#kyalin ff
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avatarena · 9 months ago
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A new chapter of my ff on AO3 today AND new text messages! Ahh I love Kyalin so much.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
Kya: *grabs mitts*
Lin: I thought you didn't you didn't get cold 🤔
Kya: *hands Lin mitts* they're for you dumbass
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poetica-fanatica · 4 years ago
KyaLin - Naszyjnik
Pewnie każdego zastanawia historia bardzo intrygującego naszyjnika, z którym Kya się nie rozstaje.
1.259 znaków; humor; wspomnienia
- Nie rozumiem, co jest ze mną nie tak?
Siedziały na klifie Wyspy Świątyni Powietrza spoglądając na zapierający dech w piersiach widok zachodzącego słońca. Lin spojrzała na starszą o pięć lat przyjaciółkę. Dziewczyna była wyraźnie sfrustrowana i zasmucona. Do tej pory siedziały w ciszy podziwiając widok i odpoczywając od trudów całego dnia. Aż do momentu gdy Kya wyrzuciła z siebie to zdanie. Beifong uniosła brew w oczekiwaniu aż tkaczka wody rozwinie swoją myśl.
- Eh… Bo widzisz, Lin. Wszyscy moi znajomi już kogoś mają. Są w związku albo są po poważnym związku. A ja? Nie potrafię przy sobie nikogo zatrzymać na dłużej… - ostatnie zdanie rzuciła już bardziej do siebie niż do młodszej dziewczyny.
Lin spojrzała na Kye, na tę piękną i energiczną kobietę, która każdego dnia czerpie z niego jak najwięcej, której uśmiech nie schodzi z twarzy i która potrafi rozruszać każde towarzystwo. Na tego wolnego ducha, który każdemu oferuje ciepłotę swojego serca. I nie spodobało jej się to co widzi. To jak ta pełna energii na co dzień kobieta teraz spogląda pustym wzrokiem w swoje kolana, przechodząc w swoich myślach burze negatywnych emocji. To nie jest Kya, która powinna się znajdować obok Lin.
Tylko jak Lin miała pocieszyć starszą siostrę swojego chłopaka? Jak może doradzać komuś, kiedy sama mimo swojego o wiele gorszego charakteru, ma tego jedynego? Jak przywrócić optymizm komuś kto zasługuje na miłość a jej nie otrzymuje a jest się osobą, która mieć tego nie powinna a ma?
-Wiesz… - zaczęła powoli, ważąc każde słowo – Nie potrafię powiedzieć „co jest z tobą nie tak”, bo niczego takiego nie widzę. Nie potrafię udzielić Ci rady czy odpowiedzi dlaczego do tej pory nie odnalazłaś bratniej duszy, ale…. Może i nie masz teraz dziewczyny z którą spędzisz resztę życia, ale masz przyjaciółkę, która zawsze będzie przy Tobie gdy będziesz tego potrzebować.
Lin nie spuszczała spojrzenia z Kyi, miała wrażenie że tylko pogorszyła sprawę bo dziewczyna odwróciła głowę w bok i nie ruszała się przez dłużą chwilę, ale w końcu udało się tkacze ziemi zobaczyć, że Kya osusza ukradkiem oczy. Spojrzała lekko załzawionymi oczami na młodszą dziewczynę i jej, do tej pory, smutne oblicze rozświetlił lekki uśmiech.
- Ale Ty nie zrobisz mi naszyjnika zaręczynowego. - powiedziała i zaśmiała się.
- Och… - Lin postanowiła to pociągnąć dalej – Ja nie zrobię? Ha!
Kya spojrzała zdziwiona na Beifong ale szybko ją przejrzała.
- Nie zrobisz. Nie ma mowy. - podsycała atmosferę brązowoskóra.
- Niby dlaczego?
- Bo marzy mi się zabawny i oryginalny naszyjnik, a ty jesteś poważna i sztywna, Linnie. To cię przerasta. - Powiedziała pozbywając się ostatnich oznak po wcześniejszym płaczu.
- Uznam, że to zadanie. A ja świetnie wykonuje zadania.
Tym pewnym siebie akcentem dała do zrozumienia, że zakończyła temat i uśmiechając się znów wpatrzyła się w taflę wody przed sobą. Kya rozbawiona podążyła wzrokiem za spojrzeniem tkaczki ziemi.
To co powiedziała wcześniej bardzo ją zaskoczyło. Wiedziała że może liczyć na Lin, ale nie sądziła ze kiedykolwiek usłyszy coś tak ciepłego i pełnego emocji właśnie od niej.
Lin miała racj��, może i teraz nie ma miłości na całe życie, ale ma przyjaciółkę która zawsze przy niej będzie i ją zrozumie.
Następne kilka dni były bardzo zabiegane. Zarówno dla Lin jak i Kyi. Tenzin ciągle wymyślał jakieś spotkania pozbawiając Lin każdej wolnej od pracy chwili, a przełożony szpitala, w którym Kya odbywała praktyki, upatrzył sobie młodą kobietę jako idealne źródło oszczędzania i zarzucał ją zadaniami.
Jednak mimo wszystko udało im się jeszcze spotkać przed powrotem Kyi na Biegun Południowy.
Rozmawiały na różne tematy przy herbacie, w głównej mierze narzekając na przełożonego Kyi, który na koniec jej praktyk próbował utrudnić zaliczenie ich licząc że tym samym przeciągnie obecność dziewczyny na kilka kolejnych tygodni.
- Kiedy teraz wrócisz do Miasta Republiki? - spytała po chwili ciszy Lin.
Kya spojrzała na nią i zaczepnie się uśmiechnęła.
- Możliwe, że szybciej niż na twój ślub z moim braciszkiem.
Beifong oblała się rumieńcem i próbowała zmierzyć morderczym spojrzeniem Kye, co tylko bardziej rozbawiło starszą kobietę.
- No co. Nie mów mi, że o tym nie myślicie. Przecież Tenzin ma już… - w ostatniej chwili przerwała zdając sobie sprawę, że może popsuć niespodziankę brata z zaręczynami. - pewnie wszystko rozpisane krok po kroku. - Dodała szybko ale słyszalna przerwa na pewno zwróciła uwagę Lin. Cholera.
I się nie myliła, Lin wyczuła zmianę w rytmie bicia serca tkaczki wody, to nie tak chciała zakończyć zdanie. Kya tylko potwierdziła to, co Lin sama podejrzewała od dłuższego czasu, to co tłumaczyło nerwowość ze strony Tenzina.
- Oczywiście. Ale niezależnie czy wrócisz za tydzień czy za miesiąc to i tak mam coś co chciałabym ci dać na tę i każdą kolejną podróż. Poczekaj chwilę.
Lin wyszła do swojej sypialni i po chwili wróciła na wstępie prosząc by Kya zamknęła oczy. Dziewczyna posłuchała i po chwili poczuła jak młodsza dziewczyna majstruje coś przy szyi brązowoskórej.
- Już.
