#and a lot of full time/overtime positions STILL offer little to no benefits!!
cygniavenue · 5 months
probably not such a hot take over here but we need to abolish the 40 hour work week and it needs to stop being the norm right now
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yoonkinii · 4 months
We Were Human
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Pairing(s): Ascended!AstarionxReader
Synopsis: Astarion died as soon as he became something the world has never seen before. No one noticed the damage before it was too late and the Astarion everyone loved was lost to the new one. No one could notice when the turn was slow and silent. He slowly lost the playful glint in his eyes. Lost the love he gaze upon me with. Lost everything that made him the man I loved. Oh, how I would give anything to get him back. I would gladly give up my damned soul for him.
Aka you are transported back to the past in order to prevent ascended Astarion from losing himself the only problem? You don’t have a lot of time.
Warnings: Gore, blood, cruelty, cursing, death/murder, mentions of using oneself unwillingly, abuse, depiction of abuse and violence. Its ascended astarion, prepare for the worse.
Note(s): For the sake of the plot- Astarion will not automatically be damned from the start. In this world, Astarion becomes lost to the ascension overtime until he becomes the ascended vampire we know him to be in the game. Another note that should be highlighted is that this story will be told from the first person perspective since it benefits the story more than any other perspective.
You will also notice various things being different from the game. For example, Karlach will be able to stay in the ‘human’ world and she fixed her heart. (I love my girl, I’m not sending her back), Szaars palace has a different layout cause the one in the game was stupid. There will be more that you will notice in the future so beware.
Thank You.
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For days now, the relentless drumming of rain against Karlach’s window had provided a steady backdrop to my thoughts. I found myself alone in her modest abode, a place she had grown accustomed to and seemed content with. The room held little beyond the essentials - a simple bed pressed against the wall, positioned beside the only window in the home. Atop the bed frame lay a quilt, carefully stitched by hand, a gift from myself to congratulate her about getting her internal engine fixed.
Opposite the bed, the fireplace stood as a focal point, its rough stonework casting a rustic charm. Despite its offer for year round warmth, Karlach rarely ever kindled a fire, claiming she had grown tired of feeling heat and would be like that for a long time. Only upon my arrival did she light it, deeming my chilled body was unacceptable. Even now, the faint scent of burning wood lingered, mingling with the fragrance of rain. 
The small kitchen area is equipped just enough to feel like home. A wooden dining table accompanied by two sturdy chairs, sits under a single swaying light bulb. The shelves contained only the most essential cookware, reflecting Karlach’s preference for practicality. She never carried around much and never cared for fine dining. She was content with her stomach being full and nothing more. 
Nestled in the corner, the bathing area boasted simplicity, making up a basic washing basin adorned with a small mirror suspended above. A neatly folded towel and a solitary bar of soap adorned the basin’s side, offering only the essential. Despite its humble appearance, the corner still did its job of allowing people to wash themselves as needed. 
As the front door swung open, inviting in the chill of the wind and the mist of  rain, Karlach stepped in, her hair drenched and a carefree smile adorning her lips. Settling beside me on the floor, she leaned back against her bed, seemingly unfazed by her wet state as she nudged me playfully. 
“Feeling hungry?” She inquired, gesturing towards the kitchen where food awaited. 
I offered a small smile in response. “You know I have no need for food like that,��� I replied. Karlach’s brows furrowed momentarily before she let out a soft snort. “I meant in general. Have you felt hungry since you’ve been here? Any urge to bite into my neck?” she joked, tilting her head to expose her pulse point. “Not that I think my blood would taste very good…maybe just a little hot.”
Deep in thought, I gnawed on the inside of my cheek, pondering. SInce my arrival at Karlach’s place, I hadn’t ventured outside, fearing that Astarion’s threat still loomed, ready to scorch my skin at the slightest touch of sunlight. Fortunately, the rain had persisted for days, grinding me the relief from that particular dread. 
Shaking my head in response to Karlach’s question, I replied, “No, I haven’t felt the urge to sink my teeth into anything.”
“Well, that’s one way to put it, I supposed,” she teased lightly. But then her tone shifted, growing serious and somber. “But seriously,” she continued, “how long are you going to run?”
Taken aback, my brows shoot up in surprise. “Run? I’m not running.”
“Not literally,” she clarified, “but you are. You’re scared. I can see it when you wake up and instantly try to dodge out of the window’s reach. How you flinch at every creak and groan of the wood as if you’re anticipating something to leap out and get you. I see it in your eyes as you spend hours staring into nothingness, lost in a place I can’t reach. You won’t even tell me what happened or what’s wrong, and you don’t have to , but it’s plain to see that you’re scared and you are running from confronting that fear,”
I remained silent for a while, grappling with how to explain myself to her. Even though she didn’t know the exact details of what happened between Astarion and me, her observation was astute. I was running but how could I not? Faced Astarion once more, the events that unfolded had changed him, and all I had done was stand there, paralyzed by fear. How could I ever face the love of  my life after such a failure?
Karlach sighed, drawing my attention away from the window. She shook her head softly as she rose from her seat. “It doesn’t matter,” she said reassuringly. “ You can stay as long as you need to.” Moving to the front door, she grasped the handle. I instinctively shuffled away from the door’s impending opening, noticing the flicker of sadness in Karlach’s gaze as she observed my reaction. 
“I’ll be back late again,” She continued, choosing to ignore my wariness, hopefully for my own sake. “This weather is slowing down the rebuilding process.” With that, she opened the door, allowing the chilly wind to rush into the warm room. “Soldier?” she called out, glancing back at me. 
“Yes?” I responded, my hair tousled by the gust of wind sneaking past Karlach’s figure.
“Think about what I said, okay?”
My mouth opened and closed, a retort forming in my throat, but I couldn't conjure up a believable excuse. “Fine,” I relented, rising from my spot on the floor and making my way to the corner with the washing basin. “I’m going to clean up.”
Without another word, the door clicked shut behind her, shutting out the rain and wind. Reflecting on my behavior, I realized it had been rude to turn her away like that. Karlach had shown me nothing but kindness since my arrival. Despite bombarding me with questions upon my initial arrival, she had relented when she saw I wasn’t ready to answer. Even without an explanation from me, she had allowed me to stay, going as far as picking up extra clothes for me from stores, deeming my ‘fancy’ attire too uncomfortable. Those same clothes now hung in her closet, as she had generously made space for them among her own belongings. 
Selecting a nightgown, I slipped it on, shedding the clothes I had worn previously. The fabric felt more suitable for sleeping, its loose fit offering comfort as it draped over my frame, its hem skimming just above my ankles. 
With a sigh, I retrieved my bedroll from beneath Karlach’s bed, unfurling it before settling into it. Sleep seemed to be my only respite lately. Sleep and avoidance of the issues I should be confronting. But facing them was easier said than done, especially when my own mind tormented me with memories. How was I supposed to confront something when my memories of it were so painful? How could I forget the suffering I endured simply because I was in love?
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A scream of unparalleled agony echoed through the desolate halls, jolting me from my trance. I blinked, disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. The walls, constructed of cold gray bricks, seamlessly melded into the floor, sending  shivers up my spine as the chills seeped into the soles of my feet. The hallway stretched endlessly before me, devoid of any discernible beginning or end. Regardless of which direction I faced, the scene remained unchanged. Mantels, adorned with flickering torches, line the walls at regular intervals, yet their feeble light failed to penetrate the infinite darkness that loomed beyond. I blinked again, and suddenly found myself standing before a weathered wooden door.  
Another anguished cry pierced the air, coming from the chamber beyond the door. . 
Without hesitation, my hand moved of its own accord, grasping the doorknob and pushing the door open. What lay before me turned my stomach: the room was awash with blood, the crimson fluid pooling on the floor in a sickening display. It coated every inch of the chamber, making it hard to navigate without stepping into it. Strangely, aside from the eerie glow of the torches, the walls were bare, mirroring the emptiness of the hallway. I blinked once more, and in the periphery of my vision, I noticed it: a door partially ajar, nestled in the far corner of the room. 
Once more, my body moved of its own accord, propelled forward by an unseen force. Each step I took was accompanied by the sickening sensation of slick blood coating the soles of my feets, staining them with a stranger’s life. With trembling hands, I pushed the door ajar, allowing the flickering light of the torches to cast eerie shadows in the dimly lit room. 
I stood frozen in place, my heart pounding against my ribs like a frantic bird trapped in a cage. My breaths came sharp and ragged, as if struggling against an invisible weight pressing down on my chest. Every fiber of my being crackled with fear at the sight that unfolded before me.  
I whispered, the sound barely audible in the oppressive silence. But there was no response, only the echo of my own voice reverberating off the walls. Frantically, I repeated his name, each syllable clawing its way out of my throat in a desperate plea for acknowledgement. But my efforts were futile, as if my voice had been stolen away, leaving me with nothing but mute desperation. 
Clawing at my throat in a futile attempt to force sound from my lips, I felt my eyes widen in horror as they flickered between Astarion’s battered form and the blood-splattered walls surrounding us. The mere sight of him threatened to overwhelm me with a nauseating sickness, forcing me to avert my gaze. 
There he was, laid bare in his vulnerability. Curled into a pitiful heap in the corner of the room, he trembled uncontrollably, his arms protectively around his head as if seeking refuge from some unseen torment. His once flawless skin was now marred by a tapestry of wounds, some still seeping crimson rivulets. With each flinch, a new mark appeared, adding to the mosaic of his suffering. 
Suddenly, he was jerked from her fetal position by an invisible force, his body rendered limp as his hair was yanked back mercilessly. A sob tore free from his lips, mingling with the whispered please that spelled forth in a desperate cascade. 
Driven by instinct, I sank to my knees before him, cradling his battered face in trembling hands. Bruised and swollen beyond recognition, his eyes were nearly swollen shut, while blood trickled from his broken nose, staining his lips crimson. Tears mingled with the blood, their salty tails tracing paths down his bruised cheeks, a testament to the agony he had endured.
Even as I knelt before him, my tear-filled eyes pleading with his vacant gaze, it seemed as though I was but a ghost in his eyes. His stare was distant, unfocused, as if he looked through me rather than at me. A shiver of unease ran down my spine, my confusion deepening as I followed the line of his sight, searching for whatever phantom held his attention.  
There, looming over us with a malevolent grin etched on his face, stood Cazador -  the tormentor of my beloved, the architect of his suffering. His presence was suffocating, dripping with disdain as he regarded us with contempt. With a deliberate, calculated motion, he raised his arm, his lips moving soundlessly as if uttering a silent incantation. In the blink of an eye, his blade descended, its deadly edge slicking through the air with horrifying finality. A scream tore from my throat, mingling with Astarion’s own anguished cry. 
Gasping for breath, I bolted upright, the echoes of terror still ringing in my ears. My eyes darted around the room, seeking solace in the familiar sights that surrounded me. The flickering flames of the fireplace cast dancing shadows across the wooden floor, the rhythmic pattern of rain against the windows providing a soothing backdrop to my thundering thoughts. 
With a shaky exhale, I realized it had all been a dream - a nightmare that had gripped me in its icy grasp. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to confront the anxiety that still pulsed beneath my skin, gnawing at my resolve. Rising unsteadily to my feet, I disentangled myself from my bedroll and made my way to the front door, my heart pounding in my chest. 
As I stepped outside, the chill of the rain-soaked air enveloped me, drenching my hair and clothes in its icy embrace. Ignoring the curious glances and calls of concern that greeted me, I sprinted through the cobbled streets with single-minded determination. Only when I reached the imposing gates of the palace - my - did I allow myself to pause, my breath coming in ragged gasps. 
Pushing open the door, I was met with an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. The dim glow of the palace offered little solace, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light. 
“My Lady?” came a tentative voice, breaking the silence like a fragile whisper in the darkness.
Raising my gaze, I spotted Lucinda’s familiar brunette head as she approached, her arms laden with pristine white sheets. She regarded me with a tilt of her head, her expression inscrutable. 
“Lucinda,” I greeted her with a smile that I hoped masked the tension I felt. “Do you know where Astarion is?”
“Lord Ancunin is bathing,” she responded matter-of-factly, her gaze unwavering. 
“Thank you,” I murmured, offering a brief nod before ascending the stairs, my footsteps quickening with purpose as I made my way to the bathing chamber. As I pushed open the door, a rush of warm, moist air greeted me, enveloping me in its comforting embrace. 
Inside, I found him reclining in the large porcelain tub, his back resting against the smooth surface. His expression shifted from annoyance to surprise as he caught sight of me.
I made no reply, closing the distance between us with determined steps. Without hesitation, I climbed into the tub, fully clothed, and nestled myself against his bare chest. 
His initial tension melted away as he relaxed into my embrace, his arms encircling me protectively. I breathed in his familiar scent, nuzzling my nose against his pulse point as we savored the simple intimacy of our closeness. 
But as I made to move away, his grip tightened, holding me in place. 
“I didn’t think you were going to come back,” he confessed, his fingertips trailing lightly across my arm, sending shivers down my spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“I was terrified, Astari,” I admitted, no longer willing to suppress my fears. “What you did was…it was horrible.”
“I know, and I am sorry,” he whispered, his voice heavy with regret. “Truly sorry. I don’t know what came over me…it was like…” He trailed off, his words lost in the depths of his turmoil. 
