#with: sleeplessness-moonie
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hdahlia · 5 months ago
@sleeplessness-moonie asked for ❛ you have blood on your hands. ❜
Ainda que poções não fossem exatamente sua área favorita, Dahlia tinha conhecimento suficiente para que alguns campistas a procurassem em busca de ajuda. Foi por isso que aceitou auxiliar a filha de Morfeu em seu estudo. Elas combinaram de se encontrar na estufa, onde as plantas estariam mais acessíveis caso fosse necessário algum tipo de demonstração. No horário exato, Dahlia chegou à estufa, trazendo consigo um de seus cadernos de anotações. Logo avistou Simone em uma das bancadas e se aproximou, ocupando o lugar ao seu lado. "Às vezes, tenho a sensação de que esse lugar vai me engolir com todas essas folhas." Brincou, enquanto abria o caderno e dispunha os livros sobre a bancada. No entanto, antes que Simone pudesse tocar o caderno, algo chamou sua atenção. Havia sangue nas mãos da outra garota. Dahlia, sem hesitar, afastou o caderno do alcance dela. "Tem sangue nas suas mãos." Comentou, o olhar passando rapidamente das mãos de Simone para o resto de seu corpo, procurando qualquer ferimento visível. "É seu?" Com a sobrancelha arqueada, Dahlia não parecia julgá-la, apenas não queria que seus pertences fossem manchados. Assumindo que a resposta fosse negativa, um pequeno sorriso curvou os cantos de seus lábios. "Você ganhou?" Perguntou, num tom leve, insinuando que Simone talvez tivesse se envolvido em uma briga antes de chegar ali.
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lottokinn · 6 months ago
❪ ⠀ ⠀ closed starter !!! ⠀ ⠀ ❫ this is for → @sleeplessness-moonie.
A confusão era tremenda. Ela não entendeu a principio o que estava acontecendo. Aquela terceira explosão levantou tanta poeira que chegou a tossir e sentiu a gravidade brincando consigo, sendo puxada para trás enquanto tentava andar para frente. E então sabia que o precisava fazer. Não queria, mas era melhor salvar sua vida do que acabar sendo levada para aquela fenda de uma vez. Claro, em noites de seu sofrimento pensou em simplesmente se jogar ali, mas agora era diferente. Precisava e iria lutar por aqueles que precisavam dela. Dito e feito porque viu Simone sofrendo também tentando sair do meio daquele caos, correndo algumas vezes sentindo os pés lhe traindo, acabou expandindo suas asas e deixando ser levada para trás apenas para tomar o impulso de sobrevoar o local pelo alto. Avistou diversos semideuses lutando pela vida, e deu um rasante para o mesmo onde estava antes, segurando a amiga pelo braço e a puxando consigo para longe. Não se manteve tão longe do solo, mas o suficiente para que pudesse tira-la dali em segurança. Quando chegaram numa área mais calma, colocou a filha de Morfeu no chão e respirou fundo. ❝ ― Caramba, essa foi por pouco. ❞ ― Se queixou, colocando ambas as mãos nos joelhos para se apoiar, e então se lembrou do estado das asas, mas antes que pudesse escondê-las, notou o brilho avermelhado nas mesmas. Nunca havia acontecido aquilo antes, e olhou para a outra semideusa. ❝ ― Você tá vendo isso também ou eu estou enlouquecendo? ❞
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sonofthelightning · 7 months ago
Closed start with @sleeplessness-moonie, no terraço. ❛ do you mind if i smoke? ❜
Sentia falta de ver o céu, e só percebeu o quanto quando se deparou com a projeção ao chegar no terraço. Nos últimos tempos, vivendo em um cenário de uma quase guerra, tudo o que via era cenários tempestuosos, onde a iluminação era dada por raios ou sombras de estrelas que eram escondidas pelo céu nublado. Se esticou na espreguiçadeira, encarando os pontos luminosos acima quando um sentimento agridoce o invadiu; pensar em um cenário de batalha o fazia sentir-se daquela forma, euforico e deprimido ao mesmo tempo. A palma tateou cegamente um dos bolsos da calça que vestia encontrado o maço de cigarros e o isqueiro que carregava consigo. Havia um bom tempo que havia deixado os cigarros de lado, mas os últimos acontecimentos o fizeram retomar alguns dos velhos hábitos, especialmente em momentos onde era invadido por sentimentos ambíguos como aquele. Olhou para os lados, e, ao perceber que não estava sozinho, questionou: "Você se importa se eu fumar?"
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misterrcver · 5 months ago
Starter no luau para Simone...
Nos seus primeiros anos no acampamento, Jae-eon ainda lembrava que a maioria dos semideuses com quem topara não sabia pronunciar seu nome, e assim nasceu seu apelido: Jay. Parado ali, mastigando um canapé no limite do parecer esquisito, o agora Jay de 30 anos fitava o nada e com certeza não pensava no motivo de seu apelido ter se tornado Jay. A atenção só foi desviada quando Simone passou perto e seu espírito retornou como uma alma que estava tentando se projetar astralmente volta para o corpo mundano.
— Hey, I remember you...
