#working in a retail environment is still new to me
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good-in-space · 10 months ago
Even when my self esteem is at its lowest I take some comfort in the fact knowing that even as I age I have not and will not become just another awful old white person. At least I don’t think I would, mostly because I don’t have the time or energy to waste being an insufferable self centered jerk who takes out every perceived slight or difficulty as a personal affront meant to be met with an endless array of childish outbursts.
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a-d-nox · 8 days ago
retrograde transits: venus rx edition
just as a reminder this retrograde is an opportunity to refine your true wants and needs, clear out old baggage (romantic and physical if you are a maximalist like i talk about in my retrograde post a while ago), and embrace authentic love and self-worth. venus retrograde helps you slow down and redefine what truly sparks joy (marie kondo moment lol).
as quick run down - other general and common experiences during this time: delays in you love life and in relationships, insecurity / struggles with self-worth (get those affirmations going), aesthetic changes, and/or social discomfort (again don't be afraid to set a "marker" for yourself during this time).
note: every retrograde brings up different lessons/challenges based on the planet, the sign (i will cover this next week), and the house. this is a general post that can be applied to any venus retrograde.
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you might feel disconnected from your self - dysmorphia is common during this time. you might doubt your beauty and general attractiveness - you may compare yourself to others or generally struggle with self-worth. you might experiment with a different look (whatever you don't cut your hair) but still feel dissatisfied. people may feel they see you less because withdrawal is common.
time to do a check in on your values and self-esteem. prompt - is your self-worth based on external validation? do you equate love with material wealth / what you receive from others? you may face financial insecurity - such as regretting past purchases - especially if your spending is often due to "retail therapy". you might feel dissatisfied with what you have. this could be due to your aesthetic not matching who you are anymore.
you may have increased difficulty expressing love or you may feel generally misunderstood in conversations (please don't text your ex). which might cause you to withdraw socially - small talk / social interaction will likely feel exhausting. you might see a shift in how you speak, write, or even the way you carry yourself. social awkwardness occur - which will make group settings / gatherings feel unnatural and/or uncomfortable.
time to reflect on your childhood and how your family dynamics shaped your approach to love. prompt - do you feel safe when expressing affection/feelings? were you taught that love is conditional? you may feel emotionally distant or disconnected from family members, especially if you are noticing old wounds. you may feel a strong desire to change your home environment - this could be redecorating, decluttering, or even finding a new space...
your relationships may feel uncertain or even unfulfilling. past romantic partners or unrequited lovers may resurface, which will force you to confront unresolved emotions. you may experience a loss of joy in your favorite creative activities - you may feel blocked, uninspired, and/or "in a rut".
your self-care routine or style may seem as though they aren't “working” anymore. work relationships may feel uncomfortable - perhaps you'll notice hidden tensions or feel unappreciated. you might be re-thinking diets (please talk with your doctor before doing anything rash), fitness routines, and/or self-care habits. you may need to slow down and focus on internal self-worth rather than external appearances.
major relationship evaluations. if you're single, you might be reflecting on past lovers or why certain relationships didn’t work. if you are in a relationship, there could be a sense of distance or uncertainty. you may feel misunderstood or unappreciated by your partner, or be questioning if they truly align with what you value. if you have trust issues, this transit might test and exposes your insecurities and fears about love.
past traumas may re-surface, thereby forcing you to confront deep-seated fears about intimacy and vulnerability. prompt - do you trust your partner emotionally and physically? money issues may arise, particularly in shared resources (shared resources might not be easily separated)...
you might end up questioning what you believe about love and beauty. you could notice where societal expectations have influenced your own desires. you might feel the urge to step back and re-evaluate your goals before moving forward in relationships.
you could feel unrecognized in your career or start questioning whether your professional path aligns with what you value. it could be time to re-evaluate you public image. prompt - do you present yourself authentically, or do feel you've been wearing a mask to fit societal expectations? your love life and career could clash during this time - perhaps your work obligations cause you to neglect a relationship.
you might feel out of place in social groups/events - it's time to realize that certain friendships may no longer align with your values (it's okay to grow apart). social functions and obligations may feel overwhelming or cause you to feel disconnected from others. you could also end up questioning your long-term goals. prompt - are you chasing goals based on external validation, or do they truly make you feel fulfilled?
this transit will likely drag out long buried emotions. could be feeling unseen, unloved, and/or disconnected from relationships. pay attention to your dreams for subconscious messages that may highlight unresolved wounds. it is time to let go of self-sabotaging relationship patterns and embracing self-love.
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mangodestroyer · 6 months ago
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful to be working jobs that are actually interesting and much better than retail...
But they're still just so... people-oriented! Irl interactions can stress me the fuck out, especially in environments I'm not used to. I have limited social imagination and haven't done anything involving music or entertainment since I was a child doing these things as extracurriculars. I should be so grateful I got paid to see what a tech booth is like, watch a band perform, and work with them backstage after the fact. I also thought I'd be a little more excited to meet people who... actually have some interesting things going on? You know... outside of only liking five foods and sitting around at home watching only a handful of TV shows and YouTube shorts. It was a cool fucking opportunity!
But I also had a panic attack because I felt like such a fuck up interacting with these people. Honestly, trying to network with people in college/meet new people has been stressing me out. I've had some blunders. It's been a little demoralizing. It's weird because in retail, so many of my interactions were with rude af customers and supervisors telling me to do a thousand things/getting on me about metrics. I never had panic attacks though. And I rarely cried because of that job. I just went home every day feeling dead inside. Which was worse, tbh.
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mayakern · 2 years ago
Hi Maya! I tried looking in your FAQs but am not able to find this information. The past few years I've only been thrifting as I grow more aware of how the clothing industry is. Fast fashion going in mountains of landfills aside, the treatment of workers is absolutely horrendous 99% of the time. Your Meyoco skirt is my first piece of clothing I didn't get from thrifting the past year, and I'm absolutely in LOVE. I believe it's more than fair to pay $60 for a skirt as long as every designer, worker involved is compensated fairly. I don't believe that someone as empathetic as you would ever partake in a business model that takes advantage of the others, but for the peace of my own mind I just wanted to outright ask and make sure that the skirts are produced in an environment/manufacturer/business where the workers are compensated fairly after you've received your fair share of profit margins. 😅I adore your designs so much, and am already budgeting how to make it a staple of my non-essential purchases, I just would like to know that I'm supporting a business that align certain values that's important to me! Thank you very much for reading!
this is a great question! sorry if i'm kind of scattered answering it, im still dealing with neck pain (just got a cortisone shot which should help in a couple days but for now i'm relying on rest, pain meds and muscle relaxers so i'm a bit out of it)
first off, we've always done our best to search for manus that have good working conditions. we don't have the budget to personally visit factories outside the US, but we get footage from the manufacturers that show the working environment (specifically while making our items) so we can ensure the spaces look up to snuff (good lighting, ventilation, enough space, cleanly kept, etc). we also always look out for any red flags like a PPU (price per unit) being too low to afford fare wages to the workers.
without being able to hire someone to do a full blown investigation it's hard to 100% know what's going on in a factory, and unfortunately we do not have the budget for that, but we do our due diligance.
and i'm really happy to report that our new primary factory, which we found with the help of a supply chain manager, is GOT certified, which is a HUGE leap for us. basically, GOT certification requires a factory to meet certain thresholds for ethical labor and environmental practices. for our factory specifically, this includes a biometric clocking system that makes sure the hours worked are consistent with GOT requirements, as well as regular medical check ins and a dr on site. they also run internal social audits (sedex, ICS, inditex). they provide food and transportation for the workers and have multiple regulated breaks.