Usiadła naprzeciw Kyi i spoglądała zadowolona z siebie jak Kya próbuje delikatnie wybadać dłonią co ma na szyi. Po chwili jej oczy rozbłysły ze zrozumieniem.
- Naprawdę to zrobiłaś. - powiedziała zszokowana.
- Oczywiście, mówiłam że wykonuje zadania. - a po chwili z jeszcze większą dozą pewności siebie dodała – Co więcej, cholernie dobrze je wykonuje. Jest oryginalny, niepowtarzalny i cokolwiek byś nie miała na myśli pod stwierdzeniem „sztywny” to na pewno taki nie jest.
Rozmyślania o geniuszu twórczym przerwał szczery i głośny śmiech Kyi. Lin zwróciła swoją uwagę na nią i zobaczyła jak ta próbuje się uspokoić a w ręku trzyma lusterko.
- Co cię tak rozbawiło? - spytała skonfundowana Lin i cierpliwie poczekała aż starsza dziewczyna się uspokoi.
- To… Hah… Uśmieszek. - wydusiła z siebie i znów wybuchnęła śmiechem.
- Co?
Lin wstała z miejsca jakby co najmniej dostała wezwanie do walącego się budynku pełnego sierot. Stanęła przed Kyą i trzymając ją za ramiona spróbowała unieruchomić by przyjrzeć się naszyjnikowi, który specjalnie dla niej zrobiła.
Faktycznie, na niebieskiej tasiemce zawisł kamień księżycowy w kształcie półksiężyca podtrzymywany przez dwa srebrne okrągłe nity. Całość faktycznie tworzyła buźkę z uśmieszkiem.
- Jakim cudem ja tego nie zauważyłam… - Powiedziała zdruzgotana Lin bardziej do siebie.
Wyraz twarzy tkaczki ziemi, tego jak bardzo zdruzgotana się poczuła kiedy jej praca okazała się śmieszna, dolał tylko oliwy do ognia i Kya na powrót roześmiała się.
Gdy już wyśmiała się, wstała i przytuliła młodszą dziewczynę.
- Dziękuję, w końcu chciałam coś oryginalnego i zabawnego. Z przyjemnością będę to nosić. - powiedziała już całkiem poważnie do Lin.
Ta tylko odwzajemniła uścisk, a kiedy się odsunęły od siebie, powiedziała:
- Sama się skazujesz na wieczność w moim towarzystwie. Mam tylko nadzieję, ze prędzej czy później ktoś zastąpi ten naszyjnik jakimś prawdziwym.
- Och Lin. On jest prawdziwy. Jest wyrazem tego co nas łączy, czyż nie? - powiedziała zadziornie.
- No tak, zapomniałam że jestem taką rozrywkową osobą. - mruknęła czarnowłosa.
- No więc ciociu? Opowiesz nam o naszyjniku? Ani tata, ani wuj Bumi nie potrafią nam powiedzieć skąd go masz. - Ikki męczyła o to Kye przynajmniej raz dziennie ale dzisiaj przechodzi samą siebie, nie odpuszcza przez całą drogę.
- Może kiedyś wam opowiem. Teraz musi wam wystarczyć, że dostałam go od naprawdę ważnej osoby w moim życiu, która podarowała mi go jeszcze zanim same wiedziałyśmy co do siebie czujemy.
- Och! To brzmi bardzo romantycznie! - rozmarzyła się młoda akolitka powietrza.
W głowie Kyi szybko przeleciały obrazy kiedy płakała z tak żałosnego powodu jak brak partnera, kiedy Lin prawie dostała załamania kiedy naszyjnik okazał się uśmieszkiem.
- Tak, Ikki, bardzo romantycznie. - rzuciła tłumiąc śmiech i spoglądając na rozbawioną Lin, która niezauważenie ścisnęła dłoń tkaczki wody.
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Ps. Ten naszyjnik widział więcej niż niejeden śmiertelnik :D
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annierecovers · 4 years ago
I absolutely love Kyalin and I love reading fluffy fanfiction about them, but for some reason I can only write about them breaking up??
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pamplemousseparadox · 3 years ago
How about kyalin and all of 002?
omg yes
YES i am living okay
When I started shipping them: immediately after discovering it was A Thing. We watched LOK over xmas, I immediately watched it twice more, immediately lost myself on Lin Beifong tags, immediately was like, OH MY GOD, YES, KYA.
My thoughts: listen i am DEEP in Kyalin brain rot. It takes up 97.4% of all my waking thoughts.
What makes me happy about them: I just think they *work*. Like, they wouldn't have earlier, but now they're older, and know themselves more, and they balance. I feel like they have the vibes of a relationship that has a lot of physical chemistry, but also, they know how important it is to work at it. Not to be all, "relationships take work" but, irl, they do. Sometimes things are fucking hard, and you argue, but the difference is in always *wanting* to choose that person, over and over again, and they make that choice easy for each other. Lin will always choose Kya over whatever petty disagreement, or even large disagreement. Kya wouldn't imagine not choosing Lin. They're a part of each other in a deep and meaningful way and that's fucking RARE.
What makes me sad about them: That it *did* take this long for it to work. But sometimes that's how life is. Sometimes you have to make mistakes and fuck up big before you're really ready for someone.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don't think I've actually read much Kyalin ff that has annoyed me, but I also don't read it if the summary doesn't look like it's for me. *shrugs*
Things I look for in fanfic: I love stuff that meshes in with canon tbh, i live for that shit.
My wishlist: Lin with tattoos will literally always melt my brain into slimy goo.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Oh I hate this question, lmao. Izumi is an obvious answer, so I guess Zumi for both?
My happily ever after for them: A quaint house, a big garden, a door all the kids have the keys to. Su doesn't have a key because she doesn't know what a boundary is. Lin only ever semi-retires because she loves it too much. Kya only ever semi-retires because no one can teach healing like she can after Katara. Soft summer evenings after the sun goes down and the air cools and the grass is thick with dew, and they lay on their backs in the garden and watch the full moon rise, their fingers interlaced. It's quiet, and it's perfect, and the way the curtains flutter in the gentle breeze is like an indelible memory of fingertips on collarbones and lips that are always ready to be kissed.
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holoceneatla · 4 years ago
I hope you’re still ok getting KyaLin prompts. I’d like to ask for Lin admitting just how much she’s fallen for Kya to someone, maybe Katara or Tenzin or Bumi. Or a really soft evening between Kya & Lin, when the whole world slips away & it’s just them, making each other happy, being kind & wanting to make each other happy after so long being apart.
I’m not sure how coherent all that is but I love your writing & I think you have a brilliant grasp of their characters & anything you write will be ever so welcome. *waves geekily*
thank you so much! i couldn’t get this to form in a prose kind of way, but i kind of like the bullet style tbh.
- ikki shows up at police station
- cue confused and disgruntled!lin
- she’s on her lunch break
- kya’s in the SWT visiting katara
- ikki does not seem to be leaving
- ‘do you like aunt kya’
- lin spits out her drink
- she thought kya had had this talk with them
- ‘yes’
- ‘how much do you like her?’
- lin’s trying to toe the line between not answering and not upsetting the child
- ‘a good amount’
- ‘do you love her?’
