#workspace privacy
flexospaces · 10 months
In the vast seas of coworking spaces, data pirates are a real concern that demands attention. By understanding the threats, adopting proactive measures, and staying informed, you can navigate these waters safely. 
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interiorergonomics · 1 month
Top Quality Office Acoustic Solutions in Dubai
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Top quality office acoustic solutions in Dubai are available at OfficeMaster, the leading manufacturer and Supplier of office furniture in UAE. These modern office furniture pieces are so essential for sound proofing, thus creating a productive and comfortable work environment. Among acoustic solutions include;
soundproofing pet acoustic screen panels
Modern lounge sofas
Seater Sofas
Acoustic pods
Privacy booths
Modular sofas
Large, Small and Mounted Whiteboards
Small, Medium and Large Fan dividers
A combination of these are offered at an affordable cost to primarily focuses on noise-cancellation with modern workspaces. Further, modern office fit-outs leverage them in partitions design to reduce ambient noise and enhance privacy. Buy these high-quality acoustic treatments to minimize distractions, improve focus, and foster better communication among employees.
In a bustling city like Dubai, where office spaces often face high levels of external noise, investing in such top-tier acoustic solutions is crucial for maintaining a serene and efficient workplace.
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marciodpaulla-blog · 1 year
Through the Digital Lens: How Communication Technologies are Reshaping the World of Work
As we navigate the evolving digital workspace, let's embrace technology while valuing human connection. Remember, we're not just part of this story, we're its architects. Together, we'll shape our shared digital future.
Once upon a time, in a world not too far away, nestled in the crux of the 20th century, there was an office. It was an office like any other – buzzing typewriters, clattering fax machines, and the perpetual hum of the telephone. Work was a set-piece in a monotonous diorama, the landscape of which was limited by cubicles and nine-to-five schedules. Fast forward to the 21st century, and a subtle,…
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fabaulti · 11 months
I think most of us should take the whole ai scraping situation as a sign that we should maybe stop giving google/facebook/big corps all our data and look into alternatives that actually value your privacy.
i know this is easier said than done because everybody under the sun seems to use these services, but I promise you it’s not impossible. In fact, I made a list of a few alternatives to popular apps and services, alternatives that are privacy first, open source and don’t sell your data.
right off the bat I suggest you stop using gmail. it’s trash and not secure at all. google can read your emails. in fact, google has acces to all the data on your account and while what they do with it is already shady, I don’t even want to know what the whole ai situation is going to bring. a good alternative to a few google services is skiff. they provide a secure, e3ee mail service along with a workspace that can easily import google documents, a calendar and 10 gb free storage. i’ve been using it for a while and it’s great.
a good alternative to google drive is either koofr or filen. I use filen because everything you upload on there is end to end encrypted with zero knowledge. they offer 10 gb of free storage and really affordable lifetime plans.
google docs? i don’t know her. instead, try cryptpad. I don’t have the spoons to list all the great features of this service, you just have to believe me. nothing you write there will be used to train ai and you can share it just as easily. if skiff is too limited for you and you also need stuff like sheets or forms, cryptpad is here for you. the only downside i could think of is that they don’t have a mobile app, but the site works great in a browser too.
since there is no real alternative to youtube I recommend watching your little slime videos through a streaming frontend like freetube or new pipe. besides the fact that they remove ads, they also stop google from tracking what you watch. there is a bit of functionality loss with these services, but if you just want to watch videos privately they’re great.
if you’re looking for an alternative to google photos that is secure and end to end encrypted you might want to look into stingle, although in my experience filen’s photos tab works pretty well too.
oh, also, for the love of god, stop using whatsapp, facebook messenger or instagram for messaging. just stop. signal and telegram are literally here and they’re free. spread the word, educate your friends, ask them if they really want anyone to snoop around their private conversations.
regarding browser, you know the drill. throw google chrome/edge in the trash (they really basically spyware disguised as browsers) and download either librewolf or brave. mozilla can be a great secure option too, with a bit of tinkering.
if you wanna get a vpn (and I recommend you do) be wary that some of them are scammy. do your research, read their terms and conditions, familiarise yourself with their model. if you don’t wanna do that and are willing to trust my word, go with mullvad. they don’t keep any logs. it’s 5 euros a month with no different pricing plans or other bullshit.
lastly, whatever alternative you decide on, what matters most is that you don’t keep all your data in one place. don’t trust a service to take care of your emails, documents, photos and messages. store all these things in different, trustworthy (preferably open source) places. there is absolutely no reason google has to know everything about you.
do your own research as well, don’t just trust the first vpn service your favourite youtube gets sponsored by. don’t trust random tech blogs to tell you what the best cloud storage service is — they get good money for advertising one or the other. compare shit on your own or ask a tech savvy friend to help you. you’ve got this.
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everwizard · 1 month
Calling all Hermitcraft fans and JRWI enjoyers!
Do you make fanart of GeminiTay or Jay Ferin? Do people ever tag your art saying they thought it was the other person? Do you find these mix-ups funny? Then I have the opportunity for 🫵YOU!🫵
Introducing the "Gem or Jay Fanart Quiz." The form below is for submissions of YOUR OWN art of one of these two characters. When the form closes I will select pieces for the quiz AND 🔥🔥C-C-CREDIT YOU🔥🔥
If you would like to be a part of the sillies and the goofies, submit a response 🕜🕡🕦🕣NOW🕜🕡🕦🕣. Or like, whenever you feel like it. :)
Please note the form will ask you to sign into a Google account. Email addresses will NOT be collected however, for your privacy. Also please DO NOT submit art that you didn't make yourself. We're all here to have fun.
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f4ll-for-you · 8 months
First Flight Home | Rafe Cameron
Just a short fluffy Rafe drabble, enjoy!
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“And Rafe, what advice would you give to someone who wanted to date you?” The interviewer asked, smiling.
“Uh, I’m not sure, a good coffee often wins my heart” Rafe winked at the camera before the camera switches.
You watched your boyfriend on tv and giggled, knowing he used to stop by the campus coffee shop where you worked every day before you began dating.
Rafe had only been at the event for an hour and he already missed you in his arms, wishing he could bring you to these kind of things.
Although he loved the privacy you two had in your relationship, keeping it away from the media. He also wanted to show you off at every event and make sure everyone knew you were his girl.
You were college sweethearts, you studied humanities and he studied football. You never thought the book worm would end up with the jock but here you were, watching your all star soccer player boyfriend on tv for the thousandth time.
