#wonder if I should give some spoilers once in a while
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Is the best one going to be a long one and what ever happened to honey he was calling blue and that’s all we heard of him
Blue usually picks up on the first ring, so chances are he'll be worried haha, who knows, maybe he'll bump into him and Mel on the way?
There are (sadly) still plenty of skeletons that haven't appeared yet so it's up to debate ( ˙▿˙ ")
At this point seeing the whole crew might seem like a distant dream but I swear we're getting there *sweat*
#ask#anon#us papyrus#do you think he's the next contestant?#wonder if I should give some spoilers once in a while#or bits of info just to keep you on your toes... meh maybe that'd be too frustrating
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More thoughts and theories about our favorite Necromancer
My darlings, I have too many thoughts and my obsession is running wild. (How I missed you, hyperfocus). If you have read my last meta post about our Emmrich, here it is: First Meta Post
That is not a required read however. I am still wondering why anyone is reading my word vomit U_U
Anyway, I love reading other peoples theories, so please, send me yours. <3 And a lot of thanks and love for all you darlings who make this fandom such a beautiful and nice place. Especially to @jaal-ama-daravv - who makes the most beautiful videos, and writes such wonderful character studies.
Warning, from here on there will be spoilers as well as mentions of sex. If you don't want to read about any of that, do not read the rest.
Also pictures and way too many words. This is a ten page word document, save yourself while you can. I tend to go off on a tangent once I start writing. I am also well aware that not everyone will agree. This is just my personal read on Emmrich.
Now, after my first essay I have some more thoughts on Emmrich and Rook and specifically their intimate relationship.
Emmrich is such an interesting and baffling contradiction. On the one hand he is confident, self-assured, all manners and poise. He is smart, and he knows it. He has special gifts, and he knows it. He is confident without being proud. He likes to teach others without being arrogant. He still likes to learn about new things and is, as far as I’ve seen, never judgmental about different beliefs and ways of life. (Unless someone treats him with disdain or bully him)
He is a man who is confident speaking of his thoughts and feelings and fears. How he just casually drops his thanatophobia is just astonishing. He is honest and open-minded in the best ways.
And then there is the other side of him. The wet kitten side of him. As open and honest as he is about his emotions, when we get to the meat of it, to the scary bit, the real feely bit, he locks up completely. As long as it is surface level (or he can pretend its surface level), everything is up for discussion. But once we reach deeper and touch *love* he gets so scared and refuses to admit and commit to his feelings. And as much *death* scares him, love scares him more.
So how does that influence his intimate relationship with Rook?
According to the banter with Lace “everyone knows about it”. He was rather surprised by that.
That tells us two things:
They were trying to be sneaky or at least keep their private business private.
They failed, massively.
Add to that Laces comment about them moving rather fast (when, where? I would have loved to have seen that. Comments like that just give me the feeling that we should have had some more cutscenes after the dinner date, to show us those two besotted fools).
But back to them moving rather fast. I would guess that they both did a lot of gazing lovingly at each other, blushing, spacing out while watching their darling, stollen kisses in the hallway when they thought no one was watching, stuff like that. Just being to besotted fools.
But moving fast usually includes sex. Lots of needy, sweaty sex. The inability to keep their hands of each other.
That moves us to the question of the day – did they have sex before their coffin time?
Let’s look at what we know about Emmrich. Emmrich is no virgin. That man has experience. He had past lovers. But what he tells us at that sweet diner date – “nothing serious for years.” We know not much else besides his crush on a boy in his youth and his fling with the Orlesian Art Lady. He is not someone to kiss and tell and that is appreciated. That man has class, and we love him for it.
So - nothing SERIOUS for years. If he hadn’t had ANY relationships in the past years, he would have said so. But what he says is that he did, in fact, have UNSERIOUS relationships in the last few years.
I would read that to be somewhere along the “fwb, lovers, affairs, paramours, companions, a fling, a little romance” line. Something not purely, but mainly physically driven. Someone you like and respect, you can go out and have a good time with, have lots of amazing sex with (b/c he is a living being and has his needs). Spending time with people he liked, was sexually attracted too, but nothing as serious as love. A physical relationship. A little thrill, some fluttering, but never that deep.
Not to say that those situationships would not have been romantic. He is (buried under all that resignation) a deeply romantic man. I am pretty sure he went on nice romantic dates with his previous paramours too. That this is something he just enjoys too much. Treating a companion with some quality time, not just in, but also out of the bedroom.
But after he’d given up on his dreams, he did not have any notion of those flings being more than a “enjoy the moment”. There was never the expectation of deeper feelings, beyond friendship, attraction and/or respect. All those romantic gestures were nothing more than a little bit of “play pretend”. To give himself the illusion of true romance, just for a little time.
Take the fact that you can go a “everything you do is creepy but I still flirt with you and I want you to throw me over that tombstone” and his comment on “the attraction of the forbidden”? This is not a relationship born of mutual respect and deeper feelings but out of purely physical attraction. And he is OK with that.
I want to repeat – Emmrich is very much okay with a casual, sexual affair. He does not require love to have a relationship with someone.
And then think about that Johanna calls Rook specifically his “paramour”. Which is a lover, especially an illicit one. This word was very specifically chosen by Johanna. For various reasons, I would think.
For one, I do believe that it is a dig at his dreams of the eternal flame. It’s a dig at him, that Rook is not his love, but his paramour. A lover for a time. To be parted from soon enough. B/c that silly dream of his, as if it ever would become reality.
Second, I think it is a comment on the way his relationships often went, especially in the past years. Those unserious flings of his. Never to amount to anything substantial.
Did he try to have something serious in the past? Oh yes, for sure. But it never worked out. Then he gave up his dream and just let himself have a good time with people he found to be nice and attractive.
To pick up my point of self-sabotage from my last meta post – I’ve come to a point where I believe Emmrich is a kind of chaser. I know someone like that and it’s so fucking tragic.
Emmrich feels deeply and strongly. When he falls in love with someone it’s a lot of emotion. But at that point it’s all dream, want, wish. As soon as someone returns these feelings - those dreams, wants and wishes become reality. And reality is scary. In this wishful dream about the eternal flame, there is no fear. No fights. No loss. But that is not reality. As soon as it becomes reality, he gets scared. Before, his feelings were no threat, because you can’t lose what you don’t have. Once those feelings are returned, there is a clear possibility of losing, of being lost, of being left behind.
Emmrich is not a chaser because he enjoys the hunt. He is a chaser because being loved by someone is scary. So damn scary. So, he starts to pick fights and is looking for excuses. From being the chaser, he becomes the chased. He is hunted by his fears, and his fight or flight instincts go all flight.
After years of this cycle he gives up. Resigns himself to flings and little romances without even thinking of more. Or so he thinks. Dreams like that don’t die, they just get buried.
And I’d think that there was not many, even of those short term flings, lately. His life revolves around work and Manfred.
Now remember he comments on Rook “showing unexpected interest in a new companion”.
First of all – unexpected.
They are a daring adventurer. He thinks of himself clearly as the more boring one, compared to Rook. He never expected any of those flirts. But he is clearly flattered.
Second – companion.
That was such a weird way of saying “hey do you like me?”. This whole “companion” thing does not scream “I have FEELZ for you/you have FEELZ for me” but rather, “I think you might want to spend some quality time with me”.
The possible answers - dashing good looks, kindness, his way of words.
He feels he is fortunate if Rook thinks him good looking. Hallo, Mr. Professor, sir… Have you looked in the mirror lately? Consider that he is meticulously grooming himself, takes his exercises daily in the morning. That man does not like himself aging. I think it is a reminder of how his pending death is a step closer every day. But it shows, to him, that his efforts of taking care of himself are not in vain. Or maybe it shows him that his age does not matter. Rook finds him attractive despite (or because) of his physical age.
Rooks comment on his very charming way of putting things makes him hope his years behind the lectern have proved useful. Hey *years* behind the lectern. Again, this is a way of saying his age is NOT a problem but a benefit.
If Rook remarks his kindness, he answers “you humble me”. It’s the one answer that does not touch his age/experience/looks. It’s a remark on an innate character trait he possesses. Kindness. His whole demeanor in this option shows he is actually touched. And maybe a bit baffled. He did not expect this, at all. Its like he sees his kindness not as an attractive trait. Which he should. He is nice without TM and its sexy as hell.
The next part is his statement “If your attentions go beyond charming flattery… that would interest me, indeed”. This reads to me not necessarily as “do you have feelings for me” but as “do you just enjoy the flirting, or do you want to do more than flirting?”
And oh boy, does he want to do more than flirting. I want to repeat my earlier statement – this man has given up on love. But some little fling with an exiting young adventure who was constantly, awkwardly flirting with him? Hell, yeah.
(I want to remind you that we were able to have mutually enjoyed flirts with Dorian as fem!Inky. You can flirt with someone and still never want to fuck them. And you are also perfectly able to want more than flirting without having deeper feelings. Like sweet, dump Shepaloo said it so eloquently “Lets bang, okay?”)
Again, I want to pick up a point of my last post, that this is all surface level thoughts. I do believe that their emotional attraction and depth of feelings go deeper, from the start. But how often does it take quite a bit of time to realize one’s own feelings. Especially this wonderful, silly man whose modus operandi is running away.
Now, an interested Rook can answer in an open “lets see where this goes” way. Mirroring his rather open idea of a little romance, a fling, some quality time. Something that does not have to end in an eternal flame, but a simple enjoyment and exploration of the moment.
Rook can also reply with a “I think they do.” – What Rook actually says is “I think they already…”
And conveniently Rooks answer here is cut short by our sweet boy Manfred. They get cut short, no matter what answer you choose, but in this specific case, I am convinced this was very much on purpose. What would the whole sentence have been?
“I think they already go way beyond flattery.” (?!?) Something along those lines. But that goes into danger zone. WAY into danger zone.
If Rook had finished that sentence, at that point in their budding romance? It would have been over before is all started. Too much, too soon. Too much for him, period.
Now we have the hard lock – their sweet romantic moment in the Memorial Gardens. And he is smitten. He fell hook, line, and sinker for his own play pretend. Just a little romance, but that man is falling, fast. (Not that he would admit that to himself).
A beautiful date, all arranged by Emmrich, to spend time with Rook. Because a couple should have a quite moment to get to know each other. I mean there were menu cards with gilded edges, ffs. And, oh yes, they were “lets dig into the feelings”, he said couple. He is falling, falling, falling fast. But it still hasn’t hit him, how deep he has fallen for his darling Rook. Poor Emmrich.
Then a fight, where we really see the wet kitten side of him for the first time. A little wet, feral kitten, hissing at the hand that’s trying to feed it.
Emmrich is lashing out for no good reason (or no good reason for anyone but himself). There is no real confidence there but a desperate act of pretending. An iron (slipping) grip, trying to control himself and the narrative. Shoulders squared, back straight, an arrogant stance, raised chin, turned half-away from Rook, and a condescending way of talking to Rook.
Like I said in my last post – he is working his way up to breaking up with them. And he tells himself it’s like ripping off a bandaid. Be strong and confident and say what you have to say, and they will see the wisdom of that.
It’s only that, they don’t. Because there IS NO wisdom in what he is doing right now. They don’t take his bullshit but throw it back at him. They don’t accept his mock excuses.
Look at him here, how he looks down ON them. I can’t recall any other time he looks down on Rook, despite him being a tall king.
Especially the route where Rook throws it in his face that he DOES in fact love them. Speak what he can’t even think.
“I can’t… At my…”
“I can’t love you. At my age…” Why not? Does he not deserve love, just because he is a bit older? It’s just heartbreaking how he views himself.
And again, he lashes out.
“I am perfectly serious.” So is Rook.
“One of us has to pay attention to these things.” As if Rook is not paying attention. They got to the meat and bones of his problem in just a few seconds.
No matter what route you go here, the gist is the same. He is scared shitless, treats Rook like a child, and goes on how the is the only one thinking the important thoughts.
When Rook in reality way ahead of him. They thought about it and came to the conclusion that being with Emmrich is a really good idea.
Rook knew they were falling for someone older than them. (Even if that age difference is just a decade, with a mid-40s Rook.) They knew it, and still went with it. They are not a child who is too inexperienced and stupid to make decisions about their (love) life.
But now, here, at this moment? Emmrich treats them with disdain. Like a silly little person, who does not think things through. He holds himself above them. Physically and mentally. They are too young, he knows better.
And not once has he done that before. He always treated them as an equal. He follows them into the most dangerous situations ffs. He trusts them with his life in a fight against would-be gods.
All that fear and anger at himself that reaches a new high get redirected at Rook.
The next day they are off to Tearstone Island. That night must have been hell. For both of them. But its going to get much much worse.
In any case, Emmrich seems to have come to some conclusion or realization, because on that island? He apologizes.
They both did react very emotionally, but he came at Rook with superiority and, to a certain degree, dishonesty. All fueled by his fear. So that he is the one to take the first step and apologize to Rook instead of doubling down? An important step. As I said in my last post – he NEEDED to be called out. A sweet and nice counterargument would not have had the impact Rooks raw an honest emotion hat on him.
Emmrich “Rook? Darling? I wanted to say-“
Rook “Yeah, about that argument…”
Emmrich “(Sighs) It’s no time to apologize, is it?”
And here we have the most heartbreaking line, in hindsight. “We’ll talk back home, Emmrich. I promise.”
(Narrator: but they would, in fact, not talk about it back home. Because someone would not go home.)
One fight and weeks of horror later, they find themselves in a private crypt and finally they do more than share a kiss.
Now - to the point I originally wanted to explore with this post – is this in fact their first time? (I am sorry, but my brain is a circle and nothing makes sense)
Let’s look at what evidence we have from the cut-scene.
Rook did not know he is an early riser.
That leaves two possibilities:
They never had sex up until that point.
They did have sex, but never spent the night together.
Now what does that mean?
This depends a lot on your personal Rook and how they feel about sex in general. If Rook wants to wait, or is not ready, he will absolutely accept and respect that.
But for the sake of this analysis lets go with the idea that Rook is not opposed to sex at an earlier date.
They never slept with each other
Why? He clearly was not opposed to casual relationships in the past. What would hold him back now? Especially if you recall Laces comment about them moving fast. Why not jump into the bedroom?
Now my first crack theory is that they get interrupted, like every time. (Rook interrupted The Dread Wolf, and now he cursed them to always be interrupted when they want to have some private time)
But now, in all seriousness, maybe it’s just that part of him DOES realize that this goes beyond a very unserious relationship. That they both have deeper feelings, that spark of something greater, something beautiful.
So, he holds back. He does not give his all. He is charming, he is flirty, he takes Rook on dates. But it’s all very technical. Very performative. Yes, he is a very romantic man, yes he enjoys those moments. But there is always a feeling of control.
Those moments when you see him let go a bit (that kiss beneath the eternal lovers, “I think, sometimes you indulge me”), are so beautiful and you glimpse a bit of the man behind those walls.
He has a tell, you see. (I am telling you about it further down)
But generally, he feels very much in control of himself. And to lie with Rook? To go all the way? Too dangerous. Who knows what happens in that sweet moment after la petit mort? What secrets would his lips spill?
2. They slept together, but did not spent the night together.
They do have sex, but sleep alone in their own beds. Casual sex is fine, but to fall asleep in each other’s arms? Too much. Too real. Sex okay, but sleepy post coitus cuddly? Woah, slow down your horses.
So, they have sex, preferably in Rooks bed. First, does he even have a bed? Second, it’s way easier to leave Rooks bed after the act, than throwing them out afterwards.
Oh, and how many reasons he has. Rook needs their uninterrupted sleep; they are stressed and must have proper rest. He wants to get some reading done before he retires. He needs to look after Manfred.
Oh, he is a bad liar, for sure. He is lying more to himself than to Rook. I would think that (if this is the build up to their fight) Rook realizes that he is giving poor excuses.
And the sex itself? A technical 10/10. He knows his anatomy, after all. But his heart is not really in it. He can’t allow himself to. He holds back, keeps a tight lid on his emotions. They both are well spent afterwards, but like so much else, it’s performative. Technically very well executed, but rarely do you see HIM, the real him, behind all that performance. Whenever something slips through, he reels back and closes up.
And then we are in that crypt. Rook was gone for weeks. The last thing they said that night before were words of anger. Rook called him out on his feelings and from that point on there was no possible way of lying to himself anymore. Those feelings were there. They were real. Rooks feelings were real. And those weeks spent in desperation, trying to get them back? Those walls came crashing down.
His true face, when all the walls are gone? You see that face when Rook leads him to the coffin. There is no pretense anymore. No performance. Just him, and all his love for Rook. The amount of emotion the animation team packed into those short moments in the cutscene? Mindblowing. Who ever crafted that expression on his face? They are the GOAT. I watch this part of that scene on repeat, and it never gets old.
So, I told you about how he has a tell, yes? Okay, two actually, but we all know surprised pikachu Emmrich. In that last scene it is resolved in the most beautiful way.
He looks down, when something touches him deeply, when he goes into his feels.
A few (way to many) examples:
And the worst wet kitten look? After the fight, when Rook leaves.
Its a look of shame. Of hurt. This man is hurting so badly.
Now here at the end we have that moment when Rook leads him to the coffin. His face turns down, like before. But here he looks up at Rook. He does not turn his eyes away but looks directly at them. Ahhh my heart.
Now, think about the fact that ROOK is leading in that moment?
In those moments where Rook leads or startles him (or is simply annoying enough so that the truth slips out), you see the most emotion from him.
Rooks flirting startles him, and he has a pikachu face reaction every time.
Their first kiss? Rook leans against the monument, and leans up, telling him without words that NOW is the time for a kiss. How can he not go for a second kiss?
That moment when Rook calls Manfred “our son”? He very conveniently ignores the word “OUR” and goes in defense mode over the word “son”. But called out on his feelings for Manfred? How can he deny them? He has tears in his voice when he says how he would not exchange this moment for anything? A real, deep emotion.
In their fight Emmrich is again all technical, all performance, so logical (or what he sells himself as logic). But Rook wrestles that moment from him and takes lead, calls him out on his bullshit.
In the crypt Rook pulls him up into a kiss and then leads him to the coffin, guiding him, taking him with them.
Most of the other times he takes the lead, very much in control. But the most emotions you get from him, are those times Rooks leads, when he lets go of this tight control over himself, or he is startled in to a reaction. For all the age difference that is played up in their relationship, in the important moments Rook is the one who guides. And he follows where they lead.
Those little moans he makes? If they did have sex before, I bet he did not make those sounds then. Where they did have some incredible sex, now they are making love. Open, vulnerable. He gives in.