- ‘...(sigh) yes’
- ‘how did you know?’
- ffs lin’s ready to kill you ikki
- ikki begins rambling about pemzin and lin reminds herself of several reasons why a drink is not an acceptable choice at work in front of a child
- lin contemplates the question
- there wasn’t ever a moment, she just kinda knew
- kya asleep on the sofa when she gets in from work in the early hours of the morning
- the way she drops into lin’s office with takeout when she’s snowed under
- how she sings and dances as she flits about the kitchen cooking dinner
- the sleepy smile on her face as she wakes in the morning
- ...yeah, there’s no way she’s telling ikki that
- ‘idk what to tell you kid, sometimes there’s a moment, and sometimes you just realise you’re in deep’
- she thinks that will be the end of it
- but no
- ‘what’s the difference between falling in love with a boy and falling in love with a girl’
- it’s bad but she’s kind of wishing for an emergency to call her away
- how can a child have so many questions??
- oh god, please don’t ask where babies come from
- ‘there isn’t one’
- ‘can you like boys differently than you like girls?’
- there’s a hope in her eyes that resonates with lin
- the chief softens slightly
- ‘i suppose... i like some boys, but i like lots of girls’
- it’s simplifying the answer, but it’s not really wrong
- ikki looks relieved
- ‘okay good because i thought i liked this boy that all of my friends like but then i met this girl and she’s so pretty’
- lin will forever deny the sense of fondness she feels growing as ikki describes her crush
- it then flips to seething rage when ikki tells her how her friends made fun of her when she told them
- she’s like 0.2 seconds away from marching out and arresting them (are they even old enough to arrest? she’ll arrest their parents if not) when she gets a call from tenzin freaking out bc he lost his kid
- she tells ikki it’s time to go home but says some nice reassuring aunt shit before she does
- ‘find better friends’
- that’s what aunts say, right?
- agni, kya would be better at this
- ikki gives her a hug and lin grumbles but she kinda likes it
- she says ‘thanks aunt lin’ and flits out of the office
- aunt lin
- maybe she doesn’t mind as much as she should
- she’ll never admit it
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aesthetic-all · 4 years ago
and suddenly all I want is like 200k words kyalin ff friends to lovers, slow burn (like slooooooowwww as hell) hurt/comfort, with decent amount of angst (I may cry but I don't want to die), tough on the outside, vulnerable on the inside Lin (but only for Kya), lots of cuddle for precious Chief and long story short 2 lezb being 2 gay 4 each other.
feel free to recommend anytime
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years ago
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Something I can hear Kya tell Lin in @taare-writes KyaLin ff
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milfcoven · 4 years ago
im glad you feel the same way about kyalin because lik... does the fandom forget that lin has both daddy and mommy issues ffs
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
20 Years Ago Pt 1
Kya stood back with a grin. She did it. Despite her mother's doubts she had successfully pulled off the perfect highschool reunion. People were chatting, dancing and congratulating her.
"Well Kya, you did it." Her bother said, standing beside her with a glass of punch.
"Don't drink that," she said, "it's spiked."
"How do you even know that?" He asked  looking into the cup.
"Waterbenders intuition." She lied. Truthfully, she had been the one to spike it.
"Look," Tenzin said, gesturing to the door."
"Hmmm?" She turned her head, her brows furrowing.  Lin Beifong.
"What is she doing here?" Kya asked, she knew for a fact she didn't invite her.
"I asked her to come," Tenzin explained, "she doesn't get out a lot and well, I thought it'd be nice for you two to see each other." Kya rolled her eyes. She had no business with Lin, and the idea her brother thought otherwise was stupid.
"I have nothing to say to her." Kya stated, taking his cup and downing it.
"It seems like you do." Tenzin replied, letting his sister walk away.
Kya huffed, sitting down at her table, two cups of punch in her hands, both of which were for her. It seemed everyone here was having a good time, except her. She couldn't help it, Lin's prescence set her off.
"How am I supposed to enjoy myself when she's lurking around?" She spoke to herself, taking a drink from the left cup.
"Still talking to yourself, I see." Lin said, sitting next to her.
"Still condescending, I see." Kya mocked, finishing one of her drinks. Lin reached a hand over, grabbing the other one.
"Thats mine." Kya said. Lin raised an eyebrow, keeping eye contact with the older woman.
"Then take it." Kya looked at her quizzically, Lin had a sadistic grin on her face, like she was enjoying Kya's anger.
"No." Kya replied, "you have it. On me." Lin smirked, placing her lips to the cup and downing the whole thing  her face unraveling in a look of disgust.
"Thats so sweet." The metalbender groaned.
"Some people like sweet things." Kya retorted. Lin sighed, glancing to the stage.
"You know, we're kind of old to be doing this." Lin said.
"I think I know how long to hold a grudge." Kya replied, refusing to look her in the eyes.
"Raava, Kya do you even remember what you hate me for?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."
"Then enlighten me."
"It was my senior year, you promised to come with me to prom, we had it planned and everything.  Then someone started dating my brother and ditched me to give a blow job behind the bleachers. I had no other friends Lin, everyone hated me for... well, you know, and you just... you left me alone. To be ridiculed by my entire grade. I had to leave out the back door because by the end of the night I was covered in punch and didn't want to be seen by the cameras."
"Okay, wow. First of all, it wasn't a blow job." Lin started, "second of all, I didn't mean to leave you. I just didn't know how long it would take."
"Oh my God, Lin, do you not hear yourself?" Kya asked, "you left me alone on my night to fuck my brother. Dick move, by the way."
"I wasnt fucking your brother!"
"Right so he let everyone believe that you and him fucked for the rest of the year?"
"Really? You think I'm that stupid?"
"Kya, ask Tenzin. We didn't do anything that night, I didn't have the guts too. I never intended for he and I to do anything but he got ahead of himself and told all his friends so I told him not to worry about it." Kya looked away in disbelief.
"If that was true, why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried, you were so upset and 'banned me from the island. I asked that idiot arrowhead to talk to you but I guess he never did." Kya stared at her, unsure of what to make of this. Lin had lied before, but she seemed so sincere... stop. Remember how you felt.
"I'm not listening to this. I have a speech to give." Lin slammed a fist on the table and let Kya go. The watsrbender made her way to the stage, motioning for the crows to gather.
"I just want to say how happy I am everyone could make it today." She began, "it's been a long time since we've seen each other and I have to say I'm absolutely thrilled with the people you have all become."
"I'd like to say something!" Kya looked down at the speaker, he had a hat on, a jersey for some pro bending team and awfully greasy shorts. Roy Cavanaugh. The idiot who had splattered her with punch on prom night.
"Well I'm not really-"
"Roy! Roy! Roy!" The crowd chanted.
"Fine," Kya caved, "come here." He climbed onto the stage, taking the mic from her and holding it a little to close to his mouth.
"Can I just say," he started, "had I known you were gonna look like that when you were older I would've been nicer to you." Kya pursed her lips.