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luisdeaguilar · 7 months ago
with: @sleeplessness-moonie
prompt: ❛ i can't leave you alone for one minute, can i? ❜
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Luís estava distraído com os itens da loja, nunca foi muito ligado em poções, então essas não chamavam sua atenção. E também recebeu o alerta de manter-se longe delas, então era obvio que o faria. Não, sua atenção estava nos óleos essenciais, os diversos aromas que tinham. A sensação ainda estava em sua pele, de instantes atrás quando os aproveitava no ofurô. Já tinha cinco diferentes em mãos, quando ouviu o comentário da irmã mais nova. "Oi? Eu? Mas não estou fazendo nada.", respondeu da forma mais suspeita possível, virando-se cheio de frascos nas mãos. "O que? Eles são muito cheirosos, sabia? E está praticamente uma pechincha."
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mskcvgaard · 6 months ago
╰     ‘ closed starter … ’
✦ * ·  ˚ @sleeplessness-moonie chose: ⌜“ [ PREVENT ] for one muse to stop the other from going too far during a fight. ”⌟
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ‹ ‘ ⚔️ ˙ .  —— magnus estava cada vez mais próximo de seu limite. ou, talvez, já tivesse ultrapassado isso há muito tempo e só não percebeu ainda. cismou de ir descontar suas frustrações na arena do acampamento, com um holograma do minotauro. mas quando teve seu momento por um adolescente ranhento metido a fodão... perdeu o controle. sua ira falou mais alto e magnus partiu para cima do rapaz, mesmo que fosse no mínimo uns dez anos mais novo que o filho de éris. jogou o garoto contra a parede, colocando a adaga que havia ganhado dos ferreiros contra seu pescoço.ㅤ❛ㅤseu merdinha. tá achando que é quem pra interromper o meu treino?ㅤ❜ㅤpraticamente cuspiu as palavras no rosto do pobrezinho, que estava mais pálido que um fantasma e com as pernas bambas.ㅤ❛ㅤacha que isso é uma brincadeira? vou te ensinar uma coisinha...ㅤ❜ㅤe estava prestes a usar seu poder para manipular a ira do adolescente quando a voz de simone fez ele parar. rangeu os dentes e encarou o outro semideus com seu único olho bom mais uma vez, antes de abaixar a adaga e o empurrar para o outro lado.ㅤ❛ㅤo que você quer, simone?!ㅤ❜ㅤbufou, feito uma criança que acabou de ser pego aprontando.
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mayafitzg · 6 months ago
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Ali estava uma verdade com a qual Maya conseguia se identificar. Ser filha de um deus menor rendeu a ela uma vida inteira longe dos perigos comuns aos semideuses, seu primeiro contato com um monstro foi quando já era praticamente adulta, então não foi de todo ruim assim. Se tivesse acontecido na infância, provavelmente teria deixado as coisas mais difíceis para ela. "Entendo. Faz todo sentido.", completou com um curto sorriso, mantendo o olhar fixo em outrem enquanto seguia falando sobre seus poderes e tudo mais que envolveu sua dinâmica de idas e vindas do acampamento. "As vezes fico feliz de não ter para quem voltar, acho que meus poderes teriam dado alguma dor de cabeça no mundo lá fora.", assim como deram quando começaram a se manifestar no acampamento. "E eu não precisava de mais dores de cabeças.", brincou com um riso sem muito humor, lembrando-se de como já tinha a vida caótica o suficiente. "Aah! Isso? Bem, a forma simples de explicar é que minhas íris trocam de cor e cada uma delas provoca um sentimento diferente: dor, medo, tristeza...", eram quatro ou cinco ao todo, mas ela sempre se esquecia de um ou de outro. "Acaba sendo mais intuitivo de acordo com a minha necessidade no momento. Funciona mais como uma autodefesa, um tipo de antivírus.", pois no geral era assim que ativava, quando sentia-se extremamente ameaçada.
