#one nice thing is I don’t have to cook dinner tonight cause we’ve got leftovers of my bombass chicken meatball spaghetti
noirandchocolate · 10 months
Dear Diary,
Today with my day off from work I: 1) deep cleaned my bathroom; 2) deep cleaned the kitchen; 3) vacuumed the whole house including cleaning dust bunnies and stuff from around the baseboards; 4) hung some pictures; 5) baked cookies for two get-togethers; 6) made needed changes to my D&D character to reflect a new level, so he’s ready for tomorrow’s game; 7) washed the couch-covering blanket and put it back on; and 8) played with Penny outside so she enjoys enrichment.
And there’s still time to do more!!
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chibinekochan · 3 years
My biggest treasure - Ft. Mammon
Mammon is a Goblin in this au.
This is part of the Monster tales au Series
You have been on the hunt for this treasure for a while now.
Having all the information about its whereabouts, defenses, and most importantly feeling morally right.
Its owner is a scummy guy after all.
This gem will not only bring you some nice cash, and bringing it back to its rightful owner will surely feel good too.
With well-planned moves, you make your way towards the big mansion.
Now you have to climb the wall. You have studied the moves of the guards.
They won't be around for a while.
With quiet steps, you move in the darkness. Only a few moves are needed to scale the wall and carefully jump on a neighboring tree.
Swiftly scan the area.
It seems the dogs haven't noticed you yet.
You want to keep it that way and continue your way on top of the trees. Carefully navigating through the shadows, practically becoming one of them.
Slowly, the lights of the mansion come into view.
The carefully kept garden is now in front of you.
The shrubs will offer you a little cover and the dogs might sense your presence. You smirk. Time for the real challenge to begin.
You take a deep breath to strengthen your nerves.
With ease, you jump from the tree and run at high speed through the garden, occasionally jumping over hedges.
By the time you hear dogs barking, you have already climbed the balcony and wait for clear air.
The guards check the hedges, but of course find nothing.
You smirk when they shrug and go back to their posts.
You wait a bit longer and then carefully and quietly open the door.
Your body is moving low and fast, knowing exactly where your target is. Lucky for you, the scumbag has a huge ego and displays what you are looking for right in his living room.
You sneak in the shadows, listening to every sound. It's quiet. You can only hear your own heart and breathing.
Then you see it slightly shimmering, illuminated by the moon. The gem you are looking for.
You calm your nerves and steady your hands.
Then suddenly you hear a commotion, loud barking from the outside. Some lights in the mansion turning on and glass shattering.
Unsure what just happened, your instinct kicks in and all you can do is run.
Light starts to shine into the room, causing the gem to sparkle as if to mock you.
You run towards the nearest window, ready to jump out.
When suddenly something passes you at high speed. For a moment you pause until you notice it's a person.
This must be whoever interrupted you.
You have no time to stay, you hear the guards closing in.
With little choice, you run and jump after the stranger.
The guards behind you yell, and the dogs chase you.
There is no time for anything else but running. You run in a straight line towards the wall. Following close behind the other person.
Once you jump the wall, you have to make sure that nobody is following you. You can still keep an eye on the other person.
Only catching a quick glance at them. White hair and blue eyes. You take a mental note of it.
Your pursuers are still behind you, and you decide to go deeper into the forest to shake them off or at least to hide.
You can smack the guy another time.
By the next day, you are back in your home. The loss of income is a hard blow to your family,, but it can't be helped. It's better to be poor but free.
Your siblings were disappointed,, but you can make money more honestly until another opportunity arises.
Hopefully, the medicine for your smallest sibling will last long enough. Worryingly, you eye the half-empty bottle.
"It's okay, we will work hard and buy more." Ian, the 2nd oldest, Ian, has seen your worries.
You ruffle their hair. "Don't worry about it. I will trade some herbs with the pharmacist and in the bar tonight again." You smile to ease their worries.
"You work too much." The 2nd youngest, Eva, looks worried.
"We have to get food, so we can cook a good meal. I will catch fish for us." Ian is suddenly super motivated.
"Yeah, I will get some veggies from our garden. Rest so you can work hard for us later." Eva has taken care of the garden and grown some stuff.
Your heart is filled with pride, and you hug them both. "You guys are the best, just don't forget to play with your friends too." You feel bad about being so poor,, but it can't be helped. After losing both parents, you are left as the oldest to take care of them.
And you do everything for them, even if it means stealing.
You go and rest for a while until sunset.
Then you cook the fish and vegetables that your siblings got for tonight. They are very good kids. You are very proud of them. You make soup for your youngest sibling, Owen.
"Dinner is ready." You dish everyone up, making sure your siblings get more than you.
"Looks great." Eve beams at the food.
"I worked hard for this fish, so you better eat it all." Ian looks at both of you sternly.
"Thank you both for the food." You are truly grateful to them.
"Will you have to go again soon?" Ian knows well that I have to leave them alone sometimes due to my 'nightwork'.
It can take days to get the treasure and to get my money. Not even mentioning the time I have to spend hiding. Still, the pay is so high that I can't afford not doing it.
"I will have to see,, but currently I have nothing lined up." I know it's hard for them when I'm not here,, but there is no other way for me to afford the medicine.
Ian seems troubled.
"Don't frown, Ian, we can handle everything just fine." Eve pats his back.
"Well, of course, but I'm worried about you." Ian becomes confident, but then frowns at you.
"Haha, I can watch out for myself. I'm plenty strong." I giggle. Sometimes he acts like the dad. It's sad that they all have to grow up so fast.
"Yeah, like the time you beat that bear. That was so cool!" Eve's eyes sparkle.
Ian shakes his head. "That was scary."
"I gotta agree with you. I will go and check on Owen. He needs to eat." You worry about the amount of food he eats. It's definitely not enough.
The others keep bickering, and you walk into the room. You open the windows, fill the pitcher with water, and check on Owen. He looks at you with tired eyes,, but he is smiling weakly.
"Hey there, sleepy head. Time for food." You smile, trying to hide your worries.
"I'm not really hungry." He says with a weak voice.
"It's very tasty. So why not try a bit?" His state breaks your heart,, but you fight through it.
Owen nods and you help him sit.
You feed him slowly. He seems to like it. This is relieving.
At some point, he can't eat anymore. "You ate half a bowl today. Great work." You encourage him.
Then you change his bedding and shake his pillows before giving him his medicine.
He frowns.
"I know it's bitter, but it helps, right? I have an apple for dessert if you take it all." You bribe him with a sliced apple.
"Pudding would be better." Owen smiles sheepishly.
"Pudding makes everything better. I will see what I can do." Sadly, even pudding is a luxury for us. I wonder if I can get a portion for everyone?
"It's alright, I like apples." Owen knows more about your situation than he lets on.
Owen bravely takes his medicine and eats a few slices of the apple.
You bring the rest to your other siblings.
Then you do a few chores before heading to work.
It's going to be a long night, you can already tell.
The bar you work at is a bit rowdy, the patrons are ruff, but overall good people. It's usually fun to work at the place.
The gruff owner is a nice guy, who often gives you 'leftovers' or stuff his wife made that he apparently really doesn't like. You know that neither is true,, but you are also not one to just take handouts, and he is also a bit awkward,, so this is how you two handle things.
"Hey, I'm in." I say hi to the owner, who grunts at me.
I start to clean the floor and prepare everything for opening time.
"Hey, the wife made some strange stuff again. Please take it off my hands' kiddo?" The owner shoves a box towards you.
It's definitely food that smells great. "Are you sure? It sure smells nice."
"Get it off me, before I toss it out." The owner frowns.
I take the box. "Alright, thank the wife for me." I smile at him and put the box in the back.
"You're gonna make her believe her food is any good." He grumbles.
"Don't let her hear that,, or she might believe you." I grin at him, knowing that he loves her food.
He shrugs. "We've got game night tonight so if it gets rowdy, feel free to kick them."
With game night, he means gambling. It's not really legal, but it brings good business but of course also some strange people.
"Sure thing. I hope we get some big spenders tonight." Usually, the drunken winners give nice tips.
"You just keep dreaming big kiddo, as long as we make money I'm happy." He keeps cleaning glasses while talking.
You clean the last few tables and get the gaming stuff ready, it's just a box of dice, cards and such things.
Slowly the guests are pouring in. Most of which you know on a first-name. They order their usual. These guests aren't only here for gambling, they are here on most nights anyway.
Then when night breaks a different clientele is pouring in and filling the tables.
They all know the game. Trading money for snacks or coasters. Some use their means of hiding the money in play.
The owner keeps a close eye on everything from a distance. While you keep filling glasses.
Nothing strikes you as odd until you see a Goblin on one of the tables. This by itself isn't all that unusual, all kinds of folk come here after all. This goblin somehow strikes you as odd.
Then suddenly you realize, his hair color is white. That is certainly unusual, sadly you can't see his eyes since he wears yellow-tinted glasses.
This might be the guy that screwed you over. You feel anger rising at this realization. Even if he probably didn't mean to, he still cost you a nice paycheck.
For a while, you try to keep a close eye on him but the other customers keep you busy.
Especially when a guy wins big and throws around for everyone. Of course, this is a cause for celebration for everyone.
Now with the alcohol level raised you have to use your kicking abilities a few times. Nothing out of the ordinary.
