#which would explain the headache as well. girl am i sick????
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Literally what does this headache want from me. I’ve hydrated, I’ve taken 3 different types of pills, I fell asleep on my couch for 45 minutes… why do I still feel this way
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
slumber party // lance stroll
summary: when lances wife gets sick the morning of their daughters sixth birthday party, he offers to step in and play host. but of course, that’s before he finds out that it’s a slumber party, and he’s stuck with an army of six year olds until ten am the next morning.
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the party was planned down to every painstaking detail so that it was perfect
right down to the princess decorations they started putting up a day early to the disney cake that chloe was making herself
it was going to be perfect
until y/n wakes up on the morning of with a blistering headache and nausea
she thinks they’re going to have to call off the party. she’s in no condition to handle a group of children
until lance steps in. he’ll call esteban and mick and between the three of them, they should be able to run a party without a hitch, right?
they all arrive at the same time, and when the girls go running into the naive living room and start setting sleeping bags up under the skylight, the panic in his eyes is evident
“did your wife not tell you it was a slumber party?”
“no, she did not.” he bites his lip, running his fingers through his hair. “but how hard can it be, right?”
The other mother just laughs before she goes back to her car
horrible decision, really, but he leaves esteban and mick in charge while he runs upstairs to check on y/n (and get more details on the slumber part of the party)
and when he comes back downstairs, the girls are crying and one of them is hiding under the couch
“i left you alone with them for five minutes, esteban! what did you do?”
esteban looks at the floor, and mick rolls his eyes.
“somebody thought it was a good idea to open the afternoon with scary stories.”
“esteban, they’re six!”
“one of the girls told him he looked like the rat from flushed away and he decided the best course of action was to tell her that the house was haunted and micheal meyers would get her in her sleep.”
“this house was built in 2017 and I’m pretty sure nobody died here!”
he puts on an old barbie movie, and the girls calm down enough that they sit on the floor to eat party mix and gummy bears while the boys go over the game plan in the kitchen.
“what did you like doing when you were six?” lance asks desperately “there has to be something!”
“karting.” esteban shrugs.
“i cannot take ten six year olds to the karting track.”
but that gives him a different idea
which is how they end up in the simulator room trying to load Mario kart instead of the fia approved programming
which turns into an all out war between the girls
more like the army of six year olds against estie lance and mick
lance definitely lets his daughter win
chloe drops by dressed head to toe like a disney princess and brings the cake
scotty brings pizza
please please please imagine lance giving all these little girls princess manicures
his daughter defo makes him wear a plastic tiara
when the kids finally conk out and go to sleep around nine thirty (and esteban because he’s fucking tired), he goes upstairs to check on his wife while mick starts to clean up
she’s curled up in bed with the dog, buried under blankets
but she could hear the laughter coming up through the floor
“the girls are having a great time, honey.” she says sleepily, pulling him into bed with her “you guys are doing a great job.”
“i know. but please, for the love of god, never leave me in charge of a slumber party again. also, you might need to explain to mike and my dad why a ton of six year olds were using the sim to play mario kart.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @oconso @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @httpiastri @clemswrld @diorleclerc @lorarri @cartierre
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herofics · 1 year
Starting a family, part 2
This is part two to this post about Hawks finding out his s/o is pregnant. Someone on wattpad requested for more to it, so here I go
“Keigoo, I’m hungry” you whined as you waddled into the kitchen.
“What would you like?” Hawks asked as he was doing some paperwork.
He had spread his papers out on the whole kitchen table as usual and was typing something on his laptop, before closing it and looking up at you.
You were holding your belly and smiling down at it.
“Do we have some chips and nutella? I want something sweet and salty at the same time”
“I can check” Hawks said as you sat down by the kitchen table. “Is the little man doing okay?”
“They’re fine, and you do realize we don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy, right?”
“I know, I know, but I just have a feeling” Hawks smiled, before adding: “We’ve got nutella, but no chips. You want me to go get some for you?”
“I’m gonna come with you, I feel like I need to walk a little bit, I’ve been sitting and laying around for days” you said, using the edge of the table to push yourself up from the chair.
“You sure? You look like a penguin when you waddle around and even though the store is close, the trip is much longer than from the bedroom to the fridge” Hawks smirked teasingly.
“Hey, be nice” you crossed your arms across your chest and blew a raspberry at him.
“I am being nice, and realistic. Dove, your feet hurt when you walk around the apartment for five minutes and you’re not supposed to strain yourself. You’re almost eight months pregnant and I’m not carrying back you and the groceries” Hawks explained.
“Fine. I’m gonna go sit on the balcony so I can get some fresh air while you go to the store”
“I’m gonna pick up some other stuff too, do you want anything other than chips?”
“Hmm, maybe chocolate ice cream? And pickles? Uuu, and peanut butter?”
“Please tell me you’re not gonna eat all of those at once?” Hawks asked.
“Eeew, no!” you exclaimed with a hint of disgust in your voice. “Well maybe the pickles and peanut butter? It could be good” you wondered out loud.
“I have no idea how that could be good but I’ll bring you whatever you want” Hawks said and kissed you on the forehead, before going to put on his shoes.
“I’ll be quick” he yelled before shutting the door and flying off.
You sat back down on the kitchen chair and sighed. You placed your hand on your belly, hoping to feel your baby kick or move. You didn’t need to wait long until you felt movement. You could feel your lips drawing into a smile as you felt your baby move.
“Your papa went to get us some snacks. He loves us both so much, and he’s going to be a great dad” you cooed to your belly, still smiling.
The baby kicked again and your smile widened. Sure, the pregnancy had been difficult. You’d had pretty bad morning sickness in the first trimester and it hadn’t been easy, even after the morning sickness phase subsided. Your feet hurt all the time, you’d been having pretty frequent headaches and you’d developed a lot of stretch marks which made you feel a bit insecure, but you were still so happy. You were going to have a baby with the man you loved, and he was going to be a wonderful dad. You had been feeling a bit insecure about how you’d do as a first time parent, but Keigo had eased those doubts a lot. He had assured you, time and time again, that you were in this together and that you would both be there for each other and your baby.
Hawks had made his trip to the store as quick as possible, and after ten minutes, he was already starting to fly back. He’d been happily tending to your every need, and he would continue to do so as long as you wanted him to. While he was excited to be a father, he was also absolutely terrified.
His own father had been a bastard to put it lightly. Hawks never wanted to do anything that could make him like his father. He would be the best father to the baby you were carrying. His and your child would never go through anything he went through as a kid, not as long as he had a say in it.
You heard the lock turn and heard Hawks greet you as he stepped into the apartment.
“Hey, welcome back” you greeted back from the kitchen.
Hawks greeted you with a kiss on the cheek and raised the grocery bags on the table.
“You got a lot more stuff than I was expecting”
“Yeah, well I figured I’d get enough so I don’t have to go to the store for a couple of days” Hawks shrugged.
“Thank you, we love you” you smiled at him.
You grabbed Hawks’ hand and placed it on your bump. He came closer and knelt down on the floor to kiss your belly.
“I love you too” Hawks said, and kissed your belly again. “I can’t wait to meet you” he whispered to the baby.
He wasn’t going to let you or his child down. He wasn’t going to be like his father.
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anxiouspregnantlady · 7 months
hello again
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Hi. Um, yeah, I'm pregnant.
I had the miscarriage around Christmas and then a period towards the end of Jan. We weren't originally planning to try that cycle, but had a halfhearted change of heart, kind of "eh", when I realized I was about to ovulate.
This month has been so full of craziness (sickness all around, k's job interviews, me consolidating jobs), I didn't think too too much about the possibility of being pregnant. Obviously I didn't not think about it, but it wasn't top of mind. I had labs drawn around 7dpo because I wanted to check my testosterone & DHEA-S levels (really low, but double what it used to be) to see if I should continue my supplements. Other labs confirmed I'd ovulated.
I was expecting my period on a Saturday, and on Friday night I thought I saw the faintest of faint pink, or peachy orange really, when I wiped. We discussed the possibility of calling our fertility clinic on Monday to do an out-of-pocket IUI cycle.
But then Saturday came and went and I had no bleeding. Sunday came and went - still no bleeding. By Sunday I was started to get a bit nauseous and I had all my weird pregnancy symptoms: sore boobs, burping nonstop, acid reflux. I think I was hesitant to test because I just couldn't believe it would be positive, and a good positive at that. I've never had the "classic" experience of girl misses period, girl takes test, test is blazing positive, happily ever after. I'm either testing out my trigger or testing after the bloodwork results are out lol. Or testing negative, or testing really really faint for a chemical pregnancy.
K made me test. I took the cheapie strip pictured the minute we put P to bed. Lo and behold. Instant strong positive. We were SO HAPPY :) I was shaking and crying a lot - could hardly believe it. I didn't even know I could have a proper pregnancy unassisted, let alone so quickly. This was 18dpo. I sprung (as I do) into action and purchased a $28 hcg blood test for the next day (got a 20% discount coupon, too).
I think I was really, really happy for about 24-36 hours. Other than the fact that the test looked so nice and dark, I couldn't really explain it. I was surprised that anxiety hadn't shown up for a full day. I did my labwork the next day, plus the FRER, which bummed me out a little because I'd hoped it would be a bit more dramatic, but it was still a good test line.
On Tuesday I went for acupuncuture. I was a little nervous to tell my acupuncturist because she'd told me to wait 6 months to try. But she was so happy for me, and I teared up a little bit. She told me in her merry way that it was a boy (lol) based on my pulse. At this point I was pretty nauseous, could barely eat two bites of my croissant that morning. When I finished my appointment I got in the car and saw that my labwork results were in. It took forever to load and I couldn't find the result on the pdf report. And then I finally saw that it was 1,361 (at 19dpo), and I got really happy again. Called Karl ecstatically. This is so much higher than it was last go-around - 289 at 18dpo - and about the same as with Phillipa, 981 at 18dpo.
Thursday I had a telehealth appointment with my midwife Lisa, who literally just did an endometrial biopsy for me 3 weeks ago. She was also so happy to see me. She gave me a script for an ultrasound and encouraged me to come in earlier for my first appointment if I wanted to.
Today is Friday. I've made my ultrasound appointment - first available one that I can plausibly go to is March 19th - which is a full week later than I was hoping. I'll be 7w6d, or almost 8w.
Today I'm 5w2d. I feel TERRIBLE. I'm surprised by the exhaustion. I cannot stay awake. I can barely get through work, or driving, or anything really. I am nauseous, more powerfully so than last time, but not throwing up yet. It's early days. Those are probably the main two. Oh hang on, headaches. Bleaugh. Those have been pretty bad.
Overall, my strategy is NO REDDIT and PRESUME ALL IS WELL.
I am also very thirsty / drinking a lot of water + electrolytes. So far I can drink bone broth. K bought me a giant thing of cape cod salt and vinegar chips - THE BEST.
Interestingly, I have no desire to partake in my bumpers group this time. It all feels really tired. Like, I've seen it all before, it's kind of annoying.
I am focusing on being kind of SELFISH and making sure i get the rest and support i need. I am also trying to skate by at work, which has been such a struggle.
OK, getting way too tired from writing this. Going to nap before I have to pick P.
0 notes
fific7 · 3 years
Unexpected - Part 3
King Caspian x Reader
Summary: What happens if you push the respectful and well-behaved King Caspian a little too far? You’re about to find out.
A/N: The final chapter. This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with some lemon zest 🍋 Friends to Lovers AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including debatable consent at first, loss of virginity and oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My video edit)
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Ever since his hasty departure from your study, Caspian had not exactly avoided you but had taken to just popping his head round the door and wishing you a cheerful good day before disappearing again. You had smiled to yourself. It certainly did seem that you had some kind of an effect on the King. You weren’t absolutely sure what that was, but it appeared to be a positive one.
You were excitedly planning an outfit for that evening as a banquet was being held to celebrate Cornelius’ birthday. No-one had mentioned how old he actually was and you weren’t sure if that was because they didn’t know or if they were just being tactful. You’d bought him three new quills as his gift, which he’d accepted gratefully as he was always snapping the tips off his.
Later that afternoon, there was a brief knock and Caspian’s smiling face appeared round your door. “You are coming to the birthday banquet tonight, aren’t you, my lady?” You nodded, “I am, Caspian.” “Well… I’ll see you there,” he grinned, and then he was gone.
Smiling, you went back to mentally reviewing the dresses in your wardrobe. Tonight you’d make sure you looked your very best for Caspian.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Meanwhile Caspian walked off down the corridor, deep in thought. He was sure that she’d noticed that he was keeping a physical distance between them the past few days, but it was the only way he could think of to avoid making a complete fool of himself. Again. Like he had the last time. His face burned every time he thought about it. She’d known why he’d rushed off, he was sure of it.
He would have to dance with her tonight. It would look strange if he didn’t, and he felt his stomach tie itself into a knot. How on earth was he going to keep himself under control? He would just have to figure out a way… somehow.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Eventually, after several changes, you’d chosen a deep ruby red velvet dress with a sweetheart neckline, your hair was artfully pinned up and you had added a sparkling necklace and earrings.
The music played, the tables were laden with food and drink and Cornelius was thoroughly enjoying himself as the centre of attention. The courtiers whirled around the room in spirited waltzes and you watched as Caspian danced with girl after girl after girl. Everyone apart from you, in fact. You had a sick sinking feeling in your stomach - it looked like you’d got it all wrong, he obviously didn’t have any feelings for you at all. You blinked fiercely as you felt your eyes fill up. Well, your mother always said pride comes before a fall, and you supposed that you’d been prideful in thinking that he felt something special for you.
Taking a large drink of your wine, you considered leaving the banquet. What use was there in staying? Just to watch Caspian dancing with all the other women, while you - a sorrowful heap of jealousy - sat in the corner by yourself? No, that was not going to be you, you thought.
Standing, you smoothed your dress and started to move out from behind the table, only for Cornelius to lightly grip your wrist. “You’re surely not going already?” he questioned you. You nodded, “Yes, my lord. I.. I have a headache and should retire to my chamber, I think.” He did not let go of you, “Oh, my lady, can’t I persuade you to stay just a little longer? It is my birthday after all!” he smiled mischievously at you. Oh, he had to make you feel guilty, didn’t he? You sighed, “Very well, my lord, just for a very short time though.” He refilled your wine cup, “Have some more wine,” he encouraged you, “I’ve heard it’s very efficacious in treating headaches!”
Laughing, you sat down and took the goblet from him. “Indeed? I confess I haven’t heard that said of wine, my lord.” Nodding vigorously, he replied, “Oh, yes - I am sure I read that recently somewhere - in a medical book or suchlike.” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure approaching you, one of the Kingsguard. Before you turned to look fully at him, you saw a look of annoyance flit over Cornelius’ face, before his usual small smile returned.
“May I have the pleasure of the next dance, my lady?” asked the handsome soldier, whose name you didn’t know. You nodded and stood, taking his outstretched hand and allowing him to lead you onto the dance floor. The orchestra finished playing the previous waltz, and prepared to play the next one.
Caspian’s dark eyes met yours as he straightened up from bowing to his partner. Something flashed in them and you looked away, up at your own partner. Wasn’t he happy to see you dancing with someone? Well, that was a shame, you thought - he can just have a taste of his own medicine! The music began and you and the soldier began to dance, thankfully neither of you treading on each other’s toes. You saw that Caspian was dancing with yet another lady. Hmmm, not so bothered then, you thought somewhat bitterly.
Throughout the dance, however, any time you looked towards Caspian his eyes were on you. Continuing to look away, you’d wait a few moments and look again. Yes - still looking. Now you were confused, if he didn’t care, why was he staring? Maybe it was just a ‘big brother’ kind of thing. The dance came to an end and you and your partner bowed to each other, and as you stood straight again you realised with a start that Caspian was standing slightly to the right of your soldier, gazing at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian’s heart had jolted in his chest when he saw her take the floor with one of his Kingsguard. Jealousy raged through his veins. She was only supposed to dance with him! He continued staring over at them as the dance progressed, barely looking at his own new partner, and as soon as the dance finished he quickly bowed, mumbled a thank you and hurried over to her and the soldier.
The soldier bowed his head to his King and took himself off at speed. Caspian was still looking at her, and eventually she cleared her throat and said, “Good evening, your Majesty,” bowed her head slightly and also started to leave the dance floor. “No!” he exclaimed, and her eyes met his again, a confused look in them. “I mean… don’t go, I was about to ask you to dance.” She gave him a small smile, “And are you asking me, your Majesty?” Now it was his turn to look confused, “Why, yes… I am,” he replied and extended his hand towards her.
Taking it, she followed him to a more central area of the dance floor and as they reached it he swung around, pulling her close against him and drinking in her scent. He heard her give a small gasp and realised what he’d done - the waltz the orchestra was playing required a side by side promenade at arms’ length for a few steps before traditional waltzing then took over. Hastily, he released her and they performed their promenade steps, before he was able to take her into his arms once more.
“You look absolutely beautiful,” he breathed next to her ear, “I was overwhelmed when I saw you arrive.” She laughed, not meeting his eyes, “Really, your Majesty? I didn’t think you were even aware I was here.” “What?” he said, totally confused, “Of course I knew you were here!” She still wouldn’t meet his eyes as they moved around the dance floor. “Well, it’s just that you were so busy with all your dance partners I didn’t think that you were, your Majesty.”
Caspian felt like a thunderbolt had hit him. Of course! What a damn fool he was. He’d been so busy trying to distract himself from mooning over her, that it hadn’t dawned on him what it might look like to her - that he was totally ignoring her. He’d noticed that she’d gone back to calling him ‘your Majesty’. He desperately thought of how he could explain this without giving himself away. “Oh… no, no… I’m, I’m always aware of… of where you are,” he said then winced as he realised how lame that sounded. “I thought I would save the last dance for you,” he added, hoping this would redeem him somewhat.
She finally looked at him, a slightly reproachful look in her eyes but she didn’t speak. “I’m so sorry if it looked like I was ignoring you,” he said in a rush, “I just didn’t want to seem too eager.” She laughed but he could tell there wasn’t a lot of humour in it, “Don’t worry, your Majesty, that definitely wasn’t the impression you gave.”
Caspian was panicking. How could he be so stupid? Now she was upset with him, and he only wanted her more than ever - she looked stunning in her ruby red gown. He held her even closer to him and decided to stop talking, maybe he could just show her how he felt by holding her close. He saw her eyes widen and realised that had been a mistake too. There was no doubt that she’d felt his rampant erection, even through the heavy fabric of her dress.
He made a sudden decision and danced her rapidly across the floor back to the table, hastily sitting down and tugging her into the seat next to him. He pulled his tunic down as far as he could over the bulge in his lap and leant forward slightly, embarrassed and running his hands over his face. “Are you alright, my King?” she questioned him. He looked sidelong at her, “I think you know exactly what’s wrong with me.” Then in an even quieter voice, “The same as in the orchard that time.”
He saw a blush start to rise over her face. So she did remember it.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh! you thought, your mind racing back to that encounter in the gathering dusk. You had thought about it frequently over the years with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. You knew you’d been quite forward in your curiosity, and often wondered if Caspian ever thought about it too. And now it seemed that he had. With a frisson of jealousy, you’d also wondered what other sexual experiences he’d had since.
“I… we said we’d never talk about that, Caspian.” While dancing and when he’d pulled you closer to him, you’d felt that hard length of his against your stomach and knew exactly what it meant. But now here he was, bringing up the subject himself.
“We said we’d never speak of it to other people,” he corrected you, gazing into your eyes, “but maybe we need to discuss it further between ourselves. Come, let us leave the banquet for a while so we can speak in private.” He stood up and held out his hand so you also stood, taking it and following him as he led you out of the banqueting hall, aware of the many envious glances from the other women as you left with the King.
They could think what they liked, you thought. They will know you were childhood friends, although you’d made a point of never telling that to any of them. Castle gossip will have ensured that they all knew about it in any case.
Caspian led you upstairs to one of the empty salons and outside onto the large balconied terrace which was attached to it. He knew his castle well, you thought. Due to its position in one of the towers it wasn’t overlooked by any other window or balcony, and the size of the large terrace prevented anyone from seeing anything if they looked up from the grounds.
He came to a halt and turned towards you, his eyes blazing with something - you weren’t sure what - as he looked into yours, “I…I want,” he faltered, “I need…!”
You opened your mouth to ask him what he wanted and needed but before you could speak, he pushed you up against the terrace wall, you felt his mouth on yours and he was kissing you passionately. You realised he was also raising your dress and felt the fabric creep past your knee and then halfway up your leg.
Looking down you saw that Caspian had unlaced his breeches, just as you felt his fingers brush past your undergarments. Because unlike last time, it was he who had hold of his manhood and before you fully realised what he was doing, he’d slid his erection inside you and continued to push until he was fully sheathed. You were gasping and his dark brown eyes looked more like deepest black as he stared into yours, before he lowered his head onto your shoulder, groaning and whispering your name.
“Caspian!” you eventually managed to breathe, “what are you doing?!”
“What you wanted me to do that night in the orchard,” he said through gritted teeth, his voice rough.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian gripped her hips through the dress fabric and began to thrust up into her. She’d wanted him to do this to her those few years ago, right? She’d told him he was a coward because he’d pulled out. So now he was only taking what he could’ve had under the pear trees that evening, wasn’t he?
He heard her voice, through her gasps, “We were children, Caspian, who didn’t know any better. Now we do. What if you get me pregnant?” Caspian stopped thrusting, she needed to hear the truth.
“I don’t care! I’ve wanted you every second of every day since!” his voice broke, “Don’t you realise I’ve always been in love with you?!” He leaned his head back slightly and looked into her eyes, “Tell me you don’t want me to do this and I’ll stop.” She hesitated and he immediately began thrusting again, kissing her and pulling her closer to him. Eventually he felt her fists pummelling his chest, “Caspian! Please! I can’t get pregnant.”
He stopped with a heavy sigh, resting his forehead on hers for a moment before straightening up and pulling out of her. Taking his dick in his hand he turned away from her, frantically rubbing and squeezing his length before finishing quickly, bending over slightly and catching his seed in the palm of his other hand.
Turning back towards her, he found he was looking at empty space. She was gone.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You ran as fast as your fancy dancing shoes would let you to your chamber. Throwing yourself headlong onto your bed and beginning to sob, you wondered how on earth you’d got yourself into this stupid situation. Because you teased him! your brain yelled back at you, it’s all your fault and you know it! Caspian is such a polite, shy, well-behaved boy and look what you made him do!
Eventually your tears stopped flowing and you wearily got up from the bed, struggling a little to unlace your dress at the back but eventually managing it. You’d had to learn how to do that as you didn’t have a lady’s maid, unlike at home. Having washed your face, taken down your hair and changed into your nightdress, you had just lain back down in bed and pulled the quilt over your head when you heard a single knock at your door.
You knew it was Caspian, that one knock had been a special signal between the two of you since you were children. Knowing in your heart that you shouldn’t answer it, you nevertheless got up and opened the door.
It looked as if Caspian had also been crying, his dark eyes were as wide as saucers. “I need to explain.”
You nodded and stood back, allowing him to come into your chamber.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He locked the door behind him, he didn’t want any interruptions during the discussion he was about to have. She’d walked back to her bed and sat on the edge of it, looking down into her lap. He followed her over there, also perching on the bed next to her.
He drew in a deep breath then said in a low voice, “I’m truly sorry for what I did earlier.” He looked down, “You looked so beautiful but you danced with him, you were in his arms and I was so very jealous! I wanted you so much. But what I did was unforgivable.” He heard her exhale then she said, “I have to say, it’s not how I imagined losing my virginity, Caspian.” His head flew up, “But that… we… didn’t that happen when we…?” She shook her head, blushing, “No, not properly. You didn’t get far enough inside that time,” and looked up at him, “but you did this time.”
Now he felt himself blushing. “Oh! I always thought I lost my virginity to you that evening,” he said, “And you? That means you haven’t been with anyone else?” He held his breath and then she shook her head, her eyes downcast again. He felt an immense sense of relief, blowing out a big breath of air. There was a short silence and then he heard, “Caspian?” He looked over at her, “Yes?” “How many women have you been with since then?”
He leapt up off the bed, drawing himself up to his full height, “None!” he shouted, then as he saw her jump, lowered his voice, “I have been with no woman except you.” Suddenly he knelt in front of her, and he met her intent gaze, “I’ve never wanted anyone else apart from you.” He noticed her eyes welling up, and a few tears slid down her cheeks. He reached up and gently wiped them away, “Why are you crying, my darling?” he asked, “Doesn’t that please you?” She managed a feeble smile, “I’m crying because I am pleased to hear that, yes.”
Caspian’s brain hurt a little as he heard this; he wondered if he’d ever understand women. He decided the wisest course of action would be to remain silent and just smiled back at her, nodding as if he fully understood. She sniffled a little and then said more boldly, “Caspian, when you were… you know… earlier, you said you’d always been in love with me.”
His mind rapidly rewound to when he’d been trying to make love to her, had he said that?! He really didn’t recall - his mind had been on other things! - but as it was the truth in any case, he nodded. He took hold of her hand, “Yes, it’s the truth. I’ve loved you since I met you.” “But we were just children.” “It doesn’t matter. You’re my soulmate, I’ve always known that. It was truly awful when I had to flee the castle as I knew I wouldn’t see you - maybe ever again - but I had no choice, and I just had to try and put you out of my mind until Narnia was safe.”
He got up and sat next to her on the bed again. “It was really difficult. Just recently, everything was starting to return to normal and I was about to try and find you, when you arrived here as Cornelius’ assistant. It seemed fated that we should be together. But you kept on saying how I was your dear friend and.. and my heart broke. I was sure that’s all you felt for me - friendship.”
She shook her head, “No, Caspian. I don’t think I realised it until I came to the castle and saw you again, but I think I’ve always loved you too.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian’s face had the hugest grin on it as you finished speaking. “Really? You love me?” You nodded, “Yes, I do.” Suddenly he was back down on one knee, “Then please - make me the happiest man in Narnia and marry me!” You must have looked like an idiot with your mouth forming a large O, but eventually you managed to say “Yes!” Then he had jumped up, pulling you off the bed and wrapping his arms around you, whirling you round while you squealed and he kissed you.
After the two of you had calmed down somewhat, he left to go back to his own chambers as even although you were now betrothed, it wouldn’t be seemly for him to spend the night with you, even if you just slept in the same bed. He promised that he would have a ring for you by the next day and while you’d assured him there was no rush, he’d insisted that he wanted a betrothal ring on your finger as soon as possible.
You lay awake most of the night, too excited to sleep. It seemed incredible but all of your most precious dreams had come true.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning, Cornelius had appeared in front of your desk as usual and throwing aside his usual decorous manner, had hugged you. “I am so pleased to hear your news!” he declared. “I’ve never seen Caspian so happy. He was bouncing around like an over-excited rabbit this morning,” he chuckled, taking your hand and squeezing it while you laughed at his description of Caspian’s reaction. “I know the two of you will be so happy together,” he continued, “Now! We must start planning the wedding!”
When Caspian came to your study later that afternoon, he led you out from behind your desk, went down on one knee and proposed to you once again. This time, he produced a small jewellery box from his tunic pocket and opened it, showing you a ring with a large pear-shaped diamond as the centrepiece. It was beautiful and as Caspian slipped it onto your finger, he whispered, “To always remind you of the pear trees in the orchard,” with a small mischievous grin at you.
“How did you get the ring so quickly?” you asked him, as you were amazed that he’d managed to find such a beautiful, perfect ring in the space of one morning. He’d winked at you, “I have my contacts, that’s all I’m going to say.” You never did find out for sure, but there was one diamond merchant in the town nearest to Cair Paravel who had similar gems and you thought it might be from there.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
One thing you did know for sure, the other ladies of the court’s eyes were out on stalks as they glimpsed your new ring when you joined them for dinner that evening. Every single one of them was praying you were going to tell them to whom you were now betrothed and eventually - when you had still said nothing and dinner was nearly over - one of them could keep quiet no longer.
“My lady… umm, I cannot help but notice your beautiful ring!” You dipped your head, “Why thank you, my lady,” you replied. She smirked at you, “But you are not willing to share the name of your betrothed with us?” You shook your head, a faux-regretful look on your face, “I cannot as yet, my lady. My betrothed has to be the one to announce it,” you went on, with a small shrug. Of course, this just meant that their curiosity ate them up even more.
But Caspian had advised you that he had to firstly tell the Grand Council, then your parents, the courtiers and the people of Narnia in that order - that was the accepted, traditional procedure and that was that. So you had to keep quiet, although in truth you were literally bursting to tell everyone!
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
When the news was finally announced, everyone showered congratulations onto you and Caspian. Although you did get the feeling that the other ladies of the court gave their best wishes through gritted teeth and with fake smiles. You knew that they were secretly devastated as you’d won the prize they had been trying to win, and you felt slightly sorry for them as you knew you’d have felt the same if Caspian had asked one of them to marry him.
In the meantime, Cornelius - much to your surprise - had indeed become almost your sole wedding planner, and very good at it he was too! He’d already arranged just about everything. In fact the only thing you had left to worry about choosing was your dress.
Caspian was getting nervous about the actual ceremony; he was worried he was going to forget his vows when he tried to say them to you. You had just told him, “Make them up! As long as you mean them, it doesn’t matter what you actually say.” He’d laughed, pulling you into his arms and kissing you hungrily, but then the two of you had to spring apart as two female courtiers appeared round the corner without warning. You’d all nodded to each other; they pretended they hadn’t seen you and Caspian kissing, and you two pretended you hadn’t been caught.
Until you were married this was frowned on in public, in what you considered to be one of various out-dated court traditions. You’d be shaking up some things once you were Queen, you smiled to yourself.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian was super-excited on his wedding day. He was nervous, yes - but it was a good nervous. Apart from the fact that in a few moments he’d be joined together for all eternity to the woman of his dreams, tonight, their wedding night, they would finally - finally - be able to make love properly. He couldn’t wait.
Their first two attempts hadn’t exactly been stellar successes - and of course, they shouldn’t even have been trying the first time around! - but he just knew that it would be third time lucky. No guilty childish fumblings, no adult angry/jealous sex… it would be just the two of them, lying in amongst the crisp cotton sheets and deep quilts of their marital bed. No prying eyes, no interruptions, no rush - it would be just heavenly. He already felt a little thrill of arousal.
He heard the musicians begin to play the joyful wedding music and he turned to see his beautiful bride - in a gorgeous white dress and holding a bouquet of delicate white flowers - bathed in sunlight and standing in the entranceway. Would he ever feel as happy as this again, he wondered? He didn’t think he would.
She paused for a few seconds and then began to walk gracefully across the Great Hall towards him. Approaching him, through her veil she met his gaze and gave him a dazzling smile.
His smile in return was even brighter and totally blissful.
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@paracosmenthusiast @jessevans
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105 notes · View notes
walkerwords · 4 years
“Lookin’ Out For Her” Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
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Request from Anonymous: Hello! I loved Walker Words, it was so well written! Could I request a Daryl x reader where the reader gets hurt and Daryl is the one to patch her up? Give her stitches and bandage her up and the like. If you wanted to keep going and have him take care of her and help her with everyday things while she heals that would be super sweet. Just craving some super fluffy care! Thank you!! Xoxo
Word Count: 4516
Warning: Swearing, Injury, Blood
Song I Wrote To: “Is This Love" by Corinne Bailey Rae
Note: And we are BACK. Thank you for requesting this!
The Virginian sun was beating down on everyone’s necks as you worked in the lumber yard just outside of Alexandria.
Abraham had recruited you to help the Alexandrians build up their community. You didn't think it was that important but you said "yes" nonetheless. You had been travelling with your group for a while now. Meeting them on the road, Carl, Rick’s son, had saved you from a Walker that had pinned you to the ground. According to the young man, they had just lost their farm to a horde and were looking for a new place to stay. 
It was then that you noticed his pregnant mother and wanted to help. 
You hadn’t wanted to be near other people since the beginning of the end, but you had a good feeling about the Grimes family and their people. You were with them when Rick discovered the prison and you hadn’t looked back.
While you were close with Rick, Carl, Michonne, Rosita, and others, Daryl was someone that you had connected with unexpectedly. Daryl Dixon was an enigma, but one you loved to try and figure out. He was someone who you  never would have bonded with if it hadn’t been for the end of the world, but everyday you were grateful for him and the way he always seemed to be looking out for you. 
