#worst kirby youtuber ever
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sortanonymous · 1 year ago
Set this to clown music... and I mean this man in general. (aka Toxic Pea is the worst Kirby YouTuber)
TW: Discussion involving a bigot, primarily around transphobia (and I mean as soon as the first picture), not to mention many other grim topics.
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Look, as big a guilty pleasure as hearing of internet squabbling can be, I never wanted to be the one to actually discuss it myself. But I feel like I just needed to get this one out of my system sooner than later.
So in case you didn't know, Toxic Pea is a Kirby YouTuber who uploads tons of memes and lyrical covers of Kirby songs (never liked the idea of those videos btw). He was quite popular until it was revealed in January of this year that he had said the N-word multiple times on Discord even as he was told that it was a horrible thing to say, not to mention tons of other signs of him being a bigot with, at best, practically no respect for LGBTQ+ people, like for example prefacing videos alluding to gay ships by saying that he hates "gender ideology". Also he keeps making weirdly risque and gross jokes over Elfilin, which combined with his other actions somehow does the impossible in making me hate Elfilin even more. The list goes on, but believe me when I say I am far from the first person aware of this nor the one most affected by it, even if the big well-done thread that outed him has since vanished. I admit that I never really saw all of that coming, but honestly I briefly had bad vibes about him way back last spring when, in the wake of the tragedy in Uvadale, he made a YouTube community post basically saying that atheism was far more responsible for mass shootings than mental health or gun laws, and even when someone made a well-thought out reply with a strong counterpoint who happened to say that they were atheist, he opened his reply to that by basically going, "But God is real lol", and even if I believe he wasn't that rude throughout the response (it's an old post so it's either lost or extremely hard to access now), that frankly strikes me as a really douchey thing to say in a discussion like that. (I'm aware that he lives in Spain, assuming that counts for anything at all.)
When that happened and a ton of Kirby YouTubers understandably shunned him, he put out a classic crappy apology and from there has just spent the year as the most deplorable clown on the Kirby side of YouTube. He made jokes in videos about saying the N-word again, sponsered a trend called "Reclaim June" (take a wild guess how they feel about gay people) and questioned why anyone would be proud of being gay or trans, whined about his downfall and his peers disowning him through the classic "I'vE bEeN cAnCeLlEd!!!" talk, became Fortnite buddies with Mirth and defended her with some insufferable "JeSuS fOrGiVeS hEr FoR cReEpInG oN kIdS!!!" bs, and a month ago, after getting torched for using an old meme involving someone who distanced themself from him without their permission, went on a truly baffling, borderline drunk-sounding ramble of a Community Post that included claiming that all of his moments of xenophobia were faked, trying to indoctrinate people into Catholicism (he's that kind of guy as far as using his religion to excuse being such a turd), and randomly saying at the end that he was making a Kirby movie (he's like the fakest Kirby fan ever off his bigotry alone but whatever). (I should mention that he has said multiple times that he is bisexual, and it seems genuine to me. He's even hinted at taking shame in it over his religion and stuff. It's absolutely no excuse for his actions, but I feel like clearing that up as he seems to have some internalized homophobia or something. I've unfortunately heard of gay people being transphobes, and I have indeed heard more recently of bi people being homophobic, so I feel like I should clear that up, especially considering my own misconceptions earlier.)
That leads us to today when he reacted to people's distaste for him by first acting as if him being Asian had anything to do with it and acting like he's being crucified for nothing. He then claims he loves trans people like any Christian neighbor would before immediately breaking out into a diatribe about how much he pities trans people and how they are inherently sinful for "mutilating the body that God gave them for his/her ego" and that he's just as bad as them? Like he occasionally complains about people viewing Christians as inherently hateful people, but frankly he's doing nothing to help that image for the many good Christians who I can't help but feel bad for, the ones who practice their faith while not being hateful crapheads over it. Not to mention that he still has several people sticking up for him and occasionally even indulging in more explicit hate that makes him look that much more like an enabler. (There's admittedly not much that's too hateful, but there's a rare not-moved commenter under that post trying to counter his crap about transitioning being a sin through some half-decent house metaphor, and it turned into a long thread that included one dipcrap throwing out the T-slur, just to show how uncomfortable they could be.)
So yeah, Toxic Pea, true to his name, is a toxic pea-brain who sucks. Don't interact with him. I admittedly have some bile fascination in seeing how this mess evolves (if that's a bad thing, then let me know), but it's really unfortunate and honestly baffling how a franchise like Kirby can have such ignorant, hateful "fans". (Like it's not quite as oxymoronic as the concept of a homophobic Steven Universe fan, but it's up there.) So again, don't listen to this twat, and if this is news to you and you liked him, then I'm sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news for you.
(Edit: I don't know if this is too late too matter, but I'd like to apologize about my frankly close-minded response to his bisexuality, because it does seem genuine and that he's even so in on his belief of homosexuality being a sin that he feels ashamed about it, which may well be internalized homophobia. It's not at all an excuse or a justification for his actions, but I felt bad for being so close-minded about that aspect of him.)
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years ago
Sci Fi Month Review 7 : Roger Cormans Fantastic Four
For this review…..We're looking at something special,the unreleased Fantastic Four movie
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In this 1994 film Scientist Reed Richards(Alex Hyde-White ) and his companions Sue Storm (Rebecca Staab ),Johnny Storm (Jay Underwood ). and Ben Grimm(Michael Bailey Smith) take a space flight to study a comet,but things go wrong and the four find themselves changed with extraordinary powers and in the clutches of the mysterious figure named Doctor Doom (Joseph Culp )
So Marvel is huge now in mainstream American pop culture ……But that wasnt always the case.I'll just be honest people ,I am hesitant looking at pre Blade/X Men/Spider-Man live action Marvel adaptations cause they can be …Rough .I mean theres some gems ,I will always love The Incredible Hulk TV show starring Bill Bixby and even have a soft spot for the subsequent TV movies based on that show …..But then you have the 1990 Captain America movie ,Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD starring David Hasselhoff and of course,Howard the Duck .One that has always fascinated me is this film because in fandom circles for many years it was infamous for being the Marvel movie so bad ,they never released it (Which isnt the case truth is more complicated and capitalistic ,basically the film was a way to maintain rights ),a film you could only find as bootlegs at conventions,seen as a geeky oddity along the same lines as the Star Wars Holiday Special .Now you can find it on youtube (Which is how I watched it ) ,and having watched it……I think this film is kind of underrated and I am sad it did not get a proper release
So I gotta explain myself :As a kid some of my earliest comic memorie were reading the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby run of Fantastic Four ,and my dad had the complete series of the 90's Fantastic Four cartoon ….So the Fantastic Four have a special place for me .From the pathos of the Things plight ( a man trapped in the body of a monster ),to the sci fi adventure,to the romance of Reed and Susan ,to the grand villainy of Doctor Doom(Heck a slew of great villains),to the feeling of family ,the Fantastic Four appealed to me .....And I am kind of grumpy that Fantastic Four lacks a great adaptation that captures the spirit .Now there is no shortage of Fantastic Four adaptations out there.....But most of them,at least for me,are kind of mid ,specifically the film adaptations have left a lot to be desired .The Tim Story duology has the humor and the four leads relatively right ,but drops the ball in that they dont DO much and completely misrepresent the villains ,and 2015's Fant4stic might be the worst comic book movie I have ever seen .However this film ,while not the definitive film version I crave and not really a great movie .....IS the BEST movie version of the Fantastic Four and a fairly decent super hero film I feel
Now there is a lot I could make fun of ,its very flawed,like keep in mind ....This was produced by Roger Corman ,they didnt have much of a budget ,so the visual effects are a bit cheesy and bad(The CG Human Torch looks like he is straight out of Reboot ) but I dunno I find them charming .The only lack of budget thing that bothered me is the dialogue of Doctor Doom.....In that they didnt either have the money to loop him or think to loop him(HAve him record his lines later ) which is a problem cause Doom is clanking about and is wearing a mask that muffles his speech......So I dont know what the main villain is SAYING sometimes (Credit to Joseph Culp who does project very well so I know 75% of his dialogue but that 25 % is annoying ).My main flaws are the romance elements ,from the creepy Reed falling for Susan who he knew as a child to Ben and ALicia being in love despite meeting ONCE(And even that scene is a bit creepy ).We also have a subplot that frustrates me as the film has two villains ,Doctor Doom of course.....But then you have the Jeweler.Now the Jeweler was supposed to be the Mole Man ,a guy who due to his physical appearence has cast aside society to live underground and was actually the fours first villain.....Till Marvel said "NO you have the rights to this select group of character,not the Mole Man " ,so he was reworked into the Jeweler ....And I think they should have cut him out.Now I like the idea of his subplot ,him falling for Alicia and trying to make her his queen ,inviting Ben who has now become the monstrus thing to joing his group and Ian Trigger actually gives a great performance ,being creepy but also having a sense of sadness (He reminds me of what Tim Burton tried to do with the Penguin in Batman Returns ) ,and while the name is changed,its a good adaptation of the Mole Man .........Pity he adds nothing to the film other then causing the accident that makes the four the four and kidnapping Alicia,things that Doctor Doom couldve easilly done .I mean it folks in the grand scheme of things,the Jewler is pointless,he never fights the Fantastic Four and he just kind of runs off before the third act .I like the performance and the plot idea,but it shouldve been reworked or cut
Thaaaatttt said.....I still like the movie.....BEcause of the Fantastic Four movies.....Its the bonly one to get that Fantastic Four feel to me:A fun lighthearted sci fi adventure and thats what I want from Fantastic Four .The Four feel in character,its accurrate to the source material andits the only one to get Doctor Doom right at ALL(Actually keeping that he is the King of Latveria and hinting at doombots ).Yes the film is low budget but it makes that budget work ,heck the comic accurate sewn spandex costumes for the Four are charming to me because in universe the costumes are made by Susan and they legit look like something she could make herself (An issue I have with a lot of superhero movie costumes ment to be handmade ).Doctor Doom looks like he stepped right out of the comics with the green cloak and tunic combo and metal mask /armor ,I love this look for Doom .The Thing looks pretty good too with an animatronic face that brings to mind the old Jack Kirby design and stunt man Carl Ciafalio gives a good physical performance (THoughI do find it amusing that the Thing is SMALLER then his human persona Ben Grimm,played by Michael Bailey Smith ) .No one in the main cast is bad ,alll these actors are giving it their alll .I have already discussed my soft spot for Ian Trigger as the Jewler, Rebecca Staab is a good Susan ,and Jay Underwood is a suitable Johnny .Michael Bailey Smith is a good Ben Grimm and he also does a decent job voicing the Thing and bringing the appropriate pathos (Though I do wish he had the Things signature Brooklyn accent ).Alex Hyde White might be my favorite Reed Ritchards really selling both the scientist and the leader aspect .Biggest props have to go Joseph Culp,who delivers a great performance despite being in a vfery uncomfortable costume with a mask that muffles his speech,and is able to project well ,make grand gestures (Inspired by real tyrants like Mussolini ) but also make him a fun eloquent villain who still has a sense of humor with a good hero villain dynamic with Reed .Also he is CONSTANTLY evil laughing ,and I dig it
I like this movie ,there is clearly a lot of heart in this movie .....Which makes me sad that the film was mistreated by those at the top.Its not a lost masterpiece ,but it is an highly entertaining B movie that pays tribute to its source material
@ariel-seagull-wings @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @goodanswerfoxmonster @themousefromfantasyland @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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hollow-eyes-tournament · 2 years ago
all of the characters that will be in the tournament!
if you didnt find a character you wanted to be in the tournament in the list, feel free to contact me by direct message, and i can make space for them in the tournament (if they fit the criteria) its no burden! (and ill edit the list to include that character!)
here are all the characters that are in the tournament currently, under the cut, sorted in alphabetical order, so you can easily check if your fave got in :D
(also, characters with the article "the" wont be placed in the "T" section, but instead the section that the word after "the" first letter of is (for example "the Leader" would be placed in L instead of T)
they will be randomly placed in the bracket, and then round 1 will begin july 19th, 10:00 UTC time!
