#with have just recovered from it. but tbh i feel like it’s not covid because i’ve had covid 3 times and every single time it was way worse
arliedraws · 2 months
why am i posting so many texts posts in a row? it is because my covid symptoms are gone, my period is over, and my brain is functioning again
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Literally what does this headache want from me. I’ve hydrated, I’ve taken 3 different types of pills, I fell asleep on my couch for 45 minutes… why do I still feel this way
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zyrlovesmizu · 4 months
BES characters when you get covid (directed to fem)
note: set in 2029-2020 when covid was quite serious!
- her time to ✨ shine ✨ as she cooks for her beloved!! (can only heat up soup and make some instant noodles…) but honestly, she’d try her best to find some videos to practise it for you
- literally shit talks the sickness like it’s some yucky problematic guy LMAO
- “does covid not have any other bitches to go to? like why does this dumbass have to go for my girl..”
- isolation? nope never heard of that!
- she’d take every chance she could to be with you and help you recover like maybe kissing ur forehead if it feels hot asf or massaging your sore muscles etc
- because we all know damn well that this lady can never ever get sick (especially in the current!au like girl, you barely eat and constantly get stabbed, how tf aren’t you dead 😭)
- anyways, she breaks the rules just to be with you :3
- at first, cried that u got covid :( especially with the rising cases of death
- tbh a little scared to touch you 😓
- but honestly, breaks the rules as well just as much (or if not more) but she’s way more careful compared to Mizu so she wears a mask 💪
- puts your medicine in a medicine box ensure you eat what you need to everyday + sets up those timers that alert her immediately when you need to take some extra supplements or eat!
- “have you taken your vitamin c tablets? how about the fish oil? wait, why is the magnesium pill still in the box? you didn’t take the afternoon supplements?”
- plays games between the bedroom door especially the guessing game bc of how easy it is to do without physical contact (similar to akinator) (honestly very fun, try it out sometime!)
- knows nothing much about medicines and all so to make himself feel better, he wraps bandages around you 😭
- honestly also does it because he likes the way you laugh at his gesture <3
- compared to the two ladies, he abides to the rules very closely and stays away from you ☹️ the max he’ll go near you is probably 1m distancing bc he’s nervous abt how getting close to you might affect both u and him
- but would text or call you everyday even if he was home just to speak to you, GET ME A MAN LIKED THAT
- “heyy, you know what I heard about mary from work? apparently, her ex, that only lasted like a month, is now saying her best friend!..” (proceeds to yap and gossip 🤭)
- buys u LOADS of gifts to give after you beat cocid (he knows you’re strong enough to do so! (•̀ᴗ•́ )و)
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spicywhenspeaking · 9 months
The second to last touch-starved prompt with anyone in Bad Omens please 🙏 I love your writing so much!
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Sorry this took me forever!!! Tbh I STRUGGLED! Lmaooo couldn’t decide if I wanted to get sad with it or fluffy. I decided fluffy because thinking about sad stuff was depressing….😵‍💫❤️
Prompt was Leaning onto each other, just being close, was enough and I did Nicholas x Reader
Anywhooooo! Hope you like it!!
Requests are open :)
I was all set to leave and join Nicholas on tour. I fit more clothes than physically possible in my bag and then the next day I woke up with a 103 fever and the worst body aches I’ve ever had.
I took a Covid test and when it came out positive I called Nicholas right away and it was probably a mistake because as soon as I heard his “hey baby, I’m so excited to see you tomorrow night. All packed up?” I busted out crying. “Baby, what’s wrong?” His voice was rushed and panicked.
“I’m sick!” I broke out in between quiet sobs, “I have Covid.” The both of us were devastated about not getting to see each other.
My life as a private chef takes me all over the place so we haven’t seen each other in over a month and a half because of our conflicting schedules. We talk on the phone and facetime, but it’s not the same and I miss being with him. Being immuno compromised I was sick for a long time, almost three and a half weeks with a nasty cough and body aches that made it difficult to get out of bed some days. By the time I finally recovered they only had two weeks of the tour left.
By some miracle the retreat I was supposed to cater was rescheduled at the last minute so I went straight into planning mode and repacked my bag to prepare for my surprise. I told Matt and the other guys about it so they all knew to expect me and knew not to say anything to Nicholas. I was hoping I’d be able to be awake when I saw him after all this time but after several flight delays I’m a day later than expected and haven’t slept in over 24 hours so when my head hits the pillow in his bunk and I’m surrounded by his familiar scent I am immediately out.
I don’t know how much later it is but I’m lightly awoken when I hear clanking and shuffling outside of the bus followed by the door opening and feet filling inside. “I’m exhausted dude, I’m just going to climb in my bunk and try to call y/n” I can hear my boyfriend’s muffled voice. “Why is my curtain closed? I definitely left it open” I hear him again before he pulls it back and he startles me at first with his initial reaction. “What the fuck?!” He yelps and I jump, my head flies up and hits the roof of his bunk “ow!” I cry out and he must immediately recognize that it’s me. “Baby!” He says and climbs in the bunk and tackles me back into the covers. “Oh my god, baby. You’re here.” He mumbles into my neck. I can hear him take a long breath, “god I missed how good you smell, these guys smell like ass.” I chuckle and hear Folio say “hey!” From his bunk on the other side of the bus.
