#like i look normal but i swear my nose has felt bigger. there’s supposed to be more of it. i’m touching it going… is this all i have
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Literally what does this headache want from me. I’ve hydrated, I’ve taken 3 different types of pills, I fell asleep on my couch for 45 minutes… why do I still feel this way
0 notes
pixy-stix-art · 3 years
Part 3? To the Merbur au. Promised a next part to this so here it is.
(Warnings: safe vore, talk of non safe vore, doesn’t happen, swearing, talk of death)
Truthfully? It could’ve gone worse. After arguing for what seemed like hours, Tommy finally got what he wanted. Well kinda. He could still go see the giant mer as long as Techno went along too. Tommy wished he could go by himself, but it was better then not going at all. Phil and Techno didn’t trust Willbur at all. But Tommy was hoping with Techno hanging out with him and Willbur that would make him realize Willbur wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Tommy ran down to the beach Techno behind him yelling at him to slow down. But there was no way he was going to listen. He hadn’t seen Will in days now. He had his serf board with him as he ran into the water. “Willbur!” He screamed to let the giant know they where here.
Techno grumbled as he ran after Tommy. God the kid was fast. Tommy had said to bring the surf boards even if Techno hadn’t used his in over a year. He got down to the beach glaring at Tommy who was already out on his board. He couldn’t keep an eye on him if he ran off ahead of him. He swam out on his board to be next to Tommy. “Do not run off like that. This isn’t going to work if I can’t keep an eye on you.” He told him hitting his shoulder.
Tommy rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t even out of you eye sight.” He looked down to see if he could see the shadow of Willbur beneath them. He frowned not seeing him yet. “Willbur?!” He called out again. Maybe he didn’t hear him?
Willbur quickly swam to where Tommy normally was. He had sensed him more then he had heard the human. He could also tell Techno, Tommy’s brother was with him. He smiled looking up to see the outline of two humans of those floating things. He swam up splashing the human as he surfaced. “Quit yelling, I’m here.” He smiled.
Tommy laughed happily as he got splashed. “Hey!” He yelled. He looked to Techno who didn’t look happy about being here. Tommy ignored him.
Willbur was glad to see Tommy again. This was only the second time they had been able to see each other after they got caught. He wanted Techno to like him, but that was providing to be very different. “So what you want to do?” He asked keeping everything but his head under the water.
“We got our boards so I thought we could surf.” Tommy said. Willbur might not be able to surf with them. But the giant liked to watch.
“That sounds good.” Willbur nodded. He then froze sensing another mer in the area. He hoped it wasn’t who he thought it was. He turned to look out at the ocean.
“Will? What’s wrong?” Tommy asked seeing his face suddenly turn from happy to worried.
“There’s another mer….” Willbur said. “Not a good one.” He added.
“Another one?!” Techno asked. “What does that mean?” He was worried now too looking at the giant mer.
“It means it’s not safe here for you.” He looked at Tommy the both of them sharing a look. He needed to protect the humans.
“Well then Let’s go back.” Techno said trying to paddle back to the beach. They where a lot farther out then he had thought though… There was a giant hand pulling his board back. He yelled in surprise almost falling off.
“Sorry.” Willbur said. He didn’t want to scare Techno, but he might have too.
“It’ll take to long to get back.” Tommy said now on full alert. He looked around making sure he couldn’t see another giant in the waves.
“We can try! What else are we supposed to do?!” Techno yelled. “Can’t you’re friend here fight it off?” He glared up at the giant mer. They where stuck out here with giant sea monsters and he couldn’t protect Tommy.
“I’m not much of a fighter.” Willbur sighed. “And they are bigger then me.” He felt bad for Techno. What he was planning would definitely scare him.
Techno grumbled. “How can you not fight?” He muttered. He couldn’t even imagine a bigger mer then this one.
Willbur looked at Tommy. “Do you know what I’m thinking?” He asked.
Tommy nodded recognizing the look Willbur had. It was the same look he had when they first meet. “I- I do.” Just because he know they would be okay didn’t make it any less nerve racking.
“What are you two talking about?” Techno asked confused. He looked between the giant and his brother.
“Willbur can protect us put you’re not going to like it.” Tommy said looking nervously at Techno.
“What does that mean?! You are not making any sense.” He crossed his arms. He did not like the way the giant was looking at him.
“Him first?” Willbur asked not answer Techno’s question.
“I think that’s best.” Tommy agreed. Techno didn’t need to see his brother get eaten. And Techno would probably try to attack Willbur.
Willbur nodded with a sigh. He had never picked up Techno before. “Sorry.” He said reaching for the pink haired human. He wrapped his hand around him picking him up off his board.
Tommy winced hearing Techno screaming his head off. Maybe they should’ve explained…
Techno screamed as he was picked up in a giant hand. What was going on?! He pushed against the hand wrapped around him. He couldn’t struggle much in the tight hold. “Stop! What are you doing!?” He yelled looking at the giant as he was brought up to it’s face.
“I’m so sorry, but you’ll be ok!” Willbur said holding Techno close to his face. “I’ll eat you then I’ll eat Tommy. You’ll be ok together.” He said like that fixed anything.
“Eat?!” Techno screeched. “Don’t you dare!” He looked completely terrified. He struggled even more. “I thought you said you wouldn’t hurt us!” He yelled as he was shoved into the giant mers mouth.
Willbur didn’t know what to do with Techno yelling. He wasn’t listening. He didn’t know what else to do, so he shoved Techno into his mouth and closed it around the human. He looked down at Tommy a little panicked.
Tommy watched in shock as Willbur just put his brother into his mouth. He did it so easily. He shook his head get rid of all the bad things he was thinking. Techno would be fine. He sighed looking up at Will, he looked so nervous. “Just swallow, I’ll explain it to him later.”
Willbur nodded not being able to talk. He licked over the now sobbing and screaming human in his mouth. He winced as Techno punched his tongue. He tilted his head back and swallowed.
This couldn’t be happening. Techno thought even as he was swallowed down by the giant monster. But everything around him told him it was. He had tried to fight back, make the giant spit him out. But he had just been swallowed like nothing. He couldn’t move as he was pulling down to the stomach. As soon as he fell into the more open space he got up and tried to as far from the middle as possible. He hit the walls around him. He knew it wouldn’t do anything though.
Tommy couldn’t watch as Willbur swallowed Techno. He knew he was safe, but it still looked…wrong. He gasped as he felt Willbur wrapped his hand around him. He was carefully lifted up to his face. He didn’t struggle like Techno.
“You ok?” Willbur asked softly. Tommy looked more nervous then scared.
“Yeah I’m ok big guy.” He smiled. Willbur and him had only done this once. And he didn’t know what was happening then. He patted Willbur’s nose. “Let’s do this so I can talk to my brother.”
“Ok.” He more gently placed Tommy on his mouth. He quickly snapped his mouth closed sensing the other mer geting closer. He licked over Tommy so he could swallow him easily. He wished he didn’t have to rush as he swallowed the young human. He ducked back under the water swimming farther out to sea.
Tommy closed his eyes as he felt Willbur swallow. He kept his body limp not wanting to hurt Will. He soon fell into a open space. Before he could even call out for Techno suddenly he was being hugged. He gasped as Techno held into him tightly. Techno never hugged Tommy like this…this was bad.
Techno couldn’t even talk properly as he hugged Tommy close. He couldn’t keep his little brother safe. “I’m so sorry Tommy, I said I’d keep you safe.” He rambled. Would Phil even know what happened? He’d wait for them to come home but they never would…
“Whao! Ok Techno, it’s ok Will’s not going to hurt us!” He said wrapping his arms around Techno’s back. “Let me explain.”
Techno pulled away. Did Tommy really believe that this monster wasn’t bad?! “Tommy no! We are literally in the monsters stomach! This is not safe!” He yelled. Tommy had to be in shock.
“No we are safe! And Willbur’s not a monster!” He tried to push Techno off of him. “Get off of me you ass!”
Techno packed off from Tommy. “What in the world makes you think that this is ok? We are going to die! We are just food to it, we’re not going-“
“No we are not! Just shut the hell up and I’ll explain!” Tommy screamed over Techno.
Techno snapped his mouth close, shocked at Tommy’s words.
Tommy sighed taking a second to calm down. “We are safe here because we are not in a stomach.” He glared as Techno went to say something. He closed his mouth again. “Willbur it’s human he was one stomach that’s got all the nasty stuff. And he has a storage stomach, or broding pouch. Whatever you want to call it.” He rubbed the wall next to him. “Point is, that we are safe and Willbur’s protecting us from the other mer who would have eaten us for real.”
Techno listened to Tommy trying to process what he said. It kinda made sense…. Willbur seemed to really care about Tommy it didn’t make sense for it- him, to just eat the both of them. “How do you know all this then?”
“Ummm… remember when I said Willbur saved me? Well this is what he did to save him when we first meet.” He smiled nervously.
“You’ve done this before? He’s eaten you before?!” Techno yelled before calming himself. “Sorry, I’m stressed.” He rubbed his temples. He went and set down next to Tommy. “This is really safe?” He asked more softly.
“Yep.” He nodded rubbing the silky wall. He smiled hearing a rumpling purr from Willbur. “See? He’s just keeping us safe then he’ll let us out when it’s safe.”
Techno grumbled finally excepting that it was probably fine. He patted the wall next to him. He now felt a little bad throwing such a fight now. Only a little. “Couldn’t have explained before he ate me?” He shoved Tommy’s shoulder.
“Would you have let him if we explained before hand?” He shoved back.
“No, but at lest you could have told me what was happening.” He poked Tommy’s face.
“You’re such an-“ Tommy was about to say before something pressed up against their backs. He smirked as Techno tensed up. “Scared?” He teased.
Techno rolled his eye. “Shut up.” He relaxed realizing it was Wilbur’s hand pressing up against them.
Tommy chuckled before getting comfortable snuggling up to the soft and warm flesh around them. “Get comfortable, we don’t know how long we’ll be here.” He told Techno.
“It better not be to long.” He huff. But he did get more comfortable. He would never say it, but it was kinda comfortable. If he ignored where he was. They didn’t talk much more just laying there listening to Wilbur’s breathing and heart beat as the giant mer swam through the ocean swaying them back and forth.
Willbur swam to the deeper part of his territory where he wouldn’t be bothered. He kept a hand over where he could feel the light weight of the two humans curled up in his brooding pouch. He was glad Tommy had managed to calm his brother down. Techno wouldn’t have been able to do much more then give him a sore stomach. But he hated scaring him to the paint where he thought Willbur was going to kill the both of them.
He rested at the bottom of a trench where he knew no human would be able to get to without a special metal ship. He hoped Techno wouldn’t be to mad went he let them out. He was worried he wouldn’t let Tommy visit anymore. But they could figure that out later. Right now he was happy to keep his two little humans safe.
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pagesoflauren · 4 years
Money’s Worth - You’re Mine
soft husband!Ransom Drysdale x reader
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Summary: Starting 2021 answering the question I got asked the most in 2020: “How will the reader react to learning that Ransom hooked up with someone when she was away for Christmas?”
A/N: When y’all filled out this poll, there was a 100% yes answer for a spinoff for The Highest Bidder. Well, here it is: Money’s Worth. In which Ransom is getting $50,000+ worth of experiences with his wife and child(ren). If you have more ideas, don’t be shy, drop ‘em in my ask box! I’ll update this series from time to time. 
If you were tagged in Highest Bidder, I automatically tagged you in this. If you’d like to be removed, let me know! My feelings won’t be hurt, I promise ❤️
Also, I’m sorry if your name is Amanda 🥴
Warnings: smut, swearing, jealousy, angst, daddy!kink
The Highest Bidder Masterlist
Money’s Worth Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“Darling, can you go over to the next aisle and get a couple boxes of pasta?” 
Ransom nods, even though you’re too engrossed in looking at the differences between chickpea-based and gluten-based pasta. 
His son is awake, wide eyes looking around at brightly colored food packages and fluorescent lights with a pacifier in his mouth. From what Ransom recalls of tales from when he was a baby, Harlan Jr. is more like you. Quietly observing, not kicking up too much of a fuss. 
Pinching the baby’s nose gently and coaxing a small giggle out of him, Ransom ventures over to the next aisle to find the pasta you like. 
A sharp gasp and an obnoxious “oh my God,” draws his attention. When he looks up and finds the source of the voice, his stomach gurgles with dread and annoyance. 
“All the times I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you,” she says. “What are you up to? Disappointing more girls in bed?”
Ransom weighs his options in his head. He could dig low, reminding her of all the times she was actually begging for him, or he could take the high ground, grab the pasta, and ignore her. 
He does the latter, though makes the mistake of using his left hand to do so.
“Is that a wedding band?” she scoffs. 
“Yeah, it is--” 
“Oh, Ransom, don’t get that one, we want the bigger noodles.” 
Shutting his eyes, Ransom shouts all the swear words he can think of in his mind. This is such bad timing! 
“No fucking way,” Rebecca--or is it Veronica?--scoffs. 
“Hi,” Ransom sees you give a sickeningly sweet smile and he wants to disappear into the shelves. “I’m sorry, I don’t recall ever meeting you.” 
“I’m Amanda.” 
Wow. Completely different name than the ones his mind was supplying. 
“Your husband and I know each other pretty well.” 
He can see the gears turning in your head, analyzing the situation. 
“Quite frankly, I’m not surprised about the little one. I’m sure he did the same thing to you as he did to me, just finished and decided he was done without fully getting the job done!”
You’re visibly taken aback. “I’m sorry?” 
“Oh, we just hooked up casually like, two years ago? I can’t really remember, it was during Christmas though. Hadn’t heard from him in a while and he mentioned being lonely and I figured ‘Why not?’”
“Two years ago?” you echo, looking at her, then at Ransom. 
“It was casual, I left right after,” he points out, 
“Oh, were you two together then? I’m so sorry--”
“You know what, Veronica, just get your stupid pasta or rice or whatever the fuck you’re here for and leave me and my wife in peace! Don’t you have better shit to do?!”
“It’s Amanda.”
“I don’t care.” 
Rolling her eyes, she leaves, turning on her heel and exiting the aisle. 
Ransom turns back to you and doesn’t like the thoughtful look on your face. You don’t look at him or Harlan, just at the contents in your cart. 
“Hey, don’t let whatever she said get to you. You know I love you,” he reaches for you, fingertip just grazing your cheek and you cringe away from him. 
“Just put the pasta in the cart and let’s go.” 
You’ve snapped at him before to remind him to stop completely at intersections or double check the temperature of Harlan’s bottle. You’ve never snapped at him that way, in irritation as if you can’t stand him. 
He recoils, drawing his touch away from you. “Well, just...let me get the right one.” 
“Ransom,” you deadpan, “I wanna go home. Just put the pasta in the cart and let’s. go.” 
He does as you say, carefully placing the boxes atop the other items. 
You don’t speak to him as you check out and sit in the backseat with Harlan to make sure he’s okay as he drives the three of you home. His little eyelids drop closed, completely calm despite the palpable tension between the two of you. 
Once at home, Ransom takes care of the groceries while you bring Harlan upstairs to his crib so he can continue to sleep. Just as you get him settled, you hear your husband pipe up. 
“So, can we talk about what happened at the grocery store?”
You sigh, straightening up. You cross your arms as you turn to face him. “When was the last time you saw her?” 
“When you were on winter break a few months after you had just moved in.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, a whirlpool of emotions spinning around in your chest. 
You’re angry and hurt, but you don’t know why. The two of you were just starting your sugar arrangement and it wasn’t anything deeper than that. There weren’t any feelings on your end until the following spring. 
“It wasn’t anything, it was just some hook up. She was just being a bitch because I left--”
“I don’t want to hear about it,” you interrupt him. 
You had long reconciled Ransom’s past and never held it against him. But you just cannot pin the exact reason why this revelation bothers you. 
“Look, I’m still figuring out things going on in my head. And I don’t really...I don’t really want to see you right now.” 
“I don’t understand why this is such a big deal,” he argues, “We weren’t anything. We only became a thing in July.” 
“Really?” you wonder. You weren’t going to bring this up, but it feels fair in order to get him to understand your perspective. “I had a crush on someone from my cohort.” You watch his expression shift from annoyed to surprised. “I kissed him once. In November, after I moved in with you. But it didn’t work out because I was living with you, so we decided to not do anything about it.” 
You can see the visible tinge of red on his neck. “Are you saying that just to get at me?”
“It’s the truth,” you say. “Does it bother you?” 
You can see him setting his jaw as he takes in the information. 
“But we weren’t anything, right?” you remind him of the words he spoke just minutes before. 
Ransom doesn’t say anything. He turns away and walks down the hall. You hear him going down the stairs and then the door to his office slams. 
You check on Harlan, he’s still sound asleep. Slightly relieved, you move into your bedroom and sit on the mattress. 
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Ransom lets out a long-winded groan when he deletes the sentence he’s been working on for the fifty-second time in twenty minutes. 
He feels odd knowing you liked someone when you were living with him, just as the seeds of his feelings were being planted. He’s taken pride in the fact that he was the only one to have you, but turns out your heart was a better prize and that wasn’t his completely. 
He doesn’t doubt you love him and he’s certain he never has to worry about sharing you ever again, but it still bothers him. 
He scrubs his hands over his face and rubs the back of his neck. 
He remembers fights between his parents never being resolved, which resulted in their marriage slowly disintegrating into a financial arrangement than a romantic relationship. 
He knows you late at night when you’re both hungry; knows you pregnant and crying over hermit crabs while watching nature documentaries; knows you between his arms and keeping him warm, making him feel safe and loved when he felt he didn’t deserve it. He doesn’t want this to turn into anything close to the example of marriage he saw growing up. 
Shutting his laptop, he gets up and marches to the door. When he yanks it open, you’re standing there. 
“What are you doing?” 
You look caught, as if you’re somewhere you’re not supposed to be. “I...I wanted to talk. Unless you don’t want to.”
You begin to leave and he grabs your arm. “No, let’s talk.” 
Stepping into the room feels reminiscent of walking into his office at the publishing house for the first time. You’re not comfortable entering this territory. 
Hugging your arms around your middle, making yourself look as small as you feel, you decide to just be forward. Your words come out sheepishly, “I just...I didn’t like knowing the moment I was gone, you went out and replaced me. Even if we didn’t have an exclusive label. And, I just thought, like, I realize it doesn’t matter because we’re married. And like you said, I know you love me. But, I don’t know. Just didn’t sit right with me.” 
Ransom sighs, shaking his head. “I wasn’t replacing you or anything like that. I...I saw a change in myself from just having you with me for a few months. But I thought you’d leave as soon as you got the opportunity,” he uses a large sweeping gesture as if he’s picturing you leaving all over again. “And I’d…” he hesitates, hand up by his head before his arm goes slack, “be back to my shitty normal self.” 
It’s different now with the explanation, and you wish you had been in the mindset to listen to him earlier instead of hurt him.
“And I get it. Knowing you had a crush on some guy doesn’t sit right with me either. I just,” he looks up and distantly, “I wonder what he had. What made you like him but then you were fine with nothing happening and then you started liking me?” 
“Neither of us were ready for a relationship at the time. We had just started and our first semester was crazy.” You take your turn to explain. “And feelings just come and go sometimes. I saw him again in February and it just...wasn’t there.” 
He takes in your strikingly simpler explanation, understanding your reference to fleeting feelings that are gone almost as quickly as they appear. 
“I’m sorry, Ransom. I shouldn’t have said anything about that. It was so stupid and it really didn’t mean anything--”
“Neither did Amanda.” 
“I…” you trail off, not knowing what to say. 
“I wasn’t being very understanding earlier when you first said it bothered you. You were just trying to get me to know your side of things.” 
“Doesn’t make it right,” you counter. “I really am so sorry.” 
Ransom smiles and laughs to himself. He still doesn’t know how to accept an apology. He sighs, reaching for you. “How long do you think junior will be asleep?” 
“Could be an hour, maybe two,” you answer as he draws you closer with a hand around your waist. 
“Think that’s plenty of time for us to make it up to each other.”
“Technically I need to make it up to you,” you correct him as you take his hand. “And I know how I want to.” 
You lead him back around his desk, ushering him to sit in his chair. It’s large with dark blue velvet, providing enough room for you too and straddle his lap. 
You dive for his mouth, capturing his lips in a heated kiss. 
His left hand comes to cradle your jaw, keeping your lips locked onto his, while his right hand drifts down your back to cup your bottom. 
You grind your core against his, smiling when you feel his hips jut up to yours. Tilting your head you give a tentative lick into his mouth. He opens up, bringing his tongue in to play with yours. 
It reminds you of how it was when it started; being shy  and letting him take the lead. You haven’t fallen into this cloudy headspace in a long time, but it feels so good that when you pull back and gasp the word “daddy,” it feels so natural. 
Ransom, on the other hand, is taken aback. He’s gotten used to you calling him “darling” or other terms of endearment. Hearing you call him that awakens something that had long gone into hibernation; and he wasn’t sure if it would ever see the light of day again. 
But like you, he slips into the space, creating a firm grip on your ass as a smirk appears on his face. 
“Wanna call me ‘daddy,’ baby? Hm?” he taunts. Your eyes are wide and doey, feigning innocence when he knows you’re far from it now. “Well, guess we can do that. We’ll make up for that night I wasted on someone else.” 
He watches your brows furrow and eyes squint in anger. Your hands slide into his hair, fingers tightening in the tresses. It creates a pull on his scalp, something he enjoys. “You’re mine, daddy,” you whisper just before your lips are on his again, kissing him harder than before, certain to bruise. 
You pull away and lean down to nip at his neck, hands moving to the waistband of his pants. You pop the button and undo the zipper unceremoniously. 
You remove yourself from his lap only to kneel between his legs on the carpet, pulling his jeans down to his knees. His boxers are quick to follow, revealing his hardening member. You grasp it, giving it a few squeezes and tugs the way you know he likes, watching his head loll back against the back of his chair. 
“This is mine, too,” you say. 
“Yeah?” he pants, looking down at you. A hand grazes through your hair, stopping at the back of your head. “My cock only belongs to you?” 
You nod, working him with more determination. 
“Then take it, baby.” 
You practically lunge for it, leaning forward to take him into your mouth, lips spreading to accommodate his girth. 
You’re satisfied with the sound Ransom makes, something between pained and blissful. He eggs you on, gathering your hair into a ponytail secured with his hand as he guides you to take more and withdraw in rhythm. 
You want him to finish in your mouth, but he pulls you off him and makes to lift you back onto his lap. You stand, already shimmying out of your bottoms. 
Straddling him again, you focus your attention down to poise yourself just above the head of him. 
He takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger and makes you look at him before crashing his lips on yours once more. 
“Take what’s yours, baby. It’ll always be yours,” he whispers. 
You sink down, crying out at the feeling of him within you. The doctor had just given you the green light to resume sex as normal after Harlan’s birth weeks ago, but you haven’t been able to find a lot of time to tangle with each other without your baby or Ransom’s book needing attention. 
Ransom appears to have an equally hazy feeling, looking at you with heavy-lidded eyes. You straighten up slightly until just the tip of him is in and lower yourself again. 
It’s so much for the both of you that his hands come to your waist and he guides your pace. “Slow,” he instructs you. 
You obey, finding a steady pattern as you build a climax for the both of you. Coaxing your hips the slightest bit forward, Ransom sinks all the way to reach that spot within you that makes you see stars. 
“Like that, baby?” he taunts you again, moving your hips up and down his length. “Tell daddy.” 
“Yes,” you gasp, “Just like that, daddy.” 
He works you until you’re nearing your end, tightening and pulsing around him to bring on his orgasm as well. Just as you’re about to fall over the edge, he taps below your eyes, a silent request for you to look at him. 
Your eyes meet his and he verbalizes exactly what he’s thinking. “I’m yours,” he pants, “I’m yours, my baby, my sunshine.” You fall forward and kiss him, letting him swallow your moans and whines. “Come for me, let me show you.” 
Your body weakens in his grasp, leaning onto him for support. Your movements falter and he makes up for them, jutting his hips up until he’s finishing within you. 
You gasp at the warmth that blooms in your stomach, feeling like gravity is failing but it’s okay; Ransom’s holding onto you, keeping you grounded. 
He holds you tightly as you breathe heavily, trying to recover your strength. You sigh and your arms wrap around his shoulders. You hear him chuckle and lean back. 
“We should’ve thought this through better,” he smiles, “We gotta get upstairs and clean up.” 
You moan your disappointment. “M’tired. Can’t we just stay here a bit?” 
Moving your hair out of your face, he kisses your exposed forehead. “Okay, sunshine,” he agrees. “Just a few minutes.” 
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Permatag: @caffiend-queen​ @fckdeusername​ @lou-la-lou​ @bangtan-serendipity​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @lovemarvelousfics​ @rainbowkisses31​ @richonne4life​ @damnndeanndamnn​ @meetmeatyourworst​ @tinyplanet-explorer​ @vivien-1211​ @unknownmystery22​ @nerdygirl8203​ @xoxabs88xox​ @mariaenchanted​ @gotnofucks​ @denisemarieangelina​ @myoxisbroken​ @kelbabyblue​ @pspice639​ @maynay43​
Chris tag: @onetwo3000​ @patzammit​ @astheworlddturns​ @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @maeleeme​ @tvckerlance​ @thiskindahotkindamusic​
Ransom tag: @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​
Highest Bidder Taglist: @imanuglywombat @sapphirescrolls @just-another-wretched-egg @ladynightshade30 @angstsfordays @icanfeelastormbrewing @buckysteveloki-me @what-is-your-plan-today @geniedetails @twittytelly @an-awkward-human-1 @fanfiction-trashpile @jtargaryen18 @donutloverxo @princess-evans-addict @asiaaisa77 @kelbabyblue @my-emotional-self @saiyanprincessswanie @captainchrisstan @buchanansebba @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @andiebell2023 @avengerraven1023 @dahkness @saiyanprincessswanie@sllooney @sheerfreesia007 @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @suzieqsez @edge-ofparadise @bellaireland1981  @tinystudentfirepurse @opheliadawnwalker3 @siggy85 @thatweirdwalangpake @captain-asthmatic @mery-be @isaxhorror @everythingisoverrated @imboredat2am @tsunderebae009 @arseofrivia @alexakeyloveloki @heyarely16 @empower-bi-women @buckaro0 @readermia @bubbaduck33 @ssworldofsw @woah-kanda @itgetsdarksometimes35 @pinkshenanigan @sweetwaterprincess @mrsenos08 @flowersnbeer  @syms-things-5 @leahedgehog @chase-your-dreams-away @my-dirty-spot @what-is-your-wish @candy-and-writing @shayrey @princessofdarkwinter @denisemarieangelina @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @ornella0910 @hailmary-yramliah @justlovelifeblog @wxstedhexrt @taketimeandappreciate @abundanceofcarolines @cassim297 @rachellovesharry @orenjineki @heyitsmeimdead @omgkatinka @mandiiblanche @mrsdeanwinchester19 @wtfevenismypage @nannies-dont-date @cockslut-padalecki @buckysknifecollections @wth-trippy @riverscyberwife @capcevans81 @lunarmoon8 @nowigetthereference @cltex84 @x-abi-sharp-x @miss-jackson500 @corneliabarnes @rogertaylur @selinakyle373 @tuiccim @celestialblu7 @maynay43 @jennmurawski13 @miri-est-fou @pastathighs​ @capsicle-shield​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @badbo1-evans @inactivewhore​ @wandascarlett​ @saint-bvcky​ @newdaynewyearnewlife​ @arianabrashierstuff​ @goldenfightergir​ @lalalalemonade11​ @actuallygroot @smediumsmeatbae​ @may-machin​ @onelovesr​ @loustan90​ @perplexed3001​ @deafeningwritingtechnologysoul​ @rhumphr4​ @pandawalnut​ @fanngirl19​
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amysteryspot · 4 years
Just Tonight - Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
Requested: No
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female Reader
Summary: The Shelby boys had returned from France in time for Christmas, but as (Y/N) expected, things weren't that easy to deal with for none of them.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW/+18), swearing, mentions of drinking and death.
Word Count: 3027
A/N: Oooooooooooooookay this turned out a lot more angstier and smuttier than I first predicted for something that is supposed to be a holiday fic. This is loosely based on the storyline used on "Better with you" and "Out of time". It's better if you've read those first, but it's not required. I really, really hope that you enjoy it. As always, your feedback is highly appreciated.
Song recomended: Sober by Loreen
(Y/N) = Your Name | (Y/N/N) = Your Nickname | (Y/E/C) = Your Eye Color
English is not my first language and this wasn’t proofread by a beta.
If you want to be tagged in my stories, just send me a message.
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(gif by @nofckingfighting​)
It was Christmas again. (Y/N) couldn’t ignore the irony of it all. When the Shelby’s and her father had left Small Heat with the rest of the man to go to France, the promise was that they would be back before Christmas. Well, they did return before Christmas, just four years later than they believed they would.
She had lost the spark to celebrate the holiday after they left. In 1914, she and her mother had joined Polly, Ada, Martha, and the kids on Christmas Eve. The next year it was just her and the rest of the Shelby clan. Somewhere along the way, (Y/N) had lost hope that the boys would ever return.
Her fears had been proved wrong two weeks ago when Arthur, Tommy, and John stepped out of the train in Small Heat. And even as relief washed through her, it took (Y/N) a second to recognize that the men who came back weren’t the same who had left.
The past few days had been strange, hard to deal with. It wasn’t easy for the men to be back and it wasn’t easy for the women to get used to having them back around. Everyone was learning how to deal with all the changes and as (Y/N) had learned from a young age, the process wasn’t always smooth.
“Let’s say our prayers,” Polly announced as she sat down.
Tommy scoffed and (Y/N) nudged him with her knee, making him roll his eyes, taking her hand in his as all of them closed their eyes as Polly prayed.
It was strange, all of them sitting there, around the same table, eating, drinking, and celebrating when so many of them didn’t have the opportunity to return. Tommy had never been a man of God, especially after his mother died, and his father left, and after Greta. Certainly not since he signed his name to go to war. (Y/N) knew that better than anyone.
“It’s good to have you all back,” Ada announced, after a long moment of silence, eyeing her brothers from behind the rim of her glass.
“It’s good to be back,” John mumbled when his brothers failed to do so.
“This is a little bit different than what we got used to,” Polly commented, smiling.
In the past years, they had lost (Y/N)’s mother and Martha, the first two years weren’t all that good, so hunger was something they had to get used to. Now, with the betting shop going steady and the boys back, there was more reason to celebrate than normal.
“Yeah, I can’t imagine how hard it has been,” Tommy sneered, laughing sarcastically.
(Y/N) looked up at Polly who just shook her head.
“It wasn’t easy staying behind, Tom,” Ada reasoned, looking at her older brother.
“Yeah, I can’t imagine how hard it was. Staying here, in the comfort of the house, while we were…”
(Y/N) interjected before he could continue and make a bigger mess out of something that was already difficult, “It’s not a competition, Tommy. We know it wasn’t easy for you all out there, but staying here wasn’t easy too. One thing doesn’t erase the other.”
He looked at her then, nothing but ice on his glare, knuckles white from gripping the fork too tight, but said nothing in return, huffing his disagreement.
Silence fell on the table again, the only noises that could be heard were the ones from the cutlery scraping against the plates. This certainly wasn’t the celebration all of them had in mind.
Saying that the rest of the meal was tense would be an understatement. The children ended up easing up the mood, and (Y/N) thanked God if He was listening, for that little blessing.
After they finished, (Y/N) was collecting the dishes to go wash then when Polly stopped her.
“You did most of the cooking, let me and Ada finish the cleaning. Go sit by the fire with a drink and rest a little bit.
(Y/N) didn’t fell for Polly’s act even a little bit. She knew very well what the Shelby’s matriarch wanted—for her and Tommy to make amends over a drink by the fire.
John had gone home with the children, Finn was already with Arthur on the parlour, the oldest Shelby was probably already half-way drunk, considering the amount of alcohol consumed during the meal. She was a little bit tipsy herself, all of them were, in some way, except for the children.
Sighing, (Y/N) picked up her glass from the table, ignoring Ada’s complaints on the background, and headed to the place she wanted to avoid.
As she had guessed, Arthur was almost passed out in one of the couches, a bottle of whiskey by his side. Finn was curled up beside him, one of Arthur’s hand protectively on the boy’s shoulders, as the child dozed off.
She couldn’t contain the smile that appeared on her lips and faltered a little bit when she looked at the other side of the room, finding Tommy sitting there in silence, contemplating the fire.
(Y/N) ignored his eyes on her as she went to pour herself a glass of gin and chose to sit down on the armchair, instead of the couch. What she couldn’t ignore was the frown on his face as she settled down.
