#who does not share this drive. the women in power are both blonde
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kupo-theincendiary · 2 months ago
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beansprouts · 8 months ago
lil reaction / theory / criticism thought dump because i just finally finished The Calling; spoilers
Right away, the first and most glaring thing for me: in the DA novels, Ga*der is unable to write badass women without tying their agency to a man and then domesticating them, and it drives me insane. It's been a while since I read The Stolen Throne, and I remember Rowan primarily as a badass knight, but here, only a few years later, Maric believes she enjoyed being a wife and mother more than she ever enjoyed fighting (and she died of Padmé Amidala syndrome before the events of this novel of course). Genevieve is a nuanced character, but one of her defining motivators her whole life was becoming a Grey Warden warrior (and then the fierce commander she is in this novel) and yet we're supposed to believe in her lotus eater dream she's perfectly content as a placid housewife? Fiona is an excellent heroine, but even she ends up tragically producing a noble baby, blond and human of course (not even going to touch the bullshit racism of "the child of an elf and a human is a human"), whose future is given more framing in the last chapter than novel protagonist Fiona herself.
I hope I don't need to explain how frustrating it is to read books set in a world that claims to treat men and women equally, but then only frames women in the narrative when they happen to be wives, mothers, or sisters of important men.
On the topic of Fiona's future: I knew from Inquisition that she was the only person ever cured of the Calling, and I was curious about HOW and hoping for at least a bit of discussion of such a lore-significant detail. We get precious little, though.
But I wanted to share my thoughts since I saw discussion of it on my dash. I am pretty confident that the taint was somehow passed onto baby Alistair for the following reasons:
- It doesn't make sense for the Architect's magic to have cured the taint, since we never see such an effect with Utha, who experienced this magic for much longer (from the time of The Calling to Awakening). Besides, it's implied that the magic accelerated a magical transformation to a darkspawn-like state; Fiona lost the taint entirely and never reached darkspawn status like Bregan, Utha, or Genevieve.
- Given how Maric is framed in these books, I was also wary of a narrative that he magically cured her Grey Wardenism with his Royal Purity Dick. But the timing for that theory doesn't work. Fiona continues to see more corruption spreading across her body after they have slept together.
- Weird shit happening to corrupted souls because of sex (and particularly sex as conception) echoes the Dark Ritual in Dragon Age: Origins. There's a thematic juxtaposition between both prequels and Origins of sex in places of battle, darkspawn, death, birth, and magic not fully understood. I think the intention is partially to set a Dark Fantasy For Adults With Violence and Sex! atmosphere that subsequent installments have moved away from.
- It's a bit messy (why was Morrigan's capturing of the dark god's soul instant versus the loss of Fiona's taint only happening later?) but I think it's the theory that makes the most sense both in-universe and thematically.
Speaking of the taint and the power of the Architect, do we ever learn how Duncan's dagger works, supposedly made of the same magic as the Architect's? Is it the same dagger you can retrieve in Return to Ostagar (which does bonus damage to dragons for some reason)?
I actually loved the character arcs of Genevieve and Bregan. I loved learning slowly about the dynamics of their complicated sibling relationship over the course of the novel, culminating in several twists.
...although Genevieve and Clarel in Inquisition, I can't help noticing, are very similar.
Really the more Ga*der I read the more I realize his novels just use the same few tropes over and over. It's not quite as bad as Alex*s Kennedy but it does become tiresome.
Take a shot every time he uses the word "swoop" or a character heroically jumps on top of a monster.
More positively: I love Loghain as a character. One could frame the two books and Origins as a character study of Loghain specifically: what kind of experiences shape a man with both the strengths and prejudices that lead him to be a badass here but the tyrant we see in Origins? I found it especially juicy that he was able to save Maric, Duncan, and Fiona here due to his suspicion of the Orlesians manipulating the Grey Wardens being correct- the very suspicion that becomes a self-destructive paranoia in Origins.
I was able to identify Julien and Nicholas as lovers almost instantly (I suspect this is true for many queer readers, though it's framed as a shocking revelation) and their outcome is beautifully heartbreaking. Knowing Ga*der is gay himself, I don't really see it as an instance of Bury Your Gays (although such a criticism would be valid I think, since they're the only gay characters in these two books and they do die first). To me the message feels like: gay love like this, however beautiful, is doomed by a hateful society and can only survive in dreams. And that's fucking tragic... but also extremely Gen X of an LGBT take.
Because, let's be real, Maric and Loghain were at least a little bit married all along.
Aside: Duncan's little accidental hookup with the random circle mage was very cute.
I tried to ship Maric and Fiona, I really did, but their romance felt so bland to me that I was more invested in Duncan's aforementioned one-page tryst. I'm not sure why. Maric and Fiona grew to trust each other naturally enough. But Fiona kissing him felt less like romance and more like an outburst of exhaustion and loneliness; all of her subsequent longing to be with him just felt out of character.
Duncan and Fiona's friendship was delightful, though.
I went into this book excited to get more Duncan (I have a Grey Warden OC who is Duncan's bastard daughter lol. so much for women not related to powerful men :P) and I found his backstory compelling as I'd hoped. My only issue is that a supposed Orlesian speaks with an American accent in-game, because if Duncan had a French accent Loghain's anti-Orlesian fearmongering would make more sense to newcomers to the world, but that's a DAO problem really, and if I'm to start pointing out linguistics issues we'd be here all summer.
Utha's signing I found surprisingly well done (from my perspective, though I'm not in a signing nor nonverbal community).
Shout out to the Fereldan Circle for apparently attracting evil megalomaniacs like Kirkwall attracts blood mages. I wonder if young mages had evil mage takeover drills like I had growing up for bomb threats in public school.
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years ago
We’re Batshit Crazy
@spnquotebingo​ Word count:1,609
Summary: Love isn't all that perfect sometimes love is crazy especially when the Hero is in love with said crazy.
Gotham AU
Jason Todd(Jensen Ackles) x Villan!Reader
Enemies and Lovers (none of that "to" bs)
Gotham Recasting: Batman=John, Dick Grayson(second Robin not first) =Sam ,Tim Drake=Adam, Joker(ledger style)=Lucifer, Harley Quinn=Lilith,ect.
Warnings: Mention of death, blood, guns, and violence
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The mad laughter rung out into the night sky as the purple Lamborghini hit corners with violently sharp turns. "Oh puddin I just love family night!~" The pale platinum blonde giggled as the man with green dyed hair licked his smiling lips. A bubble of laughter came from the back seat he turned around to see his princess looking out the small back window. "Batsy batsy batsy" Her low/high pitched giggle caused a crazy chain reaction as the bat mobile hurried to catch up. "Always ruining our fun,huh,princess?" The clown king shifted his gray-ish blue order into the mirror grinning making the scars on his face raise into a sinister smile at the look of pure chaos in his daughter's e/c eyes. "Not tonight! Not on my birthday!!" She said as she smiled reaching under the seat to pull out a Tommy gun. Climbing to the front seat sitting on her mothers lap she leaned out the passenger window. "Go back to the Rat cave your not gonna put a downer on my weekend!" Y/n yelled shooting off round towards the tires,windshield,and headlights.
The mobile didn't seem to have a scratch as as a motorcycle pulled up beside it. Slipping back in the car the younger women pouted looking at get parents. "He called his little birdie no doubt the replacements in the car." Y/n huffed as she dug around for more fire power. "Puddin we have a visitor.~" The red mask gazed at us as he lifted a forearm pistol. Shots were fired and Joker took a hard right almost like tron the motorcycle quickly turned into a ally to avoid being hit. "Sorry Princess might have to cut tonight shot." He said licking his lips as a thump came from the roof making the youngest clown snarl her eye crazed as she shot above her as the purple car swerved wildly. "YOU'RE RUINING MY BIRTHDAY,BATS!!!" Y/n cackled madly a mixture of her parents laughed till the magazine ran out.
They got to one of their warehouses where Jokers men were armed to the teeth. The clown mask had black soulless eyes and immediately fired the moment the batmobile entered. Y/n skipped out of the purple Lamborghini she got on her tippy toes and kissed her dad on the cheek. "I got the hooded punk. Can you clip the bats wings for me...a little present?!" He laughed as he armed himself with a shotgun. "Anything for my princess." The f/c sf/c female clown skipped away knowing that the motorcycle riding vigilante was hot on her tail. That's how she found herself on the roof tops jumping the gaps as heavy footfalls followed. Her loud laugh echoed as she leaped to a smaller building hiding behind a vent the moment the brown leather jacket came into view she tackled the tall man. They were both panting as a grin pulled on the clowns lips.
"Caught ya,Jay bird." I giggled pulling of the helmet his apple green eyes covered by a second mask stared at me he chuckled as his hand slipped above his head in mock surrender. "Yeah you caught me,beautiful." Leaning down I kiss him my hands pushed into his cheeks my thumb running over the scarred J. We've been dating for awhile now ever since dad kidnapped the second Robin at seventeen. I was fifteen at the time and dad had me at his side as he tortured him.I was always there to stitched him up and put burn cream after shock therapy I didn't know how we got attached maybe because he wanted to rebel a little by talking to me or someone around his age saw the same if not worse shit.
Six years ago(Y/n 15 Jason 17)
"Why are you helping me?" Looking up his head was strapped down along with his arms and legs. I shrugged my shoulders I knew who he was if I wiped off the make up and temp dyed my hair I was the honor student in the same class as him. Jason Todd anyone with eyes had a thing for him,but after removing his mask it wasn't hard to piece together who the bat fam is. "I know what my dad has planned for you Jay. This is just a band-aid on a gunshot wound and might I say that's very unhelpful." This was the first I spoke to him and it wasn't long before Dad beat him to death.
Two years later.
I sat in the back of the car as Frost drove. We just left the cemetery. "Why are we doing this,n/n." He asked looking in the rear view mirror at me. I'm seventeen now my thoughts screamed at me. Why was I trying to bring him back? "Because I crazy that why!" I giggled as we grew closer to the lazapit. He was dressed in a black suit with red tie his body sunk into the water as I waited. A loud gasp drew my attention as he shot up a white streak in his hair. "Heya sleeping beauty." Looking over in shock he lowly made his way looking like a baby deer. "I'm alive,but h-how?" His green eyes looked at me. "A Ghoul owed me a few favors I just asked to use his fountain of youth." Handing him a towel and some clothes. "Sorry about the outfit,but Arkham does have one size fits all." Jason chuckled as he started to dry off.I realized why I brought him back. I was crazy about him.
Two more years later(two years ago)
Jason wanted to stay dead he didn't go back to His dad and brother after he realized that neither of them tried and save him. It was sad to see,but it brought Jason closer to me and he started to trust me and I gave trust in return. Blood coated my hands while some was on my face. Looking at Jay some was speckled on his cheeks taking the pockets square out of the mobsters coat I wiped it off he looked down at me his arm slipped around my waist pulling me closer my breath hicked. "Will you be my girlfriend,my little jester?" A large smile grew on my face as my arms went around his neck pulling him down further. "Gladly,Jay bird." I kissed him not caring if my lipstick stained his lips and he didn't seem to care either as the kiss grew more intense. We shared our first kiss at nineteen surrounded by dead bodies as sirens and the unmistakable sound of the armed batmobile. At least he's as crazy about me as I am about him.
One year ago. (Jason POV for a sec)
I came to Bruce I hate to admit it but I needed advice about the one think he knew best. Women. It was just a couple of months ago he found out I was alive and shocker he managed to drive Dicky boy to Blüdhaven to get away from him to get his own image and not just Robin. Oh and surprise surprise when out of robins he had a spare like a tire and it's name was Tim. Nevermind that I stood across from Bruce in his home main office he had a frown on his face. "You're dating someone and its serious and I didn't know about it?" He asked trying to deduct everything. "I've been dating her ever since I came back. As strange as it might sound,but I want us to be something more." That's when the billionaire playboy stood up standing just a inch shorter then myself.
"Life is short Jason and you've experienced that first hand if you feel that both of you are perfect enough to be more then go for it." Perfect wasn't realistic nothing was ever perfect my life isn't perfect her life sure as hell isn't she's the clown princess I'm a bat son. Maybe that what makes us so good together the fact that it would have never really happened any other way life is just crazy like that.
Staring into those vexing green eyes always brought me back. We're both twenty-one him being older only by a couple of months. "Happy birthday,gorgeous." His voice brought me back as my smile grew. We were standing up now he held a box wrapped in my two favorite colors. "Awe you shouldn't have." I grab it and opened it a gun was inside it was red and gold revolver it looked like my moms love/hate gun,but it said King/Queen. Looking at Jay I reached to hug him when suddenly he dropped to one knee pulling out a box with a beautiful f/c ring and ruby gem. "This feels over due. You took care of me when I was considered enemy number one. You brought me back from the grave when my own family didn't try. And this might sound stupid,but I had a crush on you in middle school you were one of the only people that didn't give me pity after Bruce adopted a street kid." He licked his lips as he gave of a small smile. "Together we are far from perfect, but we are good. You complete me...Y/n M/n Napier become my queen?" My eyes glossed over with tears my make up running down the pale foundation. "Oh my god of course!!!" I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly before letting him slip on the ring. "I love you." "I love you more crazy." I chuckle it sounded watery in my throat. "If I'm crazy then that makes two of us. You wanted to marry me." Yep we're both batshit crazy.
A/n: Quote= We are far from perfect, but we are good. ~Supernatural
Is it just me or does Jensen look fucking hot as Red Hood?! I'm mean he's definitely a reason to move to Gotham
Well first crossover AU in my bingo card
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Yeeaaah… so this ended up turning out longer than I intended… but it’s a theory I felt like sharing nonetheless. Hopefully tumblr doesn’t eat this & if this is too long or odd to answer… don’t worry, I understand. I just wanted to share while it was in my head, ya know? So: Long Post Warning!
I am not 100% caught up on every chapter yet, but I do have a brief understanding of all the events up til now. So please forgive me if this has been revealed and I just don’t know about it yet.
Bell 🧚🏻 = wind spirit🌬🌪
Salamander (who honestly looks more like a dragon than a salamander so he’s gettin’ the dragon emoji) 🐲 = fire spirit 🔥
Undine 🌊 = water spirit💧
As far as I know, we don’t yet have an inkling of who the earth spirit will be or to whom he will “choose” to contract with.
Tbh, I have a some of feelings about possibilities surrounding the earth spirit…
Bell and Undine are both obviously women and I’m 96.8% sure that Salamander is a boy… but who knows, I also wouldn’t be the least bit freaking surprised if Tabata threw that back in our face and Salamander ends up being a girl like in Shrek (and on that note, I just need to ask, in Shrek 2 when Shrek and Donkey drank the Happily Ever After Potion, it’s described as “"Happily Ever After Potion maximum strength. For you and your true love. Drink of this potion and bliss will be thine, happiness, comfort, and beauty divine.” This stuff turned both Shrek and Fiona human while it turned Donkey into a pure white stallion… am I the only one that still gets peeved we never got an answer on wtf that stuff did to Dragon??? Or how it would’ve affected their dragon donkey hybrid babies??? That’s the only thing that irks me about Shrek 2… okay, whew, now that I’ve gotten that out, back to Black Clover theorizing)
Going by the assumption that Salamander is most likely a boy, it would stand to reason that the earth spirit has a good chance at being male as well like 2 female spirits, 2 male.
Salamander’s inspiration obviously comes from dragon lore, I can’t find one singularly specific mythology reference Tabata would have based Salamader on so I’m guessing Salamander is based on dragon lore.
Bell has, for the most part, 2 inspirations Tabata based her on. The main one being Sylphs have power over the skies and air. They've been delineated to have control over the wind and the clouds, and even have the ability to purify the air and control the weather itself. Sylphs are not officially from a specific type of mythology, but if they were to be categorized they’d qualify as European folklore, same as Undine and Gnome which will be explained a few bullet points later. The second and most obvious (my fav of the 2) inspiration Tabata drew from for her character is Tinkerbell; from the blond hair, green dress, gets pissed when male partner pays attention to any female that isn’t her, yeah no denying she’s based on tinkerbell; my guess is Tabata combined her with Sylphs wind magic because it was Tinkerbell’s pixie dust that Peter, the lost boys, and the Darling children used to be able to fly. “Faith, trust, & a little bit of pixie dust” (Which is even more perfect because, even if he doesn’t show it, there is no one else in the series that has more faith & trust in Asta than Yuno does… Yuno’s infinite faith/trust in Asta both drives their rivalry forward and, by this logic, is one of the very reasons Yuno can sore so high🥰).
Undine is the only spirit character, for now, that is directly based off of a real water spirit in European folklore (again, even though Sylphs technically qualify to be categorized under European mythology, as far as I know, they are not officially categorized as such which is why I say Undine is the only one) - “Undine, also spelled Ondine, is a mythological figure of European tradition, a water nymph who becomes human when she falls in love with a man but is doomed to die if he is unfaithful to her.” Being that Undine is described as being able to take human form when she falls in love with a man *cough cough* Ariel *cough cough* Black Clover’s Undine’s background states that she made a contract with the first queen of the newly formed Heart Kingdom and has thus stayed loyal and made a contract with every Heart Queen since. Maybe she fell in love with the father/brother/husband/male-figure associated with the first queen and since the queen is the predominant ruler of the heart kingdom - Undine made a contract with her to be close to this man while knowing he could/would never be hers… she wouldn’t die if her love is one sided… if her love is unsaid and unrequited then anything this man does with another woman isn’t considered being unfaithful.. and maybe she’s maintained contracts with every Heart Queen since out of sheer devotion, loyalty, and love to that original man whom she took human form for. Or she was in love with the first queen and has made a contract with every queen since out of sheer devotion, loyalty, and love not on just for that first queen but every one of her descendants. Who knows?
Tabata’s mythological references (demonology excluded because that a whole other thing) for the most part mainly circulate around Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and European folklore.
Going based off of Undine (and Sylphs) , there’s a strong possibility that this yet to be named earth spirit will possibly directly based on, even if only slightly, someone of those three categories above.
Greek mythology, I find somewhat unlikely seeing as there’s no official male god of earth in Greek mythology. There are deities that have roles related to the earth yeah… but no god surround the earth itself or the element itself. The closest thing to a god of earth in Greek mythology is Gaea - goddess of earth. Simplify it to god of dirt and still the only result is Demeter goddess of agriculture (which seems similar to Mimosa in some ways but I don’t think she will obtain an earth spirit because I think the earth spirit will have more to do with mineral earth than plants and agriculture). If there is to be any inspiration drawn from Greek mythology in terms of an earth spirit, but even this seems a little unlikely, my guess would be possibly some characteristics from Satyrs seeing as they are the male equivalent of nymphs - what Undine is technically classified as.
Norse mythology seems a bit more, but not by much at first, plausible in terms of gathering reference for an earth spirit. It probably wouldn’t be the Norse God of Earth Jörd because she is still technically a goddess and mother of earth like Gaea. However, Norse mythology does have a deity of rocks - Hrungnir is a jötunn (a type of entity contrasted with gods and other non-human figures, such as dwarfs and elves. The entities are themselves ambiguously defined, variously referred to by several other terms, including risi, thurs and troll). There is also one more Norse aspect that goes along these lines - Dvergar or Norse dwarves are entities in Norse mythology associated with rocks, the earth, deathliness, luck, technology, craft, metal work, wisdom, and greed.
Norse mythologies depictions of both jötunn and dvergar tie into the third category of European folklore’s depiction of earth deities/spirits. In European folklore, Gnome, is a dwarfish, subterranean goblin or earth spirit who guards mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth. He is represented in medieval mythologies as a small, physically deformed (usually hunchbacked) creature resembling a dry, gnarled old man. - this description is similar to that of jötunn/dvergar and also ties into Charmy being revealed as part dwarf which will most likely be explored in a later arc.
Tbh, I picture this guy’s personality being somewhere between Grumpy from Snow White, the grumpy but well-meaning and wisecrack Lorax, and Phil from Disney’s rendition of Hercules… (not only does imagining this type of personality have me laughing… imagining the 2 most whom I find most likely to be chosen by this earth spirit… imagining them being partnered up with this personality has me near cackling😂)
As for the 2 whom most likely might be the “chosen one” of this earth spirit?
Even though he is technically described as being Arcane in terms of his magical attribute, Mercury is by definition “a naturally-occurring chemical element found in rock in the earth's crust, including in deposits of coal.” So mercury is naturally occurring, derived from earth, and the fact that it can come from deposits of coal ties in perfectly to the hypothesis of this earth spirit/deity being along the lines of dwarves which (not JUST in Snow White) are heavily associated with miners in various mythologies and folklores. So even though technically classified as being arcane, I do think Nozel has a strong possibility of being chosen by the spirit of earth (+ it would make for an EVEN MORE epic rivalry between Nozel and Fuegoleon if they both have an elemental spirit) (++ based off of how dwarves are depicted in mythology and based on how I decribed how I think this guy’s personality will be, I can see this guy as wise/rational but also getting grumpy/irritated easily with a short fuse and just imagine him getting irritated and kicking Nozel in the shins when when he doesn’t communicate his feelings properly & almost always kicks Solid/Nebra/Augustus in the shins when he says something he shouldn’t have - omg this guy’ll be a hoot!!🤣)
The second possible “chosen one” of this earth spirit could be Sol. Not only is she 100% raw earth magic but I also feel like it would balance her out a bit having a male spirit attached to her and that’s where the wisdom side of the Lorax/Phil could kick in and help her not only improve as a mage but also as a person helping her not see things so one sided. You notice, even though the Blue Rose Knights are an all girl squad… Sol is the only one that goes to that much of a degree in despising men; everyone else on the squad detests men on the surface but for the most part not truly. Charlotte keeps up the façade of detesting men to both appear strong for her squad ladies but also to mask her own insecurities. Sol, while she has gotten a little better since her initial introduction, is the only one who barely tolerates men… the only one who’s depicted as not having a façade and genuinely detests all men with a few exceptions. Having a male spirit like character who does not take her BS (*shin kick💥*) but also offers her wisdom and guidance that helps her grow as a person would be phenomenal for her character overall.