"Thats enough-"
"With that being said, are you still a dyke? Because I'd like to show you my-" Kya took the mic from him, staring at him angrily. Laughter mixed with awkward silence. She stared into the crowd, their familiar beady eyes focusing on her. Passing their judgment and she realized then and there she didn't want this reunion to see people, she wanted closure.
"Roy," she said, "you're an idiot. You always will be. Maru," she directed to his wife, "he cheated on you. Multiple times with Christine. Blonde hair, two girls down. Yeah that one." Roy looked at her, his eyes begging her to stop.
"Also," she said, "we all know it was you who shit on the floor during gym class. Everyone did. Just some of us were decent enough human beings to spare you that guilt. Now get out of my party." He jumped off the stage, his friends no longer sticking beside him, his wife ignoring his call.
"Oh to answer your question," Kya called before he left, "I am still a dyke. And that's not going to change for any of you." She smiled, satisfied with herself. She caught a glimpse of Lin who had a look on her face that resembled a smile. She dropped the mic, marching down the stage steps with gusto when she fell backward and collided with the steps.
"Kya. Kya. Kya, wake up." Kya's eyes batted open, pushing past the pulsing sensation in her head.
"Where am I?"
"The school gym."
"You slipped. Hit your head pretty bad." Lin said, pushing her down when she tried to sit up.
"Wheres Tenzin?"
"Jinora got sick, he went home. He sat here with you though, for an hour."
"How long was I out?"
"Three hours."
"Three hours?!" Kya tried to sit up, but her head refused her.
"Stop moving so much, just lay on this." Lin took off her coat, bundling it up and placing it under her head.
"Where is everyone" Kya asked.
"They went home. After your speech and... trip, I guess they decided they didn't deserve to be here." Kya snorted, taking the water Lin offered her and holding the freezing ice to her head.
"That works too," Lin said, moving beside her.
"Why did you stay?" Kya asked, moving her eyes to Lin.
"I am a police officer, it wouldn't look good if I left an injured person here."
"Oh." Kya said, trying not to sound disappointed.
"But also... I wasn't done talking earlier."
"You? Lin Beifong had more to say. I'll be damned." Lin laughed slightly before taking a deep inhale.
"I'm sorry, for everything." She said, "what I did to you that night, it wasnt fair." Kya smiled  reaching her free hand to Lin's and holding her leg.
"Can I be completely honest with you?" Kya inquired.
"Of course."
"I think I over reacted, just a bit."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, now shush. I... I had feelings for you, back then." Kya admitted. She felt herself blush, and immediately regretted everything she had said.
"Kya, I know you won't forget that night and the trauma it caused you, but you shouldn't know I never meant to hurt you. I didn't go because I was scared. I made these other plans because I didn't want people to see me with you and-"
"You were embarrassed of me?"
"What? No, God no... Kya I didn't want people to see me with you and talk because I knew that if we danced, or shared a drink, I'd have to confront the part of myself that liked you, too. And if that was true then what other rumors were?" Kya looked at Lin in disbelief. All this time, all this hatred she had kept for Lin when the true enemy was fear. She pushed herself up, leaning against the wall and putting the ice next to her.
"Lin," she spoke softly," I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to feel that way. If I pressured you or-" before she could finish, Lin's lips met hers. She was taken aback by how soft Lin's lips her. The Beifong kissed with so much emphasis and emotion Kya had to pull away for a moment.
"Lin..." she whispered, "you have no idea how many times I thought of this moment."
"I think I do," Lin replied, "I thought of it everyday for the last 20 years." Kya grinned, pressing her forhead against Lin's before wincing in pain.
"You're in pain." Lin said, pulling away.
"No I'm fine just a little headache." She winced again and Lin moved to her knees, standing up and offering her hand.
"Come on." Lin said.
"This unnecessary really Lin-"
"You can't stand, can you?" Kya shook her head.  Lin side, bending down and reaching one hand under her shoulders and the other under her hips. She pushed, taking Kya in her arms with a grunt.  Kya blushed when Lin met her gaze, doing her best to keep her head up.
"Are you going to carry me all the way back to the island?" Kya asked.
"Maybe. I was going to put you in the back seat of my satomobile."
"That works." Kya replied. Lin carried the Waterbender out of the highschool gym, Kya stifled a chuckle at the disaster her party had turned into. At least she'd missed most of it.
Kya had fallen asleep on the drive over to the docks, waking up briefly to get on the ferry before passing out again on the railing. Lin must've carried her all the way to the temple because when she finally came too, she was on the couch in her childhood home.
"Well, she might not remember that part." Kya blinked her eyes open, seeing her mother and Lin sharing tea over the coffee table.
"Good morning." Katara said, getting up and putting a hand to her daughters head.
"What time is it?"
"In the morning?" Kya exclaimed. As if on cue Lin opened the blinds, revealing the sun as it peaked over the horizon.
"Lin caught me up, dear," Katara said, "you had a minor concussion, nothing I couldn't fix. But please take it easy okay?"
"Yeah, thanks, Mom." Kya pushed herself up, accepting the cup of tea Lin handed her.
"So, how big of a fool did I make of myself?" Kya asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Eh, I've seen worse. If they didn't remember you before, they do now." Kya sighed, taking a sip of the tea.
"Well it is what it is." She whispered. They sat in silence for a moment before Lin stood up.
"Where are you going?" Kya asked, motioning to follow her.
"Relax," Lin said, pushing her back onto the sofa, "I'm just going to bathroom."
"Was the whole night not enough time to catch up?" Lin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well no, I was passed out for most of it." Lin chuckled slightly and Kya blushed again.
"Then I'll be right back."
"Okay." Kya watched her go with a longing look in her eye. She looked back to her mother who shook her head with a dumb grin.
"Oh stop." Kya scolded.
"I didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to."
"She stayed awake the whole night you know." Katara said.
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Whatever you say, dear." Kya pursed her lips, looking back in the direction Lin had disappeared to.
Well shit.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
The Dinner
(Kyalin) Cannon to The Box series.
Tenzin took a seat, sitting Rohan on his lap, bouncing his soon to be toddler.
"Oh, Bataar isn't he the cutest thing?" Suyin said fawning over the little.
"He's adorable." Bataar replied. "Any signs of bending yet?" Bataar asked.
"Well, I can't be totally sure, but I think we have another airbender on our hands!" Suyin cheered, drawing attention to herself.
"I would do anything for another one." She said, causing her husband's eyes to widen in fear.
"No. Please.""oh come on, one more honey." Bataar scoffed, moving to sit with his sons. Su frowned returning her gaze back to Rohan. She was caught off guard when her sister took a seat beside her.
"Lin! You made it!" She smiled, Lin nodded, setting down a place full of food Kya sat next to her and Suyin reached over to shake her hand.
"Its been too long, Kya."
"Much, there's so much to catch you up on, Su." The waterbender said, looking to Lin who ignored her. It wasn't long before Mako and Bolin stumbled into the room, heaving and leaning on each other.
"Hey! Take it outside!" Pema shouted, nearly spilling a tray of beverages.
"Sorry its just- Korra?" Mako asked.