You handle yourself well and the owner kicks a few rowdy guests out.
Finally, it calms down a bit in the early hours of the morning.
You sigh deeply, but it was pretty successful. You got a big tip from one guy.
The goblin is forgotten by now.
"I don't need you for the rest of the night." This is the owner's way of telling you to go home and rest.
"Thanks. Don't make too long." You glance around at the few leftover guests.
"No worries, I will kick em out soon." He grumbles.
You take the food and head out the backdoor.
The cool night air feels good on your skin, you take a deep breath and start walking.
Once, you pass by a tight ally, and you notice a group of guys harassing someone.
Under your watch! It seems to be three guys, all rather drunk. You can take them.
You walk towards the guys. "Hey, I think that's enough."
"Huh, what's that? Are you kiddn me?" One of the drunks looks towards me.
"Whatever that guy did, he had enough. You all don't want to go to jail for killing a guy, do you?" You huff at them, trying to look bigger than you are.
"Aw, come on, he has it comin. This guy is a cheat." The other man kicks the poor victim.
You shake your head. "Come on guys, just go home, he learned his lesson."
The guy on the floor groans. "I'll be good, I swear." He doesn't sound super convincing, to be honest.
The drunks shuffle around. Seemingly unhappy to leave.
"Guys go home. You got your money back, so your wife won't be mad,, but they might be if you are in jail for murder." You try to convince them.
The guys seem to freeze up. "Ah, well, it's late anyway. You better not show your face here again." With that, they shuffle off.
You sigh with relief when they walk away. You then go to check on the man on the floor.
Now you notice it's the Goblin you saw earlier. His glasses are shattered on the floor, revealing his blue eyes. So it might be that thief from the other night after all.
"Ugh… that hurt. Thanks for that." He staggers while trying to get up.
"You might want to go to a doctor for these injuries." You glare at him.
"What's with that look? Do I know you? D-don't tell me I owe you money?!" Suddenly he seems to be much better and gets up. Seemingly trying to get some distance between you.
"I don't even know you." You glare at him. "Though I'd say you owe me for saving your butt." You feel like he is pretty ungrateful.
"Well, thanks then… Umm, I got no cash, but here I got this necklace." He rummages through his pockets and pulls out a necklace from somewhere.
He dangles it in front of you.
You can only frown at it. "Gee, thanks."
"Hey, it ain't any day that I give stuff like that. So be grateful." He huffs at you.
"I'd be more grateful if it wasn't gaudy or fake." You take the clearly fake jewelry. Maybe Eve will like it.
"Fake? You can tell with just one glance?" He seems impressed.
You feel like he has just seen right through you. "It's a special talent." You shrug and play it cool.
"Well, in that case. I could use your special skills for a job. I need someone to tell me what the valuables are." He changes right into business mode.
"Are you offering illegal work to me?" You act all offended.
"Come on, the job in that dingy bar doesn't pay well. I'd split 90:10." He smiles at you.
"I gladly take that 90 percent, very generous." You know that's not his offer,, but he somehow irritates you.
"It'll be 10 for you,, obviously." He shakes his head.
"No, thanks. I don't trust you anyway." You glare at him.
"Fine, how about 30 percent?" He throws his hand up as if he is being generous.
"More like 70 for me if you can't even tell what's fake." You can't believe that you are still talking to this guy.
He sighs. "Alright, I get it, same risk same reward right? So 50:50. My last offer."
"You seem quite desperate. What kind of stuff are we talking about here, anyway?" Now you are getting curious.
"It's an old mansion. Real old money. Real old scum, too. I just want to grab some of their valuables. It's not like they're gonna miss it anyway." He is vague,, but you somehow feel like you know what place he is talking about.
"Does that happen to be the raven mansion?" The place where your heist was interrupted.
His eyes go wide. "How'd you know?"
"Let's just say that I got interrupted in my own business by some amateur." You glare at him.
"Wait… t-that was you? Oh man, you were ama… umm I mean you were okay." The tips of his ears glow dark.
"You should grovel for what you have done. Screwed me right out of a job." Finally, you can let your anger out.
"I had no idea you were there. I'm sorry." He seems at least half earnest. "So that only means you already know the place, and you can finish the other job there too. I'd take no cut of that either. See, I'm very generous."
"Says the guy that offered me ten percent." You huff at him.
"That was just testing the waters, I'd given you at least 30." He puffs his cheeks. "So it's all settled then?"
"No, I still don't trust you." You eye him carefully.
"What would it take for you to take the job?" He asks, also looking for a sign of weakness in me.
"Well, first of all your name." This is an important first step, at least.
"Ah, could've said you were interested. I mean, you were eyeing me in the bar the whole time. I'm down if you are." He calmly shrugs.
You take a step towards him. "You wish." You look him right in the eyes, glaring at him.
He awkwardly looks away. "J-just saying I'm a handsome goblin…"
"I have seen better. Besides, it means that you checked me out, doesn't it?" You grin at him.
His cheeks turn dark. "N-no, I just felt a burning gaze on me the entire time."
"That was disdain and nothing else." You cross your arms.
"Call it whatever you want." He huffs and turns his head awkwardly. "Anyway, how am I supposed to show that you can trust me?"
"How about telling me your name?" You eye him with suspicion.
"I'm the great Mammon. Better not forget it." He puffs his chest in a display of pride.
You don't acknowledge his presentation whatsoever. "What are you planning to do with that treasure?"
"I'm gonna sell it for cash to pay some debts. I might keep a thing or two for my collection too." Mammon seems pretty honest about it, at least.
"With that, you mean you pawn it and gamble." You only can guess,, but his behavior at the bar speaks volumes.
He seems to feel called out. "Hey, I'm good at gambling, just some people think I'm too good ya know?"
"Nobody is good at it, it's just luck and in your case cheating. You should know better than to gamble all your cash." You start to lecture him.
"I get it, I get it." He sighs. "You sound like my big bro." He sighs deeply. "So, this is all you want to know?"
You think for a moment. "I don't know,, but I guess it's enough for now. I'd wish I had some security at least.” You sigh. "I know it can't be helped."
"I get ya, you've got a life you can't just go or whatever." Mammon seems to agree with you. "Alright, I don't like doing this,, but I got something that might convince you." He then starts to rummage through his vest, he obviously has some hidden pockets in there.
He then produces a gold coin. "Here ya go. I want it back after the job is done. So better not lose it." Mammon seems a bit reluctant to let the coin go.
"This coin seems important to you." You carefully inspect it, it's real, but there seems to be some story here.
"Goldie is my personal good luck charm." He looks almost fondly at the coin.
You smile, somehow this is cute. When you realize your smile, you make your face freeze once more.
"Alright, I acknowledge you as my partner." You reach your hand out to him.
"So that's what it took,, huh?" He seems a bit confused but also relieved.
You shake hands and the deal is sealed.
Mammon suggests a meeting point in a few days' time. He needs to heal and prepare after all.
You also have to make sure your siblings are taken care of. So this works for you.
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talesofstyles · 5 years
Did I Break It?
A domestic dad!Harry and husband!Harry, where you share a glass of wine in the kitchen and enjoy scraps of the kids’ leftovers while trying to figure out Year 3 maths homework. Oh and followed by quite a realistic smut because some nights aren’t just meant to be, right?
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Honestly, you thought you’d be done with maths when you finished school. Well jokes on your younger self because here you are, a little over a decade later, nursing a much-needed glass of Riesling as you work through equivalent fractions to check on your son’s homework while Harry deals with bedtime stories upstairs. Or so you thought, because now you hear the sound of the stairs creaking (that would probably finally get fixed by the time your last baby turn eighteen), followed by familiar footsteps coming into the kitchen. There’s absolutely no need for you to lift up your head and glance towards the arched doorway, because you’d recognise that sound anywhere. But you do it anyway.
And there he is, your husband, making his way into the kitchen looking all happy and soft. Although you won’t deny the fact that he does look like he needs a wash and a good night’s sleep, because that’s what being in charge of bedtime routine for four young children aged eight and under does to you. But even then, the combination of exhaustion and pure joy on his face that makes him look very much like a dad, is a sight you enjoy getting a front-row seat every night and one that you wouldn’t trade for the world. 
“Tha’ was quick,” you comment as you feel two arms sliding around your waist, and then a chin drops onto your shoulder. You let out a small, contented sigh, before setting down the white wine on the kitchen island and wrap your arms around his.
He cheekily takes the opportunity to pull out one of his arms from around your waist, and proceeds to steal your wine from the counter. “Hey!” You protest, eyebrow raising playfully at the sight of him smirking before taking a sip.
“Wha’?” He feigns innocence as he sets the glass back down on the counter. His smile is still playful as he looks down on you, before leaning closer to give you a soft, chaste peck just beside your ear.
“I haven’t cooked for us,” you start before you take another slug of your wine. “If you’re hungry, think there’s still some leftovers in the kids’ lunch boxes.”
“Oh, no school dinners this week?” Harry asks as he makes his way to the other side of the kitchen island where your children’s lunch boxes are sat. He opens one of them and immediately begins munching on a baby carrot.
“Nope,” you shake your head, and you frown when you see the untouched veggies and a nearly full sandwich with only one or two bites max missing. Although the treat is surely gone. “Whose is that?”