It didn’t take long before you’d fallen asleep, the only thing you cared about was seeing Rafes interview, getting a glimpse of his perfect face that you hadn’t seen in weeks.
He’d been away for PR for the team, building hype for the new season ahead. You missed him terribly but knew he’d be back for a month of just you and him before he was once again darting across the country.
Usually your job was quite flexible you and could usually work from anywhere with a quiet workspace space and wifi, but on this occasion you had a big annual meeting for your company and had to be there.
Rafe quietly opened the door to your NYC apartment, knowing you’d be asleep by now, probably on the sofa covered in blankets.
He smiled from ear to ear when he noticed you, only the top of your head poking out from your position under your favourite knitted blanket.
Rafe dropped his things by the door and quietly walked over to your sleeping form, kneeling beside you. “Surprise baby, I’m back” he whispered softly.
You stirred for a moment, you were sure you heard Rafes voice and in confusion opened your eyes.
“RAFE?!” You exclaimed, still half asleep, but sitting up immediately at the sight of your perfect boyfriend.
“It’s me baby” he grinned as you immediately threw your arms around him.
“What? How? You were-?” You pointed at the tv, trying to get an explanation.
“I left straight after and got the first flight home, couldn’t wait another day to see my girl.”
You peppered his face with kisses before he pulled your head away, taking in your beauty. You were real, and there, right in front of him.
Within moments you were kissing passionately, tongues fighting for dominance.
“Are you too tired for me to show you how much I missed you?” Rafe smirked.
“Never” you breathed, already desperate to feel him inside you once more.
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heauxvibez · 2 months
Born Again Virgin: II
Part 2 to Born Again Virgin
Amaia confidently strode through the entrance of her clothing store, the very one she owned, heading straight for her office. Today was special, she was about to meet a new client. Being a rising star in the world of celebrity styling, Amaia was in high demand, just like the famous Kim Kimble.
A call had come in from a manager, pleading for her assistance in styling his client, a WWE Star who had been making waves in the industry for years – Roman Reigns. Known as one of the top wrestlers around, Roman needed a new stylist urgently, especially with the Espy Awards looming just a day away.
Initially, Amaia hesitated, her schedule already packed for the day. But when the manager mentioned the price, she couldn't refuse. Without a second thought, she accepted the job, knowing it would be a whirlwind of fittings and designs.
As she flicked on the lights, Amaia prepared for the arrival of her employees. Her frequent travels meant she wasn't often at the shop, leading her to hire more staff than initially intended.
Turning the sign to 'Open' and another warning against photos and autographs, Amaia reflected on the growing attention her shop received from fans eager to catch a glimpse of celebrity clientele. What started as a minor inconvenience had escalated, prompting the need for clear boundaries.
Unlocking her office door, Amaia breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to be back in her sanctuary after weeks of traveling with other clients. Her office wasn't just any ordinary workspace; it was grand, almost as large as her own apartment. Walls painted in a soothing violet hue, complemented by sleek black and marble flooring, created an air of sophistication. A delicate chandelier hung from above, casting a gentle glow, while a colossal closet dominated the room's rear. Overflowing with garments ranging from petite children's sizes to the sizes of Rick Ross, it was a treasure trove of fashion possibilities.
Every item of clothing was organized by color and style. From elegant dresses to sharp suits, the racks carried a plethora of options, some already worn by clients, while others awaited their red carpet debut at upcoming events and award shows.
Adjacent to the expansive closet were two discreet changing rooms, providing privacy for those hesitant to undress in front of Amaia. She recalled with a chuckle the boldness of certain clients, like Rihanna, who did not care about undressing in her presence. Amaia couldn't help but be thankful that she wore a bra that particular day, given Rihanna's notorious aversion to them.
She busied herself fluffing the plush pillows on her couches. Nestled between them was a sleek glass table, topped with a bowl of yummy fruit candies and a stack of glossy fashion magazines, inviting guests to indulge in both sweets and style.
Reserved exclusively for her esteemed clients, Amaia's office was off-limits without her explicit permission.
Taking her place behind the desk, Amaia sorted through the scattered papers, her schedule filled to the brim. With appointments shuffled to accommodate her newest client, she made a mental note to reschedule today's and tomorrow's clients for Monday.
The lively chatter of her employees filled the air, bringing a smile to Amaia's lips. Each member of her team held a special place in her heart, and she always felt a bit sad when separated from them during her travels. She wanted to wait a bit before going out to speak to them, she focused on returning calls to clients, informing them of the scheduling changes prompted by her latest styling venture.
Mid-task, the ring of her office phone interrupted her concentration.
"Hey Amaia, you got 2 men here saying that they have an appointment with you today,"
"Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns.."
"Okay, send them in, thanks Makayla."
"No problem, boss."
With a soft click, Amaia hung up the phone, tidying a few papers into the drawer of her desk. Just as she finished, three gentle knocks echoed through the room, she rose from her seat and made her way towards the door.
As she swung it open, her gaze was met with the towering figure of a man clad in a simple white t-shirt and gray sweats. Her eyes traveled slowly upwards, taking in the breadth of his frame before meeting his face.
Damn, she thought.
He was undoubtedly the most handsome wrestler she had ever laid eyes on, and she'd seen her fair share. His features were chiseled and defined, sharp enough to cut like a knife. Dark, almost obsidian eyes poured into hers, set against smooth, pretty brown skin. His lips, full and inviting, drew her attention like a magnet.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Roman but you can call me Joe.." His voice, deep and seductive, snapped her out of her trance, though it sent a shiver down her spine, her knees trembling slightly.
A faint smile played at the corners of his lips, noting her reaction. The way she couldn't tear her gaze from his lips gave away more than she realized.
Roman wasn't one to brag, but he knew his charm. He was well aware of his good looks and the effect they had on others, especially women. Seeing Amaia's response wasn't new to him.
Purposefully, he licked his lips, revealing a set of perfect teeth in a charming grin.
"And I'm Paul, his manager."
She tore her gaze away from the striking sight of Roman, turning her attention to the burly man beside him. He sported a black and white suit, a touch of gray in his tie, his balding head lending him a seasoned air. With a weak smile, she extended her hand to shake theirs, introducing herself.
"Sorry we're a little late, I just moved into a new place an-.." Roman began to explain.
"No, it's totally fine. No need to explain.." Amaia interrupted, ushering them into the room and gesturing for them to take a seat on one of the plush couches.
