided they were going for a beer after work. Tommy had skipped the last two outings, so he agreed.
He shouldn't have.
“Bring your girl along, huh?” Sal said. “We all wanna meet that little pistol you're bein' so tight-lipped about.”
All eyes turned towards Tommy. He didn’t react much beyond a quiet hmm, though his pulse jolted.
EB, who was busy organizing the tools in the rig, started getting noisier. Clang! Bang! Slam!
“I’ll ask,” Tommy hedged, pulling his chamois through his hands. She’s not my girl. She doesn’t even exist. “Not sure I want to subject her to you boneheads.”
Anderson laughed. “Aw, come on. We’ll play nice. Won’t we, boys?”
“Can I come?” EB asked abruptly, turning to face them, prybar clenched in his hands. His firemark darkened as their conversation halted.
Tommy frowned.
EB had never asked to join them before. They'd never invited him, either.
EB was always at the station. A permanent fixture. He only left to go on calls or to run errands.
It hadn't occurred to Tommy that he might want to come out and do something unrelated to his tasks. Maybe bots needed to unwind, too.
Eventually, there was a ripple of shrugs and okays.
EB looked to Tommy first, seeking. Tommy nodded. Then, EB looked to Gerrard.
Gerrard scoffed. “Fine. Just don’t break anything. We’ve spent enough on repairs already. You’re leaking money like a faucet, EB600.”
EB nodded, full bobblehead mode. “Y-yes. Understood, Captain.”
“I, uh... actually don't think the bar allows androids, EB,” Bailey interrupted, hesitant.
“Let me check.” EB’s LED flickered for less than a second. “Oh. You’re right. It's an anti-android establishment.” He failed to hide his disappointment, deflating like a balloon. “Um, n-never mind. You guys have fun.”
He turned back to the drawers of tools, arranging them much more quietly than before.
Tommy had seen the signs on the doors. It hadn’t bothered him before how androids were treated, but now that he was close to one, his feelings had shifted.
“We can go somewhere else,” he said. EB failed again to hide his reaction, this time a hopeful noise full of static. Tommy succeeded in repressing a smile, just barely. “The drinks there are overpriced, anyway.”
“I know a place that does flaming Thirium shots,” Anderson offered, eyebrows raising.
Gerrard sighed, breaking them up. “Alright, ladies. You can enjoy your cocktails and gossip hour later. Back to work!”
tag list: @brassm-tagged @leashybebes @thesuspiciousflyingjellyfish @setmeatopthepyre @bibuckeroo @station18908 @hmg621 @buffaluff @disastardly @figuringitoutaloud @bbbuckalou @ambernotember @theredrenard @hyperfocusthusly @tedious-waffle @screamlet @xmidhel @nochance-noway
@rcmclachlan @popfly @powersuitup @nonotyourspumoni @espressopatronum454 @loulou-land @all-the-feelss @comeon-intothemadhouse @jake-is-screaming-in-tune @therealstacyfakename @whizzzerbrown @the-omniscient-narrator @5ammi90 @crazypenguin88 @thuperrah @just-barrow @exhaustedpirate
#thank you!#💙🤖#make me write#bt beep boop au#911#911 abc#evan buckley#tommy kinard#bucktommy#bucktommy au#bucktommy fic#tevan#kinley#firebeast#robobeast#android au#dbh au
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A New Friend
HPHM Cardverse Masterlist
The Hogwarts Mystery Cardverse is an AU that takes place in a fantasy land called Cinderhaven. There are five regions, four of them representing a suit of cards; Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds. The final region representing the Jokers.
Warnings: A sassy bat annoying his owner.
Summary: Veruca meets the farm girl that lives between the borders of Spades and Clubs.
Word Count: 2,784
Tag List: @catohphm @lifeofkaze @eternalchaoschocolaterain @oneirataxia-girl @akikocho
If you want to be updated on content for the AU, let me know and I'll put you on the tag list!
Here is how our future queen and jack meet for the first time! Their friendship started off with a runaway Gambat just messing with his owner. Their friendship also eventually leads to them meeting the future King of Clubs but that will be for another chapter.
You can also read it on AO3
• ・❀・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ •
The streets of the country were bustling with activity. The shops were busy and the trolleys were packed with people trying to get to their destinations. Townsfolk were happily chatting amongst each other while going about their day.