Harry flips the lid to see and mumbles your daughter’s name, before helping himself to the cold sandwich. “She only took the KitKat,” he laughs.
“Your daughter,” you roll your eyes comically.
“Nope, nuh uh, she’s all yours ‘cause I swear to god you’re just as picky when it comes to food,” Harry teases you as he takes the last carrot stick before moving onto the second lunch box, grinning proudly when he finds it perfectly empty. “Now, this is my son.”
“S’tha’ so?” You muse, realising the fact that he’s right and you’ve lost this one.
“Mhm,” he hums. “One hundred percent my boy.”
“Here, check your boy’s homework then,” you can’t help but grin as you slide his maths book across the counter.
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy,” he mutters jokingly as he catches the book, and his eyes widen as he looks at the questions. “Whoa, equivalent fractions. Year 3 kids do that now? What ‘appened to number lines?”
You let out a hearty laugh. “I know right?! I’m pretty sure I did this in Year 5.” 
“Okay, we’ve got this,” he rolls up his sleeves, making you laugh even harder, before tucking a pencil behind one of his ears. “Six over twelve is blank over ninety six. Fuck, what’s ninety six divided by twelve?”
“Now’s the time to use yer brain innit, big head?” You tease him this time.
“Oi!” He complains, trying to sound annoyed but the smile plastered across his face is hard to miss. “Be nice t’me.” 
You chuckled. “When am I not?”
Harry rolls his eyes in response, before he takes the pencil from behind his ear and holds it between his teeth instead as he tries to figure out the next question. There’s something about the way his brows knit together, and the way he bites his bottom lip when he takes the pencil from between his teeth and begins scribbling some numbers down on paper to count properly because his phone is charged upstairs in your room, that makes you can’t keep your eyes off of him. Although technically, that isn’t new, you two have disgust people around you by your inability to keep your eyes (and hands) off of each other for years. But there’s just something about him tonight that makes you all mushy. 
You know how much he loves prancing around the stage in front of thousands, sparkly suits and all, and you hope he gets to do that for the rest of his life. But seeing him right now, looking all cuddly and soft and the epitome of a family man doing the mundane things like eating the scraps of whatever is left from the kids’ meals and double-checking their homework, your heart swells at the realisation that this is what he meant to be. 
“You’re staring,” he shoots you a playful smirk. A little part of you hates the fact that your cheeks still flush, even after ten years of marriage and four babies later, for being caught staring. But the bigger part of you loves the fact that you still blush because of him, that he still makes you feel something you can’t even describe, and she wins.
“Sue me,” You challenge him, both of you smiling simultaneously.
“Nah,” he grins and shakes his head. “M’just as guilty.”
“Hey,” you start, pausing to take another slug of wine before you continue. “We haven’t shagged in a while.”
“S’tha’ you asking?” You notice how his grin grows ten times bigger and you love it, even more so with the familiar pair of dimples digging into his cheeks. “Does mummy want a shag? Hmm?”
“Harryyyy,” you whine in protest, because he knows how much you hate it when he calls you mummy, completely the opposite of him who gets crazy whenever you jokingly call him daddy. The word feels strange coming out from literally anyone else besides your own kids. “You’re ruining the mood.”
Your son’s homework is now forgotten on the other side of the counter. He stops behind you, sliding his arms back around your waist just the way he did earlier before he turns you around to face him. 
“Wha’?” He feigns innocence once again and you roll your eyes. “Yer a mummy,” he states, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, still grinning ear to ear. “Mum t’me babies.”
“Yeah,” you respond in a sarcastic deadpan. “I wanted Ryan Gosling’s babies.”
“Funny that you’ve just said this now,” he retorts. “Four babies later.” 
You can’t help but giggle, and you pull him by his waist even closer to you so you can wrap your arms around him. “M’joking. I love you. Love ‘avin yer babies.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, and you notice the way his lips quirk into a gentle smirk. “I can probably squeeze one more in there, then, hmm? Fifth baby, the cherry on top?”
Your eyes widen in terror. “Oh no, no no, don’t get any ideas,” you warn him. “Four is a good number.”
He lets out a giggle. “It is the best number,” he agrees. “And don’t worry, m’joking. Unless…” he trails off and smirks at you.
You push him away only to have him pulls you back into his embrace, before bringing his face down to meet yours and lock your mouths together.
“Not gonna take me to our bed first?” You asked him, eyebrow wiggling playfully when you finally break the kiss.
“Thought you love me shaggin’ you in the kitchen?” 
“I’m a lady, Styles.”
“Yeah, right,” Harry laughs. “M’pretty sure at least half of our babies were conceived here,” he mutters, before he leans closer again to give you another lingering kiss. 
“Wait,” you stop him and pull back. “I’m not hungry but it’s okay if you wanna have a proper dinner first?” 
He licks his lips, smirking at you. “Got my dinner right here.”
“Wow,” you chuckle. “That line still works?”
“We’ll see now, won’t we?” Harry murmurs before he starts leaving a trail of kisses from your jawline down your neck. 
“Bed,” you remind him.
“As you wish, darlin’.”
It feels forever before you finally reach your bedroom upstairs, but when you finally get there, he wastes not another single second before he pushes you against the door and kisses you hard. He lifts you up into his arms and strides over to the bed, and both of you fall into the mattress together.
Your breath hitches and your head loll to the side as his mouth finds your collarbone, his lips warm but his tongue even warmer. You feel his hand runs down your back before he plays with the seam of your shirt, slowly inching it up and you savour the feel of his warm hand as it brushes across your ribs. He barely lifts your shirt up and over your head before you sit up and reaches behind your back to unclasp your bra, and not wasting much time before you move your arms quickly as they slip out of the straps and toss it somewhere on the floor.
He starts kissing down your neck and over your naked chest. And you let his hand wander further south, cold fingers creeping underneath the waistband of your shorts, giving you a sneak peek of what’s to come. 
You hold your breath when you feel his palm against your clothed core, before you feel him slowly pulling his hand out and begins fumbling with the button of your shorts.
“Fucks sake,” he mumbles in annoyance when the button is being stubborn, and he pulls himself up for a second to see and try to figure out how to unfasten the bloody thing.
You let out a giggle before you sit up to try and help him out. But as you raise your head, he’s coming back down to have another go at it, resulting in you whacking him right on the bridge of his nose. Harry groans in pain as he rolls into his back, covering his face with both hands as he does.
“Oh my god!” You quickly sit up and try to lower his hands so you can see his nose. “Are you okay? Are you bleeding? Is it broken?”
“Mhm,” he nods his head to assure you that he is okay. You wait for another few seconds before he pulls his hands away. “Am I bleeding?”
“No, but you’re crying,” you grimace. “Harry, I’m sorry.”
He let out a chuckle as he wipes his own tears. “Hey now, s’alright. I’m alright, yeah? Don’t worry. No blood, just a little tear.”
“Rain check?”
“Hell no,” he grins before his mouth attacks yours once again, taking your breath away. He holds himself up while he hungrily kisses your lips, slowly bringing you down to lay on your back again. 
His five o’clock shadow is soft against your flushed face, dragging against your skin with every movement of his lips. You pull away when you feel his fingers fumbling with the button of your shorts again and giggle. “Let me get that.”
“Probably a good idea,” he nods and begins working on his own boxers.
After you manage to discard every piece of clothing without any further incident, things are progressing rather quickly and smooth sailing and before you know it, he flips you over so you’re on top of him. Both of you smile at the same time, realising the switch of power, and you notice how much he is trying to savour the rare occasion.
You lift up slightly, feeling the tip of his cock settle just where you desperately need it to be, before you slowly sink home.
“Save a horse, ride a cowboy,” he jokes and you snort.
You slap his chest playfully. “Shut up, you’re ruining the moment.”
Soon enough the laughter and pained groans are replaced by passionate whimpers and gasps. He searches for your fingers to intertwine with his, and while it’s heartwarming, it makes you lose your balance and you can feel him slipping out of you. You try to reconnect without letting go of his hands, but you miss and feel him jab hard against the crease of your inner thigh. You quickly jump off of him as he cries out in pain and folds back on himself.
“Fuck!” You sit up straight away. “Harry, are you okay? Shit, I broke it, didn’t I? Oh my god, tell me, did I break it? Do we need to go to the A&E?!” 
“No, no, s’alright,” he tries to calm you down, and while his words are comforting, looking at his face you know that he’s not okay.
You run your hand on his back, trying to soothe him. “Did I break it?”
He let out painful laughter before he takes a deep breath. “No, you didn’t,” he starts. “Although I hope you’re happy with four ‘cause I don’t think we can have more after this.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologise again, cringing at the sight of him clutching his manhood in pain.
“Really, s’okay doll,” he tries to comfort you. “No worries, yeah? S’not broken, I promise. It’ll be up and runnin’ before you know it.”
You chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood. “It really wasn’t meant to be tonight, huh?”
“Married you, didn’t I? Got the rest of our lives to shag” He grins, and it’s either the pain has disappeared or he’s just a really great actor. “‘Sides, this makes a pretty great story.”
“You’d never let me live it down, wouldn’t you?”
“Nope,” he shakes his head in laughter. “Hey, remember when you almost broke my nose AND my dick in one night?”
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Queen Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fourteen is Here.