There was something unspoken between the two of you and any time that you were apart, you were constantly looking over you shoulder in hopes of spotting the archer. Just as you were now as you worked  near Abraham, cutting into the timber that would help reinforce the walls of your new home. 
“Who would’ve thought?” Ford said as he called out to you. 
“What’s that, Red?” you called back, looking at him through the bright rays of sun that shone down on you. 
“You,” Abraham said. “Who would’ve thought you’d be into all of this?”
“Construction?” you asked, raising your brows. 
“No,” he said with a shit-eating grin, “helping.” Your mouth opened in shock at his jab, not finding it particularly funny. 
“Hilarious,” you said with a roll of your eyes. Abraham just began laughing, enjoying himself. You began to ignore him as you tried to hide your own smile when the sound of growls reached your ears. “Fantastic,” you said with a sigh as you leaned over to pick up your weapon, an extra-sharp machete that Rick had given you after the events of Terminus. 
The Walkers came from the South in a group, all meandering towards the site. “Stay sharp!” Ford yelled as he grabbed a knife in one hand and a hammer in the other. While you had your guns, nobody wanted to use ammo if they didn’t have to. The Alexandrians were worried, shuffling back as the Walkers approached, but you and Abraham moved to the front.
You began taking them down quickly with a few slashes of your blade. Two larger Walkers backed you up until your back hit a pile of stacked lumber. You took out the first, but the second moved too fast, falling into you. You fell back, hitting your head on the edge of the wood as you went down. The Walker landed on your arm, pressing it into the metal stake keeping the wood tied together. Groaning out in pain, you shoved your blade into the side of the Walker’s head and shoved it off with disgust. 
“(Y/N)!” Abraham yelled as he ran towards you. He took out the last Walker with a swing of his hammer before arriving at your side. “Ya alright, girl?”
“Fine,” you grunted, taking the hand Abraham stretched out for you to grab. Abraham pulled you to your feet and you ignored the pounding behind your eyes as you brushed sawdust off your jeans.
“Are you sure that you are okay?” he asked, slipping into his sergeant mode. 
“Abe, I am alright,” you said, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. “Few bumps and bruises ain’t gonna keep me down.”
“Well, just head back alright? We’re gonna be headin’ inside any minute now,” he ordered. 
“I can help clean up,” you said, but he was shaking his head. 
“(Y/N), go,” he said and with a sigh, you saluted the man, picked up your machete, and turned back towards Alexandria.
Arriving back home, you tried to keep steady on your feet, but it was becoming more difficult with each step. 
Nodding to Rick and Glenn who were speaking to Spencer, you continued on towards the house that you were sharing with the Grimes, Michonne, and Daryl. In the distance, you could see Judith being carried around by an amused Tara who swung her around on her hip, trying to make the little girl laugh. 
The ache in your head was the only thing distracting you from the searing pain in your arm. You could also feel thick blood starting to saturate the sleeve of your shirt, but you did your best to ignore it. If you could manage to get home and up to the bathroom unseen, everything would work out. The last thing you needed was for one of your friends to clock your injuries. 
Climbing up the steps to the house, you relaxed as it sounded empty. Dropping the façade, you let the pain show on your face for just a second, but a second was all it took for him to notice. 
“What’s wrong with ya?” Daryl said from a quiet spot on the porch. Still not used to how silent the man could be, you jumped out of your skin at his deep voice. 
“Fucking hell, Daryl!” you exclaimed, grabbing at your chest with your bad arm which only made you wince further. “Way to scare the hell out of me.” Daryl, who had been cleaning his bow, got to his feet and approached you, his brows drawn together. 
“Are ya gonna answer my question?” he asked, looking you over. Suddenly feeling somewhat shy, you took a step back from him, turning so your bad arm was further out of sight. 
“Walkers came up on us at the lumber spot,” you explained. “Everyone’s fine, but I got knocked down. It’s nothing.” 
“Is it also nothin’ that you can’t keep to stand still without staggerin’?” Daryl noticed, gesturing down at your feet. Glancing down, you saw a dizzying pattern of dirty bootprints as if you had horribly failed at a field sobriety test after a night out. 
“I…” you tried as the pain increased. “I may have hit my head on the way down.” 
“Mmhmm. Come on,” Daryl said as he took your arm to keep you steady and led you into the house.
“I can walk, Daryl,” you complained. 
“Yeah, into a wall maybe,” he said with a scoff. You frowned, but didn’t pull away as he took you to the room that he had claimed on the first level. 
Daryl’s room was quite neat, but considering none of you had many belongings, it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise. Clothes were strewn across a single chair in the corner while his leather jacket was thrown on the unmade bed. Bolts for his bow, old and new, were on a table in front of the window, and tools for the bike Aaron had given him were tossed on top of the dresser.
It was very…Daryl.
“Sit,” he ordered, helping you to the edge of the mattress. 
“Yes, Sir,” you said with a roll of your eyes. Daryl mirrored the motion before leaving the room quickly. You sat there awkwardly as Daryl went to fetch the medical kit. Being in his room alone, you felt as if you were in high school and in a boy’s room for the first time.
“You’re being ridiculous,” you chastised yourself. This was Daryl, your friend, your partner when it came to runs or watch. However this was also Daryl, the man that had bewitched you body and soul. “Easy there, Darcy,” you said, shaking your head, trying to dislodge your Austen fantasy. 
“What?” Daryl asked as he returned with the supplies. 
“Nothing,” you said quickly, averting your eyes. Daryl just hummed a response before sitting next to you and then gesturing for you to remove the flannel shirt you wore over your tank top. Carefully, you pulled down the sleeve and then slipped the shirt off your shoulder, the blood sticking to the fabric. The fresh wound snagged on the threads, causing you to hiss out in pain, but eventually you got it off. “Damn,” you swore, finally getting a look at the cut from the stake. 
“Not exactly shallow,” Daryl said, examining the wound. “It’s gonna leave a scar.”
“What else is new?” you said as a ringing entered your ears. You rubbed at one of them, trying to dislodge the annoying sound. 
“That’s what I thought,” Daryl said. 
“What?” you asked as Daryl began wiping away the extra blood with a towel. 
“Ears ringin’, right?” 
“Maybe…” you said, very aware of how his fingers moved across your blood-speckled skin. 
“Probably a concussion. The dizziness, ringin’, headache that I know ya got… irritability,” he said with a look and you swatted at him. “All shit ya get from a concussion.” You sighed deeply, not liking how the day was going. The last thing you needed was to be benched with your family in a new environment. You weren’t the best fighter, but you were damn good at surviving and you had to stay sharp. 
Daryl finished removing the blood before grabbing the needle and thread. Looking away, you stared at your boots as he tugged your skin back together. “Needles make ya sick?” he said with amusement in his voice. 
“No, but watching you stitch my flesh back together ain’t a walk in the park,” you said and then Daryl had an even softer touch.
“Almost done,” he said softly, rubbing his thumb above the wound, trying to soothe you and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t working. “If you don’t tell people when you’re hurt, how are we supposed to help ya?” he asked. 
“It’s not your job,” you said, not really thinking it through. 
“Like hell it’s not,” Daryl shot back, but his tone remained calm. “We look out for each other, (Y/N). That’s what we do.” 
“I know,” you said, letting out another deep breath. “M’sorry.” Daryl tied off the last stitch and cut it before reaching for the bandage. You looked back just as he smoothed the sterile gauze over your arm, pressing it down firmly. “Thank you,” you whispered.
Daryl didn’t respond. Instead, he ran his hand down your arm until it got to your hand. Slipping his fingers into yours, he intertwined your hands together, rubbing his calloused fingers against your own. 
You sat like that for a while, just listening to each other breathe, feeling the pressure of his hands in yours. This happened occasionally and you weren’t exactly sure what it meant. Daryl would sit next to you, press his leg into yours or even reach down and take your hand.
Back at the prison, he would just enter your cell and sit next to you. Even on the road, sometimes, he’d take your hand as you walked, letting it swing between the two of you. Daryl never  spoke, but he always made sure to add some pressure, as if letting you know that he was there. A part of you never wanted to look into it further. You all had seen some horrible things and you knew everyone needed to feel grounded. 
Daryl gravitated towards you to feel...something, you just weren’t sure what that was yet. 
“You know,” you whispered, leaning into him a bit, “there is a doctor here.” Daryl’s grip tightened then, almost as if he was afraid you were about to run. Looking up at you, his eyes were blue fire as he stared into your own. 
“And you ain’t goin’ anywhere near that son of a bitch,” Daryl said. “He ain’t layin’ a single hand on ya, not after what I know what he does to that wife of his.” 
“Daryl,” you said, trying to keep him calm, “Pete’s not gonna hurt me.” 
“I know he’s not,” he said. “Because I’d kill him if he did, I don’t care who the hell he is.”
“Is that you lookin’ out for me?” you asked, reaching up with your other hand to brush a strand of hair from his eye. 
“Just don’t go to him, (Y/N),” Daryl said. “Alright?” If he was one to say “please”, you figured he was about to.
“I could have a concussion, remember?” you pointed out, still feeling the blooming migraine. 
“You’re gonna be alright,” he said. “Herschel told me how to handle that. You’re gonna stay here with me tonight. I gotta keep wakin’ ya up so you don’t end up in a damn coma.” 
“Is that the only reason?” you asked, testing the waters. Daryl looked at you with a raised brow. 
“It’s the one I’m giving ya for now,” Daryl said. 
“Just for now?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” he said with a quick jut of his chin. You nodded and then leaned against him, feeling the pain echoing through your body. Daryl looped his other arm around your shoulder as you began to drift off. “I got ya, (Y/N),” he whispered as fatigue finally took over and you slumped into the man at your side.
Daryl kept his word and made sure that he woke you up throughout the night. 
Any time his hand shook your shoulder, pulling you from your dreamless sleep, you awoke to his gentle face aglow by the camping lantern. He’d ask your pain level and make you drink water.
Afterwards, Daryl would get you to lay back down, smooth his hand over the side of your head, and you would fall right back to sleep. When he woke you up for the third time, you noticed a makeshift ashtray sitting on the window sill of the open window, the smoke filtering out into the night. Having known Daryl for a while, you knew what it looked like when he was taking watch. 
“Get some sleep,” you whispered as you rolled over to face him as he walked back towards his perch. 
“I’m fine,” he said. “I got hours yesterday.”
“Liar,” you mumbled, already fading. The last thing you saw before you fell asleep again was Daryl leaning back against the window frame, his eyes on you as he flicked his cigarette in his fingers. 
In the morning, your head felt a bit better, but your arm was killing you. Hissing in pain, you opened your eyes and rolled onto your back. Shadows danced on the ceiling from the sunrise and the breeze that floated through Alexandria. 
“Mornin’,” Daryl said from his spot by the window.
“Were you there all night?” you asked, sitting up. 
“Nah, took care of Judith a couple of times,” he said with a shrug. 
“Daryl…” you sighed, shaking your head. 
“It’s nothin’,” he said, waving you off. Getting up, he walked over to where you were and sat down next to you. From his pocket he pulled a pen light of all things. 
“Where did you find that?” you asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Carl grabbed it from asshole’s office,” Daryl explained as he clicked it on and raised it before your eyes. 
“Do you even know what you’re doin’?” you asked. 
“Just follow the light,” he said with a huff and so you did. Daryl checked out your pupils to make sure neither was blown and then stowed the light away. “Arm,” he ordered, grabbing the medical kit from the side table. Moving your arm felt like moving a ton of bricks. Then pain was bad from the wound, but your muscles felt as if needles had been going in them for hours. “Swelling went down a bit,” Daryl said as he gently prodded the skin. “Maybe we can find some meds for the inflammation. I’ll see what we got here.”
“Who would’ve thought?” you said as he changed the bandage on your arm. 
“Doctor Dixon,” you mused with a grin. Daryl rolled his eyes, scoffing. 
“Shut up,” he said, but you could tell he found it funny. 
“Guess I’m banned from helping with the lumber for a bit,” you said with a sigh. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Ford’s orders.” 
“Well, I ain’t about to sit here all day and do nothin’,” you said as he finished his task. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you stood up, testing your balance. When you were satisfied enough with the results, you went in search of your own room, desperate for a change of clothes. 
“Don’t fall!” Daryl called as you exited the room. You sent him a rude gesture over your shoulder, making him laugh. After only tripping twice, you managed to get to your room, grab some new clothes, and hit the shower. It was a hassle keeping your arm dry under the constant spray of water, but you managed well-enough. 
Once you were dressed and feeling somewhat human again, you headed back down stairs to only be met with Daryl. “You need to take it easy,” he said. 
“I’m not going to go hunting Walkers, Daryl,” you said, carefully pulling on your boots. “Maybe Olivia or Aaron could use some help. I know Gabriel has been wanting to get the church back together.”
“Great, let’s go,” he said, leaning against the front door. 
“You taggin’ along?” you asked, pulling yourself up. 
“I gotta make sure ya don’t collapse and take someone down with ya,” he said. With a quick laugh, you placed your knife in its sheath and approached him. Grabbing him by the shoulders, you moved him out of the way. 
“Mmhmm,” you said with a smirk, “well, come on then, Doc,” you teased. 
“Oh my god…” he said, but followed you nonetheless. 
For most of the day, Daryl was by your side. 
No matter what you were doing, he was there. Once you had convinced Gabriel to let you help him, he had you moving some things from Scott’s garage and into the church. Daryl, however, wasn’t on board with all the physical activity you were doing. So, instead of letting you carry the heavy boxes, he was there taking the weight himself. 
Daryl helped you carry anything over a few pounds and if you were being honest with yourself, you were rather enjoying him being so protective. He continued to help you the entire time you were doing errands for the priest and even when Deanna asked you to help move some files from the basement for Maggie to review, Daryl was there. 
He never once complained, but he was talking more than usual. As you completed the tasks for the day, Daryl was asking you questions about your life before the Apocalypse. He wanted to know where you grew up, if you had any siblings, and even what your parents were like. You knew a lot about his upbringing, but you never really spoke about your own. Still, with every question, you answered him honestly and it actually felt nice to talk about your family. 
When he asked about what those first few months after the firebombs dropped on the cities were like, you began to grow quieter. As with everyone you had met in the new world, you had lost people from the first day the Dead began to rise and it hadn’t stopped. You told Daryl about the first people you had met on the road, the ones who had been slaughtered by a group of the Dead as you were escaping the city. It was then that you had decided to take on the world alone if possible. 
That is until the fateful day in which you met Carl Grimes. 
When Daryl asked about any fears you had, you began to laugh. “What’s so damn funny?” he asked as you sat next to him in Aaron’s garage as he worked on the bike. He didn’t want to let you out of his sight and you knew he needed to get some grease on his hands before the day was over. 
“I guess I just never thought we would ever have to talk about our fears again, ya know? Aren’t we all scared of the same thing these days? The Dead, assholes with guns...each other.” 
“Each other?” Daryl echoed. “What do ya mean by that?”
“How well do we really know each other? Eugene lied to us for weeks, Tara was with the Governor, and even the people here are unknowns. I don’t know, Daryl, I guess if I had to talk about any fears it’d be that I’m scared that I don’t know how to trust anyone anymore.”
“That ain’t a bad thing,” Daryl said. “Best to always be on alert, that way ya don’t end up dead or worse.”
“It’s exhausting,” you admitted, rubbing at your temples. 
“Pain?” Daryl asked as soon as he noticed. 
“I’m fine,” you said. 
“(Y/N),” he said, wiping the grease from his hands and crouching down in front of you, gently lifting your chin to look in your eyes. “Tell me.”
“About a seven,” you admitted. 
“It was lower a few hours ago,” he said with a frown. 
“Guess I’ve been working harder than I thought,” you said, resting your head in his hand. Daryl reached back and grabbed his canteen. 
“Drink,” he ordered and you did, sipping the water slowly. Reaching out, he smoothed a hand over your hair gently. “Better?” he asked. 
“Bit,” you admitted. Daryl withdrew his hand then and left you to finish the water, trying to get your hydration back to where it should be. Leaning back against the workbench, you watched as he worked, his shoulders tense as he pulled at gears or unscrewed bolts.
Daryl was always in his element when he worked on mechanics. You remembered the first time you saw him working on one of the cars at the prison. He had seemed so absorbed in everything he was doing, happy to be providing for his new family. 
You knew enough about cars to get by, but you could always learn more and so you observed him whenever you could. Watching Daryl rebuild cars or work on Merle’s bike was one of the main reasons you began to grow closer to each other. 
He looked up from his work then, feeling your eyes on him and he gave you a crooked grin, one that was rare, but one you loved so much.
As day turned to night, Daryl helped you get home. 
The dizziness was back in waves and so he had you by the arm as you walked through the streets of Alexandria. He had tried to carry you, but after refusing over and over, he had relented to just holding you up, keeping a firm grip on you. 
As soon as you entered the house, Michonne and Rick were in the kitchen, making food for the house. “Long day?” Rick asked as you moved past him. 
“Too long,” you said, slumped against Daryl.
“Come on,” Daryl said, “you’re about to crash and burn.” You waved at Rick and Michonne as Daryl all but dragged you back to his room. As soon as you saw the bed, you nearly wept in relief. Daryl had been right, you should have stayed home. “Hungry?” he asked. 
“No,” you said as you sat down. Daryl kneeled down and began to unlace your boots as you held your bruised arm to your chest, trying to relieve some of the pain. “I should get hurt more often if this is the kind of treatment Daryl Dixon gives me,” you said with a lazy smile. Daryl looked at you with an exhausted look. 
“Let’s not, alright?” he said as he finished with your boots. 
“Yes, Sir,” you said as you flopped back onto the bed. Daryl got up and joined you, sitting next to you. With your good arm, you reached up and tugged him down beside you, his body lying alongside yours. Turning your head to look at him, he was already looking at you through messy strands of hair. 
Slowly, you lifted up your hand and offered it to him. Daryl took it in his own and laced your fingers together, his eyes never leaving yours. “Your hands are warm,” you said in the low light of the room, your voice barely above a whisper as if it would crack the tension. 
“Yours are cold,” he said back, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. “I should check your arm,” he said, but you shook your head. 
“It can wait,” you whispered, looking into those blue eyes of his as he pinned you to the planet with his gaze. “Thank you, for lookin’ out for me today,” you said, tightening your hold on his hand. 
“Always,” he said. “I’m always gonna be there for ya.” You gave him a small smile then as a shiver took over your body. “Cold?” he asked, his brow furrowing. 
“Bit,” you said with a shrug. Daryl reached behind him and grabbed one of the blankets and draped it over you, careful not to let go of your hand the entire time. His other arm was pressed to your side as he tried to adjust the blanket, but it lingered, adding pressure to your body. “Stay,” you whispered to him. 
“This is my room,” he said, looking down at you. 
“Smartass,” you said, trying not to break his gaze. 
“I ain’t going anywhere,” he said as he sat up a bit higher and then pressed a kiss to your forehead. It was gentle, but warm, his lips leaving a spot of heat on your skin. When he pulled back, you locked eyes with him again before slipping your hand out of his and reaching up to drag your fingers through his hair. Getting to his neck, you pulled him down to you and he met you there, capturing your lips in a soft kiss. His lips were heavy on yours and he tasted exactly as you had imagined. 
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours. “Your head needs to heal,” he whispered, not wanting to move any further away from you. 
“My mind has never been more clear,” you said, grabbing his face again. “Kiss me, Doc,” you said and with a chuckle, he did.
Daryl lay with you, kissing you, holding you, and never once leaving your side as you finally succumbed to sleep, your body desperately needing to heal. Looking down at you in the low light of the lantern, he promised that would never let you go, not now, not ever. 
He had asked you about your fears, but you hadn’t asked him about his. In truth, he was only scared of one thing and that was losing you.
TAGS: @thanossexual​ @felicisimor​ @yes-sir-hotchner​ @lucillethings​ @stark-dreams​ @huffledor-able541​
737 notes · View notes
islesnucks · 4 years
hi bae can i request a barzy blurb based on dress by taylor swift? ty 🥺
a taylor swift song inspired barzy fic? hell yeah that’s like my two favorite things in the word together
requests are open so go send something if you feel like 
also this turned out a bit longer than I expected
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Word Count: 1.9 k
Warning: none
Summary: after Mat introduces you as his best friend and it affects you more than it should, you end up confessing your feelings for him 
Add yourself to my taglist!
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His words hadn’t left your mind the whole night, they were on loop, replaying over and over in your brain. ‘This is Y/N, one of my best friends.’ That’s how Mat had introduced you when you arrived at his family’s friend’s wedding, to which he had invited you as he’s plus one.
You knew you and Mat were just friends, you have been for a long time, and it surely wasn’t the first time he introduced you like that. Maybe this time hit differently because you had just come to terms with the undeniable fact that you had fallen for your best friend, no matter how cliché that sounded.
You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when it happened. It just happened slowly without you even realizing. Suddenly seeing him hit on random girls at the bar made you feel sick. Suddenly his hand on your lower back guiding you through a crowded room felt different. Suddenly your name coming from his lips made the world stop. You didn’t know what turned the switch in your brain from platonic to romantic love and made you look at him with new eyes, but once you realized it there was no going back and the thought of Mat and you becoming something more was always there painfully present in the back of your head.
“Y/N?” you heard Mat call you, bringing you back to reality. You looked at him still a bit lost in your thoughts. ”Are you okay?” he asked with his eyes stuck on the windshield as he drove you home after the wedding had ended.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“I don’t know. You’ve been a little off all night.” He noticed, he obviously did. Because he’s Mat, he’s your best friend, he’s one of the most attentive guys you know and he knows you better than you know yourself sometimes. So he obviously noticed, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t keep on pretending.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you replied failing to sound as confident as you wanted to. Mat didn’t say anything and the car fell back into silence. 
You looked outside the window, trying to distract yourself and calm down. You weren’t far away from your place, in just a few minutes you’d be in your apartment. Mat had noticed something but he didn’t know what it was, so you could send him a text explaining you had a headache or something to get him off your back and just move on.
At least that was the plan but then Mat turned off the car and got out of it with you. You thought he was walking you to the building door like he had done many times, nothing strange. However he walked into the building with you and got into the elevator.
That’s when you started to suspect something was happening. You looked over at him confused and he just smiled at you, like nothing was going on. So maybe he was just walking you to the door. You decided not to think too much into it because if you did your heart would start racing and would notice your nerves, the last thing you needed was to give him more reasons to believe something was going on.
As you opened the door Mat was quick to walk into your apartment and you watched him with furrowed brows as he took a seat on your couch, casually like there was nothing weird with it.
“Excuse me? Can I help you with something?” you asked, stepping in front of him.
“I know something’s up Y/N. You barely talked today and you didn’t cry, I’ve seen you cry at stupid commercials and you didn’t cry at a wedding.”
You rolled your eyes walking away from him because you knew you couldn’t lie to his face, he’d notice. “I’m fine Mat I promised I just had a headache.”
“No you didn’t. When you have a headache you massage your head and you get sleepy, that’s not what happened today. It’s more like you were gone.” You hated how much he knew you, it would be harder to convince him but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t try.
“Well I’m sorry I don’t always have the same gestures Sherlock.” you replied, irritation was clear in your tone. Mat let out a deep sigh and got up. It wasn’t his intention to argue and he could see you were getting mad, he just wanted to know what was going on.
“Y/N I know you-” he started to say as he approached you but you were tired of hearing that speech.
“Can we not do this right now? I’m tired Mat, I just wanna go to bed.” you said with a defeated look, lowering your town. He looked at you for a minute and decided to push his stubbornness aside. He knew he was right, he’d bet a million dollars on it, but he also knew you were exhausted, he could see it in your face.
Mat walked till he was in front of you, inches away, and suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. He held you tight as one hand went up to your hair to stroke it. You were surprised at first but then he felt you relax in his embrace. He placed a kiss on top of your head as he balanced slightly from one side to the other, keeping his face buried in your hair.
“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on okay? Because I know something happened, don’t even try to pretend it didn’t. I just wanna know if it’s something I did, that’s all I need to know because I can’t leave you here alone knowing I may have done something to upset you.”
His voice was soft as he spoke against you. Tears started to build up in your eyes and you tried to push them away as you debated what your next move would be.
If you told him it wasn’t about him he'd leave and you could move on pretending nothing happened and dealing with your unresolved feelings. If you told him the truth you didn’t know what would happen. However you knew that regardless of how he felt about you he’d be nice to you. The man was hugging you tight about his chest, refusing you to leave until you told him it wasn’t his fault because he wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing he did anything to hurt you.
Maybe it was the wine you had drank. Maybe it was because you were emotionally exhausted and unable to think clearly. Or maybe because you were tired of pretending. You didn’t know the reason why you decided to be honest and tell him how you truly felt, but you did that.
“You introduced me as your best friend today, that’s why I was off the whole day, I just kept thinking about it.” you mumbled against his chest, breaking the silence.
“Did you want me to introduce you differently?” He pulled away a little to be able to look you in the face, but his arms were still around you.
“Yes- I mean no. I-” You stumbled on your words, trying to find the right way to explain everything. “What you did was fine, I am your best friend, that’s right.”
“Then why did it upset you?” You rested your head face against his chest again, not having the courage to look him in the face as you confessed what you were about to confess.
“Cause I don't want you like a best friend Mat. I haven’t for a while now and I just don’t know how to deal with this. It’s not your fault, I don’t know what happened or when or how. I have these feelings for you and I guessed it hurt a bit to hear you calling me your best friend, even though that’s exactly what I am.”
After you spoke the room went silent again and you started panicking. You looked up at Mat who was already looking down at you and all you could see was shock. Suddenly your worst fear was real, you had screwed up your friendship with him. It was over. You felt the familiar knot in your throat and tears blurred your vision.
“Sorry ignore everything I said. Just forget it okay?” you said as you freed yourself from his embrace. Still no reaction whatsoever from him. “Shit. Shit. Shit. I feel so stupid.”
“Y/N.” he said, but you were too distracted pacing around the room and rambling to hear him.
“You know I even spent hours shopping for the perfect dress that would magically make you see me as more than your friend, do you know how stupid that sound? What am I? 15 years old?”
“Y/N listen-” he tried again but there was no getting to you, you were too lost in your own jabber. It was like once you started you couldn’t stop and you’d surely later regret all you were confessing.
“I’m an idiot. I really thought you could maybe by some miracle feel the same and-”
“Y/N!” he said now in a much louder tone so you would hear him and place his hands on your sides to stop you. You were surprised, not even realizing he had approached you at some point.
“Please stop.” he added now on a lower more tender tone, it almost sounded like a plea.
Now that you looked at him the initial shock had been replaced by something you couldn’t make out. His face was unreadable as he stated leaning in and before you could even question what was going on his lips were on yours.
You were surprised at first, eyes wide open not being to process what was going on. But once the initial shock was over you kissed him back. It’s embarrassing how many times you had thought what kissing him would be like, but it turned out to be even better than you could have imagined. His lips caressed yours gently, even a bit shily. Your hands met on the back of his neck and his slid down your sides to your waist, pulling you closer. 
Then a thought found its way into your brain.
“Wait.” you mumbled against his lips and he instantly pulled away. “I need to know you’re not doing this out of pity.”
He chuckled letting his head fall back before answering. “I’m doing this because I also don’t want you like a best friend. Because you do look amazing in that dress. Because I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long now. Because-” 
Your smile grew wider with every word and your cheeks turned red. You could tell he planned to keep on going, and you were surely going to ask him to tell you the rest later, but now there was only one thing you wanted.
“Ok, ok. I get it. We can go back to kissing now.” you said making him laugh, already tugging him closer by his neck and his laughs died in your lips.
hope you liked it! likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
taglist: @glassdanse @2manytabsopen @tazeboes @barbienoturbby @sweetlittlegingy @petey-patty @mcsteamylove98 @ttylfedora @chieflawyerpastatoad @iwantahockeyhimbo @cherrymaybank
456 notes · View notes
babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK: Chapter eleven: "Can't get you off my mind"
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|Word count:  9,7K
Summary:  Reader struggles with her feelings for Spencer and tries to work with Seaver. Neither of those things works. Spencer's headaches are getting worse. Also, it's Anderson's birthday! Things are getting a little more complicated.
Warnings:  Hardcore fools in love. It's getting painful to watch. Spoilers of Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 11. 25 to life. Cursing, and frustration. Alcohol consumption. Assholes being blind.
A/N: Please don't hate me! but these two are just so blind, it hurts!
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
Spencer's point of view
Psychotics in a break always evolve. Well, I was psychotic at that minute of my life, but the only things evolving were my migraines. They were driving me insane. I could feel them taking over my life, my head, my sanity. I could feel my good judgment slipping through my fingers every day, especially since (Y/N) had started acting strange.
It wasn't like she had stopped talking to me or hanging out with me. But I could feel a void growing between us every day. And it was driving me insane. I couldn't understand where it had come from. I just knew it was eating me alive.
Morgan was having a bad day. One really bad day. The man he had vouched for parole had just murdered a man after nearly 70 hours of freedom, and now the team was trying to solve the whole case. Don Sanderson claimed he had been framed guilty of the murder of his wife and baby daughter, but after 25 years in prison, the first thing he did as a free man was to murder someone else.
It made no sense.
We had visited the murder scene. Hotch was still on a leave, so it was just Prentiss, (Y/N), Morgan, Rossi, Seaver, and I. Emily was in full "training agent's duty," walking Seaver through every step of the procedure, which was very nice of her. It was her first case after the incident in New Mexico, and she was eager to do better work than that time. She was nearly jumping all over the place, taking notes.
I talked with Garcia on the phone because he was worried about Morgan, and then I walked to (Y/N), who kept a safe distance from Emily and Seaver.
- "The bullets were in the other room, but the gun is right here,"- I said as I looked around the room. (Y/N) turned to me, ready to speak her mind, but Ashley spoke first, which annoyed her beyond belief.
- "Maybe killing him was an accident."
I looked at my best friend as Prentiss and Ashley continued talking. She just crossed her arms and walked around the room. She surely wasn't dealing well with having Seaver around. I wanted to ask her something, anything, but nothing came to mind.
- "Sanderson was out of prison for what, Reid?"- I answered Emily's question but didn't even turn to look at her. My eyes were following (Y/N), moving around that room.
- "At the time of the murder, 51 hours."
- "He's free for 2 days and change? What's the big hurry to find this guy?"
- "Are you ok?"- I whispered and stood next to (Y/N) as Prentiss and Ashley kept analyzing the scene.
- "Yeah, just tired."
- "Do you wanna have dinner with me tonight? I didn't see you this weekend, and I thought we could do a movie night."
(Y/N) took her time to answer, but finally, after a moment, she nodded and agreed.
- "Movie night sounds nice."
- "Great, ‘cos I rented your favorites."- I might have sounded more excited than I should, but I had really missed her those days, and I may or may not have watched and read Pride and Prejudice a couple of times.
- "Did you? Really?"
- "Yes, I was hoping to spend some time with you."
- "Are you coming, Spence?"- Seaver interrupted us and looked from the door- "Rossi called. They are interviewing Sanderson at the BAU."
- "Yeah, we are coming,"- I answered and looked away. (Y/N) shook her head and walked outside in silence the second Prentiss called my name, and I couldn't follow her. Which, I guess, was a good thing.
- "Is everything ok?"- Emily stayed behind with me. She raised an eyebrow, watching (Y/N) walking out of the room as Ashley waited for us by the door.
- "Yes?"- my answer came more as a question because I honestly didn't know what to say- "Everything is ok, Emily."
- "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the feeling (Y/N) isn't thrilled to have agent Seaver around."- I almost chuckled at her words and just nodded.
- "It's not like she has made it hard to tell. She literally yelled at her at the jet."
- "Is she mad at me because I am supervising her training?"
- "I don't know. I don't think so… she hasn't told me so. Well, she hasn't talked to me much lately."
- "Why? Did you fight?"- Prentiss wide opened her eyes and moved a little closer to me, trying to read my expressions.
- "No, I don't know what's going on. She just… we…"- I couldn't find the right words to explain my mind, and I think Prentiss knew it, ‘cos she didn't push me.
- "You should talk to her."
- "Yeah, we are going out tonight."
- "You have a date?"- Ashley walked over and asked me with a short smile. I cleared my throat and shook my head right away.
- "No, just meeting with a friend."
