#working safely at heights
kangarootraining · 4 months
Navigating New Heights: The Rise of Online Training for Working Safely at Heights
In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety and professional development, the shift towards online learning has opened up new avenues for training and certification. Among the most critical skills for various industries is the ability to work safely at heights, a competency that is both essential and mandated across construction, maintenance, and many other sectors. Recognizing this need, the introduction of the "Working at Heights Ticket Online" and "Online Refresher Course to Work Safely at Heights" has revolutionized how professionals attain and renew their qualifications, making it more accessible and flexible than ever before.
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The Digital Leap: Working at Heights Ticket Online
Traditionally, obtaining a working at heights ticket involved in-person training sessions, which could be both time-consuming and challenging to fit into busy schedules. However, the advent of online training programs has dramatically changed the landscape. These online courses offer comprehensive training designed to meet the same rigorous standards as their in-person counterparts, ensuring participants receive the knowledge and skills necessary to operate safely in high-risk environments.
The online format brings several advantages, including the flexibility to complete the course at one's own pace and the convenience of accessing the training from anywhere with an internet connection. This has made it significantly easier for individuals across various industries to obtain their working at heights certification, contributing to safer workplaces and adherence to safety regulations.
Staying Updated: Online Refresher Course for Working Safely at Heights
Safety standards and regulations are subject to continuous updates and improvements, necessitating periodic refresher courses for those working at heights. The online refresher course for working safely at heights serves this very purpose, enabling professionals to update their knowledge and skills in line with the latest safety protocols and industry best practices.
These refresher courses are particularly beneficial for individuals who have previously completed their working at heights training and need to renew their certification to comply with legal and industry requirements. By offering this training online, it ensures that individuals can conveniently maintain their qualifications without disrupting their work schedules, thus promoting a culture of continuous learning and safety awareness.
Embracing the Future of Safety Training
The shift towards online training for working safely at heights represents a significant step forward in making safety education more accessible and adaptable to the needs of modern professionals. It underscores the importance of leveraging technology to enhance safety and professional development in industries where working at heights is a routine part of the job.
For organizations and individuals alike, embracing these online training opportunities not only helps in complying with safety standards but also fosters a safer working environment. By prioritizing safety through continuous education, we can mitigate risks and protect lives.
As we look to the future, the integration of advanced technologies and interactive learning platforms promises even greater advancements in safety training. The "Working at Heights Ticket Online" and "Online Refresher Course to Work Safely at Heights" are just the beginning of this transformative journey.
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fhvsydney · 9 months
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safe-and-smol · 10 months
I'm curious about other littles and smol peeps out there. Does your height help and/or make it hard for you to regress?
I'm like 5ft/5'1" (153cm), and I've been pretty short my whole life, so it's not much different for me.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Random but i have a hc that Musa is the fastest fairy in alfea, what with sound being the second fastest thing in the universe. Stella has the greatest potential to be extremely fast with her jurisdiction over light but she just. Doesn't like going that fast
Musa's a complete adrenaline junkie tho and can fly fast enough to cause major damage to anything she flies near due to immense pressure and her reaching terminal velocity when she flies.
Ohhh that's very cool!!
Actually part of the reason I like Musa and Stella as a battle pair so much is because I like to think that their the only ones that can keep up with eachother, speed wise. I've never thought about either of their base speed all that much, aside from Stella and Musa being notably faster than the others, but I do imagine Stella having a speed of light spell and Musa having a speed of sound spell to fly faster when they need to
Though I definitely see your point, Stella would probably prefer teleporting over actually going breakneck speeds 🤔🤔. What if she hit something and got an ugly bruise?? Horrible. She wouldn't be able to stand it
Plus her fear of heights is only mitigated because she can trust her wings but flying that fast would probably stress her tf out
I can see Musa just enjoying flying around stupid fast for as long as she can manage, before her magic stores are used up and she needs to get back lol
That would definitely contribute to her ending up the fastest because she's been accidentally doing speed training
Musa would probably hit "fastest at Alfea" in season 2? I feel like a senior would be faster than her until that point, then she'd claim her crown as fastest flier. Like Lolina, who has electricity powers, would probably be faster than season 1 Musa. Ohhh now I'm imagining them having a fake little rivalry to encourage both of them to try harder and fly faster 🥺🥺. Musa has a senior friend that she hangs out with during flight classes 🥺🥺
Ohhh Musa would ADORE the Enchantix wings the most then 🥺🥺 because then she'd be able to fly in high speed winds that would of blown her away before that 🥺🥺🥺
AHHHHH!!!! OMG!!!!! that's so cute!!!!