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Summary; A shape-shifting girl with a bad past is recruited by Nick Fury into the Avengers. It’s there that she finally starts learning to let people in again and she’s especially intrigued by a blond haired and blue eyed Captain America. Will she learn to let him in? Will her past actually stay in the past?
A/N; Super excited. Next chapter is going to be craaaazy.
Warnings; Language
Words; 3,730
Chapter Fifteen
Nat and I draw the eyes of everyone in the room when we walk in, so just Steve, Tony, and Clint. Their eyes all widen, and Nat slips away from me and heads towards Clint.
“Did you shower together? Because I wouldn’t be against seeing that.” Tony teases. I roll my eyes at him.
“Well, no one else was joining her, so…” Nat says playfully, bringing a blush to my cheeks once again. Tony laughs and Clint smirks, but Cap’s face just turns even more surprised as he looks at me. I head over to Tony and Steve sitting on the couch. I put a hand on Tony’s shoulder and kiss Steve’s cheek, noticing the space left between them.
“She was kidding.” I tell Steve. He makes an oh sound but it sounds fake and teasing.
“Hey, Queen. We saved you a spot.” Tony says proudly. I pat his shoulder with a giggle and nod thankfully.
“Thanks, Tony, but I wouldn’t want to come between you and Steve.” I wink at both of them. “I’m going to grab some food.” I tell them and walk over to the kitchen. As soon as I open the fridge and see eggs, I grab them and put them on the counter. I jump a little when I hear a sharp metal clang behind me. I whirl around and find Steve setting a pan on the stove. He smiles sheepishly at being caught helping, but I think it’s sweet. I go over and put my hands on his newly shaved face. He grins and puts his hands gently on my wrists.
“I didn’t know that if I didn’t take you up on your offer you’d find someone else.” He teases. I sigh with playful exaggeration.
“We didn’t shower together. She brought me some clothes and braided my hair and we just talked. Really.” I explain. Steve chuckles and runs his fingers down my braid.
“Uh-huh. I like the braid by the way. And the sweatshirt.” He tells me. He leans down and his breath tickles the hairs by my ear. I giggle as he whispers, and I can hear the smile in his voice when he does. “It looks much better on you than on me.” Then he lets me go and grabs the eggs from the other counter. “Now, let me make you some eggs.” I laugh and nod.
“Deal. Bacon?” I ask, already spinning and grabbing it from the fridge. He hums in confirmation and grabs a pan for me. I get a fork from a drawer as he sprays the pan. I turn the stove on and smile when the bacon sizzles when it touches the hot pan. As the bacon cooks, I grab a clean plate and put paper towels on it to absorb the grease. I remember seeing Steve doing the same thing before. I glance at him as he cooks and take note of the little things he does. His eyebrows furrow just a tiny bit with concentration as he stirs the eggs in his pan, making sure he’s not too rough so it spills. Every once and a while when it gets close to spilling I see his shoulders stiffen and his lips get white from pressure before the tension fades and he releases a breath, as if he just avoided a crisis. It’s incredibly cute. I reach up on my toes and kiss his cheek, unable to resist him. “You know, you’re really cute and sexy when you cook.” I tell him quietly, moving pieces of bacon to the prepared plate. I look back at him and find his cheeks brushed with pink. I purse my lips to stop my ear to ear smile and ask him a question instead, “So who taught you how to cook?”
“Well, my mom was a fantastic cook. We didn’t have much money for a lot of ingredients, so she learned to get really creative with the things we could afford.” He chuckles lightly, “I remember almost every week we’d have a stew made up of whatever was leftover and it was almost always delicious. No idea how she managed it. But she always let me help with something, so I guess that’s where I get my love for cooking from. Actual experience probably came after my mom passed away. I lived with my best friend…Bucky.” He hesitates slightly before saying his roommates name, but when he does it’s as if someone pinched my heart.
“Bucky?” I say the name and it sounds familiar and affectionate coming out of my mouth. Steve doesn’t notice, too caught up in his memories.
“Yeah. It was one of our first few days of living together and I was trying to do something nice for him. He was letting a skinny punk with asthma live with him, so I figured the least I could do was make him a good breakfast. Relatively, anyways.” I focus back on Steve as he tells this story, although Bucky’s name keeps echoing inside my head. I keep my eyes on the task in front of me, listening to Steve intently. I don’t have to look at him to know he’s smiling softly as he speaks. “I failed miserably. I burnt the toast and the spam to hell, even catching the toast on fire.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “I was seconds away from setting our apartment on fire when Bucky came crashing over, throwing the pan and the toaster in the sink. He put water on everything then gave me this look, it was a sort of mix between admiration for messing up so bad and anger for almost killing us both. But Bucky, he just shook his head and put his arm around me, squeezed my narrow shoulders and said, ‘I’ve got to teach you how to cook before you singe off your eyebrows and burn this place to the ground.’” He smiles wildly at the memory, but when he’s finished his eyes are a little shiny. “So, Buck taught me how to cook after that so I didn’t murder the both of us and burn all our food.” He ends and so does our cooking, everything is done. I move the pan off the heat and turn towards him, pushing the annoying itch that Bucky’s name brought up.
“That sounds really nice, Steve. Thank you for telling me.” I thank him quietly. I love hearing about his family. I have never had any experience with stuff like that, until now. He looks at me and smiles sadly.
“Thanks for listening, Ria.” He says and I smile at him. I grab the bacon and take it to the table and Steve takes the bowl of scrambled eggs. We sit down next to each other and start eating in silence. The others hear our plates hit the glass table and come over too. But Tony just makes a sandwich with the bacon and doesn’t eat any eggs, while Nat and Clint take both.
“Your turn to cook tonight, Rogers.” Tony reminds Steve. I perk up a bit and glance at Steve with thinly veiled hope. He feels my gaze and nods, saying yes to my silent question.
“We’ll cook together.” I say and Tony glances from me to Steve.
“Oh. Well, better eat before.” Tony teases and Clint grins from across the table with Nat. I chuck a bit of egg at Tony and it hits his crotch, causing him to look at me with mock betrayal. I see Steve’s smirk and that just makes it even better.
“Honestly, I’m not sure if we’ll be home for dinner tonight, guys.” Nat says seriously. “We’ve got to get Victoria’s parents off the streets.” She looks at me, gauging my reaction. I purse my lips in indecision. I put my fork down and absentmindedly feel my wrists, still able to feel the restraints.
“I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea.” I say, staring at my knees through the glass table.
“Victoria. They’re dangerous. We’ve got to put them away before they start to hurt other people, or worse, succeed with their experiments.” Clint tells me. I look up at him and nod.
“I understand and agree with you, but I don’t think any of you understand how dangerous this actually is.” I say cautiously. All eyes are on me, waiting for me to really explain. I sigh, resigned. “The mission wasn’t to kill any of you.” I tell them, watching Steve out of the corner of my eyes. “It was to bring you to them.” Silence settles over the room uncharacteristically. I continue to fill the silence. “They’re scientists, inventors at heart. Imagine the kind of person they could create if they combined me with Steve, or Wanda with Vision.”
“A monster.” Nat whispers and I nod reluctantly.
“Exactly. Someone who wouldn’t be able to be stopped, not even by us. So, understand that I can’t take you to them. That’s exactly what they want. I will not have any of you ripped apart and remade. I just won’t.” I end, my eyes landing on Steve’s. I see that he understands, but I also know he can’t stand doing nothing. I watch the war in his eyes. It’s between protecting the team, and justice. Those things are high up in the heart of Steve Rogers, but I know which will win. I start shaking my head at him, telling him no.
“Come on. There has to be some way we can do this.” Tony says, looking between Cap and me. I shrug, almost sure that there isn’t. Clint and Nat stare at the table with furrowed brows, trying to come up with a plan. Steve, meanwhile, continues staring at me.
“If we all go in, they can’t catch all of us. We’ll take care of them, then make sure the rest of the team is okay.” Steve says directly to me. I hesitate before answering, weighing our options. I press my lips together absolutely hating the thought of going back and putting the team, my real family, in danger. I look from Tony to Steve and feel my eyes go steely.
“Okay. Okay fine. But look me in the eyes Steven Rogers, look me in the eyes and tell me you would be okay with having what has happened to me happen to any other member of the team. Tell me that Steve, and I’ll go.” I tell him with a calm voice, anger and fear bubbling inside of me. His lips part a little, but he doesn’t answer. Everyone at this table knows his answer. I jump a little when I feel Clint’s hand on my shoulder. I look at him and find his face firm, resolute.
“We’re all willing to risk that, Victoria.” He says. Slowly, my eyes travel around the table to the faces staring back at me. Each face reflects Clint’s and I know they all think the same thing as him. I press my lips together when I finally land on Steve’s face last. I nod at his puppy eyes and he nods back once.
“Alright. Suit up. We leave in ten. I’ll go find Wanda and Vision and update them. Make sure they’re on board.” Steve says and everyone disperses. Nat and Clint are out the door in a second, nearly skipping out arm and arm. Tony watches me, but walks out too, slowly, coolly. Steve and I remain. I stand and he does too. We both stand there for a moment, just breathing. Then, I turn towards him and kiss him full on the lips. His lips are pouty and taste like breakfast, I’m sure mine do too. I’m on the tips of my toes and his hands are immediately at my waist, steadying me. One of my arms is wrapped around his neck and the other has my hand in his blond hair. My hand makes a fist in his hair and the other in his shirt, unwilling to let go of this ever again. While Steve seemed surprised at first, he seems to be getting used to being randomly attacked by me. His lips respond under mine with the same tenacity as mine, although I suspect if he could taste an emotion on my lips it would be fear, while his would be confidence. We separate and lay our foreheads on the other’s. My eyes are closed, breathing him in.
