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shisasan · 1 year ago
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Their onyx feathers glistened in the eerie light, woven in ebony nests, entwined and eternal.
Kunigami [国頭村], Okinawa, Japan
[These two beautiful feathered souls shared a moment of pure adoration. I was blessed to capture this adorable encounter. 🖤] Ph. Aleksandra Alba IG: tanzdreamer
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questintheskies · 2 months ago
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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega, en esta ocasión os voy a explicar que significa Tenshu y su relación en la arquitectura de los castillos japoneses, dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Seguramente que lo hemos visto alguna vez en el famoso videojuego Shogun 2, en alguna película, dorama o anime, ¿Cuál es su principal función? La podríamos definir como lugar de residencia del daimyō (だい みょう), ya que en Japón el concepto de castillo del que se tiene en Europa. Porque pasaron a ser sitio de residencia y el Tenshu era la estancia del daimyō, “Cuando se estableció el régimen Tokugawa y se promulgó la Ley One Castle One Castle en 1615 “(Keicho 20) a partir de entonces a cada daimyo se le permitió poseer un solo castillo y el Tenshu perdió su función. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de historia y arqueología nipona que pasen una feliz semana. - Welcome, archeological japonistas to a new installment, in this occasion I will explain what Tenshu means and its relationship in the architecture of Japanese castles, having said that, make yourself comfortable that we started. - Surely we have ever seen it in the famous video game Shogun 2, in a movie, drama or anime, what is your main function? We could define it as the place of residence of the daimyō (だい みょう), since in Japan the concept of a castle is similar to that of Europe. Because they became a place of residence and the Tenshu was the stay of the daimyō, "When the Tokugawa regime was established and the Law One Castle One Castle in 1615 “(Keicho 20) thereafter to each daimyo was allowed to own only one castle and the tenshu lost its function. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications of Japanese history and archeology have a happy week. - ようこそ、考古学ジャポニスタの新作へ。 天守の意味とその関係を説明します。 そうは言っても、日本の城の建築は快適です 私たちは始めました。 - 確かに有名なビデオゲームで見たことがあります 将軍2、映画・ドラマ・アニメでメインは? 関数? 大名(だい)の居住地と定義することができます。 みょう)、日本の城の概念はヨーロッパのそれと似ているからです。 彼らは居住地となり、天守は天守の滞在であったからです。 大名「徳川政権の成立と法制化の時」 1615年「一城一城」(慶長20年)以降、それぞれに 大名は一城しか所有できず、天守は機能を失った。
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ragsansp · 2 months ago
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Unauthorized use of photos prohibited
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suzu-kun22 · 2 months ago
Rewatching FMA in Japanese is a wild experience for several reasons but one of the funniest ones is that they call Amestrians "Amestrisians" in the subtitles and I want to know who the FUCK on the subbing team made that decision because that wild shit is NOT in the Japanese
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mvrider6 · 2 months ago
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tabinoashiato · 1 year ago
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Summer in Koyasan (August, 2023)
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mvrider1 · 1 year ago
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ashitakaxsan · 8 months ago
🌟In the midst of Hustle, but never forgetting!🌟
It's one of the times I'm busy with chores,life gets hectic, but let's take a moment to celebrate the stories, characters, and memories that bring us joy.Plus I'm not forgetting my beloved Stardom!Whether it's diving into a new manga/anime or reminiscing about the classics, let's share our passion for the world of entertainment together. Here's to finding time for the things that make our hearts sing! 💫
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Below:German suplex in manga way:
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moonlightspread · 7 months ago
It's difficult and interesting because everyone is different.
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langwich · 7 months ago
attention language learners with an interest in art and/or computers!!!
i've been looking to incorporate language-learning into my hobbies, namely digital art, but because i'm not pre-equipped with the right vocabulary to articulate specific aspects of my interests, i end up googling things like 「描き方」 and getting rudimentary articles about how to draw a circle.
i've been using medibang paint pro for about seven years now, and i've been learning japanese for almost three, but for some reason it never occurred to me to change the language of my art software? so i tried it out, and i have a feeling this is seriously going to change the game for me. hopefully this post will help others!
although i'm speaking from my own experience with my go-to art software, i'm sure this can be applied to other software and websites-- like canva, picsart, wix, ibispaint x, word/google docs, or anything else you use regularly for your digital/online-oriented hobbies.