- "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to intrude,"- Seaver blushed and looked at her shoes. Prentiss smiled, probably reading something I wasn't seeing.
- "Come on, Rossi is probably waiting for us at the BAU, and I'm guessing Morgan is not in a good mood."
For the rest of the day, I tried to find a moment alone with (Y/N). I needed to talk about what was going on. But it was impossible. We worked late, rereading the original case files, trying to find something that might help us help Sanderson. But it was frustrating and nearly impossible.
So around nine, we decided to call it a day and go home.
- "Are you in the mood for Chinese?"- I looked at (Y/N), gathering all the things as I stood next to her desk- I thought maybe we could get some take-out from that place you love on our way home.
- "Sounds nice. What are we watching?"
- "Pride and Prejudice, Coraline, maybe Beetlejuice. You pick, I've got all your favorites,"- (Y/N) narrowed her eyes, looking at me in silence- "What?"
- "So you rented movies ‘cos you wanted to hang out with me?"
- "Yes."
- "You usually don't rent movies. You rent documentaries."
- "Yes, but I wanted to do something different this time. I told you I missed you."
(Y/N) blushed as she stood in front of me, biting the inner part of her cheek, trying not to smile. I looked at her, nearly beaming, excited to see her reaction. I had felt so scared to lose her, feeling her pushing away from me. It was a balm watching her so happy, and just because I missed her.
- "I love Pride and Prejudice,"- Ashley said from her desk- "I've read that book so many times, I think I can recite it."
I looked at her and nodded with an awkward smile. I knew she was just trying to be nice ‘cos she was new at the BAU, and she was also trying to be nicer to (Y/N), to get on her good side. But that wasn't the way to get to her. Maybe I had to talk to Seaver and explain that my best friend is a special woman.
Neither of us answered her comment. We just stood there, looking at her in silence, until Anderson walked over and waved.
- "Hey agents, before you go, I wanted to tell you, this Friday I'm celebrating my birthday, and I'd love to have you over."
- "Of course, Sonny!"- (Y/N) wide opened her eyes and clapped. She had called him "Sonny" since they sang "I got you babe" by Sonny and Cher in the karaoke at the Christmas party the year before.
- "Happy birthday, Anderson!"- Derek waved.
- "Thank you! We'll gather at a bar nearby. I'll text you the address."
- "We wouldn't miss it for the world,"- Prentiss added and smiled- "Do you mind if we tell JJ and Garcia?"
- "Please do! I haven't seen JJ since she left, and it would be amazing to have her over. You too, agent Seaver."
- "Thank you!"- Ashley smiled and nodded- "Count me in."
I could feel (Y/N)'s eyes rolling, annoyed, even when I wasn't even looking at her at that minute. I grabbed my bag and my coat and held her hand.
- "Bye, guys! See you tomorrow!"- that was all I said as I dragged her out of the bullpen. Emily waved at us, and Derek cut me an evil grin I could decode easily. I just ignored him and turned to the door.
- "Have fun, pretty girl!!"- Morgan chuckled at his own words, and (Y/N) just smiled and winked. Why? Probably to show him she didn't care about all his teasing, ‘cos nothing was ever going to happen between us.
(Y/N)'s point of view
It might have been childish, but I had to take advantage of Morgan's innuendo just to show Seaver things could happen between Spencer and me. It had been immature and silly, but I just felt like I needed to do it. It was like a stupid animal instinct that forced me to mark my territory.
I shouldn't have done it. Spencer wasn't mine. Not even close. And I had to stop being jealous of Seaver. If he didn't want me, he had the right to be with anyone else. But just the thought of Spencer being with someone, anyone, made me feel sick in my stomach. I hated being in love with him. I honestly did, ‘cos I didn't want to ruin our friendship with useless feelings. Spencer wasn't in love with me. He was just my friend. My very thoughtful, cute, adorable, and lovable best friend.
I was fucked. Completely and utterly fucked. Even that second, sitting on that couch with Spencer, I couldn't focus on the movie. I pretended, but I didn't even pay attention to it. All I could think of was how warm his body felt sitting next to me, like a gigantic magnet that called for me. I could simply just move my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. Or lean in closer, rest my head on his shoulder, feel how he wraps an arm around me, and melt in his embrace, like I had done a million times before.
But I couldn't. I had to stop that daydream of a domestic and romantic life with Spencer. It wasn't healthy. It wasn't sane. But most of all: I wasn't real. And I was never going to move forward in life if I kept thinking those movie nights meant something.
- "More popcorn?- Spencer handed me the bowl, and I shook my head- "You have been awfully quiet considering we are watching Coraline."
- "Well, we are supposed to watch the movie in silence,"- I answered and didn't take my eyes from the screen.
- "You have never done that."
- "Maybe I wanted to give it a try."
I grabbed a bunch of popcorn just to keep myself busy. I could feel Spencer's eyes on me, and it was killing me ‘cos I knew I didn't have to look at him. If I did, I wasn't sure how I would react. I was overthinking everything and anything you might think of.
- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah. Sure."
No, I wasn't.
- "(Y/N), can you look at me?"- Spencer paused the movie and turned to me. I hesitated, thinking my best friend is an amazing profiler, and I didn't want him to know how I felt about him ‘cos it didn't want to ruin our friendship.
After a few seconds, I moved on the couch and raised an eyebrow. His brown eyes stared into mine in silence for a moment, trying to read me.
- "What is going on?"
- "Nothing,"- I lied and frowned- "Why are you so obsessed with the idea something is going on?"
- "‘Cos I have this… feeling."
- "You got a feeling?"- I chuckled, trying to be funny but failing completely. In the end, I just stared into his eyes for what seemed to be a million years but were, in fact, just a few seconds.
- "Are we ok?"
- "Of course, we are, Spencer."
- "You never call me that"- he frowned immediately, almost hurt.
- "What?"
- "You just call me Spencer when we are on a case, and there are people around us. But when we are home, I'm never Spencer to you."
"When we are home." That killed me. I hadn't realized how badly I wanted that to be our home, to have a life with Spencer.
I was in love with my best friend. I was spending every single hour of every single day of my life with him. That wasn't right! If I knew he didn't have feelings for me, why was I doing that to myself?
- "(Y/N)?"- Spencer's voice took me from my thoughts. He looked so worried I didn't know how to convince him there wasn't anything wrong, considering it felt like everything was wrong.
- "What is it?"
- "Please tell me what's wrong."
- "I told you, nothing is wrong. I just called you Spencer. That's your name. It's a lovely name. I had never met someone called Spencer ever before in my entire life. You just called me (Y/N), not pumpkin, cupcake, chipmunk, or ma chère,"- he sighed, frustrated and maybe a little annoyed.
- "Nothing is wrong, honey. I'm really ok. Just tired, maybe feeling a little invaded with Seaver in the team"- I knew he knew I hated her, so I had to blame her in a way.
- "Why?"
- "You know I'm not her fan... I hate working with her,"- I kind of chuckled at my own words because I was trying to make a joke out of my awful reality.
- "It's just for a few weeks,"- he tried to reassure me, probably to ease my mood, but the truth was I hated how it always felt like he was defending her.
- "One week, one day, it's the same torture,"- I shook my head and turned to the screen again.
- "Don't be dramatic."
- "I'm not dramatic! I just hate how she is always playing the victim ‘cos her father is a serial killer. She is clearly overcompensating! Besides, we have all gone through bad shit in our lives, and no one is using it as a tool to get things in life."
- "I don't think that's what she is doing."
- "No? Do you think she belongs at the BAU? She is a trainee agent who almost got killed in her first assignment. She works hard, and she is not stupid, I give you that. But she is not top of her class. She is not there ‘cos she is the brightest. She is there ‘cos Rossi, Hotch, and probably Prentiss felt bad for her after what happened and decided to let her hang around and learn something for a while. If you ask me, I think there are more qualified trainee agents we could use in the team, but Seaver played her "my father was a serial killer" card and got the job. And who knows how many times she had done it before, and how many times she will use it again."
Ok, that may or may not have been too hard, but it was exactly how I felt. There was a deep silence in Spencer's apartment. The movie was still paused, and after my speech, Spencer just looked at me with wide-opened eyes. I just sighed and regretted every word that had left my lips ‘cos they made me sound bitter and shallow. But at least they didn't tell him the truth: that I was jealous of the thought Seaver might get his attention. Scared that he could look at her the way he had never looked at me. Just to imagine I could bump into them kissing terrified me.
- "Maybe I should just go home,"- I whispered and tried to stand up, but Spencer grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the couch.
- "No, please. Stay,"- his voice was a whisper but still managed to shake me.
- "I don't wanna argue with you, honey,"- I thought I would speak too loud, but no, I actually murmured, matching his tone of voice.
- "We don't have to talk about Seaver anymore. Just watch the movie with me. You love this movie."
- "You love this book,"- I added and looked at him. He smiled. God, that smile is going to be the end of me.
- "It's just so dark! But it has such a good message."
- "Not all nice people are good people?"- I just spoke about what the book had meant to me ever since I was a little girl, and Spencer analyzed the whole plot again in less than a minute.
- "I was going to say overcoming your fears, but I like your analysis the most."
- "Of course, you do, ‘cos it's better,"- I teased and stuck out my tongue to him. Spencer just stared at me and nodded.
- "You might be right. Yours is much better,"- he kept his eyes on me for a few more seconds and continued smiling until he snapped from his thoughts- "More tea, ma chère?"
- "No, honey, thank you. I'm good."
I cut him a quick smile and sat back on the couch, trying to relax. I knew it was going to be impossible, but I honestly didn't want to leave. I wanted to be with him. I had stayed home alone the whole weekend, hidden underneath a pile of blankets, in something that looked pretty much like a fort, according to Lu's words. She had stayed with me Saturday night ‘cos I told her I needed a girl's night. It was my poor attempt to stay away from Reid, and she was happy to help.
Ok, Lu didn't know I wanted to stay away from Reid. I just told her I needed a girl's night. I really didn't want to deal with all her questions. You have the right to avoid dealing with your feelings from time to time if you can. And I told Spencer Lu wasn't feeling so good, so I wanted to spend some time with her. He sounded disappointed ‘cos he was making plans for our weekend off but understood completely I needed to be with my friend.
See? Spencer made it so easy falling in love with him! He was so thoughtful it freaking hurt!
I couldn't fight the feeling anymore and rested my head on his shoulder. It felt he was waiting for me to make that move, ‘cos in a few seconds, his arm was wrapped around me protectively.
- "I know Lu needed you, but you missed a whole weekend of cuddling on this couch watching your favorite movies with me,"- Spencer whispered, bumping his head carefully against mine. I bit my lips and smiled, not taking my eyes away from the screen.
- "We do this pretty often"- that was all I could answer.
- "At least once a week for the last… thirteen-month two weeks, and… four days."
- "I love how precise you can be when it comes to our friendship, honey."
Calling it a friendship hurt me at that point, but it was what it was. Spencer chuckled and just nodded. We enjoyed our company in silence for a moment. His fingers drawing figures on my arm and my head resting on his shoulder, letting his smell invade me. It was heaven.
We were finally watching the movie… though what I really wanted was to watch a movie with Spencer instead of actually watching it. But that was the nature of our relationship. We were friends. Friends don't watch movies.
- "No way,"- I argued when his cellphone rang and interrupted our moment- "Please tell me we don't have a case."
- "We don't,"- he quickly answered and picked up the phone- "Hello? Hi… it's ok, tell me"- he didn't stand up or moved from me. He kept holding me tight against his body and finished his call by simply saying.
- "We can meet tomorrow at seven at work. I can help you with your test."- I hated those words immediately.
- "It's not a problem, see you tomorrow. Bye."
I was afraid to ask ‘cos I knew the answer. The knot on my stomach was the fair warning of what had just happened. That bitch had ruined our moment yet again.
- "What are you doing tomorrow at seven?"- I did my best to sound as casual as possible, but I knew that conversation might not end well. He hesitated. I could nearly hear his neurons struggling to find the correct answer to that question. Until he simply whispered:
- "Please don't get mad."
- "Why would I?"
- "‘Cos Ashley just called to ask me to help her study for a test…"
I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds, doing my best to calm myself down at least a little before speaking.
- "I'm not mad, Spencer,"- I tried to lie as smoothly as possible. I even cut him a smile and looked into his hazel and confused eyes.
- "I know you don't like her, but I had offered to help in case she needed any… what?"
- "I'm not mad, really,"- I smiled again and turned to the screen- "We said we were not going to argue, and besides, she just called to ask you for help. That's not something to be mad about, right?"
Technically I wasn't mad. I was beyond furious.
- "Are you sure?"- he narrowed his eyes, baffled- "Not that I want you to be mad or something, but we just argued over her, and you said you felt invaded by her… so…"
- "Yes, but I don't wanna argue anymore. I don't want you to think I hate Seaver because I don't. And most of all, I don't want her to be the reason we fight. I don't wanna fight with you. Ever."
Spencer sighed, relieved, and smiled, pleased with my answer.
Spencer's point of view
Something felt off the following day when I walked into the bullpen and saw Ashley waiting for me by my desk with two cups of coffee. (Y/N) had said everything was ok, and I decided I wanted to believe her. But I had an awful feeling about everything that was going on.
- "Hi!"- Ashley smiled and handed me a cup- "Figured you might appreciate one of these for making you wake up earlier."
- "Thank you"- I smiled awkwardly and held the cup- "Are you ready?"
- "Yes, I brought all the notes from the class and my books…"- she set them on her desk and giggled as I went through her notes, sipping my cup- "I feel back in high school…"
- "Why?"
- "I wasn't the best student back then, and I always had to ask my classmates for help,"- I couldn't help but think of something (Y/N) had said the night before.
- "And are you a good student at the academy?"
- "Yes, I think. I'm not in the top three of my class, but I have good grades. I'm just not… a genius, like you."
Her eyes lingered on my face, and her cheeks blushed after a few seconds. I frowned, not getting why she was embarrassed. Was it just ‘cos she didn't have the same honorifics as I did?
- "I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified,"- I simply answered, remembering how many times in my life I had ever said something like that. Way too many, to be honest.
It was hard to focus on the subject when Seaver kept asking me personal questions every five minutes. She seemed more interested in knowing about my childhood in Las Vegas than learning about profiling and victimology.
- "Good morning, kids!"- I turned around and smiled at Morgan, so glad to see him I might have actually felt a little relieved- "What are you doing here so early?"
- "Hey! I was just helping Ashley with her test,"- I stood up and walked from her desk over his- "And about you?"
- "I have a meeting with Strauss in a while, and Sanderson's case didn't let me sleep. It was better to come here and start working than to keep on rolling on my bed. But I'm glad you are here. Wanna help me go through a few extra files?"
- "Of course!"- I left the notes I was holding on the closest desk and walked with Morgan to the conference room.
I considered our session with Seaver finished, mostly ‘cos for the last ten minutes, she had been asking about me. What I liked doing outside the BAU, favorite bands, hobbies, anything. I answered her questions and kept trying to push her to study. I didn't want her to blame me if she failed her test.
- "Hey, kid."- Morgan whispered after a few minutes and took a look around, just to make sure no one else was near. I looked at him confused ‘cos he was never that careful to say anything in the office.
- "Is everything ok?"
- "Yes?"- I answered, though it sounded like a question ‘cos I wasn't sure what he was talking about.
- "Are you excited to have Seaver on the team for the next month?"- I shrugged and kept reading the file in my hands- "Come on, Reid. She is clearly sweet to you."
- "I don't know what you are talking about."
- "She has a crush on you, kid."
- "No, she doesn't!"
- "Come on! Are you blind?"- I stared at Morgan, not getting what he was talking about- "Man, Seaver gives you loving eyes even when we are on the field!"
- "She does not!"- I knew I was blushing. I hated those kinds of conversations, and Morgan always made me feel awkward when he hinted I should flirt with a girl or just talk to them.
- "And I would appreciate it if you didn't say anything like that ever again."
- "What's the matter, kid? You don't think she is pretty?"
- "I don't look at her that way!"- I buried my head in a file and tried not to notice how he scanned my whole face, looking for micro expressions.
- "I see. Are you afraid (Y/N) might get jealous?"- Morgan chuckled at his words and tapped on my back a few times, making me flinch- "Relax, man. I'm just kidding!"
- "I don't like those jokes, Derek. Really."
Morgan kept his eyes on me a little longer and nodded. I did my best not to show how I really felt, but somehow, I failed miserably.
- "You know, kid, it would be much easier if you just told (Y/N) how you feel about her,"- Derek's voice was soft and even more concerned than I thought he could be. I nearly shook when I heard him, so I failed my mission of remaining stoic.
- "Reid, it's ok. There's nothing wrong with having feelings for her."
- "I don't… like talking about this,"- I whispered and closed the file- "Can we just focus on work, please?"- Derek nodded and stayed quiet for a few seconds. But I knew he wasn't done yet.
- "Reid, listen. I know you are not really fond of sharing how you feel with us, I know you share almost everything that happens in your life with (Y/N), and as your friend, I've always felt glad and relieved to know you have her. But if there's something you can't tell her, and you need to talk to someone, you can count on me. You know that, right?"
I nodded and looked at him. That conversation took me back to the year I was using and had to keep it secret from my friends. I knew I could count on Morgan if anything happened, but I really wasn't comfortable sharing my thoughts, feelings, and fears with people. (Y/N) made it so easy. Was it ‘cos I loved her? I just always felt I could tell her anything. That had never happened to me before with anyone.
- "Morgan, Strauss was looking for you,"- Rossi walked into the room holding a cup of coffee and stared at us, raising an eyebrow- "Everything ok?"
- "Yes, we were just going through some files,"- Morgan stood up and grabbed the case folder- "I'll be right back."
- "I'll finish reading all these,"- I said and pointed at the box filled with more files. Morgan nodded and walked away.
- "Do you need any help?"- Seaver walked over that second and smiled at me. I stood up and shook my head.
- "Thanks, but I'm basically done. I'll just go make myself another cup of coffee."
- "I'll go with you!"- she smiled and waited for me by the door. Rossi looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I just cut him a straight smile and walked to the kitchenette, followed closely by Ashley.
(Y/N) walked into the bullpen that minute. I watched her as she opened the glass door and took out her jacket. It felt like the time passed in slow motion as she walked. I couldn't help it, I just smiled as soon as our eyes crushed, and for a few seconds, life was perfect. Just to know she was there, smiling at me made everything worth living.
See why I couldn't tell anyone how I was feeling? They would make fun of me. Morgan would never understand the agony and the dimension of my love for her. He would just tease me. I wonder if he had ever actually been in love 'till that point in life.
I didn't want anyone to know what was happening to me ‘cos I was sure they would make fun of me, and that was the last thing I needed at that moment. So I did what I knew best: I locked it all inside and waited for it to burn me alive.
- "Good morning, chipmunk!"- I stood by (Y/N)'s side and smiled as she left her things on her desk and turned to me. She just looked into my eyes, and my brain turned into mush.
- "Good morning, honey bunny. Did you sleep well? You look tired."
- "Yeah, I just got up extra early today to help Seaver, and now I was helping Derek with some files."
- "Do you need a hand?"
- "Sure!"- I didn't even analyze my answer. I just spit the words, thinking it would be amazing to spend some time with my friend, working together.
- "Hi (Y/N), how are you?"- that until her face changed completely when Seaver waved at her- "Spencer, do you want me to make your coffee?"- I froze and turned to her in silence.
- "No, thank you. I'll… just… wait a little before having another one. I just had my third cup."
- "Three cups in already"- (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and turned to her desk, giving me her back- "How long have you been awake?"
- "Not as long as Morgan, I tell you that,"- I pointed at him, walking out of Strauss's office and heading back to our conference room.
- "Let's help him, then."
(Y/N) walked quickly, and I followed closely. I wished I hadn't said no to that coffee. I really needed one to go through that morning.
During that morning, Derek questioned Sanderson again and finally took him and Rossi back to his house, trying to trigger any memory that might help us crack the case. Meanwhile, the rest of the team and I stayed back in the office, repeatedly going through the case files. So far, all we knew is that a team had attacked Sanderon's home and framed him for the murder of his wife and daughter.
The whole day, I focused on work ‘cos it's my favorite escape, and clearly, there was something more important to think of than whatever was going on with my life. But my head was killing me. The migraines were starting to get more intense, and I think they got worse the more thinking I gave to my relationship with (Y/N).
- "It sounds like we need to profile a dormant killer"- Ashle's voice surprised me when I was pouring myself a cup of fresh coffee in the kitchenette.
- "A very lucky one. He was essentially given a gift, a patsy in the form of Don Sanderson, and he'll do anything to protect that story."- I answered, thinking I didn't want to be in Sanderon's shoes, trying to clear my name of something I hadn't done.
- "When someone has a secret this big, everything becomes a lie."
Somehow, Seaver's words hit me. I'm sure she didn't mean to strike a nerve, but she did. I had been in love with my best friend for too long, and now it was starting to affect my life. I didn't want it to get in the way of work, and we were at work most of our time together. But there was nothing I could do about it. I just had to keep on faking everything was normal.
- "He'll most likely be pathological,"- I nearly choked at my own words as I tried to shake away the thoughts from my head.
- "So, we're looking for a liar in D. C. I thought we were trying to narrow this down."- Ashley tried to joke and waited for my reaction but didn't get anything. Instead, I just cut her a straight smile and walked away.
By the end of the night, Morgan had gotten the unsub. But I was still a mess. It had been the longest day in weeks, not just ‘cos I had barely slept the night before, but because I was overthinking everything that happened around me. It was exhausting.
- "Are you coming, Batsy?"- (Y/N) asked me and grabbed her bag after putting on her coat. I stood from my desk and nodded.
- "Yes, ma chère."
- "Where are you guys going tonight?"- Derek asked and smiled at us- "No. Don't tell me, planning this year's matching Comic-Con costumes"- I chuckled and probably blushed, busted.
- "We already settled those, Derek. We are way ahead of schedule this year,"- (Y/N) answered and stuck out her tongue to him.
- "(Y/N), can you give me a second before you go?"- Prentiss stood up and smiled at my friend, who just nodded and walked with her to the conference room. Derek and Seaver looked at me.
- "What?"
- "Do you know what's that about?"- Morgan questioned me.
- "I have no idea."
(Y/N)'s point of view
- "Please don't freak out,"- Emily smiled and turned to me after she closed the door behind her back- I just needed to clear the air a little bit between us.
- "What? Why? Is there something wrong?"
- "I don't know, I just feel you have been acting weird lately, and I needed to know if it has something to do with me supervising Seaver."
I nearly gasped. Not ‘cos I felt insulted but ‘cos I felt caught. I knew I hadn't been subtle about my feelings for Seaver. I just didn't want them to get in the middle of work.
- "I haven't been weird with you, Emily, and I don't think I've been acting strange."
- "Come on, you don't like Ashley, and I offered to supervise her while she works with us."
- "Yes, but neither of those has anything to do with me and you. We are friends, Emily."
- "I know, and I wanna honor that friendship, (Y/N). I love working with you. I just want you to know I'm not… I just… I'm trying to help Seaver start her career."
- "I understand that. We are ok,"- I tried to reassure her, but I knew she could read between my bullshit.
- "Do you think you could try to be a little bit nicer with her?"
- "Nicer?"
- "Yes, (Y/N). She is making an effort to get along with the team, and you've been giving her the cold shoulder since day one." -I crossed my arms on my chest, obviously annoyed and defensive.
- "I have been friendly with her, Emily. I just don't like her, and you can't force me to be her friend."
In my defense, in my mind, that argument didn't sound as childish as it did when I said it out loud.
- "Don't be selfish! Just because you are jealous, you can't deprive her of the opportunity of a lifetime with this team."
Emily's words were knives against my ego and nearly destroyed my facade. I stared into her eyes and wondered how to get out of that situation without hurting my friend. I could pretend I didn't know what she was talking about, but we both knew that was bullshit. I could actually try to tell her how I felt, but it was so humiliating I refused to open up. So instead, I just nodded and smiled at her.
- "I'm sorry that's how you see me. I'll try to be a better version of myself tomorrow,"- and needless to say, I turned around and left.
- "(Y/N), please wait,"- but I didn't stop walking. I refused to continue talking about Seaver with anyone. I refused to deal with feelings or the real world.
- "Everything ok?"- Spencer asked me the second he saw me appear by his side.
- "Yes,"
- "You are blushing. Did you and Prentiss argue?"
- "No, honey. We didn't argue. She just wanted to check on me ‘cos she was worried I was mad at her. But that's all."- Spencer just nodded and looked at me in silence.- "Why don't we just go home and forget about today, honey?"
Easier said than done.
So Seaver was getting under my skin. And it was getting harder to control. That week was hell, and I didn't want to show it. Eventually, I talked with Emily again, and I tried to explain to her I wasn't being mean with Seaver. I just didn't like her. And though I gave Emily my word to be friendlier with Ashley, the circumstances weren't really helping.
Things didn't get any better than Friday night. No, if anything, that was the night that made it all worse. Prentiss, JJ, and I got together at Garcia's house and had a few drinks before leaving for Anderson's birthday. I was making my biggest effort to have fun and ease my mind. Spencer said he wasn't sure he'd make it ‘cos he was tired, and automatically I almost turned out the whole deal, but Penelope literally dragged me to her house and put a beer in my hand.
- "You, my young lady, are going to put some makeup on, a hot dress, and we are going to party!"
- "But PG, I'm not…"- but she didn't let me out of it. Instead, she shushed me and raised an eyebrow, looking pretty convincing.
- "No "but." You are going. End of the conversation."
So she dragged me to the bar, along with Prentiss and JJ, who had left Will with little Henry to join us for what was promised to be one epic girl's night.
Anderson was so happy to see us. He was a sweetheart who was always willing to help us. I knew technically he didn't work at the BAU, but he was always there whenever we needed him. We all felt he was part of the team.
- "Sonny!!"- I yelled and hugged him tight
- "I'm so glad you girls made it!!"- and his smile was priceless- "JJ!!"- he actually yelled when he saw her and ran to give her a triple bear hug.
- "Grant Anderson!! I can't believe it's really you!!"
- "I've missed you so much!! How's Henry?"
- "So big!! I feel I haven't been out with friends in so long!"- JJ looked around, and her face kept lighting up as she recognized more friends and acquaintances from Quantico. I looked around and recognized Morgan already flirting with a woman at the other side of the bar.
- "Looks like chocolate thunder knows how to keep himself busy,"- I joked, and Garcia turned immediately.
- "Have you ever seen him shirtless?"- she asked in a lower voice and leaned a little closer to me, just to make sure no one would listen- "I'm sure it's illegal looking so good in real life."
I laughed and turned to see Prentiss walk to the bar to get us the first round of drinks. Ok, I'll admit it, I was having a great time. I know I didn't want to go at first, but spending time with my work friends and not just with Spencer was refreshing. Not that I didn't do fun things with the rest of the team, but my relationship with Spencer, I mean the friendship that pretty much looked like a relationship, consumed most of my time. But I just loved being with Reid more than anything.
But one night without him wasn't going to be the end of the world. Right?
Anderson and I danced and laughed. It was all very innocent. And though I've never considered myself a hot chick or whatever, a few guys asked if they could get me drinks, and I kindly declined. I wasn't looking for a one-night stand or anything. I just wanted to have fun with my friends.
- "And where's Reid?"- Anderson asked as we reached our table, where Prentiss and JJ were catching up and laughing.
- "Home, he said he was tired."
- "And? When are you two going to come clean about your relationship? You know, having the confirmation of your romance would be the best birthday present you could ever give me."
- "Grant Anderson, you nosy bastard!!"- I hit his arm and heard his laughter- "You know we are not dating!"
- "Come on!! I mean it! You have to get together! You are like the FBI sweethearts!!"
- "Shut your face!"- Anderson laughed even harder and took a look around the bar
- "So, if you are not dating Spencer, I have a friend who asked about you."
- "Who? What friend? Is he here?"- Garcia shouted question after question as she had overheard the whole conversation and even moved closer.
- "His name is James. He saw you on the news a few months ago, at a press conference with Rossi, and has been asking about you ever since."
I frowned and looked at Garcia, who was wide-eyed staring at Anderson. I had no idea what was going on. It was bizarre.
- "No, thank you?"- I whispered, not even sure of what I should answer at that- "I'm very flattered, Grant, but… I'm really not looking for someone right now."
- "You are not?"- Garcia asked me, and I just shook my head.
- "No, I have too much going on in my life, with work and… well… what we do…"
- "Really?"- Anderson sounded a little disappointed- "Well, in case you change your mind, James is…"
- "(Y/N)? Can I talk to you for a second?"- Garcia grabbed my arm and crawled me to a side of the bar.
- "What? What is it?"
- "Munchkin, you know I love you."
- "Yes, I love you too, PG."
- "That's why I feel like I need to be honest with you, ‘cos you've always been so sweet, and we've known each other for years now, and I feel like if I don't tell you this, you are never going to forgive me."- Penelope was nearly hyperventilating as she spoke.
- "Ok, what is it? You are scaring me."
- "You have to tell Reid how you feel."
- "What?"
- "He has to know! You have to tell him!"
- "I don't wanna talk about what, Penelope"- I tried to walk away from her, but she stopped me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back.
- "No, (Y/N). He loves you, I'm not a profiler, I don't even play one on tv, but I am sure what I see in his eyes when he looks at you is love… ‘cos it's the same you have when you look at him!"
- "Son of a bitch!!"- the words escaped my lips as my heart nearly left my chest.
- "No, (Y/N)!"- but Garcia lost my attention that second, ‘cos all I could see was Spencer Walter Reid walking into the bar and Ashley Seaver hanging from his arm.
- "What do you want me to tell him, Garcia? To have fun with his new girlfriend?"- I pointed at the door, and her jaw nearly hit the floor.
- "Ok, no. There has to be a reasonable explanation for that!"
- "Yes, but Spencer being in love with me is not the explanation. I'm gonna get a drink."
Spencer's point of view
I was surprised to get Ashley's phone call that night. When my phone rang, I was ready to go to bed. My head was killing me. I had already scheduled an appointment with the doctor for some exams. I was starting to have a bad feeling about what those headaches really were, and I was too scared to tell anyone what was going on. Not even (Y/N).
Actually, of all people, she was the one I wanted to keep in the dark. Why? ‘Cos ever since we met she had taken care of me, I didn't think it was fair. She had taken me into her life and given me a place in it. And sometimes, I felt I was a burden. She helped me overcome all of my traumas and even my drug addiction. She introduced me to her best friends and made me part of her life. (Y/N) had taken trips with me to Las Vegas just to see my mom, ‘cos she knew it was hard for me to do it on my own. If it hadn't been for her, I would have probably spent over a year without visiting her. Now, we took a weekend to see mom every few months.
Why would I trouble her with some headaches? It wasn't fair.
When Ashley called, for a moment, I thought it might be (Y/N), asking me to pick her up. But no. It wasn't her that time.
- "Hey Spence, I'm sorry to bother you, but… are you at Anderson's party?"
- "No, actually, I'm in my house."
- "Why? I thought you were invited too."
- "Yeah, I know, and I was, but I'm kind of tired, and I wanted to come home and get some rest. Why? Are you at the party?"
- "No, but I was getting ready to go. But now I feel kind of awkward asking you."
- "What? What is it?"
- "I just… wanted to know if you could come with me. I'm so sorry, Spence, I didn't know you were tired. I just… I wanted to go to the party, but I feel kind of silly going alone. I wanted to ask Prentiss, but she left with (Y/N) and Garcia, and I felt so awkward asking…"
I wanted to groan, roll in my bed and hide under my pillow. But Ashley was the new girl, and she deserved to have some fun.
- "Don't worry, I'll take you there,"- I know I whispered my answer ‘cos I didn't really want to do it, but somehow I felt it was my duty.
- "Really?!"- and by the excitement in Ashley's voice, it was clear that was what she wanted to hear.
- "I'll pick you up in half an hour, ok?"
- "Thank you so much, Spence!!"
But when I walked into the bar, I knew I had made a mistake. I felt it in my guts. The same intuition I never followed in my personal life, only on the field.
I quickly looked around as Ashley held on to my arm tightly and walked into the bar with a big smile. I soon found Prentiss and JJ talking at a table filled with empty glasses, and my heart jumped inside my chest at the warm, familiar feeling that my friends gave me. I missed JJ very much. And not just as a team member but as a friend who had been taken away from us. (Y/N) always said I didn't know how to deal with change, neither did she, and the shifts in the team always affected me.