"Gambat!" A young brunette girl shouts, running through the streets of the town. Overhead, a brown fruit bat flies, chirping as if taunting the young girl to chase after him. "Come back here!" The small bat chirps again, before flying off further down the street. A frustrated groan came from the girl as she picked up her pace, almost bumping into people, shouting apologies as she goes.
"This was supposed to be easy!" She huffed, holding onto the leash as it flailed behind her. "Taking your pet out for a walk shouldn't be this hard!" She huffed, looking up once more to see Gambat flying in the direction of the markets and shops. "Argh– Gambat, come back here!" The girl pushes herself to run faster, hoping to catch up with her pet. A groan left her mouth, she promised her parents that she would be fine.
~ An Hour Ago - McQuaid Estate ~
Elroy and Wilhelmina stood in the foyer of the estate, watching their daughter come down the stairs with a maid following behind her. "Mo stoirín, are you sure you'll be fine on your own?" Elroy, ever the worrywart over his daughter, was proud that she was being more independent. A nudge from his wife was enough to get him to stop. "Veruca will be fine, love. She's a McQuaid, after all. It's other people that you should be worried about." Wilma mutters the last part to herself. A soft chuckle escapes her husband's lips.
It's true that Veruca can be a bit of a troublemaker herself. After all, she took after her father and brother in that regard. But most people can tell that Veruca was more like her mother. Strong willed, passionate, and easily irritable. A few were unfortunate enough to face their wrath after an incident at her old school where Veruca got in trouble for punching a boy. Well the boy had it coming, he was bothering Veruca after being told to stop multiple times. And Wilhelmina had to come in, telling off not only the headmaster and teacher, but also the parents for allowing such behavior to continue.
"Of course, Wilma. After all, our little Vera has the McQuaid fire burning within her. You are old enough to take Gambat out on your own now." Elroy states, feeling proud at their daughter's upbringing. "Though, it would be best to stay out of trouble." He nods his head at Veruca, giving her a knowing look.
Veruca lets out a huff as she rolls her eyes, "Of course dad, I know already. And I'll be fine, I'll just head to the park down the street and come back. No detours." She turns her attention towards the maid, Jolien. In her hands, a bronze cage holding a small flying fox bat. The young girl lets out her furry friend, holding her hand out for him to hang onto. "Hey there, boy. Are you ready to go out today?" Gambat chirps happily, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Wilhelmina steps forward a small smile gracing her features, "Remember little one, put his collar on before you head out. Gambat may listen to your commands, but he still has the tendency to fly off on his own."
Veruca takes the leash and collar from her mother, "I know, mother, I know. I promise there won't be any trouble." She gives both her parents a confident smile. "Besides, it will be simple and easy." Wilhelmina narrows her eyes, but nonetheless nods at her daughter. Elroy on the other hand looks down at his daughter with beaming pride. "Okay, okay. I believe our girl has had enough of our nagging and worrying."
Elroy guides Veruca towards the door, handing her Gambat's collar and leash, "If anything happens, mo stoirín–"
"Nothing is going to happen, dad!" Veruca cuts him off, taking the items from her father in haste. "You've tagged along on my walks with Gambat all the time. I know what I'm doing." She places the collar around Gambat's scruff before attaching the leash. "Right, right. I'm sorry." Elroy holds his hands up in surrender with a grin. "Go on sweetheart, enjoy your walk."
Veruca smiles up at her father, before turning back to her mother, "Well I'm off! I'll be back later." She exits the estate and begins her trek towards the park. Wilhemina and Elroy stand by the entrance watching their daughter. Wilhelmina straightens her posture before heading back inside. "Come along now dear, let Veruca grow some independence. She's not going to be a little girl forever."
A few sniffles are heard from behind her and she glances back to see Elroy still gazing ahead. "No matter how old she gets, little Vera will always be my little girl." Wilhelmina simply watched her husband cry about time moving by too fast. She let out a chuckle before taking her husband by the arm and leading him back inside.
She knew her husband was right though. Time was moving fast. Coby is now attending college, and Veruca is starting to be more independent. But as her husband had said, they will always be their little boy and girl.
"Oh by the way, dear."
"Yes, what is it?"
"Did you get the new leash for Gambat, like I told you?"
"A new leash…? Shoot. Aha, about that…"
"Mm, so you have set my daughter up for failure."
"Now, Wilma! It wasn't my fault, there was a new set of equipment for the Abraxan Derby!"