2D from the band Gorillaz
the Artificer from the game Rainworld
Baby Luigi from the Mario series
Baby Mario from the Mario series
Baymax from the film Big Hero 6
Billy from the show The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Bowser Jr. from the Mario series
Broly (Super Saiyan) from the anime series Dragon Ball Z
Captain Underpants from the comic/show Captain Underpants
Coco from the game Animal Crossing
Deemo from the game Deemo
Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen
Eyeless Jack the Creepypasta
Funko Pops (every single one)
Galacta Knight from the series Kirby
Gingerbread Man from the film Shrek
the Gourmand from the game Rainworld
Grian the Minecraft Character/Youtuber
Grim from the show the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Hello Kitty from the company Sanrio
Hershel Layton from the game Professor Hershel Layton
the Hunter from the game Rainworld
Jane Doe from the musical Ride the Cyclone
John Egbert from the webcomic Homestuck
Jolie from the webcomic Cursed Princess Club
King Boo from the Mario series
the Knight from the game Hollow Knight
Koro Sensei from the anime Assassination Classroom
Lys from the D&D show/podcast The Unexpectables
Magolor from the series Kirby
Meta Knight from the series Kirby
the Monk from the game Rainworld
Nanika from the anima/manga series Hunter X Hunter
Ness from the videogame series Earthbound
Papyrus from the game Undertale
Pazuzu from the band Gorillaz
Robin from the show Teen Titans
Russel from the band Gorillaz
Sackboy from the game Little Big Planet
Shadow Kirby from the series Kirby
the Spearmaster from the game Rainworld
Spiderman (the suit in general)
Staph from the webcomic Awful Hospital: Seriously the Worst Ever
Sunny from the game Omori
the Survivor from the game Rainworld
tbh creature
Toad from the Mario series
Toadette from the Mario series
Tom from the show Edssworld
V1 from the game Ultrakill
Velma from the series Scooby Doo
Yu Suffiad from the show Critical Role
Zero from the film Nightmare Before Christmas
(feel free to tell me if i messed up with any sorting/naming!)
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inkabelledesigns · 5 months ago
I'm seeing a lot of comments where people are trying to figure out where to go to roleplay with real people. So I wanted to add on with some advice for you.
If you're unsure where to go, there are many places to find fellow roleplayers. Look around on Tumblr's search feature for RP and askblogs, or consider making one yourself and tagging it with your fandom to be seen. If you write fanfiction, maybe put an offer at the end of your fic to roleplay with people in that fandom.
Search around for fandom Discord servers that have an RP section. I recently found myself in a Kirby server where the roleplaying scene is really fun. I'm mostly a spectator, but it's amazing how many tools there are for that, from typing regularly to making character profiles with Tupperbot and similar tools. Look for forum websites to see if they have any RP forums. I used to be a part of a forum on TV Tropes for a roleplayl called We Have All Been Gender Flipped, or WHABGF for short. Genuinely had a lot of fun there.
Heck, back when YouTube had a comments section on people's channels, my earliest internet roleplaying days were there. If you want to go make a YouTube video and use the comments section for roleplaying, by all means, go for it. It's unorthodox, but so long as everyone consents to it, why not? XD I mean there were days where my high school friends and I would make color coded Google Docs to roleplay together, we had some Sly Cooper level adventures that were so much fun. When you have friends or mutuals, reach out to them directly to ask if they'd be into it. I remember briefly playing around on a website called Chatzy for private chat rooms. I can't vouch for how it is now, but maybe that would be up your alley.
If you want more than text, then there's always a good drawing roleplay. Maybe you open up a Magma canvas and open it up to some friends or the public, and you doodle out some scenarios of your characters together. Maybe you find an online multiplayer game where you can goof around together. I can't say I know enough about VR chat to recommend it, but I'm told it's good to go in with a group of people you already know for that (and to be cautious about spicy stuff). Heck, you could probably do stuff like this in stuff like Minecraft if you wanted.
I know it can be scary to reach out to someone about this stuff, but I promise you, it's worth it. Be kind, be polite, and remember, the worst thing they can say is no. And it's okay to say no, that's not the end of the world. One door closed means another door is open somewhere else. Just remember, the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person. They have a life outside of their phone that has them doing all sorts of things, and sometimes roleplays will be slow because of that. I know it's hard to wait, but waiting is worth it to have fun with someone whose company you enjoy.
If you're still anxious about being with real people, there's always playing life simulation games like The Sims. Most of the time, the base game is free for Sims 4, and there's so many mods you can download without ever needing to use Expansion packs. And on stuff like the Gallery, you can find lots of Sims of your favorite characters made by others, and you can tweak them to your liking. I personally love designing OCs and characters from my favorite media in games like this to play out their lives, romances, etc.
If you like text based games and want to imagine a character, a lot of my friends have been enjoying Fallen London recently. There's a lot of imagination and character creation you can do within the different scenarios they give you, and seeing all of their OCs from this has been a treat. There's also a messaging system there (that I keep neglecting to use, I'm so sorry guys) for a little bit of roleplay adjacent communicating between characters from real people, but it's not required. I'm sure there are other things like it out there that fit this niche, this is just the one I know of.
There are many ways to fill the part of your heart that loves roleplaying, and I promise you, it's worth it to take the time to try them. You will become a better writer and get better at socializing the more you exercise those skills, and ultimately, you'll find your people. And it's going to be so much fun! Just remember, be kind, get consent, and talk things out if you're unsure of where the boundaries are. It's gonna be okay, you've got this, you are gonna find something that works for you. I believe in you!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take my own advice and try to be less scared of roleplaying with some cool people I know. XD Because boy did I need a reminder that it's not so bad, and things are gonna be okay.
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reminder that being against ai also means being against character.ai and not using character.ai and not interacting with character.ai
i've never talked to chatgpt i've never talked to character.ai i have no interest in talking to a chatbot even if it's fun or based on my comfort character. if we want companies to stop using ai we need to tell them we aren't going to interact with it - so don't.
don't talk to robots. full stop.
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years ago
Bionicle as whole is such a bizarre paradox in so many ways.It’s one of the most ambitious and daring kids media ever made, yet in many ways it feels like done before, just not to the same extreme it was.It’s story is simple but also surprisingly complex only to be simple again. It’s serious and dark to the point of being as edgy as a knife, yet also lighthearted and kinda silly if not outright corny. It is tropey and straightforward, but uses those tropes for it’s advantage and deconstructs them.The characters are compelling but also extremely one-dimensional. The heroes are cool and admirable, but at times useless. The villains are menacing and function well to the narrative, but all of them are written in the exact same way. The sidecharacters are compelling and sometimes more interesting than the main cast but there’s too many of them. It’s both science fiction but also fantasy. It is too edgy to be soft scifi but it’s logic makes no sense to be hard scifi. It’s worldbuilding is both small and personal but also large and epic. It’s world is compelling, but also hollow and kinda nonsensical when you dig deeper. It’s both simple in it’s themes but also thematically dense. It’s central themes are both opitimistic and cynical bordering on nihilism at the same time. It both condemns but also approves the idea of fatalism. It’s well-written, but also it’s writing kinda sucks. Analyzing it makes you both appreciate it more but also pull your hair out in frustration. The fandom is simutaneously one of the best and worst fandoms out there. It’s both like every fandom you ever visited but also nothing like most fandoms out there. There’s little drama in the community yet it feels once in a month there’s some minor scandal or in-group drama going on.The fandom is active, but not so active that if you didn’t know where to look you’d assume it was dormant. The fandom is both curative and transformative. The series is pretty blatantly “by (white) cis-het men for boys” and as such the fandom has a boys only club feel yet at the same time the series is embraced by queer people of all sorts and women both trans and cis. The canon and fanon are separate yet in a weird way they are tangled to the point it’s hard to say what’s canon and what’s fanon. We worship the creators and writers yet we also detest their guts.Christian Faber is both inspirational but also a hack who tries to be too hip and cool with the kids (and fails at that).Greg Farshtey both saved and ruined the franchise. The series saved Lego yet Lego ignores it harder than Nintendo ignores anything that isn’t Mario, Zelda, Kirby or Fire Emblem. It both crated a cultural legacy but also vanished from the cultural concious. Nowadays it’s both obscure but also kinda a meme. It’s important part of 2000s millenial culture but not tothe point I don’t expect popular 2000s millenial nostalgia youtubers making video essays on it. It’s both something that could’ve only happened in the time yet I keep comparing it to JRPGs that were released years after it was done. We fans want it back but we also hope it never comes back. The series is both dead but in a weird way it’s also alive
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years ago
⚡️ Hobbies, 🌷 what they do to relax, 🌻 if they have pets, aand ⭐ misc headcanons for Jill because my soft-spot for her has been reignited after a rewatch recently,, oops
I'm also gonna be doing a rewatch soon, so this is perfect!
Jill Roberts Headcanons:
⚡️ Hobbies
Reality shows. She knows they're fake, but she loves to laugh at people embarrassing themselves. She watches them with Kirby and they have debates over who is the worst person on the show.
She sketches. Jill has this large art notebook in her room where she sketches out major events in her life, good and bad. She also draws future events she wants to happen, such as images of her walking down a red carpet with paparazzi following her, and images of you and her together having a celebrity wedding where Rihanna attends.
Jill reads as a form of escapism. She likes YA novels because of how unrealistic they are. In those, the main character, usually a woman, gets what she wants and gets to be a hero. It's a sort of catharsis for her to escape into it.
Jill is extremely toxic online and definitely enjoys leaving negative comments on forums or youtube videos. She's absolutely a cyberbully, and if you complain about it, she says she'll stop, but ultimately gets back into the habit on and off throughout her life.
🌷 what they do to relax
Jill likes to smoke on the roof of her house at night. Usually on the side away from the street, so she doesn't get caught with weed by any potential patrolling officers. But when she's feeling bold, she'll sit on the side facing the street and call Olivia on her cell. They both see each other and talk quietly on the phone, finding it amusing as Olivia sits by her window and Jill sits on the roof.
Social cleansing. Jill gets angry easily, even if she's pretty good at hiding it from most people. So when life is getting really on her nerves, she'll deactivate her social media accounts for a few days or so and kinda isolate in her room.
🌻 if they have pets
Nah. I feel like if she did, she'd be the type to have harmed them as a kid. She knows its fucked up, so she never asked for pets ever since she played around cruelly with her pet goldfish in 3rd grade.
⭐ misc
Jill wants to go blond so bad. She loves how it looks on Kirby, she's just worried it wouldn't look good on her bc she doesn't know she's Emma Roberts.
Jill loves plaid or striped clothing. Anything with a pattern she's down with, especially when she pairs it with black pants or jeans.
Jill has gone to therapy before, under the guise of depression and anxiety. But what she really wanted to do is talk to someone about her darker thoughts, and the way she seems to have trouble empathizing with people. She ended up not doing so anyway, because she got cold feet and felt like she couldn't open up.
Jill respects Billy Loomis, but she hates who he was as a person from what she knows of him. This is because of what happened with Trevor and that she hates fuckbois. She thinks the only cool thing about him is that he ended up making Sidney famous that's it.
Jill doesn't love her mom. She has trouble making genuine connections, and this extends to family. She may like her friends and hanging out with them, but even they don't mean much to her. It takes a very special person for her to genuinely care for them, BUT it can happen. And it does, when you come along.
Jill likes cartoons. I'm talking Tom and Jerry, Young Justice, Invader Zim, etc. She's embarrassed about this, and the only person who knows is Kirby, who is sworn to secrecy.
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smoshidiot · 1 year ago
PT 2!