"Shes outside with Asami, they'll be in as soon as Korra gets a whiff of this fish." Tonraq said, eyeing up the dish.
"Can't wait." They pushed past the crowd and Su rolled her eyes.
"Remind me so much of the twins." She remarked and Lin snorted.
"Worse." Her older sister said and Suyin laughed.
"Lin, I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink, want something?" Kya asked.
"Hmm? Something strong." Kya looked at her doubtfully and Suyin glanced toward Tenzin, who seemed to pick up on the energy.
"Come with me." Kya said, pulling her arm.
"Alright, fine. I'll be right back Su." Lin said being dragged away by Kya. Su looked to Tenzinsho put Rohan in his uncle's lap.
"Did you-" they said in unison.
"Sorry, you go." Tenzin said.
"That was weird, right?" Su asked, looking at her sister and Kya from the table. The two were leaned against the counter, Kya pouring a waterbenders portion of wine, engaged in conversation.
"They arrived together." Tenzin said and Su pursed her lips.
"Do you think Kya's living with her?" Su asked.
"Its possible. She's been staying in the city for a while now, I assumed she had her own place or an ex's to crash, maybe she's been staying with Lin." The two woman came back, returning to their seat.
"Sorry," Lin laughed as she sat down. Su looked to Tenzin again.
Is she laughing?
I think so?
"So, Kya, where have you been staying?" Su asked, flattening her robe. Kya took a long sip of her wine, finishing nearly a third of it before answering.
"With Lin. She's um... been letting me stay with her. Just to be closer to the hospital and all."
"Thats very kind of you Lin," Tenzin said, "I didn't know you were so fond of the homeless." Kya flung a spoonful of mashed potatoes off her spoon at her brother who blew it against the wall.
"Ha. Ha." Tenzin smiled, proud of himself.
"Beifong!" Su and Lin looked at the use of their last name, to see Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin standing at the door. Lin rolled her eyes and Kya patted her on the shoulder, smiling.
"Yes?" Lin asked, standing up and spreading her arms.
"You... you lied to me!" Korra argued. Su looked between the two of them. It didn't seem hostile but.. playful wasn't in Lin's nature. At least she didn't think so.
"Actually I just didn't tell you the truth. Besides, you didn't ask me."
"You told them before us?"
"No, I gave you guys the key to our apartment, and I even gave you the box. You just didn't look in it." Korra's eyes met Asami's a look of realization dawning on them.
"Why... why did you-"
"Wanted to know what you thought. And maybe rub it in a bit." Korra furrowed her brows and Lin smirked. Su looked back to Tenzin when Kya wrapped an arm around Lin's.
Oh my god. She mouthed as the bald airbenders face lit up a bright red.
"Were you in on this?" Asami asked.
"Oh yeah, this whole operation was my idea." Kya replied. "I just thought it'd be funnier coming from Lin. And as always, I was right."
"You're not always right-" Lin began, she was shut down with a look from the waterbender.
"Does someone care to explain whats going on here?" Bumi asked, bouncing Rohan. "I'm getting the sense I don't have all the details."
"Beifong and Kya are getting married!" Korra said and the unanimous gasp in the room was followed by silence.
"Suprise." Lin said, a grin on her face.
"Kya, whats the meaning of this?" Tenzin asked.
"Tenzin, its pretty straightforward..." his sister replied. Su was too busy looking at Lin, and then to Kya, who now at a second glance did have a new betrothal necklace. One that had Lin's impeccable bending skills all over it.
"Lin are you... oh my god!" Su cheered, jumping up to hug her sister. "You're getting married?" Lin stood stiff in her sisters grip, patting Su on the back until she was released.
"Yeah, I mean I thought that was obvious." Su ignored her passive aggression, smiling at Kya who winked at her older brother across the room.
"Kya you... how?" Kya laughed, placing a hand on Su's shoulder.
"It just happened. These last what, fourteen, fifteen years, have been the-"
"FIFTEEN YEARS?" everyone shouted and Lin plugged her ears.
"Ow. Spirits you don't have to be so loud."
"You've been together for fifteen years?" Pema asked, finally setting down the beverage tray.
"Yeah. Honestly, I don't know how no one picked up on it." Kya said, "except Bumi."
"How'd Bumi know?" Kai asked.
"Thats... not for young ears to hear." Kya replied, causing the two of them to blush. Su sat down, her head rushing with thoughts. Her sister had been seeing someone for fifteen years and she had no idea. Some sister she was. She wasn't sure how she felt about the secrecy, but she shoved whatever feelings those were aside and focused on how happy she was for her sister.
Kya flopped onto the sofa next to her fiance, the effects of the wine fading and leaving her feeling tired.
"That was a lot." She said to Lin, who was already half asleep next to her.
"Agreed, way to much."
"But it feels good, doesn't it?" Lin opened her eyes, looking at the beautiful girl beside her.
"It feels amazing, Kya." Kya kissed her her lips tasted like wine, she didn't mind totally, but she preffered the authentic Lin.
"Lin, I can't wait to marry you." She whispered.
"I can't wait either."
"We should do it. Tomorrow?" Lin looked to her.
"Lets go to city hall, and get someone to do it."
"You don't want a big wedding? What about your mom?" Kya sighed, leaning back.
"Mom will understand. Besides, after today I realized that I just want it to be the two of us. Like its always been." Lin leaned over, kissing her.
"Okay, but we're not getting married in city hall. I have a plan."
"How could you possibly have a plan?" Lin shrugged, flexing a hand out in front of her.
"I wanted to make sure we had our bases covered." Kys chuckled, kissing her again."
"Thats why I love you, Lin Beifong." She said before nuzzling herself into Lin's shoulder, the two of them falling asleep on the sofa.
Thought it was done? Hehehehehe
"The spirit world?" Kya asked, staring into the beam.
"Yup. Korra recommended it once she got back. I figured we'd honeymoon, but this is better." Kya smiled, and the two stepped into the beam. On the other side was a green field, flowers stretched across for miles, and in the middle, a cottage. Spirits gathered around a table, sipping tea.
"They're here!" The spirits called and Kya looked to Lin, whos face revealed nothing. The door of the cottage swung open and an old man, carrying a tea pot and a saucer smiled at them.
"You're early!" He said over the spirit chatter.
"I'm punctual." Lin replied as the two walked up to him.
"Iroh?" Kya asked, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
"Its been a long time, Kya," he said, "the last time I saw you... you were this high." He put his hand next to his waist.
"Lin did you-"
"Korra mentioned he was here, during harmonic convergence. I had to see for myself."
"And she couldn't stop coming to see her uncle!" Iroh added, pouring two more cups.  Kya looked at her wife to be, who smiled in a way that made her look ethereal. Lin had a connection to this place, different then Jinora's or Tenzin's, but a connection. The one time Kya had been here, it had been whole fully unpleasant. She was starting to think her opinion of it was going to change.
"Well, are we going to stand here all day or is there going to be a wedding?" Iroh asked.
It didn't take them long to get ready, the spirits put a veil of light around them, decorating Kya's hair with flowers and giving Lin a panda lily to give once their vows were done.