And then they fall asleep together. Skin to skin, arms and legs intertwined. Their hands caressing, no sound but that of their heartbeats and soft breaths. Pure and utter contentment. In that moment nothing exists but them. Can you imagine that moment he woke up? The amount of emotions he must have felt then? This need to speak those little words? Those huge little words. He does not say them, not yet. But he is almost ready.
Finally, they stand there, on the battlefield of Elgar’nans madness. And he tells Rook. The last wall falls. Gives the most precious thing he can give to anyone.
“I love you.”
#emmrich#emmrich volkarin#emmrich x rook#emmrook#emmrich meta post#meta post#character study#dragon age#dragon age veilguard#dragon age the veilguard#da#datv#dav#surrealthoughts
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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
🪵Pairing —> Logan Howlett x Reader
🪵Genre —> Fluff & comfort
🪵Warning —> None (but spoiler alert : this story takes place after the events of Deadpool & Wolverine)
🪵Inspired by —> @allophonicmess
🪵Summary —> You want to get to know the knew Logan, but he thinks that he isn't good enough for you. So he ends up being cold and distant towards you, towards the girl known as « Wolverine’s epic love ».
🪵Dividers credit —> @moosgraphics
It’s been a few days since Wade, Logan and Y/n came back from the crazy journey they went through. Everyone was still under’s Wade roof, celebrating. Y/n was sat on the couch alone, trapped in her thoughts. It didn’t take long for Colossus to notice it, so he approached Y/n and sat next to her :
« How are you feeling Y/n? You seem lost. »
« I’m doing fine Colossus, thank you for asking. I’m just a bit confused about… some things. »
« Do you wish to talk about it? »
« Well, I cannot stop wondering why would this Logan act this way towards me. I know that he doesn’t know me and doesn’t owe me anything. But seeing the face of your dead lover looking at you like you meant nothing is pretty heartbreaking. I wish I could know why he is so cold towards me, why he doesn’t even notice me. I just don’t understand. »
« Maybe you should talk to him? Honesty and communication are always important. It could bring you closure and peace. »
« I guess you’re right, thank you for listening to me and checking up on me. I think I’m going to take a little nap, I’m still a bit tired of all the things that happened. » said Y/n while chucking at the same time, after that she went upstairs to rest a little.
But on the other side of the apartment, Wade and Logan were discussing or more arguing about the same topic :
« You know I really don’t mean to meddle between lover’s querel and all that stuff. But you’ve been kind of an ass with Y/n especially considering that you know she’s kind of « Wolverine’s epic love » in most of the universes. »
Logan looked at him and just answered :
« Then don’t fucking meddle into it. »
Wade pretended no to hear what Logan just said and continued :
« Well I guess you’re just scared I mean I can understand really. You do look like a grumpy old dad who’s only purpose is to drink his whiskey in front of the TV. While y/n, well, she does look really hot I mean honestly I don’t understand why she’s still single because I swear even I could-
« CAN’T YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAM FUCKING MOUTH FOR ONCE YOU DAMN MOTHERFUCKER. » screamed Logan with rage in his eyes before leaving the room to go outside and get some air.
Hours passed and Logan was still outside, sitting on the front door steps with his bottle of whiskey.
Everyone else was in the kitchen talking and laughing. Y/n just finished her nap and went downstairs to join the others, and while she was about to enter the kitchen Colossus and Wade looked mischievously at each other and said :
« Oh y/n sweat treat, good thing you’re here because well… » said Wade before giving a side eye to Colossus who said :
« We’re missing shrimp chips and we were wondering if you could get some, please? » Y/n laughed and answered « of course I can, it’ll give me some air. »
Y/n took her purse and went outside, right after this Colossus told Peter to rush to the door and lock Y/n outside.
As she went outside Y/n saw Logan down the stairs all alone. She tried to be silent and then turned around to open the door and give the others an excuse to not go out. But as she tried to open the door, she realised it was locked :
« Are they really serious. » she wispered before knocking and screaming
« Are you serious guys? Please open? I forgot something and I really really need to get back out there. » but no one answered.
She turned around and realised that Logan was looking at her
« Hey you, what are you doing here? » she shyly said. Logan turned around to face the street and did not answer. Y/n closed her eyes and let out a sight before telling him :
« Do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? »
Logan looked at her and said
« What? »
she walked toward him to sat on the stairs and continued
« I said do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? Because my Logan, well, he used to hate me so much when we first met, and, well I kind of hated him too. » she said chuckling, and then proceeded :
« We were always arguing, bickering, fighting… but then one day I got hurt really really bad and surprisingly he was there for me. After this moment we started to grow closer until one day we fell in love. So I was wondering if you hated you y/n like my Logan used to? Because that’s the only thing that could explain why you seem so repulsed by me. »
Logan’s expression became soft and he only answered :
« I don’t hate you, god I could never fucking hate you. I cared about my Y/n like your Logan cared about you. »
« Then why are you like this with me? Why do you talk to everyone but ignore my existence like I don’t matter? »
Logan looked down at the floor and answered :
« I know your Logan was some king of hero, but in my universe the things I did, they make me a monster, an animal and I love you way too much to let you be with that kind of man. »
Y/n watched him with her watered eyes and softly said, while putting her arm on his shoulder :
« What is it that you did? No matter what it is you can tell me because all I want is to understand you. »
Logan was hesitant, but if there was one person he could tell anything, if there was one person that could bring him comfort, it was her. So he said :
« Things happened and one day you died, after this I could never be the same. I loved you so much. So I went to the bar everyday, I drank everyday and I let everyone down. Until one day all of the x-men died because of me. I had nothing else to loose anymore. So I killed, everyone, bad people, good people and no matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn’t. I was filled with so much rage, I let it guide me. »
Y/n was breathless but she knew Logan, and she was sure that no matter what, no matter the universe he was a good man. So she put her hand on his cheek to make him look at her and she said :
« Whatever you did is in the past. Right now you have a chance to be better and to make the world a better place. I know you will. »
she stopped to caress his cheek and then she said
« I could never think of you as a monster Logan nor could I ever be ashamed of you. »
Logan took her hand in his and told her :
« There’s no love in my life if you’re not in my universe Y/n. »
After hearing this, Y/n put her head on Logan’s shoulder and while he wrapped his arm around herself she whispered in his hear
« You’ll always be my one and only true love, no matter what. »
And so they spent hours outside finding comfort in each others arms.
#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x reader#logan x reader#logan howlett#wolverine#deadpool and wolverine#x men#fluff#comfort#fanfic
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What Gave Me Away?
Astarion x f!Reader
Word Count 9.5k
Disclaimer! What you are about to read contains the following: GAMEPLAY SPOILERS! & ROMANCING ASTARION SPOILERS! Mentions of canonical violence, Astarion POV, angst, with comfort (it ends nice I promise), slow burn, depictions of anxiety, depression, anger, insecurity, guilt, manipulation, blood drinking (of course), and it’s long as fuuuuuuu
& what I have to say is… As it turned out, I had played all of Act 2 out of order, and stopped doing that before I did some irreversible damage to my Moonrise Tower to-do list. Which means when I began to write this fic EVERYTHING WAS OUT OF ORDER. It still might be but idgaf anymore. Even the mf confession scene (I WIN! I WIN AND I DIDN’T EVEN TRY TO CHARM THAT VAMPIRE MF) I was sitting in my room, phone on my chest, Baldurs Gate in my hands googling ‘what to do before moonrise’, ‘moonrise or mausoleum first in bg3’, because I explored much more than I should have, apparently… So this fic has been Frankenstein-ed to death, and the word count has greatly exceeded my expectations. It’s kind of my baby so be nice and give it a little love if you like it… or don’t! I appreciate you either way. And Special thanks to E.P. for the prompt and her friend in SoCal because I was about to screw myself OVEEERRR!
Everything seemed bleak on the way to the Light Inn. Nothing magical or charming about the glowing mushrooms anymore and the air felt as thick as water. Astarion faithfully trudged behind you through the mud, uneven trails, and hostile shadowy figures. But sometimes you would squint at the marker on the map or linger a little longer than you should have. He would watch you squeeze your right hand with your left as you studied the hastily blotted spot, then you would trace the drawn pathway with your left hand while the right one would cover and squeeze your mouth. Beyond scenery, and new objectives, everyone was adapting. They had to; he had to. But you were changing faster than others, faster than him, and much faster than he could keep track of.
Astarion felt like he was watching you disappear, or feeling you slip out of his hands the way blood from deep wounds squeezed between desperately closed fingers. From kind traveler, comforter, and hopefully hopeless leader, you burned with a desire to be it all. In front of other wandering bodies, the mere strangers swimming through the Underdark, Astarion watched you hold this fire with outstretched, kerosene-soaked hands, just to give someone else light. You might never see these people again, but you did it anyways, even if all it did was burn. Whether it be fighting at some poor soul's side or offering words of comfort, once the rescuee turned to leave Astarion watched to see whatever leftover flame danced in your palms. Some nights he couldn’t even call it that despite you cradling it close to your chest.
Often times Astarion thought of taking over your dealings even if it meant they’d get a little lost in his blind, apathetic advice. He knew that you were the most levelheaded person to lead but gods you started to look as lost as he already felt. The Inn was just a bridge away, before it was it was a group of protective Harpers away. Before anyone could find a place to lay their heads Astarion felt his patience thin when having to save Isobel was thrown into the mix. But you fought fearlessly. Always saving people without a second to spare, or a second to think.
Lately, Astarion wondered just where you had been all these years.
“If possible,” you spoke in soft whispers to Jaheira about your accommodations. “Could I have a single room for tonight? I-I can pay I just-”
With a quick hand over yours and a warm smile, Jaheira reassured you that after keeping their Selûne Warrior safe, the least she could do was let you have a room to yourself. “It has two beds, but you can push them together for one big one.” You nodded and thanked her with a long breath out.
Astarion for a moment pretended to be looking at a patron nearby as you walked toward him. But he couldn’t help trying to keep you in scene before you could arrive. Trying to read your shoulders, eyes brows and hands. Truthfully Astarion was looking for something soft in your inventory; he wondered if tonight you might have anything to spare.
“If you’re hungry,” your worn out, dim voice and all-knowing watch cut in. “You can feed on me tonight if you’d like.”
“I was just so hoping you’d ask. But are you really looking for alone time?” Giving you a tilted head and lopsided glance was enough to tell him where he stood. “Or are you looking for alone time with me, darling?”
“I was going to pretend you weren’t obviously eavesdropping, but you’d love that wouldn’t you?” You were warm enough to keep up with a quirked a brow and an equally lazy grin. “After today I feel like everyone can smell me from outside the Inn. So, until I can shower... I don’t even want to think about doing anything other than sleeping in a bed.”
“I’m sure you don’t.” He whisked behind you and whispered, “But if change your mind, at least think of me.”
“Aha, I’ll be seeing you later,” the back of your hand smacked your forehead as though you were swooning. “Tonight.”
A small guilt tugged at his chest before you nodded off and up the stairs. Astarion would lounge around in the waiting area while Karlach gushed over Jaheira from afar. Shadowheart walked alongside her to study the Inn with wholehearted skepticism. Audibly muttering her thoughts about the moon maiden, the area as a whole, and how Shar’s worshippers must have had their reasons. She broke away from Karlach and headed to Astarion with her eyes stuck to Jaheira. “We should probably get to our room them?”
On cue, Karlach caught them both headed up the stairs and followed. She waved to Jaheira, still gushing. “Gods isn’t this exciting- oh, hey? Where’d our little leader go?” Karlach asked upon arrival.
“She might’ve beat us to bed.” Shadowheart smiled. “I wouldn’t blame her if she’s fast asleep, she’s earned it.”
Astarion thought about letting them know about your requested ‘alone time’ but figured you would come around to telling them after they find you.
Little drops of drying water decorated the wooden floor in a trail that led down the stairs. Astarion followed the trail with his eyes alongside Karlach who noticed it too. “Wait, Shadowheart,” she called.
None of them had noticed you pass by with freshly washed hair and a towel around your shoulders. They all backtracked down the staircase, Karlach stood near a game of chess, Shadowheart by the banister, and Astarion some feet behind you while you knelt in front of a hairless cat. You seemed more at ease tonight.
“Hello, your highness.” You let your hand keep you steady on the ground as you spoke. “I’ve come to admire your beauty.” The cat sat tall and proud, lifting his head so you can awe at his hairless self. “And what a beautiful cat indeed.” You cooed without reaching to touch the animal.
The cat nodded and swiftly made its way over to its bed, dismissing you with its whole, hairless body. You stood up, stretched your arms above your head before catching the group lounging nearby. Nothing was said as you politely waved to everyone before turning your attention to a man and child playing chess.
From behind you couldn’t tell just then who you were looking at but as you rounded the table to get a good view of the game, Raphael and Mol, the Tiefling child who spoke on everyone's behalf earlier, seemed to be in a heated match. Raphael was going to win despite giving Mol pointers. If anything, his pointers were just to remind Mol that she was going to lose no matter the move.
The child's pouting seemed to give you an idea. You took a drawn-out stretch being sure to overextend your arms and back. Astarion knew exactly what you were doing before you ‘lost your balance’ and knocked into the board. The pieces tipped and rolled in every direction and Raphael shot a knowing look at you, only turning back to the board after his opponent had pieced it back together.
“Well, go on, Mol.” The devil muttered.
With one move Mol won the game and shot up from their seat. “Well, that settles it. Fair and square!” They exclaimed proudly.
“Sure, fair and square.” Raphael nodded up to you. “But before you go,” Mol looked over her shoulder. “Think about my offer.”
Up and away she went while Raphael turned to his leftover audience. “Fancy seeing you all here, and so far away from the sun.”
“I didn’t know you struck up deals with children.” Your tone surprised Astarion.
“Don’t you worry, it’s only a necessary evil. She’ll come around to the only option she has,” Raphael expectantly looked past you to Astarion. “But I have a feeling your little friend has a question they want to ask me.”
“I do,” Astarion’s eye contact wavered. “I have a proposal.” Raphael mocked him before mentioning something about his how drinking blood would burn more than whiskey. “This is serious business, devil.” Astarion hardened his voice as he explained the runes. From the corner of his eye, he watched you stiffly fold your arms and size Raphael up with a glare. Astarion felt some comfort in that. “I want to know if it’s maybe a contract...”
“Well, what could it be?” Raphael melodically taunted. “A lover letter, a deed, a contract?” He waved his hand in front of Astarion’s face like he was introducing the opening act in a play. “But I need time to think. I will have to get back to you on that.”
Astarion whined, reiterating just how serious this was to him before asking, “Just how soon will you get back to me on that?”
At some point you fidgeted with the fabric of the towel around your neck before steadily pulling it to one side of your shoulder. “Don’t worry,” the devil reassured both of you, “I am most inclined to help.” With dramatic flair, Raphael disappeared in a quick plume of smoke.
All eyes but yours turned to Astarion, and Astarion with his on you. It was clear that Raphael’s attitude had rubbed you the wrong way as you blankly stared at the spot he vanished from. “I’ll get back to you on that.” you mumbled. Your damp hair had soaked into the neck of your top. The towel dangled in your balled fist at your hip. The cool breeze sent shivers up your neck before you put the cloth back onto shoulders. After another moment of thinking, you turned around to head to your room.
“Darling?” Despite it being barely audible, his voice seemed to reach you anyway as he caught your subtle hesitation before decidedly going on your way.
Karlach and Shadowheart both began to say something but in vain as you were so lost in thought still that you couldn’t hear. They turned their attention to Astarion who intently watched you. “Is something going on between you two?”
“What?” Astarion snapped his head to Karlach.
“Sorry.” She snorted. “It could’ve been Raphael but she just seems way more tired than usual.”
“Well, we are in the Underdark, Karlach.” He said obviously. “It’s dark down here, and I’m sure that the dark makes most normal people tired.”
“Don’t be rude Astarion.” Shadowheart butt in. “Are you sure that feeding on her every night wouldn’t be a contributing factor along with ‘the dark’?”
“Haven’t you been healing her up every morning?”
“I have not. Not since we’ve been down here.” Karlach watched in awe between the stairs and then to two bantering at the bottom. “So, if you’ve been feeding on her still, well... She hasn’t had any of her usual morning chats with me.” Shadowheart finished.
Karlach watched as Astarion’s eyes round in realization. The guilt grew, pushing his stomach up into his neck. “Oh Fangs, you didn’t know. It’s okay, I think.”
“Is it, Karlach?” Shadowheart interjected, shooting a venomous glare at the ill looking vampire. “It started with a dagger to her neck, which she forgave. Then she’s understanding of your hunger, even defending you to Gale after you go at her neck again without permission.”
“That was once- only twice-!” He pushed his finger out to correct her.
“And all you can do is give half-hearted compliments and bat your eyelashes whenever you need something. A potion, a moment, a warm body to bleed. I mean, have you even said thank you?”
Karlach put her hand between the two. “Shadowheart, I know you’re worried about her but you know that it’s can’t just one person's fault. It might not be anyone’s fault let alone Astarions.” She waved it up and down. “I think we’re all just tired-.”
“Don’t act like you’re physically incapable of talking to her yourself!” Astarion retorted above and below Karlach’s hand. “And my attempts to thank her have been pushed aside, thank you very much!”
“Ever try a full-fledged, verbal ‘thank you for feeding me every night, I appreciate you letting me suck you dry, Darling.’ ever?” She took a deep breath in, and on exhale she let her shoulder drop.
“Let’s just go up and check on her then.” Karlach successfully cut in.
Shadowheart reached into a small pouch on her person and thoughtfully brought out the little idol of Shar you gifted her the moment you could dust it off. “Do you know just how much she puts into our group?” Her voice was coated in adoration, and it made Astarion sick. “Or how much she’s already put in?”
Astarion knew. Of course he knew. He was well aware of how much he took, as well as often as did. But he always knew just when to stop, or at least he thought he knew. But that was before he started to find you in even the smallest corners of his mind, before he found himself keeping an eye on you in battle, before the guilt got harder to swallow. If he pushed your sincerity aside with closed eyes as he held out a beggar's hand, the weight of what you gave him would mean nothing if he didn’t have see what you were left with.
The strangers, travelers, your kind demeanor and hopeful act. Looking back to the Harper woman that marked your map, he wondered if the Light Inn was going to be enough to keep you going tomorrow. If it was enough for you to spare anything more after, or in the days to come. Gods, was the Harper woman a reflection of him? Where he only loathed her for sinning the same way he did; or for taking what he was saving for later? If anything, Astarion felt like he might as well just be another traveler to you. Someone that followed you around like hungry, dead weight. But he would never have to wonder how far you had carried him and six others, they had the map and markers. But he did wonder just how often he stole your living, breathing warmth.