“If I lose you Steve Rogers, I’ll kill you. You hear me?” He laughs and that brings a smile to my face, albeit a small one.
“I love you too, Ria.” He tells me and my eyes snap open in shock. His are already open and looking into mine, sure and deep as always. I laugh and give him another quick kiss for knowing me better than myself. I step away from him reluctantly, feeling more alive than ever.
“Okay. Go, you have to tell Wanda and Vision. I’ll borrow one of Nat’s suits.” His mouth turns up a bit at the sides as he pulls me back to him.
“You aren’t going to say it back?” He teases, whispering in my ear the way he knows drives me crazy. I shove him away, shaking my head.
“You’re such a little shit. You know I love you.” I tell him and he laughs, nodding. He gives me one last look before jogging out of the room to find Wanda and Vision. I shake my head and start jogging too. I head to my room, I think I have one of Nat’s suits there. I burst into my room, face still red and a stupid grin still on my face to find a suit laying out on my bed. I walk over to inspect it and find that it definitely isn’t one of Natasha’s. It is a dark color, but it’s definitely more navy than black. A little tag rests on the middle of it. I take it and read it, grinning. “Tell me if you need help putting it on. Tony.” I put the card down to the side and pick up the suit. The material is smooth like leather but stretchy like spandex. I’m out of my clothes in a second and putting it on in the next. Despite Tony’s teasing about needing help, it goes on like a glove and feels like a second skin; breathing and moving with me. I run to the bathroom and balance precariously on the edge of the bathtub to see myself in the mirror. As suspected, the suit fits me tightly, but comfortably. A dark red stripe wraps around my hips and another two go up then veer, going around my shoulders to mirror the back. A thin white stripe goes with them. The colors make me think of Cap’s suit, but much darker. Long sleeves reach out to my hands, but leave my fingers bare. The suit ends at my ankles, but Tony left me some dark red combat boots that I put on. There’s a silver star in the middle of my upper back as well as seven between the lines of red and white stripes on both my shoulders. Finally, just under the scoop neck that shows off my collar bone, is an animal paw print. Silver, just like the stars. I trace it with my finger, loving that Tony thought to make this my symbol.
“It’s the pawprint of a Bengal tiger you know.” I jump when I hear his voice just outside the door of the bathroom. I hop down and slap his now incased in metal arm.
“Scared me half to death!” I scold him. After my heart slows and his smirk fades a bit, I turn for him to admire his suit. “It’s beautiful, Tony. I absolutely love it.” Tony just nods.
“Of course. You needed one as part of the team. The suit will change with you and meld with any part of you that comes outside it. Like if you suddenly wanted a third arm. Plus, consider it a birthday present.” I shake my head at his extravagant gift. He smiles, tapping the stars on my shoulders with glee. That’s when I realize what they represent.
“The stars are the team.” I say. He nods, almost laughing. “And the one in the middle of my back is-”
“Cap, of course.” Tony teases, winking at me. I shake my head.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that I’m wearing his colors too. Subtle, Tony.” I call him out and he shrugs, admitting it.
“Whatever. I just can’t wait until you two get married and have super babies. Then I’ll make them suits.” He laughs as I hit him, blushing red.
“Come on. It’s time to go.” I tell him and head to the balcony. Tony puts his helmet on over his grinning face and hands me a com before flying up and off the balcony. I insert it with a frown before jumping off the edge, letting myself fall for a little bit before choosing what to shift. Instead of doing an animal like usual, I do a complicated shift as I fall. Just before I hit the ground, black, huge wings pop out of my back and halt my descent. I wobble as I fly back up to Tony, but by the time I get there I can fly pretty well.
“Damn.” I hear his voice in my ear and I grin.
“Alright. Ria? Tony? Where are you?” Steve’s voice comes over the com and I look down at the ground for him. Upon sharpening my eyes, I do, as well as Wanda, Vision, Sam, Rhodes, Nat, and Clint. Rhodes, who I haven’t met yet, and Vision fly up to meet Tony and I. Everyone else is on motorcycles and ready to go. We all swoop down until we’re hovering just above them.
“Ha, it’s a bird!” Clint teases and I stick my tongue out at him childishly.
“Seriously, I thought I had dibs on the bird thing.” Sam says saucily. I find him on his motorcycle with his hands on his hips. I giggle at the sight. Rhodes comes over to me in his shining silver suit and holds out a hand.
“Hey, I’m Colonel Rhodes.” He introduces himself nicely and I shake his hand.
“Uh, Victoria. Nice to meet you.” I greet him back, but my eyes are on the civilians staring at us from the ground.
“Do you always have, uh, wings?” Rhodes asks me and earns back my attention.
“No, no. I can shift into whatever I like.” I explain as well as I can in the circumstances. He moves back over beside Tony, but I can hear him talking through the com.
“Oh, well that clears up everything.” He says and I smirk. Once again, my eyes look down at the growing amount of people. We draw some serious eyes and looks from people around us, and it makes me fidgety and nervous. Hopefully, I’ll be seen as an Avenger and not a monster. Flashes go off around us and I know we have to hurry before we draw too big of a crowd. I look at Steve and calm down when I see him looking at me in awe.
“I’ll guide everyone there. When we go in, I think we should split off into groups, but not too small to make us unsafe. Cap, you call it as I take the lead.” He nods to me with a proud smile. I turn and start flying, hearing the motorcycles behind me rev as the team follows me. Here we go.
*     *     *     *     *
We reach a part of the city that’s mostly broken down. The buildings are stained with unknown substances and whatever isn’t covered in cracked concrete is covered in brown, dying plants. If anyone here were to see anything, they wouldn’t say a word. I land in front of the team as they all dismount their bikes. I hope they aren’t particularly attached to them because when we come back they’ll probably be gone. Tony lands next to me as I stare at the old building in front of us.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I hear him say and somehow I find it in me to laugh dryly.
“No one would ever dare to walk into an asylum. Especially if they heard screaming coming from inside. Besides, even if they did, everything is underground. That’s where the old scientists would do illegal lobotomies. Fitting, right?” I joke, but there’s no humor in my voice.
“Damn. You know, you may be even more metal than I thought you were.” Sam says on my left and gets a real laugh from me. He walks behind me, looking at my wings. I retract them and hear his quiet gasp. “Damn.” Sam says again before walking over to the rest of the group.
“Hey, Queen. You okay?” Tony asks kindly. I laugh again, humorlessly, before turning to him.
“No. Not even a little bit.” I respond. Tony pulls back his helmet so I can see his face.
“It’ll be okay, kiddo. We’ll watch each other’s backs. That’s what this team is.” He assures me. I nod, not confident at all. The team forms a circle and everyone’s eyes go to Steve.
“Alright. Time to split. Tony, Nat, Wanda, and Clint, you go around back and head in. Sam, Colonel Rhodes, Victoria, and I will meet you in the middle. Vision, stay outside and make sure no one gets out.” Everyone nods as Steve doles out orders, all except Tony.
“No. I’m sticking with you and Victoria. Send Rhodey with Natasha and Legolas.” He objects and offers a new plan. Steve looks at Tony, examines his expression, then nods. Tony shuts his helmet, but not before I see him grin.
“Gee, thanks man.” Rhodes complains and Tony shrugs.
“Alright, just remember, these people want to catch us not kill us. Use that to your advantage.” Steve ends and we all head towards the abandoned building. Dread fills my heart as we approach the doors and it takes every ounce of strength in me to not turn back. Just before we enter, Steve grabs my hand and nods at me. We go in, the doors close, he releases my hand, and then we begin.
