#with party hats and shit
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rillils · 9 days ago
what do you think our boys are doing on this special special day
honey!!!!! ILY💕 but also you caught me on a really low-battery kinda night, so this is the best i could do, but. BUT.
i think steve has plans. i think he wants today to be about self-indulgence first and foremost, and the most self-indulgent thing steve can think of doing, is spoiling bucky rotten since the moment bucky opens his eyes.
i'll tell ya what, i think bucky's getting breakfast in bed.
i think the first thing he's gonna see when he blinks his sleep-sticky eyes open is steve, not next to him in bed as he expected him to be, but carefully backing into the bedroom to hold the door open.
steve's almost bashful grin, blond hair still ruffled on top of his head, old t-shirt and pyjama pants riding low his hips - the entire, strapping 220 lbs of his bulk padding awkwardly into the bedroom with a tray of food in his hands: buttered toast, diced fruit, a nice hot cuppa coffee made just how bucky likes it, a tall stack of pancakes with a single candle sitting brightly right on top, steve's hand cupped before the little wobbly flame so it won't be snuffed out before bucky has a chance to see it.
sweetheart, bucky's gonna think, heart feelin' so tender you'd think he'd had it cooking in a crockpot all day long, sweetheart because that's his stevie through and through, and because that's often the first word on bucky's lips in the morning anyways.
i see steve carrying the goodies to the bed while singing 'happy birthday', a little off-key, a little giddy, almost tripping over a couple times 'cause alpine keeps winding her fluffy body around his ankles - she's a domestic hazard, really -
and when he sets the tray down in front of bucky, eyes twinkling with this youthful sort of hope, like a kid about to unwrap his own presents, and asks bucky to "make a wish, buck", his pink lips sweeter than sin, well bucky almost cracks and tells steve his best-guarded secret.
(it's not really a secret, not to either of them, not these days.)
(he don't need to make no wishes.)
(he's already got everything he's ever wanted, and it's right here, in his bed, offering him a smile and a candle to celebrate his life with. offering him the life bucky's finally happy to celebrate. the life they keep building together, adding to it one day at a time.)
i think they end up feeding each other little morsels of breakfast, like say: a slippery slice of strawberry, a piece of nearly-burnt toast dripping with jam, a forkful of pancake soaked in maple syrup. all sweet, all richly decadent. i don't think they end up eating a lot though, not right away.
they reach for each other, fingers nice an' sticky, lips shiny with butter and syrup, and somehow steve's slipping back under the duvet, nestling low, low between bucky's thighs,
and bucky's toes are curling, his whole body sweet, warmed by steve's mouth, arching into steve's kisses, his fingers licked clean by steve's searing tongue, and it's a good job steve doesn't mind getting his hair tugged on a little, bucky thinks a tad wildly - because when steve scoops some syrup off of the plate with his fingertip, and trails it languidly down the length of bucky's flushed cock just to lap it up with the flat of his tongue, bucky isn't sure he knows how to control his hands anymore.
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uwuinhell · 4 months ago
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When your identity issues collide with your feelings of being unwanted ;p
Oops! Loops angst /personal vent!
Only doodle cuz. eepy.
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siflooping · 2 months ago
hold on i have an unhinged idea. au where the person Experiencing The Timeloop is a non-sif party member, but loop is still the same (ex-sif) as in canon. they want to help their time-looping friend of course, but they CANNOT bring themselves to actually talk to them out of grief, alienation, Knowing they'll be seen as a stranger by someone they love, and of course guilt for causing them to be the looperrrrr. you know who they CAN talk to and use as a proxy to help their friend, though? their cute little replacement understudy! siffrin doesn't remember the loops so they'd have to re-explain stuff and/or find the best ways to guide or manipulate him each time. and they'd also need to figure out a way to feed the information they do find through siffrin to the looperrr party member somehow without being too suspicious or giving themselves away because they can't can't can't talk to them. i'm sure everything would go so well and smoothly and normally 👍🏽 and definitely not actively cause more problems and suspicion towards a genuinely relatively clueless siffrin in a way that'll put them in a fun and new Torment Nexus every loop 👍🏽 trust.