Imagine Musa grabbing Aisha to go flying with her 🥺🥰???? I am perfectly calm about this idea <- (lying) (they're so cute!!) (Ugh and Aisha would be so happy to fly with her so cute!!)
I can definitely see Musa as an adrenaline junkie, because she surrounds herself with adrenaline junkies dksksjskdn she's definitely one of them too
Musa being able to fly fast enough to break shit is super cool!!! I love that!!!
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mariocki · 11 months
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Stuart Damon plays pretend as secret agent Vince in The Adventurer: Poor Little Rich Girl (1.2, ITC, 1972). Damon was initially cast as a recurring supporting character, one of a group of assistants that work with lead Gene Barry, but he was dropped from the series (almost certainly at Barry's behest) and appears in just two episodes
#fave spotting#stuart damon#the champions#the adventurer#craig stirling#poor little rich girl#itc#1972#ok so the actual facts behind Damon's dismissal aren't entirely clear; certainly he believed it was Gene Barry's influence#and said as much in interviews (and for what it's worth i believe him). Damon and Barry had just one meeting before shooting started on the#series‚ at which Barry (who would alienate himself from pretty much the entire cast and crew during the course of production) expressed#shock at Stuart's height (he being much taller than Gene). in due course Damon was let go from the series‚ and whilst i dont have any great#source of behind the scenes material‚ it's fairly clear he'd only really been on one location shoot with perhaps some studio pick ups#he's in this episode and appears briefly and uncredited in the final ep (1.26‚ The Good Book)‚ but whilst it was last in transmission order#it had been probably the first episode shot‚ and crucially it shares the same location as this episode (and so the location work was#presumably shot back to back). the shorter and less athletic Garrick Hagon was cast as Stuart's replacement 'Gavin' and besides the name#change it's a safe bet that the scripts went unaltered. similarly‚ there's a couple of one off male helpers in a few eps each of whom is#given zero introduction and no discernable back story or development: quite possibly Damon's parts again‚ retro fitted for any available#character actor who could take the part at short notice and (most importantly) did not stand over Gene Barry....
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skenpiel · 2 years
YOURE 5’4???? somehow that elicited more of a reaction out of me than the dead bird did
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tamil1984 · 8 months
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hoshigray · 23 days
But like…sugar daddy!Nanami bending you over his pool table and just fucking your brains out🙈‼️
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: missed writing for nanami, let's gooo!
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: sugar daddy! Nanami x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - sex on a pool table - finger sucking - lingerie - breast fondling + nipple play - standing (bent over) position - praise - Daddy kink - pet names (baby, good girl, honey, love, sweetheart, sweetpea) - protected sex (bc he's a gentleman, lol) - mention of drool/spit.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.3k
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“—Mmmph! Ohhh…Kent—Oooh!”
“Yes, baby…God, you look so good.”
“Your fingers; you’re going too…Mmmm…”
Being a sugar baby is a blessing in its own way. Not having to worry so much about your financial situations as they’re taken care of in your day-to-day life can be a bit overwhelming to comprehend in the days you forget entirely; however, you can’t lie that it’s not a nice lifestyle to live in. All your money troubles no longer being a constant weight on your shoulders, moved aside for you to enjoy your life as freely as you wish compared to before.
And what’s better is that the man taking care of said troubles was indeed a miracle worker — and quite the looker. Nanami Kento, your sugar daddy, took you in when you put your online advertisement looking for a sugar daddy, and you can only thank the stars above for such a wonderful man to come falling from the heavens above to put your mind at ease.
And trust and believe that he’s done so in ways more than one.
He had you bent by his pool table in the living space of his penthouse, your legs spread for him to have your skirt lifted to your waist. It’s easier for his hand to go to your lacy panties and slide his fingers in to meet your folds. And after a few minutes, he’s already made you a complete mess just by the thickness of his digits. 
You squirm, gripping the billard stick that rests on the velvety skin of the pool table. “Hahhhn, ohooo, stoop, don’t rub there—Hic…!” Your hands grip the shoulder of his work shirt.
“Oh? Don’t like it when I do…this?” The blunt of Nanami’s fingertips scrapes the upper wall of your vaginal walls with a curled motion, and you lament with the jerk of your thighs. “But all I’m doing is rewarding my baby.”