As she opened the door to her closet, she headed towards the section reserved for men's clothing, selecting a few suits to present to Roman. Laying them out on the adjacent couch, she turned back to face him.
"Okay, so I'm styling you for the Espy's correct?"
Roman nodded, "Correct.."
"So, explain to me your style. Like what do you like to wear, favorite colors, so on and so forth..",
"I'm not too big on name brands and stuff like that. I dress casually for the most part. Colors..hmm..I like dark, sometimes with a pop of somethin' bright..you get me?"
She chuckled, pulling out a few dark suits and colorful button-ups and ties.
"I definitely understand,"
Roman glanced at his manager, who seemed preoccupied with his phone.
Paul glanced up briefly, "Nothing, don't worry about it. I'll be right back." he smiled, nodding towards Amaia.
"Take good care of him while I'm gone." he requested.
"I'm not a child, I can take care of myself," Roman said, rolling his eyes.
Amaia giggled, "It's fine, I got him."
"Thank you."
She held up a black suit, "Come here for a minute.."
As he approached, she felt a flutter of nerves. His presence was intense, his cologne intoxicating.
Turning to face him, she held up the suit, "How about these black slacks with a black button-up and a deep blood orange or red tie? Or you can wear the black slacks with a red button-up and a black tie..no suit jacket, though.."
Roman considered the options, his presence sending her thoughts into a tailspin.
"I like the all black with the red tie, that would be pretty dope. What do you think?" he asked. His eyes stared deeply into hers, almost as if he were searching for something. If you ask Amaia, she could've sworn he was trying to find her g-spot by staring into her soul.
"I..I think you will look great in that." she stammered.
"Yeah?" he leaned in closer, his breath grazing her cheek.
"Yes.." she breathed out softly, feeling a flutter in her chest. Gripping the clothes tightly, she fought to steady herself. If his intention was to make her lose her mind, he was certainly achieving it.
The door swung open, causing both of them to jump.
"Joe, we got to go. You have a meeting in 30 minutes. If we don't go now, you'll be late, and that's not a good first impression." Paul said, fingers tapping away at his phone.
"What about the outfit for the Espys tomorrow? She doesn't know my sizes.." Roman's concern was evident.
"Text her your sizes and we'll deal with the rest tomorrow morning. Amaia, will you be able to be here at 6:00 am tomorrow?"
She nodded, "Great, problem solved. Let's goooo!" Paul exclaimed, ushering Roman out of the room.
Roman groaned, rubbing his temples.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow.."
"Yeah, tomorrow.." she murmured, glancing down.
"I'm coming!"
"See you later, beautiful.." his smirk lingered in her mind.
As the door closed behind them, she sank to the floor, her knees finally giving out.
"My God, what am I going to do with this man?" she lamented, her box braids threatening to fall out of her bun.
This born again virgin thing is going to be harder than she thought.
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade @empressdede @alichesmi @msbigredmachine @theninthwonder @blacst4r @sassginamillls @wrestlingprincess80 @saintmagx @headoftheetable
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unabashegirl · 2 months
Enticing 44 — Harry Styles CEO
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Summary: Harry is a young billionaire and CEO of his own company. He mostly keeps to himself, he is stern and very meticulous when it comes to business. He also likes to keep his personal life very private for the sake of his newly born son Oliver Styles. It isn't until he meets Y/N Y/L/N that everything changes. She becomes his new nanny after his previous one quits due to personal reasons. She is young, caring, and sweet. Will they ignore their feelings? Will Harry's girlfriend accept their love and leave them? Will she be able to cope with his busy agenda? What about Oliver's mother? Where is she? Who is she?
— masterlist of enticing —
TAGLIST: @0oolookitsme, @happycupcakeenthusiast, @kennedywxlsh, @hsfics, @stylesbrock, @cuddlingwithharry, @sucker4angstt, @bluemoonedwings, @cherriesrae, @vornilla, @mellamolayla, @harryscurls21, @stilesissaved, @be-with-me-so-happily, @harryssattelitestomper, @jerseygirlinca, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @lomlolivia, @stylesfever, @daphnesutton, @n0vaj3an, @breezykpop, @kathb59, @sassamanda77, @sherbitdibdab
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Time had passed, and Y/N was finally given the green light by her doctor to return to work. While she had cherished the moments spent at home, taking care of Oliver and working comfortably in her loungewear, the excitement of being back in the workplace was palpable. She had missed the hustle and the thrill of encountering new challenges.
As she strolled through the office corridor, William's voice called out to her, “You're back!” He couldn't help but notice the significant growth of her baby bump; it was now undeniably visible that she was pregnant. The relationship between Harry and William remained somewhat strained, with their interactions limited to work-related discussions.
“Hi,” she greeted him with a warm smile, peeking into his office. “I'm feeling much better. I'm really glad to be back. How have things been in my absence?”
“Good, good. I'm thrilled to have you back,” William replied with a smile. Y/N gave him a nod and a parting smile before heading to her own office. Once inside, she settled down, organizing her workspace and preparing to tackle the mountain of emails and files that awaited her. The world of work was a welcome change, and she was determined to dive back in with the same dedication and enthusiasm she had always shown.
Every now and then, Y/N would pause her work to respond to text messages from Harry. He was in discussions with his realtor, working diligently to secure a new apartment. He had successfully sold their previous property, the one where he had once envisioned their happily ever after. It wasn't because the apartment was inadequate, but rather because it had become a repository of painful memories.
Moreover, Harry harbored a growing fear that Y/N's ex might have learned about the location or obtained some kind of information about it. The thought of that potential threat weighed heavily on his mind as he searched for a new place where they could start afresh, free from the haunting shadows of the past.
“I need a place with top-notch security, Alice,” Harry explained to his realtor, his gaze fixed on the view outside his expansive office window. He had a sense that she wasn't quite grasping the urgency of his request. He continued to emphasize his need for enhanced security, as well as a requirement for increased privacy.
“None of the penthouses you've shown me have private elevators,” he pressed, his tone becoming sterner. “Anyone can access the top floor. Do you understand, Alice? This was the one non-negotiable requirement I had.” His frustration was evident.
“Mr. Styles, perhaps I can explore options outside Manhattan or consider a brownstone?” Alice suggested. Despite being in her sixties, she had a reputation for catering to high-end clients. To her, Harry was a challenging client, not easily impressed.