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months ago
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sadness siffrin doodling
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
lord give me the wisdom to not actually attempt watching all this
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loracarol · 5 months ago
Poseidon isn't in God Games because in The Odyssey Poseidon was off in Ethiopia receiving sacrificial offerings when Athena asked Zeus to intercede on Odysseus's behalf.
But at that moment, Poseidon was among the Ethiopians, very far away, those same Ethiopians, the most remote of people, who live divided in different groups, one where Hyperion goes down, the other where he rises. Poseidon went there to receive a sacrificial offering to him— bulls and rams—and was now sitting at a banquet, enjoying himself. But other gods had gathered in the great hall of Olympian Zeus.
Which like, yeah, it would be cool to have had Poseidon in God Games, but the fact that it's canon to the Odyssey made me laugh.
But also now I'm picturing an Epic AU where everything is the same, but in Get in the Water, Poseidon is wearing a dumb little party hat and still snacking on sacrificial offerings & he's pissed because he had to leave a party early for this fuck u Odysseus.
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possumkingluca · 2 years ago
this is the exact expression i feel every time my no charisma having ass party fucks up an important charisma roll despite my maxed charisma eloquence bard ass being right here
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ovytia-art · 2 years ago
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For @green-with-envy-phandom-event, line art by fellow red team member @duchi-nesten
I just went through me camera roll for things to add haha.
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wolfram-but-art · 1 year ago
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look at him being all happy and cute in his stupid little fucking party hat look at my boy my wife the light of my life look at him fucking go look
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asterofthedeepforest · 2 years ago
I’m sorry to say it gang but
I don’t think snatcher and barnaby would be friends (◞‸◟)
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pawzofchaos · 1 year ago
-I WAS FUCKINGG RIGHT!! COOKING/BAKING CHALLENGE!! I really hope it's like a "choose a partner to bake with! And then it's the SUDDEN DEATH ROUND"
-Erm "special guest" for episode 7? It's most likely either scary girl or some Gordon Ramsey ripoff, BUT I'D LOVE FOR IT TO BE AN OG CAST MEMBER LIKR OWEN OR DJ OR ZEKE♥️ or Ripper's nonna idfk
-Axel will probably catch a squirrel or smth in the woods, cook it and call it dinner
-more Raj and Wayne moments. Now that Bowie's gone I wanna see Raj being more independent and Wayne supporting him
-more Priyaleb lead ups and moments... Caleb is srsly thinking abt her more and more and falling 4 her
-more cringey ripaxel moments they're kinda like cocaine, terrible but addictive
-speaking of that (🤓☝️), i don't want this to be true AT ALL but I'm thinking that the ripaxel double elimination might happen.... I WANT THEM TO DEVELOP MORE ANF MORE AND I WILL ACTUALLY START CRYING IF RIPPER LEAVES BUT IVE SEEN SO MANY PPL SAY IT AND IT MAKES THE MOST SENSE ☹️
-either that or some random ass combo like Wayne and MK
-or if it isn't even the double elim episode and some other single character gets out
-that bear in episode 6 is revealed to be scary girl in a bear costume 😱
-DAMIEN AND ZEE FRIENDSHIP MOMENTS AGAIN 🙏 they were funneeee I really hope they partner up again and Damien confidence arc continues ("I am going to win this challenge! NOBODY CAN STOP ME!" "Whooo sweet dude! You go! *slurps soda*")
-MKulia vs Raj and Wayne I rlly wanna see them shit talk each other
-I really want the fact that Ripper participated in cheating with his team is brought up again, seeing as Axel hates cheating
-more ripper and axel I'm sorry,, but I'm growing so used to them I think if they break up I will have a mental breakdown (⬅️ emotional issues)
-going back to the challenge I kind of hope it's different, in the way that maybe they have to catch their own food and then prepare it from scrap in the kitchen (Axel you were right bby)
-it's like Nailed It, Chef Chris and special guest are the judges and these ppl make disaster dishes out of wild animals
-Zee's gonna ruin shit for Priya and Caleb in ep 8... and then they might vote him out 💔
-Interns talk
-someone says slay or pookie or smth
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nefja · 2 years ago
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Roadtrip Day #1
We drove 400km which took us 7h because of insane traffic jams. Then we decided to explore the outside of this castle-y thing called the Hercules. It was 27°C and we walked all 539 steps down (plus a little hill)...and up again.