Soon I saw Morgan too, talking with Anderson and some other agents. Garcia had to be close then, but I couldn't see her or (Y/N) anywhere around.
- "Come on! Let's get a drink!"- Ashley said and crawled me to the bar.
- "I don't drink and drive"- I said, and she pouted.
- "Come on! You are no fun! Just one!"
- "No, just water. Thanks,"- I turned and scanned the place. Everybody was there, and they seemed to be having fun. Penelope waved and walked to me suddenly. She cut me a short smile and grabbed my arm.
- "Hey, what the hell are you doing here?"
- "I didn't want to come, but Ashley insisted and…"
- "Hi!"- Ashley appeared by our side and handed me a bottle of water- "I'm so excited to be here! We really needed to decompress after everything that happened this week, right Garcia?"
Penelope stared at us, trying to formulate an answer. I could see her making her bet to say something, but she just didn't. Instead, she just turned around and walked away.
- "Is she ok?"- I didn't know how to answer that, ‘cos Penelope's reaction surprised me. Ashley just looked around and grabbed my arm again.
- "Come on, Spencer! Let's dance!"
- "No, I don't… dance, sorry."
Lucky for me, Prentiss showed up and invited us to sit with her at her table. I don't know if she noticed I was uncomfortable, but I was glad to see her. Being in that bar made me feel pretty awkward and exposed.
I had never been much of a party person. I wasn't used to bars and gatherings until I joined the BAU. When I first met Derek, he tried to take me out a few times and be my wingman. It's obvious he failed at that mission. Meeting people at a bar is the most complicated equation I could ever try to solve. It doesn't work for me, no matter how hard Derek pushed me to do it. He said I had to rely on what made me feel comfortable. But no. It wasn't that I couldn't meet people. It was that I didn't want to meet anyone once I met the woman of my dreams. Even when I knew she could never be mine.
When (Y/N) came along, she started hosting these fun "dinner parties" with Frank, Lu, and Mikey, which changed everything. It was the first time I was hanging out with people my age doing things I actually liked doing. It wasn't about drinking or picking girls in a bar. It was about playing Jenga, or charades, eating pizza, and talking about movies and sometimes even books.
(Y/N) said her friends considered me part of the gang, which was all I ever wanted to hear. That I belonged. It's kind of sad when you think about it, but I don't care. I had never felt like I belonged anywhere, and they made me feel like I was one of them. They took me to their rock shows, and I jumped along with the crowd, knowing I wasn't an outcast there. I was with my friends.
You don't know how good that made me feel. And for years, they were my social comfort and cocoon. Then, when Rossi joined the BAU again, he started hosting fancy dinner parties at his house, and I got to hang out with the whole team without being at a bar, pushed to meet people. And it was so good. (Y/N) always said Rossi's arrival had a cohesive effect on us. Not because he brought us together, but the circumstances of his arrival and everything that happened that first year.
This team is no stranger to trauma, and that's a fact. I think Rossi's dinner parties gave us a space to be ourselves, relax, have a few drinks and enjoy our time together. I think that's when we stepped from being friends to be family.
And I hadn't had one before.
I hugged JJ tight as soon as I saw her smiling at me. I hadn't seen her ever since her goodbye party, over two months before, but we had talked on the phone a few times.
- "I've missed you so much, Spence!!"- she said and held my face with both hands- "You and (Y/N) owe me two babysit nights,"- and I laughed, thinking we promised we'd take care of Henry so she and Will could have a date, but we were called for a case.
- "Wait! It was one night!"- I argued, chuckling- "Why is it two nights now?"
- "‘Cos I lost a very exclusive reservation due to the two of you."
- "Technically, it wasn't our fault, we were called in for a case..."
I smiled and sat next to JJ, and Prentiss sat next to me. Ashley stood by the table and smiled at JJ. Right, they didn't even know each other.
- "It's very nice to meet you, Agent Jareau. The team talks very highly of you,"- she shook JJ's hand and smiled.
- "Ashley, right? Prentiss was just telling me you will be taking your remedial training at the BAU. Congratulations, it's a fantastic team to work with."
- "Thank you,"- I took a look around, still trying to find my best friend around. But it seemed useless, and I was starting to feel worried.
- "Where's (Y/N)?"- I had to ask.
- "She was with Anderson a minute ago,"- Penelope said and looked around- "I am going to look for her and bring her here in a second. I'll be right back."
And so, she was gone.
Prentiss and I pretty much interrogated JJ about her new job and the new team she worked with at the pentagon. I sipped my water and half-listened her answer, ‘cos most of my head was trying to register what was going on around me. No, actually, I was trying to find (Y/N). Penelope had been gone for half an hour looking for her, and I was starting to think something weird was going on. Besides, my head was killing me, and all I wanted was to go home. But I hadn't seen JJ in weeks, and I couldn't waste a chance like that.
Ashley talked with Prentiss too, and every once in a while, she tried to engage in conversation with me. But to be honest, I couldn't really concentrate on anything. I just wanted to know (Y/N) was alright.
- "Excuse me,"- I stood up slowly and looked at my friends- "I'm going to the bathroom, be right back."
- "Can you get us another round on our way back?"- Prentiss asked and smiled guiltily.
- "Sure."
- "Do you need help?"- Ashley tried to stand up, but Emily stopped her.
- "He got it, don't worry."
So I was left on my own. I walked around the bar. In my mind, I kept telling myself I was "looking for the bathroom," but I knew very well I was indeed trying to find (Y/N). I had been in that bar for an hour, and I still hadn't seen her. I was worried.
I walked around the bar and found Anderson. He seemed to be a little shocked to see me there but smiled and hugged me. It was weird hugging people, still. But Anderson was part of the team. It always felt like it. We had known each other for years, and somehow it was like he was in the background of our daily basics.
- "Have you seen (Y/N)?"- I asked him, and he widened his eyes- "What?"
- "Yeah, she's right there, actually… "- Grant Anderson pointed and turned around- "Later, Reid."
- "Bye"- I didn't even look at him. I just turned and looked around to see (Y/N).
But my best friend didn't notice me. She was too busy kissing some guy.
I stood in front of her, not knowing what to do. Her eyes were closed, and her arms were around his neck, so clearly, she wasn't in distress, and no matter how badly I wanted to take her from him, I just couldn't.
For a minute, I couldn't believe my eyes. I just stood there and stared at (Y/N), trying to understand what was going on. I always knew she wasn't meant to be mine, but I had never gotten such a brutal reminder. Not even when she was dating Paul. Watching her kissing someone else was shocking. The way that man put his hands on her waist and held her close to him, just like I always dreamt of doing, was painful.
Painful. That was the only word I can explain how it felt.
I stood there for a minute or so. I really don't know how long it was, but it felt long enough to burn in my memory everything I needed to torture myself with for the rest of my life. I stepped back after a minute. It might have been longer; I really can't recall. And all I managed to do was to walk out of the bar and reach my car.
I opened the door and slammed it as I sat behind the wheel. I wanted to cry and yell. But I didn't do either of those. Instead, I stayed still, staring at the nothing in front of me, trying to erase that fresh memory from my head. But it was impossible. (Y/N) was making out with some guy inside that bar, and there was nothing I could do to stop her. So I did the only thing I could do at that minute. I started the car and got the fuck out of there.
DIWK Taglist:
@all-tings-diego @big-galaxy-chaos @muffin-cup @shilohpug @eternalharry @tvandfanfic @fandomtrash2405
Spencer taglist
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@spenxerslut @ash19871962 @babebenhardy @meowiemari @archer561
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Next update: June 23th, 2021
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Young and Beautiful | Rudy Pankow - Part 4
I have to apologise... THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG! I am truly so sorry and I hate how this came out and it feels like a stupid filler and ugh. I hope you guys still love it. Again can't thank you enough for all the support! Tagging all of you lovely people took nearly as long as writing this (just kidding) but you guys truly I Love you. In the next chapters be prepared for: angst and smut and a whole roller coaster of Rudy and Y/N.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Trigger warning: swearing? pretty harmless otherwise
Word count: 2,074 words
Y/N just got the role of her lifetime, starring beside the cast of Outer Banks in the second season as JJ’s love interest. It’s a dream come true and gets even dreamier when she meets Rudy Pankow her alleged love interest. Lines start to blur between reality and film and Y/N is left wondering if taking a leap of faith is worth risking her career.
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[GIF not mine credits to owner]
The salty scent of chicken stock filled the apartment as you stirred the wooden spoon through your concoction clockwise. All bright lights were shut off except the one above the stove, lulling the place in darkness. You could barely make out the two suffering figures on the couch.
“I think my head is going to explode,” Madelyne whined dramatically and snuggled deeper into her blanket which made you chuckle.
“Stop whining!” Madison whined right back and rubbed her temples, hugging a trash can close to her.
Both of your friends were currently nursing a really bad hangover and you had been assigned as their caretaker for today, as you were wondrously quite alright after your adventurous night out.
“You both are babies,” You pointed out and transferred the soup you had prepared to two bowls. 
With a tray loaded with hangover cures you made your way to the living room and the two invalids.
“What’s that?” Madelyn peeked up when the scent of the soup hit her. You could only laugh at her big brown hungry eyes.
“Pelmeni soup, a hangover cure from home. It’s basically broth with some special dumplings.” You handed her the bowl carefully and watched as she eagerly began eating.
Madison however was harder to convince.
“If I eat anything right now it will land on the carpet three seconds later,” She warned and hugged her trash can closer.
“Believe me, it’s gonna help,” You passed the bowl over to her suspicious face, “Just eat it. You need the electrolytes.”
“It’s that what the Gatorade is for?” Maddie inclined and tried reaching for the blue bottle without spilling the contents of her soup.
“Yeah,” You laughed and helped her reach the bottle.
Content silence ensued as you watched your friends eating without complaining once. When you thought they were satisfied for now you made your way back to the kitchen to check up on your phone. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered when you saw the messages on your screen.
Rudy: - Am I the only 1 who’s not turned into a whining baby last night? - 
Chase won’t stop complaining about his headache - 
Yesterday was definitely more fun… a lot more x - 
Do u have a hangover as well? I could take care of you, rather than Chase -
Miss u already <3 -
You couldn’t help but feel a little mad at yourself for having such a strong liver. You wished Rudy would take care of you right now, but instead you were stuck with tweedledum and tweedledee.
You: - I’m doing surprisingly fine after the tequila fiesta I had -
Though I am familiar with the whining concept… - 
Just made some hangover soup from home, if u wanna get some for Chase -
U know so u wouldn’t have to miss me anymore x -
You felt quite bold after sending that last message but you couldn’t help the longing all your body seemed to have for the blonde boy that had enthralled you last night.
A minute after the blue ticks appeared next to your message there was a knock on your door. 
The Maddies groaned from the living room at the loud noise and you hurried towards the source. 
A smiling Rudy was staring back at you as you swung the entrance door open.
“Wow, you are quick,” You breathed out surprised and stepped aside so he could come in.
“Had some good motivation,” He whispered and left a soft kiss on your cheek as he hugged you sideways. You could already feel the blood rushing to your head by the simple gesture. 
He gave you his signature Rudy smile as he saw your flushed cheeks but you only rolled your eyes and pushed him towards the kitchen.
“Who’s that?” Bailey screamed from the other room which made Rudy pivot in his step and make his way towards your invalids.
“G’day sunshines,” He greeted the two blanket burritos loudly. Without hesitation he flipped the lights on. Devastated groaning could be heard from the two girls.
“Oh my God, why did you invite him?” Madison whimpered and buried her head deeper into the blanket.
“He is literally the biggest pain in the ass,” Madelyn agreed and slurped on with her soup.
“Geez, I love you guys too,” Rudy fired back and let you pull him back into the separated kitchen.
“I feel sorry for you, Chase is not even half as bad as them and you have two,” He admitted and followed your body instinctively as you leaned against the counter. 
“We should pile all of them into one apartment,” You thought out loud and watched as he cornered you between his arms and the counter. His muscled arms on either side of you and the proximity of his body to yours drove your hormones crazy and you had to cross your arms to keep from touching him. 
“So we would have an apartment to ourselves?” His eyes rested on your lips as he spoke, not seeing how you rolled your eyes. But either way you couldn’t ignore the effect these words had on you.
“So we could take better care of them,” You finished your thought in a serious tone and unwound your arms to push him back a bit.
He was quick to catch your wrist however and pull you even closer towards him. “I can take real good care of you, too.”
Your breath caught in your throat, you didn’t miss the innuendo. Some part of you would have kissed him senseless right there if the girls weren’t in the room next door.
A whole other part however was nagging with self-doubt. 
You were scared to your bones to screw this up. Not only your friendship, or relationship or whatever this was, with Rudy, but also your very first shot at a break in the business.
What if you fell in love? And he didn’t? What if you couldn’t look at each other at some point? 
It was eating you alive to only think about all the risks you were taking at this. But a bigger part of you wanted him, needed him. Yesterday night only made the feeling worse.
“What’s going through your pretty head?” The blonde Adonis in front of you whispered. All your worries seemed to wash away as you locked eyes with him.
“Nothing,” You shook your head and nestled closer to him. Body to body, heart to heart and finally mouth to mouth.
He lowered his lips on yours gently, so different from last night, so sweet. You would never get tired of kissing him, of feeling the soft pillows of his lips move against yours. You broke away from him before it got too heated, remembering the two girls next door.
“So,” He breathed heavily, clearly shaken up by the little make-out session, as his hands went though his hair, “Should I get Chase?”
You laughed at his disheveled appearance, a little proud that you could make him behave like that with just a kiss. 
You nodded and left another kiss on him, slightly biting his bottom lip and dragging it out while staring at him. His lips chased after yours as his eyes widened. But you were quick to sneak out of his hold and towards the living room.
“Little tease,” He chastised you and smirked as he left the apartment. 
“Where did the little mischief maker go?” Madison inquired as she heard the door slam.
“Getting Chase,” You explained and plopped down on the edge of the couch to hand her the still full bottle of Gatorade.
“Is he hungover as well?” Madelyne inclined and you noticed immediately how she tried to fix her hair a bit and sat up straighter. You were more than convinced at this point that something was going on between them. 
You just nodded and waited for the two boys to come around again. Rather sooner than later a sleepy Chase with his grey beanie shuffled into your apartment, followed by Rudy.
“I heard there’s soup,” He muttered before he scooted closer to his on film lover and Maddie lifted her blanket to share it with the boy.
You just laughed but prepared him a bowl before joining the others.
“No soup for me?” Rudy asked offended and raised an eyebrow at you.
“You’re not sick, get yourself some.” You watched as he stood up reluctantly and heard a muttered ‘tough woman’ under his breath as he passed you on his way to the kitchen to fix himself some of the homemade food. 
The rest of the afternoon was filled with movies and more soup as you nursed your friends back to health. You made a point of sitting as far away from Rudy as possible. You knew you couldn’t trust yourself or him for the matter. If you wanted to keep this to yourself you needed to be careful. But the constant looks he sent your way every few minutes didn’t really help. Admittedly you couldn’t help staring at him as well.
How could you? His jawline was perfectly chiseled like an ancient greek sculptor had brought it into existence. His lips too plumb and rosy for their own good. And his eyes… you could drown in his deep ocean blue eyes. 
Madison cleared her throat slightly when she caught you staring and you immediately turned your head and blushed in embarrassment. So much for being careful. 
“You guys,” Madelyn suddenly stopped the Disney movie playing on the flat screen and sat up straighter. You were sure she had fallen asleep with Chase a long time ago after they had whispered underneath their blanket. You hadn’t paid them anymore attention, granting them some privacy and also because you were too busy staring at the blond haired man that had thrown your whole world upside down just a couple hours before.
“We need to tell you something,” Chase went on and you immediately knew where this was headed. 
“Oh I know where this is going!” Madison exclaimed and sat up straighter. You chuckled slightly at her eagerness but threw her a wink, signalling that you knew as well.
“No you don’t!” Madelyne argued but the arm Chase had thrown around her protectively didn’t really help her.
“You two are dating,” Rudy threw into the room unbothered and reached for the remote to un-pause the movie. You had to suppress a laugh at his carelessness and the looks on your two friends’ faces.
“Oh my God! That is brand new information!” You screamed sarcastically which earned you a couple laughs from your friends while Chase and Maddie still had quite shocked expressions on their faces.
“You knew?” Chase’s mouth hung open as he looked between you, only now realising how they screwed up.
“You weren’t really subtle about it to be honest,” You explained and let your eyes wander to their close proximity on the couch. 
“Well, cat’s outta the bag,” Maddie agreed with a shrug and cuddled closer into Chase, totally unbothered and without a care in the world what anybody else might think. You couldn’t help but be a bit jealous about it. 
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Rudy inquired and you perked up. This you wanted to hear.
“I don’t know,” Chase admitted and looked into Madelyne’s eyes for her reassurance, “We just didn’t want to rush into things that might not be made to last. It was important for us to know where the two of us stand alone before getting anybody else involved.” 
You smiled as you saw the loving glances passed between the couple and you were more sure than ever, that this was pure love. They had taken a leap of faith and it had worked out in their favour. 
You couldn’t help yourself but search for Rudy during this moment. To your amazement he was already looking back at you. His sweet smile sent your way made you warm from your head to your toes. You knew you weren’t there with him yet, where Chase and Maddie were, but if you interpreted the gaze on his handsome face right, you had a feeling you could be there some day. But you would also take it slow. No more rushed unthoughtful acts of passion. You had to act rational about this if you wanted any chance of surviving his hurricane. You knew all too well how easy it was to drown in him and his ocean blue eyes. 
Tags: @lovelymaybankk @sspidermanss @1d5sosddl@arthiriticcricket @teamnick @lieswithoutfairytales @styles-xoxo@normatural @k-k0129 @mileven-reddie @perfektionsmakel @1-800-imagines @http-cherries @golden-eroda @outofstyles13 @jj-maybank-stan @fandom-phaser @hopelesswritingxd@teenwaywardasgardian @poguecollins @jjswhore @xpastel-kawaiix@styles-edward-harry @rollinsstuff @obx-baby @masintahin@floretsoleil @ivebeenthinkingboutu @fandomxreaders@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @pookie-cleary @kiarascarreras@runway-to-my-aid @saturnspack @sunshinemadds@hucklebaefinn @baileythepenguin @spider6oy@whoreforouterbanks @diego-klaus-hargreeves @saltwatercowb0y @lavenderpope @prejudic3 @summer-clouds-and-long-days @lcil123 @swervavery @poguequeen @ellystone @outsider-at-hogwarts @cianawrites @harrysbbby @milamaybank @drewswannabegirl @jjaybank @merchantjj @lilpeekabooze @outerbongs @pankowstyle @family-buisnes @flowersinvegas @thefangirl05 @katrynec @ceruleanjj @o-b-x @justcallmesams @lightninglydia @this-is-bigger-than--us @thegeekyblondegirlwholovesstars @sweetdreamydreams @faded-blue @unfortunatekiwitrash @losers-club6 @usedtobeaj @btsxo-xo @figure-pogue​ @yejimeji @voidsxnsets @dudebroskiprn @giveme-gaskarth​ @cailin-lefantasy​ @obx-writings​ @otrbnks​ @barnesaddicted​ @thebendslikebendover​ @fxckingmaybank
(I hope I didn’t miss anyone! If you’re not on here but would like to be send me a quick message xx)
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theredsuzuran · 4 years
Yandere Muzan x Reader
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I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors, also for my crappy writing I hope It does not bore you lol. Slight mention of gore
It was the time of summer
A multitude of people hovering over one another in the vast space of the lively Asakusa city occupying the streets like tiny ants. Unfortunately it was same monotonous sight for kibutsuji Muzan progenitor of the morbid demon race, who seems to be roaming around uninterestingly looking for a suitable prey to hunt. The fleeting lives of mortals, their compassion, happiness, sorrow, pain held no value to him. They are pests who belong in the dirt or beneath his feet, inferior compare to a perfect being like himself. Nothing more than a tool that he won't hesitate to discard after his desires are fulfilled. All of a sudden his gaze felt upon a petite figure near a tailor shop, a large number of people gathering around her.
What's the matter, mister? Muzan inquired to a man next to him.
"if you are new definitely try her kimonos, now make way" the man said quickly as he rushed to the shop pushing all the people away. He was interested to know what the deal was about so he decided to stay for a while hoping it's worth the wait.
After a long delay muzan finally got the chance to view the women. As their eyes locked the dazzling city lights broader than the day itself felt dull in comparison for a moment, the once monochromatic world seems to change vibrantly with her luminous presence, As if goddess Amaterasu, the diety of sun herself have ascended from the heaven into the mortal realm. The demon lord stood there mesmerized by her breathtaking beauty, how can someone so close to perfection exist alongside those barbarians.
"How can I help you mister?" She questioned politely with her soft vocal. His endless thoughts were interrupted breaking the silence.
"Show me your kimonos"
And so his obsession started..
Days passed since his last encounter with the woman. He have come across numerous marvelous humans in everlasting lengthy life but never have his ruby eyes caught a glimpse of someone as alluring as her. The girl possesses an unique aura that differentiated her from the rest of the crowd, able to draw attention from the cold hearted creator of cannibalistic demons. At first muzan was just curious to know about that woman, possibly persuade her to become one of his underling because of the potentials she may carry. He frequently begun to visit her shop to but or sew different fabrics. Gaining basic information, like her name, likes and dislikes, etc. Her grandfather owned the tailor shop which sold finest quality garments from the beginning and were highly respected for their excellent tailoring. Continued by (y/n) at her family's will, who runs the shop with equal undying devotion.
She treated him with such kindness even though he was a ruthless demon not that she knew about it or let alone the existence of demons. The deepest corner of his dark heart illuminated with pure light whenever she was around and he came to the conclusion that she was the ray of sunshine he desires to perceive. Eversince he was cured from his fatal illness the only goal in his life was to conquer the sun which prevents him to achieve absolute perfection, in order to live an eternal and indestructible life or so he thought until that very day his eyes laid upon you. It would be stupid to think that demons are capable of experiencing love, concepts of feelings are completely foreign in their conciousness, it was more like obsession. His megalomania makes him believe he needs you no he wants you.
Alas, if only it was a fairytale. The king does not always gets what he desires and same goes for the demon lord when he finds out that his beloved darling already has a lover. As he witnessed the sight of you hugging your partner with passion. The way her eyes flutter infront of him when he caresses her cheeks making her turn away bashfully and how she hold his hand with her delicate ones while exchanging vows of love and loyalty towards each other made his blood boiled with fury. If anyone who can hold her fragile frame is none other but the demon lord himself yet there she was sharing intimacy with some filthy creature. His narcissistic self was put down with a lowlife, he cannot accept that his (y/n) was claimed someone else's. It was something he would never allow to happen.
"Kibutsuji san would you like to buy something today as well?" The women who now acknowledge his presence asked him cheerfully.
"Should I visit you later" a force smile graced on his pale features.
"Oh no, it's fine, let me introduce you to my fiancee" she said excitedly.
"Nice to meet you kibutsuji san" your fiancee said
"Pleasure to meet you as well" The demon scoffed under his breath but Kibutsuji was quite adamant he knew it was not hard to turn the tables anytime sooner as with a blink of an eye he can get rid of him by simply ordering his underlings without even hesitating to dirty his hands exclusive for his precious darling. But that was not what muzan was planning to do at all as his mind was engulfed with much sinister thoughts.
To insanity?
"You have been restless for a long time, what's wrong my child?" A man asked with a look of concern written all over his face looking straight at the figure of an anxious woman roaming around impatiently within the house.
"Its been a week father since he last wrote a letter to him" she mumbled softly disappointment painted across her features. The father could not help but laugh a little by her daughter's remark.
"Father please it is serious"
"I am sorry sweetheart but it might be that your fiancee is busy with wedding preparation" which made sense because the wedding would be taking place after three day and it was obvious that he was caught up with the arrangement. However there was a strange feeling inside her stomach which made her believe otherwise.
As the days passed the wedding day came close, with (y/n) still not receiving any message from her lover. Worried her to the core at this point all she wanted was to make sure of his safety as something constantly felt off. The guests came in one by one for the wedding ceremony but there was no sign of the groom.
It was getting unbearable for her to remain confined. Ignoring her father's request to stay inside she went outside in hope to check whether or not her lover was approaching but once again she was greeted with emptiness. Her eyes swell up with tears forming on both corners allowing her body to slowly hit the surface as she convinced herself that her lover will never come. The worst was yet to happen and before she could make any movement the ground beneath her feet started shaking and a shoji door opened consuming her into the darkness.
It was just the start of her miserable life under the demon's control.
"So you are finally awake", a sudden voice came echoing into her eyes as she slowly opened her eyes after regaining her consciousness. She moved her hands upwards in order to ease the headache only to find her hands tied up with shackles, a chilling sensation of overwhelming fear filled her entire senses as she remembered what happened prior.
"Where am I? Why am I chained?" Who are you?" she demanded furiously at the mysterious figure infront her which was now advancing at her direction from the dark corner of the dimly litted room.
"You are quite an impatient one?" The man gripped her chin roughly as her eyes protruded out with bewilderment.
"Can't even remember your daily customer?" A wicked smile curved across his countenance.
"K..Kibutsuji san" she parted her lips. Tears forming in her eyes once again. This made muzan even more irritated as he tightened his grip on her chin. (Y/n) whimpered with pain crying out loud.
"Your shouting won't help dear nobody apart from me can hear you scream" he said bluntly with his cold apathetic voice.
"Why?" (Y/n) lowered her head down holding his hand with her delicate ones trying her best to get a hold of him.
"Pardon?" Muzan inquired as he stared at your quivering form with his souless eyes there was no empathy in them or whatsoever although he felt pity. He cannot deny the fact that he was indeed attracted to her that's the reason why he put her into so much hassles.
"Where is my lover?" She asked sternly with her voice shaking a bit.
"Oh" muzan responded his hand still holding her chin tightly. This made her even more anxious she was unaware of the power he might possess and definitely she didn't had any intentions to risk her life.
"Why can't you humans move on and accept circumstances given before you?" it startled her as she cannot process what he meant.
"I don't.. u..understand" she said.
"Then you have to learn to accept me as your partner" muzan replied coldly (y/n) sat there looking at him with disbelief her heart and soul belonged to someone else and for a long time they have been together it's absolutely impossible to change the reality she was accustomed with just because some maniac wants to make her his partner.
"I can never" she murmured with disgust hinted in her voice. "I love him" throwing daggers in his direction not ready to submit her futile attempts of protest should pissed the demon lord even more but to her surprise she saw him smiling menacingly and in the corner of her eyes she saw the figure of her debilitate lover.
"Start from his fingers" muzan ordered one of his subordinate as they began chopping one of his finger making him scream in pain.
"No! please don't hurt him" trying to break free from the shackles she was tied with realizing it was fruitless she fell on the demon's knee begging with all the strength left within her in a last desperate attempt.
"You left me with no other choice, dear" he explained playing his sick games of manipulation on her. This was exactly what he needed to break her mind and she cannot help but rely on him pleading for his forgiveness feeding on his massive ego providing him ultimate satisfaction to witness the quivering frame of his darling clinging onto his knee in pure submission.
"Please I will do anything you say" she requested shaking like crazy.
"Anything?" Muzan questioned raising his eyebrow
"Yes" she replied without any hesitation.
"Be mine"
She already knew that he wanted this and she readily obliged in order to save her beloved, sacrificing her own life. Her only purpose was now to satisfy the demon lord, he was successful until the very end and it won't take long to make her completely his.
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petersasteria · 3 years
Marriage - Tom Holland
Pairing: Doctor!Tom x Lawyer!Reader Requested? Nah 7,630 words TW; character death, very angsty as usual, an unusual ending
The one is bold is the question from the activity.
* * * *
It was 7 o’clock in the morning and everyone in your house was busy. Tom, your husband, was checking your kids’ backpacks while you made sure your kids ate breakfast. They were invited by Mr. and Mrs. Bergstein on a camping trip with their kids. Of course, you and Tom happily agreed. It’d be nice to take a break from the kids just this once. You and Tom didn’t worry too much about them because your kids are 10 and 8 years old. Both of them are boys and you wanted to try for a little girl this time. Only, there was one problem.
“Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Bergstein are here! It’s time to go!” Tom shouted from the living room after checking from the window. Your sons, Jacob and Mason, immediately got up from their seats and ran out of the house.
“You didn’t drink anything, Jacob!” You shouted from the dining area. Jacob quickly came back and finished his full glass of orange juice. You smiled at him as you wiped his mouth. You kissed the top of his head and said, “Behave, okay? Take care of your little brother, but most of all, have fun! I’ll call you guys every night.”
“Okay, mum. I love you!” Jacob smiled before leaving again. You and Tom followed behind him as you waved at them from the front door.
“Bye, kids!” Tom shouted with a smile on his face as he waved with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder. You and Tom watched as the kids waved from inside the car.
“I can’t believe you didn’t have the decency to pack their things last night. Do you know how tired I am?!” Tom quietly said while smiling at the kids.
“I can’t believe you’re complaining! You don’t even help around the house and the one time I ask you to do something, you’re pissed? How fucking dare you!” You said, the same way as Tom. You didn’t want the kids to see you fighting.
The Bergsteins drove away and as soon as they did, you shrugged off Tom’s arm around your shoulder and went inside without another word. Tom followed and slammed the door when he got in.
“You’re such a bitch, you know that?” Tom said angrily.
“You’re such an asshole, you know that?” You mimicked. “I fucking hate you! The only good things you gave me were Jacob and Mason! Other than those two, all you gave me were headaches and your whining! News flash: when you whine and complain, NOTHING CHANGES AND NOTHING GETS DONE.”
“Well, I’m sorry for making you so fucking upset! I’m sorry that I have a job that’s always stressing me out and I’m sorry that I don’t have time for everything and everyone in this house!” Tom shouted.
“Oh, please! I know how you fucking feel because I’m a lawyer and the cases I handle are so out of this fucking world and it adds to my problems! You and I aren’t so different in terms of having a busy work life, but I make time to do my part as a wife and a mother!” You hissed.
That was the problem. Both of you hated each other’s guts. You don’t know when it started and despite everything, you and Tom agreed that Mason was definitely the result of angry sex. In fact, that was the last intimate moment you had together. After having Mason, yours and Tom’s love life just went downhill. You loved your kids, but you weren’t sure if you loved each other anymore. For the first time in 14 years, you and Tom questioned your relationship.
You and Tom have been together since you were 16. You got married at 23, had Jacob at 24 and had Mason at 26. Now you and Tom are 34 years old and both of you can’t be bothered to make a third child. In Tom’s words, ‘FUCK THAT SHIT.’
“Are you saying that I’m not doing my part as a husband and as a father?!” Tom shouted.
“I provide for this family!”
“I provide for this family too and I’m so tired goddammit!” You yelled before retreating to your shared bedroom. Tom watched in anger and shouted, “I hate you!”
“The feeling’s mutual!” You shouted back before grabbing your work clothes and entering your en suite bathroom.
Tom scoffed and asked the maid to clean up in the dining room. It was his day off today and he didn’t want to do anything for the whole day. He just wanted to relax, but that was ruined when you asked him to pack the kids’ bags for a camping trip with the Bergsteins.
Half an hour later, you went down already ready for work. You were putting an earring on when you looked at Tom to find him watching golf on TV.
“I’m off to work now.” You said.
“Good riddance! At least no one’s going to boss me around.” Tom rolled his eyes as he said that without leaving his gaze from the television. What he said made your blood boil, but you didn’t say anything. You had to go to court today and you refused to let your emotions and personal problems get in the way of an important case. So you put your heels on, grabbed your things, and left without another word.
When you left, Tom looked at the door and sighed. Regardless of the constant arguing, Tom hated it when you argued. He hated all the fights, he hated the fact that you slept next to each other but turned on opposite sides, he hated not exchanging I love you’s anymore, he hated being angry all the time, but most of all, he hated not being partners in crime anymore. A few weeks ago, you told him to just leave. He didn’t because he made a vow to stay with you through thick and thin.
You hated fighting too and if you were being honest, you didn’t know what happened. It just started going downhill. There was no doubt that you loved Tom and he loved you, but sometimes things just don’t work out between two people who loved each other since they were 16.