Feet for Hands The California Stereotype Experiment Boxman's Christmas Frankie Rogers is James Bond We Were Robbed Stop Copying Me!! Apple Vision Pro SUCKS If Guys Had Girl Problems He Was Trapped in a Room for 20 Years One Letter Off Superheroes Phone Nicknames Hurt Backwards Curse Words Chips Ghost How to be an Awesome Hacker Food Battle 2016 If People Acted Like They Do Online One Letter Off Video Games The Vlog Virus One Letter Off Movies Teleporting Fat Guy Another YouTube Apology Video Celebrities Are Insane Santa is Rea lTransformers Rap Three Wishes The Assassins Handshake Batman's Cool Internet Video Beef 'n Go A Merry Gangsta Christmas Smosh Snatchers Twilight: New Moon Deleted Scenes 1-3 Grammar Police I Heart Burgers The Famous Cheese Guy If Video Games Were Real If Scary Movies Were Real My Fanny Pack Inappropriate Sonic 2 Guys 1 Bathroom The Future Sucks That Damn Trash Pile That Damn Rap Music If Cartoons Were Real Cute Furry Kittens Biggest Zit Ever I Suck at Draw Something A Cult Brainwashed Me How To Be A Cop Mime Fail If the Internet Were Real If Movies Were Real 2 I'm a Pirate How to Dump Your Girlfriend Runbrella My Embarrassing Bathroom Secret The New Ghostbusters My Magical Tapeworm If TV Shows Were Real Gamer Gets Trolled Rejected Mario Games I Lost My Hair Pokemon In Real Life 4 If Video Games Were Real 2 iPhone 5 Parody Emo Hair is Dangerous PEN15 Club Worst Online Date Ever That Damn Movie My Bobblehead is Evil Drivers Ed Crap Rap My Stupid Dying Grandpa Zelda in Real Life Life Better-ers The Rarest Pokemon Card We Found a Dead Guy I Have Kirby Powers How to Survive a Burglary New Pokemon Crossovers Good vs Surprisingly Good Amazing New Workout We Need Friends Holy Crap! 2 Billion Views! Your Dumb Im Dumber Pimps of Prom Horny Cellmate (Smosh Libs) My Bathroom Disaster Pokemon In Real Life 5 Movie Reboots Suck How to be a YouTube Commenter A Real Ouija Board No Spoilers Taylor Swift Dumped Me Conjoined Challenge Sex Turban The Legend of Zelda Netflix Trailer Movie Translation Fails Montage Machine Every Instagram Ever The Mother's Day Rule The Internet In Real Life We're In Super Mario Bros 2 Apple Watch SUCKS Yelp for People We're In Super Mario Bros 3 Tom Cruise is my Roommate The Car that Runs on Grass Addicted to Pranking Hoverboard Commercial Parody Ghost Gets Haunted by Humans We Forced Ian's Mom to do an Escape Room We're in Super Mario Maker Every Superhero Ever Guy's Guide to Football World's Smallest House If You Get this Text You Die Adult Magic School Bus Breaking News: Brad is Missing Law and Order: ZCD Movies on Drugs 2 Am I a Bad Boyfriend? Every Roommate Ever One Letter Off TV Shows Social Media Divorce Court If People Were Cars The Fuckboy Song
New Year's Eve PSA Spiderman, Spiderman Three Guys in a Hotel Boxman Loses The Election Selling Out?! 5 Ways to Get a Girl Lizard Rabies Super Powers Halo Ruined My Life My New Hot Girlfriend Harry Potter Deleted Scenes 7 Uses of a $10,000 Check Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig Ian Is Pregnant Anthony Gets Engaged Washington's First Video Blog Mighty Smoshin Power Rangers If Kids Shows Were Real How to Hide Your Wiener in Public My 3D Glasses Changed Everything China Stole Our Ideas If Holidays Were Real Rejected Videos Makeup for Men Hot Robot Does Our Chores When Justin Bieber Hit Puberty Teens in the Wild Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig 3 Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig 4 My Mail Order Bride Wii U Sports Dubstep Commercials Suck Life Hacking Attention Facebook Users Nipples on YouTube Hitchhiking 5,000,000 Subscribers How to Cheat on Your Girlfriend 15Hr Energy Drink A Smoshy Christmas That's Hot! Taken 4: The Prequel The Most Violent Game Ever My Friend's Hot Sister Magic Wipes Scribblenauts in Real Life I Have a Secret Son 22 Crazy Vines (That Don't Exist) Texting Gone Wrong Banned Airplane Safety Video Loki Interview Prank Smosh vs Zombies Flappy Bird Ruined My Life Name Rap or Die Backwards Challenge I Can Hear Your Thoughts Magic iPod We're Stuck in Slow Motion Autocorrect Fail Real Mario Lava Floor If Video Games Were Real 3 Emma Warson Surprise Prank The Adventure Time Adventure 19 More Crazy Vines (That Don't Exist) Real Watch Dogs Anime Voice Swap iPhone 6 Revealed The Rock Interview Prank If Bieber Wrote His Songs Top 10 Video Game Dances 9 Most Horrible Bosses Real Minecraft Vacation 6 Ways to Get a Girl If Movies Were Real 3 Disney Star Wars Worst Proposals Ever What Guys Are Really Thinking Japanese Titanic We're in Super Mario The End of Christmas Marvel's The Lie Detector Every Boyfriend Ever Every Oscars Ever Every Super Villain Ever Smosh Solves Climate Change Video Game Items In Real Life 2 If TV Shows Were Real 3 Every Horror Movie Ever Every Football Game Ever If Every Thief was a Getaway Driver
hey guys: i ranked every smosh video
yes, every. single. smosh video. (every main channel sketch from 2005-2017 + 2023)
here it is under the cut if for some damn reason you're curious
♡ ABSOLUTE FAVES ♡ Paranormal Easy Bake Oven Sleepwalking Disaster Mortal Kombat Theme Food Battle 2006 Food Battle 2023 The Legend of Zelda Rap Axe Murderer Battleship Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme Boxman's Girlfriend Pokemon Theme Ian's Birthday Anthony Gets a Haircut Pokemon Theme REVENGE That Damn Neighbor Assassins Creed 3 Song My Dead Friend Boxman 2.0 Boxman Smosh Short 1: Dolls Unitarded A Very Hairy Situation w/Billy Mays Anthony is Mexican Left Handed Magic Keyboard Food Battle 2007 That Damn Yard Sale Four Years Foreplay Pokemon In Real Life Stuck in a Toilet My Mom's AMAZING Video Sex Ed Rocks Going to the Mountains Stop Copying Me! Cursed Magic 8 Ball We Rule High School Dixon Cider Smosh the Movie Real Death Note Firetruck I Broke My Foot 1 Hour Special Ghostmates Food Battle 2008 The Ultimate Shoedown WTF! I'm Old! Food Battle 2010 Dolls: 10 Years Later The Real Party Song Kiss Currency PRETTY DAMN GOOD
Smash Rap Molester Moon Hand Bomb Sleeping Pill Disaster My Grandpa's Dirty Secret Food Battle 2011 Quest for the Scooter Smosh Found Dead Garrett's Blog How Not to Act on a First Date Longest Staring Contest Ever Extreme Sleepover Hardcore Max Real Voodoo Doll He's Driving Me Crazy First Person Shooters Suck Drink Your Own Piss Parents SuckWe're Stuck Together We Finally Released Our Banned Video Boxman for President Cat Soup I Caught Every Pokemon Ian is Dangerous Ian's First Girlfriend Ian Gets Lucky Manspider Happy Cow Food Battle 2012 Pizza Zombies Food Battle 2013 Evil Fortune Cookie Hardcore Max 2 Food Battle 2014 License Test Toy Airplane Food Battle X Finger Guns Google Glass SUCKS My Mutant Rash The NEW Smosh TV Show That Damn Shower EDITOR! Camp in a Van Sexual Sun Every Smosh Video Ever Addicted to Selfies Hide and Seek My Best Friend is a Robot How Google's Space Ship Failed Business Boy Emoji Curse Human Pokemon Battle Rejected Zelda Games We're Stuck in Fan Fiction
A Hairy Situation w/ Billy Mays Anthony's Death That Damn Prison Break Anthony's Resurrection Evil AI Tried to Kill Me We Summoned a Demon Help I Became an NPC Stranded Transformers Theme How Not to Make a First Impression The Best Car EVER Reunited? The HauntingMale Model Replacement Needed Easy Step April First Evil Chain Letter Power Rangers Theme Life as Ghosts Ep 1-4 Crybaby I'm Not Racist Pokemon In Real Life 2 The BEST Bottled Water Meeting My Identical Twin I Killed the Tooth Fairy Guys' Guide to Hugging Guys My Real Pet Pikachu Homeless Millionaire The Ditto - Movie Trailer Meat In Your Mouth I Love Lou Ferigno Anthony Poses for Playgirl?! Vader and Me Killer Teddy Bear That Damn Punishment Arm Wrestling TO THE DEATH If Superheroes Were Real Worst Twist Endings Ever I'm Naked Pokemon In Real Life 3 How to Cover Up a Murder The World's First Internet Tutorial Motion Games Suck I'm Possessed By a Demon Addicted to Honey Boo Boo Child My New Best Friend is a Robot My Weird Addiction Food Battle 2013 Assassins Creed 4 Song So Many Hickies Guns Suck My Morning Routine Guy's Guide to Being Manly Jurassic Pokemon Magic iPad 21 Things I'd Rather Do Than Smoke Netflix Rap Video Game Items In Real Life My Hot Online Girlfriend Murder Party
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momowho34 · 4 years ago
“Look I’m an atheist, but when god sends me to hell... I want him to hesitate, okay? I want him to hesitate” is the best quote fucking ever and it was said by Mr. Certified Minecraft Man Technoblade and I will never forget that the true full context is
“It was on, okay? The competition was on. I became a potato farming machine. The next week all I did was farm potatoes in skyblock. I only took breaks to eat and sleep, and outside of that I took two additional breaks. The first one was because of a dentist appointment, and the second one was because my dad asked me to go pick up his medicine from the pharmacy. And like. I remember him texting me that. And thinking. ‘Am I really,, gonna tell my father,,, that I can’t go get his medicine,,, because I’m farming potatoes in Minecraft? Am I really going to do that?’ And look, I’m an atheist, but when god sends me to hell... I want him to hesitate, okay? I want him to hesitate”
so to all of you non-mcyt ppl out there,,,,, here. This is my favorite thing. This is my favorite thing ever. Here are some close runners up favorite quotes from Technoblade
“I think that what the rats are trying to say that a pig sitting in alleyways throwing swords is no basis for a system of government.”
“Officer I drop kicked that child in self defense, you’ve gotta believe me”
“I’ve seen Irish famines with more potatoes then this farm”
“I wake up on Monday, I stab celebrities in Minecraft, and then I go to sleep for another week. What else- pfft, what else is there to do?”
“This man... made 8 potato 11 minions........ and then he pAINTED THE MONA LISA-”
“The worst thing is to hear some nerd scream “spiders!!!1!1!!!!!” And then your wand is gone, your dreams are gone, and you live out the rest of your days slowly spiraling into depression because you have nothing left to live for anymore”
“While other youtubers wasted their lives making good content and having girlfriends. I. Studied. The CRAFT.”
“Congratulations, somehow, against all odds, you managed to ruin a staff members day. Congratulations”
“I just wanna stab people for coins I don’t wanna talk”
“If hypixel has taught me anything its that if you have a problem. The answer. Is slavery.”
“She is going to eat them, okay? They are going to be mean and she is going to devour them, like Kirby getting a power up”
“When you’ve got 50,000 people it’s inevitable that some of them are going to be serial killers. There’s nothing you can do about that, that’s their problem, all you can do is look at the camera and say “yo. murder is cringe”
“Listing war crimes like “first war crime: world domination, second world crime: wrong chair, violated seating arrangements”
Yeah. The good shit. Favorite YouTuber lmao this man is ridiculous. 10/10 would recommend watching this deranged criminal.
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desultory-novice · 3 years ago
What do you think about Pitch and who do you think his father is?
...Pitch, huh...?
Okay. So like, has anyone else ever had the experience of thinking some ability or technique in a game is the worst thing ever? Impossible to use, and so you avoid it at every opportunity. 
Then you find a Youtube video explaining why it's the best ever, can easily sequence-break the game, and all the speedrunners use it?
...I haven't actually looked to see if there's a video about Pitch that’s like that, but I get the feeling there must be, because I hate using Pitch in DL3. I can never figure him out. The effectiveness of all his moves seem entirely dependent upon you having the correct horizontal/vertical positioning at any given time. Except the Pitch Bucket, which they retained for Star Allies.
Good choice.
In fairness, Pitch in 64 IS decently broken in a nice obvious way, at least among the Animal Friends. Infinite (?) jumps and classic Stone offensive-defense capabilities!
...So, I guess Pitch is a Warbling White-Eye? To be honest, I always just assumed Pitch to be "generic green bird," so thanks to the Kirby Wiki for informing me that Pitch was actually a specific type of bird. (And a very pretty bird at that.) In exchange, I would like to inform the Wiki that yeah, Pitch's name almost assuredly comes from the onomatopoeia for chirping, because Nago's name comes from a cat's meow, and Chuchu's name comes from the squishy, sucking noise of octopus tentacles....
...In a more localization heavy game, they'd probably be re-named something like, "Meowser," "Tweetle", and "Squishella." (Yes, I have - for some weird reason - an inner 4Kids editor in my head that delights at the opportunity to sneak out and come up with horrible dub names for things.)
...who do you think his father is?
Wait up. The identity of Pitch's father is a mystery?!? Like, a mystery people actually talk about and speculate on? ...I-is this a Kirby meme I'm not up to date on? Am I supposed to give a memetic answer here, or a serious answer?!
...Well, I feel like the default answer has got to be Tokkori, right? Because Tokkori is also a green bird? But NO! I reject that answer! 
I DO NOT BELIEVE Tokkori is Pitch's father!
...You want to know who I think Pitch's father is?
Only the FAMOUS SUPER STAR of several hit video games...
Tumblr media
We already know Kirby and Mario (and Samus and several hundred more famous video game characters, depending upon how deep you follow the chain) are part of the same universe. Mario and the gang even come by to watch Kirby compete in various competitions! And Wario has shown up too! If Wario is a character in Kirby, so is Pyoro.