~ Present Time ~
As Gambat flies through the air, the metal on his collar shines in the sunlight. Attached to the ring of the collar is a metal latch, part of the broken leash still connected to it. 'This is the last time I let dad do my shopping!' A deep frown settled on Veruca's face. She was too focused on Gambat and her thoughts to notice a wagon cart had pulled to a stop just a few shops ahead. Or the girl getting down from it.
Seeing the girl and a man step down from the wagon, Gambat lets out a loud chirp, getting the attention of the girl. Gambat's chirping had snapped Veruca out of her thoughts and she turned her gaze to see the people in front of her. "Wo– woah, look out!" Eyes wide as she tries to slow down, however the momentum was not enough for her to slow down to a complete stop. The other girl looked to see Veruca come stumbling at her. A look of surprise crosses the girl's face, accidentally dropping the small crate she was holding. Veruca crashes into her, the sudden force of the impact knocks both of them on to the ground. The horse lets out a panicked neigh, standing on its hind legs leaning back with head raised. The man was quick to move in and calm the horse before it tried to run away.
They both let out groans as they untangled each other and tried to sit up. "Ow, ow, ow…" The girl gets up, rubbing the sore spot on her head and Veruca did the same with her arm. "Ouch… oh shite, I'm so sorry about that." Veruca quickly collects herself, scrambling to her feet to help the other girl up. "My pet, ah… his leash broke and he started flying off." The girl waves her hand dismissively, adjusting her glasses. "Oh no worries, my animals tend to run off too whenever we leave their gates open."
"Are you girls okay?" After calming the horse down, the man rushes over to them, checking over the girl. "That was quite the stumble. Rowan, are you hurt?"
Rowan simply smiled up at him, "Don't worry Uncle Ollie, I'm fine! Just a little accident." Ollie sighed in relief before letting out a small laugh. "That's good, can't have my little helper get hurt on the job. Though, that's one crate of produce that won't be sold." All three looked down to see the crate destroyed, some of the fruits were smashed from the impact. Veruca looks to the side a little embarrassed, her fingers subconsciously playing with the ribbon on her dress. "I'm terribly sorry about that. If anything, I can pay for the damage."
Ollie laughed and patted her on the head, "No worries, accidents happen. We still have more produce to sell anyway." Realization crosses his features and he turns to the shop, "Speaking of which, I still have work to do." He gets another crate from the wagon, "Rowan why don't you clean up the mess. I'll take care of things with the manager."
"Okay, Uncle Ollie!" Rowan nods, before turning to Veruca. "You can help out too! That way, you can make it up to us." Veruca looked surprised before agreeing with her. "I think that's fair, though I still feel bad you lost out on some money." Rowan shrugged, "Eh, it happens." As they were cleaning, the two continued conversing. Rowan formally introduced herself as part of the Khanna family.
Her home was just on the outskirts of Spades, lying between the borders of the country and Clubs. Her family runs a farm, they provide many materials and produce from wool, to fruits and vegetables, and wood. Today it was her turn to help her uncle by delivering the products.
Veruca also told a bit about her family, and what life was like being born into an aristocracy with lenient parents who don't like following old traditions. She even explained that she was supposed to take her pet bat out for a walk but the leash snapped along the way.
Rowan smiles at Veruca, and the little bat finally comes down to rest upon Veruca's head. He was tired of flying so he decided to lay flat on his tummy. "So this is the one that caused all that trouble, huh." She states with a mischievous smile. "What's his name?"
The corner of Veruca's lips turned up a bit as she reached one hand up to rest upon Gambat. "This little guy is named Gambat. He usually listens, but he does like to fly away whenever he gets the chance." She takes a piece of the damaged fruit and hands it to Gambat. The moment the fruit is within Gambat's sight, he instantly reaches for it.
"What a fun little fellow!" Rowan exclaims and Gambat chirps happily while munching on the fruit. Both girls laughed at the little bat and continued cleaning while Gambat helped himself with the fruit. Once they were finished, the crate was placed back into the wagon. Some of the fruit were safe from the fall however the ones that were damaged were given to Gambat who was more than happy to eat them.
"Hm, I still feel bad for bumping into you." Veruca began again, pulling out a small wallet from her dress pocket. She takes out a small card with her family's contact information, courtesy of her mother making her take it wherever she goes, as well as a checkbook. She writes the necessary information on the check before handing it along with her contact info to Rowan. The other girl looks on in surprise, examining both the card and check before turning back to Veruca. "You can already write checks? And a contact card? You're just a kid and your parents already trust you with this amount of responsibility?!"