“That might work,” Harry contemplated. He knew they couldn't live too far from the city. Manhattan, with all its traffic and hustle, had its unique charm. “I didn't mean to come across as harsh, Alice. I apologize. A few weeks ago, my wife was harassed at the entrance of our building. She's four months pregnant.” Harry was surprised at his own vulnerability. He rarely apologized and sharing his private life with others was even rarer.
“I understand, Mr. Styles. I'll get to work and send you some options,” Alice replied, her understanding deepened by her own experiences as a parent.
“No problem. I'll be eagerly awaiting those listings. Have a wonderful day,” Harry said and ended the call.
“Andrew!” Harry's voice rang out as he finished signing contracts and reviewing proposals. His plans for expansion into England were in motion. The trip to London, which had been intended for meetings with contractors and associates, had been abruptly cut short the day Y/N got injured. Since then, he'd been conducting virtual meetings, keeping his fingers crossed, and hoping for a smooth process without the need for travel.
“Yes, what can I help you with?” His assistant inquired.
“Has anyone from the London crew called or left any messages?” Harry asked, handing him a small stack of papers.
“Nothing yet. They mentioned they'd call the following morning, which translates to much later tonight,” Andrew replied.
“Alright. Anything else?” Harry asked as he set a late alarm on his phone to ensure he'd be available for their call.
“Well, there is one more thing...” Andrew hesitated, knowing it would only bring stress to his boss.
“Tell me,” Harry urged, “Is it about Y/N?”
“No, she's fine. It's actually from your father and sister,” Andrew said. The mention of his family immediately tensed Harry. The last time they had all been together, things had spiraled out of control, and his father had acted rudely, even hurting Y/N. Harry vowed to prevent such an incident from happening again.
“What's the matter with them?” Harry asked, his tone stern.
“Your father has been calling, asking to talk to you. Allison has been requesting a call back, something about siblings always sticking together,” Andrew relayed with a hint of amusement. Harry rolled his eyes at his sister's sentimentalism.
“I suppose I'll call her tomorrow. You can disregard my father's calls,” Harry decided.
“Alright,” Andrew nodded. “Is there anything else, sir?”
“No, I think I'm heading home. You can leave early, Andrew,” Harry said, powering down his computer and grabbing his wallet and phone. Andrew acknowledged and texted the driver that Harry was on his way down. “Have a pleasant evening,” Harry bid as he waited for the elevator.
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Winter was undeniably on its way, the air growing colder and crisper as Harry stepped out of the building and hopped into the waiting black suburban SUV. He could feel the seasonal shift, and he was looking forward to retrieving his scarves and long coats from the back of his closet.
“Mike, think we can make a quick stop for some Chinese on the way?” Harry asked, glancing down at a text from Y/N. She had a craving for Chinese food, especially dumplings in copious amounts. She'd even joked about wanting enough dumplings to rival Po from Kung Fu Panda, which had brought a chuckle from Harry.
“Of course, Mr. Styles,” Mike replied, smoothly changing their route.
Harry had come to appreciate the life he was currently leading. Gone were the days of waking up in his apartment, disheveled and nursing a hangover. He cherished his domestic life and the comforting presence of someone to come home to at the end of the day. Leaving the office now filled him with anticipation, eager to return to his home and his favorite people.
With their Chinese food secured and enough to last them several days, Mike drove Harry back to his residence.
“Have a good night, Mike,” Harry called out as he exited the car, carrying the two paper bags filled with delicious food. He knew Y/N was already in their apartment. He had arranged for another driver to take her to the office and bring her home every day, ensuring her comfort and safety.
“I'm home!” Harry's cheerful voice filled the air as the elevator doors slid open on the top floor. He wore a warm smile on his face, excited to reunite with the most significant loves of his life. “Y/N?!” he called out, setting the bags down in the kitchen before crossing the dining room and entering the living room. His surprise was palpable.
“Why aren't you answering my calls?" Allison Styles stood just a few feet away from Y/N, her attire a stark contrast to Y/N's relaxed appearance. She wore a dress with tights and boots, a trench coat, and gloves. Harry's gaze quickly shifted to Y/N, who sat on the couch with Oliver, clad in cozy pajamas and fuzzy socks, makeup-free.
“How did you get in here?” Harry inquired as he shrugged off his blazer, folding it in half and tossing it over the back of the couch.
“Why aren't you answering my calls or texts? I had to come all the way here just so we can talk. That's not fair, Harry,” Allison protested.
“I'm not answering your calls or texts because I'm busy living my life. I know why you're calling, and I don't want to hear it,” Harry retorted. Allison was easily swayed by her father, especially after significant conflicts. She had been enlisted to convince Harry to reconcile with their dad.
“Harry, he—” she began.
“I said I don't want to hear it, Allison!” Harry cut her off, frustration evident. “Why do you always do this? Why do you keep doing his dirty work?” He walked past her, heading toward Y/N and Oliver. He leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“He feels bad enough, Harry. He says he wants to get to know Y/N. How long are you going to carry this out?” Allison rolled her eyes. Her father had asked her to reach out to Harry on his behalf, despite their troubled relationship. She believed that they needed to forgive and forget; after all, he was their father, and they owed their existence to him.
“Grow up! He's manipulating you. You're being so foolish! He is using you to get what he wants. He doesn’t love us, and it’s time for you to accept it” Harry exclaimed.
“Harry!” Y/N interjected, placing a calming hand on his forearm.
“Where's Mom? What does she think about all of this, huh? Mom hasn't called me or anything because she knows I'm right. He should own up to everything and come talk to me face to face. I don't depend on him, Allison, and neither should you” Harry declared firmly, his anger simmering as he defended his stance.
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“What's wrong?” Y/N inquired, her voice laced with worry. She scanned Allison's face for any sign of distress, her heart pounding with apprehension.
“I-I...” Allison stammered, struggling to catch her breath. Elizabeth, sensing the urgency of the situation, hurried to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, her motherly instincts kicking in.
“Please, sit down,” Y/N urged, gesturing to the nearby couch. She knew that whatever news Allison had to share couldn't be easy to deliver.
Elizabeth swiftly returned with a glass of water, her hands trembling slightly as she handed it to Allison. The two women settled onto the couch, their eyes fixed on Allison, awaiting the news that had caused her such distress.
To their surprise, tears welled up in Allison's eyes, her emotions overwhelming her.
“Ali, please,” Y/N implored, her voice tinged with concern as she reached out to grasp Allison's hands, offering comfort. “Tell me what’s going on. You are scaring me”
Struggling to regain her composure, Allison took a deep breath before finally speaking.
