#wont be lore or personality accurate
wheredreamsareforged · 9 months
Casually making playlists for songs that remind me of characters,,,,
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I need to see the tma oc and I need to see the distortion door
Cough it up cmon (only if u want to)
why yes you can >:3
(i’ll tag you in the distortion door post)
(cw/tw for parent deaths, suicide & attempts crisis hot lines, mental institutions) wont get too in detail about it
i’ll try to keep her lore fairly brief but dont worry i do plan on posting more about her (possibly write a statement about her? who knows)
her name is Molly Tindell and she is and avatar of The End with some eye coding. To sum her up in a sentence: she is a crisis hotline responder who is… very bad at her job…
After her parents died when she was younger she went to live with a devoutly religious older woman. She also becomes super religious, mainly as means of coping with the deaths of her parents.
Eventually in her collage-ish years she volunteers for a crisis hot line (i've never volunteered for a crisis hot line so i cant say I know exactly how everything works.) Its her first day and she gets called by someone she screwed over/broke up with idk, and as you could image they arnt the happiest with who responded, and well yk, kills themselves with her on the line.
this doesn't have the effect on her that you would assume (would never go back again, survivors guilt etc) NO she instead decides that it is her life's work to “help others” she ends up returning over and over to help her mission.
(i dont really how to make it clearly tma based but my ideas are:
she knows who to lull to death when she sees/senses a black fog on the other side
either that or the black vines)
she feeds the End, the End feeds her, until she begins to grow jealous of the ones shes “helped return to their God” that she too desires to be united with it.
after multiple failed suicide attempts she is admitted to a mental hospital where people cant look over her for an extended period of time because the ones that do, end up committing.
eventually she is allowed to give a statement to the magnus institute
-pretty much sweet talking people into dying
-being able to See the person shes on the line with (she can see the dark mist around them)
-invincibility; she cant die until The End deems her finished
-pretty much making everyone around her want to die ._.
i cant draw so here are some picrews i made of before and after avatar hood
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not the most accurate envisioning i have of her but its a start
thanks for asking @oxthemoron ! i think shes pretty neat, if a bit dark
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citrusotakutea · 5 months
This is a different anon, but i want to continue on the points you've said about Alucard, the new fandoms interpretation of him, and hellsing and correcting some stuff. First of all thank you for actually giving good points on why youre not fond of the recent fans of the fandom, and i agree with most of the points you make. New Alucard fans are so weird because they will objectify him and miss his entire character completely and or water it down,,and for the "Vladdy big bara tiddies mm" people, whats up with that mandela effect? He was shown shirtless and he was hairless in both anime and manga, you guys should try actually watching the anime next time. Not sure where to start on the Alucard x integra part because of how jarringly popular it is, but "almost just as bad as aluseras" isn't accurate to me because atleast Aluseras is legal, Alucard and integra aren't (they met when she was 12, seras was 19). I personally dislike both, but the hate is more personal towards Alucard x integra because the only people who ship it are the people who heavily mischaractarize the both of them, and Alucard mischaractarization kills me, i can't care less about integra (sorry op) but even i out of all people know it's bad for her. The entire organization exists because they hate each other, yes, Alucard may not directly hate integra, but her grandfather is abraham for fucks sake. Why in the world would integra betray both her grandfather and father just to date the "monster" that they spent all their lives trying to defeat. The literal Dracula x any Hellsing member will never work, Alucard only works for the organization out of respect for abraham after he (a human) managed to defeat him, and his job is to serve the family and any master who comes after, which right now is integra. There is no romantic chemistry at all, it's his job. (Sorry for the ramble op, theres just too many reasons why this ship sucks ass) i think the abridged ruined a generation by forcing it on everyone. For your second point, Alucard and seras weren't canonically said to have a father/daughter relationship by the author, but some writers who worked on Ultimate, and even so they said they were unsure (correct me if im wrong pls!), but seras has pip anyways so it obviously won't be anything more. I personally only like Alumina because its the most canon with Alucard, althought it's left very vague so we don't fully know, kouta hirano has stated that Alucards story is more accurate on Draculas part rather than Vlads, which means he most probably loves mina. "He was in his girl form the entire time in WW2" it wasn't actually the entire time, in a short backstory shot, there was Alucard (with his normal red coat shown, no hat or glasses tho) shown next to young walter (same as the dawns), he turned into a girl to prove a point to walter after they arrived in the melliunium base (walter asking "wheres your form" to Alucard, indicating that it may be a first time thing") but the dawn is unfinished so we wont know if he changes between forms, but he was still shown in his male form in 1944. For people who read the last post, the bonus book op is reffering about is the official hellsing guide book (im guessing since you mentioned it has no translation, i recently got a hold of it and im currently working on a translation myself) And yes KH was a hentai artist, the original Hellsing oneshot (Legends of the vampire hunter) was actually a hentai too, easier to find translated than most of his older work. And for that last part, you're real for that i support you op (again sorry for all the rambling and thank you so much if you read!!)