Veruca frowns at that statement, "It's not that… My mother insists on me learning about money and banking." Her hand subconsciously went back to playing with the ribbon on her dress. "And the contact card is for professional reasons. But this was an accident I caused and damaged your products. If anything, my parents can compensate for my actions." Her voice trails off and she stands awkwardly.
Rowan stares at her before a smile breaks out on her face and she begins to laugh. A young girl of nobility with a bat lying on top of her head looking embarrassed and awkward is a funny sight to behold. Veruca stares at her before her lips quiver into a smile of her own and joins in with Rowan's laughter. Their laughter continued and the people passing by couldn't help but give the two odd looks but continued on their paths.
Soon the girls' laughter died down. Rowan wipes a tear from her eye, "You're funny Veruca! Both you and your pet!" She gives Gambat a small pet behind his ear. Veruca's smiles in return, "Thank you, Rowan." Talking can be heard from within the shop, and the girls looked over to see Ollie and the manager still talking over the products. "Oh by the way," Rowan turns back to Veruca, "are you going to be attending the Abraxan Derby next week?"
"Hm? Oh yeah! My dad and I love the event." Veruca's eyes lit up, "I want to play, but my brother says I'm way too short to get on the horse." Rowan laughs at that, "Well to be fair, the abraxans are huge! They still tower over my parents."
"Aha yeah. My dad and I will be going, we usually reserve a stand so we can watch it better."
"You reserve a stand!? I wish I could get seats like those, so much better than the main floor." Rowan's shoulders slumped down. To be able to sit in a stand and watch the show from the air is always a blessing. Veruca gazed at her before an idea came to mind, "You and your family can sit with us." Rowan instantly turned to her, eyes wide at Veruca's suggestion. "What, are you sure? I don't want to impose."
Veruca shook her head, "I'm sure. Think of it as another way to pay back for what happened today. Besides, it's usually just my dad, brother and I that attend the event. Mom usually stays home."
"Well if you're sure, then alright! My brother and I love the Abraxan Derby! So I know he would be excited to see the game with better seats."
"Then it's settled. I'll let my dad know and we'll send you the passes." Veruca nods with a look of satisfaction. She takes hold of the leash before turning to Gambat. She ties the end of it to the loop of his collar, "We have to head back home, but first we gotta get you a new leash." Gambat chirps, stretching a bit before flapping his wings and flying off of Veruca's head. "Well, we better get going. It was nice meeting you, Rowan."
"It was nice meeting you too, Veruca." An angry chirp is heard from Gambat, causing Rowan to laugh. "And you too as well, Gambat." A happy chirp is her response. "I'll see you guys later! Have a nice walk back home!"
"Bye, come on Gambat." Veruca gives Rowan a little wave before lightly tugging on the leash. "You've caused enough trouble today." Rowan waves goodbye, the sound of the shop bell ringing as the door opens catches her attention. She turns to see her Uncle Ollie exit the store. He looked around to see the mess had been cleaned up. "Where did your new friend go?"
"Oh Veruca had to go home, but Uncle Ollie, she gave us this check to compensate for the mess." Rowan handed him the contact card and check. He examined the items, the moment he read the text his eyes widened. "McQuaid? The girl that bumped into you is a McQuaid?" Rowan nodded cheerfully, thrilled to have made a new friend. "Yep! And guess what. She even offered to have us sit with her family in one of the stands in the Abraxan Derby!"
Ollie looked at his niece as she rambled on about her new friend. He chuckled and ruffled Rowan's hair, "Well I'll be. All of this excitement in one day." He patted her shoulder before getting onto the wagon, grabbing the reins. "Come on now, we still have the rest of these crates to deliver. You can tell your parents all about your new friend when we get home."
Rowan fixes her hair before rushing to get on the wagon. "Right!" Once she is settled in her seat, Ollie flicks the reins and the horse begins to move. "I can't wait to see Veruca again! Oh Uncle, we should invite her over one day!" Ollie laughs as they ride further into the marketplace, but agrees with his niece. "We should. She seems like a nice girl."
