#hackers in coworking space
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flexospaces · 1 year ago
In the vast seas of coworking spaces, data pirates are a real concern that demands attention. By understanding the threats, adopting proactive measures, and staying informed, you can navigate these waters safely. 
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upwards-descent · 2 years ago
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Lijun belongs to me and Jerome belongs to @therealvagabird :3c
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14dayswithyou · 9 months ago
This Angel has another question! \o
What's it like taking a bath with RENACTED?
✦゜ANSWERED: Hell on earth T_T he takes up soooo much room and won't give you a moment to yourself dshjgjds /silly
cw: It gets NSFW towards the end!! MDNI!
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"Think we need more bubbles?"
When you're met with nothing but silence, you look up from your bubble sculpture to see your partner sporting an all too familiar pout on their face. His tattooed arms were crossed over his bare chest like he wanted to prove a point — and as if to fully emphasize their current disdain; Ren turns his head away the moment you make eye contact.
You couldn't help but let out a puff of laughter at the silliness of it all.
"Why are you pouting?" You nudge their leg with your own. "What's wrong?"
"...Why are you all th'way over there?"
'Over there', being on the opposite side of the tub from your beloved boyfriend. Which... didn't make much sense now that you thought about it, seeing as he was the one who (silently) volunteered to take the side with the faucet and drain, which left you with all the space and legroom your heart could desire. Though... it wasn't much, given how massive of a mountain your partner was. Ren was all long, lanky limbs and thick muscle; but it wasn't exactly evident with all the baggy clothing they often chose to wear.
In an attempt to make your beloved hacker feel better about the (albeit childish) situation, you carefully scoot over so that you were resting against one of their legs instead of the tub. But apparently, Ren still wanted more, as a familiar tattooed arm emerges from the water the moment you draw closer and silently beckons you to join him at his side. When you accept — in what world would you ever say no to him and that trademark frown? — Ren pulls you flush against his chest with a content sigh.
They were acting like the cat who got the cream, no doubt.
You barely have a moment to adjust to your new position before you feel Ren's arms wrap around your waist, and his chin finds its place atop your shoulder. Now, your hacker has the perfect view of you rebuilding your bubble castle once more — only this time, you were right where he wanted you.
"There." Your tone is laced with something mirthful and lively as you lean into his embrace. "Is this better?
"Just make sure you don't fall asleep. Elanor told me that it's not safe to do that." You purposefully ignore how their arms tense up at the mention of your coworker. However, you don't miss how they dip further under the water to run along the inside of your thighs instead.
Ren's real name slips from your lips in warning. You knew exactly what he was trying to do right now. Their hands were ghosting dangerously close to your—
"...'M not doing anything."
"Liar, I can feel you— Ah!"
His fingers casually brush past your most sensitive part, and it has you flinging your head back and clutching onto his forearm. From that reaction alone, you can hear Ren let out a curious hum from behind as their hand moves back to your sex once more.
"Just making sure you're all nice 'n clean down there."
"I-I somehow doubt that..."
"Isn't that the point of baths? T'get clean?" He muses, voice ghosting along the shell of your ear. "...Why were you talking to your coworker about taking baths in the first place, anyway?"
One of the rubber frogs you added ('for ambience!' you recall telling your boyfriend) innocently floats past, and you had half a mind to reach out and turn its gaze away from the intimate scene. Ren still had one hand firmly placed around your stomach to keep you steady while the other was shamelessly running up and down your—
"...Think I'm gonna need to do a thorough inspection. Bend over the tub f'me?"
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rooshroomsims · 3 months ago
⚠ Dead by Daylight Legacy Challenge ☠︎︎
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Dead by Daylight Legacy Challenge: Survivor Edition
General Rules:
Complete all goals for each Survivor before moving to the next generation.
You obviously don't have to name your sims after the characters or play AS the characters, these are just the themes for each gen! But you can if you'd like to!
You may move on once all goals are met, or maintain them until the next heir becomes a Young Adult.
Each heir must embody the traits and roles of their corresponding Survivor, but there’s room for interpretation.
Heirs can pursue careers or hobbies that fit their Survivor's lore or personality.
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Generation 1: Sable – The Survivor
Sable is resilient, resourceful, and thrives under pressure. They are the foundation of the legacy, with a natural ability to endure tough situations.
Aesthetic Colors: Dark Gray, Forest Green Traits: Brave, Handy, Athletic, Loner Careers: Firefighter, Self-Employed Inventor, Military
Master the Handiness and Athletic skills to represent adaptability and endurance.
Build a small, rugged home as a "safe haven," then expand it as the legacy grows.
Save at least one Sim from a fire or dangerous situation (using the Firefighter career or another rescue-related event).
Form close friendships with 3 other Sims to symbolize a Survivor's group.
Have one "trial" moment: survive a house fire, robbery, or other in-game disaster.
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Generation 2: Claudette – The Botanist
Claudette is empathetic and intelligent, with a passion for healing and nature.
Aesthetic Colors: Deep Green, Yellow Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Green Thumb, Genius, Nurturing Careers: Gardener, Scientist, Self-Employed Herbalist
Master the Gardening and Science skills.
Create a large, lush garden and rely on it for most of the household’s food.
Befriend 5 Sims and offer them "help" by improving their lives (gift plants, teach skills, etc.).
Marry a Sim who shares her passion for nature or science.
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Generation 3: Dwight – The Leader
Dwight starts as an underdog but grows into a capable leader.
Aesthetic Colors: Blue, White Traits: Coward, Charismatic, Workaholic, Friendly Careers: Business, Politician, Education
Start at the bottom of a career and rise to the top (symbolizing Dwight’s leadership growth).
Build strong relationships with coworkers or group members.
Host a gathering or party every week to maintain connections.
Help one Sim improve their life significantly (e.g., turn an enemy into a friend or boost their career).
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Generation 4: Meg – The Athlete
Meg is driven, fearless, and thrives in high-pressure environments.
Aesthetic Colors: Red, Black Traits: Athletic, Brave, Hot-Headed, Daredevil Careers: Athlete, Military, Acrobat
Master the Athletic skill and win at least 5 athletic competitions (e.g., sports games or sparring matches).
Travel to a new world (representing Meg’s running background).
Woohoo in 3 unique locations to symbolize her daring personality.
Have only one child, whom Meg raises with strict discipline and encouragement.
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Generation 5: Kate – The Free Spirit
Kate is an artist with a deep love for music, nature, and life.
Aesthetic Colors: Orange, Turquoise Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso, Loves the Outdoors, Charismatic Careers: Singer, Guitarist, Painter
Master the Guitar and Painting skills.
Perform music for tips in public spaces and build a fanbase.
Live on a large lot surrounded by nature (with minimal electronics).
Adopt a stray animal as a companion.
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Generation 6: Feng – The Gamer
Feng is competitive and strategic, always planning her next move.
Aesthetic Colors: Neon Purple, Black Traits: Genius, Ambitious, Technophile, Rebellious Careers: Video Game Developer, Professional Gamer, Hacker
Master the Logic and Video Gaming skills.
Win at least 3 gaming competitions.
Befriend a Sim from each social group (Nerd, Rebel, Jock).
Never marry, but have one child via a close friend or a one-time relationship.
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Generation 7: Mikaela – The Clairvoyant
Mikaela is creative and mystical, with a deep connection to storytelling and the supernatural.
Aesthetic Colors: Teal, Lavender Traits: Supernatural Fan, Bookworm, Artistic, Good Careers: Fortune Teller, Writer, Alchemist
Master the Writing and Alchemy skills.
Write 3 best-selling novels, with at least one in the Mystery or Fantasy genre.
Own and frequently use a crystal ball (Fortune Teller career or just for roleplay).
Befriend at least 3 Supernatural Sims (e.g., witches, fairies, or vampires).
Host a “spooky gathering” (a costume or themed party) once per generation.
Protect and support other Sims by creating and gifting elixirs.
PLEASE TAG ME IF YOU DO THIS CHALLENGE I WOULD LOVEEEE TO SEE IT! (also pls dont judge this IS a work in progress!)
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thanx-files · 6 months ago
Imagine working at the FBI during Fox Mulder’s tenure. He’s a well-known behavior analyst. He’s the best in the business. He’s famous among crime-solvers but also long-haired hackers, for some reason. His office is in the basement because he only wants to talk about aliens. You saw him in the hallway once, being restrained because he tried to straight up K-word his boss. How many solves does he have in the last two years? One? Shit. Oh, and he might be married to one of the best doctors in the FBI, but also, they might just be friends, but also, maybe they’re just coworkers with no sense of personal space. In any case, she’s definitely his only friend.
What HAPPENED to this guy, you might wonder? He seems nice enough, aside from the literal fist fight he started in the hallways of the Hoover building. You won’t get a chance to ask him, though, because he is MISSING PRESUMED DEAD, apparently.
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natasha-in-space · 8 months ago
@natasha-in-space how would Jumin Han react if the MC he knew in the game Mystic Messenger is the masked programmer/developer/hacker in his company that created websites, applications and games for his company and for him himself then he noticed that lately the programmer/developer implied all about him directly/indirectly hahaha
this makes me overthink and curious, how will Jumin handle this? will he be awkward and creeped out towards MC because MC obviously likes him and she made content all about him or will he be alright with it and is internally smitten?
sorry, my overthinker ass is at it again
but tbh tho i wonder hahaha the case is that everyone else knows except for Jumin ;(
As soon as he identifies this pattern (and he will identify it, Jumin is hella smart and observant, let's be honest here), he'll confront you about it. Jumin is very upfront about his thoughts and opinions with most people he's more or less close to, so I don't think he'll be subtle or sneaky with you about it. It's just not his style. Furthermore, he values honesty and trust in his relationships. He's also not one to make any assumptions, for better or for worse, so he'll just... quite literally confront you about it directly to figure out what is going on directly.
How will he act if he realizes that your actions are a result of your interest in him? Depends on how close he is to you at that point in time. If it's during the early stages of your relationship, he'll probably get rather uncomfortable about it and politely request of you to stop. Jumin had to deal with many unfortunate instances of people making unwanted advances at him and disrespecting his boundaries growing up. It's why he's so intent on keeping himself safe and reclusive as an adult. It should also be noted that he is a public figure who is always under the media's scrutiny. It's something he was quite literally born into, so it doesn't bring him much trouble (as long as his father and his girlfriends do not bring any unwanted attention over to him instead), but he still should be mindful at avoiding any unwelcome rumors on his public image.
Both for his personal comfort and his integrity as a boss. And you being part of his company automatically means that your privacy can be invaded as well.
The situation is quite risky for both parties involved. Jumin will remain rational and respectful in his approach, though. After all, you are a member of the RFA that V has approved of personally, so that alone gives him the benefit of the doubt.
If you two have become close by then? That's not the same story at all. I actually think he would find it pretty cute and endearing, in a way. Jumin is the type to involve his interests and the people he loves in his work. So I can easily see him doing the same thing in his own way. He finds it sweet that you still think of him while you are working.
The only downside is that your coworkers will probably barf at just how lovey-dovey you two are for each other. But, hey, that's what they get for calling Mr. Han a robot! Now they get to eat their own words, and you get a doting partner/husband (depending on how quick you two tie the knot, or if you tie it at all).