I find Nozel to be the more interesting outcome (NO! not just because I’m a Nozel simp… who told you that? They lie) but either of these characters would be interesting and could improve drastically in character development and as a mage having someone like this joined at the hip.
What are your thoughts?
– Grimoire_Girl📚
OKay, okay *takes a moment* (Also: did I just stop what I was doing, just to read and reply to this? .... Maybe)
I'd like to platonically kiss you on the mouth (with your consent ofc, because consent is a big thing on this blog), because I love this. Okay the Fue simp in me was hoping to have more of him, but in the end I didn't even mind. And can I just say that I love, lovelovelove the idea of Nozel getting the Elemental Spirit of Earth.
The theory is made *so* *much* *better* by the mental image of him (supposedly 'him') being a Lorax/Phil (from now on, let's call him Phorax). Because can you just imagine this duo?! Nozel, our lovely tsun-tsun who is in need of a big, warm hug and therapy. (Like Nozel, sweetie, I know that there aren't many therapists around, but you need to talk to someone.)
I'm also thinking that since it's probable that there'll be the 2-2 divide between boy/girl spirits, because I kinda agree with you on Sal being a boy (I'm aware of Shrek 2, but unfortunately I have no answers, but I laughed *so hard* while reading that), if there'll be a divide between the Spirit forms that have wings. Because I can't see the Earth Spirit giving a flying Spirit Dive form.
I mean, what, everyone else, aka the rest 3 spirit owners can rise to the skies and then Nozel is left behind like a plucked chicken? (I'm so, so sorry for that comparison, but ain't no one leaving him behind! Nozel. Needs. To. Be. Included.) I don't think that's fair. So, it could very well be that the two else give a "grounded" Spirit form, and Bell and Undine give a flying form.
Aaaanyways... I do like your theory/thoughts on how Undine came to be. And I could very well see that to be canon.
I, honestly, have nothing further to add at this point. Because this is brilliant. I love this.
But Tabata please, give us a tiny bit more lore. Please? A pretty please
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therealvinelle · 4 years ago
“By contrast, I can think of characters who resemble most other Twilight characters with a relative amount of ease.”
You put this at the end of an ask and was just wondering if you would please elaborate? Have a lovely day
(Anon is referring to this post.) Do you ever look at two characters, realize they have a few things in common, then blink, take a step back, and realize that they really do have an awful lot in common? That they're more or less the same person, only in different circumstances? The same archetype, at the very least.
I'm open to the possibility that you'll say no, @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta and I are strange people who see strange things.
All the same, here are a few examples.
Also, this contains spoilers for the animes Fate/Zero, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Revolutionary Girl Utena, as well as the play Vildanden, the book Candide, and the show I, Claudius.
Aro: Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate/Zero.
Kiritsugu is a highly effective assassin whose defining trait, and curse, is his willingness to commit any atrocity in the name of the greater good. His ambition is to save the world. Over the course of the series he sacrifices his father, surrogate mother, best friend, wife, and daughter, and treats everybody else like chess pieces. It will all be worth it when he has saved the world.
He is the opposite of Bella, who would let anything burn for the sake of her loved ones. Kiritsugu loves fiercely, but he will sacrifice that which is most precious to him with a steady hand.
Aro has that same ruthlessness combined with idealism. He sacrifices his sister and is willing to kill his only friend as well, to say nothing of the many other things he has done. He creates child vampires and will kill anyone who stands in his way. This is what he must do to gain and maintain power.
Aro and Kiritsugu will sacrifice anything and anybody if they perceive it to be beneficial to their goal, a goal they happen to share.
Also Aro: Claudius from I, Claudius.
Cladius is the emperor of Rome not because he wishes to be, but because the moment he steps off the throne, Rome will fall to pieces.
Aro did seek out the throne, Claudius very much did not. However, both are in the precarious situation where they can never leave their respective thrones. Rome would fall to pieces without Claudius, and the world would burn without Aro.
Also Aro: Voldemort in an AU where he won.
We're deep in la la AU land now.
But, Aro had to commit atrocities to get to the throne, we only meet him millennia later when his rule is secure. A post-victory Voldemort (and I here mean years and years and years have passed) would be a figure quite similar to Aro. A harsh, uncompromising leader, yet he’s been around for long enough to shape the world into what he wants it to be, people don’t remember that it was once different, and he is regarded as the distant, yet necessary leader.
Bella: Hedda Gabler from Vildanden.
Hedda finds out she's a child born of infidelity, and that her father no longer loves her. Wanting to win back his love she kills herself. Bella, too, has that utter lack of self-love, that willingness to sacrifice herself, and it’s all too easy for her to believe Edward never loved her. Both Hedda and Bella fail to understand there are people who love and would miss them
Also Bella: Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
This is not an obvious one.
But they both have that uncompromising drive to do anything and everything for the one they love, and by love I mean the one they fixate everything they are or have ever been upon. Homura, over the course of P3M, goes from wanting to use time travel to save everybody, to being content with saving only Madoka. She will destroy herself for Madoka in a very literal sense, seeing no worth at all in her own survival.
Give Bella a time machine and a timeloop where Edward always dies at the end, and she will go down Homura’s path.
Caius: Every warrior king ever. Ooh and he and Iskandar (again from Fate/Zero) have very similar vibes, although they're far from the same character.
Iskandar believes that kingship and leadership is not about being noble or virtuous or showing a good example to your people, it's about strength, conquest, and glorious victory.
Caius, I imagine, would heartily agree with that.
Carlisle: I love Carlisle, but there are Carlisles everywhere, especially in anime. Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena comes to mind in particular, though.
Utena begins her story as a righteous and brave girl who wants to be a prince. She wants this without quite understanding what it truly means to be noble, nor does she know what it means to save a person.
Her desire to save Anthy is especially this. Anthy is a traditional damsel in distress at the beginning of the story, and Utena is so eager to save her that she never takes what Anthy herself into account. She judges herself harshly for this failure, but comes to understand what it truly means to save Anthy in the end.
Carlisle has that same nobility and willingness to do good, he is the moral compass of those around him, but all the same he is hoodwinked and does not always know where best to thread. His rescue of Rosalie is a good example of this, he saw a young woman who’d been raped to death, and did the only thing he could to help her, only to learn this wasn’t what she wanted.
Also Carlisle: god, so many characters.
Shirou from Now and Then, Here and There. Suffers a ridiculous amount, but never loses his goodness and insists even in the most extreme circumstances upon the inalienable worth of human life.
Duck from Princess Tutu. Never uses violence or even powers to win against her opponents. She talks to them, finds out why they're unhappy, and wins through healing them. They become friends with her after.
Akane Tsunemori from Psycho-Pass. In a world where people’s souls can be calculated mathematically, Akane Tsunemori is objectively a good person, empirically proven to be incorruptible. That’s her defining trait, no matter what she endures she never loses her upstanding morals. The kind of person who wouldn’t succumb to the lure of human blood.
Just gonna drop the fact that Carlisle’s hair and eyes are the same color, Edward with his vampire sight notes that they’re only one shade apart. The guy is a misplaced anime character.
Oh, and Candide from Voltaire’s Candide. This is just a loose association, but “beautiful blond man travels the world, meets people who are over the top cartoonishly miserable (just... multiply Meyer’s backstories with each other and add 10. Victoria’s life + Rosalie’s life + Esme’s life + their mother is pushed off a cliff by dalmatians) but he carries on with a big smile, and eventually settles down with his found family of hilariously wretched people” gives me Carlisle vibes.
Edward: He's so many people and in so many different ways, oh my god.
He's a mommy's boy who cries because I'M A MONSTER - Buster Bluth. Arrested Development.
He thinks too highly of himself - Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter.
He GOBs - George Oscar "GOB" Bluth. Again Arrested Development.
He appears normal to the outside world, yet there's a complete meltdown with incoherent rants, strong opinions about music, and strong disturbing tendencies towards violence he may or may not act on - Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
He's weird about women, mother figures, himself, and violent. Creepy yet undeniably charming - Norman Bates from Psycho.
The way he regards Bella - strong Humbert Humbert from Lolia vibes. Replace "nymphet" with "singer" and there you go.
Really, though, with Edward, he is like these yet unlike them all. He’s... he’s a lot.
Emmett: Much like how Caius is a warrior king, Emmett is Frat Bro™.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood for reasons outlined in this post.
Marcus: Arwen after Aragorn inevitably dies.
A sad sad elf who's fading away.
Rosalie: Cordelia Chase from Buffy
Speaks her mind, no matter how brutal it is or how little people want to hear it. She does not forgive those who wrong her, she is proud, and most importantly, she is misjudged. Her beautiful appearance and bitchy veneer make her easy to dismiss, but once the going gets tough she is a deeply good person. She’ll make bitchy comments about watching your back, but watch it she does.
I also do this with ships. Aro/Carlisle are a great match for Dorian Gray and Lord Henry, if Lord Henry had failed to corrupt Dorian Gray and been delighted by that fact.
I have other examples, but they go weird places so let’s not.
TL;DR: I'm Miss Marple.
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lockefanfic · 5 years ago
Business Trip: Pt 33 - Assistant
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“Is there something you’d like to share with us, Dahyun? I don’t think you should keep secrets from your boss. It’s not proper.”
You smile devilishly at Tzuyu’s mention of propriety, even as she sat half naked on her boss’ desk. She was toying with Dahyun now, knowing the assistant was completely in her thrall. Her fingers play with Dahyun’s delicate cheek, tracing a path down her soft jawline. Dahyun is fidgeting nervously, her body squirming as the younger girl delights in toying with her. Tzuyu was enjoying every second of it.
You are happy to watch the gorgeous, half naked young woman on your desk seduce an innocent, pretty young thing that looked only seconds away from surrendering to her.
“I… I… I….”
“What is it, Dahyun? You can tell us. We won’t tell anyone.”
“Ma’am, I mean… Miss Chou, I-.... I…”
“Please, call me Tzuyu. Now tell us, Dahyun. Let it all out…”
“Miss Ch- I mean… Tz--- Tzuyu. I… I…”
Tzuyu’s hand drifts to the Korean girls’ chin, bringing it close to her own before letting her own lips slightly graze hers in the softest of kisses.
“Tell us, Dahyun.”
“I… I like to watch.”
Chou Tzuyu acted like a spoiled little brat sometimes.
 It was odd, you thought, because she was a strong, confident businesswoman when she wanted to be. You’d seen her give powerful presentations, lead tough, no-bullshit meetings, and give her staff members crap when they didn’t perform like she wanted them to. Her intense motivation made her a rising star at JYP, the type that got shit done without caring much about what others thought of her. For most people in the office, she was demanding, intimidating, and perhaps even a little scary.
 Alone with you, she turned into something altogether different - not that you minded. The confident woman turned into a needy, spoiled girl; although you knew Chou Tzuyu well enough to know that beneath that thin veneer of faux-innocence was a woman completely in control of every aspect of her life, including the sinful parts of it. Knowing that you were the only one that she showed this side of her was a little bit of a turn on.
 “I was so worried about you,” she says softly as she lets your shaft slide out of her warm, wet mouth and plants soft kisses along the side of it, “when Jihyo told us all that the mission went sideways.”
 Another kiss, another lick of that small pink tongue on your hard cock. Her thin, delicate fingers wrap around the base of it, pumping it up and down slowly. She continues, her voice taking that faux-innocent tone she only took with you - a fact that aroused you to no end, knowing the woman who could deliver such powerful presentations and speeches was the same woman who had a certain pet name for you.
 “But I’m so glad you’re okay, daddy.”
 You reach down and stroke the golden strands of her light blonde hair back, enjoying the sight of the young woman on her knees between your spread legs as she continues to toy playfully with your shaft. Impending oral sex aside, she was utterly beautiful. You had spent a lot of time with a lot of beautiful women, but you still occasionally had to remind yourself not to stare at Chou Tzuyu when she was in the room.
 “I’m just fine, Tzuyu. But I’m a little tired. Think you can make me feel a little better?”
 A wicked gleam appears in her eye, the corners of her lips curling into a smile that might have been angelic were it not for the sinful thoughts that inspired it.
 “Of course, daddy. I’ll make you feel great.”
 Tzuyu takes you into her mouth again, and before long she becomes a softly bobbing ball of light brown hair, your shaft sliding smoothly in and out between her tightly pursed lips and hollowed cheeks. One hand reaches down, involuntarily, to grasp the side of her head, guiding her up and down, keeping her hair from interfering with the delightful task she was occupying herself with.
 It hadn’t even been an hour since you’d arrived back at the office after Tzuyu had picked you and Jeongyeon up from the cafe where you’d met with Momo and her team. Jeongyeon had understandably wanted some time to rest and recover from the previous day’s events, and so Tzuyu had dropped her off at the hotel. You had a meeting in the afternoon with Jihyo and Nayeon to discuss the data the latter had retrieved from SM, and so you decided you may as well head into the office to prepare.
 But that meeting was still a few hours away, and Tzuyu had wasted no time in ensuring that the wait would be a pleasurable one.
 The wetness of her saliva, the suction of those lips, tightly wrapped around your hardness, and the playful, swirling feel of her tongue as it wreaked playful havoc on your sensitive head - it was pleasure in the extreme. Tzuyu wasn’t the most skilled at oral sex, but she made up for it with an enthusiasm that none of the other girls could match.
 It was her beauty though - that was what differentiated her from the others. The other girls were cute, gorgeous, hot - some combination of both; but Tzuyu was beautiful. Mina came close, but whereas the Japanese girl possessed the distant, unattainable beauty of a princess, Tzuyu possessed more of an everyday beauty, the kind that you would see in passing at a coffee shop and would dominate your thoughts for the rest of the day.
 And to see a girl of that calibre on her knees now, pleasuring you with her mouth, knowing that sex would come soon after - it was a wicked delight. She was so young, barely out of her teens; your first few times with her you’d felt a twinge of guilt, a worry that you were taking advantage of her, but those worries quickly fled when you realized that this was a woman who was always in control, even when her pretend-neediness and suggestive pet name for you suggested otherwise.
 Tzuyu takes a break from sucking to dip her head beneath your cock, her tongue darting out and lathering your balls, one at a time, with her saliva. All the while her hand pumps up and down your shaft, fully in control of your body, fully aware of every sharp spike of pleasure she was sending into your system. She takes one of your balls into your mouth, swirling her tongue around the sensitive sack, before letting it pop out of her mouth and kissing a trail back to the tip of your shaft, and resuming her blowjob.
 All you can do is lie there, helplessly, letting the young woman do as she wished with you. Your hand continues to stroke her hair, enjoying every second.
 Tzuyu lets your cock slide out of her mouth, her cheeks hollowing with suction as she does so, the feel of those lips sending delicious spikes of pleasure up your spine. When she reaches the tip of your shaft she places a soft, almost chaste kiss on the end of it. She looks up at you, those large, round eyes, so innocent and young, almost angelic - so completely at odds with the act she was about to perform.
 You barely notice the corners of her mouth curl into a devilish smile; but then a second later you have no time to think, let alone breathe, as Tzuyu takes you fully into her mouth again. But this time you feel the tip of your cock hit the back of her throat, and go slightly further, until she takes you fully inside her, her nose brushing up against the base of your shaft.
 You groan out loud in pleasure as the young Taiwanese girl deepthroats you, your cock slowly, carefully sliding in and out of her willing mouth. Her hands grasp your thighs tightly, her eyes watering as she fights her own gag reflex for as long as she can in an attempt to give you as much pleasure as she could. To call it pleasure was a bit of an understatement - the feel of her wet, tight throat around your cock was sublime, and unlike anything she’d ever done for you.
 For a few seconds that pass like hours, Tzuyu slowly bobs her head up and down, allowing the tip of your cock into her throat again and again. The pleasure is dizzying, the feel of her tight cavern driving you insane. 
 “Fuck, Tzuyu,” you manage to say, the first full words you’d said in awhile, the only ones you can actually form from your pleasure-addled mind. Tzuyu lets your saliva-drenched cock pop out of her mouth.
 “Does this feel good, daddy? Do you feel better now?”
 “Hell yes, Tzuyu.”
 “Good,” she says, smiling. Another soft kiss on your cock, as though she were kissing a pet. 
 “Although.. I’m getting a little hungry.”
 The smile that appears on her lips would have been pleasant were it not for the lusty, sinful look on the rest of her features - and the fact that she was slowly pumping your cock, slick with her saliva, with her left hand. The girl licks her lips. 
 “I can help you with that too, daddy.”
 Tzuyu rises from between your legs - she was tall, the tallest of the women you’d regularly slept with, only Jeongyeon coming close to her in height. Hers was a body that was built for earthly pleasures, with her slim, thin torso and wide, full hips. It was also a body that was annoyingly still fully clothed, in a tight white long-sleeved blouse and a blue miniskirt. The high waist of the skirt only accentuated her tiny waist and full flare of her hips, while its alluring cut revealed plenty of her full, creamy thighs. It was a skirt that begged to be pulled up, or held on to while you fucked. Tzuyu watches as you drink in the curves of her body, a smug smirk on her face.
 “Do you want to unwrap your meal, or should I?”
 She plays idly with a strand of her golden hair, playing the innocent card again - and you were happy to let her.
 “Strip for me, Tzuyu,” you say, “take it all off. But… keep that skirt on.”
 Tzuyu smiles devilishly, her facade of innocence cracking slightly as lust begins to overtake her. She bites her lip as her fingers work the unseen clasp of her blouse and she pulls the front flap of it apart, revealing the soft, creamy perfect skin of her chest and the simple white bra she was wearing underneath.
 She lets the blouse fall to the floor, the white fabric falling lazily, almost dreamily to the ground. The more of her perfect, caramel skin is revealed to you, the more you feel the hunger stir in your loins - and the more effort it takes not to reach up and strip her naked yourself.
 The girl’s fingers reach behind her, undoing the clasp of her bra, and soon it too joins her blouse on the floor. Her breasts are small and humble, but perfectly shaped and proportioned to her tall, lithe form, her delicious looking nipples taut and firm with arousal. She gives you only a moment to admire the curves of her chest before turning and bending deeply, her fingers reaching below the hem of her skirt to pull down her skimpy, lacy white panties from her body.
 It was yet another moment you’d wished you had the power to freeze time. It was perfect - the sight of her bending over, her full, round ass sticking up in the air, those creamy, caramel thighs, the dangling mounds of her breasts hanging in the air like ripe fruits. Tzuyu lets the tiny white slip of fabric fall from her fingers as she steps out of her panties and they join her bra and blouse on the floor.
 You expect her to turn to face you, but she doesn’t; instead, she steps daintily over to your desk, the soft clack of her heels the only sound in the room. She softly closes your laptop, placing it to one side, and carefully stacks and places the loose papers on your desk into the desk organizer. Every movement was graceful and precise, as though she weren’t standing topless in her boss’ office, about to let him have his way with her. Every moment watching the half naked young woman rearrange your desk was painful - your cock twitched in anticipation, aching for the pleasure that was surely soon to come.
 When she has had enough of torturing you, Chou Tzuyu turns around to face you once more. Reaching down, she pulls up the blue miniskirt to her hips and hops onto your desk, her soft little breasts bouncing alluringly as she does so. Leaning back, she spreads her legs, revealing the glistening folds of wet flesh between her thighs. She plants her feet flat on the surface of your desk, her long limbs spread widely atop it.
 “Come eat me, daddy.”
 You didn’t need to be told twice. Your chair is thankfully on wheels, and you slide closer towards Chou Tzuyu’s body as she waits atop your desk. Your hands immediately reach for those soft, luscious thighs, enjoying their fullness and curvature. You plant soft kisses on her inner thigh, taking as much time as you could, but knowing that you could only wait so long before you dove in and devoured the wet, glistening treat mere inches away from your face.
 You want to tease her the same way she teased you, want to build up the anticipation in her tight, young little body, but you weren’t as disciplined as she was, couldn’t hold yourself back as well as she could. And so your tongue draws ever closer and closer to the needy lips of her pussy, kissing a soft trail on perfect, warm caramel skin towards that wonderful prize…
 “Sir, sorry to interrupt, but I have some forms for you to sign---”
 Both Tzuyu and you freeze at the sudden interruption, and you look up from between Tzuyu’s spread thighs to find Kim Dahyun in the doorway of your office, a look of utter shock on her pale face as she takes in the sight before her.