GOT certification also covers things like making sure the dyes and materials are ethically sourced. unfortunately because our skirts are synthetic fiber, we cannot brand the skirts specifically as being GOT certified because GOT certification only covers natural fiber, BUT all the other materials and the labor practices surrounding the skirts are certified. they are also certified for their ethical recycling for reuse of scrap material specifically regarding their synthetic fibers.
in addition to this, we do not function the way fast fashion does. fast fashion relies on constantly pushing the trend cycle faster and faster so that garment workers are pushing out new garments in weeks or days rather than the more traditional 3-4 month cycle (which is where we fall). this traditional cycle is why we used to have fashion "seasons," which honestly we don't believe in either. our goal is that when you buy a skirt, it is loved and worn and kept for years and years. we don't follow trends or seasons: we just make things we like.
also, we strive to never order more garments than we think we can sell. traditional fashion/retail typically strives to order 20% more product than will sell so that they can make maximum sales because nothing will ever sell out. that extra 20% is baked into cost/loss and usually is what ends up in places like ross or in landfills. so although we know it's frustrating that we continually sell out of our designs, we do this for a reason: as much as we're able, we want to not contribute excess waste to this world. this is also why we don't include specialty boxes or packaging with our orders, even tho literally every piece of small business advice recommends doing this for improving brand recognition/customer retention. for us, even tho it might generate more sales, it's not worth it to generate more waste. it's a very small thing, but over thousands and thousands of orders over the years it builds up.
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short-horse · 4 months ago
Once upon a time I was super concerned about the environment and like... wanted to be like all zerowaste and shit but my fatal flaws are that I like toy collecting and crafting.
My pessimistic flaw is that I've stopped caring as much because certain groups of humans make me feel like it aint worth keeping the planet in a pristine shape to make life cozy for humanity. Either we adapt or go extinct like the rest of life on this planet.
However, my optimistic flaw is that I still care enough about the good parts of humanity to realize that I still hate the bad parts of humanity enough that I don't want to see it destroy the only dirtball we can live on. But my other pessimistic flaw is that I've noticed that it seems so rare for the average american to care about anything but themselves in a greed kind of way not a self preservation kind of way. Work in food service and retail and you'll get the full brunt of the public's greed and hate. And the sheer number of coworkers that are like "Why would you care about those nasty black birds and squirrels? They eat the bird seed I put out for the cardinals!" To which I ask "Do you even know the difference between a Starling and a Grackle? Why do you think a black bird nastier than a "pretty" bird? You are probably killing a native species and they have been protected under the Migratory Bird Act since the EARLY 1900's." Caring about the environment isn't a new thing. It's not a WOKE thing. Being kind and understanding to your fellow beings isn't woke it's just being kind... Also, there have been people aware of humanity's impact since forever but unfortunatly certain greedy mindsets and economical systems are in play that make it hard to even admit that you care about another group of people outside of yourself and maybe your immediate family.
Even a podcast I was listening to yesterday was lamenting the fact that researchers need to try and find ways to make something seem "useful to humans" or profitable to get funding or to seem like something as justified and I kinda agreed that it IS sad. Knowledge can't just exist and be knowledge, a fish or environment can't just be saved or restored just because it's the better thing to do than just leaving somewhere depleted or a species dying out. No it has to be PROFITABLE. ;-;
Yet here I am feeding the beast buying toys and craft materials made of plastic because it makes me feel better because I guess I'm also self centered and greedy because I want to be a little happier. Yet these systems will continue to make conditions more miserable the longer this system persists and I'm giving it my money because I want to be... happy? When there are people and animals dying, environments being razed and species going extinct. My fatal flaws are in so much conflict with my mental health and wellbeing and it fucking sucks. Like why can't I be happy as an extreme minimalist or something? Why does my shitty ADHD brain need to fixate on hoarding shit that just sits on a shelf and does nothing but use up petroleum? But I care enough about my fellow beings that I don't want the non-assholes to be miserable either?
And what even IS an acceptable level of assholishness and greed? I don't like being treated like shit and having resourses like food, shelter, clothing, entertainment ect. But I also get bent out of shape over stupid things too and I also buy a lot of crap I don't need. I get all outbursty because things are annoying because my brain thinks I need to express emotions because something is. ... annoying? In the past I was also striving to be 100% peaceful and not let anything get under my skin but I have totally failed there too. I'm just a prickly gremlin at my core I guess. ._. And I don't constantly harbor ill will, unless you're a massive jerk, really rude, and nothing but mean. Then I won't exactly feel sorry for them which makes ME the asshole too...? Is it really assholeish to believe that that extremely hateful and malicious people just not existing would make society better? Better so we could all just be who we want to be and live how we want to live as long as we're not hurting anyone and doing it in a sustainable way so we don't completely ruin the environment?
I don't know exaclty where I was going with this post so uh... Help?
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 3 months ago
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How to find a comet before it hits Earth
How do you find a comet that could pose a threat to Earth but hasn't passed our planet in the last 200 years or more? You look for its footprint.
This is the basis of research led by Samantha Hemmelgarn, a first-year doctoral student in Northern Arizona University's Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science. In a study published in The Planetary Science Journal in November, she and her co-authors, including adviser Nick Moskovitz from Lowell Observatory, used data from meteor showers—the "footprints" left by comets—to pinpoint where these comets are in the sky and determine whether they pose a threat to Earth.
"This research gets us closer to defending Earth because it gives us a model to guide searches for these potentially hazardous objects," Hemmelgarn said.
The why and how of the research
Historically, long-period comets, which have orbits of more than 200 years, have been virtually invisible to researchers until they get close to Earth and move toward the sun. The fear, of course, is that one will go undiscovered in the sky until it's too late and then hit the Earth. While the actual risk is incredibly small, Hemmelgarn said, the impact of even a small comet could be catastrophic to life on Earth, causing another Ice Age and ozone layer loss.
So, they want to be proactive in identifying these comets. The researchers used a sample of 17 meteor showers they knew had long-period comet parents and created synthetic comets, which are models that represent where the parent comets could be in space based on the paths of those meteor showers.
They compared the location of the real parent comets the last time they were near the sun to where the model predicted each comet would be. In most of the tests, the model accurately predicted a comet's location and helped predict the comet's direction and speed, which will help astronomers know where to find the real one with a telescope.
This means researchers can find these comets in the sky before they get close to Earth.
"Even if the next extinction level impact is millions of years away, it's been fascinating to develop a model that traces the 'shooting stars' humans marvel at every night back to a region in space where we can discover the objects that left them behind," Hemmelgarn said.
Her journey to this discovery
The day she graduated, Hemmelgarn would never have predicted that this exciting piece of the planetary defense puzzle would one day have her name on it.
Of course, that's because she graduated with a degree in marketing and a job offer as assistant manager for Walgreens, where she did a management internship. For years, she thrived in that environment, employing her problem-solving skills to ensure her store stocked what her diverse customer base needed.
However, with the advent of online retail, she found herself without the chance to solve problems and make decisions about her store. When she met her now-wife, Hayley, in 2019, Hemmelgarn realized she wanted something new.