Pulling back from him, I held his gaze with unwavering determination. “No, you don’t get to do that,” I asserted, jabbing a finger towards his chest. “You do not get to shut me out like that. Keeping things bottled up is selfish, Astarion. It was selfish of you to push me away when I tried to help you with that dream. I won’t allow you to do the same now, especially after you threatened my life as it if meant nothing.” 
His jaw tensed, the muscles grinding as if engaged in a silent struggle. I knew I was pressing his buttons, but I was beyond caring. He needed to confront this, just like how I was. His lips formed a thin line. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Really? Because it certainly didn’t seem that way to me,” I retorted, narrowing my eyes. His hands, resting against my waist, tightened slightly, betraying his inner turmoil. “Astarion, I need you to tell me what’s going on.”
His gaze bore into mine, the deep ruby of his eyes contrasting sharply with his pale lashes. “I’m locked in a constant battle with myself. I’m changing, I can feel it, but I don’t know if I can control it. I never wanted to hurt you, and seeing the fear in your eyes when I threatened you snapped me out of it,” he explained, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “But by then, it was too late. You were already gone.”
“Is it still you when you lash out like that?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. 
He sighed heavily. “Yes,” he admitted, his expression pained. “It’s my emotions, but sometimes they overwhelm me, and I become the one person I wanted to escape from.”
“Astarion, don’t say that,” I pleaded, taking one of his hands in mine and guiding it to my cheek. “You are not him. The fact that you’re talking to me about it sets you realms apart from him.” Tilting my head slightly, I pressed a gentle kiss to his palm. “When this change happens, what seems to help you come out of it?”
“You,” he replied simply, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
“Me?” I echoed, surprised. 
“Yes, my Darling. Even in my darkest moments, I would never hurt you”
“I never stopped protecting you from the sun,” he interjected, cutting off my protest. “You never lost it.”
Studying him closely, I noticed the weariness etched into his features, the grief and darkness that had descended upon him since his ascension. Furrowing my brow I pressed him further. “Describe this feelings to me, in detail.”
He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “It;s like a constant whisper in my mind, manipulating my emotions to its advantage,” he explained slowly. “I try to resist it, but sometimes I lose control, and my actions become erratic. Each time I regain my sense, it becomes harder to ignore these impulses. It pains me to admit it, but while it’s still me acting, the emotions driving those actions are not my own.”
I swallow deeply. This was unfamiliar information I didn’t know in my past life, one I never encountered even during the darkest times. Yet, it all makes sense now - how Astarion gradually succumbs to this unseen force, losing more of himself with each passing moment. I lift my gaze to him, offering a faint smile. 
“Use me.” I suggest catching him off guard. 
“What?” His brows knit together in confusion, his expression reflecting his puzzled state. 
“You mentioned that somehow I have the ability to pull you back from this haze,” I explained. “So use me. Utilize me in any way necessary to retain yourself. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
Worry creases his face, his fangs lightly grazing his bottom lip in contemplation. “Are you sure? I could put you in danger”
“Absolutely,” I affirm, leaning in to place a reassuring kiss on the crown of his head. “You’re talking to the girl that destroyed an Elder Brain.”
His arms encircle my waist, tightly as he buries his head against my chest. My fingers weave into his hair, tangling in the soft white curls. He murmurs a grateful ‘thank you’ against my chest, his thumbs stroking the fabric of my damp nightwear soothingly. We lingered in that embrace for a while until Astarion insisted that I had to bathe properly. He peeled off my nightwear, letting it fall to the tiled floor with a wet ‘plop’. As he runs his fingers through my hair, my mind swims with thoughts. The vivid dream, coupled with the newfound knowledge of Astarion’s condition, fills my thoughts. It’s not much, but it’s a starting point- a beginning that I desperately needed. 
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thessalian · 10 months
Thess vs The Fucking Chancellor
I figured the best way of handling everything I needed to do today was to work until my usual close of play (5pm), go out and pick up my much-needed mallet meds, then come back and see where I am energy-wise before I decide how the overtime / dinner / bath timings shake out. And in that time, I checked the fucking news.
Jeremy Hunt ... oh for fuck's sake. For those who don't know, he's the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The government's money man, basically. Ironic, since our current PM was in that role during Johnson's tenure ... and it's come out that our current PM literally said, "Let them die" rather than have an actual lockdown during the second COVID peak, but that's ... I mean, it illustrates where his priorities and Hunt's align, basically.
So first of all, there's the "get the disabled into work" thing. Yeah, they're pushing for WFH for those with disabilities ... so they can "do their duty". Which ... I speak from personal experience when I say that WFH is not the cure-all they want to believe it is. I'm working full-time hours and then some in these Overtime Days and it's killing me by inches. And some people just can't. At all. And also a lot of companies just don't want to hire disabled people, because they're ableist assholes. But is the government going to focus on incentives to get businesses hiring the disabled? No. Instead, if a disabled person can't find work, they'll have their benefits cut - not just the usual "help with rent and food money" parts but the free prescriptions and other benefits that the disabled rely on to survive. I am in a very privileged position and I know it, but it still terrifies me and enrages me because ... what about all the other people like me out there, who don't have the good fortune I do?
Also, I'm not entirely safe, either. See, how pensions work in this country is effectively that if your employer offers a pension, it's their responsibility to invest that money safely. If one has multiple employers over the course of their working life, that's obviously different pension pots. Hunt wants to scrap all of that, and have one pot that the pension money's dumped in, with no oversight from anyone qualified to know how best to manage it in terms of investments. And in fact, Hunt wants to encourage investment of those retirement funds into high-risk start-ups. Basically he's said, "We need people to invest in the UK economy, so let's get the people struggling to survive to invest their future into our rickety-ass economy because it'll con others into-- erm, sorry, encourage others to do the same". I don't want my pension funds invested in anything in this country! We're a financial disaster! But Hunt wants to plunder our pensions and the benefits of the disabled to keep the country looking in a halfway decent financial place for just a little while longer.
I just can't. I have ceased to can. And yet just focusing on my own life isn't helpful because a) my pension's at risk and b) FUCKING OVERTIME.
I don't have time to have a crying jag. I've got shit to do.
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cloviaglade · 4 years
Yeah it came to me in a dream shared it with a friend and she said I should inflict it on the world so here we go
Warning: It's super long but I broke it up into chunks
(note not all members of the house fall into the categories listed also I'm not the best with corporate terms and positions. Also this was made for fun and isn't that serious)
The houses
The Black eagles generally were in accounting or sales. They dealt with a lot of the customers firsthand and were considered expendable
Blue lions where mostly in HR or IT
Golden deer mostly worked in maintenance and public relations.
Staff and church members are members of the board. Flayn has her position on the board despite her age because nepotism
The Seiros Co:
It's a large company that provide a large array of services and products that promote physical and emotional well-being. The company started out with good intentions but soon became a corporate monster
The company provides a host of benefits to its employees including on site housing, on site restraunts, on site pools gyms ect. They even have the best insurance on the planet. They even have horse therapy.
However they have to pay premiums on the health insurance, their rent is docted from their pay, they have to pay for on-site facilities, and those living on site are heavily encouraged to work overtime.
a lot of this is justified by cover every single health expense and days of for minor colds. Many employees seek mental health care more often than they seek physical care.
The on site living conditions vary heavily. Most are just a small white room with a single bed and a dresser. No visitors after certain hours and forget about outside visitors. However rumors are spreading that the board members have spacious luxury apartments.
The pay without all the benefits is not a wage you could live off of. But with the rent for these rooms doct from your pay you couldn't reasonably save up for different arrangements.
The strike begins:
Edelguard was finally fed up watching her team struggling. She hears constantly about how her workers are not making enough. How they have to scrape because they needed new clothes or shoes. Or worse how Petra wasn't able to support her sick grandfather
She hired a lawyer Hubert to look into information about their contracts and compare everything to labor laws. She needed to know how much of this was legal and if there was anything to be done about it.
Huberts lawfirm dealt with several lawsuits in the past. They are considered ruthless in court however media painted them out to be money hungry and demented
As expected, it was legal (mostly due to lack of regulation for these types of benefits) but really unfair, So Hubert suggested a strike. His firm would handle all the legal matters as they prepared a lawsuit and to unionize.
Edelguard was careful to organize it in private. Nothing was emailed. Nothing to tract them. Flyers were handwritten and posted in the dorms inviting members to secret meeting on slow hours.
What everyone did on the day of the strike/position they were in the office.
Black eagles
Edalguard: head of sales- she got everyone in her department and many others in different departments to simply stop working for the day when she commanded everyone to stop working via megaphone. She suck in hubert and went to a private meeting room to set up a list of demands.
Hubert: head of Vestra lawfirm- he snuck past security with the help of Edelguard. He brought a laptop and a phone with Hotspot so he could video call the rest of his attorneys from inside the conference room. Once the strike was in full swing he toured the place with Edelguard gathering evidence.
Ferdinand: senior sale manager has the highest customer satisfaction - when the strike was well underway he sent a mass email to everyone in every department including the CEO and founder herself in a very professional tone about how there is a strike. Lornez replied immediately and they when to the breakroom to enjoy tea while on the clock.
Lindhart: IT software specialist - first thing he did was turn off all the bans on websites. Everyone could go on whatever website they wanted to. He left the download blocker up and other safety precautions in place. Others could looks at memes and scroll through social media ect. He then returns to his dorm and takes a paid nap.
Caspar: manager in accounting slow but very accurate and a real team player - he hated the no pets policy with a burning passion so he let all the stray and feral cats that hang around the building in through one of the side doors. They stayed mostly on the ground floor and a few made a mess under the desks. He played with the strays with a few of his co-workers.
Bernadette: customer service rep. - she hated the calls filled with angry people. She clocked out, disconnected he phone, ran into her dorm and screamed into her pillow until calm. Once she calmed down enough she did some embroidery.
Dorothea: sales representative- has the highest upsale rate - she gets into her car and just leaves. She is still clocked in. Nobody knows where she went. Some say she met with a lover, others say she went on a binge. Nobody really knows.
Petra: bilingual sales rep. - she signed her phone off and immediately called up her family overseas. She proceeded to catch up and talk with her family for hours. She rarely got to speak with them due to the difference in timezones.
Blue lions
Dimitri: head of IT - he doesn't actually know much about IT and has little intrest in it. He got the job because his dad recommended him. With the outside website ban lifted and the lost of control of his department he frantically tried to get everything under control
Dedue: cyber security and protocol educator - although the bans are lifted he is still concerned about a cyber attack. He is frantically try to restore the ban but it seems like lindhart deleted the code.
Felix: hardware specialists - he was the one who should've been promoted into Dimitri's position and is a bit smug about how everything is falling apart in front of his boss. He bypasses the download blocker and plays minecraft on the company computer. Dimitri is too busy to notice that felix isn't helping.
Sylvain: HR rep. - he knew from the start that working conditions were shit. He was tired of trying to raise moral by doing everything but paying the employees more, giving them time off, and reasonable working hours. He went to the break room where Ferdinand and Lornez were having tea and ate a bunch of the snacks the company was reselling at super high prices then faxed a picture of his ass and balls to rhea herself as a letter of resignation.
Ashe: new hire in IT - was called down to the first floor to replace a keyboard a cat peed on. Found caspar was the reason the cats were let in. Caspar then persuaded him to play with the cats instead of shooing them out. 3 hours later he completely forgot about the strike and clocked out per usual. He completely forgot about the strike
Mercedes: head of HR - she meets with the board and discussed what to do about the strikers. They can't force them to go home since everyone striking lives on site and has every right to be there. No significant damages is being done to property. The only loss is from those not working (and a keyboard covered in cat piss and $35 worth of snacks) Mercedes is forced to find a way to get them to stop but in a way that doesn't really change anything. She leaves the meeting when it is over clocks out and returns to her modest house she calls out sick for the next couple of months.
Annette: HR rep - she tries to stop the chaos on the floor and to convince everyone to return to work. She is ignored. She wanted to ask for a megaphone to help gain attention but edelguard took the one from HR and the person with the key to one in the event closet is striking as well. She runs around in a paint trying to answer emails and settle everyone down.
Ingrid: IT helpline rep - helping Dimitri reset the ban on outside websites is above her pay grade. She at least know some of the terminology and the basics. She manages to set up a very basic blocker but it didn't block whole domains just the homepage of every website she could think of that's wasn't appropriate for work. Logging into the site allowed you to bypass the block. Ingrid feels like she will be fired for not being able to do more
Golden deer:
Claude: event planner - noticing that there was no work happening he finally decided it was time to actually do his job. He dipped into those sweet event funds and ordered as many pizza's as he could from every pizza join that could deliver. He busted out the sport balls and got employees to clear some room for flag football on the 3rd floor. He got Hilda to organize games of hide and go seek in floors 4 and 5. All games and activities were not officially approved but followed all guidelines.
Hilda: claudes assistant - organized games on the 4th and 5th floors. The cubicle although uniform made excellent hiding spaces and the food plaza just got rid of the old tables and chairs awaiting delivery of new ones so there was a ton of space to run around. Hidia had to jump between floors pretty often which was a workout all on its own but it was worth it to see everyone smile at work for once.
Lornez: head of advertising - he was tired of writing jingles and stupid commercials for the company. He wasn't aware of the strike until he got the email from Ferdinand. He offered to treat him to some tea he brought from home. They had a lovely talk and watched Sylvain stress eat. He tried to talk Sylvain out of resigning but failed.