 “I- I- Oh my god, I’m sorry, sir, I-”
 Tzuyu covers her naked chest with her arms, and you quickly leave that wonderful space between her legs as she closes them - although in that split second you notice that the look of shock you were expecting to find on the Taiwanese girl’s face isn’t there. Instead there is a look of curiosity, as though she were contemplating something in her head as Dahyun continues to apologize profusely.
 You notice also that Dahyun, despite her shock and repeated apologies, hasn’t moved from the doorway.
 “It’s okay, Dahyun,” you stammer, not quite sure what to make of the situation. Dahyun had only been your assistant for a few weeks, and you weren’t sure what the young girl would make of walking into her boss’ office to find his face buried in the crotch of one of his colleagues. 
 “I… I’m sorry, sir… I’ll just… um, go, and… you can sign these… later… when you’re done with… Miss Chou… sorry, I-”
 “Miss Kim,” Tzuyu says abruptly, shaking the stammering young girl into her senses.
 “Y-... Yes, Miss Chou?”
 Tzuyu has dropped her arms from her breasts, revealing herself to the confused, flustered Korean girl. She straightens up on the desk, speaking firmly and confidently now, a haughty air around her tone as she speaks to Dahyun as though she weren’t topless, sitting on her boss’ desk with her legs spread.
 “Your boss still needs to sign those forms. Leave them here, on his desk.”
 Dahyun looked utterly frazzled by what was happening, but sure enough she follows Tzuyu’s orders, and starts taking shaky, unsure steps towards your desk. Her cheeks are bright red against her pale skin as she places the forms in the to-do pile on your desk.
 “Th… There you go, sir.”
 “Thank you, Dahyun,” you answer, painfully aware that like Tzuyu you were also sitting there exposed, your still hard shaft still glistening with Tzuyu’s saliva. You couldn’t help but notice the quick glance Dahyun takes towards your cock, and the deepening hue of red that appears on those snow white cheeks.
 “Dahyun,” Tzuyu says, “you are looking quite… flushed. Are you okay?”
 Dahyun turns towards Tzuyu, still looking frazzled.
 “Ye-... Yes, ma’am. I’m fine.”
 Tzuyu edges closer to Dahyun on the desk, bringing up a hand to the Korean girl’s cheek, caressing her perfect vanilla skin softly.
 “Is there something you’d like to share with us, Dahyun? I don’t think you should keep secrets from your boss. It’s not proper.”
 You smile devilishly at Tzuyu’s mention of propriety, even as she sat half naked on her boss’ desk. She was toying with Dahyun now, knowing the assistant was completely in her thrall. Her fingers play with Dahyun’s delicate cheek, tracing a path down her soft jawline. Dahyun is fidgeting nervously, her body squirming as the younger girl delights in toying with her. Tzuyu was enjoying every second of it.
 You are happy to watch the gorgeous, half naked young woman on your desk seduce an innocent, pretty young thing that looked only seconds away from surrendering to her.
 “I… I… I….”
 “What is it, Dahyun? You can tell us. We won’t tell anyone.”
 “Ma’am, I mean… Miss Chou, I-.... I…”
 “Please, call me Tzuyu. Now tell us, Dahyun. Let it all out…”
 “Miss Ch- I mean… Tz--- Tzuyu. I… I…”
 Tzuyu’s hand drifts to the Korean girls’ chin, bringing it close to her own before letting her own lips slightly graze hers in the softest of kisses.
 “Tell us, Dahyun.”
 “I… I like to watch.”
 You don’t think you’d ever seen Tzuyu smile that intensely; it was a smile of devilish surprise, as though something wonderful had just fallen into her lap. And it excited you beyond measure.
 “Good,” Tzuyu says softly, “then why don’t you take a seat and observe as I finish this meeting with your boss.”
 “Y… Yes, Tzuyu,” Dahyun answers, slowly stumbling over to one of the chairs facing your desk.
 “Not there,” Tzuyu says, “bring that chair over here. You want to make sure you have a good view, don’t you, Dahyun?”
 “Y… yes, Tz- Tzuyu,” is the shaky reply. 
 “Now perhaps your boss can continue from where he left off,” Tzuyu says, her tone sly and lusty once more. The young woman spreads her legs again, and you couldn’t help but notice her wet flesh glistening even more; she really got off on toying with Dahyun, and now that the Korean girl was watching, she became even more eager for you to resume.
 “Come eat me, daddy. No teasing. I can’t wait anymore. I want it now.”
 You are just as eager as Tzuyu, and before you know it you are diving in literally head first, sliding your chair between the Taiwanese girl’s spread legs and lowering your head to her crotch, your tongue eagerly darting out to the base of her lips before dragging your tongue upward, relishing in the feel of her juices collecting on the tip of your tongue. 
 Tzuyu lets an airy sound of pleasure escape her lips at the feel of your tongue playing with her moist folds, and she brings a hand to the back of your head as you lower it and give her pussy another swipe. With each lick the hand tightens its grip, until her fingernails have begun to dig into your scalp.
 “Oh, yes, daddy!” Tzuyu exclaims, “Yes… that feels so good.”
 You forget for a moment that the two of you weren’t alone in the room, forget that your executive assistant was mere feet away. You tended to forget a lot of things when you were buried between a girl’s thighs with her wet pussy on your tongue.
 Tzuyu lets a string of soft moans escape her lips, each lick and swipe of her pussy drawing another note of pleasure from her throat. You couldn’t see it, but she’d begun to watch Dahyun intently as you did your work between her legs.
 “It… it feels so good, Dahyun!”
 There is no immediate reply, although you could’ve sworn you heard a soft sigh from Dahyun’s direction.
 “Re-... really, Tzuyu? How does.. How does it feel?”
 “It feels- oh! Feels so good. Mmm!”
 You interrupt Tzuyu by slipping two fingers slowly into her dripping opening, playing merry havoc with her body as she squirms and writhes atop your desk, your mouth and tongue and fingers toying with her, forcing wonderful wordless sounds of lust to escape from an open mouth.
 You capture her clit between your lips, and begin to swipe it with long broad licks of the tip of your tongue, your pace consistent. Meanwhile inside her your fingers go from slowly pumping in and out of her soft, slick flesh, to penetrating deep inside her and curling upward towards that spot at the front of her walls.
 “Oh, fuck!” Tzuyu exclaims, and you feel her reach for something on your desk with her free hand as her other clamps down on the back of your head.
 Satisfied that you’d found a pace and place that she approved of, you continue on for long, beautiful minutes, eating out the perfect young woman’s juicy, dripping pussy, eagerly lapping up all of her juices even as you feasted on her wanton flesh.
 “Oh god.. He’s… he’s eating me so well, Dahyun!” Tzuyu exclaims, “I…. I think I might cum soon! Ohh! Fuck, Dahyun, he feels so good… oh god… oh god!”
 Dahyun moans - yes, you were sure of it. You smile wickedly, as best you could, given your preoccupation with the wonderful folds of hot, wet flesh between your lips and tongue. Your fingers, slick and drenched with her hot juices, tease Tzuyu’s pussy mercilessly as you continue to work on her squirming body.
 “Oh, oh god! Daddy… I… daddy, I’m cumming!”
 Tzuyu’s world explodes in pleasure, her body becoming a squirming pile of jelly atop your desk as she orgasms, your tongue and fingers quickly pushing her to the edge of pleasure and sending her eagerly over it. Her thighs close around your face, surrounding you in warm, soft skin - her fingers dig almost painfully into the back of her scalp and she lingers there, almost frozen, for a few beautiful moments as her orgasm reaches its peak.
 The aftershocks are just as beautiful to behold as she slowly loosens her grip on your face, and you are finally able to come up for air and watch as Tzuyu does her best to compose herself after her strong orgasm, her body still shivering and quivering.
 You lick her delicious juices from your lips, relishing her taste on your tongue, and you turn to Dahyun, eager to see what she was doing.
 The Korean girl happened to be wearing a short black skirt; and like Tzuyu, it too was bunched up around her waist, her right hand deep between her thighs, her middle and ring fingers fiercely rubbing circular patterns around her own clit. The girl’s face, usually so pale, was flushed pink, her eyes filled with lust as she makes eye contact with you, not once stopping or slowing down as she played with herself.
 “Th… that was amazing, sir.”
 To see Dahyun in such a state was utterly arousing, to say the least - she was usually clumsy and airheaded around the office but to see her here, getting off on watching you eat out another woman; it was a gorgeous sight to behold.
 “Don’t just leave me here, daddy,” Tzuyu says, taking your attention again, “Don’t forget about me.”
 “I won’t,” you answer, standing now between Tzuyu’s still spread legs, “It’s my turn now.”
 “Yes, daddy! Fuck me now, please? Give me your cock. Let her watch while you fuck me and use me and cum in me.”
 You smile devilishly as you take your cock in one hand and place it on Tzuyu’s wanton pussy, dragging the head up and down her moist, dripping lips, gathering her clear juices on the tip. You turn your head to Dahyun to find her eyes glued intently on your cock.
 “Let’s give her a show, shall we?”
 Grasping Tzuyu’s legs, you raise them so that her calves on your shoulders, giving Dahyun a perfect, unobstructed view of your cock pressed against the Taiwanese girl’s spread pussy lips. Reaching down and placing your tip at her opening, you slowly push inside her.
 Entering Tzuyu elicits a deep, lustful moan from her - but also from Dahyun, who is watching intently as inch after inch of you slides into Tzuyu’s slick, hot pussy.
 “T… tell me how he f- feels, Tzuyu!”
 “Fuck……” Tzuyu gasps, unable to answer Dahyun immediately as you fill her completely, your hips now touching her soaked, hot crotch as you bottom out inside her. The young woman’s face is a mask of full pleasure now, one of pure lust, her eyes shut momentarily as she savors the feeling of being filled for the first time.
 “He’s so big, Dahyun,” Tzuyu hisses, not taking her eyes from yours, “he’s so big and thick and he’s stretching me out… oh!”
 You cut short Tzuyu’s descriptions as you begin to move, slowly drawing your cock out from Tzuyu’s tightly grasping pussy for the first time, savoring the feel of her lips wrapped tightly around your hard shaft as though not wanting to let it go. You hear Dahyun gasp at the sight of it drenched in slick, thick pussy juices, and you hear her chair squeak as she squirms on it.
 You drive back into Tzuyu, and before long you settle into a slow but steady rhythm, taking your time, letting Dahyun have a long glimpse of your cock as it appears from within Tzuyu’s tight, glistening pussy, before thrusting once more into the girl’s wanton body.
 Tzuyu is reduced to a quivering, moaning mess now as you fuck her, her hands gripping the edge of the desk with white knuckle grips as she relishes every thrust you make into her body. Words spill freely from her lips, punctuated here and there by sultry, lusty moans.
 “Oh, fuck, daddy! Fuck me just like that… fuck me slow… make me.. feel… every thrust.. Ohh! He’s so big, Dahyun… he feels so good inside me!”
 You finally tear your gaze from Tzuyu’s writhing body to watch Dahyun as she continues to work her hand between her pale, milky legs. Her left hand is clutching her right breast now, and you watch eagerly as she impatiently pulls the hem of her shirt from her skirt and slips her left hand underneath it so she can fondle her breast directly.
 “Fuck her… fu-fuck her hard-harder, sir!”
 You grin at the shattering of the last of Dahyun’s composure, glad to watch the girl finally give into her desires as she watches the erotic scene play out in front of her. You grasp Tzuyu’s thighs and drive yourself deeper and deeper into the Taiwanese girl, using her long limbs as leverage to make each thrust harder than the last. For long minutes you fuck her like that, her long, slim body rocking back and forth helplessly on the desk, her round breasts bouncing wantonly with each impact of your hips into her young body. You reach down and use her skirt as a handle, just like you thought of earlier, pulling on the blue fabric with each thrust into its owner’s body.
 “Oh, fuck, daddy! Yes! Fuck me harder… as hard as you want! Ohhh!! Mmmmm!”
 Tzuyu is happy to let you have your way with her body. You knew from all the time you’d spent with her that she was more than comfortable with rough sex, and so you let your inhibitions loose and begin to truly fuck her the way she wanted, the way she deserved, the way you needed to.
 You let her legs fall from her shoulders and spread her thighs with a palm on each one before pushing her left leg downward and off the desk, forcing her onto her side so that she is facing Dahyun. Keeping her right leg still in the air, you continue to fuck her, this time from the side. Dahyun has the perfect view of your cock as it slides in and out of Tzuyu’s pussy.
 The new position drives Tzuyu insane, if your first few thrusts into her wet, tight pussy are any indication. Her moans and gasps continue, this time in a higher pitch as you drive ever deeper and faster into her pussy; almost as loud are the wet, slick sounds of her juices and the wet flesh around your cock as you continue to fuck the mewling, moaning girl.
 “Oh god, Dahyun… he’s… he’s so big inside me. He’s fucking me… fucking me so good!”
 “How… how does your p-pussy f-feel, Tzuyu?”
 “It feels… oh! So good… so full of his cock. So wet.. I’m so wet for him!”
 “You… you look so t-tight, Tzuyu. You’re so wet! I can… I can see his cock… coming in and out of you.”
 “Oh, oh god… yes, fuck me like this, daddy! Fuck me! Mmmm, I’m gonna cum soon!”
 It was all quickly becoming too much to handle - Tzuyu’s blowjob, Dahyun’s watching while you ate Tzuyu and while you fucked her - and you felt your own peak coming soon as well.
 “Fuck, Tzuyu, I’m gonna cum soon too.”
 “Don’t stop, daddy… please don’t stop fucking me… oh! Fuck me! Mmmm, I’m getting close!”
 “I… I’m gonna… I’m cumming!” you hear - not from Tzuyu, but from Dahyun. The pale girl is a squirming mess on her chair, her body wracked with spasms as she orgasms. You tear your gaze from Tzuyu to watch as Dahyun quivers and shakes in her chair, her hand working busily between her thighs as the rest of her body straightens involuntarily in pleasure.
 “Ohh.. oh, I’m cumming, daddy!” Tzuyu exclaims, greedily taking your attention back once again. Her pussy pulsates and squeezes you tightly, signalling her impending orgasm and driving you closer to yours.
 “Inside me, daddy! Inside me, please! Fill me… fill me with your cum!”
 Tzuyu cums first, but the tightening of her spasming pussy around your shaft quickly drives you to orgasm as well, and you bury yourself as deep as you can within her hot, slick pussy before you erupt, your cock sending stream after thick stream of hot semen into her body. Her body tightens around you, squeezing your cock tightly as though milking every drop.
 The feeling is sublime, the three of you orgasming within seconds of each other, each of you reduced to piles of jelly held up by weak bones. You let yourself savor every second of it, the feel of Tzuyu’s body wrapped around you, the feel of her wet pussy being filled with cum, the sound of her and Dahyun’s moans filling your ears. It was heavenly.
 You suddenly find it difficult to breathe, and you soon find yourself immensely exhausted. With the last reserves of your strength you give Tzuyu’s spent body a few more weak thrusts, your cock pushing your hot cum as deep as you could into her.
 You stand there, exhausted, holding onto Tzuyu’s outstretched leg like some sort of support. Soon you finally slip out of her body with a slick pop, and you slump back into your desk chair. Tzuyu turns onto her back, too exhausted to do anything further - and you delight in the sight of white appearing between the splayed lips of her newly fucked pussy, before the thick semen begins to flow from her body onto her flushed thighs and your desk.
 “Can I… can I clean up your mess, sir? It’s… it’s part of my job.”
 The question strikes you by surprise - Dahyun, evidently having recovered from the strong orgasm you’d just shared, is sitting up in her chair, her face eager.
 “Of course, Dahyun,” you answer, “Come do your job.”
 The pale girl eagerly rises from her chair and kneels in front of Tzuyu’s still spread legs. She doesn’t waste any time, diving in and licking the thick white cum that is appearing from the Taiwanese girl’s pussy like it was some treat. Tzuyu, still weak from her own orgasm, hums softly in pleasure at the feeling of the Korean girl’s tongue on her still sensitive lips.
 Dahyun doesn’t devote all her time to Tzuyu - soon she leaves the girl’s moist flesh to kneel between your own legs, her pink tongue darting out and collecting the juices on your cock, both the white thickness of your cum and the slickness of Tzuyu’s juices. Your cock was softening, but quickly finds itself stirring back to hardness at Dahyun’s touch. You reach down and stroke the pale girl’s blonde hair as she eagerly cleans up your shaft with her tongue.
 “It looks like we have a new playmate, daddy,” Tzuyu says, rising up to her elbows. Dahyun is thankful for Tzuyu’s attention, and she quickly returns to between the Taiwanese girl’s still-spread legs.
 “Next.. next time, I want to do...more than watch, sir,” Dahyun says over her shoulder, lust in her eyes, before she returns to her job of licking your semen as it dripped from Tzuyu’s pussy.
 Sana is the first to enter the boardroom, and she quickly comes over and gives you a tight hug despite your seated position.
 “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she says brightly, and you squeeze her forearms in appreciation before she takes her seat. 
 Tzuyu and Dahyun enter next, the former giving you a sly smile while the latter blushes a fierce red before they both take their seats. Seolhyun soon enters, and she comes over and squeezes the back of your hand and offers you a warm, friendly smile. Jeongyeon is last, and she manages to give you a soft smile before she too prepares for the meeting. Something stirs in your heart at her smile, but you weren’t quite sure what to make of it. The bandage on her cheek reminds you of what she did for you the day before.
 After a few minutes Jihyo and Nayeon arrive. Jihyo offers you a polite nod and smile before going to the front of the room to set up her presentation. Nayeon holds your gaze for only a moment before she turns away, although you couldn’t quite read the expression she had in her soft features. Was it guilt, at running away and leaving you and Jeongyeon there?
 You had no more time to wonder as Jihyo calls the room to attention and begins her presentation.
 “Good afternoon, all. As I’m sure you’re aware, our mission yesterday was deemed an operational success, even if the extract didn’t exactly go as planned,” Jihyo begins with a nod towards you and Jeongyeon, “but all is well that ends well. We’ve received significant information from our operative’s infiltration that we feel can change the game with regards to our pursuit of SM, Red Velvet, and Irene. Nayeon?”
 Nayeon stands and walks to the front of the room. The large LCD screen that dominates the front of the room changes to a series of documents and pictures.
 “We’ve combed through the data we recovered yesterday, and there are three main points that we feel are the key takeaways. One: there is enough evidence here to indict Irene, her Red Velvet group, and SM in crimes such as bribery, extortion, blackmail, and several other charges.”
 There is a murmur in the room as Nayeon cycles through several video clips and transcripts of phone conversations. In each, Irene, Wendy, or Joy can be clearly seen or are identified in a number of compromising situations. The evidence was hard to dispute. Smiles appear on the lips of several of the girls around the room, realizing that you finally had the evidence needed to take down your most hated enemy.
 “Two:” Nayeon continues, “there is evidence here that implicates SM was involved in the downfall of YG. Irene herself spearheaded the effort. It’s likely that she alone decided upon and then enacted their takedown through a series of coordinated attacks including bribery, blackmail, and extortion of key YG personnel.”
 “YG?” Tzuyu asks, “Who’s that?”
 “They were a pretty big company in the industry, but rumor had it they were into some shady shit,” Seolhyun answers,  “They were abusing their employees, or so the rumors say. Either way, why would Irene take them down, and what does that have to do with us?”
 “Let me finish and you’ll find out,” Nayeon answers, receiving a glare from Seolhyun in return. Nayeon presses a button on her remote, and on the screen are a series of what looked like black and white surveillance photos. In each of them, Irene is dealing with shady figures.
 “Three:” she begins after a pause, “...well, I’ll just let you watch it.”
 Her last slide is what looked like a surveillance camera in a dimly lit underground parking lot. For a few seconds nothing happens, but eventually one of the doors on a nearby wall bursts open. Irene is clearly seen rushing out, and behind her are four girls you didn’t recognise. A van pulls up next to them, and out hop Wendy and Joy, who quickly help the four girls inside before getting inside themselves. Irene steps into the van, but keeps the sliding door open as she watches the open door, evidently waiting for something.
 Two more girls emerge from the door in a rush - Seulgi and Yeri. They shout something at Irene. Seulgi and Yeri begin to run into the van themselves, but a large man dressed in black emerges from the door and tackles Yeri to the ground. Seulgi sees this and moves to help her fallen friend, but more guards emerge from the door and subdue her as well. She drops one with a hard right cross and breaks the nose of a second with an open left palm to his face, but the third one blocks her follow up punch and sweeps her legs from under her with a kick. She lands with a hard thud before more guards pile on top of her, holding her down.
 More guards appear and dash towards Irene’s van. Irene herself is frozen in the open sliding door of the van. Seulgi and Yeri wrestle in vain against the large security guards holding them down, Seulgi clearly shouting something at Irene, face twisted in anger and pain.
 But Red Velvet’s leader shuts the van’s sliding door, and the van speeds away, leaving Seulgi and Yeri behind as the video cuts to black.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years ago
Protection - Chapter 1
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Summary: Mia Makaruku meets her new neighbor, but he isn’t at all what she expected him to be.
August Walker x Mia Makaruku (ofc)
Wordcount: 3.2k
Warnings: Mentions of a car accident.
