#women’s reproductive rights
gray-paladin · 2 months
For people who didn’t want a repeat of the 2020 election, it looks we’ll have something similar to 2016. Trump vs a female Democrat candidate.
Clinton one of the reasons lost in 2016 is because at the time people thought their votes didn’t matter and avoided voting. 2020 and 2022 proved them wrong. Our votes do matter. In 2022, we prevented a Red Wave from taking place and recent races have been decided by just a handful of votes.
If voting weren’t important why do you think Republicans are trying so hard to make harder to register or access the polls or mail in our vote. They’re afraid of losing their power because that’s all they care about.
Let’s not repeat 2016 and finally put a woman in the Oval Office. After all, you couldn’t ask for a better candidate than our current VP who is also our first female Vice President.
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porterdavis · 3 months
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sheisraging · 4 months
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Psst, it’s cause they’re going to ban that, too.
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
that’s another reason pro forced birth MEN will never NOT be so repulsive to me. because they are so quick to say shit like “if she didn’t want it why not just give it up for adoption” without an ounce of awareness for how limited their perspective on these issues really is. they have no concept of how traumatizing it can be to experience an unwanted pregnancy. they have no reference for it and they never will. they paint these women as evil and selfish. these acts as incomprehensible. but it is evil and selfish to pretend you would know exactly how to react in a situation you will never experience. it’s incomprehensible to believe you have that say. they have no compassion for these women. and let me tell you something, they never will. but I have something else to tell you. women have been inducing abortions ever since women have been able to get pregnant. women throughout history have endured all sorts of dangerous methods to terminate their unwanted pregnancies. at the risk of their own lives even. and this is never going to change. what did change is we found ways to do it safely. we found ways to detect an egg implantation earlier on. and to get to them quicker before they developed into actual fetuses. saving women and their potential offspring an immense amount of pain & suffering in advance. throughout history men have tried to control women’s reproductive abilities. though they are without the capacity to produce a life within themselves. it’s male audacity that has lead to more abortions than they could ever fathom. you think you know all the answers. even to situations you have no way of ever experiencing. that kind of arrogance is what leads to fallouts you could never have predicted.
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profoundlyfaded · 4 months
Right a moan - I fucking hate my period. Actually loath this three-five days of the month.
I’ve historically had issues with my period and after my children were born (who I had in my twenties because my periods were that bad), I spent fourteen years on the Mirena Coil. This was heaven, expect that now, the scaring from my c-section make it impossible to fit one now as my womb is too twisted out of shape.
I can’t use other types of contraception because I’m at risk of blood clots and strokes because I get migraines.
Luckily, I don’t have either fallopian tube so I’m not at risk of future pregnancy- be the worlds worse medical miracle in my view- but I’m stuck in this limbo.
I’ve just started taking Tranexamic Acid for the blood flow but it’s done sod all for the pain, probably because the lining tissue is sitting on all that scarred tissue in my uterus.
So, given how seriously women’s reproductive medicine is taken, let’s start a betting pool as to how long it will take for me to be referred to gynae, not taken seriously by a male gynaecologist and told it’s not that bad? For the record, I’m going to push for a hysterectomy, cos fuck it.
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cooki3face · 8 months
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this-is-me19 · 3 months
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Please watch and vote, Americans.
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jennystardust-48 · 6 months
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jennyboom21 · 11 months
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Britney Spears has what insiders have described as a "bombshell" in her upcoming memoir, and multiple sources tell TMZ ... that bombshell is that Justin Timberlake got her pregnant and after some heart-wrenching discussions they agreed she would get an abortion.
Multiple sources with direct knowledge of the book tell TMZ ... Britney felt Justin was the love of her life when they were together, and around late 2000 she learned she was pregnant.
She says in the book she was raised not to get an abortion ... part of it was religious and part was just what she learned from her family.
In the book, Britney writes, "I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I'd anticipated." But, she says Justin felt they weren't ready, because they were too young -- both were around 19 at the time.
According to the book, Britney says she was "conflicted," but after some difficult, emotional discussions, they both agreed getting an abortion was the right decision.
Justin and Britney dated between 1999 and 2002. Two sources tell TMZ it was so serious, Britney wanted to marry Justin, but that obviously did not work out.
The decision to have an abortion haunted Britney for years ... something she spoke about in private.
Britney ended up having her first child -- Sean Preston -- with husband Kevin Federline in 2005 and she had Jayden James in 2006.
We reached out to Justin's reps ... so far, no word back.
Britney's memoir -- "The Woman in Me" -- comes out October 24.
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Spot on 💙
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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trendfilmsetter · 1 month
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear arrives at the 2024 Democratic National Convention making the case for Women’s Reproductive Rights.
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porterdavis · 11 months
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sheisraging · 4 months
Christina Francis was brought to the Senate HELP committee hearing by Republicans as their medical expert.
Francis believes:
Children should be forced to give birth
Women should be forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term
Abortion is never necessary to save women’s lives
Women with life-threatening pregnancies should be forced into vaginal labor or c-sections, even before viability
Certain kinds of birth control are actually abortions
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
as long as they continue to push the narrative that becoming pregnant too young, becoming pregnant outside of a marriage, becoming pregnant unplanned, becoming pregnant against your will is shameful, dirty, wrong. as long as women are told they should be grateful for their unwanted pregnancies. that it’s god’s will. that it’s unnatural if you have no desire to be a mother and something is wrong with you. that it’s your fault for being a whore. as long as they tell these women “you should have known better” then turn around and ban access to sex education. as long as they tell women the potential for life is more important than theirs which already exists. as long as they lock women out of our own bodies. as long as women are told that our hopes, our health, our happiness is not ours to own. that our well-being comes second to being the vessels that produce the next workforce. tragedy will result.
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unimatrix-420 · 3 months
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