Nicholas moves to quickly pull the curtain back to closed. “I thought you weren’t able to come” he continues to mumble his words into my neck, unwilling to let me go. I smooth my hand down his head and play with his hair. “The retreat was rescheduled so I got a last minute flight to see you” I say and he finally looks up and I see his eyes are glossy. “I missed you so much baby” he says and leans up to me to kiss me and it’s perfect. I feel everything that we want to say, all of the “ I love yous” and the “I miss yous” all reflected in the kiss. When we finally part he rests his forehead against mine and we just lay in comfortable silence. “How was the show? I’m sorry I missed it, I’m exhausted. Fighting to stay awake right now actually” I laugh out honestly. Smiling, he shifts us into a more comfortable position with me resting my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. “The show was great, but I think this is the highlight of my night. I’m so happy you’re here.” I rest my hand on his chest and feel the steady beat of his heart, “I’m happy I’m here too Nicholas” I say and as much as my body craves to be closer in every way leaning onto each other, just being close was enough.
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porcupine-girl · 2 years
Covid update
I’m now what, 17 days since I started getting sick?
The good:
Starting paxlovid two days sooner (day 2 vs day 4 last time) definitely made a difference, along with being 4x vaxxed. My fever went away within a day of starting the paxlovid and by like 7-10 days I didn't feel sick-sick most of the time. Just very very very fatigued. Right now I'm very up and down with the fatigue; I can do things, but not many.
The rest:
God, the timing just could not have been worse. My husband had been out of town the three days before I got sick, then I had to avoid getting him sick because a week later he had to leave town for three days for a job interview he really couldn't miss. When he left, my bff from high school came to town - I'd told her it was up to her if she wanted to reschedule, but she couldn't, so she stayed in a hotel the first couple of days to "give me more time to recover." I don't think she really understood/believed how bad off I was, tbh. We were supposed to go to Dollywood while she was here, and she was fully convinced that if we got a wheelchair I'd be fine.
We did go to Pigeon Forge once my husband was back in town, but the three of them (her, my husband, & my son) went to Dollywood while I stayed in the hotel room. Sure, I could've gotten around in a wheelchair, but there's no way I could've gone on a single ride, so why pay $80 for that?? Even on the pretty tame rides, your body tenses up against the g forces and I knew that even doing that once would be unenjoyable and probably wipe me out entirely for the rest of the day, like even the wheelchair would be iffy.
On the up side, we drove through the Great Smoky Mountains a bit on the way home and it was really gorgeous - the tops were snowy, but they're short enough that they're covered in pine trees unlike the Rockies, so it was all snowy pines.
And as soon as she flew out, my husband left town again. Now he's gone for a full week.
And, of course, this was all smack in the middle of FTH. It has been a fucking neverending comedy of errors this year, and me not being able to contribute almost anything (if not fucking things up worse with covid brain fog) for several of our busiest days was only the beginning. We made it, but *whew*.
Now I'm doing, like... okayish.
As long as I'm sitting down I'm mostly okay, modulo a few lingering aches in my bones. Standing up is a crap shoot, sometimes it's fine and sometimes I'm like oh this was a bad idea when can I sit down again. The major issue is doing anything with my arms. They wear out so quickly. Washing a few dishes is a LOT.
Don't get me wrong, this is way better than last time! Last time at this point I was just barely transitioning from sick-sick to fatigued.
I'm planning to teach in person next week. We'll see how that goes. I'm pretty sure I can manage as long as I can sit down most of the time, but I'm also pretty sure I'll be completely wiped out and need a nap afterward. IDK if I can teach Monday and then volunteer at the library Tuesday and then teach again Wednesday. I might have to call in again at the library. We'll see.
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feels like I might seriously be at risk for developing an acquired taste for NyQuil by the time I’m over this sickness :P
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
I feel like, and this is a BIG ASS IF, IF Eddie was supposed to be killed off for good, for whatever the reason (we can say covid probably messed up a lot of ideas and plans, maybe even got the team forgotten what was written or whatever), Joseph's press stuff would've been done basically. Like it kinda was at first after volume 2 came out. But the Suffer Bros saw how badly they messed up, they're planning on bringing Eddie back now because of fan fallout. And why Joseph's been on mega press tour while the rest of the cast just be chillin lol.
Which, as happy as I will be if Eddie lives, I'm not sure if I'd want Kas Eddie now, because I feel like Suffers would be doing it to 'please' the fans and mess it up. I'd rather fanfic Kas Eddie because we know how it should be done lol, where they'd just be slapping a bandaid on a wound and go SEE WE FIX YOU CAN'T BE MAD AT US ANYMORE! lol. I hope I make sense and am not rambling 😭
I'm not so sure if Eddie returns that the Duffers didn't plan this all along. I mean, I want him back and I don't care if they spontaneously bring him back because of the fan reaction he got or if they planned to bring him back but there is just too much foreshadowing in the season. The Will/Eddie parallels (the Missing poster vs. the newspaper article, both scribbled with sharpie; Wayne Munson wearing the same jacket as Jonathan while he was putting up Eddie's Missing poster; the song When It's Cold I'd Like To Die playing during Will's "death" in ST1 & playing during Eddie's in ST4), the whole Iron Maiden reference in the this-is-music-scene and the huge amount of Kas symbolsim attached to Eddie (the vampire skull ring, the spiked shield), as well as the tattoos (some of them might not simply be foreshadowing for ST4 but for ST5 as well). Yes, it could all be seen as coincidental, a few neat references...but it's weird that there are so many? And we know that the Duffers love their foreshadowing and symbolism. So I actually think if/when they bring Eddie back, it was planned all along.
Either way: they left the door open three inches to bring Eddie back.