I won't stand for the Sir Integra slander here but thank you for correcting me on the Hellsing lore anon!
And yes, I was talking about the guide book. Obviously anon, but getting a translation of that would be amazing, there's so much content we're missing out on from that ;-;
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finally a CUTE drawing of that gremlin.
but ive decided with the urging of my beta reader to also include the terrible and disturbing one that i ORIGINALLY tried to make that's...*well its lore accurate.* it's lore accurate. Edit: i should note this is lore accurate TO MY FANFICTION I have been informed that in fact, saying 'lore accurate' here makes it sound like this is just what Cannon Eichi is like, I assure you, cannonical Eichi does not have glowing eyes or giant teeth and is a much better adjusted human being than whatever this thing is- please dear non enstars fans, don't be scared he wont bite you! (i mean he might do other things he's still a terribly behaved person but biting isint his usual method of harming others) edit over but heres the cute one. I'm putting the creepy one (and a sketch of the cute one) under the cut so you don'thave to see it if you don't like things like blood or creepy teeth and stuff! basically a gremlin.
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and heres the little gremlin that I forgot I drew and jumpscared me while I was just trying to open krita. enjoy????? if you want to?
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What a smile...!
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kadextra · 1 year
Never thought I’d say this in a million years, but I miss the binary code entity.
It doesn’t really have a personality as a character, its 0s and 1s with a mission, so maybe it’d be more accurate to say I miss what they represent? like in terms of lore and the effect on the characters/audience
Why does it hate the Federation so much? Why do they want the residents to leave the island? there's still so many questions unanswered, that I want answers for!
And that feeling of those streams where we’d be on the edge of our seats, not knowing if any second it could appear with an attack and shift the mood entirely- I hated it, they were anxiety-inducing, but god were they so cool. That feeling of dread that sets in all of us when the sky changes or it starts raining. How we watch as the characters instantly mobilize from wherever they are in the island, to come together and protect the eggs as it attacks… literally nothing can top that. it’s epic.
I still think about that moment after the eggs' graduation, our horrified realization when it silently came into view hung on the side of q!Quackity’s house before attacking... cinematic. That's still one of its most large-scale moves till this day, so many eggs and players were online and it went crazy with spawning in the ghosts. The whole thing played out like a battle scene and was genuinely awesome
To conclude, I think the binary code entity is definitely gonna return, no doubt about it.
The Federation in their video tape saying the entity "wont harm you" is way too sus, and seems to imply they did something to it. Then there's the debate questions focusing on it, and the sky changing during debate night 2. Plus the lore message the entity left at the final page of the ARG, those unique codes which we received on that page apparently coming into use soon? q!Arin's computer being destroyed, when we know the two are connected? Not to mention q!Elquackity saying the Code's attack is "what they [the players] are most scared of, and I'm very aware of that."
Oh, it'll be back. The question is how and when.
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im glad ppl liked my ask about AA's time dialation so im gonna throw another thing out there because there are so mamy interesting aspects about this ending people ignore in favor of fandom discourse
the way astarion turns your player character is completely different than how he describes his experience being turned. i know the bride theory isnt to everyone's tatstes, and tbh i dont really subscribe to it myself, however the differences are pretty stark
like, he describes his turning as quite horrific and painful, how he had to claw his way out of his own grave, which is lore accurate for a vampire spawn. the whole digging yourself out of your geave thing is a part of the ritual to bind the spawn to its master.
while it is painful for the player, its also very pleasurable. the player has some agency in how the whole "draining you dry" thing goes ie "be gentle" or "let it hurt". theres also the small detail of you not being buried and having to dig out of your grave. you just die and wake up fine the next morning
what this means for the pc and aa's connection though is, i think, headcanon territory sense the game isnt particularly very clear about it. as astarion's spawn we can still exist in the sun, because of his speacial evil vampire powers, so what else is different? he says "i wont have to [compel] you, you'll be wonderfully obidient" but our character appears to have a higher state of autonomy than a regular spawn. could he really compel the pc if he wanted to?