“It's my mom and dad,” she began, her voice trembling. “They're at the hospital with Harry. They've decided to take him off life support.”
As Allison's words hung heavily in the air, a deep silence settled over the room. Y/N's heart sank at the news, her mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation.
If you would like to read ahead and get access to 17 more chapters of enticing and more writing pieces then check out my Patreon and join our community.
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the first valentines day you spend as a katsuki's partner, you decide to buy him flowers. he wasn't the biggest fan of sweets and if he did eat chocolate it was in small portions and dark chocolate bc of the bitter taste. he always called people who buy special presents of people just because of a dumb love holiday pansies bc you should be able to buy your partner gifts any day of the year regardless of the occasion. at least, if you got him flowers and he ended up hating them, throwing them out wouldn't be that big of a waste.
he comes into his agency early in the morning getting ready for patrol, and all is normal when he leaves. when he comes back from his rounds, his secretary informs him that there's a gift that's been delivered sitting on his desk. absolutely confused, he goes into his office, unlatching his gauntlets on the way so that when he steps into his workplace privacy, he can just drop them off his arms.
he stops in his office threshold bc there sitting on his desk was a small bouquet of apple blossoms, daisies, and one large healthy lily. katsuki wasn't that well-versed in flowers, but he knew that these definitely weren't in season.
making his way over to his desk, he noticed a small card with his name on it slotted into a small plastic holder among the blooms that he plucked out. he flopped himself down into his desk chair and began to read. there wasn't much aside from the floors he received, their meanings, and a short message in a neat script he didn't recognize.
Apple Blossoms- i prefer you before all Daisies- i love you truly Lily- my love is pure -Happy Valentines Katsuki! I hope these don't smell too sweet for you xoxo
the prohero glanced at the small desk calendar he sat on the corner of his workspace and then looked back at the bouquet. he called you not long after reading the small card and you sounded absolutely giddy when you picked up.
"did they get there alright?" you ask as he looks over the assortment for the umpteenth time. he hums in approval. "good, i was worried they'd wilt or something on the delivery route."
"you didn't have to you know."
"i wanted to. for all the hard work you do, you deserve a treat. plus, who doesn't like getting flowers from time to time, right?" you purposely left out the fact it was valentines day, even though you mentioned it in your note. still, he chuckled at your innate nature to be so damn cute.
he's quiet for a while and you're afraid they aren't exactly to his taste. then you heard his desk chair move before he's shuffling around for something in his desk drawer.
"clear your schedule tomorrow."
"i mean i can no problem, but what for?"
"because i said so, dummy."
you laugh at him and talk with him a bit more before you had to let him get back to his job. for the rest of his shift before his next patrol round, he spent a lot of time thumbing the soft petals of his flowers and rereading their meanings.
the next day when you make it over to his place like he said, you can't help but notice the familiar bouquet sitting in a beautiful vase you hadn't seen before on his kitchen island.
"glad you like them"
"you gave them to me. 'course i do"
hugging his back as he makes you dinner, you giggle to yourself at the backs of his ears and how red they are.
a/n: i just really wanted an excuse to write katsuki getting flowers and being kinda bashful abt it hehe - p.s. i didn't proofread this and flower meanings may not be accurate bc i didn't do any kind of extensive research soz
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flexospaces · 10 months
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interiorergonomics · 4 months
Acoustic Office Booths and Pods
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Acoustic office booths and pods are now the top innovative solutions designed to address the need for privacy, focus and sound management in modern workplaces. Yes, the truth is that these compact enclosures are equipped with sound-absorbing materials and advanced acoustic technology. In fact this helps them to create a quiet and secluded environment within the bustling office environment most especially those holding aggressive collaborations.
Benefits of Acoustic Office Booths and Pods
So, beyond minimizing external noise and distractions, acoustic office booths and pods provide office occupants with a dedicated space for confidential conversations, focused work tasks or virtual meetings without disruption.
Flexible Modular Designs
Being that they are engineered and designed with versatile modular units, they become easily configurable with adjustable lighting, ventilation systems and integrated technology to accommodate various work activities and preferences.
Application and Capacity
Mostly used in modern office fits mainly for individual concentration, small group collaboration or video conferencing. Acoustic office booths and pods offer a flexible and adaptable solution for enhancing productivity and well-being in today's dynamic workspaces which require self-isolation.
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writing-yarn-goblin · 5 months
I saw a few months ago someone posted a headcannon about Kid being able to hear metal. And I loved it.
So here is a little something inspired on that.
This was a gift I made to @swampstew but it’s just too funny to not share.
If there was something Captain Kid was good at, it was guessing who makes that noise.
There were days where he could be the first one up and locked himself in his workshop where he propped himself up in his work bench and just plowed in a few hours cutting, grinding or making things that he wanted or got commissioned to do so.
His hobby as of late was making as less noise as he possibly could and just feel/hear the metal in people’s bodies.
A tooth with a crown? sounds like a wet coin to him. Someone is trying to put on an earring? He heard it- loud and clear. Assembling and disassembling a gun? He thought the person was VERY slow at it.
One particular morning, he was just setting up to work on making drafts for a custom gun and that’s when he heard a faint buzz deep within his ship. More like he could hear something vibrating frenetically.
He didn’t anything in the ship that buzzed.
He ignored it and kept to his work.
But there it was an again.
The soft buzzing was now a little more erratic and he got curious.
What could be in the ship that made that noise?
He tucked it away and when he knew Killer was in the kitchen: he went there to demand breakfast from the blonde first-mate.
A few days later the buzzing was on full blast. He heard it cling against other metal parts and the buzzing pattern changed.
From a nice soft buzz to a loud buzz buzz buuuuuuuuzz buzz buzz buuuuuuuuuuzz. He connected one thing with the other and smirked to himself.
“Must be one hell of a morning.” He mumbled, sipping from a mug of coffee as he just relaxed for a moment. The piercings he was hearing were rattling faster than usual and the intermittent buzzing changed to a long aggressive buzz.
“Shit, I gotta know who’s doing that.”
And check he did. He was a walking metal detector and he wanted to know who was buzzing their bean so early in the morning.
A few days of searching down and he found them. He didn’t have to look for too long on his 3rd day quest since the culprit was currently in a room, using said object, early in the morning.
To his surprise- it was the bathroom.
The women’s showers. He was glad that it was 5 in the morning, any other woman would’ve flipped.