I keep saying it and I'll say it again: my worst fear is that they bring Eddie back as anything else than his old, sweet, gentle, lovely self because that would feel like seeing him die all over again and I'm not sure how I should ever recover from that tbh. But in my eyes, the whole Kas theory would only make sense if they used it to an extent: Vecna brings back Eddie like El did for Max, and flays him because he needs someone to do his dirty work. And it's about saving Eddie - a beautiful storyline for Dustin, btw. They did something similar with Will in ST2 (and that's where the Will/Eddie parallels come in to play, in my opinion.)
So even if the Duffers were bringing Eddie back only because of the fandom, they still, intentionally or not, built the ground to do it well. There is too much foreshadowing to bring him back in a bad way, in my opinion. The wave is there, they only need to surf it. Eddie's return is basically writing itself - in a beautiful, meaningful way.
Because as tragic as his death was, he saved Dustin. It wasn't pointless. The writing in itself, leading up to the situation, wasn't good in my opinion but from Eddie's POV everything made perfect sense, and without Eddie, Dustin would have fallen prey to the bats as well. How beautiful would it be, for Dustin to be the reason that Eddie The Banished manages to banish Vecna out of his mind and return - as himself - when he was the one to tell Dustin "Never change". That would be closing the loop and the Duffers love this whole closing-the-loop thing.
(tbh, after the way his story ended, bringing him back as anything else but himself wouldn't make sense, story-telling wise. It would be cruel for Eddie and for us.)
So, yes, there was a moment I lost my trust in the Duffers, but I found it again. And - that's just my opinion - apart from the final episode, ST4 was the best season of Starnger Things ever (not simply because of Eddie but because of the writing).
I hope this made sense, but I firmly believe if/when Eddie comes back, it will be good, not a slapping-a-band-aid-on-a-wound🖤
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spirits-child · 3 years
The importance of a personal practice and not following blindly what others say
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I got covid at christmas dinner with my fam, how’s that. Anyways, because of it i have connected more with Apollo because of his health aspect and after researching a bit for adding to my grimoire I read many posts saying how they couldn’t worship their deities properly because they saw everyone doing it in a certain way so that made them compare themselves with that certain everyone and made them insecure about their practice...
Which is a mood tbh.
And I feel I have said so many times the same thing on my posts but I will dedicate one just for this, do what it feels right for you and remember social media is fake. So, first, with the social media thing, some of your favorite bloggers or whatever you follow regarding your worship most of the times won’t tell you when they fuck up. I personally don’t sit everyday and say “oh this last month I didn’t move a finger for my worship because of x and x reason” because I don’t feel the need of sharing it, and I know many others who feel the same. 
Imagine this hypothetical scenario. Your mom asks you how you’re doing at school, work, college, whatever and you’re doing really bad because of x reason. The probability you will open up and be honest is very low, we all probably want to say “i’m doing great, achieving all my goals, etc” so when we are not we just rather avoid it. The same happens with worship. There will be exceptions of posts in which we say we fucked up in certains ways, but that wont be constant because the human race has been known for not accepting their mistakes, who would be proud of them tbh.
This leads me to my next point which is don’t be scared to fuck up, the fact that you don’t see everyone messing up doesn’t mean it’s not common to do so... I’m pretty sure everyone has had their downs when it comes to worshipping, the important part is to be able to recover and do something about it. Find a way of worship you feel comfortable with, not a way of worship someone else feels comfortable with.
If there’s something I really like about Hellenism and Paganism in general is how personal the practice can be, there is not a book full of rules to follow, they are just some ground rules and from that you can create your own beautiful practice that fits into your lifestyle and way of living your religious aspect of life. 
So please, don’t compare yourself to people on social media and the way they practice, that’s their personal way that fits into their lifestyle not yours. 
Really short post but im sick so i would rather go to sleep, goodnight and trust your gut. 
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
hi!! can i request a hc of the batfam reaction of their eastasian!reader gf  experiencing racism? thank you <33
just a reminder if you took place in any involvement of asian hate block me rn bitch :)
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this anon, i tried to make it accurate without stepping over any boundaries since im not asian myself. if anyone finds any sort of this offensive pls dm me !!
warning ; racism, batfam beating hoes, mention of blood
parings : bruce wayne x asian!reader, jason tood x asian!reader, dick grayson x asian!reader, stephanie brown x asian!reader, tim drake x asian!reader, damian wayne x asian!reader
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it’ll honestly take a minute for bruce to realize what happened
when first entering the store he took notice of the man glaring but brushed it off thinking it was directed towards him as bruce wayne
you however didnt really pay attention to the dirty looks being thrown at you
with bruce excusing himself to the restroom and makes a promise of a quick return, you wander around the area by yourself
it was all fine until a man approaches you, giving a fast glance at him before turning away. there was definitely something up with him
“you don’t belong here”
your head shot up at his words, looking around you to make sure he was talking to you
“excuse me?” you lift an eyebrow at him, knowing what he was hinting at
“you fucking heard me, you don’t belong here. go back to your country.”
you inch away as he steps closer,”you better back the fuck away..”
he simply gives a smug face only coming closer,”or what?” you tighten your jaw when he loosely lets out a slur, your fists clenched.
“or i dislocate your arm.”bruce’s voice rings out, deep in anger as his eyes flicker to you and scanning to see if you were ok physically.
the ugly bitch’s face pales when he realizes who’s your boyfriend. without hesitation bruce yanks him away from you, slamming him to the wall
demanding for a first and last name,  squeezing his neck when the guy stays quiet
shaking he gives in and tells, flinching when bruce slams him against the wall one last time before dropping him
“i guaranteed whatever poor status you do contain i’ll tear it completely, say goodbye to your job.” he grabs for your hand and brings you into him as you both walk away.