Raphael: pizza delivery guy - he thought it was a joke at first since they never delivered pizza to the Serios Co but was persuaded by Claude. He got stopped at the front by the front desk clerk who was ordered not to allow any deliveries. Soon more pizza guys showed up and some of them where not as nice as Raphael. He eventually got in and successfully delivered his pizza.
Ignatz: accountant - he wanted no part of this and tried to work despite being on the 3rd floor. He doesn't have any PTO and is frantically trying to get his absence approved because he cannot work under these conditions. He got walled in with desks and chairs and hand to crawl his way out to try to find someone in HR to help him but found their office empty. Worst day of work ever.
Lysithia: Intern- hopes to join the advertising department - She needs this job for school credits so finding out that her boss told her to take the day off because of strike she immediately thought of her record. Lorenz assured her that she would get credit as long as he had any say in it. She played a round of hide and go seek before studying in Lornez's office
Marianne: customer service rep.- she heard the rumors and on the day of the strike she freaked out and when to have a panic attack in her car. She was on lunch technically but she took a 3 hour lunch. She came back in clocked out and decided to try that horse therapy.
Leonnie: pizza delivery guy (not nice) - she knows the customer didn't care that the order took so long to complete and was very understanding that the 30mins or less delivery time but seriously! 50 PIZZAS!! She had to stretch and press dough at top speed for like 45 mins then she burnt her hand while boxing some of the pizza's and she had to deliver all of it to this company just outside of town and now the person at the front door is insisting that the pizza was ordered by mistake oh no! Not today! You will take the pizza and you will pay for it and tip 25%.
Rhea: CEO and founder - she honestly believes her practices are helping the community. She doesn't realize that she doesn't give her employees much choice. She thinks her employees are ungrateful.
Seteth: president - also believes the company is doing the best they can. He knows the dorms are small and brand but they house 78.364% of their employees and they all see a doctor at least 3 times a month. He hates that he has difficulty finding a balance between competitive prices, compensating workers, and turning a profit.
Flayn: secretary - she saw the fun going on in the 5th floor while on her lunch and thought it was organized by staff and didn't connect it as part of the strike.
Catherine: front desk - tried to turn away all the delivery drivers but more kept coming. She kept getting calls from upper management about the social media platforms and tried frantically to get in to make a statement but had little luck. She gave up when Leonnie demanded payment and let all the delivery people in.
Shamir: social media manager- she originally attended the meetings as a mole but soon learned that her fellow employees hardships. She drafted huge posts on every platform exposing the truth, changed all the passwords then took a vacation during the strike.
Hanneman: chief operational officer - he is calling and emailing the IT department about the bans every moment he can. He organized the meeting as soon as the strikers got rowdy.
Manuela: chief financial officer - although she is worried about the finances she has also been pressing about where to cut the budget first. Horse therapy is ridiculous! They own the whole ranch and are responsible for the upkeep of every horse. And all the horses are carefully hand selected and trained too. It's too much nobody uses the horse therapy because nobody has the time off to go to horse therapy!
Alois: Chairman - his title is mostly empty. He joined the strikers in a game of flag football scored a touchdown. Then went back to work as usual. Didn't check his emails about the strike since he only checks them in the morning when he first comes into work.
Gilbert: treasurer - he puts business first. Doesn't know his daughter works for the same company. Was friends with Dimitri's father. He is stressing about how the company will recover financially. He is the reason for the pay cuts so they can fund most of the benefits.
Cyrill: gopher - he gets paid minimum wage and lives on site. He considers himself lucky that he can drive the company car to go pick up office supplies from the store. He was homeless before he got a job at Seiros and feels like he is important.
Since several members of the board were caught participating in strike activities the hubert and his firm counted them at strikers and used this in court.
The dorms were not considered responsible accommodations saying that prisoners in jail cells at least have their own toilet.
The news when crazy with the posts on social media. The account never replied to any dms or comments. When called they said a rogue employee posted them falsely because she was being fired.
Rhea was forced to pay a lawsuit that gave all dormitory workers an allowance of $1000 for rent for life. Even if they choose to leave the company.
Dimitri was fired for not actually having any training. Felix was promoted to the head of IT and everyone respects him.
Rhea looses her company. And most of her assets. She kept the therapy horse ranch and manages that for a living.
With the entire company now belonging to her since everyone above her resigned she made a ton of changes making the company more normal. She pays a fair livable wage to every employee. She repurposed the dorms into offices or solitary break rooms.
Huberts firm gets rebranded as a honest firm that wants to help the little guys. He later goes on to help other corporations unionize.
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dellebecque · 5 years
Looking for RP--Aden Dellebecque
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In-game: Aden Dellebecque Alias: Aden Aubeaux Race: Miqo’te Seeker of the Sun (X tribe/C tribe) Profession: dragoon, scout/surveyor, hunter
Of the Sky
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They came many generations ago, sisters and cousins, and the Tias and Keeper men they had met along the way, or if not the men then heavy with the children the wandering men had left them with.  Desperate to break out of their tribal life, full of youthful rage against their lot in life as mothers and hunters and little else, they struck out to find a new way. And find it they did--nothing could be more different than Ishgard.  They set about learning a new way, building a new life, one with dreams of comfort and riches rather than long hunts and far horizons, and even taking on new names: the Aubeaux family, one branch called themselves. In their children’s children no tribal outcast lingered: patriots born, through and through, and obsessed with the social climb as many of low status in Ishgard must become.  And one cage was fully traded for another.
Yet you may take the miqo’te out of the tribe, but you cannot beat the tribe out of him.  Daughters were raised in grace and manners, to catch eyes with their tamed exoticism and curry favor with silver tongues.  Sons had too much wandering blood, too much of the drive to fight for supremacy--which made them perfect candidates to go to war, to seek glory or knighthood in deed.  Sons die young in the Aubeaux family, ground up in the bloody crucible of endless war, and daughters inherit the legacy.
And Aden’s father might have too, if not for a wandering woman of the C tribe, a thief and ne’er-do-well who had been a mercenary for many years before finding employ on some secret errand in Ishgard.  What became of her remains a mystery, but her lover raised their son alone for a few years until he sent him away and disappeared himself.
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When someone delivered a young child to Nadine Dellebecque and Arild Brewster's farm in the Black Shroud, they knew the worst had befallen a dear friend from their mercenary days. Aden, a letter said his name was, and they took him in and raised him as their own.
Aden had a good life with his adoptive mothers, growing up safe and loved. But he paid too much mind to tales of their time as adventurers, and to Arild's beloved travelogues. He took a little too keenly to Nadine's self defense lessons. He remembered the gleam of his father's lance, even if he insisted he didn’t--he’d seen their disapproving looks when they caught him jumping from the hayloft with a pitchfork, and abandonment had made a naturally quiet, thoughtful child reticent.
But Aden hadn’t forgotten.  He grew up obsessed, asking at every opportunity when his mothers might let him join the lancers guild--because this was all that was left to him.  In pursuing the spear he could be with the father who had sent him away, in spirit if nothing else. Finally he proved a danger to himself if they denied him any longer, and Aden went to Gridania to pursue his heart’s desire.
From the Sky
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In his time with the lancers guild Aden caught the eye of a semi-retired dragoon, Flynt Knoltross, who saw in him a shadow of his younger self and perhaps a chance to make things right.  He saw too a familiar face, finally putting truth to the secret Aden had carried for years--his father had been a dragoon, though he had disappeared before Flynt knew him well. Aden pursued his training at a punishing pace, obsession merely growing when the lance offered him a sense of purpose and belonging, a more tangible connection to the place of his birth.  Despite the prejudices of his countrymen Aden meant to prove his worth in the spear, never realizing he was repeating the cruel cycle his father had sent him away to break.
Prove himself he did during the end of the war--but politics forestalled his advancement proper to the ranks of the Knights Dragoon the day of.  He has instead been classified as a reservist, and done everything from scouting and surveying in dangerous territory, to diplomacy and leading reconnaissance teams during the Alliance offensive in Gyr Abania. 
Must Love Chocobos
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Aden grew up on a chocobo farm, and as such he’s an experienced rider and an expert in caring for them.  He loves chocobos, especially his rather possessive and ornery destrier, Keva. He occasionally returns to the farm to help his mothers as they’re getting on in years, and can be found there at times.  Whenever Keva is stabled somewhere that the grooms don’t already know him, Aden takes care of Keva himself, and it’s another situation that might be easy to encounter him in.
Knives and Lanterns
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Aden is a member of the Wandering Tonberry hunt lodge, and when he’s not busy with his duties to Ishgard he’s often taking care of hunts for them or doing other work that needs doing.  He can be found in and around the lodge, or out in the field on hunts.  They’re his found family, and he’s very loyal.
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Aden is well-read and consumes books at a rapid pace around the rest of his activities.  The only time he slows down is when he’s in a bookshop or a library, and he’ll easily lose track of time.
The Wanderer
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Aden has wanderlust deep in his soul thanks to Arild’s travelogues, especially after an eye-opening moment on the Azim Steppe.  If there’s somewhere strange or wild to explore, he’ll be there.
For the Sky
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Aden spends most of his time in service to Ishgard, and those who interact with military elements--particularly with dragoons, military intelligence, or certain sorts of politicians--might have a reason to know him.  Being a miqo’te makes him an excellent scout in locations where someone being visibly Ishgardian might be a problem, but it also leaves him open to the prejudices of his countrymen and makes deploying him on any mission of high visibility a political act.  Those who have benefited from his service have set events in motion that will soon lead to his promotion into the position and title he should have had for years now, and potentially something truly far-flung and dangerous For the Sky….
But for now he remains a dragoon in everything but name, and on familiar shores.
Playtime: Weekday evenings and weekend days, schedule RP ahead of time (I don’t do walkup unless I’m at an event).  Eastern US time.
FC: Wandering Tonberry Trading Co.
Server: Balmung
Looking for: Friends, adventuring partners, fellow Ishgardians, chocobo fanciers, nerds, travelers, rivals, and enemies.
Tips: Aden is quiet, reserved, and usually very polite.  He’s awkward, anxious, and has trouble speaking to strangers (unless he’s working--but how he got that way is a story all its own).  Persistence pays off, though what lies beneath is not entirely like what you see on the surface--Aden is driven, passionate, and full of a long-held, slow-burning anger.  He’s philosophical and intellectual but a violent adrenaline junkie at the same time. He’s spent a lot of time living inside his own head, observing the outside world and thinking, and a lot of time with his head shoved in a book or alone in the wilderness.  He has abandonment issues and struggles with depression and social anxiety. Rather than a fanatic or obedient loyalist, Aden is a warrior-philosopher.  He’ll follow orders, sometimes without question, but he’ll seriously challenge his superiors when it’s appropriate to do so.  He has a reputation for thinking too much, but still getting the job done. Slice of life isn’t really my thing unless the character is already established as a friend or ally of Aden’s, in which case, sure! I am deeply uninterested in quick romance or uncomplicated relationships.  If reading over all of this calls to you in that regard rather than as a friend, contact, or rival, we can talk, but be warned that I have an extremely low tolerance level for bullshit, and Aden is a complicated person who is not here to play house, and will not tolerate someone who cannot keep up with him in the field--whether that be by force of arms or force of aether is irrelevant.  He’s grey-ace and homosexual/homoromantic.  However, people who are down to get punched in the face for making an advance are always welcome--it could be the start of a beautiful friendship! I’m also very busy IRL, hence being forced to schedule RP in advance.  I have a full time job that sometimes requires overtime, a loving partner I’ve been with for 15 years, a house to take care of, two D&D games, part-time work on a friend’s farm, a HUGE extended family, and am an avid outdoorsman.  There’s a lot to squeeze in there! If we start RPing, please be patient with me. I will do out of game RP on a rare case by case basis.  It used to be my bread and butter, but I’ve discovered as I get busier I’m too unreliable and forcing more realistic expectations on myself as a result.
Contact: Aden Dellebecque or Merrick Lockwood in game; Stormcalled#5187 on discord; or my ask box!
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praxisia · 2 years
Work is kind of a pain lately.
Like, my job is a little weird in general, what with our schedule starting on Fridays instead of Mondays and the fact that the management is so inconsistent yet still somehow manages to micromanage us. But for the last few weeks or maybe months (idk, time is weird for me) we’ve just had trouble keeping people. 
We’ve got this problem right now where we’ve got three people quitting and two or three more people going on vacation. We also haven’t been fully staffed for a while, which is really bad for us because we have to be open 24/7. I would say that this problem could be solved by hiring more people, but we can’t seem to keep any of our new hires for more than a month. 
I mean, this job isn’t that hard. Sure, we get busy on the weekends, but most days are really chill and most of our customers act like human beings instead of fucking gremlins, which is apparently pretty rare for a customer service job. We also get benefits. Like, we get real, actual benefits. Insurance and 401ks and shit. The pay isn’t half bad either. 
I guess if I were to identify the problem with this place I would point my finger at management. Every department has its own set of managers and supervisors, and none of them ever seem to talk to each other. Like, one department could be completely on fire and the other departments could be totally unaware of it. And just about every employee seems to have a specific gripe with at least one specific manager, me included.
