#women who create
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parwatisingari · 1 month ago
Toast and Sass
A Room of One’s Own (and the Many Ways to Claim It) On the morning of January 25th, Maya, Mrigaya, and Mangala Aunty gathered at Maya’s kitchen table, sipping filter coffee and nibbling on homemade chakli. It was Mangala Auntie’s idea to mark the occasion—it was Virginia Woolf’s birthday, and the day was internationally celebrated as *A Room of One’s Own*.  “Room? What room? I don’t even have…
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mask131 · 2 months ago
I am re-reading the Silmarillion, and something strikes me. The women of Tolkien's world have been talked about TO DEATH especially with all the recurring debates surrounding the Rings of Power series.
As we all know, Tolkien was not a "feminist" in the modern sense of the word. He had a very male-centric point of view and appreciation of the world, he had male-driven and male-centered stories, and actual women characters were sparse and rare. There are only five really big female characters in "The Lord of the Rings" - the quintet of Galadriel, Eowyn, Goldberry, Lobelia and Shelob. [No, don't talk to me about Arwen, she only really was a character in the movies, in the book she's just there in the appendix and she was literaly an afterthought of Tolkien to act as Eowyn's romantic double...]
Consider this. Galadriel, Eowyn, Goldberry, Lobelia and Shelob. This tells you everything you need to know about Tolkien's women, in good and bad.
The Silmarillion has the same motif of having a lot of female characters, only for most of them to be just footnotes, secondary characters with no lines, under-developped one-liners... with in a contrast a handful of super-cool, super-badass, complex and developed heroines at the center of the plot.
Aka, on the bad side, when listing the Valar, while Tolkien gives an interesting personality, great domains and cool attributes to all the male ones, half of the female ones are just... there. And do one stuff. And never appear again. I mean come on... Vana and Nessa? Estë and Vairë were done dirty... That's the actual type of "non-feminism" Tolkien has. It isn't about him hating women or trying to be offensive in his depictions - it is about him just, not putting as much thought, effort and care into his female characters as his male ones, a bit the same way he creates the vast expanses of the East and South of Middle-Earth and then never bothers actually developing more of it or seeking to tell tales of it - but that's for another discussion about Tolkien's "racism". Here we talk about women.
But here's the thing, aka the good side... When Tolkien does find the time and care to develop and flesh out a female character, by Iluvatar he goes all out! Again, we are back on what I said earlier: the women of Lord of the Rings can be counted on one hand... but these fingers are Galadriel, Eowyn and Shelob, so you can't claim he isnt writing powerful, important or uninterestng female characters. Which leads me to my original remark - as usual I get driven away in digressions of all sorts and kinds.
Have you ever noticed that Melkor's greatest enemies, the ones he fears the most, and his most effective foes... are women? Tolkien might not like to put them front and center of his tales, and he might have been a man of the early 20th century England in culture and mind, but boy does he has something to say about how women are actually the first enemies of the literal embodiment of evil and destruction! I mean think about it. Varda of the Stars, and Yavanna of the trees. Nienna has her ambiguous relationship to him - her tears work against him, and yet without her plea for him he likely would not have been released from the dungeons of Mandos. You have Melian with her Girdle, and Luthien with her Hound. And of course most of all Arien, guardian of the Sun, not only one of the rare fire spirits that Melkor couldn't corrupt (despite him basically ruling over all fire), but that frightens him so much he keeps hiding away and doesn't even dare to attack her... [I also reblogged some times ago a post praising the brilliance of Tolkien keeping the old European sun-moon motifs but switching the genders. The weaker, inconsistant, lustful, whimsical, disorderly, untrustworthy Moon is now a male principle, while the steady, dangerous, strong, powerful and beautiful Sun is a woman.]
It is actually REALLY easy to do a feminist retelling of Tolkien's work. Melkor doesn't fear Manwë as much as Varda. Aulë's works and servants get corrupted by Melkor, while Yavanna's do not. Melian and Luthien actively works against him. He friggin' pisses himself when the Woman of the Sun shows up. Sure, there are some evil female characters that serve him down the line and are relegated to the "obscure footnotes and undescribed secondary characters" zone - Thuringwethil the vampire or queen Beruthiel. I coul also dropped deleted characters from early drafts, like the ogress Fluithuin. But among them stands Ungoliant... THE only true female big bad on the dark side of Arda. THE badass, nightmarish, creepy eldritch abomination. And who ends up double-crossing Melkor, almost KILLING him, and again making him basically shit in his pants - as Varda and Arien do.
The first enemies of Morgoth are not the Valar, or the Maiar, or the Elves... It's women.
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starscream-is-my-wife · 6 days ago
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In 1895, Optimus Prime invented female transformers to appease angry feminists
(From the 1889 marvel uk comic called “prime’s rib”)
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My fun little hc is that all of the femmes are trans, like they probably didn’t even have feminine pronouns in cybertronian before earth, these bots are older then gender itself
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frances-kafka · 9 months ago
For much of my life, so much media was made by men. Men with working class and military backgrounds. Chain smoking war veterans and high school diploma engineers and sleaze writers. Journalists who were 20th century journalists and not 21st century journalists. Men who were actually pretty familiar and relatable because they're like guys in my family.
