#wolves are huge
geekynerddemon · 1 year
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Steggy Week Day 7 17: Free day
Based on @indiefic ‘s Mending the Empty Bones
I got intense nostalgia for this beautiful story.
I know I’m super late to the last day for steggy week but I knew I had to do this idea justice.
Special thanks to @pixel-concept for getting me a really nice walking reference for Steve
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electricpurrs · 5 months
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by Monty Sloan
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onewolfaday · 11 months
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uncle-fruity · 2 months
Y'all know that "trans men don't suffer from significant oppression" is just the logical end point of the TERF belief that trans men transition to escape misogyny & sexism, right? Like, y'all realize how bullshit that is, right? That when you downplay and ignore and make assumptions about the experiences of trans men that you're just doing the work of transphobes who want to prove that we're "escaping" oppression to become oppressors. And surely that is not the hill you want to die on? Surely you care about trans people and have enough understanding of transphobia to know that you shouldn't take TERF talking points at face value and uncritically adopt them into your worldview, RIGHT? Surely you understand that oppression relies heavily on misrepresenting the group it's targeting and that the best way to combat that is to actually listen directly to the members of that group and get to know them as individuals, RIGHT? Surely you wouldn't shout down the throats of the trans men while they’re trying to speak on their pain and the effects of systemic oppression on their livelihood, RIGHT? RIGHT???
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went to a zoo today and it turns out they had bats! I had no idea beforehand and it's made me so happy!!!!!! They were Egyptian Fruit Bats and when I first saw them they were eating breakfast and when I came back to nab a photo they all were sleeping in a big group :)
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Not the best photo but the best I could get!
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vvatsondraws · 1 year
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May 5: My good friend Jonathan Harker met some friends during his journey today
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nashvillethotchicken · 4 months
Hot Take: Lestat should be built like Winston Duke
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c-kiddo · 4 months
was watching springwatch last night and there was a rly cool thing about the capercaillies and trying to help them repopulate via providing carcasses for the pine martens (who were successfully reintroduced) so that they'll eat that and not the capercaillie eggs. and thats very very cool if itll work. also 3 birds 1 stone, because you can use the invasive deer for food, feed the pine martens, and protect capercaillie nests all in one
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rederick-ignis · 5 months
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a sketch i didnt feel like finishing nor cleaning up for that matter
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katiefratie · 2 months
Oh the full shouting and party arguing has begun 😬
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pernillecfcw · 1 month
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Our first three points of the season💙 Up the mighty chels
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shannonsketches · 9 months
an incomplete list of animals i'd like to see utilized in gerudo valley + canyon + desert + highlands
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onewolfaday · 1 year
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112. wolf who has succumbed to the aches and pains
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robotclownindulgence · 3 months
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heuldoch7b · 2 months
was in pain and struggling with mental anguish but i thjought about horus and his sons laying together on their big pillow pile and im ok now 👍 theyre literally so cute
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My dad told me about an old aboriginal proverb growing up. Often.
A young boy came to his Grandfather, filled with anger at another boy who had done him an injustice.
The old Grandfather said to his grandson, "Let me tell you a story. I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those that have taken so much, with no sorrow for what they do. But hate wears you down, and hate does not hurt your enemy. Hate is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times."
"It is as if there are two wolves inside me; one wolf is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offence when no offence was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way. But the other wolf, is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper."
"He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, because his anger will change nothing. Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, because both of the wolves try to dominate my spirit."
The boy looked intently into his Grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which wolf will win, Grandfather?"
The Grandfather smiled and said, "The one I feed."
TLTR: you have two wolves inside of you, one good, one bad. The one that wins is the one you feed.
So be careful when all you do is feed the evil wolf with hate.
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