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ducotte-real · 2 months ago
please share more abt the fankids I think they’re so cool !!!
aaa thank you! a quick summary of their concept (spoilers for the HSS propogation quests and Penacony storyline!):
Ruan Mei pushing against the boundaries of genetic engineering again, practicing her work at DNA replication and gene synthesis before perfecting it fully to continue her project with Tazzyronth. She teams with one Dr. Veritas Ratio in workshopping a method of short-term life forms that would age rapidly, to study the process of decay and growth in order to tweak it in later tests down the line.
The life forms in question? intelligent organisms born from meshing genetic sequences from material donated (or subtly stolen in some way). The test subjects are cultivated, given a strict curriculum, an extensive wealth of online and archived knowledge to learn from and test their talents. TLDR: we made fankid love children from characters in HSR.
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CAVAE RATIO: (Ratio // Aventurine)
[imaginary Remembrance 💠💠💠💠]
- take Aventurine’s knack for convoluted machinations and Ratio’s intense drive towards a singular goal: Goldberg Slot Machine!
- A workaholic mechanic with a talent for both the hardware and software of their projects, dabbles in abstract inventions
- Don’t tell them about transhumanism there will be no going back
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GAIUS RATIO: ( Ratio // Ruan Mei )
[fire Erudition 💠💠💠💠💠]
- This kid’s defining, persistent curiosity stems from both parents. Combine it with Ruan Mei’s connections to the organic, with Ratio’s more clinical perspectives of logic into a physical sense: faux flora, paper flowers, and a wistful wanderlust
- They want to see the world outside their ivory tower of academia, and to learn first hand about the universe itself. Excitedly dogs the poor scientists handling everyone’s monitored exams to reply to Gaius’ questions for once- “A test! Answer me!”
- The Little Prince in a tower, having read all the books they own ten times over
- Gaius and Cavae are technically siblings, sharing Dr. Ratio as a donor! they treat each other as such and use nicknames for one another (GaiGai and CaeCae respectively)
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“APOLLYON”: ( Dan Feng // Yingxing )
[wind Hunt 💠💠💠💠💠]
- Current design is on the left. prototype concept on the right!
- Not much information is disclosed about this subject’s donors. Nothing Ruan Mei could properly obtain from the Xianshou Ten-Lords Commission, at least. Perhaps Apollyon’s dogged determination to both learn everything about their ‘parents’, as well as defy whatever assumptions are made about themselves, are traits passed down altogether
- Very big fan of the legal system. The orderly process of a court trial is appealing to them. They’ve also thrown themselves into the law to subvert Dan Feng and Yingxing/Blade’s history of criminal notoriety
- Technically the oldest, but not the *eldest*. Because of their Vidyahara genetics, he still has a baby face (gets teased for it). The subjects all still age faster than normal though
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“BELPHAGOR”: (J▪️n▪️ ▪️▪️an // ▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️)
[electric Abundance 💠💠💠💠]
- If Apollyon’s donor information is hard to uncover, then Belphagor’s is buried under centuries of incryption, perhaps never even being added to the databank in the first place. Or— out of the spirit of secrecy disguised as easy transparency— the info was scrubbed some time after being inputted
- Calm, collected, with connections throughout the Herta Space Station and beyond. Belphie even has routine ‘storyboarding’ sessions with Madame Herta and her Genius coworkers. Their secret contributions to the flavor text of the Simulated Universe help weave the story into a cohesive narrative, tricks the AI into believing the fabrication more easily
- Also has game nights with a slippery hacker online. They trade the #1 spot for the universal high score of Puyo Puyo Tetris III Deluxe Online (sponsored by the IPC’s entertainment branch)
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“MATEO” : ( Boothill // Argenti )
[physical Destruction 💠💠💠💠💠]
- Mateo has a fair amount of information about his donors. No matter how many files he can access to read about them, though, he still craves a true connection. He doesn’t just want donors— he wants parents. Maybe that Curio he swiped from Herta’s collection could be his ticket off the station?
- Headstrong, steadfast, impatient, and honest. Desperately wants to prove himself through acts of valor and impulse snap decisions to help others. His heart’s in the right place
- the Curio he swiped? turns into a biplane. when not in flight mode? turns into a JETPACKKKKKKK YEAAHH BABY
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MISC. INFO: ( Bullshit // Braindump)
- Mateo and Gaius first met each other while Mateo was testing his Curio’s jetpack function outside the HSS. Gaius saw him through the window, enthusiastically wrote notes on big slats of paper to communicate, and they were stuck by the hip ever since
- Cavae has a habit of self-isolation and social withdrawal when having emotional struggles. They drown themselves in their inventions without any time to bond with the others. The other kids have tried to reach through to them, Gaius and Apollyon especially, but the only progress made is when Cavae does it themselves
- Apollyon loves to put on mock trials. Belphagor and Gaius, the most skilled writers in the group, often create theater performances or fake court trials for Apollyon to play the Prosecutor for. Cavae contributed the props and stage tech, with Gaius and Mateo playing as secondary roles. Mateo often gets put as the Judge so he can have a fake beard (but he puts on the best show as the convict)
- Gaius is skilled at origami
- Belphagor is on the most amicable terms with Ruan Mei. Mostly because, out of all the subjects, they’re the one most willing to *accept* being a test subject. Thus they hold no hard feelings towards Ruan Mei about the experiment they’re born from
- Ratio has a check-up scheduled to interview his subjects coming up. The reminder got sent in the mail, though a particularly nosy merchant may have rummaged through his deliveries while the good Doc was running a bath.
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trusttheduchess · 8 months ago
She Stoops To Heist - character introductions
my current writing project is in the idea stage, it's a heist comedy television series. I have a few arcs planned out, most of the characters are planned out, their individual arcs need some work tho. To start with, I'll introduce you to the main cast now! (i used picrew to give the general idea. other sketches can be available soon)
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Jean - the Group's De-facto Leader and Actress
A struggling actress working as a waitress in a dingy diner. She lives in a suburb of the Bay Area with her roommate Blaine. She aspires to the finer things in life, and often comes up with alter egos when she's bored. Her interests include fashion and disguises, as well as Shakespeare, tragedies, and dramas. She often annoys her friends with impromptu performances. She can be described as standoffish, but is very open and lively with her friends. Her style can be described as a blend of vintage Americana and modern femme fatale. Her music taste consists of musical theater, lounge rock, and a type of music that can be affectionately referred to as an aging opera singer singing to an empty theater she once ruled.
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Blaine - Sleight of Hand, Logician, Dead Language Expert
Jean's roommate Blaine is a librarian who spends his offtime with his nose in a book. He tags along with Jean and crew because of his neverending thirst for knowledge. And he didn't didn't want Jean to leave him with the lease. He enjoys old detective novels, and knows a lot of random knowledge on different topics, from history and language to fiction and media. He's sorta shy, a little clumsy from time to time, but he has a big heart and loves his friends to death. His style is best described as dark academic, poet, and bookish. His preferred music is 70s soul, indie rock, and young adult contemporary.
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Frontier - Hacker, Gadgeteer, Programmer
Frontier is a programmer who was working a coding job, but as is the nature of corporate tech jobs, he was under constant crunch time. Despite working long hours, he still was stuck in poverty and was barely getting by. Due to this constant state of stress, he is noticeably more lax than the rest of the cast. He enjoys romcoms and reality television, as well as the history of tech and electronics. His defining accessory is an ear antenna. His style is best described as cybernetic, retro, and grunge. His favorite music is EDM and house music.
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Mistletoe - Gymnast, Mechanic, Tight Spaces
Mistletoe, sometimes Misty for short, was Jean's coworker at the diner, and her work bestie. Her reason for joining Jean is twofold, she has a thirst for adventure and wants to keep hanging with Jean. The second reason is quite sad, but she is also fleeing an abusive relationship. This will get focused on, but will be more subtextual to avoid crossing any lines, and more focused on the effects the relationship had on her. Her interests include conspiracy theories, though she doesnt believe them, and animated movies as well as cartoons. She is a little hyperactive, enjoys cartoonish violence, and plays her "cute card" but has a dark side to her. Her style is best described as cutesy, indie, and colorful. Her music taste is bubblegum pop and rave jams.
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Lilith - Skillmonkey with a focus on demolitions
One half of the skillmonkey twins, Lilith was part of Jean's original trio. She has a wide variety of skills, depending on what the group needs at any point. Her specialty is demolitions. She dabbles in goth culture. She's friendly, but guarded. She is very good at cooking and baking, and she's often spending her free time in the kitchen. She also enjoys reading and writing. Her style is described as goth, grunge, and general alternative. Her preferred music is post punk and goth rave.
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Edgar - Skillmonkey with a focus on mimicry
Edgar and Lilith were Jeans original partners, and are along for the ride because of their shared history. They also owe Jean. Edgar's specialty is mimicry and ventriloquism. His main interest is music, and he enjoys lots of genres. He also enjoys horror movies and the history behind horror media. He's sort of stoic and not easily startled. He is very open and loves getting to know people. His style is described as punk and grunge. His music taste is a mixture of genres, but primarily listens to punk from the 70s to modern and 90s jungle beats.
Feedback welcome! I don't expect this to get a lot of traction tho.
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the-bi-library · 2 years ago
Do you already have "Failure To Communicate" by Kaia Sonderby listed? It follows Xandri, the first contact expert on a spaceship, on a difficult mission to a xenophobic but important for the Space Union species. Xandri is bi and poly and in love with her male and female best friends and coworkers, the hacker and the engineer of the ship, but also due to being autistic she does not quite know how to get closer to them, having made so many bad experiences.
Then there is “An Unkindness of Ghosts” by Rivers Solomon, featuring non-binary, autistic black woman Aster, who uncovers an conspiracy on her racially segregated generation ship trying to find out more about the mysterious death of her mother. She has a beautiful hesitant and tender romance with her healer coworker/friend from the upper decks, but also has a complicated romantic history with one of the women living on her level, who is quite severely mentally ill. Warning: This one is very heavy, with racism, ableism, sexism, rape, abuse and mental illness discussed.
Yes, I do have "Failure To Communicate" by Kaia Sonderby in my bi books list. I don't know about “An Unkindness of Ghosts” by Rivers Solomon. I will look into it.