"When I saw the passion and joy she exhibited for her career as a genomic epidemiologist, I realized that the same feeling I once had for retail management wasn't there anymore," she said. "I always had a passing interest in astronomy, began researching how a person could make a career in that field and decided it was as good a time as any to change careers since I still have many working years ahead of me."
In 2020, she started a bachelor's program in physics and astrophysics at NAU, which she finished a year ago, and in the fall, she began a doctoral degree. This is her first publication as first author.
In the next phase of this work, Hemmelgarn and Moskovitz plan to apply this method to 247 long-period comet meteor showers with unknown parents. They'll use data from the Rubin Observatory's upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) to find the faintest objects, which Hemmelgarn hopes will include some of these missing long-period comets.
IMAGE: An example of a meteor captured by a LOCAMS (Lowell Observatory Cameras for All-Sky Meteor Surveillance) camera. Camera networks such as LOCAMS have been digitally observing meteors for the past ~15 years, constraining the orbits of meteor showers we can now use to simulate the orbits of the comets that left these streams behind. Credit: Samantha Hemmelgarn/Northern Arizona University
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dragonbleps · 3 months ago
Mom has doctor's orders. in writing. on paperwork. to be out of work until January, specifically because she works retail (in customer service/amazon returns, no less) and the doctor doesn't want her working during the holidays while she still cannot bend down, kneel, squat, lift more than 10lbs, twist at the hip, reach above her shoulders, push/pull heavy objects, stand/walk for extended lengths of time, etc.
Meanwhile, her job (which recently got new management who brags about firing people) has scheduled her to return next week. Aka, just in time for Black Friday sales/christmas shopping + the flood of returns expected afterwards.
Both she and the doctor sent in paperwork to the company that handles LOAs, medical leave, etc. And she's been calling the company to try and get clarification/confirmation of her LOA status for the past few days but no one had answered her.
And today they were finally like "Yes your leave is approved through the 27th :)"
And she's like "No, that's just what Work wants me to do. I've been asking for an extension. I have paperwork from the doctor which says I should be out until January"
So they told her to talk to her manager (the firing-happy guy) about "the next steps"
I'm not even the one dealing with it directly and it's frustrating as fuck
(Just in case she does have to go back, she has a doctor's note which we got today which lists all of her restrictions. It basically makes her useless in a retail environment but, yknow, they asked for her to come back. Fuck 'em. Pay her to sit there and do nothing since you can't be bothered to idk keep enough people around to compensate for someone being out. Obviously she's not handing that to them until it's certain she's going back)
Honestly, her goal has been to let herself get fired, because then she can get unemployment benefits she wouldn't be entitled to if she quit, and disability. but they'd rather work her to the point of disability or until she quits, of course
told her to make multiple copies of the doctor's note so she can keep one and give one to them, so she has one to refer to if they get shitty and whiny about her not being able to Do Things. no shit sherlock, she got back surgery. or, worse, if they try to pretend they didn't get such paperwork
fuck Kohl's btw
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nickgerlich · 2 years ago
Mall Shook Up
Our recent discussions about the doom and gloom facing current movie theatre chains got me to thinking about other bastions of the past that are on equally unstable ground. And there is perhaps no more wobbly a relic of our past than the mighty enclosed shopping mall.
Before we dive in, let me make it clear that I do not think they are all going to curl up and die just yet. But let’s face it. When about three quarters—that’s a full 75%—of our inventory of malls did just that since the 1980s, you have to wonder about the long term viability of the concept. One analyst predicts that the current stable of 700 malls could be whittled down to 150 in a decade.
It is interesting to note that malls were originally conceived as gathering places. Architect Victor Gruen, who designed the first fully enclosed mall still in use today in Edina Minnesota—Southdale Center—envisioned a climate-controlled environment in which people could escape the elements and could congregate under one roof. And this included not just shopping, but also dining, socializing, and even entertaining.
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He was right, even though he later came to loathe his creation. In some regards, he was Dr. Frankenstein in the modern era. Malls became such a part of our cultural fabric that they spawned countless TV and movie scenes, because that is where humanity was happening.
In spite of all the social aspects, from senior citizen mall walkers to angst-filled teens and even a few legitimate shoppers, our malls are now by and large becoming near ghost towns. To be fair, there are still some powerhouse malls that likely have enough Teflon to withstand even the most significant forces of change, but they are increasingly becoming a minority.
And what are those forces of change? Of course, we must put online shopping at the top, even though it still only accounts for about 15% of all retail sales. Yes, that percentage spikes during the winter holidays, but the reality is that people still shop in BAM stores.
But there are other forces, notably that curbside and delivery have found traction, and that when we do venture out, we rather like outward-facing shops with nearby parking. Any of the outdoor formats, from strip centers to lifestyle centers and freestanding, are found to be more appealing than the sterility of the airtight mall. We can park in front of our destination. That climate control came to be an albatross; people don’t mind the elements as much as we once thought.
Then there is the matter of time, something that we can never seem to find enough of to complete all of our daily tasks. Shopping malls were designed to be massive time sucks. But who has time to just go browsing? I know I don’t. I cross the threshold of our nearby mall once a year—at Christmas, of course—and with a very purposive list of places to go and things to buy. In. And. Out.
We must also consider mall owners, which are often REITs. As long as stores are turning a profit and occupancy remains high, then life is good. But when departures increase, and especially the time-honored anchor stores, things get tough. Ponder all of the square footage dedicated to indoor commons areas. That area alone could have been put to much better use were the whole complex reconfigured. It costs money to heat and cool such monstrosities.
Today, we are left with the $64,000 question of the century thus far: What to do with these things when they die? Demolition is an easy if painful answer (there go our teenage memories), allowing for a new developer to come in and essentially start from scratch. But we probably don’t need anymore churches that occupy unused retail (they’re on the decline as well). That leaves converting them into warehouses, fulfillment centers, cloud computing facilities, and, if someone is willing to risk some money, adapting the entire space into a new live/work/shop center, retaining some retail elements, but adding apartments, offices, and gyms.

There are variations on this, of course. Whenever I see a mall that has filled empty slots with services, gyms, and adventure spaces, I know I am looking at a dying mall. This is desperation.  The new adventure space at Amarillo’s Westgate Mall is a shining example.
Even though I am not at all a mall shopper these days, I shake my head each time I hear of a mall’s demise. The mall in which I grew up—Dixie Square in Harvey Illinois—was one of the first to die. It shuttered in 1978, and was rented out to film a chase scene in The Blues Brothers movie that came out in 1980. I returned to the abandoned mall in 2010 to photograph it; finally, in 2012 it was demolished.
Poof. Gone. And yet I know there is a small part of my soul on that land.
I have to side with Mr. Gruen on this. He created a monster, and while that monster has some good attributes, it altered the retail landscape. Those effects may never be resolved completely. And that’s a movie I don’t want to watch more than once.
Dr “I Malled Out“ Gerlich
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RFID Asset Tracking: A Game-Changer for Modern Operations
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In today’s fast-moving and highly competitive landscape, businesses across various industries are seeking ways to optimize their workflows and minimize losses. Asset tracking stands as one of the most critical processes for achieving these goals. Whether you’re managing a small retail store, a bustling warehouse, or a sprawling manufacturing plant, gaining insight into the real-time status of your equipment, inventory, and tools is essential to staying ahead.