None of them said anything for a while, long enough for Arthur’s snores to take over the place.
“I should put Finn to bed,” (Y/N) said, putting her glass down on the center table, meaning to get up.
“Let them stay there,” Tommy’s voice startled her and she turned her head in his direction to see him getting up from the couch and placing his glass on the table, besides hers. “Common, let’s go upstairs,” he invited, extending his hand to her.
(Y/N) sighed, knowing that whatever ruffle started between them never lasted long, and silently accepted his invitation, letting him guide her up the stairs. They were both slightly drunk, but that wasn’t enough to prevent her from hesitating at his door—the room brought her too many memories. The last time they were there alone had been on the night before he left to war—the night she had given herself to him.
Tommy must have noticed her hesitation, leading her inside with a gentle pull, and closing the door behind them.
“Polly said that you wouldn’t enter the room for weeks after we left.”
(Y/N) hummed in answer, watching him sit down on the bed and pat the spot beside him for her to follow. She obliged, studying the peeling wallpaper for a moment.
“And then I wouldn’t leave it, ‘cause it smelled like you,” she admitted, choosing to ignore the little smirk that appeared on his lips, “Until it didn’t anymore and I stayed anyway because it was the closest thing I had of you.”
She looked at him then, to find his gaze already on her, a solemn expression on his face as he assured “You have me now.”
“Do I?” (Y/N) asked, blinking slowly as she felt his hand take hers in between both of his.
She wasn’t certain about anything anymore. They had known each other for all of her life, gone through terrible things that only brought them together even more. But since the day they said their farewells at the train station, (Y/N) wasn’t sure about their feelings for one another anymore.
“You always had,” he assured, not a hint of doubt on his face, “since the moment your mother put that tiny bundle of covers in my arms and you stared back at me with these bright (Y/E/C) eyes of yours.”
He smiled at her, one of those barely-there smiles that were Tommy’s Shelby signature, turning his body toward her, so they were face to face. “You’ll always have me, wanting it or not.”
“As if I ever won’t,” (Y/N) murmured, shyly, more to herself than to him.
Tommy smirked, bringing her closer, cradling her face in between his hands. “Good,” he praised, low and deep, placing a kiss on her forehead, and then a second time, louder and clearer, “Good. ‘Cause I have some plans and I’ll need you by my side.”
“God help us! Thomas Shelby has plans,” she jested as a way to lighten the mood. It only worked for a brief moment, as he smiled and shook his head, but his hands never left her skin as he came closer to her, their noses brushing against each other.
Looking up at him through heavy eyelids, (Y/N) said his name as a warning, one Tommy chooses to ignore, leaning in to extinguish the final bit of space separating them and bringing their mouths together.
(Y/N) doesn’t fight him. Don’t believe she has it in her to refuse him, not when she, herself, had been craving his touch since the moment they said their goodbyes before he left for France years ago. Since he had touched her, made love to her the night before he left. Since the moment he kissed her for the first time when she was fifteen.
She kisses him back, holding his wrists between her fingers, as hungry as he is to get a taste.
“Tommy,” she protests again, weakly, the feeling of his lips trailing down her neck to her collarbone fogging her mind. “Tommy, we shouldn’t.”
He growls in disapproval, lips never leaving her skin, as his hands trail down her body, catching her by the waist and hoisting her up to his lap.
She gasps, not yet used with this new source of strength that the war provided him with. Memories that she tried so hard to bury come flooding her mind.
“I need you,” he breaths against her skin, “Just tonight.”
Taking his face in between her hands, (Y/N) forces him to look at her. He looks lost, like a boat that was left adrift, desperately looking for something that can bring him back to the shore. The look in his eyes is more vulnerable than seductive as he just stays there, unmoving, gazing back at her, waiting for an answer, just as she did years ago.
(Y/N) gives in, nodding. His lips are on hers in a heartbeat, hands grabbing at her hips and bringing her flush against his body. They both moan at the slight friction as her legs tighten around his hips.
Desperately, they start to unbutton each other’s clothes in a hurry to get the skin on skin contact. When she is down to her undergarments, having taken pity on him and freed herself from the slip, his eyes travel down her body, taking in every inch of exposed skin.
She remembers their first time together, how he did the same thing, looking down at her as if trying to engrave the image on his mind and (Y/N) suddenly feels vulnerable.
Tommy doesn’t give her much time to think, spinning them around and laying her down onto the mattress. His mouth explores her skin like it was a map he has to memorize. He places open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone and chest, unfastening the brassiere to kiss, lick and nibble at her breasts, chuckling against her skin as she takes a fist of his hair in between her fingers, tugging it not so gently at the feeling of one of her nipples being dragged against his teeth.
He tortures her with his ministrations until he is satisfied with the writhing mess she’d become. Then his kisses move down, and down until they reach the waistband of her bloomers.
Looking up at her, hunger in his eyes, Tommy hooks his fingers on the fabric, bringing it down her legs, along with her stockings, leaving her bare before him.
Again, he takes a moment to look down at her through heavy eyelids. She is not sure about what she sees in his cold eyes, but whatever it is, it brings a shiver down her spine.
Partying her legs, Tommy lays down on his stomach, bringing her calves to rest on his shoulders. (Y/N) lets her head fall back, closing her eyes at the feeling of his fingers parting her lips and his tongue licking up a stripe from her entrance to her clit.
She moans against her palm, trying to muffle the sound, her other hand fisting the sheets as he chuckles.
“Patience, love,” he purred, “I’ve been waiting for that for too long, let me enjoy you.”
Her mind can’t register the words, not when his mouth was on her again, kissing, and licking, and nibling, making her go crazy. (Y/N) didn’t remember the last time that a man had willingly done that, much less if any had made her feel this way with just his mouth.
(Y/N) has to bite down her lower lip to prevent any sounds from coming out of her mouth as she feels one of his fingers slipping into her.
Tommy doesn’t seem pleased by it, “Common now, (Y/N/N), don’t hold back. I want to hear you.”
“Your siblings are on the house,” she warns.
“From what I remember you weren’t worried about that the last time,” he retorts back, mirth dripping from his voice. “Besides, they’ve heard worse. John went back home with the kids, I’m pretty sure that Finn and Ada left with Polly, Arthur is too drunk to bother. You have nothing to worry about.”
She doesn’t get a chance to fight back when he adds a second finger to the first and licks at her clit at the same time. (Y/N) almost doesn’t recognize the sound that leaves her lips.
“That’s it, good girl,” he praises, fingers curling inside of her and making her curse under her breath. “Don’t hold back, come for me. I want to feel you coming all around my fingers. Want to know how it tastes.”
It’s all too much for her to handle. Having him back home, safe and sound, the feeling of one of his hands holding her down as his fingers play with her, the sound of his voice praising her… Her eyes close, toes curling as pleasure washes over her body.
She comes to her senses again with the feeling of his lips on hers. (Y/N)’s hands find the back of his neck to bring him closer, savouring the heady taste of her on his tongue.
He breaks the kiss, getting rid of the rest of his clothes in a hurry as she watches, getting acquainted with this new version of him. She had patched him up enough times to distinguish his old scars from the new ones. He was stronger, had more muscle on his bones, looked sharper when he had been softer before.
There was no denying that the man who came back from the war wasn’t the same that left for it.
Joining her again, he positions himself between her legs, holding himself up on his elbows, as he kisses her again. Both of them take a sharp intake of breath when their bodies meet. He rocks against her, the friction making her hiss against his lips.
“Don’t tease,” she half warns, half begs.
Tommy smiles, parting her folds with one hand and rubbing his cock against her cunt, swearing against her ear.
“So wet,” he coos, rolling them around again, so she is straddling him.
He pulls her close, resting her forehead against his as she positions herself over him. Tommy’s strong hands guide her down his cock slowly. The feeling is better than what (Y/N) remembered and she has to fight the urge to just close her eyes and get lost in the sensation.
Maybe it would’ve been better if she had because the look of pure awe in his eyes is something that (Y/N) doesn’t know if she will be able to forget.
She lets him guide her at first. He is surprisingly gentle, waiting for her to get used to the stretch, setting a slow pace as he helps her move, dropping praises at her ear, of how good she feels, how wet she is, how well she is taking him.
It doesn’t take long for her to feel the familiar sensation of pleasure pooling down at the low of her belly, encouraging her to pick up a rhythm of her own. Hands grabbing at his shoulders for leverage, (Y/N) rolls her hips more firmly against his, taking him all the way down, before increasing her speed.
“Fuck,” he pants against her ear, lips searching for hers as his fingers dig deeper onto her waist.
It feels too good, him filling her up, hitting so deep that it’s almost too easy to get lost in it. She grabs at his hair, tastes the sweat on his skin, traces the inked lines on his chest and arm while moaning his name.
“Just tonight?” the reminder comes out as a question, one that he answers against her lips, eyes locked on hers.
“Just tonight.”
Her chest tightens with his words but she doesn’t have time to delve into it, not when Tommy starts to thrust up into her and all she can feel is him, moving inside of her, lips on her skin as he groans her name.
She feels his cock throbbing and his release follows right after. He doesn’t relent though, sneaking a hand in between them to massage her clit while he moves her up and down his still hard cock. It doesn’t take long for her orgasm to hit her with full force, she is too far gone, becoming putty in his hands.
As the coil inside her belly snaps, (Y/N) gasps his name, searching for his lips in desperation. The pleasure is overwhelming, she doesn’t want it to end, doesn’t want to face him tomorrow morning and pretend that this meant nothing to her. A single tear escapes her eye, she feels his fingers brushing it off and opens her eyes to see the little frown on his face.
Kissing him again, she relinquishes the feeling of him still inside of her, trying to burn it into her memory, because she doesn’t know if he will still be there in the morning.
Taglist: @stressedandbandobessed7771​ @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @internalmess3​ @giowritess​ @theshelbyclan​ @peakyxtommy​
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derailedfiction · 3 years
The Most Wanted | Baron Zemo | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Part 2 Pairings: Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader | Sam Wilson & Fem!Reader |  James Barnes & Fem!Reader Word count: 6017 (sorry) Warnigns: swearing, a bit of kissing, shooting  Summary: As Reader’s presence is exsposed the only way to get to Zemo is to cooperate with Sam and Bucky.
A/N: Reader is German-speaking which means that ¾ of what she says is in that language. If she speaks with Zemo, one to one, I switched to English (pls pretend it’s still German xD).  Also next time I’ll put translations next to German version. It will be easier to read probably.
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You grunted as you were seated on a chair, and quickly restrained with a rope around your arms and hands. You scanned the room looking for Zemo but he was nowhere to be found. As your search did not bring you any satisfactory answers, you set your eyes on the other man, expectantly.
“Was kann ich für sie tun?” you asked calmly with a nonchalant smile.
“What?” Sam looked puzzled at James, and back at you. “What does it mean?”
“She asked what she can do for you, Sam,” Zemo answered leaving the bathroom with a bottle of cologne and a towel in his hands.
“Well first of all she can tell what the hell is she doing here,” you observed the dark-skinned man with much amusement. He seemed to be quite annoyed with the situation.
“Warum ist er so verärgert?” you asked Zemo, still carefully observing Sam.
“What?” he asked again, clearly agitated that he did not understand what you were saying.
“She wants to know why you are so annoyed,” Zemo replied, spreading some cologne on his hands and then on his neck with a gentle pat.
“Can’t she speak like normal language?” Sam sat down on the couch with a helpless expression. 
“Wha–at?” you mocked Sam with a silent laugh. You saw a corner of the Baron’s lip went up for a moment. 
“I don’t really understand why the whole world should speak English, Sam. Oh, mein Gott, Y/N, sprichst du noch kein Englisch?” Zemo looked at you with a question in his eyes. A similar question was in Sam’s eyes as he desperately wanted to know what was happening.
“Nein, aber ich verstehe was er hat gesagt,” you shifted on the chair you were restrained to.
“She will not speak English, even though she understands you,” Baron translated.
“What do you want?” you felt observant gaze received from James.
“Ihn,” you pointed at Zemo with wide grin. “Ich wollte euch beide zuerst erschießen und ihn dann nehmen. 
“She wants me and wanted to kill off the two of you before,” Baron replied emotionlessly.
“That would add up, she had a sniper rife literally next doors,” James said, “Who beat you up like this?” he asked after a moment, pointing at your bruised lip and a black eye.
“Die Wakandanerin. Sie dachte, ich würde sie zu Zemo fuhren. Aber dann hat sie mit dir gesprochen,” you smiled lightly towards James as you thought, it was kind of him to ask about it.
“The Wakandian did it to her as she thought she would lead her to me. Then, the Wakandian has spoken to you, James. It’s quite surprising how fast they sent somebody to fetch me.”
“Is it really?” James looked at him with disbelief. “I bargained us more time to deal with things, so no need to thank me.”
“It was sweet of you to defend me at least,” Zemo turned from the window and lightly nodded towards James, much to his dismay.
“You killed T’Chaka and now Nagel” Sam echoed, and yet Baron shrugged that information as he would an irritating fly. “How long do you follow us?”
“Seit Madripoor. Übrigens war dein Tanzen komisch, Zemo,” you winked at the Sokovian with silent laugh. You were way too much enjoying this questioning.
“She was following us since our visit in Madripoor. Ich dachte, ich habe dich dort gesehen, Y/N,“ he put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it lightly.
“Du war recht,” you turned your head to catch glimpse of his figure behind you. The smell of cologne he used was rather intoxicating. 
“Is it me, or you two like know each other?”
“Yes, we have worked together before and as I said, I had a feeling that I saw Y/N during the party,” he answered and went to examine kitchen shelves. “She’s one of the best bounty hunters I have known, and it’s a delight that she’s hunting for me now.”
“Man, you have some strange definition of a delight…” Sam stated, crossing his arms. “Why you hunt him now?”
You fell silent for a longer moment not really wanting to tell why.
“Meine Schwester –” you started talking.
“Her sister was kidnapped and is held by someone. She will be released only in exchange for my person,” Zemo translated simultaneously, playing with a cookie on his finger. “She doesn’t know who that is. Y/N only received a video with her sister and information about what she’s supposed to do. If she cannot fulfil the expectations, her sister is going to be killed. Es tut mir sehr leid, Y/N.”
“Hör jetzt auf, Zemo. Du kümmerst dich nur um dich selbst und zerstören Super-Soldaten. Das ist es,” you felt closely examined by him and then he did something most surprising for you.
“I don’t believe she will pose any threat to our cause. I do think that she actually can be quite an asset.”
The three of you looked surprised at Zemo. Sam and James because they both thought dealing with another shady character would be too much. And you because it would make your job so much easier, just to use distraction and snatch Zemo right from their noses. 
“Wunderbar! – No!” the three of you exclaimed at the same moment.
“Why not? I would get three watchmen, making sure I would not escape,” he continued undisturbed by your sudden vocalization. “Moreover, Y/N is excellent in hand-to-hand combat and is trained in any kind of weaponry.”
“I don’t even…” Sam started and put his hands in the air as if he surrendered to this whole situation. “I mean, it’s not bad to have additional pair of eyes on Zemo but is it worth it? She’s a criminal too.”
“Right now, we have bigger problems. Karli bombed a GRC supply depot,” James started reading the latest news on his phone. 
At that point, you stopped listening to them, as they were deliberating on the subject you were not that much familiar with. Even though Zemo offered a solution for your presence in the team, no one was willing to untie you from the chair. You sat there observing the place carefully, trying to find a perfect way to run away at some point with your prize. 
You kept your gaze on Baron for a long moment. He bustled around the kitchen as if he did it every day, without a break of several years in a German prison. Of course, it was impossible for him to forget how the Avengers were responsible for the deaths of his family and yet, it was bizarre for you that he decided to cooperate with them. As you knew him from the past, Zemo would cherish the very thought of destroying this particular group of superheroes, showing them how very human they indeed were. Still, you just witnessed how Baron threw a Turkish delight towards Sam as if he were giving him a treat for a great lead to follow. 
“Du starrst, Y/N,” he stated indifferently, handing you some tea.
“Danke,” you thanked him, even though you had no opportunity to drink it. “Ich kenne dich und bin dennoch überrascht, wie du diese Männer behandelst. Sind sie nicht deine Feinde, Zemo?” 
“Im Moment sind sie nützlich. Das ist alle,” he answered you and from the look on his face you knew that Baron Zemo had already a plan.
“What are you talking about?” Sam came closer to the two of you.
“Y/N is surprised that I cooperate with someone that I swore to destroy,”
“Well, you can count me in, Y/N,” he replied as he undid the bonds. “One wrong move and you two will be handcuffed to me and James.”
“Das hört sich nicht so schlecht an,” you rubbed your wrists sightly worn from the rough rope and drank tea from Zemo.
“I’m afraid my dear friend that she rather liked that idea,” you winked at Sam coquettishly as he rubbed his face in disbelief. 
“Was machen wir jetzt?”
“We are going to ask some questions about Donya’s funeral,” James answered your question, “We gotta move.”
Within fifteen minutes you were ready to leave the apartment, and since James and Sam did not want to take any chances leaving you alone, you were walking in pair with Zemo. 
“Ich bin überrascht, dass du nicht versucht hast, sie zwischen Städten zu verlieren,” you said to your companion as you walked.
“Nun, wie ich schon sagte, sie sind ein Mittel zum Zweck, das ist alles,” he replied. “Was hast du in den letzten Jahren gemacht?”
“Nichts Besonderes, aber ich war für 5 Jahre wegen dieser Snap weg. Jetzt bin ich hier…”
“Man, don’t you worry about what are they talking about? They could be like planning escape or something, to roll us over,” Sam said to Bucky, cautiously observing the two of you in front of him. “It’s just wrong…”
“It’s not, they’re talking about the past. She was gone after Thanos snapped,” Bucky replied quietly, trying not to give up he’s able to understand German. “She’s still quite lost after she got back.”
“Can you blame her? Or anyone in such a situation? It’s pretty fucked up…”
Bucky cracked for a moment listening to your conversation, “She just told him, she would have killed him back in Madripoor and she didn’t just because of their shared past.”
“Damn man, they have some unresolved issues under those smirks and sass.”
You turned around feeling the gazes of the two of them on your back as you were speaking with Zemo. They were walking behind you, keeping a reasonable distance, and talking about something rather lively. 
“It is shame of what became of this place,” you rose your eyebrow lightly looking around the small courtyard, which wasn’t in its best condition.
“I’ll go check upstairs. You keep eye on him,” Sam went up for the next floor and you were left alone with James, as Zemo softly humming a lullaby came closer to children.
For a moment two of you stood in silence watching how Baron was approaching children, and then you asked, “Du verstehst mich, oder?”
“A little, yes,” James answered you. If he was surprised how quickly you found out about it, he didn’t show it at all.
“Was machst du mit ihm? Wenn du er nicht mehr brauchst?” you crossed your arms following James’ stare.
“He’s going back to the prison.”
“Und die Wakanderin?” you heard long sigh from him, he did not really know what to do in this situation.
“I’m not sure. Zemo is too dangerous to let him be unsupervised, or to be intercepted by a shady character, no offence.”
“Nicht genommen,” you smiled lightly. 
“Now, what the hell is he doing?” Sam came closer to the two of you, seeing the idyllic conversation between Zemo and children.
“Wish you didn’t hear him sing – What?”
“Cute kids,” Zemo said as he passed the three of you heading to the exit.
As you left the CPR facility, you had a feeling that someone was observing you as four of you walked down the street back to the apartment. You observed each passing by person, sensing something was going on.
“Was ist los?”
“Jetzt nichts als ich denke jemand folgt uns. Der Power Broker hat Leute nach drei von Ihnen geschickt,” you replied quickly turning around your head.
“Achtung!” just as you saw the mercenary take out the gun, you pushed Zemo away and took the bullet. A sharp pain tore your arm as you landed on the ground next to Baron looking at you surprised. “Was?”
“Warte,” he took out the knife and tear for pieces your sleeve to create a tourniquet above the wound. “Versuche es zu drücken, Y/N.”
You nodded holding your arm firmly, trying to prevent any further bleeding. On the other side of the road, James was just knocking out the assassin.
“We should move. I don’t want to take any more chances with other killers,” Sam helped you stood up.
“Und der Söldner?” you asked.
“He won’t be conscious for longer time and we will probably be somewhere else. Come.”
Four of you hastily returned to the quarters, making sure no one was following you. Sam and James armed themselves with additional weapons as they wanted to be sure you were safe in there.
“We’ll go and check whether this place is safe. You two stay here, understood?” Sam told you as he went out with James.
You stood in the middle of the room trying to gather yourself to do something with the wound you have been pressing. You took few steps towards the bar and made yourself two drinks, one of which you immediately drank.
“Now, take these, it will help with the pain.” 
“Yeah, thanks,” you took the pills from Zemo and swallowed them with few sips of whiskey. “Now, if you allow, I’d like to take care of this,” you pointed at your arm wound, as you slowly went to the bathroom and closed the door behind you.
As you were finally alone without any sympathetic or wanting-to-help gazes, you sighed loudly and quite shakily. It was not your first time being shot, and honestly, you knew that having Zemo around and babysitting him for not to get killed, would mean more bullets to take. 
You sat down on with tiles of the floor, observing how blood was slowly dropping on it creating a small plash. You moved your fingers carefully, trying to determine whether some muscles or tendons were damaged. It hurt badly. Burning pain ran through your whole hand up to the arm wound.
“Fuck,” you whined quietly, and you rested your head over the edge of the bath. 
That was not the plan at all. At last, the pills you got were starting to work as your pulsating pain did not bother you anymore. Slowly with the biggest caution, you could have at that moment, you removed the makeshift bandage and examined the wound. It was still bleeding, rather profusely, despite the pressure band over the injury. The longer you stared at it, the more light-headed you felt.
You heard somebody opened the door and Zemo entered the bathroom. You had not had enough power to say something sarcastic about his way of respecting somebody’s privacy.
“What are you doing? I don’t need any help,” you observed Zemo as he sat next to you with a first aid kit.
“I’m not going to do anything. But you might need this if you really want to take care of the wound,” you snorted and took the kit. “Why did you do that? Why did you take a bullet for me?”
“Does it really matter?” as you heard nothing from the man, you looked up and saw Baron watching you expectantly. “I must deliver you alive if I want my sister to stay alive,” you answered hesitantly, cleaning the wound. 
“It is admirable how dedicated you are to your sister, Y/N.”
“Is it though? If not her I would be free as wind getting other shady figures for actual money. Not to mention that it was not, the plan,” you scoffed and gritted your teeth as the wound began to burn hellishly. 
“I would do anything to save my family.”
“I know Zemo, I know it,” you agreed looking at him softly, and then you sighed heavily. “I will need your help with it. I thought the bullet went clean through, but I can’t see any exit wound.”
“How could you not know it?” he asked in growing amusement. 
“I don’t know man. I am high as kite, Zemo. I don’t really feel that much,” you looked blankly at the hole in your arm for a moment before you gave him a pair of forceps. “I will cut the wound from both sides and you have to take the bullet out, got it?” He nodded in agreement.
You proceeded with careful cuts along the edge of the wound, as precise as you could. You took a deeper breath and nodded for Zemo to try and retrieve the bullet. Even though you were on strong painkillers, it was almost impossible to not move or whine. 
“Don’t move, Y/N. I almost have it,” you grabbed the bath edge firmly trying not to shift any more.
“Easy to say… Fuc–” a cry of pain escaped your mouth in the same moment as the bullet was taken out. “Oh, God that was awful. I will never get used to it. Thank you,” shakily you reached for a needle and thread to close the wound. 
“Let me,” he took over the instruments and without further ado, he quickly stitched the wound and put a fresh bandage over it. 
“Hey! You alive in there? We heard some screaming,” you heard Sam from the other side of the bathroom door and lightly smiled.
“Yes, it’s alright,” Zemo answered as he helped you to stand up from the floor.
“He cares, doesn’t he? Even if you did him wrong, he cares.”
“Yes, he does,” Sokovian agreed. Still supporting you, he led you to the sofa, on which you fell with relief as you were feeling more and more dizzy. “Du solltest dich ein bisschen ausruhen, Y/N. Du hast ziemlich viel Blut verloren.”
“Yeah, yeah, was auch immer,” you weaved him off impatiently and laid down with your feet up. 
You felt absolutely awkward that you got yourself shot because you pushed Zemo to the side. It was probably one of the dumbest things you have ever done. Well, if you counted being caught by Winter Soldier, that is the other dumbest thing you did. It was not your best day at all. You heard somebody was clamouring in the kitchen pouring water into a kettle and then into small cups. 
“How are you?” You looked at James, who asked you the question.
“Gut,” you replied shortly, taking the cup of tea from Zemo. You felt in fact a bit better as the medications you were given truly kicked in. 
You pressed yourself deeper into the sofa with your eyes closed, trying to rest for a while. You disconnected completely from external stimuli, focusing on your breathing, and calming the heartbeat. Even though you lost some blood, you didn’t feel that bad. 
Suddenly you heard the sound of breaking glass and louder exchanges. You opened your eyes and looked at Zemo surprised as the Americans went dealing with their things.
“You can’t play with others, can you?” you asked with a soft chuckle making him some space on the sofa to sit. “I know you probably have some plan but still, being followed by the Wakandians, and bounty hunters, and probably some other killers it’s not an easy thing to cope with.”
“You think I need protection?” you showed off your arm. “I don’t need any, I am perfectly able to use my mind to gain in every situation.”
“I’m just saying that playing on different fronts at the same time always ends rather badly,” you finished off your tea and put the glass on the table. 
“What can I say, I am a wanted man,” you snorted lightly at his words. He was truly the most wanted man at the moment. 
“What was that tea again?”
“Cherry blossom, why?”
“I feel – dizzy,” you said unsure. You looked at the glass and at him, and then back at the glass. And then it clicked. “You little –”
“Shh, mein Schätzchen,” he immediately caught your falling head and swiftly stood up, making a place for you to lay down. “You will sleep for some time.” 
You felt so heavy and dizzy, you had no power to fight with him. The last thing you saw was Zemo unfolding a blanket and putting it over you.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Nothing Sam, she just fell asleep after the pills I gave her to ease the pain,” Zemo lied without a blink of an eye and made sure you were comfortably sleeping. “We should probably move.”
You woke up sometime later, just as Zemo said. What he didn’t mention was an extreme headache you got as soon as you opened your eyes.
“What a fucker…” you murmured as you got up from the sofa, throwing the blanket on the side. How thoughtful, you thought ironically looking at the material.
There was no one in the apartment and as you figured out, they have probably been gone for the funeral ceremony to talk with Karli. You moaned softly, rubbing your temples in hope that the pain will go away. It didn’t do anything and bright light coming through the stained windows wasn’t especially helpful either. 
You wandered around the room and kitchen to find some painkillers. You suspiciously sniffled tea in a small metal box, still remembering what Zemo did. As you thought about it, if he didn’t get into a quarrel with James all of them would be asleep and Zemo would have been far away. A perfect getaway. 
“Rather shameful not to carry it to the end,” you said to yourself washing down the painkiller with a drink. But then again, it was Zemo considered so he probably saw another opportunity for him to run away. 
As slowly the painkillers once again started to work, you decided to go back to your rented room and take your belongings. It was hard to guess when your company would be back and you didn’t want to risk them, at least James and Sam, discovering you were gone, and the hideout was left unsupervised. But then again, you shrugged your arms carelessly it was not your responsibility to look after it.
You poured water into a kettle and put it on the burner of the stove. I’ll be back before the water boils, you thought and took one Turkish delight on your way out. 
In fact, you got back just in time to take the kettle off the heat and make some tea for yourself and you started to explore the residence in search of some clothes to change. You did not really think it would take that much time to extract Zemo. It was supposed to be a day, give, or take. The whole situation of you being captured and somehow kept hostage was not included in the plan.
You took off your torn blouse and dropped it on the floor, in search of something new to wear. You looked through one of the few wardrobes that had any clothes in it. Mostly male, but you also found a few dresses and children's clothes. As tempting as it was to wear one of the dresses, you felt it would be somehow a sacrilege to wear Zemo’s wife clothes. Instead, you chose one of his purple shirts and tried it on. It would suit you nicely if not the zip across the chest which was a bit tight, so you had to keep it slightly unzipped. 
You returned to the kitchen, finding yourself extremely hungry if not ravenous. Eating more Turkish delight would do no good either, as they were extremely sweet. Rummaging through kitchen cabinets you found ingredients to make a stew and you thought everyone could eat something warm. You quickly chopped some vegetables and put them in a ceramic casserole along with meat and seasoning. Now all you had to do was to wait and control if it’s not burning.
“Du siehst gut aus in meinem Kleidern,” you heard suddenly as you were checking up the food in the stove.
“Danke,” you kept your smile for yourself and you turned around to see three men coming in. Zemo went straight for a piece of cloth and wet it in ice-cold water, which he put over his eyes as soon as he lied on the sofa.
“I thought you would be gone, the second you wake up,” Sam was rather surprised to see you casually cooking.
“Warum? Ich muss ihn abfangen. Er ist mein Ziel,” you took out the stew out of the oven and put it on the counter. 
“And you made us food?” you took four plates out of the cupboard and put them on the table along with silverware.
“Ja, warum nicht?” you were quite content of yourself as the food smelled wonderful and you took pleasure in cooking it. You missed your domestic life dearly especially knowing it was impossible to get it back. 
“Das ist sehr nett von dir, Y/N,” you muttered under your nose to his words and poured him some bourbon. Zemo looked as you could use some.
„Und mich zu betäuben war nicht sehr nachdenklich von dir, Zemo,” you replied angrily, handing him the drink as he lied on the sofa with cold patch over his head. „Was ist mir dir passiert? Bitte essen.” 
With the move of your hand, you showed Sam and James to sit at the table and eat what you have prepared.
“She invites you to eat,” he translated, slowly drinking his bourbon. “Der neue Captain America warf seinen Schild auf mich ,” he then replied to your question and removed the compress. 
“Was?” you chuckled at the mere thought of him being knocked out like this. “Komm, du muss auch essen.” You encouraged Zemo to join the Americans at the table and eat together.
The four of you sat awkwardly at the table as you were putting food on the plates and handing them over to each of them. 
“So, Sam would you consider taking the serum if you were offered it? Hypothetically speaking, of course,” you said nothing just rolling your eyes internally. What a perfect question to ask at the table.
“No,” he cut it shortly between the bites.
“No hesitation? That’s admirable.”
You looked at James sitting quietly as you and eating. You sensed he was still tormented by his past and listening to them hypothetically speaking about taking or not the super-solider serum was uneasy. You felt sorry for him being used as a pawn in other’s men fight. Living without the ability to decide what to do must be haunting, let alone the knowledge of your forced actions.
“Danke,” you heard from him as he finished eating. 
“Gern geschehen,” you couldn’t help but to give him a warm smile and watched him go to another room to get some rest. He was still bothered by his past and even though he tried his best to make it go away, it did not work as he wished it to work.
Zemo as he finished, also stood up but helped you with cleaning the table and putting dishes into a dishwasher. Then once more he retrieved to his favourite, horizontal position on the sofa with another drink and cold compress. Unfortunately, his rest didn’t last long as two men stormed into the apartment. 
“All right. That’s it. Let’s go. I’m now ordering you to turn him over,” Walker said authoritarian pointing at Zemo.
“Shield or no shield, the only thing you’re runnin’ in here is your mouth,” Sam confronted him as everyone tensed up for inevitable conflict. “He’s actually proven himself useful today.”
“Who is she?” Walker pointed at you rudely as soon as he was denied getting Zemo.
“Temporal associate,” you heard Sam answering in your favour.
“Another criminal? You two are just falling down as you collaborate with such people,” he summed that up in his pretentious, all-knowing manner. He looked at you for a moment. “John Walker, Captain America.”
“Ich weiß das,” you muttered to him.
“Can’t she speak like normal language?” you heard Walker scoffing.
“You know, people can use different languages too, Walker. Maybe learn another?”
“That’s how it’s going to be, Sam? Should I put my shield down, to make it fair?” Sam smiled lightly with disbelief. That man was insufferable. 
The atmosphere was tense, and it was seconds away for Sam and Walker to start the fight. It was postponed for a while only due to a sudden appearance of a spear that stuck into the column right next to Walker’s head. The Dora Milaje arrived, and they had no fucks to give.
The leader of them start talking with James in Wakandian, and you knew it was the time they wanted to get Zemo to pay for what he has done.
“Hi, John Walker. Captain America.”
Is he dense or something?, you thought looking at how thoughtlessly his actions were. Even you knew not to disregard Dora Milaje nor to interfere in their businesses, and he was going straight into it. You saw his partner being a bit agitated by the sudden entrance of warriors.