now that makes me personally sad bc im into the whole compulsion thing, but for post game fanfics its a cool angle if you like the "regretful accomplice" archetype for your pc. it could make for an interesting sort of power play dynamic.
anyway im gonna stop nkw because if i dont ill talk forever
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sovaghoul · 5 months
Next Sorgae card. @ghostlylivres check your inbox too 🖤
The High Priestess is a card of intuition and unconscious knowledge, where "occult" applies and uses both the modern connotations of mysticism, and the older meaning of simply being hidden. She sits on the threshold between worlds, seeing both the physical and spiritual. She is a teacher and a queen, a guide and a leader.
For this card we chose the East Goddess, Queen of the Hurralya (one of the types of Fae in Sorgae). Her tribe of Fae are the Elder Children of the Gods, whom She sends to teach humans the Old Ways, to lead us on their path to Knowledge. As She is wont to challenge us and speak in riddles, we chose the symbol of, and renamed this card, The Sphinx.
She is identified with brooms/besoms, the Veil between worlds, and the stars.  She is the Initiator, the revealer of the Mysteries, and so Her knowledge is transformative. She is always glad to be with us. She has commented that elaborate ritual pomp, pagentry, and props are pleasing to Her.
Research into the mythological archetype of the Queen of Elphame shows that She is said to "kidnap" humans. This is pretty standard Faerie lore, but a bit of possible UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) says that these "kidnappings" are more accurately Initiations, that those taken are given knowledge of the Mystery She keeps. Often times such knowledge is so transformative that one simply cannot abide returning to one's previous life. So one travels elsewhere, by physical or astral means, to explore and Know and commune.
Many years ago, my co-Priestess wrote a song that included some applicable lyrics:
Stars on high and stars beneath
Dust among the realms of night
Cold Her song with voices still
Hidden ever from thy sight
Hidden from thy sight
Hosts of Air about Her whirl
Not of faith but knowledge She
Vault of Heaven, vault of Hell
In Her is the Mystery
She, the Mystery
And to end, a bit of poetry, from "The Stolen Child" by William Butler Yeats:
Come away, O Human child
To the waters and the wild
With a Faerie, hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand
He comes, the Human child
To the waters and the wild
With a Faerie, hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
Than he can understand
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theendofuno · 6 months
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the jester and his marionette
real infodump hours (tm)
all this text was sent on a few messages so i just did a rough translation on it, it may not be 100% accurate lore-wise bcs of that lol
i like to imagine Lass being Uno's guide on living, on how to "be" human, how to get rid of the strings from the past, he breaks Uno's strings and give him new ones
tho, Lass does not want to control Uno, he wants Uno to control himself, he wants him to create and change his own destiny, he wants Uno to be himself
Lass was a marionette his whole life, so he dedicated himself into helping getting another marionette on finally feeling human, he got rid of his own strings and he will guide Uno into doing the same, even if Uno isn't on a literal, actual circus, he's stuck in a mental circus
(i think you can assume why I choose a jester instead of any circus character for Lass amirite)
now for the clothing choices! for context these were my references: fearless clown & lifelike
i changed all the roses for forget-me-nots for obvious reasons, and i added eyes that look everywhere on his skirt as a representation to paranoia
i added tears into Uno's sleeves, and if you pay attention they're the most common places to cut yourself while self harming (i'll never be tired of talking about uno self harming but i wont get into details for today SDAUGDSGDS)
i added vines with spikes on a few clothing parts as a representating of being stuck, along with the actual strings
i changed the checker board pattern by asanoha, which is a meaning about growing stronger and without much help, and are commonly seeing in children kimono as a way to hope they grow strong and healthy, i also read it's supposed to protect you from harm and evil spirits :)
i kept all the strings white except for the neck one, who is red, and since his transformation form is all black/white except for the marking on his face and chest, neck is the mid-way between them, and is also the only string who is thigh and suffocating him, while the white ones can be easily taken off
the triangle pattern on Uno's bow is supposed to represent a few flowers petals growing
now for Lass
his clothing has a few Uno "motifs", such as the growing petals and his hat (im absolutely clueless on the actual english translation mb) has X and "loose strings" as a way to represent strings being taken off, being freed
i added his arm tattoo on his hat thingy :D it was originally stars but i thought it would look cute
(artistic fun fact hours: i shaded the blue part with red and the red part with blue)
i thought a lot about doing the clothing only blue or perhaps blue with yellow, but keeping the red seems to make him closer to Lupus, who is an important person on his life and is an important on his growth, and is someone Lass loves (even if he refuses to admit)
+ the lyrics translation (in order)
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guess thats all god bless the wilde sibilings (salute emoji)
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graceschasity · 1 year
god i just. i dont want to get too deep into it and do a full personal lore drop but i still wanna praise this and say that the line "or until another richie comes along" is bone crushingly accurate in a way most people wont understand. i feel things when i hear that line
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camp-ichor · 6 months
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"Out of sight, out of mind."