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fromdevcom · 23 days ago
If we take a look at the VPN service industry, we will be amazed by the vast number of various providers. If there is such a large offer, there must be even more significant demand. It shows that a VPN can bring a lot of advantages to its users. And although it slows down the Internet connection, a VPN service can offer a number of other benefits that will make your browsing experience better and, of course, safer.Stream Anything You WantThe biggest downside of streaming services is that they block specific content for certain countries. It is upsetting if you are not able to stream your favorite series just because you live where you live. In the end, you pay for this streaming service, and it is only fair if you can access all the shows you are willing to watch.With a decent VPN service, you will have an opportunity to manipulate the IP address of your device so it will appear like you are located in the US or any other desired region. Of course, not all providers can offer software that will work with Netflix or other streaming services. For example, PureVPN Netflix unlocking capacity is rather doubtful, even though it’s one of the top VPN services. But there are a few options that do work so you will have a choice.Be A Pirate!Who doesn’t like free stuff? But apparently, the creators and owners of music, movies, software, and other content don’t have the desire to share it for free. That’s why they would track those who share and exchange files that are meant to be paid for. And if you either upload such data to the secure platform so that other users can reach it or download it for personal use, you might want to stay in the shadow.VPN service will hide your activity so you won’t need to worry about your safety. Sure, the connection will be much slower, but look at the bright side - you won’t have to deal with any lawsuits related to the illegal content exchange. So if you are torrenting a lot, get yourself a nice VPN. And embrace your pirate alter-ego. A-r-r-r!Public Wi-Fi Is Always A Potential ThreatWith the rise of remote jobs, more and more people work in public places like cafes and coworking spaces. And even though the public Wi-Fi will most definitely have a password, it doesn’t mean the network is protected from malefactors. Even a beginner hacker can get to your personal data through the unprotected public network. Same applies to those who travel a lot and use Wi-Fi in hotels and airports.That’s why you should have at least a basic VPN that will secure your connection and hide it from curious eyes. You don’t really need some complicated service for such needs - simple software will protect you just fine.Get To Restricted Websites At Work Or In SchoolMost companies and schools or universities would block specific sites within their public networks, so that their employees and students won’t use Facebook, for example. Of course, we all want to have access to favorite websites even when we’re not supposed to use them. VPN service will help you reach those platforms when the access is restricted.Also, in some countries, the Internet is censored. With a VPN those who live in such countries can access all desired websites and, most importantly, cover their activity from the government.Secure Your VOIP ConversationsToday we can call anyone and from anywhere. With the software like Skype and other VOIP apps, we can even see the person we are talking to. If you want your voice and video conversations to be secure, you should also use a VPN.
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VPN Portfreigabe
Eine VPN Portweiterleitung ist ein nützliches Werkzeug, um den Datenverkehr zu sichern und auf entfernte Ressourcen zuzugreifen. Ein Virtual Private Network (VPN) ermöglicht es Benutzern, eine sichere Verbindung zu einem entfernten Netzwerk herzustellen, indem es den Datenverkehr verschlüsselt und die IP-Adresse des Benutzers verbirgt.
Die Portweiterleitung im VPN-Kontext bezieht sich darauf, bestimmte Ports oder Dienste aus dem gesicherten Tunnel herauszuleiten, um den Zugriff auf spezifische Anwendungen oder Ressourcen zu ermöglichen. Dies kann besonders nützlich sein, wenn Benutzer auf Geräte in einem entfernten Netzwerk zugreifen möchten, die normalerweise nicht über das VPN erreichbar wären.
Um eine VPN-Portweiterleitung einzurichten, müssen Benutzer in der Regel die Konfigurationseinstellungen ihres VPN-Clients oder -Dienstes anpassen. Dies kann das Hinzufügen von Regelwerken für spezifische Ports oder das Aktivieren der Portweiterleitungsfunktion beinhalten. Es ist wichtig, sicherzustellen, dass die Weiterleitung ordnungsgemäß eingerichtet ist, um Sicherheitsrisiken zu minimieren und einen reibungslosen Datenverkehr zu gewährleisten.
Insgesamt ist die VPN-Portweiterleitung ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das es Benutzern ermöglicht, sicher auf entfernte Ressourcen zuzugreifen und ihre Online-Privatsphäre zu schützen. Mit der richtigen Konfiguration und Überwachung können Benutzer die Vorteile einer VPN-Verbindung vollständig nutzen und ihre Internetaktivitäten sicherer gestalten.
Torrenting auf gemeinsamen Netzwerken
Torrenting auf gemeinsamen Netzwerken kann zu verschiedenen rechtlichen und sicherheitsrelevanten Problemen führen. Wenn man Torrent-Dateien herunterlädt oder teilt, werden die Dateien gleichzeitig auch anderen Benutzern im Netzwerk zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies bedeutet, dass, wenn man Torrents auf einem gemeinsamen Netzwerk wie z.B. in einem Wohnheim, einem Café oder einem Coworking-Space herunterlädt, man potenziell Urheberrechte verletzen kann.
Urheberrechtlich geschützte Inhalte wie Filme, Musik, Spiele und Software können über Torrents illegal verbreitet werden. Wenn man diese Inhalte ohne Erlaubnis herunterlädt oder teilt, riskiert man rechtliche Schritte seitens der Rechteinhaber. In einigen Ländern können Geldstrafen oder sogar Haftstrafen die Folge sein.
Darüber hinaus ist das Torrenting auf gemeinsamen Netzwerken oft unsicher, da man nie sicher sein kann, wer sonst noch im selben Netzwerk aktiv ist. Es ist möglich, dass Hacker das gemeinsame Netzwerk überwachen, um persönliche Daten abzufangen oder Schadsoftware zu verbreiten.
Es ist daher ratsam, beim Torrenting Vorsicht walten zu lassen und stattdessen legale und sichere Alternativen zu nutzen. Durch den Kauf und den Download von Inhalten von autorisierten Plattformen kann man Urheberrechte respektieren und gleichzeitig sein Gerät und seine Daten schützen. Letztendlich ist es wichtig, die potenziellen Risiken des Torrentings auf gemeinsamen Netzwerken zu verstehen und entsprechend verantwortungsbewusst zu handeln.
Sicherheit beim Filesharing
Beim Filesharing ist es wichtig, auf die Sicherheit zu achten, um sich vor potenziellen Risiken zu schützen. Filesharing bezieht sich auf den Austausch von Dateien über das Internet. Während es eine praktische Möglichkeit ist, Dateien mit anderen zu teilen, birgt es auch Sicherheitsrisiken, die nicht übersehen werden dürfen.
Eine der Hauptgefahren beim Filesharing ist die mögliche Verletzung des Urheberrechts. Es ist wichtig, nur Dateien zu teilen, für die man die entsprechenden Rechte besitzt, um rechtlichen Problemen aus dem Weg zu gehen. Zudem können beim Herunterladen von Dateien aus unsicheren Quellen Viren, Malware oder Spyware auf den eigenen Computer gelangen. Es ist ratsam, nur auf vertrauenswürdigen und legalen Seiten Dateien herunterzuladen.
Um die Sicherheit beim Filesharing zu erhöhen, können verschiedene Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Der Einsatz von Antivirenprogrammen und Firewalls kann helfen, schädliche Dateien zu erkennen und den eigenen Computer zu schützen. Zudem ist es ratsam, sich über die Risiken des Filesharings zu informieren und verantwortungsbewusst damit umzugehen.
Insgesamt ist Sicherheit beim Filesharing von großer Bedeutung. Indem man sich der potenziellen Risiken bewusst ist und entsprechende Sicherheitsvorkehrungen trifft, kann man das Filesharing genießen, ohne seine Daten und seinen Computer zu gefährden. Es empfiehlt sich, vorsichtig zu sein und nur mit Bedacht Dateien zu teilen und herunterzuladen, um sich vor unerwünschten Folgen zu schützen.
Anonymität mit VPN
Mit dem technologischen Fortschritt und der zunehmenden Digitalisierung ist die Online-Privatsphäre zu einem wichtigen Anliegen für viele Internetnutzer geworden. Eine Möglichkeit, die Anonymität im Internet zu wahren, ist die Verwendung eines Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Ein VPN leitet den gesamten Internetverkehr über einen externen Server um und verschlüsselt die Daten, die zwischen dem Gerät des Nutzers und dem Server ausgetauscht werden. Dadurch wird die Identität des Nutzers geschützt und die Internetaktivitäten bleiben anonym.
Die Verwendung eines VPNs bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen. Zum einen können Nutzer auf regionale Beschränkungen zugreifen und geografische Sperren umgehen. Dadurch können sie auf Inhalte zugreifen, die in ihrem Land möglicherweise gesperrt sind. Darüber hinaus schützt ein VPN vor Cyberkriminalität, indem es die Verbindung verschlüsselt und sensible Daten vor potenziellen Angreifern schützt.
Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass nicht alle VPN-Anbieter gleich sind. Bevor man sich für einen Dienst entscheidet, sollte man sich über die Sicherheitsstandards, Datenschutzrichtlinien und Geschwindigkeit des Dienstes informieren. Einige Anbieter können Protokolle über die Internetaktivitäten führen oder die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit beeinträchtigen.
Insgesamt kann die Verwendung eines VPNs die Anonymität und Sicherheit im Internet erheblich verbessern. Durch die Verschlüsselung des Datenverkehrs und die Umleitung der Verbindung über externe Server können Nutzer ihre Online-Privatsphäre schützen und ein sichereres Surf-Erlebnis genießen.
Risiken beim Torrenting
Beim Torrenting handelt es sich um eine weit verbreitete Methode zum Herunterladen von Dateien aus dem Internet. Obwohl es viele Vorteile bietet, birgt es auch verschiedene Risiken, auf die man achten sollte.
Eines der Hauptrisiken beim Torrenting ist die Möglichkeit, auf illegale Weise urheberrechtlich geschützte Inhalte herunterzuladen. Durch den Austausch von Dateien über Torrent-Netzwerke besteht die Gefahr, dass man unbeabsichtigt gegen das Urheberrecht verstößt und rechtliche Konsequenzen drohen.
Darüber hinaus birgt das Herunterladen von Dateien über Torrents auch das Risiko, schädliche Software wie Viren, Malware oder Spyware auf den eigenen Computer zu bekommen. Da die Dateien von verschiedenen Quellen stammen, ist es möglich, dass sie mit bösartigen Programmen infiziert sind, die die Sicherheit des Systems gefährden können.
Ein weiteres Risiko beim Torrenting ist die Möglichkeit, Opfer von Cyberkriminalität zu werden. Es gibt Cyberkriminelle, die gezielt Torrent-Netzwerke nutzen, um Informationen wie persönliche Daten, Passwörter oder Kreditkartendaten von ahnungslosen Nutzern abzugreifen.
Es ist daher wichtig, beim Torrenting Vorsicht walten zu lassen und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu treffen. Vermeiden Sie es, urheberrechtlich geschützte Inhalte illegal herunterzuladen und achten Sie darauf, Dateien nur aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen herunterzuladen. Zudem ist es ratsam, eine zuverlässige Antivirensoftware zu verwenden, um das Risiko einer Infektion mit schädlicher Software zu minimieren.
Indem man sich der potenziellen Risiken beim Torrenting bewusst ist und entsprechende Maßnahmen ergreift, kann man die Sicherheit des eigenen Computers und die persönlichen Daten schützen.
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isatlasvpnsafereddit · 11 months ago
does a vpn work.on a apartment building
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does a vpn work.on a apartment building
VPN encryption in apartment buildings
In today's digital age, internet security is of utmost importance, especially in places like apartment buildings where multiple users share the same network. This is where Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) play a crucial role in ensuring online privacy and security.
VPN encryption in apartment buildings works by creating a secure and encrypted connection between the user's device and the VPN server. This encrypted connection prevents any third parties, including hackers or even the internet service provider, from monitoring or intercepting the user's online activities.
By using a VPN in an apartment building, residents can protect their sensitive information, such as personal data, passwords, and banking details, from potential cyber threats. Additionally, VPNs allow users to bypass any geographical restrictions on content or websites, enabling them to access their favorite online services securely and privately.
When selecting a VPN service for use in an apartment building, it is essential to choose a reputable provider that offers strong encryption protocols, a no-logs policy, and high-speed connections. Users should also ensure that the VPN has servers in multiple locations to enjoy a seamless internet experience.