Work was tiring as always and as if work wasn’t tiring enough, Tom texted you and said that your parents were trying to contact you, but for some reason couldn’t get a hold of you so they called Tom instead. Apparently, your parents made reservations at a restaurant for dinner and they realized that they couldn’t make it. They didn’t want to cancel because they would be asked to pay a cancellation fee. Your parents want you and Tom to take the reservation instead.
Upon reading Tom’s message, you called him and he answered immediately. “What did you tell them?” You asked Tom as soon as he answered. You were walking to your car while trying to find your car keys.
“Hello to you too, darling.” He said sarcastically and you could imagine him rolling his eyes. “I told them that we’d go. I’m already dressed and I’m literally on my way out the house.”
You found your keys and sighed before unlocking your car. “Fine. How will you go there? Do you want me to pick you up? Or will you take a cab?”
“I’ll just take a cab. I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you, Y/N. I’m sure having dinner with me is at the bottom of your list, but I love your parents too much to say no.” Tom hissed as he walked out of the house.
“I didn’t mean it that way, alright?! I’m just tired. I’ll see you at the restaurant.” You said as you put your things in the backseat of your car.
“Bye.” Tom said before hanging up. You tossed your phone on the passenger seat before getting in and driving to the restaurant. When you parked the car, you quickly fixed your appearance and practiced a smile before grabbing your phone and bag before getting out of the car and locking it.
Tom got there first and he was already munching on the free bread and sipping wine. He saw you and lazily waved you over. You walked towards him and sat across.
“Have you ordered?” You asked and he shook his head.
“I was waiting for you.” He replied with his mouthful which made you roll your eyes. “Can you stop being a pig for once?” You whispered.
Tom rolled his eyes, took a sip of wine, and swallowed his food. “Can you give me a break? Today’s the day when I don’t handle a patient’s death or sickness or check up or anything else. Let me be human and forget a few manners, alright? It’s not like I’ll die if I talk with my mouth full.”
“Yeah, but you could choke on it.” You explained.
“Oooh, kinky.” Tom said sarcastically.
The waitress came and handed your menus before leaving again. The waitress was your saving grace and you were happy that you could pay attention to the menu and not Tom. You honestly couldn’t deal with him at the moment. After five minutes of scanning the menu, both of you called for the waitress and gave her your orders. The waitress immediately left after taking your orders and you and Tom were silent.
Tom coughed awkwardly, “How was work?”
“Stressful and I have to be in court again tomorrow.” You told him.
“The pro bono case?” Tom asked.
You nodded, “The pro bono case. I genuinely feel bad for my client and I hope I win this one for him.”
“What’s his case?” Tom asked. For the first time in forever, both of you were normal, functioning human beings.
“His daughter got taken away from him simply because everyone said that he has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old and that his daughter is already becoming smarter than him. His daughter’s teacher also said that they think she’s holding back from learning all because of her father. They’re bullshitting, I swear.” You answered before grabbing a piece of bread and scarfing down on it as if you haven’t eaten in days.
“Well, do you?”
“Do I what?” You asked after swallowing the bread.
“Do you think he has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old?” Tom asked. The waitress arrived with your food and you thanked her. Tom poured you a glass of wine for you to drink and you took a sip before answering.
“No.” You shook your head. “He has autism, but I think he’s very capable of being a parent. Hell, he’s been raising the kid alone for seven years, so why do they all doubt him now? It just makes me so angry that they think that way.”
The dinner went surprisingly well and Tom even offered to pay for the bill. You were happy that both of you were functional human beings again and you didn’t fight anymore even when you arrived home. You even got to cuddle up to him when you laid in bed and he kissed the top of your head.
“Oh shit.” You said suddenly.
“We forgot to call the kids.”
“Oh shit.” Tom sighed. “Let’s just give them a quick call now. I’m sure they’re tired.”
You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and quickly pressed Jacob’s contact to call him. His phone rang as you put it on speaker and he answered after the third ring.
“Hi, mum!” Jacob said from the other line. “Mason, come say hi to mum.”
“Hi, mum!” Mason greeted.
“Hey kids!” You smiled. “Your dad’s here too. Say hi to your dad.”
“Hi, dad!” The two said at the same time.
“Hey, boys! We miss you already.” Tom said. “What did you guys do today?”
“We went fishing!” Mason said cheerfully. “Yeah, and we had smores. It was delicious!” Jacob added with a small giggle which made your heart swell and forget your problems. You really loved your kids and you would do anything and everything for them.
You spent the rest of the night talking to your kids and it felt like nothing was wrong anymore. But of course, you knew it was temporary. You knew better than to keep your hopes up. You knew that when you wake up in the morning, Tom would already be ready for work and say the coldest ‘goodbye’ to you as if you didn’t cuddle at all the night before.
You were right. Except this time, he added a small ‘good luck in court today’ which made you smile a bit before waving goodbye to him.
You sighed to yourself as soon as he left before getting ready for the day. You wished you could go back in time to where this coldness and the arguments began because you had no clue how to fix it now. You couldn’t blame Tom and you didn’t blame yourself and you most certainly didn’t blame your kids. It’s hard to solve a case when you can’t even solve your own problems at home.
Two days later, Jacob and Mason are finally back from the camping trip and you can’t wait to spend time with them. You missed them dearly. You took a day off to be with them and as much as Tom wanted to go, he had an emergency to tend to at the hospital.
“Hi!” You greeted as soon as you saw your kids get out of the car. They ran up to you and you hugged them tightly as you kissed the top of their heads. Your sons were yours and Tom’s pride and joy. They were your angels.
You pulled away from them and thanked the Bergsteins for the camping trip before waving them goodbye as they drove away. You three went inside and helped them unpack their things as they told you stories of what happened.
Since you didn’t go to work today, you knew you had to make up for it. So after dinner and after readying the kids for bed, you went to your home office and started working. Tom came home an hour later. He took off his coat and took his shoes off as the maid reheated the dinner that was left for him. He went into the dining room and thanked her before loosening his tie and eating.
No one noticed it, but he was tired. He wished he could quit his job, but he knew that if he did that, he’d be very unhappy. Being a doctor has been his dream for so long and he wasn’t going to give that up. It was his passion and he loved it. He loved seeing happy patients getting out of the hospital, he loved seeing his fellow doctors telling patients that they’re cancer free, he loved seeing a patient’s loved ones visiting with balloons and flowers. It’s true what people say, you really see true emotions in either a hospital or airport. Mostly in a hospital.
Tom rubbed the sleep off his eyes before quickly finishing his food. He just remembered Jacob and Mason were already home and he wanted to see them. Tom loved his sons and he would do everything to make them happy and protected. He loved his little family and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
He got out of his seat, washed the plate and utensils he used, dried and put them back before going to his sons’ shared room. He gently knocked on the door before entering. He silently hoped that they were awake so he could hear about the things they did in their trip because he knew that he’d have to wake up at 4AM and do the same routine again. He wanted to catch up with his kids because he feels like he’s been missing out a lot and he hated that. He swore to himself that he’d become the best father for them and that included hearing them out no matter what it was they wanted to say.
He opened the door and saw them half-asleep watching something on Netflix. He smiled at the sight and said softly, “Hey, guys.”
Jacob and Mason turned to face the door and smiled brightly when they saw their father. Tom grinned as he walked in and quietly closed the door. The kids ran up to him and gave him a big hug which Tom returned. His sorrows were washed away and it hurts to admit that when his two boys will be teenagers, they wouldn’t want to hug their dad anymore. Right now, he’s cherishing it before they turn into monstrous rebels that sneak out to party. Although, he hoped his boys wouldn’t be like that.
Tom kissed their foreheads before sitting on the large beanbag as the kids sat on his lap. “Tell me all about your camping trip. Was it fun? Did you see bears?”
“I saw an eel and Eli caught a fish!” Mason exclaimed as he excitedly told the story. Eli was the Bergsteins’ youngest son. He’s the same age as Mason.
“Wow! Really? Did you catch a fish?” Tom asked him and Mason shook his head. Mason didn’t seem bothered about it, though. “I saw a butterfly and a caterpillar. They were beautiful like mum.” Mason smiled as Tom nodded and brushed the hair off of Mason’s face.
“Yes, your mum is very beautiful.” Tom smiled. Jacob watched the interaction between his little brother and his father and he was slightly jealous that Mason got his parents’ attention. He knew that the love was equal, but he just didn’t see it that way. Jacob loved his brother and he would do anything to protect him, but sometimes he wished his parents would realize that he’s their son too and he needed attention just as much as Mason.
Mason is the exact definition of a ball of sunshine. He always saw the good in people and he stopped fights in school because he hated it when people fight. It pained him to see you and Tom fighting even though you hid it from him and Jacob, he could still hear it and he could sense when something’s wrong. He was a peacemaker and he loved nature. In fact, you and Tom decided to have a small garden corner for Mason in the backyard. Mason was often teased in school for being effeminate and Jacob would always defend him. It broke Jacob’s heart to see that his precious little brother is being teased for being who he is.
Mason loved flowers. He didn’t have a favorite and if you ask him, his answer changes every time. Despite his different answers, you, Tom, and Jacob thought each thought about different flowers that suit him. To Jacob, the flower that suited Mason best is zinnia because it means goodness and to him, it definitely described Mason. To Tom, Mason suited a chrysanthemum because it means cheerfulness and positivity and it truly defined Mason. To you, he suited a baby’s breath because it means innocence, love, purity, and sincerity.
In truth, all of those flowers suited Mason. That’s why you and Tom fought when trying to decide the kind of flowers to get for Mason’s funeral.
It all happened so fast.
Knowing his love for nature, you and Tom took the kids to a nature park for Mason’s 9th birthday. You knew he would appreciate it and you knew he wanted to spend time with his family on his special day. So, you and Tom organized it, surprisingly, without fighting.
You went to the park and there was a lake there where everyone could swim. It was a little pricey, but you and Tom thought that it was okay to spend a little over the budget for the kids to swim. So, you all swam.
When it was time to get out of the water, you noticed that only Jacob got out. Mason was nowhere to be found. That made you panic.
“Jake,” You called your eldest son. Jake was his nickname. “Where’s your brother?” Upon hearing your question, Tom stopped packing your things and went over to you and Jacob.
“What’s going on?” Tom asked as he dried his hair with a towel.
“Mason’s missing.” You said in panic. You had a bad feeling and you guessed that it was your maternal instincts kicking in. “I don’t like this one bit, T. I feel like something bad just happened.”
Tom turned to Jacob and asked, “Where’s Mason?”
“I don’t know.” Jacob shrugged. “We were playing and I never saw him again. Should I go back in the wa-”
“No!” You said loudly, cutting him off. “Don’t go back in there. It’s dangerous.”
“I’ll go look for a lifeguard or something. Stay here.” Tom said sternly, going into full dad mode before running to immediately find someone who could help. Not even a minute later, he comes back with the nature park’s rescue team as they search for Mason in the lake. Tom went with them as you stayed with Jacob.
“Will Mason be okay?” Jacob asked, his eyes full of worry as they stared back at you. You gave him a small smile and said, “Yes, he’ll be okay. They’ll find him. I know they will.” Jacob nodded and you engulfed him in an embrace as he sat on your lap. In truth, you didn’t know what to do. Your mind was thinking of so many things at once and your heart was racing.
An hour later, Tom and the rescue team come back with Mason’s cold body. His lips were pale and judging by the look on Tom’s face, Mason needs to be in the hospital as soon as possible.
“They called an ambulance already and they should be here by now.” Tom told you. “I’ll go with them and you and Jacob can follow.”
“Okay.” You cried. The three of you quickly changed into dry clothing, grabbed your things and went to the front of the nature park where the ambulance was waiting. Mason was quickly brought inside the ambulance while Tom followed suit.
“Just follow the ambulance!” Tom called out to you before the paramedic got in and closed the door. Your body ran on autopilot. You hurriedly stuffed your things in the backseat of your car before getting in with Jacob. You pulled out the parking lot and quickly drove to catch up with the ambulance.
Tom arrived at the hospital first and Mason was brought to the emergency room. Tom waited outside and after a few minutes, a doctor told Tom that Mason was dead on arrival. It was heartbreaking. As a doctor himself, Tom had his fair share of telling families that their loved one has passed. He just didn’t expect that he’d be the receiving end of it and it shattered him. When you and Jacob arrived, Tom broke the news to you and you let out the most painful cry. Jacob cried too. Jacob blamed himself for Mason’s death, but you and Tom assured him that it was no one’s fault.
Today’s the funeral and you were arguing with Tom. You were in the anger stage of grieving and it broke Jacob’s heart seeing you two fight.
“I want the baby’s breath flowers for him to hold in the coffin!” You shouted.
“Well, I want the chrysanthemum!” Tom yelled. “That’s final!”
“You can’t just decide what’s final and what isn’t! I’m his parent too, in case you forgot!” You angrily shouted as you stood in front of Tom. Tom was about to yell, but Jacob beat him to it.
“Stop fighting!” Jacob cried, causing both of you to face him. “Mason would hate both of you for fighting right now! He seriously would! Can you guys just compromise? I understand that you guys are very sad and I’m sad too. But we have to go now and let’s just agree that Mason can hold all of the flowers we got him. He loves them all, anyway.”
Yours and Tom’s heart broke seeing Jacob cry and you felt so bad that you forgot all about him. You knew Tom forgot about him too. Tom looked at you and nodded, “He’s right.”
You nodded and said, “Okay. Jake, we’re sorry.”
“Let’s just go.” Jacob said as he walked out of the house.
The funeral was short and simple. You three got to see Mason one last time as you all put the flowers in Mason’s hands. They closed the coffin and lowered it down six feet under. You will never get over the pain of burying your son; your youngest. Things will never be the same again.
After the funeral, you and Tom were back to your fighting routines. Jacob didn’t have the energy to stop you guys anymore. In fact, you were so busy fighting and working that you didn’t notice Jacob anymore. You never went to his room because it hurts too much knowing that Mason stayed there too. What you didn’t realize was Jacob’s pain. It hurt him to sleep in the room he once shared with his brother. It hurt him to not hear Mason’s voice not calling his attention when he wanted a midnight snack. It hurt him to lose his number one partner in crime.
A few months later, it’s Tom’s parents’ wedding anniversary party. Things have already been downhill by that time and Jacob wasn’t talking to both of you at all and that worried you and Tom.
You arrived at Tom’s childhood home because that’s where the party was being held and after Tom parked the car, all of you got out of the car. Tom locked it and entered the house first with you and Jacob behind him.
“Tom!” Nikki smiled as she walked towards him and kissed his cheek before giving him a warm embrace. She turned to you and did the same. “How are you?” She asked.
“I’m doing better.” You smiled as you put your hands on Jacob’s shoulders. Nikki smiled and turned to Jacob, “How are you, young man?”
“Fine.” Jacob said.
“How’s football?” Nikki asked him again, hoping to get an elaborate answer. She missed the 10-year-old boy who resembled Tom.
“I quit a few weeks ago.” Jacob said as he shrugged off your hands and went to his uncles. You sighed and Tom shook his head upon seeing that.
“I’m sorry about that, Nikki.” You apologized and she waved you off saying it was nothing. She said that Jacob was probably just upset about something and that he’ll come around soon. “I hope that’s true.” You told her.
“It’ll pass. Don’t worry about it.” Nikki assured you.
The party began and everyone was having fun. You went to the kitchen to get yourself a drink and on the way there, you saw Tom and his ex talking and laughing. You knew it meant nothing and you knew it was ridiculous to be jealous of his ex especially because he chose you in the end, but you couldn’t help it.
Forgetting about your drink, you walked up to them and cleared your throat. “Tom, can you help me with the drinks in the kitchen?” You asked sweetly.
“Okay.” He said, before excusing himself from his ex. They were still friends and their breakup was mutual. Tom didn’t have feelings for her anymore and he loved you despite the hardships and fights.
You went to the kitchen and Tom trailed behind you. You turned to face him and he immediately asked, “Okay, what’s wrong? I know you don’t need help with drinks.”
He knew you too well.
“How’s your ex?” You asked with your arms crossed. Tom groaned. “No, tell me. How is she? What did she tell you that was so funny? If you find her so amusing, why don’t you just date her? Oh, no you can’t because you’re married to me!”
“I fucking knew it!” Tom raised his voice, causing the people in the house to look at both of you. “You know, you’re so jealous! I was literally catching up with her and you’re making an issue! That’s what’s wrong with you!”
“Oh, wow!” You chuckled. “So if I were to talk to my ex and laugh with him, would you be jealous?”
“Yes, I would! But I wouldn’t make a scene and I wouldn’t worry too much about it because I know that at the end of the day, you come home TO ME; your husband. I trust you, but you don’t fucking trust me and it’s insane!” Tom shrieked.
“Oh, so now I’m insane?!”
“Yeah, you are! How can you get it through your thick head? Nothing’s going on between me and her! We’re just friends and there’s nothing to worry about!”
“That’s where it all starts.” You said. “You become friends and then you hang out again and then before you know it, you’re going on secret dates and then you’re cheating.”
Tom laughed bitterly, “See what I’m talking about?! You already made some shit up! I can’t believe your spewing random stories out of your fucking mouth! God, you’re so irritating sometimes!”
At this point, you and Tom were loudly and shamelessly arguing in the kitchen. You forgot about the guests and you forgot about the party. Dom, Tom’s father, had to tell everyone the party was over, so that they could all leave and not witness your fight.
Jacob shook his head at the sight and said, “They do this all the time. I’m used to it now. I bought myself headphones to keep myself company. Those headphones are my best friends now.”
Taking pity on Jacob, Paddy said, “What music do you listen to? The speaker’s still in the garden and we can plug in your phone there, so we can listen together.”
Sam heard and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll join in too. What’re you into?”
“Count me in. Shit is heated here and I need a break.” Harry sighed before earning a nudge from Sam. “Ouch, what was that for?”
“Watch your mouth.” Sam said.
“That’s fine. I’ve heard so many curse words now. Let’s just go to the garden.” Jacob said as he led the way.
Nikki closed the backdoor after all of them went to the garden and she quickly went back to the kitchen to stop you guys from fighting.
“Hey!” She shouted, causing you and Tom to stop. “Let’s talk in the living room.”
Now, here you were in the living room with Tom, Nikki, and Dom. You never thought that you would ever receive an intervention of some kind.
“Why are you fighting?” Dom asked.
“She was jealous because I was talking to my ex and she was being super unreasonable. It’s so irritating.” Tom answered as he rolled his eyes.
“Have you ever hit each other?” nikki asked and you shook your head. “We would never hit each other.” You cleared up, earning a nod from her.
“Have you ever thought about marriage counseling?” Dom asked and you and Tom shook your heads.
“We don’t need it.” Tom said. “We’re just having a rough patch at the moment.”
Dom laughed, “That’s a funny way of saying it. Son, you’ve been fighting for YEARS. I think it’s time for both of you to get some help and sort out everything.”
“You need to fix this. If not for both of you, then do it for Jacob and Mason. We all know that Mason hates fighting. Imagine how Mason would feel about all this.” Nikki said softly.
“That’s not fair.” Tom shook his head. “You can’t just use my dead son against me.”
“I’m not using him against you. I’m just saying that he would be disappointed in both of you for fighting and for forgetting Jacob.” Nikki snapped.
“Let’s go.” You said quietly.
“What?” Tom turned to you.
“Let’s go to a marriage counselor. Tom, they’re right. We need help. I thought fighting was just in court. I don’t want to experience it at home too. We’re tired from our jobs and I think that’s the reason why we’re snapping at each other. I want us to talk about this before we do or say anything stupid.” You explained as you rubbed your temple with your left hand.
Tom looked down and nodded, “Fine. I don’t want to fight forever.”
You looked at each other and gave him a small smile as you grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. With that small gesture, Tom hoped that everything would be alright.
Today’s the day for yours and Tom’s first marriage counseling session. Both of you were extremely nervous, but you both knew it had to be done. The drive there was quiet and if you were being honest, you had to admit that being quiet was strange for you and Tom.
When you arrived, you two still hadn't spoken to each other in fear that it might lead to another fight. Both of you were asked to wait in the waiting room until your names were called and when it was, both of you nervously walked in the marriage counselor’s office.
They asked you to take a seat in front of their desk and you did as you were told. They smiled at you and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Holland, am I correct?”
“Yes.” You answered at the same time.
“Alright. Tell me about your relationship. How did it start?” They asked.
You chuckled at the memory and so did Tom. “Well, I was in a relationship when I met her and she had an attitude.” Tom said with a grin.
“That’s true.” You chuckled. “I was a new student in his school and I was just mean because I hated being new and I hated starting over. You see, my family kept moving around but this time, we stayed.”
“So anyway, when my girlfriend and I broke up, I was upset. I was 15 at the time and I thought that she was the one. Of course, I was wrong because I got to know Y/N after that. Something told me that Y/N was someone special. I just didn’t know that she was the one. Of course, I found that out years later. Heck, that’s why I proposed.” Tom admitted.
“Tom was my first boyfriend and I honestly thought we wouldn’t last because we were 16 when we started dating and that’s so young. So, I really didn’t give my all in the relationship because why would I give my all if we weren’t going to last, anyway?” You said, biting your lip.
“I just knew that now.” Tom confessed and then there was silence, but you quickly broke it.
“Of course, I changed my mind.” You said.
“What made you change your mind?” The counselor asked.
“I changed my mind when I met his family. I just felt really special that time and we were already dating for about 5 months. I felt really happy and I felt as if something good is about to happen. I was right.” You smiled as you looked at Tom. “He was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.”
The counselor nodded, “Okay and what was your marriage like before?”
“Oh, it was spectacular! We got married when we were 23 years old and we traveled from to time because at that time, we weren’t super busy.” Tom answered. “Then, we had our son, Jacob, the year after that. It was quick and definitely a surprise, but we were excited to be parents. I knew that Y/N would be an excellent mother and she is. I never doubted her, not once and not ever.”
“Everyone said we were crazy for getting married so young, but why should we wait for a long time, y’know? We already know that we’re it for each other. Love is different for everyone and people failed to think about that during those times.” You answered. “A month into our marriage, I still couldn’t get over the fact that I’m his wife. It felt so surreal and I felt like I was on cloud nine. It felt so good.”
“That was before, right?” The counselor asked and both of you nodded. “What do you think changed? What happened?”
“I think it’s because we got busier at work and we had no time for each other. Then, we still had Jacob to take care of and it was just tiring. I guess that’s why we kept snapping at each other. That’s where it all began. The snapping and then it moved to the raising of voices-”
“Then the shouting and yelling, the saying things we don’t mean, and the not talking to each other for days. I honestly thought our marriage was done, but we vowed to each other that we would be there for each other through good times and in bad. Why would I give up on Y/N after a bump on the road? So, I stayed.” Tom continued.
“Does one person feel the need to win whenever you argue?”
“I don’t feel the need to win.” You said.
“I don’t feel the need to win either. I think we argue because we think we’re right and we don’t agree with things.” Tom answered.
“That’s true. We can’t even talk to each other properly without it leading to yet another heated argument. I think this is the longest conversation we have without shouting and yelling and saying things we don’t mean.” You said.
“Why are you here? What made you come here?”
“We came here because we realized that after years of fighting, we need help. After years of fighting, we finally admitted to ourselves that we need help from a professional.” You said.
“What are you hoping to learn from counseling?”
“I want to learn how to deal with our problems without yelling and getting angry about it.” Tom said.
“Okay, and you?”
“I want to learn how to learn the same thing. I can’t go on fighting anymore. We’re supposed to be teammates and we can’t do that if we’re always arguing.” You answered.
“Where would you like to see your marriage by the end of counseling?”
“A strong and healthier marriage, definitely.” You nodded. “I want that for us.”
“By the end of counseling, I want us to still be together. I want us to be better than who we are now especially for Jacob because I feel like our fights are rubbing off on him. He barely talks to us and I hate that.” Tom said and you agreed.
“Okay, thank you for that. That’s all I need for now and I’ll see you in our next session.” The counselor said.
Counseling helped greatly and it made you learn more about yourselves. You learned about your new strengths and weaknesses. Life at home slowly changed too. There were a few fights, but they weren’t as bad as before. Jacob still wouldn’t talk to both of you, though and that scared both of you.
Today was your last day of marriage counseling and the counselor said that there will be a last activity before they can conclude anything.
“I have a set of questions here that I want you both to answer, alright?” The counselor asked and both of you nodded.
Do you trust each other?
Tom: Yes, I trust her with everything in me.
You: I do.
Is there anything you feel you can’t trust each other with?
Both: No.
Have you ever felt the need to check the other person’s phone when they leave it unattended?
Tom: No.
You: Yes, but that was before we were married.
Tom looked at you and you just shrugged, “I’m just being honest.”
Have you ever done anything to lose the trust of the other person?
Tom: No, but I’m sure she had her doubts at some point.
You: No, and he’s right.
What makes you both happy?
Tom: Seeing my family happy.
You: Same answer.
When was the happiest period of time in your marriage, and what about it did you enjoy the most?
Tom: Our wedding day because I finally got to marry the girl of my dreams. I finally had my dream come true.
You: Our one year wedding anniversary because we’ve been together for 8 years in total and married for a year. It blew my mind that we lasted so long and we’re having our first born on the way.
Is there anything the other does that brings you down?
Tom: When she accuses me of not making time for our family. I try to make time, I do. It’s just that I’m always the doctor they call whenever they need something and I can’t help it. I know I promised I’d be there, but I took an oath to be there for patients too. It’s my duty to serve the public and I don’t want to abandon that and aside from being a husband and father, I dreamt about being a doctor too. It would break my heart to not do what I’m supposed to do.
You: When he would blame me for things that aren’t my fault.
Do you feel that you care about each other’s happiness?
Tom: Yes! Last year, she got me golf clubs for my birthday.
You: Yeah and he got me tickets to a concert that I want to go to.
What can you do to share each other’s happiness?
Tom: Go golfing with me.
You: Have a relaxing day together; just me and him.
Do you stress each other out?
Tom: I guess so. We wouldn’t be fighting if we don’t stress each other out.
You: True.
What do you find the most stressful?
Tom: When she doesn’t understand me.
You: When he forgets his role at home.
Do you feel you can come home to each other after a special day and feel better?
Tom: If I was asked this before, I’d say no because I always come home late and she’d be asleep. So, we couldn’t fix our problems. But now, yes.
You: I agree with him.
What do you feel are the biggest stressors in your marriage?
Tom: My job, but I can’t quit.
You: Our schedules because they always clash.
Do you feel like you can talk to each other about everything?
Both:: Yes.
Do you feel like the other listens when you speak?
Both:: Yes.
Do you make love as often as the other would like?
The question made you and Tom giggle causing the counselor to look at both of you. “I’m guessing, you do it more often now than before?”
“No comment.” Tom said, trying to hide a grin on his face.
“Alright, moving on.” The counselor chuckled.
Do you fulfill each other’s needs physically?
Tom: Definitely.
You: Absolutely.
Have you ever thought about seeing someone else?
Tom: No.
You: Never in a million years.
Have you ever seen someone else while you’ve been together?
Both:: No.
Do you still communicate with others you’ve been with intimately?
Tom: No.
You: I’ve never been with anyone else prior to Tom.
Is there anything in the past that the other has done that still bothers you?
Tom: I don’t think so; no.
You: The way he laughed with his ex at his parents’ wedding anniversary party. This is completely on my part now; it’s not his fault.
If you could change one thing about the past, what would it be?
Tom: The thing that got us into this whole mess. I would like to completely remove that.
You: Same here.
Would you say your relationship has been mostly good, mostly bad, or something in between?
Tom: Something in between.
You: Yes. No relationship is perfect.
Are there any conflicts in the past that you feel have not been resolved?
Both:: No.
What are some fond memories you have about the past?
Tom: When we first started dating, blissfully unaware of what our future will hold.
You: When we still had Mason.
Tom looked at you with a sad smile and grabbed your hand.
Do you want to remain married?
Both: Yes.
Where would you like to see each other a year from now?
Tom: Hopefully having a daughter.
You: True. I would like that.
What about five years from now?
Tom: New and improved.
You: Better at handling our stress.
What is one thing you’ve always loved about the other?
Tom: She’s caring and loving.
You: His passion for the things he loves.
If you could take a vacation, just the two of you, where would you go?
Both: To where we had our honeymoon.
What is something the other does that makes you smile?
Tom: When I see her with Jacob
You: When I see him being in his natural element.
What is your most cherished memory of the two of you?
Tom: When we first bought our house.
You: When we officially became parents.
What is something about your marriage that you wouldn’t change for anything?
Tom: Everything despite the fighting and crying.
You: Same here.
“This is now your last day for marriage counseling. On our first meeting, I asked you where you see yourselves at the end of marriage counseling. Did it happen?” The counselor asked as they looked at the two of you seriously.
You thought about it for a while before looking at each other.
"I think so." You answered. "I'm not really sure."
Tom nodded, "Yes, I'm not sure too."
* * * *
lmao cliffhanger bc there'll be two endings
this took me DAYS to write and i hope you guys enjoyed it! feedback would be lovely x
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag @cocoamoonmalfoy @thatforgottenangel @parkerpeter24 @turtoix @slutforsr @givebuckyhisplumsnow @buckys-little-hoe @runawayolives @chewymoustachio @hollandsrecs @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @yourstrulyamour @juliediggory @lharrietg @alexx-stancati @rumplebutterbaby @dummiesshort @spideyspeaches @thevelvetseries @buckymylove @quxxnxfhxll @marvelsimps @dreamy-clousds @bora-world @hunnybunimdun @supred12
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @holland-styles @trustfundparker @calltothewild @felicityparkers @hufflepuffprincess24 @tommysparker @justasmisunderstoodasloki @quaksonhehe @call-me-baby-gir1 @itstaskeen @theonly1outof-a-billion @lost-in-the-stars03 @justafangirlduh @piscesparker @speedymaximoff @miraclesoflove @lexirv @blairscott @getbywithasmile @pqrkerr @lavender-writer @blackbat2020 @hoodpankow
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elianamarie-blog · 4 years
The Things You Give Pt 14
Steven Hyde x Read
Happy Holidays and New Years everyone! I can’t believe we’re already 14 parts in. I’m so glad you guys are loving the story! Tag list is open if you want to be a part of it :)
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Beep, beep, beep.
           The sound of the heart monitor was the only noise resourcing from the room. Hyde sat beside y/n, watching as her chest gently rose and fell, and listened to Red interrogate Eric from the hallway.
           “What do you mean you don’t know what happened?!” Red asked him in his usual gruff tone.
           “I don’t, Dad!” Eric defended. “All I saw is that she was sick and she was trying to get Fez and Hyde to stop fighting and she just dropped!”
           “And you didn’t catch her?” Red fumed. “She could’ve gotten hurt!”
           “Well, I didn’t expect her to fall!” he responded.
           “Red, honey, your yelling isn’t making anything easier,” Kitty said quietly.
           “For me it is!”
           “Red,” she said more sternly.
           “Well, have they figured out what’s wrong with her?” the worried father asked impatiently.
           “No, they haven’t,” Kitty answered calmly.
           “What’s taking them so long?” he grumbled. “We’ve been here for hours!”
           Kitty blinked at her husband. “We’ve been here for twenty-five minutes.”
           “And our daughter has been unconscious for forty! My little girl is in there now and I want answers, dammit!”
           “Red, she’s fine,” Kitty said, trying to soothe him. “She’s tucked in a bed right now with monitoring and her breathing is normal. They drew her blood and we’re just waiting on the test results.”
           “They need to come faster!” he shouted, causing Kitty to frantically look around and smile nervously as her coworkers stared at them.
           “Hey, Mom, if Dad has another heart attack, at least it’ll save us another ambulance bill since we’re already at a hospital,” Eric said grinning, sarcasm bleeding into his tone.
           “Can it, dumbass!” Red snarled.
           Inside the room, y/n groaned, hearing the arguing from outside and slowly opened her eyes, seeing nothing but white. Her head felt someone was taking a jack hammer to her skull. Steven noticed and waited anxiously by her side.
           “Why do they have to be so loud?” she mumbled.
           Steven sighed in relief and grabbed her hand. “Are you okay? How’re you feeling?”
           “I think so,” she croaked. “I feel like crap and I’m tired.”
           Hyde chuckled softly and leaned over, kissing her head softly. “You scared the crap out of me.”