Chapter Sixteen found HERE.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Today was....eh. I think we've officially proven that my mind constantly racing anxiety isn't going to go away now that finals are over, so I REALLY do need to call my psychiatrist because I don't want to go over 3 mg of Xanax a day without talking to him but he's never in his office and I do have his cell phone number but I don't want to bother him, and now I have a 9-5 job so I'd have to call sometime during work and.....ugh. I'm not happy. It's like I just can't get my brain to slow down and it's killing me because everything I do feels like a list of tasks I have to get through as quickly and efficiently as possible. Bake this, make dinner, watch your tv show (I'm not even kidding), check your favorite tumblrs, then maybe relax but still probably thinking unstoppably the whole time. Ugh. But anyway, today. Dragged my ass out of bed at 7 am for the first of many days this summer (like, 50 or so) and got ready for work. Bus to work, the bitchy security guard who hates me wasn't working the metal detector for once so that was nice (I still beeped but hey, it's the little things). Got to the office and reported to the lady that handles internships and such, and she says I can go back to my old office for now so I can go over my final evaluation with my old supervisor (since I am officially assigned to a new calendar). This is their internal evaluation, not my school's one. So I go over it with him and of course most of it is overwhelmingly positive because he thinks I'm great, but there were comments in there like "some of the other attorneys felt Rachel could seek out work for them more often" or that I have issues following directions and like.....that's complete bullshit???? On multiple occasions I made it known that I had nothing to do and would like an assignment, even doing it several times in one day. And I know I followed the damn instructions on every one of those assignments, or at least the ones I was given, but based on the description he gave it was the same attorney who was trying to start shit with me in the beginning of the semester so she's a whack job anyway. He did write that I had stated I did so these things in the report, so that's good. And he was like, you know, I want this to be very positive for you because if you apply for a job here they'll go back and look at this and I wouldn't want this to be the reason you don't get the job and I'm just like uh yeah, me too!! So in all honestly it wasn't that big of a deal but like, it honestly did not put me in a good mood for most of the rest of the day. Sigh. Shortly after that though one of the people from my new calendar came and took me down to court since my official mentor was out on some sort of assignment. So I met everyone in the courtroom, they all seem nice enough. One of the PDs on the child death case I've been working on was in there but she's from the conflicts division so I know she's not assigned to one specific courtroom (we didn't say hi to her). So that was good, and we watched some court. Then I think we went back upstairs and I met my new supervisor/mentor who I immediately recognized as one of the people who had participated in our child interview training so I knew who she was. So I hung out with her for a while and she showed me some stuff (I don't have too many clear memories of what happened here) and then there was definitely a period of time in my old office where I had another episode of freezing so much that I put my winter coat on and was like huddled in on myself and couldn't stop my eyes from closing over and over again, and I'm beginning to get somewhat concerned over these incidents because they're getting quite frequent really and I don't know what to do about them besides get more sleep which is well, not terribly easy. And then there's the lunch issue. I've been having this issue where for the past couple weeks I'll make my big meal on the weekend and I'll eat it that night, and then when I take it as leftovers for lunch throughout the week I'll suddenly have like, no interest in really eating it and just straight up not want to. I was testing this today because I made the chicken pasta dish I love so much, but I still felt myself shoving the chicken down my throat, telling myself it was good for me so I feel compelled to eat it. And like, I know that's not terribly healthy eating behaviors and I try not to make myself eat anything but idk, I don't really know what to do because I don't want to just give up and rely on processed food all the time, but like my body just doesn't want to eat what I cook??? Idk, I really have no idea what's causing it. Ugh. But anyway. After lunch we went back down to court a bit and watched a little before heading back upstairs and I went into my new office. Somewhere in all the mess I had been given my first assignment that I was trying to work on during the morning but we had a bit of a tech fail. It was basically to listen to a bunch of phone calls between a perp and the mother of his kid that he's jailed for abusing and just making note of anything they say about their daughter or wanting to get back together (I know, telephone surveillance, I definitely felt a bit like the NSA here). So we had it all set up and then when I went to press play nothing happened. So I try again, and again, and try every other thing I can think of to get it to work. So I go back to the lady who gave me the assignment, who got the tech guy, who came and sat at my computer for a solid 20 minutes before becoming totally stumped and being like "I'll be back with my higher ups" and I think some time after that was when I began nodding off for perspective's sake. But now I was gonna be in my new office so they could just get this computer to cooperate.....but that also proved a challenge and they ended up like, swapping the computer out for another one and it's not fully mended but they said they'd get it done tomorrow morning. My supervisor and I went over some stuff she had coming up I've the week, and she wants me to do a child interview with a 5 year old girl on Wednesday, so I read her case file. Poor kid, man. The file was filled with reports, both unfounded and indicated to both her and others by different people in her life and it's just like man, this poor kid has had to have had it rough. So hopefully that will go well. So I took some notes and brought them back to my supervisor and she added a few things she wanted me to have in there, and said it was pretty good. I went home shortly after this, except I ubered home for good reason, because I left the cookies I had made for my dinner tonight on my kitchen table tonight and I couldn't just not show up with cookies when I said I was going to bring cookies, so I ran up there and ran in and out of my apartment then back downtown a bit to my friend/supervisors apartment. Turns out that although the meeting was supposed to be for all the kids ministry coaches, it was heavily dominated by the babies team because we basically all showed up and every other team had like, one person there lol. So we ate pizza and talked and laughed, and ended up playing two truths and a lie as a kind of get to know you game for our new family ministries director. Mine were 1) both my parents are lawyers (false) 2) all my siblings were born on dates with negative connotations except me (true) 3) I once hopped the gate of a monastery in Scotland at 3 am (because that story is just too good to not bring up). And I fooled pretty much everyone, lol. But yeah, it was nice and fun and I don't know why I still felt anxious when I left which annoyed me. So I walked to a bus stop not too far away and had to wait like ten minutes for the bus to show, but then took t all the way home. Watched Supergirl, not too many thoughts and my eyes are closing rapidly right now which makes typing difficult so I'm gonna owe you a review in that one that I promise I'll come through with in the next few days. Until then, goodnight angels. Stay beautiful.
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thevintagebluebird · 7 years
Unpinned - Chicken Meatballs in a Cream Sauce (Tefteli)
Boy, there is nothing like the guilt of a languishing blog to get you off your butt at 9pm on a work night and start cooking dinner. You all motivate me! Through shame! Thanks. 
So this week I wanted to try something a little different, and found this delicious-looking recipe on my Pinterest board. By the way, if you’ve ever wondered where my recipes come from, they’re all on that board. I’ve been adding to it for forever and a day. Oooh, in fact - now that I glance at it, I see I have a ton of drink recipes on there. Maybe I’ll have to do a cocktail-making session and then try to write up some sort of post about the drunken night of ‘cooking’. Anyone who wants to come over and get drunk with me (for science!), you’re cordially invited.
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So we’ve got Chicken Meatballs in a Cream Sauce (aka Tefteli) in the fridge now, thanks to Natasha from Natasha’s Kitchen. She promises to “share generations of Ukrainian-American recipes that are homey, fresh, healthy, family-friendly, sometimes bizarre and occasionally naughty.” Wait. NAUGHTY? I...I don’t like my food to be naughty. I’m concerned. Now I need to read her whole bio. “I used to be so shy I thought no one would marry me until my husband came along and swept me off my feet. I married (up) to my wonderful husband Vadim over 13 years ago.” ...good lord, not to be Judgey McJudgerson, but this girl needs a self-esteem check. Girl LOOK AT YOU, *he’s* the one who married up! Ah well, she looks like she’s living her best life, that’s all that matters.
Is the Pintrest photo complete bullshit? - My meatballs didn’t look like perfect little burger patties and I have no springs of greenery around my kitchen, but otherwise it’s not too far off.
Is it crazy expensive/time consuming/confusing? - No! Pretty quick, fairly cheap, made sense!
Does it taste good? - Yeah!!!
Chicken Meatballs in a Cream Sauce (Tefteli)
For the Meatballs:
1 - 1¼ lb ground chicken (I used ground chicken thighs)
1 cup cooked white rice, cooled to room temp or colder
1 large egg
1 small onion, grated
1 garlic clove, pressed
½ tsp salt (I used sea salt)
¼ tsp pepper
½ cup flour for dredging
2 Tbsp oil (I used extra LIGHT olive oil)
For the Sauce:
2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp flour
2 cups reduced sodium chicken broth
¼ cup sour cream (or greek yogurt, or heavy cream)
½ to 1 tsp paprika (more if you like a little spice in your life)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Freshly chopped parsley for garnish
In a large bowl, combine ground chicken, 1 cup cooked rice, 1 egg, grated onion, 1 pressed garlic clove, ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper. Mix well.
Roll the meat into 1 to 1¼" balls, then roll the balls in flour, dusting off excess.
Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add 2 Tbsp oil. Transfer meatballs into the skillet and saute 4 minutes on the first side, then flip them over with tongs, cover and cook another 3 minutes or until golden brown on all sides and cooked through, then remove to a plate.
In the same pan over medium heat, melt 2 Tbsp butter then whisk in 2 Tbsp flour and continue mixing until golden in color. Whisk in 2 cups chicken broth and stir until it starts to thicken. Add ¼ cup sour cream and season to taste. I added: ½ tsp paprika, ½ tsp sea salt ⅛ tsp black pepper.
Bring sauce to a simmer and stir until sauce thickens enough to lightly coat a meatball then stir in the meatballs, turning them to coat (keep in mind sauce will thicken more as it cools). Once the meatballs are warmed up, remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh parsley or dill. Serve warm.
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Here’s what you need, minus the chicken broth I forgot to take out of the cabinet. Not bad, yeah?
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My cooking partner for the evening (and most evenings), the adorable Mister Knowles. He’s just gotten back from the gym where he was picking things up and putting them down. No pictures of me because I was being a cranky butt. Have I mentioned what a trooper he is? Such a trooper.
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M’kay so dump the grossest ingredients together in a bowl and get PUMPED, ‘cause you’re about to have raw egg AND chicken all up in your grill! Note: I actually cooked the rice last night but got too lazy to finish the recipe. Which means that in addition to tiny flakes of frozen onion we were also playing with very cold, hard rice. Just overall an unpleasant touch sensation. Also note I am making this recipe as low-effort as possible. I didn’t even chop garlic, I just scooped it from a jar. No fresh onion, no fresh rice, just...laziness.
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Help your super-tall boyfriend crawl under the cabinets to find your rarely-used pie pan for ‘flour dredging’ (read: roll raw meat in flour). You’re also refusing to measure anything tonight. Told you guys I was in a mood.