Wasn’t that the plan, for him to bleed you dry? Then, now, and hopefully after?
“I don’t think Astarion would do anything to purposefully weaken her.” Karlach came to his defense. “That wouldn’t make sense, especially now. Besides, she is a big girl and can come to you if she feels like it.”
Shadowheart shook her head. “You know what? You’re right. And so are you, Astarion.” The little, rock carved goddess dramatically fell to her side alongside her hand as she turned. “Why am I even waiting for her to ask? I’ll be upstairs.” She ran and left Karlach to tend to Astarion.
“Fangs, you’re looking down, too. Don’t let Shadowheart get to you she’s been…” Karlach gave a sympathetic smile. “You know you can always talk to Mama-K.” Her laugh was aimed at herself as Astarion playfully rolled his eyes.
The two of them watched the floor before Astarion looked up to her. “Do you think I’ve done it this time?”
Without a second thought Karlach shook her head enthusiastically. “You might be right about the Underdark. There’s more on her mind than just you and me. Well, in her mind… I should say.”
“In our minds.” a pathetic laugh bubbled from the nausea. “I think our dark princess would have to agree with that. At least to some extent.”
Karlach met Astarion’s gaze with another sympathetic smile “I know you care,” she seemingly said out of nowhere. “I’m not the only one who sees it when you look at her. Even if it’s just a little. I think she at least knows that you care about her if Shadowheart doesn’t, ya’ know?”
Astarion slowly nodded with a confused look before Karlach lead the way to their room. When Shadowheart returned from her check-in with you, she paid no mind to Astarion for the rest of the night. Instead, she went straight to Karlach, and to what his eavesdropping could gather, he safely assumed that he was in the clear. He guessed you really did just need alone time.
After his vampiric rest, he lied still. Whatever light from outside cast patterns on the ceiling, and he cut them out into little pieces with Shadowheart’s steady breathing and some occasional snoring from Karlach in the background. Then he wondered what you sounded like while you slept. He hated that he didn’t pay attention the one time he could. Did you snore? If you did, were they raspy, hollow breathes or loud snorts that echoed? Maybe you were the restless dreamer where the shuffle of blankets and pillows would tell him you were just about to wake up.
Astarion found himself wanting to know and shot up before he could want to know more.
The wood was cool on the bottom of his feet. Without creaking, cracks, or splinters Astarion was able to move quietly out of the room into the hall. Lit candles lined the hallway to your room which felt more meaningful to him than it should have but he shook coincidence away and out of his mind. Instead, Astarion thought about how you pretended not to hear him earlier, he thought back to hands holding flames and he froze, feeling sick at your door.
I’m hungry, he told himself. I feel sick because I am hungry.
You sat on the edge of the bed, clearly expecting him with your hair pulled to one side and the right side of your neck exposed. “You’re late.”
“Only a little, darling.” Astarion made his way over to plant his right knee beside your thigh, his left leg between your own. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting.”
“Hardly.” you whispered to the door behind him. “Besides, I can’t let you go hungry, can I?”
Astarion decided not to press you. “I suppose not.” He smirked as the breath of his reply sent goosebumps all over your neck and shoulders.
Tonight, you didn’t close your eyes in anticipation. There was no shiver down your spine or shudder in your breath when Astarion held both of your shoulders while he slowly sunk his teeth in. Hells, you didn’t even whine. It felt like kissing someone who wouldn’t close their eyes or kiss him back.
Astarion made it quick, hardly getting his fill. As he arose and took a step back to search you up and down for any sign of discomfort. There was nothing out of the ordinary, you paled like usual, especially in your lips, but your expression was unreadable. Visibly there was nothing wrong, but he wanted to listen to your beating heart just to be sure nothing was moving faster or slower than it should. Then without thinking, he suddenly and loosely embraced you in his arms to put his head to your chest.
“Woah, h-hey.” You jumped back on your elbows, crawling a step back on the bed.
Astarion’s hands shot up in the air. “I was just,” The look of innocent surprise that coated your body was cute until he remembered why you looked so venerable. He furrowed his brows as he massaged the bridge of his nose, coming off of the bed. “I-I didn’t, or- I don’t mean to insinuate anything, my dear.”
“Then...” The bed shook under his knee as you relaxed onto your hands, upright but leery. “What were you trying to do?”
“Nothing, really." He massaged his neck. “Unless-”
“Unless nothing.” You wildly grinned. “Unless nothing, Astarion. I really mean to have my alone time.”
“Are you-” Astarion squared his gaze onto the litters of goosebumps on your chest and shoulders while you self-soothingly rubbed your arms. “Are you cold?” His chest tightened once he realized you were suppressing the chatter of your teeth with a trembling jaw.
“A little.” The movement slowed as you stiffly squeezed your biceps. “Blood loss tends to do that.”
That’s right, he thought. Astarion of all people, or undead things, should know that the lack of blood meant a lack of warmth.
“Don’t you look so concerned. That’s not like you.” You coyly laughed. “I’ve been okay before, and I’ll be okay now. I am sitting on top of a completely made bed, you know?”
Astarion stretched his neck and sighed. “Of course.” He gave you a weak chuckle. “Well, I guess I’ll take my leave then. But if you need a little warming up, you know where to find me.” The rustle of sheets as you climbed under the covers made him scrunch his nose insecurely at the door. “Good night, darling.”
The following morning, Astarion could found sitting at the chess table, replaying the night before. Not for Raphael but for you. It more so that he was cringing at himself and his lack of control. The way your reacted to his embrace compared to his bite made his head spin with wonder and disappointment. The fact that his teeth breaking your flesh was better received than his concern was astounding. Realizing that if he was going to pull you into him, it was expected that he take and not give.
Was it that obvious?
You descended the stairs, the two followed behind, and you were practically glowing. Immediately Astarion felt relieved to know that Shadowheart likely made sure to cast a restoration of some sort today. He sat up a little as you wordlessly greeted him, watching you feel the right side of your neck with your left hand while your self-conscious chuckle furthered his optimism.
Sigh, last night, “Again, I didn’t-” Astarion started to apologize.
“Hush.” You made big eyes in reference to the two behind you. “You’re alright in my book.” Sheepishly grinning, you tilted your head and scrunched your nose before heading out.
As per usual, everyone followed your lead in battle. Successfully you collected the Moonlantern, freed a pixie from inside, and were already thinking about the next move back at camp the morning after. “I think we should scope out Moonrise before meeting with any head honchos.” You said near the empty fire pit at camp. “I’ll do my usual hoarding while we get a good look at the place. And this,” you pointed to a little circle with question mark inside, “I can hardly remember what for, but I think it was marked for some rumored supplies.” You wiggled your fingers in the air with feigned enthusiasm. “I would like this to be priority, actually.”
“Yes ma’am.” Karlach affirmed. “And I see that good ol’ Gale will be joining us today?”
“I shall be at your disposal, yes.” He smiled genuinely before it grew sheepish. “Of course, with the hopes that I would not be disposed of.”
Astarion rolled his eyes.
“Never, Gale.” You playfully smiled at Astarion. “You’re the last person here I’d do that to”
“Oh, don’t look at me,” he scoffed but you did, playfully through your lashes.
“Whatever you say.” You sung before quickly tucking the map away. “But today we’re just scoping, taking, and talking.”
Everyone nodded, and without another word were off to Moonrise.
To everyone’s surprise, the guards could not care less about your party going in. The parasite was like a VIP pass inside and the tadpole-less guests praised your every step. It was odd to be so easily trusted and to roam freely. Usually at least one person challenged your worm infected autonomy, but this was a nice yet eerie change.
But to nobody’s surprise nothing could ever go according to plan. Gale had opened the biggest and most obvious set of doors upon entry and interrupted a meeting between some goblins and Katheric Thorm. To the very left of where Katheric was sat stood Z’rell, the cult advisor that the guards outside said everyone must report to. And again, to not no one’s surprise, the meeting was nothing short of incredibly memorable with a show of immortal strength and the opportunity to sacrifice a small goblin herd at trial.
Astarion was curious to see what your heroic self would do when the fate of the goblin crews' lives was hurriedly placed in your hands. So, when you had asked them to stop speaking, ‘to not even breathe’, his heart raced with confusion and excitement.
That’s my girl, he thought. “But by the gods, I hope she’s okay.”
“Me too.” Karlach swallowed with disappointment.
Astarion cupped his mouth, not meaning to have said the second half of his thought aloud.
Karlach looked over to him, “I guess the Underdark really is doing a number on her.”
“It would seem so.” He kissed his teeth.
You waved everyone over to follow Z’rell upstairs. A whole new mission got added to the list and Astarion took in this small laugh of disbelief you gave him. In response he tucked in his chin and raised a brow as though to wordlessly ask what exactly had you expected after everything leading up to this.
The Tower was big, full of locked doors and overly trusting guests that roamed and for a moment there was some pep in your step as soon as you finally got everyone back on track. But once a broken wall produced just under 200 gold and a spell scroll, your disappointment was obvious as you bit your knuckle at the open chest. Without enthusiasm, you drew a little check mark beside the rumored supplies you prioritized this morning. Astarion would normally have something snarky to say but the glowing girl from earlier was having her light put out by her own optimism and he wanted nothing more than to do or say something that could bring back a spark. A pixie, perhaps. But before he could reach out to you, Karlach pushed through a door and on the other side of it was Araj who would come to make things worse.
The blood lusted alchemist was off to a bad start when she immediately noted Astarion as the ‘Pale Friend’, drawing a more than uninterested look from you as she spoke. “I can make one of a kind potion, just for you, from you.” She modestly smiled. “One prick, a drop of your blood and it’s yours. But I keep the rest for myself.”
After some curious questions, Astarion was surprised when you held out your hand to be poked. But then thought about how stupid it was to be surprised at that after the night prior. Instantly a potion was produced and carefully placed into your hands.
“Thank you-”
“Before you go, there is one other thing I would like to discuss;” she interrupted moved closer to you, but only to get a better look at Astarion. “Your friend.”
Astarion knew that he stood out in a room to anyone who knew anything about the undead. They could and often did sniff him out wherever he met them. So, when she inquired of his being a Vampire or spawn, he naturally reassured her that as a part of the absolute that everyone serving in Her name was safe in his company.
“Oh no, I hope for quite the opposite.” Araj watched you expectantly. “I assume he belongs to you?”
“Belongs?” A distasteful curiosity bled from your voice. “Excuse me, but he’s his own person.”
She smiled mockingly. “I’m sure he believes that.”
Distaste was a little soft, you looked and sounded appalled. Actually, to everyone in your corner, your face gave that word another meaning. The drow hardly asked for his name, if anything she flatly commanded it from the wide-eyed Vampire.
Your finger flew back to shush him, “Astarion” he too quickly answered. “But wait-.”
“Good.” She smirked. “Now-”
Your finger made its way around to her before she could continue. “Watch it.” You warned.
Astarion looked over to Karlach and Gale who were also caught just as off guard as you were. But she paid no mind to your hand as she explained her life-long, born from childhood dream of being bitten by a vampire. She looked too comfortable swooning as she talked about losing her blood in between life and death. “I’ll even give compensation. A potion of legendary power.” Araj bribed.
Astarion knew where this was going as Araj gave the details of the potion. He knew where he was and knew everyone had just a taste of power these cultists had. He knew that most people would be persuaded with this once in a lifetime offer. Who wouldn’t want guaranteed strength in a bottle? Most people would be, but he hoped that you weren’t most people because was unsure he would say no if you asked him to. He knew he owed you that much.
The Drow asked Astarion if he would bite her to which he kindly declined. Then she faced you, clearly taken aback. “Well, can’t you do something about him? About your spawn?” Astarion held his breath.
“He said no.” Relief flooded his body, causing his shoulders to drop despite his fixed posture in surprise. But you were stiff, straightening your neck as disappointment spread across Araj’s face. “What part of that did you not get the first time?”
“Soldier,” Karlach leaned to your ear. “I think we should get going.” She nudged your foot with hers. “We’ll be seeing you, Arash.”
“It’s Araj.”
“Right, sorry.” Gale apologized on Karlach’s behalf and bowed on the way out. Astarion followed behind him through a door that took everyone back outside.
Karlach seemed to be calming you down, and until Karlach mentioned it, Astarion didn’t realize that while Araj spoke you began to pet a dagger on your hilt. “We don’t need to get into trouble while we’re still on the Absolute’s ground. Not before we’re ready to be.”
Surely it wasn’t on his behalf, was it? No could care about anyone that much let alone another Vampire’s Spawn.
“I should’ve just done it. The doors were closed and who knows? Maybe she had the potion already on her. Or maybe not.” Astarion raised a brow as his stomach sank. “Fucking weirdo.” You muttered.
“Wow,” Karlach laughed. “Fucking weirdo, I couldn’t agree with you more, Captain.” She ran up as you walked around the tower.
Astarion blankly watched the back of your head from two people away as you grew quiet and stayed that way. He wanted to know what you were thinking and whether or not you were mad at him for being so unwilling or if your silence was left over from Araj. But there was also nothing planned after scoping out Moonrise, at least nothing anyone mentioned. Everyone settled on blindly following your lead as you spotted a hill with some makeshift graves.
“Gale,” you stopped suddenly at the foot of an overgrown root. “Can you head back to camp and grab Shadowheart?”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “I’d really appreciate something warm and hearty when we get back, and I love her but-.”
“No need, I get it.” Gale smiled, bowed, and waved everyone off.
Astarion watched Gale leave before he caught you and Karlach now raced to a patch of dirt. When he caught up with you, Karlach was watching out for Shadowheart as you picked through some choice graves.
“Sweetheart, are you robbing from dead Justiciars?” His shadow hovered over your hands. “Why have her join at all?”
“I’m sure she might know something about this site. But not a word about my scavenging, please.” With steady hands your swiftly placed the stones back the way they were.
Astarion’s index finger and thumb drew a line in front of his lips as he sealed them shut and threw away an imaginary key. “My lips are sealed.”
You snorted and smacked the dirt off your hands before Shadowheart materialized out of thin air, having everything to say about Shar’s faithful fallen soldiers. As she knelt to one of the graves, reverently running her hand across the rocks, Astarion caught sight of a dimly lit entrance. Karlach saw it too and pointed.
“Maybe we can check it out before we look for supplies in the buildings, we passed by…” her booming voice trailed off when she saw him, then everyone turned.
Raphael was mumbling to himself at the bottom of some steps at entrance of a cave. As Astarion began to walk only to see you were once again leading the way over. Again, in disguise, the devil gave the details of his deal to the whole group. All they had to do was kill an old enemy of his if Astarion wanted his scars decoded. The deal seemed sweeter than what he expected, simpler, maybe too sweet. But no one was sure what price was to be paid for translation.
Karlach leaned over to you. “Again, I really don’t know about this.”
Astarion rolled his eyes before he turned away from the cave. He just missed your response, and how Karlach retorted didn't fill in any blanks. “I don’t want to be tricked into doing that evil fucker's errands for free or find out that this order is for more than any of us can afford fill.”
“Well, for now,” Shadowheart shot Astarion a raised brow to measure. “I think should head back to camp. I think we could use a moment to relax.” She tilted her head to you with her eyes locked on Astarion.
You nodded mindlessly. “Yeah, or at least a moment to think”
Astarion began to open his mouth when Shadowheart chimed in again “Right,” sounding uncharacteristically chipper. “We should plan a little just before heading inside.
“I’m sorry you came here for nothing-”
“The graves of Justiciars are not nothing. Besides, I’m glad you thought to have me, even if it was just for a moment.”
Shadowheart was good at that. Being soft when you needed it. And Karlach was good at melting you into a giggling mess when she could. Most of the time Astarion could find something obscene enough to say, that pulled you out of your head to laugh. But lately he felt like him just being there was making it impossible for anyone to distract you from yourself.
You looked pensive the whole walk back to camp. After everything that had happened today from Moonrise, to goblins, to devils, Astarion could not pinpoint if it was one specific thing or everything that weighed heavy on your mind. What he could gather was how drastic the dip in your mood was after Araj, and Raphael. Both of those things happened to be tied to him and he got that funny feeling again. The feeling that he was taking from you without realizing it. That his mere presence was enough to make you bleed.
Astarion wished he had just said yes to drinking the Araj’s foul-smelling blood. He shouldn’t let you fight his battles and make his deals; he didn’t want you to anymore. Astarion was centuries older than you and yet you were the one holding his hand through the Underdark. Staying up late night after night so he could eat. And he found himself pondering it all too tenderly.
Scratch and the Owlbear cub zipped past you, hopping around giddily despite the gloomy scenery. Astarion felt a bit pensive himself. You were just as distant as you had been lately but tonight you were especially cold. Sure, you were healthier today than you had been for a while, and nothing seemed to tire you out. But there wasn’t the light and witty banter you spewed so effortlessly that he loved. He missed your observant and borderline judgmental comments on anything you stole from buildings and corpses. Even in Balthazar’s room inside Moonrise Tower, which brimmed with separated limbs and cold jars of blood, you made no snarky comment in correlation to Astarion’s diet. It would’ve have been easy, low hanging fruit by his standards; but at this point he was pulling on the branches for you to reach, you wouldn’t even need to jump. Astarion just wanted you to pick up something, anything really to throw at him.
“Hey,” You called out, making him unusually hopeful.
“Yes, darling?” He gave his most honest grin.
“Do you think we can trust him to keep up his end of the bargain? Raphael, I mean?”
“I trust a devil over a vampire any day. Besides,” with his hand on his chest, Astarion leaned back. “I think he likes us.”
How you slowly blinked and nodded flattened his hopes. “It’s your only lead, I suppose...” Scratch and the Owlbear nearly ran into you again, but you didn’t smile, flinch, or notice the animals despite watching them pass you two by. You were millions of miles away from everyone. Millions of miles away from him.
“Yeah, it is our only lead. My only lead.” Astarion reiterated defensively.
“I know, I know.” Your eyes screwed shut as you nodded some more. “Maybe we can go to the house of healing in case there’s something on Ketheric. Then after we can go to the cave.”
“Only after…” What was cause for worry before was now cause for slight agitation.
“Yes, well, I mean-” You threw your head back and up to the sky like itmight give you a clue. “Or..? Gods, I don’t know.”
“What don’t you know, sweetheart?”
“I-I don’t know that either. I don’t know what I don’t know, I guess.” Self soothingly you cupped your face and took a deep breath in. “What I do know is that’s it’s on my list.” You were staring at his neck, struggling to look up any further.