           “What happened? Am I in the hospital?” she asked, not letting go of his hand.
           Hyde paused, searching her face. “You don’t—? You fainted and hit the ground pretty hard. They think you may have gotten a concussion.”
           “Well, that explains my headache,” she grumbled and rubbed her head. She looked at Steven who was still looking at her with worried eyes. “Where is everyone?”
           “Your parents are out in the hall with your brother, Fez is here but went to find ice cream.” He rolled his eyes at the thought but continued. “And everyone else is on their way.”
           “How long have I been out?”
           “About forty-five minutes. I’m glad you’re okay,” he answered and pulled her hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss.
           If it wasn’t for her head screaming at her, her heart would be fluttering away like butterflies, but all she wanted to do was numb the pain. A sharp pain surged through her skull, causing her to hiss.
           “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked her.
           She tried to nod, but that caused more pain to her skull. “My head hurts. A lot.”
           “That’s what happens when you smack your head on concrete,” he answered. “You have a pretty good-sized knot on your head.”
            Y/n reached up and felt her scalp until she felt a painful bump behind the side of her head. She winced at her own touched. “Ow.”
           “Maybe you shouldn’t do that,” Hyde chuckled. “I’m going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?”
           Her stomach churned at the thought of liquids and scrunched up her nose. “No, but I probably should. I’ll take a ginger ale if they have any.”
           “You got it, doll,” he said and walked out just as the doctor was stepping in.
           “Good afternoon, Miss Forman,” the middle-aged, dark haired man said. “I’m Dr. Kipp. I’ve been looking over you while you were out. How are you feeling?”
           “Not gonna lie, Doc, I feel pretty lousy,” Y/n responded. “I’ve been sick for the last couple of days. Not being able to keep anything down, I’m achy all over…I’m starting to wonder if I have the stomach flu or something. On top of that, my head is killing me.”
           “Well, you passed out due to your blood pressure dropping which caused a lack of blood to the brain, but it’s definitely not the stomach flu,” Dr. Kipp answered casually, setting down his clipboard as he went over to the sink to wash his hands.
           “How do you know that?” Y/n questioned him.
           “Well, it can’t be because you’re pregnant.”
                                                  --Time Skip—
           “How’s y/n doing?” Donna asked as she got to the waiting room, flowers in hand.
           “Oh, that’s so sweet that you got her flowers!” Kitty gushed, making Donna smile. “And she’s awake. The doctor is in there right now with her.”
           “Oh, good,” she said and sat down next to Fez who was quietly eating ice cream. “Where did you get the ice cream?”
           “Oh, I told them that y/n was my wife and they let me get ice cream!” he replied stoically.
           “So, you’re telling me that you hit on her and now you’re telling people she’s your wife?” Hyde seethed, holding a cup of coffee in one and a ginger ale can in the other.
           “Can you kids not fight for five damn minutes please?” Red asked impatiently. “It’s bad enough that we’re here, I don’t want to have to hear about your petty drama.”
           “Hey, don’t get mad at me. You’re the reason she’s here in the first place,” said Fez.
           “Why would it be your fault?” Kitty asked Hyde.
           “It’s not!” Hyde replied. “He’s just saying crap so I can knock his teeth in.”
           Kitty and Red squinted their eyes at the teens for a moment. “What on earth is going on here?” Kitty asked, growing frustrated.
           “Nothing,” Hyde answered through gritted, glaring daggers at Fez.
           Fez returned the glare. “You know, Hyde, I often wonder what it would be like to hook up with my best friend’s sister. Don’t you?”
            Hyde’s expression hardened. “It’s a good thing we’re in a hospital because when I break your bones, you’re already here!” Hyde aggressively moved towards Fez, but was stopped short by Eric getting in between them.
           “Okay! That’s enough,” he sang-song. “Hyde, why don’t you sit over there quietly and don’t beat up Fez.” He turned to Fez. “And Fez? Shut the hell up.”
           Hyde jerked himself away. “I’m going to go give this to y/n.”
           Back in the room, y/n felt like the wind had been knocked out of her lungs. “I’m…what?”
           “Pregnant,” he responded in a faux enthusiastic voice. “That was through the blood test. We’re going to have you take urine test as well. So,” he pulled out a plastic cup. “You’re going to pee in this cup and when you’re finished, pull the string and a nurse will come in and collect it. Then, we’ll do a full examination on you to make sure your head is okay.”
           Y/n nodded numbly and mindlessly grabbed the cup in her hand. “Okay…”
           “Probably not the news you were expecting, huh?” he asked.
           Y/n chuckled weakly. “No. Not at all.”
           “Well, I’ll be back soon with your test results.”
           He walked out the door, leaving y/n alone in the room. Her hands felt numb and she felt like there was static all around her. How could she be pregnant? How did she let this happen? And oh God, what was she going to say to Steven? Her eyes widened. Her parents?!
           A sudden heavy weight was shattered onto her chest and her eyes began to water. How was she going to tell everyone? What if her dream came true and she truly was alone? Could she raise a baby on her own? Where would she live? What job would she have to do to support her baby? Was she even going to be a good mom? Will her children grow up to be decent people? What if they’re born with health conditions? Or they fall ill? Can she even count on herself to get out of bed at 2 AM to go to the 24 hour store to buy cough medicine when they get sick? How do you even change a poopy diaper? How is she going to react when they’re teenagers and they’re learning how to drive or get their first boyfriend or girlfriend? What kind of mom was she going to be? What kind father was Steven going to be? Will he even stick around?
           With all these questions swimming through her head, she didn’t notice Steven walk back in. “I got that ginger ale you—hey, you okay?”
           Y/n snapped her head up as she was yanked out of her thoughts, which she silently thanked heaven above for. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
           “You sure?” he asked as he set down the drink on the table next to her. “You don’t look fine. In fact, you look kinda pale.”
           “Yeah, um,” she stuttered, swallowing hard and waved her hand casually. “The doctor says I passed out due to lack of blood to the brain. Blood tests came back normal, but he wants me to take a urine test just to be sure.” Not a total lie. Just left out a part.
           “Oh, okay. Do you need help getting to the bathroom?”
           “I think I got it,” she answered truthfully and slowly got out of bed, barley able to feel her legs. She ambled her way to the bathroom, dragging the IV along with her. She felt Steven’s stare burning a hole in the back of her head, but she couldn’t think of what he was thinking right now. She couldn’t. It would drive her to an anxiety attack.
           She closed the door quietly and baby stepped her way to the toilet. She passed by the mirror and did a double take to her reflection. Her ponytail was a complete rats nest, her eyes had dark circles under them, and her normally rosy cheeks had lost all color. She looked half dead and she wanted to cringe away. She turned her head to the side and saw the swelled up bump on her skull. She winced when she saw it and let out a sigh. She really wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep for 72 hours.
           She made her way to the toilet and shakily did her business in the cup. When she was finished, she left in on the counter in the bathroom and pulled the string. After she was finished washing up, she walked out to meet Steven sitting in the chair.
           “Hey,” he said gently whispered.
           “Hey,” she answered in the same manner. “Where is everyone?”
           “In the waiting room. Do you want to see them?”
           Her heart dropped, but she needed to play it cool. “Yeah, that would be nice.”
           He nodded and opened the door to call them in. She got back in bed with Hyde’s help, making sure her IV wouldn’t get pulled out of her arm.
           “Oh, y/n,” Kitty sobbed and rushed over to y/n who was sitting up fully and wrapped her arms around her. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
           Y/n barley reciprocated the hug. “I’m okay, Mom.”
           “When we saw you being loaded up into the ambulance, I thought I was going to die right there,” Kitty responded, stepping away from her daughter.
           “I’m fine, Mom. Really.”
           “What did the doctor say?” she pried.
           “Uh…they don’t know yet,” Y/n replied. “They’re taking a urine sample.”
           “Well, a person fainting is never a good thing,” Kitty stated matter-of-factly. “It means your blood pressure dropped and you weren’t getting enough blood flow to the brain. Those things just don’t happen.”
           “I know. They’re running tests right now,” Y/n said and leaned back against the pillows.
           “When will we find out?” Red pushed.
           “I don’t know,” Y/n responded growing annoyed. “I don’t know anything.” Lie, lie, LIE.
           “Well, we better find out soon,” Red said. “This place gives me the creeps.”
           “If you wanna leave, you can. I’m a big girl, I can leave on my own,” Y/n responded.
           “No, no, I wanna be here in this room when the doctor comes and tells us what’s wrong,” Kitty said stubbornly.
          Y/n’s heart and stomach dropped. There was no way anyone was going to be in this room when the doctor came back with the results. Positive or not, she didn’t need her parents asking questions and then finding out about her and Steven.
           She kept her face and voice as calm as possible. “No, no it’s okay. Really. I don’t know if I want everyone in here anyway. In fact, it’s probably best that I’m alone.”
           “Oh, nonsense. I—”
           “Kitty, if she wants to be alone, then we’ll leave her alone. She’s an adult now. She doesn’t need us in here,” Red said, signaling to his wife that they leave. “Besides, the Packers’s game is on and I wanna go home.”
           Kitty sighed, annoyed. “Fine. Fine, I’ll leave, but I want to hear everything, missy.”
           Y/n’s eyes widened a fraction and her heart beat violently against her blood cage. She could practically feel her blood pumping through her veins. She nodded numbly. “Okay.”
           Kitty nodded and kissed y/n on the head before leaving. She felt some tension leave her body as she watched her parents leave. She leaned her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes, feeling completely drained.
           “Are you okay?” Donna asked.
           “Yeah,” she mumbled. “Just…feeling depleted.”
           “Well, you can’t go to sleep yet,” Hyde said. “You might have a concussion.”
           “I want sleep,” she whined.
           “I know, but I’d rather you be exhausted than not wake up at all,” he responded.
           She glared at him through half open eye lids and grumbled, “I hate you.”
           He chuckled lightly. “I know.”
           The door to the room opened revealing Kelso, Fez and Jackie.
           “Hey, y/n, how are you feeling?” Kelso asked.
           “Bout as great as I look,” she replied, a weak smile playing her lips.
           “So, super sexy,” Fez responded cheekily but that smile quickly faded when Hyde punched his shoulder. “Ow.”
           “Remember: Respect,” was all Hyde said before sitting back down.
           “I heard what happened,” Kelso responded. “And Brooke made me bring you these.” He handed her a small bouquet of yellow daisies and lilies.
           Y/n chuckled, accepting the flowers. “Tell Brooke I said thank you for the nice gesture. And tell her to bring the baby around soon. I want to meet my niece.”
           Kelso’s face brightened. “You…you really think of her that way?”
           Y/n nodded. “Why wouldn’t I? We’ve all been best friends since we were little and it only makes sense that we look at each other more than just friends now.”
           “Like lovers?” Fez asked her seductively.
           “Do you have a death wish?” Hyde spat.
           “Okay, Steven that’s enough,” Y/n said as sternly as she could. “And Fez, shut up.”
           Fez pouted and went and sat in the corner of the room.
           “You know what? My mind is made up,” Kelso said. Y/n stared at him curiously, everyone joining in.
           “Kelso, in order for your mind to be made up, you have to have a brain,” Eric commented.
           Kelso shot Eric a glare before turning his head back towards y/n and Hyde. “I’ve been spending a lot of time with Betsy lately and Brooke is really starting to trust me.”
           “Okay, and that makes up your mind for?” Y/n asked him.
           “Hang on, just let me finish,” he said smiling. “Brooke is starting to trust me so much she’s even allowing me to pick the godparents.”
           “Oh, that’s great!” Y/n gleefully responded. “I’m so happy for you.”
           “And there’s only one rule. It can’t be Fez,” Kelso added on.
           Fez nodded. “That is a good rule.”
           “Godparents?” Donna mumbled to Eric. “Like we need any more responsibilities.”
           “I know,” Eric whispered back, rolling his eyes. “Such a burden.”
           “I’ve been thinking about it a lot and it’s a big deal. So,” Kelso said, stepping closer to the bed where Eric and Donna sat. “Eric, Donna.”
           “Uh, oh,” Eric sang-song.
           “Please scooch over so I can ask Hyde and y/n if they’ll be Betsy’s godparents?”
           Y/n looked at Hyde with excited eyes. “Really?!”
           “What the hell?!” Eric exclaimed.
           “Hyde and y/n?” Donna asked insulted.
           “You picked Hyde and y/n?” Jackie asked, equally insulted. “Why didn’t you ask someone else? Like me?”
           “Because you’re single,” Kelso deadpanned.
           Jackie crossed her arms. “And?”
           “And you need to be in a relationship to be a godparent,” Kelso responded slowly like he was scared to continue speaking. “That’s why they call it godparents. You can’t be single and be a godparent. That’s just stupid.” He laughed and rolled his eyes.
           Jackie stared at him in disbelief, trying to make sense of what he said. “That barley makes any sense, you moron.”
           “Hey, hey, hey, he chose us. Let him speak,” Y/n said not trying to contain her glee. “Not that I’m questioning your choice because, you know, you chose us, but why us?”
           “Because I really trust you and I think you’d be fantastic with Betsy,” he responded sweetly.
           “And you don’t think we won’t?” Eric asked.
           “Yeah, you don’t trust us?” Donna chimed in.
           “Well, to be fair, I’ve seen you drop almost everything you’ve held in your hands,” Kelso responded. “And you’ve never really taken care of a baby.”
           “Yes we have!” Donna defended. “Remember that time last year when Laurie had to babysit that one baby and I ended up changing her diaper when she couldn’t? I was a freakin’ natural!”
           “Yeah, I mean, if you gave me the honor of being godmother, I would be popular, head cheerleader, and voted best legs. This would give me another title,” Jackie argued.
           “Would you guys relax?” Hyde asked everyone. “It’s not that big of deal.”
           “Yeah, it’s not like he’s shunning you guys,” Y/n responded.
           “You’re all still going to be aunts and uncles,” Kelso defended.
           “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say,” Jackie grumbled and joined Fez in the back.
           “We can be good godparents,” Eric argued. “You can trust us.”
           “Eric, remember Goldie, the goldfish?” Y/n asked.
           “Yeah,” he responded.
           “Remember how you killed Goldie by taking him out of the fish bowl?”
           “I needed to hug something,” Eric answered coldly. “Besides, I’m not going to have to flush a baby down the toilet!”
           “Either way, man, thanks. I’m honored,” Hyde said and clapped his hand with Kelso’s and pulled him in for a bro hug.
           “If I have another kid, I’ll make you two godparents. I promise,” Kelso said.
           Eric huffed. “Yeah, yeah.”
           “Alright, I have to take a leak,” Hyde announced.
           “And I’m going to go find some more ice cream,” Fez said.
          “Can you guys make sure y/n doesn’t fall asleep?” Hyde continued.
           “You got it pal!” Kelso responded and watched as Hyde and Fez walked out.
           “I’m not a child,” Y/n responded once they were out of ear shot. “I am perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you.”
           “Kelso!” Fez called out and barged back into the room. “Kelso, come quick! There’s a hot nurse fight happening downstairs! Hurry before it ends!”
           “See ya,” Kelso said and scrambled out the room, leaving Jackie, Eric, and Donna alone.
           “Yeah, I’m leaving too,” Jackie said pouting. “I don’t want to sit here and be reminded that I wasn’t picked for godparent. I may have to do some shopping therapy to get over it. Bye!” She squealed and walked out, leaving just the twins and Donna.
           “Do you need anything sis?” Eric asked. “Some water? Fluff up your pillows? Relinquish your title of godparent over to me?”
           Y/n gave her twin a look before scoffing. “No, thanks. I’m fine.”
           “Fine. I’ll just go see if they have any teddy bears in the gift shop that reads ‘Not Quite the Best Godparents’ and maybe it’ll be tear absorbent!” With that, he stormed out the room, leaving Elena in stunned silence.
           Donna rolled her eyes. “I better go after him. Last time I left him alone while he was upset, he thought I didn’t care about him anymore and didn’t speak to me for three days.”
           She left, leaving y/n alone in the room. Again. She leaned back once more, enjoying the silence, but now that she was alone again, she realized just how loud the silence was. All she could think was pregnant, pregnant, pregnant.    
           “What am I going to do?” she mumbled to herself.
           The door to the room opened again; Dr. Kipp entering once more.
           “Hi Miss. Forman,” Dr. Kipp greeted. “We got your test results back.”
           She gulped. “And?”
           He sat down on the stool next to her bed and looked her in the eyes. “It’s positive.”
           Her heart dropped completely, and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. “I’m pregnant?”
           “I know this is a lot to take in, but we need to gather some more information from you so we can determine how far along you are. But first the basics. What’s your full name?”
           “Y/f/n y/m/n Forman.”
           He scratched her answer down on his clipboard. “Birthday?”
           “May 18, 1959.”
           “So, that makes you eighteen years old, correct?”
           Y/n nodded.
           “Okay, and your current address?”
           “416 Edlebrook Ave.”
           “Beautiful,” the doctor responded and looked up from his clipboard. “Do you know who the father is?”
           Tears started to burn her eyes as she nodded her head. “I do.”
           “What’s his name?”
           “Steven James Hyde.”
           “When was your last menstrual cycle?”
           “Somewhere in mid September.”
           “And today is October 19,” he said more to himself. “So, you are about three weeks along. Now, I’m going to give this information to the nurse and have her give you a pamphlet and a referral to an OB/GYN. I’ll have them give you a call to set up an appointment. Do we have permission to leave a message with someone if you’re not available?”
           “Uh…no, just me is fine, thanks. I’m not ready to tell people yet.”
           He nods. “Understandable. Now, let’s look at your head and see how you’re doing.” As he took out a flashlight and started examining her eyes, Hyde walked back in the room.
           “Hey, Doc. How’s she doing?” he asked.
           “Well, I’m not seeing any signs of concussion, so that’s good.” He turned off the light and started feeling around underneath her jaw to the back of her head where he felt her bump. She winced and he took note of it. “She seems great besides that nasty bump. Just put some ice on it if it starts to hurt and take some aspirin for the pain. Otherwise, you’re good to go.”
           “What about her test results?”
           Dr. Kipp glanced at y/n and saw her terrified look. He glanced back at Steven who looked worried. “Test results came back normal and she’s perfectly healthy.” He noticed Steven visibly relax. “Anything else, she may discuss with you at her discretion.”
           Y/n mouthed a thank you to the doctor who gave her a subtle nod and finished writing his notes on his clipboard. “I’ll have a nurse discharge you. You have a good rest of your night and rest up.”
           Y/n nodded. “Thank you.”
           With that, he left the room, leaving y/n wanting to vomit—and not from feeling sick this time. She continued to sit in her bed, not being able to properly process the information. Her world felt fuzzy and she felt like she was going to pass out for a second time. She could hear Steven talking to her, but it was all garbled and muffled as if she were underwater. Was her dream right? Was she going to be disowned by her family? Is she going to disappoint her mother? Oh no, how is Red going to take this? She and Steven are dead. Dead like road kill.
           She heard Steven’s muffled voice again, but this time louder. She blinked and looked up at Steven. “I’m sorry, what?”
           He knitted his eyebrows at her. “I said, are you okay? Do you need help getting dressed?”
           She shook her heavy head and slowly slid out of bed. “I should be okay.” She untied her hospital gown, allowing it to pool around her feet. She shivered as the cold air hit her bare skin and turned to see her clothes balled up in a plastic bag. She slowly started dressing herself and felt Hyde’s eyes burn into her the whole time.
           She finally looked up at him as she finished putting on her pajama top. “What’s up?”
           “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting different.”
           She nodded, not being able to look him in the eye. “Yeah, I think so. Just still not feeling well and feeling a little disoriented from the fall. But I think I’m good.”
           He eyed her for a minute. “Okay,” he responded slowly. “As long as you don’t pass out on me again.”
           She chuckled. “I think I’ll be okay.”
           A knock came at the door and the nurse walked in. “Okay, Miss Forman. Here are your doctor’s notes to help you feel better. Plenty of rest and fluids. And—” She noticed Steven listening to her and she looked back down at the pamphlet in her hands and slid the doctor’s notes over it. “Here’s everything you else need to know. If you have any questions, there’s a number you can call and if you don’t get better or start to feel worse, come on back in.”
           Y/n thanked her and quietly gathered the rest of her stuff and headed out with Steven. He guided her slowly into the camino and started up the car. She rested her elbow on the windowsill of the door and leaned her head into her hand, feeling like sleep will overtake her any minute now. Hyde placed a gentle hand on her thigh and lovingly rubber circles with his thumb.
           “Let’s get you back in bed, yeah?”
           She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded, not being able to form words in fear she would start crying.
           The drive home was deathly quiet as rain started to fall. The only noise emitting was outside as the rain fell onto the windshield. Not being able to handle the silence, Hyde reached over and turned on the radio, allowing the music to softly fill the car. It eased the tension slightly, allowing y/n to relax.
           He pulled up in front of a supermarket and put the car in park.
           “What are we doing here?” she croaked.
           “Do you want some soup?”
           She gave him a small smile. “That would be nice. Thank you.”
           He nodded and got out of the car, leaving it on so the heater would warm up y/n. Ever since the hospital, she’d been cold and not able to heat up as fast as she normally would. She shivered, realizing she didn’t bring a jacket or her robe. She looked around the car and noticed a blanket behind the driver’s seat. She wrapped her cold fingers around the soft material and realized it was their sex blanket. She crunched up her nose a little, noticing some stains. “Ugh, gross,” she murmured before placing the clean side on her. The stench of sex filled her nostrils, but luckily it didn’t upset her stomach more than it already was.
           She waited in the car for a few more minutes with the blanket pulled up to her chin and listened to the music. Paul Anka came on, singing (You’re) Having My Baby.
           “Would you look at that,” she grumbled and changed the station. Stevie Wonder’s Isn’t She Lovely was on playing. “What the…” she grumbled and changed it to another station. A country song this time was playing. One that y/n didn’t know, but it was better than the others, so she left it on. She listened to the lyrics as they went:
           The girls in New York City, they all march for women's lib And better homes and garden shows, the modern way to live And the pill may change the world tomorrow, but meanwhile, today Here in Topeka, the flies are a buzzin' The dog is a barkin' and the floor needs a scrubbin' One needs a spankin' and one needs a huggin' Lord, one's on the way
Oh gee, I hope it ain't twins, again.
             “Are you kidding me?” She reached over and turned off the radio, choosing to sit in silence.
           Just then the driver’s door opened and Steven clambered inside with a container of chicken soup in one hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other. “Here you go, doll.”
           “Awe, thank you, baby.” She grabbed the container from his hands and allowed the warmth to thaw her icy ones.
           “You turned off the music?” he questioned and started to beat the pack against the heel of his hand.
           “Yeah, there was nothing good on.” Technically not a lie.
           “Ah, makes sense,” he responded and noticed the blanket. He snorted teasingly. “Cold?”
           “No, no, I’m burning up actually. The blanket was so I could feel like I’m in hell.”
           He threw his add head back laughing. “Take it easy, Firecracker. If I hada known you were cold, I would’ve given you my jacket.”
           She smirked at him. “Nah, this is fine. Thanks. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to be cold.”
           “I’ll be fine,” he said and stuck a cigarette between his lips.
           Y/n’s eyes widened and quickly ripped it from him mouth.
           “What the hell, y/n?”
           “Uh, I’m still not feeling well enough. I don’t want hurl all over your car.”
           He scrunched up his nose at her. “Fine. Fair point. But I’m smoking when I get back!”
            Y/n shook her head at him. “What a rebel.”
           “Damn straight,” he responded and turned the car on. “Don’t forget who you’re with.”
           “I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”
           He smiled at her before backing up and driving them home for the night.
                                                 --Time Skip—
           The next couple of days were brutal for y/n. Kitty wouldn’t stop interrogating her and y/n finally told something made up to get her off her back. Kitty didn’t believe her, but she backed off knowing she’ll be back again. She wanted so badly to tell Steven about her pregnancy, but every time she tried, it would come out a different sentence.
         “I’m,” she would start, but right when she would look into his baby blue eyes, she would panic. “hungry. I’m hungry, starving! Can we go get something to eat?”
         He would give her a weird look before agreeing and leaving to buy her food.
           On top of that, morning sickness would rear its ugly head and she would end up being sick at the most random of times. She would be sitting down in the basement with her friends, feeling fine, but then she would feel her lunch coming back up and she would have to haul ass to the nearest restroom.
           Everyone was worried about her, trying to get her to go back to the doctor, but she already knew. She had secretly made the appointment with the OB/GYN and wasn’t going to be able to see her until two weeks out. Until then, she had to keep lying and making excuses.
           “It’s been almost a week,” Eric said one afternoon as they were all huddled into the basement. “You really should go back to the doctor.”
                      “I’d rather not,” Y/n said. “Going to the doctors for every sniff and cough is not my thing.”
                     “But it’s not just a sniffle or a cough,” he pointed out. “It’s like one minute you’re fine and then the next you’re throwing up Mom’s tuna casserole.”
                  “That was a long night,” she countered, remembering that night as she had to lay on the floor next to the toilet for hours because she couldn’t stop throwing up.
             “Well, can you still keep down fluids?” Donna asked. “Like, chicken broth, orange juice, and tea?”
           “Yeah, those are fine,” Y/n responded. “I just can’t seem to digest solid foods. But I was able to drink apple juice the other day with some bread. I’m also not nauseas all day anymore. I think I’m getting better.”
             “Well, if you’re feeling better, wanna go shoot some hoops?” Kelso asked.
             “Nah, but you guys can,” Y/n responded. “Me and Donna can just sit and ogle.”
             “I knew you were checking me out,” Kelso purred and rubbed his chest.
             “Not you, you dork,” Y/n said. “Hyde and Eric.”
                      “You ogle at me?” Eric said disgusted. “That’s gross.”
             “No! Donna is, you dumbass!” Y/n said and stood up while Eric laughed. “Moron.”
             She walked outside to the driveway with everyone behind her. As they reached the driveway, the boys split up into their group while Donna and y/n moved away to watch from the porch.
             “So, Hyde, how’s it been with you and y/n?” Kelso asked under his breath, making sure the girls couldn’t hear.
             “You know, things are going good, but with her being sick this past week, it’s been kinda hard not getting any action,” Hyde responded.
             “Ewwwww! Could you please not?” Eric exclaimed. “I told you I don’t wanna hear it.”
             “I know, that’s why I did it,” Hyde laughed and tossed the ball to Eric. “Your play. Go.”
             The girls watched from the porch, admiring the way their men looked. Y/n wanted so badly to jump Hyde’s bones, but didn’t want to puke in the middle of it and ruin the mood. She and Donna chatted idly as they watched their men get sweaty and hot.
             “Look, I know he’s your brother, but damn does he look hot when he’s all concentrated,” Donna swooned as she watched Eric block Fez’s slam dunk.
             “Really? I think he looks constipated,” Y/n laughed.
             In the middle of the play, Eric turned, facing them while trying to block Kelso from making his shot. The concentration he wore on his face made Donna drool but laugh.
             “You’re right, he does look constipated,” she agreed and laughed even more.
             “I know you don’t think so, but Steven just looks so good when he’s moving around like that,” Y/n said and stared at her boyfriend. “I mean, when he gets all sweaty and flushed, it makes me want him so bad.”
             Donna chuckled. “So, how have you guys been?”
             “We’ve been good. You know with me being this sick, we haven’t really gotten the time to do it or anything.”
             “From the looks of it earlier and hearing Eric scream ‘ew’ makes me believe that Hyde already said something like that to him,” Donna laughed once more.
             Y/n chuckled. “Sounds about right.”
             They fell into a comfortable silence as they watched the four boys play basketball. The entire time, y/n’s heart was hammering against her chest, debating on telling Donna right there. She couldn’t take keeping a secret this big from her best friend. Besides, if she wasn’t going to tell someone soon, she was going to explode.
             “Donna,” she said shakily. “I have something to tell you.”
             Seeing how serious her tone was, Donna perked up. “What?”
             “I need you to promise me that you’re not going to freak out. Because if you do, everyone will hear it and I can’t have that right now.”
             Donna’s heart started beating wildly against her own ribcage, now nervous and worried. “Okay?”
           “And whatever happens, promise me you’ll still be my friend?”
           “Of course! What’s going on?”
             Y/n took a deep breath before looking Donna in the eye. At that moment, she wanted to crawl up in a bawl and just cry. But she knew she couldn’t; She had to be strong. So instead she let out a shaky breath.
             “I’m pregnant.”
@lieswithoutfairytales​ @mdittyz123​ @n-dg-wm​ @undead-sierra​ @random-thoughts-003​ @taysirene​ 
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hotpinkrathian · 3 years
20 Years Ago Pt 1
Kya stood back with a grin. She did it. Despite her mother's doubts she had successfully pulled off the perfect highschool reunion. People were chatting, dancing and congratulating her.
"Well Kya, you did it." Her bother said, standing beside her with a glass of punch.
"Don't drink that," she said, "it's spiked."
"How do you even know that?" He asked  looking into the cup.
"Waterbenders intuition." She lied. Truthfully, she had been the one to spike it.
"Look," Tenzin said, gesturing to the door."
"Hmmm?" She turned her head, her brows furrowing.  Lin Beifong.
"What is she doing here?" Kya asked, she knew for a fact she didn't invite her.
"I asked her to come," Tenzin explained, "she doesn't get out a lot and well, I thought it'd be nice for you two to see each other." Kya rolled her eyes. She had no business with Lin, and the idea her brother thought otherwise was stupid.
"I have nothing to say to her." Kya stated, taking his cup and downing it.
"It seems like you do." Tenzin replied, letting his sister walk away.
Kya huffed, sitting down at her table, two cups of punch in her hands, both of which were for her. It seemed everyone here was having a good time, except her. She couldn't help it, Lin's prescence set her off.
"How am I supposed to enjoy myself when she's lurking around?" She spoke to herself, taking a drink from the left cup.
"Still talking to yourself, I see." Lin said, sitting next to her.
"Still condescending, I see." Kya mocked, finishing one of her drinks. Lin reached a hand over, grabbing the other one.
"Thats mine." Kya said. Lin raised an eyebrow, keeping eye contact with the older woman.
"Then take it." Kya looked at her quizzically, Lin had a sadistic grin on her face, like she was enjoying Kya's anger.
"No." Kya replied, "you have it. On me." Lin smirked, placing her lips to the cup and downing the whole thing  her face unraveling in a look of disgust.
"Thats so sweet." The metalbender groaned.
"Some people like sweet things." Kya retorted. Lin sighed, glancing to the stage.
"You know, we're kind of old to be doing this." Lin said.
"I think I know how long to hold a grudge." Kya replied, refusing to look her in the eyes.
"Raava, Kya do you even remember what you hate me for?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."
"Then enlighten me."
"It was my senior year, you promised to come with me to prom, we had it planned and everything.  Then someone started dating my brother and ditched me to give a blow job behind the bleachers. I had no other friends Lin, everyone hated me for... well, you know, and you just... you left me alone. To be ridiculed by my entire grade. I had to leave out the back door because by the end of the night I was covered in punch and didn't want to be seen by the cameras."
"Okay, wow. First of all, it wasn't a blow job." Lin started, "second of all, I didn't mean to leave you. I just didn't know how long it would take."
"Oh my God, Lin, do you not hear yourself?" Kya asked, "you left me alone on my night to fuck my brother. Dick move, by the way."
"I wasnt fucking your brother!"
"Right so he let everyone believe that you and him fucked for the rest of the year?"
"Really? You think I'm that stupid?"
"Kya, ask Tenzin. We didn't do anything that night, I didn't have the guts too. I never intended for he and I to do anything but he got ahead of himself and told all his friends so I told him not to worry about it." Kya looked away in disbelief.
"If that was true, why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried, you were so upset and 'banned me from the island. I asked that idiot arrowhead to talk to you but I guess he never did." Kya stared at her, unsure of what to make of this. Lin had lied before, but she seemed so sincere... stop. Remember how you felt.
"I'm not listening to this. I have a speech to give." Lin slammed a fist on the table and let Kya go. The watsrbender made her way to the stage, motioning for the crows to gather.
"I just want to say how happy I am everyone could make it today." She began, "it's been a long time since we've seen each other and I have to say I'm absolutely thrilled with the people you have all become."
"I'd like to say something!" Kya looked down at the speaker, he had a hat on, a jersey for some pro bending team and awfully greasy shorts. Roy Cavanaugh. The idiot who had splattered her with punch on prom night.
