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thewannaberunner · 3 years ago
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😊 #TransformationTuesday 😊 It's hard to believe I started running 7 years ago next month and no it has not been easy...it's been satisfying to look at old pictures and be happy I found one addiction that took over another. That being running overtaking the eating. It only took me 2 years to run a half marathon and 3 years to run a full. Allot of Mike's in that time and allot of heart ache. But I did it and like keeping the weight off I'm in this thing for the long run. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 #FormerFatBoy #WLS #DuodenalSwitch #meridiansurgicalgroup #KeepingTheWeightOff #WLSSelfie #wlssupport #Lovetorun #looseweight #notsobigpete #motivationforall #happyatmyweight (at ALIVE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUHEVD2AL5a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thewannaberunner · 3 years ago
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🗓 #TransformationTuesday 😎 I love posting these transformations pictures not cause I love hearing from many of you, but some times I need encouragement and a reminder of what I looked like before I started my journey. Allot of the perceived success is also a motivation to keep going on the adventure! 😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLS #wlsjourney #mywls #determination #lifestyle #getfit #FormerFatBoy #fitover50 #WLSWorkout #Weightloss #weightlosssurgery #WLSCrew #wlscommunity #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #inspired #KeepingFit #keepingfitandhealthy #duodenalswitchbeforeandafter #DuodenalSwitchRunner #duodenalswitchcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch56EUiD_eB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thewannaberunner · 3 years ago
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💪 #MotivationalMonday 📅 A Motivational Monday for you. As an obese person I delt with the heart ache of being big by making light of stuff and the right is a prime example. I grabbed my nephew's tie to get a quick laugh at a family function in 2003, now I get laughs in different ways making light of me being lighter. 😉*****😎*****💪*****😎*****😉 #WannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLS #FormerFatBoy #fitover40 #wlsstruggles #WLSSelfie #WeightlossMotivation #weightlossjourney #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise #ExerciseAsAFamily #RunRunRun #infinitejoggers #KeepingTheWeightOff #myweightlossjourney #WeightlossStory #keepingitpositive #DuodenalSwitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CUEMLKGjb-S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thewannaberunner · 5 years ago
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😐 #FaceToFaceFriday 😃 The face o6s the first page of the book of you and being healthier make for a good book. 😀*****😀*****😀*****😀*****😀 #weightloss #weightlosssurgery #WLSCrew #wlscommunity #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #ForeverFitness #ForeverFitness #FortWayneIndiana #DuodenalSwitch #DSWLS #insparation #NotSoBigPete #CatalystFitness #ImThin (at Face to Face) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7uRT6gnnlY/?igshid=taz48yktehin
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thewannaberunner · 5 years ago
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🗓 #TransformationTuesday 😎 I love posting these transformations pictures not cause I love hearing from many of you, but some times I need encouragement and a reminder of what I looked like before I started my journey. Allot of the perceived success is also a motivation to keep going on the adventure! 😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLS #wlsjourney #mywls #determination #lifestyle #getfit #FormerFatBoy #fitover40 #WLSWorkout #Weightloss #weightlosssurgery #WLSCrew #wlscommunity #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #inspired https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mqohNnFC5/?igshid=1qaaqo43je3zw
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thewannaberunner · 5 years ago
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📆 #TransformationTuesday 📆 You control the weight; the weight doesn't control you. 😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎 #beforeandafterweightloss #BeforeandAfter #Keepingofftheweightforgood #WLSSelfie #WLSInstacrew #wlsjourney #DuodenalSwitch #DuodenalSwitchWLS #fitspo #FitOver40 #FitOver45 #fitover30 #FitOverForty #weightlosscommunity #weightloss #WeightlossPic #MeridianSurgicalGroup #ForeverFitness #formerfatboy https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ux1iZncYA/?igshid=11576skawij9i
