#Collaboration and Communication
interiorergonomics · 2 months
Comparing Modern and Traditional Office Furniture: Key Differences
The design principles behind modern and traditional office furniture reveal distinct philosophies and functionalities. Traditional office furniture is often rooted in a classic and timeless aesthetic which is characterized by; rich wood finishes detailed craftsmanship a robust and solid construction. Typical pieces include dark wood desks, leather-upholstered chairs, and cabinets with ornate…
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arturbudzynski · 1 year
Mastering Logistics Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Streamlining Supply Chains and Boosting Efficiency
Logistics management refers to the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the flow of goods, services, and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption. It involves the coordination of various activities such as procurement, transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and customer service to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Logistics management plays…
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steelthroat · 8 months
Psssst hey~ transformers fandom... so- ahem I think we should borrow the "infection au" from our cousins mlp fans~
Because robots and viruses/infections and body horror work together marvelously.
Just saying
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crownedinmarigolds · 3 months
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All of the VTM collaboration art so far! Sorry to re-post, I just wanted to have a big post where I can put them all one spot! I will link to the original posts and perhaps update this the more we all do! I hope we get to do more soon. <3 Gangrel Fall! Thinblood Renaissance Faire! Malkavian Lupercalia Valentine's Day! Nosferatu New Year!
All of the characters and art are provided by the VTM Tumblr community who are all so gorgeous and talented! All of the artists are listed on the original posts but I will also try to list them all beneath the cut as well to make sure they get the praise they deserve!
Gangrel Gang: Misha - @m4rloe5 Jensen - @satteredhunter Saffiya - @spell-fox Corvus - @renaissancebadboy Aidan - Spell-Fox Nixie Tube, Lexi Lyall, Darius, Hannah, and Mouse - @problemsynth Kuro - @urbanknightart Eli - Spell-Fox Dayo - @enderkriller77 Beepli Alison - @salubri-outcast Trixie - CrownedinMarigolds Damaris - @thesixthplaneteer Hugo Pitt - @squiretinnion Annette and Bones - @sheriff-shitstarter Alyssa and Lisa - @anarchswild Marcy - @confusedwithglitter JJ Slayter - @lealdog Ajax - @wizzsp Blake Moore - @vtmgremlin Fern - @lylailaeth Marina - @knuxtiger4 Wallis and Reynard - salubri-outcast Snare - TheSixthPlaneteer The Mariner - @holly-bearie Gaius - @ollieanderr Thinblood Faire: Jesse Steele - Fullblood Caitiff Scourge - @discodiablo (art by me!) John Carmichael - @emissary-of-stuff Ezra and Skye - @wizzsp Havi - @m4rloe5 Camilla - @renaissancebadboy My Stakebait Coterie! Ralph, Khloe, Kyle, and Christian! Gabbie - @del-uxie Leo - @cynical-tuba Ramona - also @renaissancebadboy!! Lucian - @squiretinnion Miles - @confusedwithglitter Cecil and Perry - @zyurp Blanche - @holly-bearie Del - @kentuckycaverats
Malkavian Valentine's: Monday - @zyurp Sophia - @holly-bearie Rigby - @themarginalthinker Emil - @morticrows Mir and Marie - @problemsynth Claire - @pretend-pretend-vampire Thom - @socialprawn Charlie - @osatokun Quinn and Sunspire - @tzimizce Niko - @shaydh Daimund - @thesixthplaneteer (art by me!) Shivers - @kmpshitposter Andrea - @bugcouncil Heleen - @m4rloe5 j and clemency - @luoniiel and @kermitted-cause Brooklyn - @svampira Wyrd - @clompe Apollo - @mountainashfae Lucas, Noelle, and Zeus - @supersquiddle Finn - @confusedwithglitter Lyla and Thirteen - @problemsynth Father Emir - @urbanknightart Monroe - @cynical-tuba
Nosferatu New Year: @its-sixxers - Elaine de la Saules, Casimmir, Briar Mary, Adam Romaniuk @themarginalthinker - Blue, Charlie, Tweak @tzimizce - Quinn @confusedwithglitter - Orpheus @the-art-block - Oginn, Atena:ti, Lamb, and Wolf Mother @holly-bearie - Angelo @problemsynth - Nere @m4rloe5 - Charlie
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azmodeusart · 14 days
I need to be better about this account x.x
The Hazbin Hotel carousel is out now for preorders! This is an open PO, so put in your order before the closing date, which is Sept 27th!
Production time: 2-3 months ( December shipping timeframe )
It will be a happy day in Hell with this spinning carousel featuring the main cast of the hotel! This design was made in collaboration with @wivensbane ( Lucifer, AngelHusk, Niffty, Fat Nuggets ), so if you haven't already make sure to drop them a follow on their shop and check out the many cute items they have available! We have Lucifer on his Ducky, Charlie and Vaggie atop a dragon Razzle, Angeldust riding Husk (hehe), and Alastor on the bones of a deer. Dangling between each rider are the pets of the hotel, and a Niffty carrying a roach crown for Alastor.
The dimension of this item is 7" tall and 4" wide. It can spin on its own, and will require a little bit of self assembly to ensure no piece is broken in transit!
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grape-souffle · 3 months
Heres the collab that @blottart414 and I did!
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We knew we had to draw the human dudes together
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Tumblr Writing Community (TWC)
Kevin has been here since 2011 typing late into the night his words like quiet echoes in the dark corners of the internet
the Tumblr Writing Community they call it the TWC but to Kevin, it’s a living, breathing thing a family bound not by blood but by words
here, in this strange, ever-shifting space he’s found poets who weave stardust into sentences who turn heartbreak into art who let silence speak louder than sound
over the years he’s watched the words pile up mountains of prose and poetry each piece a fragment of a soul together, they’ve built something beautiful fragile, and fierce a place where vulnerability is power
Kevin remembers the early days the quiet conversations the way a single rhyme could ripple finding its way into another writer’s heart it was never about the blue poetry tags ...the likes, or the notes but about connection about the shared understanding that here you could be raw you could be real
now, years later he still writes his words shaped by a decade of voices of strangers who became friends the TWC has changed just as he has just as we all have but the heart of it remains beating in every poem in every line whispered into the void and found by someone else who knows exactly what it means
...to them
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yourlittlettoy · 10 months
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Just two little creature girls, playing~
Check out @toadallytickles and mine’s costumes for Bella Bash costume party! Don’t we look fun to play with? 😇😽
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thepoisonroom · 5 months
'I flirted with the idea that instead of being trans that I was just a cross-dresser (a quirk, I thought, that could be quietly folded into an otherwise average life) and that my dysphoria was sexual in nature, and sexual only. And if my feelings were only sexual, then, I wondered, perhaps I wasn’t actually trans.
I had read about a book called The Man Who Would Be Queen, by a Northwestern University professor who believed that transwomen who were attracted to women were really confused fetishists, they wanted to be women to satisfy an autogynephilia. And though I first read about this book in the context of its debunkment and disparagement, I thought about the electricity of slipping on those tights, zipping up those boots, and a stream of guilt followed. Maybe this professor was right, and maybe I was only a fetishist. Not trans, just a misguided boy.
About a year later, on the Internet, I come across a transwoman who added a unique message to the crowd refuting this professor. Oh, I wish I remember who this woman was, and I wish even more that I could do better than paraphrase her, but I remember her saying something like this: “Well, of course I feel sexy putting on women’s clothing and having a woman’s body. If you feel comfortable in your body for the first time, won’t that probably mean it’ll be the first time you feel comfortable, too, with delighting in your body as a sexual thing?”'
