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Just a few of the truer than true memes from @workingmomnotes — check her out! . #mommingainteasy #workingmomsguilt #momdoesitall #busymommalife #empoweringmoms #workingmomproblems #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #workingmommylife #workingmommies #workingmother #workingmomstruggles #workingmomslife #wfhmom #momcave #momcavetv (at WeWork) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSctRSxJSyj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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💎Dive into our BLUE PARADISE COLLECTION💎 Immerse yourself in a tropical holiday with this alluring scent collection! Escape to a paradise of sun and relaxation, silky warm seas and island blooms with each of our hand-crafted home and bath products. Click link on my profile page or www.jewelscent.com/wendylinder69 #blueparadise #handcrafted #handcraftedhome #handcraftedbathandbody #bathpowder #salesonline #extraincome #businessideas #opportunity #joinmyteam #influencer #creative #runyourownbusiness #homejobs #workfromhome #momathome #workingmommies #handcraftedcandles #homedecor #paradise #wendysjewelscent #wendysgemgram #yourownboss #bossmom #nanaboss #empire #empirehome #gifts #giving #behumble #bekind #selfcare https://www.instagram.com/p/BuuPUtWBaW0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lu9eyqstcdv2
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Only we can determine how we write the chapters of our lives. Write a GREAT one. 😊 If you're looking for childcare, check out www.daycarehero.com to view our daycare and preschool directory! . . . . . . . . . . . #newyearnewstart #newchapter #writeagoodone #newlife #parentinglife #workingmom #workingmothers #workingmommies #workingparent #backtowork #bayareamoms #bayareadads #austinmoms #seattlemoms #manhattanmoms #workingandparenting #workingparents #brandnewstart #newyearresolution #familychildcare #preschoolteachersrock #daycarerocks #childcaresearch #seattledaycare #austindaycare #bayareadaycare #daycarecenter #privatekindergarten #privateschool #preschoolopenhouse https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJNMWvDRRu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hg1ebehy5raw
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Tomorrow is the last day at work, and then I start my two-week staycation. As a parent and manager, I am constantly supporting my family and teams. However, I tend to not take care of myself. I am learning that I need to start being a little selfish and start caring about my self a bit more. If I am not helping myself, then how can I expect to help others? Working parents, we need to take care of ourselves. Let's make a pact to start today. #workingmomhacks #workingmommylife #workingmomslife #mommyneedsabreak #workingmomproblems #careermom #singleparenting #mombosses #bossmomlife #singlemama #workingmommy #workingmomlife #workingmoms #bossmom #worklifebalance #mompreneur #momboss #self_care #selfcareadvice #selfcarechallenge #selfcaretip #selfcareisntselfish #takecareofyou #youareworthy #selfcarefirst #takecareofyourself #selfcare #wellness https://www.instagram.com/p/CEajlYeoJnp/?igshid=m6bdpydmk86c
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Last #lunch of 2019! #gratitude #mommymoments #workingmommy #likeaboss #kissthecook #whatdoesyourgardengrow #lunchesofinstagram #organize #toys #2020 #nye #housemade https://www.instagram.com/p/B6v7X3knEXM/?igshid=1p28h8xl88vyx
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Want to shed those last few pounds before the holidays? Check out my profile or DM me 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 #workingmommy #newmommies #workathomemom #tiredmommy #babesinbusiness #businessbabes #coffeeholics #momtruth #postbaby #motherhoodalive #babyandme #igcoffee #newmomproblems #coffeedrinkers #newmummy #imamommy #imamom #momlife101 #mommiesandbabes #parentinghacks #parenthacks #thanksgivingprep #this_is_postpartum #momslivinghappy
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Some times when I look in the mirror I am literally shocked that there is not a 16 year old teen age girl staring back at me. Where did the time go? How did I wake up a 35 year old mother of 4?
The thing is though, time flew by so fast, my head is still spinning. I am still trying to wrap my brain around this whole motherhood thing.
In order to get my head in the game, I went to the mommies I admire the most. Picked their brains and sought out the information that helps them through their days.
I learned a few tricks, I laughed at little at myself for now knowing these things and I finally grew up a bit.
As the creator of The Secret life I would love nothing more than to share my finding with you. Check out my new class, Becoming all that is Mommy, and it’s mini session. You will not be disappointed.
My soul mission at The Secret life is to support other mommies as we all try to survive this season in life.
To teach you that you can be a Rockstar Blogger and hands down the most amazing mom in the Universe, at the same time. That you can take on the world of finance, build your in home business and rock your babies to sleep each night, with out feeling guilty.
The world will tell you so many reasons you can’t but Becoming all that is Mommy is to show you that you ACTUALLY CAN.
Sure you need a few tools in your tool belt, but this can be your reality too.
You can reach for the Diapers and your Dreams, all at the same time. Having a firm foundation is key to tackling motherhood and the working world.
I was once that mommy who thought I was all used up inside, but a loved one showed me how untrue this actually was.
As a mommy of 3, I jumped into the Real Estate World. I grew a business and have earned thousands taking on clients with my strategies. Listing and selling is absolutely my jam.