You sounded unsure of yourself, and while that made him sympathetic, it did more to make him anxious. “I guess I can only hope that it’s high up there. Afterall, this is the first chance I’ve had at deciphering my scars.” Astarion apathetically reminded you, unable to help his tone when he leaned into your ear uncomfortably close.
“Be a dear and don’t get in my way.” He spat.
“I won’t?” You turned to him equally defensive. “Don’t you know by now that you can just-” Astarion faced you, practically touching noses but nothing about the tension was romantic once he caught what looked like tears pooling in your eyes. “Y-you should know by that you can just...”
Karlach glanced over to what she likely saw as two people incredibly close to one another, “Oh, don’t look now but there’s PDA on the campgrounds,” she announced. Wyll let out a dramatic ‘Oo~’ that made her laugh.
Astarion was horrified inside and unable to think despite having that same snippy look on his face. But once the tears fell, he quickly pulled away, finally softening his demeanor. Karlach eventually looked over at you two when she hadn’t heard any smart mouthed response.
“You j-just have to ask.” You whimpered between labored breathes.
Karlach ran to your side before Astarion could think to speak. “What happened?” The concern in her voice caught Gale and Shadowheart’s attention. Gale quietly watched Astarion from a few feet away while Shadowheart raced over to place her hands on your shoulders the moment she arrived.
Shadowheart did what she did best lately, give dirty looks at Astarion from in the background. She had her head on your shoulder while Karlach tried to get some sort of response out of you. Shadowheart took her turn with her own line of questions when all Karlach could get was a pained look on your face. But there you were in the center of them making him sick again.
Astarion couldn’t handle himself as you cried. Never in his life had he so quickly regretted saying something to someone, let alone someone he grew so fond of. He felt worse as found himself noting how pretty you looked with tears down you face. All you needed was a break, maybe another night to yourself and right now he would give you all of them if he could help it. But he couldn’t, he never could. Astarion had to be sure that you were still on his side, and that you’d be waiting for him in his corner as though standing up for him in Moonrise Towers wasn’t enough.
Worry grew as Astarion thought about freedom of choice, and how much time had passed from the Tiefling party. You repeatedly declined his advances to have sex again, but he hadn’t made any significant or particularly tempting advances. In fact, he didn’t want to. Until now, he didn’t think he had to. In-between what he knew and what he wanted, Astarion wasn’t sure he would truly feel better if you just used his body like he needed you to. But if you wanted to, he would let you. It would be fair. It would make everything easier. It was what he thought he deserved. But there you were in front of him, reminding him that all he had to do was ask and it was his. He knew that if he said that aloud you would convince him otherwise, even if you had to do it sobbing.
That’s exactly how you made everything harder. Without your hands, without a leash, and without control, you had successfully made him care. When exactly that had started, Astarion couldn’t be sure but it was unsettlingly that the feeling crept in without a sound after he was so sure about having his heart set on using you. Maybe it started as selfishly as all things start, where wanting part of someone becomes needing everything else, they were. When being protected meant taking care his protector and being feed meant cleaning up after. Astarion wanted to switch roles to take care of you for once, he just didn’t know how to yet.
Shadowheart was about to call Gale over when you finally moved to wipe away your tears with the sleeves of your top were pulled over your palms. “Please don’t.” You pleaded with a nervous grin. “It’s nothing.”
“It is clearly not nothing.” Shadowheart squeezed your arms, her chin bouncing on your shoulder as she spoke. “You know you can talk to me. Or Karlach.” The Tiefling had her hands on her knees, crouching and nodding while Shadowheart spoke. “Or I can go grab La’zael but I don’t actually know what she would do for you. I don’t think she’s ever cried in her life...”
You let out an estranged laugh at the mention of Lae’zel. Shadowheart and Karlach’s whole demeanor eased up as they laughed with you. Coincidentally, Lae’zel started sharpening a blade which echoed throughout camp and softened the air significantly. Karlach headed to Lae’zel’s tent to have her shut off the wheel, Shadowheart kept her arm around your neck, guiding you behind Karlach. Astarion watched as each breath hiccupped in your shoulders, ignoring Lae’zel’s blunt form of comfort while he left to accompany Gale.
“You know Astarion,” he slowly stirred the strew from the very bottom of the pot to keep anything from sticking and burning. “She keeps a close eye on you when we’re out.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Astarion couldn't even try to pretend he meant that.
“I’m not trying to be. As cold as you are, no pun intended, I think most of us can tell she has a keen interest in your wellbeing, and I would suspect that you maybe return the sentiment.”
“I’ll have you know that not one of those earlier statements is funny or true.” Astarion tried to be coy. “Especially not now.”
“Deflect all you want my sharp-toothed friend, but I know you do.” Gale poured a bowl for himself, and a second one for Astarion.
“Don’t sound so sure of yourself.” He eyed the stew. “And Gale that’s just rude.”
From the corner of his eye, you watched him expectantly, with the same look you had when he drank you up at Light Inn. Shadowheart was shaking her head and rolling her eyes while Lae’zel spoke. “She doesn’t have to explain anything more. If she wants to sulk right now, let her.” Your Githyanki friend had this way of sounding harsh while looking concerned in her own funny way as she spoke. “Do you need more information to comfort someone you supposedly care for? Are those the teachings of Shar?”
“You’re one to talk,” Shadowheart huffed.
You were back and forth, looking between the two while seeming entertained.
“Astarion, my friend.” Gale held out the bowl to him. “I’m sure you know what I’m doing.”
He did. “Give me that.” He hissed and swiped your portion of food from Gales hand.
You watched Shadowheart as she turned to face him. “Astarion.”
“Good evening to you.” She avoided eye contact as she folded her hands.
Astarion bowed in a gentlemanly manner, tiling his head as he spoke to you. “I come bearing sustenance, my dear.” As you took the warm bowl from his hands Lae’zel tsked, and Karlach gave him a thumbs up despite pursing her lips.
“I see Gale made stew?” Shadowheart kept curt.
“I mean, I hope this is stew because if it’s not then I have no idea what she’s about to eat.” Astarion said sarcastically. “Although, in that case it’s better her than me.”
Astarion couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad sort airy laugh you gave him before you took a bite. But you with a free hand you motioned him to lean in again. You placed the bowl between your lap on the stool to cup his ear with both of your hands. Astarion tried to get a good look at you from the corner of his eye before you left his peripheral.
“You can feed on me again, if you’d like.” Gods you looked so pretty and venerable.
“I think…” Astarion thought about your breath and hands on his ear and tried to shake away the thought, “I think we need to talk, later.”
With the spoon in your mouth, you nodded again. “Okay, later.” You scooped up another bite.
Shadowheart was about to say something when you put your hand on her arm and shook your head. “I’m good. This is good,” was said so sincerely she didn’t try to fight it.
Astarion paid no mind to how the others reacted as he turned away to sit in his tent. The night couldn’t drag any slower even if it tried. You had disappeared into your tent after you ate, and so from in his own tent he was left to watch the rest of the weirdos interact and pretend that nothing happened. He stopped listening when Wyll started sharing some heroic tall tale and could only hope that you would still be awake after everyone else had fallen asleep. Truthfully Astarion had no reason to worry, he always found you waiting for him.
Your lashes were wet as though you just finished crying a second time, or maybe you hadn’t stopped. “You’re early.” You massaged your jaw as you spoke. “Or have I kept you waiting?”
“You haven’t kept anyone waiting,” he reassured. “And what’s with your jaw?”
“Just tense.”
Astarion hummed and squatted onto his ankles. “But you want to feed me anyways.”
The question caught you off guard. “Yes? Well, if you need to...”
“Hmm,” Astarion watched the ground. “You know, why do you do that to yourself?”
“Do what?" He watched as you played with your fingers, squeezing your right hand with your left and had realized that you were studying him.
“Weren’t you just crying earlier over something I said?”
“It was more than that.” You caught yourself before you could elaborate and Astarion felt himself growing impatient again.
“What do you mean more? More how?”
The tips of your fingers turned white as you continued to squeeze and contort them. “It was just more. Beyond you, and them, and me.” As soon as you looked down at your hands you finally stretched them out in front of you for some relief. “Didn’t you say that you wanted to talk with me?” You pointed to yourself in an awkward attempt to lighten the mood.
Astarion sucked in his lower lip and sighed. “I did, didn’t I?”
Astarion stared at you through his lashes as he made his way onto his knees. “My dear, I wanted to talk to you-” A scornful Shadowheart appeared in his head and he winced. “Well. I more wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me?” Your head shot up from your hands in your lap. “What did I do? You’re being a little mushy on me.”
“I know, aren’t I full of surprises?” There was a pause as he thought about how to word what he wanted to say next and saw how the silence made you anxious. “But you stood up for me in Moonrise Towers when you didn’t have to, and respected me when I said no. I can’t even remember the last time anyone’s done that for me.”
“Oh.” You smiled. “Of course.”
Astarion was unsure of how to explain himself but he wanted to try. “I know I’ve talked about Cazador and the things he made me do. I would use my body to lure in any pretty thing with a pulse and push aside all the disgust that came with it because I had to.” Your hands balled up in your lap. “For a long time, it has felt like that was the only thing I know how to do. Cazador's commands became second nature, his voice still lives in my head. It’s like I forget I’m not under his control. You’ve helped me remember I don’t have to do those awful things anymore.”
Self-consciously, you hugged yourself at your elbows and took another deep breath in. Your mouth opened to speak but only let all the air out.
“You can ask me questions.”
“If it filled you with disgust, if it was awful, then why did you...” You squeezed your eyes shut like you didn’t want to confirm some sinking suspicion. “Why did you sleep with me?”
Astarion didn’t like your cautious tone. “Why are you asking like that?”
“No, you just said- why did you sleep with me Astarion?” Your eyes bore into his. “Please just answer.”
“I needed you to protect me,” He observed your body as he had been while he spoke. “I needed to ensure you’d never want to leave me.”
With your palms upright you stared at the space between you two. Astarion waited for you to say something but wasn’t sure what he expected. He didn’t know what he wanted to hear.
“I hope you know, I would never.” was unexpected, welcome even, but it was not enough to satisfy his guilt.
“Are you not upset with me?”
“Do you want me to be?” Your eyes rounded with curiosity. “I just told you that I want you to know I would never leave your side, not willingly I should say.” Your voice trailed off in reflection. “I had never thought to, actually.”
After centuries of being beaten down, torn apart and stripped of reason, you were just going to tell him that it was, okay?
Astarion wanted to feel relieved. Astarion wanted to believe you without trembling, without balling his fists over his knees, without something telling him that should know better than to expect understanding. For years he had to get used to knowing that in Cazador's eyes he had always been below forgiveness. Especially the kind that needed no proof of his repentance.
“What’s wrong?” Your hand fell into view, hovered above his lap and without touching him you guided his chin up so he would face you.
Once again you were putting yourself aside to comfort him with a face that was drenched in concern. “I feel awful, you know. And you’re making this too easy. I have spent most of our time trying to seduce you, which was easy at first but then you just stopped. You just kept giving without taking which was just what I had hoped for. It was what I wanted- until suddenly it wasn’t.” Astarion shook his head when you nodded in understanding, “You knew it all along, didn’t you?”
It was maybe a few seconds of silence but it felt like a lifetime while in his self-appointed judgement seat.
“Not all along.” You looked up thoughtfully, “I didn’t think much of it until you wanted to bed me again."
“Oh?” His own curiosity spoke cut through the doubt. “What gave me away?”
“It was when you said,” Astarion winced as you cleared your throat and sat tall to give him a vivid visual of his act. “‘How about I try everyone's favorite? Just three little words? I love you'... Well,” You looked at his lap again, “it’s funny now.” You weakly smiled. Your hands flew over your mouth as your face twisted in embarrassment as Astarions mouth fell slightly open. “I realize that sounds like I wanted you to mean- well no. Yes- wait, no! I-It's not because I,” Your hands fell into your lap before you rolled your head from the ceiling down to him. “The realization hurts, but I guess conformation is worse.”
Something about you losing your spark flitted across his mind again and without thinking, Astarion leaned in to cup your face tenderly. His cold hands clearly caught you by surprise but you didn’t move away. In his hands he held your swollen bewilderment and kind eyes. He wished he could see what you did in him. “If you’ll let me,” He traced lines over your chin, up to your eyes, the tip of your nose, before he made it back to your gaze. “I would like to have the chance to give you something real.”
A warm smile in-between repose and disbelief made him weak. Another moment of silence passed as your eyes mapped out his expression. “Oh, shit,” you said with a slow falling simper that made your bottom lip tremble. “You mean that, don’t you...”
“I do.” He whispered tenderly as his thumb moved to still the shake. “But only if you’ll let me.”
You closed your eyes and let your head complete relax in his hands. Astarion took this as an opportunity to lift you closed to his face while your brows knitted together in anticipation. Slowly, he placed a kiss on your chin, your left cheek, then your right, before bringing your forehead to his lips. Your hands latched around his wrists as you pressed your head into his right hand. “Does this not bother you-?”
“Not one bit.” He mirrored you. “But on that note, I think I need more time for intimacy. Or, maybe I don’t want that at all anymore. After everything.” His eyes dropped to your chin.
“I can wait,” You reassured. “Whether or not that’s in vain. I don’t mind; we don’t have to have sex.”
Astarion could feel his whole face open as he straightened his posture, and yours. His usual wit and charm were coming back to him. “Well, we’ll see if that proves to be a challenge.”
You rolled your eyes and were about to pull away when his fingers pressed into your face to keep you still. “Yes?”
All he could see were your lips, “May I?”
Astarion was already moving in before you closed the distance. With your lips on his, his hand on the back of your neck, while another cradled your jaw, the only thing he could think about was just how warm you were, how soft and alive you felt on his mouth. But even in his hold he felt like he needed to chase you. You were being too gentle for his taste, too safe on his lips. Astarion was sure you could feel his growing hunger as his hand snaked to the base of your head to hold you by your hair, guiding each kiss with his neck before you finally opened your mouth, inviting him in.
Still, it wasn’t enough.
Astarion stood on his knees, not once letting you back away for air as he craned his neck to deepen a kiss that nearly pushed you onto your back. A drawn-out, reverberated whine melted in his ears as you pushed into his waist. But when you let go of him to support yourself, Astarion dragged his teeth on your bottom lip with a final peck before breaking away. You were panting as he sat back on the floor, smiling in his hold as his fingers were still tangled in your hair. Astarion pulled you into his arms, guiding you head into his shoulder before he drew circles on your back. As your heaving slowed, he pressed you flush against his chest like he’ll lose you if he couldn’t feel your heart against his own. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be.” You held him just as tight and that seemed to finally satisfy him.
“Thank you, my love.”
Astarion nearly purred when you pecked his neck. “Don’t mention it.”
© 2024 chimimon
#astarion#astarion x y/n#astarion x female tav#astarion x female reader#astarion x tav#astarion x you#astarion x reader#bg3 x y/n#bg3 x you#bg3 x tav#bg3 x reader
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thinking of karlach who once her engine cools off goes fucking ballistic. nsfw, fem! reader, me being horny for karlach because who isn't. baldur's gate 3 spoilers! i've only finished act one so i start improvising shit.
now, for a woman who has not been able to have even a hint of physical contact for ten years, you have to give her her flowers with how well she seems to deal with being incredibly emotionally and sexually frustrated.
but once she joins your party that hold she had over her body and brain starts to crack. fast.
hell, it started happening before the two of you became romantically involved. while she was drawn to you from the moment you said "yes" to helping a stranger kill a building full of people, she also had eyes and constantly wondered how everyone in the party was so attractive. astarion was never not flirting with someone, wyll was incredibly kind to her, and she could tell when shadowheart was admiring her physique...
but after a few weeks of traveling, fighting, and making friends for the first time in years, eventually during those quiet nights at camp she finds you invading her mind her mind when she rests in her tent to fall asleep, kind of like the parasite, but in a good way.
she thinks of a joke you you made when the two of you were eating by the fire that made her snort like a pig, the way you explored a dungeon and when you found a magical war axe immediately turned to her and gave it to her with a smile, how you so quickly stood up for her when wyll was adamant on killing her because of her past.
your kindness, your intelligence (she's amused when you act like a dumbass and fail when trying to persuade someone), just everything about you, it was only a matter of time before she asked you to join her when everyone fell asleep one night, talking about how you thankfully return her feelings. it takes a turn when you bring up how her condition leaves her pent up, and as you're whispering the sinful things you cant wait to do to her and she do to you.
it hits her full force that oh, she does actually want to fuck your brains out.
after that night everything you do starts to turn her on. like, horrendously. eating a snack on the road? all she can focus on is the way your lips move around the fruit. dancing to a song volo is playing? she's becoming entranced by the way your hips and arms move to the music.
once when the sun was set and the moon was high she headed down to the lake, figuring the rest of the party had already cleaned themselves when she started to undress on the sand, standing still as a statue when she spots you in the middle of the lake, rinsing out your hair when you turn around to look at her.
she can see the water falling from your hair to your shoulders, dripping down over the peak of your nipples, some falling down your chest to between yours legs-
when she comes back later after running off, the ground where she stood was scorched.
but until her engine got fixed, her nights were spent inside her tent rubbing at her clit and fingering her cunt while pretending it was you. the only thing that makes it better is when she can tell you about all the naughty things she thinks about you and seeing you squirm.
once dammon gets another piece of infernal iron and gives her the final upgrade she needs to have physical contact, she at least has the courtesy to take you to a rented room in an inn before she ravages you.
shes tossing you on to the bed and wondering if she should slow down, take it slow with you for your first time together to make it all the more special, but you're staring at her while she's contemplating and youre taking off your top and then youre pants and then youre pulling her by the arm on top of you and she realizes she can save the softness for later.
there's so much kissing, pulling, biting and moaning that after both of your first two orgasms she starts to feel dizzy. she swears shes never felt a greater pleasure than when you were cumming on her fingers, or when you brought her hips up to your face and made her ride your tongue.
she reaches down to your bag that was throw haphazardly on to the floor earlier and finds the toy you bought, the tiefling smiling so brightly her fangs are on full display as she aligns the double sided dildo with your entrance, nearly going cross eyed at the way it slips inside of you before she sticks the other end into her.
she throws your legs over her shoulders, hold your hands in hers, and starts thrusting so quickly its almost like she's afraid she'll die if she stops.
and she is. she has never felt as good as she does in this moment, fucking the toy into you before feeling it do the same to her every time she pulls her hips back.
shes thinking about how much she loves you when she feels your right hand claw at her back.
shes wondering how someone can be so damn beautiful when you arch your back and nearly scream out her name.
she can barely contain herself when she thinks about how she gets to fuck you like this for the rest of her life when her hand leaves yours and grabs onto the wooden bedpost.
your moans of ecstasy reach a pitch and her eyes are taking in every detail as you come undone, to the heaving of your chest and the fluttering of your lashes. its your gentle whisper of her name and a gentle kiss to her lips that tips her over the edge, grinding her hips faster to the point it starts to hurt and she feels her hands tightening and tightening-
her high feels like it lasts forever before she comes back down to earth, breathing heavy with a dopey smile on her face when she looks at you. she's confused by the look on your face, similarly blissed out but your cheeks are bunched up in that way that means youre trying to hold in a laugh...
its only then she starts to feel it : a large chunk of the headboard is in her hand, snapped almost clean off from the rest of in im the height of her euphoria. she cant help but laugh which makes you finally laugh which just makes you laugh harder.
she drops the wood and shakes her hand of any splinters when your hands are wrapping around her neck and pulling her back into you.
she doesn't feel that bad about it.
i've resorted to getting ideas from both dreams and those thoughts you turn into stories while trying to go to sleep im like a genius. i put this in the queue posted it and it only showed up on my blog whats with that.