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"Podemos dizer que sim, ser filha de um deus menor possibilita a tranquilidade que os doze grandes nunca terão." explicou como se não fosse nada. Na verdade poderia contar nos dedos a quantidade de vezes que tinha sido atacada no mundo humano, era um dos benefícios de não possuir um sangue tão 'importante'. " Com os poderes controlados minha família me aceitou de volta, consegui fazer o que eu gosto, trabalho em um lugar legal... Na verdade nem teria voltado se minha mãe não tivesse surtado de medo" ela deu de ombros voltando a sorver o liquido quente com calma. Lembrar-se do tempo que era 'órfã' era chato, na verdade bem melancólico afinal como uma criança lidaria bem com a ideia de ter sido abandonada em um local desconhecido? Demorou muito para entender o porque das escolhas da avó, mas a maturidade trouxe consigo a possibilidade de ver o quão mal ela poderia ter feito se tivesse ficado." "Estava mais falando dos seus poderes, mas gostei da forma que colocou"
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l0standn0tf0und · 2 months ago
Remus Lupin ☆ fic recs
♡ = smut, 18+ only 
art by sophithil
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remus lupin x fem!reader who loves him for no specific reason
angst about second war marriage with remus
remus john lupin headcanons pt.2
remus john lupin headcanons
moony isn't housebroken
sleepy chats with remmy
not so surprising after all
more than what you see
kiss me really nicely
wrapped up in you
kisses as payment
morning touches
gasp for air
6.00 am
first kiss
3.30 am
11.11 pm
♡innocence pt. 2
♡wants vs. needs
♡remus' first time
♡morning sex & thigh riding
♡surprise! we're making love
Not my stories. Just my favorites from other writers. All credits and support to original authors: @evanpeterswhoresblog @latenightreadingpdf @unconventional-lawnchair @rosieswriting @daenysx @in-between-thighs @ellecdc @marauder-misprint @fourmoony @lizard-on-a-window-pane @crescenthistory @diwatopia @sun-kiss
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kquil · 1 year ago
SUM : to help pay the bills and your tuition fee, you get a new job at an elite club where the tips are incredibly generous. you’ve met a majority of the clientele already but they don’t match the stranger who ordered a simple negroni
TAGS. : mafia au ; modern au ; muggle au ; mobster remus ; mafia boss remus ; bartender reader ; reader is a hard working sweetheart that must be protected! ; catching remus’ eye ; remus lowkey wishes he can be the one to do the protecting ; and maybe more ; for now, he’s a low key stalker ; but sexy… ; stalking is bad, don’t do it! ; this is just fiction! ; but hey! remus owns an elite club! wooooo! ; i don’t know how to feel about my interpretation of the marauders as mafia men/mobsters ; it’s growing on me… ; also, im casting peter pettigrew as Dane DeHan in this!
LENGTH : 1.5k
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It wasn’t as if you were new to the job; you had previously worked some years as a bar tender for a pretty well-established club, it paid well and managed to help pay for your rent and utility bills for most of your higher education years. However, all the built up stress and sleepless nights finally caught up to you. And you found yourself repeating a year, meaning that you needed to pay for your own tuition this year atop all the other monthly bills and necessities you keep up with. Perhaps it was the universe telling you that you needed to stop and change the direction of your life — you needed to choose an easier path, a doable path. But you were stubborn and also quite the optimist. So you kept at it, determined to finish what you started and earn your degree. 
Yes, it was a let down but you were still breathing. Life just gets hard sometimes. 
Thankfully, your past experience and phenomenal recommendation letter from your previous manager earned you another bar tending job at a very elite club, where tips were more than generous, considering the clientele composed primarily of the privileged class, some with multiple businesses under their belts, some who were phenomenal investors and some living off their parents’ money. You didn’t care to look too much into it, you were there to work and you were going to work hard and honestly. 
The patrons surprisingly had very similar tastes and so, you fond yourself making the same types of drinks repeatedly. It made the job a lot easier and you were able to focus more on your delivery and interaction with customers, leading to more tips. Times were rough after having to accept defeat with your studies and repeating a year with your own funding but things were looking up. If you keep at it, you’ll make it out alive. 
Your only complaint was the dress code. Make up was advised with a bold red lip but must be kept simple. You felt like a showgirl of some kind, squeezed into a high collar, white dress that came down to your mid thigh and with a low-cut, open back. The sleeves aren’t as long as you would like but, at least, you were permitted to use black kitten heel court shoe pumps as opposed to stilettos — your only saving grace, along with the higher salary and generous tips. 
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“Looks like we have a newbie working the bar,” Sirius points out, drawing all attention to your lively figure as you served drinks with a sweet smile and airy voice. A hum of curiosity vibrates through Remus’ chest and up to his lips at the sight of you, “certainly easy on the eyes, huh?” the tattooed, right-hand comments again as he looks towards the head of the table where Remus holds up his glass of Negroni. 
“Very… innocent— a sweet, pretty, little thing,” James comments on Remus’ other side, which Peter grunts at in agreement as he takes a sip of his whiskey-sour. 
“Looks like she doesn’t belong,” Peter nods before smirking and letting out a light laugh. The domino effect had James and Sirius laughing too as Remus smirks behind his glass before proceeding to down the rest of his drink. 
“Exactly your type, eh? Moony?” 
Sirius’ teasing comment is ignored. Instead, Remus calls for there server and orders another drink with an additional request that only confirms his smirking friend’s disregarded statement, “Have the new bartender personally deliver my drink for me as well,”
There was no higher authority that could dismiss the club owner’s personal request. 
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It was a strange request but you steeled your nerves and asked your fellow bartender to minister your unattended station while you made quick work on the order. It wasn’t unusual to receive requests like this from an isolated table that had privacy curtains for convenience. However, it was usually for drinks that you could make a show out of like a Holy Water cocktail, a Phoenix cocktail and even a Dragon’s Blood cocktail — a performance that you liked partaking in for the flammable aspect. But this was a Negroni. A cocktail of equal parts gin, saccharine vermouth and bitter Italian Campari. It’s a very egalitarian drink that was enjoyed by everyone, men and women alike, simple but elegant and definitely didn’t require a performance. Despite the odd summons, you were eager to fulfil your curiosity for who the client may be. 