Welcome to Camp Ichor, demigods of Greece! (So sorry if this looks awful, it was made on dark mode!)
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Main Poster:
@hallowsy Hallowsy (she/her) Other Poster/s:
@tealeafsworld Taylen/Tea (they/them) Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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Camp Ichor is a personal W.I.P designed to be an alternative to Camp Halfblood and Camp Jupiter, based near Valtetsi, Arcadia. I personally (Hallowsy) am not the biggest fan of the Riordanverse. I like the concept of demigods in a camp, going on quests and fighting monsters, but I feel like the gods (and some of the characters themselves) are not as good (nor as accurate) as they could be. Therefore, I was inspired to create an alternative camp- Camp Ichor (originally named Camp Daybreak!). Obviously, this wont be perfect. This blog is not run by Greek people, nor adult historians. We'll try our best, however, to support anyone interacting with this blog.
Of course, there will be differences in the gods (and the demigods!) in this camp. Hence why we put this in Greece and not in America or Britain or elsewhere- but these differences will be explained next.
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Demigods (currently) will be mostly from Greece. You don't have to be Greek yourself if you want to make a character for this (very much allowed!), but this is to solve the problem with ambrosia that will be explained next. (If anyone thinks of any other solutions, feel free to suggest!)
Demigods of Camp Ichor can't eat ambrosia under any circumstances. This change is in order to be closer to the myths- ambrosia will turn them into gods, so it's heavily regulated and will not be used for medical reasons.
There's a team of staff, including the two main directors.
There's a visitation centre for the parents of the demigods (or any gods visiting camp, for some reason or another) to come through. Saturday and Sunday are visitation days.
There are cabins for the followers (like Artemis' hunters) for each god, but they are separate from the demigod's cabins.
There are certain gods who have children in the Riordanverse who will not here. No children of Hades, but one or two children of Persephone may be allowed. No children of Athena or Hestia, but there will be a cabin for their adopted children. Artemis wouldn't have children either, but as the (self-indulgent) creator of this new camp, children of Artemis and Callisto are allowed!
As the last point implies, the demigod's parents can be any gender. This sticks to the idea that, since the gods are gods, they don't need to have male/female pairings for children.
There are lessons (schooling) in Camp Ichor as well as team activities (e.g. sailing, orienteering, rock climbing).
Demigods under seven have access to the nursery (essentially, day care) and have the option to sleep there instead of the cabins.
Unclaimed demigods have a separate cabin so that they don't take up the cabin space of other demigods.
Monsters are (mostly) not an issue. The high mountains around the camp act as a natural defence, and not many know about the camp before being invited. Therefore, it is safe enough to have visitation and a car park.
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If you have any questions about Camp Ichor, feel free to send an ask! We don't expect many people (if any) to interact with this blog, but we will be happy to answer.
We apologise for the long post, but we may make a lore post later :) Any mythology fans are free to interact! Including fans of mythology-inspired musicals or mythology-inspired books. Just because we personally don't enjoy the series doesn't mean you cant talk to us :)
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timberfromnowhere · 9 months
What do you think helios will die from sooner in the lore:
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uzuluna · 2 years
What will the other hetalia character react meeting Piri 2p
The characters like America, Spain, Romano,Japan, England, china, Russia, Germany, Italy,and France
Disclaimer: Im not a RP account so this may not be an accurate depiction, just my headcanon or how I think they might react, will prolly have some biases or mixed with IRL relations.
- will be worried with a hint of alarmed/cautiousness , that his dark side came back(the war flag thing), because of his experiences with him during their war trying to subdue him as new colony, Alfred doesnt want to go through that again..