“Sagt er das jedes Mal, wenn er sich vorstellt?” you snorted watching how Walker was trying to talk reason to the Wakandian, and even you knew it was one of the stupidest things he could do.
“Yep,” James said pouring himself a drink.
As you have foreseen second after John’s hand was on Dora Milaje’s arm he was doomed as three of them attacked him and Lemar.
“Are we going to do something about it?” Sam asked James, who took quite a pleasure observing the fight.
“Looking strong, John,” he shouted back at the fighting men. 
You could not help it as a short laugh escape your mouth. It did not take long for Sam to join the quarrel and shortly after James followed him.
As Falcon and Winter Soldier came into the fight, you approached Zemo and asked, “Should I also fight them as your champion? To get the right to, have you?” you smiled cheekily over your whisky.
“You can have me any moment, you want Y/N,” you choked on your drink. “Now, if you excuse me.”
You watched him taking a bottle of alcohol and aggressively zeroed his glass. Then undisturbed by anyone he went to the bathroom and just before closing the door, your eyes meet. You perfectly knew Zemo was escaping and all you did was to raise your glass towards him and finish your drink. 
That’s going to be fun, you thought pouring another glass of whiskey, watching how everyone is getting their asses whooped. 
“How could you let him go?” you held up your arms in a gesture of ineffable incomprehension of your act.
“C’mon man, it’s not that we need him that much now. We must focus on our mission, Bucky. I know it’s hard for you, I know it, but we can’t blow it away,” Sam put his hand on James’s shoulder and squeezed it lightly, trying to reassure and comfort him.
“I helped him escape from Berlin that was enough for Dora Milaje,” James said sternly and stopped in front of the building they had set up a meeting in. “You can’t go in, Y/N, two of us is already too many.”
“Klar,” you agreed and watched them go inside the beast’s belly. 
You walked down the street, heading to a small square located in this part of Riga. You surprisingly found yourself enjoying this short stroll without anyone to interrupt you or anyone to chase after. Quite a lovely vacation you could have had. You liked this city as it had interesting history and architecture that survived Second World War. 
The fountain in the middle of the square was captivating and a lot of tourists were taking pictures of it. You were surprised that despite incidents caused by your company, there were organised groups and sightseeing tours. You admired the monument for a longer while until you noticed something on the opposite side of it. 
“I thought you would be far away from here,” you approached slowly Zemo, standing in the shadow.
“I thought about it but then again I feel somewhat responsible for how everybody jumped to each other’s throats just to be able to get me.”
“Isn’t that what you are famous for? And don’t tell me you feel bad about it,” he looked at you and smirked.
“Bad, no but it’s rather tiresome for me. I don’t really take any joy from it,” Zemo hesitated for a second and you could tell he dropped some part of his act. You could have seen the very broken man who was the reason for the Avengers split. “Why not a dress?”
“What?” you were taken by surprise with his question.
“There were few dresses in the closet, and you decided to take my shirt,” you looked at Zemo frowning.
“I won’t do anything to it, if that’s what you mean,” you tried to laugh it off, but it wasn’t successful. “I thought it would have been strange to wear your wife’s.”
“I wouldn’t mind if someone could do a good use of them,” he smiled sadly. “Anyway, I enjoyed your company today. It reminded me of your visits when I was imprisoned.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, staring blankly at the pavement. That was quite charming of him and you smirked at this thought. 
“Yes, me – ” you stopped talking at the sudden sound of breaking glass and crushing metal. 
In front of you two men were fighting, of which one was much more superior. You watched Walker throwing his shield again and again at the man, treating him like a training bag. 
What the actual fuck, you thought as you heard other man pleading for his life, but Walker was out. He didn’t hear him nor listen to him, there was something more going on. He put the shield up, above his head and allowed his rage to take control over him. Walker repeatedly smashed the head of the poor man several times with his shield and then he stood with it. 
Unmoved. Triumphant in his imagination. Covered in blood splashes. And the shield bathed in bloody strains shimmered ominously. The new era of superheroes has arrived in its brutal glory. Unstoppable. Utterly frightening. 
“Jesus and that is how Captain America deal with things now?” you couldn’t believe your own eyes, as Walker murdered a man in daylight. “Now, I can see more vivid than ever why super-soldiers pose a threat to the order.”
“The whole world is watching, and they know what he did. He will be never forgiven for such a barbaric act. Previous Captain America stood for what the US wanted to be, righteous and good. This one, he’s … he’s what America is like. Brutal and not afraid to kill anyone who wronged it,” you listened to Zemo seeing how every single one of passing by people were with a phone, recording or even streaming live this whole situation.
“Where are you going now?” you looked at him for a moment, still cautiously monitoring the surroundings, trying to digest the terrifying view. 
“Sokovia, or rather to what is left of it…” Zemo answered looking plainly before himself. “Will you give me a week?”
“I will give you two days tops before I go after you again, Zemo.”
“Good enough,” he smiled lightly and looked at you. “Don’t you want to come with me?”
“Nah, I’m good. I want to be around here and see how this will develop.”
All of sudden he caught your chin and moved it up, and then kissed you gently. You stood in awe, trying to figure out what on earth was going on, as you were not completely over that you have witnessed Captain America going apeshit. But after a moment of suspension, you kissed him back.
“Care to explain?” you asked as you separated from the kiss.
“People tend to feel uncomfortable when they see a kissing couple and I didn’t want to be filmed,” he said with a charming smile. “I don’t want Sam nor James to find me before I want to be found.”
“People or you wanted me to feel uncomfortable?” it felt strange but in a good way. You only hoped that he wasn’t trying to play with you as well as he did with others. 
“And are you?” you rolled your eyes with a groan. He was acting impossible. As he managed to temporarily escape his guards, Zemo was probably going to be even more of himself than he already was.
“I will see you in two days, Zemo.”
“That’s the plan,” he smirked and disappeared into the crowd.
________________________________________________________ German vocab.: Oh, mein Gott, Y/N, sprichst du noch kein Englisch? – Oh my God, Y/N, can’t you really speak English? Übrigens war dein Tanzen komisch. – By the way, your dancing was ridiculous. Ich dachte, ich habe dich dort gesehen. – I thought, I have seen you there. Du war recht – You were right.Es tut mir sehr leid. – I’m very sorry.Hör jetzt auf, Zemo. Du kümmerst dich nur um dich selbst und zerstören Super-Soldaten. Das ist es. – Stop it now, Zemo. You only take care of yourself and to destroy super soldiers. That's it.Wunderbar! – Wonderful. Du starrst. – You are staring. Ich kenne dich und bin dennoch überrascht, wie du diese Männer behandelst. Sind sie nicht deine Feinde, Zemo? – I know you and am still surprised how you treat these men. Aren't they your enemies, Zemo? Im Moment sind sie nützlich. Das ist alle. – Right now, they are useful. That's all. Das hört sich nicht so schlecht an. – That doesn't sound too bad. Was machen wir jetzt? – What are we going to do? Ich bin überrascht, dass du nicht versucht hast, sie zwischen Städten zu verlieren – I'm surprised you didn't try to lose them between cities. Nun, wie ich schon sagte, sie sind ein Mittel zum Zweck, das ist alles – Well, like I said, they're a means to an end, that's all. Was hast du in den letzten Jahren gemacht? – What have you been doing in the last few years? Nichts Besonderes, aber ich war für 5 Jahre wegen dieser Snap weg. Jetzt bin ich hier… - Nothing special, but I was gone for 5 years because of the Snap. Now I'm here… Du verstehst mich? – You understand me, yes? Was machst du mit ihm? Wenn du er nicht mehr brauchst? – What are you going to do with him? When you no longer need him? Und die Wakanderin? –  And the Wakandian? Nicht genommen – Non taken. Was ist los? – What’s going on? Jetzt nichts als ich denke jemand folgt uns. – Nothing now but I think someone is following us. Der Power Broker hat Leute nach drei von Ihnen geschickt – The power broker sent man after the three of you. Achtung! – Watch out! Warte. Versuche es zu drücken – Hold on. Try to push it. Und der Söldner? – And the mercenary? Du solltest dich ein bisschen ausruhen, Y/N. Du hast ziemlich viel Blut verloren – You should take a rest. You lost a lot of blood. Yeah, yeah, was auch immer. – Yeah, whatever. Gut – good Mein Schätzchen – darling Du siehst gut aus in meinem Kleidern – You look good in my clothes Danke – Thanks Warum? Ich muss ihn abfangen. Er ist mein Ziel – Why? I have to intercept him. He is my target. Ja, warum nicht? – Yes, why not? Das ist sehr nett von dir – That’s nice of you Und mich zu betäuben war nicht sehr nachdenklich von dir – And knocking me out wasn’t very thoughtful of you Was ist mir dir passiert? – What have happened to you? Bitte essen – please eat Der neue Captain America warf seinen Schild auf mich – The new Captain America threw his shield at me. Was? – What? Komm, du muss auch essen – Come, you too should eat. Gern geschehen – You’re welcome Klar - Clear
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jinpanman · 4 years
Vampire’s Wine
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pairing: vampire boyfriend!jungkook x fem human!reader
word count: 1.4k
genre: 18+, fluff, slightly nsfw, established relationship
warnings: this whole thing is a disgusting bloody mess and not in the way you think. menstruation talk - from the use of hygiene materials to the smell of period blood, jk loves period blood - oop., casual conversation about sex and genitals
summary: You decide to brave the mystery that is menstrual cups. Jungkook is intrigued to say the least.
a/n: i needed a break from all my long af fics. u can blame my brain. u can also blame Jess @shelive-shelove​​ for telling me to write this. and for helping me pick a member to write about - but then again, she always picks jk. also @joonie-mono​ kept judging me so now that it exists she has to read it. :-)
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The simple matte black box sits on the bathroom counter and it’s incredibly intimidating despite it just sitting there. You pick it up and open the case to reveal an equally black menstrual cup sitting on top of a black pouch. A slip of paper falls out when you open it and you pick it up.
Greetings Y/N! We’re so glad you’ve decided to become the owner of a BLAKD cup. We understand some people don’t want color stained cups so we went ahead and…
You toss the card to the side and pick up the cup and turn it around in both awe and trepidation. There’s a knock on the open door but you don’t bother to look up.
“What’s that you go there?”
“JK honey, tell me. How am I supposed to stick this up my nether region?”
Jungkook snorts and plucks the cup from your hand.
“Well, my dick is bigger than this and you do such a good job taking it all in so I know my baby can handle this small thing.” He pats your cheek lovingly
You squeak and swat his arm away in disbelief. “Jungkook! I swear! You—that’s different! I’m not horny when I’m trying to stick this-this monster inside of me.”
He laughs and quickly covers the little distance between you, pulling you flush against him.
“First of all, that’s an insult to my dick because this,” he waves the cup in front of you and you roll your eyes at him “is no monster. Secondly, maybe we should get you horny first so it won’t be an issue.” He wiggles his eyebrows and licks his bottom lip in anticipation.
You scoff and push him away, taking the cup back from him.
“I need to figure out how to stick this up my very unaroused vagina, so please go and do your vampy things and leave me alone for a few minutes.”
He merely shrugs but of course your boyfriend who must know everything about everything asks, “But babe, what’s wrong with what you usually use?”
Ah, now that’s a good question. You’ve used pads and tampons for so long and frankly you are so utterly fed up with the mess that is Aunt Flo. 
“Jungkook, you won’t even understand even if I told you.”
“Try me.”
You raise a brow but proceed anyway. “Well they stink, for one.”
“False. I love the way you sme—okay, sorry. Go on.”
“Pads are so annoying especially when you’re sweaty and they stick to your butt and somehow you always end up bleeding everywhere except on the pad! And then tampons! Just the general scare that it’ll be stuck there for too long or it’ll poison you or that you’re actually not bleeding as much as you thought you were and you’re dry af and it gets so uncomfortable to take out!” you voice dies out, nearly out of breath because you failed to pause after each sentence. Jungkook watches you with amusement painted throughout his face and relaxed posture resting against the counter.
Your chest is heaving but you continue after taking a few short breaths, “Period panties are okay but I’d like some extra insurance y’know? Also everything is so fucking expensive! Tell me why we’re being paid to tend to something we absolutely cannot control? I fucking bet you if men had periods, they’d free bleed every month and expect everyone to be okay with it. But because we’re women we have to hide it because it makes—”
Jungkook breaks you off mid-tangent kisses you and grins. “Had to stop you before you start ranting for a whole 10 minutes and then forget why you were talking in the first place.”
You return the kiss and give him an appreciative smile. Most people aren’t into the “kiss someone to get them to shut up” but in your case, you appreciated the kisses because one, Jungkook gives the best kisses and two, you really would go off forever if he didn’t shut you up.
“Thanks, baby. Now please leave,” you say before shoving him out the bathroom and locking the door behind him.
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After what felt like (and probably was) two hours you are finally out of the bathroom, feeling so utterly defeated and exhausted. You had gotten it in, but at what cost? Both your hands still reek of blood despite scrubbing thoroughly for several minutes with soap. Your thighs are aching from squatting for so long as well. You plop down on the couch beside your boyfriend who’s occupied playing some rando shooting game on the PlayStation. He inhales deeply and shoots you a quick glance. You give him a questioning look but he doesn’t say anything.
After his match, he leans in close to your stomach and takes another big whiff. You’ve long passed being surprised at how much Jungkook likes smelling you. You’d think he was a werewolf or something. Not that you’d tell him that because you were not in the mood to be dicked down just to “prove a point.”
“Hm? You don’t smell like you normally do?”
“Huh, I’m honestly shocked considering how much I bled all over my hands and thighs.”
“Careful, Y/N. You might make me horny,” he muses as he enters another match.
“You’re gross.”
“So, what does the blood just… sit there?”
“Mm, yeah. The cup keeps it all inside and when I take it out the blood will be there.”
“Tell me when you’re gonna take it out, okay?”
Without breaking eye contact with the television screen, he tilts his head to plop a quick kiss on your forehead. You pull a blanket over you and watch on as your endearing thousand year old boyfriend destroys the hundredth controller because he’s still very much a baby vampy and sometimes he forgets his own strength.
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“Ohhh my goood this is so fucking weird,” you mutter in disgust.
Here you are, at the end of a full day of doing absolutely nothing, squatting in the tub once again. This time, instead of sticking a foreign object up your vagina, you’re trying to pull it out. You finally have a grip on the stem and your thighs are screaming at you but you fight through the burn because no way in hell are you gonna risk dropping your cup in the toilet bowl. The several guides you found on the internet said it helped to use your muscles to push it out.
“Okay, here goes nothing.”
You push and you eventually feel the suction giving way. A few drops of liquid spill out over your hand and you grimace at how warm it is. You finally pull it out from inside you and you lift it up to inspect the contents of the cup. God it was startling how warm the cup is. It was both disgusting and fascinating to see how much blood you can bleed within half a day. And the best thing—it doesn’t smell! You’re done being weirdly fascinated with your blood now. You’ve definitely been with Jungkook for too long. You hold the cup away from you and tilt it to pour down the—
“NNOOOO!!!! STOP Y/N!!!!”
Your boyfriend stumbles into the bathroom and you watch him with absolute befuddlement as he inches closer to you with crazed eyes.
“Baby,” he reaches out to you, “what were you just going to do?”
“Um, pour out my period blood?”
“Baby!!” he practically whines and kneels beside the tub.
“...Yes? Jungkook?” You’re at a complete loss for why he came bursting here in such a hurry.
“I thought I asked you to tell me when you were gonna take it out.”
“I’m sorry hun. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I’m just taking it out?”
“I’m a vampire.”
“And I’m your boyfriend.”
“Are you really going to make me say it?”
“Jungkook, I don’t even know what you’re talking about so if you could just tell me, that’d be great.”
He groans into his hands and peeks at you through his fingers.
“I wanna drink it.”
Oh, for god’s sake. You restrain yourself from rolling your eyes at him. You weren’t ignorant to his obsession with blood, especially during that time of the month. He was a vampire, after all. This was a whole new experience though with nearly an ounce of your blood right in your hand. Before you can second guess yourself, you hand the cup to your very pouty boyfriend who takes it with a now huge smile gracing his face. 
He brings the cup directly under his nose and takes a quick whiff. You wrinkle your nose in distaste. And then he lets out a deep, guttural moan. He flicks his tongue in the pool of blood then promptly empties the blood into his mouth. A normal person would not shiver at the sight of their boyfriend drinking their blood, but you’ve long resigned the fact that you were not normal. Your eyes fixate on the trail of blood that missed his mouth and now fall down the side of his mouth to his chin. You swallow in sync with Jungkook who hands you back the empty cup.
His voice is hoarse when he speaks. “Please never stop using this cup. It is the greatest creation of the modern times… Next to the internet. Also don’t ever drain your blood anymore. Give it to me. Save the ocean.”
“You absolute dork,” you laugh and continue your downward gaze of his body. That’s when you see it.
“Oh my god. Jungkook. Did you… baby are you horny?”
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uwua3 · 3 years
something more. (home for the summer)
🍁📸 fushimi omi
summary: the mad wolf was nothing you expected, but everything you needed for the summer warnings: alcohol/drugs (mentions, no mc usage), angst, bruises, change, crying, death (mentions), graduations, kissing, motorcycles, omi's past, open ending, reunions, scars, separation, sneaking around author's note: bunnie is slowly realizing how old she's getting ;; but in all honesty, the summer of senior year is always a bittersweet feeling, knowing that everything is changing within two months or so. although it's a possibility bunnie may not write as much, or even anymore, once she enters college, she still has this time to do what she loves. i hope you may accept me for as long as you want before we eventually split. if you resonate with this feeling, please enjoy this one-shot! word count: 3,574 music: home for the summer - sara kays
WE STARTED GETTING CLOSE FRESHMEN YEAR, WHEN ALL OF OUR FRIENDS WERE SMOKING CIGARETTES AND WE COULDN’T STAND THAT SECONDHAND SMOKE SO WE’D LEAVE AND DRIVE AROUND UNTIL YOU HAD TO DROP ME OFF AT HOME They said that the big bad wolf of Sekichiku was nothing but bad news, but then why was he so warm in your arms? You couldn’t believe even when you opened your eyes. Fushimi Omi driving his motorcycle just a little slower this time, his leather jacket pressed against your cheek as the night waned. Everyone called him “Mad Wolf”, a title only fitting for the most ruthless of predators amongst the underground of your high school. Yet… how could be a wolf be so gentle? So kind? So lovely in every way?
It started with a party meant for anyone but you. You didn’t know why you decided this was the night to rebel, but it was a mistake. Instead of putting your head in the books and staying quiet in the front of the class, for once you decided to attend a gathering full of things you’ve only read about. Drinks and drugs were mixed in an unhealthy solution for failing tests, missing homework, and any other teenage problem associated with the academic system. When you found yourself outside for the chance of anything except breaking the law, the epitome of what you were avoiding showed up. Omi, in his scarred and bruised glory, quietly closed the door behind him after noticing your rigid state. When his loud boots thumped against the patio floorboards, you wondered what this looked like. A tall, strong wolf with a smile of sharp teeth and narrowed eyes staring down upon his next prey. But, when you turned to meet his amber eyes, you didn’t find a villain belonging to the fairytale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. Instead, Omi softly smiled with dull teeth and eyes that glowed underneath the golden street lamps. When he spoke, his voice healed you like a spoonful of honey, the words void of claws like you expected. “Are you okay? I noticed you’ve been outside for some time, is there anything I can do to help?” Before you shook your head, your gaze subconsciously fell upon the motorcycle chained to a fence, a helmet decorated in boyish stickers that referenced children T.V. shows made you falter. When Omi followed your line of sight, his expression gleamed with something of interest. “Ever driven on a motorcycle before?” This time, you shook your head, arms wrapped around you to keep warm before Omi offered his hand. “Let’s go then.” At your concerned expression at riding a motorcycle with one of the most infamous delinquents around, Omi exhaled through his nose, understanding your apprehension but disappointed nonetheless. It looked like he expected this sort of reaction, though it did nothing to comfort the “Mad Wolf”. “I promise, it’ll be okay. I’ll be extra careful, you have my word.” Omi had no reason to lie, not when his friends were just behind the walls doing everything that got a high schooler excited. You thought something would’ve deterred you from agreeing, like the secondhand smoke scent from Omi’s jacket or the manmade rips in his jeans. But, maybe there was something else that made you take his hand, like the worn leather bracelet you noticed Nachi also wore or the wallet of family photos peeking from his pocket. Either way, you took Omi’s hand, letting him lead you to his motorcycle. His hand was calloused and rough from the years of doing god knows what, his knuckles stained with remnants of a fight not too long ago. Yet, when he latched the spare helmet on your head, you noticed his hands smelt like flour and coffee. If you closed your eyes, it would’ve felt like a white knight leading you onto his horse despite it being the complete opposite. You sat behind Omi, unfamiliar with the position of such a vehicle. Omi checked in on you, looking over his shoulder as he searched for something in your face. Regret, embarrassment, shame, possibly. “I won’t go fast, don’t worry. But, you can still… um… hold on?” When Omi’s voice raised to a question at the end, you didn’t notice his stutter as you hid your face in his shoulder, hugging his waist. Omi’s abdomen tensed for a moment, before relaxing as he let out a deep breath. You would’ve given up anything to know what he was thinking in that moment. You didn’t have time to ask before Omi revved his engine, driving off down the pine-tree ridden road in your small town. True to his word, Omi didn’t drive like he normally did, with no regard for who saw him speeding past some rundown cop. But, Omi patiently cruised down the familiar roads, past the houses with blacked-out windows and everyone asleep. You should’ve felt scared, terrified even. But, you couldn’t. Not when the moon was bigger than ever, with a crown of stars gracing the night’s visage. Not when
this was the most daring thing you’ve ever done up until your junior year, not when the party was miles behind you, not when Omi was this caring of someone he’s never even officially met before. “Can we go a little faster?” After Omi got your confirmation you were serious, you lifted your head to watch the stars pass by in a blur. Yet, Omi’s golden gaze remained consistent, his sights drifting to your bright smile and exhilarating awe. Without realizing, your fists clenched the material of Omi’s jacket whenever a turn was made, your fingers passing over Omi’s stomach. He wondered if you could feel his heart leap whenever your breath ghosted over his already red ears. It was a hour of incoherent conversation and mumbles of nothings before you were outside of your home, your window still open from sneaking out a little while back. When Omi silently stopped, neither of you knew what to do. You didn’t want to let go, nor did you want to accept the best night of your life was suddenly over. Omi turned, both of you much closer than before. His eyes carried the aura of the stars, his smile as consistent as the moon. Fushimi Omi was made of whatever made the night worth staying up for. You never wanted to sleep again. “Can I see you again?” And again, and again, and again. Omi nodded, at a loss of words for some reason. When you gave back his helmet, your hands brushed and you nearly dropped it from the sheer feeling alone. Omi was too considerate to act like he noticed, so he bid you goodbye—I’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay?—as you disappeared inside. He didn’t leave until he saw you wave from your room, to which he waved back with a twinkle in his eye. When Omi drove away, both of you let out a breath, hands over your hearts at what could’ve been something more. Only time would tell what happened next. SWEAR THAT WAS YESTERDAY, BUT IN TWO WEEKS, I’LL BE MOVING SOUTH AND YOU’D BE MOVING TO A TOWN THAT I HAD NEVER HEARD OF I WISH WE HAD MORE TIME, WHY DID I EVER WANT TO GROW UP? It almost felt like yesterday that everything was so much more simple. When friends didn’t die, when the burden of college didn’t weigh you down, when change didn’t come in the form of extremities. At least one thing stayed the same: Omi and his starry eyes and his moonlit smile. Though, that’s dimmed ever since Nachi. Omi didn’t wear his leather jacket anymore, instead letting you keep it when the evenings got cold for the summertime. He must’ve washed it a thousand times over; you didn’t know if it was because of you or the memories attached to it. Either way, Omi was beginning to stop staring when you showed up in his jacket, the only thing left of his past he’s been trying to erase. A year had passed since the party, but it felt like nothing. It felt like all those nights of stargazing, constellation-finding, and moon-chasing became blurred together, a collage of being alive with someone you had just met. Now, Omi was more than a friend, he was your best friend, a soulmate, maybe something more. Omi’s loud steps remained the same, though he was more quiet this time on the roof. You two laid next to each other, hands getting closer and closer before someone pulled away last second. The summer days passed in a haze, nothing particularly exciting until the sunsets onward, where you two knew exactly what to do. Everything was quiet when it came to being with Omi past midnight, except the unsteady beats of your hearts when the possibility of something more shined. Despite that, it was quiet, something both of you longed for during the day. “Do you ever think about what the stars will look like at Yosei?” When you asked, Omi slightly frowned, as if he forgot he was moving to the heart of Veludo Way in just two weeks time. After careful consideration of your curiosity, Omi stretched his arms, resting his head upon them as he seemed to search for something. He always did that, Omi never thought anything was simple.
“No… they won’t look like they do now, I suppose. It won’t be the same.” Without you there by my side, both of you ignored the unsaid words that came with the statement. You nodded, knowing you felt the same way. Veludo Way was a distant world away, Yosei University was taking your Omi away. Light years away. “How have your brothers reacted to the news?” At that, the tension that was ebbing away at the conversation eroded, and Omi’s light came back as usual. Omi ran his free hand through his hair, smiling at some distant memory he wanted to share with you. “Not any good, that’s for sure. Kai & Gaku can’t imagine Pops waking them up since I always did. It’s gonna be a big adjustment for them to actually take responsibility of their own lives.” Although Omi rolled his eyes, he did so fondly whenever he thought about his two younger brothers. You knew he was immensely proud of the young men they’ve been growing into, it was a sense of pride that he had instilled inside him ever since you’ve met him. Ever since you saw those faded stickers still on his helmet, you knew who placed those. “Of course, a life without you isn’t worth imagining.” Shit. You meant to say it lightheartedly, but it came out heavier than expected. With that, a quietness settled between you two, both of you trying to find the right words for the occasion of leaving each other. “You’ll be fine without me, I know it.” But, I don’t like it like that, selfishly enough. I know you’ll be better than ever, but I wish… When a shooting star passed out of the corner of your eye, you pointed it out with the same junior-year awe as if this was your first life. Omi was glad to know the news was right; the meteor shower of the season was tonight, as if it was a last hurrah before both of you left this small town for good. “Make a wish!” I wish we had more time. Despite the wish pulling on his heart strings, Omi turned his head, your side profile greeting him with a smile. The stars were reflected in your eyes, and Omi wondered what a sunrise would look like. It was too late now. “Let’s see a sunrise together when summer comes around, okay?” You nodded, turning and seeing the moon. You didn’t make a wish, not when you had everything you wanted right in your sight. Omi took your hand again, and it was softer than last time he offered it. Omi brought your conjoined hands to his lips, murmuring something about a promise before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You missed the final shooting star of the night, instead you saw it pass in Omi’s gentle eyes as he leaned in. “Thank you for the summer, my lucky shooting star.” You thought of a wish as Omi kissed you. I wish we were something more. YOU SAID YOU’LL SEE ME WHEN WE’RE HOME FOR THE SUMMER WE WON’T HAVE TO WORK SO WE’RE GONNA DO WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANNA ‘CAUSE WE KNOW THAT ONE DAY, WE’LL BE GONE FROM EACH OTHER Despite only being a year away, your hometown almost felt unfamiliar. New employees manned the typical shops you used to frequent, a new graduating class was celebrating, and overall, people were now older. But, Omi didn’t change. Not with his singular scar on his cheek, his eyes lighting up when he sees you, his warm touch when he hugs you. You heard his bag drop at his front door first before feeling his arms hug you, his words comforting as you two embrace after so, so long. “Welcome home.” You greeted him back, the words sticking to your skin like a sheen layer of sweat that always came with the incoming summer heat. Home… was it your traditional suburb with kids playing in the street and a generation of the same mailmen home? Or, was it something else? You felt Omi wrap his arm around your shoulders, his muscle as present as ever as he guided you to visit his family, the brothers happily welcoming you both into the Fushimi household. Home was Omi, that was all. You exhaled, bending down to ruffle Kai’s hair and praise Gaku for how big he’s gotten. After you politely greeted Omi’s father, to which he harrumphed and insisted you had to call him by his name at this point, you knew this
was home as well. Home for Omi, and due to the open hearts of the Fushimi boys, home for you, too.
You found yourself in Omi’s bedroom, something you weren’t familiar with. It was still clean, organized, and full of warm tones upon black walls, surely something attempting to cover his past delinquent days. As the door clicked close, Omi gently tugged you onto his bed beside him, bringing out his gaze reserved only for you. You didn’t hesitate to lean your head on his shoulder, feeling at ease. Omi took your hand, his grip careful but verging onto desperation. As if being away from you for so long had taken everything in him. You knew that wasn’t true by any means, but Omi’s shuddering breath and hand squeeze tried to say otherwise. When you cupped Omi’s face, he relaxed in your touch, leaning into your hands as he looked down on you; you could tell Omi was a bit embarrassed to let you see how emotional he was getting at the reunion. You didn’t expect a man who’s life was rough around the edges to have the most sincere of hearts, but Omi was always like this. Always gentle, always kind, always gentle in every way. “I missed you, too.” When you said those words, Omi moved forward as if making up for lost time, both of you falling upon the bed in a heap of giggles and whispers. It was everything but I love you because that would change everything, something neither of you needed during this time. Instead, a combination of I hope summer lasts forever and I could only think of you when it was a full moon that filled the room of someone you wish you had knew sooner. WE’LL HAVE LIVES IN TWO DIFFERENT SUBURBS WE’LL HAVE FAMILIES WITH DIFFERENT LOVERS BUT FOR NOW, I KNOW I’LL SEE YOU WHEN WE’RE HOME FOR THE SUMMER It was the first night you had spent in your own bedroom before a knock sounded on your window. When you sleepily opened your eyes, Omi’s figure was illuminated by the moon, his eyes still warm of starlight despite being shadowed. You hurried to unlatch the window to let him in, not bothering to question how he managed to sneak to your room so silently. Although busting into each other’s room wasn’t an impossibility, it was only on rare occasions that you two ever encroached on such intimate territory. Though, neither of you were in high school anymore. Perhaps, it was different now. “What time is it?” You mumbled, your helping hand lingering longer than one would expect of a friend. Omi didn’t mind, he never did, as he looked around for something. When Omi located his jacket still hung around your desk chair, he wrapped it around your shoulders as the chilly breeze entered through the open window. “Time to fulfill our senior year promise. Ready?” You didn’t think twice and followed Omi outside of the window, knowing at this point you’d trust him with your life. Omi knew your backyard like the back of his hand as he avoided setting any sprinklers or devices off, not needing your guidance. You watched his broad back attempt to fit through small spaces, it took everything in you not to laugh at how ridiculous all of this was. Sneaking around like there was still curfew in place, as if both of you weren’t legally adults. By now, Omi had reserved his spare helmet only for you, meaning it was second nature for him to close the clasp snugly. Although this time, his eyes melted at the sight of you, as if in disbelief you were standing in front of him after all of this time. Tiredly, you rested your head against Omi’s shoulder as he made sure you were situated in the back of his motorcycle, something he had left at home. Omi drove off, the speed just right so that it’d blow your hair back the way you liked it. Despite being on the vehicle a countless number of times, it still took your breath every time of how fortunate you were. You tightly hugged his waist, wondering if he could feel the butterflies against your ribcage. Before you could ask why both of you were up so early, Omi parked in the same spot as always when things became a bit much.
It was off closer towards the woods, where a picnic area besides the lake still had the same paint from a decade ago. The grass tickled your ankles as you hopped off, admiring the calm waters before a bird chirped. At that, Omi walked up beside you, his footsteps always loud in your presence. A softer hand gently held onto your chin, forcing you to look up. You noticed the water reflecting the sky first as hues of orange and blue dominated your vision. It was the first sunrise you’ve been awake for, and you were sharing it with the man of the night himself. But, when you glanced at Omi, you realized he wasn’t just made of stars and moonlight. The sunrise emphasized the warmth of his eyes even more as a golden glow surrounded his happy smile. Omi was everything worth staying up for, everything from the sunrises to the sunsets and more. I love you, you wanted to say but didn’t. It would change everything, it would mean that the possibility of “something more” could become “nothing”. You couldn’t, neither could Omi. Perhaps… this was all it ever could be. YOU’VE BEEN BUSY, THAT’S OKAY I STILL CAN’T WAIT TO BE HOME FOR THE SUMMER When you had driven off back to your college, the first text from Omi was reminiscent of a simpler time, where kissing on rooftops was the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done. “I’ll see you next summer, okay?” It made you pull over and rest your forehead against the wheel, keeping your eyes closed as you felt like the sun was too bright. It was still too hot, the clouds were too big, the sky too blue. It was too much, too far away from Omi who was heading the other direction. You wished your head was resting against Omi’s shoulder as he drove a little more over the speed limit underneath the moon and stars. You wished the sun was beaming onto both of you after witnessing its earliest hours. You wished you were with Omi for every moment in between the best memories of your life. Summer was such a cruel concept, a promise that could be taken away at any time. I wish we had more time, you thought, knowing there was nothing else you could do. Omi put his phone in his pocket, knowing it was time to leave after seeing you off. Life was so uncertain, it’s as if both of you knew this was the last summer you two would share before even more things changed. But, despite only having three or so years, it didn’t feel like enough. If only he told you he loved you at that sunrise, if only he didn’t just kiss you without explaining what it meant, if only he could drive you around for just a day longer. If only… I wish we were something more, Omi thought, but it was for nothing. I love you, you typed but put your phone in your pocket. The possibility of something more became nothing.