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter 
My muscles scream bloody murder, as I trudge through the hallways. Did coach Riley have to be so gruesome today? Goodness me, I don’t even know if I’m gonna make it back to my car. However, when I see the coach standing further down the hall, I quickly straighten my back and ignore the slight dulling pain I feel in my ankle and the rest of my leg muscles. ‘Mia,’ coach Riley says in a stern tone as I come closer to her.
Oh no, I think to myself. I did something terribly wrong. If she uses that tone after the first training of the week, it can only mean I’m in severe trouble. ‘Yes coach?’ I hesitantly ask.
Coach Riley’s looks indicate she is strict. Her blonde hairs are pulled back in a tight knot,  a pair of glasses with a thick black frame rests on her nose and the eyeliner that hardens her eyes. While the indication is absolutely one hundred percent correct, you eventually find out she is a sweetheart deep underneath that hard exterior.
When I first arrived in Chicago five years ago, I had no idea what Thanksgiving entailed and I was ready to spend it alone in my apartment. She invited—correction: forced—me to spend time with her family, because she did not want me to sit alone in my apartment on Thanksgiving.
With my last foster family being everything but a great success, it felt good to be welcomed with open arms into a family. I’ve had my fair share of families and while they were all sweet, the last one was a total nightmare. Being slightly traumatized by the experience, it was good to be hugged by a grandma I had never seen before.
Hugs from grandma’s do wonders.
‘You did good today,’ coach says.
Great, now I know for sure I have severely fucked up. If coach Riley starts with a compliment, she is going to break some pretty bad news within a few seconds. I have trained with her for a little over five years. I know her and her odd and slightly crude way of communicating.
‘Okay?’ I say, waiting for the bomb to drop.
‘However, I want you to take it easy, so next training you’re going to train with Tristan on the side of the field.’
‘Come on, coach,’ I whine. ‘Why?’
‘Upcoming Saturday it’s the second to last game of the year. I need you top fit then.’
‘But I am top fit. Honestly!’
Coach Riley isn’t impressed, but to be honest: when is she ever? If this woman has made a decision, she’ll simply power through, no discussion possible. ‘You take it easy during tomorrows training and you listen carefully to Tristan. I noticed a limp on the field just now.’
‘There wasn’t a limp,’ I say. ‘I swear, it’s nothing to worry ab— Okay, I’ll take it easy tomorrow,’ I quickly say when I see her cocked eyebrow that does not bode well.
She finally smiles. ‘Good. Now scocch, I don’t want to look at your face any longer.’
Just when you think she is finally a little bit approachable and kind, she thankfully does this, because her smile was nearly creeping me out. I can’t stop my chuckle. ‘See you tomorrow, coach,’ I say, holding up my hand as I continue to walk through the hallways.
The closer I get to the exit, the colder it becomes. When I’m training, I somehow forget about the ice cold temperatures. However, when I’m not training, which is the majority of the day, I remember we are nearing the winterbreak and that handling these types of temperatures, is not one of my strengths.
I tense up when I step outside and if my ankle wasn’t slightly bothering me, I’d run to my car. When I reached the vehicle, I quickly step in and start to heat it up. My car, unfortunately, isn’t the most advanced and it takes quite some time before it’s even remotely warm. I shiver in the drivers seat. My phone peeps in my pocket and I pull it out, to check the notification that popped up on my screen.
No, no, no, I forgot. I totally forgot. I curse morning-me for sleeping in today. If I had just done groceries this morning before practice, I could’ve go home now. Why was I lazy and chose an extra hour of sleep over doing something actually productive?
I drive off the parking lot, wave to some of my teammates and go to the nearest grocery store. If I have a clear idea of what I want before I go into the store, I can actually manage to do this pretty swiftly and then go home, so I can curl up on the couch to watch yet another cheesy Christmas movie. I desperately need to buy some food for my cat, some eggs and chocolate and… Do I need more?
This is why one makes shopping lists.
‘You idiot,’ I mumble to myself, as I park the car in front of the store. I get out and walk to the entrance. While I’m strolling through the aisles, to at least get the eggs, cat food and chocolate I do know I need, I hear some girls giggling behind me.
I look over my shoulder to my right and see two young girls standing at the produce section. When they look away, I see a glimpse of their red cheeks and notice they are both wearing Chicago Red Star jerseys. I can’t—and won’t—stop my smile. ‘Hi,’ I say to them, causing them to carefully wave at me.
They shyly wave back. ‘Are you Mia Makaruku?’ one girl asks when she finally found the courage to do so.
I nod. ‘The one and only.’
They look at each other and exchange some excited looks. ‘Can we get a picture?’
This has been my favorite part of the job so far. I mean, sure, I love soccer with all my life, however seeing girls this age cheering me on during the competitions and hearing about how they watch clips of me, so they can learn from my techniques, makes me realize I love that even more. They call me their role model and with the status I have, I can actually be one for them. It’s a job I should take seriously and I do.
When kids tell me they are going to try and watch the European Championship for Women’s Soccer, because I am on the Dutch National Team, I try even harder to be the best player of the competition and be a model for them to look up to. Be someone for them I wished I had when I was younger.
I nod again at the girls. ‘Of course. I love your shirts. Tell me: whose name do you have on the back?’
They start to laugh and turn around, showing the backs of their shirts. ‘Yours of course!’
◎ ◎ ◎
Life hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows for me. I just barely think about it nowadays, since it only leaves me with more questions than answers and I’d rather not wander in the dark like that. It’s weird to think about the things I do remember and don’t.
I do remember the second we skidded off the road. I don’t remember I had a mother or father or three brothers with me in the car. I do remember eventually taking the officer’s hand and despite repeating my name like mantra, kept asking him if he had heard my name correctly. I don’t remember any bodies on the scene, because there weren’t any and I also don’t know how their bodies disappeared.
It’s hard sometimes, knowing there is a memory inside my head that I simply can’t reach, but also not knowing what I’m missing in life. Did my parents love me? Did I have a good bond with my brothers? Was there a specific reason I wasn’t in the system? Why weren’t there other people with the same last name in the Netherlands who recognized me?
I moved from foster family to foster family, while trying to regain my memories by visiting multiple specialists. I went to a lot of places. To England, Ireland, France and Luxembourg, but no one could help me out. At the age of twelve, they simply stopped trying, because it was no use anyways and there was one family back in the Netherlands who insisted on me staying in one place for a change.
Thankfully they did, however I only stayed with them for four years, before I moved to my final family, that was a hell to put it mildly.
Finally, for the first time in yearsI wasn’t going from one specialist to another and there was one place where I was always—despite the family—welcome: my soccer team. In all those years of me visiting specialists, there was always one thing I looked for: a ball to kick around. Soccer was my love, my passion and the only thing I started to care about.
And now I have managed to not only make a name for myself in the USA, but also worldwide. When I was nineteen, I debuted in the Dutch National Team during the European Championship and my performance there was what caught the attention of the Chicago Red Stars. I could leave the small SC Heerenveen in the Netherlands behind and go to the USA. I had seen the American National Team. They were exceptionally good and now I got to play alongside some of them.
My first World Championship was when I was twenty one and the Dutch team was in the finals against the USA. Despite my two goals, the USA was too good and beat us with 4-2. Sure, I was disappointed, but still I was very pleased with the fact that the Netherlands became second and it was such a highlight in my seemingly short professional soccer career thus far.
I managed to overcome all these things and still be the person I am today. Since I can’t remember my past, I made it my mission in life to make the most of my future.
Don’t ask me how, but I managed to come back from the store with three full bags. Apparently, if you wander through the aisles long enough, you’ll find tons of excuses to buy crap you didn’t even need in the first place.
I’m finally back at my apartment building and the automatic doors slide open as I reach them. I walk towards the reception and I say with a smile: ‘Hello Harold, how are you today?'
Harold, the clerk behind the reception who is nearing his pension, greets me with his signature smile and I see the two familiar dimples form in his cheeks. ‘Hello, miss Mia, I’m doing splendid this Monday. How was your training today?’
I simply shrug. ‘It was okay, but I have to take it easy now.’ I can’t help but to roll my eyes. ‘According to my coach, I was “slightly limping” and she needs me top fit this Saturday.’
He scrunches up his nose. ‘But my dear, I think you are incapable of taking things easy. Isn’t your coach aware of that?’
I can’t help but laugh. I always like to talk to Harold, it’s so easy to strike up a conversation with him. ‘I think she just wants to bully me. Is there by the way any mail for me?’
‘There certainly is. Three envelopes for you. Almost makes you seem like a very important lady.’ He sends me a playful wink. ‘Oh, before I forget: I told you about the apartment next to you being sold, right?’
I nod. ‘Does this mean Mystery Person is finally moving in?’ I ask.
Harold nods. ‘He moved in today.’
‘Ah, it’s a man. Is he hot?’
He shrugs. ‘He is pretty stuffy and a bit authoritarian looking. I was hoping for someone as radiant as you. I think we need more people like you around here, not a copy of miss Thornhill.’
I throw my long brown hair over my shoulder. ‘Well, what can I say?’ I chuckle. ‘Not everyone is a ray of sunshine like yours truly. Is there mail for him as well? I can bring it to him.’
‘An envelope did arrive, indeed. I don’t think he will go down here to pick it up. We barely made eye contact today. I hardly even know if he is aware there is a reception, let alone that I’m the clerk.’ He hands me the other yellow envelope and says: ‘Are you sure you want to do this, miss?’
‘Absolutely positive. It might be nice to get to know my next door neighbor. Let’s hope he is not a gigolo. I really can’t use sleepless nights anymore. I have two important games coming up, I need my rest.’
‘Mister Toriello was quite the man,’ Harold laughs. ‘Thank you, my dear, for doing this.’
‘No problem, Harold. See you later!’ I walk to the elevator and hold my card in front of the scanner. The doors slide open and when I get in, I press button number nine. I look at the name on the envelope. It’s actually addressed with a sticker, no handwriting, which I find so impersonal.
A. Walker
A. Walker is probably the most generic name I’ve ever heard. This man could be anybody. Would he be bald, have a beer belly and burps all the time or would he be young, attractive and actually a chance for me to leave my forever alone status behind?
While that would be nice, Harold did say that the man was quite stuffy and authoritarian looking.
As someone with barely any date experience (none at all, actually), I’d say stuffy and authoritarian looking isn’t really my type, but never say never right?
The doors open and I step out on my own floor. I walk through the broad hallways and stop in front of apartment number 943. From behind the door, I can hear someone dragging furniture around the apartment and an occasional male grunt. I knock on the door and just hope that he can hear me. I don’t want to start banging on the door like an idiot.
Thankfully, he did hear me, because footsteps approach the door and when it swings open, my eyes widen.
The man standing in the doorway, does not match the generic sounding A. Walker name at all. He is tall, with broad shoulders and the shortsleeved shirt he is wearing, totally accentuates his muscled biceps. I mean, the body is a total A+ (I don’t think I have ever seen someone this buff, while still being proportionate), his face on the other hand… I mean, he does have a beautifully sculpted face and it looks rather perfect, don’t get me wrong, but he looks so angry with that deep frown between his brows and the mustache isn’t really my thing either. Kinda ruins his entire face, if I’m being honest. ‘Who are you?’ he asks, his voice monotone and already bored.
That is not a good start.
‘I’m Mia,’ I introduce myself with a smile, because smiles make people comfortable and this man does not look comfortable. ‘I live next door, in apartment 944. I brought you your mail.’ I extend my arm, so I can hand him the yellow envelope. ‘Thought it would be nice, since we’re neighbors after all.’
He rips the envelope out of my hand and is actually inspecting the seal on it. I am deeply offended. Why on earth would he think that low of me? As if I would snoop through other people’s mail.
After his thorough inspection, he looks at me again. His eyes take me in and leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms in front of his broad chest. The shirt has a slight v neck and is that a tiny bit of chest hair I detect?
I’m almost expecting something condescending leaving his lips (he seems like the type), but A. Walker doesn’t say a word. He simply stares at me and now I kinda regret bringing his mail with me.
He looks and acts like an utter asshole.
‘What’s your name?’ I carefully ask him. Despite him looking like an absolute dick, I do think this is a man you might want to have on your good side. After all, he is my neighbor, I don’t want him to hate me, especially since from the looks of it this man can break me in half with just his pinky, which is intimidating on its own.
‘August Walker,’ he says, tilting his head, as he seems to scan my entire face. ‘Aren’t you that soccer player?’
Before I can even stop it, a smile breaks out on my face. I always like it when people acknowledge the fact that I’m a soccer player. I worked really hard to get where I am now and when people recognize me as that soccer player, it makes me happy. ‘I am,’ I say with an even brighter smile.
Maybe he isn’t so bad after all…
‘I hate women’s soccer.’
I’m dumbfounded. Why on earth does he have to be so rude? What on earth did I do to him to deserve this? What a fucking dickhead. I can’t believe I was actually trying to make a good impression on him. Maybe I don’t want him to be on my good side. Maybe I sort of miss mister Toriello now, with his late night adventures with very noisy female customers. At least he was nice enough to bring me cookies every now and then, to apologize for the noise.
I highly doubt August Walker knows how to bake cookies, let alone buy some of them to apologize for the inconvenience, whatever that may be.
‘Why?’ I ask, as my expression falters.
‘It’s stupid,’ he simply states. To make it even worse, he adds a shrug, as if it’s a well known fact and not just some stupid opinion. ‘Not as advanced as male soccer.’
I frown, as I try to cover up the fact I’m deeply hurt. ‘Well, that’s okay. To each their own,’ I say to him. ‘If we are being frank here: I think your mustache is pretty stupid.’
He simply raises his eyebrows, while his eyes still look bored and annoyed. ‘You do?’ he asks me. ‘Why is that?’
‘I don’t know. It makes you look like a pedophile, really. Have a good day, mister Walker.’ I walk towards my own door and barge inside.
Who gave mister August Walker the right to be this rude to me, someone who he barely knows? What a piece of shit.
My big orange cat Bobo walks up to me and he starts to meow, pulling me out of my racing thoughts.
The hairy companion makes me instantly forget about my new neighbor. ‘Hi, Bobo,’ I say with a chuckle. ‘I missed you too, little fella.’ I place the bags on the floor, before I lift him up, to press tons of kisses on his head. He purrs in my ear. ‘I bought you some food, so that means you can finally stop putting your head in my bowl and be a decent cat from now on.’
‘That’s what I thought.’
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lawslessons · 4 years ago
So I read your rules and saw your requests were open 😊 can I ask for Sanji X Reader oneshot/HC where they are having one sided feelings for that cook from a long time but this person doesn't even notice. Angst with happy ending please. Im a sucker for angst and happy endings. Please ignore this if you are not interested. 💜 take care!
Sanji x Reader: Just a Glance
Yes! I am so happy you requested this! I had an amazing time writing this and I hope you enjoyed this!
Warnings: Minor Angst
Synopsis: Thrown away looks and sympathetic smiles, that was all the chef wad able to offer them for the longest time. The longer they were forgotten by the chef, the more desperate and fearful they became and the harder they seemed to fall for the oblivious, love sick man. But through a twist of fate and a simple glance, will their destiny being to not look so bleak?
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They sat across the table from him and watched as he doted on the women that were there. The hearts in his eyes thumped rhythmically as he served the women who didn’t even acknowledge the chef’s existence. Nami and Robin didn’t seem to notice the chef’s affections, but they did. And god, they wished that were them. If Sanji were to approach them like that, they knew that would melt, combust, explode. Their heart would swell up and they knew they would be no better than the chef in front of them. But that wasn’t how things worked now, was it? The chef turned over his shoulder and shared a small glance at the person who was staring at him from across the room. They sighed dreamily and watched as the chef turned away, he seemed to not notice their affliction. Or was it because he didn’t care? If that was the case, they didn’t blame him. After all, he was a powerful man, someone who could get whatever he wanted very easily, and that was something that upset them sometimes. Why would he want to settle for someone like them when he could have any other woman or person in the world? This had been going on for quite some time. They would always try and do their best to get Sanji to look over at them, acknowledge them in the same way he did the girls. Were they so different from them?
They remembered their first encounter with the chef. When they were recruited by the boisterous captain, a party was held in their honor. While everyone was talking and playing games, they had noticed that someone was missing from the group, yet all this food was appearing constantly. After putting two and two together, they decided to venture away from the party and over to the second floor of the ship where they saw the chef preparing food for everyone. They lingered at the door and took in the breathtaking sight. The blonde chef took in a deep breathe of his cigarette and looked down at the pans in front of him. While there was a lot there, nothing seemed to be messy. His swift and dexterous hands moved efficiently around the stove and mixed, stirred, flipped and turned the food. There was a small bead of sweat that dripped down the side of his forehead and onto his cheek but he was quick to wipe it away. He didn’t seem to notice the wide, impressed stare he was being given across the room. The chef rolled his sleeves up and used a hand to brush part of his hair up before he continued with his cooking, he was focused, nothing seemed to be distracting him and he looked like the type of man who would get disturbed by any disruption. So out of respect for his craft, they left the kitchen with a red face. They leaned back against the kitchen door and felt their heart beginning to thump rather sporadically against their chest. When they placed their hand on their chest and felt the poor organ struggling to relax, they smiled. This was the start of something wonderful, wasn’t it?
Wrong. Completely wrong.
The look Sanji was giving the other women who were there was making that painfully obvious for them. It took all inside of them to resist saying anything, doing anything. What would it take for him to finally notice them? The women seemed to notice their friend’s affliction quite some time ago and had a plan for it in place. The women saw it as a perfect plan which could get the love-sick cook off their back and give their friend the attention they so craved from their crush.
“Oi, Luffy? Sanji? Why don’t we all play a game?” Nami suggested as she gently traced her finger along the lip of her glass. Sanji grinned and bounced over to Nami’s side before he clasped his hand into one of her’s.
“Yes! Anything for you,” Sanji said with a large grin on their face. Perfect. Nami smirked over at Robin who looked over at their confused friend. What were they all plotting? No matter what it was, they had to admit that they were curious and wanted to be a part of it. So they reluctantly moved over to the table and watched as Nami clapped her friends when the group all gathered.
“These are the rules, we all have to sit in a circle and we will spin a bottle. Whoever the bottle lands on has to go into the closet and read off a question assigned to them by the group,” Nami explained.
“Isn’t that just seven minutes in heaven without the heaven?” Franky asked, Robin kicked his leg under the table with a small smile on her face. “Yow! Why did you do that?” Franky frowned to which Robin chuckled and gently brushed her dark hair over her tan shoulder.
“Anyways, like I was saying, that’s the game we’re playing and if any of you have a problem with that, I don’t wanna hear it,” Nami stated before she went to lead the way over to the main deck so they could all sit in a comfortable circle. Once everyone was situated, Sanji brought out an empty sake bottle and placed it in the middle of the circle before he went ti sit next to Franky. Excited about getting this started, Franky grabbed the bottle and spun it. Much to his surprise, it landed on Zoro. Zoro looked at the bottle in some concern but stood up and went to go into the cramped closet with Franky. Some yelling was heard, but when both of the men came out they didn’t look angry at one another, in fact they both looked rather pleased with each other.
“We are never talking about that again though, ok?” Franky frowned at the swordsman who just rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face. The whole crew was left wondering what had happened in the closet. The other rounds were uneventful. Robin went with Usopp and Chopper went with Nami while Brook went with their captain. All that seemed to be left was them and Sanji. And Robin knew this. The cunning woman watched as the spun the bottle and used his devil fruit abilities to make the bottle stop on the chef. She watched with a pleased expression on her face as her friend looked shocked and then terrified.
“Look’s like you two are up,” Nami grinned as she watched the confused chef and their friend stand up and slowly make their way to the closet. When they were both inside, they both finally realized just how cramped the space was, neither of them knew how Zoro and Franky were even able to sit in here.
“What’s the question?” They asked Sanji. The chef looked down into his suit’s pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper before he began to read over it.
“What’s your biggest fear?” Sanji asked with a small frown, “How are we supposed to answer this in seven minutes?” He asked, they couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. He never understood, did he? Perhaps that was their biggest fear.
“I know mine,” They shared as they rested their back against the wall and sighed. Sanji lit a cigarette and watched them in some curiosity, “But I want to hear yours first,” They said with a small grin.
“You drive a hard bargain,” Sanji dryly laughed as he blew out the toxic smoke into the communal air and sighed. “Never being good enough for someone,” he shared, that came as a surprise to them for sure.
“What do you mean?” They found themselves asking him.
“Relationships and stuff I suppose, I guess I always go around to other women and people because I guess I never expect myself to be good enough for one single person. Sound’s pretty shitty, doesn’t it?” Sanji asked them.
“It kinda does,” They admitted which made the chef laugh. They smiled when they heard the sweet music of Sanji’s voice reach their ears. “Now I guess I should say mine, right?” They asked Sanji to which the chef nodded. He seemed to be a lot more relaxed now that his secret was out of the way. “Having the person I love never loving me back,” they explained with a sad smile on their face. Sanji once again looked confused, it shocked them how dense he actually could be in moments like this.
“Love? You love someone?” Sanji asked just as the door was being opened by Robin’s hand.