His reward was specifically targeted to what you were wearing. Your opened buttoned-up shirt exposed your recent purchase of a new lingerie set; the complex design of the intimate clothing and the bold hue of the color–your favorite color–complimented your skin enchantingly. The blonde man behind you couldn’t keep his eyes and hands off you the moment you meekly showed off the bra of the set. 
“And judging by how tight you’re squeezing my fingers,” he says to your ear while another graze of your inner walls has you arch towards him. “You seem to love this, right, honey?” His free hand was groping one of your breasts; the material of the laced bra felt pleasant to the touch along the squish of your mound.
“Hoooh, ohhGod, Kento, please,” you were a whimpering mess literally in the palm of his hand; he’d made you come once already, so your insides had yet to subside from the acute height that kept you trembling to his touch. “I caan’t, no moooore…If you keep up, I-I’ll—“
“What?” He kisses your cheek, nearly having you give to your knees. “Don’t wanna cum on my fingers?” You shook your head hurriedly, enticing your neck for him to lay more gentle kisses. “What do you wanna cum on then, sweetpea?”
You use your hips to answer, grinding your wet southern lips on the zipper of his expensive, linen dress trousers. Yet, while he returns the motion with synced ruts to your chasm with the tent of his groin, it’s safe to say he doesn’t mind the mess. 
“This,” you moan with more rubs on his pants. “I wanna cum on you, Kent. Please, lemme cum on you…”
The sound of his chuckle has you twitching on his digits, wailing when he stretches your opening with a scissoring motion. “Good girl, asking so nicely…” With a hum, he withdraws his fingers from your warmth and brings your pricy underwear down to your thighs, brushing its garters. After bringing his trousers down and freeing his erection from his briefs, he grabs for the condom from his pocket to release from its wrapper. Once the rubber is on and fitted, Nanami guides his cock to the hole of your vagina. 
The insertion of the cockhead has you gasping sharply, the cue stick in your grasp being the only thing you can use as security as your sugar daddy pushes every inch of his shaft inside you. You could never get used to the girth, the stretch of his limb so euphorically good, and the graze of the tip on the sensitive itches that make you hiccup. And the hilt of his pelvis meets your folds, sighing now that his entire cock is finally one with you.
He rocks back and forth leisurely, careful not to have you released on him just yet. Both his hands now meet your chest, fondling the flesh of your breasts in such a loving fashion that you whimper with the pull of his dick. God, the way his tip perfectly rubs on your inner texture has your brows furrowed and eyes sewn shut, wanting to truly indulge in the sensation that piques the delicate keenness of your nerves.
“Ahaaa, ohoofuck,” you jolt when he suddenly throws a rough thrust to your ass; the stick in your hand hits two Aramith billiard balls to the long rails of the table. “Yesss, right there, Kentoo…! Feel so good…”
“Yeah, honey?” The weight of him on your back as he bends his frame above yours, speaking softly to your ear as if wanting you to shiver on his chest. “Feeling good?” You nod hurriedly with the tweak of your nipples under the rough pads of his fingers. “All cute and good for me…Want me to make you feel even more good?”
“Yes…Daddy,” Oh my, you used the title—a step you were cautious to use at the moment yet albeit eager for the results. And the sand-haired man snaps his hips abruptly, causing a shriek to sneak past you without noticing.
He’s done with the slow pacing—the rhythm now increased to a rapid cadence that evokes more sounds to escape with every rock of your figure. Gosh, you hope you weren’t leaving scratch marks on this man’s pool table. It would make you feel terrible damaging his property. However, that sounds like a worry to check back later when you’re not squealing your mind out.
“—Oooh!! F–fffshiiiit, Daddy!” Your eyes roll up at the scrape of your G-spot. “N–Not shoo fa—Ahhhh! T’oo muuch…!”
“But you’re too close to slow down, love,” Nanami kisses your cheek before slithering his hand to stuff his fore and middle fingers into your mouth. You sounded too cute mewing for him while sucking on his fingers. And it doesn’t help that the erratic ruts to your cunt have you shrilling even more, drool trickling down to your chin just to fall on the table surface. “Come on, sweetpea, let it all out…Hnnmm, let me feel it.”
The piston of his pelvis smacking the skin of your ass with the thick digits stuffed in your mouth is too much to follow through, the climb of your climax becoming more complicated to avoid as the milliseconds rush away. You submit to your growing dizziness as your peak shakes you down.
