#ansehi: very excited to learn about this new not murdering thing
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relevant-url-incoming · 23 hours ago
Ansehi is an absolute delight of a person who also happens to be a highly capable killing machine. You know, as one does. With a childhood spent restricted, sheltered, and honed into a weapon behind her, she takes great joy in simply wandering the galaxy and experiencing things not because someone told her to but because she chose it.
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One of those delightful experiences for her is the idea, slowly introduced to her by various bounties and sob stories she runs into, that maybe she doesn't have to use murder as a first resort. This sounds... Kind of obvious, but it wasn't just that her only tool growing up was a knife, it's that she was the knife. If someone offers her an alternative she will take it, just for the sheer novelty, but if needed to make a split second decision she will always default to slitting throats and making headshots.
Her "sister" Laree, trained by the same program that created Ansehi, wants revenge on their old SIS minders and uses their more sociable skill set to get it. Ansehi was never much of a liar, or even really a talker, though she finds it easier the more she hangs around people she genuinely likes such as Mako (so nice! Unheard of!) and Gault (he reminds her of Laree, except Ansehi is pretty sure Gault wouldn't do nearly so much murder). She also doesn't care about revenge. The specific people in charge are dead now - she helped - and so all that's left is moving on. She's not one for introspection, even though the more she learns of the galaxy the more it beckons to her. Someday (read: the end of the class story) she'll have to give in and consider what she actually wants, on a grander scale than the in-the-moment consideration she prefers. Still, she wants to avoid that as long as possible.
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relevant-url-incoming · 8 days ago
i love a good roleswap so it's time to organise my thoughts about one for Caibos and co, featuring characters I have Never Spoken About On Tumblr Even Once:
In this world, Vyme escapes slavery and Caibos and Caloma do not. He becomes the Consular, filled with guilt over what happened to his baby brother and best friend, and is constantly looking for any sign of them. He is kinder here, growing up among Jedi, but still ruthless in pursuit of protecting the people he deems his.
Caloma ends up taking on the role Vyme would have been bound for, a slave-turned-Sith so Zash has someone to use. She tries to look after Caibos once she's in a position to actually speak to other Sith, but he has no interest in her, let alone in listening to Caloma's conscience as she struggles against what her master asks of her.
Caibos is furthest from himself - shortly after Vyme's escape his father learns that he is, in fact, very powerful in the Force, and decides that actually he doesn't mind having a half-human kid so long as this one's Sith blood seems to be winning out. Plucked from a mother and pseudo-sister who care for him and plopped into a world that wants him only for the power he has, he remembers only enough of his life before to hate Vyme for leaving and his mother and Caloma for being reminders of who he could have been. Anyone who meets him notes the wild cruelty brimming under the surface, the desperate anger - but maybe not the fact that it's hiding how much he misses being loved.
Vasha ends up a smuggler here - she finds out about Kayva's disillusionment with the Republic before signing up, and there is so little left to her in terms of career options she ends up taking to the skies as a smuggler half out of desperation. Still, she clings to her belief that the Republic is perfect and ideal and all she has to do is uphold those ideals to make the galaxy better. (she does not know that Kayva in this is so done with the people she once served that she became a bounty hunter - this reveal goes even worse than when trooper!Vasha finds out Kayva left to become a smuggler)
as mentioned, Kayva (originally a smuggler) is so hurt by the things asked of her in the army that she turns her back on the Republic altogether and becomes a bounty hunter, thinking that it's the best way to make her own way and be beholden to no government. that doesn't last long given the Empire's predilection for using bounty hunters and the fact that any name she could make for herself would be weak unless she had Mandalorian connections, but Kayva pushes back wherever she can, refusing to be backed into a corner as best she can. she's been used enough, she says, knowing she's still being used
Laree (an agent originally! someday i'll talk about them) is funneled into the army when the SIS project that raised them folds after most of the others die/escape/murder various SIS agents. She figured the best chance they had at survival was to feign continued loyalty, and lets Garza tell him what to do until the moment he can get out of this obedient role altogether, whether that's through promotion or leaving the army
Ansehi (originally a bounty hunter) was one of the escapees that Laree didn't follow, and in this she takes shelter from the people hunting her with the one organisation she can think of that would be on par: Imperial Intelligence. Ansehi is a skilled assassin and spy thanks to her past, but the more she sees of the galaxy the more she wonders if maybe right and wrong extend beyond what makes her feel safe or not. Interestingly, it's not far off from her original storyline - but as a hunter she never had loyalties to worry about, and here she feels beholden to those who are kind to her; if they want her to kill, doesn't she owe that to them?
Arcusas (if you're keeping track, he's a sith warrior in the original universe) fully intended to be his family's golden boy. He wanted to prove himself to his parents, to every Sith, to the emperor himself - and then some Jedi padawan with sith heritage has the gall to kidnap him and drag him away from the Empire, essentially forcing Arcusas into a Jedi's life since everyone around him seems to think he's brainwashed or something. This is, according to Arcusas, stupid, and he can't decide if he hates Vyme or wants to cling to the only other person around who should have been Sith, but he lets them mold him into a Jedi knight. for now. just a little while, because he doesn't need people to be gentle to him. it's only temporary.
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