Overall, VPN encryption in apartment buildings is a vital tool for enhancing online security and privacy in a shared network environment. By investing in a reliable VPN service, residents can browse the internet without worrying about their digital footprint being exposed to unauthorized parties.
Internet security for shared networks
Internet security is of utmost importance, especially for shared networks where multiple users access the internet. Shared networks, such as those found in coworking spaces, hotels, or cafes, can be particularly vulnerable to security breaches if proper precautions are not taken.
One of the primary concerns with shared networks is the risk of interception of data by malicious actors. This can occur through various means, such as packet sniffing or man-in-the-middle attacks. To mitigate this risk, it is crucial to use encryption protocols such as HTTPS when accessing websites and transmitting sensitive information.
Another key aspect of internet security for shared networks is ensuring that all devices connected to the network are adequately protected. This includes using strong and unique passwords, enabling firewalls, and regularly updating antivirus and anti-malware software.
Additionally, it is essential to be cautious when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. These networks are often unsecured, making them prime targets for hackers. Using a virtual private network (VPN) can help encrypt your internet connection and provide an added layer of security when using public Wi-Fi.
Furthermore, educating all users of the shared network about best practices for internet security is critical. This includes recognizing phishing attempts, avoiding suspicious links or downloads, and being mindful of the information shared online.
By implementing these measures and staying vigilant, users can help enhance internet security for shared networks and reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber threats. Remember, taking proactive steps to protect your data and privacy is essential in today's interconnected world.
VPN effectiveness in multi-tenant residences
Title: Enhancing Privacy and Security: The Effectiveness of VPNs in Multi-Tenant Residences
In an era marked by increasing digital threats and privacy concerns, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has become paramount, especially in multi-tenant residences such as apartment buildings or condominiums.
Multi-tenant residences often share a single network infrastructure, which poses inherent risks to individual privacy and data security. With multiple users accessing the same network, sensitive information can be vulnerable to interception by malicious actors or even unintentional exposure.
VPNs offer a practical solution by encrypting internet traffic, thereby creating a secure tunnel between the user's device and the VPN server. This encryption ensures that data transmitted over the network remains confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized parties, effectively safeguarding against potential threats within multi-tenant environments.
One of the primary benefits of using a VPN in multi-tenant residences is the preservation of privacy. By masking their IP address and encrypting their internet activity, residents can prevent prying eyes from monitoring their online behavior or tracking their movements across the web. This level of anonymity is particularly crucial in shared networks where individuals may not have control over who else is connected.
Moreover, VPNs enhance security by mitigating risks associated with public Wi-Fi networks commonly found in multi-tenant settings. By establishing a secure connection to the VPN server, users can safely access sensitive information such as online banking accounts or corporate networks without fear of interception or hacking attempts.
However, while VPNs offer significant advantages, it's essential for users to choose reputable providers and follow best practices to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, educating residents about the importance of VPNs and providing resources for implementation can further enhance cybersecurity within multi-tenant residences, ensuring a safer and more secure digital environment for all occupants.
Virtual Private Network functionality in communal living spaces
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) plays a crucial role in protecting personal data and privacy in communal living spaces, such as dormitories, shared apartments, and co-living spaces. In these environments, multiple individuals access the same network, making it easier for cyber threats to compromise sensitive information.
One of the main functionalities of a VPN in communal living spaces is encryption. By encrypting the internet connection, a VPN ensures that all data transmitted between a device and the network is secure and cannot be intercepted by malicious third parties. This is especially important in shared spaces where the network may not be adequately secured.
Moreover, a VPN allows users to mask their IP address, adding an extra layer of anonymity online. In communal living settings, where multiple users share the same network, masking one's IP address helps maintain privacy and prevents others from tracking online activities.
Additionally, a VPN can bypass geo-restrictions and censorship, granting individuals in communal living spaces access to content that may be blocked in their location. This feature is particularly useful for international students or expatriates living in shared accommodations.
Overall, the functionality of a VPN in communal living spaces is indispensable for safeguarding personal data, ensuring online privacy, and accessing unrestricted content. By utilizing a VPN, individuals can maintain a secure and private internet connection, even in shared environments where cybersecurity risks are heightened.
Data protection on apartment building Wi-Fi
Data protection on apartment building Wi-Fi is a crucial aspect that residents need to be mindful of in today's digital age. With the increasing number of devices connected to Wi-Fi networks in apartment buildings, the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks is also on the rise. It is essential for residents to take necessary precautions to safeguard their personal information and prevent unauthorized access to their data.
One of the primary steps to enhance data protection on apartment building Wi-Fi is to ensure that the network is secured with a strong password. Residents should avoid using common passwords or easily guessable combinations to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing the network. Changing the Wi-Fi password regularly and setting up a secure network encryption protocol, such as WPA2, can help strengthen the security of the network.
Moreover, residents should refrain from sharing their Wi-Fi password with strangers or unauthorized individuals. This precaution can prevent potential security risks and unauthorized access to sensitive data. It is also advisable to use a virtual private network (VPN) while browsing the internet on a shared Wi-Fi network to encrypt data transmissions and protect privacy.
Regularly updating the firmware of routers and connected devices is another essential aspect of data protection on apartment building Wi-Fi. Manufacturers often release security patches and updates to address vulnerabilities and strengthen the security of devices. By staying updated with the latest firmware releases, residents can mitigate the risk of cyber threats and ensure a more secure Wi-Fi environment.
In conclusion, data protection on apartment building Wi-Fi is a shared responsibility that requires proactive measures from both residents and building management. By implementing robust security practices, such as securing the network with a strong password, avoiding password sharing, using a VPN, and updating firmware regularly, residents can enhance the security of their data and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks.
0 notes
dungeons-are-too-cold · 3 years ago
Hey, could I just request a Garcia x nb or gn!reader? R is a hacker cybercrime unit, is polar opposite to Garcia (not so much outgoing, kinda dark if you get what I mean lol), and BAU just being surprised because they never suspected it. Thank you! Have a wonderful day/night! <3
I hope this is too your liking! This was actually an amazing prompt and I absolutely loved writing it! There isn't enough Garcia content in the world so I'm always happy to write some! I broke things up into three parts so i could write a bit about how you met and everything too, I hope thats alright Warnings: Nothing really, mentions of alcohol, mentions of existentialism very briefly Word count: 1.6k
You and Penelope had been dating for a few months, but it was taking a while for you to feel comfortable with meeting her team; at least meeting them as he partner. You had seen the BAU in passing, obviously, often in the elevator as they were just a few floors above the cyber crime unit where you worked, but your limited interactions so far had gone not exactly well.
The last time the BAU needed the cyber crime unit’s help was actually how you and Penelope met. Your differences were immediately noticeable. Her bright clothes and fancy jewelry really stood out against your all-black ensemble. Cyber crime is no joke and their dress code let you know that. You didn’t mind it, as standing out wasn’t exactly what you wanted to do, but that’s what Penelope was all about. She was like a ray of sunshine. Immediately she wanted to be close to you, share her computer space, and gush over your Linux systems. She even offered to take you to lunch, which you reluctantly accepted. That lunch was the best thing that ever happened to you, and the two of you had been dating ever since. The rest of the case was not as great.
You know how Penelope does that whole flirting thing with her coworkers? Yeah, well, your quips usually come out a little more existential than endearing. When Reid had to sit down for a while after your comment on the inherent amoral nature of the universe and the random assignment of meaning and value that people have given action and identity, you didn’t think they were stoked on having you around. You couldn’t wait to get back to cyber crimes either.
            With that said, Penelope was very important to you, and you would do absolutely anything to make her happy.
            Penelope’s birthday was coming up and she was super excited. You were over at her place for a movie date one night when you could hear her talking to Morgan on the phone in the other room. They seemed to be discussing details about the party he was planning with Rossi, and it really caught you off guard.
            “So, sweet cheeks, I actually have someone you need to add to that guest list of yours… Yeah it’s a little bit of a surprise…okay well all I can tell you is that they are very special to me, and I want them to meet all of you for real, as my family.” Immediately you rushed over to your girlfriend trying to get her to pause the phone call. Penelope struggled to swat you away, which ended up turning into a full-on chase around her apartment. Still, she continued. “I may or may not be talking about my partner, but until the party you just put that out of that pretty little head of yours. Just make sure there’s a seat for them next to me at the table, okay I love you! Bye!”
            Penelope slammed her phone down on the table a little too hard as she ended the call.
            ‘What was that about?” you started.
            “I could say the same to you baby, do you not wanna come to my birthday party?” Garcia feigned upset; she is nothing if not dramatic.
            “Of course, I want to be there, just, I know your friends don’t like me. And I’m not exactly the most enthused party guest, I’ll have no idea what to say or what to even do with my hands!”
            “Your hands will be in mine the whole time,” she cooed as she pulled you closer to her. “They are going to love you because I love you, okay?”
            “I love you too.”
            You did your best to put the party out of your head until you were walking up the driveway to Rossi’s mansion. In an attempt to dry your palms, you rubbed your hands down the front of your black jeans and smoothed out your shirt. Just as you were about to turn back to the car, Derek Morgan burst through the front door to greet Penelope, nearly picking her up with his hug.
            “There’s my favorite birthday girl! Happy birthday, baby!” He said as he spun her around. As she came back to her original position next to you, Derek finally acknowledged you were here. “Hey, Y/n, right? From cyber crimes?” Morgan seemed incredibly confused as to why exactly you were here. You couldn’t tell if it was good or bad though.
            “Yes! Derek, they are actually my partner and special guest for the night so be nice” Penelope said as she playfully nudged her best friend’s shoulder. His face immediately lit up upon learning the special place you had in Penny’s life.
            “Well, it’s great to see you again, Y/n, and welcome! Let’s get the two of y’all inside now, it’s getting kinda chilly out here.” Derek stepped aside and let the two of you find your way through the front door. Almost sensing your anxiety like a superpower of hers, Penelope placed her hand in yours and led the way.
            Rossi’s home was massive, much bigger than anything you had ever seen before. It almost made the team look smaller than it actually was in comparison. JJ and Emily were having a glass of wine in the kitchen with a man you assumed was JJ’s partner Will. Reid and two little boys were sat on the floor with some crayons at the coffee table, coloring in what looked like Spider-man coloring books. Hotch watched the three of them fondly with a whiskey in hand as he and Rossi chatted away on the couch.
            “So, I know you’ve met the team, but that in the kitchen is Will, and those two little boys are Henry, who is JJ and Will’s son, and Jack who is Hotch’s son,” Penelope explained before the room had noted your presence. The second everyone saw Penny walk in, though, they were all over her, showering her in hugs and affection. You let yourself be pushed to the side, not wanting to get caught in all the hugging and touching quite yet.
            “Happy birthday Auntie Penelope!” the two boys squealed in unison, like they had been practicing all night.
            “Happy birthday, Pen” Emily and JJ said as they sandwiched her from either side.
            The boys all gave Penelope a kiss on the cheek and made their way back towards their seats until Rossi noticed you off to the side.
            “And is this y/n from cyber crimes? So, you’re the partner Derek has been telling us about all night? He said Penelope seemed quite smitten over the phone.” The room seemed oddly quiet as you sent a small wave to everyone.