While traditional asset tracking methods—manual spreadsheets, barcodes, and simple labels—were sufficient for a time, the new era demands more efficient solutions. Here enters RFID asset tracking technology, which offers instantaneous updates on your valuable resources. In this post, we’ll explore how an rfid asset tracking system works, why professional Asset Tracking Systems Installation matters, and why partnering with Asset Tracking System Installers—particularly an Asset Tracking Installer near me—can transform your entire operation.
1. Understanding Asset Tracking and Its Importance
Asset tracking, in its simplest form, is the systematic approach to monitoring the location, condition, and usage patterns of physical resources. These could range from heavy machinery and fleet vehicles to small tools and office supplies. The primary goal is to ensure that:
You know exactly where an asset is at any given time.
You can gauge how often and how efficiently each asset is used.
You’re alerted when an asset requires maintenance or is nearing the end of its lifecycle.
Without a reliable asset tracking system, organizations often face:
Frequent losses or theft due to unmonitored equipment.
Inefficient resource allocation, where critical tools aren’t available when needed.
Increased downtime resulting from unplanned maintenance or missing inventory.
Higher operational costs due to redundant purchases or last-minute replacements.
In many industries, these challenges can significantly erode profit margins and disrupt daily workflows. An effective asset tracking system ensures that every resource is accounted for, thus freeing businesses from unnecessary administrative burdens and unexpected costs.
2. The Evolution from Manual Processes to RFID Asset Tracking
Traditionally, companies relied on manual record-keeping, which involved spreadsheets or paper-based logs. Over time, businesses moved to barcode systems that streamlined inventory checks by automating data capture. Although barcodes were a huge leap forward, they still require direct line-of-sight scanning and can be cumbersome in large-scale or high-volume environments.
RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) emerged as the next major evolution in asset tracking. Unlike barcodes, RFID tags do not require visual scanning and can be read even if they’re inside boxes or behind other objects. Multiple RFID tags can also be scanned almost instantly, cutting down the time spent on stock takes or equipment audits from hours to minutes.
As industries become increasingly connected and data-driven, more organizations recognize the advantages that an rfid asset tracking system provides. This shift has spurred a growing demand for Asset Tracking Systems Installation that fully leverages the power of RFID technology.
3. How RFID Technology Works
RFID relies on small devices called tags, each containing a unique identifier. These tags are attached to the assets you wish to track. An RFID reader—positioned at strategic points such as storage rooms, entry gates, or operational workstations—emits radio waves and receives signals back from any nearby RFID tag. Once it reads the data, the system logs the asset’s location and time stamp in a central database.
Key components of an RFID asset tracking system include:
RFID Tags: These come in various forms—passive, active, or semi-passive—depending on power source and range requirements.
RFID Readers: Strategically placed devices that continuously scan for tags within a certain radius.
Software Platform: A central hub for real-time data management, analytics, and reporting.
Network Connectivity: Ensures data travels from the readers to the software, enabling remote access and updates.
This integrated approach provides a seamless flow of information, allowing you to monitor multiple assets simultaneously without manual intervention.
4. Key Advantages of RFID Asset Tracking Systems
Implementing an rfid asset tracking system can yield significant improvements across the board. Here are some of the major perks:
Real-Time Updates: Gain instant access to asset locations, improving response times for locating critical tools or goods.
Increased Accuracy: Minimize human error with automated scans that capture detailed data consistently.
Enhanced Security: Identify unusual movements of assets quickly, deterring theft and unauthorized usage.
Streamlined Maintenance: Monitor asset health and usage hours, allowing for proactive servicing to prevent breakdowns.
Better Compliance: Simplify record-keeping for auditing purposes. Automatic logs ensure precise tracking of asset history.
Faster Inventory Counts: Process entire rooms or sections of a warehouse in minutes rather than hours, dramatically reducing labor costs.
5. Industries That Benefit from RFID Asset Tracking
An asset tracking system can be applied to an array of settings, but RFID particularly shines in the following industries:
Manufacturing: Track raw materials, work-in-progress items, and finished goods across production lines to optimize workflows.
Healthcare: Monitor medical devices, patient records, and pharmaceuticals to maintain strict regulatory compliance and patient safety.
Retail: Ensure shelves stay stocked with the right products, reduce shrinkage, and keep accurate inventory data.
Logistics and Warehousing: Maintain real-time visibility into goods in transit or stored in large distribution centers.
Construction: Manage tools, heavy machinery, and equipment across various job sites for increased productivity and reduced theft.
No matter the sector, Asset Tracking Systems Installation equipped with RFID technology has the potential to transform operations, cut costs, and amplify efficiency.
6. Why Expert Asset Tracking Systems Installation Is Crucial
While RFID is an advanced technology, its effectiveness depends heavily on proper system design, setup, and integration. The actual installation process is more than just placing tags and readers around your premises. It involves:
Strategic Planning: Determining optimal reader placement and coverage for seamless tracking.
Infrastructure Readiness: Ensuring networks and power sources are properly configured to handle data flow.
Tag Selection: Choosing the right type of RFID tags (passive, active, or specialized) based on asset materials and usage.
Software Integration: Syncing with existing inventory or ERP systems to centralize data management.
Testing and Calibration: Running trials to confirm accuracy and coverage before fully launching the system.
Failing to address these considerations can lead to patchy coverage, inaccurate data, and a less-than-stellar return on investment. This is why partnering with experienced Asset Tracking System Installers is vital.
7. Choosing the Right Asset Tracking System Installers
Selecting qualified Asset Tracking System Installers is the linchpin to unlocking RFID’s full potential. Here’s what to look for:
Technical Expertise: Confirm that the installers have proven experience with RFID solutions and can handle complex deployments.
Customization: Avoid generic approaches. You want specialists who tailor systems to your specific operational needs.
References and Case Studies: Look for installers with a track record of successful projects in your industry or similar sectors.
Post-Installation Support: RFID technology can evolve quickly. Reliable installers offer training, maintenance, and regular updates for long-term success.
Data Security Protocols: Check their approach to safeguarding information. Secure data transmission is a must, especially for sensitive environments.
When you align with a team well-versed in Asset Tracking Systems Installation, you can harness the transformative power of RFID without worrying about technical hiccups or wasted investments.
8. Why Local Matters: Asset Tracking Installer Near Me
When searching for an Asset Tracking Installer near me, there are distinct advantages to choosing local expertise:
On-Site Consultations: In-person evaluations lead to more accurate system designs, preventing common pitfalls.
Quicker Troubleshooting: Local support teams can respond faster to any technical issues or emergency requests.
Community Connection: Local partnerships often translate to more transparent communication and a deeper understanding of regional regulations and industry nuances.
Easier Training Sessions: It’s simpler to schedule face-to-face training or ongoing workshops to ensure everyone uses the system effectively.
Local doesn’t just mean convenient—it often means a more personalized and agile approach to your RFID asset tracking needs.
9. Orbital Installs: Your Partner for RFID Asset Tracking
If you’re ready to modernize your asset management, Orbital Installs can help. Renowned for our end-to-end Asset Tracking Systems Installation solutions, we excel at designing, implementing, and optimizing rfid asset tracking system deployments for businesses of all sizes. Here’s why we stand out:
Customized Strategies: We assess your environment, logistics, and operational goals to build a tailored solution.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Our team stays updated on the latest RFID advancements and best practices.
Skilled Technicians: Our Asset Tracking System Installers bring a wealth of experience to ensure seamless installation and minimal disruption to your daily operations.
Dedicated Support: From training staff to troubleshooting issues, we offer ongoing assistance to keep your system running smoothly.