“i’m sorry i shouldn’t have left you alone, my fault,”he presses a kiss to your temple.”and please don’t think any worth of that garbage’s words.”
you shake your head,”he was just some lowlife, not worth thinking about.” you reply leaning into him.
he looked at you and could tell no matter what those words still hurt somewhat and it angered him to no end
no one deserved to hear that disgusting shit, especially not his girlfriend.
his eyes hardens but doesn’t push further to make you anymore uncomfortable than you probably already are
giving another kiss to the side of your head he makes a quiet promise to himself not to leave you alone anymore in public with disgusting people like that around
jason todd:
as soon as the slur leaves the guy’s lips jason’s fist collides to his jaw, no doubt   shattering it
you and jason were grabbing lunch at some restaurant slash bar since it was the first time in a few days jason was free
everything was okay until you got up to go to the bathroom and some guy bumped into you
jason watched with hardening eyes as you apologize instead of the guy who slammed into you
“watch where the fuck you’re going at.”
you fall shock at the word, staying in place
while jason is on his feet in no time, swinging to the asshole’s face
screams were heard as well as the sound of bones breaking from his fist impact, the guy stumbling to the floor
“you racist fucking prick that’s my girlfriend you ugly fuck,”lifting him by his shirt he grabs his face and turns him to you.”apologize to her before i break your fucking face.”
he quickly rambles apologizes, crying in fear or pain. most likely a mix of both
jaaon lets him go and gives him another punch, this time to the nose. finding satisfaction at the pool of blood now seeping out
jason grabs your hand and starts to lead you outside,”let’s go eat somewhere else and forget about this shithole.”
you barely had time to give a reaction to anything as everything happened so fast
“hey look at me, don’t listen to that worthless fuck and his fucked up mindset. i dont know what to say to comfort you since i never experienced anything like this.” he stops at the car, placing his hands onto your shoulders
you nod sighing lightly, you only wanted a simple lunch with your boyfriend but instead got hate crime for simply  breathing.
“it’s nothing i haven’t gone through before,”he shakes his head blue eyes filling up with rage.
“no one’s gonna be doing that anymore, or at least getting away with it while i’m around
he was completely taken by surmise at the slur being thrown at you, as well as the fault of you being the root of the covid 19
but before he had any time to react you were already on your feet glaring,”the fuck you just called me you piece shit.”
before he could reply you already kneed him and punched him between the eyes, dick laughing at the cries of pain
“you want me to take over or you wanna handle it babe?”
even how badly he wanted to beat the shit out of the pos the choice was yours
you denied and wanted to handle this on your own
but everytime the guy tried to get up dick would just shake his head and tell him to stay down, or simply push him back down
eventually if you start going too far richards would pull you away and tell you hes not worth it
he understands your anger but he doesn’t want you to past a line you won’t recover from bc of some worthless grime
“c’mon, he’s not worth anymore of our time. lets go eat pizza.”
swing first talk later
he’ll just look at guy for a few seconds with a blank face
then he’s literally knocking them out
will probably kick him into the wall or ground
u dont know if you wanna pull him away because you already the tabloids, or if you wanna let him continue to beating the guy
damian probably wouldn’t realize how much he beat the guy to a pulp until you’re tugging him away
nudging his neck with to your nose to try and calm him down
he’ll end the fight with spitting on him tbh
your face reddens with anger when your eyes met the racist bitch, enjoying the view of his blood on the floor
“racist piece of shit,” he hisses before finally turning his back brow still frowning with anger
unlike the others (mentioned) he also knows and experienced racism and understands your point view way more
and know bow to comfort you better tbh
afterwards he’ll talk to you and comfort you, as well as opening up about his racist encounters, as well as his mothers.
if you’re still upset about what happened some hours later he 100% offers to beat up the guy again
you laugh it off cos hes serious about doing detective work, finding the guy and beating him to a pulp
you thank him but deny his offer and settle to confiding into him and just telling him how your feelings
“are you fucking serious right now bitch?”
steph deadpans staring at the girl who called you the slur with ease, going on about how you were the cause of corona and to go back to your country
shocked at the words, hearing all of this before but it still doesn’t fail everytime you hear them
turning to you and seeing the hurt on your face from the word, she quickly turns to seeing red
without a second thought she grabs the collar of the woman’s shirt
“you’re gonna fucking apologize to my girlfriend right now or i’m gonna slam your face into the floor and break it
you stay still, pleased at watching the girl shake in fear under steph as she chokes out a mesh of a shit rushed apologizes
stephanie throws her down to the ground after her third apologize
“are you okay?” she knew you weren’t but asking the question would lead into the stage of comforting you
you nod but go on to tell her that this isn’t the first or last time this will happen, but it still never fails to shock you
she frowns at your experiences and doesn’t quite know what to do to help since she never went thru anything like that
she offers to take you to your favorite restaurant and end the day in wayne manor watching whatever you wanted
smiling when you accept, pulling you in her and pressing a kiss on-top of your head
“dont worry i’ll beat any jackass that pulls any racist shit.”