“It doesn’t matter I suppose, I know he’ll never love me back,” They said before they left the closet and looked at all of their friends sitting in the circle still. “I’m feeling tired, I think I’m going to sleep early,” They announced as they went to leave. And unbeknownst to them, Sanji looked over at them with a concerned look. 
He was up for the rest of the night, pacing round the kitchen and saying goodnight to the rest of the crew. It was quiet for the whole night, but there was one thing that broke the silence. He heard a door opening somewhere on the ship, and when he poked his head out of the kitchen, he caught sight of them standing by the railing of the ship and looking out into the night sky with a small smile on their face. Sanji was now the one who found himself staring at them and taking in their features. He supposed the thing that surprised him the most, made him the most worried was the sad look in their eyes. Those bright, beautiful eyes were illuminated by the stream of tears that flowed onto equally beautiful cheeks. The chef couldn’t bear to watch them stand out in the cold air with such a despairing look on their face. He stepped out of the kitchen and removed his suit jacket and went up behind them. He blew out some of the smoke in his mouth as he dropped the fabric over their shoulders and watched as they turned to face him.
“I can’t sleep because of you,” Sanji shared, he watched as their face suddenly pinked and Sanji slowly began to put the pieces together. But he needed to be sure about this before he did anything. “I guess you’re awake for the same reason too, right?“ Sanji asked as he crossed his arms over his chest to keep himself warm for as long as possible. They hugged the jacket closer to themself and looked away from the chef. Sanji reached his hand forward and gently touched their chin with his finger and led their face to look him in his exposed eye. “You can be honest with me,” He assured them.
“Yes,” They found themselves saying without even realizing what was coming out of their mouth.
“Yes?” Sanji asked as his hand moved to cup their cheek. He felt his heart skip when they relaxed under his touch. Was this happening? He just talked about his fear with them a couple of hours ago, and now here they were, so close to dissipating their fears. “I’m scared of you, what you’re doing to me,” Sanji admitted as he pulled his hand away and stuffed his hands rather ungracefully in his dress pant’s pockets.
“What am I doing to you?” They asked with a sudden frown. They removed the jacket from their shoulders and shoved it back into Sanji’s arms. “You’re acting as if this is all my fault, do you realize what all you’ve done to me? How much I’ve suffered because of you?” They asked as they stepped back, their hands and feet practically hugging onto the rail. “You’re so blind, Sanji! You are everything I want and everything I’m scared of at the same time! I can’t take it!” They snapped as they dug their nails into the wood and looked up at Sanji with pitiful eyes. Sanji was in shock, his cigarette fell against the deck as he watched them cry and break down in front of him. Sanji didn’t know how to handle this, them. He never had to deal with something like this and it caught him off guard, he was shocked and felt as if he was punched when he finally came to a serious realization.
“I’m your fear?” Sanji suddenly asked.
“Yes! You Id—“ They were quickly cut off when Sanji pulled them into a hug and held them close and tight to himself. They stopped talking and looked at the chef with wide eyes as they were suddenly being kissed. Sparks flew and they both knew that what they were feeling was real and raw and powerful.
“I don’t want you to have to fear me,” Sanji said as he pulled them closer and hid his face against their hair and sighed. “You don’t need to fear me anymore, I’m yours, I want to be yours. I was so blind until now,” Sanji confessed as he looked down at the person in front of him. They wiped their tears away and felt their jaw drop just a bit, Sanji confessed to them, was this a dream?
“Yes! You, only you,” Sanji assured them with a small smile. “Only you…”
“Only me.” They mumbled, “What changed your mind?” They asked, they were genuinely confused, they didn’t understand how he could be so certain about all of this.
“I just had to open my eyes and look at what was in front of me… it took a glance.” Sanji smiled. They found themselves smiling at what the chef had said and dryly laughed at the irony of the situation, that was how they knew they liked Sanji. Loved him. Fell for him. And god, they were falling even harder now. As the sea breeze blew Sanji’s hair out of his face, they instantly knew that what they were feeling was safe and good. They no longer had to worry about their biggest fear, they had someone to protect their heart, and all it took was a glance.
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redteabaron · 5 years ago
tyrion - the giant surtr
“...and you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of it all.” - Moqorro 
“Oh I think Lord Tyrion is quite a large man. I think he is a giant come among us, at the end of the world.” - Aemon 
“He’s a bigger man than he seems, I think.” - Garlan Tyrell 
There’s a lot of quotes and references to Tyrion being a giant. In the books he’s got a voracious appetite for food, women, wine, and even ambition, although it is tempered for the time being due to his proximity to and love for his family. But he does have some need for recognition, glory, power - who doesn’t? He is one of the original underdogs of the books, commiserating with Jon over their shared station and telling Jon to accept it so people can’t hurt him with it. He’s among the many POV characters who wants love and respect, and is denied it for one reason or another. 
He’s shown to be a rather capable commander in war, and quite surprisingly brave when met with battle, despite any obstacles he naturally comes into contact with. 
But all the quotes and references to him being bigger than what he seemed to be really got me thinking. He’s more than a brain. On one hand this points to him having a lot of heart and drive. On the other, I like to examine the bits of mythos scattered in asoiaf and all the references GRRM likes to sneak in. 
In the books he’s set to meet Dany, ‘daughter of death’, ‘the mother of dragons’, ‘the dragon’s daughter’, etc what have you, and Dany represents a cataclysmic event of fire and brimstone (blood) focusing in on Westeros (IT). So...is he only a commander? An advisor as he was in the show? In the books he’s surely on the darker side of the gray morality scale, he’s a lot more obviously ambitious in his POV, has numerous revenge fantasies that may just be fantasies (or may not), and has a great appetite for all things. He is/will be Dany’s commander and advisor, but I don’t think he’ll take such a lightly placid role as he did in the show. The setup, imo, is a lot darker. He isn’t just a bystander, he is a major player in the Game. 
But he’s a Lannister, south of the Wall, how the f is he a giant? Just his great appetite? Nah. 
Surtr means ‘black’ or ‘swarthy’ in Old Norse, and while Tyrion carries traditional Lannister coloring and features, that isn’t all he carries. In the books he has mismatched eyes of green and black, and his hair had both blonde and black in it. Surtr is also believed to have originated from the south. 
In both the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda specifically Voluspa, Surtr, the jotunn goes to battle against the gods, locked in combat with Freyr (god of prosperity, fertility, peace, and sunshine whose book counterpart may be Aegon/Young Griff though I don’t believe Tyrion will be the one to kill him with his own hands, but may plan or suggest it and will help kickstart the dance of dragons that Dany will already be gearing up for once Aegon moves to claim the throne, esp if it’s ever revealed that Dany at this point in time has difficulty bearing children/is barren) with a great flaming sword and thereafter brings forth flames that burn the world. He guards the realm of Muspelheim (a fiery realm, home to fire giants), from which he will command Muspell’s sons in the war of Ragnarok and burn the world after defeating the gods. 
Tyrion may not wield Lightbringer or be the immediate choice of Surtr’s role (which Stannis could arguably and obviously fill; he’s black haired, tall as he’s a Baratheon, wields a flaming sword, is associated with flames and has Melisandre at his side but imo he’s a red herring for a greater engine of destruction), but if he is at Dany’s side he won’t need a red priestess or a flaming sword or a tall stature. He casts a very long shadow, and Dany has proven to be warlike, an instrument of destruction knowingly or not. Dany won’t be so easily turned to this or that direction, but as she proved with Daario, when it is something that appeals to her, she can be guided (in the way that all of his solutions were bloody and violent and she preferred those methods to peace which bored and annoyed her). Dany has power (dragons and armies) that Tyrion doesn’t, so they will likely work as one unit at least for a good chunk of time. In a way, Dany will be his flaming sword, and they will set the world on fire. 
The original book canon Tyrion casts a long shadow with a great appetite, and has proven he will fight, and not always with honor (killing his father who was unarmed), and will join forces with a woman hellbent on claiming the iron throne (yet the kingdom is splintered and the north will undoubtedly object again to a ruler that doesn’t care for the north). He will undoubtedly end up north somehow as his marriage to Sansa Stark (key to the North) will be a lure (because I’m pretty sure Harry is going to die during the tourney and Sansa will escape with Mya’s help, heading for Jon). His constant references to the Wall circle back there, not to mention he does resent (and lust for) Sansa for rejecting him (and will likely transfer that resentment to the north for not wanting him as lord if/when he comes to collect on that marriage). He’s not going to just talk and drink wine and fade into the background as he did in the show, or jokingly let things go anymore; as horrid as his family could be to him, Tyrion’s family did help ground him (specifically his niece and nephew and Jaime, as well as his desire to not totally disappoint his father/desire for acknowledgement that would never come). But when he killed his father, that was a sign of becoming unfettered. We’ll be seeing a much darker Tyrion who will have a lot more power on his side, and he won’t necessarily be fettered by family if Myrcella and Tommen die (I hesitate to bank on the Cersei and Jaime being enough). The north will see him come again, and not just for wine or Wintertown. 
“...and later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle made of snow.” - Ghost of High Heart 
I used to think this could only pertain to Littlefinger, but I wonder.
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betwixtofficial · 4 years ago
Day 1 [X]
Day 2 [X]
Who is your main cast? Describe as many of your OCs as you can cram into one post.
Character Introduction-  this is by no means the entirety of our cast, not even close.
Leith and I each developed our own characters over many many years and I'm going to do my best to bring Leith’s characters to life as accurately as possible and I promise to love (torture) them like they're my own.
Andi’s characters-
Xavier Alexander Maxwell-   When it comes down to it, this is Xave's story. A small pale faerie-human halfling, with a painfully tragic beginning, looking for love and family in all the wrong places. Xavier has neon, glitter, and more sexual energy coursing through his veins than he knows what to do with. A faerie half he doesn’t always have control over, and between the Fae, the Zaccardas, and his own personal demons- all fighting for a chance to control him, it’s going to be a  long dark journey.    It’s not ONLY pain and dark. It's just MOSTLY pain and dark. ...you know, aside from all the glitter and neon.
Alexander- I wasn't planning on adding Alex to this, I am not sure how I didn't realize he was one of the main characters till now, but he shows up as often or even more often than any of the other characters besides Xave. Alex is Xavier's fae half. They are the very first human/faerie hybrid and though they aren't completely separate, there are some strong distinctions, and they communicate with each other, so they are separate enough for Alex to have his own blurb.
But really it's very difficult to tell where one of them begins and the other ends. They are the same being, They are both magic and mundane, they are both human and fae. Xave tends to lean more human, Alex tends to lean more faerie, they are both real. They do have somewhat distinct personalities, ... Xave is 2010 Bill Kaulitz (especially the blushy giggly interviews) and Alex is Adam Lambert in For Your Entertainment. In either case there is a lot of mascara involved. It's complicated.
Rivet Dragonrail-  A grown up lost girl with dark olive skin and brown eyes,  she has always tried to put her clouded origins behind her, but they never seem to stay put.  With freakish abilities she’d rather not have, a pervasive drinking problem she scoffs at, and an unfortunate talent for violence in the service of those for whom she is unwillingly compelled to play the role of savior,  it seems like she’s always walking a path hellbent on destruction.  She feels the sins she has committed are ceaselessly breathing down her neck, requiring atonement she does not know how to provide.  She would like nothing more than to stand in the eye of the raging storm of the lives lived and lost around her, screaming at the sheer horror of it all, giving a big middle finger to both heaven and hell alike.   But what good, really, would that do?  So she plods on-  her best friends are the knife on her hip,  the beer in her fridge, the damn raven-shifter who has adopted her out of morbid curiosity, the damn chicken she’s adopted out of sheer respect for his will to live....  and Jaq,  her ride or die that she can’t figure out her feelings for,  but it doesn’t fucking matter because that just ain’t happening. Jaq is as gay as it gets.
Ember Skye Arceneaux- He’s too good to be true.  No, really.   His smile is like sunshine poured into your soul.  Golden surfer boy good looks with sunkissed golden surfer hair tucked behind his ears, but his golden tan isn’t from the beach or the salon, it’s just his skin. Kind-hearted and generous.  Plays guitar and sings like an angel with a perfect soulful raspy voice...   And he loves Jaq absolutely and unconditionally, whether Jaq deserves it or not... and he’s Canadian.  His only flaw seems to be that he’s maybe a little too laid back?
Luca Zaccarda-  Since childhood his exceptionally ambitious mother has pushed him to leadership. She grafted her way on to the powerful Zaccarda family tree by marrying a younger son with no ambition past his next perfectly kneaded loaf of ciabatta, and then did everything in her power to see her eldest child reach the heights of power for which she believed he was destined. There’s only one problem- Luca doesn’t share her cut-throat nature. Ambition, power, and the trappings of wealth have never been the driving factors in his life and he’s set his mind to changing the status quo, mama and her scheming be damned.  Oh, he’s just as capable a leader as she believes him to be.  He’s no plump baker happily whistling away his hours in the kitchen like his father.. and he’s planning on taking down his own corrupt family,  one... by one... by one.    ...also... Mafia Werewolves anybody!?!
Teodoro Zaccarda- oh Teo, Teo, Teo.  The black sheep.  The playboy prince.  Constantly in the tabloids,  constantly in trouble,  needing bailed out of this situation or that.  Coming home drunk, or high, or naked.  The family embarrassment.  He just wishes his family wouldn’t expect so much from him.   Like,  the bare minimum.  That’s all they expect Teo.  The bare minimum.
There are about 50 other Zaccardas. I have a family tree of them. Some are more important than others, but the two listed here show up far more often than any of the others.
Leith’s characters-
Wynter Primose Dean - The physical embodiment of anxiety, standing at 6ft 9, built like a brick house, with a heart of gold and a difficult stutter. He fell in love with the right person at the wrong time, felt heartache like he had never before and after an extremely traumatic breakup he discovered his true nature, under a full moon, alone and afraid in the middle of nowhere - a werewolf. With a love for nature and all things wild, he spends a lot of his time isolated out at his cabin, crafting beautiful wooden furniture and spending more time with trees than with the people he calls family.
Jaq Knox - Dealing with childhood trauma and serious mental illness that messes up his perceptions of reality, he rarely trusts people. For the few he has let in it’s a constant battle with communication and understanding, for both parties involved. He struggles to understand the absolutes of right and wrong; he does have a moral code but often, especially in the past, he’s just been a thoughtless asshole as it was easier that way, easier to keep people at a distance. Throughout his struggles with his mind, encounters with the law and various substances, he’s been pushing  boundaries in the art world and is slowly learning how to be a better person, realizing that people actually do care about him and that maybe having a found-family isn’t so bad after all.
Eden Knox - He seems perfect, standing at 6ft tall with soft, pale blonde hair and clear skin, dressing in white and pastel colors, carrying an expensive purse and smelling like a walking Bath and Bodyworks. But as with everyone he has his demons, his just happens to have a name - Jonah. He was swept off his feet at the tender age of nineteen and carried off into a life that was a very far cry from his upbringing in a group foster home. But his perfect life with his handsome husband is nothing like what it appears from the outside, and life gets very dark before it begins to get light again.
Aspen Merrill - The younger of the Merrill brothers, he started a family at a young age with a woman he didn’t truly love - after a very amicable divorce they now co-parent their two children. He was lost for a very long time, wandering between jobs he didn’t really enjoy, women he didn’t really love, friends he didn’t really like, until he met Luca and he found his calling. He is Alfred to Luca’s Batman, from straightening ties before important meetings to organizing decoy cars to get Luca out of dangerous situations, he is extremely calm and collected and a haven of stability.
Jonah Merrill - The king of his own castle, the only person that matters in his world is himself, oh and sometimes his husband, when its convenient to him of course. Never one to shy away from threats or violence to achieve a goal, he’s not only unstoppable in his personal life but in business, using his many connections to overpower and intimidate anyone who gets in his way. Once he discovers magic and the power it can bear he’s even more unstoppable than before, and uses his husbands complete loyalty for his own very dark plans.
The cast is a pride rainbow flag. We’re all queer here. Well, except for Aspen, he might be one of the only completely cishet character in sight.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
I Promise to Kiss You (Before You Die) : 1/7
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Here it is, my Little Women AU! I love the book, and the 1994 movie version with Winona Ryder is one of my favorite movies. I haven't seen the newest film version yet, and it's all because I'm writing this fic. This one is based on the 1994 film, particularly the scene where Laurie promises a young Amy that he'll kiss her before she dies (that's not in the book, if you're wondering). I'm probably in the minority of people who prefer Laurie with Amy over Jo. I think Jo was right - they would have fought like cats and dogs. They were too much alike. I think the book also develops the relationship between Laurie and Amy better and shows that Amy grows up and matures past her shallowness. Movie versions never have time to show all of that. Anyway, when I read the book I absolutely adored Laurie with Amy. THEN, I was blown away to find the quote below in the book in which Amy calls Laurie her "gallant captain." Obviously, Emma is a lot different personality wise from Amy. The only similarity is that they are both blondes. For that reason, this fic won't completely follow the Little Women plot. Also, this will only show things from Emma's point of view, so the plot threads with the other sisters won't be developed as much as they normally are. Hence, we have a seven chapter MC rather than a thirty-five + chapter MC 😆
Massive thanks to the mods of the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ for putting this event together! Love to all the other writers in the discord chats, especially for help with the title. Huge shout out to my beta @hookedonapirate​ - you're the best!
Summary: Emma noticed him first, never forget that, and while all four of the Lucas sisters love Killian Jones, no one loves him the way Emma does, of that she is certain. Killian Jones also made her a promise. Sure, she was only twelve when he made it, but one day he'll realize what it meant. One day, she hopes, he'll get over her sister Ruby and finally notice Emma.
Rated: T
Also on Ao3 , updated every Thursday. 
Tagging:  @snowbellewells​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​ @let-it-raines​​​ @teamhook​​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​ @shireness-says​​​​ @stahlop​​​​ @scientificapricot​​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​​​ @thislassishooked​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @kday426​​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​ @nikkiemms​​​ @optomisticgirl​​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​​ @carpedzem​​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​​ @branlovestowrite​​​ @superchocovian​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​​ @vvbooklady1256​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​​ @jennjenn615​​​ @snidgetsafan​ @xsajx​
Chapter One: Prologue
“It is so beautiful to be loved as Laurie loves me; he isn’t sentimental, doesn’t say much about it, but I see and feel it in all he says and does, and it makes me so happy and so humble that I don’t seem to be the same girl I was. I never knew how good and generous and tender he was till now, for he lets me read his heart, and I find it full of noble hopes and impulses and purposes, and am so proud to know it’s mine. He says he feels as if he ‘could make a prosperous voyage now with me aboard as mate, and lots of love for ballast.’ I pray he may, and try to be all he believes me, for I love my gallant captain with all my heart and soul and might, and never will desert him while God lets us be together. Oh, Mother, I never knew how much like heaven this world could be when two people love and live for one another!” - Amy about Laurie in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
If anyone had been out on the streets of Storybrooke, Maine on the windy, snowy Christmas Eve of 1863, they would have found lights ablaze in the most prestigious homes of the small hamlet. Save for one.
The Gold mansion upon the hill was not only lit up like your proverbial Christmas tree, but carriages lined the circular drive as the most powerful men from the surrounding six counties arrived for Robert Gold’s lavish annual bash with their families in tow. They would wine and dine in excess of frivolity for the next twelve days of the season.
The white grecian columns of the Mills Mansion would also sparkle with firelight, though the wealthy matron Regina Mills didn’t gather quite the crowd. Her festivities would be far more sedate and her crowd older. Of course the money was older too and not as dripping with unscrupulous business deals as Gold’s. It would mostly be family as well, though that was nothing to sneeze at, considering Regina Mills’ clan could trace their lineage back to the Mayflower.
The mysterious mansion of Admiral Nemo Jones, retired hero of the United States Navy, wasn’t filled with guests. However, the rooms of the mansion still blazed with light as the generous man allowed his staff to fully celebrate the holiday, complete with Christmas bonuses and lavish gifts. In a way it was also a welcome home party for his nephew, who had been lost and wandering on the other side of the ocean until Nemo had tracked him down.
The only fine family of Storybrooke Maine (though many would say they were once a fine family - past tense) whose home was not ablaze on this festive evening were the Lucases. Some would say it was because Marco Lucas had been gone these past two years fighting (unnecessarily they would also claim) in the War Between the States. Others would say it was because the Lucases had squandered their fortune taking in orphans and vagrants. Others would say it was their involvement in that embarrassing underground railroad that had cost them their fortune and respect. They would all be wrong.
The women gathered around the wavering firelight in the Lucas parlor did miss Marco Lucas terribly, and it was true that money was tight. Yet the reason their house flickered with only the tiniest light was because all they needed was each other.
Paulette Lucas, affectionately called “Granny” by all who knew her, sat knitting in her rocker with a candle flickering on the table beside her. The girls had begged her to take one night off from the task, but there were too many soldiers in need to stop even for a night. She battled a smile as she focused on her task, knowing a letter from her husband was tucked into her apron pocket.
Ruby Lucas, as usual, was standing far too close to the fire. Her long, dark hair fell in waves over her shoulder. She was a striking beauty, and mothers watched her askance at the scandalous way she refused to wear her hair up though she was already sixteen. She was the only one who was a true granddaughter to Mrs. Lucas. Her mother, a scandal herself, had died of consumption in a saloon out west when Ruby was still an infant. Who her father was, no one knew. That probably had more to do with the scandalous looks rather than her hair (though the latter certainly didn’t help).