- meloncholy kind of nostalgia to see his former colony being dark and broody which is leagues away from his current personality. He wants to help or is curious to what happened..but after relinquishing him all those years ago he doesnt feel like he has the right to butt in anymore...but doesnt stop him from trying to be gossipy and try to get some info..
- (if by canon lore they had interactions) : will probably do a big brother “who hurt my lil bro” behaviors, and tries to be mad to who every made Piri act that way , but is actually scared shitless right now.
- (if they havent met in their childhood/no interactions) largely wants to stay away and will probably blame spain or alfred for causing  a known country to be peppy, to act all dark n shit..
- mild ptsd because world war ‘dos’ , like sense of guilt creeping in him. He tries to fight it back by asking for information from everyone, he tries to assist and also cheer him back again.. but it lowkey sounds like a business negotiation instead because he is not that good in cheering up someone that is known to be hella cheerful.
- Just like his old ways, he will probably stay away but near enough to observe the situation, act all tsundere like doesnt care but actually cares. Worried how this will affect the ASEAN group since he is one of the founders, he will take note if he needs to make some interference if it gets too bad.
- Will probably starts nagging to everyone, then tries to sell piri some sketchy ancient medicine to bring him back to his old self, maybe do some ancient rituals along with it too in an attempt to bring the cheerful kid back (for a price) (it doesnt work cuz this is 2p) 
- will try to exploit the situation to bring piri to his as a friend, and maybe lure in the other ASEAN members in to his circle too. Will use reasons like having the same special country day, or that he only him can understand this side of him and wont force him to change as long he remains loyal and stuff.
- Doesnt know what to do, they havent met..Is hesitant if he should care or not but since he is neighbors with Japan he should not just be dismissive of this, since he heard from Italy , that the ASEAN has same vibe as him. he tries to ask Italy for some advice..but voted against his advice of “lots of beautiful girls”
- will panic and be akward/scared cuz he just met them a few times, and will probably try to think back if he said anything horrible in their meeting. Is really scared if he had something to do with it, he hides and cries behind his nearest friend, will probably ask everyone whats going on.
- Will be smug as hell, wants to be the big brother type and cheers up the kid (with some sussy intentions) but largely just as a bragging point towards England that he is such a good EU member that he manages to cheery up a far away nation, So he tries to approach asean members but feels them getting all alarmed for his sudden approach
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falling-angelss · 2 months
Hi !! welcome
This is an OC posting blog. I will be posting all art, stories, and other things related to these OCs and their universe here.
if you're here, you're most likely one of my mutuals who already knows a bit about these ocs, but i'll be posting a lot more of their story and lore here. if you aren't a mutual and you're just some random user that stumbled across this blog... ur also welcome ofc!! just know im shaking im trembling im so scared im so afraid /hj
Links to each chapter (and other stuff?) will be posted below once finished.
E1, Chapter 1 - "Trip Up"
this blog and some of the writing and art posted here contains or may contain topics like SH, abuse, religious topics and religious trauma, depictions of anxiety and panic attacks, and other sensitive topics that may trigger or disturb some. there may also be moderate nudity in things like reference sheets and some art pieces, but there wont be anything sexually explicit. there shouldn't be too much dark content, but just keep it in mind. these characters stories are meant to be fairly real and human. if you aren't in the mindset for some of these things, you've now been informed. be safe :)
Owner intro
you can call me Kabuki or Kayden, i use He/Him pronouns, im 15 years old, and im terribly obsessed with my ocs and their story
my main/personal blog is @kabukicolby , you can read about me there (and see more of my other characters :D)
feel free to ask me anything, here or on my other blog :)
Blog/OC story intro
This blog is focusing on the characters Wesley Burchell and Aurelius (Ari) Stevens, and some other characters in their universe.
I'll specifically be focusing on Wesley a lot, since i want this story to be told mostly from his point of view. it should be noted that anything written in his pov can not be taken as fully accurate 100% of the time. he's an unreliable narrator, sometimes his view of things can be warped. if you ever want to ask me about any details, feel free. i may be able to clarify and add some things to help add more context from an outside perspective, unless its something i want to keep a mystery of course.
anything written/said in AMA answers and other things like that by me as the author will be in this color of text. anything by Wesley will be in blue text, anything by Ari will be in yellow text, anything by background characters will be in purple text.
i categorize different sections of specifically Wesleys life in "Eras". at the moment, Era 1, Era 2, and Era 3, starting when Wesley first moves to America. anything before that is BE1, "Before Era 1", and anything after Era 3 has been undecided yet, since im not exactly that far into the complete story yet.