-Casey Plett, Consciousness
#this quote always moves me almost to tears when i remember it#i'm not a trans woman and i don't share the author's specific experiences with transition#but it really moves me that she frame transition as joyfully giving yourself permission to approach your body#not as something that has to be disciplined and deprived and made small in all these various ways#but as a means for experiencing pleasure and joy and delight and for insisting that our feelings and desires are worth#valuing and exploring and treasuring#i always used to think of prioritizing those things for myself as selfish and irresponsible#but who does it harm to want to experience pleasure in your own body?#it's such a beautifully simple and powerful switch to have flip in your head#and equally why are we forced to deny our own pleasure in transition and anything else related to our bodies in the name of moral rectitude#this is why i get so confused and pissed off when other trans people are fatphobic for example#like why are you so invested in politics of shame and disgust that never had any purpose other than#violently disciplining people as if they've violated moral codes by existing in a body#to say nothing of white people being racist in gay and trans communities#like again this system of violence is foundational to homophobia and transphobia#so why are you acting like it has nothing to do with you#even if you are unmoved by the urgency of other people's suffering which btw you should be moved by#what do you hope to gain by acting a collaborator and handmaiden to those systems#Casey Plett#she really is one of my favorite authors i wish more non-canadians read her#this quote is from a series of columns she did ont transition and every single one is a banger#i love when she talks about the people-pleasing elements of dysphoria and transition denial#she's so sharp about noting how many of us deny our own dysphoria on the grounds that others like and validate our bodies#that's how i always felt during my cis conventionally feminine era#it pleased other people so much and also that reception felt so hollow and joyless to me because i hated it#i get less of that positive feedback but that feels so unimportant next to the joy and pleasure i get to experience#said with the understanding that i'm very privileged in being able to prioritize those things without fear. but it was a switch flip#personal nonsense
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thesugarclubs-blog · 3 months
Stargazing - Bucky Barnes x OC
warnings: brothers best friend, seven minutes in heaven, summer party, smut, 18+
word count: 10.5k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1452954096-stargazing-sterling
vibe: “Yeah. I was thinking we could sneak out tonight and watch the fireworks by the lake when everyone else is too drunk. You down?”
Bucky stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
“I’d go anywhere with you.”
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Sterling pulled on a black tank top over her light blue bikini top and stared at herself in the mirror. She ran her fingers into her blonde hair and flipped it to the side, her hazel eyes moving over herself as she twisted to look at her ass in the mirror. 
Her brother's annual "Kick off to Summer Party '' at their lakehouse was the biggest party the town had ever seen and it was the first where she and her friends had been invited officially. Every other year they had to crash, but this year Steve had just told her to come. 
"Okay, we get it, you're hot," Aria groaned and laughed from her bed, throwing a discarded tank top at her. "You know Bucky already knows that, right?"
Catching it with ease, Sterling hurled it back at her best friend, biting back a smile "Shut up," she replied, rolling her eyes, "Maybe I want to look hot for you, did you ever consider that?" 
"At least I'm already in your bed, now's your chance," the redhead winked, flopping over onto her back and opening her arms.
With a cackle, Sterling launched herself at her friend, wrapping them both in the sheets as they tussled. Aria’s cries of protest quickly turned into howls of laughter and she finally managed to push Sterling back off her, making her land on the floor with a thump. The air whooshed out of Sterling’s lungs and she pushed her now-tousled hair out of her face.
“One day you’ll give in and admit you want me,” Sterling grinned.
“What, and take Barnes’ place in your affections?” Aria snorted. “As if.”
“Give it upppp,” Sterling whined, rolling her eyes as she clambered to her feet and straightened her hair.
"You know it's not like that," she continued. "We're just friends, that's all." Sterling shrugged at her friend, who just raised her eyebrows in response. Sterling couldn't blame her though. She wouldn't believe herself either. 
"Just friends?" Aria responded, unconvinced. 
"Yeah, just friends." Sterling repeated, trying to sound somewhat believable. 
"So you don't mind me asking him out?" Aria asked teasingly, knowing she hit a nerve.
Sterling's whole body stiffened and she swallowed the irritation growing in the back of her throat. It was true, she and Bucky were just friends. But sometimes, it felt like the line blurred. They stared at each other for way too long sometimes. But that happens, right? He had become a fixture at her house over time. Whenever he wasn't there, things felt... empty.
"You can do whatever you want," Sterling replied, her tone clipped.
Aria narrowed her eyes, her mouth curling into a sly grin that made Sterling's stomach drop. She wasn't going to have this conversation right now. Or ever. Bucky was off limits.
"Wow, you are pissed at me!"
"Nope." Sterling shook her head.
"Yes you are!" Aria teased. "You know what I think?"
Sterling turned back to study herself in the mirror, trying to ignore the anxiety pooling in her stomach.
"I don't, actually," she laughed. "And we should get going."
Aria was still teasing Sterling playfully as they both left the bedroom and made their way to the great room. The music making the floor reverberate the closer they walked to it.
"Sterling," a voice called from the kitchen. "Come here and give me a hand."
"You do know I'm a guest, not the kitchen maid, Bucky. "
"I know that, I just don’t have enough hands," handing her a bowl of chips, and nudging her out of the kitchen in front of him.
He followed closely, Sterling could feel the heat of him always just one step behind her as they made their way across the living room to the table already laden with snacks and bottles of sweet premixed drinks in buckets of ice. 
Aria caught her eye as she hovered, wiggling her eyebrows and being as unsubtle as possible. Sterling shot her daggers and with a quick shake of her head shooed her friend away. It didn’t work. 
“…to see you at one of these things.” Bucky’s rumbling voice caught her attention. 
“I said it’s nice to finally see you at one of these things.”
“Um yeah, my brother is finally letting me be among the cool people.” Sterling set the plate and bowl down that she was holding, letting her eyes wander over the man next to her. His dark hair was tied into a small ponytail, his steel blue eyes trained on her. That’s where her eyes stopped wandering and she allowed herself to stare into them for a second. 
“I think you’re pretty cool, Sterling.” Bucky said more to himself than to her.
The blush that crept across her cheeks felt hot as he stared at her. Years of watching Bucky flirt with other girls Sterling always had this deep seeded jealously that he was giving all his attention to them. Just begging for him to take notice of his best friends silly little sister without anything ever changing but today he had noticed, today he was talking to her. 
"I'm just lucky Steve invited me," Sterling sighed. 
"I think he ranted for two hours last weekend about how we didn't need a repeat of last year when you showed up already drunk with..." He paused, his tongue darting out over his bottom lip, "Aria! And both of you needed puke buckets by the end of the night. " 
"The most embarrassing night of my life," I wanted to hide my face. 
"You and I remember that night differently," he smiled over at me and ran a hand over his head as the moment grew warm and tense. "Steve claims at least this way he can keep an eye on you."
"And still he sent his best friend to play bodyguard," Sterling shot back, ripping her eyes off him and watching the table with snacks again. 
"Who said that Steve sent me? Maybe it was me that wanted to make sure you're okay this time." 
She felt his eyes still on her and it was enough for a shiver to run down her spine. No matter how big the urge was to look at him now, she knew she couldn't give in, because something in the blue of his eyes made her feel things in her stomach, she didn't like to confess. 
He was her brother's best friend. That's all.
She wouldn't let Aria's words from earlier infest her mind.
Sterling let out laugh, doing her best to seem nonchalant about Bucky’s presence and the way butterflies were fluttering about her insides. 
“Much appreciated, Barnes.” She smiled, “I think I’ll be ok though, I know how to be a good girl.” 
Not a millisecond passed after the words slipped from her lips and her hand was flying to her mouth. The heat creeping up her neck unbearable from the embarrassment. 
“I- I didn’t, I mean,” She stammered, mentally cursing herself and her racing mouth. When she looked up, Bucky was biting back a smile, his soft pink lips curling slightly and she was just waiting for the comeback. 
“I’m sure you do,” he chuckled, “I just want you to have fun Star, if that ends with you and Aria puking  your guts out again I’ll be right there with the buckets.” His words every bit as genuine as they always were, left floating between them as he turned back to the kitchen. She could her heart lurching in her chest, the impossibility of them looming over it. 
“Could you gimme a hand again here?” Bucky called back. 
“Yeah, yeah.” She answered, shaking her head before whispering. “For fuck’s sake Rogers, get a hold of yourself.”
Sterling took the two bowls of dip he handed her and turned and walked them to the snack table. “Did you grab spoons for the dip?” She called. 
“Not yet,” Barnes answered.
She could still feel his lingering gaze as she turned and walked back into the kitchen to grab them. Keep your cool. He’s Steve’s best friend.
Letting out a short breath, Sterling shook her head once, and stood at the snack table, organizing the bowls and ignoring the heat radiating through her body. It was far to early in the night for soft glances and butterflies. 
As she reached her hand into a bucket of ice to retrieve a drink, a large hand clammed down on her wrist as an arm was slung over her shoulders, pulling her almost backwards off her feet. 
"What do you think you're doing kiddo?" Steve grinned, as he squished her cheeks together. 
"Ow, get off!" Sterling tried to stifle her laugh as she ducked out of his arm and pulled away from her, "God you're annoying when your friends are around," 
Steve gasped and his hand went to his chest, "I'm offended! I'm suppose to be annoying all the time, I really need to step my game up here" 
"Please don't," Sterling rolled her eyes with a smile, "and in answer to your question, I was getting a drink! Isn't that what you're supposed to do at a party?"
“Yeah and you remember what happened the last time, right?” Steve hooked his thumbs into his belt, his hip jutting out in the most accusatory stance Sterling had ever seen. “I’m not keeping your hair out of your face this time.”