Mary Margaret Blanchard sat on the other side of the lamplight from Granny, helping with the knitting. Though she was the oldest of the girls, at seventeen, she had been living with Granny the shortest amount of time. Her parents knew the Lucases through the underground railroad, so when Mary Margaret’s mother passed of scarlet fever when she was ten, her father sent her to them. Only less than a year later, her father was arrested for violating the fugitive slave act. While in prison, he contracted scarlet fever and died.
Belle French sat by the hearth with several kittens mewling in her lap. She was engrossed in the book she held in one hand while her other stroked the kittens absently. Some would say she was even more beautiful than Ruby, even at only fourteen, yet her quiet demeanor and delicate nature turned fewer heads. Belle had been the Lucas’ youngest pupil when they still ran their boarding school. She was only seven when it was forced to close, and her father simply never came back for her.
Then, finally, there was Emma Swan - the only one of Granny’s girls who was still a child. Twelve year old Emma sat curled up in her favorite armchair with a sketchpad in her lap. Her drawing pencils were worn down to almost nubs, yet still she scratched away with her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth. Her blonde hair was a riotous mess, her fingers were smudged with charcoal, and her feet were bare. Not that anyone cared - the Lucas house never stood on ceremony, especially when they were alone. Granny had a difficult time keeping shoes on the child anyway, considering she had spent the first five years of her life without them. She was the child Storybrooke called “the urchin” - mostly in whispers, but sometimes when Emma could hear. Granny had literally found her eating out of the rubbish bin. The benefit of those humble beginnings were that Emma found their current “poverty” hardly trying.
So, dear reader, do not assume that lack of finery equals a lack of happiness. The Lucas women will put aside their knitting, their books, their drawing paper and gather eagerly around Granny’s chair to hear their Papa’s latest letter. They will joyfully sing carols around their out of tune piano. Then they will share hugs and kisses goodnight and head to bed with more love in their hearts than all the other “fine” homes in Storybrooke combined. And across the hedge from their house, in the Jones mansion, a dark haired boy will watch the flickering lights of their candles - counting them: one, two, three, four - as they head up the stairs. He’ll watch them go out one at a time and wonder about the hands that hold them.
“Merry Christmas!” Emma yelled the following morning, eliciting a groan from Belle, whom she shared a room with. Emma simply rolled her eyes. It was Belle’s own fault - she had stayed up far too late reading again.
“It’s Christmas!” Emma continued to shout as she banged on doors and then thundered down the stairs. “It’s Christmas!”
Her sisters followed her reluctantly, groaning and complaining all the way. Emma ignored them as she fell to her knees beside the Christmas tree.
“Oh hush now,” Granny admonished, “every single one of you were the same at her age.”
“This one’s from me, Granny,” Emma said as soon as Granny sat in her rocker. She thrust an intricately wrapped package into the woman’s lap, then scooted close. Her sisters looked on fondly as soon as they saw that Emma’s enthusiasm wasn’t a selfish one. Granny peeled back the wrapping carefully, setting aside the ribbon Emma had used to tie it. When the gift was revealed, the woman gasped.
“Emma, sweetheart, this is lovely!” It was a sketch of Granny’s favorite tree in the garden next to the house, and Emma had captured it in all its autumn glory of reds, oranges, and yellows.
“I used the last of my colored pencils to get it just right,” Emma told her proudly.
Granny pressed the gift to her chest as she fought back tears. Oh, how she wished she could have afforded another set of drawing pencils for her dear Emma!
None of the gifts beneath the tree were store bought, yet each one was exclaimed over with joy. Somehow, the ingenuity that had gone into making them made them infinitely more valuable. Soon, the tree had nothing beneath it but ribbons and paper.
“I’ll play us a carol!” Belle announced. She sat before the piano, and they all tried to ignore that one key that was never in tune.
As her sister played, Emma pressed her face to the glass of the parlor window. Her eyes widened to see a boy in Admiral Nemo’s house, playing a piano of his own. Of course, his was an incredibly fine piano that was surely always in tune.
“A boy!” Emma cried out. “There’s a boy next door!”
Belle abruptly stopped playing, and the Lucas sisters scrambled to the window, all talking at once.
“A boy?” Ruby asked, pushing the curtains aside further.
“At Nemo’s?” Mary Margaret asked incredulously.
“How old is he?” Emma asked, frustrated that she’d been pushed aside.
“What does he look like?” Belle asked, trying to see beneath Ruby’s arm. “What a fine piano he has,” she sighed when she was able to get a glance.
“I would hate to live with that scary old man.” Emma wrinkled her nose.
“Poor thing,” Mary Margaret tsked sympathetically.
“You don’t think he’ll come to call?” Belle suddenly gasped, looking nervously at her sisters and then over at Granny.
“You mean call, as in courting?” Ruby laughed.
Mary Margaret laughed, too, “You ninny, he’s rich! He would never come courting the likes of us.”
“Thank goodness,” sighed Belle in relief, looking back out the window. She cocked her head as she studied him, “He’s awfully handsome.”
“Girls!” Granny admonished. “Come away from there before the poor boy catches you gawking at him as if he’s on display. Really, I have taught you some propriety.”
“Do you know him, Granny?” Emma asked as she settled down before the fire to play with the spinning top Papa had carved for them.
“I know of him,” Granny replied, eyes never leaving her knitting. Once again, she refused to put aside the chore. “He’s Admiral Nemo’s nephew. He was living in London, and the Admiral has been beside himself since his brother’s death trying to track the child down.”
“I hear he’s had no upbringing at all,” Mary Margaret told them in a scandalized whisper.
“You’ve heard of him too?” Ruby asked.
“At the Rose’s.” Mary Margaret worked as a governess for the wealthy Rose family. “His mother was an actress and his father a cad who abandoned them both.”
“Where was he?” Emma asked. “Why was it so hard to find him?”
“Living on the streets, they say,” Mary Margaret told her softly, sympathy coloring her eyes. Sympathy that Emma always had and always would despise.
Ruby headed back to the window and peered out with a grin upon her face. “It will be fun to have a boy next door.”
“Well,” Granny spoke with a sigh, “I don’t know what mischief is in that pretty head of yours, Ruby, but we will welcome the boy as warmly as we can.” She set aside her knitting and clapped her hands as if that were that. “Now, let’s go begin preparing our Christmas feast!”
The girls all rushed to follow Granny into the kitchen, but Emma stopped at the window, her hands grasping the curtains. Living on the streets they say. The song that the boy was playing, which could be heard faintly on the wind, ended, and he looked up from his sheet music. His eyes caught Emma’s, and he winked at her. She gasped and shoved the curtains closed.
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cintanna-stuff · 5 years ago
A-Z for Leiftan
NSFW alphabet for Leiftan (a-z)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
You know how Leiftan is with Erika, he’d ask if everything is alright. He’d ask not only if she’s feeling comfortable and good but also if she’s satisfied or need anything else.
B = Body Part (His favourite body part of their partners)
I’d say he likes her eyes, her hands (on him) and her neck. He enjoyed putting that necklace on her when the Feng Huangs came to Eel 👀 When he’s making love to her he start’s kissing her earlobe, then her cheeks, jaw and then spends some time on her neck. Sometimes he gets a little possessive and leaves some hickeys marked.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Leif wants to finish inside of her, badly. They’re soulmates, they’re the last ones of the species and he’s crazy in love with her. His seed should be only inside of her, I’m gonna talk a bit more about this on the kink section.
D = Dirty Secret
I think he’s more dom than he looks like and might like rough sex and get more naughty from time to time but could be wary of Erika disliking it or thinking it’s too much. He’s in love with her but still authoritarian and a little bad boy (sometimes).
E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
Hard to tell. I think he must be very good at seducing since he’s a great manipulator, he has stated himself at some point that he took advantage of his charms. He might have been with a few women he didn’t think were disgusting, but just one night stands. He wanted to wait for Erika to fully commit. So he’s not that experienced but puts a lot of effort and interest in pleasing his soulmate.
F = Favourite Position
Missionary, so he can easily look at her while they’re doing it. Also I think he’d love to see her riding and just taking from him everything she wants or maybe a comfortable position where they both can spread their wings and he cag go hard and deep into her 👀 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in bed? Or are the humorous?)
Not really. He takes this seriously.
H = Hair (Are they groomed down there? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
I have never thought about this but this is funny 🤣 his hair is blond and black, does he also have two colors down there? My guess is no, he’s just blond. He doesn’t trim that often, only to keep it clean, but his hair down there is soft and a light blond so it looks good.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, are they romantic?)
He’s romantic, sometimes he even tries too hard. Here’s the thing, I believe Leiftan is more of a switch who leans to being dominant, but he’s so willing to pleasure Erika and (in the beginning) afraid of her running away that he doesn’t fully let go, so he just does things like holding her wrists softly while he pounds at her. However, he also enjoys seeing her willing to please him in any way, makes him feel wanted and desired by her and he loves that honestly.
If he let’s go, I think he’d get more “primal” sometimes, like it already happened last chapter (28) right before Erika turned him in.
J = Jack Off
He does it more often since he met Erika, she unknowingly turns him on sometimes and he can’t help but relieve himself at night. There’s this scene in his spin off that depraved people like me read as Leiftan jacking off at night after seeing Erika in her Feng Huang dress. He says something like “that night I couldn’t help but think about you”, you can interpret this as you want 👀 
K = Kink
Okay, so I’m gonna say Leiftan could have a bit of an impregnation kink. He’s the last male aengel, she’s the last female aengel and they’re soulmates. I don’t think he’d actually get her pregnant on purpose but he might think about it in the heat of the moment and hold her still to finish inside. It’s a almost deep rooted basic instinct for him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Preferably in his or her room, he’s also fine with doing it in the open if it’s a comfortable place and they’re all alone, he doesn’t enjoy the thought of being caught. What they do is only their business and no one else’s. The reason for this is that he doesn’t want anyone to see them and to look at him in a vulnerable position, when he’s with Erika he let’s all his defenses down (she gets special treatment we know that) that only happens for her and no one else can see.
However, if she insists on it or they haven’t seen each other for a long time he might get caught in the moment and go for a quicky at least.
M = Motivation (What turns him on? What gets him going?)
Seeing her dressed sexy or in fancy pretty dresses 👀 , her scent or whenever she puts her hands on him. Reminder that Erika mentions his stomach is sensible, so a few sweet kisses down there should blow his mind. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do.)
Share. Not ever, not in any way. Not even with a one night stand, imagine with his soulmate. Also nothing too risky that could potentially harm her in ANY way, not even biting too hard. He also dislikes being distracted when he’s doing something important, would not get mad at her though.
O = Oral (Do they like to give or receive? Are they skilled?)
This man lives to please his lover, he obviously prefers giving oral to her than receiving it. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy a good blowjob, he loves seeing she’s willing to worship and give him pleasure.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Like in a lot of cases it depends on the whole mood, but he usually keeps a steady pace and can go faster or slower depending on what she’s enjoying.
Q = Quickie
He’s not much into them unless there’s no other option and they’re too needy. He likes to take his sweet time with her and do it in a comfortable place.
R = Risk (Do they take risks? Are the willing to experiment?)
He might take more risks now that Erika knows the full truth. He’d definitely would be up to experiment with their aengel powers, their angel form and their soulmate bond.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Aengel stamina in this case, so pretty high. He can go many rounds if he doesn’t fall asleep but let him rest for 5 minutes between each one, meanwhile you can take a good look at him all sweaty and panting and with red cheeks. Extra points if it’s night time and the moonlight is making his damp skin glow. He’s too beautiful like this.
T = Toy (Do they own toys?)
Again I don’t think there’re toys in Eldarya, they’d see them as a waste of resources. But anyway I don’t think Leiftan would use them, he just needs their strong bond.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
He can tease her a little if they’re in the seduction phase, just messing and playing with each other, but he’s not much of a teaser once they start.
V = Volume
He pants and whimpers softly as he pounds. At some point he might start moaning her name, specially when he comes. Loves to listen to her moans.
W = Wild Card
Aengel powers? Wings? Imagine him pinning her to the mattress face down and ass up, maybe tied to the headboard, her wings spread, switch into his daemon form and just taking her hard like that until he goes spent. Yes this is more of his dirty secret, he definitely would enjoy this.
X = X-ray (What’s going on down there?)
I’d say slightly bigger than average or maybe average, but he has a pretty dick. It’s smooth and it gets pink on the tip.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I’d say his sex drive before meeting Erika was average/low, but since she’s around he gets turned on more easily
Z = Zzz (How quickly did they fall asleep?)
Leiftan is a night owl. He likes to stay awake at night and go take strolls under the moon, but if he makes love and starts to cuddle with his lover, he’ll fall asleep quickly.
Next ones are Lys and Cassy! I’ll probably do them for tonight since I have some work to do now
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
How Legally Blonde Created a Feminist Hero Ahead of her Time
Twenty years ago, Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods burst onto our screens with her infectious can-do attitude and an early-2000s penchant for all things pink and fuzzy, from her jacket to her phone. Reese Witherspoon’s iconic sorority sister who goes to Harvard Law School in pursuit of an ex-boyfriend—dressed in head-to-toe pink, carrying a copy of the Bible (Cosmo, obvi)—didn’t jive with the era’s conception of a Strong Female Character, a la Trinity from The Matrix, Sarah Connor from the Terminator movies, or Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider franchise. Elle derives her strength from what many would deem her traditionally feminine character traits and pursuits, not in spite of them, like her undergraduate study of fashion and her focus on loyalty and cooperation rather than competition. While some fall for the trap of associating masculinity with strength and intelligence and femininity with conservatism and vapidity, Elle’s fans have always seen her for who she really is: a feminist ahead of her time.
Everything about Elle Woods is bubblegum pink femininity, from her wardrobe (“I don’t understand why you’re completely disregarding your signature color!”) and tiny purse dog Bruiser to her enthusiastic vernacular and name, derived from the 2000s teen fashion magazine, which also happens to be the French pronoun “she.” When Elle is frustrated, she channels the feeling into studying and achieving. When she’s rejected from a study group (essential to surviving law school), she politely takes her homemade treats and leaves. An early precursor to Annie Murphy’s Alexis Rose on Schitt’s Creek, Reese Witherspoon’s charm and relentless positivity help turn an archetype that’s normally considered shallow or even villainous into a fully-fledged character with depth and heart.
It’s easy to look at Elle Woods and the film Legally Blonde and discredit them both—and many have. She’s arguably let into the school based on her looks, and her own advisor made a mean joke about acing a class on polka dots, discrediting her fashion merchandising major. But don’t forget that she had a 4.0 GPA and a 179 on her LSAT (out of 180 possible points), making her a top candidate. She was also president of her sorority, involved in extracurriculars and philanthropy. Oh and that pink resume? It’s inspired by the true story of how the manuscript for the book that Legally Blonde was based on got scooped from the slush pile.
Legally Blonde doesn’t make fun of its heroine for her interest in feminine-coded pursuits like shopping or her penchant for the color pink. An early shopping scene, a spiritual sequel to the couplet in Pretty Woman, sets Elle up to be the butt of a saleswoman’s joke about stupid rich girls spending daddy’s money. Instead, Elle asks the woman a series of questions about the garment’s construction and provenance, the saleswoman agreeing to everything in pursuit of a sale, not realizing she has exposed her own ignorance and deception by doing so. Elle’s fashion education isn’t an air-headed pursuit, but a fulfilling interest as worthwhile as any other, one where accumulating knowledge can come in just as handy as knowing about political science.
Legally Blonde is a fish-out-of-water story, so while Elle’s hobbies are no less important than how her Harvard classmates spend their time, they’re certainly different. She uses her specialized knowledge to figure out parts of the Brooke Windham case (Ali Larter), like realizing that gay men are more likely to know shoe designers than straight ones (even if that’s a bit, uh, reductive), and using her shared interests with Brooke to help make her time while incarcerated more comfortable and gain her trust, so that Brooke would share her alibi. The coup de grace, of course, is Elle’s use of perm knowledge to expose Linda Cardelini’s socialite daughter lying on the stand, causing her to crack and confess to killing her father, exonerating Elle’s client Brooke.
Throughout the movie, Elle is happiest in women-dominated spaces that focus on community and collaborative support, traits typically associated with femininity. When she was prepping for a proposal from Warner and then nursing the heartache afterwards, it was as much a Delta Nu experience as it was her own. Once Elle decides to go to law school, the entire sorority pitches in, helping her study for the LSAT and make her video essay. When Elle gets to Cambridge, she once again seeks solace at a nail salon, a place where women take care of one another and give advice, even if they are strangers at first. And it’s no coincidence that, when Elle quits working on the Brooke Windham case and wants to leave Harvard altogether, she cries her eyes out at the nail salon, where Professor Stromwell (a pitch-perfect Holland Taylor) overhears her plight.
Warner tells Elle, “If I’m going to be a senator, I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.” In the world of Legally Blonde, women don’t have to choose. You can be a shy manicurist, but also have a killer bend-and-snap. You can be a strict law professor who also goes to the salon and has her student’s back when a colleague sexually harasses her. It’s fitting that, for Elle’s moment of triumph, when she takes the lead in Brooke Windham’s case, Elle makes her entrance in her signature color: vibrant pink. Since her first class at Harvard, Elle started cosplaying as a normie law student, her clothing getting darker and more traditional to match her surroundings. She traded in her pink-lensed sunglasses for reading glasses. When it was time for Elle to have her crowning moment of achievement, though, she did it by looking and acting like herself, and relying on the knowledge and drive that got her to Harvard in the first place—pink sparkles and all.
Elle’s mother doesn’t want her to “throw away” being the first runner up in the Miss Hawaiian Tropics contest to go to law school, but over the course of the film, Elle proves that she doesn’t have to choose between the two. Furthermore, she doesn’t have to choose between love and a career, or settle for a guy who doesn’t appreciate her for the powerhouse that she is. While Warner is the catalyst for Elle’s journey into jurisprudence, he quickly shows himself to be something of a “bonehead” once they’re both in Cambridge, telling Elle she’ll never be smart enough to win a coveted internship spot, encouraging Elle to break her word to their client once she does get the internship, and then never noticing the sexism of their professor who only asks the women to fetch him food and drink. Eventually, Warner does come around, like all of Elle’s classmates and teachers, but by then she has the self-worth to tell him to take a hike.
Read more
Legally Blonde 3 Release Date Confirmed
By David Crow
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: The Feminist Sherlock You Should Be Watching
By Kayti Burt
Speaking of Warner, when he shows up in Cambridge he comes with his preppy fiancé Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair, in a mini Cruel Intentions reunion). Vivian and Elle were set up to compete over not only Warner, but grades and career opportunities, like Professor Callahan’s internship. The film’s first act sees a bit of bad blood and back and forth. As the rivals see one another’s legal prowess and come to see the sexism in their field from powerful men like Callahan (and the way less powerful men like Warner either don’t see or pretend not to), they grow closer. Eventually, Warner reveals his low character while Elle displays her loyalty by keeping Brooke’s alibi a secret, and the two drop Warner and their competition to become friends instead. For young women watching, it’s a valuable lesson that other women and girls aren’t your competition—they’re your allies.
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Elle and Legally Blonde aren’t perfect—her journey started out in pursuit of her ex-boyfriend, and classmate Enid was probably right that many women in sororities would call her a dyke and mistreat her. It’s a shame Elle never finds common ground with the one woman in the film who’s an actual avowed feminist. But people grow, and Legally Blonde allowed its heroine the room to do that, even after the credits rolled. Elle Woods has inspired many women to become lawyers, and it’s easy to see why. She believes in herself and others, fights for her friend Paulette’s dog, and fights back against sexual harassment. But even for those who aren’t interested in the law, Elle’s way of winning people over by being kind, supportive, and “using her blonde for good” sends an important message that traditionally femme traits and esthetics are powerful in their own right.
The post How Legally Blonde Created a Feminist Hero Ahead of her Time appeared first on Den of Geek.
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princesssarisa · 5 years ago
I just reread Wuthering Heights for the first time since high school. Thanks to @theheightsthatwuthered, @wuthering-valleys, @astrangechoiceoffavourites and others for inspiring me to do it!
Here are some of the things that stood out the most for me.