Proven Track Record: We’re proud to have successfully implemented RFID solutions across diverse industries, making us a dependable partner you can trust.
Searching for an Asset Tracking Installer near me doesn’t have to be a chore. By working with Orbital Installs, you’ll receive the local advantage paired with global-quality expertise.
10. Conclusion and Next Steps
In a rapidly evolving marketplace, leveraging the power of rfid asset tracking can be a transformative step toward operational excellence. By replacing manual methods or limited barcode systems with a more advanced asset tracking system, companies can benefit from real-time data, increased accuracy, and streamlined workflows that drive sustainable growth.
However, to truly capture RFID’s potential, professional Asset Tracking Systems Installation is non-negotiable. Partnering with experienced Asset Tracking System Installers ensures that every aspect of your deployment—from strategic planning to ongoing maintenance—aligns with your specific business objectives.
If you’re looking to harness the full capabilities of RFID and boost your bottom line, collaborating with an Asset Tracking Installer near me is the ideal route. Orbital Installs offers in-depth expertise, a proven implementation process, and robust post-launch support. By entrusting your asset management needs to a dedicated local team, you’ll be well on your way to eliminating resource inefficiencies, reducing losses, and positioning your organization for long-term success.
Ready to make the leap? Explore the unmatched advantages of RFID asset tracking with Orbital Installs, and discover how our holistic approach can revolutionise the way you manage your valuable resources. Contact us today to discuss your requirements, and take the first step toward a modernised, data-driven operation.
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theantiinfluencer · 2 months ago
Overrated Men's Style Items
There are certain items that and styles that are universally loved in the Men's Fashion world. Although the different personalities disagree on some points, there are certain things they seem to all agree on. For the record, the items I am about to list, I have no real issue with them, however, I believe the claims of being essential, versatile, and classic are overstated.
This comes from personal experience. When I had no idea how to dress, these were an upgrade to what I was current doing. However, when I started to develop a more keen eye for Men's Style, I realized they are not were not all they were cracked up to be. Again, I want to be clear that there is nothing wrong with these items but under some scrutiny they may not be the best choice.
White Leather Sneakers
There are only a few influencers that I have found, that do not rave about the versatility of these shoes. Even when you go on forums, they are of revered with the promise of being the perfect in-between for formal and casual wear. They would probably be in the national flag for smart casual.
I get it, dress shoes can be uncomfortable, especially if you are not spending $400 and they can look like dad shoes. However, the right pair of Derbies, Chelsea Boots, Chukka Boots, Combat boots, brogues, or dress boats can be just as comfortable as a sneaker due to the rubber soles. If you are wear more formal or business wear, you are better of matching them with these shoes even if you wearing more casual pants. There is a level of elegance that even the most crisp white sneakers cannot match and they will more likely stand the test of time from a style and maintenance stand point. In other words, try keeping these things white!
I have a pair of derbies from Officine Creative and I swear they are the most comfortable shoes I ever worn. Retail is about $800 CAD but I bought them in "Like New" used condition for $125 CAD.
If you are buying your first few pairs of smart shoes, I would hold off on the white sneakers and get black or dark brown derbies. It is difficult to think of an outfit that they would be out of place in beside ultra casual or ultra formal environments.
Light Brown Leather Shoes
Staying with footwear, light brown leather shoes are very commonly worn with darker outfits nowadays. This is particularly bad when you wear a dark suit in a formal environment (formal work function, fundraising event, wedding). There seems to be a fascination with brown shoes in the Men's Style Meta and distain towards Black shoes. People claim that you look like a waiter or security guard. Even if it did, I don't see anything wrong with looking like a stylish one.
I like black shoes because I wear black pants. Black is good color for me. Even when I am not wearing other black items, I like them because my hair is the same color and it adds some uniformity to my look. That is just personal taste, which is my point. Look at what works for you. If you are deciding between dark brown or black shoes, try them on and trust your eye. Don't avoid black shoes because someone told you too.
If you insist on being against black shoes, get dark brown. Brown shoes are nice, but the shades are not all made equal when it comes to elegance and versatility.
Chino Pants
This is going to be a controversial one. In my 20s, I loved Chino pants. I felt they were the perfect in-between. They were an absolute staple in my wardrobe and I wore them the most by far. However, over the years, I started to see some issues.
They color fades within 2-3 years. Even expensive ones.
They always looked a bit off with tailored jackets unless they were very casual. Another knock on their versatility.
When worn with only a collared shirt, you run the risk of looking like typically low to medium level office guy. Not a bad thing if that is what you are going for.
It has tricked people into thinking they can wear yoga pants to work.
Don't get me wrong, I like chino pants. I still have a pair for casual outfits. However, I do not believe they are the holy grail of business casual or smart casual pants. Wool Dress Pants are better in almost every way. To be credit of the current Men's Style Meta, it seems like people are starting to learn this. Avoid pants with a lot of synthetic material. Ideally, you would get 100% wool pants and they will last you 10 years plus. Bonus tip, do not use suit separates outside of wearing a suit. There is a difference.
Slim Fitted Outerwear
Another controversial one. As I age, I realize that slim outerwear is not always practical or comfortable. Are you trying to get that "badass" "cool guy" look with a slim leather jacket? Honestly, it is hard to pull off without looking like you are trying to hard.
I live in Canada and it is hard for me to justify outwear that cannot be layered. The sweat spot is finding a fit that looks good without layering and with. Clothing can be contoured despite using a lot of material. In other words, getting something that fit comfortably does not mean it won't have a slimming affect.
I hear people say outrageous things like wear a size smaller for your jackets. Do not do that! A fat guy trying to fit into a slim jacket is always worse than a fat guy who owns it and wears something is fits and is comfortable. Ask the ladies, don't take my word for it.
"Controversy creates cash." - Eric Bishoff
I am not saying this just to be controversial, despite the quote but I am realizing as I write this that people will disagree with me.
I love Uniqlo. I buy their socks, underwear, and t-shirts on a regular basis. However, in my experience, anything beyond that is not better than any other fast fashion brand. There seems to be a lot of love for them in the Men's Style Meta, however, I would not mistaken them for anything more than slightly better H&M and Zara.
I do not have an issue with Uniqlo. My issue is pretending it is more than it is. In my experience, their outerwear, pants, shirts, etc. are all disposable. You are much better off buying quality stuff secondhand.
Wil there be instances where you find something that stands the test of time at Uniqlo? Absolutely, you can find that at any store from time to time. However, I wouldn't count on it.
To be fair, their are only a few influencers that really push beards but they happen to be the loudest and most popular ones. I have a beard, I think beards look great on most men. But, they are not essential.
It was not that long ago that being clean shaven was the standard and leaving the house with a couple days of scruff was considered "unkempt."
Nowadays, I am seeing a lot of young men use Rogaine on their face to grew beards in the name of sex appeal. It particularly concerns me when the men are still teenagers or in their early 20s. Your body hasn't fully developed yet. It is easy for me to say because I can grow a beard but something about it just feels wrong.
Personally, my hair is thinning and I have avoiding these products for the time being. The reason is, with my personality, I can always find something wrong with my body or face. If I open the door to these products I don't know where it will end for me. Likely thousands of dollars later with varying results.