Nefja got to enjoy a stream at the bottom first though (and start collecting the first ticks of many to follow).
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esteemed-excellency · 1 year ago
💫 :D
Some urchins elected Hiram's roof as their base, to snatch as many hats as possible from his guests. They don't trust him enough, as they don't trust any adult, and they would never accept an invitation, because the house is always so full of adults, but they sneak in sometimes when the place is not crawling with people. Coincidentally, they always seem to find a warm meal waiting for them. The house staff is always nice to them, and if they're lucky they'll find a spectacled captain or an old zailor willing to spin a yarn. The Precocious Tosher seems to like Hiram's company and the others agree he's fun to be around. Still, it's better not to get too involved with him, and better to avoid the place if there's no one inside. The mirrors hiss too much. They do appreciate the attic though, it's a bit creepy and full of interesting items, the best place to hang out and tell scary stories.
Hiram finds the hats thefts hilarious and he knows about the attic visits. He always keeps the most hazardous items in his rooms to avoid unpleasant accidents with his guests. He offered to adopt a particularly tempestuous girl once, but she couldn't accept the offer, and he doesn't mind her friends running around on his roof.
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relevant-url-incoming · 8 days ago
i love a good roleswap so it's time to organise my thoughts about one for Caibos and co, featuring characters I have Never Spoken About On Tumblr Even Once:
In this world, Vyme escapes slavery and Caibos and Caloma do not. He becomes the Consular, filled with guilt over what happened to his baby brother and best friend, and is constantly looking for any sign of them. He is kinder here, growing up among Jedi, but still ruthless in pursuit of protecting the people he deems his.
Caloma ends up taking on the role Vyme would have been bound for, a slave-turned-Sith so Zash has someone to use. She tries to look after Caibos once she's in a position to actually speak to other Sith, but he has no interest in her, let alone in listening to Caloma's conscience as she struggles against what her master asks of her.
Caibos is furthest from himself - shortly after Vyme's escape his father learns that he is, in fact, very powerful in the Force, and decides that actually he doesn't mind having a half-human kid so long as this one's Sith blood seems to be winning out. Plucked from a mother and pseudo-sister who care for him and plopped into a world that wants him only for the power he has, he remembers only enough of his life before to hate Vyme for leaving and his mother and Caloma for being reminders of who he could have been. Anyone who meets him notes the wild cruelty brimming under the surface, the desperate anger - but maybe not the fact that it's hiding how much he misses being loved.
Vasha ends up a smuggler here - she finds out about Kayva's disillusionment with the Republic before signing up, and there is so little left to her in terms of career options she ends up taking to the skies as a smuggler half out of desperation. Still, she clings to her belief that the Republic is perfect and ideal and all she has to do is uphold those ideals to make the galaxy better. (she does not know that Kayva in this is so done with the people she once served that she became a bounty hunter - this reveal goes even worse than when trooper!Vasha finds out Kayva left to become a smuggler)
as mentioned, Kayva (originally a smuggler) is so hurt by the things asked of her in the army that she turns her back on the Republic altogether and becomes a bounty hunter, thinking that it's the best way to make her own way and be beholden to no government. that doesn't last long given the Empire's predilection for using bounty hunters and the fact that any name she could make for herself would be weak unless she had Mandalorian connections, but Kayva pushes back wherever she can, refusing to be backed into a corner as best she can. she's been used enough, she says, knowing she's still being used
Laree (an agent originally! someday i'll talk about them) is funneled into the army when the SIS project that raised them folds after most of the others die/escape/murder various SIS agents. She figured the best chance they had at survival was to feign continued loyalty, and lets Garza tell him what to do until the moment he can get out of this obedient role altogether, whether that's through promotion or leaving the army
Ansehi (originally a bounty hunter) was one of the escapees that Laree didn't follow, and in this she takes shelter from the people hunting her with the one organisation she can think of that would be on par: Imperial Intelligence. Ansehi is a skilled assassin and spy thanks to her past, but the more she sees of the galaxy the more she wonders if maybe right and wrong extend beyond what makes her feel safe or not. Interestingly, it's not far off from her original storyline - but as a hunter she never had loyalties to worry about, and here she feels beholden to those who are kind to her; if they want her to kill, doesn't she owe that to them?