#bg3#bg3 tav#bg3 x reader#bg3 karlach#baldurs gate 3#baldurs gate 3 x reader#baldur's gate 3#tav x karlach#karlach x tav#karlach#karlach x reader#karlach x reader smut
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Pairing: Dick Grayson x Female!Reader
Warning: Getting threats, harsh language, ending relationship.
A/N: It is short but i think it fits the song perfectly. 🤍 Hope you like it as much as I did. Please listen to Slut! By Taylor Swift while reading it. 🩵
𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆉 𓆝 𓆡⋆.˚ 𓇼
The first time you've met Dick Grayson, he was a boy with the laugh that ranged through the circus tents, louder than the roar of the crowd.
You had grown up together in the circus, a pair of reckless kids who knew every hidden corner of the lot. When you weren’t sneaking into empty trailers, daring each other to steal extra sweets from the sellers, you were up high, balancing on beams, swinging from ropes, pretending you could fly like him. Like 'The Flying Graysons.'
Dick always flew higher, always laughed louder, always burned brighter. And you loved him for it. He was your sunshine.
You remember him in flashes—his bare feet slapping against the tightrope, the way he’d toss popcorn at you between acts, the whispered secrets traded under the bleachers. And even when tragedy ripped him from the only life he knew, placing him in the care of Gotham’s richest man, he never forgot you. Letters turned into late-night phone calls, then not-so-secret-visits when he could sneak away from the manor. He was your wonder boy before he was Gotham’s golden boy.
Before he was theirs.
And somehow, against all odds, he still felt like yours.
Before the world decided to hate you for it.
"You’re trending again," you muttered, scrolling through your phone and giving a big sigh, dreading what you’d find under the latest hashtag with his name. Your stomach twisted as you saw your own face plastered across every gossip site, accompanied by headlines that made your chest ache.
"Billionaire Playboy Settling? Fans Think He Can Do Better."
"Gold Digger or Genuine?"
"Wayne Heir's Secret Girlfriend—SPOILER: NOT GOTHAM MATERIAL AT ALL!"
From that point, the headlines were getting worse and worse. You closed your phone and threw it on the couch while closing your face with your hands.
It was always the same: speculation, dissection. Your entire life picked apart like you were some unworthy trespasser in his world. Some of your friends weren't talking with you anymore; the ones that kept talking, tried to make a move on Grayson so with some of them you weren't talking anymore. You only had Grayson, once again like you were eight all over again.
Dick sighed, setting down his coffee as he leaned against your kitchen counter. His eyes were lingering on you, just to meet your eyes. He hated that you were so caught up with gossip. "You shouldn’t read that garbage, love."
You opened your fingers on your face to peak a look at his face. He seemed as serious as ever once again. "And you shouldn't be dating a nobody apparently." You laughed bitterly at yourself, fingers in your hair.
"Do you think If I disappeared, they'd get bored?"
His burrows furrowed as he pushed off the counter coming to stand right in front of you. His calloused hands grabbed your soft ones and he sat right beside you. "Don't even joke about that!"
Dick exhaled sharply, rubbing his face once more before turning to you with something raw in his eyes. “You think I care about what they say? What they write? I have loved you before they even knew your name. I have loved you before I was even a Wayne. They don’t get to take that from us.”
You swallowed past the lump in your throat at least tried but it was as stubborn as the media that was chasing you. "It’s not just us anymore, Dick. It’s them. They’re in this relationship too. The photographers. The headlines. The people who call me in the middle of the night to tell me I should kill myself."
He went still. His hand clenched into a fist against his thigh. Now the dark blue part of his eyes were ice cold. “What?”
You shook your head, a bitter smile on your lips. Your eyes started to watch the carpet on the floor, avoiding an eye-contact with him. “You didn’t know, did you?”
His entire body tensed like there was a wire that pulled him too tight. “When?”
"Every night. Every morning. Every time I open my door and there’s another letter. Another threat. Another reminder that I’m just an obstacle between you and the perfect fantasy of you they have in their heads."
His jaw tightened, hands shaking. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you’d do this,” you whispered. “Because you’d look at me like that. Like you have to fix it. Like you have to fight something for me.”
Dick shot up from the couch, pacing, running both hands through his hair. “Because I do have to fight for you! Because I can’t stand the thought of you dealing with this alone. Do you know what it does to me knowing you’re scared?”
You bit your lip, looking away. “I’m not scared of you.”
“No,” he murmured, voice harsh. “You’re scared for me.”
Silence started between you, heavy and fragile tension raised.
Finally, you stood, stepping closer. “Dick…”
His hands came to your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek like he was memorizing the sadness within you. His voice was desperate now, barely more than a whisper. “I don’t care what they say. I don’t care about Gotham or its gossip or its cruelty or anything at all at this point.The only thing I care about is you.”
You exhaled shakily, hands gripping his wrists. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to be with you.”
His lips pressed, he looked at you like you said the dumbest thing ever. “Then let me be strong enough for both of us.”
A tear slipped down your cheek. He caught it with his thumb, gently erasing it like he could erase every tormenting thing that is in your life, voice breaking. “Please don’t leave me because of them.”
And god, you wanted to stay. You wanted to believe that love was enough to drown out the noise.
But when you closed your eyes, all you could see were the threats. The cameras. The fear curling in your stomach like a storm waiting to break. It was close now, almost too close.
“I don’t know how to do this,” you admitted.
Dick exhaled, pressing his forehead to yours, his own breath shaky. “Then let’s figure it out together.”
And for once, you let yourself believe that maybe, just maybe, love could be louder than fear.
It started small-really. Dick staying at your place more often, an extra toothbrush in your bathroom, his spare clothes in your drawer-next to your socks.
Then one morning, after seeing someone wrote "Slut!" on your car with a red spray paint he simply said: "I'm moving in."
You tried to argue with him when he went inside to grab a bucket and a sponge to clean that disgusting paint but his eyes shut you up, leaving no place for an argument.
And somehow you felt safer.
Three weeks later the night was warm on your skin, wind simply kissing your body with its soft touch. Your arms were wrapped around yourself and you were watching over the city.
You were fired today. Your boss simply said they were getting threats as well for working with you. It was dumb, really. You were thinking about quitting your job already and focusing more on your art for months now but still it affected you more than you could think.
Dick's footsteps were heard, he came up right behind you; hands settling on your waist firmly before leaving a kiss on your shoulder.
"You're thinking too much love, I'm sure you will find a better job. I'll help." he murmured.
You sighed leaning into him. "I don't know how to stop, Grayson." He turned you gently and now you were facing him. He left a lingering kiss on your forehead while he spoke. "Tell me what you're thinking."
Your eyes flickered over his face, trying to find the right words. "Maybe we should break up." His breath hitched as his grip on your hips tightened.
Tears started to form in your eyes and slowly made their way on your cheek. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
And then he kissed you.
The kiss was raw, emotional. Like if he stopped kissing you would leave. You were struggling with your breathing and emotions that rushed over you.
You melted into him, fingers tangling in his dark hair, holding him like he's the only thing that is keeping you together, keeping you from falling apart maybe.
"I'll find a way, I promise."
#batfamily#batfamily fic#batman#bruce wayne#dick grayson#fan fiction#jason todd#jason todd x reader#dick grayson x y/n#dick grayson x reader#wonder boy
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Dating Headcanons | Honkai Star Rail

Tags | No spoilers, any pronouns reader, fluff, Dan Heng and march being siblings.
Characters | Dan Heng, Bronya, Gepard
Note | Look, I know that Honkai Star Rail just came out but I couldn't resist!! I just had to write these three! :>

Dan Heng
March wonders if Dan Heng threatened you to be his partner or maybe you are just blind. She honestly doesn’t know what you see in him.
Dan Heng may seem distant at first but give him some time then he’ll start pampering you with his love.
His love language is quality time. If you are a member of the Astral Express then he’s happy that he gets to spend time with you.
He’s not much of a talker so he’ll be glad to just hear you talk about what’s been going on, your favorite novels, your missions, etc.
See Dan Heng can be a bit protective, even if you are a fighter yourself, he’ll still be going with you whenever you have a mission.
He’d ask Himeko (He tried asking March once but she ended up teasing him instead of answering him) what kind of gifts he should get you.
Before going to bed together, you two would watch the stars together while you talk about what’s been going and Dan Heng will be there listening to you talk as he stares at you <3
You always have to make sure she isn’t overworking herself, if she is, you’ll drag her out to get some fresh air.
She loves spoiling you and always finds a chance to buy something that reminds her of you.
Being the Heir and next Supreme guardian, Bronya wants to keep her relationship with you private to not attract too much attention.
Plus, she has many enemies. She does not want to see you get hurt because of her.
She values her mother’s opinion very much, so she’ll ask you if you’d like to meet her mother. If you still aren’t ready, she’ll understand, no worries (though, she still wants you two to meet)
Whenever she does have free time, you two go out for dinner or a calm walk out.
She’ll gift you a weapon of some sort, just to be safe you know? You never know what might happen.
She also loves listening to you talk! It’s so refreshing for you, hearing your voice always soothes her whenever she’s stressed.
He’s a sweetheart, literally is so in love with you.
Would not hesitate to use his name to tell someone off if they ever harassed you.
When you guys go on picnics, he insists on cooking the food. Though, it’s more fun when you are helping him, it makes him feel relaxed.
Like Bronya, he likes to keep things private considering how he is a captain and has many enemies.
Whenever he’s in public and you are there, he would send you a glance or a soft smile.
His sister always teases him about you, going on and on about when he’s gonna stop being a chicken and propose to you.
Speaking of his sister, Serval loves you! She always considers you as part of her family and is looking forward to the day you and Gepard take another step in your relationship.
If he’s ever injured, either he goes to you or tries to avoid you. He does not want to worry you too much.
#honkai star rail#hsr#honkai star rail x reader#honkai star rail x you#honkai star rail x y/n#hsr x reader#hsr x you#hsr x y/n#honkai star rail headcanons#honkai star rail scenarios#honkai star rail imagines#hsr headcanons#hsr scenarios#hsr imagines#dan heng x reader#dan heng x you#dan heng x y/n#bronya x reader#bronya x you#bronya x y/n#gepard x reader#gepard x y/n#gepard x you#dan heng#bronya#gepard#hsr bronya
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Every little thing that Ford did, that most would find unusual or concerning, Stan couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his head. Every time, Ford would immediately sit on the floor instead of the couch when they watched movies. Every time Stan would wake up to a loud crash in the middle of the night only to see his brother panicking over A broken lamp or 3. Every time he had to hold his hair up while his brother threw up because he ate to fast or to much. He knew his brother was deeply traumatized, but he didn't know how deep or how most of it was caused. Part of him didn't want to know, but he wanted be there for his brother so he always asked Every time they spoke to see if Ford was willing to talk about it. Spoiler he never did, besides trying to justify it by claiming oh his muse did it cause he did something bad, he rarely elaborated any Further despite the constant begging. But at the end of the day if Ford wanted to share then he would.
With another mouth to feed, (well one that Stan wanted to make sure had a fully nutritious meal 3 times a day. Instead of Stan's usual coffee in the morning, sandwich at lunch and a TV dinner for Dinner.) Stan ran out of food quickly so a stop at the grocery store was a must. He got up early, so the stores would be pretty empty, and grabbed his brother and headed out for the store.
Ford was a bit nervous to be going. His concerns were rooted in fear of a crowded store. Stan assured him, it will be okay. It's pretty dead in the morning, and if it made him feel any better Ford could pick out any snack he wants. That got him excited, for the rest of the way there Ford contemplated on whether he should get some jelly beans, or a pack of cheddar moths, maybe Stan could let him get bubble gum icecream! Stan Could only chuckle at that level of excitement.
Inside the store Ford followed Stan around as he picked out the groceries, occasionally He would ask Ford for his opinion on certain items, Stan knew Ford didn't care what Stan picked he ate every thing, Stan once saw him eat a raw egg whole, shell and all saying he liked the crunch and the taste of blood from where the shells sliced his mouth. But still he wanted Ford's opinion. He wanted Ford to have some control of his life one cereal flavor at a time. Stan turned around, about to ask if he wanted Unlucky Leprechaun, or Cocoa-O's, when he noticed his brother Was gone. He dropped both boxes on the floor and started to run through the store to find him.
Fortunately he found him the next aisle over, Stan figured he must have gotten excited to see the Calcium-Bones on the end cap displaying a big sale sign. “Great” he huffed, he found himself in the pet aisle. And even more “great” is that he found Ford looking at big display of new chew toys. The new chew toys “Celebrating” the 25th anniversary of Weirdmageddon. Fuck.
“Hey Ford whatcha got there?”
“Look Stanley. Isn't this great! They have my muse here, and look here's me! Oh and here's Pyronica she's great oh and Teeth he's not great, oh and Eight-ball, and…”
“Hey that's great, buddy.” he said softly, Keep calm Stan keep calm don't get mad focus on breathing. I don't think he realizes that they are chew toys, meant to be destroyed by some sick owner's dog to terrorize.
“Stanley, is it alright If I get these instead of my treat? Please, just look at My Muse isn't he wonderful.” Ford just looked so happy, he couldn't say no, but he had too for Ford's own good, now how to soften the blow?
“Wow Ford, I would love too but you know money is pretty tight right now and with the twins birthday coming up I don't think now would be the best time, but I promise I'll sell something big soon and the next time where here you can pick one up. How's that sound?” Yeah that will give me plenty of time to break in and burn them all to a crisp.
“Oh. Stanley, I'm sorry… I feel terrible. Here you are trying to get the essentials. I didn't realize money was this tight. I swear I'll do what I can to help pull my weight. I think I saw a flyer for a dog show in town for tomorrow, the prize is 500 dollars. You can sign me up. This time, I'll win, I have been getting better at the tunnels, and I learned that if I dislocate my shoulders, I can squeeze through. That and since that show off Calamari is’t here, so I'll finally be the top pet around here.”
“Ford I'm not signing you up for a dog show, and you pull your weight just fine you send me all of that weirdness crap, and I am the man people come to, to buy it! My finances are none of your concern.”
“Great, let's get going before the store gets more crowded.”
“You can start to check out. I'll be there in a minute. I just want to say goodbye.”
“Alright just a few more minutes”
Honestly the fact Ford didn't have a breakdown when stan said no was amazing in its own right. But Stan couldn't help shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. When they returned home Ford shut him self in the guest room. Stan figured it was because he need to charge his socal battery. It was around lunch when Stan checked in on Ford. This surprise there was talking behind the door. He carefully cracked open the door and peaked Inside. Ford was on the floor playing with the dog toys from earlier.
“Ford! If you don't stop talking about your stupid moth collection, I'm going to give you wings and pin you up to the wall for decoration.” Ford said in a high pitch voice his raspy voice could manage. Ford held the yellow triangle toy above the ground so it could “float” around the mini version of himself.
“I'm sorry, My Muse. I'll stop talking about the moths. Did you want to hear about how my appointment went? Dr. Oleander said…”
“Why the hell would I want to hear about that. Be a good boy and shut up.”
“I’m sorry my muse, I'll be quiet. I'll be a good…”
“I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! Do you want me to rip out your vocal cords again?” Ford then took the mini Ford and slammed it on the floor and the loud squeak that came from it Stan knew he had to step in.
“Hey Ford, I'm going to make lunch. Did you want chicken nug…. Whatcha got there?” Stan said as if he didn't spend the last few minutes watching Ford. “Are those the “toys” from earlier. Stanford, did you take them?”
Ford sunk lower to the floor, tears stared to fall, “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Stan I….I just really wanted them I…I just took these two, I swear, and I…. I gave them a squirrel I found as a trade. Please, I'm so sorry.”
“Stanford it's okay… Just breath i ain't mad about the stealing. Trust me i’ve been known to shoplift a thing or two in my day (or this morning, foods getting way to expensive) I'm just surprised That's all I thought we agreed that I'll buy them for you later that's all.”
“I know I just miss my muse so much. And playing with These help a bit.”
Hummm, that gave Stan an idea if Ford wouldn't listen to him about Cipher being a jerk wad. Maybe he would listen to the toys
“Well is it ok if I played with you?”
“Yeah sure just gimme one.”
Ford gave Stan Mini Ford, and Stan looked over the toy for a dog toy it was pretty well made, and the Desiner even got all the bows and triangles right. “Hello my names Stanford, and I love jellybeans, moths, and doing research to help protect the world.”
Ford chuckled “Stanley! Fine.” He gave his Mini Muse a little hug and then went to play with Stan “Hiya smart guy! It looks like you could use a friend. you're in luck. I'm looking for a new pal. And i want to be buddies with the smart guy who was able to figure out who summoned me. Put er there, the names Bill Cipher.”
Wait what? That caught Stan off guard Ford never called Bill by his Actual name in favor of calling him his Muse. Sure he Would replace the word God with the word Bill but he would never invoke his full name like that especially when Ford was playing so calmly. Let's see where this is going. Stan took the doll and attempted to shake bills hand. “Hi Bill, do you like research. I'm in this town to do science stuff. Can you help me?”
“Sure pal! I'll help, and in exchange, you can help me with a little project i've been working on.”
“Uh… Shure. What's the project” Is Ford retelling a memory? He hates talking about the past but why is he reliving them now with the toys? What if he went against the script how would Ford react?
“Oh just a simple Trans-universal Poly-dimensional meta vortex. Should be a piece of cake with your smarts and my guidance.”
