#with a bed where you will lie down and sigh and it will be a content sigh. not a tired one.
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bitterrfruit ¡ 12 hours ago
wild cherries [3]
Price x f!Reader - cw: dubcon, spanking, light sadomasochism, brat taming 18+ mdni - 10k words
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And I guess the sound of the outward bound Made me a slave to my wanderin' ways.
The sky was powder grey the following morning, sun concealed by a sheer veil of dry white cloud. 
You had a fitful sleep. 
Wracked with feverish dreams of sun and skin, of plum bruises and cherry juice. You woke up many times throughout the night with cold sweat damp on the back of your neck, cunt shivering and slippery as you dreamed of the cowboy’s tormenting hand, of his thumb intruding into your slit. Of your wet knickers being held in a tight and burly fist, being shoved covertly into a worn pocket. 
It was near impossible for you to get comfortable in your bed – you were unable to lie on your back, for any pressure on your marred buttocks stung hot like a fresh brand.
Before the sun had risen you had been briefly awoken by the raucous sounds of the ranch whirring to life; disturbed by the yelling of your elder brother and his ranchmen from your second-storey window, by the humming engines of trucks and tractors rolling off to toil. The sounds, at least, brought you some form of nostalgic comfort, and it didn’t take you long to drift back to sleep. 
When you finally bothered to kick off your sheet and slip out of bed, it was after nine. You slid your feet into your sandal slippers and wandered down the moaning staircase in your linen nightdress, rubbing fists into your puffy sockets and making your sleep-blurred vision all sparkly. You heard your sister’s voice in the kitchen before you spotted her. 
“Slow morning?” She murmured, soft enough in tone that perhaps she didn’t intend for you to hear it. 
Evelyn was perched on a stool at the kitchen counter, frowning at her open laptop and tapping away contemptuously at the keys. You thought to ask her what she was working on, but knew the half-hearted response you’d get – a distracted oh, it’s nothing, while her eyes remain pinned to the screen. 
“Yep,” you croaked, scuffing over to the pantry and hanging off the open door. Perused the shelves for a box of cereal that didn’t have the word bran on it. 
“Eat quickly, will you?” She said, far more pointedly, and when you glanced over your shoulder she was looking right at you. Had that quirk in her lip that betrayed an uneasy vexation. “Miles is taking us over at quarter-to.” 
You frowned as you tugged a box of Honey Nut Cheerios from the back of the pantry, one with the cardboard flap ajar, and which you swear was the same box that had been there the last time you came to visit. 
“Taking us where?” You asked mindlessly, shuffling to the fridge to grab the milk. 
You heard a scoff from your sister as you poured the dry wheat cereal into an empty bowl. “To the neighbours’.” 
“What?” You spat, cocking your head around to glare at her. “Why?”
The adrenaline that rinsed you was sudden and sharp, at the thought of seeing the man again so soon after his incursion. Having to sit still, to pretend all is normal, to feign sweetness and ignorance as you stand in the presence of both he and your siblings in one room. Suddenly you didn’t want your cereal anymore. 
“We’ve got things to discuss with him,” she said grouchily. “And you have an apology to give.”
“Apology for what?” You snapped, resorting to petulance having been scolded. 
Evelyn only released an exasperated groan as she shut her laptop lid. “You know what,” she chided. “Second day here and you’ve already pissed him off.” 
“He wasn’t-” You started, biting your tongue just as swiftly as you had begun to blurt out that he was just as at fault as you. “He wasn’t pissed off.” 
“Miles told me he dragged you home by your ear, Bee,” she grumbled. “I don’t even want to know what you coulda done to get him that burned up.” 
“I didn’t even do anything,” you mumbled testily, tipping a splash of milk into your cereal. 
“Whatever. Just – be polite, and–” She sighed as she paused, “just don’t get into any more trouble, will you? We want him on our good side.” 
You snorted as you scooped a spoonful of your cereal and shoved it into your open mouth. “What are you going to discuss with him, then? Why do I even need to be there?”
“It’s �� ugh. It’s a complicated situation, Bee,” she failed to explain, “but we need to be a united front. We’re a family, it’s a family business. A family ranch. We all need to be in it together.” 
You pursed your lips, fought the desire to furrow your brows in contempt. “Still don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Look, Miles can explain it better to you later. Just finish your breakfast and wear something – something presentable for once.” 