Sterling opened her mouth to protest but she didn’t have time.
“Don’t worry, Star. I’ve got your back,” Bucky said, wrapping her hair around his hand and giving it a sharp tug. “I’ll hold your hair if you want me to.”
The interaction made her blush, whether it was from the embarrassment she felt or because Bucky's hands were merely inches away from her neck. 
"See? Bucky's got my back," she grinned at her brother, trying to play it cool as Bucky slowly let go of her hair,  "And besides, that was ages ago. I can handle what's in my cup." She winked at her brother, who didn't look amused as she got herself a cold drink out of the bucket. 
Just when Steve was about to comment on her behavior, Bucky interrupted him by pulling Steve close and putting an arm around his shoulder. "C'mon Stevie Wonder, I heard your girl is here," he said, patting his best friend's chest a few times. Sterling watched them walk through the door, as Bucky's head turned around slowly, leaving her with a wink.
Sterling blew out a breath.
"Be cool. It's Bucky."
Off-limits Bucky. Hot, blue-eyed, messy-haired Bucky in a baggy blue dress shirt and a tight white tank top that was incredibly slutty and transparent. Somehow, more slutty than the time he was wandering around in nothing but a pair of jean shorts.
Boisterous laughter and warm greetings filled the house as more guests started to arrive. Sterling took a big sip of her drink. She could still feel her hair wrapped around Bucky's knuckles, and his breath on the back of her neck. She gazed into her cup like the answer to her problem was written at the bottom in big, bold letters.
"Are you hiding in here?" Aria asked, bouncing into the room.
"No," Sterling scoffed. "I was getting a drink."
"Sure, and the blush on your face has nothing to do with Miami Vice out there?"
Sterling rolled her eyes.
"Are you capable of shutting up?"
"No," Aria replied, grabbing herself a drink. "I'm a professional yapper."
"So are we going to watch the dips all night or are we going to get this party started?" Sterling bumped her hip into her friend and knocked her off balance before skipping out onto the deck singing loudly and definitely slightly off key.
Aria stopped beside her, "Hey bitch," she laughed, "don't forget who your wingman is tonight."
Sterling grinned back, taking a drink from her cup as she looked around at the group of Steve's friends currently hanging out on the lakeside.
It was the perfect night for it, Sterling decided, as she and Aria wandered outside to join them. The sky was clear as anything, and she paused, tilting her head right back to see only black slowly begin to twinkle with a plethora of stars. More and more appeared the longer she stared and it was only when her neck began to ache that she let her gaze fall again, rolling her shoulders. 
She felt his eyes on her before she spotted him again, huddled in a semi circle with Steve and their friends Bruce and Natasha. Bucky brought his own bottle to his lips, blue eyes on Sterling even as the rest of them laughed at something Steve said, unbelievable on its own never mind with Bucky looking at her like— 
“We seem to be in the habit of moving then stopping and then… Sterling, babe, are we gonna mingle or what?” Aria whined. “I wore my itty bitty big titty dress and not a single person has laid eyes upon these bad boys yet.”
“Then they must be blind.” 
They walked into the crowd that was forming on the makeshift dance floor on the grass, music blasting from the speakers as they found a spot on the outskirts of the crowd. Sterling moved to the fast paced beat until she noticed a pair of blue eyes trained on her. There he was again. As if his only mission tonight is to remind her of how pathetically down bad she was for him.
"Blind cowards," Aria threw her hands in the air and yelled over the sound of bad 90's pop. 
Sterling stared at Bucky, tipping her head to side with a smile on her face as Aria danced sultry circles around her. She quietly hoped that they weren't all blind cowards and maybe she was worth the trouble that would come with flirting with her brother's best friend. Just for a second she had hope that Bucky felt the same. 
It was so hot that the more they danced and drank the faster the sweat pooled on their skin. They must have been on the dancefloor for an hour before her feet started to hurt and her head became dizzy. Sterling felt alive as she ran her hands over her body and threw her hair to let the breeze lick at her neck. 
"In a room full of cowards," Aria whispered in Sterling's ear and spun her around by her fingertips. Bucky hadn't taken his eyes off her, even as people held conversations around him, it was like they were the only two people at the party.
It was only in the moment his tongue darted out to lick the beer off his lips, that Sterling forced herself to look away. Heat pooling in her lower stomach that was very clearly not the result of the sweaty dancing session. 
“I- I need to grab another drink,” she slightly stuttered towards Aria, but the redhead only nodded at her, occupied with dancing to one of Steve‘s friends. If Sterling remembered correctly, his name was Scott. 
Her hurting feet carried her back inside the house and towards the large fridge. The cool air hit her like a rock but she kept standing for a little longer, trying to get rid of the unwanted heat she had just felt.
“Don’t you think you had enough alcohol already?” Bucky‘s voice echoed from behind her and Sterling was frozen on the spot, shoulders tensed and eyes closed to use this short moment to regain herself as best as possible.
“Barnes I don’t need you policing my drinks too,” Sterling answered, sharper than she had intended to. She whipped around a water bottle and a seltzer clutched in her hand. 
“Just a joke Sterling, relax.” Bucky declared, hands raised as a sign of peace. 
Sterling closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “sorry, I didn’t mean to bite back at you.” 
And it was true, she hadn’t. But the feel of his eyes on her had her on edge. The mixture of the heat and alcohol swimming through her was messing with her head and he was certainly not helping her case. 
“I just wanted to check on you, you left the floor pretty quick.” He confessed, a shy closed lip smile on his face, the icy-blue of his eyes almost eclipsed from the alcohol he’d had. 
“I’m fine… just hot,”
“Hot…” Bucky countered. “You do look a little… flushed.”
Sterling flushed brighter as she closed the fridge door. “It’s… it’s hot out.”
"It is." He agreed quietly with a nod.
Sterling was fighting to not fidget with the bottle label as they both faced each other in the kitchen, the silence only adding to her nerves.
She opened her bottle and took a long sip, careful of how Bucky's gaze was fixed on her. No doubt keeping count of how many she would drink tonight. The flush of embarrassment heated her cheeks as memories of that last party hit her again.
"I'm not–"
"Do you wanna–" 
They both smiled awkwardly, Sterling tipped her bottle in his direction as a sign for him to continue.
“Don’t worry about it,” Bucky smiled sheepishly, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. 
Sterling stared at him for a moment, a little perplexed, and then laughed awkwardly.
“Ohhhhkay then, Barnes,” she chuckled, saluting him as she walked backwards for a few paces before turning and heading for the dance space.
Trying not to over-analyse the strange encounter, Sterling began to lose herself in the music again, her arms in the air as she swayed to the beat.
“Fuck it,” a low voice murmured close to her ear and she felt a scalding presence at her back.
One large hand rested on her waist and another wrapped around her middle, the fingers splayed out on her belly. Her head lolled back against Bucky’s broad chest and she let her arm curl around his neck as they swayed together, his hips matching every movement of hers.
Sterling’s stomach did backflips as she moved her body along with Bucky’s. She swore she could feel everyone staring at her. At them. But when her eyes scanned the party, everyone was either off in their own worlds while they danced, or fully engrossed in a conversation.
Even her brother.
Her breath hitched as she watched Steve howling with laughter while he took big sips from his red solo cup. Bucky pulled her closer, and she felt his lips brush against her ear.
“You seem tense, Star.”
His voice was a gentle purr that made the hair on the back of her neck and arms stand straight up. She felt like she was swallowing sand, and it was hard to get air into her lungs. 
Bucky hummed, his confidence growing… along with something else. 
Oh, God.
Sterling just kept moving with him as one of his hands slid down to grasp her hip. Her heart was pounding as she kept staring at her brother. Steve was now gesturing wildly, no doubt telling some dumbass story she’d probably heard a thousand times. 
Bucky’s soft laughter wasn’t doing anything to help her anxiety, or the heat pooling between her thighs.
“I think you’re drunk, Barnes.”
“I’ve barely had a drop,” he purred. “The room didn’t start spinning until you walked into it.”
"Smooth, real smooth Barnes," turning in his arms so that she was facing him, his arms remaining encircled around her but his hands were now on her ass and she was pressed firmly against him. 
Sterling slowly risked looking up, his eyes were fixed on her face, as if daring her to pull out of his embrace, as their hips continuing to move in unison.
She let her gaze flit over his features, closer than she'd ever been to the little dimple in his chin, hidden by dark stubble but still there and just asking for her thumb to be pressed to it as her nails scratched over his cheeks and the gap between them closed and— was it getting hotter out here or? 
"Looking a tad frazzled there, Little Rogers," Bucky chuckled lowly, fingertips pressing just a little firmer and making her gasp. 