"Well I'm not really-"
"Roy! Roy! Roy!" The crowd chanted.
"Fine," Kya caved, "come here." He climbed onto the stage, taking the mic from her and holding it a little to close to his mouth.
"Can I just say," he started, "had I known you were gonna look like that when you were older I would've been nicer to you." Kya pursed her lips.
"Thats enough-"
"With that being said, are you still a dyke? Because I'd like to show you my-" Kya took the mic from him, staring at him angrily. Laughter mixed with awkward silence. She stared into the crowd, their familiar beady eyes focusing on her. Passing their judgment and she realized then and there she didn't want this reunion to see people, she wanted closure.
"Roy," she said, "you're an idiot. You always will be. Maru," she directed to his wife, "he cheated on you. Multiple times with Christine. Blonde hair, two girls down. Yeah that one." Roy looked at her, his eyes begging her to stop.
"Also," she said, "we all know it was you who shit on the floor during gym class. Everyone did. Just some of us were decent enough human beings to spare you that guilt. Now get out of my party." He jumped off the stage, his friends no longer sticking beside him, his wife ignoring his call.
"Oh to answer your question," Kya called before he left, "I am still a dyke. And that's not going to change for any of you." She smiled, satisfied with herself. She caught a glimpse of Lin who had a look on her face that resembled a smile. She dropped the mic, marching down the stage steps with gusto when she fell backward and collided with the steps.
"Kya. Kya. Kya, wake up." Kya's eyes batted open, pushing past the pulsing sensation in her head.
"Where am I?"
"The school gym."
"You slipped. Hit your head pretty bad." Lin said, pushing her down when she tried to sit up.
"Wheres Tenzin?"
"Jinora got sick, he went home. He sat here with you though, for an hour."
"How long was I out?"
"Three hours."
"Three hours?!" Kya tried to sit up, but her head refused her.
"Stop moving so much, just lay on this." Lin took off her coat, bundling it up and placing it under her head.
"Where is everyone" Kya asked.
"They went home. After your speech and... trip, I guess they decided they didn't deserve to be here." Kya snorted, taking the water Lin offered her and holding the freezing ice to her head.
"That works too," Lin said, moving beside her.
"Why did you stay?" Kya asked, moving her eyes to Lin.
"I am a police officer, it wouldn't look good if I left an injured person here."
"Oh." Kya said, trying not to sound disappointed.
"But also... I wasn't done talking earlier."
"You? Lin Beifong had more to say. I'll be damned." Lin laughed slightly before taking a deep inhale.
"I'm sorry, for everything." She said, "what I did to you that night, it wasnt fair." Kya smiled  reaching her free hand to Lin's and holding her leg.
"Can I be completely honest with you?" Kya inquired.
"Of course."
"I think I over reacted, just a bit."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, now shush. I... I had feelings for you, back then." Kya admitted. She felt herself blush, and immediately regretted everything she had said.
"Kya, I know you won't forget that night and the trauma it caused you, but you shouldn't know I never meant to hurt you. I didn't go because I was scared. I made these other plans because I didn't want people to see me with you and-"
"You were embarrassed of me?"
"What? No, God no... Kya I didn't want people to see me with you and talk because I knew that if we danced, or shared a drink, I'd have to confront the part of myself that liked you, too. And if that was true then what other rumors were?" Kya looked at Lin in disbelief. All this time, all this hatred she had kept for Lin when the true enemy was fear. She pushed herself up, leaning against the wall and putting the ice next to her.
"Lin," she spoke softly," I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to feel that way. If I pressured you or-" before she could finish, Lin's lips met hers. She was taken aback by how soft Lin's lips her. The Beifong kissed with so much emphasis and emotion Kya had to pull away for a moment.
"Lin..." she whispered, "you have no idea how many times I thought of this moment."
"I think I do," Lin replied, "I thought of it everyday for the last 20 years." Kya grinned, pressing her forhead against Lin's before wincing in pain.
"You're in pain." Lin said, pulling away.
"No I'm fine just a little headache." She winced again and Lin moved to her knees, standing up and offering her hand.
"Come on." Lin said.
"This unnecessary really Lin-"
"You can't stand, can you?" Kya shook her head.  Lin side, bending down and reaching one hand under her shoulders and the other under her hips. She pushed, taking Kya in her arms with a grunt.  Kya blushed when Lin met her gaze, doing her best to keep her head up.
"Are you going to carry me all the way back to the island?" Kya asked.
"Maybe. I was going to put you in the back seat of my satomobile."
"That works." Kya replied. Lin carried the Waterbender out of the highschool gym, Kya stifled a chuckle at the disaster her party had turned into. At least she'd missed most of it.
Kya had fallen asleep on the drive over to the docks, waking up briefly to get on the ferry before passing out again on the railing. Lin must've carried her all the way to the temple because when she finally came too, she was on the couch in her childhood home.
"Well, she might not remember that part." Kya blinked her eyes open, seeing her mother and Lin sharing tea over the coffee table.
"Good morning." Katara said, getting up and putting a hand to her daughters head.
"What time is it?"
"In the morning?" Kya exclaimed. As if on cue Lin opened the blinds, revealing the sun as it peaked over the horizon.
"Lin caught me up, dear," Katara said, "you had a minor concussion, nothing I couldn't fix. But please take it easy okay?"
"Yeah, thanks, Mom." Kya pushed herself up, accepting the cup of tea Lin handed her.
"So, how big of a fool did I make of myself?" Kya asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Eh, I've seen worse. If they didn't remember you before, they do now." Kya sighed, taking a sip of the tea.
"Well it is what it is." She whispered. They sat in silence for a moment before Lin stood up.
"Where are you going?" Kya asked, motioning to follow her.
"Relax," Lin said, pushing her back onto the sofa, "I'm just going to bathroom."
"Was the whole night not enough time to catch up?" Lin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well no, I was passed out for most of it." Lin chuckled slightly and Kya blushed again.
"Then I'll be right back."
"Okay." Kya watched her go with a longing look in her eye. She looked back to her mother who shook her head with a dumb grin.
"Oh stop." Kya scolded.
"I didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to."
"She stayed awake the whole night you know." Katara said.
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Whatever you say, dear." Kya pursed her lips, looking back in the direction Lin had disappeared to.
Well shit.
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Cut the Ties #4
Chapter 4 is here!! ^^ Enjoy. SUPER SORRY that I took a while, I haven't been feeling great 3: I need hugs </3
All love and credit goes to @professionallydeadinside for creating Muriel!!
Chapter Four
Darkness, silence... little Muriel was on her own and walking down into nothing.
Her skin prickled.
She reached for her arms hoping to rub them warm.
'Hello?' She called.
Her voice echoed down the way.
It lingered for a good couple of seconds before it dwindled down into a whisper then nothing...
A sudden crash from behind, Muriel jumped and saw a horrid shadow donning the face of Mother Miranda.
It cackled and screamed at her.
Muriel wanted to run but was stuck, she could not move.
Mother Miranda then charged... and then
Muriel woke up...
Donna was absolutely furious when told.
Alcina had made a call, once the dagger had been collected, and soon enough, she came storming into the castle.
'What the bloody hell were you thinking, Muriel!' She thundered.
Muriel stood in front of the two women, looking down on the castle's marble floor with a frown. She wasn't ashamed, just annoyed she wasn't able to get the dagger.
Muriel wasn't able to sleep, even in Alcina's comfy bed, she just wanted to get a hold of that dagger and now it was gone - on it's way to Life's Edge.
Muriel was locked away, in the lady's room along with the daughters so the Dagger could be taken without reason to be cautious.
'You had me worried sick!' Donna continued.
Muriel knew this was serious as Donna didn't have on her veil. She never saw the woman so angry before and neither did Alcina the way she looked gobsmacked at her younger sister. The tall woman looked almost frightened.
'Not only that but you have shown disrespect to Alcina in her own home!'
Muriel kept quiet.
She did feel bad, of course she did yet felt worse for getting caught.
'Donna,' Alcina piped up. 'I am sure Muriel meant no real upset and is sorry for her actions, right?' She tossed the question over to the little girl.
Muriel looked up at both women, she sighed frustrated.
'Yes.' She almost spat.
No one was convinced but it would have to do.
'Thank you, Alcina.' Donna sight. She was getting a headache. 'Thank you for looking after her.'
'Of course.' Alcina smiled. 'Do not think you are alone in this, Donna.'
Donna only looked to Alcina with an appreciative smile. With that, she left, Muriel trod not too far behind.
As the girl left, she felt a kind and comforting hand of Alcina rub her shoulder and back, the tall woman knew Muriel only meant well, she did not mean to cause any aggravation with anyone.
The day was muggy, a faint fog latched onto the land making all paths unclear. The village felt erased.
Donna made sure Muriel kept close, it was important to her that the girl was no more than a foot behind.
A familiar building seeped into view, Muriel knew it too well - Karl's factory.
'Are we not going home?' Muriel asked.
'Not yet.' Donna spoke quietly.
'Why not?' She pried.
'Karl would like to see us.'
Muriel did not quite understand it but knew it best to not start an argument or continue to question her guardian at this moment. She kept her head down, looking at the floor as she paced forward.
The gates opened and the two walked in, ready to meet Karl.
He was waiting outside, his bulky hammer over his shoulders as always and sucked on a cigar. There was an obvious annoyance to his face as he frowned at Muriel, was there no one in this village that wasn't disappointed in her?
'Good to see you, Kid. I'm glad Alcina didn't rip you up.' He said, there was no humour or sarcasm in his voice.
Muriel stayed silent. This wasn't going to be a cheery meeting.
'Donna, I have that 'thing' prepared for you.'
'Oh, good.' The woman sounded almost miserable.
It pelted hard like a rock against Muriel's heart. It was all her fault Donna was feeling this way.
It ate her up, she clenched her fists, her head suddenly began to hurt, the little legs on her sides began to wriggle. Everything felt dark and red. There were cracks in the road and she was the one to put them there.
She found herself panting, gasping for air...
'Muriel?' Donna wondered.
Muriel snapped out of it almost instantly. 'Sorry... I haven't eaten.'
'I can make you something, Kid.' Karl said. 'Come on in.'
The factory, to the naked eye, could be described as a death ridden hell hole with the walls decorated in rust with the accompanying smell of death and an ambience of screams, to Muriel it was her second home.
What the Lords did was their business, she didn't want to ask and pull away the masks of those she loved, it would've been hypercritical as they all accepted her for what she became.
It also wasn't a secret that Muriel likes to pick off a few birds and even cats if and when she manages to lure them close enough...
The three of them walked inside and down the hall. There was a bit of haze in the air, it was always warm in the factory. A kind of comforting heat.
It was enough to make Karl glisten but not profusely. He was used to the heat and oily skin... and the stench of which he donned. He kept his head of greasy hair under a dirty hat and hid his sleep deprived eyes under blackened glasses.
For a man so rough he had such a soft spot for the little girl, Muriel. He admired her even before the battle with Miranda that had almost cost her life. She was a strong little tyke.
They kept on walking until they reached an open room.
It was lit up with a pale light, looked more like a large storage room with a high ceiling.
Donna was noticeably quiet, her hands in each other.
'Muriel.' Karl spoke. 'Mind waiting in here for a sec? I just need to go over something with Donna.'
'OK.' Muriel said, unsure.
She stepped into the room, her spider-legs began to fidget then... the door was slammed shut behind her. There was a large 'snap' as it was bolted shut.
'Hey!' Muriel screamed, banging on the door.
There was a latch on the door, it slid open.
'I'm sorry,' Donna spoke. 'But I cannot trust you right now.'
'It is for your own good, Kid.' Karl said apologetically. 'Once that dagger is far enough away, we'll let you out.'
''Let me out now!' Muriel begged.
'I'm sorry.' Donna repeated, upset.
Now it was clear to Muriel why Donna was upset, it was because of this trap.
Muriel looked around the room, everything was white, she looked for an escape until she found a window above her. That was her way out.
She got to the wall and began to climb... but... she didn't stick... she couldn't get to it.
'Climb-proof paint.' Karl explained. 'The only way you'll get out is when we let you out, it should only be an hour.
'No!' Muriel spat. 'Let me out!'
'Muriel, we are doing this because we love you.' Donna said.
Muriel snarled and looked away. 'I hate you...'
There was a low gasp, it hurt Donna more than any dagger ever could.
'Fine.' Donna snuffed and walked away.
Karl watched his sister leave and turned back to the girl. 'We'll be back in an hour.' He said.
The latch was then shut, leaving Muriel what she could any call a cell.
It had to have been fifteen minutes of trying to stick to the walls before Muriel gave up, her hands were raw and bleeding, she was out of breath and slumped onto the floor.
She began to weep and slammed a mighty fist on the wall out of anger and betrayal.
Muriel curled herself up, hugging her legs tightly so they rested just under her chin.
She closed her eyes and found herself back in that dark place, the inside of her skull began to throb and felt the little legs on either side tingle once more.
Her body was experiencing a tremor only she could feel, something inside her was trying to come out, it was a dull pain and soon enough was taking over.
and then, she screamed...
As she did, warm webs spouted from the tips of all her legs and latched onto the wall opposite her.
Muriel got up in shock.
Did she do that?
She looked down and saw specks of webs dribbling from one on her spider legs.
She blinked and looked up to the ceiling, at the window.
Muriel closed her eyes again, focusing on that dull pain once more, she tensed up and felt another stream of webbing form out of the legs, but again hit the wall in front.
'No, up.' Muriel whispered, just in case the Lords were close and listening in.
She raised her right up, the spider legs on the same side were doing the same, slowly.
Muriel then closed her eyes and tensed again, web shot up and stuck itself onto the window, Muriel smiled and did it two more times just to make sure it was strong enough.
She took the thick strand but stopped and looked back at the door.
Her heart ached, knowing it'll cripple Donna and the rest to find she had escaped but she was doing it for them...
'This is not goodbye.'
With a deep breath, she climbed up her own web and soon was out back in the fog...
She ran, out of the Village and onto the open road, the path still smeared with mist, if she hurried she might be able to catch the person delivering the dagger.
As she ran, a familiar laugh caught her ear.
She squinted and looked.
He smiled, sat at the front of his carriage, it was like he was waiting for her. 'Need a lift?'
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vidalinav · 4 years
Sister’s Day
Summary: Sometimes when you’re sick, you’re not actually sick; or Nesta doesn’t want to go out with the Inner Circle and instead of being left on her own Feyre, Elain, and Cassian opt to stay with her...
Read on AO3 and fanfic; General Masterlist 
Her sisters keep looking at her. She can see their not-so-subtle glances as they casually reach for the shelf next to her or explain that they need to grab a book somewhere behind. The light is dim, you’ll hurt your eyes if you read in the dark. It’s been a few hours, try a snack.
They’re ruminating, she decides as Feyre stares deeply at where she sits on the armchair and minds her own business. Yet there comes Elain with a plate full of cookies and the gaggle of the rest of them entering the large foyer.
Feyre does this on purpose, she thinks, making the estate’s library in the center of the living room. Perhaps, Feyre knows that if she wants her older sister out in public, she must entice her with solitude.
Truthfully, they’ve been this way since her and Cassian’s inevitable return.
She supposes it’s her own fault, for giving them the cold shoulder, for being oddly quiet about her life in Illyria. Cassian doesn’t tell them anything, which doesn’t help, and Nesta likes watching them squirm enough that she simply stares ahead, a curious gleam in her eyes as they ask her a question she will not respond to. All of them try to ask, even Amren who outright questions whether she’s back to her old self.
Nesta scoffs, old self. She has not changed. All she’s learned is to hide herself better or reap the consequences.
But something must be different about her, because Feyre and Elain will not leave her alone.
She sighs, pursing her lips as the bedraggled gang set themselves into the chairs nearest her. Cassian taking up the whole loveseat, Mor hiking herself onto the desk as Azriel goes to the window, his shadows following. Amren sets herself up on the coffee table, puzzles already strewn about in pieces and Rhysand… he goes to Feyre as he always does. Nesta resists rolling her eyes as they do that thing they often do where they talk into each other’s minds. Do they actually think they’re being inconspicuous?
Cassian looks to her casually, but she does not meet his gaze, opting for sinking further into her seat and hiking her book up to her knees.
“Well, I think we should celebrate your return with a night out at Rita’s,” Mor offers brightly.
“That seems more like a celebration for you,” Azriel admits, his tone light even in the deep, sardonic notes.
“Maybe it is. I quite frankly am glad your back,” She points to Azriel and Amren, “these two were no fun while you were away. And those two—” Mor points to Feyre and Rhys who both turn at the same time, “well, they were the same.”
Cassian laughs, and Nesta sinks further in her chair as they talk around her. Talk as if she’s not there as if she doesn’t really exist. Just another book on the shelf, another window to peer out of. As nameless as one of the puzzle pieces that bedeck mahogany lines.
“You are coming with right? No excuses this time?” Mor asks, her eyes pleading. The sound makes Nesta want to cover her ears, and she has to clench the pages of her book to keep from sighing out right.
Cassian shrugs, his lips upturned and Nesta thinks he just... fits somehow. In the way that Nesta can’t.
And why wouldn’t he when this is his family?
She has her books, her grimaces, her words, but she doesn’t have… that. These are not her friends, and her sisters only sort of like her. Obligation at the very least, pity at the best of times. Nesta squeezes the hard cover until she feels the bindings start to tear.
What is with their fascination with Rita’s and going out?
But Elain tugs on her sister’s sleeve, and Nesta blinks up at her slowly, lost as much in the words of her feelings as the sentences in the book. Her spine goes straight without her knowledge, her chin lifting until she peers into warm brown and Elain swallows.
Nesta feels guilty for the look.
“You haven’t been out with us in some time…” She starts, “I’ve missed you.”
It wasn’t my fault, she wants to say, but the strangers in the room are staring at her. She can feel their eyes move like a match of wits and daffodils. Which one will win—the lovely fawn or the wily serpent that bites before she’s fed?
Feyre interjects, “Come to Rita’s with us!”
She claps once as if it is a fantastic idea, and Cassian tilts his head perhaps knowing better after all these months. His eyes glaze over hers, and she can read that look. Nesta turns away in answer.
She hopes the chair will engulf her as she sits back, her book open and waiting for her to join back into the world that she can’t not belong to. Even Amren waits for a nod of her head, and Nesta is tired of them. Go away, she wants to yell. Leave me alone!
“I doubt you’ll run into any of those males you slept with,” Amren sniffs, because she’s never really forgiven her for that argument on the sidra.
She can feel the static as the room dulls into a harsh hum and the others go oddly quiet. Stiff and straight, Feyre whips to the tiny ancient one. “Quiet,” she demands.
My, my, what a loving family you have, Nesta thinks. But she doesn’t back away from the challenge, not when they seem to agree with their sweet, dear friend.
“If I don’t,” she smiles, her eyes burning, “I’m sure I can find one before the night is over.”
Wrong answer, because Elain jumps and hugs her side, her cheek squishing into the chiffon. Nesta stiffens at the affection. “Oh! We’ll have such a good time. Won’t we Feyre?”
Her youngest sister nods but doesn’t look convinced. Still, Feyre smiles strangely at her and Nesta sighs, a headache forming behind her eyelids at her seemingly professed agreement. Elain noticing that Nesta’s tea has gone cold, goes to refill her cup, and before she can say she doesn’t need another cup, Elain is gone. Leaving her to a pack of wolves.
Nesta lifts the book to her face, ignoring the not-so-subtle glances her way, and begins reading once more.
He grabbed the sides of her face, his palms warm against her skin. He trailed his hands down her neck until they stopped at the ties of her bodice. She could see the blush already blooming at her breasts…
Cassian coughs. She looks up to see him smirking. That teasing grin that usually makes her hands clench and her temper flare red with blood.
Nesta quickly looks back down.
Her blush already blooming down her neck.
“It would be good for you to get out girl, show your face around here. Mother knows the city must have forgotten what you looked like.
Then maybe you all shouldn’t have sent me away; she thinks as she looks at herself in her midnight blue gown. The fabric shimmers as she moves, and stars seem to be imprinted where the fabric drips and drums. It is the most… scandalous dress Nesta’s ever worn.
It isn’t her own, and she’s surprised she even fits in one of Feyre’s dresses. Though she’s gained weight, it is not nearly enough to fill out her previous figure and she’s always been smaller than her little sister… except at the bust, where Nesta feels she’ll spill out if she trips even slightly.
Elain remarks that she looks beautiful as Nesta stares into the large mirror on the living room wall, but all she thinks is liar. Liar. Liar. Oh great pretender, you can’t pretend well enough.
Mor sweeps down the stairs with Feyre, her revealing dress a putrid red that looks so bright it hurts her eyes. Feyre is dressed in no more than cobwebs, but Nesta shakes the feeling away that women must be protected in fabric, because lace is armor and men are beasts out to prowl.
The Illyrians understand this as traditional as they are. The females are always dressed in sleeves and gowns to the ankle, but furs also adorn their skin… Because the furs are harvested by them, she remembers. Cut by them, woven by them as if to remind the males that they wear animal pelts because they are ferocious themselves. Regardless of whether they captured the beasts that stomp in the woods.
Starve then, she heard one female say. Starve then, to that husband who refused her. What were men in a world where women supported the living?
But this is a power, too, Nesta learns. These gowns, the skin that is bright and burning, the legs that go on for miles. Just like sex. Just like money… Choice and freedom hidden where skin is revealed and skirts part softly.
Oh, great pretender, pretend just a little longer.
Feyre pauses in front of Nesta, looking her over with a pleased expression and Nesta wants to claw that image off her face, but Elain sets her hands on Nesta’s shoulders, her own gown pink and pretty and light. The embodiment of spring in Nesta’s endless winter.
I am not myself tonight, she wants to yell. Who am I?
“I knew that dress would look good on you.” Feyre smiles, “I know it’s not what you usually wear, but I’m glad to see you in it.”
Nesta smiles, gritting her teeth.
“Are you all going to just stand there or are we actually leaving sometime soon?” Amren asks, leaning at the edge of the doorway.
Mor and Feyre give each other knowing glances, and Elain grins sweetly as they all walk ahead of her out onto the porch where the males are waiting, laughing, and huffing that they took forever to get ready. “Not all of us can just roll out of bed and throw on a clean shirt.”
“Rhys took longer than any of us combined. Be honest.”
Nesta swallows the apprehension as she steps out to the porch and immediately she wishes she had a jacket. She refuses to go back in and get one, because she knows if she goes back in she will not come back out.
But Cassian, takes off his own jacket, the fabric warm and soft, and sets it around her shoulders before she can say one word. The others pretend not to look, but they look… the curious, cautious stare that alight in questions that neither Nesta nor Cassian will answer.
Mor taps her heeled foot and crosses her arms. “We ready to go?” She asks, raising a brow.
Cassian gestures forward and they all move as a herd through Velaris nights.
Nesta marks every landmark she passes as if she is leaving behind a clue as to how to get back. She can hear the others laughing and joking, but she doesn’t comprehend any of the words. She looks to the cosmos. The sky swirls with purples, blues, and milky white and Nesta… feels small.
A dot on a map. A fleck of dust in the air. She grasps the edge of Cassian’s jacket, pulling it closer to herself and it smells like him. Pine and wood burning.
“I wish all nights were like this,” Feyre says breathlessly, looking to the stars.
“They are,” Rhysand jests. Feyre elbows him in the stomach, and Rhys jumps away, only to reel back in. A tether connecting the two.
“That’s not what I meant, smartass. I mean that it feels nice we’re all together again.”
At the words, Nesta stops. Her feet pause and the others keep going. She watches them go and go and go and her eyes start to burn. Her fists clenching, her teeth gritting, her eyes blinking over again.
And yet, they walk. They don’t even notice her gone…
She’s a tiny fleck of dust.
Nesta turns back towards the estate, sniffling as she quickly wipes her eyes. Angry that she is crying without a reason to cry.
The dress is suffocating, and her hair is tight around her head. Her eyes burn but not her heart, not her soul. It seems that the wind has snuffed the flame out and only whispers are left.
Pretend no longer, it says.
It’s Elain that rushes after her after the storm has settled. She pulls her by the shoulder and stops as she sees her face, probably red and blotchy. The others are miles away, but at least Elain is here…
“Go,” Nesta commands softly, for she can never be truly mean to her sister.
“Nesta—” She starts, moving her hand from her shoulder down her arm.
“I don’t feel very good.” She replies and Nesta looks to her sister. At the warm brown that looks comforting…understanding, and she wonders if Elain would ever truly understand the back and forth like waves coming and going in Nesta’s head. That make her feel as if she’s downing. Alone. Unafraid, perhaps accepting that this is her life. But always drowning. “Please just go.” She repeats, and at last gives her a small smile for reassurance. “I have a headache that’s all.”
As an afterthought, Nesta takes off the coat, crossing her arms as the cold seeps into her skin. “Give this to Cassian for me?”
Elain nods as concern is written all over her face, but she heeds her older sister’s instructions. And with one more glance behind, Nesta joins the darkness and Elain joins her group of friends.
~ “Where’s Nesta going?” Feyre asks loudly, panic in her voice without realizing that she is nearly breathless.
Cassian takes a step closer to her. Practically his own younger sister who’s in need of comfort, but… there’s someone else who needs comfort. He can feel it. He can see it as Elain comes back with his jacket in her hands.
Elain doesn’t look at them as she answers, settling for staring out into the sidra where the colorful faelights reflect across the water. “She says she doesn’t feel good so she’s going home.”
Cassian watches as she hands him his jacket, still warm from her skin and Elain looks defeated. All of a sudden tired and far away. “She told me to give this back to you,”
He grips the leather in his hand until he can count all of the folds that form in its fabric. Twelve.
Twelve folds. Twelve minutes she’s been gone.
He swallows down the worry, the fear that makes him want to rip the jacket apart, and the plain…sorrow that starts blooming like moonflowers decorating the sidewalk.
“Maybe I should try—” Feyre starts, but Elain shakes her head solemnly.
“She says she has a headache.”
The sisters look at each other as if the statement puts an end to their trying. Mor lays an arm around the girls and sighs, speaking softly—comforting. “Come on you two,” She frowns slightly, “Nothing a night of dancing can’t solve.”
“And a huge bottle of liquor,” Amren adds, “Maybe two.” Though she is equally reserved, as if the night has suddenly gotten darker and they can longer see as many stars.
Cassian wants her to see this. He wants Nesta to know this.
When she is missing, they miss her. Her sisters miss her. Amren misses her. He doesn’t want to leave without her, and… Cassian for the first time, since being back, understands. Because when she is missing, he suddenly feels very alone.
He closes his eyes, his wings rising to catch the breeze, and when he blinks awake his friends surround him. Azriel giving him a look that’s almost apologetic for the stoic shadowsinger. He can hear their laughter begin again, the lights getting brighter with every step, and Rhysand cracks a joke that Amren groans at, but makes Feyre laugh.
They are alive.
He is not back in the war. Not in Illyria. Not in any nightmare. But he’s alone… because she’s alone, and he can’t leave her. He can’t.
“Come on, Cassian, keep up!” Mor calls after him, but Cassian steps back, looking behind, practically seeing Nesta’s figure in the shadows.
“Nesta’s sick,” he responds matter-of-factly and the rest stop in front of him, a few feet ahead. Mor’s brows crease, her lips tilting down.  
“You heard them; she has a headache.”
“She’s doesn’t feel good,” Cassian reiterates. “I have to go take care of her.”
“You don’t have to…” Rhys mutters under his breath.
“I want to,” He proclaims, sternly.
Feyre steps forward, her hand dropping from Rhys’s grasp. “Are you sure? Once Nesta gets a headache, it doesn’t go away very fast. She usually doesn’t want to see anyone.”
Cassian huffs a laugh, counting all the bullshit lies that Nesta must have told all these years. Headaches, my ass. She’s probably already back sequestered in some chair with a book in her hand. “You see Feyre, I too am like a headache—”
“By the Mother,” Amren complains.
He can see the look Azriel gives Mor, Mor’s smile straining as she says nothing. Rhys grasps Feyre’s hand as if he can’t stand one moment without touching her, and he leans his head back, sighing as he waits for the implication of a fight in the air.
Cassian won’t give them one. Nothing they can say will convince him to continue on to Rita’s and leave Nesta behind.
But, Elain steps forward, walking towards him.
“I’ll go with you,” She gasps.
Cassian doesn’t know how Nesta will feel about that given her silence towards her sisters, but if Nesta will not go with them, they will go to Nesta.
Elain breathes deeply, her eyes glancing to the midnight blanket set atop them. “It’ll be a sister’s day. Like old times,” she answers softly, laughing as she adds, “Except of course with you, Cassian.”
He can feel more than see Feyre stand straight, her grip tightening on Rhys’s hand. The air turns stale in the wake of their decisions, and he can see all of the doubts already forming in her head. Cassian understands these thoughts, too, for he was once inadequate to the rest of the world.
Yes, that was still a sore spot for them wasn’t it?
But Elain gestures to Feyre, her head tilting towards her baby sister. “Unless you’d rather go to Rita’s...” She adds.  
Feyre’s raises her brows, but the look of shock passes quickly, and she reaches out her hand as Elain extends her own. She gives Rhysand a small, satisfied smile at having been included, before nodding to Elain. Rhys lifts the side of his mouth, but the happiness doesn’t reach his eyes.  
It does not go unnoticed by any of them.
~ Nesta is dressed in pretty silk pajamas, the only pants he’s ever seen her wear. Her hair is loose and golden brown as it falls down her back, a casual, alone type of look. In which, he means that she would not look this casual if she wasn’t alone.
She hangs by the door, her eyes glazing over one, two, three of them in disbelief and something akin to irritation burns in those pale blues. At the look, Cassian wants to kiss her head in fondness, combing her soft hair with his fingers until her face is red with a feeling she’ll play off as stubborn anger.
Cassian sighs inwardly. He misses Illyria.
She crosses her arms. “Why the hell are all of you here?”
Cassian pushes past her, ignoring her question and surveying the living room as if the answer is obvious.  “We’re here to take care of you. Since you’re sick.” He pronounced.
He eyes the bright lamp in the corner, the glow lighting the armchair, where a book lays flat on the seat.  
Tsk. Told you so, he tells himself.
Cassian whirls to face her as Nesta stands next to her sisters, her hands on her hips. That Who do you think you are? look permanently painted on her perfect face. “Have you checked your temperature by the way? Taken any medicine? I’m positive I saw some in the main bathroom down the hall.”
“What?” Nesta demands, shaking her head.
He places his hand on her forehead and she shakes him off, her mouth dipping to a frown. “You must be sick if you can’t follow what I’m saying.”
“You must be a lunatic if you can’t understand I don’t want you here.”
“People who don’t feel good,” He offered slowly, “need to be taken care of.”
“In the murder kind of way?”
“In the ‘Nesta, there’s medicine in the main bathroom’ kind of way,” He answers haughtily. Cassian can feel Elain and Feyre’s eyes on them, the back and forth of their gaze as if their conversation is a battle and they aren’t sure who is winning. If he was a betting male, his bets would probably be on Nesta... but more so because she’d appreciate the gesture and less because he was losing.
She frowns, perhaps concluding that he in no way will back down from this. Nesta should know after all these months that Cassian cares too much for his own good and plus... he quite likes the look Nesta gives him when she gets pissy.
“Okay, but how come there’s three of you?”
Feyre opens her mouth to answer, but Cassian beats her to it.
“Why? Did you miss us? We were only gone for a few moments.”
“That in no way equates to what I just said--”
“We’d be happy to start following you around. We wouldn’t want you missing us too badly.”
Nesta reaches her hands up as if she’d wring his neck. Her eyes point daggers, and Cassian isn’t ashamed to admit shivers run down his spine, but it is certainly not from fear.
“I swear Cassian, if you bother me one more time—”
“You’ll what? Tell me, sweetheart, what you can possibly do that will make me leave when you so graciously left us all out in the cold, wondering where you went?” His eyes widen, waiting for her answer. Cassian cups his ear, tilting his head towards her as he starts to hear the tapping of her foot.
“I didn’t feel good,” She explains, crossing her arms once more.
“And as we’ve established, we’re here to take care of you.”
She gives him a bland look. “Fuck. Off.”
Instead, Cassian turns towards her sisters. Elain and Feyre standing dutifully behind the eldest, most beautiful Archeron. “Your sister’s words warm my heart,” he teases.