            “Yes, y/n and I have actually been dating since that case we worked with them. It was love at first sight.” Penny lovingly sighed as she cuddled up on your arm, leading you to a seat on the couch.
            “Well, congrats you two,” Hotch said taking a seat across from you both. “Honestly, though, I have to say I’m` surprised.”
            “I hope that’s nothing bad,” you joked. They were the first words you had spoken all night, and you were already dreading where the night was going.
            “Oh, not at all. Our Penelope is just, quite…unique.”
            “Which is a polite way of saying she can’t keep secrets” Emily said as she shot Penelope a side glance. “I think we’re all just a little shocked that she was able to keep this under wraps for so long.”
            “The two of you seem so different as well,” JJ chimed in. She wasn’t wrong. You were sure that she assumed Penny would want someone more outgoing and social. Even you had thought that at the beginning of your relationship. The two of you seemed to balance each other out though, and that’s what you loved.
            “I think we help keep each other sane,” you joked again, starting to get into a rhythm with the team. “The balance is actually really nice.” The team seemed enamored with you. It was nice to know that your first impression hadn’t ruined things completely. Surprise aside, they were all very happy for you and Penelope. You could tell they just wanted Penny to be happy, and she seemed ecstatic to have you on her arm tonight as her date. Finally, you felt yourself relax as you watched the conversation around you.
            “So, what took you so long to bring y/n around to the family dinners?” Rossi asked Penelope.
            “Well, we just wanted to take things slow. As crazy as I am, you lot can get a bit rowdy when you’re wine drunk.” She said as she gave side eyes back to Emily as payback for earlier that evening.
            “Also, after I nearly broke Dr. Reid on that case, I was a little hesitant to meet everyone again,” you chimed in.
            “Actually, I found your line of question on morality quite intriguing, and I ended up doing quite a bit of reading on moral codes and evolution of humanity, especially in the context of developing society, and I’ve even been reading up on existentialism as well. It’s quite- ”
            “Thank you, boy genius,” Penelope interrupted, “but it is in fact my birthday and I’d like to believe that there is still some good in the world, so maybe let’s hold off on the Sartre before dinner?”
            “We’ll have to chat reading at some point,” Reid remarked to you before heading to refill his drink. “You want anything y/n?”
            “Thanks, but I think I’m alright for now,” you said, but you were much more than alright. You had everything you could possibly want in life with Penelope on your arm. She was your world, and you were just happy to be in hers.
I hope this was what you were looking for! I had a really great time writing it so let me know what you think in the comments! Sorry it took so long for me to get this one out, I'm going back to school rn so I've been getting ready for my college semester lately lol, but this was such a good time to write so i hope ur happy with it! Send an ask/request here! Check out my master list here!
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write-orflight · 4 years ago
Settle Down: Chapter 3
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader (kinda enemies to lovers)  
Rating: M
Words: 2K
Warnings: None, suggestive language
Summary:  Y/N and Spencer don’t get along but turn to each other for the one   thing you need someone else for… A baby. You can plantonically start a   family, right?
AN: Unedited and ending might change as I wrote this half asleep. Comment on this chapter or inbox to be on taglist. thanks! much love, Cia.
Chapter 3: You’re really going to waste a Good Witch on this?
You still felt pretty normal. You knew not to expect or feel anything at least for another couple of weeks but that didn’t make you any less nervous about it. So now you were playing the waiting game. You and Spencer were doing good. For some reason it wasn’t awkward that morning after the sex at all. The two of you just woke up and got coffee before heading into work like nothing happened. It was fine until Spencer had suggested that night maybe having sex again would increase your chances of getting pregnant since you were also ovulating the second day. You agreed of course but you couldn’t figure out if it had been for the reasons you were supposed to. The sex had been great, as good if not better than the first time yet you still felt slimy, like you were tricking Spencer even though he suggested it and was probably right. Spencer gave no indication that it bothered him though so you figured you were in the clear. 
You almost had been caught by Penelope when you went to work the following day. The second time around, let's just say Spencer was a lot less shy, a lot more ambitious and left a giant bruise on the side of your neck where he had been kissing practically the whole night. You couldn’t be that mad about it when you left your fair share of bruises on him. 
“Whoa!” Penny said when you walked into the small work space the two of you shared. You knew what she was talking about instantly. You desperately tried to cover it up and he apologized profusely for it. You told him it was no big deal. It wasn't like you were making big moves to stop him at the time. “Someone had a fun night. Come on, spill!” She says, turning to face you. 
“I burned myself on a curling iron. Not nearly as fun a night as you think.” You lie, shrugging the whole inquisition off so you wouldn’t suspect you lying to her. It seems to work because she groans. 
“Ugh, nothing interesting ever happens here!” She groans. “What about you and Spencer?” 
You look nervous for a second. “What about me and Spencer?” 
“I mean, anything new in babyville?” She gestures. 
“Oh! Nothing yet. We’re just playing the waiting game right now.” 
“That was fast. So you might be pregnant right now?” You shrug. “I can’t believe you and Spencer are having a kid.” 
“Yea, it’s kinda strange but we’ll manage.” You say as the phone rings. The team was out on a case, it wasn’t uncommon for them to call you guys for technological aid. 
“All seeing, all knowing.” You greet them on the phone. You adapted Garcia’s jovial speech the more you worked with her. 
“Hey, Y/N…” You hear Spencer’s voice say back to you. 
“Oh, hey Spencer. I’ll patch you to Penny.” You say, hand on the button to do that. You’ve grown accustomed to transferring him to Penelope over the years since he preferred to talk to her. 
“No! No, I’m actually calling for you…” He says. 
“You never call for me.” You say. “You always ask for Garcia.” 
“I know, I know. I just— how are you feeling?”  
“I’m fine, Spencer.” You say. “It’s only been a couple days.” 
“I know, I know. I just wanted to see how you were doing.” Spencer says nervously into the phone. 
“I’ll tell you if anything changes, but right now I’m fine, ok?” 
“Ok.” He says back. 
“Now did you have a question pertaining to my actual job?” 
“Could you run financial records for Wilard Yannis for me?” 
It was a week later and the team was officially back from the case. It was a paperwork day which you and Garcia always used to review potential cases. You were doing just that when a knock came to your door. Spencer walked in brandishing two coffees and a pastry bag which he places in front of Garcia. 
“What’s this?” Garcia asks, excitedly opening the pastry bag. “It’s a crossiant and it’s still warm. Oh, you love me and I love you.” She says, patting his cheek. You don’t turn from your screen but you smile at Penelope’s antics. You don’t look up until you see a cup being placed in front of you. 
“What is this?” You ask. 
“Coffee.” He says like it’s obvious. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” He rolls his eyes before walking out. You sip the coffee tentatively. 
Ok, how the fuck does he know your coffee order? 
You wait until he’s heading to the file room later to corner him. You follow in behind him and lock the door. 
“Ok, you need to knock it off.” You say, crossing your arms. 
“Knock what off, Y/N?” He asks. 
“You know what!” You exclaim. “Do I need to remind you what your job is? What our coworkers jobs are? We work with Profilers for God's sake! Now, I was able to avoid suspicion even though you left a Texas size bruise on my neck. But you’ve got to knock it off and stop acting weird around me.” 
“How am I acting weird?” 
“For one, stop calling me for cases. You have always called Garcia and now you’re suddenly calling for me?” 
“So I can’t call and ask you to do your job? That’s rich.”
“No asshole, you can’t ask me now. You’ve always asked for Garcia and while it was insulting that you would still do it even though I’ve been doing this for years, I’ve gotten used to it because that’s how you are, Spencer!” You exclaim throwing your hands in the air. “Spencer Reid doesn’t bring me coffee and he certainly doesn’t call to check up on me. Knock it off.” 
Spencer’s silent for a second, thinking. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I never thought of it like that. And I certainly never meant to insult you.” He says looking you in the eye. “But we don’t need to worry about me.” 
“What do you mean? You’re the only one who’s acting differently.” You say, confused. Spencer just laughs which only makes you look more confused. 
“I’m the only one acting different?” He says, taking a step towards you, crowding into your space. You back up slowly until your back hits the wall next to the door. His eyes drift up and down your body and you shiver under the scrutiny. “You’ve been staring at me all morning and the past couple of days we’ve been back. Specifically my hands and mouth. And whenever you do, your hand drifts to that ‘curling iron burn’ you have. Like you’re trying to remember what it felt like.” He’s mere inches away from you now and when you look up you can see the smug smirk on his face. “If I can notice it then so can they. So we don’t need to worry about me.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  You say, stubbornly. 
Spencer chuckles darkly. “Yea ok, answer me this then.” He says, his face moving so he’s impossibly close to you. You tilt your chin up to look in the eye and show him you’re not cowering away from him. But for some reason, despite only having sex the two times, his smell takes you out of focus and you’re almost at the point of drooling like a Pavlov dog. He notices this because he always does and smirks  and leans down close to you, your eyes drift shut thinking he was about to kiss you. You hate how ready you were for it. “If you were truly worried about me drawing attention to us…. Why did you lock yourself in a room with me?” 
With that, he’s reaching behind you and unlocking the file room door, moving around you to go through it. “We’ll talk later.” He adds before leaving you alone, confused and surrounded by cabinets. 
You stop in the ladies room to collect your thoughts for a second before heading back into your shared workspace. When you do get back, Penny turns her chair towards you, hands folded manically. You look at her confused. 
“You know, I knew something was up. I’m not a profiler or anything but I have a good intuition. So I knew by the way you flushed when I asked about your neck that it wasn’t an iron burn. But I let it go figuring if you wanted to tell me you’d tell me when you wanted. And then, when Derek told me he shared a hotel room with Spencer and saw some very interesting claw marks on his back when he was changing, I also didn’t say anything figuring you’d tell me if there was something to tell and I thought maybe, just maybe, it was a coincidence and the two didn’t correlate at all. But now, imagine my surprise when I was on my way back from the coffee machine that I saw both of you leaving a file room?” Penny smirks at you and you try to keep a straight face but your heart was beating so fast, you’d been had. 
“I have no idea what you’re on about. I was just having a conversation with Spencer.” 
“Something happened and you’re going to tell me.” She says. “Good Witch.” 
Good Witch was a phrase from way back in your hacker days to indicate a I scratch yours, you scratch mine deal between two parties. Since then, you and Garcia coined the term to mean no matter how big the ask the other had to say yes when it was called. Though it was typically used for moving or picking up the other from a bad date, it was never used like this. 
“You’re really going to waste a Good Witch on this?” you ask and she nods profusely. 
“Fine.” You throw your hands up before sitting across from her. “But my Good Witch is that this stays between us, no one else, including Spencer, can know. She nods and complies you sigh. “We went to the clinic and the Insemination cost was way too high. So we decided we’d you know…. Try the old fashion way.” 
Garcia looks at you wide eyed.  “You guys didn’t.” 
You nod, awkwardly. “It was nothing. Just two times while I was ovulating and if I’m pregnant now, never again.” 
Garcia hums. “And you’re sure you don’t just like each other?” 
“Garcia, Spencer hates me. We’d never work.” 
“You said, Spencer hates me. Not we hate each other like you usually do.” She points at you. “You’re starting to like him.” 
“No, I’m not! Just a slip up on my words.” You exclaim, but Garcia gives you a look that screams she doesn’t believe you. “Anyway, you used your Good Witch to ask a question I already answered so I don’t need to tell you anything else.” 