i think he’ll be the less  violent one out of everyone
he would honestly be so disgusted and gross out at humanity and how the woman thinks shes superior just because she’s white
if it was a guy saying what was said, then he would probably hit them ngl
but he takes the higher road with the woman, belittling and ending her with his vocabulary
and you’re pretty sure that his words hurt her more than an actual punch would 
you laugh when he compares her built to a buffalo
he then goes on to a more education lean, explaining how skin tone has nothing to do with a person, and she should adapt to modern times and stop being a racist cunt
after he ends it he goes on to find out who she is and email/call her workplace to inform what kind of employee they have
probably also goes on to make sure she wont be hired anywhere else
comforts you alot and and will get you anything you want
prob gets you both milkshakes as you vent to him about today and other racist things said to you
hates how you have to go thru any of this for simply existing
the  incident opens his eyes and he starts talking to bruce about opening a charity for ‘stop asian hate’
would shy away from the press and say you both came up with the fund
u’ll dismiss that rq and tell everyone it was all tim’s idea
all the money goes people got assaulted and paying for any hospital bills or anything needed
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
hi !! it is sd anon i know i’ve been gone for a While and also i would like it made known i keep trying to respond and then i get so incredibly distracted
ANYWAYS i am. in ohio rn. screaming. so like, i’m doing an internship in ohio and i’m here for the summer
for the first fucking time, i’m not in my city. and Everyone is about to converge there. i am Upset. at the same time also no? but i’m getting like fomo from not being in LA!!! i wanted to go to vidcon but the 24$ an hour in tempted me to ohio
i miss my city i miss socal i will be back for the july fourth weekend but. still. i am missing tommy meeting CHARLI. what even. i’m missing Everything. it’s okay though!!! i’m having such a good time here i went to a gay club for the first time and made out with some random person! tried tequila and gagged!
had some very good cocktails! won at my first ever game of top golf! found out my fifth grade best friend is in the city for the summer too so i’m going to go see her literally constantly! i’m going to an open mic poetry night tonight! i’m super close w one of the other interns and i am also somehow friends w his gf who has now tipsy asked to kiss me (their relationship is a bit open) And told me she wants me to be a bridesmaid in their wedding! also i went to pride w this intern and then we both realized we are Not parade people and left to get food and i got a bunch of drunk compliments from random people on the street!! i have so many things to tell you bee. i watched the other intern throw a chair in the pool and try to sit on it. one of the other interns got so drunk at a spanish club and we found out she was a Runner. she tried to climb the patio fence to get to the uber and eventually got carried out to the car by security !
how are you????? you graduated yes? how does it Feel
HI SD ANON!!! sorry this took me so long to answer I wanted to have a moment to properly read your message. but omg ohio?? that's so far goddamn. also trust me you probably dodged a bullet not going to vidcon. so many people got covid from it because literally no one was masking. (I also have covid rn but I didn't go to vidcon, I just went to santa monica pier one day and thought I'd be fine to not wear a mask since it was outdoors. hahaha I was wrong and I am suffering) (also $24 an hour fuck yes get that bread)
and DAMN CONGRATS ON GETTING GAME!! I've been to a lesbian bar several times and I've never made out with anyone there :/ you get more bitches than I do good for you sjkdfkldsf
(also, tequila gets easier to drink the more you try it. now i'm at a point where i genuinely like the taste of it in cocktails)
holy shit you're literally living out some college coming of age movie out there. tbh it sounds like you're having an amazing time and i'm so happy for you sd anon!!! what kind of internship are you even out there for?? that's so cool and I hope you keep having the time of your life because it sounds like this is just a really cool summer!!
I'm alright! currently have covid rn which sucks ass, and yes I kind of graduated—did the whole ceremony hullabaloo. but I do have to take summer classes to actually finish out my degree requirements so those just started, and currently I am too sick to actually pay attention to my lectures so we're off to a great start. hoping to go on a road trip with my friend up to san fran in a few weeks (after I've recovered of course) so we'll see how that goes!! otherwise i'm just lowkey panicking trying to figure out what i want to do for work after my summer classes end bc I really have no clue atm. i'll figure it out but i'm sick rn so i'm just not gonna worry about it lmaooo
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itadorisgf · 4 years
— testing positive
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⤷ anonymous asked: can i request nanami, gojo, megumi, and nobara reacting to their s/o getting positive for COVID-19 i also LOVEEEE your writing. it warms my heart❤️
note: i couldn’t leave out my boyfie itadori <333 also thank you so much!! eheh it makes me really happy to hear that :)
ft. fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, itadori yuuji, nanami kento, nobara kugisaki
warning: covid-19 talk
⤷ main page
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once you send fushiguro the text confirming you’ve tested positive, he’s facetiming you immediately.
a deep crease forms in between his brows and his lips twist into a frown when you pick up. 
he asks if you’re okay and you have to assure him that you’re fine and you’ll just have to quarantine until you recover.
it’s clear from fushiguro’s expression that he dislikes the idea of you quarantining by yourself, but he knows that it’s important that you do until you’re no longer sick.
his friends can pick up that fushiguro is worried about you. he’s quieter than usual around them and spends more time attached to his phone.
nobara’s probably the one to tell him that he shouldn’t worry too much, you’re going to be fine.
and although it’s blunt and fushiguro tosses an empty look her way, it does alleviate his worries the slightest bit.
he texts you everyday, checking in on your status.
he’ll give you little updates as to what he’s doing throughout the day.
he appreciates it when you do the same and attach pictures to your text messages as well.
that way he knows that you’re alive despite feeling like shit.
tbh if you test positive for covid, there is no way that gojo isn’t also positive considering how he hangs off of you like a leech all of the time.