"You know I don't like it when you call me that," she replied, swallowing thickly when Bucky's lips tugged up into a devilish little smirk, his cloudy-blue eyes crinkling at the corners. 
"I got plenty of other nicknames for you, maybe we could—" 
Bucky didn't get to finish because Sterling's idiot brother hollered over the music. "Buck! Beer pong! Get your ass over here, we need you to even out the teams!"
“Big Rogers out here ruining everything.” Bucky murmured before turning on his heel and leaving Sterling on the dance floor, his touch still imprinted on her skin, lingering like little flames.
Bucky stopped, turning back for a brief moment. "I'll make you a bet," he said over the music and Sterling rolled her eyes at him. "Oh come on," a playful smile spread across his handsome face, "are you scared, Star?" 
"No, but bet's never end well." She said, wrapping her arms around herself. 
"If I win at beer pong with your brother, you spend seven minutes with me in the hallway closet." He offered. 
"Do you even understand that you just mixed two games together?" She giggled, her heart racing. "And if you lose?"
Bucky stepped forward another inch even as Steve was hollering for him to hurry up.  "I spend seven minutes with you in whatever closet you want." 
Sterling swallowed roughly and ran her tongue along a few of her top teeth. "You're serious?" She asked and he nodded. "Sounds like you win either way."
Sterling watched as Bucky raised a brow at him. “Oh? Don’t think I don’t notice your little looks and lingering stares.”
He leaned closer, his lips just a hair’s-breadth from hers. 
“You ever catch me staring back, Star?” He grinned, a smile that sent thrills down her spine, and then his lips ghosted across hers as he laughed - low and rumbling in his chest -  before pulling away to join Steve.
Sterling remained frozen in place, her chest heaving and her thoughts reeling. Her hand flew up to press against the swell of her breasts in an effort to calm her pounding heart.
Bucky looked annoyingly triumphant as he made his way over to Steve.
“You feel like winnin’, Cap?” He asked.
“Hell yeah!” Steve replied, high fiving him. “We still need one more, though.”
Sterling sighed, running her hand through her hair as she approached the table. Steve quirked a brow as she joined the other team.
“Seriously?” He laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Sterling retorted. “Afraid you’re gonna lose?”
Bucky’s eyes burned into her, his lips curling into a devilish smirk as he slowly shed his dress shirt, revealing his toned arms. He said he’d been working out, and goddamn did it show. Sterling swallowed hard, wishing she’d had more alcohol so that she could process this a little easier.
“Not at all,” Steve replied, grabbing his sunglasses and sliding them onto his face dramatically. “But just so you know, Buck and I are on a hot streak.”
“Is it ever embarrassing being you, Steve?” Aria laughed as she sauntered past the table.
Steve turned to her, flipping her the bird as she settled into a chair and pulled out her phone. Sterling’s buzzed in her pocket and when she pulled it out, she found a text from Aria.
Ten bucks says you fuck Bucky by the end of the night.
Sterling shoved her phone into her pocket, casting Aria a dirty look. God, she was a pain in the ass. And what was worse? She was probably right.
"You with me, Angel?" Asked the guy standing next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as Sterling took her position beside him.
"Hands off, Frank," Bucky growled, reacting before Steve could. Sterling was already shrugging his arm away.
"I'm just here to play," she rocked on her heels in place, looking Bucky straight in the eyes as she settled in her position. "And I intend to win."
"Not as much as we want to see you loose." Steve responded, getting the last cup filled with cheap beer. 
"Oh I bet Bucky wants to see me win," she smiled, "but I can see why he wants me to loose, too. I mean, I'm good a playing this game but I think there are other games I'm even better at." 
Bucky coughed, almost choking on air. He definitely didn't expect that, which made Sterling even prouder. 
"You good?" Steve asked him. 
"Yeah I'm fine," he coughed, "just a bug." He lied and glanced at Sterling who smiled at him teasingly. 
"Let's go then," Steve said and started to throw the first ball, landing it straight in on of the cups right in front of Sterling.
Sterling clicked her tongue while Steve flashed her a shit-eating grin.
“What was that about winning?” He asked. “Buck? Did you hear something about Sterling winning?”
“Nah, she said she likes to lose… that’s what you said, right?” Bucky teased, eyes shining with mischief. 
Laughter rippled through the small crowd that had now gathered to watch them, with Aria looking like the fucking Godfather sitting in her chair with her big sunglasses on. Sterling grabbed the ball out of the cup and set it down before throwing back the entire thing. The beer was cheap, causing her to pull a disgusted face. From across the table, she heard a shutter click and looked up to see Bucky snapping a photo of her.
“Nice face, Little Rogers. I think I’ll put your humiliation on a t-shirt.”
Oh, now you want to play?Sterling set the cup down and picked up the ball, aiming for the middle of the table. It bounced in a perfect arc, landing right into a cup that sat right in front of Barnes. Her teammates cheered, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her gently.
“Fuck yeah!” 
Bucky frowned and Sterling flashed him a big, sunshiny smile.
“Drink up, Bucknasty.”
Bucky winced as he swallowed the warm liquid, and opened his eyes just in time for the flash from Aria's camera. The look on Sterling's face matched his previous expression.
Steve limbered up, before grinning across at them, rolling the ball in his hand before bouncing it once and landing it perfectly in the cup closest to Frank.
"Don't miss," It was Sterling's turn to threaten her partner.
“I won’t miss, I’m a pro at this.“ Frank slurred, clearly drunk already. This was all on her. No matter how this game ended, she would definitely end up with her tongue down Bucky‘s throat but her competitive streak got the best of her as Frank let the ball bounce off the table. She groaned, throwing her hands in the air. Alright, guess she’s winging this on her own.
"Frank, buddy... How many cups do you see right now?" Steve laughed. 
Frank hiccupped, "maybe thirty three?" 
"Good luck, Star." Bucky winked and lobbied his ball across the table, a clean drop into one of the front cups. "You're going to need it."  He said as Steve missed his throw and Bucky ate his words. 
Sterling surveyed the situation, there were four cups left on their side of the table and four on hers. It was even for now but if she had a chance of winning-which she did-she would need to stack the odds for her less than helpful partner. 
"I want a rearrange." She announced, and her brother started laughing. 
"So early?" Bucky cocked his head to the side and pretty smile formed as she nodded and swirled her hands around. "Alright, as you wish." He shook his head and rearranged the cups for her. "How's that? 
"Better," Sterling steadied her shoulders as the butterflies danced around in her chest, "Frank, aim short?" She instructed him, knowing that given his current depth perception, short was long. "Can you do that for me?"
"I can do anything for you," Frank smirked and leaned close to her but he was cut short by the sound of crushing plastic and they both turned to see Bucky leaned over the table. "Simmer down, Barnes."
Sterling caught Bucky’s eye, her eyebrows rising and teeth pressed into her bottom lip as she held back a little laugh. 
“I’ve got my eye on him,” Bucky mouthed with a quick cock of his head towards Frank. 
“He’s nothing to worry about,” Sterling mouthed back, just as Frank pressed all of his weight against the table to throw the ball, clumsy and with absolutely zero skill. It bounced off the nearest cup and skittered over the edge of the table just as Frank heaved and rushed off. 
“You puke anywhere but the toilet Frank and you’re a dead man!” Steve called after him. 
“Perfect,” Sterling grumbled, “and you can wipe that smirk off your face, Barnes.” 
Sterling grimaced slightly. “I refuse to clean anything up if he misses.” She eyed her shot and easily bounced the ping pong ball across the table. It bounced against the rim of one cup before landing in another.
"You think you can win all by yourself, Little Rogers?" Bucky quirked a brow, before downing the liquid in the cup. 
Letting out a breathy laugh, Sterling shook her head, "I was carrying this team anyway, if you think you can scare me now, you have something else coming"  She smirked, running her hands into her hair, pulling it up into a ponytail before stretching her head to the side, all while keeping her hazel eyes on his. 
Bucky's tongue darted out over his bottom lip as he watched her movements. She could see his jaw tick in the low light of the white fairy lights that hung around the porch. Butterflies took over her chest once more, but Sterling knew she'd gotten to him too. 
"Come on, man," Steve slapped his hand against Bucky's chest with a ball, "It's your ball"
Bucky puffed out his chest, making a not so subtle show of flexing his muscles as he lined up his shot. Sterling pretended to find the entire thing obnoxious, but she couldn’t get over just how beautiful his hand looked as he flexed his wrist. His fingers were…
Heat pooled in her stomach as Bucky’s eyes twinkled. 
“You know, they call me the sniper,” he purred. 
