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angelbxxy · 1 year ago
HOMELESS mom and 5 year old
This is my girl ND her kid. They haven't gotten a single donation from anyone, even if it's $5/10 anything will help and adds up
Cash app $kingndqueenCA
Venmo @momof12018
Please reblog and share SIGNAL B00ST !
UPDATE THEYRE SLEEPING IN A PARK TN BC SHE IS $35 SHORT FOR THE MOTEL ROOM AND THE SHEALTERS CLOSED AT 8 Please make donations and if u can't even spare $1 then repost and blog the shit out of this PLEASE I CANT WATCH MY FRIEND AND HER 5 YR OLD SUFFER! ANYTHING WILL HELP !10/3/23
Plus her bridge card was shut off bc she didn't know she had to renew and bc she's homeless she didn't get anything in the mail.... my friend hasn't eaten in 2 days but her daughter eats at school
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mexican15universe · 2 years ago
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“loneliness,motherhood, boymama”
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ugly-anastasia · 11 months ago
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ugly_annie: Sometimes when you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! Springtime means the home improvement projects are ON here at the Tremaine house! Be safe, have fun, and don't be afraid to get your hands a little dirty! #diy #homeimprovement #curbappeal #singlemama
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malaloves · 2 years ago
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It’s been a wild 2 months… I never thought I’d be single again and yet here we are… And i’m choosing to love this new chapter. To embrace it fully. I appreciate the power and strength of single mamas. I’m with you. I am you. And I’m reclaiming my identity and discovering the little things in my life that bring me joy, like red bikinis and beach days. So, hi my friends. Welcome to this new chapter. The beginning of the rest of my life. Thank you for being here with me. #singlemama #singlemomlife #singlemoms #singlemum #singlemums #singlemumlife https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpzj4U3PtRe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uptospeed · 2 years ago
I’ve gone from going to bed saying “What the…” to “Namaste All Day” quotes.
Yes, my last name is Speed, yes my kids run (Fast, very fast. For pleasure), and yes, sometimes it takes a spreadsheet to keep everything going.
I have lots of hustle. From keeping up with my adult and teen kids, keeping up in life with a small business, keeping up with society, health, friends, advice and all the creative random ideas that goes through my mind, all while practicing mindfulness and keeping my sense of humor… my hustle is a lot to keep up with. But don’t worry, keeping things Up To Speed is never not insightful or ridiculous. Maybe both at the same time?
Watch, listen, read about how things are on pointe and up to me.
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lettersfromjamila · 3 years ago
Its okay to be single. Its okay to feel like you're happier alone. Its okay to change your mind later. Its okay to do what's best for you even if it goes against the norms of society.
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nicolyboo · 3 years ago
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I heard that It’s #nationalsingleparentday It’s a good time for me to honor the living children that I am blessed to raise. I ask the Universe to keep its loving hand on their lives and to bless me with a husband who will be proud and consider it an honor to continue to nurture, protect and provide all that a mother and father is suppose to give them for each and every stage of the rest of their lives. #LawsonDean #MaddyCakes #KaideyBabe aka Purple Princess #KK my copy/paste MacBook: Http://bit.ly/coleyskids #Nicolyboo #singleparent #singleparents #singleparentlife #singleparenting #momlife #singlemother #singlemoms #singlemum #singlemomlife #mom #divorced #singlemama #singlemommy #singlemothers #divorcedmom #parenting #motherhood #singleparentday #singleparentchronicles #singleparentsrock #kids Powered by @tagomatic (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbYj8QipmJR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unbreakablemama-blog · 3 years ago
The Reality of being a single mama (that noone talks about)
As a single parent, it can be hard to keep it together and easy to get overwhelmed andstressed when you’re the one carrying most of the responsibility.Over the past few years, I’ve been working on finding a balance that works for us. Most of the time we do great but other times, it feels like way too much for one person to handle. I know this is true for all parents, regardless of your relationship status, but single parenting comes with its own challenges. It’s All You, All the TimeYour child is up vomiting all night. Guess who is cleaning it up? That would be you. And guess who has to call into work? Yep, you again. Your children pass it all around to each other and you get to call into work a few more times because there’s no one to take turns with.What if you’ve been up vomiting all night? Guess who still has to get up and feed the kids and get them where they need to go? That would be you too. And it sucks but somehow you find a way to do it. Because you don’t really have a choice. Your Guilt is AmplifiedWe already have enough guilt as parents. But 8 years later and I still get caught off guard when out of nowhere they ask me, “Why don’t you and daddy just get along ?” If a child is struggling emotionally or not doing well in school, it’s hard not to feel like it’s somehow my fault because I’m the main caregiver. Am I not reading with them enough? What am I doing wrong? Am I not present enough? I have to constantly try to put things in perspective and realize that every issue is not a result of being separated and most are related to my children’s personalities and stages of development and do not mean I’m failing as a parent. Every family struggles in different ways. It helps to focus on the positives, the most significant one being that you’re no longer in an unhealthy or unhappy marriage. I love having my own space where my kids aren’t