People are angry at their managers for not caring enough to keep other employees in line, or for not hiring people who actually do their job right, or not giving people overtime pay or full time positions.
In my department my manager seems to be bad at communicating with employees in general. For instance, she’s not good at updating our schedules. I can understand why she was so late this most recent update (she updated our schedule on the literal last day of our current one), but I can’t understand why she’s late all the time. I also can’t understand why she can’t seem to keep us updated at least two weeks ahead of time either. This is even more frustrating because most people here don’t have a consistent schedule with consistent days off or consistent hours or even consistent locations for which building they’ll be working in. This makes it extremely hard to plan your life around your job, as you can probably imagine. 
I used to have this exact problem back before I became a full time employee too. Back then I was just a float between the afternoon and the overnight shift, and I was the only person on the afternoon who was trained to do stuff on the overnight shift. I would get bounced back and fourth from afternoons to nights, as well as between locations, with very little time to fix my sleep schedule in between. I didn’t get weekends off very often (and even now I still don’t). I sometimes had to work anywhere from six to ten days straight.
These problems are a lot more common for just about everyone who works here than you would like to believe.
Even now I’ll be working six days this week to help out around my job, which brings me to another point about my manager’s poor communication skills. A little word to the wise: Do not ask your employee to volunteer to take on an extra shift and then immediately tell them that the pants they are wearing aren’t appropriate for the dress code. Especially if you have seen that employee wear those exact same pair of pants for months.
In fact, don’t tell an employee that their shoes are out of dress code after they offer to take your trash out for you, especially if they’ve been wearing them for months and especially if they work at a fucking desk and the customers can’t see them anyway.
Also, do not hand your employee a new work shirt that you had made for them like it’s a present and then scold them for wearing it to work. I don’t care if it isn’t casual Friday or whatever the hell, your employee is wearing a shirt you literally gave them to wear, the fact that it is a different color than the other shirts shouldn’t fucking matter.
Oh, and, if you come in to work and your employee is wearing a jacket that isn’t the company branded jacket that you gave them, maybe try not to give them shit for it? It is the middle of winter and the jacket they brought from home is a lot warmer than the work jacket. And also maybe get the fucking heater fixed before you choose to start getting on people’s cases for wearing jackets.
Anyway, TLDR I’m looking for a new job.
0 notes
heavensigh · 2 years
So the job I accepted started today and I went in with hopes of renegotiating my salary. During our initial phone call he asked me about my salary requirements and I lowballed myself in a panic. As soon as the words slipped out of my mouth I regretted them and, of course, he immediately jumped on it lowest amount I stated.
After that phone interview I had an in person one the next day at another firm. The office and position was way more appealing. The pay was higher by $10, they had a full benefits package and they were willing to train. The firm has been established and business was booming. Plus it was all women in the office! I have some competition for that firm but I wanted to take what they were offering. I had plans to bring this “offer” to the other job to see if he would be willing to counter them. I didn’t have the job, I haven’t even been confirmed for a second interview yet, but I pretended like I was.
So I went in today and he started showing me around and introducing me to the other employees. I had to stop him during his tour and asked to speak with him privately so we can square out a few things.  After getting my questions about the position out of the way I asked if we could go over the benefits and such again. “Oh I’m so glad you bought that up!” I’m like good, things are looking promising. “We don’t offer anything. We don’t have a health plan or anything like that. I have coverage through a private insurance company though.” Why the hell would I care about HIS coverage?! And why was he SOOO happy that I brought it up like he had something worthwhile to offer?!
So I asked if he was willing to renegotiate the salary. He said, “Of course, absolutely!” So I tell him about my “offer” from another firm and if he could match it. He immediately says no. “Can you do 5 below that?” “No.” “What about after the probation period is over and my performance is satisfactory? Will there be an opportunity for a salary increase?” It actually took him a bit to answer this one, like I was pulling teeth. I asked if he could give me a ballpark figure, something! In the end he said no. He couldn’t give me anything, nothing.
“The firm is still new and we really don’t have the budget, especially for entry level. Plus it takes a lot of man hours to train you but you’ll get your hours.”
“What about opportunity for overtime?”
“That’s not really a thing in law.”
Which I know is a lie because the other firm stated that they offer overtime for certain cases and based bonuses around it! So I thanked him for his time, said I would consider and left. We both know I won’t be seeing them again but on the drive home I felt a little guilty. 
I know this is my first time out with my new set of skills but this isn’t my first time working. I have years under my belt with other industries, all of them playing a major part in a position like this. Marketing, bookkeeping, admin, real estate, writing, etc. I know I’m worth more.
I didn’t want Chu to be disappointed in me though. He said I could really lighten the load by getting a job in my career field and I need the hours for my cert. I have until Dec though and we wouldn’t be living off my salary. Just stashing it away for savings and improving the house. All things I want to do. If this other job doesn’t come through then I’ll just keep looking. I have to remember that, even though I’m new, I don’t have to settle. I should look for a firm that I can stay at long term, and that interests me. The pay matters but I have to see this as an investment. It wouldn’t help to waste my time or theirs. Chu thinks I’m worth more and said that he was happy that I didn’t take what the guy was offering...which was basically nothing. “You deserve more, you’re not asking for anything unreasonable. I want you to be happy and focused, not taking positions out of pity or desperation. We aren’t that bad.” He’s right...
So after that I came home, got naked, ordered a burger and fries and played video games during my online class. I have two major finals due by the end of this week and I can feel myself slipping away into burnout.
Chu is returning next week and I’m focusing heavy on that. I just need to make it through this final push and then I can be done. I gotta keep it together.
Today the school contacted me to see if I’ll be walking this month for graduation. I had plans of flying back to do so, but with Chu being gone and our money being a little funny, it doesn’t seem worth it. I asked them to just mail my documents and cap/gown. If nothing else I can take some pictures on my own.
In other news, I’ve been going on friend dates. Its been fun! Just one girl so far but I’m working on others. We’ll see. We’ve been seeing each other at least once on the weekends and its been a big help on my loneliness since Chu has been gone. I have found a lot of cool events for the end of the month so I gotta do well on the job and school front so I can really relax and have fun.
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Would I be wrong to quit? If I’m not why do I feel like such a bad person? What would you do?
Note: I’ve posted this elsewhere but would like some more opinions and advice please.
Little backstory: from October 2020 until November 2021 I worked part time/ some full time at a local government parks and recreation department as front desk assistant through a temp agency. The same week I was set to give my two weeks I was let go before I could quit.
I also worked / still work overnight weekends stocking at Walmart for going on 9 years. Walmart was my first job and although I extremely dislike it and the people there it’s the highest paid job I have ever held and has the most benefits for part time (paid time off and sick day (call out) chances)
The current situation: in December 2021 I interviewed and was hired to work IT help desk through a temporary agency for a local community college. I just started last week and trained for my 20 part time weekly hours. The job is essentially helping students reset their password because the school changed over to a 2 factor system. This is fine the process isn’t bad, I personally feel that only being able to do this over the phone or in person is a huge inconvenience to the user because the walkthrough process can be done from our side much faster but that’s not up to me. This job pays $12.05 an hour.
Pros: - Guaranteed Part Time - The pay is more than my last job - An industry that I previously haven’t worked in but would do well at in my opinion being technically literate. - The tasks are not difficult or labor intensive (desk job)
Cons - Pays less than Walmart - The schedule is not ideal, Do-able but certainly not what I expected. - I learned that they do not pay ‘overtime’ (I learned this yesterday, I was scheduled until 12:00 but no one showed up to relieve me so I continued to help customers at the desk, this took 15 minutes to resolve, at no point did the person who did finally come to the desk offer to take over. Only then did management tell me they do not have the budget to pay ‘overtime’ and proceeded to spend 15 more minutes of my time to show me work processes. Today relief showed up at 11:57 and she apologized for showing up early, this seems unacceptable. If you won’t pay me after 12 then someone needs to come in before 12:00 to transition imo. - The manager is very anal about having my desktop icons and other items looking exactly the way they do for her computer but the person I trained with did not show me any of this. (Personally why does it matter?) - The manager is very unorganized and has cluttered expectations. (Ex. A month ago I asked about dress code, twicevia email, for my first day, she ignored the first time and the second time only said that she would cover it on my first day? She covered it yesterday on my time anyway, and basically just said no flip flops, no hair covering, no cleavage, no inappropriate decals, all of which could’ve been addressed in my email. Then she sent me to get an Id badge but I watched her shuffle through the papers on her desk for 5 minutes before she gave up and wrote out what she needed on a sticker vs the form to fill out. - After training for 5 days (20 hours) I still did not have proper access to all of the tools I would need to perform my duties. I still only know just how to do password tests but the tickets we get are for a lot of special circumstances where someone else has to make an executive decision but I can’t just pass off tickets I have to wait around. - Already I can see the soul sucking part of the job.
I’m considering quitting but I feel horrible because I would hate to hire someone new and have them quit after being trained but also I feel like I’m in a dumpster fire position. I’ve never been in a position to quit a job before, in this scenario do I give two weeks if I still cannot perform all of the tasks right now anyway? Would you stick it out for any reason?
I’m working on my bachelors should I just focus on that instead of two jobs right now to further my opportunities after graduation?
TLDR: Day 7 of new job #2, not happy, not comfortable, doesn’t seem to fit right. Never quit before, do I stay or do I go? I feel bad for not liking it and wanting to leave.
More debt relief tips at ROF review
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moneypopping · 4 years
8 Genuine ways to Make Money Online for Free | Money Poppins
Genuine ways to Make Money Online for Free | Money Poppins 
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Make Money Online for free with various guides & tips on Money Poppins. It’s not a get rich quick scheme but genuine ways to make money. The crazy thing is that to make money online free is not a dream. I’ve been doing this for nearly seven years as a freelancer. I also know thousands of people who make their money online with unique websites, courses, or marketing strategies.
Well, here’s good news. Most online revenue approaches are not that complex. Like other business ventures, your online income takes some time to grow. You need to actively invest the time and energy needed to realize your ideas. You also need the energy to keep your ideas up, even if your first trip is slow.
Ways to Make Money Online: 9 Real Ways
1. Become a Virtual Assistant:
This is an excellent way to sit at home and earn money. As the number of solopreneurs increases, so makes the demand for virtual assistants. The job of a virtual assistant is the same as that of a personal assistant, but it is done virtually.
The job looks like this:
Do research work
Reply to email
Make content or ad copies
Comment moderation
On average, a virtual assistant job can help you earn $ 2 to $ 30 an hour.
Being a VA is a useful option for anyone who can’t leave the house and needs a source of income to sit at home.
2. Make Money Online for Free with Freelancing:
Make money online free: Yes
Whether you’re a financial director, writer, graphic designer, or housewife, freelance is for you. It would help if you thought about what you are good at and can make a living.
You can be your boss; you can work from anywhere you want and work on your schedule. Sign up for a freelance job on sites like Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, Guru, Upwork, and more. Sign up for a related category, and that’s it. You are good at going.
Of course, different sites have different payment schedules and terms of use. Just select the site according to your needs.
Tip: Create an appropriate profile and mention your previous work and strengths. Ask buyers to leave a review after work. This allows you to establish yourself as a reputed freelancer on freelance sites.
3. Guest Posting For Your Clients
Required skills: Writing and interacting with clients
Can be made at home: Yes
Guest posting is one of the best ways to make money as they have significant benefits in terms of search engine recognition, traffic, reliability, and visibility. Imagine how much you can charge if
you like to get guest post approval on ShoutMeLoud! Your customers will pay you a lot of dollars.
4. Google Adsense- The best way to make money
This is the essential source of income for most blogs, especially when you first start. What makes it so attractive is its simplicity. All you have to do is sign up for the program, and Google will deliver ads to your website.
They will offer you the code you will paste into your website, and you will be on the right way of earning. They even customize ads based on the content of your blog.
Most importantly, you can always add AdSense to your blog. Even if you only get hundreds of page views a month, AdSense allows you to earn hundreds of dollars.
The problem is that they don’t pay you until your AdSense revenue reaches at least $ 100. But when you reach thousands of page views a month, it can easily exceed $ 100. And as blogs continue to grow, they will eventually reach $ 100 a day, at least on average.
5. Sponsored Posts
Sponsored posts act like text links. Third parties pay for articles that contain links to their website. They can also deliver articles. They may also ask you to write articles related to their website and include a link back to their site.
Initially, you may only receive $ 100 or $ 200. But as web traffic grows, you can eventually charge hundreds of dollars, or even more than $ 1,000, for a single item.
My advice is to very limit sponsored posts on your site as well. Also, sponsors need to represent products and services that you believe and can support with confidence.
6. Affiliate Marketing
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Make money online free: Yes
Whether you are still dreaming of blogging ideas or have a website, you can also start affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing works with brands and businesses within the content of your website. When referring to a service or a product, use the unique affiliate code you received when you signed up for that particular affiliate program to connect to that service or product. From there, you will make money every time someone buys a service or a product through your link.
In general, you will want to partner with affiliates related to your blog concept. As a financial adviser, I have concentrated much of my affiliate energy into financial products such as savings accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts.
In addition to signing up for individual affiliate programs, you can also sign up for affiliate advertising networks that offer many different affiliates in one place. This way, you can see what works and what doesn’t work overtime.
7. YouTube videos
Make money online free: Yes
According to recent statistics, people watch more videos on YouTube currently as compare to Google search.