1. I can’t believe how ambiguous all the characters are! “Morally gray” doesn’t begin to describe it. Even the most sympathetic characters are deeply, deeply flawed, yet just when a character seems unredeemable, they’ll show their capacity for love and altruism. It’s hard to say how Brontë meant us to feel about any of them. I won’t even touch on Heathcliff or the other leads: the example I’ll use is the short-lived yet important figure of Mr. Earnshaw. On the one hand, he’s framed both by Nelly Dean’s narration and by Cathy I’s diary as a kind, benevolent man. He takes in the homeless, orphaned young Heathcliff, raises and loves him as his own, treats his servants almost like family, is reasonably warm and indulgent to his children before his illness worsens his temper, and is very much loved by little Cathy in particular. After he dies and Hindley becomes the tyrannical new master, Cathy and Nelly remember his lifetime as a paradise lost. But he blatantly favors Heathcliff over his own children, sewing the seeds for Hindley’s abuse and degradation of Heathcliff, and during his illness, the disparaging way he talks to and about Hindley and Cathy definitely feels like emotional abuse, at least by modern standards. His harsh words to Cathy are especially heartbreaking given how clearly she worships him and it makes you wonder if her future arrogance is really a cover for self-doubt. But since Nelly depicts Hindley and Cathy as difficult and bratty from childhood, and both become truly toxic adults, maybe their father’s harshness is meant to be justified or at least understandable, and since Heathcliff was a poor orphan who faced who-knows-what horrors in his first seven years, we might argue that he needed more care and affection. But Heathcliff also becomes a toxic adult and Nelly implies that being the favored child made him spoiled and arrogant. And none of the above even touches on the theory that Heathcliff might be Mr. Earnshaw’s illegitimate son, which would definitely cast the latter in a less favorable light. Any claim of “This is how we’re supposed to feel about this character” can only fall flat, because there’s so much ambiguity.
2. The recent reviews by @astrangechoiceoffavourites of the 1939 and 1970 film versions point out something interesting: that in both of those versions, which only adapt only the first half of the book, Cathy (I) is more of the protagonist than Heathcliff. This insight raises a good question: who really is the protagonist of the book? Of course the traditional answer is Heathcliff. He’s the character we follow from beginning to end, whose actions drive the entire plot. But he’s not the viewpoint character; we mostly see him from Nelly Dean’s perspective, and Heathcliff sometimes disappears for months or years at a time from her narrative. Yet Nelly can’t be called the protagonist because she’s more of an observer than an active participant. I think we can argue that, at least in terms of plot structure, the two Cathys are the book’s real protagonists: Cathy I leads the first half, with Heathcliff as the deuteragonist/love interest, while Cathy II leads the second half, with Heathcliff as the villain. Of course this is debatable, but so is nearly everything else about this book.
3. I never realized until now what a perfect inversion Cathy II’s character arc is of her mother’s arc. There are so many parallels, but they happen in the opposite order. Just look:
** Cathy I is born and raised at Wuthering Heights, but as a young girl she ventures to Thrushcross Grange, meets her future husband and ultimately lives there./Cathy II is born and raised at Thrushcross Grange, but as a young girl she ventures to Wuthering Heights, meets her future husband and ultimately lives there.
** Both are raised by widowed fathers whom they adore, although Mr. Earnshaw is stern and critical to Cathy I while Edgar dotes on Cathy II; eventually both fathers die prematurely, leaving their daughters in a tyrannical new patriarch’s hands (Hindley/Heathcliff).
** Cathy I initially loves the rugged, dark haired Heathcliff, who lives as a servant at Wuthering Heights; she helps to educate him and they wander the moors together. But as she spends more time at Thrushcross Grange, she absorbs its snobbery, treats him with increasing disdain (though she really does still love him), and favors the refined, prissy, blond haired Edgar, whom she eventually marries./Cathy II initially loves (or at least cares for) the refined, prissy, blond haired Linton, whom she eventually marries. Having been raised with Thrushcross Grange’s snobbery, she initially disdains the rugged, dark haired Hareton, who lives as a servant at Wuthering Heights. But as she lives at the Heights after Linton dies, she looses her snobbery and becomes increasingly drawn to Hareton; ultimately they fall in love, she helps to educate him and they wander the moors together.
** Because of the above, Cathy I’s story ends tragically, while Cathy II’s story ends happily.
It really is too bad that most screen and stage adaptations only adapt the first half and leave out Cathy II, because it seems to me that Cathy I’s story was always meant to be juxtaposed with her daughter’s mirror-image arc.
4. If I was ever half-tempted to believe the theory that Branwell Brontë was the book’s real author, I don’t believe it anymore. There’s no way a 19th century man, especially one who was allegedly a bit of a womanizer, could have written such nuanced, realistic, non-objectified female characters. Even male authors whose characterizations of women I respect, both of the past and of today, tend to have problems with sexualization, madonna-whore stereotyping, etc. But the women in Wuthering Heights are thoroughly non-sexualized three-dimensional characters: all of them flawed yet (arguably) all sympathetic, no better yet no worse than the men around them, all fully human.
5. The circumstances of Cathy I’s mental and physical breakdown are different than I remembered from high school. I was under the impression that Heathcliff married Isabella to hurt Cathy the way she had hurt him and that Cathy’s brain fever was caused by jealousy and heartbreak at being “rejected” for another woman. I think the screen adaptations tend to frame it more that way. But really, Heathcliff marries Isabella less to hurt Cathy emotionally than to gain power over her husband by gaining a claim to inherit his property and fortune. Nor is Cathy’s breakdown caused by jealousy (she knows Heathcliff doesn’t really love Isabella, after all), but by the conflict between Heathcliff and Edgar that the Isabella scandal triggers, which culminates in Edgar punching Heathcliff, making him flee for his life, and demanding that Cathy choose between them. It’s the crumbling of Cathy’s attempted double life with both men that breaks her, not rivalry with Isabella.
6. When I first started the reread, my dad suggested that I try to see if I could find more sexual tension between Heathcliff and Cathy I than I did in high school. But I didn’t. Their love is just as strangely, fascinatingly sexless as I thought it was. I suppose the question remains: did Brontë purposefully write it as sexless, or does it just reflect her own lack of sexual experience?
7. If I were to write the screenplay for a new film version of Wuthering Heights, I think I’d present it in anachronic order, similar to Greta Gerwig’s Little Women. Scenes from the first half would alternate with scenes from the second half. This way the second half would really be given its due, the mirror-imagery between Cathy I and Cathy II’s character arcs would be especially apparent, and the Hareton/Cathy II romance could be highlighted as a healthy alternative to Heathcliff/Cathy I. I would also make a definite point to de-romanticize Heathcliff, not only by portraying him as a tragic man-turned-monster and not downplaying his cruelty, but by leaving it ambiguous, as I think it is in the book, whether the love he shares with Cathy I really is romantic love or a strangely intense, codependent brother/sister bond. I definitely wouldn’t age them into young adult lovers on the moors the way most screen versions do; I’d portray them at their correct ages, just 12/13 when they roam the moors together and still just 15/16 when Cathy accepts Edgar’s proposal, and highlight that they were only truly happy together as children. That in some ways their love is always the love of two children, both in its selfishness and in its purity. Cathy’s ghost at the window would be portrayed as a child, as in the book, and if I were to show Heathcliff’s ghost joining her in the end, I just might have them both transform back into their 12/13-year-old selves. That could make for an interesting contrast with Hareton and Cathy II in the end: Heathcliff and Cathy I reunited as free, half-savage children, while their foster-son and daughter appear as a mature romantic couple embracing civilization and adulthood.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 5 years ago
Hey I was wondering if u could do an imagine for Docas x female reader where basically the reader is literally Harley Quinn and sabrina, ambrose and prudence & Agatha & Dorcas all go on a trip to Gotham city but they are attacked and their powers are weakened and dorcas gets attacked the most but y/n comes and literally beats the shit out of the attackers and they are all scared of her cuz she's literally Harley Quinn and they all thank her and dorcas likes her instantly and so does y/n?
Here you are love. I hope you like it.
The screech of tires in Gotham City were not an uncommon noise and you had grown accustomed to it. However, when it happened just up the street you couldn’t help but perk up with attention, hoping to see some kind of interesting acton. It had been a quiet couple of days and you were itching for something to break up the hum drum atmosphere that had settled over you.
You skipped over, expecting to find a drive by attack occurring. You pushed through the crowd, making your way to the front. A group of young adults were standing, cowering before a group of large thugs. A young blonde had her hands held out towards them, muttering under her breath as the men advanced on them. You let your eyes glance over them, taking in the tall brunette, the shorter read head, the young man, the woman with his hand on her shoulder, and the young blonde in the front of the group.
She looked frustrated, turning around to hiss something at her group of friends. The men shared a grin, advancing another step. The willow brunette stepped forward, raising her own hands, speaking fast in latin. You cocked your head, watching as nothing continued to happen. The three men approaching the young people closed in.
“Hello boys,” you said, stepping out of the crowd.
You grinned as they turned to look at you, giving them a small wave. They seemed to flinch back just slightly.
“Whatcha doin’?” you asked.
“None of your business, Quinn,” one of them growled.
“Looks like fun.” You sent a wink at the red head, “can I join in?”
Before they could answer you ran forward, slamming your fist into the first man’s stomach. He let out a huff, doubling over. You slammed your elbow into the back of his head, watching him fall to the sidewalk at your feet. You jumped over his body, looking between the two others.
One had the red head in his hands, a gun pressed to her temple. The other was grappling with the tallest of the girls. You smiled as she got in a good punch. A whimper turned your attention back to the other girl being held at gunpoint.
“I’m gonna need you to let her go,” you said, “she’s rather cute.”
“Step back, Quinn,” the man said.
“I don’t think so,” you said.
You flipped forward, slamming your foot into the poor man’s nose. He stumbled back a step, blood now beginning to pour down his face. You popped back up, sending your elbow backwards, right into the solar plexus of the man you’d already sent to the ground. He stumbled back a few steps.
You ducked under his fist, pushing back against his shoulders. Once he got his feet back under him you slammed your head forward, right into his. Despite the stars blooming behind your eyelids you laughed, throwing your head back. He fell onto his ass. You turned back to the other man.
You swung your leg up, kicking his elbow. The gun pointed up, a shot firing off into the sky. You watched as the girl in his arms flinched. She was so adorable.
You rushed forward, grabbing his wrist and pulling his arm backwards , tugging until he dropped the gun. You bent down picking it up, twirling it on your finger.
“Lost something?”
You slammed the butt of the gun into his temple, watching his eyes roll backwards and fall to the ground. You caught the red head in your arms before the weight of the big man could drag her down.
“Do ya come here often?” you asked her.
You let her go, slamming the heat of your foot into the other man’s face. He groaned but didn’t get up again. You flipped forward towards the last man, slamming both feet into the small of the other man’s back. He stumbled forward, giving you time to get your feet back under you. As he turned you slammed your fist into his jaw, watching as one of his teeth flew from his mouth.
He doubled over, a double fist slamming into the back of his head, sending him down for the count. You kicked him a couple of times in the ribs for good measure. You looked up, blowing your hair out of your face. You grinned at the group of young people.
“Wasn’t that fun?” you said, “just like old times.”
They all took a step back from you. You looked from each one.
“Thank you for the help,” the tallest of the women said, stepping over the prone body of the man she’d just sent down.
“No problem,” you said, “I wouldn’t have done it if you weren’t with such a cutie.”
You looked over at the red head who hadn’t taken her eyes from you. You winked. She flushed such a pretty colour.
“Call me sometime, doll,” you said before skipping off again.
That was a nice way to waste fifteen minutes of your day. A pretty girl and a fight. What more could you ask for?
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dragonofyang · 6 years ago
The Heroine with a Thousand Faces
As the youngest member of #TeamPurpleLion, not only have I learned a lot in just the four months we’ve been working together, but I’ve explained a lot of what I’ve learned to others. Sometimes it’s about the history of Defender of the Universe and Beast King GoLion that @crystal-rebellion researched, sometimes it’s referencing @felixazrael‘s musical knowhow or @leakinghate‘s animation knowledge, and most recently, it’s leaning on @voltronisruiningmylife‘s expertise in how to break down and identify writing to provide corrections to those who see something in a show or article not working but can’t tell why. One big thing I learned since starting this crazy ride with my team is a massive hole in my college education on writing, which Felix filled in for me since we hit the ground running. Sure in my fantasy literature class we discussed Aesop and The Hobbit, and what the phrase “The Hero’s Journey” means and why it’s the monomyth, but there was one thing that my dear professor never taught us, although I’m sure she will in the future. Compared to Joseph Campbell’s heroic journey, this other monomyth is much younger.
What is it, you may ask?
Simply put, it’s a heroine’s journey.
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[Image description: Princess Allura with her hair up and wearing her flightsuit from season 1 “The Rise of Voltron” backlit by white light.]
Let’s go on an adventure together.
To understand the heroine’s journey, I want to give you all a rundown on what exactly the hero’s journey is first. While it was never neatly labeled as “The Hero’s Journey” until Campbell, studies on common themes and plot points began back in the 1870’s. As time moved forward, Campbell published his 17 steps to the monomyth in 1949 (The Hero with a Thousand Faces) and as we move toward the present his monomyth is eventually dubbed as “the hero’s journey”. I won’t overload you with the dates and stuff I needed to study since that’s a) not the point of this piece and b) Campbell’s monomyth is actually secondary to the main one in Voltron: Legendary Defender. That said, it’s the backbone of a lot of literature both old and new, and while not every story follows these 17 steps outlined by Campbell or approaches them in the same order, you’ll find everything from the story of Christ to Lord of the Rings somewhere in these steps. It’s just that a lot of times the steps of the hero’s journey aren’t ever really explained, so you as a reader/viewer/consumer will see them and will have a gut instinct as to what’s supposed to happen, and when it happens you feel great! The story followed a formula that satisfies its audience! But it also makes a story that doesn’t follow a formula feel fundamentally wrong, from just a mild discomfort like putting on a shirt and buttoning it slightly off, all the way to triggering strong emotional responses including panic attacks or tears. Stories are designed to bring forth emotions from their audience, but what good is a tragedy without a lesson to learn? How can we enjoy an empty marriage when the couple has no chemistry?
So with this piece, I hope to illuminate just what the steps of the heroine’s journey are, contrast them against the hero’s journey, where VLD fits into all of this, and through that demonstrate why they are not interchangeable even though they share similar names.
Part I: Of Heroes and Heroines
In The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell outlines seventeen steps, which are laid out in this diagram by Reg Harris:
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[Image description: diagram of The Hero’s Journey using a circular diagram shape separating out the seventeen steps into eight categories, divided into the Known World and the Unknown World.]
In Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey, she writes the heroine’s journey as follows:
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[Image description: The Heroine’s Journey depicting a cyclical diagram of the narrative, featuring 10 distinct steps that loop back to the beginning at the top.]
The Heroine’s Journey is fundamentally cyclical in nature, and while the diagram above shows the Hero’s Journey as a circle as well, it ultimately has finite start and end points. One of the key differences between these is that the Hero’s Journey explores internal character in an external adventure and the hero achieves a (theoretically) lasting peace once their journey is finished. Conversely, the heroine must constantly evaluate themselves in the bigoted environment that tries to disenfranchise them.
As a note, while I use gendered terms such as “hero” and “heroine”, I use them as gender-neutral placeholders to label which monomyth I’m speaking about at present. Women can undertake a hero’s journey, and men can undertake a heroine’s journey, particularly when you examine them in an intersectional lens.
A heroine’s journey, at its heart, is an examination and acceptance of the self in an unaccepting environment, and its cyclical nature stems from the fact that whenever a heroine moves into a new environment, they have to make that journey over and over. They can be a queer man of color, a white stay-at-home mom, a disabled nonbinary person, whatever the case, the constant need to re-evaluate their place in the world is what marks the heroine’s journey as separate from the hero’s journey.
But while it’s cyclical in nature, we should start at the beginning nonetheless.
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[Image description: Alfor (right) holding Allura (left) in the Castle of Lions. She says, “We can’t give up hope!” and he replies, “I’m sorry, daughter.”]
In The Heroine’s Journey, the story begins when an event causes the heroine to separate from the feminine. A significant event spurs them to reject the prescribed role of the patriarchy, which in the case of a woman could be a mother, a damsel in distress, a wife, etc. The heroine is put into a box and chafes against its edges because it cuts them off from their ability to reach for the masculine, the power and privilege it affords. This marks a stark difference from how our archetypal hero lives and begins their own adventure. The hero lives a fairly mundane life for the brief time we see them before the first element comes into play: the Call to Adventure. This is generally an external force spurring the hero to action, as opposed to the internal force of the heroine.
The hero then will Refuse the Call and will be introduced to the Mentor they will come to rely upon, whereas the heroine typically immediately begins on a journey to become more powerful/masculine, generally through rejecting femininity. Princess Allura does not inherently reject her own femininity. She rejects the helplessness of being forced into cryostasis after her people have been destroyed and embarks on embracing her masculinity by finishing the war her father and Zarkon started 10,000 years ago. The heroine Identifies with the Masculine and Gathers Allies, which we see Allura do in the pilot of season 1 of VLD. She awakens to find a team of five men and her male adviser Coran, her allies in the coming intergalactic war, and she takes up the metaphorical lion herself as the pilot to the Castle of Lions, changing into her armor--pink, to honor the fallen--for the fight against Sendak as he tries to claim the Lions of Voltron for Emperor Zarkon. Her choice of pink, particularly pale pink, is reminiscent of the breast cancer awareness ribbon, baby pink, it is an intrinsically female color that she dons to assume the role of her father, King Alfor. The narrative is reminding the audience that Princess Allura--the first nonwhite Allura, no less--is just as much a princess as her previous white and blonde iterations are warriors.
After choosing their allies and undertaking this quest of gaining power (not to be confused with empowerment, our heroine is still operating within the confines of the patriarchy here), our heroine undergoes trials and faces enemies that try to persuade them back into the box, into what’s known and fundamentally safe and silencing. The words may be kind, be delivered kindly, but ultimately they can be boiled down to a single message: “go back to where you belong.” For the hero this is a point of no return as an external journey. The hero can choose to go home and leave saving the world to someone else, or they can choose to face the trials that bar them from their prize. But the heroine? They can’t. There is nobody who can save the heroine’s world because for them because their world is what they are trying to escape, and often they are the prize for a hero. It’s up to them to save themselves, and at this point in time, adopting the masculine and the power of the father figure is the way to go. And it works. Princess Allura, again while she does not get discouraged by the men around her to remain an idle princess, because this is the 21st goddamn century, her conflict arises from inexperience. King Alfor supports her drive to finish the war and take decisive action, to finish what he started. The Paladins challenge her authority as a sovereign in the beginning because even if she’s a princess by birth, she has no planet and they’re not of her planet or species anyway, and until they themselves undergo trials in the first few episodes do they appreciate that Allura is still critical as a person, despite her lack of sovereign weight.
Together, she and her team move through the obstacles and the war against Zarkon together, while simultaneously trying to build a coalition of allies to aid in the fight. In fact, much of the plot of VLD takes place during this stage of the heroine’s journey, and it’s here where we as the audience follow Allura as she meets her animus in the form of a Shadow figure: the cunning Prince Lotor. He takes on the role of the challenger to force Allura to better herself, and as Allura rises to the occasion each time, he is textually impressed by her battle skill, then by her intellect. The most iconic moment of Lotor as a Shadow (aka: the half of herself that Allura doesn’t want to accept yet), is when he baits Voltron into battle, then pilots his cruiser through the volatile environment of Thayserix. He expresses disappointment at Voltron’s ability in battle, but when Allura in Blue rises to meet the challenge he lays out, he praises her, even if he textually does not realize who is in Blue at the time.
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[Image description: Prince Lotor in profile, a pleased expression on his face, and the subtitles read “Someone’s learning.”]
As a brief aside: the animus comes from Jung and is often paired with an anima, or masculine and feminine energies. The key takeaway is that these energies are complementary to each other and exist in a balance. While they typically are portrayed in a more heterosexual context, like everything else in this meta, the terms are used in a gender-neutral context when not applied directly to Allura’s storyline. While Lotor could be likened to either Meeting the Goddess or (Wo)Man as Temptress in the hero’s journey, a key difference between the heroine’s journey animus and either of these feminized roles is that the Goddess and Temptress are two separate figures--generally women to male heroes--and are generally not equal to the hero physically or mentally. The animus, however, is intrinsically the perfect match to the anima of the heroine, being their complement and their intellectual and physical equal. Lotor is not meant to be seen as the woman on Indiana Jones’ arm, he’s meant to be a force in his own right, challenging Allura to better herself and raise the standards for them both. It’s fitting that this occurs in an episode full of fog and a dangerous abyss, because the traditional hero descends into a metaphorical (or literal) one to encounter these flattened versions of feminine energy.
The trials continue for Allura through the seasons, and she makes many allies and continues to face their enemies head-on, and once Prince Lotor, now Emperor, cements his place as one of Allura’s allies he shifts from the Shadow figure challenging her to the animus in full, being encouraging and supportive as they work together as allies to find Oriande, a mythical place that should yield them the secrets of unlimited Quintessence. While Lotor challenges Allura in a traditionally masculine way (physical trials, battle, strategy), he also encourages her in a decidedly feminine way through Altean history and mythology, as Altea is very feminine-coded compared to the Galra Empire, which through Zarkon represents a familiar and violent strain of masculinity that seeks to crush Allura and force the universe to fit his will through abusive language and physical violence and genocide. Allura taking up the battle in Alfor’s place is simply her continuing the cycle and seeing power in masculine terms, rather than breaking the cycle.
Now here is where the diagrams diverge even further. Until this point, the journeys followed fairly similar trajectories. After the trials and battles of the heroine’s journey, they experience the boon of the journey, which the hero does not achieve until they face further trials and temptations. As such, we will continue to follow the heroine’s journey model and I’ll explain the significance of the flip.