#ariparri#hphm cardverse#rowan khanna#veruca mcquaid#gambat#elroy mcquaid#wilhelmina mcquaid#hphm#hogwarts mystery#harry potter hogwarts mystery#writing 💙
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Music Producer Bradley x Rancher Jake
"You know, baby," Bradley starts as he passes Jake a towel to dry his hands, "I definitely didn't have a cowboy kink before I met you." Jake hums, eyes flicking to Bradley before focusing on hanging the towel back up on its hook before turning to lean back against the counter. "Oh?" Bradley nods as he moves in to crowd up against Jake, hands moving to grip the counter on either side of Jake's hips as he tilts his head down enough to press a trail of kisses against his scruff covered cheek before capturing Jake's lips in a soft, tender kiss. "Yeah, baby. Definitely didn't have a thing for the rugged, sweaty, hard working type before I met you." "Should I apologize for opening your eyes to how sexy I can be?" Jake asks, lips curled into a smug smile as he moves to wrap his arms around Bradley's shoulders. "Definitely. You should definitely apologize for using your wile's to make me fall in love with you," Bradley agrees brightly, eyes sparkling as he moves his hands down to grip the back of Jake's thighs to lift him up onto the counter. "You finished with your chores?" Laughing, Jake moves to hook his legs around Bradley's hips, drawing him in even closer to that they are pressed flush together. "Ol' Jerry told me to take the afternoon off since he knew you got in last night. Seems to think his boss could use a little time welcomin' his husband back from bein' outta town." "Remind me to buy Jerry something to say thank you."
#hangster#sereshaw#tgm#au#top gun maverick#bradley bradshaw#bradley rooster bradshaw#jake hangman seresin#jake seresin#rancher music life#music producer bradley#rancher jake#nixie writes#nixie's writing#nixie creates#nixie's creation#mine#my stuff#💙💙💙💙#they are super hornier for each other here#but this one really will just have#nothing but soft and love and goodness for these two#jake's ranch hands definitely are the biggest sereshaw shippers out there. besides nat and javy#but the real question is. are the bradshaw parents going to be alive in this au?#or do I still make bradley's life tragic in this?
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!
So uhhh I think ya'll have been waiting for this one 😉🥺
Work was mostly bearable for three reasons: Agent Vidal was there, it was St. Patrick's Day and the gifting of chocolate donuts with green icing never stopped being delivered to the detective's office.
"The one time my last name comes in handy,"
Agnes grinned as she put all her gifted donuts into a box, almost making twelve.
"You better share those when we get home,"
Vidal mused as she grabbed her and Agnes' coat; the two of them ready to leave for the day.
The box of donuts placed carefully in the backseat, and they were off to Agnes' favorite Irish pub in Eastview. She had made sure to call ahead and ask for a table to be set aside, even though it was their busiest day of the year. They happily complied; knowing that she and Vidal were semi-regulars and always left a great tip.
The pub was always proudly decorated throughout the entire year, but today, it was like all the green, Irish, and St. Patrick's decorations had vomitted out and inside the pub. Not a spot in there wasn't covered in green, orange, or white. Agnes and Vidal smiled as they held hands and headed inside.
They found their reserved table easily enough, the same one they always sat at. They took their seats beside one another, hands still locked as they placed them on top of the table.
"You look really nice in that green..."
Vidal cooed at Agnes as her other hand came up to play with the flannel shirt collar. Agnes smiled, blushing slightly as she nodded her head.
"You look better in green all the time, but thanks..."
Vidal just laughed warmly as she gave the shirt collar a little tug towards her, kissing Agnes on the cheek. She breathed her in for just a second before their waitress came by with the laminated menus.
They barely had to flip through them, getting their usual. Fish and chips for Vidal and corned beef and all the sides for Agnes. Two green beers because why the hell not.
They sat their in comfortable silence for a beat until Vidal's hand found Agnes' again.
They sat that way for a little while longer, enjoying the atmosphere and a cover of Emerald Eyes playing over the speakers. Agnes shifted herself to get a little more comfortable and felt the little box in her left pocket dig into her leg.
"Are we gonna get dessert or?"
"You're already thinking about dessert?"
Vidal playfully rolled her eyes and puffed out her cheeks,
"Maybe I'm jealous your last name was the sole reason that everyone brought you donuts today..."
"Right. And not because I'm the one who's always seen eating them..."
Vidal laughed again, shaking her head. Agnes was an open book, and she rarely ever realized it.
"They were probably for us, but they just handed them to me on my desk, is all...I'll share, I promise..."
Vidal hummed as their food touched down on their table along with their foamy green beer.
Dinner was always good, as was their second round of green beer. "On the house!" The waitress called as she plopped them down on the table and took away their empties. Vidal just stared at Agnes.