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Ghosting - Empty House
A/N: !!!!! It’s here! I’m so, so pumped for this- welcome to the Empty House AU! This is the first piece of content I’m publishing and it’s a one-shot from a bigger universe, but it’s also absolutely a stand-alone fic. It’s a self-indulgent, analogical-centric human AU that’s has been floating around my hollow skull for months now, so there’s a lot of doodles backed up if any of yall would like to see that ;) There will be an AU taglist, but I also have an individual writing taglist!
Synopsis: Logan has finally moved out of his childhood home into a family-sized house where he plans to finish college online. His simple plans are complicated when a strange, sad-looking boy starts showing up outside...
Word count: 4,306
Ships: Endgame romantic Analogical
CW: (spoilers) Pre-plot major character death, swearing, anxiety attack, very mildly implied previous parental abuse, be safe kiddos and ask to tag!
The first time Logan saw the boy was the day he moved in. 
The empty house had stood hollowly beside its driveway, Logan feeling small without his siblings or parents or any of his rarely acquired friends by his side. He wasn’t a sociable person, but he’d always been surrounded by noise at home, and lots of it… he’d never been in a house as still as the one he stepped into that day. The dark wooden floors were cleanly swept, except for the corners and trimmings which had little fields of grey dust dotting the deep brown. The refrigerator made a hungry humming noise, protesting its suddenly empty shelves- Logan knew a family of four had lived there before, and that they’d given him a pretty hefty discount on the house. That’s all he knew.
The floor in the entrance hall creaked underfoot, and the walls seemed to turn away as they saw him- not who they’d been expecting, not worth their attention. That was fair. 
The house had three bedrooms and two floors- altogether a strange layout. Two of the bedrooms were downstairs, situated in a small hallway off the kitchen, and one was tucked into a little corner upstairs, where the only other rooms consisted of a bathroom and a large, carpeted playroom that was mostly empty now. Logan figured it would have been a favorite of the kids when they were smaller, but now the only furniture was a faux leather couch and a television, as well as a couple of out-of-place armchairs that had never gotten much human use from the look of their fur-covered seats.
With just him taking up the whole house, he hardly saw the point in using the upstairs bedroom. The house felt big already- rationally, it would be better to localize downstairs. All he really needed was his room, the kitchen, and the little living room next to the entrance. That was enough for him- in fact, even that was too silent. He missed the screams of his brothers as affectionately as anyone could- which honestly varied day to day. 
Today, he was disproportionately affectionate. 
It paired well with the fear.
Logan was just about ready to start tearing himself apart over the family members he’d left behind- the only ones that mattered- when the boy caught his eye.
The day had been gray and dreary, the trees heavy with the prospect of rain and the air cool enough to promise it, but it had only started drizzling in the few minutes since Logan had been inside. The sky had seemed to darken remarkably quickly, especially strange without the presence of thunder or even heavy rain, and in the middle of it all was a lanky figure who looked for all the world like a member of the fae.
He stood at the side of the road, looking in the house’s general direction- in Logan’s general direction, although he was sure the other wouldn’t be able to see through his windows. His face would’ve been hidden by the dark hair poking out from under his hood were he not so painfully pale, and his brown irises were visible to Logan only because of the piercing contrast of his skin. 
His jacket was oversized, but his beanpole frame managed to show through regardless. The rainwater gradually weighed it down until the boy looked almost a skeleton, Logan frozen watching him for what could have been minutes- and then the frame heaved in a breath and ambled stiffly away. 
Obviously Logan’s first worries had to do with an unhinged white male teenager breaking into his new house- the one he had full responsibility for and few precious savings to repair. It was irrational, he knew, but his second thought was that the boy hadn’t looked capable of any harm- or really of much at all. He looked weighed down, depressed, and Logan was sure that it wasn’t just the water soaking his sweatshirt. The boy had looked sad. 
And he continued to. Frighteningly often, the teenager appeared outside Logan’s house. Each time he looked quite the same: above average height but considerably shorter than Logan himself, skinny, and almost other-worldly in his strange mish-mash of dark eyes and pearly flesh. While Logan knew that his first sight of the boy had been strange in the sudden change of weather, he could- and completely intended to- count it as a coincidence of Florida’s strange climate.  
He settled into a sort of pattern, although the boy didn’t seem to follow one. Each time he saw the figure outside his house, he would take a break from his endless work. He’d make himself some tea, sit in the window, and wait for the boy to leave. This way, he told himself, if he tried anything, Logan would be there to intercept him. He chose not to think about the possibility of it happening at night or while he was away, and he kept far away from the crime shows he’d occasionally enjoyed in the past. This way, too, he could get a good look at his visitor each time. It was almost as though he was keeping tabs on him, and at the tail end of his fear came a strange protectiveness. 
It was after about a month of this- Logan looking for job applications and living off of his savings, edgewise- that Logan pulled into his driveway at one of the key moments of his life. The boy stood unsteadily at the side of the road, sweatshirt ever-present even in the heat. Logan got out of his car carefully, his heart in his throat- though, really, did any part of him think the boy capable of much at this point? 
He’d have expected the kid to run as soon as he’d pulled in, but when Logan looked him over he saw the boy studying him, bouncing on the balls of his feet. It struck Logan anew in their close proximity how thin he was.
Almost thoughtlessly, he started across the lawn towards the boy. He had to remind himself to uphold formalities- no matter how many times they’d stared at each other across the way, they’d never once spoken. He didn’t know this kid, not really- and now it occurred to him that the boy was more than a kid. He couldn’t be much younger than himself. Logan halted a few respectful steps from the boy, who eyed him strangely.
Close up… he looked, somehow, the same as he did from across the lawn. His features were simple, small mouth and nose easy to overlook for his huge, shadowed eyes. He really did remind one of a fairytale, or even- perhaps more accurately- a Tim Burton. 
Logan opened his mouth to speak, but paused for a moment. They watched each other.
“Would you like to come in for tea?” He finally inquired, the words escaping him overly familiar. The boy raised his eyebrows almost undetectably, seeming confused, and Logan caught himself almost leaning forward in anticipation of the other’s first words to him.
“You’re not Patton,” the boy said, voice just above a murmur and hoarse. Logan hesitated, confused, and studied the expression that would’ve been bored were it not for the slight tremble in his lips and a hint of surprise- Logan supposed neither of them had planned what had escaped their mouths. He reached up with a thin arm and brushed the back of his hand gently across his eyes. A spark of something strange flickered in Logan’s chest- this man was possibly not all there. He wracked his brain for labels- depression? Mild psychosis? Dissociation?
Either way, this was not someone he should invite into his house without more information- but as that regretfully occurred to him, the first drops of afternoon rain hit the tip of his noise. He wondered if the boy would stand out here after Logan went outside, and if so, for how long. 
“No, I’m not,” he found himself saying. “My name is Logan. It is raining- would you like to come in?”
He was exceedingly aware of the boy’s breathing as they stepped out of the rain, something that would normally drive him insane- somehow he didn’t mind this time. His presence was almost calming after weeks of bringing a break from Logan’s ceaseless work. It assured him that the ghostly pale man was real, which was never a problem he thought he’d be debating... but here was this skeleton-thin, strange-mannered man entering his house as though he’d been there a million times before.
He carefully slid his shoes off, paying close attention to the floor- and no attention to Logan. 
“I’ll make tea,” the latter found himself mumbling. “Do you want to come into the kitchen?”
“I’m gonna go upstairs,” the boy said. Logan blinked.
“I- you… this is my house?” He stuttered, trying to be assertive- surely that crossed a line? He’d never seen this kid before a month ago- but there he went, lugging himself up the stairs like he belonged there. O-kay. 
Logan backed into the drafty kitchen to put the kettle on.
Time to listen to his voice of reason, he decided. Clearly this boy had been in the house before- hopefully before Logan had moved in- and knew his way around. And clearly his mental state had some connection to the house- whether positive or negative, Logan couldn’t yet tell. So, he concluded, it’s possible that he had lived here before. The married couple that had sold him the house had mentioned a son, but they’d been moving out of town- how would the boy have made his way back almost daily? There was a bus line in the area... but who was Patton, and why had his absence been unexpected?
There was clearly missing information here, and thus the situation was theoretically dangerous. The logical thing to do would be to contact the authorities for more information- maybe the boy was a local that they were familiar with. If that were the case, they would know how to handle him. 
On the other hand… it was, put simply, a puzzle. Wasn’t it? Logan was smart; he was in online college and he was passing quite well. He had an A in psych so far. He just needed a few more minutes with the boy and he’d figure it out. He could help him... why else would he show up outside his house? 
He needed Logan.
There goes rational thought, Logan sighed as the kettle started to whistle, turning off the stovetop and moving the pot to the side. Something made him turn around- the boy was watching him from the doorway, looking almost more upset than usual. His wide eyes were watery, and as Logan hesitated he wiped an arm across his face again, expression turning to frustration. He avoided Logan’s gaze. “You said you were making tea?” He said, carefully controlled voice just above a whisper. Logan was startled out of his stupor by the boy’s coherence.
“I, um- yes! Yes, would you- what kind?”
“Earl grey? No sugar, just a bit of milk...” he carefully pulled a chair from the small table, slumping into it and reaching to fidget with the salt shaker. “Please.”
The boy’s words stirred Logan into movement and he grabbed two mugs out of the mostly barren cabinet before pulling a pre-packaged tea bag from the tea box on the counter. He unwrapped the tea and dropped one bag in each mug, pouring steaming water from the kettle into them with a satisfying noise. The warm humidity and pleasant smell caressed Logan’s face, and he took a moment to bask in it before returning to the present moment- if begrudgingly. As he set the empty kettle aside, the room quieted, the only sound the rain drizzling over the side of the roof. Logan crossed the space self-consciously to close the window. The boy’s eyes were pointedly focused on the table in front of him- Logan thought he felt more awkward this way than if the boy had been staring at him flat-out. Either way, he could feel his awareness of Logan like a thick fog. He snuck another look at the boy as he hovered beside a chair, unsure whether to sit opposite him. 
“My name is Logan,” he prompted, thoughts stumbling over each other to curse him for the repetition. 
“Thank you for the tea, Logan.”
...Well, at least that was something. His name sounded strange in the other boy’s hoarse, delicate voice- less mundane, somehow. He stood at the head of a table for one more moment that seemed to stretch out an eternity- the boy carefully spun the salt shaker around in his nimble fingers, swearing softly as some of the seasoning fell onto the table. Logan’s startled eyes studied the other’s flushed face.
And then his head caught up to him, and he shuttered into motion, rushing to the mostly empty fridge for milk and fetching the small bag of sugar he’d mercifully bought a few days before. 
“I... I’ve seen you around,” Logan’s mouth betrayed him again. That was creepy- although, looking at it objectively, it was much less creepy than being ‘around’ the way the boy had. The table behind was quiet for too long as he poured the milk. 
“...When’d you move in?” The voice was quiet and held a fragility that Logan hadn’t yet heard from the other. He was relieved to finally have an easy answer to one of the many questions he faced. And, indeed, his mouth finally obeyed him, even and direct.
“About a month ago.” He turned to face the table, the boy’s tea held stiffly between his hands. 
“Sorry,” he whispered as Logan set down the tea. “I knew someone’d moved in, but I guess… it was you.” The boy let out a hollow laugh, and Logan was swept with protectiveness once more.
“Don’t worry, I won’t alert the authorities.” Because that was the most comforting thing he could think of- he’d never been very tactful with delicate emotional situations. Predictably, the boy tensed. Logan decided it’d be advisable for him to move on. “What is your name, pray tell?”
Pray tell. Pray fucking tell? What was wrong with him? The boy cut him off before he could overthink the foot he’d just shoved in his mouth with the eloquence of an 1800s era schoolboy. 
“Patton.” A moment passed before a look of horror came over his face. “Or- no, I- it’s- Virgil! Virgil.”
Now- once again, logically- forgetting one's name was not a good sign. Of general coherence nor moral innocence. Logan knew this. 
Still, the boy looked uniquely upset by the mistake. 
Logan fetched his tea and sat down opposite him.
The other boy fidgeted incessantly, and Logan felt it fell on him to make Virgil more comfortable. He threw tact to the wind- it was tiresome anyway- in favor of distracting the other and himself from the strange fumble.
“Are you a local?”
He got a nod in response, Virgil holding the tea tightly between his hands. Logan couldn’t help but feel he’d made yet another mistake- obviously the boy wasn’t comfortable talking about himself, but was it worth Logan filling the silence with unprompted facts about himself? Would that bore Virgil? Was that rude? He let the gap in conversation rest for a moment before deciding he didn’t much care what was rude.
“This is my second year enrolled in online college- I skipped my senior year.”
The stupid non-sequitor sat in the middle of the table, sinking like a rock. Virgil managed to give him an incredulous look, even in the depths of... whatever it was that was affecting him. Logan panicked. 
Here are a few things about Logan Croft that were usually a given:
                  1. He often said things without regard to the effect they would have on others. 
                  2. He did not say things he didn’t believe to be true.
                  3. He did not readily employ personal information.
All of these rules had apparently been thrown out the window the second Virgil walked in his door. As soon as he realized this, he worked to reclaim them. “Virgil.”
The wind immediately blew out of his sails, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Speaking abrasively had never been difficult for him, and this was not the time to adopt a new weakness. “I need to know who you are. You have shown up outside of my house for the past month, and while the reasoning behind this is presumably personal and not necessarily critical for me to know, I will at least need you to tell me your full name. Against my better judgement, I will not contact the authorities about your incessant invasion of my privacy, because I don’t altogether mind it- but if you are to have regular access to my house, we can’t continue this one-sided conversation.” Regular access to his house? When had Logan considered that option? As soon as he asked himself the question, he knew the answer- the feeling of someone appearing in the doorway, seeking Logan’s company… it was something that he’d missed sorely. It was something he needed.
The boy looked startled and altogether terrified by the long stream of words. Logan, still working hard to recover his sense and new to the inclination of softening his words on the behalf of strangers, disregarded this as best he could as he waited for an answer. 
It didn’t look like he was going to get one.
Virgil opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, putting the salt shaker down on it’s side like he’d been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Logan felt a tug in his stomach to right it, afraid he’d get more salt on his table, but now didn’t seem like the time. 
As the moment stretched forward, his attention was grabbed away anyways, trying to decipher Virgil’s expression. It didn’t look good. 
In fact, it made his heart drop.
The boy looked withdrawn, fearful- like a bird with an injured wing or a snared fox. Damn it, damn it, damn it- Logan’s split-second adopted mantra was less than helpful, but it showed no signs of tapering off to make room for useful thoughts. Virgil’s eyes squeezed shut, and the instincts left over from Logan’s career as an older brother took over. 
He rushed to Virgil’s side on blind autopilot, laying a warm hand over his bony back. The boy jumped at the unexpected touch- and then leaned into it, a choked sob tearing itself from his throat. Oh no. Oh god. Damn it. 
Logan didn’t consider himself good with emotions. He did his best to comfort his younger brothers- god knows they needed it- but strangers were a whole new situation and honestly he didn’t feel much better about this than he expected the boy did.
“Hey, I-” he took a knee to lower himself to Virgil’s level, steadying himself against the table awkwardly. “Um-”
He choked on what to say, but his mind latched to the one thing he knew. Virgil had responded positively to touch- and with little further thought, Logan bundled the shivering boy into his arms.
Logan would’ve immediately taken back the show of affection by any means necessary if Virgil hadn’t melted into the touch so readily- Logan was reminded of an oversized cat. 
That being said, Logan was holding a sobbing stranger in his arms in his new house, alone. Damn it, damn it, damn it.
Logan had always been the kid at family gatherings who did everything in his power to ward off physical contact from his overbearing relatives. Although this situation was completely different and altogether impossible to plan for and avoid, he found himself reacting in somewhat of the same way- each place that Virgil’s thin, trembling body touched his screamed at him to recoil.
He did not.
He brought to mind his brothers- not that they’d ever been particularly physically affectionate with him. They’d always turned to each other, and he’d been left to himself. Understandably. But he imagined if they had seeked his reassurance, if they’d ever been as upset as this stranger was now. If they’d let him in. 
But now someone was leaning on him for comfort, and he was determined to provide for them. Imagine if Remus had come to him for help, he kept thinking. Imagine if it were Roman. 
And all of a sudden he had to hold back tears himself. He tensed, carefully leaning Virgill back onto his chair- Logan’s chair. Sensing the other’s discomfort, the boy came back to himself like a fire blazing across dry wood. 
“Fuck- fuck, I-I’m-” the boy was off at a rushed stutter, scrambling to right himself and wiping his eyes angrily. Logan shook his head, patting Virgil’s shoulder awkwardly. 
“Drink your tea,” Logan said stiffly. “It’s okay. I don’t- do you need something?” Good job, he thought sarcastically. Just pretend it never happened. Show him that, apologies, you seem to have made him think you’re an emotional resource. He was wrong, you’re actually a sociopath. Once again, sorry for any inconvenience. 
Logan’s thoughts stuttered and shouted as he tried to fix whatever he’d done. Virgil was quite obviously shaking, almost unable to hold his tea to his lips although he did make an effort, and Logan resorted back to psych class- maybe not a panic attack, but certainly an emotional breakdown and possibly an anxiety attack. “Do you have a history of generalized anxiety disorder?” Logan asked automatically, the place where he should have held a capacity for compassion currently void for whatever stupid reason. “Or even a suspected case?” The thunderstorm in his mind froze entirely as Virgil’s watery brown eyes focused on him. 
“...I guess,” he rasped quietly, eyes flickering back to his hands as they picked at each other violently. “I dunno.”
Logan let out a long breath, sliding furtively into the chair opposite Virgil. 
“If you’re having an anxiety attack, it could be caused by a persistent disorder or a recent traumatic event- although recent is a problematically inspecific measurement-” 
“Uh, then I- I dunno. Still. I guess…” He shrugged, looking away. “How recent is recently?”
Logan tried to hold back a sigh of relief at the comparatively simple question.
“Generally, anxiety attacks are caused by a buildup of unfinished tasks or other irritants, although there’s often an overarching problem or incident. A traumatic event can cause emotional turmoil for years after it occurs- or for the remainder of one’s life, depending on it’s nature- but in most to all cases, the effects lessen as time goes on.” Virgil nodded slowly. 
“And- and what are the symptoms? Of an anxiety attack?” He pulled his legs up to his chest, presumably placating the urge to make himself smaller. Logan rattled off the characteristics quickly.
“Shaking, a feeling of unease, impulsive thoughts, nausea, panic, the sensation of being trapped or cornered, restlessness, hyperventilation, trouble concentrating, dyspnea- shortness of breath, that is- am I making sense?” He wrapped his hands around the cooling cup of tea in front of him, feeling the need to steady himself. Virgil nodded again- it was apparent he was a man of few words. That worked out wonderfully, Logan thought, as he himself seemed so bent on talking as much as humanly possible. 
“Yeah,” Virgil muttered- then stood up abruptly. “Um- I should probably go. Sorry for… yeah.” Logan, decidedly more alarmed at the idea than he should’ve been, got to his feet as well.
“No- I mean, you don’t… have to. If you’d rather- but if you feel the need to go- I mean, I don’t want you to…” Logan paused, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to get his damn mouth under the control of his brain. Had he said something wrong? Well, obviously he’d said many things wrong in the past minutes, but… he thought over the conversation. He’d only been saying the facts- just what he knew. Was there something he should have kept to himself? Was any of it too personal? It was just facts, statistics, symptoms- he cursed himself mentally, although he couldn’t tell precisely what for.
While he’d been deliberating- not panicking, never panicking- Virgil had frozen in place. Right. The whole blazing trainwreck of words he’d let out for no apparent reason. Where the hell had that even come from? He’d known this kid for a month- five minutes face-to-face- and he was already being weird and nonsensical. It took considerable effort to bring the circumstances of their meeting to mind and even the playing field in his subconscious. If they were both creepy, did it even out? “I-I meant... you’re welcome here.” 
Logan could see the gears turning in Virgil’s head as he fell back into his chair. A weight slid off of his shoulders as the air between them settled- they were even. Or something. 
As much as he expected to regret his words, he was surprised at the lack of protest from his thoughts. It was, for once, blessedly quiet both inside his head and out. Logan sat back down warily. “You obviously have some- some connection to this house.” Like some sort of undead apparition, he thought- but he had the sense to keep that, at least, inside. “I can’t tell if it has a positive or negative effect on your mental state as I seem to be an uncalled for variable in your visit. I’m no psychological authority... I know you’ll come back either way, and I don’t like imagining you back out in the rain.” A shiver went through the boy like a roll of thunder, and he nodded. 
“When can I come here again?”
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S2 05 | Venomous
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 2305
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, murder, swearing (always).
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"All right, I only found one thing online called a kanima. It's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles grabbed his backpack with one hand while the three of us left class.
"That thing was not a jaguar."
"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer." I chuckled as Stiles threw his hands in the air.
"Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you. And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead." Scott gazed at me. "Especially, not until she is dead." Thank you for the reminder, dear Scotty.
"You know, sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship."
"Hey guys," I stopped walking, both of them doing the same thing, peering at me. "I will catch you in the next class. I need to talk to someone." I glanced at Jackson who was resting his side against the lockers, talking to Danny.
"Are you sure?" The Hazel-eyed boy questioned after he followed my gaze. "Do you want me to go with you? Because last time he-"
"It's okay," My hand rested on his right arm, rubbing my finger through his shirt. "Jackson is acting suspicious, more than normal. He has been talking to this guy from class." Both boys waited for me to continue talking. "He asked that boy for his camera, to record himself at night."
"How did you get that information?"
"At the lacrosse game the other night, he started talking and didn't shut up." I chuckled while rolling my eyes to add a little more of dramatism. "He told me that Jackson gave him back the camera, but it was broken. He didn't give any explanation of what had happened. Just told him to send him the bill, rich boy things I suppose."
"Okay," Scott nodded. "We will head to class, then." His hand grabbed my wrist delicately. "If you need help, let me know." I nodded at him, smiling. Then, I grinned at Stiles, knowing that he didn't feel comfortable with the situation. I didn't either, Jackson was hiding something. Something bigger than me.
I walked to Jackson and Danny, putting a sweet smile on my face. "Hi boys!" Danny winked at me. "Uhm, Jackson I need to talk to you about," I bit my lower lip. "About the swimming class!"
Danny nodded at us, saying he was going back to class. Then, I was left alone with the smirking boy.
"You aren't good at lying." He smirked while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Neither are you, Jackson." The smile disappeared from my face. "What is going on with you? You can't tell me you don't have a little idea of what you are." I mumbled, getting closer to him.
"Do you have any idea of what you are?" He got me there. "There's your answer. I don't either. But I know one thing for sure, Y/N McCall." I hated that last name, it came from someone who probably wouldn't even recognize me if he saw me. "Whatever I am, you are too." I shivered.
"I don't think so." I swallowed. "We might have been scratched by the same thing. But you," I pointed my finger to his chest. "You got scratched by a wolf, and you aren't one." Of course, I did have my suspicions. They only thing we knew for sure was that we weren't werewolves.
"I told you," He glared at me. "Shit going on in your life can affect the bite or scratch. Anxiety and depression can affect the outcome of being scratched by a wolf. You aren't one neither. It means you were also affected by those side effects."
"Flash me," I said. Jackson smirked, getting closer to me. "Your eyes, stupid asshole." I slapped the side of his head.
"I don't know how to do that, but they are yellow." He grabbed his backpack.
"Slit and yellow?" I asked curiously.
"Yes," He started walking away. "Now, if you excuse me I'm going to be a responsible student and go to my class."
I did the same as Jackson, walking to my next class. When I entered, both of my boys were sitting next to Lydia. I was surprised by that as normally Scott would sit with Allison or Stiles, and Stiles would sit with Scott or me. The male McCall made a gesture with his head, Erica and Isaac were sitting behind them. Nice. Derek thought that Lydia was the kanima, but she wasn't. I needed more proof, but I was convinced that the strawberry blonde girl wasn't that beast.
Mr. Harris looked at me. "Grab a seat, McCall." I apologized, doing what he had ordered. "Einstein once said, 'Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity." He put his hand on Stiles's shoulder. The poor boy looked up, pouting. "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one. Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with - I didn't ask for volunteers." Most of the boys in the class had their hands up, wishing to be put next to Erica. Horny teenagers. "Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall. All right, next two."
Allison ended up sitting next to Lydia, Scott next to Erica, Stiles got a random person from class while I got to see next to Isaac Lahey. "If you touch Lydia, I will kill you." I hissed.
"Let me tell you," Isaac looked me up and down while I tried to follow the instructions. He completely ignored my previous words. "You look so beautiful. I can't believe you and Scott share the same daddy." He bit his lower lip. "I could be yours tho." His hand stretched out to touch my hair.
"CHANGE!" We all turned around to stare at Stiles, who had screamed that. He was looking directly at me. "I-I mean, Mr. Harris is time to c-change, right?"
"That's my job, Stilisnki." He glared at him. "Switch."
Now I was sitting next to Allison. "You okay?" I ask while helping her mix whatever we were mixing.
"Are you asking because that bitch put her hand on Scott's thigh." She smiled while gritting her teeth.
"Scott doesn't feel anything for her," I affirmed. "He is a puppy in love with you, Al." She smiled while I used her new nickname. We both continued following Mr. Harris's instructions. Then, I heard Stiles's voice who was sitting in front of me.
"If you harm one perfect (h/c) hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present." His hands moved rapidly, trying to match the instructions given by Mr. Harris. "Actually no, I wouldn't because she doesn't wear clothes that make use of animals to sell more, but that doesn't matter, I will still kill you."
"Mmmh seems like she could kill me with her hands." He was trying to get Stiles even madder. "She told me she would kill me if I touched Lydia." He smirked. "You have a crush on Lydia, right?"
Stiles shook his head, looking up, meeting Isaac's gaze. "Don't touch any of those girls."
"Listen, Stiles," He touched his nose, sniffing. "I could help you get Lydia, and then Y/N will be fully available for me. I told her she was beautiful, and she ignored me." Stiles smiled proudly. "I told her I couldn't believe that Scott and she shared the same fucking dad." He got closer to his ear. "I told her I could be her daddy."
The Hazel eyed boy bit his lower lip, trying to control his rage. "Mm, unrequited love's a bitch. Maybe you should write about it in English class, you know? Channel all that negative energy."
"Nah, I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her. I'm not very good at writing."
Mr. Harris touched the bell. "And switch!" I moved, sitting next to Erica now. Fuck my life. Stiles didn't move from his seat, which made Mr. Harris hit him with a ruler.
"Aw, that must hurt," Erica smirked while resting her head on her hand. "You seem mad, babygirl." She peered at me, still smiling. "I didn't touch your boy this time. I touched Allison's."
I smiled at her. "True, you didn't touch my boy, so I'm going to let this pass. Next time you touch anyone close to me, you are a dead werewolf, Erica. And tell Derek that if he dares touch, Lydia, I will kill him myself. I won't hesitate." I continued grinning. "I won't hesitate to discover what the fuck I am while I kill the three of you slowly, Erica."
"Seems like you are quite similar to your mom." She grinned. "Must feel like shit when your mom was a murderer."
"You and my mother have something in common then," I replied while swallowing, a knot had formed in my throat. "You both murder innocent people."
"Time. If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal. Now for the part of that last experiment, I'm sure you'll all enjoy - You can eat it." My eyes went to Scott to see that he was deeply studying Lydia and Isaac. Lahey has offered the crystal to Lydia, a thick liquid falling from it.
I rubbed my eyes, feeling frustrated. I couldn't help them. I couldn't entirely help them without knowing what creature was I. I yelled inside my head due to the frustration I felt. Next thing I know, the window next to Lydia shattered, the crystal fell to the floor due to the shock. The pieces of the window didn't hurt Lydia at all, but they hurt Isaac.
Scott looked back at me, mouth wide open. I did that?
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After class, we parted ways. Scott went to 'talk' to Boyd and Derek to the lacrosse field, Allison went to talk to Lydia's psychiatric after she found out that she could be able to read whatever language the bestiary was in. Meanwhile, Stiles and I accompanied Lydia to the library, scared to leave her alone.
After that, we all reunited except Scott.
"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?"
"Because we're meeting up with somebody else." His hand sometimes touched Lydia's arm, which made my heart ache for some unknown reason. He was just protecting her.
"Hmm, well, why don't they just meet us in the library?"
"Oh, that would've been a great idea. Too late."
"Okay, hold on-"
"Lydia, shut up and walk." I didn't like the idea of Jackson coming. Nobody was listening to me, Lydia wasn't the kanima. They wanted to protect her in case Derek would get a hold of her, but we needed to do other things, like discover who the fuck was the kanima. Even though, I had some ideas.
We got into Stiles's jeep, and when we arrived at his house, he closed the door, locking it and lying to Lydia, letting her know that there were some robberies on the neighborhood and a fricking murder. Great idea, Stiles.
When Jackson told Lydia that he wanted to talk to her, just the two of them, I didn't like that. But it was the perfect moment to tell Allison and Stiles about Jackson. "Guys listen," I started. "I think I know who the ka-"
I was interrupted when Allison noticed that Derek and the other were outside the house, ready to attack. She called Scott with Stiles's phone. "It's me." She was neurotic, like all of us. But they had to listen to me. "You need to get here now. Right now." When she hanged up, I tried to talk again.
"What are you doing?" I was interrupted by Stiles, who looked at Allison.
"I think...I think I have to call my dad."
"No, but if he finds you here - you and Scott -"
"I know. But what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia."
"Guys, there's no need in calling your dad, Allison." I raised my voice. "I know who-" I was interrupted, again. Allison was thrown to one side of the room, while Stiles to the other.
I hissed at the person, he turned around, flashing his eyes. Isaac Lahey. "Allison!" I yelled while keeping my eyes on Lahey. "Take care of Stiles!"
"Where are you going?!"
"I'm going to get the Kanima."
I went into some rooms, trying to find anything that would help me find the kanima. One of the windows inside a room had some sticky fluid, which meant the kanima was there. I went out of the window, thankful that Coach had made us climb rock walls.
"Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I heard Lydia's voice, which meant that they were outside the house.
The kanima looked at me, trying to get away. "Jackson!" It turned around to look at me, he hissed. I groaned. Then, he jumped, pushing me down. I closed my eyes tightly, knowing that my body would hit the ground. Thankfully, I was caught my Stiles, more or less. I ended up on top of him, both of us on the ground. I panted looking around.
"Are you okay?" Scott ignored Derek while coming closer.
"I've been trying to say it all day." I gasped. Stiles sat down, I was still sitting on his lap. "It's Jackson. The Kanima it's Jackson."
What does that make me?
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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vampire-scones · 3 years
Are Three Strikes Really So Bad?
I present to you, chapter ONE of my StanPat fic. I have a lot more I want to do with this so I thought I would try my hand at a multi part fic! As always, the story is under the cut uwu
It was only four innings into his game and Stan was playing outer field. He was still close enough so he could see the bleachers. He couldn’t stop looking over at the bleachers and getting distracted. This wasn’t a normal thing for him as he could usually keep his head in the game until it was over and then after that, he would just decompress for a couple hours. But not this time. This time he couldn’t stop looking at the girl who sat with a group of her friends in the upper left corner of the second set of bleachers. She was cute. Really really cute. 
She wore rectangular glasses and had a bob of bouncy blond hair. Or he assumed it was bouncy. It looked bouncy whenever she turned her head to talk to her friends or whenever her friends said something. He kinda remembered her name. Patty Plum? No, Patty Blum. Or did she go by Patricia? He couldn’t exactly remember and he felt somewhat guilty for it. They were in the same AP English class after all. They weren’t in the same grade, she was just smart and was able to take an upper-level course with him. This made him a year older than her, well two since he was supposed to be a year ahead but had been held back because he was sick so often as a child.  
