#with no overtime or benefits
caulo · 2 years
@nnoiffu replied to your post “funniest thing about being medicated for ADHD is...”:
moving from art to business was the best decision i ever made and now im an analyst and i would not trade it for anything
yeah i feel like you get me lol especially because i know you and i share very similar views of both our capitalist hellscape + value in art ( creating, and receiving; visual, written, or otherwise )
​i am having a lovely time drawing daily again, focusing on improving fundamentals again and revisiting projects/ideas i've had for years. tomorrow i am hosting a three hour figure drawing session in an art discord, and i'm really excited about it. i am actually struggling to play video games, because i am just more interested in drawing all the time, and it feels great.
and honestly one of the last things i want to do right now is try to take all that, and the enjoyment i'm getting out of it, and adjust it to the current environment of professional art - one of the og hustle cultures lol.
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idsb · 10 months
Holy fuck I am so ANGRY and idk what to do
#basically like. okay I was hired for the job I have rn with the intent of being a ‘part time’ employee#I am currently a ‘casual’ employee which means no benefits and no promised hours#but I’ve been working 35 hours/week#to compensate for missing out on those things ‘casuals’ get $5/hour extra#I was TOLD that casuals also did not get overtime pay or holiday pay or anything#and then was told I had to get my paperwork to transition in to part time submitted RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY#or else it wouldn’t be in until the new year#right okay so I wanted the 250% salary increase for holiday pay on Christmas and NY’s so I got the paperwork in#only to discover#after I got the fucking paperwork in#that casuals ALSO GOT 250% PAY ON CHRISTMAS#and the same overtime pay rules as part time employees#the only difference is paid leave and I won’t work there long enough for paid leave to matter that much#SO I BASICALLY JUST THREW $5/HOUR INTO THE DUMPSTER#and now I have to work 4 days a week to make what I was making working 3 days a week?????#when I already fucking hate this job???#and like idt it was intentional but I was mislead by my boss like she had the incorrect information#and it would’ve been one thing if I knew this in advance so I just ~*oopsies*~ didn’t get the paperwork in#but now that I DID get the paperwork in I can’t undo it without being like hey yeah I actually don’t want the entire reason why I was hired#I’m so fucking goddamn ANGRY#idk what the fuck to do#like that’s $200 entire dollars less per week#LIKE $1000/MONTH#ONE FUCKING PLANE RIDE HOME PER MONTH#I had started feeling like things were turning around as well and life just fucking DECKS me all over again#I don’t know what the fuck to do#I can’t fucking believe this
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entriprises · 1 month
my full time job? yeah i work the 9-5 in a game of emotional battleship with oliver @fyrewalks
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noirandchocolate · 10 months
Dear Diary,
Today with my day off from work I: 1) deep cleaned my bathroom; 2) deep cleaned the kitchen; 3) vacuumed the whole house including cleaning dust bunnies and stuff from around the baseboards; 4) hung some pictures; 5) baked cookies for two get-togethers; 6) made needed changes to my D&D character to reflect a new level, so he’s ready for tomorrow’s game; 7) washed the couch-covering blanket and put it back on; and 8) played with Penny outside so she enjoys enrichment.
And there’s still time to do more!!
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jackkatzz · 2 months
;^; my boooooyyyyy aaaaa he is well and staying strong and I am so very proud of him T^T
Soon!! Soon I'll see him again! My most handsome and wonderful @solunest ! For now, have a Jaith and Emeryll chibi doodle I'm sending him
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Cosmos above, I am anxious and want this wait to be DONE alreadyyyy.. I am a strong man, but DAMN IT I WANNA SMOOCH MY HUSBAND Ò^Ó
But!! we may be getting married sooner than originally expected and I am EXCITED!!! HE WILL ACTUALLY BE MY HUSBAND THEN!! :D!!
(May open commissions soon to help fund things, we shall see)
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moth--knight · 2 months
finally going 2 quit my shitty job @ the semi infamous company that keeps getting (rightfully) dragged on social media.......everyone cheer
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sixears-macaque-yt · 3 months
Hey mayor what are your work hours
"I'm in my office to talk with constituents from 9-5 on weekdays. Like a good leader!"
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rhysnolastname · 3 months
i would rather start my work day at 8am and finish at 12 than start at 12 and finish at 5 like broooo my whole day is gone
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cygniavenue · 5 months
probably not such a hot take over here but we need to abolish the 40 hour work week and it needs to stop being the norm right now
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17gz · 7 months
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i think i might go forward w the full time position at my job. happy yet defeated.
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kirwell · 1 year
writing villains be like
Me: *wants to write a good, comprehensible villain whose motives make sense, and the amount of effort they put into their schemes doesn't feel like overkill for the sake of the plot* Also me: "😭 aw poor baby is so hurt!! so angst😔 Everything you do is valid for your current mental state, bless🙏 you're allowed to reek mayhem because of that one betrayal that you probably could've gotten over, but a baddie gotta be bad💅🔥 and nobody understands, but I do it's okie king 👑💖"
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lobstermatriarch · 8 months
One of my new supervisees is the biggest bootlicker I’ve ever met and I genuinely have no idea how to deal with this power dynamic
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wizardnuke · 9 months
woke up at 8am to call out of work and rb a few posts then slept til 12. 10hrs sleep babey. why did they try to put me at a 40hr shift have we met. i don't do that shit babygirl. ill happily work 32 hr weeks but god i need three days off
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dailyfigures · 2 years
I saw your tags on the poll results, who is your $400 preorder 👀👀
it's the estream denji......i keep telling myself it's fine because i can still cancel him and i'll just decide when the time is there but i can feel in my bones i'm not gonna cancel him
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mtjester · 2 years
I’m tired of my coworkers not finishing the work they promised and leaving the team scrambling to create curriculum last minute I’m tired of doing the brunt of the work for three different courses when my coworkers are only teaching the one course I’m tired of my coworkers using the work I created and the data I compiled on their gradwork that’ll justify an increase in their pay when I get no pay increases for my own work I’m tired of the workload I’m tired of the hypocrisy I’m tired of the lack of compensation I’m tired of the burnout of education
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paralien · 2 years
... tfw you apply to a job as a 50-60% employee because you've got reduced health because of a intensive surgery you never truly healed from because of a birth defect that never got dealt with as a child so you had to deal with it as an adult and surprisingly the place you applied to says yes and gives you the job despite your history of health issues but surprise, boss has signed you up as a 100% employee and then goes on 2 weeks of vacation before you can sort out your work schedule and remind them that hey you only applied to a 60% position 😳
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