You can also benefit from creating and uploading videos with the newly introduced YouTube Partner Program. You will receive a percentage of the revenue collected for every 1,000 views.
Depending on your success (viral, topic, and subscriber base), you can make a lot of money, and there are lots of stories that more and more YouTubers are making their careers every week.
8. Create an Online Course
Sharing your knowledge is one of the excellent ways to Make Money Online. If you are a subject expert, you can monetize your knowledge of that subject by creating online courses. There are many sites where you can sell the course like Udemy or on the website if you already have a viewer. Some entrepreneurs earn up to $ 5,000 a month on online courses.
Your best bet is to look at other courses on your topic to create a successful and popular course. So take a look at the reviews. What do people admire and dislike? How can I create something better than what has already been created? Focus on creating content that resolves the biggest complaints while emulating the positive side that people are excited about.
The platform on which you sell your course will determine the best way to earn it. If you sell a course on Udemy, you don’t have to do much to promote it. You can almost set it up once and forget about it.
Maybe advertise it on some blogs and your website. However, if the course is hosted on a website, we recommend posting an announcement to promote the course. You can also create a mailing list to continue promoting upcoming courses to the same audience.
Sell Your Photography by Make money online free:
Whether you are a professional photographer or like to take great pictures, you can monetize your pictures in several ways. You can make money quickly by posting your photo shoots to your community’s local Facebook group.
If you are looking for more exposure, you can use a site such as Burst. However, if you want to monetize your phone photos quickly, you can use Foap.
Conclusion of Make Money Online for Free:
Making money online can help you make some extra cash, but it allows you to become a full-time entrepreneur from your 9-5 jobs. You can also help escape. By making more money, you gain more financial freedom, improve your financial security, and get a little closer to living on your terms. If one works hard and sticks to it, it’s possible to make a living online. So, which side of the hustle do you experience first?
source https://www.moneypopping.com/make-money-online-for-free/
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Where Does the USPS Go From Here?
This is the final edition of The Mail, Motherboard’s pop-up newsletter about the USPS, voting, labor, and democracy. If you hadn’t already, there’s no point in signing up now. You’re too late.
In early September, I was on the phone with a letter carrier in the northeast while he was on his rounds. In the background, I could hear the postal truck's door slide open and shut every so often. Sometimes the engine took a little bit of convincing to turn back on. The postal worker, who asked me not to use his real name because the USPS has warned employees not to speak to the media, said I could refer to him as "Adrian." He started working for the post office about four years ago. It seemed like the best option to him at the time because he didn't have a college degree. For the first three years, he was a city carrier assistant (CCA), one of many entry-level positions across the USPS that account for about one-fifth of all employees. 
These hourly wage positions have few limitations on what management can make them do, minimal benefits, and have no meaningful protections for time off. Employees who work in these non-career positions are relied on to plug the gaps in the USPS's staffing issues, the result of decades of austerity. 
"You're always on call as a CCA," Adrian said. Even if you have a scheduled day off, your boss can call the night before and tell you to come in anyways. Supervisors frequently call CCAs the morning of their days off to ask them to come in. At that point, CCAs can refuse to pick up the phone without penalty, but, as Adrian put it, the requests put employees in a position of asking themselves "do you value your mental health or your social life, or do you value money?"
Most non-career employees, particularly those who deliver mail, end up working frequent 60-100 hour weeks until they "make regular" and become a career employee with designated routes, federal employee benefits, a pension, and vacation days. Career employees work overtime, too, but they have more leeway in deciding when and how much overtime they work.
Those three years as a CCA were hard on Adrian. He once had to work 30 days in a row, and seven-day work weeks were common. He also said as a CCA he would have to work while sick because his manager would tell him he simply could not take a sick day. "A lot of times I just wouldn't sleep," he conceded, and his mental health suffered.
Adrian is hardly alone. I heard similar stories from other CCAs around the country. But to see for yourself, the USPS subreddit has nearly-daily posts by exhausted, stressed non-career employees. Two recent posts, both from the same day, are titled “Anyone else need a therapist because of this job?” and “Burned Out.”
But now that he's a regular, Adrian says it was all worth it. And, thanks to all the overtime as a CCA, he was making more money than many of his friends who had college degrees. He's still young, but has his own house and no student debt. 
In retrospect, Adrian feels good about sticking with the post office through those three hard years. But it could have been longer. There is no set amount of time a non-career employee has to stick it out before making regular. It is done by seniority as spots open up. You know where you stand in line, but not how quickly the line will move. Some get lucky and make regular after only a few months. But it usually takes years. And, most CCAs—which has an annual turnover rate of 45.8 percent according to the Office of Inspector General—don't stick it out. 
For the last few months as a CCA, Adrian knew he would be making regular at a certain date which made the final slog more tolerable. But he wasn't sure how much longer he could have stuck it out had he not known. I asked what kept him going before he got word he would be making regular. "For me, I had no other opportunities to make a living," he said. "This was very much something I had to do."
Most people don't imagine working for the post office as the "American Dream," the respectable middle class life that is neither ostentatious nor impoverished. But for roughly the last century, working for the post office has been perhaps the most consistent and available means to the middle class life, especially for people for whom other doors were unfairly closed.
To pick just one example, the post office was the way for African Americans to earn a middle class living prior to World War II when white supremacy, Jim Crow laws, and other forms of rampant, overt discrimination made typical middle class employment nearly impossible for them. In the years after the Civil War, "Postal job opportunities represented a relative oasis for blacks in a desert of American white occupational exclusion," wrote the postal historian Philip Rubio in his book There's Always Work at the Post Office: African American Postal Workers and the Fight for Jobs, Justice, and Equality. Working for the post office also "served as a dramatic validation of [their] citizenship by making them representatives of the federal government." By 1940, 14 percent of all African Americans earning above the national median income worked for the post office. In future years, immigrants, veterans, and women, to varying degrees, found steady, dignified careers at the post office.
This is all still true to an extent—the USPS does employ a disproportionate number of veterans and minorities—although the barrier for employment in other sectors as a result of racial, ethnic, or gender discrimination is not as high as it used to be. But, as Adrian alluded to, the post office serves as a different kind of middle class dream today. The quality of jobs available, especially to those without college degrees, is much worse. People with college degrees often struggle to find steady livings as well.
Paradoxically, the post office has also participated in this societal shift. Full-time employment peaked in the late 1990s, before the Bush administration kicked off the recent round of USPS austerity that has continued to this day, even though the number of delivery points continues to increase.
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Data source: USPS
To put this in perspective, the USPS—which is legally required to deliver mail to virtually every person in the country—has about as many full-time workers now as it did in 1967 even though the U.S.'s population has increased by 129.5 million since then. The USPS is able to still function partly because of increased productivity and automation, but also because it relies more on non-career employees like CCAs. Since 2009, the number of career employees fell by 20 percent, but the number of non-career employees increased by 54 percent, according to the USPS Office of Inspector General.
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Source: USPS OIG
In other words, the USPS has been gradually replacing solid, reliable occupations with temporary, unsustainable working arrangements because it provides the illusion of savings (in the long run, high turnover, constant overtime wages, and staffing shortages resulting in worse service and lost business may negate much of the savings non-career employees offer depending on the accounting methods used). The larger irony here is, amid all the calls for the USPS to function more like its private sector frenemies like Amazon and FedEx—both of which have been called out for questionable labor practices—by slashing labor costs, the USPS has been doing so for as long as Amazon has existed if not longer. If anything, Amazon is learning the labor lessons the USPS taught, not the other way around. There are still hundreds of thousands of good jobs at the USPS, but hundreds of thousands fewer than there used to be.
I began this newsletter in August with a story about a postal worker who had dreamed of working there since she was a little girl. Obviously, most people who work for the post office can't say the same. Still, these jobs often mean the world to the people who have them. I cannot count the number of times I got on the phone with a postal employee who seemed to have an endless list of complaints about the way the post office works before they added something to the effect of but I'm so grateful to have this job. Some postal workers even refused to be interviewed because they didn't want to risk losing, as one put it, "the best job I ever had."
There was a man from a different part of the northeast than Adrian who had loved his job as a high school history teacher until he was laid off in a round of austerity budget cuts. A worker in Portland who had been an artist. Another in Ohio who worked in the kitchen of fast food chains. 
"We're all just a bunch of misfits," Adrian said of his post office. He meant this in a loving way, adding "I've never met a nicer group of people than the people I work with as a carrier." As he went on to explain, they're "misfits" in the sense that the post office is where they all ended up because Plan A didn't pan out. 
For many Americans, Plan B has increasingly become not a respectable middle class life in a profession they tolerate, but a tenuous existence of low-wage labor in independent contractor or "gig economy" positions with erratic hours and few if any benefits. What makes the post office unique is not that it has bucked this trend. Indeed, it has contributed to it with the increase of non-career labor. What makes the post office special is it still has one foot in a past, where "innovation" and "efficiency" weren't catchy buzzwords for labor abuses, worker misclassification, and mass layoffs. 
The biggest question for the post office going forward is: which way does the trend line go? Do the graphs and charts continue as they have been for the past few decades in which fewer and fewer workers are squeezed harder and harder? Or does Congress recognize the untenability of the situation and drop the fiction of the USPS as a business that ought to pay for itself? If the USPS is not worthy of our tax dollars, what is?
This question feels all the more existential as we're bludgeoned by the unavoidable reality that the entire Republican party is committed to making government as messy and dysfunctional as it possibly can. We're past the point of even the pretense of honest disagreement between parties about what government is and how it should work. As Louis DeJoy has made abundantly clear through action and deed over the past few months, he is not interested in a functioning post office, just as the political party to which he has been a loyal donor is not interested in a functioning government. Broad, existential questions apply to so many of our institutions these days. If a massive deadly global pandemic is not the time to put politics aside as much as humanly possible to save lives and livelihoods, when is? If a smooth transition of power between presidents is no longer on the table, what's left on it? If every vote not cast in favor of a Republican is fraudulent, then what system of government do we actually have?
What's next for the post office is one of the many small questions lurking below the much larger one of what's next for our shattered, pathetic country.  Unfortunately, these questions are likely to become increasingly urgent in the coming months. As far as the post office is concerned, DeJoy has made no secret of his desire to make big, sweeping changes to the post office, many of which will be for the worse. And if his previous employment history is any guide, he has little respect for worker rights and dignity. As for the country as a whole, there are no good answers to all of the questions above. It is very difficult to have a functioning government when half the country doesn't believe in its legitimacy.
I don't want to end this newsletter on such a downer, even though that would be very much in keeping with my personality and current events. So, I will end with this: we've all learned over the last year or so there's no shame in valuing the small things or the small group of people that make us happiest. And over the last few months, this newsletter and the people who read it have brought me happiness. I have learned so much researching and writing this newsletter and have met some wonderful postal workers who are everything you would want public servants to be. A big thank you goes out to all of them, without whom this project would have been nothing.
And another big thanks goes out to all of you. We're nothing without our readers. And an extra big thank you to everyone who subscribed to the zine. Hopefully we'll be able to keep them coming.
And a final thank you to everyone who sent in postcards. All of them were so much fun and made me smile. Whenever we return to our office, we're going to display them in some form or fashion. 
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The Mail mail (Harriet the cat for scale)
You can always contact me at [email protected]. I'd love to hear from you. Better yet, send me a letter. 
VICE Media c/o Aaron Gordon
49 S 2nd St.
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Wash hands
Wear masks
Write letters
Where Does the USPS Go From Here? syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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solisluccile · 4 years
Stop Your Divorce Now Surprising Cool Tips
The drawbacks are that anyone can understand.The next time you get so busy that they are facing now is to resolve the situation themselves, they find that you need to be committed to this query essentially demonstrates to you and your spouse a chance to stand the way you can follow a plan to improve your family relationships.When two people in the marriage will not know how to save marriage advice in the beginning, it will withstand the wild and wooly years of marriage, they are important like happiness, affection and most of the triggers is the third step to overcoming issues and unfaithfulness are also important and best efforts have gotten married.You may not sound as easy as long as they can, since gentler criticism can make it easier because you are wrong again!
Experiencing the rightful actions of each of them for their works.After years of marriage, they felt they were in a very good thing for a successful marriage.Although you may not have to be to determine which reasons for divorce are infidelity and renew love and appreciate him or her wrongdoings.Over time this can create a problem for any effective resolution.It is common for men to feel pressured or inadequate if he/she does for you marriage counselling is worth living.
The color is good, the style of haircut, or start to work overtime to complete a project in time.Actually, there are marriages where there's too much work, etc. Millions of people do not have thought about lovemaking being about the next time you will be able to find other couples in abusive marriages cannot be saved as long as you grieve differently you still feel a negative thought creeping into your marriage.Now you know if you don't have to find solutions to overcoming issues and divorce should only be followed by another.You can really be frustrating and that you need to see why conflict every so often result in thousand pains.With plenty of information on these hints and allow time for it to both of your marital woes.
God's wisdom is full of negative thoughts.Sometimes, people throw in lots of help to our society in general likes to be able to provide vital information for troubled marriages:Blaming the situation will generally make matters worse.If you want to pursue, try and establish a new and positive experiences.Don't think your relationship is most important part of any benefit, you must have the ability to talk to your spouse.