witnessing tension or arguments. As a single parent, you get to call the shots in your home, make the rules and set the routines that work for you and your kids. Also, you get the closet all to yourself and you don’t have to clean anyone’s beard hair out of the sink. It affects friendships. People say you know who your friends are when you have kids. I hope that isn’t true, if it is then I have very few! What I do know is, it’s a rare breed of person who gets what you’re going through and stands by your side. Only being available for chats after bed time, or preferring to hang out in child friendly places might make people think you aren’t prioritising them. But in reality I often prioritise friends above myself (instantly phoning them as soon as my son goes down despite being so knackered I just want to collapse) but what I cannot do is prioritise them above my son, single parenting just doesn’t work like that and unless friends are willing to prioritise you then relationships will wither. All mums have a little human who relies on them, but my son relies on me entirely and completely and having no one to share that burden with makes it extra hard to find the space for other relationships too. Single mothers figure things out on their own. You are rediscovering yourself. You want to learn from your mistakes. You don't go through something like ending a marriage without becoming a different version of yourself.
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singlemamamakeithappen · 3 years ago
Just when you thought you wasn’t a good parent but then here comes your 3 year old just to give you a kiss and a hug
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drmarr · 3 years ago
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Where your focus goes, energy flows... Your FEELINGS are telling you your FOCUS. My sweet boy... What a lucky mama I was this past month to have so much quality time with you, so it’s easy to miss you these next couple of weeks. But I choose to focus on the fact that you are such a lucky boy to be loved by SO so many people. #partytime #luckyboy I also choose to focus on the fact that I get to have a break to guilt-free focus on the things that also make me ME. (First thing I did was get to the gym and run for an hour, because apparently I’m running Paris Marathon in 97 days and I think I better get on that...😬 🏃🏼‍♀️ I’m going to appreciate the sweet, unexpected view of #NYC dropping you off today! 🌃 I’m also going to focus on, um, sleep. 💤 Oh, and my relationship 💁🏼‍♀️ - cause that is suuuuuuper fun!!! #bonus 💕 But watching this little man walk with his own suitcase through the airport, fearless, confidently, just like anyone else, reminds me that I’m raising a little boy to be a capable and independent human. I’m so proud 🥰 (Also important that you still need to nap on me after 😂) Message to the mama’s - all those things you say you would go do if you had time away from your kid(s) - you better effing act on that and go do them! It’s inevitable to miss them, but if you are feeling more shit than you would like to feel, just remember, where your focus goes, your energy flows (with everything in life). This is YOU TIME. Learn exactly how to READ your energy (at any given time) and consciously redirect it if it’s not serving you, so that it DOES. If feels so much better when you can consciously shift this yourself. 📧: Email up there☝🏼 #boymom #singlemom (but not a single mom ❤️) #singlemama #expatmom #expatsinglemom #singleparent #newyorkskyline #mamatime #youtime #manhattanskyline #holidaytravel #6countries #whereyourfocusgoesyourenergyflows #whereyourfocusgoesenergyflows #internationallifecoach #relationshipcoach #meaningfulwork #meaningfulrelationships #newyorknewyork #internationalcoparenting #parismarathongirls #momboss #mompreneur #parismarathon (at Lagurdia Int'l Airport, NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX93-als7Ji/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chlojocreates · 3 years ago
Hey everybody!I'm new to the Tumblr Crew! I'd love to get to know the platform, and I am hoping to introduce you all to my creative outlet via my etsy store! www.chlojocreates.com
Please introduce yourselves! I'm Chloe, I'm a 32 Yr old mother of two sets of twins 🙈, Im passionate about justice, self care, spirituality, knowledge, reading, small business, society and I advocate for mental and emotional well being! Love to you all ❤
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fabulousscentsbyshannon · 4 years ago
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Click the link below to go to my website join page love to help you achieve your goals and help you build your own homebased business
Check out my Facebook groups
Fabulous scents by Shannon
Fabulous scents by Shannon vip
Also my
TikTok, Instagram and YouTube channel are also named
Fabulous scents by Shannon
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shevonne · 5 years ago
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Tomorrow is the last day at work, and then I start my two-week staycation. As a parent and manager, I am constantly supporting my family and teams. However, I tend to not take care of myself. ⁠ ⁠ I am learning that I need to start being a little selfish and start caring about my self a bit more. If I am not helping myself, then how can I expect to help others? ⁠ ⁠ Working parents, we need to take care of ourselves. Let's make a pact to start today. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #workingmomhacks #workingmommylife #workingmomslife #mommyneedsabreak #workingmomproblems #careermom #singleparenting #mombosses #bossmomlife #singlemama #workingmommy #workingmomlife #workingmoms #bossmom #worklifebalance #mompreneur #momboss #self_care #selfcareadvice #selfcarechallenge #selfcaretip #selfcareisntselfish #takecareofyou #youareworthy #selfcarefirst #takecareofyourself #selfcare #wellness⁠ ⁠ ⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEajlYeoJnp/?igshid=m6bdpydmk86c
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makinmommymovez-blog · 6 years ago
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Would You Stand for Something or Would Stand for Nothing?
“Sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.”
~Robert Louis Stevenson
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To Whom It May Concern, 
In today's society we as women have a voice! We don't need to cower or stand in the background! We've come a long way thanks to the women of history & the women of today. They laid the path out for all of us, for that I am truly thankful! I want my daughter to look up to me and know I used my voice! That I stood for something instead of nothing, even if I stand alone! My hope and belief is that one day my baby girl will be proud of me.  That she too will have the confidence and courage to use her voice & not be afraid to stand up for herself regardless of circumstances or who stands beside her!
There are days I feel like I'm a pretender, just going through the motions. There are moments of clarity an undeniable desire to see past this pain.  The gut wrenching motivation to see the light at the end of the tunnel with insurmountable pure strength to stay focused and positive. Then something happens that destroys all the hard work I put in. It’s almost like someone giving me a left and a right hook then uppercut trying to knock me out but I keep on fighting back like the warrior I am!
I feel like this journey the last 4 years was just an illusion, that I don’t even exist; how could this happen. Is it just dream?  I want to wake up so badly! Almost 9 years I’ve invested in your company.  15+ years of experience you had the privilege of making money off me!!  Not only me, but other employees who have invested their career in your company to have you only take advantage and disrespect them. How tasteless & classless you can be! 9 years of Dedication, Loyalty, Passion & Hard Work. No excuses ever made. I made shit happen. I didn't just talk the talk, I walked it too!!! Even more so after my maternity leave. 
My ambition & determination pushed me to the core. l never used my daughter's premature birth or my mental health status as an excuse for anything, let alone I never put the single mom card on the table either. I used it to fuel my drive to success.  I wasn't only a dreamer. I was a doer. Unfortunately, qualities you don't get much of these days. I was determined to rebuild myself back up after my mat leave.  So desperate to conquer this illness that unwillingly consumed me. I wanted move past our NICU days and that inner torment of failure that this disorder took away from me. PPD (Postpartum Depression), PTSD Post (Traumatic Stress Disorder) is very real!!  Mental Health is no joke!!!  You saw our journey documented on social media but still you had no compassion nor empathy.
I don't want to feel sorry for myself. Nor be the victim, I want to channel this & rise above this to empower myself & others around me! I want to be an advocate for others when they are afraid to speak, to guide them, inspire them, motivate and encourage them to stand up for themselves, most importantly to know what our rights are. It’s not just our Human Rights, it’s Our Fundamental Human Right.  Stand for something don’t stand for Nothing!
We are fortunate to live in a world that gives us that! Unfortunately, a lot of us don't know what our rights are! I will only speak the truth! I hope Karma finds its way back to you. Somehow, someway it will! The truth will be told! Soon enough people will see who you really are if they haven't already! There are always 4 sides to a story... Your side... My side .... The truth...& then there are screen shots.
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#writing #gettingpaid
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bonniieb00 · 2 years ago
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Hi! My name is Bonnie! Nice to meet you 😊 I’m a tarot reader, a single momma and I run an Etsy shop which is linked in my description. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community as well as an ally. Here you will find posts of my handmade jewelry, tarot readings or card of the day and some random art (some art will be mine and others will be from artists that I love)- which will be tagged. I hope you will find peace and love here on my blog. Love and light 💛
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