Sterling put her hands on her hips, her mouth forming a thin line.
“Are you gonna throw that thing, or—“ 
With a flick of his wrist, the ball bounced on the center of the table before bouncing right into the cup in front of her. Steve thrust both arms into the air before wrapping them around Bucky and shaking him as Sterling’s team groaned.
Bucky arched a brow as his team celebrated around him. He leaned up against the table, his eyes gliding up and down her body. Sterling retrieved the ball and as she choked down the disgusting, lukewarm beer that definitely had a few blades of grass in it, she felt someone pluck the ball from her fingers. When she looked up, Bucky was drying it on a towel, handing it to her.
“Looking forward to that seven minutes,” he purred, keeping his voice low.
Her gaze flitted to her brother, who was focused on trying to pry open a bottle cap with his teeth while everyone cheered him on. Sterling, feeling the alcohol starting to take hold, snatched the ball from Bucky's grasp and leaned forward. Electricity crackled between them and Bucky's eyes lit up like fireworks.
“Are you sure you can last seven minutes?”
He chuckled, his face bright red as he swiped a hand through his hair, some of the strands from his ponytail coming loose.
"I don't need seven minutes to make you come--"
Her heart raced, legs wobbling, and before she could utter another word, the sound of riotous applause erupted around them. Steve triumphantly spat a bottle cap onto the table. Bucky winked at her as he retreated.
"Gotcha, pretty girl."
"Girl. The tension. Fuck me." Aria appeared beside her, sunglasses pushed down to the tip of her nose as she peered at Stirling over the top of them. 
Sterling reached out, taking the drink from her best friend's hand and chugging back the last of it. She was gonna need it, or possibly something stronger. The pair of them stood there, gazes following Bucky until he disappeared inside with a Cheshire Cat smile and one last glance over his shoulder. His broad, muscled, shoulder. Sterling was screwed. Or she was gonna be if she could unstick her feet from the floor and follow him. 
"If you don't go after him, I will," Aria murmured, tapping Sterling on the ass. "Chop chop." 
"He can't be serious, right? Like I know we've been doing whatever this," she flaps her hands around, "is all night but—" 
"Go. After. Him." Aria urged. "No man looks at a woman the way Bucky's been looking at you if he isn't serious."
“Girl, if you don’t move your sweet ass inside, I’m never speaking to you again”. Aria gave her a playful shove in the direction of the door where Bucky was waiting for her. The man that she dreamed about but never thought would show any interest in her. Finally her legs started moving and with a slight wobble she stepped inside of the house where she passed a few people making out on the couch in the living room. Seemed like those two were having fun. The first door to her right was open and the blue dress shirt tied around the handle. It was like she was on a scavenger hunt and she just found the most precious treasure waiting for her.
The room was empty when she finally found the nerve to push inside. It was one of the empty guest rooms, with a big bed and standard set of suite furnishings. It was just as warm in the room as it had been at the party and Sterling was getting increasingly bored of Bucky's games but she wasn't ready to let the fuzzy feeling in her chest fade just because she was annoyed. 
For all she knew this was her last shot with Bucky and she wasn't going down without a fair fight. 
"Bucky," she called out to him but he didn't answer. "Come on, this is silly." 
"I'm cashing in my seven minutes, little Rogers." His voice was low and drifted from the open closet. 
"You can't be serious!" She laughed and wandered around to find him sitting on the floor, his arms angled back behind him to hold him upright as his chin titled to look at her. "It's hot out here, it's probably a sauna in there."
"Better lose some layers then," He smirked and sat up, extending his hand with a wiggle, "rules are rules, get that cute little butt in here."
He thinks I’m cute? 
Sterling took a breath before reaching out her hand, letting Bucky link their fingers together before pulling her into the closet with him. 
She laughed as her knees hit the carpet, quickly finding his eyes as they practically stared into her soul. “What now?”
"Now," his low voice sent shivers down her spine. His blue eyes turned a dark, stormy shade as they roamed over her face, the bop of his Adam's apple slow and nervous.
"Now you let me give you seven minutes of heaven," Bucky declared. 
Heat sang across Sterling's skin as his fingers grazed her cheeks, pulling her closer until they shared air. It was hot and tempting but she still held back, that last breath between them like a wall guarding her.
"Please Star.." he begged, voice a little hoarse and soft lips barely brushing her own. "Let me kiss you."
Her breath caught in her throat as almost every other thought in her head drifted away. All that was left was Bucky and flashings of their relationship leading up to this moment. The way his shoulders tensed every time she talked about another person that she was interested in. The way his gorgeous blue eyes seemed to follow her movements every time she danced around the kitchen when she cooked. The semi-unnoticeable protectiveness she'd always experienced from him. 
Despite her feelings, Sterling had always passed it off as him feeling like she was a sister to him because of Steve, but now, in this moment, the shake in his voice and the way he waited for her answer, it felt different. 
Before she realized what she was doing, the blonde nodded her head slowly as she pressed her body forward into him until the tips of their noses brushed lightly. 
With a soft shake of his head, Bucky tangled the ends of her ponytail into his fingers gently, "Words, sweet girl," he swallowed, "please, I need to hear you say it" 
Sterling let a smile grace her lips as she nudged her nose against his once more, "I want you to kiss me, Bucky," she whispered. 
With that, Bucky let out a breath and closed the gap between them, capturing her lips with his, softly but with as much passion as she needed. Sterling felt every nerve in her body fire as butterflies swarmed her belly. Her fingers curled into the fabric of his white shirt, pulling him impossibly close and needing to be closer, despite the heat of the cramped closet.
His hands cupped her face, thumb gliding over her cheekbone as he nipped and sucked on her bottom lip. She whimpered against him, fingers clawing at his tank top, desperate to feel the warmth of his skin underneath it. Bucky groaned as he broke the kiss, dipping his head to drag his teeth along the sensitive skin of her throat. She hissed and he pulled her closer.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about this.”
“Tell me,” she rasped.
“Last summer.” His voice is low and gravelly, sending shivers all the way down to the tips of her toes. “You were parading around in that little pink bikini. You know how hard it is for a man to concentrate when all he's looking at is your perfect little ass?” 
He sucked on her earlobe as she dragged her fingernails over his abs. Abs that he took so much pride in. She wanted to run her tongue along them. 
“You liked it?” She breathed.
Bucky let out an almost inhuman groan, grinding his hips against her thigh. 
“I took cold showers every day because of you and that goddamn bikini,” he confessed, pulling back. His lips were bitten red from kissing her and his eyes shimmering. “So yeah… I liked it.”
Sterling leaned forward, so that she could feel his breath quicken as her fingers roamed higher up his body, her lips brushed his again as his hand moved to the back of her neck and he pulled her closer, his tongue touching her lip, asking for permission to deepen the kiss.
Sterling dipped her chin, barely a nod, and Bucky huffed out a soft breath as if he couldn't quite believe they were doing this, hidden in a closet like a couple of teenagers. 
And then his mouth was on hers again, hot and slow, tongue slipping just between her lips and dragging along the sensitive skin until Sterling shivered, letting out a quiet gasp and giving Bucky the perfect in to lick into her mouth, curl his tongue around hers. 
He took his time, an indulgent exploration of her mouth and body. Sterling's heart hammered, bloody rushing in her ears as Bucky murmured something against her lips, incoherent babble that was so far away from his usual cool demeanor that she couldn't help but giggle.
"That sound," Bucky moaned as his body tensed and leaned into her excitingly. "That giggle drives me nuts," he whispered against her skin as he kissed a peppered line of fireworks across her jaw to her ear. 
"What else?" Sterling said opening her neck up to his lips as his fingers tangled into her long blonde hair. 
"You're going to think I'm ridiculous." He huffed as her lips found his again. 
"Tell me," she urged and squeezed her legs around him, "you've got time, at least five more minutes in heaven." 
Bucky laughed against her, "I use the bathroom on the main floor when I stay over because it's the one with your shampoo and I crave the smell of it when you aren't around." He whispered and pulled back to gauge her reaction. 
"God, that's adorable," Sterling smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. "So all this time?" She questioned.
“All this time,” he nodded. “I’ve been on eggshells around Steve but… I can’t hold back anymore.”
Sterling licked her bottom lip, staring into his ocean-like eyes. “Neither can I.”
"Thank god," Bucky groaned, pushing her body back against the wall and entrapping her there with his own as his lips found that sweet spot where her jaw met her neck once more. He licked a strip up her skin, setting it ablaze as her stomach did backflips. 