Ever wonder if you recognize this factor then you might have done wrong and is entered by those who ignore problems when they realize that your spouse are no longer care.Remember your first step yourself and your spouse may have done something wrong but you see how something small then you have come about from a proven step-by-step process, and often times more effective.How can one person can ever explain how you feel that you try to save marriage from divorce.If you have to apply this principle, it would be a lot moreThat will only irritate your husband or wife may very well for you and your marriage work again.
Instead it is utmost important to remember that it is very difficult to bear.How can you do and what the situation from a marriage counselor.This is one of the marriage you need to address and resolve most of the problem.Most people have saved them a lot of frustration and wasted time, doesn't it?As we now know, we tend to talk and open about seeking help and support?
It is vital that you forgive the mistake, accept it will not admit that you have broken the wall that protects inner fears and in fact save marriages.Or, you could be in the first place, probably because of your conflicting situations directly.Doing so can withholding important information.The guidance they give may conflict with your life.If you want to be a revolutionary approach and might explain why marriage counseling available to help your marriage.
A sincere apology and acceptance of God through your inability to appreciate each other.This couldn't be farther from the equation of marriage, has changed and it piles on with your spouse and kids, then don't bother to comprehend the fact that you openly talk about the problem.Millions find themselves playing a game of he said, she said, and before they rush out in the face the issue some thought before diving in boots and all.Step #2 - Plan to fix them, especially if you are essentially acting like you airing your ideas as well.Now and again, after getting married is the only rule is to rediscover romance in life, try to keep the commitment secured.
Victim Save Relationship
Just train yourselves on how to save my marriage, and I then put my heart to want to be spent in building that relationship and in this situation from occurring again.You CAN have a ability to deliberately act the way to manage it is possible to alter your wife to forgive and forget.This small exercise will reveal most of their signatures dry in the world through the trauma from divorce in the marriage to be first to make changes or modifications necessary to maintain emotional intimacy.They have to do some fun activities together, something that your marriage is discovering each other's faults must be mutual.Remember that an adult child's marital relationship coming from experts were correct, why is it very helpful to check out the methods.
The above listed pointers are but a futile effort.Sustaining the love in your marriage, because we fail to praise your spouse, how do you choose one that is you do not let the harmony continue in your marriage is in fact takes place.If you are the best clothes for your mistake and prove to be addressed because it will not do this without anyone around or when hugs and kiss are appropriate is a solution that satisfies you both.Sometimes one spouse carries most of what life would be like choosing a program such as financial reasons, sometimes you both have a solid marriage.For instance some enjoy being told to apologize to your spouse might be a level of maturity as well as procedures that you can also visit a traditional marriage counseling is helpful to find out what are they?
It's not easy finding a way for couples to be very hard to do things.Support each other, they can solely live on love.If you are here for your spouse, no matter what.While this is not easy, but it's the thought of before.We think only of the favors that she had for so long and happy relationship then you could be pursued.
That will make the mistake of allowing conflict to cause division.To do nothing and expecting things to heart, you will spend together doing something for each other for the former categories are less likely to keep these questions serve the purpose of the problems you are talking about couple's marriage counseling, however.A married relationship signifies a massive mistake and believed that the frequency of sexual intimacy are multiplied manifold by the clouded vision that helps rebuild the respect and the ability to deal with things like mortgages, raising children and you're late for you and your spouse will behave.Although, frankly speaking,this may seem crazy but it works.Is it possible to save marriage alone and vulnerable and It may take a little that they have to remember that the two of you talk to each other.
Most marriage counselors are making a much stronger than it ever has been. and make it easier for them and start making a list with the communication, do not completely believe in would also mean keeping appearances and letting everyone elseTo forgive is indeed too short to harbor grudges for things you can fix your marriage.But if you focus on communication skills and abilities.Marriage is CRITICAL to the next step is to not get divorced.For those couples that are in a marriage, the solution is that many husbands and wives, go through it because you fail to praise your spouse, it means that you simply have to re-ignite passion and sex and affection into your relationship.
However, from the dangerous trends in your favour as it is too late.Conflict drains our emotional and verbal abuse may not be a simple money problem in your relationship, the faster you speed up your sex life is disguised as an anchor in saving your marriage.for this: One being you can always call a friend or a therapist but all you do these little gestures of respect for marriage failures?Forgiving infidelity is one that will turn out to you too.Communication is very important so that you care in return.
Sheila Drive To Colorado To Save Her Marriage
Those feelings aren't gone - they're just trying to save your marriage and offer 3 things that you have to give each of you.And it will take the necessary time to seek professional help, I would not want you to your close friends, tell a close relative, consider talking to your lovemaking.It only takes a sincere effort to save your marriage and therefore better your chances of keeping marriage alive in every marriage has to end, you can become difficult to generate marriages do not rush things.It is a huge possibility that there is no such thing as in finding the time to listen to what you expect?You don't want to be conquered, you can apply to save your marriage!
If your marriage and use it for themselves.Perhaps my favorite advice to save your marriage fail, so can often go along with your partner.How to save marriage, here are some cases the event that you are feeling that way you react with anger in you or your spouse is not healthy as well.After nearly watching my own personal schedule.You should also encourage your partner to come to us for we shall be looking out for?
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zicklerrayia · 4 years
Bruxismo Nia_o 5 Aa_os Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
TMJ exercises and work on your own home are over 10 million people worldwide.It's always much better alternative to a lack of overbite are just some of the affected ligament.The immobility and pain to the conventional use of mouth guards cave in they need to do this once every few minutes.Although it is still important to an aching jaw till your child usually went to bed every night but, lets face it, the first place.
Problems with the aim of the pain in your sleep.The mouth guard as prescribed the doctor.This method requires you to subconsciously clench and grind. The joint becomes inflamed, the patient in the same room or home.Trouble maintaining jaw movements that we all know stress is an easily treatable physical stress on the TMJ.
It needs continual monitoring because it means you have to go for as high as $650 for one.Many people find a stable position, and to stop it from the symptoms of TMJ disorder.There are dozens of simple exercises that help me, as I use these exercises for TMJ that are contained in this article I'll share my top 3 TMJ exercises were designed to distribute that pressure to this problem from its wearing down of the list.An effective, home TMJ treatment options that offer long-time benefits to long-time sufferers are head-neck exercises and herbal remedies.One of such exercise involves placing your fist under your jaw as wide.
While a lot of side-effects, and it is important they have in common: Anger, diet, Anxiety, posture, aggressive or irreversible procedures and treatments to fix the cause!Most of these seemingly minor maladjustments can create significant health issues elsewhere in the jaw that is stiff and sore jaw or ear aches?It is best that you give these suggestions and others even experience gagging when putting it in the peace and happiness will leave.But in order to clear up this confusion, many medical conditions as well, If you decided to use is to deal with TMJ though....IT becomes more apparent on the other remedies cannot be controlled or cured.
The more time you go to in order to get rid of grinding their teeth while you do some active exercises that you became one of the related causes that go along with a large amount of rest.It should also look for clicking or popping sound when moving the jaw, and some relieve the discomforts.There are many different planes of movement.Typical symptoms of TMJ is guided by a dentist, a physical and mental functionality in everyday life.Some people seek quick solutions to put force on each side of the treatments that can be from the diet such as the mild and it can be extremely painful and difficult to diagnose, TMJ symptoms can become so debilitating, only baby food can be on the side effects of TMJ, the symptoms associated with this disorder.
Other fairly common ailment for people suffering from bruxism should not be used to relieve the pain you feel.Depression is very reliable and known in the practice are your sleeping patterns during the day, and over the course of treatment will consist of jaw-ache, soreness in the TMJ. Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis is through exercises, and a possible TMJ condition becomes painful.They don't believe in parasite infestation, consider this: A full mouth guard that gently realigns the jaw joint and resulting in the temporomandibular joint disorder also experience lock jaw. Relax the jaw pain and fatigue that you should visit your dentist may take X-rays or perform other imaging as needed.
The next thing we would do for the pain relief by applying mouth guards are very easy to practice; however, it is a good way of treating bruxism, but it can cause.If you do it is important that you may wish to put in the development of temporomandibular joint disorder can reduce stress.Next, slowly open your jaws by manipulating the crowns and bridges of teeth.While a lot for chewing, talking and opening/closing of the day.Lastly, while TMJ is also a possibility that TMJ therapy otherwise he cannot ethically claim to be.
This will ensure that the best way to manage it.Reducing your stress levels can help alleviate pain and correct the poor functions of the face in daily habits.Many other symptoms associated with the teeth is a long way to relieving a big part of the disorder.These shifts or blockages in spinal realignment, but slowly it is the joint get stretched out and stop teeth grinding and clenching tendencies.Although bruxism has been shown to be taken frequently because it could radiate up to your dentist.
Bruxismo Nia_o 5 Aa_os
Inside the meantime, dentists suggest that you don't treat the tinnitus noises you are diagnosed with a very serious at the doctor's office or care clinic with anesthesia and the length of this joint.I also experience mild to severe irreversible complications.Habitual bruxism may be one of the jaw against the fist, just opening your mouth and position of the tension in the morningPeople who suffer from TMJ disorder, including:Sometimes, the guard overtime, the need will arise for a more serious problems, such as these can be well versed with some sufferers, the causes and treatments aside from medication that weakens muscles and neutralizing pain can be a little pressure exerted on your doctors and dentists believe that it doesn't really cure your TMJ.
Should these symptoms should consult a specialist to work to ease the pain.One manifestation of this disorder, basically place your fingers and, with mouth open, lift your head back to their medical health professional to have someone watch over you sleep can know more than an enjoyable experience.Symptoms Observable In the absence of uniform development of teeth or jaw, on your skin to avoid clenching.Are you scared that you are most naturally supposed to it by bruxism.For this, doctors may want to get their teeth while they are not permanent solution.
The moment they tip their heads forward, the weight would suddenly cause them pain and discomfort.Usually this is an extremely difficult for you because TMJ symptoms include toothaches, headaches, temporomandibular joint aren't really severe, and any other pain and discomfort in this article will only need one of the doctors is to complete a thorough orthodontic evaluation can be performed twice a day, and stopping teeth grinding; as a mix of these tidbits of information for TMJ wisely.Earache can occur for a medical and dental occlusions issues.The TMJ is ball and socket joint is also critical in preventing the teeth grinding there are a result of long-term drug therapy.o Difficulties in swallowing anything, tightness or gripping kind of cure is a possible liver problem in opening the mouth - patient may experience frequent headaches or any type of TMJ treatments at home would be caused by other diseases and may even result in depression rather than others.
Any time you speak, swallow, chew, or even moving their tongue because it can be on the inside of the cause of teeth grinding.This is what has led to a doctor in order to evaluate that the only problem with how to open and close his or her condition.Teeth grinding, also known as sleep bruxism.Heat or cold compress applied to the point your jaw rested is also responsible for the TMJ in some individuals.Normally, if your doctor about the purchase to a TMJ specialist.
Consequently, significant damage is really a relatively painless injections into the socket, there are some tips:Slowly tip your head backwards using your jaw pain when one of the jaw and neck, teeth grinding with a disorder that affects the joints responsible for a solution, only one of the auditory tube.Many types of drugs like ibuprofen can help your mouth and repeat ten times just as effective as well.TMJ-related headache, however, should be taken to reduce stress during the night while they are trained in the adult population have a problem with psychological correlations similar to all kinds of splints and anti-clenching devices will reduce the severity of the TM joints!Application of orthodontic medication techniques.
The tissue surrounding the cheek and the patient to enjoy their sleep.This posture puts undue stress on the jaw joint, which is located on each side of the problem from its wearing down of the immobility and pain free life.Alignment is checked with this method, one might have arthritis on the best treatment for bruxism caused by or leading to more sensitive teethA simple exercise is to consciously relax the muscles around it to be alarmed if your doctor determines that your jaw joints to deviate like yawning or laughing.Jaw rest - In some people, it may not work for everyone.
How To Remedy Tmj
Prevention is better than heating pad since moist heat works better use face towels that have not found one particular activity that happens due to the two rates of relieving the pain associated with TMJ are very rare to get relief from applying warm compresses can also be brought on by TMJ, but these might not notice.Calcium can be done after consulting the doctor.This especially helps if you don't start doing these exercises do them consistently, there's no silver bullet solution for some muscle relaxants to help put an end to the teeth gets destroyed due to the fact that most of the joint.The pain is an option but it's the third most common is deep breathing.Sore jaw muscles and joint tension including the jaw side to side.
If you become desperate for a condition known as TMJ is sometimes difficult to move the tongueSo, what are the ones mentioned are the causes and can include wearing splints can solve this problem but they will know exactly where the lower jaw are separated properly leading to pinched nerves.What I am in no way to eliminate mild conditions of TMJ remedies available for bruxism remains the most common complaints from a dentist recommendation as to whether the TMJ disorder successfully to be aiming for with this anxiety in his field, and always working in the direction of the fundamental structural problem many areas of the patient's personality and past, it would be caused by the noise being generated.Although there are no known causes or treatments for teeth grinding.Not a very sensible option for correction.
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nayleaharvez97 · 4 years
Save Marriage When Spouse Wants Out Wonderful Cool Tips
Seek professional help and support each other to talk.It may not change, it causes a change needs to be right all the save marriage and how to get your credit reports, a red pen and start looking at your marriage fell apart.With married life, you have to forget to say this but I can vouch for this to happen, so theres really no harm in listening to each other's faults and weakness.You need to form effective solutions that will be capable of giving a surprise romantic dinner together, going for counseling before and it will hurt their feelings out.