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thewannaberunner · 5 years ago
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🏃‍♂️ #SundayRunday 🏃‍♂️ I wasted 2 nice 50° days Friday and a rainy Saturday only to get with a wet and sloppy 30° Sunday...I guess I deserved it, the running gods looked down and said "Pete so you want to slack...whammy crummy weather on Sunday" Oh well 😜*****🤔*****😏*****🤔*****😜 #CrappyWeather #CrappyWeatherToday #RunningGods #januaryrun #MidWinterRun #WinterRun #WinterRunning #NotSoBigPete #SithDadPete #LoveToRun #_LoveRunning #LifeIsTrailRunning #CHASKIUP #RunDeep #WLSSelfie #WLS #WLSRun #DuodenalSwitchRunner #DuodenalSwitch #IndianaRunner #marathontraining #TrainingForARace #getfitinthenewyear #fitin2020 (at Catalyst Fitness at Summit City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7O2a1-HeQw/?igshid=5curskyzco01
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thewannaberunner · 5 years ago
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💪 #MotivationalMonday 🤘 Pictures are exactly 7 years to the day apart. The left is the Nascar race at Michigan International Speedway in August 2011 and the left is August Race 2018. When I first started doing sports reporting it was the shortly after famed Motorsports reporter, Dave Poole passed away and having only seen pictures of him, he was of same size and height as me, I was reminded of my own mortality if I did not change my life. 5 years and 270 lighter, I am happier and have no plans of looking back. 👍*****👍*****👍*****👍*****👍 #weightlosscommunity #WLSBeforeandAfter #weightloss #WLSSelfie #WeightlossMotivation #weightlossgoal #weightlosshelp #weightlosssuccessstories #weightlosssuccessstorie #FormerFatBoy #youcandoit #MIS #keepingtheweightoff #keepingtheweightoffforgood #keepingtheweightoffforlife #weightlosssurgeryjourney #weightlosssurgery (at Michigan International Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5COlhRnzHd/?igshid=7eseifd3st9v
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thewannaberunner · 5 years ago
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📆 #TransformationTuesday 📆 Down 270 pounds and for over 5 years. Use to be proud of the fact I was an obese guy that was "very mobile for 450 pounds" now I think to myself "what was I so proud of". I am getting ready for my 14th half marathon, now that is something to be proud of, but the fact I was 450 pounds and could move is an embarrassment. Good is not enough if better is possible. 🤔*****🤔*****🤔*****🤔*****🤔 #WLSBeforeandAfter #FormerFatBoy #FortWayneFitnessMag #WLSRunner #Runner #LoveToRun #WLSInstacrew #wlsjourney #WLSTransformationProgress #WLSSucsess #WLSSelfie #keepingtheweightoff #WLSInsperation #WLSBeforeandAfter #IndianaRunner #fitspo #FitOver40 #fitover45 #MiddleAgeFit https://www.instagram.com/p/B19hO1_nj8k/?igshid=blfr1i2pkyfx
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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👟 #1stRun 🏃‍♂️ 1st run for my @saucony Triumph ISO 4 shoes. Pretty comfortable and can't wait to get some miles under them these next few months before switching to trail shoes to get ready for an Ultra. 💪*****👟*****🖐*****👟*****💪 #WLSSelfie #WLSGettingItDone #NewShoes #SaturdayRun #NotSoBigPete #Saucony #Run #RunSelfie #FatBoy #WLSCrew #SummerTimeRunning #SummerRunning #SummerRun #MidSummerRun #5MileRun #halfmarathonrunner #HalfMarathonTraining (at Peace Montessori) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_0US8Hhry/?igshid=3w4q81nw4ji1
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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💪 #MotivationalMonday 📅 Another week and here is this weeks Motivational Monday for you. As an obese person I felt with the heart ache by making light of stuff and the right is a prime example. I grabbed my nephew's tie to get a quick laugh at a family function in 2003, now I get laughs in different ways making light of me being lighter. 😉*****😎*****💪*****😎*****😉 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLS #FormerFatBoy #fitover40 #wlsstruggles #WLSSelfie #WeightlossMotivation #weightlossjourney #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise #ExerciseAsAFamily #RunRunRun #infinitejoggers #KeepingTheWeightOff https://www.instagram.com/p/By0qwkInAkk/?igshid=msm5ju1g9q9d