when you both receive your results, gojo’s immediate reaction is to happily proclaim how you’re stuck with him now.
his smile doesn’t dim when you send a glare his way and roll your eyes.
you two quarantine together. despite the fact that you frequently act exasperated with gojo, you’re glad that you’re not alone.
gojo gets whiny when he’s ill so if your symptoms are less severe than his, you’re going to have to step up and take care of him.
but if you’re the one feeling worse off, gojo will shut up for once and take care of you.
actually i take that back, gojo doesn’t know what it means to shut up.
but he absolutely hates seeing you ill because you’re not as playful anymore and you don’t respond to his quips the way you usually would.
he still makes jokes and he’s his usual loud-mouthed self, but he’s softer and more gentle when taking care of you.
he’s super clingy and will not let go of you even if you protest that you’re both sick.
he’ll respond that if you’re both sick, it’s fine because neither of you have to worry about spreading it to the other.
you just have to relent and accept that gojo’s a clingy whiny baby when he’s ill, but he’s your clingy whiny baby.
my darling itadori is a himbo.
you’ll have to wait for a reaction because his brain is buffering and trying to process what you’ve said.
once it sinks in, he is instantly going to try and fuss over you.
like he’ll try to approach you and you have to back away and be like no!!!
such a pouty baby when he realizes that you’ll have to quarantine alone.
he’ll text you constantly and facetime you nearly every hour.
he doesn’t want you to feel alone since he can’t be with you. and he also misses you a lot.
will try to convince you that it’s okay for him to quarantine with you since sukuna wouldn’t let him get sick.
he’s shot down by everyone, including sukuna, who pops in to say that he’d gladly allow itadori to get sick.
it’s unnerving for the others to see itadori so down.
normally when he gets into these moods, it’s easy for him to plaster on a smile and act like he’s okay, but he doesn’t have the energy for that when you’re the one who’s not doing well.
nanami will be the one who will pull itadori aside and tell him that you’re going to be fine. “you believe that they’re strong, do you not?”
and of course itadori believes you are, you’re one of the strongest people he knows.
so after talking with nanami, itadori will feel a lot better.
yes, he’s still worried about you and sad that he can’t see you at the moment, but he knows that you’re going to be okay.
you text him that you’ve been notified you’ve tested positive and nanami is calling you as soon as the text message says delivered, despite the fact he’s still at work.
right away nanami is questioning how you’re feeling and if you’re okay.
once nanami has ensured that you are, in fact, okay given the circumstances, he’s lecturing you.
telling you that you should’ve exercised more caution when leaving the house, that you should’ve invested in a better mask, etc.
let him lecture you for a bit, he’s just concerned about your health.
and honestly it doesn’t come off as him chastising you, he’s just airing out all of his concerns and thinking about what extra precautions you could’ve taken that would’ve prevented you from being in this position.
after he’s done with his lecture, he’ll then ask if you have everything you need for quarantining. if not, nanami will leave work right then and there to pick it up for you.
even if you try to convince him that you’ll be fine without that item, nanami is still going to get it for you. he’ll leave it on your doorstep for you and then leave.
as much as he wants to turn around and take care of you while you’re ill, he knows that will only result in him contracting the virus as well.
he calls you whenever he has a break from work.
he’s checking in to make sure you’re eating and staying hydrated, and taking care of yourself overall.
it’s endearing to listen to him rattle off his check-list for what you need to do.
through the receiver, you can hear the staticky voice that could only belong to gojo in the background saying hello.
nanami ends the call soon after, saying a quick i love you before muttering about bothersome shamans. 
nobara is going to be PISSED that you’re sick.
you text her that you tested positive for covid, and you bet your ass that nobara’s facetiming you right away.
don’t bother trying to argue with her right now.
let her get it all out of her system.
she’s just aggressive because she cares for you greatly.
and genuinely wonders how you managed to contract the virus.
everyone knows that you tested positive because nobara doesn’t fail to mention how you’re a damned idiot for getting sick.
but if anyone agrees with nobara, she’s glaring at them. she’s the only one who can call you dumb, nobody else can.
she expects hourly updates of how you’re doing. will stop whatever she’s doing if you call or facetime her.
if you’re really feeling unwell when you call her, nobara’s voice gets really soft. she gently chastises you and tells you to get some rest and that she’ll call you again later.
if anybody calls her out on it, nobara promptly tells them to piss off.
she makes you a get well soon basket and drops it off at your door.
it’s so so so sweet.
she includes a fluffy blanket, some of your favorite snacks and drinks, and one of her sweatshirts (that she knows you like to wear).
she facetimes you at the end of everyday and asks how you’re feeling before proceeding to tell you about some stupid shit that itadori did.
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teeth-and-tea · 3 years
Manga & Anime I've Binged This Month: July 2021
(7/12) My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!: GAY AF BUT JUST UNDER THE RADAR ENOUGH TO SLIDE BY THE CENSORS?????? JESUS. A dumbass dense as a brick mf isekais herself into being the villain character in an otome (dating sim) game where the villain always dies/is exiled. To counter that, she changes EVERYTHING. And it's FANTASTIC. I watched the dub, which has its moments of meh, but otherwise suits it great. The story made me laugh and gasp and kept being fresh and surprising and of course it's based off a Light Novel like so many good new isekais are nowadays. Reverse Harem style but some of the "harem" characters are GIRLS. Yeah, and she even gets CONFESSED TO AND KABEDONED (wall slammed) BY OTHER GIRLS. Yeah. I love this show. 10/10, enjoy yourselves.