Once inside, he tiptoed his giant self. Maneuvering his frame through the dainty shower room and enjoyed how nice it smelled in here.
A few more steps forward and there was the culprit-(Y/N).
She was part of the night crew and he seemed to be catching her in her private time…shaving with an electric shaver.
When she turned around, she wanted to scream.
There she saw her Captain, Eustass Kid, looking at the wall in order to give her privacy.
“(L/N)…it’s not what you think.”
“I should hope so! You have a minute to get out of the bathroom before I scream for Heat.”
If she did that, captain or not, he’d be in one hell of a pickle. Heat didn’t take these invasions of privacy lightly.
“Got it. My Workspace. When you’re done.”
Never had she seen a man as big and intimidating to run and scramble fast out of the bathroom.
It didn’t take long for (Y/N) to appear with her battery powered shaver and reproducing the sounds that Kid had been hearing.
After a few apologies in the style of Eustass Kid, she scampered off to her quarters. Once inside, she sighed to herself and quietly checked her things, just to find a long, silver bullet…that went buzz when you twist the bottom.
She’d have to start being more careful.
Unless her captain wants to give her a helping hand. She won’t say no to that.
For now, let him be gloriously confused.
The end
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rickfucker · 2 years
(kinda emo) Nsfw Rick Headcanons (GN!)
i’ve gained lots of followers since my last post. hello! and welcome to the shitshow. this turned out extra emo! for whatever reason idk. i think it might just be because of how much i love rick this season. he’s a little softer. pls enjoy.
Sex is one of those things that he almost overdid when he was younger. He still loves it, don’t get me wrong, but he used it as an unhealthy coping mechanism in tandem with his drinking. It started losing its spark as he really got on in years.
This man is of the streets. He’s seen it all and he’s done it all.
Definitely a switch. His default is soft dominant. He will give endless praise, from how stunning your body is to how well you take him.
He gets tired, though. He’s spent his whole life fighting shadows of himself; trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need anyone. He wouldn’t ask you outright, necessarily, but if you decide to take the reigns from him for a night, he melts right into it. He wants someone to take care of him. Love him. Be gentle with him, just enough to make him forget about the cruelty of his own existence.
Sex with you is healing for him in that respect. He has done the hard and fast with everyone he’s ever met. You’re a fresh start, like he’s being given a second chance at doing things the right way.
He takes his time with you. To the point of your very obvious frustration. I’m talking hours of foreplay.
He’s the type to gently coerce you into saying exactly what you want in bed, usually in the filthiest way possible. Once again, extra points for the full-body blushing you’ll be doing. He eats that shit up.
He wants to hear you say what you want. That you want him, specifically. Consent is sexy!
Nicknames for days. Sweetheart, baby, hun, sugar, sweetcheeks, lmao. He loves just hearing you say his name, though.
He likes to fuck in weird places. Views it like a sort of challenge.
You would definitely have sex in every room in the house. Kitchen countertops, living room couch, the shower (obviously), laying you out on top of the dining room table (you insist on Clorox-ing afterward because he certainly isn’t going to do it).
He would never risk the possibility of you two being walked in on, though. He’s for sure into exhibitionism to an extent, but not with his family in mind. For your privacy as much as his own. Also his territorial nature. Nobody is viewing the goods but him.
He actually doesn’t want to have sex on his workspace. He’s got too much important shit that can’t risk, ahem, contamination.
If you get awkward of feel embarrassed while bumping uglies, he literally does not care. Everything you do is sexy to him, including all of the very human things about you.
(AFAB) I can’t tell if he’s a boob or a butt guy, but that’s ‘cause he’s a pussy guy. We all know this. He is King of giving head and he fucking loves it. 
(AMAB) Same goes here. King of Giving Head; He WILL give you that sloppy toppy.
Always makes his partner come first.
He can’t pick a favorite position, but he does love it when you ride him, especially dry humping. He likes it when the two of you end up so in the moment that there’s no time for taking off clothes.
Goes absolutely feral when you say you love him.
Sometimes cries a little after really intense sex, but not when you can see him. He’s got all these pent up emotions that just end up toppling over when he lets his guard down.
Pillow talk for a hundred years. He likes it when you start rambling about the future, toying with his hands while you talk softly. “Maybe we could move somewhere closer to the ocean. Or are you more of a cabin in the woods kind of guy?” You laugh at the idea of Rick lounging on the beach, which he takes mock offense to.
You make him think about things he never would have considered before. What reason would he have to ask himself the less important questions of life? Like what his favorite architectural style of home is. What would his perfect vacation look like? If he had to pick a new hobby to start, what would it be? It’s just nonsense, things he would never talk about in front of anyone else due to their irrelevant nature, but in the afterglow with you, he likes it. Maybe it makes him feel more normal; suburban; domestic. Maybe he just likes how dreamily you talk about those things, and the way you give him your full, rapt attention in the quiet sanctity of his tiny bedroom. Nothing else exists but you.
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
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a/n: had a few different prompts for what he would be like as a partner and nesting so I'm combining them here. <3
➤ boyfriend material: karasu | headcanons
0.5k words | sfw | gn!reader | fluff and domestic bliss
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— He wants to help you achieve whatever goals or ambitions you have, and he'll do anything he can to support you.
— Do you wan to pursue a lucrative career? Do you want to work part-time? Do you want to focus on your hobbies instead of working? He trusts you to choose the path that will make you happy, and he'll be there every step of the way.
— Never feel guilty about doing what you think is best for you—he wants to take care of you and provide for you.
— His nest is your nest now too. It's important to him that you feel safe and comfortable and relaxed when you're there.
— He's used to doing all the domestic chores himself, so he's not afraid of doing his fair share to keep things neat and tidy. He doesn't want you to be overwhelmed.
— He's not a bad cook but he eats a lot of the same meals which might get boring for you quickly. Shopping together at the market, learning new recipes while you cook together...those are the little moments of domestic bliss he craves with you.
— His sense of décor is utilitarian and functional, but he's happy to let you pick out new furniture or paint colours or linens. He wants you to make his nest your home. Even when you're not there, it'll feel warm and comforting, the same way he feels when he's with you.
— He chooses to work from home more often so that he can spend more time with you. There's a comfortable lounge chair in his office if you want to relax and keep him company.
— The unused guest room near his office is yours to use for your own workspace or hobby room. He wants you to have somewhere you can go if you feel overwhelmed or want alone time. He respects your space and privacy.