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jobsthe24 · 2 months ago
Entry-level jobs near me in Delhi NCR
Delhi NCR is one of the most vibrant regions in India. The region offers a huge variety of job opportunities in almost all sectors. It doesn't matter whether you are a fresh graduate or someone who wants to switch to a new career; this region offers numerous entry-level positions that will help you begin your career journey. Companies in the IT, marketing, retail, customer service, sales, and many more are always on the lookout for fresh talent. If you are based in Delhi NCR and looking for your first job or a career change, entry-level jobs are an excellent starting point.
Why Delhi NCR is Ideal for Entry-Level Jobs
Delhi NCR is a metropolis which houses cities such as Noida, Gurgaon, and Faridabad. It is inhabited by several multinational companies, startups, and varied industries. The escalating footprints of tech firms, BPOs, financial institutions, and manufacturing plants make the job market rather wide for people with all skill sets. The region still remains one of the finest destinations for job seekers who can find offers that are rewarding.
Looking to jump on board to any first job or experience an area of work, it is the place to get to. Delhi NCR offers various roles across several industries and provides a good salary and the opportunity for developing essential skills. Various types of entry-level jobs in Delhi NCR can be found:
Customer Service Representatives Customer servicing is a booming industry for Delhi NCR, since e-commerce, retail as well as telecom businesses expand. Call center agents and customer support executives, customers relationship officers are the much in demand entry-level employees. Such positions are particularly suited to those who hold strong communication skills and are committed to customer servicing. Fresh graduates are always in demand because companies of all sectors need new minds to handle their customer relations teams.
Sales and Marketing Executives Sales and marketing roles are in plenty in Delhi NCR. In case you have a passion for communication, persuasion, and a curiosity to understand how businesses generate revenue, then this is the best area to start your career. Companies are always recruiting entry-level sales representatives, marketing assistants, and digital marketing coordinators. Sales roles tend to have good growth prospects as you master the skills and can be assigned with more challenging tasks.
Content Writing and Social Media Management With the rise of digital media, content creation and social media management have become an essential part of most businesses. Entry-level positions like content writers, social media assistants, or digital content creators are widely available in Delhi NCR. These roles are a great fit for those who have a passion for writing, blogging, and managing social media platforms. Most startups and marketing agencies would be keen on fresh talent in these fields.
Human Resource assistants Another domain that has a lot of entry-level employment potential is human resources. An assistant in the human resources department would get exposure into recruitment, employee engagement, payroll management, and some other key functions of human resources. HR jobs in Delhi NCR are ideal for organized people who have a flair for communication and also love working with people.
Data Entry and Administrative Support Data entry and administrative support jobs are ideal for people looking to gain office experience without a lot of prior technical skills. Entry-level roles in this category include data entry operators, office assistants, and administrative coordinators. These positions allow you to develop your organizational and computer skills while working in an office environment.
IT Support and Technical Jobs If you have an IT background or are interested in the tech industry, common entry-level IT jobs in Delhi NCR include technical support representatives, system administrators, and junior developers. Most of the global tech giants and startups are actively recruiting freshers to fill these positions and train them in specialized technologies.
Job Providers in Delhi NCR: The 24
For job seekers in Delhi NCR, one company that stands out is The 24. This recruitment and staffing company specializes in connecting candidates with employers for a wide range of entry-level and mid-level positions. Whether you're looking for a role in customer service, sales, marketing, IT, or HR, The 24 can help you find the right job opportunities.
The 24 focuses on making the job search process easier and offers individualized support to candidates. Their expert team guides the job seekers and provides resume building tips as well as interview preparation in order to make them outstanding in the competitive market. Furthermore, The 24 works with hundreds of companies in Delhi NCR to give job listings and recruitment services that ensure an easy hiring process.
One of the advantages of working with The 24 is that they have good connections with the top employers in the region. The company provides candidates with various resources and tools to ensure they are prepared for their job search journey. Be it a full-time position, part-time, or internships, The 24 can help navigate through the available options and connect with suitable employers.
Getting Started with Entry-Level Jobs in Delhi NCR
If you are serious about getting an entry-level job in Delhi NCR, this is what you should do to improve your chances:
Rebuild Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Applying for jobs requires a well-structured resume. Make sure your resume is updated on education, skills, and internships, as well as any volunteer work. Finally, create or update your LinkedIn profile, because most employers use LinkedIn to scout for potential candidates.
Job Portals and Recruitment Agencies We can also look for jobs on websites such as Naukri, Indeed, and LinkedIn. Besides this, we can sign up with recruitment agencies such as The 24 for specific job recommendations according to our qualifications and interests.
Preparation for Interviews We should be ready to prove our eagerness and interest in learning. Though the requirement of experience is not a priority for entry-level positions, they look for someone who can work positively, is adaptive, and is motivated towards their goal.
Networking Networking plays a crucial role in job hunting. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and engage in online forums to meet people who can refer you to job opportunities.
Delhi NCR is an excellent region for those starting their careers because it offers many entry-level job opportunities across various sectors. The right job for you, as per your skills and aspirations, can be found through recruitment agencies like The 24. Updating your resume, utilizing job portals, and networking properly will help increase the chances of getting the first job in this vibrant and fast-paced region.
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kisuthirt33n · 2 months ago
Just gonna get comfortable sliding back into the dusty blog I left for a while...
It seems like ages since I've been on this blog!
So I'm dirty 30 as of June 13, 2024 for everyone that has been waiting for my return. I did remain single, with several paramours that woo'd me as a friend until the sexual tension kicked in, my paranoia of my business being shared with others, and me not feeling like I have a friend in the world. I did attempt to date a guy though.
I called it on the three months mark lol
The past situationship came back.
Lost a guy friend who turned ugly in personality towards me when I didn't meet his expectations of me.
I'm partially horny with eye candy and my fantasies more than worrying about a relationship since most guys give the impression of being superficial.
With my mention on the eye candy, I don't mind looking but in general I am down for another round of years to wait for the real one. I did think about polyamory for a couple of months; still not something I would consider even though I have poked at the idea.
Even a blast from the past of a guy from high school getting one over on me by loaning him money he would pay back.
Dude that kept pulling heart strings to get money by stating he was trying to go to rehab for being an alcoholic, yet party hardying without any thought that you want someone to scratch your back and you send half nudes like that compensating becoming a friend. No thanks. You look great, but no.
Most of this year I stayed home and occasionally streamed when the energy was blossoming. Even then it felt better to be home, away from energy draining situations or just my mood getting the best of me due to the environment I chose to be in.
Through it all, I'm currently part-time/full-time employed at a warehouse doing retail production, single, working towards two new goals, and sticking this one out alone. So you can imagine my libido is shot, plus cutting out every single sexually pointless distraction. Ghosting is just not my thing.
Communication was dead on every end. So now that I'm tired of talking to people - moving forward is much easier with a smaller circle.
I've downloaded a few books on Amazon Kindle (mobile) so that I can regroup with my old story flings filled with adventure, and witty dialogue with heroic underdog tones, and replace the films/shows I've been watching.
So throughout this year, I started my small steps into stoicism by being consistent with 'The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and The Art of Living' Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman.
Today (19.Dec.2024) is Human Scale
"Think of the whole universe of matter and how small your share. Think about the expanse of time and how brief -- almost momentary -- the part marked for you. Think of the workings of fate and how infinitesimal your role" --Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 5.24
Even embracing my birth natal chart's horoscope message.
Don't let anyone come between you and your friends.
"Today your entire perception of reality is colored by your mood. You trivialize your emotions, let the nagging little voice in your head control you, and don't have the energy to suppress it. Describe as accurately as you can what a person has just said to you. Check to see if you are correct. You already know how to express yourself, and that's a start.