“Can you at least tell me this?” She asks. “Was it… good?” 
You groan into your hands. “That’s the problem! It was good! Too good! Earth-shattering, mind blowing good that I can’t focus or think of anything that’s not it. And Spencer knows that and he’s being a dick about it.” You sigh. Garcia pats your back, looking sympathetically. 
“Well, it’s just like you said, it was just to have the baby, right? So at least you know if you’re pregnant now, you never have to deal with it again.” She smiles before turning back to her screen. She was right, Spencer wouldn’t play games with your emotions like back in the File room if you were actually pregnant now so you could go back to less stress-inducing, Spencer-free mornings, at least until the baby was here. 
That was what you wanted.
Taglist: @moonshinerbynight​ @crimeshowtrash​ @no-honey-no​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @chenlemure​ @sizzlingclamturtlesludge​ @tclaerh​ @k-k0129​ @takeyourleap-of-faith​ @trashyhipsterfangirl @haylaansmi​ @spencerreidlivesrentfreeinmyhead​ @waspyyy​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @octaviaxanadu​ @whxt-to-write​ @meowiemari​ @b99andsoc​ @boba-king-iroh​ @punkndisorderrly​ @richardrosejpeg​ @underratedmisfit​ @gredvb​ @criminalminds4days​ @fanfictionislifetho​ @justpeachykeeeen​ @kopfkinomind @moonchildkei @appleblossoms-posts​ @urguardiandevil​ @cm-imagines-07​ @ajeff855 @reidsconverse​ @isknowplaces @ashwarren32​
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fic-for-fic-sake · 4 years ago
A Happy Accident
A/N: The other day I found out that Chris Evans may possibly have a sex dungeon? I don’t write real people fics but I knew I HAD to write a Steve Rogers fic about this because I mean...c’mon. Also the text conversation in the fic is indeed a real conversation between my friend and I. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: NSFW, dirty talk, dom/sub, flogging, being tied up, penetrative sex, honorifics, praise kink
Word Count: 5.4k
You knew there was trouble before you even reached the meeting room, it was like a palpable tension you could sense coming from the conference room. You mentally prepared yourself for whatever was to come as you walked in and took your usual spot next to Natasha. 
“Do you have any idea what this is about?” You questioned her, murmuring under your breath since nobody seemed keen to speak above a whisper for the time being. 
“Some kind of security breach, we don’t know how bad yet, we have to wait for Stark.” She explained, speaking in clipped tones. She seemed nervous, which was understandable given the circumstances. A security breach could mean a number of things, none of them good. Anything from weapons tech to secret identities could’ve been revealed in the breach. 
The tension seemed to come to a head when Tony and Steve walked into the room. Everyone erupted into a flurry of activity, peppering the two men with so many questions it was hard to make out what came from who. 
“What was taken?” Someone asked. 
“Was it anything serious?” Someone else wondered. 
“Do we need to scrap the new suit designs?” You asked, adding your voice to the babble. 
“Okay everyone settle down and give Tony some room to think.” Steve urged all of you, forming a one man barrier around Stark. Which you had to admit was rather effective. Once everyone reseated themselves and Steve gave Tony a nod, Tony cleared his throat. 
“By now you all have obviously heard that there’s been a security breach. We don’t know who is behind the breach but so far all that was leaked was text conversations of the following Avengers; Wanda, Sam, Bucky, and Y/N.” 
You felt your heart drop to your stomach. You were a target in the security breach. But why? Why you specifically and why just your text conversations? It seemed rather harmless considering everything else they could’ve taken. 
“Luckily Wanda doesn’t really text anyone because everyone she knows is here. As far as Sam, Bucky, and Y/N are concerned they only leaked conversations from your work phones, meaning your personal phone security isn’t in question.” Tony reassured you all. Well, it reassured Sam and Bucky at least. 
“Um, what do you mean ‘work phone’?” You asked, looking around with a puzzled expression on your face. 
“You do have a burner phone for personal use, right?” Nat asked from beside you. Now your heart was located somewhere in your feet. 
“I didn’t know I needed one.” You whispered, barely contained horror edging its way into your voice. 
“Well, I mean what’s the worst that could be there?” Sam asked, trying to reassure you. Luckily, or unluckily enough, you didn’t have to answer that question because within the coming days they would all find out. 
After the meeting you tried to go about your normal routine and ignore the security breach as best as you could. That got considerably harder the following morning, when the hacker released your private conversations with your friends for all the world to see. They went something like this: 
Sarah: Do you think Steve Rogers is good in bed? 
You: Obviously, dumb question. 
Sarah: Do you think he’s kinky though? 
You: Oh 100%, no way he doesn’t have a secret sex dungeon or something. 
Sarah: Since you’re an Avenger now you should try to find out. 
You: HAHAHAHAHA that’s hilarious and something I’ll never do, in reality. But in theory PUT ME IN COACH! I bet he would probably make me sign an NDA and I would totally be down for that. 
Sarah: I’ll sign a DNR
You: HAA, I would sign the NDA but also have to tell you what’s happening and then I would make you sign an NDA. 
Sarah: Then you’re breaking the NDA??
You: Not if you don’t tell anyone goddamn be cool. 
Sarah: It’s the principle of the thing
You: ...I wonder what kind of dom he is
Sarah: Idk if he’s a daddy. He feels like a Sir or Master. I also think he doesn’t have soft limits, only hard limits. 
You: as much as I would like to think he’s a pleasure dom I don’t think that’s true
Sarah: I agree
You: Maybe a brat tamer? 
Sarah: That feels too tame for him. 
You: Okay so then just a no holds bard whipping dom. I would wait all day in his sex dungeon just to lick his boots when he came home. Does that make me depraved? Probably. 
Sarah: Possibly, I also think he’d degrade the shit out of you, like kinda pet play shit. I also think he has a spreader bar collection. Aaaand an overstimulation kink. 
You: Oh agreed, that and edging. I feel like he would edge you for hours and then leave to go on a mission or something and you’re not allowed to touch yourself and then he comes back hours later and you’re just aching for release. And then only after you’re BEGGING he would let you come. 
Sarah: Oof. How much do you wanna bet his dungeon is like a sensory deprivation thing? Think about it, hours upon hours of not having any form of relief, after begging nonstop, no real form of your senses and then BAM normal orgasm but heightened to the absolute max. 
You: YEP! I bet he’s like the king of aftercare though, like 1000/10 so sweet. Like Steve Rogers is legit such a nice human being so I assume aftercare is the same. 
Needless to say, you did not leave your room that day. The next day you tried to get away with not leaving your room again but Nat was having none of that. 
“Come on Y/N, I promise it’s not that bad, I’ve said much worse.” She assured you as she practically dragged you out of your room and into the elevator. 
You buried your head in your hands and let out a frustrated scream. “He’s a coworker, Nat, and I totally objectified him and basically said all the filthy things I wanted him to do to me.” 
“And I bet he’s real flattered about it! The man needs a good ego boost every now and then.” She replied with a laugh. To which you responded with another frustrated scream and a kick to the elevator doors as they opened. “I bet he didn’t even read it, I doubt anyone on the team did.” She said, sounding certain in her own thinking. She half convinced you until you walked into the training room and every pair of eyes turned to you, including Steve’s baby blues. Fuck. 
“Okay we’re working in a group today people, focusing on enhanced individuals with external powers. Wanda and Y/N against Sam, Bucky, and Steve.” Nat announced, opening the door to the special training facility. So you and Wanda wouldn’t trash too much of Stark’s equipment with your powers. 
“Hey Y/N, you been to any good sex dungeouns recently? I’m looking for one.” Sam quipped as you made your way to the starting point. Before you could even think about what you were doing the smell of ozone was ripe in the air and you sent a bolt of lightning hurtling towards Sam who was barely able to dodge it in time. 
“Sorry...hand slipped.” You mock apologized, making it clear that you would have another ‘hand slip’ if he didn’t keep his mouth shut. He got the point well enough but the damage was already done. The tension was worse now than when you first found out about the breach, everyone trying not to bring up the elephant in the room. 
Nat cleared her throat and started her countdown and then the training began in earnest. After an hour you were all panting and sweating, utterly spent from your session. Steve passed everyone a water bottle and you took it gratefully, chugging the cool liquid in earnest. It was then that another comment was made, this time by Bucky. 
“Thanks for the aftercare daddy.” He mocked as he opened his own water bottle. Once again the smell of ozone was in the air but you didn’t have a chance to meet your target before Steve had Bucky pressed against the wall, his forearm digging into the other man’s throat. 
“That’s enough.” He growled through his teeth. Everyone was silent for a minute and you almost felt sorry for the deer in the headlights look Bucky was now wearing on his face, almost. A shower of frustrated sparks extinguished all the lights in the room as you stormed from the room, embarrassment trailing after you. 
That had been four hours ago and you hadn’t left your room, despite Natasha banging on the other side of your door. You had asked FRIDAY not to open it for anyone unless given your express permission. It seemed even the AI knew what kind of a mess you had landed yourself into, as she was immediately understanding of such a request. You were in the process of ordering a burner phone off of Amazon when there was a knock at your door. 
“Nat, I don’t care how many books you offer to buy me, I’m NOT coming out of this room.” You yelled into the empty space of your room. 
“Noted, but uh, it’s Steve. Can we talk?” You were at the door before he finished his sentence. You opened it no more than a crack, not courageous enough to do more. 
“I don’t wanna talk to you, I’m mortified.” You mumbled, looking down at your feet instead of the imposing figure outside of your door. Steve gently pushed on the door with his hand and you let him open it the rest of the way. He brought gentle fingers to your chin and tilted your head back so you were looking into his eyes. 
“There’s nothing to be mortified about, sweetheart. I just wanna talk.” He replied beseechingly. And maybe it was the tone of his voice, or the way he looked at you, but you relented and let him in, closing the door softly behind you. 
“Listen, I’m really sorry for what I said. I obviously never thought it would see the light of day but that’s not an excuse and doesn’t make it okay. Fuck, Steve I’m so sorry. I can get reassigned if you want, have SHIELD put me somewhere else.” You rattled off apologies and half baked plans before you felt his hands gently clasp your shoulders and once again you were forced to look up into his eyes which had gone saucer wide. 
“Doll what are you talking about? You don’t need to be reassigned, it's not that big of a deal.” He said, in an attempt to comfort you. 
“Not a big deal? I practically accused you of having a sex dungeon and being a mega dom.” You blurted out, mortification making your voice rise half an octave. 
He let out a soft sigh before he sat down on the edge of your bed, “It’s not like you were completely in the wrong.” He replied, and that’s when your brain short circuited. 
“What? You have a sex dungeon?” 
“Well, it’s not a dungeon, it's just my bedroom, but yes I do, partake in those types of things you described.” He explained, his voice as even and calm as if he were discussing the weather. 
“Oh.” Was all you could really bring yourself to say. 
“Oh? That’s all? I have to say you were much more articulate in your texts.” He teased, his voice suddenly becoming deeper and taking on an air of authority that wasn’t there a second ago. “Tell me what you’re thinking.” 
And again, maybe it was because of his tone or because of the absurdity of the situation you found yourself in but you answered him honestly. “I’m thinking I’m absolutely mortified that my coworker found out how badly I want him to fuck me.” 