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Looking more food-like, but still likely to poison you. This blob was VERY cold to mix by hand - if I was being less lazy, I’d chop fresh onions, just to avoid the frostbite.
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Awwwww yis. You too can have sticky raw chicken hands! It’s extra fun when the cast iron pan you’d turned on to heat suddenly starts smoking like crazy but neither of you can turn off the stove because all four of your combined hands look like this. Spoiler: I turned it off and had to clean the oven knobs :(
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We made balls! The nice ones are mine, the ‘creative’ ones are from Allan. Can’t stop an art school kid :P Put ‘em in your pan! Things finally start to smell nice!
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Here’s the REALLY great/lazy part. Because I made a full pot of rice last night and then got sleepy, there was enough leftover rice after the meatballs to reheat it as the base of the dish! Talk about a win! Here’s my sous chef delicately microwaving our old rice. Damn we’re fancy.
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Burn the crap out of your chicken balls because you’re scared of salmonella. Make what is otherwise a healthy meal SUPER unhealthy with two huge dollops of butter for the ‘roux’ (tee heee). 
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Grumpily talk about your *feelings* while cooking, try not to burn the flour sauce. Props to Allan, who found a baggie of suspicious-looking spices we’d bought in New Jersey last summer. Into the pot they went! The nice thing about this recipe is that you can really add any spices you want to the sauce, so it’s fairly easy to get any flavor profile you like. We went heavy on the garlic <3
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As always, I had trouble getting the sauce to thicken. The recipe promises it’ll thicken as it cools, and it did, so this is one of those ‘better the next day’ recipes. I’m excited for leftovers tonight.
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The finished dish! It’s SO BEIGE! Like the living room of a McMansion circa 2002!
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Ok wait now it’s done. Slather in sriracha.
Final final verdict: I’m definitely making this again. It’s really easy to customize, so next time I think I’d make up a plate of veggies or veggie fried rice as the base, so it’s not quite so...brown. I’d also add either peas or mushrooms (OR BOTH) to the sauce, as well as try some more spices (and more flour to thicken faster). I’m gonna have fun playing with this one, it was delicious!
0 notes
destinforitall-blog · 8 years
Raquel's House Part
Trust me, I may have lived in the orphanage, but I was no one to them. I struggled to care for myself, @Tattoed_Vixen. {I nod at you wiggle my fingers to Haley as @Tattoed_Vixen took her down the hall. I took this time to clean up the table and load the dishwasher. I know that @Tattoed_Vixen will detest that I clean up, but she needs a break. I open cupboard after cupboard until I find something to put the leftovers in and wash the cooking materials. I wash down the counter and table, putting everything away, but the wine. I think of how similar mine and @Tattoed_Vixen childhood was and shake my head. I keep reminding myself to look forward because the past is not a good place and rinse the wash cloth out, hanging it to dry before I grab @Tattoed_Vixen’s and my glass as well as the bottle of wine. I walk over to @Tattoed_Vixen’s couch, slipping off my boots to get comfortable as I wait for her to return}
-I help Haley change into her pjs after she had brushed her teeth and I turn on frozen for her. I kiss her little cheek (@DestinForItAll) and whisper- I love you. -hearing Haley say it back never got old. Dinner was late tonight and I wanted time with Haley but she was getting tired. Dimming her light as I was to the door and watch her snuggle in with a smile pulling at my face and I keep her door cracked and I make my way back to join @DestinForItAll again. Seeing everything was cleaned up I spot @DestinForItAll sitting on the couch- you know you didn’t have to do that right? -laughs a little letting you know I wasn’t mad-
{ I hold @Tattoed_Vixen glass out to her and nod.* I know, but I figure if I got it done it would give us more time to talk. * I grin, pouring some more wine in @Tattoed_Vixen’s glass before placing the bottle on the table and tucking my feet under me.* Will it take her long to fall asleep? * I look down the hall to Haley’s room and back to @Tattoed_Vixen. I knew what I was going to say will cause a lot of laughing and I didn’t want @Tattoed_Vixen and I to wake her up.}
Well I appreciate that @DestinForItAll, and Haley should be fine, she has frozen playing and she cuddled up to her stuffed animals she has -taking a seat next to @DestinForItAll and I pick my wine glass up and I take a sip before relaxing more on the couch- I thank you for joining Haley and I @DestinForItAll. It’s been a while since we’ve had a guest over for dinner. So it’s a nice change and I have someone to talk to -chuckles low looking at @DestinForItAll- thank you for being in the show. We think the crowd is going to be bigger then what we normally have, and people have been raving about your pieces @DestinForItAll. There’s been a preview of things bigger then what we normally have, and people have been raving about your pieces @DestinForItAll. There’s been a preview of things and you’re the talk of the show @DestinForItAll -feeling a wide smile pull at my face-
You are welcome. It is better than being in the Ritz all by myself. {I chuckle at @Tattoed_Vixen and snuggle into the crook between the back and arm of @Tattoed_Vixen’ s couch.* I may have to have a Frozen night with my new buddy. * I chuckle and shake my head* It is uncanny how similar our lifestyle is. I have no one. So it makes traveling for these art shows easy. *My eyes widened @Tattoed_Vixen at @Tattoed_Vixen’s words.* What do you mean? I didn’t realize my fan base was that big.
The thing is @DestinForItAll, most of these people don’t know your face, they just know your work. We had a few newspapers come in early and get a glimpse of the show and they loved your stuff actually @DestinForItAll. This show is a really big deal and I can’t wait for everyone to actually meet you @DestinForItAll -chuckles low and nodding my head getting serious again- yeah, no one really understood I thought my ex did but we see how that turned out for me. We’re not longer in contact and Haley doesn’t even know her other parent @DestinForItAll. It was hard for the longest time you know?
{ I take a sip of wine as I listen to @Tattoed_Vixen talk about my show being in the paper here and how people were excited about my show tomorrow. I chuckle and glance at * @Tattoed_Vixen* They are going to be surprised that I am a slip of a woman. * I nod as I listen to @Tattoed_Vixen talk about not being understood. Frowning slightly because I know that feeling all too well. * From what I see, Hays is doing just fine with you. * I smile encouragingly at @Tattoed_Vixen.* Don’t under estimate yourself.
*I lean forward for bottle and top off my glass and hold it out to @Tattoed_Vixen* So, are you ready to get the dirty on my work and the contact, girl?
@Tattoed_VixenPOV Thank you @DestinForItAll, I just can’t imagine doing to her what my parents did to me. -feeling the smile spread wider across my face and I couldn’t help but get excited about how @DestinForItAll comes up with ideas. To say her pieces were sexy were a bit of an understatement and I was interested to see what comes to mine when @DestinForItAll is drawing the pieces she does- I am interested knowing @DestinForItAll, they are the favorites from what I have seen. -picking up my wine glass and I take a lot sip of the white wine that was in my glass and I place it down on the table facing @DestinForItAll waiting to know her journey as to speak- @DestinforAllPOV { I grabbed one of @Tattoed_Vixen’s couch pillows and hugged it, running my finger around the edge of my glass as I smirk.* First you must know that I am a virgin. The only hands that have touched me our mine. * I smirk at @Tattoed_Vixen because we all know a virgin isn’t always innocent. I continue to go on and give @Tattoed_Vixen a wink* My first piece, Steaming is from me getting myself off. I recorded myself and after I had the rough sketch, deleted it. *I drank the rest of my wine and placed the glass on @Tattoed_Vixen table. * The rest are vivid imagination or porn inspired. I did the romantic ones off an old roommate and her boyfriend, @Tattoed_Vixen. @Tattoed_VixenPOV -blinking a few times surprised to know that for the art pieces that @DestinForItAll does, she was a virgin and I could relate in a way though it’s been a long time for me. I nod my head impressed at the imagination that @DestinForItAll has- you know, your imagination works really well because what you do for your pieces is pretty similar to how things would be @DestinForItAll. If you don’t mind me asking, you lean more towards men or women? Just by the work, you have a bit of both @DestinForItAll. So I was just a little curious that if you swung one way how you managed to capture the they with such detail and being pretty close @DestinForItAll. -picking my wine glass up and I take another drink more impressed with @DestinForItAll- @DestinForItAllPOV { I really wasn’t surprised by @Tattoed_Vixen’s question. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been asked the question. I’ve always wondered myself. All the females alone are based off of me, though. If you look closely enough you can see that. So, @Tattoed_Vixen I really like men. I men like them a lot. I was on fast track on college. I didn’t have free time to do anything but my @Tattoed_Vixen assignments @Tattoed_Vixen. Not that they were bad. It just never gave me time for me. I now have so much stock in my pieces and new ones waiting for press and to be put into pottery I won’t know what to to do with myself, @Tattoed_Vixen. * I laugh before a yawn escapes my lips.