It can be hard to decenter yourself when you need attention. You're not a bad person for giving yourself attention. Practice being more creative so that you can shape your own future.
Your main challenge right now is to protect your heightened empathy by being intentional about the emotions you choose to prioritize. Loneliness is sometimes the result of an inability to communicate how you really feel. You can't be seen by another if you don't make your true self visible.
---source: Co-Star mobile app // Available on Google Play and Apple Store//---
To conclude this happy reunion ~ I have finally found the career path I wish to take in order to finally reach my financial peak. So I hope to journal more of my journey breaking into Technology and Engineering with more confidence than in the past.
Which path will I take? Stay tuned for the next update.
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pop-pop-pop-popculture · 2 months ago
Gotta Vent...
The new manager has a wonderful personality and is very much a people-person. When it comes to skills, however, there are a few things she lacks and drives me crazy. It's ridiculous, actually. A stylist and I were talking about her a few days ago, and she called her "lazy", and, to be honest, ... I agree. It's frustrating! Two things my manager never bothers to prioritize are hiring and shipment. The back room is a mess and there's boxes everywhere! It doesn't matter how hard I try to clean the back room and clear out the boxes, it still feels messy. My former manager was always on top of processing shipment. She heavily lacks organization skills. As for hiring, she didn't bother to hire anyone to work during the holidays come time November 1st. One of our new keyholders who just started last month quit on the spot yesterday (she had a valid reason, though). We are severely understaffed. As of now, there is a manager, assistant manager, one keyholder, and two stylists (one of them was a keyholder in the summer and she came back from college to help during the holidays, so if you exclude her, then it’s one stylist). A minor priority is completing tasks on a website that employees use, but my manager rarely does any of them, so it most always falls on me to complete them. I know I'm the assistant and all, but... for God's sake, woman...! I know I say this almost every time, but I really don't know how much of this shit I can take, especially after now seeing how lazy my new manager is. Great personality, but not that strong of a work ethic. I just need to stop trying and caring. At this point, my mindset is, 'Well, if my manager doesn't give a fuck, then I don't give a fuck.'
I do not belong in the retail environment. I belong in corporate fashion, whether it be an agency or a company that has a portfolio of brands (an example of this is URBN), but nobody wants to give me a chance. And so, because of that, it feels like the only field of fashion I belong in is retail because that, apparently, I guess, is all I really know how to do. But I'm better than that! I know I am! And I would absolutely give my 100% if I was working under my dream job title at a company I genuinely cared about and had respect for. I have no respect for this current company and I have zero fucks left.
❄️ December 19, 2024 ❄️
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ibringyouasong89 · 2 years ago
My friend and co-worker (we work in retail together) was directly impacted by this. Her boyfriend works for UPS and was almost out of a job before the negotiations were finally agreed upon. My poor friend was riddled with anxiety and highly stressed out because they depend more upon his income to pay rent, bills, and help buy food for them. She had been trying to convince him to look into working for DoorDash, as a driver, while the strike was going on (had the contract’s deadline not been met and Teamster and UPS not come to any agreements). She obviously was not going to tell him to cross the line and work while hundreds of thousands of people - including his friends and co-workers - were all out, still on strike, over things like air conditioning units for the trucks, better pay, better work environment, and more work-life balance needs being met.
I sat and watched, read and highlighted, and prayed with her about the outcome of these meetings between the UPS and Teamster's unions. I talked her down when the stress was mounting as the deadline’s date got closer and closer. When the news came out that the negotiations had gone well and the contract renewed, I found out before her, and texted her the good news. She was in disbelief and basically googled to see if it was true (which it obviously was/is) and then proceeded to hug me, when she’s not a touchy-feely person (like me), out of sheer relief and exhaustion. Like, she doesn't even do high-fives, even when she's happy (it's cool, I respect that).
Yes, they are obviously, and incredibly, NECESSARY for the workers…but they are also incredibly necessary for the FAMILIES of those workers too. It’s 2023 and we are still having to fight the fights so that blue/brown-collar workers deserve fair treatment and pay…but we also, as a nation, DESERVE to have unions of every kind so that ALL WORKERS, of whatever-colored-collar-they-wear, get the same equal pay, rights, benefits, environmental and technological upgrades, AND PROTECTIONS that is afforded to police, EMTs, teachers (or soon-to-be-one's like me), postal service workers, mechanics, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc.... If not for those professions, unions would be non-existent, and once upon a time, it was UNIONS that brought forth such a change to Americans and working life, it became a song decades later. "Working For the WEEKEND," by Loverboy. Look it up; it's a good, catchy song from the 81'. That’s how remarkable and life-changing unions can be.
This has literally been the “Summer of Strikes” and, in all honesty, I hope to see more because it’s time for this nation of hardworking people (no matter the shape and color of the collar; class, gender, non-gender, sexual or religious identity, or ethnicity) to get what they deserve! It’s time to organize and unionize! PSA: Also, start looking into CREDIT UNIONS...which are better, and safer, than banks!
#Everything is better when it's part of a union or unionized #Because it's FOR the people #BY the people #OF the people
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UPS has reached an agreement with the Teamsters union to equip its iconic brown delivery trucks with air conditioning for the first time for new units.
The agreement, announced by UPS on Tuesday, comes as the delivery giant and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters negotiate the terms of a new contract for more than 330,000 U.S. employees. (source)
Unions work, unionize.
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meals-on-wheels-tales · 3 months ago
Love, Loss, and Lobster: A Widow’s Journey of Love and Lobster on Wheels
A widowed single mother raising three children, Nicki Birarelli found a new purpose in life after the loss of her husband. That loss became the inspiration behind "Joes On A Roll," her food truck and brick-and-mortar restaurant. But for Nicki, it was more than just entering the service industry—it was a way to honor her husband's memory. She shares her journey through the food truck business, attributing much of her success to the love and support of her late husband.
Birarelli’s family was always in the commercial fishing business. Her late husband, Joe Birarelli was a commercial fisherman who owned fishing vessels “Shooting Star” and “Hat Trick,” working alongside their two sons. Being in the commercial fishing business, specifically lobster fishing, had a great impact on the upbringing of “Joe’s On A Roll.”
Nicki and Joe shared a co-ownership to a fish market, and own a fleet of lobster boats, consisting of seven currently. The advantages of having self-sustained products makes the business more appealing to customers.
Nine years ago, in 2015 there were not many restaurants that sold lobster rolls, thus sparking the interest to create one of her own in memory of Joe. Nicki bought a truck off of a friend from hers, got her certifications, and went through the permitting process. At the time the menu consisted of very few items: lobster rolls, clam chowder, lobster bisque, and hot dogs.
In 2017, just two years after launching the food truck, Nicki expanded her business by opening a brick-and-mortar location. This new chapter allowed her to foster a warm, welcoming environment and connect with her customers on a daily basis. The expansion also included plans for a fresh fish market, reflecting her deep passion for bringing people joy through fresh, locally sourced food.
Through challenges and growth Nikki's story is a testament to the power of resilience, family, and the great pleasure of a surrounding community
Q&A Interview with Nicki Birarelli
Could you tell me about your background in the food truck industry? What led you to starting a food truck and your own stationery business?