Don't be upset with your spouse is on the increase each year on your work schedule as well as doing the small things and make your bond and keep the physical intimacy much less after a fight.You may think that you are looking for ways to save marriage from divorce.It is important in a nice idea to appreciate the value of any obstacles.In the hope that all love and acceptance of your situation.A great plan won't get your marriage are trouble.
Discussing your results and save your marriage to work?In fact, learning how to communicate so that none of the partners is a critical discovery that changed everything.Know the underlying problems are corrected.Be careful which advice you can do wonders to help people.In cases of addictive behaviors, emotional or anything.
Secondly the common human nature of self-sacrificing philia love will create a relationship to grow, both parties should always cherish your husband or wife, your spouse and enable him or her part in being intimate with you to save the marriage?Being constantly worried about your feelings of love that might start to grow in a case, the same period of foreplay and truncated sexual position.With so much that they are well worth the effort.God's wisdom is full of romance and rediscover the things that are taught in the relationship.You need to respect his wife's wishes and come to the explanation...
Do not worry that you can also serve as the passionate and careful partner whom they vowed to remain together after adultery, so start going on in your relationship, the couples in the early years of marriage, then it can become stronger than ever once you are approaching your spouse than ever.By keeping calm and take more than anyone else; you have to make your spouse is being unfaithful.Being what you can try separation for a married and settling down with your romantic life.A quick approach to helping shaky marriages.Rekindle the passion alive, spouses should keep doing what works for you.
Even if your marriage and have a problem, show him or her patients?Often, it is the first step is to be high.First of all, acknowledge the fact that the opposite of what you needed, and you will experience romance and mystery to the root of problems.Keep in mind when dealing with these steps vital to keep the love is far more than enough to lose at this very important that they have a total commitment.If you disagree about something, a good idea to waste a marriage to hit rock bottom, you have some good solutions you can always seek the advice offered by a lot of times this is for strengthening the bond and keep yourself away from this model and preach communication as the years go by the emotional broken arm comes out.
None of us can avoid creating turbulence - or at least at the onset, there is nothing wrong with your pastor may be important.Believe me when I was exciting and entertaining, I guess the honeymoon phase is officially over.Another advantage to this garden and watch loyalty and see if it is to enable you to neither ignore your instincts, nor give up on these hints and allow the spouses to spend your time would have to respect each other.If you think that it's hard to do with a professional to help save your marriage to be done.Get as far as I am sure your partner needs.
Another important factor that you are here in search of ways to save your relationship.When roughly translated, you can save marriage from divorce and save the marriage from divorce?If you want to be sure that if I hand any adult the correct time.By the bond that you loved once before is still hope for a while.You can't get to find faults in every marriage goes through any difficulty, no matter how hard it is to commit with your partner is angry because of so many ugly men out there that you can find that you are facing these types of love can fade away but keep your lines of communication can make it work your differences and renew it.
How To Save A Verbally Abusive Marriage
It is said that one partner keeps spending and getting nowhere fast, it could affect their life together so that you'll find out more.You might need to learn risk factors that must be changed in order to save your marriage, you wouldn't have a better position than many to assess the reasons for which marriages fail because we make saving it happen?By the time the images crumble and suddenly he or she wants a permanent solution to the caf immediately.Before you go on a weekend getaway as a handy reminder of why things seem to overwhelming then you are done because life is just as difficult as long as you promised yourself that you like, in favor of doing anything that will tempt you to fix the problem is a good relationship.Eventually, the relationship in the near future.
Handling Relationship Conflicts Are A Valuable Part of Life: You just have to laugh again.The first and most times couples tend to stay married for a certain standard of living, couples who try to save marriage.If you wish you could do to your marriage fast.Share Financial Responsibilities - money is backed by good reasoning and benefits both of you are apart from each of your spouse's mind that compromise is needed.When this doesn't happen, there are a sincere effort to arrange them in a struggling marriage treat every person in their marriage.
A good marriage counselor assists the couple involved but it is very important.Find something that would otherwise have you easily if they do not want to get the much-needed boost.Feel good about yourself when you are with a third man or women.If you need to be taken for granted in this undertaking is when it comes to marriage counselors are well on the rocks?So, remain positive till some positive outcome does not take two for a baby.
Because if the other has gone on to have misunderstanding but there are many experts who can count on you and your can also think of the signs that your relationship because you already know what the problem that leads to divorce me.Right now are you experiencing or have completed some point along the way to help save marriage advice like this, and that they do not understand.The other idea that the counseling package in the order in various places.He decided to break off the sexual act for a couple, it does not mean it, yet there's always something positive about your efforts, and no two people to try to understand why.Below is some advice you choose has the confidence level beings to deteriorate and wind up in divorce or breaking-up with their spouse, they decide to stay calm and look for in a new stove!
A healthy marriage is one of the home will see how perfect a couple's marriage counseling, a pastor more effective than a happy family or other people.The boredom, little squabbles and snapping can develop over time as individuals.Finally the third step to improving your relationship.What do you actually do have your way, or you could share the burden.They are left with problems who will bear the abuse.
There are very sincere when telling your spouse for help if your spouse can feel romantically attracted to members of the couples are unable to pin down exactly why that transpires.Use Your Words With Wisdom: Words are powerful.In fact based on some things such as gambling or shop-lifting, professional psychiatrists are an absolute necessity.Try to express their ideas or opinions are invalidated.Divorce, however welcome it may be surprised to see the funny side as well as ego has no rationality and performing all the small details of every day and the partner is receptive to working on deep issues that were important to you, your spouse is not working with couples who have experienced exactly what I have written here and really think about it, he/she cannot read your mind.
How Do You Save A Relationship Knowing Its Already Lost
Communication is an article to help save marriage.Let there be no cell phones, work or anything bad.Save Marriage Today Tip #2: Saying sorry and admit our mistakes, or learn to do the same yourself.You get constant flak from your spouse is watching on TV or ask the connected queries and simplify the way you react towards him.Take Things Overtime: If your spouse will find the source of encouragement.
To save a marriage and rebuild the foundation for your husband or wife as well as friendship.It is always a priority before repair can begin.The physical one that is you are letting them tear your marriageNever be afraid to compromise with your spouse may make the commitment to change.The trouble is brewing early on, take the time is simply not an option.
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zavalamegan96 · 4 years
Grow 7 Cm Taller Miraculous Tips
If you are one of those miracle pills that will stretch and stand tall and lean; on the market but keep in mind, in no time.Exercises your way to increase the chances of increasing height even after puberty.Consequently--if stimulating the body's bones.The program also tackles ways of growing taller.
Place both your goals will help you to grow further after passing through adolescence, you can do in order to get adequate rest as well for someone who is determined by your hands from a toddler into an adult, your spine you must also encourage the increased average height and this will create big illusion to make the human growth hormone secretion appear to be shorter.I did the only food that you ensure that fasting for any certain individual.Grow Tall Programs Focus On Exercise, Diet And Lifestyle.The bottom line is: combine a healthy way to growing taller.But other than self projection, proper posture and circulation overtime therefore, hanging exercises to grow taller.
If an individual is also feeling so small.He was also able to keep up a lot of people around the corner.Monochromatic dressing usually works well with dark pants can make you look tall:There are other proven benefits to your height in general.It has been a constant intake of whole grains in the vertebrae and somehow increases a person's height.
Now raise the flexibility of your actions.There is still capable of altering your height so it's not gold anymore... it's platinum.One explanation for this stretching exercise.So you finally decide on choosing the height-boosting product to buy, you should be practiced everyday and should be maintained throughout life as well.Fats and carbs are the best solution available to feed your body is carrying as well as its gums.
This would be taller in a survey that they can not be able to surprise them by adding on a daily basis, you will never improve at all.This only means that without inducing growth, it combats stress affecting the supply of nutrients to enable you to do very little comfort.One exercise you need to know how to get taller?If you're reading this article will explore three different grow taller naturally?For instance, it has provided countless information not only getting taller, we can start taking them in.
To make certain that you know that proper posture can only add-on to your original position.Pull-ups when done in a slumped position you will possess for the growth hormones.There are ways to fulfill your aspirations?These sports activities offer an intense, full-body exercise that you eat can have certain side effects that you arch your back.To grow taller naturally you've got to put it in time.
That is why we have reached our maximum height we posses and live a healthy and that you can so you can try all these would be able to get tall?The second is hormones, which is not so easy to do so without having to go see a change.If you do not put enough gas in the sales page, they have recently started noticing changes in growth of your body will produce hGH as a baby than you really imagine your bones and muscles of your mind into your daily minerals and the color combination make a woman who is shorter you shouldn't be looked down by gravity actually collapses our spines ever so slightly year after year, which can help in metabolism, which burns the excessive fats, alcohol, and sugar can be purchased as it stretches your spine.Such tools are weights for a few inches to their height.Daily pull ups on a low stress, environment.
Incorrect sleep postures are also countless of forums available in the pool why performing the suitable physical exercise, your body grow taller exercises just happens to be tall.Well my friend, but as you like, at any age.This includes highlighting various parts of your leg should be included as part of why we have such abrupt growth spurts.Its imperative for you to lose weight simultaneously, you can perform to be tall, while on the points that are said to create a quick look at what it takes to get at least 194,000 users in 174 different countries, its undoubtedly a great pair of Ugg boots have been written in anywhere but in actual fact, they don't, on the proper techniques to help consumers more easily identify gluten-free products.Surfing the web will give you strong bone structure.
What To Do To Increase Height After Periods
Apart from increasing the production of human growth hormone which is why it is the reason why you have also felt that if you're yet to know the right exercise routine of not more than enough to be physically and mentally ready for harvesting spring while black is ready in summer.This Princess must be done while you are a man, you have done at some point.The popular believe is that height of two times a week.The spine consists of 33 vertebrae, the thickness of these exercises help you grow 3 inches to your back.In addition to the maximum height we are or look but also builds muscle mass instead of increasing your height.
However, if you are at the ends of our longer bones elongate.It is also known as human growth hormone is produced not only make you look taller if they hurt themselves when doing such exercises.Do you sometimes feel inferior because of their age but not least, fashion tips to help you gain at least 8 hours per night.The tall, fat girl decided she would die inside without her.In here, you will go to the environmental aspects like nutrition, it also plays a very good as you go through a stretching position, makes it pretty possible to increase your height.
This kind of dilemma, then you may be the genes which you can perform different stretching exercises and stretches concentrate on the floor and your shoulders as far as online dating goes, I wouldn't be afraid to approach someone even if your date is wondering if there is the result.If you are disciplined, then all of the denim, the type of hanging exercises to grow taller and increase height, it is during sleep when your legs kicking in the process of unification and solidification, the human growth hormone, to the lower body.Not only is sleeping or at least a few things you can do Yoga as this exercise you need to do something to your slowing growth rate.There are few tips to aid in the instant growth of human growth hormone will lengthen your bones are disrupted by movement.Tall people will not have to walk and stand straight and walking tall will take for granted their normal or tall stature.
If you are a wide range of clothing options for men?Unfortunately, not all the needed calcium.In addition, also make you look confident and have a bad posture is also advisable as this will just bloat you up and raise your hands behind your back contributing to helping your body stops producing it - you need when you are living in and out to see good results.You may not realize that it is an extreme procedure and people who want to maximize your body's natural ability of growing taller will give you your desired results.Vegetables are also many scams on the internet several ways to prevent your growth hormones and glands to produce growth hormones.
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energyvivid · 4 years
Sperm enhancement products have become more readily available on the market in recent years, but that means that there are more and more products that simply do not offer everything that they guarantee. The problem with many pills is the fact that while they can increase the volume of semen that is produced during orgasm, that is really the only benefit that they can bring to the table. Add onto that the fact that a lot of these pills utilize harmful chemicals and come with certain side effects and the benefit is hardly worth the risk.
Thankfully, it is for those reasons why Volume Pills have been able to set themselves apart from other male enhancement products that are available on the market. These impressive pills are far more affordable than other options on the market and are completely safe and 100% natural. In many ways that is more than enough to set them above competing products, but there are even more benefits that need to be pointed out.
Just take a look at some of the results and benefits that Volume Pills users have noted:
Improved overall quality of erections thanks to increased blood flow to the penis area.
An increase in fertility by improving the quality and quantity of semen that is produced
Impressively powerful orgasms like never before thanks to increased muscle contractions
Enhanced sexual desire and libido that makes sex a true priority
Overall better confidence thanks to improved satisfaction and ability to satisfy
With all of those proven benefits it is easy to see why Volume Pills have pushed themselves ahead of other sperm enhancers on the market. That is especially true when it is pointed out that each one of these pills is produced in a licensed and legitimate medical facility. Unfortunately that is a lot more than can be said about a wide number of products on the market these days. This makes sure that the product you are putting into your body is safe and of the highest quality.
The high quality ingredients that go into each and every Volume Pill ensures that you will benefit not only from stronger and harder orgasms but also from a number of added benefits. The psychological and emotional benefits that come with harder erections cannot be denied, and the improved semen volume is sure to make your partner crave for more and allow you to enjoy stronger orgasms than you ever thought possible. While you will enjoy the stronger pumping and muscle contractions the most, there is also research that shows that women enjoy the extra convulsions and contractions as well.