This made me think, you know what would be great, if women made some of this stuff too. One day, feminism will win. We will get to be in the public sphere just like these same men. And now women do all of these things! Women with MFAs.
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justmenoworries · 3 months ago
Really funny how LO's narrative and fans wanna make us believe Hades' type are strong women when he literally has a history of sabotaging every ambitious woman in his life, making them dependant on him and then preying on them at their most vulnerable.
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Death threats are not okay.
Telling people to kill themselves is not okay.
Harassing people over fictional ships is not okay.
Harassing people over their opinion of a game is not okay.
Harassing already overstressed, overworked employees is not okay. ESPECIALLY since it's been documented they've been working under discriminatory and predatory management, been through multiple crunches, and have an unidentified neo-Nazi on their team who management did not properly address and fire.
You can still be critical of a game and not harass the people who made it. Hell, you can absolutely hate a game and still be respectful to the people who made it. I'm sure the creators are far more likely to listen to the fans if we give constructive criticism than if we irresponsibly and cruelly send threats.
I know most people who see this haven't sent hate, and to those people: this post isn't about you. I massively respect you for maintaining your rationality and empathy. But for those who have sent hate or are thinking of doing so, please reconsider. Sending hate isn't going to change anything; it'll only break the fandom even further apart and stress out overworked employees. If you're going to be mad, be mad at the higher-ups at Square Enix for turning the franchise into a cash cow and at the upper management at Deck Nine for overworking and alienating their employees. (Also be mad at that 1 neo-Nazi because seriously, WTF!?)
But please, even to the worst of the worst, do not send death threats or harass people.
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kupo-theincendiary · 1 month ago
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pine-rhyme · 3 months ago
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Writing something for my own pleasure and it got so gay I had to take a break to draw it out. Resurrection beast yuri!
Aditional sketches bc I made Harrow so Husband in this...
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drakaripykiros130ac · 1 year ago
Green stans logic:
Rhaenyra should be hated for not helping advance women’s positions throughout the Realm (even though it was a hardship to get stability for herself as the first reigning Queen of the Seven Kingdoms).
Meanwhile, Aegon Hightower should be applauded for taking away a woman’s legitimate right to the throne at a time when a couple of women were found in positions of power throughout the Realm (Lady Jeyne Arryn of the Vale being the most notable example).
Seriously…try harder.
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sealrock · 13 days ago
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febhyurary, day 18: shadow
"when dad was losing his mind, he stopped seeing us. when he lunged at me with that knife, he didn't recognize me. in a short moment of lucidity, he came to realize what he had done to me. after months of watching him sink into a deep, black pit, I finally had my dad back. even now, I could feel how tight he hugged me as he wailed out a thousand apologies... but it was too late. dad was sick, he couldn't sleep and could hardly eat, he lashed out at anything and anyone. his migraines only exacerbated the issue. but mum had been so absorbed in her work back then that she was hardly home to get dad the help he needed. the constant fighting they had ended up pushing her away. she didn't want to deal with dad and how he was deteriorating before our eyes. it wasn't just her; no one helped dad, they pretended nothing was wrong like they do with gammy's 'fits'. but they don't make my blood boil nearly as hot as mum. mum treated him poorly during that period, she put her work above him and above us. when dad finally snapped, she abandoned him in that house. I hated her for it. we were just kids, we had no idea what was going on. the twins don't even remember him, they don't remember how much dad loved them, or how he wished they'd stay small forever. I'll never forget his screams, the desperation in his voice when mum snatched me away. I didn't want to leave him. we locked up any aethograph of dad from that time. we didn't want to remember dad like that, we didn't want to be burdened with those memories. but there was another reason why we stored those away—in almost every aethograph, there's a shadow."
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tenderjock · 3 months ago
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BUFFY BROKE UP THE COVEN (but make it gay) ->
in which DARLA is the vampire cursed with a soul who falls in love with the slayer; and DRUSILLA is the monster who remakes herself in order to earn a chance at buffy summers' love.
insp | insp
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theygender · 2 months ago
Just discovered the term les4les. Are we really trying to make biphobia cool again
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Conversations on here will basically be like
"Hey these new reproductive rights issues are affecting trans men too so let's make sure we include them in the conversation, instead of calling it women's health issues."
"Would you stop complaining? Trans women have it worse than trans men. TERFs want to kill us but only detransition you."
"If living as the gender you are not is so easy why would you transition in the first place? Obviously trans people transition because they can't live with existing as a gender they are not. Obviously "just going back" isn't an option because we often fail to behave the way we're expected to anyway. Forcing any trans person to detransition is a death sentence in and of itself."
"Why are you always speaking over transfems when we talk about transmisogynistic violence???"
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margridarnauds · 8 months ago
Emer ingen Forgaill did not tell a guy her father was trying to force her to marry "lol I want to marry Cú Chulainn, I will always want to marry Cú Chulainn, and also he could beat you up" for me to constantly see "have you considered the women in the Middle Ages who LIKED arranged marriages" -- like there's room for nuance, especially re: literature VS reality, as well as the way it's generally treated by the protagonist as being shocking (I remember a particularly egregious example in a book about Juana of Castille), but also...like...there's a reason chivalric romances exist in the form they do.
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l832 · 2 years ago
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