With a professional smile, you place refined mix in the middle of your circular tray with it’s classic orange garnish and set off to the table. The standby server, who made the order, saw your approach and quickly announced your arrival through the small front opening, momentarily disappearing into the shadow of the curtains. He reappears a moment later and pulls the heavy drapes fully apart, to reveal the guests from beneath the, once, opaque shadows. 
To say that you were stunned was an understatement. 
It was pure luck that you didn’t stutter in your stride and spill the cocktail prematurely. At the table was seated four men, all dressed in suits and ties that were in various states of disorder. Among their collection of suits, you could spot Armani and Tom Ford, however, you were sure that their unconventional styles were not the way those suits were intended to be worn. 
One man with long, midnight-black hair and paper-pale skin had an array of mismatching tattoos littering both arms, revealed to you by his lack of a suit jacket and rolled-up sleeves. Another wore cute circular glasses and a cheeky grin with a suit jacket but no button up shirt and his chiseled upper body on full display. The last was a dirty blonde with piercing eyes and a deceivingly boyish smile. He had his ankle propped up on his opposite knee and several buttons undone where a tie should have been fastened over, his sleeves also rolled up as his suit jacket lay beside him.
It was the man at the head of the table, however, who stole your attention. If you had to guess who ordered such a simple but elegant drink, it would have to be him. He had his suit jacket draped over his broad shoulders and also had several of his top buttons undone, revealing some faded scars marked across his toned chest. His neat brunette hair and kind brown eyes gave him a deceivingly gentle appearance but his close company revealed a duplicity that caught and tensed your nerves.
You ignored the creeping goosebumps that prickled your skin, down from your toes all the way up to your ears. 
Just do your job…
“Gentlemen,” you addressed kindly with a slight tilt of your head, which they acknowledged with their own hums of acknowledgement, their eyes lighting up in subtle surprise at your actions, “I have an order for a Negroni,” you raise your tray with the drink and scan the four for some indication as to who the order belonged to. 
“That would be for me,” just as you suspected, it was the brunette with the kindest eyes but also the most ominous air. His voice is a deep and smooth lullaby, patient with it’s seduction on your senses. It was a trap that you resisted but are so hopelessly tempted to fall into, “Thank you, sweetheart,” he meets your eyes as you lower the drink into his large, outstretched hand. You notice how his knuckles and fingers are littered with scars also, some fresh, some faded with time and some hidden behind luxurious rings. Nevertheless…
He’s beautiful 
She’s precious 
“Not a problem,” you reassure with a soft voice, “have a good evening,” with your circular tray pressed against your side, you offer him an innocent smile and dismiss the butterflies in your stomach urging you to linger, “gentlemen,” you acknowledge the remaining three once more before offering another sweet smile. Turning on your heel, you leave the group and ignore the stares drilling holes into the back of your head.
She doesn’t know… 
Once you were out of earshot, Remus turns to his closest friends and most trusted colleagues. They all share a look, one that conveys a unanimous thought. It isn’t long before their agreement manifests into knowing smiles and a ring of laughter shared between them.
“Don’t get greedy now, Moony,” Peter chimes in as Sirius throws his head back with a barking laugh. 
“That’s not gonna stop him Wormtail, you know that; she’s a rare one,”  
“So what’s the plan, bossman?” James asks with a raised brow as he brings his drink up to his lips.
Remus doesn’t answer right away, he simply requests that the curtain remain open so he can fix his fond gaze on you for the remainder of the evening. The group already knew what to do and sat at the edge of their seats, awaiting orders eagerly despite their slack shoulders and composed expressions. Only they were able to observe the shift in the air between them; it became charged as soon as you entered their circle and slowly started accelerating, parallel to the climbing affection in Remus’ eyes as he watches you smile at customers while making their drinks. 
He takes a singular sip of his Negroni, bitterly sweet with a citrus edge. 
Heaven in a glass. And made by an angel. 
“I want a background check and profile put together immediately,” Remus finally orders, “I want to know everything there is to know about her,”
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A/N : i downloaded some fics and read some over the holidays and there some mafia/mobster aus and i couldn’t help but picture remus as a mob boss, i’m sure im not the only one to ever imagine this but goddamn! why is it so easy to imagine sweet, gentle, responsible remus like that?!
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88 @rosalyn-s
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empress-simps · 7 months ago
Tulips & Moony
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader CW: Sirius and Remus' banter and language (around 700 words) Summary: Remus tries to crochet you a tulip. Note: Hi darlings! I hope you like this mini fic; I love to crochet so why not make a fic out of it, right? Also, my uni's third term is about to end so I'll have more time to finish my WIPs! Hope you enjoy!
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Remus loves knitted things— he considers the “unfashionable” grandpa sweaters that Sirius always complains about to be his prized possessions, not forgetting to mention how he’s got every neutral and earthy tones of cardigans arranged neatly in his trunk.
Yes, Remus is an avid fan of those things, but he doesn't really express any interest in making them from scratch.
So, imagine Sirius' surprise walking in on Remus who’s red in the face as he fumbles with a ball of yarn.
“Now Moony, when did you suddenly become a grandma?” Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow at the poor bloke who’s struggling looping a yarn.