Therefore, Pyoro is Pitch's dad.
...Okay, so you know what else is weird about Pitch? Pitch’s EYES. Like, I know that little round, beady eyes are supposed to be (can be) cute. But Pitch just looks like he has this 1,000 yard stare to me. What have you seen, Pitch? 
...What have you seen...?
I’m sure we’re supposed to think of Pitch as the young, sporty one of the Animal Friends. He’s into radio-controlled cars, model airplanes, and baseball. They want us to believe Pitch has a race car bed. (A race car nest...?) 
But you see, I DENY this version of Pitch. I don’t know what Pitch ACTUALLY is, mind you, except that Pitch is the most meme-able of the Animal Friends! ... To me, he is. (Yes, even more than Kine.) There’s no place Pitch can’t show up that isn’t made instantly more hilarious with his presence.
So yeah, I like Pitch.
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polygarnstars · 4 years ago
facts about me that you could state to my face that would hurt more than that ask did
I own three copies of Okami HD, and have beaten exactly zero of them
I paid $40 for Balan Wonderworld, knowing full well that any enjoyment I drew from it as a game would be ironic, and I plan to spend another $10 on the novel so I can be mad about the fact that approximately two percent of the story actually made it into the game
I played Kingdom Hearts as a kid and was attracted to Zexion, and given I am currently attracted to another edgy squenix bastard with emo hair in the form of Therion Octopathtraveler, my taste has apparently not changed since I was ten
I played Sonic 06 and thought it wasn’t terrible
I learned and did a partial speedrun of PMD Red Rescue Team for the sake of getting on someone else’s Let’s Play of the remake
I tried streaming once, only to have to stop because my capture card ate my sound card
The last week and a half of my Spotify history is comprised almost entirely of the Persona 5 soundtrack and various covers of those songs
I’m a furry who can’t even decide on his own fursona’s species or design
I spend so much time reading Nuzlockes, challenge runs of Pokemon games, games for children, I was brought on as staff of the official forums
I do the aforementioned work as Nuzforums staff knowing full well that it is a volunteer position while I am unemployed in real life
I watched the Kirby anime as a kid instead of doing my schoolwork. Years later, I plan to rewatch it in its entirety instead of seeking employment
I voted for Bandana Waddle Dee in the Smash Ballot
On that topic, I’m a Kirby main! I played through the entirety of World of Light using only Kirby! Like, I love Kirby, but who the fuck mains him unironically like that? I don’t even do that strat of succing your opponents and spitting them out over the blast zone where they can’t recover or taking them down with you, like, cmon
I was in anime club in high school
Despite owning it, I’ve never played Among Us, but I still watch other people play it regularly
I didn’t realize the Guardians of Ga’hoole series was a WW2 allegory until I read the TV Tropes page in high school
I got into Kingdom Hearts for the Final Fantasy stuff, and yet to this day the only Final Fantasy game I’ve ever beaten was the DS rerelease of Final Fantasy III
I 100%ed Breath of the Wild less than three weeks after it released, and proceeded to help various streamers do the same, because I had literally nothing better to do with my time
As a teenager I uploaded two mashups, one of All Star and In The End, the other of All Star and Lonely Rolling Star, to YouTube because in the summer the only device I had to get online with was a Nintendo 3DS, I wanted to be able to listen to them year round, and my 3DS would not play Soundcloud uploads
I’m currently making a mashup of the Balan Wonderworld credits theme and Wonderwall
I think Pokemon peaked in Gen V and I trust Spike Chunsoft with the series more than I trust modern GameFreak
I have owned literally every Animal Crossing game except Amiibo Festival, but I do still own Amiibo from the sets released for it
I’m still waiting for Pikmin 4!
I’m still waiting for another real Chibi-Robo sequel!
I’ve still not beaten the prior games in the series despite owning them, but I’m still waiting for Bayonetta 3!
I dip dill pickle spears in chocolate pudding Snack Packs and I enjoy it
I know all the lyrics to the opening of Pichu Bros. in Party Panic, that anime special that was viewable exclusively on Pokemon Channel
I plan to romance Ann in my first playthrough of Persona 5 Royal purely for the sake of cucking the cat. I do not plan to do this because I dislike Morgana, but simply because I think it would be funny
I say KEKW, Pog, OMEGALUL, and Sadge in real life, with my actual human mouth
I have spent money on microtransactions for mobile games
I bought well over a dozen packs of the Unbroken Bonds Pokemon TCG expansion in an attempt to obtain a rainbow rare Reshiram & Charizard GX. I found zero of them
Until earlier today, when I cleaned out my drawers of old clothes I no longer wear, I owned two Big Bang Theory shirts. Instead of burning them like a reasonable person, I donated them to my local Goodwill for some other poor fool to find
At the age of 23, I still cannot swim
I’ve gotten used to every other bug in my house, including the bees in the walls and the stinkbugs who refuse to just stay outside, but whenever I see a silverfish I consider committing arson
I collect dice but do not play D&D or any other TTRPG, I just think they’re neat
I’m too physically weak to take apart a PS4 controller
I haven’t ridden a bike in a decade, and at this point if I tried I would probably fall over or ride uncontrollably into the street and be hit by a car
I still have art on my wall of a Pokemon character I made in sixth grade at the absolute latest
I buy sketchbooks despite not drawing traditionally literally ever
I cannot draw on a normal tablet, because I look at my hands instead of the screen, and so I had to buy a 2-in-1 laptop to do art
I bite my nails
I compulsively pluck the hairs from my legs
Despite compulsively plucking the hairs on my legs, I cannot be bothered to do the same for the ones that have grown into a unibrow
When I was a child a goose whacked me with its wing
I’ve been bitten by two dogs, one of which bit me twice
Despite domesticated animals hating me, I’m the world’s worst Disney Princess, having taught a grey catbird to recognize Zelda music and having watched the entirety of Avatar the Last Airbender with a baby mourning dove perched in the bush outside the window watching with me
I spell grey grey instead of gray despite being American
I’m American
I’m still on tumblr in 2021
do with this information as you will
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its-pronounced-quoassoint · 5 years ago
Power Rangers AU-Chapter 7
Pairings: romantic Logicality, Prinxiety, Demus, Remile
This Chapter Features: Patton centric storyline, YouTuber!Patton, discussions of a fake fanfiction about Reddie
This Chapter Warnings: swearing, falling from a building, fighting, allusions to anxiety, a transphobic comment, fainting/passing out, use of the word slut(1 time), sympathetic Deceit and Remus
Credit for this AU goes to @when-day-met-the-knight (specifically this post)
If you would like to be added to the taglist for this fic please let me know in reply!
This chapter is long, I didn’t expect it to be so long and to take so long, but this quarentine is not going so good for me. I’m gonna try and get another chapter out soon, but we’ll see. Sorry it’s so long, but I don’t want to split it in half. Anyway, please all of you stay safe and virus free!
First Previous Next
Chapter 7-Blank
"Okay, this is our last shot to figure something out about Virgilius before we can't predict when he's gonna show up again!" Thomas yelled.
"Correct. We have to make this count!" Logan agreed.
Patton and the others nodded and continued running to the sight of the breach. It was a nice Wednesday afternoon and Virgilius had apparently decided to let them finish the school day before attacking. As October drawled on the nights became just a little chillier with the ocean breeze swirling through town. Patton was naturally a faster runner than the others so Logan had assigned him to racing ahead, getting to a high vantage point, and helping him assess the situation.
Patton rounded a street corner and arrived at the little crossroads in the city where many restaurants had outdoor seating and a lot of public activity. Now, the usually quiant area, had a giant rip in space and time the was pouring out monsters like an open wound. Patton summoned his bow, spotted a perfect building roof just next to him, and shot and arrow. As the arrow flew to the roof, a pink lasso type of string extended from it, and once the arrow landed, Patton was pulled into the air.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, when the heck did you get grappling hook arrows?!" Remus shouted.
"Training on Sunday. I found out I could summon them!" Patton replied.
"If you had been there you would have seen it." Roman remarked.
Patton reached the roof and climbed over the ledge, running across so he faced the square. Monsters were piling out of the breach and pedestrians were all around, cowering and screaming. Patton knocked an arrow back and began firing at the breach.
"Yeah well," Remus paused. "I was busy."
"What could you have possibly been doing?!" Logan asked.
"More like who could you have been doing." Roman mumbled.
"Heard that." Patton chastized.
"Are you slut shaming me right now?" Remus asked incredulously.
"I dunno are you being a s-"
"Shut it you two!" Dee barked.
"What do you see?" Logan asked.
"Pedestrians are everywhere, it doesn't seem like the minions are engaging with them, but if we don't hurry I think they might." Patton explained, firing another arrow.
"What's the call?" Roman asked.
The rest of the Rangers entered the square and looked to Logan expectantly.
"Are they looking to leave the square or are they staying here?" Logan asked.
"Staying here."
"Alright. Here's the plan. Green and Yellow, you two handle the minions around the outside, any of the ones that look like they're ready to attack civilians or ones that might leave the square. Black and Red, you two cover the breach. I'm going to try and direct civilians out of the square and behind the Twisters. Pink, I want you to cover my flank so the others don't have to worry." Logan explained. "Got it?"
Everyone gave an affirmative response.
"Okay." Logan nodded back.
The Rangers broke off. Remus and Dee ran in opposite directions, handling any straggling monsters that strayed from the rest. Roman and Thomas ran forward, slashing through the monsters that hoarded around the breach. Logan raced to the restaurant side of the sqaure, and began helping pedestrians up and getting them running to the alley that let out behind Twisters.
Megan's working today. Patton remembered, his stomach dropping a little. She's in that Twisters. Patton didn't want to think about her possibly getting hurt and continued to try and focus on helping Logan safely transport the pedestrians, but he found it more difficult than usual.
"Hey, so, did you ever come up with a new name for these things?" Remus asked.
"What?" Logan scoffed.
"I hate the word minions, you know that. Those yellow demons plague my nightmares. So, can we please think of something else!" He whined.
"I think just referring to them as monsters is fine." Logan replied.
"That's because you have no imagniation!" Roman, ever the one for dramatics, accompanied him saying this with a slash of his sword and triumphant stance.
"I have-" Logan stooped down to help a small child and their mother out of their hiding place and directed them to the twisters. "an adequate amount of imagination."
"Thinkin' about Patton without a shirt on, is not imagination." Remus sighed.
"Green!!" Thomas, Roman, and Dee scolded.
Patton tried his best to stay focused on helping protect the pedestrians, but he found it more and more difficult, however he didn't think the others' conversation had to do with it.
"Anyway, back to what I was saying earlier, I hate the word minion I say we call them something like, Witchlings!"
"Witchlings?" Thomas asked. "Explain."
"Well ya know, Dragon Witch, Witchlings. It sorta works." Remus shrugged.
"Can't we just stick with monsters?" Logan sighed.
"No!" Remus practically howled.
"Patton how does the breach look now?" Roman asked.
"Um," Patton turned. "Monsters are coming out much slower, and you've lessened the amount quite a bit, but I wouldn't take any chances."
"That was the last of the pedestrians." Logan informed. "Green and Yellow, join me and close in around the breach. Pink, I want you to take over for those two."
"On it!" Patton replied, lowering his bow and searching the sqaure.
He assumed the others were following Logan's orders and tried not to worry. Patton found a monster and pulled an arrow back, firing directly between its shoulder blades. The monster turned to ash. Patton looked around again and found another straggler heading for one of the restaurants.
"This looks like the last of them!" Thomas called.
"Okay, stay on your guard everyone, we all know what happens next." Roman said.
"Do your best to recall anything that happens, all of this interaction could be important." Logan reminded.
Patton affirmed the directions and turned his attention back to lookng for any monsters that left the pack. Then a chill went down his spine. Patton stiffined, the hair on his neck stood up and a bad feeling washed over him. Something is wrong.
"Heya Pink. We don't really get to talk much do we?" A dark voice said behind him.
Patton whipped his body around and came face-to-face with Virgilius. His crown even more daunting up close. The bad feeling only got worse. It was unnatural. Wrong. Patton wanted to get away as fast as he could. To his legs that apparently meant stepping back far too much, tripping on the side of the building, and falling.
He screamed. The wind rushed by him and he felt weightless as he fell. He wasn't thinking. All that ran through his mind was that feeling of uneasy wrong that hit him in the chest. It spread and overwhelmed his senses. His unfocused manner and inability to grasp the situation only made him more worried.
Then the wind stopped. He was in someone's arms so quickly he felt whiplash in his neck. His eyes were still unfocused but he could see and register Remus's green armor. Patton pulled in closer to Remus and grasped what he could.