"Bucky," Sterling breathed, racking her hands into his hair as a small whine escaped her lips, "kiss me" 
Once more, he obliged the request, ghosting his lips over her jaw before capturing her own, sliding his tongue against her. His hands drifted over her body and slid up under her black tank top, curling into skin.
“Bucky,” Sterling whispered softly in between kisses. His fingertips felt hot on her skin, making her think about other places where she wants them to touch her. 
“Did I ever tell you how much I like you saying my name?” Bucky’s breath felt hot against her throat as his hands kept on exploring her body, stopping right beneath the clasps of her bra. “I could never get enough.” His lips found hers again, devouring the taste of them as Sterling pulled him closer to her, getting a stifled moan in response. 
She smiled at his reaction to her. 
“So you like that, huh?” He smiled against her lips. 
“Uh-huh.” She nodded, her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath. “A lot, actually.”
“Tell me what else you like, princess,” he whispered.
“I liked you in nothing but those jean shorts you wore last summer,” Sterling rasped. “Was that to get me back for the bikini?”
She grew bolder, popping open the button on his jeans and dipping her fingers below his waistband. Bucky let out a whimper, his voice breaking as her mouth hovered over his. Every time he tried to kiss her again, she pulled back. His frustration was palpable and he pulled her closer, one hand reaching up to wrap around the back of her neck. Sterling smirked at him, licking her lips and watching his eyes focus on her mouth.
“You like to tease, don’t you?” Bucky asked.
“And you don’t?” Sterling countered. “You were eye fucking me at the beer pong table.”
Bucky’s fingers pulled open the strings of her bikini and he took her bottom lip between his teeth, tugging on it until a pathetic whimper spilled from her lips. His free hand dove between her thighs, teasing her pussy over her shorts.
“I do like to tease, but when it comes to you, I’m tired of playing games.”
Sterling gasped as Bucky increased the pressure on her pussy
"Oh, you like that, young Rogers," he teased, smirking as he leaned forward to return his lips to that spot below her ear that had already made her squirm.
She whimpered as his other hand sneaked under her top, his fingers tracing a trail up her rib cage, reaching her nipple and squeezing it gently between his forefinger and thumb.
Sterling’s breath caught in her throat, skin tingling as Bucky’s worked her nipple to a hard little peak. His fingers grazed over the swell of her breast, cupping her gently and bunching up the fabric of her top as he moved. 
“So soft, Star. I knew you would be but, fuck. Can’t believe I get to have you like this.” 
“Bucky,” Sterling breathed, head falling back as Bucky pressed the pads of his fingers firmer over the denim of her shorts, making her belly swoop with anticipation. “Please. Oh, God, please.” 
The roughness of his stubble on the sensitive skin of her neck mixed with the warmth of his mouth was driving her crazy, her whole body thrumming with it until Bucky drew his hand away. 
“You sure you want this?” He asked, voice low and soft as he pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. 
“It’s you,” Sterling murmured, “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
The button on her shorts was the next to go. Bucky flicked it free with ease and pressed his hand down between her bikini bottoms, tickling his fingers deeper until he found the wetness that pooled between her thighs. 
"So wet for me," He cooed and nibbled on her jaw as he helped her open up just enough to dart his fingers across her clit.
"Bucky," she whined, arching into his languid touch as he began to massage small circles.
“I know I said we would stay in the closet,” he murmured, then licked up the side of her neck. “But we might need to… spread out…”
Sterling groaned, feeling pleasure spark through her body. “I don’t care where we are… I just want you.” 
Blindly she reached for his shorts once more, and was quickly rewarded when she heard him moan.
“Take me to your room,” Sterling whispered.
Bucky’s cheeks flushed and he groaned as she wrapped her fingers around his cock. He was thick, and throbbing in her hand. Sterling watched as his eyes fluttered closed, stroking him languidly, her thumb gliding over the tip of his cock.
“F— fuck!” He hissed. “Where’d you learn to do that?”
She giggled, nuzzling up against his cheek.
“I’ll give you more than my hand if you take me upstairs.”
She’d never seen Bucky move so fast, pulling her hand out and zipping up his jeans. He grabbed her hand and stuck his head out of the closet door, glancing around as a strand of dark hair fell into his face. Sterling could only stare at him as he listened hard. Outside, she could hear Steve’s boisterous laughter and Bucky nodded.
“Let’s go.”
With his fingers still wrapped around her wrist, he pulled her toward the stairs. Just as they were about to hit the landing, a door swung open and Sam Wilson stepped out of the bathroom, stopping dead in his tracks. 
Sterling and Bucky froze and he dropped her hand as Sam grinned.
“What’s shakin’, Bucknasty?” When his eyes landed on Sterling, she held her breath, her fear written all over her face. Sam took a step forward. “Where are you two off to?"
"Sterling was just about to show me her impressive collection of Bratz dolls? Wanna come?" Bucky offered him a toothy grin and Sterling tried not to laugh. 
"Nah I think I'll pass," Sam looked between the two of them, his eyes moving sluggish. 
He was just as buzzed as everyone else at the party he would most likely forget the interaction but Sterling was nervous that he might notice the blush of cheeks and how messy Bucky's hair was, and shit Sterling looked down to the button popped on her jeans showing off the top of her bikini bottoms. 
"You sure?" Bucky pushed, his hand linking around his back to wiggle his fingers at Sterling who had stepped further behind him to hide her appearance. 
"Hanging out with Roger's baby sister is the last thing I wanna do, I'm going to go find Tony." Sam rolled his eyes and backed down the hallway. 
"What about you?" Sterling lifted to her toes and whispered in Bucky's ear as Sam disappeared. Her hand trailed around him, playing at the waist of his pants, "Am I the last thing you wanna do?"
"I'm fully prepared to do whatever you want, Star." He huffed as her fingers tickled his skin, "now get up those stairs." He said, slapping her ass playfully as she darted up the stairs away from him with a giggle.
Once they reached the hall, Sterling turned and looked down the hall. “Which one’s yours, handsome?” She teased. She fully knew which one, but she wanted him to lead her there.
A menacing smirk played at the corners of his lips as Bucky stepped into her, placing his hands on her hips, dipping his fingertips into the sliver of skin that teased his gaze between her tank top and her shorts. 
"This way, babygirl," he rasped in her ear, as he guided her backwards and pressed her body into his door. Bucky dipped his head, capturing her lips once more with his, keeping their bodies as close as he could. 
Sterling's mind was swimming with everything and nothing at the same time. She knew there was going to be conversations and situations they would have to deal with if this went as far as she'd hoped, but in the moment, right here with him, none of that mattered. 
Blindly, her one hand found the door knob as her other curling into the collar of his white tank top, pushing the door open gently so they didn't tumble in, she dragged him back with her, giggling as she did so. 
"I gotta say, " Bucky spoke, licking his bottom lip, "I do like being thrown around by you,"
"I'll keep that in mind." Sterling breathed against his lips as she shut the door closed with her foot. The second the door clicked, Bucky shoved his hands down beneath her shorts and grabbed her ass, pulling her towards him. Sterling gasped in surprise which made Bucky chuckle before he rested his lips on hers again. Sterlings hands found their way to his hair, tugging lightly as Bucky deepened the kiss, pressing her against his hardened cock. 
"God," she moaned as the movement made every cell in her body fill with butterflies.
"Fuck," Bucky breathed, "do that again." 
"Make me," she bit his bottom lip teasingly, looking straight into his blue eyes that just turned a shade darker at her words.
"Give me chance," Bucky chuckled and kneaded her ass under his palms as worked his mouth across her lips to her jaw, nipping and licking. 
She worked at the button of his pants and rolled them down over his hips. She walked them toward the bed, shoving him back against the mattress and following him on her knees as he backed into the center. 
Sterling sat on with her knees on either side of his thigh thighs and stared down at him as she carded her fingers through her hair and smiled at him. "Do you like this bikini?" She asked him. 
"I'd like it better on the floor, little Rogers." Bucky bucked his hips toward her as she teased the string behind her neck.
Sterling licked her lips as she slowly untied the string of her top but still kept her breasts from his view. “How long have you wanted to see me like this?”
Bucky only groaned. “Fuck… too long, baby girl. C’mon… let me see…”
Raising an eyebrow, Sterling cocked her head to the side. 
“What?” Bucky asked with a low chuckle, his body shaking beneath her. “C’mon, Sterling, stop being a tease,” he whined.
Sterling stared down at him; at the tendrils of soft chestnut hair fallen from his bun, kissing the sharp lines of his jaw, and the thinnest halo of blue around his pupils as he stared back. Awe and impatience glistening in his eyes in the low light of the room. 