"Maybe I should take your last name or something..."
Agnes remained silent all the way home as Vidal drove; looping by the forest, they always made a point to detour by. It was still chilly in March, and the snow was still melting. The forest wasn't ready just yet for them to walk in.
Vidal parked and got out, as did Agnes with a quick pit stop to open the back door to get her box of donuts. Vidal rolled her eyes as she led them to the front door and let them in. Shoes and coats off, door locked behind them, and Agnes walking by Vidal to place their box on the kitchen counter before making her way back over to Vidal in the front hallway.
"You should leave that nice green shirt on tonight...you look good in it, Baby..."
Vidal's words came out slowly as she eyed Agnes before grabbing her hand a third time to lead her up the stairs and into their room.
Agnes could feel her heart hammering in her chest.
Vidal let go of Agnes' hand as she began to undress, leaving only her matching green set of underwear on. Agnes laughed softly this time in the dark bedroom.
This time her heart squeezed with affection.
Agnes took her time to undress. Carefully taking out the box from her pocket and hoping Vidal hadn't seen it. She put it into one of the pockets of her flannel shirt and dropped it to the floor; completely undressing before she bent over, picked up her shirt and put it back on.
"Looking good, Baby..."
Vidal whispered in the dark as she stared in Agnes' direction before getting herself onto the bed. It was an open, silent invitation. Agnes took it.
Vidal let herself be pinned down by Agnes as their lips found each other's and a series of long and slow kissing commenced. They were being soft, for once, savoring each other and the little movements.
Agnes felt Vidal's leg shift up a little, going in between Agnes' legs. The detective's breath hitched in her throat before she gave Vidal a moan against her mouth, letting her know she had made the right move.
"Let's just be nice and calm tonight, Vidal...just us..."
And Vidal's eyebrows rose in semi-surprise. Agnes? Asking to be calm? It wasn't a bad thing by any means just, an interesting choice to be made.
"Sure, Agnes...whatever you feel like..."
Who was she to defy her? Her partner? Her girlfriend? The love of her life?
More kissing and more soft, gentle rocking onto Vidal's thigh made the two of them blissfully content. It was nice taking things slow, really admiring each other in an intimate moment.
Vidal could feel her leg start to get wet; knowing Agnes was going to get close. Would she ask for more? Want something to help her ride out her arousal? Vidal moved her mouth to Agnes' ear and took the lobe between her teeth,
"Tell me what you want..."
Vidal whispered and was met with Agnes' whisper,
"That's all, Baby? Just me?"
And Agnes pulled herself up and away to look down at Vidal. Her words pained her a little but also made her feel soft inside. It was true, all she needed was her.
Agnes' hand reached up into the pocket of her flannel shirt and took out the tiny box. She kept it in her palm so Vidal couldn't see it just yet. She watched in the dark as Vidal eyed her suspiciously; wanting to know what was going on with her.
Agnes leaned over as far as she could and extended her free arm to turn the lamp on on the night table. Warm yellow light filled the bedroom and the two of them got a better look at one another.
Vidal with her hair loose and around the pillow; a dark halo around her head. The green lingerie set making her look even more ethereal; the same one that drove Agnes crazy.
Agnes on top with her messy hair and her big flannel shirt. The way it hung onto her like a shield she could never shed; a second skin that made Vidal feel safe whenever she wore it.
"I'm sorry you felt left out today...the donuts, the free beer..."
Ans Vidal laughed that laugh, the warm one, that made Agnes' heart swell.
"That's why you stopped? To apologize to me? Is that why you've been acting so sweet? I'm not jealous...that's silly..."
"No, but..."
And Agnes opened her hand to reveal the tiny black box. She flipped it open with her fingers to reveal the vintage emerald ring. Vidal's eyes went wide as she slowly shook her head like emerging from a dream.
"Rio O'Connor has a nice ring to it, doesn't it, Vidal?"
The softest words Vidal had ever heard spoken from Agnes' lips fell and made her stomach flutter. She was speechless for a few more seconds as her brain tried to catch up.
Her left hand came out, and towards Agnes, ring finger prominent.
Agnes took Vidal's hand in her free one and brought it up to her lips to kiss it before letting go so she could take the ring out of the box. She held it just inches away from Vidal's nail.
"I don't even think I need to say it, but...yes. I do."