"Pat are you okay?" Remus asked.
"I-" Patton paused. "yeah, I-I think I am."
Patton released Remus from his hug and allowed him to set him down. The feeling was lessened, but not completely gone. It was almost like phantom pains, not his feelings, but the affect someone else's feelings had on him.
"Aww Pink, why'd ya leave so soon. I was just getting started." Virgilius practically cackled from the roof.
Patton turned back up to him. His eyes caught the gaze of the six purple ones and he tried to read any emotion behind them. Nothing. Unable to see any of Virgilius's other features, Patton tried to focus on his posture. Relaxed, almost lazy.
Patton's attention was torn away. He felt a content and calming feeling push into him. It was frantic though, as if someone was trying desperately to make him feel good again. To take away the fear that Patton worried could consume him. When he registered the arms wrapped around him Patton turned to face Logan who was holding him tightly. Logan buried his head into Patton's shoulder. He wasn't used to Logan hugging him. Typically in times of distress one of the two would place a comforting hand on the other's forearm. This hug though, it was new and certainly welcomed. Patton realized he should proabably hug back, and did so with great enthusiasm. However, almost right away Logan let go.
"I'm sorry." He said, his voice level, but on edge. "I-I suppose I was scared. I'm not entirely sure why though, even if Remus didn't catch you, with your armor being so protective you would have suffered a broken bone or two at the very worst. It's illogical for me to feel so worrisome over such a fall."
"Aww." Patton reached out to hold Logan's forearm like he had done so many times before. "Guess I'm just turning you into a big ol' hugger huh?"
"I wouldn't have phrased it like that, but I guess more physical affection is something I have been growing more accomadated to. Especially with you." Logan's voice had grown more shaky as he said this, but it only made Patton's heart melt.
"That's friendship my dear Blue." Patton chuckled.
It was quiet for a little bit too long.
"I'm sorry am I too far away, or did Kirby here just friendzone this poor guy?" Virgilius yelled from his vantage point.
"What?" Patton squeaked a little more than he would have preffered. He looked over to see the other Rangers in various states of frustration.
"We don't have time for this." Logan scowled. "Red!"
"Right!" Roman let his hand fall from where he had it on his forehead. He looked up to Virglius. "Prince Virgilius! Your reign of terror ends here! You've done nothing but wreak havok. The terrorizing of these people stops today!"
"Uh-huh, okay, and what makes you think that? Hm? You haven't stopped me in the past, and nothing about today makes your odds any better. What could possibly make you think today is the day?" Virgilus yelled back.
"What did you think about Richie and Eddie leaving?!?" Remus called up to him.
"What are you doing?" Roman turned on his brother.
"Trust me." Remus said.
"What?! No, why would I trust-"
"Roman, trust him." Dee cut in. "We talked about this we know what we're doing."
"I'm sorry what?" Virgilius asked.
"The last chapter was posted yesterday. I'm sure you read it." Dee stated, Patton didn't like how calm he was.
"Richie and Eddie left Derry, together. With the others." Remus began explaining. "It came out of nowhere. What did you think of it though? Be real."
"I-I-" Virgilius pulled his hands to his chest and stepped back. "I don't know what you're-"
"Yes you do." Dee stopped his rebuttal. "Downright ended and we know you read it. Just tell us what you thought."
It was quiet.
"Guys, this isn't-" Roman started.
"I liked it." Virgilius said, albiet hesitantly. "I know a lot of people in the comments weren't too pleased because it seemed like leaving Derry diminished the whole point of their recovery together. If they were just going to leave anyway, why spend so long trying to regain the love for the things that they had before."
It was silent again.
"But I thought it made sense." Virgilius continued. "Richie and Eddie spent a lot of time trying to reconnect with their town, but it only really made them want to go back to the past. When things were easier. Not go forward with the new lives they wanted to start together. Being together made it different. It made them realize how moving on and away from Derry wasn't running from their past, they had already accepted the past for what it was. Instead, leaving Derry together was a way of starting a new. Not burying the past, but no longer letting it affect them."
The air was still. Patton had no idea what to do other than think, I need to read this fanfiction apparently.
"So you figured me out!" Virgilius stirred them from their dazes. "What was the point of that? You got me, good for you, what are you doing just rubbing it in?!"
"No!" Dee stopped him. "I swear we're not. We-uh-we were curious. I mean, I never read fanfiction, but the ending to that one stuck with me and I've been trying to figure out why. It just seemed like a pointless build up to some kind of half-assed epiphany. Like the writer had tossed the last six chapters out the window. I was so confused about why she went that way."
"And I thought about the same thing as you!" Remus cut in. "It made sense to me when they left, it just felt more like they were leaving becuase they didn't know how to be together in a town where they didn't feel loved. Derry didn't love them and they loved each other too much to let the town get in the way. Leaving was their best chance at being with each other, being where they wanted to be."
"They just wanted to be happy together." Virgilius seemed to agree. "It didn't make sense to stay somewhere that was training them to stay apart. Being together was what made them happy. All they really wanted was each other and the rest of the Losers' Club."
Another beat of silence.
"Virgilius!" Dee got his attention. "I know we're supposed to be fighting, but I don't want to. Whatever you've been told about us, about how we're liars and cheats, it isn't true. Uh. . . to an extent. We're not perfect, but I'm sure whatever is going on up there, we can help you with."
"He's right!" Patton decided to step in. "We aren't always the best, but we try to be. I don't know what's going on with you, but I can tell that something isn't right. He means it when he says we can help. We help each other, and we help ourselves. We'll be here to help you too."
It was still again. Patton thought he could feel the exhaustion coming off of Virgilius. The weariness grew as they talked to him. It was ridiculous though to think that, how could he sense the prince's emotions from that far away. Patton couldn't see his face, so why did he feel so tired of the fighting. It wasn't his tire though, it wasn't like Logan's exhaustion, or Roman's, or any of the other Rangers'. It was foreign, and strong.
Virgilius screamed.
It was close to hellish. All of the Rangers went to cover their ears and block it out. Patton kept his eyes trained on the prince. He tried desperately to see what was happening, only to find a thick, black, inky aura beginning to surround him. It pulsed and expanded, circling Virgilius's body. Virgilius began to rise into the air, his arms and legs limp, his face still shrouded in the shadows of his crown. His eyes were no longer a glowing purple. Virgilius's body began floating to the ground, slowly and steadily, moving with the aura.
His feet his the ground and the aura exploded. It covered the entire square, encompassing everything in a shroud of blackness. Patton could still see, but it strained his eyes as he tried to find Logan's arm to hold. The screaming stopped suddenly.
"You insufferable brats!!!"
Patton looked to the source of the voice and realized he was no longer standing. None of the Rangers were. The only one standing now was Virgilius.
"Do you know how long it has taken to perfect this thing?!! Perfect my army?!!" It was a woman's voice Patton realized. The voice was domineering and overbearing with a lower undertone that followed, like it was being echoed by a demon.
Finally Patton got the strength to look up at Virgilius. He sucked in a breath of shock as he saw the hood had falled, the crown now being the only thing on his head. He could see Virgilius's face! Patton began attempting to burn it into his memory. His jaw was round, not very defined, his cheeks were a little puffy, but not as much as his own. His cheekbones were very defined however, almost unnaturally so. The first pair of eyes were small, they sat about eye brow level, then the main set of larger eyes, and finally the smallest set right below the middle ones. The outline of his eyes was like his cheekbones, unnaturally sharp. His hair fell to the left of his crown, down to the center of his middle set of eyes.
Virgilius's eyes aren't glowing purple, Patton remembered. He stared up into Virgilius's eyes. His irises were a bright angellic white and his pupils a darker than night black. It was just as unnerving as before.
"Oh I thought I had seen the last of you but you're just so persistant aren't you! It's stupidity is what it is!! It's not human nature, it's not being good people, it's not trying to help those who can't help themselves!! It's stupidity!!!" The voice screamed. "You're all so stubborn and stupid!!!"
"Ngh-" Patton heard Thomas from just a few feet away. he was shuffling around, likely trying to get to his knees. "You're going to lose! And this boy that you're using as a little pawn isn't going to be yours much longer. He's not weak and you're not in control."
"Oh . . . you're not new." The voice replied, almost bored. "How dissappointing. You won't last very long you know. And these kids you've got as the new Rangers, they aren't going to last either. You may be stubborn enough to stay alive, but you're stupid enough to keep fighting."
"And you're weak." Dee said with a strength Patton wished he could muster for himself. He begged and pleaded for his body to do more than look on.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me you sick bitch!" He yelled. "You're using him! Forcing him to fight us because you can't do it on your own. He's going to leave the twisted hold you have on him one of these days and there's nothing you can do about it. You won't even get down here yourself to fight us!!!"
"Dee-" Patton heard Remus struggle to speak.
"Boy, do you know how many worlds I've conquered? How many civilizations I've made my own?! Believe it or not, I don't care all too much about handling this planet on my own. There are other, more important places for me to be." The voice cackled, it sounded so much like Virgilius, Patton wanted to shrink away. "I don't care about Earth enough to fight for it in person. I can leave that to my little Works-In-Progress. Like this one. This place is perfect training for things like him."
"You can't keep doing this very long." Roman grunted. "We will stop you!"
"Oh please kid. I've fought much worse than you. You're nothing! At least the last Red Ranger was something worth fighting. She was certainly an opponent for my experiments. You though, you don't even come close." She snarled in return.
"Then why are we still alive?! Why are we still here, fighting you!" Logan huffed, clearly straining.
"Now Blue, your Ranger has always been something. Never the same really. I have to say, having a level headed one is a change of pace, but being the smartest in a room means nothing if you can't command respect! You hold yourself like even you can't stand the way you are. You act like you're on a higher level of thinking than others, but really you're just as much of an indiscisive mess as everyone else on this pathetic planet! You don't understand your feelings, you pretend you care only to know deep down you would do anything to be known as the smartest in the room, and to top it all off you're not even a real boy!!"
"Shut up!!!" Patton let out the words, not even realizing they were his own, but it was how he felt.
"Now here's our fighter. Pink. Unexpected sure, but then again, the hell you put yourself through in our own mind is much worse than I could ever really do. I'll give you props for that." Her voice was drowning Patton's ears. He was so angry, he just wanted her to shut up. "In fact, I'll give all of you a little credit. I've certainly thought about going the tear-them-apart-from-the-inside route, but you all are so self-destructive, you do it on your own!"
She was going on, but her words were muddled in Patton's head. He didn't know what she was saying and didn't want to. Then an idea came to mind. Patton tried his hardest, pulling all of his strength and will, he just needed to shut her up. He needed to do something other than sit there. He felt the determination bubbling inside of him, he felt the fear but he channeled, tried to force that fear to make him fight, not run. Patton summoned his bow. It felt so heavy in his hand. Everything was heavy, pulling him down, prying to keep him down. He lifted his torso, fighting the aching it gave him. Patton pulled his arms up, summoning an arrow, and knocking it back.
"Sorry Virgilius, but you gotta go for now." He said, it felt like he was yelling but only a whisper came out.
Then he fired, straight for the crown. In the blink of Patton's eyes the crown had been knocked to the ground. The black aura was gone, Virgilius collapsed to the cement, his eyes purple once again. Patton watched as the world tilted to the side, dimming. His head hit something hard, but he barely registered it.
It was black.
Virgilius scrambling, grabbing for the crown.
Virgilius again, until the boy disappeared.
Then fuzzy black again. Not like the ink. This blackness was welcoming, not overwhelming.
Patton felt a hand on his arm. He opened his eyes again and saw Logan, his mouth was moving but there was no sound other than the ringing. When did the ringing start? Patton asked himself. Logan looked so terrified. Patton didn't like that expression. Suddenly Thomas came into view, he was also speaking, but it was nothing Patton could hear.
Then finally, the fuzzy black. Patton realized he didn't like calling it black. His world wasn't black. That black, inky terror wasn't in his vision. It was more blank. That's the word, blank. Blankness. A blank world.
Patton let a smile fall on his face. He was okay with everything being blank. Just for a bit.
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smashy-headcanons · 5 years ago
Probably an odd question, but what do you think the speech patterns of all the characters are? Just the way each one talks and all that
I can’t promise I’ll do all of them or that they’ll all be good (mainly because talking about anything involving analysis of auditory speech isn’t my strong suit) but I’ll try to do a few of them.
Also my sibling @theirkenshavethetardis (who has said themself that they don’t really know a lot about video games) added some of their own headcanons, which I’ll post in the keep reading link below.
(BotW) Link: He doesn’t speak, he mostly gestures and whatnot.