I started a food truck, nine years ago. It was a year after my husband passed, so we were always in the commercial fishing business, so I always said I did it in memory of him, because his favorite thing was, he was a lobsterman. His favorite thing was a lobster roll, and we just didn't have anything around here that sold lobster rolls and clam chowder. I purchased the trailer from a friend of mine who had one. She wanted to sell it, so I purchased it from her, and I did it over. I had to go through the board of health department, and I had to get my Surf Safe certification and food allergy certification, so I went through all that permitting process, got a hawker's pedalist from the city of Beverly, and that's how we started. We had started with just the trailer, and we sold lobster rolls, clam chowder, corn chowder, lobster bisque and hot dogs. And then I was looking for a brick and mortar, and that's how I found this place and opened up a brick and mortar and. And still run the food truck along with the brick and mortar. I started in 2015 with the food truck and then opened up the takeout in 2017.
Being in the food industry, were you always surrounded by that?
Yeah, we have been. I had been in the fish market business years ago, my husband and I. We had owned a fish market for a long time, but always have been around commercial fishing, and I was always in the fishing industry and, you know, and always worked retail. Then, I taught my boys how to run the commercial fishing boats. We have seven boats in our fleet now. Food is always an important part of our lives, you know, and with any family. With any big family, the food's the most important part.
What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting the food truck from concept to the launch?
Being a widowed mother of three and trying to, you know, juggle them, being they were still school age and then just being a, you know, a woman on your own and starting a business. I think that was probably my biggest challenge and still grieving the death of my husband.
How did you go about creating a brand for your food truck? What was the process of naming and developing?
It was named after my late husband Joe. My cousin Deb, who still works with me now, was the one that came up with the logo.
What specific steps did you take to market your food truck?
Facebook was a big one. I had a Facebook page, the local papers, would come out and do an interview. That was some good advertisement for us. Being parked down on Water street in the traffic, people tell their friends. There's more word of mouth than anything, and I still have customers that will come twice a week to get a lobster roll. We go by the kiss method, keep it simple, stupid. Keeping things simple and easy, and people can take it away and enjoy. The customer base that we have, I mean, I can’t say enough about the city of Beverly and the North Shore, because we have such a faithful following. Our menu has grown, so we keep trying. I’m going to open up a fresh fish market here at takeout, so it’ll give us the ability to open up all year round. Corey Stein productions came in and he did a little video. He followed my boys out on the ocean one day and saw the steps that it takes to get to the end product when we serve it out the window.
What events do you attend and how do you pick which events?
Well, we do have a minimum with the food truck, so if we're going to bring the truck out, I have to know that we're going to sell at least 50 lobster rolls off the truck just because of staffing and the price, lobster rolls are so expensive. We did a jazz concert at MisselWood. We’ve done the classic car show that they’ve done there as well. More private, corporate events, but we do a lot of public events. In most of those public events, when we do the block parties and the art festivals, we will sell 150 lobster rolls off our truck at those events.
What kind of sourcing and planning was involved with pricing and sourcing your menu items?
Everything mostly comes off our own boats. We have to go by what the market price is, so that fluctuates. That can be weekly, especially when it comes to the fish and the shellfish, that fluctuates more than lobster. I can keep my prices low because everything comes off our own boat. We have that advantage.
Was there a specific moment you realized that your idea of a food truck was no longer a concept, but something that could really take off?
I would say during the Covid pandemic. I always think about, thank god we had takeout, and we had the food truck, everything. You couldn’t go inside restaurants, you had to have outdoor events. The food truck business was huge during Covid because people were outside and you could just walk up and get your food. I think that people just enjoy being outside more now.
What advice would you give someone who has the food truck business idea in their head but isn’t sure where to start or how to bring it to life?
I would tell you to go for it as a woman to woman. What do you get to lose, right? Having the support from your family, knowing that they can support you emotionally and possibly financially. If you have a passion for something, if you love something, how do you know that no one else loves it? You’ll never know unless you try. If you love it, you try to explain to someone that food just makes everyone happy, doesn’t it? If you look at food in a sense of just ringing people together, you socialize, you talk about it, you love it. No one can take those feelings away from you.
What is your favorite part of the job?
Customers. I always loved working with the public. I love getting to know my customers. If you get to know your customers, they love coming back. That's why I have customers come two to three times a week. Mostly my family works for me, so that's a fun part. We have a lot of laughs, and if you get a passion for something, I never complain about coming into work. I always look up and I always say that Joe’s the one that brings all of the light.
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cindyclaireb · 4 months ago
Company Insights — Week 9-10
From our first visit to Premium Bikes, I gained valuable insights into the dynamics of working in a retail environment. During our interview with Nel Jun Camaro, the assistant marketing manager, we explored the background of Premium Bikes, the challenges, and rewards of his role within the company. Nel shared that while the work can sometimes be stressful, it still is manageable due to the structured nature of his responsibilities and the routine of it all. As a marketing assistant mainly selling motorcycles, his main goal is to meet the sales quota, which provides him a sense of relief and accomplishment when achieved. This made me realize the importance of clear objectives in reducing workplace stress, as having a role where success is measurable and achievable can bring a sense of satisfaction and stability among employees.
Our visit to Roselai’s Collections gave me a better understanding of the retail clothing industry. I learned that their clothes come from imported bales, which seems to give them an edge over other stores in the area. Their strategy of displaying their best pieces at the front of the store worked well to catch our attention. During our interview, Iris, the supervisor, shared that the owner’s love for fashion inspired her to start the business. It was interesting to see how someone could turn a personal interest into a successful venture. Iris also mentioned the owner’s growing interest in makeup and facial aesthetics, which could lead to another business in the future, showing how passions can open doors to different opportunities.
Speaking of turning a passion into something profitable, I was fascinated by Willow Cafe’s Taylor Swift-inspired concept. It’s clear that a lot of thought and love went into creating this space. With its cozy ambiance, photo-worthy spots, Taylor Swift merchandise, and a good selection of food and drinks, it’s easy to see why it appeals to fans. During our interview, barista and manager Jay-R Edurot shared that while the cafe had a strong start, they’ve faced challenges with sales. Limited parking and issues with signage make it harder for people to find them. It reminded me of their opening week when the cafe was trending on social media and drew a lot of customers because of its unique theme. This made me realize how important it is for businesses to adapt and improve, using strategies like better marketing or updates to keep customers coming back.
Honyun Computer Store stood out to us for its warm and lively atmosphere. The staff were welcoming and seemed to enjoy working together, almost like a close group of friends. It made me think about how a positive work environment can boost morale and make daily operations smoother. The store’s appearance also caught my attention, it looked new and polished but still felt a bit underutilized in some areas. Manager Shiela Mae Palle then explained that this branch in Cagayan de Oro is only four months old, which explains its fresh look and room for growth. Despite being new, I think this store shows great potential, especially with its plans to expand to more branches. This highlights how even small beginnings can lead to bigger opportunities with the right strategies and a strong team.
Lastly, a Desmark branch caught our attention because the name was familiar to us, and we were curious to learn more. When we stepped inside, we noticed that this branch exclusively sold Honda motorcycles and offered motorcycle-related services, which confused us at first since Desmark is also known for selling home appliances. This made me realize that not all branches offer the same products and that businesses often tailor their offerings to suit specific markets or locations. During our interview, receptionist Keinryll Ibal shared his journey as an employee. When he first started, he struggled with interacting with customers and found it difficult to adjust. Hearing his story reminded me that learning and growth take time. It’s okay to start off uncertain, to observe others, and to improve step by step until it all comes naturally. It showed me that personal growth is just as important as a company’s success.
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