The orgasm has you screaming out loud, your legs trembling with the flutter of your walls around Nanami’s dick while he slowly plunges himself in and outward, relishing the snugness of your slit. You suck on his fingers hard, nearly choking on spit when your body is experiencing the pulses at its own pace. Your elbows wobble, giving way for you to slump down and accidentally hit an object ball with the cue stick, knocking onto another and pushing it an inch away from a pocket.
Nanami chortles, straightening himself to massage your waist through your aftershocks. “Nice backspin, sweetheart.”
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – header edit done by me + dividers by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
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goldencitybird · 10 months
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Very early height chart and character designs for a WIP of mine, Gadget Noir. Listed heights are rough estimates to the top of the skull. Feel free to ask me anything about them.
(designs, names, and all other details are subject to change)
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seilon · 11 months
to this day i do not understand why monster was more popular than lucky one when exo released them both that one year. like lucky one sounds more unique AND the mv has a dope experimental scifi lab concept goin on. is it just the edginess of monster that made it more popular??? I don’t get it. its been years.
#im really out here bringing up exo discourse from like 2014#man boy groups don’t have weird story-based mvs and Lore as much as they used to#remember when exo had like. unique powers or some shit. it was fun#infinite’s also got some cool narrative trippy sorta mvs. but yeah exo really had some wild concepts#kibumblabs#anyway I just really liked that song and mv when it came out and I was so weirded out by monster outselling it by like a landslide#edit: was thinking about it some more and man. a song/mv like mama (by exo) could NOT have been a thing in ANY other time frame#than the specific one it was released in. so like. anything outside of around 2011-2014ish.#such a weird and unique period of time for kpop mvs (mainly talking about boy groups here)#I think it was the height of story/lore-based concept-heavy mvs if that makes sense. shit like mama by exo or error by vixx#idk I’m not saying that those sorts of mvs specifically should’ve stayed the norm or anything but I do think the standard of mvs typically#having story and/or a solid concept/theme they went all out on shouldn’t have fallen in favor of mvs that have safe mass-appeal#or emulate the mvs of western artists to try and appeal to that market more and etc etc etc#id like to call it: the btsification of the kpop industry#say what you will but I’m not wrong#the period of time where the standard started to change was the same time bts started gaining significant international attention#and if their weak concepts and safe mass appeal worked so well for them then. well. of course other agencies and whatnot are gonna try and#recreate the same formula so to speak#is it that surprising why almost all the big west-approved names are the least creative with their songs and concepts#and more similar to typical western pop artists in their mvs and song structures#anyway I got really off track I was gonna just mention how fucking wild mama is to look back on. like that was out there for the TIME so now#it’s like. jarringly obvious how something like that would never come out in the 2020s#it’s almost campy at this point. in a way#hard to describe what I mean
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kangarootraining · 3 months
Unlocking Safety and Efficiency: Enter and Work in Confined Spaces Training at Kangaroo Training Institute
In the vast and intricate world of occupational safety, the ability to enter and work in confined spaces is not just a skill—it's a critical safeguard. At Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd, we understand the importance of specialized training in navigating these challenging environments. Our "Enter and Work in Confined Spaces Training" program is meticulously designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties safely and efficiently in confined spaces.
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Confined spaces, defined by their limited openings for entry and exit, unfavorable natural ventilation, and not designed for continuous employee occupancy, pose unique hazards. These environments can be found across various industries, including construction, mining, and utilities, making comprehensive training essential for a broad spectrum of workers. At Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd, we provide an in-depth exploration of these challenges, preparing our trainees to recognize, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks.
Our program covers the essential components of confined space work, starting with identifying confined spaces and understanding their specific hazards. Trainees learn about atmospheric testing to detect harmful gases and oxygen deficiency, ensuring they can ascertain environmental safety before entry. We delve into the selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE), which plays a pivotal role in safeguarding workers from the physical and chemical dangers that confined spaces may harbor.
Beyond individual safety, our training emphasizes the importance of communication and teamwork in confined space operations. Effective coordination and emergency response are crucial, given the potential for rapid situation changes. Our comprehensive curriculum includes practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, providing hands-on experience with entry permits, safety procedures, and rescue operations.
At Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence in training delivery. Our instructors are industry veterans, bringing a wealth of experience and insights to the classroom. We utilize a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring that our trainees are not just certified but truly competent to work in confined spaces safely.
Safety is not negotiable, and with confined spaces being a part of many Australian industries, the demand for specialized training has never been higher. Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd's "Enter and Work in Confined Spaces Training" program stands at the forefront of meeting this critical need. By empowering workers with the right skills and knowledge, we contribute to safer workplaces, enhanced efficiency, and the well-being of employees across the nation.