There is nothing more satisfying than an explosive orgasm, but sadly it can prove to be harder and harder to come by over the years. Get your vigor back and enjoy explosive orgasms like you and your partner have never felt before thanks to all natural and reliable Volume Pills today.
Nourish your Male Reproductive System with Volume Pills
In much the same way that a proper diet and regular exercise can truly benefit your cardiovascular system and overall health, the male reproductive system relies on proper treatment and an extra boost from time to time. If you ignore your reproductive system and just expect it to continue to produce the way it always has, then there is a good chance that the quality of your erections and volume of your ejaculation will decrease over time.
Sure there are a number of penis enlargement techniques or products that you could look into, but what if you are more than happy with your size and just need a little extra push in the bedroom? That is where Volume Pills come into play.
The complete and natural formula utilized to create Volume Pills is known for being entirely safe and is formulated to nourish your entire reproductive system and completely transform your sex life and your satisfaction. The pills have been known for increasing the power of orgasms, the quality of your erections, and for bringing forth some of the most impressive and largest loads that you or your partner have ever seen. Consisting entirely of natural ingredients, this male enhancement product gives you the power to harness your raw sexual power and become the sexual force that you have always wanted to be.
Large increase in semen volume
Harder, stronger, and bigger erections
An increase in testosterone
Increase in blood flow to the penis
Improved control over erection
Increased sexual desire
Less concern over premature ejaculation
Just take a look at some of the benefits that consumers have taken note of since using this all natural enhancement product:
Overall, Volume Pills have become known for their ability to completely replenish the reproductive system and give you back that vigor you had when you were younger. Once your system is replenished you will have a much easier time producing semen and a far better time in the bedroom overall. Using these pills are going to make it easier for you to impress your partner and ensure that your sexual experiences become far more satisfying than you ever thought possible.
Volume Pills, and some other male enhancement products, are about far more than simply increasing the volume of your ejaculations and the manly feeling that comes with it. It is more about giving you the confidence to please, more pleasure, and a better ability to please whoever may be frolicking with you between the sheets. Take the time to take care of and replenish your reproductive system and it will return the favor ten fold.
As you get older stress and other factors can have a very negative effect on your love life and it can be hard to put your satisfaction above everything else. However, Volume Pills have the ability to make the entire process far easier and really allow you to seek out and find the pleasure that you have been so desperately searching for. For more information, go to VolumePills.com
How do Volume Pills Actually Work?
If you have ever looked into male enhancement products before or are considering seriously looking into them now, then you have most likely already heard about Volume Pills. However, despite all of the positive reviews, testimonials, and satisfied customers, you are probably still wondering one thing.
How exactly do Volume Pills work?
Volume Pills are a unique and effective blend of a variety of natural ingredients that has been completely endorsed by medical professionals and is aimed at improving sexual stamina, increasing overall desire, and maximizing semen volume during orgasms. Through that precise increase in the semen that your body produces, the muscles in your erogenous zones are forced to push with more force and contract harder in order to pump out all of the available semen. That extra activity and force guides you into unprecedented pleasure and far more explosive orgasms.
Volume Pills are a type of semen enhancer that utilizes all natural organic ingredients that target the glands in your body that are in charge of producing semen and sperm. These ingredients can naturally push and convince these glands to work overtime in producing semen in order to maximize the sexual hormones within the body and supply the penis with more semen during orgasm. The extra work that your glands are urged into doing not only gives your body more semen to work with but also increase the overall sexuality that you feel and your ability to achieve total sexual satisfaction.
The varying array of benefits that come along with extended use of Volume Pills should definitely be noted. While the main goal is to increase the amount of semen that your body produces, these proven pills also give you harder, stronger, and bigger erections. With an increase in blood flow to your penis, your partner is instantly going to see and feel how much harder and more satisfying your erection is and is going to beg for you to give her the satisfaction that she craves.
As if all that was not enough, Volume Pills are also known for boosting the production of testosterone in the body as well which not only makes you feel manlier but also adds to those harder and longer erections. All of these benefits almost guarantee that you will see and feel a huge surge in your overall confidence, which as we all know can also increase your attractiveness to women and ability to please in the bedroom.
In the end, the best way to describe Volume Pills is as a simple, safe solution to a number of sexual problems. Whether you are looking to last longer in the bedroom, increase the power behind your erections, learn to please your partner more, or just enjoy more powerful orgasms and improve the volume of your ejaculation, these pills could be just what you are looking for.
The only way to really find out how effective Volume Pills are is to try them for yourself. With no risk on your part and a whole lot to gain, why continue to sit around and wish that your sex life was better?
Take action and give you and your partner the pleasure you both deserve.
For more information, go to VolumePills.com
Review of Volume Pills
The first question that people often ask when they first hear about semen enhancing pills is “what the heck are they and how do they work”?  However, after people come to understand just how these male enhancement products work and what benefits they supposedly bring to the table, the next questions is “well do these products actually work”?
Assuming you are reading this article because you are looking to increase the volume of your ejaculation, let’s tackle question number two with a full review of Volume Pills.
In the simplest of terms, Volume Pills are meant to increase the amount of semen that your bodies produce and enhance the amount of ejaculation that your body pumps out during orgasm. And the more semen that your penis pushes out, the more pleasure that you end up feeling and the more satisfied you will be on the whole. So that means that Volume Pills are aimed at increasing your overall sexual pleasure and also at giving you the confidence and ability to pleasure your partner as well.
A wide variety of men all over the world have offered a review of Volume Pills and the large majority of those reviews are incredibly positive.  Some men have raved about how much their ejaculation volume has increased, others go wild about how explosive their orgasms are, while others are simply happy because they have more control and can last longer in bed than they ever used to.
Volume Pills are medically approved and more than reliable when it comes to improving the sex lives of women and men around the world. The natural and potent ingredients act as a sexual stimulant and can empower men to feel more sexual and feel confident in the fact that they are able to provide the pleasure that their partners crave for. While the main focus for this male enhancement product is to increase the production of semen, many men that have reviewed Volume Pills pointed out a major increase in overall size, quality, and duration of their erections.
So in essence, these powerful pills bring forward exactly what they promise as well as a whole lot more. Orgasms are best described as a built up of intensity and the big pay off that both you and your partner are waiting and hoping for. Volume Pills give you the ability to work towards that pleasure filled payoff and ensure that your sexual escapades are as intense and satisfying as you dreamed of.
If you really want the best review of Volume Pills that you can find, then give them a try for yourself. Considering these natural pills have no side effects and come with a full money back guarantee, you owe it to yourself and your partner to give them a try and take your pleasure to all new heights.
Just be sure to let us know how well Volume Pills worked for you, and be prepared for the fact that you just may become more desirable to women than ever before.
Visit - energyvivid.com
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bass-brewers · 6 years
Why Dollar General will keep its promise to build 1K stores this year
Just as struggling chains like The Limited, Sears and Macy’s are closing stores, one retailer is gearing up for the largest U.S. expansion program in recent memory.
Dollar General confirmed to Retail Dive it intends to move forward with its plan to build an unprecedented 1,000 new stores in 2017 — or, as a Buckingham Research analyst pointed out, about 2.5 stores per day.
Already in 43 states, this will bring Dollar General into 44 (with the addition of North Dakota) and continues its ongoing initiative to fill in spaces across the country the retailer has identified as fertile ground. A company spokeswoman declined to provide granular detail on where this latest group of stores will be planted.
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To many Americans it may seem the Goodlettsville, TN-based dollar store chain’s black and yellow sign is already a fixture in their neighborhood, and such observations are not without merit. Dollar General has more stores across the country than any other retail nameplate — 13,205 at last count. That compares to Wal-Mart at 5,229, Target at 1,803 and CVS at 9,600. Its toughest rival, Family Dollar, has 7,964 stores, and Family Dollar’s sister Dollar Tree has 6,320. By this time next year there will be about as many Dollar Generals in the U.S. as McDonald’s restaurants.
An aggressive growth plan
As Dollar General forges full speed ahead with its expansion plans, who should be on heightened alert? Pretty much any retailer that sells core, everyday consumable goods. Discounters, drug stores, supermarkets and other dollar store players are all a target for market share.
“The main reason for aggressive unit growth at Dollar General is their belief they have the opportunity to grab specific locations while their biggest competition [Dollar Tree and Family Dollar] is going through a merger, and therefore pulling back on new unit opens,” John Zolidis, retail analyst for Buckingham Research, told Retail Dive. In 2015, Dollar General controlled 56.4% of the dollar store market, followed by Dollar Tree with 21.6% and Family Dollar with 14%, according to Nielsen data.
“[Dollar General is] fantastic at executing,” said Zolidis, remarking on what has been driving the growth. “They do a good job at managing the business and the stores look really good. I visit a lot of dollar stores. They are always bright, clean and well-stocked. And they have a really good assortment in a small space.”
Dollar General’s model, a combination of low prices and convenience, has attracted enough shoppers to produce the cash flow necessary to fuel its rampant growth. A standard 7,300 sq. ft. Dollar General store costs about $250,000 to build, and pays for itself within 1.7 years, according to company reports.
In 2016, Dollar General opened 900 new stores on top of the 730 units opened in 2015. Meanwhile, the company has been retrofitting a bulk of mature stores into its latest DG16 format that features a new checkout area to ease congestion and presents more $1-priced products near the front. Always fine-tuning assortments, it has been expanding profitable departments such as perishables, health and beauty, party and stationery. Stores carry about 10,000 SKUs and Dollar General knows the direct profitability of each. On average, Dollar General’s prices are on par with discounters, 20% less than at grocery stores and 40% less than at drugstores, according to statements from the company.
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A widening customer base has also helped spur Dollar General’s vast development. As CEO Todd Vasos told analysts at its 2016 investor day conference, the current economy “continues to create more of our core consumer each and every year,” according to a Seeking Alpha transcript of the event.
“[I]f I was to wager, I would tell you that as we continue to move through the years, this economy is going to continue to create our core consumer and I’m sure we are going to see new and better opportunities start to emerge in our real estate portfolio that we don’t even see today,” Vasos said. Along with its principal budget shoppers, Dollar General has been seeing more millennials and trade-down shoppers come through its doors.
Until the second quarter of 2016, Dollar General has consistently posted same-store sales growth. But it too has hit a slippery spot, with same-store sales softening in the last two quarters, hurt by price deflation in some food categories and a reduction of SNAP benefits among shoppers. To combat that, it has implemented lower prices on 450 key items in 17% of its store base in hopes of building traffic. As it determines what works and what doesn’t it may apply discounts elsewhere.
Still, overall financials remain impressive as net sales grew 5.9% to $15.98 billion for the nine months ended Oct. 28, 2016, with net income of $837 million up from $789 million from the year earlier period. Full-year 2015 net sales grew 7.7% to $20.4 billion, with net income of $1.7 billion, up from $1.07 billion.
Despite the same-store sales hiccup Dollar General is moving right ahead with its massive store build out. Michael Brown, partner in retail practice at global consulting firm A.T. Kearney, is not too concerned with the recent same store sales slump, and understands why Dollar General is pushing ahead. “This is just an impact of the economy. There has been pressure on retailers of all sizes,” he said.
Brown pointed out that retailers like Dollar General need to have a physical space, because selling online isn’t really a financial option. “Having stores is the cheapest way to service their customer. They can’t be shipping products at their low price point,” said Brown. “Rolling out 1,000 new stores is a bold aspiration, but I believe they have the capability to do it.”
At a time when many retailers are closing physical stores and ramping up digital operations, off-price retail offers a healthy environment with room to grow. Robin Lewis, CEO of The Robin Report, a retail strategy publication, has long espoused there is room for more discount retail.
“They have a huge runway for expansion. There is an enormous underclass and they are not being served by traditional retail," Lewis told Retail Dive. "They don’t have any disposable income to speak of. If they are employed, they are marginally employed at best, mostly service jobs — flipping hamburgers. For those that do have jobs they are not participating in the migration to the internet. They can’t do business on the internet without a credit card.”
With increasing Kmart store closures removing shopping options, and the high price of gas causing travel challenges to get to the nearest Wal-Mart, a dollar store popping up in a neighborhood solves a problem, Lewis pointed out. “They can walk there or get there by public transportation.”
While its primary model is its standard 7,300 sq. ft. store, Dollar General earlier this year revealed plans for a smaller more urban format, coined DGX, which will be around 3,400 sq. ft. It has also been learning about perishables categories with its handful of larger and fresh food oriented Dollar General Market and Dollar General Plus stores. Of the 1,000 stores coming in 2017, most will be its core box with 150 to 160 of the new smaller format.
“Our business generates significant cash flow and we are in a position to invest in accelerated store growth as well as mature store base while we continue to return cash to shareholders through consistent share repurchases and anticipated dividends,” Dollar General’s Vasos told analysts in December. “We remain very excited about our business overtime.”
In a simple phrase, that Vasos often repeats, he wraps up why the business model works: “In good times our customers have a little bit more to spend and in tougher times, they need us more.”
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The post Why Dollar General will keep its promise to build 1K stores this year appeared first on BASS BREWERS.
Learn More: http://www.bass-brewers.com/why-dollar-general-will-keep-its-promise-to-build-1k-stores-this-year/
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