Arcusas (if you're keeping track, he's a sith warrior in the original universe) fully intended to be his family's golden boy. He wanted to prove himself to his parents, to every Sith, to the emperor himself - and then some Jedi padawan with sith heritage has the gall to kidnap him and drag him away from the Empire, essentially forcing Arcusas into a Jedi's life since everyone around him seems to think he's brainwashed or something. This is, according to Arcusas, stupid, and he can't decide if he hates Vyme or wants to cling to the only other person around who should have been Sith, but he lets them mold him into a Jedi knight. for now. just a little while, because he doesn't need people to be gentle to him. it's only temporary.
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walks-the-ages · 4 months ago
You convinced me to vote for Jill Stein. I was feeling so defeated about voting no preference or not voting but I'm a single issue voter on genocide I guess and couldn't bring myself to vote for a party and administration that was perpetuating it. So it was kind of liberating to vote third party and vote FOR something instead of just against something. All those people saying just vote and some of those same people saying you shouldn't vote third party, it's like does my vote count or doesn't it? So hypocritical. If you're not willing to vote for something better than what's the point? And the Dems haven't moved left and haven't done all the things in the last four years they're promising to do in the next four so again, we need to let go of that dream that we can "move them left." Anyway I guess just thanks for being thought provoking on this issue!
yep, last two elections I was so full of anxiety the entire time, absolutely terrified of what was gonna happen come election night and after...
but this time, after seeing a full entire year of genocide, of learning more and more about US history and the things our government has done and explicitly continues to do under both democrats AND republicans, I voted third party for the first time for the Green Party and I will probably continue to vote Green for the rest of my life, honestly.
I did Early Voting in my state, and here on election day, I am calm, knowing one of the main two is going to win, but knowing that I am also one of the people who won't go down in the history books as embracing the genocide.
I'm doing what I can to help, both online (signal boosting) and in my local community .
The people who spend their entire life frothing at the mouth about "we just need to vote blue no matter who just one more time! The canidate doesn't need to be perfect!They can commit genocide even! They just need to be wearing a blue hat while doing it!" every 4 years online.... I really can't say that I confidently believe these people engage with their local communities.
and yeah, you hit the nail on the head.
"Every vote counts! But no, don't vote like that! That doesn't count!"
"Every vote counts only when its in favor of my blue-hat-wearing genocidaire, any vote for literally any third party is just you literally voting for the red-hats! Ignore the complete lack of logic in this statement! Don't even ask if conservatives voting for a conservative third party are also somehow voting for the red-hats, or if by my logic, their vote is magically going to the blue-hats when they vote yellow-hats instead of red!"
Vote Scolders and genocide apologists really need to come to grips with the reality that if you're constantly, for almost a decade now, being "forced" by a two party system to "choose the lesser evil" and that "lesser" evil continues to push right wing policies, lose national protections for abortion and queer rights including trans healthcare, and is literally currently committing genocide and bombing multiple countries who actually try to stop the genocide, and embrace literal modern day hitler by inviting Netanyahu, a literal war criminal with an arrest warrent out for him in multiple countries to come speak directly to congress where the "good, lesser-evil" party gave him over 20 standing ovations for spouting genocidal rhetoric....... uh, first of all, you're not voting for a 'lesser' evil of any kind, you're just voting for an evil you think will be slightly more convenient for you, and you will happily throw entire nations into concentration and death camps if it makes you feel slightly more cushy and secure and two --
we don't actually live in a democracy if we are "forced" by a two-party system to vote for two equally genocidal fucks who don't represent any of their constituents and live on lies, lies, and more lies.