"Su's going to loose her mind." Kya said aftwrward, when they sat on the grass.
"She got married without me." Lin argued.
"Fair enough." Kya laid in the grass and Lin joined her.
"I could stay here forever," the waterbender said.
"Me too," Lin replied, holding Kya's hand in hers.  "Me too."
Thanks for all the love on this miniseries everyone!!! I really enjoyed it! Anyway, this is the finale, however I will have a bonus short in an upcoming chapter on Watty with strictly Bumi's reaction. As always, thanks for reading!
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
The Return
(4 years after The Radio)
Kya straddled her girlfriend, slipping her hands down Lin's thighs.
"I missed you." She said with a grin. Lin looked up at her, then down, then up again.
"You have no idea." Kya chuckled, leaning down and kissing her girlfriend.
"Please tell me you're staying a while." Lin said as Kya but at her collarbone.
"A month." Kya hummed back and Lin released a please sound.
"Hey Kya I was wondering if you brought back anymore of those little- oh my god." The two of them froze, Kya turning slowly to see her older brother in the doorway. Bumi's mouth was agape and he looked to his sister with a stupid grin.
"Are you-"
"No!" Lin shouted in defense.
"Are you sure because it looks a lot like you two were about to-"
"Dont finish that sentence." Lin warned.
"Fuck." Bumi didn't heed the warnings and as a result Lin Beifong jumped free of Kya's thighs and ran after Bumi. Kya didn't bother going after them, they'd cause each other for hours. Instead she opened a book, but before long she was asleep, the days away from home, the sleepless nights catching up to her. And when she woke up, Lin was wrapped around her.
"Did you work things out?" Kya asked in the night.
"Are you asking if I caught him?"
"He's hanging in a tree for tonight." Lin replied, kissing the curve of Kya's neck.
"Just think, it could've been Tenzin."
"Dont remind me." Kya smiled, rolling over and absorbing her lovers grip.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
A Kyalin short
  Kya stared at the woman across the room. Leaned against a pillow, a glass of wine in her hand, a long green pantsuit being very generous with the cleavage. She cleared her throat, downing the rest of her wine before getting another.
Be cool, Kya. She told herself, making her way to the Earthbender. Lin was engaged in conversation with Tonraq, who had also cleaned up nicely.
"Hey," she said, walking up to them.
"Kya!" Tonraq greeted, raising his glass to hers. "Its been a while." He said. "You have been back to the tribe in months."
"Yeah, well I'm needed here."
"I get it, just know you can stop by anytime." She nodded, watching Lin twirl her glass in her hand.
"I better go find Senna, we'll talk later, Lin." He bade farewell and the two were left alone.
"You scared him off," Lin said and Kya raised her eyebrows.
"Sorry?" Lin smirked, taking a sip.
"I'm kidding, he was talking my ear off. I see where Korra gets it."
"Oh." Kya repositioned herself so she was in front of Lin. She couldn't stop looking at her, seeing Lin out of her uniform usually meant a tank top, which wasn't bad, but this was something particularly special.
"What?" Lin asked in the silence.
"Hmm? Nothing."
"You came over here with nothing to say?"
"Is that a bad thing?" Lin looked out her, the sort of look that's given from the side of her eye and chills are sent down Kya's spine.
"No." Kya smiled in her small triumph, the two of them finished their wine and Lin set her glass on the small table next to them.
"Want to get some air?" Lin asked and Kya stiffened.
Yes. Say yes.
"Great, I know a balcony just up the stairs." She followed Lin, trying to keep her eyes on the happenings of the party.  Lin pushed open bay doors, and stepped onto the small balcony. She leaned against it, her arms holding herself up.
Kya mimicked her position and they stared at the ocean before then, the lights at Air temple island illuminating the water and the statue of Aang reflecting light from the moon. A small breeze blew Kya's hair so she tucked it behind her ear.
"You.. uh, you clean up nice," she said, crossing her fingers hoping that hadn't been a bad idea.
"Thanks," Lin replied and Kya detected a smile. "Not so bad yourself." Lin iterated, looking Kya up and down.
Did she just... check me out? No, she would have. Its all in my mind."
"How long are you here for?" Lin asked after a while.
"Not sure, but I think I'll stick around, I've got nowhere to be." Lin laughed and Kya felt all warm inside at the sound.
"You never had,"
"You should stay awhile," Lin said, and Kya's breath hitched.
"Yeah I mean.. with everything going on, we could use you." Kya frowned, Lin was always about business. "I could use you." Now that, was unexpected. Kya pursed her lips, shuffling herself closer to Lin. The moon lit up her eyes, the usual dull jade from years of trauma and tragedy were illuminated a brilliant green.
That has to mean something.
"Oh-Ho!" A voice shouted from behind them and they turned to see Korra, with Bolin at her side.
"Found them!" The Avatar shouted. "Everyones waiting," Korra said. The wine had started to take its affect as Korra stumbled and Kya tripped over herself. Lin stabled her, a blush appearing on both their faces.
"Be right there," Lin said and the Avatat ducked out.
"The rest of the night is busy," Lin started, "so why don't we finish this conversation tomorrow? Wong's at six?"
"Wong's?" Kya asked, "isn't that a little classy?" Lin ran a tongue over her lip with a grin.
"What, a date can't be classy?" Kya picked her jaw up as Lin left her on the balcony, the Earthbender allowing her touch to longer just long enough for Kya to obsess over it.
"I'll see you there," Kya whispered into the cool, night air.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
The Radio
(Kyalin) (Toph+Katara)
Cannon to "The Box" and "The Office"
15 years ago
Kya brushed out her hair, watching tentatively as Lin paced the room, her hand to her chin.
"Lin, talk to me," Kya said, her voice filled with concern. Lin just looked at her and Kya shrugged.
"I just need a minute."
"Okay, take your time." Lin looked Kya up and down, the waterbender pretended not to notice.
"Lin," Kya said calmly, but firmly, "we just made out, its not a big deal. Forget it even happened." Lin pursed her lips,
"And if I can't?"
"Then sit back down, we'll talk." Kya replied, patting the space next to her on her bed. Lin sat down and Kya scooted closer to her, making sure their shoulders were brushing.
"Whats on your mind, Lin?" She asked softly and the earthbender began to talk.
"Katara I'll never understand this house of yours. Why are there so many stairs? And why did you have to make them twisty?" Toph complained as Katara guided her up the stairs.
"Well you don't live here, Toph." The earthbeder snorted to which Katara clicked her tongue.
"Lin better be up here for all this hassle."
"She is, her and Kya came up here an hour ago."
"Heh, Lin and sugar princess."
"Toph!" Katara scolded. Toph laughed and Katara couldn't help but smile a bit, greatful her friend couldn't see it.
"What? There's not two people in this world with two more contrasting personalities."
"Zuko and Azula." Katara answered. Toph looked at her sarcastically.
"You should think on that," Toph replied, pushing past Katara and moving down the hallway.
"Oh so now you can see?"
"Its a straight line."
"How could you know that?"