— He customizes your D.D.D. notifications so you have access to his schedule. If you have trouble with remembering important dates or appointments or setting alarms, he'll help you with those too.
— He actually thinks it's cute and kind of fun when you send him text messages even if he's home with you. He's also the sort to leave little sticky notes (with hand-drawn hearts or I love you's) around the nest for you to find throughout the day.
— He learns that even the most mundane tasks are more enjoyable when he can do them with you. He might poke your nose with soapy water when he does dishes, or he'll hug you from behind while you're standing at the counter. He's more playful because your delighted reactions are so satisfying.
— If you're too tired or feeling unwell, he never wants you to feel guilty or like you're a burden. He's never been happier, and being your mate is a privilege he is truly grateful for.
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Amplification: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Summary: A deadly spread of Anthrax is going around infecting and killing people. One of your own is affected that completely tears your world into two. How will you over come this?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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The bookstore has been closed ever since Albert died, and Gayle's purchase happened right before it closed down. It would explain why only three people were hit, and when General Whitworth sent his men in for testing, they came back positive for Anthrax.
Albert's bookstore was the unsub's test run. He's gotta have a history with the place, so Penelope needs to come up with a list of present and past employees of the place, customers with grievances against the owner, and if any of them had a science background.
An attack of Anthrax isn't meant to kill three people inside a bookstore, it wants to be out in the open where it can feed and multiply in the way that it wants to. Just a small amount can wipe everyone out, and they'd never see it coming.
Another hour goes by and the six survivors of the attack are now down to four. This attack is killing people left and right and there is nothing you can do about it. The more they die off, the more family members demand answers for what's happening.
"It feels like the plague of Egypt," Linda says.
"Ten scourges created by God. Plague six was unhealable boils believed by biblical scholars to be caused by Anthrax."
"You never missed Sunday school, did you?"
"Actually, I've never been before. How is she doing?" Spencer asks about Abby.
"She's a fighter. She's held on this long because she's young and strong, but she's started to bleed into her lungs. We're running into another problem, though. When the next of kin have questions, what do we tell them about the cause of death?"
That is a question only Hotch and General Whitworth can answer. You can't tell anyone anything without punishment if it didn't come from Hotch. Instead of thinking things like that, you can try and think of the unsub and profile you have on him. It might help your team catch whoever is doing this.
Because the locations aren't symbolically significant, the attacks are personal. Understanding the significance of the locations will be the key to identifying the unsub.
This personal element strongly indicates a home-grown terrorist like the Amerithrax case. This is someone from the science or defense community. That's why the CIA is here. Hotch thinks they may know him. These home-grown terrorists are myopic zealots that believe that their work is of the greatest importance.
He may have preached about the threat of an attack on America. His coworkers would describe him as histrionic, paranoid, and secretive. He may have logged excess hours at work in the past weeks preparing for the attack. He even might have taken the full dosage of Anthrax vaccines over the recommended eighteen-month schedule and had yearly boosters.
This guy has his own workspace where he makes his product in privacy. He also has access to large, expensive, industrial-grade equipment at work. He's written about the threats of Anthrax attacks and published papers about it, yet he feels no one is listening, and that angers him. Now, he may have recently experienced some sort of professional humiliation like being demoted or fired. Now, that would have been his trigger, the moment he decided to go rogue.
He may have betrayed his loved ones to his cause and may be recently separated or divorced. This is somebody who knows every detail of the 2001 Anthrax attack and has talked about what that suspect did right or wrong. He's watching the news very closely to see how the country reacts, and it's not a good one.
The CIA dug deep into their records and found a video of a classified hearing with the Subcommittee on Defense and Homeland Security in January of 2002. Dr. Lawrence Nichols used to work at the institution and left in 2002. The video is sent to your team at the hospital, Derek's team in Maryland, and the main office with everyone else. You and Spencer go into an empty hospital room to watch the video. Dr. Nichols went to the Senator to ask for money for a project he wanted to do with dangerous chemicals. He went to talk to the Senator about the attack in 2001 and why he should have funding for his project.
"Five people died. If you ask me, we're lucky it was just five. We're lucky that whoever sent these letters used cheap porous envelopes and not a crop duster. America's enemies are capable of wiping out entire cities, and we are woefully unprepared."
"I'm looking at your proposal--"
"Yes, sir," Dr. Nichols cuts the Senator off. "Every household needs gas masks and a two-month supply of Cipro for each resident. Every major city needs hospitals with bio-safety decontamination capabilities."
"Regarding the budget you propose for this operation--"
"Anything short of fifty billion would be grossly negligent."
"Dr. Nichols, you've got to realize how unrealistic that is. We can't justify spending that kind of money on an attack that may not happen."
"You people are in denial!" Dr. Nichols exclaims.
"Doing this would incite fear and panic among the public."
"This country should be panicked! We should live in utter fear of being attacked! We live in a time of war and WMD proliferation. If you continue to be blind to our lack of preparedness, then Americans will die, and I will have no problem in pointing the blame at you!"
The committee didn't fund his project and rejected him because he was becoming unstable and fanatical, which is why they removed him from Fort Detrick and blacklisted him from other prominent positions. Even though he believes in preparedness, he felt like people weren't listening. He might have done this to prove a point.
He fits the profile of the unsub to a T. He had access to research on Anthrax, had the resources available to do something like this, lost a highly respected job, and got divorced in the process. The job he has now is through a company called Bio-Design Technology that doesn't deal with Anthrax but with the Flu. If he got demoted from working with such deadly diseases to working with the flu, he might be angry enough to use Anthrax as a weapon.
Either way, you need to bring him in.
Derek pulled you and Spencer from the hospital to go to his house while Emily and Rossi went to his work to see if he was there. Along with you, Spencer, and Derek, a hazmat team joined you so they can clear the inside of his house. You have to wait outside until they're done with their investigation.
"It's clear so far," one of the members says when he hears from one of his men inside.
"Alright, keep me posted." Derek turns to you and Spencer. "This guy just had people over for a charity event last month."
"We should probably take a look around anyway."
You three walk to the backside of the property when Spencer hisses in pain. You look over to see rose bushes with thorns sticking out of the stems. He must have cut himself on the thorns but isn't too concerned about it. For someone who messes with Anthrax, his backyard isn't too sketchy. There is a pool with a beautiful gazebo area and lots of blooming flowers. Derek's phone rings and he answers whoever it is.