“No thank you ”
Ford looked at Stanley and glared into his eyes “that's not how it happened. Play this right.” He switched back to his Attempted Bill voice “you sure about that.”
“ OK fine I'll build your portal.”
They played like that for a bit but Ford grew annoyed at how Stan was playing, so Stan asked if Ford could show him how to play. So now Ford was back to playing two roles well three, his research partner, (played by a discarded sock and was also controlled by Ford) mini Ford built the portal mini bill gave positive guidance. If this is what happened all those years ago then what happened? He didn't have to wait long for the answer something went wrong his research partner saw sorting he shouldn't have. And when mini Ford started to express concerns about the portal Bill grew nastier. Stan saw the Horrors of what his brother went Through through The dolls. And he saw the real Ford just talk about it as if he was just narrating a story.
Stan had enough when his brother was going into graphic detail of being chained up, starved, dehydrated, whipped, cut, sleep deprived, and thay were still only on year two of this torture. Stan did the math once and he estimated ford went through this for five years.
“Hey Ford, I didn't realize. The time we've been playing here for 2 hours, i have an important meeting I have to go to.” Please stop this Ford. I don't think I can handle one more second of this. Is this why you never tell people what happened. Do you just bottle everything up so you don't scare people with what you've been through. Cause obviously you do remember.
“WHATS WRONG STAN2” wait Ford's bill impression couldn't have improved that much in 5 seconds stan looked at Fords eyes and to his dismay they were yellow. WHATS'S WRONG YOUR NOT LIKING THE SHOW?”
“Can it let him go. I'm not in the mood for your BS.”
“Fuck you, if you weren't in my brother right now. I would punch you into the next dimension.”
That got Stan to quiet down he knew that was a promise and not a threat “Alright Fine”
“SEE AND PEOPLE CALL YOU THE DUMB CLONE HAVE FUN AND REMEMBER 72 HOURS” before Cipher left Fords body he threw mini Ford against the wall where it landed on the guest bed.
“Huh…” Ford said while waking up from his possession. He looked around him and started to panic slightly. He caught stans eyes “Stanley do you see mini me? He should be here.”
“Oh, yeah I think he's over here.” Stan picked him up from the bed. “he uh… was tired I put him down for a nap.”
“Oh Stan your heart is in the right place, but you're just being silly. Mini Ford doesn't sleep on a bed. He sleeps on the floor on a dog bed. Hehe.”
Stan sighed “Hey Ford, do you remember what we were just playing?”
“Sorry can't say I recall I didn't know you were in this room until I woke up. Why did something happen”
Stan's heart dropped “eh it was nothing but Bi…. I mean your muse...”
“My Muse was here! Does he miss me, I miss him. What did he say.”
“Yeah he… uh misses you too and wants you back home in 3 days.”
“Oh this is wonderful! I need to pack right away thank you so much for taking care of me while I'm here.”
“Hey any time. I'm going to see if there's a bus to the bubble that's leaving no later then tomorrow morning. Not going to lie it hurts to see you go.”
“Aw Stanley thank you so much your the best brother in the world. But don't worry about me My Muse takes such great care of me! But I'll be sad to leave you too.”
While Ford was in the guest room packing Stan bought a ticket back to the bubble for Ford. he Didn't want him to go. It had been so nice waking up in the morning knowing he's safe and that he had proper food, and was loved and taken care of. And not that fake crap Cipher gives him. While still on Boogle Stan thought of an idea "come on come on you have to have a number listed…. Bingo. “ the website of one Dr. Irene Oleander was displayed on the monitor. This was the Doc that Ford talked about surely would know if something like this happened to Ford before. He scrolled down to a phone number and jotted it down on some scrap paper maybe she had some information on his brother he'll have to give her a call in the morning.
Hey, angst anon here, and I have brought you more angst. Anyway, enjoy this play based therapy sessions where Ford just zones out and narrates things he has no idea hes doing that to begin with and i did leave the ending open incase I wanted to do a second part of an awkward phone call between Stan and the doc I think that might be fun

Awwww, this is so cute!! It's also the closest thing my boy is getting to therapy for a while 💔
(This isn't the first time Ford has lit something on fire inside Stan's condo)
#domesticated ford#gravity falls#ford pines#cartoon#gravity falls au#stanford pines#sketch#fanart#my art#fan fiction#ask fiction#teeth
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Something real
I thought I’d play around with an Astarion POV and this is what happened.
Connected with my other headcanon fics, would take place after this one, but before the end of this one. You don’t have to read them for this to make sense though. (But you totally should!)
Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Tav, Astarion x Bard Tav, soft Astarion, Astarion POV
Comfort, fluff, budding love, banter, humour, Act 1 spoilers, non-explicit, light angst, probably too much swearing
Approximately 2,000 words.
You were lying alone by the fire, waiting for her to join you, trying once again to untangle the mess this woman made in your head.
What exactly were you, to each other?
Were you just temporary travelling companions having meaningless sex for stress relief?
Or were you lovers in the more literal sense of that word?
And is that what you wanted..? To be someone’s, whom you could call your own? To have something real..?
It should have been simple, except the lines kept shifting and blurring. And needless to say, this wasn’t at all what you had initially intended.
All you knew was, this deliciously ambiguous time at the end of your evenings, when you just talked – this was your favourite time of day.
You were restless with anticipation, now that everyone else had finally gone to sleep or was shuffling around in their tents.
Except she was nowhere to be seen.
You could always slip into her tent, she might even have been waiting for you there now – but then you'd most likely wind up putting on the ‘seductive lusty lover’ mask, and as fun as that was, it’s not what you wanted right now.
You were getting impatient.
You wondered just how undignified and out of character it would be to simply go to her tent and lure her out on some pretense, like the stars being particularly bright, or some similar horseshit. You glanced at the sky. The stars weren’t even visible.
Fuck. ...Well, she’d just laugh at that anyway.
But lo and behold, there she was at last, plundered bottle of wine in hand. You bit your tongue to avoid addressing her with any of your habitual epithets, for which she’d rebuked you on numerous occasions, but she went ahead and did it for you herself anyway:
“Here I am! The wind beneath your wings, the rose among your thorns! The fire in your furnace, the... uh... help me out here, will you?”
“The biting canines in my buttock.”
“There we go! A touch predictable, but no less eloquent for it.”
She sat down, right next to your head, stretching her legs out towards the fire, and gave you a searching and expectant look, not saying anything.
You raised a quizzical eyebrow back at her.
“Well come on, scooch up,” she said with a playful smile on her lips.
You lifted slightly on your elbows and laid your head in her lap.
This is new.
“Can I offer you something to drink?” she asked, waving a wrist, and then the wine in the other hand suggestively at you.
“Not tonight, dear,” you chuckled. “I had quite a successful boar hunt while the rest of you were playing hero in the foothills.”
“Suit yourself.” She took a drink straight from the bottle and stared off into the fire, her other hand absentmindedly running through your hair. You resisted the urge to lean further into her touch.
“What’s on your mind?” you asked after the silence went on a touch too long.
“I would like you to explain something to me.” she said quietly.
You instinctively tensed, your mind racing, wondering what you could have possibly done or let slip.
“...Why in the fuck do you lot listen to and take directions from me? Do none of you realize I’m just a shit-talking clown and have no idea what I’m doing?” the tone of her voice was flat.
...Ah. That.
“This ‘clown’ led us unscathed through a subversive operation in a goblin camp. Mostly via shit-talking. You even convinced one of them to lick your boot!” you shook your head incredulously. “Give yourself credit where it’s due. Do you think anyone else here could have pulled that off?”
I probably could have. Wouldn’t. But could have.
She took a swig from the bottle, considering your question. “Well you definitely could have done the same. You’d just choose not to. ...why are you laughing?”
“Never mind that. Would you like me to take over for you, darling?”
“Good heavens, no!” she grimaced in mock horror. “Just stay at my side, as my moral compass.”
“Your moral compass?”
“When in doubt, I ask myself ‘What would Astarion do?’, and do the opposite. Usually that’s good enough to keep everyone happy and keep bloodshed to a minimum.”
You’re not wrong.
“But gods it’s been exhausting...” she was sombre again. “They all want something, and they all think their problem is the most urgent. ‘We must go to the creche – no, we must go to Moonrise – no, but my heart will explode – no, but I and everything around me will explode’” she was getting riled up, gesticulating with the bottle in her hand. You were worried it would fly out of her grip. She paused to collect herself.
“At least your demands are too insane to entertain in the first place,” she continued with a weary grin. “‘Embrace the tadpole, take over a cult, fight squirrels, commit genocide’” - she did her best to mimic your manner of speaking, then rolled her eyes and took another swig from the bottle.
“Never know where a little thinking outside the box might lead you, dear.” I just want my freedom, whatever it takes. ...And that squirrel was looking at you funny. “And you? What do you want?”
“A hot bath, new lute strings, and a cat to cuddle,” she answered without hesitation.
You couldn’t think of anything better than to emit a very convincing meow.
It must have taken her by surprise - she glanced down at you, eyes wide, before bursting out laughing and scratching you behind the ear.
You hated to admit it, but you were very pleased with yourself, making her laugh like that.
“My pointy-eared feline predator,” she murmured, looking into your eyes and smiling, as she slowly and delicately ran her finger along the edge of your ear, right to the tip, which felt... divine, actually.
This... this was too intimate for someone you just had meaningless sex with, right?
You heard some rustling and footsteps nearby, too casual to be an intruder, probably just someone walking off to relieve themselves.
She jerked her hand away from you, like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, and actually made a motion as if to get up, before you stopped her with a gentle hand on her wrist, still lying with your head in her lap.
“Hey... Hold on... Now you explain something to me. Earlier today, you burst into camp covered in hyena entrails, yelled ‘My star!’, threw yourself on me, legs and arms and all, like some deranged monkey, and made me spin you around, kissing you. ...But this is what embarrasses you?”
“That was putting on a silly act,” she said sheepishly. “And this is...” she faltered, looking for the right words.
“Not intended for anyone else’s eyes.”
"Well everyone can direct their eyes elsewhere, then,” you responded, unable to contain a smile.
It’s real.
“Oh, and you’re absolutely adorable, by the way,” you added.
She flicked you lightly on the nose and looked away. Was she blushing?
“Anyway. It’s Gale that worries me the most.”
Fucking Gale.
“He said the last artifact he consumed hardly did anything. He doesn’t know how much longer he can contain it. He’s inconsolable.” she continued.
“Perhaps we should all stop worrying and embrace the orb explosion. At least that will mean we won’t have to deal with anything else, ever.” you suggested. This was helpful, right?
“I wish I could do something to help, or at least get his mind off it for a while.”
Of course you do, you bleeding heart.
“And how might you ‘get his mind off it’, exactly?”
“I think we should seduce him,” she looked you straight in the eyes and said in a deadpan manner.
Oh, sliding off a serious topic straight back into fuckery with a straight face, are we? I know that game very well.
“Darling, even without the orb, he would literally explode if you held eye contact with him a second too long. He’s been pining for you since you pulled him out of that rock.” You waved a dismissive hand in Gale’s general direction. “The kindest thing you can do for him is give all your undivided attention to me, so he never has a glimmer of hope.”
Bloody Gale with his manicured beard, puppydog eyes and cooking skills...
“Well, while we’re on the topic, I still think we should seduce someone, to spice camp life up a bit. How about Lae’zel?” she continued.
“Lae’zel would skewer both of us if we approached her.”
...and his warm hands...
“...You know, I’m pretty sure Lae’zel would skewer us for that, too. Perhaps all three of us, on the same blade.”
...and his ability to find kind and empathetic words in any situation. ...Shame about the orb though.
“What about...” she grinned, “daddy Halsin?”
You exchanged a meaningful look.
Ha! Well there’s a curious thought. I wonder if he could contain himself, or if he would turn into a bear. How... dangerous.
“Let’s revisit that thought later.” you said pensively.
“Karlach is impossible, of course...” she continued. “That leaves Wyll.”
“Oh please,” you chortled. “Even if he wasn’t depressed over the whole... demonic horns and abducted parent conundrum. He strikes me as the ‘wait until marriage’ type. And he’d want to do the seducing himself.”
“I’m not so sure about the marriage part. He would keep it proper and gentlemanly though.” she thoughtfully tapped her lower lip with a finger. “Multiple extravagant dates to impress his sweetheart before making any moves, the whole shabang. You wouldn’t want him to try to sweep you off your feet?”
“Just me? No no, we are in this together.” you remarked. “And he could certainly afford to woo us both at once, being the son of a duke.”
“Weeks of wining and dining us, waiting for the fires of ‘true love’ to fully ignite...” she said contemplatively, gazing into the fire.
“Smothering us with red roses, romantic moonlit carriage rides and ballroom dancing...” you copied her tone.
“Until finally railing you on a grand piano one day, while I whipped him with a switch,” she said with a devilish grin.
“You absolute uncouth filth!” it was your turn to be taken off-guard as you shook with laughter.
You incredible, ridiculous, mad thing... I would spend another year locked alone and hungry in a tomb, if it meant keeping you alive and safe.
Something in your chest twisted.
Did I really just think that?
Yes, yes I did.
You needed to stop and consider what just came into your head. And give yourself a good slap in the face. But for now, more than anything, you desperately needed to switch your brain off.
You sat up and kissed her, pulling her into an embrace.
“You crazy idiot, what am I going to do with you?” you whispered, briefly touching your forehead to hers.
“Something nasty, I hope,” she answered with a cheeky smile. But there was more warmth than lust in her eyes.
“My tent or yours?” you asked softly, trailing a finger down a bare arm.
“Do you have vials of boar blood everywhere?”
“Yes. Do you have everything you’ve collected, ever, everywhere?”
Hoarder. I would give you a whole palace to decorate, just to see what you would do with it.
Sigh... “I guess I could accommodate you for a short while.”
Please stay all night.
On a sudden whim, you swept her up in your arms as you got up, carrying her to your tent.
What in the hells was I thinking?
“Oh!” she gasped, surprised. “My... I don’t suppose you’ve got a grand piano in there?”
“We’ll have to make do with my trunk, I’m afraid.”
“And they say romance is dead.”
None of this was going according to plan.
Fuck the plan.
You felt like a cretin and a fraud as you carried her off. But you’d make it right. She deserved something better. Something real.
And so did you, godsdamnit.
I’ll tell her... Just not today.
Next in series - Are you mine?
This work is part of a series - here is the master list
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Ok so throw back to Ep. 56
When bronze entered the book and only encountered that rustling. He himself states that either Buddy/Nox wasn’t there, or left the book.

The rustling in the bushes could have just been ambience ORRRR Buddy/Nox could have spotted him and left quickly! Bronze would recognize him right away, so it TOTALLY makes sense that he would leave. However, he didn’t show up at all when Deacon was Ridin’ Solo. So he probably either has a direct link to Silver, or Chase himself. If Violet is linked with Silver, Buddy/Nox prob skedaddled the moment he saw our peanut butter boy.
The book shown in EP. 61 shows a bunch of lines and junk (including Buddy/Nox's moon) with Violet's key presumably in her spot? Which could connect her to Silver? Idk
Another thing, I’ve been thinking about :
What role exactly Buddy/Nox has... When Chase first wakes Silver in Ep. 9
We can see here that Chase says purple key and villainess and Silver confirms. I saw someone in the comments mention that he has the moon on his back to mirror Goldie, so maybe he is the villain key? Like, for masculine roles while Violet is for feminine roles. He does mention that he’s never been the hero…
Some more food for thought,
Look at how sad he is here in Ep. 13 :( Chase has no idea that he’s saying that to a fellow key who probably knows Silver better than Chase does.

A few panels earlier Buddy/Nox calls her an “it” so I wonder if he was somehow turned into a key after they were separated, and never met her? Or he could just be throwing Chase off. He seems genuinely surprised when Chase tells him off.
And Next,
This episode had me thinking of Buddy/Nox bashfully asking Violet to make him outfits for each story LOL. I love when we get peaks into his shy personality. He has a snooty persona he keeps putting up, and I hope in season two we get to see him show more genuine pieces of himself :’)
(Ep. 40)

Now, discussing some moments from the actual episode 61 (and ofc I freaked out for a Hot Minute after The Reveal) I wanted to share a bit of a “haha” moment where this image

Did not in fact make me freak out. For the right reasons. I went “WOAH VIOLET IS SO BIG”
I was so shell shocked from the kiss that I didn’t even CONSIDER that Buddy/Nox is TINY 😭
And then we get to see more of his facade crack as he sadly reminisces after the kiss. Not a cute moment like Chase, but a realization that he’s fallen deeper than he should have. And it’s getting in the way of his goals. Their goals.

And finally,
Looking back at some of the other episodes, Buddy/Nox lets himself indulge in Chase sometimes. When he calls him a little idiot, strokes his hair, tries (badly) to idk seduce? him. Its making my mind RACE! Was he aware of his feelings? Did he look forward to seeing Chase in the books? Did it give him a sense of normalcy and make him feel human again? Did he feel a sense of dread when he realized that he likes Chase, or chose to ignore the reasons he shouldn’t and let himself indulge? Or push his feelings deep down and not once mention it to Violet?
Punko, you are a LEGEND I cherish this webtoon SO MUCH.
#it’s going to be hard for me to refer to him as Nox#I’m so used to buddy!#but it feels soooo good to have a name :’)#sorry for the long post#I have some more to say so I might reblog it with more#but it’s 2 am and I need to sleep so#^ I've edited it since then but know I typed most of this right after I read the episode at like 2 am fr#and i WILL reblog it with more easter eggs#Cinderella boy#buddy#Nox#Chase#stargoth#webtoon#art#Punko
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The Delicate Flower of Madame Kaji’s Brothel.
Backstory: Your husband, had sold you off to Madame Kaji for a good price, a large price. One, because of your looks. And two, because you are a virgin. Your father had made sure to keep you young and pure for your husband. Once you had met your husband, you didn’t want to have anything to do with him (or his small dick), so you completely refused for your husband to take your virginity. Which made your husband sell you off to Madame Kaji, to which she happily accepted. She had to state to many men that came by the brothel that you were off limits. You never understood why, and Madame Kaji didn’t tell you. She would say that it wasn’t the right time. To which now, many people would call you the ‘virgin of Madame Kaji’ or the ‘Delicate Flower of Madame Kaji’s House’.
Mizu and Madame Kaji were speaking together in the room where Mizu would be staying. Ringo was still out in the main area. The door to the room slides open, to which you walk in holding tea. “Ah, my flower.” Madame Kaji said, smiling as she waved you over to which you immediately go over and placed the tea down gently. Mizu glanced at you, before looking back at Madame Kaji. “This is Y/N.” Madame Kaji said, glancing at you. You were pouring in tea. You bowed your head slightly at Mizu. “She’s one of my special girls, my only special girl.” Madame Kaji said proudly. “What makes her special?” Mizu asked, raising an eyebrow. “Ah, well you see. She’s still a virgin. Some of the men around here call her the Delicate Flower of Madame Kaji’s house.”