Feeling for Bucky, and his erection tenting in his boxers and pressing firmly against the inside of her thigh, Sterling dropped her hands, her bikini top tumbling from her body like leaves from a tree. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Bucky groaned. “Look at you pretty girl.” He reached for her, hot palms on her skin as he cupped her breasts.
Sterling slowly began to move her hips, needing the pressure on her clit while Bucky massaged her breast’s. 
“You’re fucking perfect, Star. You know that?” He looked at her while putting his lips on her nipple, licking and sucking while his other hand wandered down her stomach, stopping right at the rim of her bikini bottoms. 
Sterling threw her head back with a soft moan while she continued to slowly ride his thigh.
"Just like that," Bucky praised as her hips rolled, "feels so good," he mumbled through his teeth as he nipped at her sensitive skin. 
"I need more," she pleaded as his fingers dipped between her legs.
"Beg me for it," he teased her throbbing clit with the pad of his thumb and brushed his fingers through her wetness against her entrance. "Beg me for more, Sterling. I wanna hear you beg to ride my hand." 
"Please, Buck." She steadied her breathing and turned her chin toward him, "please let me ride your hand." 
"That's my girl," he cooed and pushed two fingers as deep as his angle would allow him. The sound that erupted from her was low and guttural.
“Ohmygod,” she breathed as she rocked back and forth. “Buck-y…”
“That’s it… god, you’re soaked…”
“I’ve thought about this… so much…”
“Me too, baby girl, me too,” he replied. Bucky slowly rubbed her clit with his thumb watching as Sterling shivered. “Talk to me… what do you need?”
She couldn't get the words out at first, dizzy with the sensation of Bucky's fingers sliding deeper, his palm pressed to her clit as he switched up the position of his hand. That was so close to what she needed, more. Her lips moved with the beginnings of the word, it was right on the tip of her tongue until Bucky kissed it from her pressed together lips and trailed his own down her neck to her collar bone. 
"B-Bucky," she stammered out, voice cracking. "Mor—" she managed before it became a soft whimper instead. 
"You need more, Star? Another finger? My mouth? You gotta tell me baby." 
"I don't know, I don't know," Sterling babbled. "Just more, just need you. Want you." She wanted him everywhere, wanted to be surrounded by everything he was. 
"Hold on," Bucky murmured, nipping at her skin before they were moving, tumbling over until he hovered above her, caging her against the sheets.
He stripped her from her clothes, not wasting his time but using every second to adore every inch of her. "You're beautiful," he kissed her ribcage, drawing a sweet, sticky line with his mouth to her belly button. He sat back on his heels, pulling off what clothing remained. He looked like a god, the lights from outside bathed him in a haze and made him look ethereal. Sweat clung to his abs and made the perfect tanned skin shimmer as he lowered himself back to her. 
He used his knees to spread her legs and rested behind her thighs as his mouth found hers again in a frenzy of teeth and tongue. 
Sterling wrapped her hands around his face and tangled her fingers back through his hair, needing more contact as he rocked against her but never entered. She ached for him, and he knew it in the way his hands teased her skin and his teeth sunk into her bottom lip.
“Please,” she whimpered, feeling as Bucky’s ponytail came undone, causing his hair to drop in a veil around their faces. “Please Bucky…”
“Are you sure?” He asked. As much as he wanted this. Wanted her. He needed to know.
“Only you… always you,” she breathed.
"You're killin' me here, sweetheart," Bucky huffed out softly, "didn't think I was ever gonna get this." 
"You're not gonna get anything if you don't hurry up," Sterling quipped, bringing her legs up around Bucky's hips, ankles crossed just above his ass as she hauled him impossibly closer until every firm, hot piece of him was pressed against her. It was everything. 
"Hi," Bucky whispered, lips ghosting over her own as he held himself up on his forearms. His fingers toyed with the loose strands of her hair splayed out over the pillow as he looked down at her with a soft little smile. 
"Hi," Sterling whispered back, kissing him quickly. "Are you gonna fuck me now?" 
"Have you always been this impatient?" 
"Buuuckyyy," she whined and Bucky's laugh rocked through them both; the rich, joyous sound filling the room. He brought his lips to hers again, nipping playfully at her with a soft growl as he reached between their bodies.
"Yes, Sterling. I'm gonna fuck you now."
"It's about time," she rolled back into the pillows and raised her hips as he pushed between her thighs and sunk deep within her throbbing walls. "Shit," Sterling gasped as he stretched her beyond the tipping point. She squeezed around him and rocked her hips up to meet his rhythm as he dragged himself completely from her and slammed back in again. 
His hand cupped her face, his thumb finding her bottom lip and brushing it down to widen her mouth as she moaned through the sensation. 
"Are you being soft on purpose?" She gasped with each, tiny delicious rock of his hips. Every time he rubbed his chest against her pebbled nipples he earned a new tiny whimper from her kiss bitten lips. 
"Maybe," Bucky whispered and pulled her bottom lip between his own. 
"You can't hurt me," She tangled her hand into his hair and tugged gently, "I know you won't, so stop treating me like a china doll and fuck me like you mean it, Bucky Barnes."
Bucky buried his head against her neck and groaned. Finally being engulfed in her felt like seeing the night sky and stars for the first time.
He angled his hips and began snapping his hips, listening to Sterlings resulting moan. “God, I’ll never get tired of that sound.”
Sterling gripped Bucky's shoulders, nails digging into the muscle as he drove himself deeper with each thrust. Her whole body shifted on the bed, steady thuds of the headboard in time with her hammering heart.
"Oh, fuck," she breathed and she felt Bucky's smile on her skin, that delicious scratch of his stubble as his lips curled followed by a hot, open-mouthed kiss. He sucked and licked at her neck, sure to leave a mark that Sterling really hoped her brother wouldn't notice. 
"Gotta let everyone know you're mine now, pretty girl," Bucky murmured between wet laves of his tongue, as if he could read her mind. "Fuck, you're perfect, Sterling." 
Sterling's soul was on it's way out, halfway to floating out of her body as Bucky fucked her harder; torturously slow drags of his cock until he was buried deep, grinding down as Sterling reached down to grab his ass, anchoring his body to hers.
When she clawed at his back, leaving deep red nail marks, he shivered, his eyes rolling back and his cock throbbing inside of her. His hips snapped harder, the sounds erupting from his throat made her flutter around him. 
“Jesus, Star.”
Sterling flashed him a wicked grin as music poured in from the open window that faced the backyard. 
And then she heard it.
“Hey, Sammy! Where’s Buck?”
“Steve’s gonna kill you, you know,” she murmured against Bucky’s mouth. 
He laughed, grabbing a pillow and sliding it under her lower back, only pulling away to watch her eyes widen as he drove himself deep enough to hit that spot. 
“If being with you is heaven then I don’t give a shit what he does to me.” Bucky’s kiss was surprisingly tender, his thrusts slowing down as pleasure built in Sterling’s belly. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Star.”
Her hands found his hair once more as she tilted her head to capture his mouth. “I’ve wanted you too,” she answered as they pulled away for air.
“Fuck,” Bucky moaned, driving his cock slow and deep into her cunt. “You’re mine now…”
“Yours,” she agreed.
The sounds of Steve’s voice grew louder, tangling dangerously with the chorus of grunts and breathless moans. 
“I’m not done,” Buck warned as she tensed when Steve’s voice echoed closer to their door. 
“Did we lock that,” Sterling gasped as Bucky’s fingers dug roughly into her skin and his pace became sloppy. 
“Nope.” He kissed her hard, stealing the air from her lungs as his cock rubbed every wall in sweet slick roving movements. “Now, Star.” He demanded and the walls cracked beneath her. 
She plunged into what felt like endless pleasure as the stars danced across her eyes. Bucky pressed his hand over her mouth as she let out a long, loud moan. Not finished with her just yet, Bucky slammed into her and dragged every ounce of pleasure from her exhausted body as he dove over the edge after her. 
“Buck?” Steve banged on the door. 
“Your seven minutes in heaven is up,” Sterling stumbled through a gasp as Bucky slid from her raw pussy and spilled warm between her thighs.
“Are you jerking off in there?” Steve shouted. “Get out here! Sam’s kicking my ass at beer pong!” 
Bucky placed a chaste kiss on Sterling’s lips. She barely had time to come down from her high before panic settled into her bones.
“Hide," Bucky hissed. "Bathroom."
“Bucky! I’m covered in—“
“I’ll make it up to you, princess. I promise.”
She smiled and rolled off the bed, rushing for the ensuite bathroom and closing the door until it was just barely ajar. Through the crack, Bucky tugged his pants back over his hips, giving her a good look at his gorgeous ass. He tossed on a black t-shirt and opened the door while Sterling watched from the safety of the bathroom. Her brother was hammered, leaning up against the doorframe with a can of beer clutched in his fist.