“Since he learned Y/n loves to crochet.” James quipped from his bed, eating a chocolate frog that he most likely stole from Remus’ stash who was too busy to notice.
“He’s been at it for a good hm… three hours or so?” Peter shrugs, working on his charms essay in the corner of the room and trying to block out the strings of curses Remus grumbles out every now and then.
“Can you all be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate, you sods.” The werewolf grumbled, furrowing his brows and sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth in concentration. The sight was quite amusing. James lets out a laugh, getting off his bed. “Alright then, I’m getting quite tired watching you fail miserably,” Remus grunted, “Yeah, go bother someone else.”
Sirius plopped next to Remus, looking closely at his creation. “That’s a nice square you got there, Moony.” He hummed, nodding in approval at the wonky shape.
“It’s a bloody circle, you git.”
Sirius didn’t even try to stifle his laugh, “What are you trying to make anyway?”
“A tulip.”
“Doesn’t look like one though.”
“Thanks Pads, really. You’re such a great friend.” Remus rolled his eyes, sarcasm dripping from his tone as he repeats a certain stitch a couple of times. “Geez Moony, that’s alright now.”
“No, it’s not, the stitch looks weird and much looser than the others,” Remus complained.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, “You call that a stitch? Doesn’t look like it.”
"Yeah, the next time you'll see Poppy is because of the stitches you're gonna get because of me-"
Safe to say they both were kicked out to the common room by a very annoyed Wormtail.
It took about a week full of wonky, weirdly shaped tulips, and sleepless nights for Remus to successfully make a single red tulip.
Remus gripped the wrapped tulip tightly, the familiar feeling of nervousness eating up his system seeing you with your friend hanging out in the corner of the common room. He was pulled out of his thoughts by James showing him lightly.
“Look, now’s your chance, Moony.”
Sure enough, your friend left you on one of the couches to go Godric knows where, Remus didn’t really care that much if he’s honest. He even silently thanked your friend as his feet lead him to where you’re sitting. “Oh, Remus!” You looked up to see his tall frame, standing quickly as you could and offering him a smile. “Hi.” He grinned nervously before stretching his arm out that’s holding the crocheted Tulip to you, albeit a bit awkwardly but you on the other hand, find it endearing. “Erm… Is it for me?” You asked, chuckling nervously. “Ah, yeah! I made it, I heard you like to crochet so…” He trails off, scratching the back of his neck as blush dusted his cheeks. He saw how your eyes lit up, and your smile widening as you gently took it from his hand. “Woah…” You let out a soft gasp, examining the flower carefully. “Since when did you learn how to crochet?” “Just last week,” “Just last week?! Remus, you are gifted. I couldn’t even make something remotely similar when I was a month in crocheting.” You told him, hugging it close to your cheeks. “Thank you, Remus.” You smiled shyly, going on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his cheek before waving shyly to him and heading off to girls’ dormitory, leaving Remus who was still trying to process what just happened.
“Another one? I’ve already told you leather is much better!” Sirius threw his hands up in the air, entering their room to see Remus smiling to himself as he wore the cardigan you crocheted for him. “I wouldn’t say that if I were you, Pads.” Peter looked up from his and James’ game of exploding snap. “Why? It’s not fashionable!” “It’s made by Y/N, you wanker. Now shut your mouth before I hex you out of this room.”
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vitorialada · 7 months ago
Stevie ergueu as sobrancelhas, um pouco pega de surpresa pela fervorosidade no discurso de Simone. Havia aprendido há algum tempo que os campistas veteranos eram os que mais guardavam rancor dos deuses, o que ela entendia, embora não se identificasse. Talvez o fizesse quando mais contas fossem adicionadas ao seu colar. “Não posso discordar de você.” Disse Stevie, com um breve balançar da cabeça. “Não sei quanto tempo você ficou fora, mas, nos meus quatro anos de campista, nunca vi nada como o que vem acontecendo, e não ajuda que o Sr. D e Quíron se recusaram a nos escutar quando pedimos respostas. Só me pergunto se toda a raiva que gastamos neles foi para nada. Um traidor muda as coisas, tipo, o que mais foi culpa dele? Ele também esteve por trás do que aconteceu na festa dos conselheiros, ou aquilo foi só coisa de Hades? O que nós não sabemos que eles também não sabem? Dá para me entender?”
