#woc literature
mysharona1987 · 2 years
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chateaucapricorne · 10 months
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My Mini Blog Biography
Purpose of Blog
⚢ The purpose of this blog is to provide a place of community for Black lesbians of all different body types, ages, cultures, and gender expressions. From Black high femmes to Black stone butches and studs, I hope that you can feel represented and seen while you are here. I hope that this space makes you feel loved and appreciated exactly as you are now. Through historical analysis, art appreciation, and theory, we can learn together about the beauty of Black lesbianism in all of its different forms. 🤎🖤🤎🖤
Background Info (Blog Owner)
⚢ Hey I’m Kiliyah. I prefer she/her pronouns but I’m comfortable with they/them.
⚢ I’m a 23 year old Capricorn ☀️ with an Aquarius 🌙 and Sagittarius 🌅 I love learning about astrology and Human Design, I’m a Generator!
⚢ I identify as a lesbian and a High/Hyper Femme. I’m also Muslim and Black (African “American”). I exist for the Black Butch Lesbians and hope to marry a Black Muslimah Butch one day (InshaAllah) 😽
⚢ Politically I identify as an anti-imperialist. Referencing the Black Alliance for Peace’s definition, I recognize imperialism as the highest form of capitalism and therefore one of the most destructive forms of oppression. I honestly think the U.S., NATO, and every other imperialist nation are the anti-thesis of humanity. I hate all U.S. presidents and I pray each day for the freedom, protection, and liberation of all oppressed nations in the world. 🌎
⚢ I’m currently receiving my master’s degree to become a therapist soon. I want to specialize in the fat identity, more specifically supporting fat clients with the stressors and disorders that are created and perpetuated by fatphobia and anti-fatness. I plan to support fat people with eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders. I also want to become a couples therapist to support lesbian couples and their families. 🧠
⚢ I run a second blog called @fatxpsychology where I talk about the psychology of the fat identity and relay information through art appreciation, theory, and history!
⚢ My hobbies are crocheting, watching dark TV dramas (e.g., Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and Wentworth), cooking, blogging, and I want to get into baking soon. 🧁
⚢ I am always looking for more fat lesbians, Black femmes, and Black fat queers to connect with and become friends with. Please send a DM if you want to be friends ❤️
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fazysbakwaas · 2 months
The whole drama thats unwrapping around Imane Khelif as she continues through the Olympics as a champion makes me think how hard it is to be a woman of color.
It's this frustrating and utterly helpless situation. You climb up towards success to face women and men from your community that are unsupportive. Once you free yourself from the shackles of cultural misogyny and patriarchy then comes the racism. The never ending race with the world to keep proving your worth. Whether it comes to career, physical attraction, friendship, or remotely anything.
Imagine working so so sO HARD to reach the Olympics and when your hard work is paying off, you're accused of being a man? Can a WoC ever win w/o being used for clout or just for the sake of diversity?
I think WoC are one of the strongest people I know.
More power to you Imane <3
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oddwomen · 1 year
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During her early hit years, Houston did few interviews. Music industry insiders suggest that Davis limited the media's access to Houston because of the disparity between her white-friendly image and her proudly black manner. It wasn't long before the apparent vacuum of her personal life filled with a persistent rumor—that the diva was a dyke. How did that get started? "Mmmmm," hesitates the usually quick-witted star. "I suppose it comes from knowing people…who are. I don't care who you sleep with. If I'm your friend, I'm your friend. I have friends who are in the community. And I'm sure that in my days of bein' out, hanging with my friends, having nothing but females around me, something's gotta be wrong with that." Push closer to The Question and Houston's playful demeanor vanishes, replaced by the bitterness that's often defined her media profile. "Listen, I took a lot of grief for shit that wasn't me, OK, 'cause I had friends, 'cause I was close to people," she says, eyes blazing and hands waving. "But that ain't me. I know what I am. I'm a mother. I'm a woman. I'm heterosexual. Period. But I love everybody. If I was gay, I would be proud to tell you, 'cause I ain't that kind of girl to say, 'Naw, that ain't me.' The thing that hurt me most was that they tried to pin something on me that I was not. My mother raised me to never, ever be ashamed of what I am. But I'm not a lesbian, darling. I'm not [laughs]." Later, when the interview is over, she introduces me to her assistant, Robyn Crawford, the woman said in the tabloids to be her girlfriend. The introduction suggests these longtime friends have nothing to hide.
Out (May 2000)
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writerbythesea · 1 year
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October is here
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belle-keys · 1 year
one of the absolute worst unironic takes i've seen on the instawebs is "only people from x background can write main characters from x background" like holy shit how can you possibly politicize literature to this extent?
it's genuinely shocking to me that some people's personal motto when it comes to art and media creation is "only write what you are". with this mindset, writing inherently becomes about social and political identity when it should be about "let's do justice to this character and their background the best we can".
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In Search of Self: a Study of Queer Arab Women
In the United States Post Migration by Lexi Haddad
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franz-katka · 2 years
this is just an observation I’ve noticed for a while, but... what is up with the Lord of the Flies community continually erasing or vilifying Piggy...
he’s one of the major characters in the plot and isn’t even THAT bad morally, yet he seems to get little fanfare compared to everyone else, even relatively minor characters. it’s... odd, to say the least.
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agirlnamedbone · 2 years
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--Lucille Clifton
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sagafiction · 1 year
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Eternally Single, Rosa Álvarez - Neerja Pawar
UK // US // IN
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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chateaucapricorne · 7 months
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"You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive." - James Baldwin
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officialcojabrown · 1 year
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portokali · 2 years
Same about de transition baby! I wanted to enjoy it because of the whole # own voices gender queer experience stuff but the tone and characters were just maddening in the worst way.
yes!!! like honestly the parts talking abt gender experience were some of the most genuine bits we got and a tease to what we could've gotten if the author had taken a less ironic approach?? it felt like she was p dedicated to being ironic and caustic toward her characters, which is not a bad thing but it's not really easy to pull off unless you give us sth to root for despite or at least some more of a core to your story?? it felt like she bit off more than she could chew esp wrt discussing race and handling her characters of color- and their lack thereof
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supremeuppityone · 1 year
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