(7/13) If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord: Add this to the list of "little girl child is adopted by an older male figure into a healthy father-daughter bonding experience and is honestly really cute and sweet but always has a tragic backstory" list! Little demon girl is found in the woods by an adventurer and of course he takes her in after some back and forth. He's 100% Maes Hughes here with 1000% less death! It's so cute! It gets kinda weird towards the end tho, very "I'm gonna marry the man who took me in and raised me" vibes which is, imo, very bad. I HOPE it doesn't fall into that trap but, c'est la vie. Overall, kinda boring, but the dub let me finish making a crochet tank top I've been ignoring so it gets a score boost. 8.5/10.
(7/15) That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Dub): Heads up, the Sub is on the Crunchyroll but the Dub is on Funimation but I have both so I get to watch both! Season 2 (part 2) is just now being released due to Covid so I'm happy to watch the series again. I'm actually really pleased by the Dub, the Sub was so good I thought it wouldn't compare but nope! Still good! What got me into the Isekai genre tbh. 10/10 I bought the Light Novels lmao save me
(7/17) Ace Attorney: Is Miles Edgeworth Does Gay? I own the anniversary edition of the games and haven't played more than a few hours so I binged the anime and now I'm 10 levels of Miles/Phoenix hell. Gay as shit. Funny, ngl, but I'm now obsessed with the fact that Japan's court system is corrupt as hell, I say OBJECTION in my daily life, and I found out the San Francisco Newspaper agrees with me. Life is wild sometimes. 8.5/10
(7/18) Beastars (S2): I watched the first season years ago ironically and then ended up really liking it. Story of my life. S2 came out the day of and I binged it with my younger bro and loved it AGAIN. Like... dude. 9/10 because honestly? Im gonna be recovering from the consensual leg mauling. CONSENSUAL. MAULING.
(7/26) Saga of Tanya the Evil: Set in a fantasy WWI, this Isekai features a capitalist who spoke to god and said "I'm an atheist" to which god said "Fuck you in particular". You love to hate Tanya and at some point it kinda clicks that although this character IS a sadist, mean, in no way nice and kinda evil, you start seeing the moments where they're very human start click into place. It's fascinating seeing this as almost a character study of Lawful Evil characters, but I think of this more as a palate cleanser for more Good Guys later in your media consumption. Just never read the comments that are with the series because you will regret it. 9/10.
(7/27) The Rising of the Shield Hero: I'm gonna be real if you're the type to get hung up on if things are too problematic to enjoy you'll probably not enjoy this. I'm not knocking people for doing so, just that the MC here LITERALLY has two slaves, he bought from a slaver, whom is not shown as an evil character in the series. And for some godforsaken reason the one time the slaves are released is framed as a bad thing????? I can't get over this tbh. I hate to admit this is one of the most fascinating and interesting and honestly fresh feeling isekai/anime I've seen in a hot minute. But it's got SLAVERY. It's whack. I can't wait for season 2. 9/10.
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caphayzardous · 2 years
right after I submitted my assignment on friday, I drove up to relatives place 3.5hrs north (had a beaut trip btw gorgeous night drive) and I purposefully didnt bring my laptop bc I need an enforced break from it after this last couple weeks. I did bring a notepad and sketchbook to Ideate for uni projects if need be. I'm up here to help with native revegetation AKA planting hundreds of tubestock (the official number is 2,500 plants!) that arrived recently. We spent all day today (Saturday) planting.
Ok the twist! My bro told us this evening they have covid! Mum and I drove up here on different days but we were both going to go home tomorrow and, you know, return to our weekday lives. It's now less than ideal to go home..! However I've just barely gotten through this recent assessment period and I was really wanting/hoping/expecting to apply myself this week and make some headway on the next set of projects. Kind of need to be back in town, in classes, or at least with my equipment and laptop around me..! Ah!!! Also obvs hope my bro is okay my concerns arent all selfish I am just not sure what to do. Mum is wondering if we should stay in a hotel lol (which sounds awful tbh but like also sensible). For all of a minute I wondered if I should stay at my dads house but then I thought about the bedroom I haven't slept in since I was 19 and no, no thank you. My best friend would obvs house me if I needed it but she doesnt have a guest room or a spare bed or whatever so like. I could think of other friends who might have room but its less comfortable. kinda overall figure I should stay up here...?? But what if my bro takes longer to recover lol..? When I had covid we all lived together and I isolated in my room & the backyard and no one else got it, but that comes down to luck a bit and I do not really feel like taking the chance and I would be obliged to miss uni anyway if I went back (not by law, because we essentially no longer have any safeguards in place lol but I would not go to class if I was living with am Active Case). Ah!!
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race-week · 3 years
A long season is quite hectic too tbh. The teams face a lot of issues. As spectators we are always ready for loads of action, but it's really important that the teams get adequate rest between races. This season, for me personally, it's been quite stressing weekend in weekend out, and it takes weeks to recover from that. I've no clue how long many drivers have not met their families yet. Not only them, but even the various engineers and mechanics. COVID doesn't help either. F1 is hellbent for more races, more like quantity over quality. I'm feeling quite negative about so many races though. Sorry for the rambling 😅
Don’t apologise I love it when people share their opinions on this sort of thing.
This season and last was really tough on the teams and drivers especially with covid protocols.
If races increase next season (and to be honest even if they stay at 23) it’ll be even harder for the teams, drivers often don’t fly in until late Wednesday or early Thursday-ish and typically fly out as soon as the race is over whilst teams have to start setting up the garage and motorhomes usually from early Monday or Tuesday and stay until the same time the following week.