I have no intention of this story ever being anything too too serious. this blog is really just for my own enjoyment and for sharing my characters backstory with my friends and mutuals.
if you have any questions you want to ask specifically to an oc instead of me as the author, feel free to do so. (its funny it makes me giggle)
below are Wesley and Ari's ref sheets (these are for E2, i will be making references for E1 and E3 sometime soon. and possibly remaking these ones eventually)
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Other stuff idk
im currently working on wes and aris toyhouse pages. once those are done, they will be linked here.
you're free to draw or make any fanworks (fanfics, etc) of these ocs, as long as you dont claim them as your own and you credit me. (and show me because omg) just dont be like a weirdo idk
i think thats about it! i will update this as needed of course. :)
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munchboxart · 2 years
I love how you draw King dedede! Also, thoughts on the Kirby TV show Kirby right back at you?
Thank you so much! Uhm this might get long so apologies for that The anime was a big part of my childhood and for my love of Kirby so I have a LOT of thoughts on it (also this includes some mild spoilers if anyone wanted to watch it)
I love it quite a lot, actually. It was one of the first mediums that helped me get really into Kirby (KRtDL/Super Star Ultra are probably the first ones to introduce me to Kirby).
I think the anime is very fun and really entertaining, but dear god I hate that it isn't game accurate. With the anime being so easy to access compared to the games (if you either don't have the money to afford one OR if you don't want to be spoiled by watching someone's playthrough/gameplay), it unfortunately is easy to think that the anime is canon, which still is a problem to this day.
For the anime content itself, I really like that they tried to build some lore about Kirby himself, and about how he and MK are a species that are destined to be Star Warriors or something, its cute! I don't mind the Cappies either, although I wont lie, it was a little odd going with "Cappy" as the population LOL. Them giving some stories with some of the generic enemies, such as with Bonkers and Knuckle Joe, was really nice. They also chose a really good voice cast for everyone in both ENG and JP, especially Dedede's. I also like the little quirk for Dedede and Escargoon in the JP where they end their sentences with "zoi" and "gesu" (I don't really know the reason for this, but I think it's a personality quirk of sorts? I could be wrong though).
Also I love Chef Nagoya so much, he's so cute, one of my most favorite characters from the anime
I do have gripes with it though. I can't help but feel Meta Knight is... really weak LOL, he's supposed to be the "last Star Warrior" and dear god he feels like just... a retired old man JDSFJHJGHH it's a little hard to be convinced that HE was the last one to survive But he is a little goofy guy, he appears and just runs away giving vague advice as if he's those "wise" people tropes. Also the fact that they didn't make him fly, when (I think) in the pilot, he does. Also just. Dedede himself. NOT THAT HE'S BAD, I quite like him a lot. It's just his characterization fucked me up so badly that I have a hard time trying not to go back to his "big asshole" type characterization.
Kirby speaking. I like that they went with him saying "Poyo", but it's been engrained so hard into my brain that I legit didn't know it was an anime only thing till recently. Although, I think that's fine, but him actually... speaking... words. Feels wrong. And this is also another issue for me, because only recently have I started to accept the "Kirby can speak" headcanon, when for so long, I've accepted that Kirby doesn't really speak since he's a "baby", because of the anime.
This is specifically with the dub. I fucking hate that they made Blade Knight incomprehensible. You have no idea how big of a relief it was to hear Blade Knight have actual speaking lines in the sub. ALSO renaming Lololo and Lalala to "Fololo" and "Falala". That fucked me up so much, it took me so long to get used to their original names
Lastly is the animation. I absolutely love the style they went with for Dedede, it's really expressive! I know that they had to use 3D with some parts to save money/move the process along, but dear god they made some part's 3D when it would have been easier to have do it with 2D. But I guess you can't do anything about that.
By the way, the anime is the reason I have a strong hatred for Kine
In conclusion, the anime is good if you want some entertainment, but it kind of ruined/mixed up a lot of people's perception on Kirby and actual canon. While how badly that has effected the community is up to the community itself, but for me as a big fan of Kirby now, it kind of messed me up a bit that I struggle with separating them still.