“What else?” He prompted. You couldn’t breathe properly, he was taking all the air from the room and the intensity in his gaze pinned you to the spot, like an unsuspecting doe finding itself at the barrel of a gun. 
“I’m wondering how correct my predictions were. What kind of a dom you are.” 
“Would you like to find out?” 
“Yes.” You answered before you could think better of it. The second the word left your mouth your eyes went wide at the confession. Because you did want to find out, God did you want to find out what kind of shit Steve Rogers, the golden boy, was into. 
“Then we have ourselves a deal. You want to find out what I’m into and I want to show you.” 
“Right now?” You asked, breathless. You could feel your core ache at the suggestion, the want plain as day. 
He chuckled before he moved to stand before you. “No pretty girl, not yet.” He whispered, bringing his right hand up to cup your cheek and stroke his thumb across the expanse of your lips. “First we have to talk about a few things.” 
“Like what?” You questioned, completely enraptured by this man, finding yourself willing to submit to whatever he wanted you to. You were terrified by how much the prospect excited you. 
“Like exactly what you want me to do to you. Your texts were very...explicit. But, that may have just been talk. I need to know specifics if this is going to work.” Steve explained, backing you up until you hit your dresser. Without a word he lifted you on top of it and stood between your legs, one of his hands tracing absent minded patterns on your thigh. 
It was hard to think with him in such close proximity but you tried to clear your mind because you really wanted this, your mouth went dry at the thought. “I want...I want to be tied up. And I want to be blindfolded. And whipped.” It felt weird to lay your desires out plain before you like this. It made you feel exposed, but it was also oddly empowering. 
Steve nodded his head at your requests. “You mentioned something to your friend about edging and orgasm denial, is that something you still wanted to try?” 
“Yes, but not, not yet. I’ve never um, I haven’t- I’ve never been kinky with a partner.” You explained to him, feeling an embarrassing heat creeping up your face. 
“Hey, no need to be embarrassed, we all start somewhere.” Steve insisted, bringing his hands up to settle on your hips. “Anything else?” After you shook your head he gave you a nod in reassurance. “Okay, I’ll be in touch.” He said as he stepped away from you. 
That was three days ago and you hadn’t heard anything from him on the matter since. You had trained with him, went for a run with him, had the usual team meetings and exchanged the usual pleasantries but nothing out of the ordinary. You had even gone far enough in your wandering mind to think that maybe you imagined the whole interaction. 
On Friday, you were told that Steve had gone away on a mission and by that point the team was done teasing you about the leaked conversation, already having moved on to the next thing. You had made plans to go out with them that night to a community outreach thing in Manhattan. You had just gotten your jeans on when a piece of paper slid across your floor from the door. 
You walked over to it, thinking someone had just dropped their paper, when you saw what was written on the other side of it.
Text an excuse to Stark for the outreach and then come to my room. -SR 
Your heartbeat sped up to a gallop as you read the message through two more times, just to be certain. This was it, it was happening. With shaky fingers you texted Tony a flimsy excuse about draft reports you needed to finish before you put your phone back on your desk and calmly made your way to Steve’s room. 
You went to knock but found the door slightly ajar. Taking that as your cue you stepped into Steve Rogers room. While it wasn’t the first time you had been here, it was certainly a circumstance that you weren’t used to. Everything seemed...different somehow. The curtains were drawn and the only light came from dim overhead lighting. There was a faint scent of jasmine that you assumed came from a candle or incense burner you couldn’t see somewhere. On the bed, the sheets had been changed to something that looked like silk and resting on top was an eye mask and two long chords of rope. Which seemed innocuous enough, current circumstances notwithstanding. 
“Shut the door and lock it please.” A voice commanded from a shadow in the corner of the room. As soon as you locked the door Steve Rogers emerged from the shadows in an all black version of his Captain America suit. You had never seen him in such a suit before and the sight of him in it made your mouth water and your knees buckle. This was really happening. 
“I have to admit, when I read your text conversation I was surprised to say the least. I didn’t know how many dirty thoughts resided in that head of yours but you did not disappoint, did you sweetheart?” He questioned as he made his way over to where you stood, rooted to your spot by the door. He gently pressed against your shoulder and you followed his lead, letting him back you against the door, his strong hands landing on either side of your head, arms caging you in. “And then when we spoke, you were /very/ specific in what you wanted and I am nothing if not obliging, you’ll find.” He whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help the small moan that escaped your mouth at the implication behind his words. 
“Are you ready to be my good girl? Hmm sweetheart?” 
“Yes Steve.” You whispered, your mind not being able to form anything other than those words. 
He made a slight tsking sound. “In here, don’t call me Steve. It’s Captain. Got it?” 
“Yes Captain.” You replied obediently. 
“Good girl, now get undressed for me.” He commanded, stepping back to give you room to complete his task. With nervous fingers you lifted your shirt above your head and undid the clasp on your bra. You watched as Steve’s eyes took in your exposed top half, he licked his lips which made you shiver in turn. Confidence growing by his visible excitement you unbuttoned your jeans and slipped them down your legs along with your panties, until you were gloriously naked before him. 
“God, you're so beautiful sweetheart. I’m already getting hard and all you’ve done is get undressed.” He praised you as he palmed himself through his tac pants. “Come here pretty girl.” He insisted as he picked up the blindfold. 
You walked over to him and turned around as he secured the blindfold against your eyes and tied it for you. “Now, we’re gonna use a color system, okay? Green means you’re okay to keep going, Yellow means to slow down, and Red means stop. Can you remember that doll?” 
“Yes Captain.” You murmured as you adjusted to not being able to see. You tuned into your other senses to rely on what was happening. You felt Steve take your hand and walk you over until you reached the side of the bed. He helped you up before asking you to lay down on your back. 
“Okay pretty girl I’m gonna tie you up now.” He told you as you felt both of his hands take your left arm and maneuver it above your head before securing your wrist in place with rope. He pressed a gentle kiss to the spot before repeating the process with your other arm. “How do you feel sweetheart?” 
“Good Captain, I feel good.” You told him as your heartbeat kicked up another notch. You felt him take your left leg with gentle fingers and tie your ankle to the baseboard of the bed. You gasped as he secured your right ankle, knowing you were now naked and spread bare before him. You felt the bed dip as he kneeled over you and brought his mouth down to whisper in your ear. 
“What’s your color baby?” 
“Green.” You replied. Almost immediately you felt his lips press against yours, desperate and hungry for you. You kissed back with a fervor you didn’t know you possessed. It was a strange sensation, kissing someone you couldn’t touch let alone see, but that didn’t make it unpleasant. You felt blissfully detached from your body and the need raced down to your pussy until you had the sudden urge to close your legs and hide your arousal. 
Steve chuckled against your mouth as his left hand snaked down to see what you were trying in vain to hide. “So eager for me and we’ve hardly started” He lazily swiped his fingers along your folds to feel the wetness that gathered there. He then brought the same hand up to your breast and worked your juices around your nipple, making you groan at the sheer wantonness of it all. Steve happily swallowed your groan with his mouth, his tongue taking the opportunity to pass your lips. 
You fervently kissed him back as his ministrations against your nipple continued. His lips left yours and left a trail of hot kisses down your throat and over to your neglected right nipple. You felt him blow cold air on it and your back bowed against the bed, your arms straining against the restraints. He scraped his teeth against your sensitive bud and you couldn’t help the noises that escaped your mouth. 
“Oh fuck, Captain.” You let out as he took your nipple into his mouth. You could feel his left hand leave your nipple and you let out a whine of protest. He only laughed against your skin before you heard the faint opening of a drawer. Your ears picked up the sound of him rummaging around for something but you couldn’t focus too much on that as the rest of your body was alight with fire as he continued to work on your nipple with his mouth. He finally found what he was looking for in the drawer and he released your nipple with a wet popping sound before you felt his weight shift and he removed himself from you. 
“You mentioned something about being whipped.” He teased, and you could hear that his own arousal had made his voice hoarse. Your cunt throbbed in response. “Do you know what a flogger is pretty girl?” 
“Yes Captain.” You replied from your position on the bed. Your mouth went dry at the mental image you had of Steve in his black tac suit with a flogger in hand. How would he use it on you? Would it hurt? Be pleasant? The anticipation was eating you up in the best of ways. 
“Good girl. We’re gonna do some counting. Since this is your first time we won’t do too many, just ten. But you have to count them pretty girl. If you forget, or lose count, we start over. Do you understand?” 
Oh fuck. “Yes Captain.” You heard him chuckle from somewhere above you before you heard the whoosh of the flogger and the sensation on your skin. You gasped as the leather straps came down hard against your left nipple. “One.” The second one came down against your right nipple and you found that your pussy clenched around nothing. “Two.” 
Numbers three, four, and five were placed on your nipples and your stomach.
“Halfway there pretty girl, you’re doing so well.” Steve’s voice came from somewhere around you. A thin layer of sweat had broken out over your skin and your arousal was through the roof. You found yourself panting in anticipation of the next strike. It came, the leather striking against your dripping center and you let out a gasp as your back arched off of the silk sheets. “Six” 
“Oh you liked that one didn’t you sweetheart?” Steve teased. 
“Yes Captain.” You replied breathlessly. Number seven came in the same spot and another lewd sound left your mouth as the flogger found its spot. Numbers eight and nine he placed on the sensitive insides of your thighs. 
“Last one pretty girl. You’ve taken it so well I’ll let you decide where this last one goes.” 
“Hit my pussy again, please, I want it so bad Captain.” You practically pleaded. Under any other circumstances you would’ve been ashamed at how pathetic you sounded but you didn’t care. Steve Rogers was doing depraved things to you and you couldn’t think straight. You just wanted him to keep doing what he was doing, to take all of you, every tiny nook and cranny of your being until he knew your pleasures like the back of his hand. 
“Such a needy girl, maybe after the flogger I’ll give you a reward.” He replied, sounding pleased with you, before he placed the tenth and final flog against your aching core. “God you look so sexy like this, blindfolded and tied to my bed, maybe I should leave you here as my own personal fucktoy, would you like that baby?” He asked as he inserted two fingers into your mouth. 
You mumbled your response against the digits, your pussy getting wetter at the thought of him using you like that. You were only half kidding when you had texted your friend about it but now, with your arousal so strong, it sounded more and more enticing. Steve removed his fingers from your mouth and brought them down to your sensitive center, rubbing them up and down your slit before inserting them into your slick heat. You gasped at the intrusion and felt your hips buck up in response to being filled. 
Your walls fluttered around his fingers as he began to pump them at a leisurely pace. You felt him make his way down your body to nestle himself between your spread legs and then his hot breath was fanning out over your cunt as his fingers continued to fuck you. “You look so good, pretty girl. Spread open for me like my own personal feast. God you’re so wet. I guess you like to be flogged.” He spoke, the filthy words that left his lips making you wetter than you already were. Without warning he brought his tongue to you and kitten licked your clit, sending a shockwave through your system. 
He took your clit in his mouth and sucked as he continued to work you with his fingers. You fruitlessly tugged against your restraints and bucked your hips in an attempt to get the friction you so desperately needed. 
“God sweetheart you taste better than I imagined.” Steve commented as his tongue lapped up your juices. “I bet I’ll be able to taste you on my tongue for a week.” 