He remembered she was usually quiet and sat closer to the back of the class but not at the back. Back middle he would call it. He sat kitty-corner to her, putting him in the front middle. Whenever he would turn his head to look busy with her poems or stories and making no time to socialize with others. Was it because she was shy? Probably. AP was hard enough as it was and being in a class with older kids was hard too. Stan knew this from his own experience and didn’t blame her for sitting there quietly. He was older and he would admit it, it was hard to talk to new people in a classroom setting. 
These thoughts of English class slowly faded as the whistle was blown for his team to switch with the opposing one. They were now up to bat. Stan made his way to the dugout and glanced one more time up at the bleachers. He could swear he saw Patty quickly looking away. So she watched him. That thought brought a bit of pink to Stan’s cheeks but he knew if anyone saw it they would just think it was from the game. 
Stan made his way to the dugout and joked around with a few of the other guys until it was his turn up to bat. He swung his bat a few times before planting his feet. He chanced a look up at the stands and there he saw her looking right back at him. Their eyes locked. He gave her a little wink. He watched her turn away and cover her face. He missed the first ball because of this, but he didn’t care. Patty Blum seemed to have a crush on him. As the back catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher, Stan looked forward. He shuffled his feet a bit in accordance with what his brain told him. He had to stand perfectly if he was going to hit this one. 
Stan narrowed his eyes as he watched the pitcher. The pitcher wound up his arm and let the ball fly towards Stan. There was an audible crack and then a thud. Stan had hit that ball far into left field and had dropped his bat to run bases. He made it to second base before the ball came back to the pitcher. He was smiling and breathing heavily as he looked to the stands, hearing cheers erupt from his friend group sitting near the front and from the quiet group of girls up on the second set of bleachers on the left side. Others were cheering for him too, but he didn’t care too much. 
He straightened up and waved towards the stands. Again, he caught Patty’s eye and directed a smile towards her. He swore he could see blush forming on her cheeks, but it was hard to tell from how far away he was. While he waited for another hit that could get him to third base or home he continued to send smiles to Patty and to the losers. But mostly Patty. He could tell she was just watching him not, not caring too much about the other boy going up to bat and how he struck out. Stan did, however, make a face when he heard the shout of,
When he glanced back up at Patty he could see her covering her mouth as she giggled. He made the same face to her to see if he could get a bigger reaction. Sure enough, he could swear he heard a snort before she quickly covered her whole face as her friends looked over to see what she found so funny. Stan swore his cheeks were as red as Bev’s hair by this point. This girl was way too cute. 
With the next boy up to bat Stan was able to make it back to home plate and walked back to the dugout, getting high fives from his teammates and cheers from the stands. This ended the small little bit of playful flirting he had been doing to Patty, at least for the while. Throughout more of the game, things continued like this. When he would get up to bat he would usually look to Patty and send her a wink. When he was on second base he would make exaggerated faces to get reactions out of her, and when he was in the field he would send her the occasional grin or wave. He loved seeing her light up when he waved at her. 
Everything was going fine until the 7th inning and the last inning for their high school game. Stan was up to bat again and was going through his regular motions. He had done a few warm-up swings before he went up, aligned his feet, winked at Patty, and then he swung. And boy did he swing the ball. As soon as he hit it he knew it was a fowl. It was going too far right. It was going towards the stands. His face turned into one of horror when he realized just where the ball was headed. Those few seconds felt like they were played in slow motion. 
Patty had turned her head to reply to something her friend had said before stan hit the ball. When she heard the crack of the bat hitting the ball she turned to look and see how far Stan would get. However, she was met by a white sphere coming right towards her face and delivering a hard hit to her and nailing her right in the nose before it bounced off somewhere else into the bleachers. All Stan could do was watch this display before running over to the small fence that separated him from the stands.
What does he do? What does he even say? He was just trying to flirt with her and now he has hit her in the face with a hard as hell ball and probably broken her pretty nose. Oh jesus christ now he could see it was bleeding. He watched as Patty got up with the help of one of her friends and slowly made her way down the steps to get to the ground. She was walking right towards him to get out and go to the bathroom. Oh god how he just wanted to shrink and hid in his helmet. He looked back at the field and could see that some of his teammates were waving their arms for him to come back. He stuck up a finger at them indicating he would be one minute. 
As Patty and her friend started to make their way towards the school Stan stopped them. 
“I uh..Shit. I really didn’t mean to hit you. I guess I really hit a fly ball with that one.” He said in an attempt to make a joke. 
To his surprise Patty let out a little laugh and looked up at him. She was leaning her head forward and had a hand under her chin to stop any blood from getting on her shoes. 
“It’s fine. You weren’t trying to hit me. It does...really really sting though. I think you managed to break it.” 
Stan winced at this before he heard Patty say something else. 
“That’s one way to hit on me I guess.” She said with her own little laugh at the end. 
Stan felt his cheeks turn a dark red from the blush that was now coming to them. “Uh, yeah I guess so. Um...Maybe if you are at school tomorrow I can tell you how the game goes and like...buy you lunch? Y’know, for breaking your nose.” He was starting to fidget with the bottom of his shirt. HE knew his teammates wanted him back so they could finish and win the game, but he wanted to make sure Patty was okay first.
Patty nodded and gave him a small smile. “Yeah, That sounds good. I’ll uh, see you then.” 
With that her friend quickly took her off into the school and to the bathroom, leaving Stan to make his way back to the diamond and pick up where he had left the game. He was able to hit the ball but it was only enough to get him to first base. His mind was still racing. His first conversation with that pretty girl and it was all because he had hit her in face with a base ball. And on top of that he was pretty sure he had asked her out too. 
He managed to make it back to home plate and then to the dug out, his head still fuzzy and overrun by all these thoughts. The only real thing he knew for sure was that tomorrow was going to be awkward and he was going to have to make the best of it.
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betrothed ~ robb stark; game of thrones
word count: 1812
request: no
description: in which a common girl is arranged to marry the future king of the north, and she is unsure if she’s ready for the power she’s about to gain
pairing: robb stark x female!reader
warnings: swearing, takes place before got season 1 so we’ll just pretend like none of that bad stuff ever happens
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She watched as her father stood before Lord Eddard Stark and his five children. He was down on one knee, begging for the Lord’s forgiveness. Her father was caught stealing bread from a cart at the market and the man running the cart demanded something be done about it.
“Please,” her father begged. “I am just a poor commoner, I am trying to provide for my family. I have four children, and a fifth on the way, and my work is not paying me like they used to. I will pay back when I can - ”
“I want my payment now!” the cart owner snapped. “If I handed out free food to every person who was struggling, I would not have enough to provide for my own family.”
Lord Stark looked between the bickering men before raising a hand to draw the attention to him. “I understand your need to provide for your family, however I cannot allow this thievery to go unpunished. Therefore, I declare you spend time in the castle prison.”
Her mother let out a wail before Lord Stark could finish his sentence. (Y/N) held her mother while her young siblings asked why she was so hysterical. Her father was on the verge of tears, trying to form a sentence while the cart owner smirked triumphantly.
“My Lord, please,” he begged. “My son is not of age to work, my family will be on the streets without me.”
“I must make an example of those who steal - ”
“I have a daughter,” her father said suddenly, addressing the cart owner. “She just started to bleed, she would be a great wife and a great mother.”
“I do not have a son,” the cart owner responded, looking annoyed with the question.
Lord Stark, however, seemed interested. “May I see your daughter?”
(Y/N)’s mother shoved her towards her father. She stumbled at first, nearly falling on her face. She scurried to her father’s side and curtseyed to Lord Stark.
“How old are you, girl?” he asked.
“I just celebrated my sixteenth name day, sir,” she replied.
Lord Stark turned to his children and motioned to one of them. His oldest son, Robb, rose from his throne and approached his father.
“My eldest son has recently celebrated his eighteenth name day and is preparing to take over from me. However, he is in need of a wife before he takes the throne. I will pardon your crimes if you agree to betroth your daughter to my son.”
The minute the offer was out of Lord Stark’s mouth, (Y/N)’s father agreed without hesitation. The next few moments happened in a blur: Lord Stark took the deal and decreed that her father was free to continue providing for his family. The cart owner began to yell in protest but it was droned out by (Y/N)’s family rushing to hug her. Her mother was in hysterics, hugging her oldest child and telling her how much she loved her. Before (Y/N) could really understand what was happening, she was being taken away by guards. She looked over her shoulder and watched as her mother sobbed into her father’s arms, the last time she’d see her parents, before the doors closed.
(Y/N) was given a room that was bigger than the house she had been living in before. She was told she’d be provided with clothing as soon as possible, and she was even given maidens to help her do whatever she wanted.
One of her maidens, a young woman just a few years older than (Y/N) herself, was brushing out her hair that night. (Y/N) looked at herself in her mirror for a long time. She was always told that she looked like a perfect combination between her parents, but suddenly she couldn’t see either in her face. She could barely remember their faces and it had only been hours.
She reached up and touched her maiden’s hand, stopping it mid brush. “I’d like to go for a walk.”
“Of course Lady (Y/L/N). Would you like for someone to join you?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “No, thank you. I would like to be alone. If anyone comes looking, just tell them I have gone out for some fresh air.”
She pulled her new coat against her as she stepped out into the brisk night air. (Y/N) had never been anywhere near the Stark home. She had never had a reason to be. Her family were just commoners that kept to themselves. They never even came to any trials that happened. And now it was expected to become her home when she married a man she barely knew.
Everything began to hit her at once then. She was about to become the wife to the soon to be King of the North, and she did not even know Robb Stark. She had heard of him, of course, but she had never met him. In fact, earlier that day was the first time she had ever even seen him.
She was about to be wed, a Queen of the North. She was about to have so much power, too much power. It was all too much too fast. She was not ready, she was not ready.
(Y/N) leaned against the wall of the stable and tried to calm down but it was no use. Her heart was racing and she felt like her chest was tight. She was not ready for this, she was not ready to be a Queen.
“Are you alright, ma’am?”
To make matters worse, when (Y/N) looked up at the voice who spoke was none other than Robb Stark himself. Robb also seemed shocked to find out who she was. This was their first real interaction, and they were set to wed.
“Lady (Y/L/N), are you alright?” he asked her again.
She shook her head. “I...I do not think I am ready for this...this life. I am not ready to be a wife, let alone a queen. I only just started bleeding, I am not ready to have children. Little heirs to Winterfell...it is all too much.”
Robb approached her and put both hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him. His eyes were so bright, they were breathtaking.
“Take a deep breath, Lady (Y/L/N). Deep breath, in through your nose, out through your mouth.” (Y/N) did as he said and repeated the action a few times. She felt her heart beginning to slow to a normal pace and her chest begin to untighten. “How’s that? Do you feel better?”
“A little,” she said. “Thank you, my Lord.”
Robb chuckled. “Please, call me Robb. None of this ‘my Lord’ stuff.”
“I suppose that would be best. We are set to marry after all,” (Y/N) sighed.
Robb’s arms dropped to his side and he backed away from her a little. “Yes, I suppose we are.”
(Y/N) could not look at him. Even the littlest glance was a reminder of her fate to come. Instead, she kept her eyes trained on the ground even as she spoke. “I wanted to thank you and your father for letting my father go like that. I know it meant a lot to him, and to our family. We struggle as it is, if he were to be put in prison my family would not live long.”
“May I ask, what is it your father does that it pays so little?”
“He is a fisherman. He catches fish and sells them to the cart owners at the market. With the looming threat of the upcoming winter, the fish have been scarce. What he does catch is not worth a lot, just enough to put food on the table. He was unable to catch or sell anything recently, which is why he stole from that cart. He was unable to provide anything for us to eat and he felt guilty, so he committed an act of thievery. The cart owner was much more keen than my father thought.”
Robb nodded. “Your father seems like a good man. I am glad my father took the deal to pardon him. I would not have felt right if he were sent to prison and your family were left with no way of fending for themselves.”
(Y/N) smiled a little. “Thank you. We really do appreciate it.”
Silence fell between them. (Y/N) took a moment to look up at Robb, to really take him in. He stood proud, like a royal, but in his face she could see that he was still just a young boy. He was handsome, extremely handsome, with eyes that (Y/N) would love to get lost in.
At least he is a gentleman, she thought to herself. He could be a stuck up Lord to be that could give less of a shit about his people.
“I know that this union between us is not exactly...normal,” Robb said, snapping (Y/N) out of her daze. “Normally I would be betrothed to a princess or a lady from another kingdom, and you would be free to choose your husband. It is a different situation we have been put in, but I would like to really get to know you and to make this marriage easier for you, less of a chore.”
“It is not a chore,” (Y/N) told him, but she knew she was lying. It did feel like a chore, like something she was being forced to do. Something she had to do for the good of her family. “But I would like that as well. You seem like a very nice man.”
Robb smiled. “And you seem like a sweet girl. I would like to make you feel more at home here, if you would let me.”
(Y/N) smiled back at him. “I would like that a lot, actually. Thank you, my Lord.”
Robb chuckled. “Please, call me Robb. Let me walk you back to your room, my lady, to know you’re safe.”
(Y/N) took his arm and he escorted her back to his room. Her maiden was waiting when she returned, immediately making a fuss about how long she had been gone. She paused long enough to curtsey to Robb before trying to hurry (Y/N) back into her room.
“May I return in the morning to escort you to breakfast?” Robb asked her. “I could properly introduce you to my family.”
(Y/N) nodded. Robb smiled and took her hand in his, giving it light kiss on her knuckles before turning to leave. (Y/N) watched him go with a faint smile on her face, before her maiden took hold of her arm and pulling her into the room to get her ready for bed.
I originally meant for this to be one part but I kinda wanna write a part two if anyone would want one.
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hannya-writes · 4 years
Hihihi! I know it's kinda crazy and I just found your acc but I was LITERALLY thinking about a Marvel-SVU crossover and found yoooooou. I mean... The algorithm lead me to you. It's ✨ Destiny ✨ haha So I was wondering if you could write something Marvel-SVU kinda with Carisi x reader (i don't know if you watch agents of shield) where reader has to go UC for Shield and falls in love with him and he finds out she's Shield etc. I don't know if I'm making any sense rn I'm just really happy I found you. And now I sound creepy but it's already too late and I'm sending this.
Dear @lapaquerette : I do not watch Agents of shield, but I did my best! I swear I did! 😭 you totally made sense! But I feel like there's part of this story that are not so good, anyways~ let's get to the story!!
Title: Don't Tell anyone
Fandom: MCU and Law and order SVU
Pairing: Sonny Caruso x Reader
Other characters: no, I think no
Category: romance
Warnings: this doesn't have a happy ending bc I'm bad writing those! This is long I think.
Author's note: for a moment I thought of making this a serie, but my head couldn't stand it! I don't feel like I can picture Carisi in the right way so probably he's going to be very OOC. Also I'm not supper proud of this because I literally did what I wanted with the time line, Captain America: Winter Soldier happens in 2016 however Caruso es ADA in 2020 if I'm not wrong but in this case the events of winter soldier happen in 2020. Also there's like 2 years of difference btw WS and Civil War, and I tried my best! To make everything fit, but you know, you can kick my ass in comments.
• • •
The mission was supposed to last just a couple of days. Y/n had to pose as an assistant to the Junior ADA's why did they need assistance she didn't know, but when Nick fury assigned her there she just didn't dared to ask.
"Find out what's going on there" he had said as if it was a life or dead situation.
Pepto. That's what happened. High expectations was the other thing happening. The Junior ADA's where being pressed, running towards death case by case.
It was boring, the first two days Y/n had played "who's the jerk of the room?" She had found more than one, stress made that to people. Who cares about cordiality when they had to put people in jail? The answer was Dominic "Sonny" Carisi.
Sonny never yelled or snapped at people, he always asked nicely about papers, he said "Good Morning" and "thank you". He was a gentleman, a knight in a shiny armor. He made funny jokes even when he was struggling with a case.
Y/n had felt a weird desire to help him after just one encounter. The puppy eyes, she reasoned. After that day when he was in court she appeared there, sat and suddenly the people being cross-examined poured the truth without control or bursted in fit of rage confessing everything. She wasn't making something bad, she was helping, which she was supposed to do. No one was going to link her to those incidents. No one knew what she could do.
— copies, now — one of ADA's order her and she almost pushed the asshole and told him to do it himself, it was only a copy machine, he only had to push a button! However, Y/n was a trained spy, she had control over every muscle in her face to not make a disgusted expression at the tall and skinny man. 63 ways to kill him appeared in her head in a second.
— Sure thing — she said in a gently tone, entertaining her mind in the more horrible ways to deal with Tommy.
Tommy Parish, a bully in and out of court, linked to the Irish Mafia. He thought he was a big fish, prepotent but surprisingly brilliant. He was like a weasel. He wasn't that important. Shield wasn't interested by his night activities. They thought there was something else, something more important. Y/n didn't think so. The more interesting thing there was...
— Oh, Sorry didn't meant to...— Sonny said as he almost hit Y/n with the door.
— my fault, I was standing here like a creep — she took the guilt with a sheepish smile.
— A penny for your thoughts — he said as he walked outside and Y/n instinctively followed, as she usually followed after director Nick Fury,
— I think I'm being punished — she said while walking aimlessly, if Sonny had walked in the male restroom she would have probably followed him blindly.
— punish? For what? Did Tommy said something mean to you again? — the blond man sounded concerned and for Y/n it was refreshing, people around her tended to be more defensive around her than being worried about her well being.
— no! I think Tommy is warming up to me — Y/n said proudly — it's my umm... Dad, he send me to live here and I think is because he is mad at me —
There was a small silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
— why would he be mad? You are amazing! — Sonny sounded so positive and brilliant, he always seemed to have that aura around him, even in the worst cases. Y/n noticed it, and worried her when he started to lose his shine.
— in my last job, I made a mistake and people got hurt — the confession was sincere. She wasn't lying, she was omitting that those people didn't just "got hurt", they died. She had killed them.
— You are human, humans make mistakes — he said stopping in front of an embellished door. — talk later? — he asked and Y/n nodded with a smile.
After a month everything still was normal. No conspicuous action, no weird people. Y/n wondered why was she there? Was she really being punished by Fury? She had made a mistake, she had chose to save a person, she couldn't know that the objective was going to detonate the whole place. She couldn't read every single thought, her brain would melt if she even tried.
— Sorry, I need to... — said Sonny pointing at the copy machine, y/n blushed for being caught spacing out, again for the 4 time in a week
— I'm so sorry, allow me — y/n extended a hand offering to make the copy for Carisi.
— don't worry, I can push a button — he said making her smile and feel weird.
— please Mr. Carisi, let me be of help — she offered tilting her head a little bit, Sonny found that little action distracting and cute enough to give her the papers he needed to copy.
He saw her move, she was so elegant even just making copies.
— thank you — he told her sighing exhausted.
— don't worry Mr. Carisi, I'll do this, get it in a folder and get it back to you, why don't you go rest your eyes a bit? — she asked with a smile, noticing his tired demeanor
— I'll do it, if you start calling me Sonny — he negotiated and she laughed whole heartedly — come on, everytime you call me Mr. Carisi I feel like you are talking to my father —
— fine, you got yourself a deal — she offered her hand and he took her in his bigger one. Sonny felt asleep with the sound of the copy machine working.
— Sonny, Sonny — Y/n soft voice took him out of dreamland, he found out in that moment that his Nickname sounded awesome from Y/n lips.
From Sonny's eyes y/n was an amazing woman who was able to help everyone with their tasks, she made copies, keep archives ordered, got everything for everyone. She made time to know all of the junior's ADA's of "her room", she served coffee when needed, got them food, kept clean clothes for them just in case. She was like a mother. Sometimes she even helped them found the info they needed. She made all of that and made it with a polite smile. She had been there for like a year and their interactions where short, but he was head over heels for her.
Why? Because she got a great sense of humor, she was nice, smart, sassy when needed, had an excellent memory, she made the best black coffee he had ever tasted. She never got nervous no matter the circumstances. He didn't understand how or why was she assigned to be the "mother hen" of 7 ADA's, but he was thankful. Some days became better the moment she gave him a smile and he imagined that smile was just for him.
Sonny pinched the bridge of his nose in pain. It was past midnight and he was still in his office, working on papers. Practicing his opening statement.
— the truth... The truth....— he repeated trying to remember the next point of the speach. He grunted frustrated.
— Sonny? — the sudden voice made the attorney jump and Y/n laughed.
— Geez, doll! — he exclaimed surprised — You should use a bell — added more awake than before.
— doll? — Y/n questioned rising an eyebrow, Sonny turned red.
— Sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you — he quickly apologized.
— you didn't, I actually like it — she admitted — I'll allow it — added in a solemn voice — with a condition councilor, only in private I don't need more gossips going around—
After saying those words, Y/n knew that she was digging her own grave. She liked Sonny.
Y/n looked at her phone horrified. Nick had send her and encrypted message. Which was resumed to: You are free of SHIELD, live the life of Y/n Veith. The life he had created for her, an identity that couldn't be connected to the Spy agency. Y/n Y/l/n had died in what they called something like the purge of Hydra. He didn't needed her. He had died. Captain america had basically destroyed the corrupted SHIELD. This was her life now. She was what? a secretary? An assistant?
She should had fail with SHIELD, she should had been there with Fury, protecting him. But she didn't. She pretended nothing happened and followed his last order to her: live like Y/n Veith.
She went with the flow. Acted like everything was just fine, made a routine, followed it to the last point. Untill one day out of the blue she broke down crying in Sonny's office. He was her friend.
— what happened? — he asked on the other side of the desk, surprised that in the middle of his speech, y/n started crying. The case was difficult, a father died to protect his daughter. The teenager girl had been raped and her father was killed by the rapist. It was way more complicated but, that were the facts.
— sorry, sorry — she said cleaning her face with her hands, Sonny approached and offered her a handkerchief that she took hesitantly. — I lost, I lost him — she stuttered.
Sonny kneeled by her side, took the handkerchief and cleaned her beautiful face.
— I'm so sorry, doll — he said even if he didn't understand, Y/n felt his consternation.
— my father died — she said with a soft voice — my house burned down — she added and Sonny understood, her father adopted her, he had saved her and then lost it all. The case had hit too close to her.
— Come on, we had enough of this case — he decided getting up, taking her hands to get her to stand — I'll take you home — he said and she smiled with sadness.
— I don't want to go to my department — she confessed getting up and Sonny gave her a soothing smile.
— We can go to my place — he offered without a second intention, she nodded and they walked away from the office, Sonny ordered an Uber.
Outside of One Hogan place with a heavy heart, y/n leaned against Sonny and he hugged her while waiting for their ride, and during the ride.
Y/n fell asleep without nightmares for the first time in the 6 months after the dead of Nick. Sonny by her side, over the covers and behind a "wall" of pillows fell asleep with the image of a peaceful Y/n.
Three months later, Y/n entered Sonny's little office, she said a "sorry to interrupt", the blond man stopped writing and turned to her eagerly, he tried to suppress his desire to look into her eyes but he wasn't that good at that.
He hadn't seen her in more than 14 days thanks to his overflow of cases and her being stole by homicides DA, who had discovered she was very good in investing.
She muttered a "what?" In mockery, as if the distance and time hadn't even happened and added a "I got you a donut!". A donut that he had craved since morning but wasn't able to get. He sighed a laugh, sometimes it was as if she could read his mind.
— you are life saver, doll— he sighed in relief taking the donut from her hand.
— Should I get you some coffee? — she asked with that caring tone that made him feel special.
— I would love that — he accepted as she merrily went to the coffee machine and poured him a cup and then a glass of water.
Sonny wondered about where did those pretty and elegant glasses came from, have they always been there? She left a bag in the table and walked back to him. He pretended to be working but it was hard to act when she was walking towards him with that dark red pencil skirt that hug perfectly the curb of her hips, the black blouse making contrast, hanging a bit loose over her torso.
— thanks doll — he said when she put the coffee and water in a corner of the desk, he looked at her with a smile — water? — he asked with a joking tone, y/n nodded
— yes, sir — she said in the same joking mood — I took an account of the caffeine you ingest by day, this could be dangerous for your health, so for every cup of caffeine, one of water — she explained with as much confidence as a lawyer making an opening statement.
— are you worried about me? — he was almost flirting, she blushed even if they sometimes flirted a bit.
— I worry about all of you — she pointed out and gave a mischievous smile that made Sonny blush.
— thank you, doll — he quipped with a smile, she smiled back and walked away to Parish desk, the man sat there looked down to his papers as Y/n put a bagel by his hand.
Sonny noticed how Tommy's ears got as read as a tomato and turned to look at her with adoration, the same look the other ADA's got everytime she was near. He had seen how things slowly changed with Y/n presence, at first they were rude, condescending, then they realized that she was excellent in her work. She had saved all of them more than once with little actions.
Y/n had a charming aura and some men in the office had asked her out, Tommy included, but she always turned them down, with an excellent excuse. "I'm seeing someone".
Carisi wondered who. Who was she dating?
— Coffee — she announced as she took a folder and put it carefully away.
Sonny smiled and suddenly thought of Y/n lie about she seeing someone. She had never tell him about her boyfriend, he thought of all of those slice of life moments they had, the banters they have, the many times she had helped him. The times she would stay in his apartment so she wouldn't be alone.
Was he the person she was seeing?
— do you have plans for tonight? — he asked abruptly and Y/n looked at him surprised.
— I got a date with my bed, but I can reschedule — she offered with a smile, she could rest later, she had to enjoy every moment with Sonny.
— do it, I'll take you to a wonderful place — He said with all of his confidence, she giggled — after work? — she nodded contently.
— It's a deal — she said before walking away with a big smile in her face.
Sonny felt stupidly happy. It was him. She was dating him unofficially.
That night Y/n tried to look as perfect as was possible in work clothes, she had refreshed herself, use a little more of make up. She was excited, she really liked Sonny and had wanted to go on a date with him, no work talk, no solving ways to state a question. She wanted to know him in a more personal way.
They sat in a table of a nice looking bar, a decent one. It wasn't pretentious, they actually served food and not just greasy fast food. She had told him distorted versions of stories with her "family and friends", (since she couldn't talk about her real life and training) like that time her father had taught her how to use a gun for her homework and she discovered she had weak fingers.
She heard about his time as a Police officer, a detective nonetheless! Sargent Benson seemed to be a very empathic person, Detective Tutuola was definitely a funny man, Amanda was for him like one more of his sisters. And Sonny discovered that she was adopted by a man called Nick, Nick Veith he guessed, since he thought that was her real last name.
She had two "adopted" sister and a brother: Maria, Natalie and Clinton. Maria was righteous, Nat was smart and sassy, Clint was funny and sometimes really annoying. Sonny thought he would get along easily with them.
They laughed between stories, they were getting fun untill Y/n felt there was something wrong. Something was about to happen. Something bad.
— Something wrong? — Y/n barely registered Sonny's voice before jumping over him yelling a "get down". A telekinetic wake made the other around people fall to the ground just in time as a rain of bullets came from the broken windows.
Sonny heard the glass breaking, people screaming in panic. Saw the bullets fly over him and the bottles in the bar breaking in slow motion. He had never experienced anything like that. The light weight of Y/n over him. And his monkey mind thought about how right that felt.
There was a "clank" from a gas' bomb, then a flash and a cloud of white smoke. People stood up and started running.
— Y/n — Sonny pulled her to see her face, he thought she would be scared, paralyzed from fear. However, when he saw her face there was no fear, she seemed confused, puzzled. — come on, we have to move —
Y/n was thinking the same, but she didn't know what was the right move: defend everyone there using her not-so-human powers? Run away and pretend to be a delicate woman, scared of the situation?
— doll? — Sonny sounded worried and in almost panic, a switch turned as boots hit the floor of the bar.
— Stay behind me — Y/n said with confidence getting up, feeling the presence of 8 people surrounding them, circling them. — and... — she looked at Sonny worried — don't get scared — she pleaded softly.
— Y/n Y/l/n surrender yourself — someone yelled and the woman felt her skin crawl, she hadn't hear her name in more than a year. It sounded good.
— is this about the accords? — She thought, aware of the Sokovia accords and what they proposed. She hadn't signed them. No one was supposed to know about her, her powers, she hadn't expected the government to notice her.
Nat? Clint? Maybe Maria had told them.
— That's right, put your hands in the air — the man ordered in a shout. Y/n closed her eyes and closed her hand in a thigh fist, making the fog disappear.
— Sorry, I can't do that— she confessed pushing the man with telekinesis. — I'm not a weapon you can use —
A new row of bullets flew towards Y/n and Sonny. A bright green light appeared in her eyes and all of the bullets stopped in the air, traces of the same light that made Y/n shine seemed to contain the little bullets like tendrills, the bullets turned in the air pointing at the squadron that was attacking her
— Y/n, no! — Sonny made her react, the tendrills disappeared and the bullets fell useless to the ground as the woman turned to see the Attorney.
— Sonny, sonny — she stuttered worried— no, no, no, no, I would never hurt them, I'm not a monster, I'm not! — she said almost in panic,not because of the attack but for the ideas Sonny could get.
Sonny saw the green and now red light form an eyes over Y/n, then monsters from nightmares formed from the light, monsters like dogs, with skulls covering the hideous animals with blood dripping from their snouts, bodies wet with a black substance. The animals roared and jumped to defend them.
Y/n saw fear in Sonny's eyes. She recognized it, a bright tendril started to form in the exact point of her heart, the fear taking form in her presence. Her hand squished the light over her chest, stopping something else to form.
He didn't know what to say. Carisi knew about the avengers, the new york incident had affected his work, he had saw everything about "ultron", he was informed about Tony Stark and the avengers every move. But he didn't know what was he supposed to say? "Sign the accords" was what he wanted to say. It was selfish for him to ask that, he couldn't do it.
— doll, you're not a monster— he finally found his own voice to say that. — but you have to go —
— Sonny, I... — the ADA put a strand of hair behind Y/n ear taking her by surprise.
— If you don't mind, I'll like to kiss you — he said making her blink in disbelief.
— yes please...— she said and Carisi smiled brightly, his large hand caressed her cheek and softly leave a tender kiss in her soft lips. It barely lasted more than a second. When Carisi opened up his eyes, everything was back to normal. Like a couple of minutes ago, right before the shooting.
In the table was a note: "Don't tell anyone" he recognized Y/n writing. He wondered if everything had been a dream, a hallucination. A part of him told him that no, that couldn't be his imagination. Y/n had left.
26 notes · View notes
winchest09 · 4 years
A Man’s Best Friend - Chapter One
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Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Reader (eventually) / Dog!Dean x Reader (platonic owner/pet kinda deal)
Universe:  Canon. Set in the episode Dog Dean Afternoon (Season 9)
Rating: 15+ W/C: 4671
Warnings: swearing, lil angst, crack (?),  lil fluff if you squint. 
A/N: So...the new mini series is here! This was a request from the beautiful Dawnie. She chose the puppy square from my Ringo Challenge! I hope you all enjoy the adventure I’m about to take you all on! This has been so much fun to write. 
Special thanks to this absolute babe @katehuntington for being my beta <3 You’re an absolute worldie and I love ya!
Love you all.
– I absolutely adore your reactions, so please if you do read; reblog, comment or send me an ask and let me know how you feel! It means the world to me.
A Man’s Best Friend Masterlist
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Let me know what you think!
——————————————–  Chapter One ——————————————– 
Well shit.  
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down. It was meant to be an easy and quick get away, yet here he was, stuck in an alleyway. Dean was frustrated, his teeth baring as he tried to focus on how the hell he was going to get out of this predicament. He needed to get back to Sam, he needed his little brother to help him undo whatever the hell had been done to him.  
It was a simple spell, one that should have allowed Dean to communicate with animals, that should have allowed him to have a conversation with the only witness of a crime that was his case. At first, the spell did the job it was intended to do. He was able to talk to all animals and got the information he needed, but on his way back to meet his brother, his stomach started to twist. He felt as though all his bones were being crushed then reformed, his skull splitting while his spine shortened. He wanted to scream yet the transformation didn’t allow it. He felt every crack, every snap and before he knew it, the spell had morphed him into a full grown American Pit Bull. Four big paws, a light brown nose and a long tail came tumbling out of his clothes that were now piled on the asphalt. Dean’s new heightened senses overwhelmed him and he found himself attempting to run back to the motel where his brother was residing, however he’d gotten lost in the alleys, unaware of which way to turn. When he frantically tried to get past a stack of empty boxes and garbage bags, he hadn’t seen the cluster of barbed wire. Before he knew it, he was tangled up in the torturous mess of sharp metal; the more he moved, the tighter it got. 