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cainightfics · 2 years
me reading the most complete, understanding, and thorough characterization of npd while reading ur fic: who tf is telling this guy this shit
LITERALLY HOW r u so good at portraying tyrell it seriously kills me. every five seconds im just screaming at my phone "HOW DO THEY KNOW THAT. WHO TOLD THEM"
thank you! i just try to be as accurate to canon as i can be, without sacrificing anything just to make the ship work or the slow burn go faster. i think tyrell is a bit harder to get right than elliot (we see the whole series through elliots perspective and have access to his thoughts, so hes more familiar) so im happy you think im doing something right, lol.
if you want a little bit of Cainight Lore i was diagnosed with a personality disorder about a year ago (szpd) after i was forced to attend government mandated therapy due to numerous suicide attempts lol. its kind of ironic that i love reading/writing fanfiction so much because irl i have absolutely no interest in romance. i hate therapy and am ambivalent toward psychiatry in general, so im really resistant to accepting this diagnosis, even tho i do have all of the symptoms. im not really in the business of trying to diagnose characters, but on the most basic level, i do understand the minimal diagnostic criteria for PDs just from personal experience. i think the identity issues tyrell faces definitely qualify (and ofc are literary parallels to elliots own identity issues, caused by did).
interestingly tho despite the fact that theyre pretty toxic for each other, i think their respective mental problems kind of balance each other out, in a way. theres a lot of fanworks out there that try to diminish tyrells arrogance, for example, or make elliot more outwardly affectionate, but i just dont think thats realistic. i think the characters are way more interesting with their flaws preserved. i also dont take the standard view that people with personality disorders (esp cluster b) are inherently evil or anything, which is the sentiment i think most people have. on a personal level, i actually really dont care about antisocial traits, although most people do. i wont get too much into my personal life because thats not really the point, but ive known lots of people who probably qualify for a cluster b diagnosis, and i find i often get along better with them than “regular” people.
thanks again for your nice comment, im happy youre enjoying the fic so far!
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taki118 · 4 years
Ranking the Hades & Persephones I’ve encountered in Visual Media
These are just the ones I’ve consumed over the years who have visuals to make things easier on us all. Obviously there are more.
Hercules the Legendary Journeys 
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Overall kinda meh even with this Hades giving the great line of “I begged, I pleaded, I threatened. Theres no talking with her.” When asked why he didn’t just talk to Demeter. But the pair only had two eps giving us very little to work with, while both are rather bland characterizations this Persephone is so easily swayed its kinda ridiculous. Also minus points for having them not only watch Hercules and his wifes spirit get it on but then engaging themselves after. 
Class of Titans 
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These two seemed far more interesting than the show allowed us to see sadly, while Persephone was a major recurring character Hades was in maybe 4 eps. I do like this characterization she’s very no-nonsense and has dual powers (Also a door to the underworld so she can make quick trips) but while the pair are very cute when on screen we dont get much of it. Also minus points for Hades voice it so does not fit. 
Lore Olympus 
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Now I am a big fan of this series and do really love it, however the will they wont drama is always a bit of a turn off for me. While I do really like their personalities I do feel like they are a “Nicer” version of the characters lacking a bit in the edge factor. I know thats weird to say when this Persephone has literally committed mass genocide and this Hades pulled a guys eye out but its how I feel with how often the story tries to focus on how adorable the pair are (which yes they are). I am excited to where the story goes but for now they dont get full marks.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians (Film)
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Yes yes I know they are not accurate to the books (which i really should read) but this is the only adaptation we have right now and it really upsets me whenever I happen to be reminded of them. I pretty much throw out any greek mythology adaptation where hades is a villain and this Persephone is just like weirdly thirsty its just bad and I hate it. Only reason its not 0/10 is cause the actress is really pretty and I could easily rework this into some weird like roleplay thing cause they’re bored.
GOD’s School
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So this is a very....interesting independent web series which I do think has potential as a like Ever After High knock off. So it’s only 3 eps but the pair are here in high school teenager form. When I said Lore Olympus was too nice this version is just pure sugar well not even pure sugar like a sweetener. Just very very soft. I do thinks its worth looking at even if the series is a bit rough in the writing department but it is way too high school for my tastes.
Hades Supergiant
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Ok so aside from Grade A character designs, it also gives us much more nuanced pair as they both are shown with flaws and failings, but that they are better together. Like oh my god the soft moments Hades has talking of Persephone are made all the sweeter by the fact that he is so harsh most of the time. Also love how Persephone is as much of a drama Queen as her husband. I just they are so sweet and I die. Only reason its not higher is we dont get as much time with the pair as I’d like.
Might add on to this list later.
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