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"Culpada? Culpada por quê?" devolveu a pergunta cruzando os braços sobre o peito com um ar de indiferença. "A função daqueles dois era manter esse acampamento seguro e nem isso conseguem fazer! Isso sem contar que deveria nos treinar para lidar com tudo isso e pelo visto estamos completamente despreparados" completou o pensamento com pesar e uma pontada de raiva. Eles não tinham aprendido no ultimo levante de um semideus o que tinham feito de errado e agora pagavam por isso. "Eu não tenho pena nenhuma de julgá-los pela incompetência como gestores do acampamento. Se duvidar tivemos mais mortes nesse ultimo tempo do que nos anos que estive fora "
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messrsrobyn · 6 months ago
July Fic Recap
Total fics: 38 (33 new)
Total WC: 3,614,099
New Fics
Astronomia Nova - sreka (35,774)
Au Pif - sreka, YumeNouveau (30,266)
An Infinte Ocean - orphaned (19,784)
Best Friend's Wedding - amberlink (61,300)
Lupine - BayleyWinchester (8,659)
Casimir Pulsaki Day - breadpoetssociety (11,260)
How Remus Lupin Got His Groove Back - RealityShowJunky (42,766)
early morning, coffee cups - alarainai (76,039)
Evolution is Spelt with an R - de_sire (77,070)
orange juice (i've been ready for you to come home for so long) - raggedypond (39,319)
Lateral Thinking - Sadspatula (20,146)
The Spy Who Loved Him - OptimisticDinosaur, weightghosts (34,801)
Stray Dogs - MsAlexWP (33,988)
Impossible Things - accioromulus (13,952)
The Shower Incident - licensedtofangirl (19,721)
Aevumiter - MarshmalowMilkshake (95,591)
dreaming of after - delmarina (57,727)
back when we were dinosaurs - epicblueblanket (37,779)
My Moony - MsAlexWP (11,619)
aim for my heart (go for blood) - calamitoustide (56,162)
Nothing Fades Like the Light - rollercoasterwords (39,625)
Language Lessons - MsAlexWP (149,612)
Illusion of Transparency - BunnyBopper (26,724)
Impossible Things - accioromulus (13,592)
Azoth - zeitgeistic (88,722)
Moramortia - torestoreamends (146,075)
Love Me Like My Demons Do - anon (130,725)
my love, take care of yourself - littleoldrachel (26,214)
Passion - businessirius (30,000)
Although the Wind - pastapug (37,584)
building up like waves - dustyspines (64,288)
The Mystery of the Pears - sonwar (89,958)
The Heir to the House of Prince - elph13 (648,505 - finishing today but counting it anyway x)
The Cadence of Part-Time Poets - motswolo (979,867)
A Brief History of Dragons - eyra (23,488)
Sleepless in Scotland - multilingualism (8,210)
Rourke - sreka (27,385)
At the Healing Edge of Broken - heartofspells (191,322)
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lottokinn · 4 months ago
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❪  this is a closed starter for @sleeplessness-moonie.   ❫             * na competição das olimpíadas, antes do arco-flecha.
Geralmente ficava um pouco mais empolgada com as Olimpíadas que aconteciam no acampamento, mas esse ano certamente era mais atípico. Mesmo não participando do caça-bandeiras, ainda iria fazer parte dos esportes onde fazia parte. Love estava nervosa por sua competição no arco e flecha, ainda era a primeira bateria do esporte individual, então mesmo com tudo sendo um turbilhão nos últimos tempos, entendeu que a melhor coisa para livrar a mente de pensamentos intrusivos e negativos era a distração. Não era a solução, mas era a melhor alternativa que tinha para tal. Avistando a amiga de longe, acabou correndo para perto de Simone na tentativa de espairecer um pouco antes de fazer sua entrada. ❝ ― Simone, oi. ❞ — A cumprimentou, deixando o arco abaixado enquanto dava alguns pulinhos. ❝ ― Só curtindo e assistindo? ❞
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undercover-grisha · 3 months ago
Relapse (Jesper Fahey Drabble)
Jesper ran his hand over his hair, and sighed. His eyes hurt. His lungs hurt. He was tense, and tired, and his neck hurt from where the bouncer had thrown him out by his collar. His body moved on instinct, and he slammed his foot into the trashcan beside him. And again, and again, and again. He kicked brick instead of tin and grasped at his knee, dropping curses in every language he knew. He stamped on trash, as if the paper wrappers from street food owed him ten thousand kruge.
Kaz watched from the side, hands clasped on his cane. And waited.
“Fuck!” Jesper cried, and kicked at the wall again. His eyes were teary and red, the bright gray sheen clouded in disappointment and loathing. “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Kaz waited.
Jesper finally stopped his fit, and just seemed embarrassed now. He stood away from Kaz, shoulders visibly shaking, trying to reign himself in as he made plans.
“I’ll win it back,” he muttered, flexing his fingers for guns he’d left at home. He sniffed, and scrubbed his hands over his face yet again. “I can… I almost…”
“You can’t, and you didn’t.” Kaz said, voice echoing.
Jesper ground his fingers into his hair, nearly ripping the curls from his scalp in some sort of an effort to escape his body.
“I…” he wallowed for a moment, drinking his plans and pleas and profanities back.
Kaz slowly, slowly, pressed his hand to the back of Jesper’s neck, resting on the tight tendons that suggested sleepless nights. He could almost feel Jesper’s heart beating in his neck like an out of time clock. Kaz stood there as Jesper caught his breath, looking at the street as the boy swiped aggressively at his nose. Then Jesper turned so suddenly that Kaz’s hand jerked down to his shoulder, ready to push away, purely on instinct.
“What do I do now?” He asked, barely a whisper, and tried to redeem himself with a clearing of his throat. Kaz’s eyes flicked over his face, not studying him, he knew Jesper well enough that trying was no longer required. He could just read.