"Earthbending technique." Katara looked to the wooden floor, and back to Toph who jostled down the hallway. She shrugged and followed her shorter friend.
"Kya!" Katara shouted, sighing at the lack of response. The radio was on in her daughters room and she offered a knock."
"For spirits sake Katara, just open the door."
"I don't want to interrupt-" she was cut off by Toph pushing open the door, staring into the room with her blank eyes.
Katara looked inside, her jaw dropping as Lin pulled herself away from Kya, looking to floor, cheeks hot with embarrassment. She nudged Toph with a chuckle.
"Still think they have 'contrasting' personalities." Katara asked with a grin.
"I'm blind!"
"Oh, right. They were making out." Tooh raised an eyebrow and Katara held back a chuckle, for Lin's sake. She couldn't wait to tease Kya about it later.
"Lin, did you come here just to get some sugar from the princess herself?" Toph cackled. Lin sat with her arms crossed and face scrunched in anger.
"Shut up," she replied. Katara put a hand on Toph's shoulder, pulling it back.
"We'll leave you to it, then." She said as they backed out, closing the door behind them.
"That was unexpected," Toph said as they made their way down the hall.
"Completely, I mean I expect this from Kya, but Lin? Thought you would've raised her to be careful."
"Thought the same about Tenzin too." Toph remarked and Katara swatted her on the shoulder.
"I hope we didn't ruin it." Katara said later, quietly.
"They'll be fine." Toph replied, sitting on the lawn chair, putting her feet up.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, Lin might need time. But Kya will take care of it." Toph flicked sand out of her nails and Katara cast a glance back at the temple, relishing over how Toph had called her daughter by her name.
"You're right, guess we'll see how this plays out." Katara said, leaning back in a chair of her own.
"If it doesn't work out, Lin will just move onto Bumi."
"Toph!" Toph chuckled, her hair infront of her eyes.
"I'm kidding. But seriously-"
"Not another word."
"Alright, alright." Katara sat back, taking a deep breath, issuing a silent prayer that it worked out for her daughter, and Lin. They both deserved happiness, and it looked like they may have found it in each other.
Present Day (after "The Box", before "The Office")
"Lin!" Kya called, preparing to press the transmit button.
"I'm here, I'm here." The metal bender said, sitting next to her fiance and kissing her lightly on the cheek.
"I'm about to tell my mom."
"Already?" Lin asked. Kya looked at her wife to be, a smile on her face.
"I cant wait any longer." Kya said.
"Alright, go for it." Lin wrapped an arm around the waterbender, preparing herself.
"Mom?" Kya asked. There was a moment of static, but then the radio chimed in.
"Kya! It's Tonraq, Katara's just coming in now." Kya's leg was shaking and Lin smiled at her excitement.
"Kya?" Katara asked fromt eh other side of the radio, her voice as comforting as ever.
"Mom! I have something to tell you." Kya built up the suspense, looking to Lin for one last dose of confidence before taking a breath.
"Lin and I are getting married!" She said. The other side was quiet for a second and Kya tried not to let her hopes get down.
"Kya Cloud, I better have been the first one you told!" Her mother said. Kya laughed pressing the button immediately.
"Of course! And, its going to be Kya Beifong now, mom." Lin looked at her with a raised eyebrow, they hadn't discussed that. She didn't mind, not all, but she would have to make sure Kya was sure about it later.
"I'm happy for you, both of you." Katara's voice claimed, and Lin felt, for a moment, like she wanted to tell her mother next. Kya pulled Lin into a hug, kissing her and Lin held her there.
"I'm sending a picture of the necklace and everything. We'll get you down here for the wedding." Kya said.
"I look forward to it."
"I love you, mom."
"I love you too, honey. Lin dear,.are you there?"
"I'm here Katara."
"I love you Lin, take care of my daughter."
"Love you too, Katara. Ami promise nothing will happen to her." She could envision Katara's happy smirk from the other side as they hung up. Kya stood up, shifting her position so she was on Lin's lap, pulling her into a deep kiss.
"I love you," Kya whispered. Lin kissed her a few more times before replying.
"I love you too." A cough came from the edge of the room and Lin recoiled when she saw her mother standing there.
"Mom?" She asked, standing up.
"Who else would it be?" Toph replied with a grin.
"Hey sugar princess," Toph greeted Kya. Kya offered a small wave before remembering a wave was nothing to someone who couldn't see it.
"Its good to see you, Toph."
"Lin," Toph began, "were you going to tell me you're getting married or am I just supposed to find out for myself?" Lin chuckled, walking over to her mother and placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I planned too, tomorrow." Toph snorted, her face shooting in the direction of Kya again.
"Well come here," she grunted and Kya made her way over to them. "Bend, I want to see what my daughter came up with." Lin rolled her eyes and Kya made eye contact with her fiance as she took the necklace and gave it to Toph. After a moment of Toph feeling the groves and getting the basic shap she nodded in approval.
"Lin this is your biggest accomplishment." She said. Lin scoffed and Kya chuckled.
"Thanks, mom."
"I love you, Lin." Toph said and Lin was caught off guard, looking to Kya once again, for answers. Kya smiled softly, nudging her head in the direction of Toph.
"I love you too, mom."
"Hmmm." Toph responded. "I'm overstating my welcome. Send the details to the swamp."
"Why? You seem to know before I even tell you."
"Fair enough, but I want to brag to you're sister I knew first."
"Fine, but not until next week, sje won't know till then."
"Always so dramatic. Deal. See you around Lin, Kya." Lin looked to Kya with a raised eyebrow. Toph Beifong using a first name was a sign that she respected you. The elder Beifong left and the two of them were left in their apartment alone.
"That went well," Kya said, sitting down on the sofa. "Can we expect your mom to just... show up when she wants?" Lin flopped down next to her, leaning on Kya's shoulder, letting the waterbender stroke her hair.
"Oh definitely. Something about the vines, she sees us or something whimsical like that." Kya chuckled, planting a kiss on her lovers head.
"Ready for the final announcement next week?" She asked. Lin didn't even stiffen, or bristle, or seem nervous in any way when she responded.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
20 Years Ago Pt2
Kya stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her hair and body, leaving the warm bathroom to go to her wardrobe. She held the towel with one arm while searching for something comfortable to wear. Her head still throbbed, her mother insisted it would take a few hours for the pain to fade. She had no plans until then except to sleep. When she finally found a flow gown that would more than suffice she dropped her towel and slipped it over her head.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She paused, turning to see Lin standing in her bedroom doorway.
"No, come in, it's fine if was just getting changed." Kya explained, hanging her towels on the rack before grabbing her hair brush.
"Your mom said I could use the shower in here."
Right because its not like there's a dozen other showers on the island.
"Of course. Take the time you need. I'm just going to lay down."
"Yeah of course, I'll wake you in a couple hours."
"Thanks." Kya pulled back her covers and closed all the windows, making sure it was as dark as possible before crawling into her bed. It was a big step up from the sofa, and the gym floor. She rolled so her eyes faced the bathroom door. It was open, just a crack, and through it she could see Lin taking pins out of her hair. She smiled softly, she couldn't believe she had harnessed such a grudge for Lin for so long. She didn't even know the entire story.