Democrats continually refuse to even consider raising the minimum wage and happily embrace funneling millions of dollars to Cop City so we can even further militarize the police here so they can better kill people every single day, while Trump gains voters by making wild promises that he's gonna make overtime be paid out in triple pay instead of time and a half that he, clearly, being a fascist billionaire fuck, never intends to fufill, but sounds good to the people who have been voting Democrat their entire life but never seen any material benefit from it (and yes, that is a real example a coworker gave me of why they were initially considering voting for trump, but then decided they're just not going to vote at all because none of the candidates actually feel good for them, and their family is split down the middle calling anyone who doesn't vote for their favorite side a traitor, ) etc.
Anyways, thank you for the anon, I am glad I could be of help!
Endlessly voting for "The lesser evil" just leads to anxiety and despair; actually putting your vote in for a candidate you want to vote for is one of the most freeing experiences possible if all you've been old enough to vote in is these constant Doomsday Elections.
There's a lot of ways to get started making connections in your local community, and the one I have started with and inspired many others to as well, is to simply start a garden, learn how to grow food and save seeds, and start sharing that with first your direct surrounding neighbors, then your neighborhood via online groups, and beyond! I've gotten many people into growing their own food and then beyond to sharing their harvests just by simply informing people "if you are buying colored bell peppers or tomatoes, or bags of dried beans, you can literally just plant all of those seeds" and watching their faces become full of wonder.
Oh and if you want a theme song for voting third party after voting for the lesser evil all this time lol:
anyways for anyone who hasn't voted yet, here's Jill Stein with the Green Party's ballot access map:
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and here is their platform:
To all the "Vote Blue No Matter Who" crowd who actually do care about Gaza, but you're absolutely terrified of this election because of what everyone has been saying about Trump ending the world if Democrats don't win:
Remember, you are allowed to change your mind.
No one else can see who you voted for.
You do not have to decide 5 months in advance of an election that you're going to be voting for x and then have that decision written in stone.
The only time its too late to change your vote is after you've already cast your ballot.
You can go into that voting booth thinking you're gonna vote for x, and then see the screen or the paper and realize you really, really do not want to support the ongoing genocide.
After you have cast your vote, if someone asks who you voted for and you don't wanna say you voted for the Green Party........ you can literally just lie. Especially if its going to protect you from predatory friends or family who are part of the doomerist "vote blue no matter what they do" crowd.
Same goes for Republicans, or people who think they have to vote for Trump because their entire family is strict MAGA supporters.
You do not have to vote for Trump. You can vote for whoever you want, including third party. No one needs to know who you are voting for. If your maga friends and family demand to know if you voted for Trump too, you can..... just say yes.
No one is obligated to know who you voted for. If you want to vote for a party that is actually trying to make a difference in how much shit there is in the world, but you need to protect yourself from friends and family, you can simply lie and say you voted for their favorite candidate "of course!"
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gender-euphowrya · 9 months ago
i seriously don't get how any country can call itself a democracy without having classes dedicated to teaching how politics work in its schools
#like you're just expected to figure it all out yourself#they'll teach you advanced maths you'll never need to use for a day in your life before they teach you the difference between right & left#the most we got here was like. one subject where they would tell us how the government works like the different branches & all#how elections worked etc but. nothing about how to actually pick who to vote for#nothing about how to actually understand which parties want what or how to decode politicians' speeches#like. people get handed fucking fliers telling them all about what this candidate wants to do if elected#and that's supposed to be enough. but like. people don't get this shit ! you never told them how to !#they don't know dick about the economy or policies or jobs or whatever else#they just look for little keywords in the pamphlet that ring a bell to them and vote for the guy who said the most of those#democracy is a 2 step process it's not just Letting People Vote they have to be informed and educated to make their choice first#but they're not ! nothing prepares you for voting ! it's all left up to You to inform yourself and FUCK most people do Not. lol. lmao even#do you really think your average schmuck is gonna sit down and research the intricacies of each political ideology before picking one#or do you think they're just gonna turn their tv on and vote for the guy who screams loudest#do you think if USamericans were politically savvy donald trump would ever have been president#do you think his winning over so many voters wasn't just a case of ''he said lies they wanted to hear''#do you think if stu mcyeehaw from bumfuck arizona had been taught what ad populum fallacies were he would still have worn the red hat
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