As a new mommy of 4, I took on the blogging world and created an income with just a blog. No experience, no fear this mommy jumped right in. I can show you how you can be fearless too with my principles. Strategies that have been passed down generation after generation of strong women.
Growing two businesses while chasing babies is no joke, but I have absolutely perfected the way I run my days. The methods I have tweaked over the years have provided full time income for my little family and I would love to share my secrets with you!
I am not going to lie to you and act like, “oh its easy”. It is not at all. In fact, if you are not willing to work hard this is just plain out not for you.
If you are willing to work hard, to go after you dreams full speed ahead, I would love for you to jump in on my brand new course. In this course I will build you up as you prepare to jump into the world of all things Motherhood.
The Secret life has been hard at work on this little baby and I am finally ready to share it with the world….
Read more here:https://secretlifeofrealestatemommy.com/becoming-all-that-is-mommy/
Check out the free mini-sesh here: https://fundamentals2buildingyourbiz.teachable.com/p/mini-mommy-course/
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Strictly paying dues… Use Code 400MDIVA for 25% off at ionperformancecare.com ____________ Repost • @natashahastings Track & Field is coming to town! 🎶 🏃🏽♀️🎄 📸 @lamarz_ #NatashaHastings #400MDiva #UnderArmour #WorkingMommy #TrustTheProcess #momlife #momworkouts #fitness #fitmom #TrackAndField (at University of South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXzQevZLenX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Took my work to the park today. #norest #workingmommy #writing #planning #writersofinstagram #book2 #gettingthere
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~ @bernadettethenry Stop waiting for the right time. There is NEVER an exact right time. You just gotta DO IT! No more putting off for tomorrow what you can do today. The time is NOW to work on that goal you set in January. #busymoms #busymomsgetfit #workingmommy #workingmomma #workingmomlife #momonthego #autismmom #wifemomboss #transformationalcoach #nycmoms #lifecoaches #emotionalwellness #momworkout #momlife #lifecoachformoms #purposecoach #mentalwellness #blackmoms #mompreneurlifestyle #autismmomcoach #blackmom #momfitness #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #nycmom #jumpropeinstructor #blackmomblog #brooklynmom #empowermentcoach #autismmompreneur https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQchgsh6uq/?igshid=dyq9g8a9xx6k
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The reason your life looks the same year after year is because changing your life is about a change of habits, NOT a change of dates. A lot of times you set goals that are unrealistic for you at the time beicsd the level of commitment needed to fufulill You might say, I wanna lose 50 lbs in 6 months. And while it may be possible, are you willing to do what it takes to reach that goal. But let's take it further.... if you go the fast track and you do lose 50 lbs in 6 months, can you maintain that after the 6 months are over? You are putting too much preassure on yourself. Why and for who? Instead of giving yourself a # of pounds, commitment to new habits. Example: in January 2020, my WHY was to decrease my blood preassure meds. My GOAL was to do 10 sets of 100 jumps 3-5 times a week. Becuase if my consistency, by November 2020 I realized 30 lbs and 1 or 3 blood preassure medications. And yes, I continue to maintain this healthy habit and now it allows me to add another. Look at your life... what can you incorporate today? Pics: 2019 and 2021 #TransformationTuesday #busymoms #busymomsgetfit #workingmommy #workingmomma #workingmomlife #momonthego #autismmom #wifemomboss #transformationalcoach #nycmoms #lifecoaches #emotionalwellness #momworkout #momlife #lifecoachformoms #purposecoach #mentalwellness #blackmoms #mompreneurlifestyle #autismmomcoach #blackmom #momfitness #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #nycmom #jumpropeinstructor #blackmomblog #brooklynmom #empowermentcoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfCFZWnekc/?igshid=7un8nx8p3vuu
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Battled mosquitoes as I tried to get this workout in this evening but I did it! Day 2/5 complete #mommyworkout #academicmama #workingmommy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDZTh9h5s_/?igshid=zn1nvimuan1a
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Metlife released a survey that they conducted of 2,000 U.S. workers in September 2021. Unfortunately, 1 in 5 women said they had been pushed out of the labor force during the pandemic. The good news is that 2 out of 3 will be returning to the workforce. Has the pandemic affected you? If so, are you planning to return back to the workforce? #busyworkingmoms #helpingmoms #supportingmoms #professionalmom #careerwoman #workingmom #workingmoms #workingmommy https://www.instagram.com/p/CWdyi4usCWM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Okay, decided to try a new program. #21dfx is no joke. But can't beat a #30minuteworkout! #gratitude #mommymoments #workingmommy #likeaboss #nofilter #keepyourmindandbodyright #workout #momlife https://www.instagram.com/p/BtzJHKDFtCJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r7k0ejgdlxll
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Designing at the dinning table. #howtogetstuffdonewithAtoddler . . . #designing #designingjewelry #entrpreneurmom #workingmom #workingmommy #artmom#artistmom #metalmom #metalsmithmom #mommymaker #makingthethings #shopupdatecomming
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Not easy to take photo nowadays Swipe to see how 8 of 10 pictures looked like. … Not simple to take photograph these days 😅 Swipe to see how eight of 10 footage seemed like. He simply wish to be rocked on this babysitter to be a happy child. Somebody who acknowledge? 🥰 #fitmum #workingmommy
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