Part II: Not the Place to Arrive
One of the significant things about the heroine’s journey is that when a woman undertakes it, it’s empowering and her becoming her most unified self. Campbell once reportedly said to Murdock, “Women don’t need to make the journey. In the whole mythological journey, the woman is there. All she has to do is realize that she’s the place that people are trying to get to.” In the hero’s journey, often a woman’s place is as the prize, rarely is she her own agent. As I stated previously, the hero and heroine journeys do not have to ascribe to gendered protagonists, however the reality is that the hero’s journey is very patriarchal in nature since it was formulated primarily through the study of male heroes and does not take into account the constant reassessment heroines must face. For heroes, they simply must survive going from point A to point B. Heroines are always subjected to reevaluation within their environment and the people around them, so their journey never really ends.
All this is to say that the hero receives their boon at the end of their story and that’s the end of it. They get a happily ever after and can return to normal life and spread their bounty to those in need or dearest to them.
The heroines?
They get their boon at the middle of the story.
And there’s still more to come for our heroine as they build toward the climax (pun intended).
Princess Allura receives the boon of Oriande’s secrets with Lotor by her side, which in pretty much every literature class would become a discussion on the ways this represents sex, or the the ways Allura is interacting with the world in terms of gender, particularly how they discover Oriande after having an emotional reaction in Haggar’s lab and activating the Altean compass stone. In the heroine’s journey, this boon is often of the same significance as the hero’s boon/reward at the end of their journey, but for the heroine it’s false. It’s fleeting. It’s not meant to last. This is the turning point for our heroine because while yes, our heroine achieved the goal of the adventure, they did so by consciously or unconsciously shunning the feminine. In Allura’s case, she’s still taking after her father, trying to follow in his--and to an extent Zarkon’s--footsteps by mastering the unlimited Quintessence.
And true to form, before season 6 is out, our heroine seems to be betrayed by her animus, returning him to the status of Shadow figure as he challenges her to unleash the power within one final time. Princess Allura thinks Lotor lied to her and has been harvesting Alteans for their Quintessence when Keith and his mother Krolia discover a living Altean in the Quantum Abyss, and with the budding on-screen romance between Allura and Lotor, this betrayal cuts our heroine deep. To her, he not only lied about there being no more Alteans left, but he actively continued the genocide his father began 10,000 years ago. That’s not an easy thing to get over. So Lotor assembles Sincline, which bears a visual resemblance to a wingless dragon--the last metaphorical dragon she faces before moving into the next step of the heroine’s journey--and with Allura in Voltron the two battle it out in a tragic action-packed scene that leads to Voltron overloading Lotor with Quintessence and leaving him in the Rift.
With the dragon defeated and the boon lost, the heroine has to sacrifice not only her animus, but the last vestiges of her home to try and undo what following the masculine has done: close not only the original Rift, but all the fractures in reality caused by their battle.
And what does a girl who has already lost her planet, people, and lover have left to lose?
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[Image description: The five Lions of Voltron flying away from the massive Rift, the Castle of Lions flying straight toward the center of it.]
The heroine following the footsteps of the masculine always comes at a major cost to them. In Allura’s case, she has to sacrifice her castle in order to make right the harm done to the literal universe. In this case, she mirrors Zarkon in his destruction of the universe, but rather than directly harming billions of lives on uncounted planets, she creates a literal hole in the universe because of her blindness to the consequences of the actions of herself and those around her.
And much like her father sending away the Lions, she must send away her castle in the hopes of saving the universe from greater destruction.
Part III: Transcending the Rift
From the gain and loss of the boon, things look dire for the heroine at this stage in the journey. In Allura’s case, she is without people, without planet, without castle, and as she learns at the beginning of season 8, her found family has families of their own--other than Coran, that is. Our heroine continues to lose pieces of the things and people surrounding her at the beginning of the story: which Murdock refers to as awakening feelings of spiritual aridity or death. She is losing her place in the universe even faster than before, when she stood on the shoulders of her father, and she must move forward. Allura passed the point of no return all the way back in season 1 episode 1. As the heroine, she broke free of the safe mold she knew for the past 10,000 years, and every episode since her awakening she has had to try to forge forward on the path she knew: that of her father. Now, though, her father’s methods have failed her, just as they failed him, leaving her with no option but to keep moving forward and to approach her journey from another angle.
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[Image description: from left to right, Veronica, Allura, Romelle, and Pidge (mostly off-screen) in a clothing swap shop as Allura speaks. Caption reads, “I could give you a royal decree of service from the Crown Princess of Alte…”]
Allura not only must deal with the loss of her place in the universe, but she must also deal with the fact that by leaving Lotor in the Rift, she abandons half of herself as well. Physically she is a whole person, but if we look at her role as an anima and what her fears and strengths are, destroying her animus throws her self-knowledge out of alignment. She’s careening away from the safe path of her father, but she must now rediscover the strengths within herself without succumbing to her weaknesses and do so by stepping out of her father’s shadow.
Season 8 is rife with emotional buildup and no payoff. We as the audience don’t know what happened to Lotor for the whole of season 7 and we see Allura struggling to deal with all her losses, we travel to Earth and meet the MFE pilots, a plucky bunch who probably were meant to lay groundwork for a new Vehicle Voltron, and we see that Haggar/Honerva is the final big bad of the whole show, ready to vindicate the son she lost to the Rift, but also 10,000 years ago when he was born and she became the Witch we love to hate. So when we join Allura and the gang on Earth with Luca in the infirmary, and Allura’s final trials begin…
Or they should have.
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[Image description: Lance and Allura kissing in rainbow lighting where they are artificially-colored in red, then pink, then blue from top to bottom in front of a fading background of warm yellow at the top to gray at the bottom.]
Instead, we are treated to the final acts of a hero’s journey, but still following our heroine through the steps.
Our heroine wears down to the persistence of Lance, who in a heroic journey would receive a fair princess as his boon, and Allura is trying to find a place to belong. In seasons prior to this, Lance acts like a goofy everyday guy, very much a typical character in many present-day stories that allows the audience to see themselves in him. He fantasizes about wooing the princess, calls himself a ladies’ man, tries to be funny, he’s a pretty typical character that a male audience is more likely to sympathize with, and as such the fantasy is pairing up with the prettiest, smartest, etc. girl in the story. The woman as a boon, the Goddess, and the Temptress are never on equal footing with the male hero, and even in the case of female heroes, the meeting with a god(dess) means that the female hero is worthy of being a consort rather than the equal that a heroine is to the anima/animus. In fact, Campbell reportedly told Murdock, “Women don’t need to make the journey. In the whole mythological journey, the woman is there. All she has to do is realize that she’s the place that people are trying to get to.” In the hero’s journey, if the hero is male and heterosexual, the women will always be the prize, the virginal ideal, or the sexualized damnation, and in all of them, the woman is meant to be receptive to the man (and doesn’t THAT sound like some familiar rhetoric). Never is the woman an agent in the hero’s journey when it fulfills a male fantasy. And it is this very same box that spurs a heroine to begin their heroine’s journey: this breakdown of people to individual parts as determined by a patriarchal society.
While Lance is a hero in his own right, in Allura’s heroine journey, he acts as an ogre that comes dressed as a male ally all the way back in season 1. He’s a Subverted Nice Guy in that he’s constantly trying to woo Allura, but ultimately he’s still reinforcing the same patriarchy that not only plagues Allura in this iteration, but also in previous iterations of the Voltron franchise. The Nice Guy doesn’t challenge the heroine like the animus, but rather encourages them to stay in place or to fit a predetermined mold once more.
Look familiar?
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[Image description: Lance’s fantasy, with him standing triumphant over Zarkon as the team cheers him on, Allura kneeling at his right side and looking up at him, while a flag with his face waves on his left.]
Many of the silly shots in the series have been foreshadowing, whether in the most direct sense or in the promise of subverting what’s portrayed. In the case of this screenshot, by the time Lance gets the girl, Zarkon is killed (by Lotor), Allura has already had an intimate relationship (with Lotor), and the team collectively became heroes and allies of Lotor before the end of season 6 happened. Lance, textually, is not Allura’s equal as an animus, and while he doesn’t quite view her as his equal--especially in earlier seasons--he can only textually become her equal when she is at her lowest point, and he’s still affixed to the idea that she’s a prize, going so far as to say that “winning prizes is my specialty” in “Clear Day”. Really, it’s a messy relationship dynamic that tries to show the audience why, as they stand in the canon material, they don’t work. Not only is Allura still not his equal, but his fantasy comes about at the hands of others, or with the help of others, and he comes second. He plays a role, but he is not the singular hero he once fantasized about being. Textually this subversion is teaching him a lesson about becoming his best self and acknowledging that he doesn’t have to be the hero, the payoff of which should have come in season 8 as Allura completes her heroine’s journey to become her most unified and realized self. It’s meant to be his apotheosis, the new perspective and enlightenment brought to the hero after facing all the trials of the journey as a part of the final reward.
Allura, fighting with this sudden loss of herself, must now also help spearhead the war against Honerva, the archetypal Bad Mother, in an alchemist-versus-alchemist battle for not only Lotor’s physical soul but for Allura’s metaphorical one as well. This is a new fight, the gauntlet thrown by someone other than her animus, and after all his tests, she must still rise to the challenge with the same energy, but she must do so with new knowledge now that she knows she cannot rely solely on her father.
But what’s the next step for a heroine trapped in the arid desert of the unknown self and with the weight of the world pressing onto them?
They must descend to the underworld and begin the transformation from the masculine methods to unleash the femininity that’s been locked away this whole time.
And who do we have to escort Allura to the metaphorical underworld as she falls asleep?
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[Image description: A close-up of Lotor’s face in deep shadows as he stares head-on at the “camera”.]
Her Animus, acting as a Shadow once more.
His entrance is littered with sex. Not literally, but metaphorically. He greets Allura while she’s in bed, the camera does a gratuitous slow pan over his body in a way that many cameras exclusively afford to women, the presence of a blooming flower with an erect stamen, the lighting of the preview--altered in the final season itself--is purple even, a romantic and spiritual color. You know the joke in college English classes about how everything is sex except sex? That’s this scene in a nutshell. He’s always been drawn and behaved in a way designed to appeal to the female gaze (an essay in itself), but this scene really takes the cake.
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[Image description: Lotor as viewed in profile from a low angle in a Garrison room, looking down at a juniberry flower in a pot.]
And it’s this scene where we see Lotor give Allura the first critical piece of information for how she can stop Honerva/Haggar, but also reminding her that some people do not change. While Allura must change to achieve her realization, he reminds her that Haggar is still the same witch, and that her pain of losing Lotor becoming public does not excuse the fact that she has not expressed remorse or tried to change herself, let alone her hand in not only his downfall but in the brainwashing of the Alteans. She is an antagonist so focused on the wrongs done to her that she justifies the wrongs she does to others with them. Allura, however, expressed remorse and wanted to save Lotor as soon as she realized what was going on, which further cements the ways in which their fates could have been the same or switched had they made slightly different choices. Honerva is 10,000 years too late. Like Lotor mirrors his father and in “Shadows” is shown to be more empathetic, Allura mirrors Honerva and both prove throughout the show to have stronger moral compasses than their predecessors. They are the Emperor and Alchemist, and while fate decrees they must take up the mantle left behind, their free will dictates that they should not blindly follow their footsteps if they truly wish to make a lasting change. Narratively, they must forge a new path if they are to bring the universe to peace again.
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[Image description: A close-up shot of the juniberry flower with Allura visible in the background, but blurred. The subtitle reads Lotor’s line, “The witch may change her name, but she will always be a witch.”]
Lotor tempts Allura to take the entity into herself, and when she reaches out to connect with it, she is taken further into the dreamscape and finds herself back on Altea and greeted by her mother. This marks the beginning of the reconnection with the feminine, but while Allura has always so desperately missed her family and Altea, she finds herself in a precarious position. Suddenly, she is in the very same mech suit that Luca was found in, and to save Altea from the Galra fleet overhead, she makes the decision to use the planet’s Quintessence. However, in the process of destroying the Galra fleet, destroys Altea as well. As her world crumbles, her mother congratulates her for a job well done. This presumably mirrors the dropped plot about the Altean Colony and the decisions Lotor would have been faced with, and after “Shadows” would lend both Allura and the audience a greater appreciation for the position he was in before he died.
And when she finally wakes?
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[Image description: Allura sitting up in the Garrison bunk, looking at the mice, the juniberry dry and wilted in the foreground, blurry. The subtitle reads, “It was only a dream.”]
Our oh so sexual symbol is wilted, and Allura wakes up alone.
With the visual deflowering and this new revelation about the kinds of decisions those before her have had to make, Allura can begin reconnecting with the feminine in earnest without falling into the old placements she may have been subjected to at the beginning of the story. This would have continued further with Allura reconnecting with her animus in the missing episode @leakinghate titles “The Descent”, especially fitting as she continues her descent to her feminine roots as a heroine and to reconnect with her lost animus. Reconnecting and reconciling with him--and with the side of herself he represents--is critical to her achieving unity within herself and being able to face Honerva head-on.
Once the heroine has descended to the underworld, begun the reconnection to the feminine, and returned with new knowledge on their relationship to their emotional side and the aspects overshadowed by the masculine, they are ready to begin healing the mother/daughter split. This in essence is the heroine returning to the old knowledge she has cast aside when following the path of the masculine/father, but approaching it with a new understanding and perspective. Think of it as understanding why your parents enforced rules like “don’t run into traffic”. As a kid, the danger may not be obvious, but as an adult you’re able to look at the same situation, see over obstacles younger you might not have, and realize “oh shit, that’s a car”. That said, the heroine does not allow themselves to get put back into the same or even a different pre-prescribed role because they now have a greater understanding of the situation at hand.
In Allura’s case, this means revisiting the plan on how to take down Honerva, and realizing that she must pursue the course laid out by her trip to the underworld to not only save the universe, but awaken Lotor from being a robeast. Part of the conflict against this plan comes from the team, who see the entity she took within herself as dangerous. While that’s true, stopping the plan also prevents Allura from growing in strength to be able to fight Honerva. The power flowing within her that Lotor referred to back in season 6 is at her fingertips, and like his visit in “Clear Day” reminded her, she need only take it. During both parts of the “Knights of Light” episodes, Allura is confronted with shades of Honerva’s memories as they dive deeper, and it’s here that we as the audience and the cast are meant to learn what truly became of Lotor after he was imprisoned in the Rift, and it’s meant to be utterly jarring to everyone. Instead, with how the scenes were edited together during the post-production alterations, Hate aptly points out in “Seek Truth in Darkness” that Honerva promising vengeance and seeing Lotor’s corpse has next to no impact. Or rather, it does to the audience--a melted corpse isn’t exactly Y-7 appropriate--but the characters don’t really react to this revelation at all.
That said, it’s more than likely that Allura genuinely believes Lotor to be dead (as opposed to a sleeping prince), which would explain her aggressive reaction to seeing pre-Rift Zarkon, and we don’t see his reaction to learning what he did to his son, either. This would be a prime location for Zarkon to experience and express remorse for what his actions have done to his son, subverting the toxic masculinity narrative his character had been representing prior.
At the end of “Knights of Light Part 2”, Hate mentions that Allura would need to make another trip to the underworld to commune with Lotor and realize that no, he’s not dead, but also that she not only must defeat Honerva, she must do so in order to save Lotor and free everyone of the cycle of violence that began 10,000 years ago. This is the final descent she makes before she can heal the wounded masculine, both in herself, and Lotor directly.
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[Image description: Allura in profile inside the cockpit of Blue Lion, unconscious. Her window displays measurement increments and stars in red-tones, while Allura herself is lit in blue tones.]
After the end of this episode, however, Hate mentions that much of what was there is butchered in the post-production editing, so I will be extrapolating based on the content we have in the season as well as utilizing her analysis of the story as it should have been.
When Allura wakes up from falling unconscious, this is when we should see her proposing to save her animus, and it should come with a discussion with Lance about how they don’t click romantically. That said, in the version on Netflix, we see their relationship continue, however much of their shared body language doesn’t necessarily even match up with an awkward couple. Lance seems sullen and possessive, and while he might still be sullen in Allura’s original heroine’s journey, he would have had this moment of growth in which he learns to let go of Allura. She’s his fantasy, and not only is that unfair to Allura, it’s also unfair to him, and he doesn’t need to be the hero or the guy that gets the girl. He can be himself, silly, sharpshooting, video game-playing Lance. A genuinely nice dude, which completes the subversion of the Nice Guy trope his character embodied for so long.
“Uncharted Regions” is a hot mess of an episode in terms of narrative flow and consistency, but this would have marked the beginning of the alchemist vs. alchemist fight for not only Lotor’s soul, but the universe. Honerva uses the Sincline mech and her new mech to start tearing holes through realities, and once Allura jumps into the fray, that moves the audience into the next missing episode proposed by Hate: “Storming the Pyramid”. This would be where Honerva uses Allura to revive Lotor because she did not receive the life-givers’ blessing, and Allura would do it, literally healing the wounded masculine, but also falling right into Honerva’s trap in the process. This would almost certainly be a highly-controversial thing among Allura’s allies, but like Allura remaining on the path she knew, it’s easier to accept Lotor as pure evil who got what he deserved, when at no point is there a definite case against him. In fact, “Shadows” is designed to render him as a sympathetic character, and seeing his melted corpse is even more horrifying after seeing him as a baby and child. But that’s the way it is when a heroine breaks the mold. The heroine defines their own role, and as part of that, it gives them the ability to help others break theirs. The heroine experiences true empowerment by divorcing themselves from the power structures that defined them before, and doing so with the greater knowledge of their internal masculinity and femininity. Allura revisiting the war of her father with the lifegivers’ knowledge to compound her intrinsic alchemical abilities is the moment when she achieves union within herself, and it manifests physically as reviving Lotor, her animus.
It’s after this point that we see the Purple Lion and Purple Paladin manifest, our namesake.
In “Day 47”, Kolivan references the team sizes the Blades of Marmora use. He references four and five as the usual sizes, but six occasionally happening, but what he says next is particularly interesting.
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[Image description: Kolivan being filmed for an interview, saying, “Seven seems rare, but… it could happen.”]
The Voltron team had four Paladins briefly after Shiro disappeared and before Allura took up the mantle, but the full team always has five. After Shiro returned for good, their team became six Paladins.
Now, with the healed animus Lotor on their side, they could have the rare seven-person configuration that Hate discusses at length in “Seek Truth in Darkness”.
With the anima and animus aligned together at last with no secrets, they can unify externally the same way Allura unified internally, and battle against Honerva properly. Now, Team V, Lotor, and the entire universe can face Honerva head-on and stand a chance at winning.
We also should get the emotional payoff for Lotor as an abuse victim in his own arc, closing up this nice little loose end that hurts way more than it did before season 8 dropped.
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[Image description: An up-close shot of Lotor glaring into the “camera” in green lighting and saying to Haggar, “maybe I will take pity on you when the time comes.”]
And it’s worth mentioning that while the final battle is exciting and action-packed, the final surrender of Honerva comes quietly, in the rift of all realities. The characters of Team V are able to deliver their character-based arc lessons, it’s a somber moment of learning as Allura, using once more the blessing of the lifegivers, enlightens Honerva to her memories and what she’s done, but also restoring her sense of self the way Allura was. This is the final healing of the mother/daughter split, and it’s significant that Honerva’s abuse victim not be her healer. Not only does Lotor (as far as we know) lack the ability, but it’s never the victim’s job to heal their abuser, just as it’s not the obligation of the oppressed to appease their oppressor. Honerva can finally move on and begin atoning for what she did by setting the ghosts of the Paladins of old in her mind free, but that still begs the question of what our heroine and her animus must do to finish the job.
This is where Lotor would get his second chance, in the most literal sense of the term, where he faces a similar trial to the one in Oriande back in season 6 and the burning question for a man so concerned with survival and cunning.
Is there something he would give up the life he has known and fought so hard to keep for?
And this time, the answer is yes.
It was always Allura.
While Honerva is able to stop the rift from expanding by, well, not expanding it herself, she lacks the ability to properly close it the way that it was closed the first time. It takes one final adventure, one final unification by the anima and animus, by the heroine and her Shadow, and one final goodbye. Allura and Lotor, born of an age long past, become the lifegivers eternal through staying behind to close the rift.
The lionhearted goddess of life and her stalwart champion of survival.
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[Image description: The final scene after the credits, where an Allura-shaped nebula is nestled up against a smudged, darker nebula with a sea of stars among them, and the five Lions of Voltron flying toward the nebulae.]
Dos Santos, Joaquim and Montgomery, Lauren. Voltron: Legendary Defender. Netflix. 2016-2018.
LeakingHate. “Seek Truth in Darkness”. VLD Visuals Detective and Imperial ApologistTM. 2 Mar. 2019. https://leakinghate.tumblr.com/post/183160042843/seek-truth-in-darkness
“Maureen Murdock’s Heroine’s Journey Arc”. The Heroine Journeys Project. https://heroinejourneys.com/heroines-journey/
Murdock, Maureen. The Heroine’s Journey. 1990.
University of Kansas. “Science Fiction Writers Workshop: Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey”. KU Guinn Center for the Study of Science Fiction. http://www.sfcenter.ku.edu/Workshop-stuff/Joseph-Campbell-Hero-Journey.htm
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