Samus: Pretty blunt and straightforward but not rude, will crack a sarcastic joke with a straight face.
Fox: Straightforward and focused, speaks more analytically than someone like Samus or Falco, and he tends to be more polite (especially towards authority figures).
Bowser: A bit more rude and snappy (as one would expect), he tends to talk big and exaggeratedly, and while he does use insults he doesn’t use them as often as others expect from him.
Ice Climbers: They tend to speak more politely and positively, and they often speak in unison.
Marth: Also polite, but in a more apologetic way; he tends to speak more negatively (but not in a “you must be fun at parties” kind of way).
Meta Knight: He tends to speak very formally, to the point where it takes someone a second to process the fact that he essentially said “I’m off to stab God” with different words.
R.O.B. (not legible by most people): Speaks literally and somewhat formally usually, but has wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much sass to be considered “formal”.
Lucas: Casual, he tends to speak a bit quietly, but he references memes more frequently than most others in Smash.
Wii Fit Trainers: They’re pretty polite, although a bit more serious usually–they’re not very formal, but you wouldn’t call them casual either.
Palutena: Somehow both the extreme ends of casual and formal, and serious and jokey. Graceful and divine if you’re not well acquainted with her, but the embodiment of chaos to those who know her well.
Shulk: Speaks scientifically because he is a scientist but also pronounces “sauce” to rhyme with “horse” like a wrong person would do.
Inklings: Use a lot of slang and tend to speak casually; they all also reference memes a lot.
Ridley: Manages to combine screeching with the speech patterns of the worst person you’ve ever met but like, somehow with everyone at the same time constantly.
Simon: Formal and serious and tone, and speaks with a mid-to-late 1600s dialect.
Sibling’s additions:
Mario: Talks quickly and gestures a lot. Gets loud without meaning to when he’s excited.
Dr. Mario: isn’t this just mario wtf
Donkey Kong: He Monkiy
Yoshi: Yoshi noises.
Kirby: Mostly makes baby noises. Occasionally references a meme. Once Sans got him to recite the entirety of Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up.
Pikachu: Mostly Pikachu noises. Uses emphatic gestures to get its point across.
Pikachu Libre: Pikachu but in Spanish
Luigi: I like to imagine him having a bit of a stutter, and that it gets worse when he’s nervous.
Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff
Peach: Her voice is almost musical. She could run an ASMR youtube channel in her free time if she wanted, and no one can prove that she DOESN’T.
Daisy: Swears like a sailor, which shocks a lot of people at first. She’s very loud and brash and brings life to any conversation.
Bowser: Yells most of the time without meaning to, but if he’s upset he gets very whiny and grumbly like a small child.
Pichu: Pichu
Spiky-eared Pichu: Pichu
Mewtwo: Mostly speaks normally, but occasionally finds an interesting word online or something and will use any excuse to repeat that interesting word because it sounds nice.
Mr. Game & Watch: Beeps a lot. The beeping intensifies with emotion.
Wario: Meme-loving fuck
Sonic: He has big ADHD brain and sometimes his thoughts are faster than his mouth, so he’ll trip over his words or say the wrong thing.
King Dedede: Occasionally he’ll forget a very common word and become frustrated, halting a sentence or conversation so he can try to find the word he was looking for. Often, he’ll remember the word hours later and shout it without context.
Lucario: Lucario (”You know Lucario can use telepathy right?” “Oh. What did I put for Lucario?” “’Lucario’” “No thoughts, head empty.”)
Charizard: Charizard
Ivysaur: Ivysaur
Squirtle: Squirtle
Diddy Kong: Is monkee
R.O.B.: He sure does beep a lot
Villager(s): When no one else is around, they revert to their true language: Minecraft villager noises
Wii Fit Trainers: Both have a hard time turning off their “professional” voice, and will sometimes say things like “Great job!” or “Remember to control your breathing” in contexts outside of fitness training.
Rosalina: She whispers her thoughts to her lumas, even when they aren’t thoughts she means for others to hear. This makes it easy to know pretty much everything about her.
Greninja: Greninja.
Duck Hunt Duck: Quack
Duck Hunt Dog: Boof
Shulk: Is really feeling it (They asked if Cloud was “the guy who’s really feeling it” and now insists that Shulk is just Cloud but younger)
Isabelle: Sounds like she’s in customer service, complete with “how can I help you today?” and “sorry for the inconvenience”, but that’s actually just how she talks
Incineroar: Incineroar
Piranha Plant: Mostly plant noises
Joker: Makes batman references because if he doesn’t, his name is a waste. No I don’t understand who or what this character actually is. Fight me.
Sans: Always sounds dead tired, even though he sleeps half the time. His puns are legendary.
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radramblog · 4 years ago
Pokemon Legendary Themes Ranked
I saw a video of a youtuber I like doing this tier list so I thought I’d get my own opinions in first so I’m not biased by theirs. This list is a little incomplete- there’s a few things I know are missing, most pointedly side game stuff, but I suppose they can’t win em all. Thus, here are my objectively factual opinions, no nostalgia bias here surely. Here’s a link to the list in case you want to do the same.
(Tiers are sorted in increasing quality right to left)
D Tier
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Mewtwo (FRLG): Y’all know Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres also use this, right? It’s just a marginally more dramatic version of the regular wilds music, so it gets the fail from me.
Mew (Emerald): This is the same as the last one! Except it gets the edge because it is slightly higher pitched, and because it’s in a game where it’s not a remix of a song you’ve just heard dozens of times.
Mewtwo (XY): I just really dislike the soundfont XY uses for most of its themes. This sounds like a shitty youtube remix from the late 00s with like 300 views, and most of them are the same person who really likes the song for some reason. Am I just biased against the kanto wilds theme? Maybe.
Regis (Crown Tundra): Narrowly dodges being the worst Regis theme since the Platinum one exists (It’s not on this list though). I think a lot of the more recent versions of older themes suffer since they were designed with the lesser hardware in mind. It is a shame because I do really like some of the additions to the theme.
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C Tier
Dynamax Legend (Crown Tundra): Mewtwo is already back for his last appearance on the list. It’s just a remix of the max raid theme, which I don’t really care for- especially after hearing it over and over and over again grinding Lairs for shinies.
Calyrex (Crown Tundra): This song being dramatic makes no sense in universe- the player knows this is the big legendary, but the character sure doesn’t- but it ultimately feels hollow. This is deliberate, since it’s actually just one half of another song.
Steeds (Crown Tundra): h o n s e theme is the other half of that song, and it’s the better half, but its still incomplete.
Aura Trio (X/Y) and Solgaleo/Lunala (S/M): These two get lumped together because I always get them conflated, which signifies to me that neither has made a strong impact. Listening to both again, I think I like the latter more, but it’s narrow.
Regis (ORAS): It’s just not the same without the horns. My gen 6 bias is showing, but I don’t really like the soundfont.
Deoxys (ORAS): similar to the Regis, this is held back by the soundfont (why the fuck is there an organ in this??) but also by the fact that at this point, the Deoxys theme just isn’t special anymore. And that’s kinda sad.
Calyrex 2 (Crown Tundra): The full version of this theme is much better, obviously, sounding suitably regal for the king of the tundra, but it overall lands at a meh. The percussion sounds like it’s trying to rip off the Weather Trio’s, which is a big no-no.
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B Tier
Eternatus 1 (SwSh): We are now entering the songs I like zone. Eternatus 1 goes in a lot of different directions, and despite how 13-year-old me would balk at it I actually enjoy the dubsteppy bits of it. Sorry to disappoint you, you edgy fuck.
Ultra Beasts (SMUSUM): I don’t know why these are separated, they’re the same theme. I really like the UB theme, but the thing is it isn’t really a legendary theme- it had to be a bit less bombastic seeing as you can just encounter a bunch of these bad bois. And while it sounds suitably alien, I still think it doesn’t belong on this list.
Weather Trio (ORAS): Why is this listed as this, its just for Rayquaza. Extremely dramatic, but a retread of one of my S-tier picks (spoilers oops) and not different enough for the remaster to make it worth it.
Primals (ORAS): the same as the previous, but I do like this much better, what with the song “reverting” to the original every so often. This should probably be higher, but I don’t want to separate it from the “full” version.
Eternatus 2: It’s kind of a shame how little time you get to hear this, because it’s a big ol “you’re fucked” and that’s pretty great. There are bits of this that sound like they’re sampling Kirby Super Star, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Galar Birds (Crown Tundra): While I know everyone used to adore this one, I think the honeymoon phase is over for me at this point. I still like it, but at the end of the day it’s still a Kanto Wild remix.
Legendary (BWB2W2): This is really good! The way the tempo shifts around the song is a really nice touch, and that build section is excellent. Just a solid overall theme.
Tao Trio (BW): Reshiram and Zekrom’s themes are slightly different, but even Game Freak forgot that one. Kyurem’s is the same but where they have different SFX it just has dead air, which while fitting is a bit less good. I adore the beat this one has running, almost a throbbing bit going on there.  Edit: Ok on relisten I’ve heard Kyurem’s a bit closer, and it’s a little different with some record skips, but they’re pretty unecessary imo.
Zacian/Zamazenta (SwSh): This is one I kinda wish was less dramatic, considering it’s not as oh shit as the situations their other themes have. I kinda hate the opening to this, but the rest of it makes up for it I suppose.
Eternatus 3: Yeah this is a Z/Z theme not an Eternatus theme let’s be real. A suitably triumphant third act to the climax of SwSh’s (lackluster) story. This is kinda just a banger, very much appropriate for the beatdown it accompanies.
Dialga/Palkia (DPPt): Closing the tier with a song that I actually love, but it’s occurred to me that it’s a little odd sitting next to some of these other ones. I mean, it’s mostly built around this very pretty little piano line, which makes it feel less weighty than the competition. It’s a classic, and hasn’t aged poorly or anything, but it’s less of a climax than I would expect. With that in mind, I shudder to think of what would happen to this in a potential remake.
 A Tier
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Mysterious Being (SwSh): This is getting carried here by that bass alone. The rest of it is ok I guess.
Arceus (DPPt): Ah, the track no one ever got to hear. I really love how sparse this is, being basically only percussion most of the way through. I think the Arceus event is something we should have actually gotten to experience, I’m pretty sure it would have blown little me’s mind.
Lugia (HGSS): HGSS, the games where every legendary got its own theme. Bring this back please, I’m begging here. I understand the reason this sounds the way it does is because it’s based on the Shadow Lugia theme from XD, but I haven’t played that one, so I can’t comment. I’m sure not complaining, though- considering Lugia’s other main appearance (in the movie, of course) I wasn’t expecting such a menacing theme.
Legendary (DPPt): For a “generic” theme (fucking Rotom gets this btw) this has a lot going for it. The animation that plays when you start a fight with this music is burned into my brain. It’s fast, it’s tense, and it sounds great.
Lake Trio (DPPt): Unlike Mysterious Being, while the bass slays here, it’s not alone carrying the song. This track was always my favourite out of Diamond and Pearl, and those games have a fucking great soundtrack, so.
Black/White Kyurem (B2W2): I really love that this is a remix of the (also very menacing) theme you hear when you boot the game up- you’ve heard a version of this while staring at the fucker, now here’s the real version for when you have to fight it. The references to the regular Tao Trio theme are well placed, but this more bombastic version sounds like Kyurem is here to fucking kill you, which to be fair, it kinda is.
Legendary Beasts (Crystal/HGSS): I’m lumping these together since, although HGSS gave each their own remix, they’re basically the same theme. This was the first Legendary music ever written for the series, and it still holds up really well. As for the HGSS remixes, I don’t think Entei’s slower rockier version works as well, but I really like the punchy percussion on Raikou’s version.
Regis (RSE): Hella bass and Hoenn Horns? What’s not to love? I do think the original version of this theme is by far the best one, being an ample payoff for the puzzle that was getting to it in the first place, and it makes hurling balls at the golem’s much more tolerable. I literally never caught Registeel as a kid so I could go back and listen to this whenever I wanted.
Tapus (SMUSUM): Again, why are these separated. Considering this game has literal aliens in it, the Tapu theme in SM is somehow the most messed up sounding one, but it works extremely well. The surprise vocalisations work really well with the… I’m hesitant to say tribal, but I don’t have another word for that vibe to be honest. It does feel like you’re doing a transgression with this song, which you are (why the fuck are you allowed to catch these things in universe lmao).
Ultra Necrozma (USUM): Probably the most climactic song in the entire franchise, and it makes sense- this isn’t just the climax of those games, but the finisher to the entire 3DS era of the series. The church organs, therefore, are pretty justified. This song sounds like a Big Deal, and the organ getting pretty jazzy when it gets to some of the less intense bits is a really nice little touch. And then the percussion picks up again and oh fuck here we goooooo. A fitting track for arguably one of the hardest fights in the entire franchise.