To make matters worse, it was hammering down with rain. His fur was soaked through and paws cold from the growing puddle beneath him. Dean’s shivers were visible to passers by that looked straight past him, either oblivious or not wanting to risk their safety for a trapped dog. His throat was becoming sore from the wire and for the first time in a while, Dean was feeling hopeless.  
Of all the ways I thought I'd go, this wasn't it, Dean thought as his green eyes stared hopelessly at the sidewalk not too far from him, a metal mesh fence being the only obstacle that blocked him from the public. 
Feeling colder by the minute, Dean had started to whimper. He hadn’t got the energy to try to shout, or bark, in this case. All he could muster was soft, small cries as he stared through the mesh. He hoped his little brother would find him, he hoped that by some miracle he had realised that the spell had further effects than what they thought. His head began to hang low, his eyes now trained on his new reflection in the puddled water beneath as he felt his energy beginning to dwindle. He was starting to tune out the sounds around him, wanting to focus on his own thoughts instead of the nearby traffic. 
It was then that a small yet bright light flickered over him. If he blinked, he would have missed it. He lazily lifted his head, allowing his nose to sniff the air slightly as he tried to work out what was happening. Through the darkness, he noticed a figure standing at the fencing, fingers wrapping through the holes in the wire as they tried their hardest to move it. The sound of the metal scraping along the sidewalk echoed down the empty alleyway before that small yet bright light came back to shine down on him. It blinded him slightly, a mixture of curiosity and panic rising from within him as he started to hear light footsteps edging closer towards him. It took a moment for him to focus but Dean was soon able to see who was approaching him. It was a woman.  
He watched how her pace slowed, his eyes still trying to make out her features through the darkness, his nose tentatively sniffing at the air to try and work out who was in front of him. As she got closer still, Dean's worry grew. She could be anything; a demon, a shifter, a werewolf. His mind was spinning but he knew he didn’t want to be cornered, he didn’t want it to end like this; he had to fight. He bared his teeth and let out a low growl, all the while trying his hardest to pull at the barbed wire, the metal scratching into his fur and skin. It made him wince, the struggle becoming even more painful. It was then that he noticed her holding her hands up in surrender, the light in which she was using was coming from her phone which was wedged between her thumb and forefinger.   
“Hey, hey, woah now,” she soothed, trying to calm him down as he panicked, the wire tightening even more around his neck. “It’s ok, I’m not gonna hurt you,” she assured, her hands coming slowly towards his face.   
You’re damn right you won’t, lady. I’ll bite your arm off. Dean felt the low growl rumble in the back of his throat, but this didn’t deter the woman in front of him, who was calmly approaching. She brought the light from her phone closer to Dean and he could only assume that she was assessing the situation. 
“Has some cruel asshole left you here, huh? Or did you get yourself into this mess?” she asked him, getting close enough so he could see the rain dripping from the end of her nose. 
 Just undo me so I can find my brother, he thought, although his normal gruff voice came out a howl. He watched as she placed her phone down to the side, the light shining on the barbed wire wrapped around his neck, as her hands came to gently pat his head. He was hesitant, flinching slightly at the contact she was giving him.  
“Come on, easy, easy,” she spoke calmly, her fingertips running over the wire that had rendered him immobile. Dean watched how she concentrated, how she analysed the situation before she made her move. Slowly but surely, he felt the wire loosen from around his neck, the pain subsiding as she lifted it over his head. Dean quickly moved out of the puddle as soon as he could, shaking his paws to try and get them dry. There’s nothing worse than wet feet. 
“Come on, sweetie. Let’s get you out of this rain and get some food into you.” Her voice made Dean stop what he was doing and look at her. She was standing now, waiting with a soft smile as she gazed down at him with what appeared to be a makeshift leash in her hand. His mind questioned what would be the smarter thing to do here. Does he bolt? Or go with the woman who appeared to be offering him sanctuary? He needed to get back to his brother to sort this mess out but then he had no idea where he would even start. He needed to be logical about this, he needed time to think all of this through properly but standing here in the rain was making it difficult. If he accepted her offer, that rope leash would be around his neck and there would be no escaping her if it was a trap. But seeing her standing there, patiently waiting for him to come around in his own time, made Dean think that maybe she wasn’t a threat. Maybe she was just an innocent bystander that was willing to help a stray dog.  
If only she knew the truth, he mentally scoffed to himself. Here goes nothing.  
Taking a tentative step towards her, he sniffed the hand she offered him. With his new found sniffer, he would be able to smell sulfur from a mile away, however she smelled like honey and pecan; she smelt divine. Dean became calm, as if his senses were telling him that she was safe, that he wasn’t in any danger. Deciding to trust his gut, he slowly walked to her side which earned him a soft pat on the head before she slipped the leash over his head. Dean huffed, this is ridiculous. 
He followed her cautiously out of the alley, scanning the area as best he could, just in case. When the woman got to the mesh railing, she stepped around it and waited for him to pass. He knew she was expecting him to struggle and attempt to run, but as he looked back up at her, her soft smile and relaxed features reassured him that she'd have no objection if he wanted to do just that. Another reason as to why Dean decided to trust her and allow her to help him. She opened her car door on the passenger side before gesturing for him to enter. Dean stared up for a moment, just taking in how much bigger everything seemed to him now before he decided to work up his energy to make the small jump needed to enter the vehicle. Once on the seat, he sat proud to ensure his body was as tall as he could possibly make it as she gently shut the door behind him. It wasn’t long till she joined him in the front, taking her place in the driver’s seat as she wiped her wet hair out of her eyes, drying her cheeks with the back of her coat sleeve. She turned to face him, gently offering her hand to pet his head in a reassuring manner, a move Dean was unsure of as he moved back slightly. This caused his rescuer to look lower, her eyebrows arching and a small smile tugging on her lips as she pulled her hand back.  
“So you’re a boy, that’s good to know,” she mused. Wait...what? How does she... Dean didn’t miss the flicker of her eye and slowly looked down. Sure enough, as he sat there proud as can be, little Dean was on show for all to see. Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me, he thought before he slowly lays himself down across the front seat, desperate to retain his doggy modesty.  
“I’ll take you to the vets in the morning, buddy.” He watches as she starts the car, a low rumbling coming from the engine before her music kicked in. “Get you scanned for a chip, see if we can find where you come from,” she continued before she began to hum along to the music that creeped in through the speakers.  
Stairway to heaven, Dean immediately recognized, tilting his head as he did so. This woman has got good taste.  
“Now I bet you’re starving and after the night I’ve had, I need comfort food,” she sniffed and it was only then Dean noticed that the woman appeared to be unhappy. Her slightly puffy eyes and red nose were an indicator that she may have been crying for a while before she’d stopped to help him. Of course, the red nose could also be from the cold and wet weather conditions, but Dean had the hunch that her night may have been just as unpleasant as his.  
As she pulled the car away from the sidewalk, Dean took a moment to try and think over the mess he’d gotten into. Sam never mentioned that this spell would actually turn him into a dog and with Castiel out of action, he knew he had no hope of getting back to his little brother by any supernatural means. He was going to have to figure this out the old fashioned way. Dean knew they were in Enid, Oklahoma. His brother was in a local motel, but getting back there on four paws was going to be difficult. He glanced aside, grateful that this woman had found him and was giving him some sanctuary from the heavy downpour, grateful that she was so far taking care of him. He needed time to work out his bearings and he was hoping that from this woman’s home, he’d be able to plan a route that would take him back to Sam.  
The car turning into a local burger joint caught Dean’s attention, the smell of grilled patties and fresh french fries overwhelmed his senses and it made him shoot up from his laying down position, his stomach rumbling at the smell. He was hungry and he’d never been so relieved that this woman was driving him into a drive through. As she pulled up to order and rolled down her window, Dean’s doggy mouth started to water, drool gathering at the end of his chin. He wasn’t even ashamed.  
Please order a bacon cheeseburger, please, I beg of you, Dean thought, the drool from his chin now dribbling onto the seat beneath him as he watched his saviour lean speak to the intercom. 
“Two double bacon cheeseburgers, a water and a vanilla shake please,” she ordered politely. “Are you happy with that, boy?” 
Boy, am I! Thank god you’re my kind of woman!  Dean was overjoyed that this lady had ordered him his favourite food without even knowing. So happy in fact that a certain part of him had started to move really fast, whipping from side to side in a rhythmic manner. Why is this moving and why can I not control this?! Dean panicked, turning his head to watch as his tanned covered tail continued to beat against the leather seat. Seriously, stop moving! 
Too busy concentrating on how to control his tail, Dean didn’t notice the car move to the next window. It was only when the rustle of the take out bag was heard, that he stopped paying his attention to his new found body part. He whipped his head around and allowed his nose to sniff manically, licking his wide mouth in response to the full flavoured smell. His stomach rumbled at the thought of the contents of the bag, he couldn’t wait to get his mouth around that burger. Even though he knew his eyes should be trained on where the woman was now driving too or even the woman herself, Dean couldn’t stop staring at the bag that was in her lap. Doggy instincts or not, he felt like that burger was the most important thing in the world at that moment.  
It didn’t take long for his feeder to come to a stop, in fact it was only around a five-minute drive but to Dean it felt like an eternity. She turned off the engine and with the bag in hand, she exited the car. He watched her through the window and noticed that they were now outside of a house. Nothing too big or fancy; it was quaint. There were only a few other houses along the street, the sidewalk lined with trees and grass, yards edged with white picket fences. It was a place where Dean could see himself living if he ever got out of the life of hunting.  
The sound of the passenger door opening broke him from his thoughts, he turned his fur covered head to see that burger lady was waiting for him, his leash in her hands. She didn’t have to tug, Dean was more than happy to jump out and set his paws onto the ground again, eager to get somewhere warm and dry with food in his stomach. Walking up the garden path to reach her front door, he notices movement to the left of him and immediately stopped to try and work it out.  
“Evening, dear!” An elderly woman popped her head above her bushes, rollers in her hair and a smile wide across her mouth. Dean noticed how she immediately looked down at him, her eyebrow arching slightly.  
Oh great, a nosey neighbour, he thought, because what neighbourhood doesn’t have one.   
“Oh hey, Mrs Kirkman,” his rescuer replied politely, offering a little wave as she did so. He could tell by her tone that even she got fed up with her neighbour from time to time.  
“Got yourself a new friend, Y/N?” Mrs Kirkman asked, her eyes still staring down at him.  
Y/N. Nice to finally know your name. Didn’t want to be calling you burger lady forever, Dean mused, turning to look up at the woman next to him.  
“Oh, sort of,” Y/N sighed, knowing if she didn’t tell the story her neighbour would only ask anyway. “I found him all caught up in barbed wire in an alley, I’m gonna take him to the vet in the morning to see if we can find who he belongs to,” she finished.  
  That’s what you think, I’ll be gone before sunrise. Dean didn’t know if dogs could frown but he was at least attempting too. He just needed a safe place to rest, somewhere to think over what his next move would be; he wasn’t sticking around.  
“Poor thing,” Mrs Kirkman tutted. “Well, I’ll leave you be, dear. I’m sure you and your boyfriend will have your hands full this evening with this one,” she chuckled.  
“S-sure,” Y/N stammered, causing Dean to feel concerned. “Bye, Mrs Kirkman.”  
Y/N’s goodbye was quiet and he had noticed the slight change in her demeanor when the neighbour had mentioned her boyfriend. She didn’t glance down at him once as she opened her front door, the metal keys jangling against the lock as she stepped inside, gently pulling Dean with her. Once inside, she bent down and removed the makeshift leash from his neck, gesturing for him to explore if he wanted too as she walked into what he could only assume was the kitchen, shedding her wet coat along the way.  He wasn’t sure what to expect with not knowing Y/N much at all, yet he felt comforted by the things that surrounded him. The place wasn’t pristine, her shoes were not in the ready built shoe rack in the hall, there was a glass left out on the coffee table in the living room from when she was last here and as he peered into the kitchen to follow her, he noticed there were a few dirty dishes on the counter. She was perfectly normal.  
“I’ve never been so happy to be home,” Y/N whispered to herself, as she grabbed a shallow dish from the drainer before she reached into the takeout bag for the bottled water. The rustling caught his attention, reminding him that his juicy burger was still yet to be devoured. He eagerly came around and stood next to her, his eyes trained on the bag as he waited. Y/N just looked down at him, her hair framing her face as she offered him a small smile. “Guess you’re missing your home too, huh buddy?” 
You have no idea. Dean thought to himself, allowing a small huff of air to leave him.  
“Alright, buddy, let’s go eat,” she announced, grabbing the bag and holding the bowl of water as she walked into her living room, Dean hot on her heels.  
Before Y/N could even settle herself down on the couch, Dean had excitedly run around her and jumped onto the cushions to join her, waiting patiently for his food. To him, this was normal behavior, you sit down to tuck into a delicious meal but to Y/N, it was amusing.  
“Please, make yourself comfortable,” she jested, a slight chuckle passing her lips as she settled into her usual spot.  
I am. You really don’t expect me to stay on the floor do you? Once again, Dean was frowning even though it wasn’t showing. Being a dog was going to take a lot of getting used to, but he sincerely hoped that he didn’t have to, that tomorrow he would wake to find he had ten fingers and ten toes, yet he knew better than that. Life was never that easy.  
Y/N reached into the bag and pulled out her burger, Dean watched closely as she unwrapped her meal, his eyes honing in on the melted cheese that was oozing out over the bacon and steak patty. Man, he was hungry. He didn’t know whether it was because he was a dog or just because it had been hours since his last meal but he could not stop staring at the meal in her hand as she took her first, significant bite. 
“Oh, that is one good burger,” she moaned around her meal, her tongue peeking out of her lips to lick away the stray sauce that remained. Dean could feel his mouth salivating as he watched her. This is porn, this is literally food porn.     Y/N had noticed him staring and had also noticed the drool that was staring to lace her pillows and she let out a small chuckle as she reached back into the bag for the second burger. Dean couldn’t stand the wait anymore.  
Oh come, lady. Give it to me, please, he begged, licking his lips once more as a little whimper sounded from his throat, causing Y/N to smile as she began to unwrap Dean’s food before tearing the burger into little pieces. To him, this was like emotional torture. I am begging you...shit, how do dogs beg? Paws? Here, have my paw, have both paws!  
“Alright, alright,” Y/N laughed as she watched how invested he was in the food, “when was the last time you had something to eat, huh?” Her question fell on deaf ears as she placed the open wrapper full of chunks of burger in front of him.  
Come to daddy, Dean exclaimed in his mind, moving fast to start scoffing the food down him as quickly as she could. Oh my god, this is heaven.  
“Take it easy, you’ll make yourself sick,” Y/N playfully scolded, watching on with wide eyes at how fast this dog was eating. It didn’t take long, not even a minute until the whole thing was gone and Dean sat back, licking his mouth as proud as punch. He didn’t care that he ate it super quick, he didn’t care that he could feel some of it lodged in his throat because it tasted that good. It was only when he started to cough that he went a little more wide eyed. Maybe she was right... 
“Here have some water,” she encouraged, picking up the bowl of water from the floor to bring it in front of his face. Dean just looked down at the bowl before he looked back up at Y/N, questions forming in his mind.  
How the hell am I supposed to drink this? He looked back down at the water and he knew if he wanted a drink, he’d have to at least give it a go. He’d seen dogs drink before, he could do this...right? With a deep breath, Dean angled his neck down and opened his mouth. At first, he began to bite at the water, not a lot actually going into his mouth before he realised he had to use his tongue too. He could feel the water splashing onto his face through his many failed attempts at having a drink and when he heard Y/N giggle, he stopped what he was doing to look up at her.  
“You’re a mucky pup, aren’t you?” she chuckled, amusement glistening in her eyes as she stared at him, moving the bowl back down to the floor before she started to tidy the mess of their dinner away.  
I’d like to see you try, lady, it’s harder than it looks! Dean felt himself huff as he watched Y/N walk away with the empty wrappers in hand. He was already finding being a dog taxing; not being able to free yourself if you get caught, not being able to open your own damn burger and now he had to drink water out of a bowl. It had only been a few hours since the change and he was already so done with it all.  
While she was out of the room, Dean jumped down and began to really take in his surroundings. He noted the large bookcase in the corner which was adorned with photos. There was a lone chair by her bay window that was covered with a faux fur throw. A small keyboard and guitar on the opposite side of the room, music sheets littering the space around them. Her walls were covered with framed classic movie posters, some of which he highly approved of. So far, so good.  
The sound of shuffling made Dean turn his head and halt his exploring. Y/N had returned, however this time her hair was in a bun on top of her head and she had changed into more comfortable clothing. He slowly made his way back over to her but on this occasion, he stayed close to the chair that was angled next to the window, choosing to jump up and lay there. She settled herself back down onto the couch, taking a sip from her vanilla shake before she turned on the television. Dean noted how she went straight to netflix, snuggling herself down in a blanket as she waited for the streaming service to load. It was only then, that she looked for him and began to pat her hand to her thigh to beckon him over. But Dean didn’t move an inch. 
“Yeah I get why you wouldn’t want to cuddle me, boy,” she whispered, dejectedly, “seems to be a theme to my evening,” she muttered, leaning back into the couch and placing her head on a pillow, before she started the show that was next on her watchlist.  
Dean was grateful for what Y/N had done for him so far; but he wasn’t the cuddling type of dog. Hell, he wasn’t any type of dog. He hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings by not going over to her, though to him, it all felt a little strange. There was no way he could explain this to her. For one, he was unable to speak and two, if he were able too, she’d mark herself as crazy for being able to hear him talk. What was he meant to do? Go searching through her books until he finds one with a dog in and point his paws at it? I ain’t no Lassie.  
Sniffling brought him from his thoughts, his eyes focusing on the woman who was curled up on the couch. He watched from his position on the chair as Y/N quietly wiped at her eyes. She was crying, that much was obvious, and Dean could only assume that this so-called ‘boyfriend’ Mrs Kirkman mentioned was the cause of her anguish. He was unsure how to best handle her. He couldn’t comfort a woman he barely knew over a situation he knew nothing about, yet he couldn’t just sit here and watch as she sobbed into a fresh kleenex. Making his decision, he slowly made his way down from the chair to her side, nudging at her with his nose to show her he was there if she needed him before he lay down on the floor in front of her. He didn’t see the small smile she gave at his actions but he did feel the hand that came down and gently stroked his back in thanks.  
For now, this was fine but tomorrow, things were going to be different. He wasn’t a pet, nor was he anyone’s lap dog. He was Dean Winchester and his priority was getting back to his brother. His priority was turning back into his human form. Tomorrow he will find Sam, no matter the cost.  
——————————————– Chapter Two –>  ——————————————–
A/N: So begins a new series! I hope you guys enjoyed it so far. Thanks so much for reading. Please let me know your thoughts if you have time <3
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If you fancy coming in this mini Dean adventure with me, let me know HERE :)
Forever Babes:
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Dean Queens:
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A Man’s Best Friend:
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
Paring: Peter Parker x Cyborg!Reader
Summary: Being mechanical isn’t all that bad, You just need to get used to it. Lucky Peter’s here to help!
Word count: 3.8K
Warning: Swearing, Bad writer
A/N: This is an idea I got just while watching an old video. Let’s see if I can actually do anything good with it!
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It was all too fast for Peter to see, He didn’t know what happened and no one was telling him. All he knew it involved you. You were his girlfriend of a couple of months now. Before becoming an avenger, you were just a classmate who had an actual internship for Tony Stark but you two became friends and when you two started dating you started to hang out with the avengers. Now you all were like a faint family. 
....Until Today
Today you were supposed to hang out with M.J. and just relax but something happened. Something bad. And no one would tell him! 
"(Y/n)! (Y/N)!" Peter yelled as he tried to push people away, he just needed to see you! You needed to be okay! You needed to be okay! Peter suddenly held a hand on his shoulder, making him stop.
"Peter, it's best if you don't see." he heard Steve's voice tell him. Peter shook his head and looked toward Steve
"Mr. Rogers, She's my girlfriend. I need to see if she's okay!" He nearly yelled as he tried getting through the crowd again. Steve sighed as he took his shoulder again but made Peter look at him.
"Pete, trust me. You don't want to see her right now. I'm going to be honest with you, she isn't in good shape." he looked up and saw the fear on Peter's face, "She'll be okay, she will but we have to let the doctors work now." He started to lead Peter toward the living room, "She'll be fine, Pete." 
You let out a gasp of pain as slowly opened your right eye, the left one hurt too much to open it. You look around the room to see a bunch of doctors you looked at the medical bed you were all and you only saw one thing.
Blood. that's all you saw, that's what was all around the room. You started to pant as you looked up to see two people in the back of the room, talking. actually more like fighting.
"you can't so that to her! She's 16!" Tony yelled at Ross. He looked so angry, you haven't seen him that angry in a long time. 
"Mr. Stark, this is the only way she'll survive." Ross calmly spoke, making your eyes widen. You let out a small whine as you tried getting off the table. Bruce's hand gently pushed you back against the bed.
"It'll be okay, (Y/n). Just relax you'll be fine." That did not calm you down. 
"Ross, she's just a kid. You can't be serious, you are talking about quite frankly very dangerous supplies." Tony explained as he looked over at you, you two making eye contact. 
"I'm sorry but this is the only way." Ross patted Tony's chest before walking over to you, "Let's get started." Your breath starts to catch up as he walked closer and closer to you. He knelt down to your eye level as he whispers.
"Peter..." You mumbled out weakly, trying to raise an arm to reach out to the door. 
"Shh, Shh. Don't worry, (Y/n). When you wake up you'll be helping people." He stood up and walked away as they put a mask on you. Your eyes started to droop as you looked over at Tony before passing out.
...Did he say helping people?.....
"It's been a week, Mr. Stark. I should be able to see her." Peter argues for the hundredth time as both he and Tony entered the living room, where all the other avengers were. they were all looking over Steve's shoulder to read some kind of manual, Peter didn't care. All he cared about was you.
"Pete, we talked about this. She isn't in right... state for you to see her." Tony sighed as he knew why Peter couldn't see you, "You'll be able to see her soon."
"You've been saying that all week!" Peter yelled, he didn't mean to but he really needed to know how you are. He doesn't know anything because they won't tell them.
"Peter..." Tony sighed again, he doesn't want to be the one to tell him what happened. It won't be pretty when he figured out what happened. 
"Nevermind..." Peter sighed as he left the living room, knowing that all the avengers were watching him leave. He kept walking through the tower until he heard a familiar voice yelling.
"I know what you did!" I-It was M.J! Peter ran and ran until he reached the room she was in. Peter opened the door gently to see M.J. standing over one of the scientist who was working on you. Peter's eyes widen when he saw one of M.J.'s legs was mechanical, "I know what you did to (Y/n)." Peter's eyes widen as he listened closely, "If I figure out you did that to anyone else it won't be pretty."
"Well Michelle, There was nothing else we could have done." He doctor puts his hand together, "It's better this way." 
"There was another way!" She growled before turning around, seeing Peter walking out of the room. 
"M.J, wait what happened!?" Peter asked as he tried to keep up with her angry walking. M.J. suddenly stopped as she stared at Peter almost confused.
"You don't know?" She raised a brow as she crossed her arms.
"No! They won't tell me anything!" Peter explained as he stared at M.J. desperate to know what happened to his girlfriend. She suddenly gives him a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry, Parker. I really am." was all she said before she left Peter standing there desperate and confused. He just hoped that you were alright.
"Wow, these guys sure are angry," Peter yelled as he webbed a couple of monsters to a wall. He was clad in his Spider-suit as he fought alongside the Avengers.
"They tend to be, kid," Tony grunted as he blasted some away from him before going back to fight more. 
"There's too many of them!" Clint yelled, firing an arrow into one of the monsters before doing it to another.  
"We might need to call them in!" Steve yelled into the comm as he continued to fight. He really didn't want to bring them in but they might have to.
"Wait, bring who in?" Peter asked as he continued to webbed the monsters to the wall. it was like no one was listening to him as he asked.
"Do we have to? I really don't want to see her." Clint whined as he shot another arrow.
"We have to, you know that." Nat explained, "We don't like seeing her like that either but we know it has to be done." 
"Who's 'her'?" 
"You're right, Stark, bring them in."
"bring in the mechanical devices" Tony sighed before pressing a button in his suit. When he noticed the looks he was getting he explained, "I didn't name them!"
"Who are you talking about!?" Peter asked as he stood there, catching his breath. they weren't making any sense right now who was Mr. Stark calling? His Peter tingle yelled at him to move but before he did something had pushed him out of the way.
"Wha..Who?" Peter looks over to see a machine with (H/c) hair? It stood there in front of Peter and the monster, "Hey, who are you...?" His question was never answered as the machine suddenly got jets in their back as they flew up and started to fight the monster. It landed in front of him again back facing him as they were looking at their wrist.
"Hey, thanks." Peter smiled behind the mask as he stared at the machine. The machine suddenly looks over at Peter and all Peter saw was two technical (E/c) eyes staring at his, "(Y/n)?" He gasped as he looked at the machine.
The machine was covered head to toe in machinery, even your face. It didn't have a mouth but it had a nose and eyes. You still had your (H/l) (H/c) hair. The jets went back into their back as they tilted their head toward Peter.
"I can't believe it's you." Peter's smile couldn't get any bigger as his Peter Tingle went off again but he didn't care he found you.
"Watch out!" The machine yelled before raising an arm and a blaster came out of their wrist. It was your voice but very auto-tuned. The machine blasted the monster he was behind Peter. Peter watched in awe as he saw you but something weird happened.
Another you flew past him, He looked over at them confused as he looked toward the other machine. The machine looked down at their wrist as they heard your voice
"Five! go over and help Two!" It was your normal voice, no auto-tune, or anything. Peter looked at the machine's wrist confused before slowly looking back at the machine.
"Wait, wait. What's going o-" Peter was cut off by the machines jets coming out and it flying away to help the fight, leaving Peter to stand there confused. 
"Parker, Get back to the jet! It's time to head out." Sam yelled to him over the comm, Peter jumped before swinging over to the jet.
When he reached the jet he stood next to the avengers but stopped as he saw six's machines that looked like you. The one in the middle had one technical eye and one normal eye and they also had a visor on.
"What's going on?" Peter asks as he walks over to the machines a little bit. He stopped as he felt Tony's hand on his shoulder.
"Girls, head back to the base. I'll talk to the avengers." The middle machine explains it was your normal voice. The five other machines flys off as the middle one walk closer to the avengers. As they get closer suddenly the medal around their face retracted, Showing your normal face. One eye is still technical though and the visor is still on. The machine stood in front of them with a tired smile.
"Hey, guys..." You started softly, not really knowing what to say. last time they all saw you, you were very Injured and this was the only way to help you. 
"(Y/n)?" Peter asks softly, almost too softly for you to hear. When you gave him a small smile he took off his mask, "(Y/n)!!" He ran over to you and hugged you tight, spinning you around. You let out small giggles as he spun you around.
"Was that really the only way?" Steve asked softly as he whispered to Tony, causing him to sadly sigh.
"According to Ross, it was." Tony frowned deeply as he looked at your mechanical limbs, "I feel like we could have done nothing else."
"I can't believe you're here!" Peter yelled as he put you down and gave you a bunch of small kisses on your face, "A-and look at you. I thought you were gone!" he hugged you again tighter this time. You hugged him back, snuggling your face in his shoulder.
"Gone? You thought I was gone?" You ask giving the group a look, rubbing his back gently. The Avengers all same guilty looks toward you.
"We didn't want him to worry about you," Steve explained, you gave me a smile that you hoped showed that you really missed them, you missed them all.
"Well, I think you made him worry more." You let out a small laugh as you broke him Peter's hug, giving him a peck on the lips before hugging the rest of the Avengers, "Oh, I missed you guys so much!" 
"We missed you too, Kiddo. I'm sorry this happened to you." Tony frowned at you, you looked down at your mechanical limbs.
"Aw, Don't worry about it. I got used to it." You waved it off, if it was to save you then so be it. 
"Sooo, Did they replace your limbs or...?" Peter asked as he hugged you from behind, snuggling his face in your metal shoulder. You let out a small laugh as you mess with his brown curls that you loved so much.
"No no, I still have my limbs. It's weird I still don't really know." You shrugged causing Peter to move his face. He didn't want to crush his face.
"What's with the other yous?" Peter asks once again.
"That's actually something I want to know actually," Tony spoke up, you completely forgot they were there. You were too busy with your adorable man, "Why did they do that?"
"Oh, my Girls?" You chuckle as you explain, "They thought I would need help. They want me to help you guys on a mission and if we really needed the girls can come to help us." 
"You're gonna be an Avenger?" Peter gasps as he hugged you tighter, giving your cheek a good kiss, "I'm so proud of you!" you give a little chuckle as you looked toward the group through your visors, showing their visuals an things like that (basically E.D.I.T.H). 
"If that's okay with you guys?" You added weakly, making both you and Peter look over at the Avengers. They were all staring at each other wondering the same thing.
 ....Were you ready?
"I think she's ready." Nat explained, making all the avengers look at her, "I mean, look how she and her girls handled themselves." 
"Well, I guess we'll see next mission." Steve shrugged looking over at everyone else who reluctantly nodded along with him.
"Great." You gave them a small smile. Peter smiled and took your hand as you both walked into the jet, the Avengers watch you move sadly, not liking what happened to you.
"Oh, oh my Girls are amazing!" You gushed as Peter smiled at you, "They all got some part on me in them." You started counting on your fingers, "One is like super shy, like how I was when we first met. Two is really determined, like a little too much. Three is really brave, actually scratch that she's really reckless. Four is angry, just really angry watch out for that one. Five is just really caring." You smile before frowning a little, "They just... don't have humanity in them."
"Hey, It's okay. We're all okay." Peter smiled before hugging you again, You could never get tired of hugging you, "You're okay." You mumbled into your metal skin before placing a small kiss on it.
~~ "C'mon, C'mon it's almost done." Peter smiled as he covered your eyes, leading you into your bedroom where they've been doing something in there.
"Peter, c'mon I gotta go soon." You sighed as you crossed your arms, your visor now on your forehead. It's been a month or two since the accident and M.J. was able to remove her metal cast. You still haven't seen her yet.
"Your Girls can do it today. You've been working yourself to death lately." He whined as he dragged your across pretty much the whole compound. Tony smiled when he saw you two.
"I don't need to relax, I'm a machine I don't need the same thing you do." You explain for the hundredth time.
"Not true! I read your manual and it said you needed to eat something ready 4 days and sleep at least once a week. When was that last time you did either?" Peter asked, making your huff and cross your arms.
"I plead the fifth." 
"Okay, Okay. Here we go." Peter smiled as he leads you into your room uncovering your eyes, "Ta-da!" It was a strange machine, making you tilt your head in confusion.
"What is it exactly?" 
"You'll find out. Try it." He smiled as you stood on the 'X' You looked at him with a shrug before he presses a button making the machine move. You stared at him confused as you feel it touch your metal limbs. You closed your eyes until you heard a beep. You gasp as you look down at yourself.
"Y-You got them off!" You smile as you stare at your arms, your actual arms but just the metal. Your joints where still metal but ya'know what you didn't care.  You look to see Peter grinning ear-to-ear, "Thank you!" You yelled, throwing your arms around his neck, giving him small kisses all around his face He laughed as you do.
"The only problem is you can only take them off a couple of hours a day." Peter gave you a frown as he tried to read your expression. You cupped his cheek as you have him a found smile.
"Peter Parker, I never expected to my actual arms and legs again. You gave me everything I wanted." You gave him a kiss on the lips before putting your forehead to his, "Thank you." 
"Four! Go over by Two and One to see if they need help! Five you're with me." You explain to your team before flying over to the bank robbers. 
"Five, Blast the wheels! I'll make sure they won't hit anyone!" You yelled watching your teamwork. Peter was patrolling in Queens while you were somewhere else in new york.
Five blasted the wheels while you flew in front of the car using your strength to try and stop the car. It was slowing down before you planted your feet in the ground, making it come to a complete stop. You pant before looking up and making eye contact with the driver making their eyes widen. 
"Oh, you're in trouble now." You retracted your mask, showing them your smirk before you yell to the others, "Five, Take these three to the police." They nodded before following orders. You stood there for a moment just looking at the car before asking, "One, Two, Four how you doing?" 
"We got the bastard." Four answered, it was still weird hearing your own voice talking to you, even if it's auto-tuned. You nodded at them.
"Good work, follow Five's lead, and bring them to the police." You went to turn before adding up, "Oh and Three, Get rid of the car, check it for any evidence. When you guys are done with that head back to base." You turn toward the moon, "I got something to do." 