“Now Feyre if you could go get the medicine that Madja left,” Cassian orders brightly, “And Elain if you could heat up some water for tea. Nesta prefers peppermint.”
The two nod, but Nesta scoffs, “And, what exactly are you going to do?”
Cassian smiles, his grin wide as Nesta glares. “I’m going to make french toast.”
Feyre looks at him confused, and Elain tilts her head waiting for an explanation, but Nesta… Nesta’s eyes light up in the way that he knows she’s pleased and is trying her best to hide it.
Nesta raises her chin, sniffing at his words, as if they don’t mean too much to her, but he knows. Sweets are Nesta’s favorite food group, and french toast is her favorite food. He’s made it more times than he can count in that little cabin between the mountaintops and nothing can convince him that she’s not secretly rejoicing.
“Fine,” She answers in that dismissive way of hers, moving to her reading corner in a flourish and sitting on the chair as if it’s her throne. She picks up the book, her eyes widening as she reads the first sentence.
Nesta looks back up to him sheepishly... nonchalant and all too familiar.
Cassian smirks, wondering if he perhaps is the luckiest bastard alive.
When Nesta’s upset, he learns, she will make up stories.
It makes sense to him since she reads so many books.
Cassian can’t recount exactly when he’d heard her lie the first time, somewhere in between the glaring insults and the wine drunk days. In Illyria, he could count them all from I left my jacket at Emerie’s to it clearly wasn’t me when your wings knock everything off the shelves when you move!
He smiles as he remembers, flipping the bread on the hot griddle. The smell of vanilla and cinnamon reminding him of cold winter days and harsh moonless nights. As much as he misses Illyria, not much has changed since those months in the mountains.
Briefly, Cassian hears the sharp tone of Nesta’s grumpy antics.
“At least take a couple drops,” Feyre demands, aggravated.
“I don’t know what child you’re speaking to but point that spoon somewhere else.”
“Elain!” Feyre calls, as he can hear Nesta huff.
“You can’t just call Elain and expect me to--”
Nesta goes silent, and in a second Cassian can hear the clink of a spoon and the sound of Nesta gagging.
When Feyre speaks, she seems oddly satisfied. “It looks like I didn’t need Elain’s help after all,” she sings, laughter in her voice.
He looks at Elain who surveys the living room. She wears a soft smile and when she looks over to him her eyes are alight with mischief. “I think she’s mad,” Elain mouths.
Cassian can only smile, looking slightly to the living room and imagining her face, her ire.
He wonders, then, what it must have been like growing up as Nesta, being a part of a group of sisters who so obviously care for each other. Never to forget that they love one another. Never to be completely forgotten, and always, always unconditionally loved.
Not for the first time does the guilt settle in the pit of his stomach. He once wonders how anyone could love Nesta... Like a gods-damned idiot, he’d said that to her. Not because he truly believed it, but because it hurt to be denied by her.  
Realistically, Cassian knows that he doesn’t have to worry about it anymore, when they’ve squashed this topic months ago, but still… He feels guilty hearing Feyre’s laughter, seeing Elain’s bright eyes, knowing that he too denies his friends in favor of spending time with her.
He would do it again... In a heartbeat. In one breathless moment.
How does she not see it? He questions. How does she not know how much they care for her? Because he knows. He can see it plain on their faces.
But when Cassian takes the sweet bread off the griddle, and onto a large plate for the four of them, he can tell she doesn’t suspect a thing. She sits with her book on the lone chair, while her sisters gather at the table, and he can almost see the distance between them. As if Nesta has set her book high in front of her nose to make a barrier between her and the rest of the world.
Cassian leans against the table, raising a brow.
“Are you going to sit there all day, or should we eat these ourselves?”
Nesta lowers her shield in favor of the offense, “If you touch mine, I’ll castrate you,”
Cassian shrugs, frowning for a moment contemplating the threat, tilting his head back and forth as if he is actually weighing his odds. She does know where he sleeps.
“Fair enough,” He responds in answer.
They eat until the whole platter is gone, but not before Cassian tries to steal a bite from Nesta’s plate, just to piss her off even more. She raises her fork as if she’ll stab him with it, and Cassian secretly wants her to try. If Nesta will not train with him and grant him the ability to see her skills with a sword, he will assess them elsewhere.
“Are you two always like this?” Feyre asks, abruptly. She looks to Elain as they both turn to her and Feyre looks shocked she’d spoken the words allowed.
Cassian opens his mouth to reply.  
Nesta drops her fork.
The chair shrieks as she gets up from her chair, and she makes her way back to her podium where Cassian thinks she will sit there like a living statue, perfectly safe in her stony façade. He almost feels offended that she dismisses them so quickly.
Sighing under his breath, Cassian begins clearing the plates. Feyre and Elain help, whispering to each other something Cassian chooses not to listen in on, because he’s staring at her. Always her.
By the time, he’s out of the kitchen, blankets and pillows lie in the center of the room, the plush carpet underneath it all.
Elain and Feyre jumble in the kitchen in what smells of chocolate and cinnamon, and Nesta is left to her own devices in this strange, decorative landscape.
She doesn’t really fit in, he notes.
Not because she doesn’t look the part, but because she doesn’t act the part. There’s something odd about her movements, her looks, the way she carries herself. This room is casual… colorful… homely, and Nesta is rigid, straight, and her eyes, the bright grey, reach out to him.
“You’re staying?”
Cassian nods his head, that grin back on his lips. “Yes, I’ve just been informed it’s sister’s day, and as an honorary sister myself, I feel I’m allowed. Do you want me to leave?”
She looks up at him and at her perusal he lifts his wings higher. Primping, he thinks, like a gods damned fool.  
She shrugs one nonchalant shoulder, looking away and back to her book. Almost too casually. Cassian can’t help the giddy feeling that erupts inside of him, that says Nesta wants him here. Nesta wants him to stay. Even if the words never come out of her lips. He has learned to read her beyond spoken language.
But Elain and Feyre come back in the room, and he notices how she tenses up. Her eyes turning molten and hard. Her lips tightening into a subdued scowl she tries to hide behind pages.
It makes his heart ache in ways he doesn’t know how to fully explain.  
Nesta knows he’s pretending to sleep. He lays on the couch, his large form draped over the heavy blue, his wings not sparing any of them as she pushes them away where they fall at the top of their heads.
He snores occasionally for good measure. Loudly and offkey. She thinks she’ll tell him that later and let him remark how she’s judgmental even amongst sleeping patterns. Well, Nesta does warn him early on that she wouldn’t be any nicer.
She shifts on the hard floor, bumping her shoulders into her sisters. The heat of them making her want to throw the blankets away. She lies in the middle. Feyre to her left, fiddling with a string on the woven cloth. Elain to her right, scooping her arm into her own, until she cuddles close, tucking her head in. Nesta doesn’t know how they convinced her of this.
At first, she’s too engrossed into her book to notice, lost in seas and a sea captain that is reminiscent to Cassian and his ample physique. But also, by the way his hair is cut at the shoulders and how the wildness exudes from his smile. She will never tell him this of course lest he tease her more than he often does already.
Nesta thinks it must have been her fault, though, because the next thing she knows she’s being pulled to the carpet, being offered hot coco, and they’re all in pajamas. Feyre owns a large enough house, she wants to remark. They don’t have to sleep in the living room, together like they still live in that washed out cabin.
But then they’re asking about her book, and Illyria… and if she made any friends. Poking and prodding and… they look interested enough. So, Nesta tells them. Stubbornly at first, and then in more detail as they ask more questions, answers them until she’s sure she has never talked this much in all of her short life.
All good things must come to an end, though, and they lie complacent and quiet while Nesta looks to the ceiling. She counts every color in the painted swirls. Golds and blues and—Cassian snores.
Nesta lifts her head, ready to smack him with a pillow, but Elain giggles softly.
At the sound, Nesta turns to her sister, but Elain is looking at Feyre, a fond look on her face. Her baby sister smirks slightly, holding her grin tightly in her cheeks.
She gazes at them both, suspicious.
It’s Elain who treads carefully, “Cassian is… awfully sweet.”
Oh, gods.
Nesta sighs, rolling her eyes. His head is only going get bigger.
Feyre shifts to her side, laying her head on her hand. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like anyone.”
Before Nesta can look appalled and answer back that she’s never said she “liked” Cassian, Elain replies.
“She liked Tomas.”
Nesta doesn’t say a word, but even unconsciously she knows Cassian tenses. He knows all about him, can probably pinpoint exactly when the pin drops. She can feel her fists clench between the fabric. Would it rip like her dress that day, she questions.
Feyre scowls, disapprovingly. “Tomas was a—He was a—”
“Poor excuse for a human,” Nesta says, her voice drawing from her throat like music.
Nesta refuses to say anymore, and her sisters seem to take her sudden silence as a plea to drop the subject.
“Oh,” Elain finishes, but perks back up, “But Cassian is--”
“Nothing like Tomas, thankfully,” She answers forcefully. “And that’s all I’ll say about either of them.”
Nesta sees Feyre give Elain a look. Pitiful Nesta, they probably think. Shutting everyone away, can’t bother to hold a conversation.
She lays on her side, wishing she was on the outskirts of them both so she can turn her back on both of them. But the floor is hard and it hurts her shoulder, and she is forced to turn back and begin her venture with the ceiling anew.
“I’m glad your home,” Feyre whispers after some time, as Elain squeezes her arm in what feels like an agreement.
You wouldn’t be if you hadn’t sent me away, she thinks. But instead of answering, Nesta closes her eyes, and pretends to sleep.
“How was my performance? Ten out of ten?”
Elain continues to comb Nesta’s hair as she sleeps. But instead of commenting on his question, she smiles up at him, far more teasing than he’s ever seen her.
"You like her,” She says, not a question at all. Feyre whips towards Elain, giving her a look that seems baffled that she outright says what they’re both thinking. “You get on each other's nerves. You argue incessantly. You have an act for pissing her off that’s rather impressive. But you like her.”
“Is that your seer skills?” Cassian drawls.
“That’s my sister skills,” She answers brightly. Elain shrugs a shoulder, “Well and anyone with eyes can tell.”
“It’s true,” Feyre interjects. “Nesta may deny it, but… something is going on between you two.”
“You are both too nosy for your own good.”
“But then again, I’m not hearing a denial. Am I Elain?”
Elain laughs, shaking her head. “I haven’t heard one yet. It seems he might have really fallen for our big sister. What do you think? Should we allow her hand?”
“I think Nesta has more of a say in that than us. Maybe we should wake her so she can decide? What do you think, summer wedding?”
Cassian huffs, sitting up on the couch and crossing his arms. “You two think you’re really funny.”
“I think your antics make us laugh,” Feyre replies, smiling wide. “Why don’t you just tell her? Assuming you haven’t.” Feyre back tracks, looking to Elain in fear. “You haven’t right? Did she reject you?”
Cassian groans, taking a throw pillow from the couch and throwing it at Feyre. It hits her square in the face. Feyre scoffs, reaching for the pillow, ready to throw it like a javelin, but Elain lifts her hands.
“Stop!” She shushes, checking on Nesta who tosses the blanket in her sleep. The medicine Madja left had left Nesta drowsy and she had quickly fallen asleep after the sister’s kept her talking. Cassian doubts she’ll wake anytime soon.
But Feyre drops the pillow, pointing viciously. “You got lucky.”
Cassian grins victorious. Feyre lifts a brow.
“Why?” She prods, as if the question is her payback. “Why not stop this charade?”
Cassian doesn’t know how to answer. He’s almost afraid Nesta will wake and scold him herself, but she rests peacefully where she’s tucked in tightly once more.
He can’t help the fondness that appears on his face, he can’t help most of what he feels for her. She was a surprise, after all. A happy one. But he wasn’t looking for her, the female of his dreams. He didn’t think she even existed.
But then… Here she is.
She gets under his skin, warms his blood in ways that are both invigorating and infuriating. But Nesta… they understand each other. In ways that no one else could or dared to try. They see each other, accept each other. The ugly in spite of the good. The good in spite of the ugly. Every single part.
So, when Feyre look at him expectedly, Cassian asks himself truly what is he waiting for?
They’ve slept together, though he will not tell them that. He’s sure she’d maim him if he did. They live together… sort of now. Her stuff is still in his house in Windhaven. There’s bookshelves and wallpaper and tiny glasses that Nesta says she likes. And, he is always near her. They spend nearly everyday together, and when he’s not near her, he thinks of when he’s going to see her, what he’s going to say. He enjoys hearing her rant about her stories and he wants to know all of her thoughts. What does she think of Illyria, the conflict, the treaties, but also about the new bakery down the street?
Truly, they’re together. Aren’t they?
But… not really.
It’s different in Illyria. It’s different in Velaris. It’s easier in Windhaven. It’s infinitely harder surrounded by them, when Nesta doesn’t like his family and he’s not all too sure they like her.
“I’m waiting for… the right time.”
Feyre blinks and Elain frowns and Cassian is sure he looks baffled at his own words… Right time? Didn’t he want more of it?
Wasn’t he losing it every time he didn’t make a move?
“But aren’t you just wasting time?” Feyre concludes, “Wouldn’t it make more sense to just tell her how you feel and damn the consequences?”
Elain tilts her head, her gaze squinting at him. “Haven’t you waited this long?”
“You sister does have a say in this you know. She could very well take the lead and confess. I certainly wouldn’t stop her.”
Cassian watches as they give each other a bland look, something that calls Cassian an idiot without saying it aloud.
“Nesta reads romance novels,” Feyre offers obviously, as if that is answer enough.
At his confused gaze, sweet Elain rolls her eyes. “Nesta is… hopelessly romantic. Even if she doesn’t seem like it. She always has been since she was young. And she’s very traditional, if you haven’t noticed. Won’t dare to wear pants, not that I do either, but I’ll try new things, new foods. It took Nesta three months to even try a bit of jam on her toast when I first started cooking.”
“It took her three years to stop putting her hair up in those braids. Two seasons for Nesta to go into restaurant down the street, three to go shopping for new clothes that weren’t corsets and long gowns.” Feyre argues. “She needs to be very comfortable to do things that are unfamiliar to her… But she’s comfortable with you.”
“We can tell,” Elain smiles, lifting a shoulder. “She seeks you out when you enter a room, her eyes follow you. She won’t talk to anyone, but she’ll argue with you easily. Even seems to enjoy it. Nesta makes sure that I make blueberry muffins on Monday’s, the same day that you come back early from training… I probably wasn’t supposed to tell you that but here we are.”  
Cassian looks down at Nesta, her nose red and her lashes casting shadows on her cheeks. Gods, he loves her doesn’t he? And… she loves him?
Negative. Impossible.
But not impossible…
Because she… cares for him? He thinks. Maybe. He’s not certain.
But what he is certain of is her sister’s knowledge of all things pertaining to her.
“You pay a lot of attention to Nesta’s actions.”
Elain looks to Feyre, “Is that surprising? She’s our sister.”
“I just thought… I don’t know.”
“No, what?” Feyre pleads, “That we didn’t care about her. Did Nesta say that?”
Feyre sighs. “She’s never going to forgive me for sending her to Illyria.”
Cassian grimaces, but shrugs a shoulder. “I don’t know about that, but she’s—Nesta’s trying her best. Perhaps, it’s not the right time,” he repeats back to them, a smug look on his face.
Feyre does hit him with a pillow this time.
Elain frowns, staring at Nesta’s pale skin. “How do we help her?”
Cassian and Feyre pause their antics, and stare at Elain in her yellow cotton dress.
“I think only Nesta can tell you that. Maybe ask, first?”
“And if she says nothing?”
“Then be there for her and… try again.” He answers, softly. “Nesta reads romance novels, yes, because she’s a romantic at heart, but she also reads because the books are there. They are always there, when she’s alone, when she’s upset, when she needs to escape there’s another world. More characters, more stories to rely on because sometimes this world and the people in it aren’t very reliable.”
Cassian gets up from the sofa, as the Archerons look to him where he stretches, striding to the lamp. He looks to them both and then to Nesta.
He’d be someone she could rely on, Cassian promises himself. All of them could rely on him. He’d take care of this little family he now belongs to—wants desperately to belong to…
“Make a world she doesn’t have to escape from,” He calls out softly.  
“Now get some sleep.”
He reaches to turn off the lamp, as Elain lays down content with the answer. Feyre gazes up at him, her lips titling upwards, raising a hand in goodnight. And he watches them both, cuddle up to Nesta, tucking her in to their embrace as if they’ll protect her from the world.
Cassian hopes they know Nesta, without a doubt, would travel to the ends of the world for both of them.  
Tagged: @cassianscool  @fatimafares123  @rotstamp  @nestalytical  @my-fan-side  @pizzaneverdisappoints  @courtofjurdan  @nahthanks @nestable @soitsgorgeous @arin1030
This is way longer than I thought, but it was really easy to write surprisingly. I think either I have more skill or I make things way too complicated on a regular basis. 
I really, really loved writing this in-between stage of Nesta and Cassian being officially together. Having some sort of connection that they haven’t worked out fully yet. I absolutely loved writing Cassian hopelessly devoted to Nesta, but I wanted it to be subtle, a quiet sort of devotion.
I have a fascination with writing Nesta done with everyone, because well she has a right to be, but also because she reminds me so much of a Darcy character from 2005 Pride and Prejudice where she’s just a hopeless, awkward bean whose so inherently introverted that she can’t stand to have people around her and then ends up being rude for no reason, but also has that complexity about her where she secretly does want people around her but she doesn’t know how to ask for it or create the boundaries that she’s comfortable with. It’s always so interesting writing Nesta. I’m going to miss it when the book comes out. SOON! But hopefully, I get more content to write and not less. I’m still thinking of finishing “Queen of Monsters” regardless of the book, since I’ve written so much of that. I just haven’t posted it and I need something to hold me over for the next one. 
The next one-shot (provided I write it) will be actually about the Inner Circle trying to get closer with Nesta, because they figure that they’re kind of making a line between all of them if they don’t start including her. But Nesta absolutely does not like being around them and is almost grumpy the whole time. I think it’s funny. But you know, maybe it does helps… you never know.
Anyways happy reading! And it’s almost the release date woohooo!!!
Reblog, like, comment, let me know if you want to be tagged on the next one.
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saffronwritings · 4 years
C L U M S Y | I I D A
Never meant to make you fall with me. I let you down - I've been clumsy with your heart again. I guess you figured me out. Now here's a taste of my own medicine. And for all this pain, that I can't explain, there's a black flag wavin' tonight.
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I I D A | P a r t  T w o 
[Part One] [Part Three]
C L U M Y  M A S T E R L I S T
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: i actually did not expect to enjoy writing Iida as much as i did. But it resulted in me writing the second part very quickly LOL. I got such good ideas while I was brainstorming with a friend of mine. Here it be. :) 
Following the rules is all he knew how to do, until he met you.
               To say you were a tad bit disappointed when Iida never showed back up at your dorm to check up on you was a bit of an understatement. You had felt better the next morning after taking the time to rest and take the medicine Recovery Girl had given you. However, even though you were feeling better you didn’t know if you wanted to face the class after the day you had yesterday. Would you be able to face Iida without blushing your brains out? You doubt he had said anything to his other classmates in fear of his reputation as the class rep. Iida wasn’t one for secrets, but you knew he kept a lot of things to himself.
               With a defeated sigh, you decided to get ready slowly for homeroom. You were sure your tie was crooked and that your blazer was not ironed, however, everyone should just be thankful for you showing up. While you felt better you didn’t feel back at 100%, with a bit of a lingering headache to follow your morning routine. Sighing and dragging yourself out of your dorm room, you avoided the obnoxious voice that was Kaminari to keep your migraine at bay. “Look who’s deciding to show up to class today.” Sero announced, making you roll your eyes and give him the middle finger. Although your actions had caused a disgruntled class rep to clear his throat.
               You two made eye contact and quickly you put the finger you were practically shoving in Sero’s face away. “Sorry.” You muttered and headed out towards the main campus. While you knew you should probably have shown up to homeroom early to get the work you missed from Aizawa, you instead decided to go over to get medicine from the Recovery Girl. Sadly, she kept you a lot longer than she should have - taking your temperature, giving you headache medicine, and trying vigorously to give you an icepack to take with you to class. She sent you off with a pack of ice and a late note to give Aizawa.
               When you showed up for class, all eyes were on you. “Ms. Y/L/N! You are late for class again!” You heard Iida say, which almost made you giggle. However, you decided to keep a straight face. You decided not to look at the sea of eyes staring at you and handed the note to Aizawa. “Glad you decided to show.” He stated in an annoyed tone. You turned towards your desk and rolled your eyes at Aizawa’s comment. Before you sat down, you caught the gaze of the stern class rep. “Sorry.” He mouthed, nodding towards Aizawa. Obviously apologizing for yelling out to the class that you were late. You shrugged your shoulders and sat down.
               The medicine was making you extremely drowsy, though you tried to push through at least until homeroom was over. Aizawa was too keen on your antics of trying to skip class that he rarely let you leave the classroom. Present Mic on the other hand was more than easily fooled by your constant skipping. Either that or he was just used to them by now. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Y/N.” Ochako exclaimed, coming up behind you after class. “I’m still feeling pretty crappy but not as bad as yesterday.” You admitted silently cursing for Ochako walking with you because that gave you less of a chance to sneak off.
               “Iida seemed worried about you enough to be late to class yesterday. Which is surprising coming from him. He usually rarely breaks the rules. You must have been really sick.” She continued, saying her comment as if it weren’t a big deal. You tried to fight the blush that was coming onto your face. “Yeah, I was in pretty rough shape yesterday.” You whispered, trying to get him out of your head. “I’ll meet you in our next class Ochako, I got to get something from my locker.” You lied, immediately dashing away from your fellow student.
               When Iida arrived at his next class, he was half expecting you to be in your seat already. Well, he had hoped. Even though he was trying to avoid you, he still felt drawn to you. Yet, he was still upset that you were not in your assigned seat. Present Mic was setting up the board for whatever they were going to be learning that day. As the clock ticked closer to the start of the class, he became more and more frustrated. Ojiro and Shoji were the last two to arrive in class before the bell rung.
As Present Mic was taking attendance, he checked your seat and just shook his head. “I’m assuming Y/L/N is not coming to class today was well?” He asked in a defeated voice. “She was in homeroom class, and mentioned she needed to grab something from her locker.” Ochako pointed out, making Iida roll his eyes. Of course, you were going to be late to yet another class. Iida thought to himself, shaking his head and pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. As time in class had passed and he still recognized your absence, he decided he was going to go looking for you.
After asking Present Mic permission to go to the bathroom, he had set off towards the school rooftop. You may have been avoiding class, but you were very predictable in the places you liked to escape to. Behind the second-floor stairwell, the janitors closet on the first floor, the mostly empty classroom up on the third year’s floor. He knew all your little hiding spots around UA, but never had the heart to actually report you to Aizawa or any of his other teacher’s. When he reached the roof access and quietly opened the door, he saw you laying on the ground with your eyes closed. If you hadn’t looked so peaceful, he might have considered yelling at you.
However, the pure look of being serene made his heart flutter. It might have been because he had seen you sleep before but something about your resting presence just seemed so comforting and inviting. He quietly walked over to where you were and sat down next to you. Relaxing his mind, he even made the bold move to lay down and stare at the clouds. “You know, Present Mic is going to get used to all of your rule breaking shenanigans.” Iida stated in a calm voice. “I know, I feel bad that I use his class to ditch but sometimes I just need the fresh air. In between classes doesn’t give me enough time sometimes.” You answered almost immediately.
This shocked him because he was almost positive you were asleep. The silence continued as Iida watched the clouds and enjoyed the breeze that was blowing across their faces. “Why don’t you just…follow the rules like the rest of the class, Y/L/N?” Breaking the silence, Iida asked the question that had been plaguing him for months. Even his most troublesome classmates like Mina and Kirishima didn’t cause him as much strife as you did by skipping your classes. “Maybe it’s because it is the only way I know how to get your attention.” You dared to admit a loud. Almost instantly Iida got flustered and a blush spread from his neck to his face.
You almost immediately started to regret saying out loud your true intentions of slacking off in your academic career. You didn’t want to peep and see the expression on his face incase it was one that you didn’t want to see. “There are better ways to get my attention, but that doesn’t really seem to matter now because you already have it.” He expressed softly, refusing to also look at you afraid he also had said too much. He didn’t know that those words specifically would send your heart racing instantly. A smile spread across your face as you stood up from your spot on the roof and started towards the door. “Good to know, class rep.” You mentioned before opening the door, emphasizing on the words class rep. Iida could feel the residual rise of his blush and tried very hard to shove it away.
He heard the door open again and expected you to be there. Instead, he was met face to face with Aizawa-sensei. All the color drained from his face as Aizawa had processed what he was seeing. Iida, sitting casually on the rooftop and was red in the face. It wasn’t just embarrassment from your words, but from being caught in such a position. “Well, well, well. I would say I am surprised by this but after yesterday’s little escapade, I’m not.” Aizawa started to say. Before Iida could even begin to give an explanation, Aizawa held his hand up as if he couldn’t be bothered to hear what he had to say. “I expect this kind of behavior from Kaminari or Bakugou even. Yet, here I am, extremely disappointed to see that it’s you, Tenya Iida.” Aizawa scolded, eyes looking even more tired than usual.
Iida sat in silence, taking in the scolding he probably deserved for even thinking it was a good idea to lie to Present Mic. “Now, I have every right to pull you from the hero program.” Aizawa started with a rough tone to his voice. Iida’s heart stopped by the mere thought of that happening. “However, because this isn’t the most severe thing you have done in your time here at UA, I won’t do that. You will, however, be staying after school and cleaning up my classroom. Top. To. Bottom.” Aizawa explained, staring daggers into Iida’s eyes.
“Yes sir.” He responded to his teacher, feeling all but shame rising into his throat. “I won’t catch you slacking off again, Tenya. Now, go back to class before I up the punishment.” He growled, opening the door to the roof access, and motioned for Iida to go. He quickly walked past his teacher and found himself returning to Present Mic’s classroom. While it seemed that Present Mic had not noticed his long absence, Izuku had. “You were gone for some time, Iida. Is everything okay?” Izuku had whispered to him. No, everything was not okay. He was falling for a girl who was getting him in trouble the more he was around her.
               “Yes, I am fine, Midoriya. Go back to what you were doing.” Iida quickly replied, pulling out his school supplies and frantically found where the class had left off while he was off searching for you. Izuku didn’t seem convinced, however, he did not want to push his friend into telling him something he did not want to say. Izuku was not the only one to notice the mood change of one Tenya Iida. You had made it back to Present Mic’s class before he had returned. Honestly, you didn’t think it would have taken him as long to also return to class.
               After class was over and it was time for lunch, you were going to attempt to approach Iida to ask to sit next to each other at lunch. Yet, the glare he sent your way before exiting the classroom spoke volumes. You felt like you had been punched in the gut with the look he had given you. Shaking it off, you had decided to just give Iida his distance. You knew he could get into his head about his studies and maybe for once he was just struggling with the material. In the back of your head, you knew that wasn’t it. For once, you decided that you would show up on time to the rest of your classes. Concluding that maybe he was tired of playing cat and mouse with you. Tired of trying to get you to understand his plights.
               When school was let out, you had heard him talking with Momo Yaoyorozu in the hallway about staying after school to help Aizawa with a project. Momo had always been pretty popular in the class, despite you thinking about her being a rich brat. She had done nothing in particular to make you dislike her, but there was always something about people showing off their financial status that bothered you. “I admire how you always go above and beyond for Class 1-A, Iida. You truly are an outstanding student.” You heard Momo compliment him, tone almost too friendly. You didn’t have any reason to be jealous – Iida wasn’t even yours. Yet, hearing her compliment him so calmly and confidently struck a chord with you.
               Iida was out of your league, and always had been.
                You weren’t the best student regarding both your attendance and your grades. Momo was way more popular than you were and honestly, in your own opinion, way better looking. Who were you to think that Iida had actually liked you? “I appreciate that, Yaoyorozu. I try my best to stay on top of things as Class Rep. Especially when it comes to the other students. I try to pick up where they lack to help the image of 1-A come to fruition.” He declared proudly. The color drained from your face hearing the last part of that sentence.
               Was it all a ploy? To get you to play by the rules so he wouldn’t have to constantly remind you of their classes’ image. A strange anger burned inside you as you clenched your fist and you fled back to your dorm in Heights Alliance. The following days played out the same as they usually did for you. Iida was back to focusing on his schoolwork and his group of friends while you mainly stayed secluded to yourself. You would skip class every now and then, but not enough to really irritate the class rep. The last thing you wanted was for Iida to come stomping up to you, whining about attendance and the image he so desperately wanted to portray for his classmates.
               You had kept your distance from him. It didn’t help that you kept catching him hanging out with Yaoyorozu. They were a perfect match. Two of the best students in the class being together. It didn’t hurt you any less of shatter any bit of confidence you had left. The thing that really pushed you over the edge was overhearing Momo talk to Jirou about how she thought her, and Iida looked good together. “I never really stopped to consider him as a possible date, but he really has it all together. A good family, a great goal, and even better quirk to really get him up in ranks.” Momo gushed, sighing afterwards. You hid yourself back in your dorm room after that. You stuck to studying and ignored if anyone had come to your dorm room to interact with you.  
               However, Iida noticed you also distancing yourself from him. He noticed every time you were slightly late to class, every time you skipped or just out right refused to show up and noticed how you didn’t pay attention most of the time when a teacher was giving a lecture. Surely you had to be doing this on purpose to gain his attention. You had admitted it plain as day to him on the top of the school rooftop. The annoyance he was getting from you playing this out, knowing how much it frustrated him, was rising each passing day. Especially when he kept getting looks from their teachers about your lack of care for the class. While it wasn’t directly his fault, it still fell on him when the rest of the class was slacking.
               So, when you weren’t on time on Friday for your homeroom class once again, Iida had had enough. When you entered the classroom, once again all eyes fell on you. Iida could feel the burn of Aizawa’s gaze on him upon your late entry. “Miss Y/L/N. You are once again late to homeroom. You have consecutively been late to most of your classes this week. Your behavior is unacceptable! You are making the rest of the class look foolish with your lackadaisical attitude. We expect this kind of behavior from Denki! Or even Sero for that matter! Yet, here you are, showing up once again late to homeroom!” Iida exclaimed loudly, standing up from his chair at his desk.
               The entire class went silent. You could hear a pin drop from how quiet it had gotten. The eye contact the two of you shared was intense. No one dare spoke up, even during the awkward burning silence that took place after his reprimanding. You were trying to keep yourself composed but it felt like he was personally attacking you. Tears had threatened to fall from your eyes because you were tired yourself. You stayed up all night beating yourself up about why you thought you stood a chance. You obviously didn’t. Especially with the look he was giving you right now. The anger that was burning in his eyes and directed right at you. “What do you have to say for yourself.” He demanded, challenging you to challenge him back.
               And challenge him back you did. The tears threatened to fall down your burning cheeks. How dare he yell at you in front of all your classmates. In front of your teacher. When he was the one who led you on, thinking you even stood a chance. Your eyes glanced over to Momo, and you felt your anger flare up more with her looking so impressed with him. 
             “WELL, MAYBE IF YOU DIDN’T SNEAK YOUR WAY INTO MY BED WHEN I WAS SICK AND MAKE ME FALL FOR YOU, I WOULD PROBABLY ACTUALLY CARE MORE.” You shouted. You almost enjoyed the look of shock that came from Iida’s face at your statement. Everyone’s jaws dropped at your comment and looked back from Iida to you.  If the classroom could get anymore quiet, it would. Tears had started falling down your face as you rushed out of the classroom. Sero had fallen backwards out of his chair being in absolute shock of what you said.
               “Dude seriously? Now is the time you don’t keep your balance?” Kaminari questioned him. Iida took a moment to compose himself before turning swiftly to Sero. “You told me you had it safely balanced with your tape! You need to be more responsible Sero!” He scolded him while chopping his hand in the air. The class started muttering in wonder about what you had said. “Take your seat, Iida Tenya. Everyone else quiet down. Class is starting.” Aizawa sternly said. Iida slowly slid down his seat and tried to focus on what Aizawa was saying.
               But your voice kept ringing in his ears, the sentence that plagued for the rest of the day. What had he done?
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