#than the specific one it was released in. so like. anything outside of around 2011-2014ish.
seilon · 11 months
to this day i do not understand why monster was more popular than lucky one when exo released them both that one year. like lucky one sounds more unique AND the mv has a dope experimental scifi lab concept goin on. is it just the edginess of monster that made it more popular??? I don’t get it. its been years.
#im really out here bringing up exo discourse from like 2014#man boy groups don’t have weird story-based mvs and Lore as much as they used to#remember when exo had like. unique powers or some shit. it was fun#infinite’s also got some cool narrative trippy sorta mvs. but yeah exo really had some wild concepts#kibumblabs#anyway I just really liked that song and mv when it came out and I was so weirded out by monster outselling it by like a landslide#edit: was thinking about it some more and man. a song/mv like mama (by exo) could NOT have been a thing in ANY other time frame#than the specific one it was released in. so like. anything outside of around 2011-2014ish.#such a weird and unique period of time for kpop mvs (mainly talking about boy groups here)#I think it was the height of story/lore-based concept-heavy mvs if that makes sense. shit like mama by exo or error by vixx#idk I’m not saying that those sorts of mvs specifically should’ve stayed the norm or anything but I do think the standard of mvs typically#having story and/or a solid concept/theme they went all out on shouldn’t have fallen in favor of mvs that have safe mass-appeal#or emulate the mvs of western artists to try and appeal to that market more and etc etc etc#id like to call it: the btsification of the kpop industry#say what you will but I’m not wrong#the period of time where the standard started to change was the same time bts started gaining significant international attention#and if their weak concepts and safe mass appeal worked so well for them then. well. of course other agencies and whatnot are gonna try and#recreate the same formula so to speak#is it that surprising why almost all the big west-approved names are the least creative with their songs and concepts#and more similar to typical western pop artists in their mvs and song structures#anyway I got really off track I was gonna just mention how fucking wild mama is to look back on. like that was out there for the TIME so now#it’s like. jarringly obvious how something like that would never come out in the 2020s#it’s almost campy at this point. in a way#hard to describe what I mean
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