"Got it, Ma'am!"
"Are you going to be alright Ma'am?" Five asked you, you can always tell by their tone of voice.
"Yea, I'll be fine. Head back to base." You ordered softly, they were great but you had to remind yourself that they were just machine. You loved them though.
"Having a rough day, Babe?" You heard a cocky voice ask, You smirk as you turn to face Spider-Man, "You look tired." His voice went from cocky to worried in a minute, it was cute.
"I'm fine, Spidey." You smiled as you flew over and sat next to him on the light pole, "Just a little tired but I can handle it."
"You still need sleep, (Y/n)." He sighed as he looked toward the moon, "You've been working yourself to death. You haven't slept since-since the accident.. (Y/n), you need a day off." He looked toward you moving the button part of his mask but showing you his mouth, "And I know just how." He smirked.
"Oh yea, How?" You smirked, raising an eyebrow and nudging him gently.
"You, me, Ned, M.J. moving night at my house." He smirked as he pointed to himself, you give him a look. You haven't seen them since the accident.
"Spidey, that's when I patrol with my girls." You frown at him, you kinda wanted to go but you probably shouldn't.
"C'mon, (Y/n) I know your scare but it'll be fine. They really miss you. M.J. asks about you everyday." he looks over at you, you suddenly felt guilty, "You can't keep avoiding them." You hug yourself deep in thought before sighing.
 "Fine, I'll be there." 
"Yes!" Peter jumped and fist-bumped the air, making you giggle softly.
"Uh, Boss?" You heard your auto-tuned voice rang out. you sighed softly
"Yea, Three?"
"I uh, kinda lost the car.." Three said weakly.
"I kinda threw it to One, who was heading back to base." You sighed looking at Peter who heard them and was chuckling.
"Okay, Three I'll help you look. We'll have to have a talk though." You used your jets to start flying. You look toward Peter before smirking and doing the 'Call me' signal.  You flew off making Peter stare at the sky sighing.
"That girl worries me.....Is this how Mr. Stark felt?"
"(Y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice yell at you. You turned around and smiled at how you saw.
"M.J, Ned!" You waved your arms (No longer wearing the metal) You ran over to them giving them the biggest hugs you can, "It's soo good to see you again." You pulled away and Ned gasped at your Left eye.
"Can you see through me?" Ned asked you, making you giggle and Peter nudges him with a harsh 'Dude!' M.J. and you shared a look before you start laughing.
"You scared me, Loser." She frowned before giving you a second long hug, "I thought something really bad happened to you."
"No, No Don't worry I'm fine." You explain smiling at the hug. That was the first hug M.J. ever gave you. You let out a laugh as M.J. rolled her eye, "So, we know what we watching today, boi's?" You ask as you look toward Ned and Peter.
"Hey M.J., You kinda look like Rue." You state from your spot on Peter's lap, You had your head between his shoulder and neck. You once in a while gave his neck a kiss, which you knew he liked cause he always gave an adorable giggle afterward.
"Should I be happy?" She raised a brow at you, "Are you saying I look like a drug addict?" Your eyes widen as she said that before you gave her a look.
"It's because I think she's actually really pretty, M.J." You hid your face in peter's neck mumbling, "God, Can't take a compliment." Peter laughed as he ran his fingers through your hair.
"You Know, You were right Peter." You smiled as you laid your head on his shoulder running your hand over his chest, "I really needed a break." Ned and M.J. was asleep next to you too. 
"You've been doing a lot, Baby." he smiled as he places a gentle kiss on your forehead, "You can take a break now. Just relax." You smiled and closed your eyes as Peter messages your scalp. 
"I love you, Pete."
"I love you too, (Y/n)." Was that last thing you heard before falling deep in asleep. 
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s0seo · 4 years
The Heir Chapter 3
Pairing: OT7 x Reader                              WC: 9324
Rating: M                                        
Genre: Vampire au mystery thriller with lots of angst and eventual fluff and smut (THIS IS A SLOW BURN)
Summary: After you and your friend are attacked during a night out, you discover a world much bigger and more dangerous than you could have ever imagined.
WARNINGS: 18+, mention of blood, swearing, mention of assault, mention of past abuse, lots of angst
A/n: Hello beautiful humans! I hope that everyone has been staying safe and healthy since my last update! Sorry it took me so long to get the chapter out, but I was suffering from a lack of drive. Also is it just me or are these chapters just getting longer and longer?
A/n 2: I want to give a big thank you to @kookieskiwi​ for hyping me up and getting me back into the writing mindset!
Chapters: 1 2
© s0seo please do not copy or edit as protested under this license :)
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The taxi pulls up to your house, and you and Yoongi get out and look at it silently.
 As you walk up to your front door, Yoongi, who made it a point to carry your bag for you, unlocks the door as well.  
You’re grateful for the lack of physical strain, but you wish that he didn’t have to fuss over you. In fact, aside from the dull ache in your side, you feel completely fine.
 As he turns the key in the lock, you reach out and open the door. He lets you walk in first and follows behind, making sure to lock the door behind him.
 You look around your living room, now seeing it with new eyes. It’s spacious, but cluttered with furniture, bookshelves, and your entertainment system. 
You stop in your tracks as your phone buzzes in your pocket and see a new message from your friend.
Jungkook: How are you guys feeling??  I know I already apologized, but I’m so sorry I couldn’t see you in the hospital.
Jungkook: I should be back in town tomorrow morning. I’ll stop by the house and check on you guys. 
You pull up your keyboard to type a response, but before you can send it you are shoved forward by Yoongi as he runs into you.
“Oww! What was that for?”
“Why’d you stop right in front of the door? You know how heavy your bag is? What do you even have in this thing? Bricks?”
You ignore his comments and make your way towards the couch.
The kitchen, which is only a few feet away from where you’re standing looks smaller than you remember. You rub your face and let out a sigh before walking around the couch and taking a seat in the chair right beside it.
Yoongi follows your lead and places himself in the middle of the couch with your bag right beside him. You feel a wave of exhaustion hit you and look over at Yoongi. You notice the bags under his eyes and wonder how much sleep he's had over the past few days.
“Let’s just rest for a bit and then we can unpack and start going through the refrigerator” You say as you lean your head back and close your eyes.
You hear the confusion coating his words as if he can’t believe you’re already suggesting chores as soon as you walk in the door.
You open your eyes a smidge and peer over at him.
“What do you mean what? We’ve been gone almost a week. The last thing we need is old food smelling up the fridge.”
He lets out a huff.
“If we’re talking about smelly things, I don’t think the refrigerator should be at the top of your list.”
You sit up in your chair and open your eyes fully.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He smiles at you in amusement.
“It means you smell like hospital.”
You pull your shirt up to your nose and give it a sniff, then your hair.
“oh, come on it’s not that bad”
He leans his head back and covers his face with his arm.
“trust me. it’s bad. You could make onions cry.”
You reach over, grab a pillow from the couch, and throw it at him, careful not to overstrain yourself. 
He laughs as he puts his arms up to shield another possible attack.
“Hey! What? Did you want me to lie to you? You’d stink up the whole house!”
You stick your tongue out at him, grab your bag, and stand up, ready to scrub the smell of sanitation and hospital from your skin for the greater good.
 As you make your way towards the hallway leading to your bedrooms you suddenly feel yourself become lightheaded. Your body slumps against the wall as your knees give out and your vision turns black. 
When you open your eyes, you realize that it’s probably only been a few seconds. Yoongi is bending down beside you with his hand on your shoulder. 
 As you look around, he reaches up and turns your face to look at him.
“Whoa, what happened? Are you alright?”
You nod and try to stand, but your legs give out on you again. As you take in a dep breath you feel a sudden pain in your side and cry out. You feel tears forming in your eyes as the pain continues to increase. 
You don’t know what happened. You felt fine a few seconds ago, but now it hurts to move. Maybe your pain medicine is wearing off or something, not that you even really needed it to begin with.
Yoongi helps you stand, and half carries you to the end of the hall to your bedroom. He guides you to the foot of your bed and walks back into the hall to pick up your bag. You feel a heavy wave of exhaustion hit you and your side starts to throb in pain. 
You don’t understand what happened. 
Your mind races as you wonder what you did to overstrain yourself. Slowly, the pain starts to make its way across more of your body. 
Every breath is accompanied by the feeling of shards of glass in your lungs and a tightening in your chest.
Your tears begin to fall faster as you close your eyes and focus all of your energy on not crying out in pain.
 ‘I don't understand…. I don’t understand’ you keep repeating to yourself internally.
One minute you were fine and the next, your entire body hurts and you can barely lift your arms. You didn’t even feel this bad while you were in the hospital. 
When you hear Yoongi return you open your eyes and reach out to take your bag. Your arm falls short however as you feel a sharp pain in your side. 
Yoongi drops your bag and lowers himself to meet your eyes as he inspects your overall state.
You feel him rub your shoulder softly as he begins to understand the level of pain you’re experiencing.
“What’s going on? What happened” he asks, the concern clear in his eyes.
You close your eyes and focus on your words as you try to keep your mind off the pain.
“I don’t know. I felt fine just a minute ago.”
You try to reach for your bag again, but you feel that sharp pain shoot up your side once more causing you to cry out.
“What’s wrong? Tell me what hurts...”
You look him in the eyes and spit out the words echoing in your mind.
“Everything. My...My side…Yoongs. It hurts to breathe...” 
You feel the dull pain in your chest beginning to grow sharper, and you let out a wince as your breathing turns into quick gasps for air. 
Yoongi looks at you, his eyes filled with uncertainty and rapidly increasing concern.
“I don’t understand. I thought you were getting better really fast just like me. Let me go find your pain medicine. Should we go back to the hospital?”
You let out an irritated grunt at the word hospital. Just the thought of returning to that god-awful place with that creepy as hell doctor makes you want to punch a wall.
“No...no hospital.”
You can tell that he’s getting more and more anxious by the second, so you hide your wince as you try to calm him down. 
“I'll just...take some pain meds...and lay down. I'm sure...it’ll pass soon. I… I just need my medicine.”
He gives you a nod and you see him quickly head into the hallway as he gets your medicine from the kitchen counter.
When he returns, he has two pills in one hand and a small glass of water in the other.
You weakly reach out to take the pills, but he quickly shakes his head at you.
“It’s okay, just open your mouth”
You open your mouth and watch his hand as he reaches out and places the pills on your tongue.  Your tongue grazes the tip of his finger, and he looks into your eyes. 
You both stare at each other for a moment before he looks away and brings the glass of water to your lips. His cool palm brushes against your forehead, and you close your eyes and let out a sigh, thankful for the cool fingers on your skin.
“Jesus. You're burning up. I'm gonna go run a bath for you.”
You give him a small nod as he walks into the hallway. A cold bath is exactly what you want right now. Your body starts to shiver, and you close your eyes as you wait for him to return.
You feel your eyelids getting heavy and your breathing slow. Before you know it, you feel yourself fall backwards onto your bed as you lose consciousness once again.
When you wake up you feel fine. 
You’re not sure how much time has passed but, judging by the faint blue hue through your windows it’s close to dawn.
You sit up slowly, remembering the pain you felt in your side just a little while earlier. 
You reach around for your phone, and you notice that your body feels completely normal. Well, aside from the now dull pain in your side and a bit of soreness in your muscles. Overall though, you feel great.
‘I’ll find it later’ you say to yourself after having no luck in your search for your phone.
You look around and spot Yoongi’s sleeping figure beside you on the bed on top of your blanket.  Your eyes roam over his face, and you admire his relaxed features as he breathes quietly. 
You stretch your arms out hoping to loosen your muscles, and you pop your neck and your back as you stand up and make your way to the kitchen, looking for something to eat.
The longer you think about food the hungrier you become. Now that you think about it, you haven’t eaten anything since before you left the hospital. 
Your hand slides against the wall as your fingers search for the light switch. Finally finding it, you flip the switch and look around the kitchen and make a mental note that it needs to be cleaned soon. 
You open the refrigerator door and just as you reach for a bag of grapes, you hear Yoongi cry out from your bedroom. You quickly close the door and rush over to him to make sure he’s okay. 
You turn your bedroom light on, and you see his face twisted in pain. You silently watch him reach across the bed as he lets out another cry. His face is covered in sweat and he begins to cry out again.
You realize he must be having a nightmare. You crawl onto the bed and place a hand on his shoulder as you try to wake him up. You keep your voice quiet and your tone soft as you slowly rub his arm and coax him from his dream.
“Yoongs, it's okay. You're okay. We’re safe. We’re home. I’m here.”
You feel him jerk beneath you as his eyes fly open, and he breathes heavily as his eyes search the room for a threat that isn't there. You continue rubbing his arm and comforting him.
“It’s okay Yoongs it was just a dream. You're okay. You're safe.”
His eyes meet yours and he looks at you for a moment before you see tears form in his eyes. You reach out and move his wet hair away from his eyes, hoping to help him see you more clearly as his body starts to tremble.
“Hey it's okay.” You say as you scoot your body back a bit and give him room to sit up.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He doesn't say anything. He just pulls his feet to his chest and buries his face in his knees, just like he did at the hospital. You place your hand on his back as you crawl across the bed and take a seat beside him.
“It’s okay, I'm not gonna push you. I'm here for you, whatever you need. Just please, don't shut me out.”
You both sit there for a while without saying anything. The only sounds filling the silence are Yoongi's sobs and his small gasps for air.  
Yoongi continues to sob as your hand switches from rubbing his back to running your fingers through his hair to calm him down. You aren't sure how much time has passed by the time he finally lifts his head from his knees and looks over to you.
You take in his puffy red eyes and his red tear stained cheeks, and you feel your heart tighten at the sight of him in pain. 
You look over at your nightstand and find the glass of water Yoongi left earlier when he gave you your medicine. You reach out for it and hand him the glass. He nods to you in thanks as he drains it in a few gulps.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He continues to stay silent and simply stares at a spot on the wall ahead of him. Your eyes roam over his disheveled state, and you can't help the pain that continues to form in your chest.
The bags under his eyes look deeper and darker than they had a few hours ago and his slumped shoulders make him look so much smaller than he really is.
You reach out to take the empty glass from him, but as your fingers graze his skin you realize that he’s burning up. You move your palm to his forehead, and it feels extremely warm. 
You feel a look of concern make its way across your features and you move to get off the bed. You head to the bathroom and try to get his fever down the only way you know how, Tylenol and a hot bath. 
He doesn't try to stop you and continues to stare out at nothing as if in a trance.
‘Gotta to get his fever down’ you say to yourself as you turn on the water faucet and plug up the bathtub, making sure to put some bubbles in as well because you know how much he loves them.
While you wait for the tub to fill you refill the small glass with some cool water and reach into the medicine cabinet to grab a few Tylenol and a Vitamin C tablet. 
You place them on the counter next to the sink and return to your friend who is in the exact same position as when you left him.
You walk over to the right side of your bead and take a seat in front of your friend. Taking both of his hands you move your body until you are right in his line of vision and speak softly and carefully.
“Yoongs, you don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to, but right now you're burning up. I think it would be a good idea to take some medicine, and I went ahead and ran a hot bath for you.”
You watch his eyes as they slowly make their way to your face. He gives you a small nod and you slowly help him stand up.
He moves to take a step forward, but his foot gets caught on the blanket and he falls into you. Your body stills as you feel his face land in the crook of your neck, and he takes a deep breath as if mustering up the energy to move again. 
You can't stop the shivers that form on your spine as he opens his eyes and takes another deep breath before looking up at your face and parting his lips.
You can tell he wants to say something, but he just can't find the energy. 
Your eyes search his face and you see him give a small sigh and look at the floor as he tries to take another step. 
He walks the short distance into the hallway with you in silence, and you feel your worry increasing by the minute as his silence makes your stomach clench.
 In all the years you've known him, Yoongi has never shut you out like his. If there was ever anything on his mind, you were the first person he told about it. 
‘That was before we both almost died’ you remind yourself.
You walk together through the doorway just outside of your room and see that the water is almost finished filling up the tub, the bubbles close to reaching the rim.
You help him sit down on the lid of the toilet and let him take the medicine you left out for him as you turn off the faucet and quickly head to the other side of the hallway. 
You open his door and grab a change of clothes out of his room. Opening his closet, you pick out a random t-shirt and grab a random pair of boxers and shorts from his dresser as well.
When your return to the bathroom the pills are gone, and the glass is once again empty. You grab a towel out of the closet for him and place it on the edge of the sink next to his clothes.
“The water is warm, and I brought you some clothes. Just let me know when you’re done, and I’ll make you some tea.”
You turn around ready to walk away when he suddenly reaches out and grabs your arm.
His eyes are full of fear and desperation as his grip tightens.
“Please don’t leave me alone.”
You turn around and look at him in confusion.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
His eyes begin to slowly form tears again as he softly begs you.
“I… I just… please don't leave me alone. I don’t want to be alone.”
You reach out and wipe away his tears as you comfort him.
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere. I'm right here. How about I just turn around while you get in? I'll stay with you as long as you need me to. I’m not going anywhere.”
You see his eyes search yours for something, and finding it, he softly nods.
You feel your cheeks warm as you turn around and face the hallway. 
A part of you feels awkward just standing there while he takes his clothes off, but a larger part of you convinces yourself that you’ve been friends for long enough; this shouldn't be that big of a deal.
‘It's perfectly fine. We’re friends. He needs this. No need to make it awkward.’ 
Your thoughts repeat themselves as your eyes find a small stain on the carpeted hallway and focus on it.
Behind you, you hear him removing his clothes, and your mind drifts back to what happened in the bedroom. The feeling of his breathing on your neck and the way your heart stopped in your chest as his face rested in your neck. 
You think about how it felt when his nose rubbed against your neck as he moved his head to look up at you and his lips as they parted once his eyes found yours.
You remember the question that he held in his eyes, and you can’t help but wonder what it was
Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of a hiss from behind you. You feel your cheeks get hotter as you shoo away your unnecessary thoughts. 
Instinctively you raise your head to turn and check on him, but you stop yourself as you remember his current state of undress.
Making sure to keep your eyes on the floor you turn your head to the side and call out behind you.
“Are you okay? Did I make the water too hot?”
You hear the sound of water splashing in the bathtub and he says, “it’s okay you can turn around now.”
You turn around and see him chest deep in water, the bubbles even with his shoulders. Even seeing him like this makes your pulse quicken slightly. 
Your eyes make their way to his collarbone and widen in surprise as you spot the scab where his wound once was. 
Your hold in your surprise as you remember what his wound looked like less than a week ago.
‘This whole situation just keeps getting crazier and crazier’ you think to yourself.
His eyes find your face and he tilts his head and motions for you to take a seat beside him.
“I didn’t make the water to hot did I? I know it’s supposed to be warm, but my baths are usually really warm.”
You walk over to the wall and take a seat next to him on the floor between the bathtub and the toilet. 
“It’s fine. Better than fine actually. It’s perfect.”
He leans his head back on the tub and gazes up at the ceiling before taking a deep breath and confessing “I can’t sleep well anymore. I don’t sleep at all really.”
“What do you mean? You slept beside me at the hospital.”
He frowns and glances over at you.
“No... I didn’t.”
You shake your head and frown at him not understanding why he would lie to you like this. You feel your temper rising at his blatant disregard for his own well-being, and you try to make yourself understand.
“I don’t understand…why didn’t you tell me sooner? We could have asked the doctors for some medicine or something.”
He shrugs you off.
“I didn’t want you to worry about me.”
“That’s bullshit.”
He rolls his eyes, but you keep going.
“Did you think things would just magically get better after we got home? Just because your body got better doesn’t mean your mind did too. That’s so selfish…”
His head snaps to you, and you know you fucked up.
“Selfish? You want to call me selfish? You’re the one who kept saying you wanted to leave the hospital.”
You open your mouth to defend yourself against his sudden verbal attack, but he doesn’t stop. In fact, he only gets more heated.
“You’re the one who wanted to leave so badly!  All you did for three days was moan and complain about how much the hospital sucked and how horrible the doctor was! If it wasn’t for you, I could still be at the hospital getting the help I need!”
You feel tears forming in your eyes accompanied by jolts of pain in your chest after every verbal jab. After all, everything he’s saying is true. 
Your shoulders slouch lower and lower and you look down at the rug you’re sitting down on. You focus on trying not to let his words hurt so much, but it doesn’t work. 
At last you feel your tears finally fall as he grabs the side of the tub and lands one final blow.
“This is all your fault! It’s your fault I feel like absolute shit right now. It’s your fault for taking us to that god damn bar and telling me to wait outside! It’s your fault I almost died!”
You hear him breathing heavily beside you, but you can’t force yourself to look at him. Your silent tears are accompanied by deep and quiet breathing and you just stare at the carpet unable to move. 
He’s right. You are selfish. It’s your fault that all of this happened. You knew he was tired and wanted to come home right after the game, but you pushed him to go to the bar to celebrate. It’s all your fault. 
Why did you tell him to go outside? Why didn’t you get to him sooner?
Your thoughts continue to build, and you can't help the all too familiar question that pops into your mind.
‘Why am I like this? Why am I like this?’
The question echoes in your head louder and louder.
 You don’t know what to do. You can’t fix this. 
You feel the room getting smaller, and the oxygen in the room is getting harder and harder for your lungs to find. 
‘I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here.’ 
The thought becomes more and more desperate as you realize that you can’t move your body. You’re stuck, frozen on the bathroom floor, and realize that you are all alone with your thoughts. 
‘He hates you. It’s your fault. He hates you.’
The silence is deafening and all you can manage to choke out is a barely audible whisper.
“I’m sorry.”
Yoongi now calmer than a few minutes ago suddenly realizes what he’s done. You hear him gasp as he notices your hunched over shoulders and wet marks on your shirt from where your tears landed. 
“I’m sorry please don’t cry...”
He reaches out and puts a hand on your shoulder, but you quickly jerk away.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
You feel pang in your chest at his lie. You know he meant every word he said. You force yourself away from him when he reaches out for you again, and you shakily stand up and rush out of the bathroom.
You know he didn’t want to be alone, but you couldn’t force him to be near you anymore. You left the door open for him so that he didn’t feel trapped, but you wish that he had someone better than you to help him. 
You head over to the stove, grab the tea kettle, and fill it up before setting it on the stove and turning the burner on vaguely aware of the tears that continue to slowly fall down your face. 
Even if he hates you, Yoongi still needs to feel better. 
You feel yourself go numb, and at some point, your tears dry in your eyes. Looking at the refrigerator you feel your stomach clench in hunger and think about getting something to eat. 
You immediately shut down the thought, knowing that right now it would be almost impossible for you to keep anything down.
So, you just stand there, leaning against the counter blankly staring at the kettle. You hear the faint sound of water splashing as Yoongi gets out of the bathtub along with the sound of him drying himself off before getting dressed.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you anxiously wait for him to come into the kitchen. You don’t want to see him right now. You can’t handle the disgust and hatred you know is going to be in his eyes.
Your heartbeat booms in your chest as you hear his slow footsteps creaking on the wooden floor, and you can’t bring yourself to look at him. 
You stare down at the floor as you see his feet move across the floor and stop right in front of you.
He reaches out to touch you only to freeze after you flinch away from him once again.
“Y/N… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said earlier. I was upset. I promise I didn’t mean it.”
His voice is hoarse, and you can tell he wants to say more but stops himself.
He stays silent while he waits for you to respond, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything. 
There is nothing left for you to say. You can’t help him, and he doesn’t want to be around you. All you’ve done is cause him pain.
You continue to stare at his feet silently until the abrupt whistle of the tea kettle makes you both jump.
Yoongi walks over to the stove and turns off the burner before turning back to you and slowly reaching out for you again.
You feel your body tense up as his hand reaches your shoulder and you feel his other hand softly rest under your chin. His fingers gently push your chin up to look at his face, and your breathing becomes shallow as your eyes travel form his feet up to his chest. You suck in a breath as your eyes make their way to the mark on his collarbone and you are reminded of the pain you caused him.
You force your chin out of his grip and turn to rush to your bedroom when you hear a sudden and persistent knock on the front door.
Neither one of you moves to answer it. You think that maybe the person will think that nobody’s home, but the knocking just gets louder.
Your eyes shoot to the door as you slowly approach it, and you silently peer through the peephole and spot your friend. You completely forgot Jungkook was coming by today. 
You slowly unlock the door and open it. Your eyes widen in surprise as they shoot to his red hair. 
You are met with a crushing bear hug as soon as he walks through the doorway.
You hold back a small wince as the pain in your side returns, but you lift your arms and burry your face in his neck as he squeezes you tighter. 
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here for you guys. I tried to come back as soon as I could but there was a storm and all of the flights got delayed.” You hear his voice become thick with emotion as he slowly lets you go and moves on to Yoongi.
“What happened to you guys?”  
You just stare at him blankly, unable to use your voice, while Yoongi simply looks at him in confusion.
“Didn’t the others tell you?” 
Jungkook quickly shakes his head.
“All I heard was that you were attacked. They made it seem like you were close to dying or something. Are you guys okay?”
You see Yoongi about to respond, but Jungkook suddenly makes eye contact with you and finally gets a good look at your face. 
 “What’s wrong,” he asks as his eyes search your face for any sign of what might be troubling you as he quickly makes his way back over to you. 
Your empty eyes reveal nothing to him as you slowly avert your gaze. His long arms wrap around you and he gently holds your face in his hands.
When you don't say anything his gaze shoots to Yoongi.
“What’s wrong with her? Why is she being like this? What happened?”
Yoongi’s hand makes its way to his neck, and he looks away from you both as he explains. 
“We kinda had an argument.”
You feel his arms tighten around you as his body stiffens.
“An argument? About what?”
Yoongi doesn’t respond and silently looks down at the floor. 
“Yoongi...what...what did you say to her?”
 You hear the worry in his tone as he looks at you again, and finally, he understands. 
He turns back to Yoongi, his face uncertain as he asks the question he already knows the answer to.
“You didn’t...” 
The guilt on his face makes you want to cry, and you know that it’s all your fault. 
You should have just said okay and pretended that everything was fine. Now Jungkook is upset too. You are reminded once again that you ruin everything.
You feel Jungkook slowly pull away from you and lower his head to meet your eyes before gently asking, “how about we go lay down?”
You search his wide round eyes for any sign of anger or dismissal, but only find sincerity. Slowly you nod and let him lead you to your room, barely looking at Yoongi as you pass him by. 
He lays you down on your bed and pulls the blankets up to your chest. 
“I’m gonna go get you a glass of water. I’ll be right back.”
You want to reach out and ask him to stay with you, but you can’t muster the energy.
You watch him close the door a bit before heading to the kitchen. As you lay there staring off into space you hear his voice as he and Yoongi begin to argue. 
“What did you say to her?”
You feel a wave of shock rush through you. In all the years you’d known Jungkook he’s never openly confronted any of your friends about anything.
 Being the youngest one in your friend group, he usually just rolled with the punches and accepted what was going on.
“I was having a nightmare, and I was really on edge.”
You can tell by their tone that they’re try to keep quiet, but Jungkook begins speaking louder as he becomes more upset and aggression creeps into his voice.
“That’s not what I asked...”
“I… I told her that everything that happened was her fault. The attack...the nightmare...everything.”
“Why would you do that? You know what she’s been though! You know how she is! Why would you say something like that to her?”
“I didn’t mean it. I regretted it as soon as I said it, but she won’t listen to me.”
You hear the sadness in his voice, and you consider the possibility that maybe he didn’t mean what he said. Maybe he wasn’t lying to you. 
Jungkook on the other hand only gets more aggressive.
“Obviously, she’s not going to listen to you right now. She’s afraid of you. She probably thinks you hate her or something close to it. You sound just like her parents.”
You feel your body tense at the mention of your mother and father. 
Not your biological parents that you had never met, nor Yoongi’s parents that basically raised you alongside your best friend, but your legally adoptive parents. 
Your mind jumps back to years and years of verbal and emotional abuse that you know you can never unlearn. Hours and hours of cleaning everything until it was spotless and making sure you were the best at everything only to continuously be assured that you were nothing more than an unwanted inconvenience that fell into their lives.
You had only ever mentioned them to your friends maybe once or twice, but you never talked about how they made you feel.
You faintly hear Yoongi respond.
“I didn’t mean it….”
You hear Jungkook open and close one of the cabinets and fill up a glass with water before heading back to your room and muttering the words “it doesn’t matter.”
You watch him as he walks over to you, and you slowly sit up and take the glass from his hands, careful not to drop it on your lap.
You take small sips and see him watching you from his position at the foot of your bed.
“Tell me what to do. What do you need?”
Your vision becomes blurry, and you feel tears fall down your face. He crawls over to you and wraps his arms around you before gently wiping your tears away.
“Please don’t cry. I can’t stand seeing you like this. What can I do? Please tell me.”
You lean into his body and burry your head in his chest, and you feel your grip on your emotions slip. You choke out a quiet sob and close your eyes as you think about how you got here.
You are extremely grateful to have him in your life. Even though he’s a few years younger than you, you’ve always seen him as an equal throughout your friendship. He's always been supportive of everything you do, and he’s always been there to catch you when you fall. 
Sometimes you wonder if it’s because he feels like he owes it to you, given the fact that when he was forced to transfer to your school, you were the only one who chose to be his friend. 
It’s not that other people didn’t like him, he was just extremely shy, and they didn’t want to put in the effort to get to know him. 
The fact that he excelled at sports but didn’t try to socialize with anyone made him an outcast as well.
You remember the first time you looked into his big round eyes, you could tell that he would be well worth all the time and effort if he just let you know him.
You often invited him to hang out with you and Yoongi, but you could tell that Yoongi made him nervous given that they were usually competing for the same spots on their teams. Even then, you tried to make it friendly.
You invited him almost everywhere and you introduced him to the others hoping that you could all help him become the best version of himself.
Ever since then he’s grown into one of the most loyal and protective people in your life, and you know that you’re more than grateful for it. 
Your attention is pulled back when you hear him suck in a breath and you realize that at some Point you looked up at him and began to stare.
His eyes search your face for a moment, and you know that you need to get out of this hole that you’re in, at lease for his sake. 
You reach up to his head and take some of his hair into your fingers before clearing your throat.
“You cut your hair.”
He smiles at you, relieved at your comment.
“I dyed it too.”
You remember the long black hair he had before you all left for spring break a week ago. It looked really good on him and was always the topic of discussion amongst the girls you would hear whispering as you walked past.
His red hair on the other hand, along with his undercut, suits him perfectly.  You can already picture how good it’ll look even as it fades and wish that you could do the same with yours. You run your fingers through it one more time and smirk.
“It looks good. Like really good.”
You see his ears turn a bit red, and he looks away in embarrassment which only makes you want to tease him more.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna manage to hang out with you looking like that. I think I might get mobbed or something.”
His ears turn redder as he tries to play off your comments.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You smile at him and poke him in the side.
Come on don’t act like you don’t notice all the girls swooning over you every time you so much as step foot on campus.”
Let’s out a small laugh as he leans back against your headboard and lets you both get more comfortable.
“They do not swoon.”
You feel your eyelids getting heavy and you snuggle into his chest and whisper “Yeah they do” before falling asleep in his arms.
When you open your eyes you’re alone. The light is off, and you look over at your nightstand and see your glass of water from earlier sitting right beside your charging phone. Jungkook must have left sometime after you fell asleep.
You reach over and check the time. 8:45pm. You browse through all of your missed notifications and see at least six missed calls from Jungkook from before he came over this morning along with a few emails and texts from both Namjoon and Hobi.
Hobi: I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to come check on you! I wish I could have talked to you at the hospital, but I couldn’t miss my shows. 
Hobi: Are you planning on going back to class next week? I can bring you if you want me too?
Namjoon: Hey I know you said you’re fine, but you can still take the rest of the semester off. 
Namjoon: If you email them by midnight they’ll probably excuse you from your classes.
Namjoon: I understand if you don’t, I’m just worried about you. Jungkook told me what happened.
 You read Namjoon’s second message and are brought back to your meltdown this morning. You feel the guilt eating away at you as you remember hearing Jungkook yelling at Yoongi.
You get out of bed, head to the kitchen, and make yourself a sandwich. You once again chide yourself for not eating anything since the hospital and decide to go ahead and make yourself another one too.
While you eat you think about how to apologize to Yoongi. You know that he was just angry when he said those things to you, but he wasn’t exactly wrong to say them. You just wish he would have said it a little nicer.
You finish your sandwich and wash your plate before turning around and walking back towards the bedroom hallway. You walk over to Yoongi’s door and give it a light knock just in case he somehow managed to fall asleep, but you get no response. Slowly, you open the door only to find his bed empty.