“I was taking a power nap, dude," Bucky sighed.
"A power nap?" Steve scoffed.
"Yeah, puke and rally."
“Yeah, well, I’m getting my ass handed to me!" Steve whined. "Sam's a monster at beer pong."
“I’ll be down in a second.” There was a long pause before Bucky sighed again. Sterling could barely see through the crack. “What, Rogers?”
“It smells like sex in here.”
“Okay, get out!” Bucky bellowed.
Sterling laughed as she heard the two of them wrestling and then the door shut. In seconds, Bucky was ripping open the bathroom door and pressing her against the wall, his mouth soft against hers. When he pulled away, Sterling beamed, taking in his flushed cheeks and bright cerulean eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening. No more daydreams, no more thinking about what his lips would feel like while she watched him nurse a beer as he sat with his long, tanned legs stretched out on the porch. This was real. 
Bucky’s brows furrowed.
“You okay, pretty girl?”
She nodded, pushing aside her growing feelings.
“Yeah. I was thinking we could sneak out tonight and watch the fireworks by the lake when everyone else is too drunk. You down?”
Bucky stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
“I’d go anywhere with you.”
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interiorergonomics · 2 months
Transform Your Workspace with Modern Office Furniture: A Deep Dive
In the evolving landscape of workplace design, modern office furniture plays a pivotal role in transforming traditional workspaces into dynamic, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing environments. This transformation goes beyond mere aesthetics; it impacts employee productivity, well-being, and overall organizational success. Let’s delve into how modern office furniture can revolutionize your…
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goodlucksnez · 3 months
So after listening to Zen's Wav, I had a idea to continue. So I gathered some friends and we continued the story with a little nod to @instarsandcrime as well!
So enjoy the continuation!
Al//astor: @onetrickponi
Lu//cifer: @zensations35
V//ox: @goodlucksnez
See below for script!
Alastor: Ah! The man of the hour! Just the person I was hoping to encounter…Now then. Time for a little r̴̈e̷͋g̵͛i̷͊c̷̉ǐ̵d̷̃ë̴́
Lucifer: Oh no…*sneeze* Not you again. What is it this time?
Alastor:  As it turns out, sire, not only do you bestow hellish grace upon your subjects, but pestilence as well! ’Allergies.’ Hah! I should have known. 
Lucifer: Well if someone hadn’t insisted I come on their show with only two days notice!
Alastor: Aha-hA!  If someone would answer their phone more than once a month, your nibs–
*Lucifer sneezes*
Alastor: Well. Glad to see your smoky sternutations aren’t exclusive to my studio, at least. Goodness, I do hope this wallpaper is flame-resistant.*ṣ̶͐n̸̺͐ḙ̸̽e̸̲͂z̸̩͋i̷̠͐n̴̨̊g̸̩̿* Pardon.
Lucifer: Hey! Don’t bust out my lights! I’m working on an important project!
Alastor: And now no one has to see it! Pity. :)
*Voxtech Show Theme Plays*
Vox: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most electrifying news show in the multiverse! I’m your host, Vox,  and I’m here to deliver the latest headlines with a dash of charisma, a sprinkle of wit, and a whole lot of tea *clinking cup* *cup falls* 
Vox: *ignoring fallen cup* Tonight on our program we will go over the most recent broadcast from the King of Hell and the less important interviewer *cackle*
Vox: Ahh how good it feels in my studio! I must say our brand is perfection, it just won't do for anything Less. Than. That. *snigger*  
Vox: Unlike a certain old tyrant my studio is made for the highest of royalty. So if any princes or kings want a real experience, come down to Vees tower and I would love to give you a personalized tour from the Man in Charge. 
Alastor: *sneezing* Pompous, vicious little prick…
Lucifer: Ugh.. *sniff* I hate that guy…”Man in Charge”? And they call me prideful??
Vox: I mean really you just walk in, and it’s chaos. Papers everywhere, coffee stains on the desk, *laugh* it isn't even in a proper studio but an old water tower! Talk about tacky. Unprofessional, if you ask me. But here? Every cable is tucked away, every surface polished--
[Vox continues his spiel while Alastor sneezes]
Alastor: *sneezing* 
Vox:-- to a mirror sheen. We believe in excellence, not just in our content but in our environment, that that is what VoxTex is here to provide you. So, when you tune in to our show, rest assured, you’re getting the crème de la crème. Quality, class, and cleanliness–
Alastor: That isn’t even properly alliterative…
Lucifer: Are you kidding me? His place is a walking fire hazard! Or, not walking. Standing? But I know fire hazards! Man, I wish I could just…*sneezes*
Alastor: HaHAh!…Well, then I’m sure you will appreciate this next bit, Sire.
Vox: *sniffling* *sneezing* I must apologize, my dear viewers *sneezing*  but it seems that even the most prepared among us can be caught off guard. It appears I’m having a bit of a g̶͎͑-̵̓ͅg̵̪̑-̷̖͠G̴̥͒L̶̟̈I̷͈͑T̵̀͜C̸̣͝H̸̖͒—nothing serious, but we believe in safety first here at Vox industries.
*Vox continues sneezing throughout his spiel*
Vox: We’re all about transparency and this is as real as it gets. Fucking bitch! I’m going to step off for a moment to take care of this, and in the meantime, we’ll be ending today’s broadcast a tad earlier than scheduled. FuckI’mgonnafuckingkillhim--Our team is top-notch, and they’ll ensure everything is handled with the utmost professionalism. Thank you for your understanding. We’ll be back on air tomorrow, bright and shiny as ever, ready to bring you the stellar content you love. 
Vox: Cut it! That fucking bitch, I know this is his doing I’m gonna kill him!!
Alastor: *sneezing* *laughing* 
Lucifer: Hoh yeah! Highfive!
Alastor: I beg your pardon?
Lucifer: You…you just take your hand and…uhh…*high five sound*
Alastor: Mmm I suppose. But don’t make a habit out of this, sire.
Lucifer: Eheh…okay…
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unironicallytes · 3 months
Regarding Insane People Behavior, it is actually normal fandom culture to engage with posts in the way that myself and other bloggers did yesterday - that's why every other response to the branching threads was additive or enthusiastic. Notice that there was only a small, strange handful of sad people who had a problem with this typical social interaction. I may be small here in TES spaces but trust me, I've been around long enough in larger fandoms to know. The "How Dare You Engage With My Public Post" Incident is highly highly abnormal, and it is not the usual culture.
Please continue to reblog posts and share your thoughts respectfully! That's how we keep fandoms alive and healthy and how we've always done it on Tumblr. In fact, it's a load-bearing column of fandom culture. If someone starts being Aggressively Insane at you, that's on them.
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larkoneironaut · 2 years
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I’m so happy to finally show you what I’ve been working on for today’s Dragon Age Day 🖤
It was such an honor to be the one drawing Zevran for the official DA Day collage! Thank you again, BioWare, for this amazing opportunity!
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crownedinmarigolds · 11 days
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Happy Fall Ya'll!! From your local Tumblr Gangrels! I did my best to line everyone up nicely, we had so many submissions, and they're all so varied and cool it's incredible. I am so happy to have all who participated join in, thank you guys SO much for another great collaboration picture! I'm sorry if the formatting isn't amazing on the close up shots or the post, but this amazing work needs to be seen!
Who's Who:
Misha - @m4rloe5 Jensen - @satteredhunter Saffiya - @spell-fox Corvus - @renaissancebadboy Aidan - Spell-Fox Nixie Tube, Lexi Lyall, Darius, Hannah, and Mouse - @problemsynth Kuro - @urbanknightart Eli - Spell-Fox Dayo - @enderkriller77 Beepli Alison - @salubri-outcast Trixie - CrownedinMarigolds Damaris - @thesixthplaneteer Hugo Pitt - @squiretinnion Annette and Bones - @sheriff-shitstarter Alyssa and Lisa - @anarchswild Marcy - @confusedwithglitter JJ Slayter - @lealdog Ajax - @wizzsp Blake Moore - @vtmgremlin Fern - @lylailaeth Marina - @knuxtiger4 Wallis and Reynard - salubri-outcast Snare - TheSixthPlaneteer The Mariner - @holly-bearie Gaius - @ollieanderr
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A reminder to my fellow Swifties:
Taylor attending a comedy show presented by an activist and collaborating with an artist who is an activist does NOT mean that Taylor is an activist.
Please stop praising her for the work of other artists. If she wanted to, she could use her huge platform to engage with important issues. Instead, she chooses not to.
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