With more races and especially more fly away races this increases the time that teams are away from home and it’s not so much a matter of having different crews of people to send out to different races as the cost cap plays a massive part in that so instead they can usually swap out a couple of team members but never the whole team.
F1 and Liberty just really care about the income at the end of the day and I get it, F1 is a business but I feel that if they keep increasing race numbers they will lose viewership, because it’s less special if F1 is on every weekend.
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never-not-ever · 3 years
Soooo on top of recovering from major surgery I also ended up getting sick 😒Not covid, just a cold. The fever part sucked but luckily that’s been gone now for the past two days. I’m just left with a dry cough which tbh also sucks because I have an incision that goes around my whole lower abdomen, hips and back. I’m not sure if my surgeon did muscle repair during my surgery. I feel like he didn’t because it would make the sneezes and coughs feel 10x worse. Like I sneezed a couple days after surgery and it wasn’t as bad as I anticipated but right now the constant coughing is killing my upper abdomen. 
One of my boys sleeps on me every night and he’s like a little heated, heavy weight blanket... crumpled up into a ball though lol.
I’m 3 weeks post op and sort of going stir crazy at home. Makes me want to go back to work asap but I also still don’t have full mobility so I’m definitely not going back in the next week or so. At the same time I really, really don’t want to go back to work the week before Christmas because 1- my department is most likely a shitshow and 2- my return to work date is the 24th. Even if I use up all 6 weeks I’m most definitely not returning to work on a holiday. That’s even worse than the week before. 
I’m getting so ahead of myself. Just take it one day at a time....
After surgery I had 4 surgical drains, two up near my armpits, and two on my hips to just drain excess fluid after surgery. At my one week post op appointment they removed the top two drains but the bottom ones still weren’t ready. They have to drain less than 30cc over 24 hours. So they sent me home with a suture removal kit and I’ve monitoring them for the past 2 weeks and finally yesterday they were able to come out! My poor girlfriend was too squeamish to remove them so I ended up doing it myself and it was so weird but also pretty cool. 
This is literally becoming so long and random and probably no one cares but it’s been a while lol..
What else... 
My Nana had open heart surgery this past Monday and everything went well! She’s coming home in the next few days. Christmas is going to look a little different this year cause she won’t be able to go out and shop or decorate but her sister and brother-in-law are coming up next week to help out for her first week home. Me and my girlfriend live downstairs so we’ll help out as much as we can as well. 
I’m so tempted to just delete this like I usually do in the past lol but I spent so much time so ✌🏻oh well
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oh no feel better!!!!
i appreciate this nonny 💛 i'll put a lil more detail under the cut
about a month ago i went to the ER w severe pain in my lower abdomen on the left side and was diagnosed w a 12cm cyst in my ovary. i had lots more testing done and over the course of all the bloodwork, one of the tumor markers came back with slightly elevated testosterone which led the obgyn to refer me to an oncologist just to be safe.
now bc covid has spiked again in my area (bc america sux) the oncologist couldn't give me an assigned surgery date, but he said that the earliest he could get me on the schedule would be mid-october. mind you, he also couldn't give me a definitive answer on whether or not the cyst was cancerous (i'm still not really sure why tbh) so i basically just had to be like ok i guess i'll live with this for however long?
cut to this past monday when i got a call from the surgery coordinator in the oncologist's office and they said that someone else had to cancel their surgery so they had an open slot for this thursday, which i obviously jumped on. like YES get this thing outta me!! so after a whirlwind of trying to coordinate someone to come help me out bc i live alone, i went into the hospital at 5am (rip) thursday morning.
the surgical plan was to remove my left ovary and fallopian tube but the doctor also gave me the option of removing the right fallopian tube and my uterus if i wanted to - and i decided at the last minute to only add the second tube removal and to keep the uterus. this of course all hinged on whether or not the cyst was cancerous - if they found cancer, i'd already given permission for them to do a full hysterectomy.
so when i woke up in recovery, i overheard the nurse who was watching over me talking to another nurse and they mentioned that i'd just undergone a full hysterectomy and i was like .... uhh what? because obviously they weren't gonna wake me up in the middle of surgery to tell me it was cancer. but like!!! what!!!
so when i was wheeled out of recovery and taken to another room with a different nurse, i asked about this hysterectomy and she confirmed that the cyst WAS malignant. she said the doctor would come in before i was discharged to let me know the details, but after she left to go check on another patient i had a little cry because like, i'd joked about it being cancer but i genuinely never expected that it would be???? every doctor i talked to prior to the surgery said that it was very unlikely, that i wasn't in the right age group or at risk for any of the usual cancers, and so to hear that it WAS cancer was just a total shock.
but then the doctor came in and explained that yes it was malignant but it was only stage 1 and by doing the full hysterectomy, i'm basically cured. i don't have to go through chemo or anything else.
so like, that's good. but now i guess... i'll enter early menopause? which sucks? but at least it's not cancer so i'll take that.
anyway i'm home and i'm recovering and i'll be okay 💛 but i might not be around a whole lot on tumblr for a while (but i'm definitely going to keep updating my fics bc i gave @romantiquesnouvelles my ao3 password before i went into surgery just in case even tho she was like "bitch don't even you're gonna be fine" love u bitch) so long story short (i rly didn't mean for this to be so long omfg) i'm good, just a little tired and sore but very, very relieved this is all over.
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