I feel like an idiot. She must hate me for this.
She sighed, about to roll over when Lin made a move to remove her shirt. Kya's eyes widened and she blushed, turning away.
Have some decency woman!
She turned around, her face hot with embarrassment, and a little turned on, to face the wall. Her mind was moving faster than she could, but withing a few minutes, she was sleeping again.
Lin dried her hair with the towel, looking at the wet mess in the mirror. Her hair was stringy when it was wet, creating defined lines from years of being in the same placement.  She didn't have a change of clothes so she put back on her formal wear from the night before, hoping no one would mention it.
I guess I could go home now and change...
Kya was asleep, Katara was here. There was no reason for her to stay.
Well, no logical reason.
She had to admit, seeing Kya again was nostalgic. Her childhood best friend, the girl she looked up to and played with from the time she was a toddler to the time she was a junior. She kicked herself with her foot, something she did often when thinking of regrets. She hated that she never told Kya how she felt, that she never explained her reasoning behind prom night. Lin had skipped her own prom because the memory hurt so much. She hung her towels next to Kya's and exited the bathroom, smiling at the sight of the sleeping waterbender. The sun trickled in wherever it could, but the room was cool. She and Kya had both proffered a cold room to sleep in, she remembered that from sleepovers. It made the blankets feel so much cozier when the temperature was cold. She was about to leave when Kya sat up abruptly, her eyes wide.
"Whats wrong?" Lin asked.
"Bucket-" Kya managed before holding her mouth closed. Lin reached for the small trash bin next to the war drove, handing it to the water bender who proceeded to vomit into it.
"I'll get Katara." Lin said before running to the hall. "Katara!" She called down the stairs. The healer appeared at the base of the steps with a quizzical look.
"Shes puking." Lin explained and the elder waterbender followed her up the stairs. Kya was slouched over the garbage can, her face pale and a little green. Katara felt her face again with a look of concern.
"Lin can you get me more water dear?" Lin nodded, heading back to the bathroom and returning with a cup used for mouth wash. Katara pressed the liquid to her daughters head and Kya seemed to relax a little.
"This is a good sign," Katara said, "you're body is just trying to reset you. You're brain is a little confused by the injury. Perhaps I healed it too fast... just lay down dear." Kya did as she was told, laying back into into pillows, grasping one of the fluffy ones in her hands. Lin took the bucket, taking out the garbage bag and tying it closed.
"I'll go switch this out." She said before making her way back downstairs. Katara followed her soon after, flopping on the couch.
"You know," the waterbender said, "Kya getting a concussion was the most realistic thing to happen last night. You carrying her to the door, now that was a surprise." Lin chuckled, getting a new bag and setting it in the trash bin.
"I was trying to make up for past mistakes and well... she was too. Only I was a little more discreet with it."
"Right. Total accident." Katara said. "Although, I should let you know Lin, she was hung up on you for a long time." Lin bit her lip, anxious about where this was going. "When she came home from that night... well I was mad. I called your mom and asked where you were. She had no clue so I asked your sister. It didn't get much for Suyin to say you were at home." Lin sighed, holding the waste basket and making her way over to Katara.
"I had a lot baggage back then," she started, "I was comfortable with myself and that got in the way of my relationships. I'm sorry I did that to her. If it means anything, just know It's bothered me for twenty years." Katara pursed her lips, standing up to embrace Lin.
"Just be here for her now." Katara whispered. "And feel free to crash in any of the rooms. You've been up longer than I have." Lin nodded, pulling away.
"Of course, I might just take you up on that." They parted ways, Katara went out to the balcony with Aang and Lin made her way back up the stairs to Kya's room. The waterbender was burrows beneath more pillows and blankets, wrapped like a baby Bison in the winter. Lin set the waste basket down by the bed, brushing Kya's cheek gently.
"Lin." Her quiet voice called.
"Can you sit with me, just for a bit." Lin nodded sitting next to the waterbender.
"First concussion?" Lin asked, wrapping an arm around Kya while the waterbender position herself next to Lin.
"Yes. You've had one?"
"Heh, I've had three."
"Turns out, earthbending isn't so much fun when you're the one getting blasted by rocks."
"Oh no."
"Oh yeah. I was sicker than you, that first one. It was my third real day on the job. I still remember my mom telling me to be careful. Some robbers tried making a quick buck at a flower shop, dumbass 20 year old me thought she could stop them. Mom likes to say she 'peeled me off the concrete',"
"Oh, Lin," Kya laughed. Lin looked down at the older girl and smiled, brushing a finger through her hair. Kya's breathing evened out and Lin thought the waterbender had fallen asleep on her, but Kya shifted and looked up at her.
"Lin we kissed last night right? Or was that a concussion dream?"
"That was real."
"Was it a kiss for the past or a kiss for the present?" Lin thought about it for a moment. She had to decide what she wanted, right here, right now.
"For the past." She replied. Kya looked disappointed, but didn't press further. Lin placed her fingers below her chin, having the waterbender look up at her again.
"But this is for now," Lin said, kissing her again. This time Kya was ready, outperforming her last kiss and settling into Lin's grip.
"Get some sleep." Lin said, taking a whiff of her hair.
"You too."
"Alright, only if you do first."
"Fine. Wake me in an hour so it's your turn."
"Two hours."
"Deal." Lin grinned as Kya sank back into the bedsheets. She had promised the  waterbender two hours, but as the room cooled and Kya's sleepy breaths lured Lin in, soon she too, was asleep. She held Kya in her arms, cradling the older woman in the air temple bed. Like she should have, twenty years ago.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years ago
It has arrived.
Jumping on the Pirate chain of AU's
Chapter one, "The Ozai's Revenge" only on AO3 right now.
In this Pirate AU for the legend of Korra, Captain Lin Beifong has had a rough time getting enough treasure to pay her crew. When she lands the Pirate City town of Ember Island, she finds herself stranded after a mutiny.
Without a ship or money, Lin sets off with her girlfriend Kya in search of a route to the Earth Kingdom to start a new life, when they run into the Pirate Lord Izumi on The Ozai's Revenge.
A tale of old ensues, a battle of blood, family and lovers. Ropes to the past are severed while new ones are pulled on, adjusting the sails of life.
The walls were a harsh red, gold was scattered around the floor, gemstones reflecting light into her eyes. The person on the throne- the woman- smiled softly at all of them. Her hair was black, tied into a top knot secured by a simple gold crown. Her features were sharp and her jawline high. Had it not been for her eyes Kya wouldn't have dared guess proper pronouns. She was simultaneously beautiful and handsome. A fur coat sat adorned on her shoulder, a blood red with a black hood, attached were gold buttons. As far as Kya could tell her legs were bare, at least from the knee down.
Her jaw threatened to cut Kya in two, If her gaze didn't do the job first.
She was perhaps the most terrifying yet irrefutably beautiful person she had ever seen, and what did Kya say?
"You don't have a beard."
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