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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🚴‍♂️ #SundayRunDay 🚴‍♂️ Okay still not running yet, but got one heck of a cardio in and may have in the process discovered a new running rout. When I venture out from my house I only get as far as Interstate 469 and usually turn around staying between the house and 469. Today I ventured further east and found some nice Amish areas to run in. I'm very happy I got threw this with no pain in the Achilles and that is #Awesome StY Hustling Instagram 👊 🚵‍♂️*****👍*****😎*****👍*****🚵‍♂️ #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLSBeforeandAfter #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #WLSRunner #wlsstruggles #FitnessMotivation #FattoFit #Weightloss #BikeRide #fitover40 #instarunner #HalfMarathon #marathon #halfmarathonrunner #BikeRide #keepingtheweightoff #trainhard #training (at I-469 Fort Wayne, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyGNcPHD6w/?igshid=u2kl9gg3l0u2
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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📅 #ThrowBackThursday 📅 Funny how what was normal then can be hilarious and cringe worthy. At my biggest with my shirt untucked I looked like I was 8 months pregnant 😂🙁 The picture with wearing a black shirt is me down 240 pounds, and still dressing like a bigger person. It was not till at 3-4 years in I started dressing like I was a smaller person 👊*****😎*****🤘*****😎*****👊 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #wlsstrong #wlsstruggle #WLS #Transformation #FitnessMotivation #FattoFit #Weightloss #StayFit #middleagefitness #RunSelfie #trailrunning https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqiiF-He2I/?igshid=12dcqns12lhke
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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🚴‍♂️ #BikeRide 🚴‍♂️ Pushed the cardio a bit tonight and am happy I did. Still tender in the heel, but feeling better overall. 😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #FitnessMotivation #FattoFit #fitover40 #instarunner #runnersofinstagram #Fit #wlsjourney #myWls #WLSStories #wlscommunity #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation (at Kreager Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByjbmPZn4Uy/?igshid=yioizlfgzong
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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🗓 #TransformationTuesday 😎 I love posting these transformations pictures not cause I love hearing from many of you, but some times I need encouragement and a reminder of what I looked like before I started my journey. Allot of the perceived success is also a motivation to keep going on the adventure! 😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎*****😎 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #WLS #wlsjourney #mywls #determination #lifestyle #getfit #FormerFatBoy #fitover40 #WLSWorkout #Weightloss #weightlosssurgery #WLSCrew #wlscommunity #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #inspired (at Fort Wayne, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTjKsLHNjL/?igshid=150og2ulzhkb3
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thewannaberunner · 6 years ago
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🗓 #MotivationalMonday 😎 I started in radio in 1999 as a "stunt boy" and many, many, many times I did stuff to garnish laughter, usually centered around my size, and 9 years later as a radio host and producer I still did things for a laugh and me putting on airsoft tactical gear, when it clearly did not fit garnered allot a laughs. Well 10 years later me finishing long races is not getting the last laugh. You can always change hour life's direction, so if you are tired of the way things are, devise a goal and make it realistic and never stop going for it. 😎*****🤔*****😁*****🤔*****😎 #TheWannaBeRunner #WLSStories #DuodenalSwitch #RunForFun #RunFatBoy #BikeRide #wlsstruggles #WLSSelfie #WLSFitness #WLSMotivation #instarunner #FitnessMotivation #runnersofinstagram #worlderunners #WLSInstacrew #WLSTransformation #wlsjourney #WLSSupport #wlssupportgroup (at 10 Years Later) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByREsY9nt_V/?igshid=vzs24639ecse
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