You turn around in confusion and head to the living room trying to figure out where he went when you see him passed out on the couch.
You walk over to him, grab a blanket, and lay it over him before curling up in your usual chair and going back to sleep.
Your dreams are filled with blood and tears. You find yourself back in the alley looking over at Yoongi’s body as your attacker watches you both. You try your hardest to crawl over to him and stop his bleeding, but your body is paralyzed. You feel the familiar grip of the man’s fingers around your throat, but when you look at his face you see Yoongi’s instead.
His grip tightens around your throat and he brings his face close to yours.
“You did this…”
The venom in his words match the hatred in his eyes and you claw at his hand, but he just smirks down at you.
You know he’s going to kill you. You’re going to die this time. 
He brings his face to the side of your head as if to whisper in your ear and you close your eyes as you feel a sharp pain near your shoulder. He’s stabbing you in the neck, just like you did to him in the alley.
You feel your blood leaving your body before he releases his grip on your neck and your body crumbles to the ground.
You bolt upright in your chair. Your heart is racing, and your body is covered in sweat.
‘It was just a dream’ you repeat again and again to yourself hoping it will make the images disappear from your mind, and after a few seconds they do. Less than a minute later, you’ve forgotten about your nightmare completely.
You look over at Yoongi only to find him with his read on the arm of the couch watching you quietly. You rub your face in your hands and let out an unsteady breath.
“Did I wake you up?”
He shakes his head.
“I’ve been awake for a while now. Did you have another nightmare?”
Confusion makes its way across your face. You couldn’t recall having a nightmare recently.
“What do you mean another?” 
“Every time you sleep you seem to have nightmares, or at least that’s what it looks like. You toss and you turn and sometimes you call out for people.”
You couldn’t remember having any nightmares recently. Now that you think about it, you can’t remember having any dreams while you were asleep. Once you wake up, the memories always seem to quickly fade away.
You shrug your shoulders at him and look down at your feet, knowing what you need to do.
“I’m sorry I freaked out earlier. I shouldn’t have called you selfish. I was just really worried about you.”
He sits up and motions for you to sit beside him on the couch. He holds your hands, looks into your eyes, and gives an apology of his own.
“No. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have blamed you for what happened. I know none of this is your fault. I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I’m sorry.”
You give him a small nod of forgiveness and tightly wrap your arms around him. 
“I was just really worried about you. You haven’t talked to anyone about what happened yet, and I didn’t want you to feel alone.”
He pulls away from your embrace and looks down at you. 
“Can I ask you something?
You tilt your head and nod.
“Of course, anything.”
“Why aren’t you freaking out about what happened? You seem indifferent about...well about everything. Even at the hospital you seemed fine.”
You furrow your brows in confusion.
“I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t. I just don’t really feel anything. Even when I was in the alley. I wasn’t scared of the man as he tried to kill me, I was only scared that you were going to die.” 
“Yeah. I’ve always been like that. When it comes to pain, my mind can accept it and rationalize it. What hurts me is seeing people that I care about suffer.”
His eyes fill with realization, and he hangs his head as you continue.
“That’s why I’m completely fine talking about what happened to me, but I also understand if you aren’t.”
“I know, but I think if anyone deserves to hear it, it’s you.”
You see him move out of your arms and lean back as he prepares to tell you his story, his voice barely above a whisper as he explains everything.
“Everything was fine when I walked outside. I had just gotten a text from Hobi asking how the game went, when out of nowhere I thought I heard someone in the alley.”
You see his eyebrows furrow as he closes his eyes and concentrates on remembering what he saw.
“He was bent over with his head in his hands, and I reached out to see if he was okay. That’s when he attacked me.”
You see tears forming in his eyes as he finally opens them and gazes at you, and his hands begin to shake as he continues.
“He threw me against the wall and stabbed me. I didn’t see anything in his hands, but I could feel the pain. I tried to push him away, but I ran into the side of the dumpster and got stabbed in my side.”
You can see his whole body trembling now, and you wrap your arms around him as you rub his shoulder, trying to soothe him.
“I thought he was trying to rob me or something, but he just dragged me back to the wall and stabbed me again.”
He reaches his arm across his body and places it over his collarbone as he searches your eyes for comfort. His breathing becomes heavy as he blinks back his tears.
“I was so scared Y/N. I couldn’t move. Why couldn’t he just leave me there?”
You feel tears of your own threatening to fall but hold them back. You don't know how to answer his questions, and you wish you could help him. 
He reset his head in your shoulder and you tighten your arms around him wishing you could make his pain disappear.
He continues crying into your shoulder but pulls away suddenly.
“But then...then I saw you…. you pulled him off of me. You came for me, and you fought him.”
You see the gratitude in his eyes, along with something else, and you can’t hold back your tears as they finally fall when he whispers to you, his face now inches away from yours.
“You saved me.”
You pull his body into yours, and he buries his face into your neck as he sobs with his arms wrapped around you. You lean back a bit and let him rest his body on top of yours. 
One of your hands makes its way to his head as your fingers softly run along his scalp while the other slowly rubs soft circles on his back.
He was right. You had saved him. No matter how you put it, the fact of the matter was, you risked your life so that he could survive. 
You think about what you did, and you know if you had the choice, you would do it over again. He’s your best friend, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him.
You let him rest in the comfort of your arms until his tears stop and his breathing calms. You listen to his steady breaths and realize that he’s fallen asleep. 
His steady heartbeat gives you a feeling of  comfort you didn’t realize you needed, and you remove your hand from his head, lean it on the back of the couch, and rest your head on it, closing your eyes.
Your dream is different this time.
You aren’t in the alley anymore. Instead you’re back in your house. 
You’re once again on the couch with Yoongi, and his face is just inches away from yours.
This time when he looks into your eyes, they look different. Instead of their normal dark brown color, the look black. 
They are no longer filled with gratitude. You see a different emotion lurking within them, but you can’t figure out what it is.
He once again whispers to you, but instead of burying his face in your neck, he slowly leans in and kisses you.
The kiss is soft, and it ends just as quickly as it began, but you find yourself wishing that it didn’t. 
You look down at your bodies and they’re covered in blood. You pull away from Yoongi and fall onto the floor, gasping and trying to figure out what’s happening. 
You look up at him only to find him with your heart in his hands. Your blood runs cold as you realize that the blood is yours, and you scream.
Your eyes shoot open and you feel your heart pounding in your chest. You feel Yoongi’s body still asleep on top of yours, and you remember what he told you yesterday along with the dream you just had.
You let out a small gasp as you realize you remembered your dream, and a small part of you wonders why this dream is so special.
You feel Yoongi stir from on top of you and he brings his eyes up to your face. 
“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”
You let out a chuckle.
“It’s fine, just promise me one thing Yoongs”
His raises his eyebrows expectantly.
“Brush your teeth. Your breath smells like Joon’s cooking.”
He pulls away from you and feigns shock.
“Excuse me? How dare you compare me to such a monstrosity?”
You hold back your laughter as you stretch your arms and stand up and head to the kitchen where you left your phone last night.
“Monstrosity? Your dragon breath could burn down a village.”
You hear him let out a gasp from the other room and release a giggle.
‘Yoongi:1 Y/N: 1.’ you note to yourself as you remember his comment yesterday about your body odor, not that he seemed to have had a problem with it when he was lying on top of you.
You scroll through your messages and let out a curse as you  re-read Namjoon’s text and bury your head in your hands.
“God damnit.”
Yoongi appears next to you a moment later.
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
“I never emailed my advisor. Joon said I had to email them by midnight if I wanted to take the rest of the semester off. Now I don’t have a choice but to go.”
Yoongi’s eyes grow wide.
“Namjoon texted me last night telling me to email them too, but I fell asleep.”
You rub your face in your hands and let out a sigh as you accept your fate.
“We’re fucked. Classes start up again tomorrow. How the hell are we supposed to finish out the semester like this?”
Yoongi puts his hand on your shoulder.
“It’s okay. We’ll make it through this. We can ask the other for help.”
You give him a small nod and try to calm yourself down.
“This has been the worst spring break ever.”
He gives you a small smile and puts his arm around your shoulder. You mind suddenly shoots back to your dream and you awkwardly pull away from him. 
“I’m gonna text Hobi and ask him for a ride to class tomorrow”
You raise your phone in your hand as you walk to your room, close the door, and let out a deep breath.
‘What is going on with me?’ You ask yourself as you let your body fall on top of your bed and you text your friend.
Just outside your house 
 The girl watches you through your kitchen window and listens. 
She overhears your conversation with your friend, and her head perks up at the mention of classes. 
‘She’s a student?’ She wonders as she rolls her eyes at your constant complaining.
‘Figures. She looks like a goody two shoes.’
When the brotherhood assigned her the task of bringing you in, they forgot to mention how annoying you’d be. 
Sure, you looked close to her age, but your complaining was not some she looked forward to dealing with. 
As she watches you head to what she assumes to be your room, she readjusts herself on the tree branch she’s currently seated on and begins her planning.
‘Okay how’s this going to work? Should I take her in the morning? I think she’s going to be with her boyfriend. What about in class? No, I’m not a student. Maybe I could just hang around the campus until I run into her?’
As she begins growing more and more frustrated, she sees your friend through the window. He stands up and looks towards your room as if he’s listening for something. 
Suddenly his eyes shoot to her and she crushes herself as close as she can to the tree, hoping the leaves will hide her.
He continues looking out toward her searching for anything that will warrant an investigation.
She holds her breath and sends a silent ‘thank you’ to the gods as he turns around and walks away.
She lets out a deep breath, and suddenly she has the perfect idea.
‘What if I get her to come with me? What if I can convince her to leave?’
She silently nods to herself and raises herself up on the branch. When she stands, she sees a car parked a few houses away from yours with what seems like two people in it.
She cocks her head to the side and concentrates on the image before her until her vision becomes sharper. 
She lets out a gasp as she recognizes them. 
Her body shudders at the mere thought of his name.
‘How did he find me? I was so careful!’  She screams to herself as she tries to find a way out of the tree without being spotted.
She looks out at the men again and notices that they seem to be asleep. 
‘Maybe if I do things quietly, I’ll be okay.’
She quietly climbs down the branches and hides behind the trunk of the tree. Careful not to walk in front of your house's windows, she ducks down and quietly sneaks through the shadows until she gets to her car just around the corner.
Once she finally crawls inside, she finds herself realizing: if Haven is after you too you must be important. 
She looks out of her window and watches her rearview mirror, ready to speed off if she has to.
As she starts the ignition, she is met with three important questions. 
Who are you? Why are Haven and the Brotherhood after you, and if she found you before they did, what would they do in exchange for you?
The questions echo in her head and she drives away knowing one thing for sure: she might not know the answers to these questions just yet, but if everything goes according to plan, she’s going to find out.
A/n 3: I apologize for any grammar and or punctuation mistakes. I originally planned to post this chapter later on this week, but the area that I live in is about to be hit by two hurricanes so I was in a bit of a rush. I hope you all enjoy, and please, don’t hesitate to tell me if you like the chapter, we all know how much I love praise. i hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy! until next time :)
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bangtan-gal · 5 years
Cupid’s Game
Hwang Hyunjin x Fem!Reader, Han Jisung x Fem!Reader Part 1 | Part 2 Word Count: 4.9k  Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, a pretty soft chapter overall. The fun stuff comes next chapter  Soulmate!AU Fantasy!AU Cupid!Hyunjin A/N: I apologize if the explanation is confusing, I clear it up better next chapter 
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“Y/N, I’m so glad you could make it!” 
Your smile wasn’t nearly as wide as your counselor’s as she lead you into her office. For the past seventeen years of your life, you had to deal with these stupid yearly counseling sessions. She acted as your therapist and advisor, trying to help you understand the world you had been born into. But once you turned eighteen, everything changed. Now,  your main goal was supposed to be finding your soulmate and living life happily.
Unfortunately for your advisor, you weren’t actually trying.
The logs you’d given her for every monthly evaluation had been faked. You hadn’t traveled around, paid extra attention to especially cute people, and you had completely ignored any “tugging from the depths of your soul.” Sure, there had been times where it felt like your heart literally jumped, but you never felt this unpreventable need to find the apparent love of your life. 
You handed her the folder once again and then followed your same old routine of collapsing into the recliner chair and checking your nails as you waited for her to confirm your adventures. While your log suggested an exciting life, your life was really anything but. You were focusing solely on your classes, using your status to move ahead with ease. Most people like you—stupidly called doxies—were well-known celebrities and were doted on by everyone.   They had no talent, no job, no degree, absolutely nothing with merit, but yet they still had more recognition and money that everybody else.
The reason your “kind” even existed was because of the close destruction to humankind hundreds of years ago. After chemical warfare that took over the whole planet, the human race was almost completely wiped out. And when extinction was right around the corner, someone or… something proposed the idea of perfect couples. The first doxies were created, quickly fell in love, and had children that were stronger. The being who created these people was called a ‘Cupid’ and from there, the society you lived in today was created. 
Every time you thought of it, the more insane the idea became. It didn’t matter how many times it was explained to you. Doxies were born with perfect genes, along with the mutation factor that caused them to feel extremely connected to another one of their kind. Because of the perfect genes, their children became better with each new generation and somehow, it created a world that was mostly peaceful and united. 
There were many theories as to why the creation of doxies kept wars to a minimum. Some believed that the children they had were born with lower violence tendencies. Others thought that it was more of a psychological game: everyone had to believe in the Cupid, so the main cause of war disappeared. Or that since doxies were so worshipped, it gave humans a better thing to do than to brutally murder one another. 
Simply put, you were born to be an incubator to perfect little babies and it was the last thing you wanted to be.
You looked up from your nails, watching as Leila turned through the last few pages of your log. Normally, she would be smiling as she read over your pages, but there was an unimpressed frown on her face. You bit your lip, hoping that she wasn’t expecting you to “do more.” 
“You know,” she hummed, letting the folder flutter closed, “I’m not an idiot.”
You opened your mouth, but she talked over you.
“Y/N, I can tell you haven’t done anything. I know you haven’t done anything for the past seven months. You’re not my first client, my dear. I can tell when someone is faking,” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She was silent for a few seconds, brushing her hair from her face before she looked at you. “Although I am not a doxy, I can understand your disposition against this whole ordeal. But, you have to understand something.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, indignation starting to flare up. Leila leaned over her desk, her blonde hair falling across her face as she did. She didn’t flinch at your narrowed gaze, just met it with a calm one of her own.
“You are playing with higher power my dear,” she whispered. There was evident fear in her voice and it started to unnerve you. “I know you don’t want to be forced to love someone, but the problem is that not only is the government strict on this whole ordeal, you also have the Cupid to deal with. Yes, doxies are given wealth and fame beyond imagination, but they are more strict with you than anyone else.  
“You haven’t experienced it yet because you are so young, but Y/N, if you haven’t found your soulmate by the time you’re 21 and announced your marriage, the government will come after you. I think it’s stupid too, but as stupid as the whole idea is, the human race does rely on the mixed genes of two doxies—”
“But, we’re no longer worrying about extinction!” You argued.
“There are things you don’t understand!” She shouted, standing up. Her hands slammed on the table. “You think I got this job because I got some psychology degree and minored in Cupid studies? I got this job because the government decided I was trustworthy enough to know what’s really going on with this whole soulmate getup!” She sat down, burying her face in her hands. You sat there, stunned. It was hard to say what shocked you more: her shouting at you or whatever she had just revealed. What was it that you didn’t understand? Was the human race still fighting extinction? Chemical destruction? Leila cleared her throat, adjusting her shirt and patting her cheeks. Her face was bright red. 
“Y/N, unfortunately, I am in no place to tell you of what is going on, but I suggest you actually start looking for your soulmate. Because if you don’t: everything your family has gained because of your genes will disappear. They will disappear. You will be taken into custody, the government will find your soulmate for you, and you will lose any chance at the freedom you had before.”
She handed you back your faked log, blue eyes sad. Once you took the folder, she motioned you to leave, and you wearily did.  Your stomach was rolling. Your family had been in poverty before you’d been born. It was your existence that put dinner on the table and a roof over your head—but now it was more than just your existence—it was your cooperation. You didn’t need Leila to elaborate on what exactly freedom meant; you had a sickening idea of what losing it meant.
You sat in your car, watching as people passed by. Your fingers traced the tattoo on your wrist: a branding you had been given at birth. A branding that defined your whole life. The branding that took away your chance to truly live: find love on your own, make friends, fight your own struggles, and not live your life with someone always watching you. People always recognized that mark: smiling at you, congratulating you, sometimes even going as far as to bow. You thought of the mandatory checks you had at the police station when you were ten and fifteen. 
With a huff, you started your car and drove away. Part of you just wanted to keep driving to see how far you could go and where you could get lost, but you knew better than that. The first thing you’d been warned of when you turned fifteen was that you would always be watched. You learned that quickly, because any little thing you did to act out, you had to have a serious talk with some man in your house. He never told you of any future consequences, he would just always say that you were a vital part of society. You always figured that it meant you were a role model to regular humans, but now you started to question that. Was humanity still fighting extinction? Or is there a bigger role that doxies play?
You pulled into the driveway and climbed out of your car. The home you lived in was big enough to house seven families, but only four of you lived there. Five if you count your dog. You stepped inside and didn’t bother to say hello as you walked to your room. 
You wanted to be alone, but that plan was changed when you noticed your younger sister sitting on your bed. She was flipping through a magazine and glanced up as you sadly slumped onto your bed. A huff escaped her and she closed the magazine.
“What are you pouting about now?” She asked, tapping your head. You rolled onto your back, crossed your arms over your stomach, and stared at the ceiling. 
“I absolutely have to find my soulmate,” you muttered, “they’re forcing me to.”
She tilted her head at you. “You act as if it’s a bad thing that you for sure have love out there.”
You frowned. 
“I don’t think you understand how much it sucks to have your free will taken away from you,” you grumbled. She rolled her eyes, laying down beside you. The two of you were silent for a few more minutes, both of you just staring at the old glow in the dark stars on your ceiling. They glowed faintly in the dusk light. 
“You didn’t lose your free will, Y/N,” she said, “think of it as if it’s a fairy tale. You have true love out there, but every decision you make up to that point and afterward is your own. Plus, your soulmate is supposed to be your perfect match. That’s how the Cupid pairing works—it’s not like you’ll be miserable.”
“Maybe the Cupid messed up, I’m a complicated person.”
“Everybody’s a complicated person,” she snapped and then rolled onto her side to stare at you. “What about your soulmate? What if they want to meet you? What if love is the one thing they need in their life, what are they going to do if you refuse to be found?”
You smiled bitterly at her.
“Why do you have to sound so smart?”
She smiled back at you. Her hand found yours and she squeezed gently. She tucked her head against your shoulder. 
“And if it doesn’t work out perfectly, all that matters is that the cameras show a happy couple right?”
That’s what you used to think—that your life would become a reality show. But there was more to it than that. You had to have kids and raise them right. You had to contribute to society. You had to be happy with your life and play by the Cupid’s rules. 
But laying there, letting your mind run, you couldn’t bring yourself to accept that. No one had seen the Cupid in hundreds of years. Who was to say that it was still alive? Why should you live your life like a game that was created by some dusty creature that hadn’t been seen in centuries?
A year passed slowly. 
Nothing exciting happened in the year. You turned nineteen, got a job, and continued to work towards you goal of becoming a lawyer. Leila still saw you once a month, looking thoroughly unimpressed by every fake log you handed her. But she no longer fought with you and it seemed that she’d also accepted whatever fate was to be bestowed upon you. She would mutter about the government and the Cupid and how things are looking down for you. 
But for all her worrying and muttering, you didn’t see any problems. You weren’t given any warnings or had any talks with some official in your house.They didn’t seem to be paying attention to you and it felt like you were free to live your life. 
The only thing you forgot was that your soulmate could find you. 
Fall was nearing and the days were growing slower. The air was crisp and cold. You were walking your dog through the park, lost in your own world. School wasn’t going as well as you had hoped—your grades were falling and quickly.
You weren’t given much time to worry about your grades though. A finger tapped your shoulder and  you came face to face with a boy. He was near your height, his hair a dark, messy mop, and his eyes were deep brown. You froze when his hand dropped from your shoulder and skimmed over your fingers.
“Do you mind?” You shrieked, forcing yourself out of the stupor. You moved away from him, keeping your hand pressed to your chest. Your dog stirred nervously at your feet, uncertain of what to think of the stranger. 
He blinked. 
“You’re my soulmate,” he breathed. You pursed your lips. Fear started to creep over his features at your silence. His hands started to fidget at  his sides and his teeth dug into his lip. Doubt started to cloud his eyes. “I-I mean, it feels like you are.”
His hand pressed over his heart. 
You held your breath for a few seconds and closed your eyes. This was it; this was your chance. Your chance to prove that your life is your own and you didn’t owe it to anybody to fall in love with this boy. You let your breath out.
“I’m just going to get this over with: I am, but I don’t want to be. Love is a choice, a feeling that’s not forced upon someone. It might feel like we love one another, but we don’t,” you paused, your eyes finally opening to meet his, “and I’m not going to try and pretend. The government can screw their… what stupid game this is.”
He was silent, his eyes searching yours. Whatever strength that had been in you started to wane. The hurt, the fear, and the confusion in his eyes was enough to make you wonder if what you were doing was really right. If the government was watching: you weren’t only getting yourself hurt. He was going to get hurt because of you too. 
You didn’t even know his name.
“Look, I’m so—”
“Well this doesn’t seem right.”
You blinked, trying to find the  body of the voice. But as you continued to, your vision started to swim. The world spun around you and your whole body started to give out beneath you. You stumbled, reaching out your hands blindly to catch your fall. 
You managed to catch yourself, but everything around you was quickly changing. There was a distant sound of your dog barking and the feeling of a light breeze, but it swiftly faded. The cement turned to marble, the cold turned to a perfect temperature, and the smell of hay and dead leaves was replaced by an indescribable scent. Like your mother’s cooking or the smell of Christmas.  You glanced up, staring at the place you were in. Pristine quartz walls rose up high to a completely glass ceiling. Not far in front of you, two large, dark double doors were shut. There was a strong urge pulsing from deep inside to open those doors, but you were unable to move, scared of whatever would happen. 
“What the hell?”
You jumped, glancing over your shoulder. Your soulmate sat on the floor behind, his expression similar to yours as he took in your surroundings. Your heart dropped as the two of you made eye contact and the worry in your stomach grew. ‘You don’t even know what you’re dealing with Y/N.’ Not only had you gotten yourself in trouble, but your stubbornness dragged an innocent boy into the mix. 
Several minutes passed with the two of you just staring at one another. You were fighting the urge to cry, realizing that whatever was happening, what was about to happen, was entirely your fault. Your chin pressed against your chest and you covered your mouth, eyes pinching shut. Maybe you should’ve listened to Leila and your sister. You could’ve just accepted the truth: that your life was laid out for you the second you were born.
“Hey”—an arm was slung over your shoulders—“don’t cry. It’s going to be fine; we’ll be fine.”
You shook your head. 
“You don’t understand,” you gasped, “I’ve known the consequences of what would happen if I continued to fight my life. I got you dragged into this because I couldn’t just accept it.”
You looked at him, eyes brimming with tears. “I don’t know what’s going on, but we’re not in for anything good.”
Just then, the doors swung open. Loud footsteps echoed throughout the building. Your gaze moved up, watching as a boy—seemingly close in age to both of you—strut towards you. He wore a completely white silk jumper, with a light brown belt, and a dusty pink cape fluttering from his shoulders. His black hair was parted very far to the left, his eyes were just as dark as his hair. His skin was fair, such a contrast to his dark hair, that it looked close to white. His cheekbones were high, his jaw was sharp, and his body was lean. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. Han Jisung,” he hummed. His eyes ran over the two of you with something close to disdain. You watched him warily as he moved towards you.  He stopped once he was directly in front of you, slowly crouching down.  His fingers delicately grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Shivers ran down your spine as his gaze carefully traced your face before he moved on to stare at Jisung.
Then, as if he had been shocked, he pulled back from you. The boy stood up and backed away. Your body was shaking wildly, completely out of your control.  It had felt like a thousand tiny sparks had erupted when he touched you. It was a feeling of sheer power and you felt powerless next to him. 
“Are the two of you going to continue to sit on the floor like peasants? Come on, we have much to talk about,” he commanded, snapping his fingers. Jisung and you exchanged looks before the two of you rose together and hurried after the boy. 
The further you walked, the more amazed you became by the place. Your fear started to become replaced by awe as you walked past crystal walls and star-filled ceilings. The marble floor became darker and darker until you were walking on a smooth, black tile. Potted plants lined the walls, all sorts of flowers spilling over the pots and filling the air with a smell that was unlike any floral scent. 
Eventually, you stopped walking. The three of you stood in a simple room. A leather couch was pushed against a wall, a coffee table placed a few feet in front of it. None of you sat. Instead, the three of you stood, staring at each other. Finally, the mystery boy spoke.
“I am what you assume me to be,” he murmured, “a Cupid. Although, humans have a very… different ideas of what Cupids really are. Specifically being that there is no one cupid and that we are definitely not immortal.”
You wished you had something more intelligent to say, but you were wavering between a mixture of fear and awe and it was messing with your mind. This place was amazing, but the way you got here and the boy in front of you were not something to take lightly. Before, the Cupid had just been some invisible thing that only existed in stories whenever people talked about the war.
“This might take a little more than I thought,” he groaned and then snapped his fingers. Your heart leaped and the next thing you knew you were sitting in a black armchair, the room around you dissolving into a more office-like place. The boy sat down across from you. “My name is Hyunjin. I am a Cupid.
“You see here, everything you think about Cupids are very, very wrong. The whole ‘soulmate’ get up has existed since the beginning of time. We’ve been creating perfect pairs for as long as we can remember,” he explained. He paused, watching the two of you carefully. When neither of you spoke, he continued. “Every couple has been put together by us. We work in the way people originally thought Cupids to be: shooting arrows at people when they meet and starting a love between them. Now in the past hundred years, a ‘different kind of human’ has come along. That was not our doing—that was the chemicals released during the war. Believe it or not, most of these perfect humans are not paired with others the same as them. Cupids put people together whenever they feel a spark between two people.”
Your mouth opened and closed, your mind struggling to keep up with what was happening. Because all you were hearing was that everything you told as a child was a lie. Of course, you weren’t sure if you were happy exactly over the idea. Oddly enough, it helped that the reason you were forced to love somebody wasn’t because of some perfect genes you were born with. 
“And Y/N,” Hyunjin said, his eyes meeting yours, “you’re not forced to love anybody. Many arrows don’t create a romantic relationship, but a very good friendship. Cupids were created for the sake of creating happy relationships.”
Your eyes narrowed as he continued to explain, but as he slowly finished up, you found your anger starting to dissipate.  There were still many questions that were floating in your mind, but there was a small form of clarity blooming in your mind. 
“Wait a second,” Jisung spoke up, “why are we here? Why are you explaining this? Like—it’s nice, believe me, but… I’ve never heard of this before.”
Hyunjin leaned back with a sigh. “Yes, that’s probably because we seem to be in a situation we’ve never stumbled upon before.”
His lips quirked up a bit as his eyes moved from Jisung to you.
“The arrow hit Jisung, but for whatever reason, I was unable to get Y/N.” Hyunjin watched you carefully as he started to roll up his sleeve. He showed the two of you his arm and your mouth dropped. While you had a number tattooed into your arm, you had also been born with a very dark, interestingly shaped birthmark on your stomach. 
The same exact shape was on Hyunjin’s wrist. 
“I believe that Y/N and I have several things to discuss,” he muttered, laughing to himself as he rolled his sleeve back down. “But for now, I think it’s best the two of you get settled. As much as I wish I could just send you back down to Earth, some things need to be figured out before you do.”
Hyunjin then proceeded to lead the pair of you to a room and left you there. It was a large room, but there was only one bed. You found it ironic that he was only just saying a few minutes ago that no was forced to love somebody else, but he was putting the two of you in a room together and claiming he had no others. In a place as big and majestic as this, you could imagine there was a hundred of bedrooms. 
But either way, you refused to act childish and give him the satisfaction of watching you squirm. The two of you agreed to share a bed, but you quickly noticed that Jisung seemed more uncomfortable that you did. He was fidgety as the two of you lay in bed, both of you clearly unable to sleep, but neither one saying a thing. 
Jisung broke the silence.
“So you’re telling me that when we touched… you didn’t feel anything?” He asked quietly. You shifted, glancing over at him. 
“No?” You muttered, eyebrows furrowing. “Was there something?”
His hand slowly reached for yours, his fingers curling over yours. His hand was shaking as he did so and once your skin made contact, he gasped softly. It was hard to see in the dark, but from what you could tell, there was a light dancing in his eyes.
“It feels like there’s sparks going off between us. It-it just fills my body every time and its so hard to ignore. My heart starts racing and butterflies erupt…” he trailed off, a sad tone filling his voice. You felt genuinely bad. There was no way to say that you would never like him back, but at the moment, you felt nothing for this boy while he seemed to feel more than just a vague liking for you. 
“Hey,” you whispered, squeezing his hand, “don’t lose hope, okay? Everything is really confusing right now, but once we get out of here and understand exactly what is going on, the two of us can figure it out, ‘kay?” The more you thought about his explanation, the more worry started to worm its way into your stomach. Your mind ran back to when Hyunjin touched you: how it felt like electricity was running through your body and taking over your senses. The way he had pulled back, a shocked look on his face;  something wasn’t right. 
You woke up before Jisung with only one thought in your mind. Hyunjin knew more than he was letting on. Whether it was a tactic to leave you in the dark and play with you, or to spare Jisung’s feeling, you didn’t care. You had questions and they were going to be answered, whether the boy wanted to or not. 
The place was not easy to navigate. There were hundreds of halls and stairs and many of the rooms looked the same. It was by pure luck that you somehow managed to make it down to the and found Hyunjin. He didn’t look surprised to see you.
“Good morning,” he hummed. 
“Yeah,” you muttered, sitting down across from him at the table. You pulled your shirt up, pointing to the birthmark on the low left of your stomach. “What exactly does this mean? Who are you? Why couldn’t you hit me?”
He took a slow sip from his mug, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Y/N, you seem to think that I have more answers than I actually do. I have a few ideas, but those are much different than knowing, aren’t they?” He paused. His face was  swimming worriedly as his eyes zeroed in on the mark on your stomach. You let the shirt fall, shifting in your seat. “It-this concerns me deeply. I am… truly not sure. The ideas I have worry me because it would mean that other things are at work that I cannot control.”
“Could you stop being so fucking cryptic?” You snapped, slamming your hands on the table. Hyunjin didn’t even look remotely startled. His eyes just settled lazily on you again before he sighed.
“I fear that either another Cupid has… shot both of us somehow or that the universe folded once again.”
“The universe folding is an expression we use to explain that something has fallen out of our hands. Every now and then, people are born with soulmates already chosen for them. Although that incident is also out of our hands, it truly only worries us when it happens to a Cupid,” he muttered, his voice growing quieter and quieter. You froze. Hyunjin frowned. 
“Are you trying to tell me… that we’re soulmates?” You squeaked out. Your face was burning bright red. This couldn’t be happening. Life was already too complicated, but this was just thrown at you so viciously.
“There is one way to tell.”
You were at attention immediately. You nodded, hoping to prove that whatever was happening was just fake. That the two of you having the same birthmark was just a crazy chance. Hyunjin stood up and walked towards you. Everything moved fast, too fast for you to stop it. His fingers moved your chin up and his lips pressed down to yours. For a second, you didn’t want it, but as his lips started to slowly move against yours, you started to melt into him. The moment you let yourself fall into the kiss, sparks erupted where you touched. Fire started to spread through your body and you were happily letting it consume you.
Your hands curled into his hair, pulling him closer and pressing yourself tighter against him. Hyunjin stumbled and he struggled to catch himself. He failed and fell against you, the two of you falling to the ground.  He pulled away with a gasp, his body heaving. His eyes were dilated and you were certain you looked the same.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, his body shaking against yours. “That-that was…”
“Crazy,” you whispered.
Your body was still alight at every place the two of you touched. Part of you tried to force yourself to hate it, but you couldn’t. It was like a rush; a drug that was stronger than any other. You were fighting the urge to just dive right back in. 
Then your mind went to Jisung and all the sparks disappeared. Your body went cold and you pushed Hyunjin away. Your eyes pinched shut. There was so much that you had to work out. If this was what Jisung felt every time he touched you, how were you supposed to reject him? It was addictive. 
“I can’t believe this,” you huffed. You looked up, staring at Hyunjin. 
“What kind of game did you people just throw me into?”
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