In conclusion, whether you're looking to enhance your career prospects or ensure the safety of your workforce, our confined spaces training program offers comprehensive preparation for the challenges of these environments. Embrace the opportunity to unlock your potential with Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd, where safety and expertise go hand in hand.
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fhvsydney · 9 months
Get your working at heights ticket with our professionally developed and accredited working at heights training course in Sydney. Book your course today. For a limited time you can book in your working at Heights course for as low as $150.00
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femoso-seben · 4 months
Stupid idea that I thought up half asleep
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Baby Daddy Ghost! Who got you pregnant when you two were teens (17)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who got yelled at by your father for getting you pregnant and band him from seeing you again
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who immediately went through all stages of panic. Got his ass beat by his father, before getting his shit together and start providing
Baby Daddy Ghost! And you were force to married
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who sent his first paycheck to you without even saying a word
Baby Daddy Ghost! And you fought because you two were scared
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who was there in the delivery room and was too stunned to speak and just nod along to what the nurses said, stared at his baby daughter until the nurses took the baby so she can lay on your skin.
Baby Daddy Ghost! who didn't let you drop out of school because he knew you had a bright future.
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who went into Butchary so you could go to college (your parents were more opening and caring and help baby sit your daughter unlike his)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who come back from work and cradle his daughter and sleep with her.
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who went into the military for his own purpose which you agree he should go into. (did college through the military)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who spend that summer saving Tommy and be more of a family man
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who divorce tokep you safe after his family was slaughter and move you into a rural place in England and keep a low profile when visiting you and his daughter. (remember he’s consider dead, visit at night and don't really leave the house to continue to deception your a widow)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who spends all his time off with your young daughter on his off time, (sends most of his money to you even if you have a good job he want to provide and your money can be use as fun money.)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who becomes more authoritative figure once she becomes a teenager and has to vet every man or woman she dated.
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who only tells the task force once they saw his personal phone’s lock screen (photo of his daughter on her birthday changes it yearly) brought her around and turns out she's a volleyball player (got some of simon’s height)
Baby Daddy Ghost! Who gets a little sentimental seeing his daughter playing volleyball in the national youth lead
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vinod94 · 1 year
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kateally · 1 year
I have created a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about workplace safety and safety workwear for any industry! This ultimate resource will help answer any questions you might have about best practices in manufacturing settings during COVID-19; from discussing general health hazards associated with hazardous materials to tips for selecting corrective protective gear.
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flowercrowncrip · 1 year
Today (July 19th) is Changing Places awareness day!
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[Image description: a photo of the changing places toilet with the features listed below /end ID]
What is a changing places toilet?
A changing places toilet is a toilet which can be used by disabled people like me who can’t use a standard accessible toilet. This may be because someone needs extra equipment, and/or room for carers to help them. The main features of the changing places toilet are:
Lots of room! Changing places toilet must be at least 12 square metres. This means that there is plenty of room for a wheelchair user to turn around as well as room for up to 2 carers.
A peninsular toilet! This is a toilet which has enough room on each side were wheelchair to be positioned for transferring. As with standard accessible toilet there are grab rails on each side.
Accessible washbasin! The washbasin must have room underneath for a wheelchair user. An adjustable height washbasin is preferred.
A ceiling hoist! This allows people who cannot transfer independently to be able to safely get out of their wheelchair. A person brings their own sling which is hooked onto the hoist allowing them to be lifted.
An adult size changing table! This allows people need help with undressing to use the toilet, or help changing incontinence pads to have their needs met safely and with dignity. Without a changing table, many people have to resort to lying on the toilet floor to change their pads which is unsafe, undignified and unhygienic.
Why raise awareness?
The lack of changing places toilet means it’s hard for disabled people like me to leave the house. It’s limits our ability to socialise, access work/education, exercise, travel, and even attend hospital appointments. (In the UK there are only 93 hospitals with a registered changing places toilet).
I have to plan my entire life around the few changing places toilet that exist, which massively shrinks my world. It’s incredibly difficult for me to travel (less than 2% of train stations in the UK have a changing places toilet), go days out, visit the hospital, and otherwise experience the world outside my house. Hopefully one day every event like Pride or music festivals will have a mobile changing places toilet, and there will be public changing places toilet with 24/7 access in every town, as well as changing places toilets in public buildings like leisure centres, libraries, museums, cinemas, tourist attractions and shopping centres.
More info including what you can do to help the UK campaigns for more changing places toilets can be found at changing-places.org
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