Mizu’s eyes widened a little, before scoffing. “I’m not sure if I believe it.” She said. “A virgin? In a brothel?” “She’s off limits to everyone.” Madame Kaji said, smirking. “You’re free to go.” Madame Kaji said to you, smiling softly at you. You nodded, glancing at Mizu once again. Making eye contact. You got up, patting down your dark purple kimono, before leaving the room, sliding the door shut.
“What’s your main plan with her?” Mizu asked suddenly, frowning as she stared at Madame Kaji. Madame Kaji sighed. “I wish to have her get married, run off far away. I wish to not make her one of my girls. I want her to live a good happy life with a husband who will make her happy.” Madame Kaji confesses, looking down as she frowned. Mizu froze a little, glancing away. “Makes sense.”
You were growing bored, so you had decided to talk to man that you had saw who looked to be waiting, Ringo. “Hello.” You said, smiling softly as you sat across from him. “Hi! I am Ringo, rjn-go!” Ringo said happily, blushing as he stared at you with curiosity. “Nice to meet you, Ringo. I’m y/n. What brings you here?” You asked, titling your head to the side. “I’m traveling with my Master. Who is very strong and mean!” Ringo cheered. You thought of the man you saw with Madame Kaji. Before softly smiling. “Say, why don’t you tell me more about your Master?”
Mean while with Mizu and Madame Kaji.
“Does she know about your desire?” Mizu asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “No. She’s completely innocent. She had no idea.” Madame Kaji frowned, shaking her head. “There have been many men who know about this, and have tried to fight for her hand. None of them was for her taste, or mine. Perhaps I should I give up.” Madame Kaji said, sighing as she stood up. Mizu followed in suit, standing up has well and followed Madame Kaji out of the room. Before they both made their way to the main entrance.
You and Ringo had been talking, giggling. Men had been eyeing the whole time. Noticing how you were fully covered up. There was no skin of yours showing off. But Mizu couldn’t help but wonder what secrets you were hiding. “I see you two have been getting along.” Madame Kaji said, walking over to the two of you, gently patting your head. “Hi Master!” Ringo said, smiling happily as he stared at Mizu. Mizu only nodded, drawing her attention back at you. She noticed the way you were smiling, the way your eyes were shining. The way you had your hands on your knees. You’re back straight, hair down up and yet none of your neck was exposed. “Y/N. Should you be a doll and show out guests to their rooms and the bath room? The private one for them.” Madame Kaji said, looking down at you with a soft smile. You nodded, standing up so effortlessly. “Please, follow me.” You spoke softly, before walking off. Both Ringo and Mizu followed you.
“This is the bathroom, it’s private. So you won’t get interrupted.” You said, holding the door to the bathroom. There inside was a small hot tub, with towels onto of counters. You then showed them to their rooms. “My room is right down the hall, if you need anything. Please, just come knock.” You said, bowing as you smiled. Mizu was thinking, what if I needed you? But Mizu pushed towards feelings down. “Thanks.” Mizu said, frowning. “Thank you, Y/N!” Ringo cheered happily, before walking into the room. You giggled, glancing at Mizu, before you walked down the hall. You could feel Mizu’s eyes on your every move. Mizu’s eyes traveled up and down your body. She then, walked into her room.
Once you made it into your room, your face was completely red. You were giggling like a small child, covering your face. “What a cute guy..” You muttered, sitting on the small cot on the floor, still giggling.
“She’s pretty, right master?” Ringo asked, looking at Mizu. “I guess.” Mizu said, shrugging as she took off her hat and cloak. “I saw the way you stared at her, Master.” Ringo said, laughing. Mizu frozen, glaring at Ringo. “Shut it Ringo. How about you go have fun with those sluts?”
You came by Mizu’s room. Softly knocking on the door, before sliding it open. Mizu glanced behind her, raising an eyebrow. She was about to speak, but she saw it was you. So she stayed silent. You were holding a small tray with two bowls of soba. “Hey..” You said, sliding the door shut behind you. You placed the tray down. “Do you mind if eat with you?” You asked, glancing at her. Staring at the back of her head. Mizu sighed, before turning around and slowly nodding. “Thanks.” You said, smiling as you pushed one bowl towards Mizu. You began to eat the soba slowly. Mizu on the other hand was eating like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. To which she had ate anything in two days. You noticed the small little mess that she was making. You softly giggled, reaching over with a napkin and gently whipping her chin. “You must have been hungry..” You said, sitting back. Mizu grew embarrassed, but only shrugged. “Thank you for the food.” Mizu said, bowing her head. “Where’s your friend?” You asked, noticing how quiet it was. “He’s not my friend, he’s more like an annoying bug.” Mizu said, rolling her eyes. “I’m not sure, probably off with those girls.” She said, staring at you through her orange leans. “Annoying bug? That’s one way to put it.” You said, laughing a little. That made Mizu’s heart flutter slightly. “Good night.” You said, standing up, taking the trey, before leaving the room. “..fuck.”
The next day, Madame Kaji and Mizu were speaking once again. “I’ll do anything to know about the white men who was here when I was born.” Mizu said, getting straight to the point. “You must do something for me then.” Madame Kaji said, frowning. “Which is?” “Take y/n with you.” Madame Kaji said immediately. Mizu froze, before scoffing. “What? Why?” Mizu asked, raising an eyebrow. “She’ll be much more happy with you. She herself told me.” Madame Kaji said, sighing. You were listening from the other side of the door, along with Ringo. You and Ringo both looked at each other, before smiling widely. Then you both ran off to cause some trouble.
“I also need you to do another task for me.” Madame Kaji then explained the situation with Kinuyo, the deaf-mute girl. Mizu accepted.
“I’ll be back soon.” Mizu said to Ringo. Before Mizu left to go and kill Kinuyo. Ringo nodded happily, before going to chat with you. “Alright, Goodnight Ringo.” You said, before standing and walking back to your room. You had released that you hadn’t seen Mizu at all. You frowned, before settling down for the night. Completely unaware of what will happen.
a/n: THIS IS CLEARLY NOT PROOF READ. We are also gonna ignore the fact that Akemi isn’t in this. We are gonna pretend that she’s somewhere😭❤️
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did someone say gravity falls au
Lizzie and Jimmy were sent to live with their older cousin, Pearl, after graduating college while their parents “sort things out” (they won’t). While there, they begin to see some really weird things in the town, EvoVille, and begin to wonder if there may be more to Pearl than what she lets on.
yeah I went a little wild but who hasn’t y’know
more stuff I have planned under the cut :) please let me know your thoughts!!
I obviously had to do the two sets of canon and often-headcanonned siblings as the Pines twins but I have a few other characters planned!!
Cleo, Skizz, Etho, BDubs, Gem, Joel, Mumbo, Scar (kind of), Scott, and Martyn are all planned to be in the AU!! No spoilers for who is who, but I’ll hopefully draw them soon enough! BUT PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHO SHOULD BE GIDEON I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR HIM
everyone in this AU has an anomaly about them, but Lizzie and Jimmy’s family certainly more than the rest. I did give Lizzie and Jimmy heterochromia, but don’t worry, Grian and Pearl end up with heterochromia too, in their own ways :)
I might draw the prophecy wheel as well once I draw this AUs Bill!! I do hope you enjoy!!
#my art#grian#grian fanart#pearlescentmoon#pearlescentmoon fanart#lizzie ldshadowlady#ldshadowlady#ldshadowlady fanart#solidaritygaming#jimmy solidarity#jimmy solidarity fanart#trafficlife au#sort of#seablings#seablings fanart#skyblings#skyblings fanart#so many tags so little time#please please please tell me your thoughts on my designs as well!!#should Pearl have the fez Stan has or nah#also WHO IS GIDEON IN THIS AU PLEASE HELP#evoville au#<- tag for this au
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Here are 100 random quotes from Lucifer!
Sourced from the OM! Wiki, chats, devilgram, screenshots I found, etc. I made this list to help with studying to write the characters in character. (Not really proofread, sorry if there are mistakes. Also, there may be spoilers. If so, they’re minor spoilers)
“Do you want my attention? Why don't we talk for a little then? I have enough energy for that. As your presence is so very soothing to me.“
“Heh, not afraid to get sassy with me anymore, are you?”
“Let's celebrate until you cannot stand anymore.“
“No need to rush. I won't be able to help you if you fall down in the middle of the street. Rather, I would probably enjoy the sight.”
“...Well? How do you like Demonus-flavored kisses?“
“I believe it's long been established that if anyone's going to be eating them, it will be me.“
“If you want me to keep you from running that mouth of yours, you need only ask.“
“Are you poking fun at me right now? I see you like to play with fire. Well, there's a punishment for getting cheeky with me like that. Come here, MC”
“I am exceedingly concerned…”
“Now Listen, and listen well. I will not be your possession. I won’t belong to you. You will belong to me.”
“You seem repentant, so I shall forgive you.”
“Are you still tired from last night? After all, I didn’t let you get much sleep.”
“I will watch over you. Until the day comes where we must part. And I promise... to love you until the end of your days and beyond.”
“You... Release me! Don't you dare try to put me to sleep like I'm not ten million years older than you!”
“All of you, out of the way...! I'm going to tear that human limb from limb…!”
"Are you trying to please me?"
"Do you need a goodnight kiss?"
"You are a strange human being."
"You want me to praise you for that? Very well… Good iob."
"Fine, I'll forgive you just this once."
"Do you need something?"
“It's as if you're saying that you need me in your life, and that's a wonderful feeling. Is it conceited of me to say that? Well, I am the Avatar of Pride, after all."
“Stab it with a fork or something. Anything sharp should do the trick.“
"I can't say I mind spending my time with you while Mammon's shrieks echo in the background either. Heh! And Diavolo's laughter is even louder than that."
“Well, there are worse demons it could have happened to... Probably.”
“Asmo, you stay right there. I'll go get my whip.“
“Hush now. Daddy's here to give you a hug.“
“NONONONONONO! I'm saying I DON'T want them to see that picture. So, if they ask you for it, I'd like you to tell them that no such photo exists. OK?”
“That won't be necessary. I went ahead and blew it up. The entire room.“
"If you want to get the better of me, that toy of yours isn't going to cut it. Perhaps try lethal poison from some horrific insect, aged a thousand years for maximum potency."
“I know, I know... But why don't we save the killing until after you've eaten your breakfast, hm?“
“Mmm, nothing's sweeter than listening to their screams of agony. Heheheh...”
“Bring him down to the living room. Use whatever means necessary…though I do want him alive.“
”I would never have imagined I would be kissed on the cheek by you. I don't dislike it when you take the initiative. But why on the cheek? You don't need to hesitate with me. Next time, do it on the lips. Understand?”
“Hell coffee becomes bitter when you prepare it for someone that you're fond of. It's a special property of the coffee beans. Naturally, I drank every last drop of your feelings.”
“Only those that haven't been involved in that dolt's childish antics are the truly happy ones.”
“When I get my hands on him, I'll have to be thorough with my discipline.”
“Tomorrow I will be handing Diavolo a report detailing how all of the exchange students are faring. I'll be sure to stress how excited you are to continue your education here at our prestigious academy.”
“How's the Celestial Realm? Unlike the Devildom, you don't have to worry about anyone grabbing you and eating you for lunch there, do you?”
“You've got Solomon with you as well, so you should relax and enjoy your time there.“
“If only my brothers were as obedient as you are. It is not every day that you get the chance to have me indebted to you. You can expect a one-hundred times return on the investment of your time, that I promise. In return, I expect that you won't let me down.”
“How naive. If you don't want me to have wasted my time by informing you, be sat in your seat at the table within the next sixty seconds. It will be just you and me. Let us enjoy the rare breakfast together before my brothers ruin the atmosphere.”
“Don't get cocky, MC.”
“One spoke at length about the clothing on the Diavolo sticker. It waxed lyrical about how exquisite the design choices were.”
“However, I discovered a slew of insults written in invisible ink on the page.“
“How could you tell? You really know me well, MC! Hehehe. I was drinking Demonus with Diavolo earlier. And you know, he kept saying all these nice things about you... Let me tell you, I'm also really happy you're down here with us.”
“…Who even came up with the idea that whoever empties their bottle first, wins...? Oh, right. I did... My bad. Ah, my head is spinning. Good night MC. Love you.”
“Ugh, you thickheaded fool of a demon! What's your skull made of? Granite?”
“That's a curse meant to make you stub your toe on the leg of a table… But if you actually do stub your toe, it hurts quite a bit.”
“MC. It has come to my attention that Mammon and Asmo took you out for a drive recently. Well, how was it? Enjoyable? …I'm glad to hear it. We all need breaks from the daily grind from time to time. l'd like you to join me for a drive next time. I'll give you a taste of euphoric freedom that those two could never dream of. Prepare for the time of your life.”
“If you'd like, we could take a shower together.”
“After all, I haven't managed to seduce you yet. I'm going to need more time.”
“The three highest-ranked demons in the realm, frolicking about in a frivolous pajama party? How absurd.”
“I didn't hear a word you just said. I know nothing about it, and I'm going to keep it that way.”
“I see. Then I should be allowed to take a similar photo of you, no? Come stay over in my room again tonight.”
“Don't be stupid. I will not allow myself to be clad in demon garb. I'm going to strip off every last piece of it this very instant and fling it as far away from me as I can.”
“You're a demon. I'm surprised someone like you is able to feed me lines like that with a straight face. You've got some nerve.”
“Heheheh. Well, he is my brother, after all, so I thought I'd go easy on him. So, should I make this quick, or go slowly, bit by bit? Your choice.”
“So, tell me. what's with the Little D.? The one looking at me with that moronic expression...”
“You think you stand a chance against me?! You think you could defeat Lucifer, Avatar of Pride?“
“Well, aren't you persistent. I suppose you won't be happy until you've pummeled the door senseless?”
“...Just what were you hoping to accomplish by knocking me down like this, hm? Because doing something like that to me, right now… is making it much harder for me to control myself...!”
“Given that you were the one who pounced first, you can't complain when the tables are turned, can you? …I'm so thirsty, I can hardly think straight. I trust you understand what that means.”
“To show my thanks, I suppose I'm not against giving you some special treatment. You'll have to come closer. I'll give you my lap until you're satisfied. ...You'll keep me company until then, won't you?”
"You deserve a thank you."
"Sorry, this isn't exactly my cup of tea. I was hoping you'd know me better."
"It appears to me you know what pleases me."
"Are you really trying to tickle me? Heheheh, you'll have to do much better than that."
"Pff...if you think that tickles, you're wrong."
"Well, if you insist on touching me, then be my guest.”
"Well, hello. How are things?"
"You've got some nerve keeping me waiting. Well now, what are you going to do about it?"
"I'm back. Hm? ...Did you miss me?"
"*sigh* I've had a long day. But seeing you has a way of making me feel better."
"Sorry, I had some business to take care of. Well, well, you certainly seem happy to see me."
"Done? Let's continue this in my room."
"Good night... We'll meet again in our dreams."
"I feel like we both have a nice day ahead of us."
"I enjoyed our time together. Perhaps we should do this again."
“You do know what I'm capable of... don't you?"
"Happy Easter. Will you accept it, my little bunny?"
"Once you're officially a sorcerer, I'd like you to become powerful enough to shut up Solomon for me."
“Very well. Here I go. Lucifer Kick!”
“Why should I be subjected to the indignation of a pat on the head from you?”
“After all, it's a bit like tossing a helpless lamb into the middle of a pack of hungry wolves, isn't it? But it's also important to understand just who it is you're eating, wouldn't you say?“
“It means that I see you as prey, too. Just like the others. It goes without saying that I'm far stronger than you. If I were to pin you down right here and now, you wouldn't be able to do anything about it, now would you? How about we give it a try...?“
“You will soon enough.”
“When a vampire feeds, it's not like his human prey feels only pain. Quite the opposite, actually. They're overcome with a feeling of unimaginable ecstasy. The truth is that you want this as well, don't you? You want to feel my arms around you, to give yourself up to me and offer up your blood... You're special. I won't drink you dry...no. I'm going to kiss you again and again, all over your body. Indulging in you just a bit each and every night. And I do mean every night. No other vampire will ever know the taste of your blood…”
“Do you have any idea how hard I had to struggle not to do this earlier...? It was all I could do to resist throwing my arms around you right in front of everyone at the party.”
“MC… I missed you. I can tell just from the way you feel against me. I can sense what you're feeling.I'm sorry, MC. ...Sorry it took me so long to get to you. You should really stay with me tonight. We need to make up for all the time lost.“
“You're drunk, you idiot. Oh well, I'll go along with you just for today. Bottoms up.”
“Me? Intoxicated? Preposterous. I'm my usual old self.”
“You are also fond of me, no?“
“Then come over here. Are you holding back? Come closer. Prepare yourself. If I win, I get to do with you as I please.”
“You know there is no turning back after the first pillow is thrown, right?”
“As a demon, I've never cared when humans bred…”
“Stop unnecessarily stressing me out. You're shaving years off my life here.”
“I don't mind. If I am not allowed to nag, then I can simply beat these rules into you.”
“Is this how you all amuse yourselves? By sending photos of your exposed body parts?”
“Good grief. I need eyes everywhere to keep track of everyone.”
Extras! (It's hard to pick just 100 y'know?)
1. “Leading unhealthy lifestyles, frittering away your time and money… The extent to which you all squander your lives away is quite intolerable to watch.”
2. “Put two or more of you together, and you start getting ideas in your head. Bad ideas.”
3. “The next time one of you puts so much as a toe out of line… I'lI march you all up your beloved Mt. Imminent Death, and ensure that you NEVER return.”
4. “So as an extra bonus, I'll tickle you...”
5. “How nice that you're not letting our large underground gambling problem spoil your fun...”
𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
#pls share this took me all day#obey me#obey me shall we date#omswd#fanfic#dividers#gif#obey me lucifer#obey me lore#obey me canon#fic ref#writing prompt#obey me fanfic#om lucifer#omswd lucifer#self ship#writing wip#obey me smut#smut writing
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So this was based on a silly joke I have in my head about hormonal birth control not working for omega!Sanji for (spoilers) reasons and him and Zoro then ending up with 3 kids on the pirate journey because they keep breaking condoms.