"Yeah, Princess, what's up? ... Uh-huh. Yeah, we're here now. ... Sorry. what? The lab is clean? ... You're sure? ... All right." You watch Derek as he talks to Emily. You're not paying attention to Spencer who goes off on his own. He turns to you and Spencer to tell you what she said. "They got nothin'--Where's Reid?"
You look behind you to see Spencer run into the large shed in the backyard. You and Derek quickly follow after him, but he slams the glass door to keep you and Derek out of some kind of lab.
"Spencer!" you gasp.
"Morgan! Y/N! Get back!"
"What the hell are you doing? What's wrong?"
"Believe me, get back."
"Reid, open this door!"
"Spencer, open the damn door!" you yell and slam your hands on the glass.
"I'm sorry. You can't come in here."
"No, open the door," you whimper. The only reason he would be trapped inside there and refuses to let anyone inside is that this is the place where Dr. Nichols created his Anthrax poison. "Spencer, no, open the door."
"I'm sorry," he sighs.
"Come on," Derek says and puts his hands on your shoulders.
"No!" you gasp. "I can't leave him. I'm not leaving him. Call Hotch and get people out here now! I'm not going anywhere!"
Derek has no choice but to listen to you. He needs people out here now if Spencer has any hope of making it out of this alive. Derek leaves and gets Hotch on the phone, and you look at your boyfriend with tears in your eyes.
"Open this door, Spencer, or I'm gonna break it."
"Don't, Y/N. There is white powder in here, and the air is blasting."
You let out a heartbreaking sob and put your hands to your mouth to quiet them. Spencer's heart breaks at the sight of you crying for him. Hotch and the biohazard team arrive quicker than you thought they would, and Derek tells Hotch where you are.
"Y/N, get out of there."
"I can't leave him," you cry. "I'm not leaving him alone!"
"Please don't cry."
"Spencer, I've seen what this does to people. There has not been one survivor and you're infected now. If the cure is not in there, then you're gonna..." You can't even say it. "I can't lose you. I love you so much."
You place your hand flat on the glass and Spencer puts his hand over yours.
"You need to get out of here."
"I can't leave you!"
"I will be fine."
He doesn't believe what he's telling you because he doesn't know if he's going to make it out of here alive or not. He's lying to protect your feelings but he forgets that you can tell when someone is lying. Your chest feels heavy and your whole body is shaking from fear. Your legs can't hold you up any longer so you fall to the ground in a heap of tears. Someone from the biohazard team comes in and places their hand on your shoulder.
"Ma'am, you need to leave."
"Y/N, listen to them."
"Spencer," you gasp.
The man practically forces you out of the shed to where Hotch and Derek are. Derek catches you when your legs wobble.
"I need to be in there, please. I can't leave him alone. He's scared, Hotch," you cry.
"Y/N, you need to calm down."
"I can't," you hiccup. "I can't lose him."
Hotch needs you to calm down so he calls Spencer and places him on speakerphone so you can hear his voice.
"Hotch, I really messed up this time," Spencer sighs.
"Reid, we need to get you out and to the hospital."
"No, I'm staying right here."
The tears won't stop rolling down your cheeks.
"No, Spencer, please leave. You need medical attention," you cry. "Please!"
"Y/N, I'm already exposed. It's not gonna do me any good to stop working on the case."
"He's already infected," General Whitworth says. "If Nichols created the strain, he may have also created the cure."
"Look, Dr. Nichols is in here but he's dead. Someone must have bashed something in his head. My best chance is to stay here, see if there's a cure, and try to figure out who killed Dr. Nichols."
"Hotch, say something to him!"
"He's right. His best chance is inside. We're gonna get a suit and mask into you right away."
"Don't bother. it's not gonna do me any good. I'm already infected."
This thing killed the first three victims within hours.
The thought of losing Spencer is something you can't even fathom. The thought hurts too much, and your chest starts closing up.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Venus in the 8th: More Observations & Tips
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Venus 8th House - Their sensuality is potent & is very magnetic. Their allure is contagious, and they tend to have others wanting to worship then. They could understand the dark side of money and how to make it. I see something about sex work being a thing for a few people with this house placement, but most of all it could be that you are aware of how money works in society and dont look it at from a good or bad perspective. You know that money can be made in all ways and its truly what you do with it is what counts. Hidden secrets around relationships and lovers. You might be able to spot when your lovers are walking out on you, you just know. When it comes to everyone else relationships you can see through them, something you learned during your adolescent years. Youre able to pick up on the energies of people very easy, so it is no wonder you're able to pick up things from others relationships.
I notice if you're a woman with this placement others tend to 'hide their wives/husbands' from you. They think you'll steal them, your sex appeal is extremely high so no matter what people will think youre some 'slut'. Sugar daddies may come out of no where for you guys, the 'streets' chose you not the other way around.
For some of you, you could know some pretty successful people in high places. They gravitate to your aura because it is very dark and powerful, so this can be used as opportunity. You can see into their lives and they trust you with what you know. The more higher youre up on the ladder the more hidden knowledge you tend to come across.
Gifted in the occult, you can be healers in areas that have to do with the sexual organs. Can heal others with your hands (reiki) and could also make money off this if you choose.
Last thing I wasnt to say is that you guys can have a lot of jealous women around you. Girl, guy, non binary. Doesnt matter. Its because since youre personal power comes from your sensuality it can shine light on other peoples darkness.
'Like why is this person so pretty?' 'why does everyone gravitate to them and not me?' like... they cant seem to understand what it is about you. You dont have to be some ig model or extremely attractive to be 'sexy' with this placement you ARE it. You are the embodiment of sex appeal.
Tips I would have these placement holders is to hold on to their sex appeal as long as they can because as they mature in life they'll be individuals that will try to make you turn it down. Hold your head up high & never let them see you sweat because trust me they're waiting it on it. If you have any moment where you are vulnerable thats when the vultures come through and try to attack so privacy over your self & your feelings is necessary.
If you are an artist you can sell your art and can get a lot of vendors and sponsors who want to see your stuff. I say this because people some of you with this placement may be prone to insecurity around your artwork however your passion is noticed in your work. So it should be seen in the spotlight because it gives us a chance to feel the passion and hard work in what you've created.
Another thing I will say before I end this, is that love for yourself & the world at large creates more energy for you to live off of and makes your aura stand out from the rest. You guys are actually work really well with community and you should use your magnetism for the workspaces of helping groups that need your compassion and grace.
thank you for reading <3
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