} @Tattoed_VixenPOV Oh no I was just asking by the nature of your art that’s all @DestinForItAll -thinking back and trying to see the piece in my head and I now see the resemblance between @DestinForItAll and her art- I do see the resemblance now that you mention it. It is never a bad thing I was very young on my first time @DestinForItAll. Though when I got kicked out from my house, I didn’t even finish school. I just had to take care of my self, then I met my ex wife. Haley’s other mother which I don’t mention her around her @DestinForItAll. Men just never turned me on in a way but I did that whole thing to survive. My ex boyfriend actually manipulated me @DestinForItAll, in so many ways, so be grateful you haven’t had to deal with that to a point @DestinForItAll. It’s hard. But you’ll find someone who you know is the one for you, @DestinForItAll. @DestinForItAllPOV I am sorry that happened to you. I do believe we are handed lessons in our past so that we appreciate our future. {I give @Tattoed_Vixen a soft smile.* Now look where you are and what you have over come. * I move my arms around, trying not to hit @Tattoed_Vixen, feeling the wine hit me.* You need to make sure you’re happy as well. You deserve it, @Tattoed_Vixen. * I nod at you and yawn once more. * with a shake of my head I chuckled* Did you want to get the contract done tonight, @Tattoed_Vixen? @Tattoed_VixenPOV Trust me, I thought I found someone after my ex wife and Haley got attached and she left me as well @DestinForItAll. So I’m not one to really date -chuckles low shaking my head- hopefully you’ll have better luck then me @DestinForItAll. -nodding my head and starting to sit up on the couch and I look around for my bag with all the paper in them- do you remember where I placed my bag at @DestinForItAll? -standing up slowly from the couch I look around the living room not really remembering where I placed my bag- and if you’re tired. I have a spare bedroom and you can stay here @DestinForItAll. I know what it’s like being really tired . and trying to get somewhere especially a new city @DestinForItAll. @DestinForitAllPOV { Not really wanting to get into a conversation about exs, I stand up and walk to @Tattoed_Vixen’s chair by the front door and pick up @Tattoed_Vixen`s jacket. * I found it, Raquel. * I picked up her briefcase and brought it over to the couch. I placed it on the @Tattoed_Vixen`s jacket. * I found it, Raquel. * I picked up her briefcase and brought it over to the couch. I placed it on the I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous because I never been involved in such a big showing for my art before so when @Tattoed_Vixen sat back down, I gave @Tattoed_Vixen the floor and sat back, relaxing the best I can.} @TattoedVixenPOV -walking back over to the couch laughing a little- I swear @DestinForItAll, Haley took a lot of my brain cells when she was born -sitting down and I fumble through the papers that were in there having them all marked until I found the ones for @DestinForItAll to sign. I pull them out and place the briefcase on the floor and push the papers in front of @DestinForItAll with a smile- if you have any questions you can ask @DestinForItAll. I’ll let you read and sign as you please. I’m going to go check on Haley, I’ll be right back okay? -I stand up from the couch and give @DestinForItAll sometime to read the contract with no distraction and I walk to Haley’s room seeing she was sound to sleep and I smile turning on my heels and going to join @DestinForItAll on the couch again- @DestinForItAllPOV { I laugh softly as @Tattoed_Vixen hands me the contract and shakes my head* Ya know I’ve heard that myself about pregnancy brain even after the baby is born and grown. * I look at the time and chuckle, pointing at my watch as I glance at @Tattoed_Vixen* It doesn’t help that it is so late, @Tattoed_Vixen. *I nod at you as you go to check on Haley and look down at the contract. I hit the end of the pen against it as I read along. So far I am liking what I am reading with @Tattoed_Vixen’s studio contract, then I stop. My eyes widen. There is no way in hell what I am reading is right. 50/50 profits and continuation sales of my pieces. Is @Tattoed_Vixen’s studio for real?! I start bouncing my legs and continue to read until @Tattoed_Vixen comes back out from checking on Haley.} @Tattoed_VixenPOV -sitting down on the couch and I watch as @DestinForItAll was reading the contract. I couldn’t really tell by her facial expressions if our@contract was okay or not. I break the silence with @DestinForItAll and clears my throat- Haley is sleeping which is a good thing. she sometimes is like me and won’t fall asleep -chuckling low- and what do you think of the contract @DestinForItAll? You have any questions @DestinForItAll? -leaning back on the couch and my wine glass in hand taking a long sip continuing to wait until you were done reading and we could discuss if @DestinForItAll needed to- @DestinForItAllPOV { I was completely done reading the contract by the time @Tattoed_Vixen made it back out to the living room. I didn’t look up as she took her seat back on the couch from the contract. I was still completely dumbfounded by what I read. From what I’ve heard in college that it was hard to get a good start in this career. But here I am looking at @Tattoed_Vixen’ s contract and I don’t know rather to call the college a liar or to think the art gods for leading me to @Tattoed_Vixen’s studio. I clear my throat as you break the silence.* I am glad she is asleep. *I pick up @Tattoed_Vixen’s studios contract and laugh nervously. I never know how to handle these situations and if this is true, I may need hire a lawyer.I hold the contract out towards @Tattoed_Vixen.* Am I reading this correctly? Your studio not only wants to do 50/50 on profits, but you want me to stay as your showcase artist, @Tattoed_Vixen? @Tatted_VixenPOV -I could tell by the look on @DestinForItAll’s face, she was shocked and that is what we all said would happen. She was one artist we felt would do well in our studio and this show tomorrow will show @DestinForItAll just how much faith we have in her. I nod my slowly with a smile creeping onto my face. I glance over and I glance at the contract then back at @DestinForItAll- yes. We feel your work will keep bringing into our place and tomorrow will show you just how much we believe in you @DestinForItAll. As long as you can and enough to last for a bit, but new pieces will help bring in money for both you and us @DestinForItAll. If you’re okay with that of course @DestinForItAll. The contract is legit, we have a person who does nothing but these and yours is the only one we have everything split 50/50 with @DestinForItAll. It’s a big deal for us as well. @DestinForItAllPOV { I nodded at @Tattoed_Vixen as I signed the contract. I was doing this. Holy cow, I was committing a life to living in or around New York City. I just was so overwhelmed that someone thought my crappy art had potential. I handed @Tattoed_Vixen the signed copy and smiled at @Tattoed_Vixen* So, I need my copy for my records. I have a years worth of new stuff waiting to be processed, and I need smiled at @Tattoed_Vixen* So, I need my copy for my records. I have a years worth of new stuff waiting to be processed, and I need to find a place to live. You have yourself a deal. * I gave @Tattoed_Vixen a sleepy grin because even though I was excited, that was all that I could mustard up. I yawned and pointed down @Tattoed_Vixen’s hall.* Which is the spare room? It is sleep time I think. @Tattoted_VixenPOV For sure, I’ll make a copy at the show and hand it to you after. It’ll be in my office @DestinForItAll. -taking the contract from you and I slip the papers into my briefcase so I wouldn’t forget them tomorrow. I smile at @DestinForItAll before motioning to the other side of the hallway- it is right over here, you get one half the house to yourself @DestinForItAll. There’s a bathroom over there as well. you rest up, you have a big day tomorrow @DestinForItAll -standing up from the couch finally and I grab the glasses and the wine bottle and I walk to the kitchen and I place the glasses into the sink and then I put the cork back into the wine bottle and I place it back into the fridge. I walk back to the living room where @DestinForItAll was- Starbucks in the morning? @DestinForItAllPOV Thank you { I grab my bag and slowly get up and walk towards the hall as @Tattoed_Vixen takes the wine and our glasses to the kitchen.I stop when I hear @Tattoed_Vixen mention Starbucks and nod..* It sounds good. I just need to get back to the hotel in time to get ready for tomorrows premire. * I smile at @Tattoed_Vixen and yawn.* We are going to be knackered tomorrow. 10am, right? @Tattoed_VixenPOV Yes ten in the morning @DestinForItAll, but Starbucks a bit earlier and I’ll have the sitter here by eight. That should be good for us I’ll be going straight from Starbucks to work. So I’ll be waiting for you to arrive @DestinForItAll -starts to walk towards Haley’s room and peeks in once I’m here and then turns towards @DestinForItAll one last time- tomorrow is your day, embrace it. Okay? -walking towards my room and I shut my door but leave a crack for Haley- @DestinForItAllPOV { I wave sleepily at @Tattoed_Vixen and walk into her spare room. My mind is on over load, but I’m so fucking exhausted that I can’t think straight. I fish around in my bag with my hand for my travel toothbrush and toothpaste before I walk into @Tattoed_Vixen’s spare bedrooms bathroom brush my teeth. I find facial soap and a wash to wash my face. Once my face is washed, I walk back to the bed and put my travel toothpaste and toothbrush back in my purse. I grabbed my cell phone charger out I love my purse and plug it into the outlet in @Tattoed_Vixen’s wall, setting an alarm for 7:15am before I put my phone on the charger and lay it on the nightstand beside the bed. I lay my bag on the other side of the bed as I pull the covers back on @Tattoed_Vixen’s spare bed and climb in, pulling the covers over me, yawning and snuggling in before fall into a deep sleep for the night wondering what tomorrow has in stored at @Tattoed_Vixen’ s studio.} @Tattoed_VixenPOV -finally getting to my room after I tell @DestinForItAll good night and I checked on Haley. I shut my door slightly and I walk to the;bathroom in my room and I brush my teeth and wash my face. I was excited to see what tomorrow brought for @DestinForItAll and myself. the sitter though I wish she could go. I knew @DestinForItAll was surprised by the contract but we had faith in her and we were going to do everything we could to make sure @DestinForItAll had everything she wanted. I pull the blankets on my bed and I crawl in and automatically sink into my bed and I pull my covers up and my eyes close with my alarm automatically set for the day-
0 notes