Anyway this is just them finally making it back to the Baratie and having to face up to Zeff about it (from Zeff’s POV)
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg
Zeff will admit he is slightly surprised at the swell in Sanji’s stomach when he showed up again as part of what seems to be the new Pirate King and crew’s Victory Tour.
It’s not that Eggplant had given him no indication of it – he had been getting more and more jittery every damn time he’d gotten in touch as the Strawhats made their various stops before reaching the Baratie. Saying how some things had happened during his travels and that he’d needed to talk to Zeff about them in person. But Zeff had assumed it was to do with his damnable family. Not that his woman-obsessed omega son had gone and got himself knocked up. By an alpha, going by the new layer of scent clinging on top of the one he remembers to be Sanji’s.
And, because wonder’s don’t fucking cease, they’ve only just gotten through their tearful hug when a little green-haired girl comes running over. Clinging to Eggplants leg and staring up at Zeff with curious, familiar, blue eyes.
“I thought you were staying on the ship Princess?” Eggplant says, brushing a hand through her hair. And Zeff is equally sure that actually Sanji told her to stay on the ship as he is that his boy was as much a pushover to his daughter as he had been any woman who had stepped foot into the Baratie before he left.
“You know she wasn’t gonna’ as soon as she found out this was your old home.” And there was the newly minted World’s Greatest Swordsman and apparently sire to Zeff’s grandkids walking in like it had been his home as well and not the place he had gotten nearly cut in half by the former owner of the title.
And, fucks sake, there was another little one resting on his hips as he does it with that same matching green hair.
“I do remember teaching you about the importance of making them wrap it,” Zeff grumbles, because going by the age of the older one the two it hadn’t been all that long after Sanji left that he had gotten himself knocked up. “I know you said you weren’t planning on getting with any alphas but I know you were still listening.”
Eggplant goes red at it before glaring at Roronoa who gives a grin back that is entirely too filthy and leaves Zeff sure that he doesn’t actually want to know.
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Zeff asks more to move the topic away from his kid’s sex life before he finds out more about it than he wants to.
They had been exchanging letters and calls on and off the whole time and never once had Eggplant mentioned that he was going to be or had become a granddad in any of them.
“I did try to but I couldn’t say anything too direct in case it got intercepted,” Sanji explains, resting a protective hand over his middle while the other curls around the girl at his side.
It makes some degree of sense. Best way to keep the two, soon to be three, pups from being a target is to have nobody know they exist in the first place.
Maybe Zeff should have guessed something like this was up when Sanji had asked him how he had dealt with the stress of raising a kid in the dangerous world they lived in. But he had just assumed his boy had finally matured enough to realize how much of an antagonistic dumbass he had been at times.
“I did want to tell you though,” Sanji continues, his voice guilty.
Roronoa has moved close to his mate’s side, not touching though. Which is probably what Sanji actually wants – always had been a bit funny about any too direct an offer of comfort. Something Zeff’s probably as much to blame for as anything else in his life.
“You have no idea how many times I nearly did.”
“Probably for the best you didn’t,” Zeff says because he can’t have his kid feeling guilty for doing the smart thing. “I don’t know if I’d have been able to keep away if you did.”
Neither he nor his ship these days are made for the journey to the Grand Line. And it wouldn’t have been good for Sanji or the rest of the crew of his to have an old pirate getting underfoot while they were making names for themselves on history’s pages.
“Hell, I’m gonna’ struggle letting you sail off with my grandkids with you now. You better come visit more than you have been!” He doesn’t actually hold it against them and damn well know the reason why this is the first time he’s seen them since Sanji left to join a pirate crew. But he still missed years of his grandkids lives as a result and they had better make up for it.
#zosan#One Piece#One Piece mpreg#mpreg#zoro x sanji#one piece zosan#op zosan#One Piece omegaverse#omegaverse#roronoa zoro#vinsmoke sanji#red leg zeff#I accidently a ficlet
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Coddling Colonizer Guilt
"Performative diversity is when MAWS features a Native American variant of Lois Lane in the multiverse episode only to end the season on a Thanksgiving episode."
...is something I like to joke with my friends as a shorthand for referencing MAWS' squeamish approach to politics while still trying to reap the clout of "diverse representation". I want to get my thoughts out there and perhaps start a discussion over why this feels off.
Some disclaimers: Firstly, I'm not Native American. Understand this is an observation I'm making from an outsider perspective with no personal authority. I'm just a disappointed Asian Lois Lane fan. Secondly, I know the MAWS crew/creators had no malicious intent in any of these (what I consider) poor writing decisions. I'm simply here to challenge and analyze these narrative and visual choices.
MAWS takes a fairly controversial take on Superman mythos so far. Unlike Superman's historic roots as an allegory for Jewish immigrants with Clark coming from a Kryptonian socialist utopia (leading the imperfect people of Earth to a better tomorrow), MAWS chooses instead to reimagine Superman as a descendant from a planet of "alien invaders". If the leaked(?) concept art (warning potential spoilers for s2) is to be believed, Clark is the direct descendent of the leaders of the "Kryptonian Empire". Supposedly gone are the parents of Superman being scientists that warn of the destruction of their home planet- instead we have the "proud, loving, brilliant" "leaders of the Kryptonian Empire".
While we don't know if this is the direction the show is going in, there are already cryptic hints of it being planted and thematic elements set up that point to it being a possibility. Clark had spent a majority of the season wondering what/who he is (being incapable of talking to Jor-El's hologram because of a language barrier) only to find out his supposed origins in episode 9. He's devastated learning that he's an alien invader and, once he regroups with his friends, angsts about believing he's a weapon sent from Krypton to invade Earth. Asian-Lois Lane and Black-Jimmy Olsen assure White-passing-alien-man Clark Kent that he's different and not like other colonizers. Clark ultimately saves the day, proving he's an exception. It's curious then that the season ends on Thanksgiving.
As I've mentioned before, MAWS is exhaustively squeamish with getting political. Whatever happens in the show that resembles "themes" is quickly contradicted with very little consistent internal logic. One minute Superman is supposedly a threat that "wipes out good American jobs", should "go back to where he came from" and Lois makes a hope speech about how we shouldn't treat people who "are different" and "don't look like us" (??) with cruelty (so Clark's an immigrant going through xenophobia?) and the next he's a redeemed colonizer (a more prominent thematic arc). One minute Clark is "different" and scared of being othered- likened to a gay couple and allegorically closeted, and the next his friends call him out for being a lying liar for not disclosing his marginalized identity within a week (the narrative frames Lois and Jimmy as being in the right). This show's writing is non-committal with what it wants to say, and largely goes on vibes. That is to say I don't think the writers intended for the themes of colonizer guilt to accidentally tie into Thanksgiving as a set piece for their final episode.
I'm sure the reason the writers chose Thanksgiving as their final episode is because it's "relateable". Half the episode is dedicated to slice of life family reunion shenanigans and the dang turkey still not being cooked through. But in choosing Thanksgiving, the writers told on themselves here with their biases. The existence of Thanksgiving implies the existence of genocide (of Native American people) by colonists in the MAWS universe. And yet Black Jimmy Olsen doesn't know what racism is (Mallah and the Brain give him a judgmental stare as Jimmy admits he can't relate to being violently marginalized) and Asian American Lois Lane doesn't understand immigration and xenophobia (constantly being entitled to Clark's immigrant identity, being incapable of comprehending why he would keep it a secret, because secrets are lies). The MAWS crew wanted a "relateable" set piece but in doing so ended up reinforcing the historical revisionism the holiday entails. A foreign colonizer sharing a meal with his friends of color on Earth, whose culture, history, and identity are all white washed.
I would like to challenge this idea that Thanksgiving is somehow the "relateable" choice. Why pick this holiday? Why not celebrate Thanksgiving as a National Day of Mourning (as some Native Americans do)? Why not pick any Jewish holiday as a nod to Superman's creators (ignoring this version's colonizer interpretation for a second)? Why not pick Lunar New Year, a holiday celebrated by many people including Koreans (Seollal in South Korea)? It could've been another fun opportunity to showcase Lois' heritage, and create a fusion of cultures from Jimmy and Clark's families. At its most non-political and secular, why couldn't they pick any weekend? This is what happens when a show doesn't consider its world building and setting in a holistic way. MAWS will nod to xenophobic rhetoric, portray allegorical queer marginalization, and make the vaguest nods to systemic bigotry (Prof Ivo displaced a whole neighborhood! Yet we never hear from those figurative displaced people). But it does nothing to discuss any of that on a deeper level. Its characters of color don't know what racism is and Thanksgiving is just a fun family reunion, guys.
All this and they had the audacity to sneak in a Native American Lois Lane in the multiverse episode?? Why is she, out of all the Lois Lanes in this screencap, the only one in full traditional wear? Why isn't she in a smart casual business fit like Black Lois and STAS white Lois? Would she not have been recognizably Native American to the non-Native audience otherwise? Isn't this tokenizing? Do you think she has a xenophobic dad in the military like Korean American Lois does?
But that fits MAWS' approach to diversity, doesn't it? Surface level cultural nods, maybe make Lois wear a hanbok one time, and let the audience eat it up. Never mind that both Korean American Lois and Native American Lois have been stripped of their culture and history in every other aspect.
I use the word "relateable" a lot here, but I think the important question to ask is "relateable for who?". 'Immigrant' is too charged a word, so MAWS universalizes Clark's marginalization to "being different". Superman isn't even an immigrant in this version, that was all a smokescreen for the twist that he's actually a descendent of colonizers! Being wracked with colonizer guilt is way more relateable to the white audience than being an immigrant, surely. Thanksgiving is more relateable than celebrating any culturally specific holiday our "diverse reimagining" could have represented. Characters of color being functionally white (in a way that doesn't threaten middle America) is way more relateable. MAWS is a show that doesn't want to delve into Native American history. It would rather put a Native American Lois hologram on a pedestal and call it a day.
#ramblings#jesncin talks maws#media criticism#includes discussion of that leaked(?) concept art btw so warning for potential s2 spoilers#this is long but I wanted to provide context as I talked#hope yall enjoy! and also pls be nice!!#jesncin dc meta
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hello! can I request something about manager meeting with sae/national team and others members of NEO egoists league (like Kaiser, Noa, Oliver, Sendo, Chris Prince, Snuffy etc)? maybe some moments about coaches teasing boys about their little (actually not little) crush on manager? or some protective/jealouse moments? or some moments where new members warm up for manager too and slowly become her simps too? everything you want and can imagine!
Author: Hi!! I hope u like this one and that it somehow fit what you meant. I did 2/3 requests, I am keeping the last one for a scenario I will write later on. It's too long to fit here😵💫 hope u like this and thank u for the request🩷🩷
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her and there might be manga spoilers. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Rin...could you like move it?" (Y/n) wondered as she tried to move past the boy, but he would just follow her steps and block her from moving any further.
"Give me those boxes! I will bring it to the team. I heard the national team is pretty aggressive." Rin said, trying to grab the box from (Y/n), but she moved away.
"Ego-san told me to bring it to the coach of the team. Rin, you are being rediculous and should go back to training. You will get punished." (Y/n) argued as she moved away, the boy kept on nervously looking around, as if he was praying that someone wouldn't come. Growing worried, the girl's glare softened and she looked at Rin more calmly now.
"What's wrong? You seem to be on edge ever since the national team arrived. Did your brother say something?"
"You know Sae?" Rin asked, alarmed by (Y/n) mentioning him.
'Did they meet? Did he somehow get a hold of her social media?!'
"Well from the news and you told me once you don't have the best of relationship with him." (Y/n) explained simply.
"So you don't know him more than that? Like on a personal level?" Rin asked cautiously, confusing (Y/n) even more.
"No? You do realize your brother has been in Spain the whole time and I am in Japan. Are you sure you don't need to visit a doctor, Rin?" The boy let out a sigh as (Y/n) used the opportunity and walked past him towards the quarters the U-20 team was settled in.
"Wait!" Rin ran after her as (Y/n) sighed, annoyed with his behavior.
'It isn't even noon yet...'
"So these are the papers I will sign? Did Teieri-san or Ego-san say till when?" The coach of the national team asked (Y/n), who nodded her head.
"They will need the papers back by tonight. Please keep the copies just in case, also I was instructed to explain how the computer system works here..."
Rin tuned out their talking and kept look around the hall nervously, hoping that she will be done soon.
'Please hurry up... if (Y/n) even throws one look at Sae, I know I am done for. All the girls like him, so why would it be different this time.' Rin sighed as he watched the girl write down the instructions.
'She always looks cute while explaining things to someone... My manager-'
"Yo, Sae! Isn't that your little brother?" A voice came from behind the now frozen boy.
"Rin? What are you doing here?" Sae asked calmly as he and Sendo approached the younger Itoshi. Rolling his eyes, Rin calmed down and turned around to face the duo.
"Hi big brother, I am just here... delivering papers to your coach."
"You are delivering papers? Shouldn't you be training?" Sae wondered.
"Yeah, otherwise you won't be able to catch up to your brother or me." Sendo added.
"What a tragedy-"
"Alrigh Rin, we are done here! Ready to go?" The boy bit back a few curse words as he heard (Y/n) approach them. The older Itoshi and Sendo turned their attention back on (Y/n).
"Yeah, let's go. I am sure Ego-san will need you for something." Rin said as he grabbed her sleeve, but he was of course stopped by none other than Sendo.
"Hey wait! Don't you want to introduce us, Rin? Who is this cutey?"
The two stopped in their tracks and turned to look at the grinning boy, while Sae kept staring at her without saying a single word.
"Sure..." Rin said bitterly.
"Sweet! The name is Sendo Shuto, and yours?"
"(L/n) (Y/n)... nice to meet you." The girl said cautiously, a little bit unnerved by his smirk.
"Great! Can we go now-" Rin was again interrupt, but this time by his brother.
"Itoshi Sae, from the looks of it you are the manager of my little brother's team." Sae said, pointing at the badge. (Y/n) nodded her head, feeling a little bit more at ease with Sae than Sendo, but still kept her guard up.
"Yep! It's nice to meet Rin's brother. I heard a lot of you from the news and such."
Rin perked up at the way she had addressed Sae, since not a lot of people would call him Rin's brother, it was always the other way around. Sae noticed that too, and the way she was so nonchalant with him was off putting too. A lot of girls wished to be in your position.
"Did you hear of me too? I am our nation's star ace striker after all."
(Y/n) kept quiet as the gears in her head started turning a little, hoping that the name might come to her head. Meanwhile Rin was basking at the fact that this time, this one time Sae won't take something from him.
'Finally, she doesn't see him as the mighty Itoshi Sae, but as Rin's older brother. That felt good to hear.'
Sae meanwhile kept quiet, observing the girl and then his brother, who was sending him a victorious smirk.
"Sorry, never heard of you." (Y/n) spoke up, causing Sendo to deflate a little.
"Bit I trust you if you say that you are the star striker. Anyways, it was nice meeting you all, but Rin and I have to go. Good luck with the practice."
Just as (Y/n) said that, the younger Itoshi grabbed her wrist and tugged her away.
"Everyone is Blue Lock is a freak. How can it be that she never heard of me?" Sendo frowned as he looked at (Y/n)'s form before she disappeared.
"Let's go, Sae."
The said boy nodded his head quietly, new forms of interest and curiosity forming inside of him.
'What a weird girl... I wonder if she has any social media. Can't believe she called me Rin's older brother just like that.'
Meanwhile Rin was over the moon, happy that he didn't lose (Y/n) to his brother or his teammate. Honestly, he felt like proposing to her the moment she humbled both his brother and Sendo.
'What a day... a great day.' Rin sighed with one of his rare smiles.
"Are you alright, Rin? You seem a lot more cheerful now than 10 minutes ago." (Y/n) questioned.
"Yes! Never felt better, actually." The boy said quickly.
"There they are! Kunigami, Isagi look!" The two boys turned to look at the direction (Y/n) was pointing.
"I hope they aren't too nervous... I remember how you two were nearly jumping in excitement during your first official Bastard München match." (Y/n) laughed, remembering that day fondly as the two boys blushed in embarrassment.
"Well, this is a huge thing. And the stadium is full of Ubers fans cheering them on, too." Kunigami said, leaning against the railing as he stood to (Y/n)'s left side.
"I am glad we got these VIP tickets tho, it's less crowded." Isagi agreed from (Y/n)'s right side.
"Well being part of the Bastard München team is quite the privilege. I hope Noel-san will let us go watch the Manshine match too. Nagi said they will be playing against a big club from England." (Y/n) said absent-mindedly as Baro, Aryu and Niko ran to here they were.
"(Y/n), you made it... and you two too. I honestly thought you guys will be busy training." Niko said, sounding a little bitter that she was with Isagi and Kunigami. It just kept reminding him that she picked working with them over him.
"And miss our friends play? Never." Kunigami said with a smirk.
"Besides, today is our day off." Idmsagi shrugged.
"You guys look amazing! I hope you all aren't too nervous, in a crowd like this anything can be overwhelming!" (Y/n) said as Aryu sighed at her caring words.
"Nothing to worry about. With our skills, this game will be over pretty soon. I get even better." Baro said proudly, staring directly at (Y/n), who nodded her head.
"I am sure you all will do amazing! I can't wait till it starts! The uniforms look good on you guys too."
The last part caused the trio to blush as they nervously thanked her.
'She is just as sweet as I remember. I hope that German water won't ruin her hair though, my manager should never have an ugly hairday.' Aryu thought as he thanked (Y/n) for the compliment.
"Th-thanks... you look good too." Niko said nervously back, eyeing the girl a little.
'So cute! I really envy the Bastard München team for being able to see her like this everyday...'
"Well, don't pay too much attention to the uniforms. You will not be able to keep up with my attacks and scores." Baro said to the girl.
"I will keep that in mind, king." (Y/n) teased, not knowing how flustered the nickname coming from her made Baro feel.
'My queen is just the best.'
"Ahh they are at it again." Snuffy chuckled as him and Lorenzo watched the trio talk with the other Blue Lock members.
"They are close friends, I am guessing." Lorenzo stated with a raised eyebrow.
"They are more simps than anything. It was fun to watch them react to Oliver pestering the girl for a date." Snuffy laughed, remembering Baro kicking the football right into the said boy's head during practice once.
"She didn't agree to date him? That's a first."
"No, she said he was too extreme and obnoxious for her taste." The duo chuckled as they let the three Ubers players have some more fun chatting before the game starts.
#blue lock manga#blue lock anime#bllk#bllk x reader#blue lock x reader#isagi yoichi#blue lock kunigami#rin itoshi#sae itoshi#itoshi brothers#blue lock barou#bllk aryu#niko ikki#blue lock requests#manager reader#ubers#bastard munchen
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