in the past, i've tried changing the language on my phone and social media apps, and while i was exposed to the language outside of my regular learning materials, i found myself not gaining a lot of new vocabulary. i think this had to do with the fact that a) i wasn't studying every button i clicked because a lot of my motions were committed to muscle memory, and b) especially with social media apps, i was too distracted by the addictive elements and content, so that tore my attention away from gaining anything new linguistically.
by contrast, digital art is a slower process, and it involves more delayed gratification; the same can be said for hobbies like graphic design, coding, writing/typing, etc. plus, i'm always learning new things about medibang paint pro and other digital software, so it requires a conscious effort to find, read, and select the right brushes and settings. after all, not doing so would be disastrous :'')
i think that being able to interact with art- and computer-related vocabulary using software that i'm already familiar with is incredibly beneficial. i'm being constantly exposed to the vocabulary-- which will help with retention-- and i'm also learning words through images, context, and my own recollection of each button's location.
the added benefit of medibang paint pro in particular is that it was originally a japanese art software (made with mangaka in mind), so it has a very active japanese art community. the main hub is full of other artists' works and tutorials-- which i skipped over for years until i realized the potential it had for reading practice.
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this goes to show that when it comes to looking for language-learning resources, creativity is important! with a more sophisticated vocabulary, it'll definitely be easier to find articles and websites that are more relevant to my interests. i would absolutely recommend that other frequent computer-users try this, and if anyone has any insights to share, i'd be very interested to hear them!
some art- and computer-related vocabulary i found:
取り消し と やり直し -> undo/redo
レイヤーの追加 と レイヤーの削除 -> add/remove layer
ガウスぼかし -> gaussian blur (my favorite tool for lineart)
名前をつけて保存 -> save as...
色相 と 彩度 と 明度 -> hue/saturation/brightness
かかと -> heel (from the high-heel tutorial pictured above lol)
even if it's rare or technical terminology that i might not encounter everyday, it's still interesting to learn :)
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shisasan · 11 months ago
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An illuminated stillness within a dream-like state. Aleksandra Alba IG: tanzdreamer
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questintheskies · 30 days ago
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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueologicos, al segundo capítulo del japón prehistórico y seguir recorriendo sus lugares mitológicos y mágicos una vez dicho esto póngase comandos que empezamos. - Para continuar nuestro viaje, más vale tarde que nunca pero despacio y con buena letra. Nos trasladamos a Kuromatayama una montaña con forma de pirámide, que se localiza en la meseta de Nakadori en el distrito Towada Oyu de la ciudad de Kazuno , prefectura de Akita. - En la década de 1992,se realizó una encuesta académica y como resultado, aunque esta montaña actualmente está cubierta de tierra, se descubrió que era una estructura artificial de unos 7 a 10 niveles que llegaban desde la base hasta la cima. Además, se halló una cavidad a 10 metros por debajo de la cumbre, y es muy probable que alguien esté enterrado allí. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones mis amantes del mundo japonés, que pasen una buena semana. - 考古学者の日本主義者の皆さん、先史時代の日本の第 2 章へようこそ。神話と魔法の場所を旅し続けてください。そう言われたら、コマンドを入力して始めましょう。 - 旅を続けるには、遅刻しないよりはマシですが、ゆっくりと良い字で書きましょう。 秋田県鹿角市十和田大湯地区の中通高原にあるピラミッド型の山「黒俣山」へ移動します。 - 1992年代に学術調査が行われた結果、この山は現在は土で覆われているものの、麓から頂上まで7~10層程度の人工構造物であることが判明した。 また、山頂から10メートルほど下には空洞が発見されており、人が埋葬されている可能性が高い。 - 日本の世界を愛する皆さん、良い一週間をお過ごしください。 - Welcome, archaeological Japanists, to the second chapter of prehistoric Japan and continue touring its mythological and magical places. Once that has been said, put in commands and let's begin. - To continue our journey, better late than never but slowly and with good handwriting. We move to Kuromatayama, a pyramid-shaped mountain, located on the Nakadori Plateau in the Towada Oyu district of the city of Kazuno, Akita Prefecture. - In the 1992s, an academic survey was conducted and as a result, although this mountain is currently covered with earth, it was found to be an artificial structure of about 7 to 10 levels reaching from the base to the top. Additionally, a cavity was found 10 meters below the summit, and it is very likely that someone is buried there. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts my lovers of the Japanese world, have a good week.
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mvrider8 · 8 months ago
奈良奥山ドライブウェイ 新若草山コース&高円山コース
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hi-technique · 2 years ago
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