#Marvel#Agatha All Along#Butch!Agatha#Agnes O'Connor#Agnes of Westview#Detective Agnes O'Connor#Agent Vidal#Rio Vidal#Writing#🥺🥺🥰🥰🥺🥺🥰🥰💚💙#St. Patrick's Day
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Spotify Sonadow playlist anyone? 💙🖤
#eclectic mix#songs that make me think of the boys#some softer songs too because yall know i love soft hedgies 🥹💙🖤#Spotify#sonadow#shadow the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#i use some of these songs to write too#hope you like it!#sonic 3#sonic 3 spoilers#because the gif lol
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This Old Love Has Me Bound
Pairing: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan Buckley/Tommy Kinard Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 3516 Summary: “Okay so, a high school crush,” Tommy starts, ticking the examples off on his fingers. “A maybe set up from your sister and one guy who thought you were flirting like, three years ago. Is that it?” Buck frowns, trying to think, because he knows there has to be more. Unbidden, a memory flashes in his head and he huffs a laugh. “There was one time this, uh, Christmas elf? Thought Eddie and I were married. Like we took Christopher to see Santa and she told me we had a beautiful family.” Something inscrutable passes across Tommy’s face but it’s gone in an instant. “Yeah? What’d you say?” “I-“ “Here we are!” the perky waiter interrupts Buck’s answer, looking expectantly between the two of them. “Who ordered the steak?” * In an attempt to better understand his newfound bisexuality, Buck tries to figure out if he ever missed any signs with guys before. The universe keeps interrupting every time he's about to think about Eddie.
Read here on ao3
#buddie#my fics#911 fic#OOP#i may write a part 2 bc this started getting way more emotional than i planned#so uh yeah let me know!!!!#but also enjoy 💙💙💙
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It's so interesting so everyone's own fears and not just MC's own! XD great job with this!
And my boy Diego 🤣 using his minor fear against the worst one xD
This actually brought back an idea I wanted to draw with Diego's fear for butterflies xD
Carson and Diego in agreement over their strong dislike over butterflies and snails because of incidents that happened when they were younger. Carson stepping on a snail with his barefoot on accident and Diego playing with his siblings running around with his mouth open wide in laughter and a butterfly ends up flying into his mouth causing him to choke on it 😭

“It’s time to stand up – stand up! Show me what you’re made of! Hands up, hands up! Fight the fear…fight the fear! Rise up from the ground – Gonna make you a believer!”
~”The Fear” by the Score
a sincere thank you to @catohphm, @jackies-ear69, @hphm-jeniferltheman, and @ariparri for brainstorming about MC’s friends’ boggarts with me!

The year she took on the task of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, Patricia Rakepick soon became many students’ favorite professor. Scholarly sorts like Rowan Khanna appreciated her extensive knowledge of the subject, while more avant-garde sorts like Jae Kim and Nymphadora Tonks liked her dry sense of humor. This didn’t even touch aspiring Cursebreakers Bill Weasley and Merula Snyde, both of whom Rakepick had a pointed interest in and greatly esteemed Rakepick for her skills.
There were students who didn’t take to Rakepick as well as others, though. Ben Copper could never completely relax around Rakepick, thanks in large part to how critically her eye always seemed to fall on him. Even serial rulebreaker Tulip Karasu got bad vibes from Rakepick, suspecting ulterior motives to the professor’s seemingly more kindly actions.
And of course there was the last student Rakepick had taken a targeted liking to, and arguably the strongest liking at that – Hogwarts’ infamous Cursebreaker, Carewyn Cromwell.

Carewyn had distrusted Rakepick from the moment she first arrived at Hogwarts the previous year to supposedly help deal with the Cursed Vaults, and Carewyn’s opinion hadn’t softened toward Gringotts’s Head Cursebreaker anymore now that she was a professor. Even when Rakepick ended up saving Carewyn from an Imperiused Ben the previous school year, it only served to make Carewyn all the more wary of Rakepick’s intentions. After all, Carewyn couldn’t help but think, how was it that Rakepick caught up with her and Ben so fast, that night? Had she been keeping tabs on her? However concerned Rakepick had seemed for Carewyn, the Cursebreaker still left her, Bill, Charlie, Hagrid, and Torvus to deal with the Forest Vault, rather than going with them or dealing with it herself. Even now that Rakepick was a professor, she kept trying to get Carewyn, Bill, and Merula to work “with her” (read: under her leadership) to reach the next Cursed Vault. Admittedly Carewyn planned on searching for the next Vault and rescuing Jacob with or without help…but she couldn’t help but agree with Tulip that Rakepick clearly had her own motives. The Head Cursebreaker had even said herself that she intended to find the Cursed Vaults and “reveal their secrets” – therefore Rakepick was mainly interested in retrieving the Vaults’ so-called “treasure”…something Carewyn didn’t give a damn about, in the face of finding and saving her brother.