 S Tier
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Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma (USUM): Haha oops I like this one more than Ultra. I think it’s just the unstoppable percussion that opens this that does it. I don’t think anyone who went in blind saw this moment in the games coming, and the intensity reflects this- its like a prelude to Ultra but it doesn’t have as much of a low point, with the onslaught of noise fitting the sheer OH FUCK that is seeing everyone’s favourite bag-dodger getting bodyjacked out of nowhere.
Weather Trio (RSE): Anyone who understands my bias is gonna understand this one. It’s almost entirely carried by nostalgia, but I just love this fucking song. Compared to some of the other things on this list, it feels nearly minimalistic, seeing as it’s pretty much just the drums, horns, and that bell, but that’s all it needs. It’s the first song in the series for a proper legendary, and it suits that fact.
Deoxys (FRLG/E): By contrast, the Deoxys theme is pushing that GBA soundfont to its absolute limit. You can hear some of the best of both the FRLG and RSE soundtracks in this song, with the Kanto percussion and the Hoenn horns both doing their part, but whatever instruments the rest of this is going for are absolutely not slouching either. It’s somewhat telling that the best soundtracks for FRLG romhacks (e.g. Clover) sound more like this than like the other themes in the game.
Ho-Oh (HGSS): Oh fuck is that a koto I love kotos. By contrast with Lugia, Ho-oh is a more relaxed track that takes a lot from traditional Japanese instruments, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t dramatic- far from it. The groove in this makes it sound like it comes from another series entirely, being so incredibly different from anything else the series had to offer at that point. That main riff is so fucking perfect, man.
Giratina (Platinum): I remember having my mind blown when I first heard this. Giratina went from the generic DP legendary music (which is obviously still good) to this chaotic energetic power play, and I was sold on Platinum immediately (like everything before XY, Platinum came out in Japan some months before in other countries, so I heard this well before the game dropped). This song has so many different lines, so many different builds, and yet none of them feel out of place. I almost feel like this song is what started me down the path that would lead to me being a prog fan. After the haunting ambience of the Distortion World, this sheer energy is such a shock to the system, and the climax of the song hits harder than any individual moment on any other song in the series. It’s my number 1 pick, and I love it to bits.
 Thus, the full list is as follows. If you end up doing your own, link me up, I’d love to see how wrong you are your opinions.
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princessanneftw · 5 years ago
The Crown's Erin Doherty on playing Princess Anne – the voice, the hair and the style
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By Caroline Leaper, Senior Fashion Editor for Stella Magazine.
As she joins acting royalty for the new series of the hit TV show, the actress discusses her transformation into a princess and just how long it takes to create THAT ’do
Erin Doherty is explaining how much fun it is to pretend to be very, very posh when you’re not. In the lead-up to playing Princess Anne in the new season of the hit Netflix drama The Crown, she says that she spent days practising her best royal voice in mundane scenarios, and offers to order a smoothie at the café we’ve met in ‘as Anne’, by way of demonstration.
‘Anne’s accent, and the whole family’s accent, is so weird,’ she laughs, snapping back into her own south London dialect. ‘It’s alien to me, I’ve never heard anyone else talk like that. My natural voice is the opposite. I watched YouTube videos and would practise when ordering a coffee, or speaking to people I didn’t know. The reactions were brilliant; I’m looking casual with this crazy posh voice coming out of me.’ Indeed, today she looks quite unroyal in her Breton top, khaki trousers and Birkenstocks.
Playing the Princess Royal is Erin’s first major television role. The 27-year-old from Crawley had a small part in the BBC adaptation of Les Misérables this year, and appeared in an episode of Call the Midwife back in 2017, but has otherwise stuck to the stage, graduating from Bristol Old Vic Theatre School to The Young Vic and The Old Vic, after being hailed a rising star of her generation. She is palpably excited about being in The Crown, and refreshingly honest about how she’s ‘winging it’ on one of the most anticipated TV shows of the year. She does, I should say now, deliver an incredibly convincing Anne. When casting director Nina Gold told her she had got the part, she celebrated by having a curry.
The Crown season three will span more than a decade, from 1964 to 1977, warranting an all-new cast to play the ageing royals. 
Olivia Colman picks up from Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth, Tobias Menzies follows Matt Smith’s Duke of Edinburgh and Helena Bonham Carter takes over from Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. We’ve reached the years when the Queen’s children are coming of age; Erin’s Anne is in her late teens when we meet her, and is full of fantastically feisty opinions about being ‘launched’ as an adult in the Royal family.
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We all know the plot, or so we think, as The Crown is based on real events. But the brilliance of the show is that we don’t know which bits of history creator Peter Morgan will zoom in on. Season three might cover the time when, in 1974, Ian Ball attempted to abduct Anne and hold her to ransom for £3 million. (‘Not bloody likely,’ she famously said to her kidnapper, and her father Prince Philip quipped, ‘She would have given him a hell of a time in captivity...’). We might get to see Erin in bridal attire, as Anne’s first wedding to Captain Mark Phillips took place in 1973.
Erin is tight-lipped about which events do and do not make the cut. ‘You know what happens to Anne,’ she says. ‘It’s not hard to guess. But Peter makes these people so fascinating because of the way he focuses on stories which might not have been the headlines everyone remembers.’
Anne’s story, Erin says, was largely unknown to her before she began researching ahead of her audition. ‘Princess Anne, honestly, didn’t mean anything to me,’ she explains. ‘Like a lot of people who grow up in Britain, I think, [the Royal family was] always just there. My family watched the Queen’s speech at Christmas, but other than that, you feel a bit removed from it. I had to research her and then I realised, wow, this woman is awesome. I fell in love with her.’
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Anne’s reputation as the reluctant, truculent royal, who was more interested in riding horses than wearing ballgowns and playing the part, has come good of late. Where once the tabloid press dubbed her ‘rude’, ‘dowdy’ and ‘austere’, her dependability, cracking wit and commitment to public duty now see her celebrated as the most hard-working royal each year (she completed 180 days of engagements in 2018, 20 more than Prince Charles). And her never-wavering signature style suddenly chimes with the fashion industry’s new drive for more sustainable shopping. ‘At 69, Princess Anne’s country-chic look and penchant for rewearing couldn’t be more on trend,’ a fellow fashion editor of this newspaper wrote back in August.
Erin discovered pretty quickly that her new ‘family’ is full of eccentric, fun and 
complex characters. In one of her first scenes, she is sitting around a television with the Queen and Princess Margaret for tea, cigarettes and whisky, to watch Royal Family, the famously ill-fated 1969 BBC documentary (the reception to it was so bad that it was banished after airing, with the press suggesting director Richard Cawston’s fly-on-the-wall approach had ‘cheapened’ the monarchy). In real life, of course, that meant cosying up with her new co-stars, a cast of national treasures and Oscar-winners.
‘Scenes like that were surreal, but everyone was so normal on set,’ Erin says. ‘Seeing someone like Helena be so calm and cool has been a gift. What makes it weird is that I then go home to my houseshare and my housemates are like, “Your job is insane, did you see Olivia Colman today?” I obviously can’t tell her that they love her in Fleabag every day, that would be weird. And ultimately I’m trying to be like her daughter and build this relationship up with her, so the main goal for me is to forget about the fact that she is Olivia Colman. My dad is the worst for it, he took a flight and texted me, “I’ve just seen Olivia Colman doing the BA safety advert – tell her she’s great in it.”’
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As well as the voice, the other thing to get right when becoming Anne was the hair. Today, Erin’s hair is soft, straight and centre-parted. She says it takes a lot of work to mould it into the Princess Royal’s trademark style each day.
‘The hair takes a solid hour and a half,’ she laughs. ‘Most of that time is spent backcombing and setting it with hairspray. Sometimes if it’s not poofy enough, we have to use a sponge doughnut underneath to hold it up more. I’m no wiser as to how she actually does hers. It must be pretty solid, as she doesn’t change it much.’
In Anne’s youth, Erin points out, the Princess typically only set half of her head, leaving some hair down and smooth at the back. For season four, though, which started filming this month, Erin is expecting to double her time in the hair chair, as Anne switches to her mainstay full halo. ‘It takes even more time if she’s wearing any sort of a hat,’ she groans. ‘I brace myself if it’s a hat day.’
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Costume was crucial to Anne’s character. This season of The Crown will revisit the Princess’s fashion heyday in the ’60s and ’70s, when she wore sharp checked suiting and chic flares, and was photographed by Norman Parkinson in the era’s Pucci-esque saturated floral prints. Costume designer Amy Roberts recreates some of Anne’s most memorable outfits – many of which would still look relevant and stylish today.
‘She was so on-trend in the 1960s and ’70s. She figured out her style at that age and she has stuck with it ever since,’ says Erin. ‘I created a Pinterest board of her outfits and I saw this amazing thing of Anne throughout the years, reusing her gowns, sometimes rocking it again 20 years later. I love that about her. She must not get rid of anything.
‘My favourite outfit, though,’ she continues, ‘is the one in the first scene you’ll see from me. The idea is that her parents have just pulled her away from riding and she’s 
angry and stressy, so I’m wearing riding boots and stomping around.’
Erin understood that, of all the looks, this would likely be the one that the Princess Royal herself would favour too. ‘So often she’s in these amazing ballgowns, but you can tell that this would be her preference,’ she says. ‘It just feels more like her. Because of her sporting side, I don’t think she gets enough credit as a style icon. You meet some people who remember that she was fashionable, but a lot are like, nope, she’s just horses.’
Ah, the horses. For Olympic athlete and European eventing champion Anne, riding has been a passion since childhood. For Erin, it was a case of all the equestrian gear and no idea.
‘I’d never been horse riding before filming this, it was the first time I’d ever put on jodhpurs,’ she admits. ‘After my initial meeting with the casting team, my agent rang and was like, “Are you OK with horses?” The part was still in the balance, so I said, “Yeah, of course I am.” As soon as I put the phone down I thought 
I can’t believe I’ve just said that. It’s notorious that actors will say they can do something and learn how later, isn’t it? I was petrified. Luckily I had 
a bit of time, so it’s sorted now and I can ride.’
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Horses may not have been on the agenda for Erin growing up, but football was. ‘I was pretty good – I was scouted to play for Chelsea,’ she says. ‘I really hated school, so I lived for the weekends; I’d play football on a Sunday morning, and then in the afternoon I would go to stage school. When I was about 14, the schedule was getting so intense that my dad said I needed to choose one. I still do my keepy-uppies in the garden. I’d love it if someone remade Bend It Like Beckham – I’d be totally prepared for that part.’
Erin is one of three children (she has an older sister and a younger brother), and her mother, a retired medical practice administrator, and father, who works in airline operations, split up when she was four and now, respectively, live in Guildford and Folkestone. She’s living in south-east London in a houseshare with strangers who have become friends, and who work in entirely different fields. She grew up, she says, happily hanging around in Croydon wearing a tracksuit. ‘That was our best town to go to with your friends.’
When The Crown was first released, the original cast found themselves famous around the world. Appetite for the show is especially high in the US where, as Erin points out, ‘they flip for the royals.
‘It exploded for the last cast didn’t it?’ she considers. ‘They’re all pretty high-profile now. It’s mental what could happen, but I’m really not prepared for it and I also don’t think it’s healthy to expect it. Imagine thinking your world is going to change then nothing happens, that would be heartbreaking. I don’t think people would really recognise me in the street anyway, I look quite different when I’m not made-up with the hair.’
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Claire Foy and Vanessa Kirby, particularly, benefited from the magazine covers and fashion status that came with the territory, as designers from Erdem to 
Gucci vied to dress them on the red carpet.
‘I’ve never really done a red-carpet event,’ Erin says. ‘I was speaking to my publicist and I think we’re going to get a stylist to help. Honestly, these conversations are so alien to me. It’s actually more intimidating to do these things where you have to be yourself. I can get very anxious and I’m more of an introvert if I’m not acting, so the simpler these things are and the less I have to think about what I look like, the better.’
Her photo shoot with Stella is the first that she’s done, an experience that she enjoyed, she says, because she was able to treat it like playing a role.
In her own life, comfort takes priority. ‘My style is pretty androgynous,’ she says, ‘I’m all about not abiding by gender norms, not because I have any particular view of myself that way, but I like messing things around and trying different things. I’ve always been sporty and I’m drawn to clothes that are baggy. What I hope is that you’ll still be able to see me [even when I’m dressed up on the red carpet] and I’ll look back and think this whole experience was amazing and fun, not a surreal period of my life that I didn’t really live in.’