“Fuck, Captain, please can I cum?” You begged, tears wetting the inside of your mask from the intensity of your session. 
“Come for me baby, let me feel you come on my fingers.” Steve commanded and that was your undoing. The knot that had been building inside of you was finally released and you came loudy around his fingers. You felt him lick you through the aftershocks. 
“Talk to me, pretty girl, how are you feeling?” Steve questioned, voice hot once again by your ear. His suit gently pressing against your overstimulated skin. “Give me a color.” He asked, pressing a gentle kiss to your jawline. 
“I’m good Captain, still Green.” You responded, coming down from your orgasm. 
“Such a good girl for your Captain. You’re doin’ so well pretty girl.” He said as he left the bed. You weren’t sure where he went until you felt his dexterous fingers undoing the ropes on your left leg. “I’m undoing the leg ropes first. And then I’m going to fuck you senseless like I’ve been wanting to do since I saw those damn text messages.” Your spent cunt clenched around nothing, as you eagerly waited for him to undo the other leg restraint. You could hear him undo the many zippers and clasps on his tac suit until the bed dipped and he was once again between your legs. 
This time skin met skin as you felt his upper thighs press between yours as he brought himself closer to you still. You felt the tip of his cock slide between your wet folds before slipping inside. The breath was stolen from your lungs at the feel of him sinking into your waiting cunt. A low moan left your mouth as you felt every perfect inch of him spreading you until he bottomed out and his hips nestled perfectly against your own. 
You felt his forehead press against your own. “Fuck you feel perfect, you know that pretty girl? My perfect little pussy.” He breathed against your mouth as he let you adjust to him. He retracted himself from you fully before swiftly filling you up again. Any noise you may have made was swallowed as he kissed you with a hunger you didn’t think was possible. What started as a slow rhythm quickly changed until he was snapping into you with a fervor akin to a madman. 
Your hips eagerly met his thrusts and soon your combined pants and skin slapping filled the room. Still blindfolded, you felt the moment his hand wrapped around your neck and squeezed just so. That had your walls flutter around him and your hips stuttered. 
“Oh you like that don’t you? You like when I choke you huh pretty girl?” He asked eagerly, his voice husky from moaning. 
“Yes, fuck, please Captain, fuck me.” You rasped out. You grunted as he brought his other hand down to press your hips into the mattress before he slammed into you at a relentless pace. Eventually, his hand left your throat to play with your bundle of nerves. 
“Come on pretty girl. Come for me.” He ordered and you were only too happy to comply. You came hard around him, enough that you saw stars behind the blindfold and Steve let out a string of curses and praises for you as he pulled out of you and you felt his cum paint your stomach. 
You had a moment to catch your breath as you heard Steve pad over to what you assumed was the bathroom. He came back and placed a warm washcloth against your skin, cleaning up the combined mess you both made. Then you felt his hands move up to untie the blindfold around your eyes. You squinted into the low light of the room and were shocked to see Steve bare chested and glistening with sweat before you. 
“Hi.” You murmured shyly, finding that some of your confidence had left you along with the blindfold. Seeing him like this, because of you, because of what you had done, somehow cemented this moment in reality. There was no turning back now. 
“Hi yourself, how do you feel?” He asked as he undid the ropes around your wrists. 
“I um wow, I feel great.” You said and realized it was true. In the afterglow of the scene you felt amazing. Sexy and empowered and utterly spent but undeniably amazing. 
“You did great.” Steve assured you as he took lotion into his hands and massaged the areas on your wrists and ankles where the ropes had been. He placed a gentle kiss on each palm when he was done and went to get you a glass of water. “Drink all of this.” 
You took the glass from his hands and drank deep. Appreciating the cool feeling of the water as it slid down the column of your throat, you didn’t realize how thirsty you had become. You finished the glass and handed it back to Steve, who placed it on one of his bedside tables. 
“Good girl.” He praised and you felt yourself blush in response. He noticed. “Do you like being praised, sweetheart?” 
“Yes Captain.” You nodded. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He replied as he helped you into one of his shirts and placed you underneath the covers. He rested beside you and wrapped you in his strong arms. “You did so well today for your first time. It wasn’t too much for you was it?” 
“No, I really liked it.” You reassured him. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead with a promise to discuss it more after you slept some.
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tlacehualli · 2 years ago
Sombra's an observant gal, old habit and hard to kick after growing up for so long as a street kid or a gang member in her youth. It's hard to miss the brief moment which sucks Odessa in. Ancient memory, more likely than not - the both of them are close in age enough to be familiar with at least one or two of the pieces of tech that's strewn about the desk (Sombra always appropriates it when she visits, there's too much stuff in Junkertown for her to not turn tinker). She doesn't feel like this very personal observation about Odessa's mood is strictly necessary though, so she lets the moment slip by easily.
"Gracas a Dios." Tension absolutely rolls off her shoulders when Odessa finally speaks and she offers a semi-exhausted smile, returning to her work. "I mean, I would have done it anyway, I hate leaving work unfinished. Unprofessional. It does, though, take 16 hours and specialized equipment to cast the parts. And there's a good chance of failure for the buttons." Parts are snapping into place quickly now that the bone are mostly assembled, buttons and the casing following quickly after - and then tiny screws are twisted into place with practiced hands. She just likes to talk, slow and calm, throughout the process - helps with the focus issue. It's good that Dez learned to give her space (it took a few tongue lashings that she wasn't shy about giving at all), 'cause she pops up from her seat with it and she's a little giddy. The case is a similar color to Odessa's hair - the buttons are a darker blue closer to black. She taps it a bit before finally pressing the on button - and wouldn't you know it, it's got some juice.
"I'm so good at everything." That's said with the biggest smirk ever. It grows when Odessa speaks again. Something about subjects. Monarchists and their fiefdoms.
"No te preocupes, you don't have to feel flattered. It's gonna be all yours for the low low price of..." Her expression shifts from sly to almost childlike with glee - she's got it in her hand just outside of Odessa's reach. "First to 3 in Mario Kart. I need someone new to beat up, it's been like months since the Widow even bothered to play with me." She looks a little miffed. Most of her coworkers were not nearly half as passionate about these ancient games as she was, which was fine. She had her own little fighting game club at Talon which consisted of a few of her younger interns from IT and some of the people in R&D, and that was usually sufficient. But the only fighting game she was good at was Melee, so it was just embarrassing.
She's reaching into her bag - a nearly suspiciously unremarkable duffel bag filled with necessities. From within, she retrieves a nearly identical machine, although hers is lavender with rosy custom resin buttons within which swirl clouds of tiny golden flecks. She gets really bored sometimes if she has, say, 16 hours free. "Whoever wins gets to ask three questions. Just a little chismes, sabes, como...un poquito de gossip."
She sticks out her tongue irreverently and snaps her fingers, transported to a chair at a vaguely adjacent table. "Actually, I'll do you one better. Beat me once, you can ask me three. Probably more fair that way." The hacker's punctuating every single word in the last sentence with a massive grin on her face. It isn't mean spirited, it's just, a lifetime ago, she and her siblings had shit talked each other exactly like this in front of an ancient CRT and an impossibly sturdy N64. Seriously, they dropped the thing down the stairs by accident once. It honestly might have outlived her if things were different.
"So, what do you say?" She smirks, setting her chin down on the back of a chair, and one notched eyebrow is arched. "Do you dare?"
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◈   @tlacehualli said:  
❛ She speaks up the moment Dez enters, voice half-distracted. "Oy, cangura, viete aqui." The hacker's seated at a desk and there's a veritable pile of assorted parts in front of her which she didn't even bother to look up from. It's mostly circuitry - old school motherboards, one very shiny very new chip off to the side in a little plastic container, and a lot of what looks like old portable gaming systems; Vitas, Gameboys of all kinds, 3DS's, Switches. Directly in front of her and what she's currently working on is a 3DS in near perfect condition, surrounded by the most choice parts she's pilfered from the rest. The shell's banged up but the innards are in surprisingly not completely fucked, so the modifications she's attempting are going smoothly.
"Think you can hold one of these things without breaking them apart?" She swivels halfway in the chair to consider Odessa and then snorts a little bit. The other woman was nearly as tall as Akande and talking to him for too long gave her neck problems. "Shit. Huh. Maybe I should have picked something with bigger buttons. Here - " Sombra picks over different parts in front of he and picks out a GBA with a completely shattered screen (but functional buttons) and passes it to her. "See how the buttons feel. Different model but the buttons are a similar enough size..."
The next part is relatively easy compared to all the soldering - she's just transposing game codes into the new chip, along with some of her own custom software tweaks. Old tech like this was super familiar to her so the process was pretty seamless - twin, razor straight hardlight beams in magenta beaming data directly from one to another. "Hijo de la puta madre. Please tell me those buttons are fine or this little project is gonna take all fucking day into tomorrow." ❜
Sepia light and sand leaked through the ventilation shafts. Dust-coated fan blades creaked, casting columns of shadow. Even in the vaults of Junkertown, in the echoing chambers of its decaying heart, Odessa seemed to fill the room, always eating up too much space. Just as Sombra always dipped into her native tongue. Sharp, resonant, soulful. Like music. It didn’t matter how ugly the words might be in their meaning, not when they sounded so beautiful, not when they were being spat in her direction.
A smirk died on the queen’s lips before it could draw its first breath. Stalking nearer – but not too close – Odessa surveyed the small scrapyard of gadgets, their cracked screens black-eyed and blind. Communication devices, she supposed. Like those the outsiders brought, clutching them like pearls, their entire lives consolidated and compressed into one fragile, soulless box.
One device was selected and thrust unceremoniously into her grasp, her expression spasming into one of confusion – and curiosity. Its screen was shattered, devastated in a way Odessa could understand. Any Junker knew the value of broken things. Humming softly, she turned it over in her broad, long-fingered hands, and obediently tested the buttons.
Such a simple thing, and yet it caused a thread inside her to snag, pull, dredging up a memory long buried. One of her sitting front and centre on her mother’s lap, a similar device held aloft, hovering. Her sisters walled her in on both sides, huddling close, watching in awe, spellbound by adult dexterity and focus. Their mother had been the slayer of boss monsters, puzzle cracker extraordinaire. When they got stuck, she would blaze the way into the next level.
In that splintered screen, Odessa’s own reflection suddenly came into sharp focus. Familiar features appeared detonated, split into pieces, fractured and distorted almost beyond recognition.
Yes, she had to believe in the value of broken things.
Magenta beams of hardlight pierced the gloom, proving a welcome distraction. Sombra dealt in the intangible, her abilities almost akin to witchcraft. What else could it be, when she was able to reach beyond veils to pluck information unseen, files falling into her hands like ripe fruit, her fingers unburned by even the most ferocious of firewalls? Odessa was getting old. It was beyond her to understand. Her language was of the physical, of sputtering engines and diesel fumes, of bullets and blood.
“I mean, yeah, they seem fine.”
The device was returned to the table, nestling among its equally defunct siblings. Junker Queen leaned in, looming on the periphery of Sombra’s personal space. Experience told her that to trespass was to invite that delightfully melodious language to become jagged, pointed, sharpened into a knife on the tip of Sombra’s tongue.
“Goin’ to all this effort for me, when ya ain’t even one of my subjects? I’m flattered.”
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