Carewyn’s distrust of her didn’t seem to bother Rakepick in the slightest, though. If anything, the professor only seemed to expect more from Carewyn and single her out in class more because of it.
Once Rakepick quizzed the entire class on protective wards, only to insist that Carewyn tell her the difference between Protego Diabolica and Protego Horribilis. (Carewyn correctly explained that the first was a Dark curse intended to kill any enemies who tried to cross the boundary, while the second was a strong form of the Shield Charm specifically intended to protect against Dark curses, and Rakepick awarded Slytherin ten points before moving on.)
Another time, when Rakepick brought an entire swarm of pixies for the fifth-year class to defend themselves against, the professor insisted that Carewyn use a spell other than Immobulus, the spell they’d been actively studying, to stop them – apparently Rakepick knew Carewyn had gotten help with the spell from her ex-Prefect, Felix Rosier, in the past and she thought that the assignment would be too easy for her on its own. (Carewyn responded to the challenge by using Impedimenta to slow down each pixie enough that she could levitate them one by one back into their cage with a Locomotion Charm before closing it – a solution that brought a satisfied smirk to Rakepick’s face.)
It was therefore no surprise in late October when Rakepick decided to give her fifth-years a proper review on boggarts, the Cursebreaker-turned-professor had Carewyn come up to the front of the class first to deal with the creature.
Carewyn was a bit startled despite herself.
Rakepick’s lips turned up in a smirk.
Keep reading
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Hi i’m Aurora & welcome to my blog my loves
This is just an outlet for me to say my sapphic & horny thoughts
About me:
❣︎ 24 year old switch (leaning domme)
❣︎ femme lesbian
❣︎ (she/her)
Kinks ❣︎: bondage, overstim, edging, humping, biting, cnc, mommy kink (title), guided masturbation, spanking, degradation, dumbification, humiliation, corruption, marking, praise, strap & many more
Hard Nos ❣︎: gore, piss, scat, vomit, incest, ageplay, abdl, feet, feedie, hard impact (anything that leaves more than scratches or red marks)
Dni: Men, MINORS, racists, homophobes, terfs, (i block instantly)
Be respectful, or get the fuck out
My lovely anons: 🫧, 💫, 🧚, 🐇, 🐈⬛, 🌱, 💜, 👒, 🦊, 🎲, 🦘, 🦉, 🌻, 🤍, ❤️🔥, 🌀, 🎡, 🌵, 🐻❄️, 🦝, 🐝, 🦆, ✨, 🍓, Lav, 🦑, 😽, 🍄, 🍬, 💙, 🩰, ♠️, 👑, 🐨, 🍑, 🍒, 🪷, 🦋, ☁️, 🧸, 🌷
My asks and dms are always open - feel free to message me my loves <3
#men and minors dni#aurora writes#aurora answers#🫧#🧚♀️#🐇#🐈⬛#💜#👒#🦊#🦘#🌻#🤍#🌵#🐻❄️#🦝#🐝#🦆#✨#🍓#🦑#😽#🍄#🍬#💙#🍑#🎲#🌷
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i have two (2) ideas based on this so yall chew on these

1: actor eddie x publicist steve where eddie is notoriously obnoxious at every public appearance in an effort to self sabotage to the point of not having to attend them anymore vs pr industry famous publicist steve whose whole schtick is somehow having his clients so whipped that when he tells them not to embarrass him they have no choice but to obey.
eddie doesn't even realize it's happened until he's being interviewed on a red carpet and he thanks the interviewer before he leaves.
and 2, the polar opposite: actor eddie whose publicist is now out of a job bc his new pop star singer boyfriend has him so wrapped around his finger he wouldn't dare embarrass him and therefore has wiped his public image squeaky clean without attending a single nda meeting
#i think i listened to this song 14 times today#i can just see steve with a sickly sweet smile saying please don’t embarrass me motherfucker#eddie is white as a ghost he’s so scared of him#but scared like this 🩷🧡💙🤍❤️🩵🩷💚💛💜#steddie#steddie fic#steve harrington#eddie munson#gin writes#shot of gin
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