It will be surreal, probably. But Erin seems to have put in the work to ensure that her portrayal isn’t a caricature, and she has got under the skin of one of the nation’s famously-hardy senior royals. She did weeks of research, listened to the historians on set, nailed that voice and even investigated Anne’s Chinese zodiac sign, just in case it gave a crumb of insight to work with. ‘Anne’s a metal tiger,’ she confirms.
Talented, funny, hard-working and, crucially, not at all starstruck by the royals. It is, likely, exactly what the Princess Royal herself would want from the person deemed tough enough to play her.
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mariposalass · 5 years ago
Here’s something stupid I came up with after watching a YouTube video on how bad the music in the Disney live action remakes are compared to their animated classic counterparts (and a random splash of How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying) a few months ago. I blame Sideways for making me to write up these headcanons for ‘Mione and Harry:
Hermione can’t sing for her life: it is just as bad as Kirby’s singing. She is banned from Karaoke Night and karaoke bars along with Kirby because nobody wants to hear her screeching like a tired gorilla. Although it is not as bad as Kirby’s voice though, it is just mediocre at best and dreadfully boring at worst. Can’t emote fluidly when singing either!
Harry sucks in imitating foreign accents in ever: it will always fail him every time. If he tries to do an American accent for example, it will sound like Daniel Radcliffe’s version of J. Pierrepoint Finch in the 2011 Broadway run of How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying which was carried for some sketches he did on Saturday Night Live. Except for Irish, because of his maternal heritage, duh. He can pull off a surprisingly good Irish accent, even while speaking Irish Gaelic.
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katewillaert · 6 years ago
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My Secret Origin (Part 1): How To Fail At Comics
[Above: Art from 20 years ago, when I was in High School.]
What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I was four I said “mad scientist.” It was 1987 and I was a big fan of The Real Ghostbusters and Doc Brown. My mom insisted “mad scientist” wasn’t a profession. And weren’t those characters are inventors? What did I want to invent?
Clearly I hadn’t thought this through.
My mom also informed me that all those cartoons I watch were made by people. Those were drawings, and there are people whose job it was to draw those.
This blew my mind. From that point on I decided I was going to be an animator.
Discovering Art
I don’t remember when I first started drawing. It seems like something I always did growing up. As far as my memory is concerned, I came out of the womb holding a pencil and began drawing before I said my first words.
In reality, I probably started in preschool when I was four, just before I discovered what an animator was. I remember my favorite subject to draw was the Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters. I must’ve drawn it something like 10 or 20 times.
My mom kept almost all of my childhood art, so in theory I could figure out when I started drawing from that...except the earliest drawings were ruined when the basement flooded.
After the flooding, my mom was condensing what was left, and I saw something surprising: a box filled with Ecto-1 drawings. I hadn’t drawn it 10 or 20 times, I’d drawn it 100 or 200 times. Repetitively, over and over, without consciously thinking about what I was doing.
It was practice without realizing I was practicing. I guess that’s how my art “leveled up” so quickly?
Later I discovered other details about my early development. There was a time around age 2 where I stopped talking. There were times when I liked to line up toys. My obsession before art was Legos, building complex shapes and stairs.
Today these might be recognized as possible indicators of autism, but this was the ‘80s.
Because I was shy and lacking in social skills, a teacher suggested to my parents that I might benefit from being held back a grade. I had a summer birthday, so holding me back would make me one of the oldest rather than the youngest.
Thankfully my parents didn’t take that advice. I would’ve been miserable. Despite being the youngest in my class, I surpassed everyone in terms of scores. A CAT test says I scored “higher than 99% of all 3rd grade student in the nation in total language.” 91% in reading. 90% in math. My reading comprehension was 98% in the nation, but was brought down by my reading vocabulary which was only 72%.
Yet this new information called into question a things about myself I’d never considered. Maybe certain things suddenly made more sense? In particular, the way I don’t have interests so much as obsessions. Any time I take an interest in a topic, it leads to an obsessive amount of research.
Discovering Comics
I think the first comic I ever saw was a Chick Tract some kid showed me in Sunday School. He was surprised I’d never seen one. It must’ve hadan impact on me, because I attempted to draw a tract-style comic starring C.O.P.S. (“Fighting Crime In A Future Time”).
I didn’t discover REAL comic books until a few years later. In 1991, Terminator 2: Judgement Day marketing was in full force and I thought it looked so cool. But it was Rated R, and I was only seven. My mom spotted a couple issues of a Marvel comic adaptation (drawn by Klaus Janson), and I guess that was the compromise until it was out on video.
I attempted to illustrate a comic imitating Janson’s cram-packed panel-per-page ratio. It was an epic crossover where Michael Keaton Batman encounters a Delorean driven by a T-1000, then the Ninja Turtles show up, and maybe the Ghostbusters? I knew how to introduce characters but not how to finish a story.
At this point I was still imagining becoming an animator, even though I barely knew anything about what it involved beyond some flip books I’d done. But all that changed when I discovered the X-Men.
X-Men and Batman: The Animated Series both debuted on FOX during the fall of 1992. I was a huge fan of the Tim Burton Batman movies and I’d seen every episode of the ‘60s show when it was revived in reruns, but I didn’t know the comics existed? I didn’t even know where to find comics.
My brother and I were both really into this new X-Men thing, and my brother was given a set of X-Men comics for his birthday. I borrowed them of course, and wanted to see how the story continued. My mom showed us a book store in the mall that had comics, and then we discovered the local comic store. That started my monthly addiction.
Now age 10, I decided I no longer wanted to be an animator. Comics were my true calling. And my dream was to break in at age 16.
Learning Comics
Age 11: I went from reading just Uncanny X-Men to buying the entire X-line, thanks to and event called Age Of Apocalypse.
Age 12: I started buying Wizard magazine. The first two issues I bought included life-changing information, like that you get hired by building a portfolio and showing it to editors. There was industry news, and art tutorials by Greg Capullo. I added the magazine to my monthly buy list. An X-Men 30th anniversary special gave me the entire history of the characters, and a run-down of the key artists and writers with examples of their work. It was like a Rosetta Stone before Wikipedia.
Age 13: I started buying most of Marvel’s output thanks to an event called Heroes Reborn. I never got into the Batbooks, I guess because the art didn’t look as cool? Comics contained ads for the Joe Kubert School, which became my backup plan if I didn’t break into comics on my own. I also discovered the internet around this time.
Age 14: My first year of high school. I spent every lunch hour in the library browsing the internet, since we didn’t have a computer at home yet. I discovered several comic art forums where pros and amateurs traded tips. During the summer I attended a week long art session taught at a local college by a professor who grew up on ‘60s Marvel. There I learned I’d been using paper that was much too thin to ink on, and I learned about the importance of Jack Kirby.
Age 15: I started buying Comic Book Artist magazine. I thought it’d be about drawing tips, but instead it was filled with fascinating comics history, which became an obsession of its own.
Age 16: A year of disappointment. I knew I wasn’t at the level I needed to be to get pro work, but wasn’t sure how to get to the next level. Nowadays there are all sorts of resources I could’ve used, but back then there was no Youtube, no social media, and few books about the craft of comics.
I was now certain the Joe Kubert School was the way to go.
Changing Plans
My family took a trip to Dover, NJ to visit the Joe Kubert School campus, and it was pretty disappointing. The town didn’t feel super friendly, and the school wasn’t accredited, which raised issues in regards to getting student aid. Plus the idea of spending so much money on a non-degree.
The guy showing me around tried to sell me by pointing out that comic companies don’t care about whether you went to college, they just want to see the portfolio.
I took this to heart and decided not to go to college. I was pretty crushed at first, because I’d had this dream plan for so long, and now I was plan-less. But eventually a new plan began to form.
It was time to start doing conventions.
A startup called CrossGen had a sample script and were taking submissions at SDCC 2000, so I went there. I still felt like my work wasn’t quite ready for prime time, but i was worth a shot.
And nothing came of it, other than a cool Crossgen rejection letter in a box somewhere. None of the other publishers could be bothered to even send that.
In hindsight, I was trying to enter at maybe the worst possible time in comics history. When I first started reading comics, they were at their peak during a boom period. When the bubble burst, the industry experienced year-over-year plummeting sales with no bottom in sight. No one was hiring.
But I kept at it, hoping for a lucky break. Top Cow was impressed that I did backgrounds (lol), and suggested I send in “background samples,” but I didn’t want to go down that route. But maybe that’s what a lucky break looks like? (On the other hand, many aspiring pencillers who start as inkers or colorists get stuck there.)
The next summer I went to Chicago with a Marvel sample script. I’d just graduated from high school, so I was really hoping. This time I got a critique from an editor who had actual advice to offer, and I learned a few things. But still no one was hiring.
I thought if I just stayed home and worked on art for a year, I’d eventually come up with pages so impressive that they’d HAVE to hire me. And if it didn’t work out after a year, I’d start looking for a college.
But now I was struggling with a new problem. I suddenly hated my art. I’d heard about a few professional artists who didn’t like looking at their own art, but I was certain this was different. After all, they’re actually good.
The year passed and I accomplished nothing. Based on things I’d heard, I was nervous that college might actually price me out of comics entirely. But I didn’t know that for sure, and I was super inexperienced when it came to money, since I’d never lived on my own before.
But I kept hearing how so many people have gone to college and they all turned out okay (this was before social media and before student debt became a crisis). I was clearly having trouble moving forward on my own, and Youtube still didn’t exist, so what choice did I have?
Choosing Schools
There were only a few colleges with comic art programs back then (maybe three total?), but one of them just happened to be over here in Minnesota. Art school appealed to me because all the classes were art-focused, so I wouldn’t have to waste my time with math and other BS.
And as I humble-bragged earlier, I’m good at math. But I hated it. At one point some kids from Math League asked if I’d join the team. “‘MATH LEAGUE?’ You mean you do math for FUN??”
I hated math so much, I took harder, accelerated math courses via a local college, just so I could finish math early and spend my last years of high school wonderfully mathless. If there’d been a similar way to graduate from high school earlier, I would’ve taken it. When I realized we were all graduating regardless of how much work we put in, I stopped caring so much about grades and let an occasional B+ slip in.
When I would see classmates busy studying for their SATs or ACTs, I was so glad I didn’t have to bother with that.
But the joke was on me. Because this art school didn’t just require a portfolio review (which I was more than ready for). It also wanted ACT test results.
I remember wondering if I should study before I take it, since everyone took it so seriously in high school. But I didn’t even know how to study. It’s not a skill I’d learned, because I never needed to. So I decided to wing it.
You’ll hate me, but without studying I scored in the top 96% for English, the top 94% for Reading, the top 96% for Science...but only top 87% for Math, because I hadn’t taken a math class in three years. That brought my total down 90%..
(Later, I had to learn to study in order to pass some horrifically-taught art history classes. That teacher made me hate art history, which is ironic given how much of my own writing is focused on history.)
So I got into the school, only to discover that even structured teaching wasn’t going to solve my new art problem. During my first year I told my mom that I don’t enjoy art anymore, and she thought it might be depression. I mean, that’s plausible, losing interest in your passions?
In hindsight, I now have enough experience with real depression that I can definitively say it wasn’t that. I mean, I was occasionally depressed back then, but hating my art was unrelated. It took me years to figure out the actual problem.
Dunning Kruger
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is named after a study which found that:
1) People who aren’t knowledgeable about a skill tend to think they’re better at it than they are, because they don’t know enough to know what they don’t know.
2) Conversely, people who ARE knowledgeable about a skill tend to think they’re worse at it than they are.
My problem went one level deeper. I’d learned a shit ton about every skill related to comic art, but I hadn’t put in as much time actually practicing. And now practicing was tough, because I was hyper-aware of how bad every line was as I laid it down.
In other words, the exact reverse of when I was four and drew repetitively on auto-pilot. Back then I was oblivious that I was practicing anything at all. Now I had the benefit and detriment of a critical mind.
But this realization came later. At the time I was just miserable and didn’t know what was wrong with me.
Halfway through art school, I realized I’d likely already priced myself out of comics, and I needed a real degree that would function back-up plan. So I switched majors. Instead of a Comics major filling my electives with design classes, I became a Design major filling my electives with comics classes.
In order to change my major, I had to explain it to the head of the school. This was awkward because it partly involved explaining how the comics industry worked, and he didn’t want to believe it. He told me I was being cynical.
I tried doing comic samples one last time after college, for a convention in 2006, but couldn’t even finish a page. Then sometime around 2008, I gave up drawing entirely.
How I got started again is another story.
You can also find me on:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/katewillaert/?hl=en
Twitter -  https://twitter.com/katewillaert
Art Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/katewillaert
History Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/acriticalhit
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