“You go home.” Kaz said simply. “You talk to Wylan. Let him fawn. You lounge in your money. You stay away from the Barrel for a while. And when you feel itchy, you come find me, and I’ll give you a job. Part time. Bartender or something.”
Jesper stared at him, just an infuriating inch too tall, gray eyes big and moony. He sniffed, and wiped at his nose. “Yeah. Yeah.” He said finally.
Kaz patted his shoulder to get him going, and Jesper finally turned, albeit somewhat stiffly, and they began to walk back to the Van Eck Estate.
“You’ll have to wear the Crow Club uniform. I don’t allow gauche in my club, you know.” Kaz noted. And Jesper laughed, maybe a little too loud, head thrown ever so slightly back, and Kaz’s lips moved into a small smile.
And the boys walked home.
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cinnamontoastcrunch-15 · 1 year ago
How to Find a Werewolf (a week before the full moon)
The title will probably change lmfao
7 days
Sirius notices the signs from the moment Remus is awake. He's flinching every single time a fork hits a plate in the wrong way, for starters. Sirius ends up gently kicking both James and Peter, forcing them to catch on. It's clearly much too loud in the hall itself, Remus is barely contributing. Not for lack of trying, but he seems more than a little dissociated.
Then it's the walking.
As much as he's trying to hide it, the slight exhales that come with every step is enough to show Sirius that he's in pain. The hip's usually the first of his joints to start acting up, so Sirius wordlessly starts picking up and shoving Remus' textbooks into his own bag. Thankfully, Remus isn't ready to bicker about that.
No, it's much too early for that.
5 days
It's two in the morning when Sirius notices.
He's a light sleeper, so Remus' tossing and turning is more than enough to wake him up.
For a moment he just observes carefully. He knows full well that Remus is going to be exhausted, and the fact that he's still up means his skin must be crawling.
"Moons?" He says softly, and Remus stops in his tracks.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."
"Nah, s'fine," Sirius waves him off easily. "We can go sit by the window, if you want?"
For a moment, he thinks Remus is going to say no and resign to a sleepless night, but instead he just sighs.
"...yeah. If that's okay."
Sirius is already sliding out of their bed, glancing at James and Peter to make sure they're still asleep. Then, he reaches out and offers Remus his hand. Remus takes it, letting himself be led to the big window. The windowsill was charmed years ago. Initially it was to fit the four of them, but four seventh years can't fit on it even when it's been extended. Two, though? It's absolutely perfect.
That's how the two of them end up sitting together on the sill, Sirius wedging the window open slightly and letting the cool air hit them both. He can see the way Remus relaxes as he starts to cool down, eyes sliding shut. He leans his head back against the wall, and Sirius smiles to himself as Remus finally starts to fall asleep.
3 days
It doesn't take long for the anger to hit.
Remus isn't what people expect when they think of a werewolf before the full moon. He doesn't have all consuming, blinding rage. There's no world where Remus Lupin will turn and start screaming at teachers.
Instead, it usually starts pretty suppressed.
At breakfast, he sees Remus' hand tighten around his goblet the moment Snape strolls past, making another snide comment about the moon. It's enough for Sirius to make a mental note not to push anything too far. Bickering can turn into real fighting and hurt feelings much too quickly around the full.
James, however, hasn't caught onto the timeline the way Sirius has.
They can all see Remus fighting his own tiredness in the common room, quill in hand as he absentmindedly tries to do his homework. Remus' handwriting is shit at the best of times, but before the full? It's barely legible.
Sirius' solution is to walk over and sit beside Remus, not saying a word and just making sure Remus knows he has support.
"Moony, you might need to take a break," James says softly, and Sirius almost sighs.
Poor bugger.
"I'm fine," Remus starts, and Sirius feels him tense up beside him. He tries to shoot James a glance that essentially means 'stop fucking talking', but he doesn't get the hint.
"Minnie's offered you an extention. It's probably best to wait until you feel better."
"Christ, I said I was fine! Get off my fucking back!" He snaps, James lapsing into silence.
Okay, it's hit him too.
Sirius tries to wrap an arm around Remus' shoulder, but he's shaken off like it's nothing, Remus standing. He winces as he does it, and Sirius forces himself to take a breath, not get too het up about that.
"You all just need to fuck off! You're all so bloody clingy!"
With that, he's gone. He turns and walks upstairs, and Sirius just shrugs at James.
"Give him a day, it'll be fine."
1 day
Remus doesn't get out of bed the day before.
Sometimes he does, but recently his good days before the moon are getting fewer and further between. The only reason Sirius actually bothers to go to his morning classes is to take notes for Remus, and he makes Pete promise to get Remus' notes for his last few.
That sorted, he heads up to the dorm, a hot chocolate he got from the kitchen in hand. Knocking once, he pushes the door open to find the curtains drawn in the room, the whole dorm flooded in darkness.
For a moment, he thinks he's asleep, until-
"M'fine." His voice is rough, sounds almost like he's been crying.
Yeah, this is definitely one of the bad ones.
He steps into the room, letting the door shut behind him as he gets to Remus' bed. At first, he sits on the edge of it, Remus not moving.
"I've got hot chocolate?" He tries.
"...could you put it on the bedside table?" Sirius nods, setting it down.
"D'you need anything?" He asks gently. Not that he needs to ask, he knows what the answer is going to be.
"If you- maybe you could... stay?"
He doesn't waste a moment in climbing into the bed with his partner and wrapping his arms around Remus' waist from behind.
"Sorry I was such a twat before," Remus says quietly, and Sirius smiles to himself.
"Don't worry about it."
To be fair, his body is literally getting ready to break itself. In what world is he going to have boundless excitable energy?
Sirius just wants to take care of him.
"I love you," He says softly, shifting his weight to reach up and press a kiss to Remus' temple.
"I love you too."
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whorediaries-09 · 9 months ago
the wound won't close
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort. a/n- it's about you fell in love with something that loves you back and that my friend is sirius black 🗣️🗣️
little train. series masterlist.
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remus slid a plate of pancakes across the table, along with a big old cup of sirius' personal poison-the earl gray. the cup is brightly maroon, chipped from the edges as it touches his lips. sirius takes a small sip, letting the liquid burn down his throat.
'you still got it.' sirius chuckles. remus bemused, scoffs. he slides his long fingers into his sandy locks before answering.
'eat. put some flesh within your madness.'
'well you'd know all about the madness within the flesh, wouldn't you?' he says.
'you never came, sirius. the letter. i showed up and stayed there for about two hours, waiting for you.' sirius gulps before answering him.
'i ended up into a pub. i don't know why or how, but i did. the question is how did you get here?' remus moves his lips to answer, but when you enter the room, coddling with the little owl perched on your shoulder, he thinks better of it.
'he is asking me how i came here.' the owl nips at your ear before flapping it's wings and sitting beside sirius' plate, taking away little nibbles from his pancakes.
'well... i'm working on trying to justify the prejudice against half-breeds. i can't directly do it since i don't have the position in the ministry to, but for that i need a few statements. remus is the only werewolf i knew so.. well i've been in contact with him. that is basically the root of why me and remus know each other.'
'so you're just an angel from heaven.' sirius replies, taking another bite.
'i don't care who is who, padfoot. i need to know what happened.'
'james made peter the secret-keeper the last moment, upon my wishes. he faked his own death to frame me for the murders he committed. the bastard cut off his own finger-apparently the only thing they found from that night.'
'so you're not to blame?'
'no. you know i'd rather die than kill james! he was my family!' he exclaimed. he dropped the fork onto the plate.
'you know, i suspected you to the spy' he whispered, almost ashamed. you could see blood rush underneath his pale skin as tears welled into his eyes. the thought of getting back an old friend was of great joy to him. the thought of not being lonely again was hauntingly beautiful.
'you look like you're about to pass out, sweetheart.' sirius commented, huffing on your state. your papers were spread across the table, your hands stained with ink as you went through the necessary documents. remus had already left for home, leaving you to nurture for him. sirius had taken a nap after his breakfast, leaving you with enough time to sit alone with your thoughts.
'i know.' you replied. with tired limbs, your stretched your aching body. having sleepless nights wasn't of much absurdity to you. you'd spent endless of sleep less nights practicing your spells to be at the position you were. to be an auror at twenty four wasn't something of a joke, yet you'd managed to do it just the same.
even if that meant losing friends and family.
'what are you doing anyway?' he asked. he walked around the table, sitting in front of you. he was carrying a dark blue cup, steam pouring out the rim.
'i'm looking over the things i require and how many people's shoes i have to lick to change a few laws,' you answered, your eyes averting to his form as you answered. his loose linen white shirt was unbuttoned, revealing an intricate design of tattoos on his chest. black sweatpants hung on narrow hips. you could see tattoos emerging from the expanse of the skin on his legs too.
'are you feeling better now?' you asked, collecting your spread out sheets in an orderly fashion. sirius nodded.
'i am, thanks to you and moony.' you packed your things into your bag, handing him a little piece of paper.
'here's my address, sirius. if you need me, you can write to me. your owl will find me'
'are you leaving now?' he asked, looking at the piece of paper tucked into his palm.
'yes.' you said. a brief moment of sadness flashed on his face before he quipped you with another request.
'stay, you're tired.'
'no, i...i'm not' you answered, trying to stifle a yawn half way through your statement. it leaves your lips anyways. he smiles, in a comforting manner, as he rests his face on his palm.
'you're a pathetic liar,' he states, 'you can rest here as long as you want to. i have a free room down the hall.' nervously, you rub the back of your head, trying to avoid the burning gaze upon you.
'that would be of major inconvenience-i don't think-' before you realize, has his index finger on your lips. how he got up from the chair to be standing in front of you with such fast agility was a mystery.
'it is not of any inconvenience, i assure you. it's an extra room! for guests! you're a guest aren't you?' he said. you couldn't quite meet his eyes, afraid you'd be lost in the depth of them.
'i- uh- you're hungover-'
'sweetheart, look me in the eye and tell me if i'm hungover.' he said, sliding a finger under your jaw. you looked into his eyes, trying not to get lost in them.
'i- okay you win. i'll rest,'
'see, i told you! you should listen to me more often.' that earned a tired laughter out of you.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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