The Cheerios were stale and tasted like cardboard and dried syrup. You only shot your sister a foul look and huffed derisively, taking your cereal upstairs with you. 
Something presentable. Your sister had a way of insulting you without even needing to utter the words. That was her way of telling you that you had been dressing like a slut. Short sundresses were simply so much more practical for your escapades – easier to ride in, to walk in, let you feel the breeze on your skin. Ensured you wouldn’t bake alive under the summer sun. 
So you simply chose a slightly longer dress than usual. Dusty red plaid with a hem that brushed your calves, a wide neckline and little cap sleeves. Probably a hand-me-down from the seventies, one of the perks of so many generations of women living in the same farmhouse. It smelled like dust and patchouli. 
You scrunched your wild hair up into an uncombed ponytail, barely held in place by a floppy hair tie, and smeared some strawberry chapstick over your lips as you meandered your way down the stairs. 
Immediately crossed paths with Miles as he trudged down the hallway, black rancher hat still atop his head and a leather briefcase tucked under his arm. His tan button down was tucked into his jeans, a truly anomalous sight. 
“So why are we going to the neighbours’?” You asked pertly, as you immediately followed behind him towards the kitchen. 
He sighed gruffly, as you completely expected. It was always such a nuisance for them to explain things to you, to dumb it all down enough that you’d understand it. That, or, he was simply in a sour mood. Either just as likely. 
“We’re only going over for a conversation,” he deadpanned, dumping the briefcase on the island counter before going to the sink to get himself a glass of water. Evelyn was gone – busy making herself presentable, you assumed. As if she weren’t in a perpetual state of presentableness. 
You groaned. Their persistent vagueness was excruciating. “About what.” 
“It’s just – it’s all business stuff, Bee,” he said, exhaling sharply after downing the whole glass. Must have been hot out there. “Negotiations and junk – it’d bore you to death.” 
“Then why do I need to come?” You grumbled, crossing your arms as you leaned against the jamb of the open door. 
He pinched the bridge of his nose, already exasperated with you. You seemed to have that effect on people. “Look, if you really don’t want to come then don't. I’m not gonna drag you there.” 
“Eve said we have to be a united front,” you disputed. Still wanted an explanation. “What does that even mean?”
He smiled a little at that, moustache stretching with the grin. 
“Good at likening things to war, that woman,” he snorted. “She just means it’d be less – less formal if we show up, all of us. Ol’ John’s probably sick of both our faces by now.” 
“Probably sick of mine, now, too,” you said coyly, mindlessly tracing the lines of the hardwood with the tip of your big toe. 
He laughed at you, full and from his belly, and the room lightened up with it. “Likely,” he chortled, “Especially if you keep sniffin’ round after ‘im.�� 
“Wasn’t sniffing. Only looking,” you murmured, through a bashful grin. “You’re not mad at me after yesterday?” 
“No, hun,” he said, rubbing his forehead, concern still eking through the creases in his brow. “Only surprised you got yourself caught so quickly.” 
You snickered. “Not mad at him for grabbing me, neither?” 
He shrugged. “No. That served you right.” 
“M’kay, fine,” you conceded demurely. “I’ll come, then.”
There was another truck parked beside Mr Price’s blue Chevy as Miles pulled up his long driveway, a black pickup coated in a layer of dust. 
Evelyn and Miles had been murmuring to each other for the duration of the short drive, bickering about some deal or other, about what to say and what not to say. In truth, you paid little attention, despite your earlier curiosity. Miles was right, it bored you to death, even attempting to listen in on whatever business endeavour the contentious visit was going to cover. You quietly stuck your head out of the window of the back seat, eyeing the looming homestead as you drove around the bend, and Miles pulled to a stop by the front porch. 
The air smelled wet and heavy when you hopped out and onto the gravel drive. The blanket of rolling clouds had swelled, distended with imminent rain sagging in its blue-grey bulges. You could feel it sticky and warm on your skin, it made your hairs prickle up. 
Your siblings were still mumbling between each other as they slammed shut their doors, wandering towards the porch steps, briefcases and papers in hand. All business, so they said. How tedious. 
While their backs were to you, you slinked towards Mr Price’s truck. 
You wondered if he spotted the cotton sin you left in the cab. You wondered why you had even thought to do such a thing at all. What was wrong with you? Were you really made so delusional by his degenerate punishment that you would so debase yourself? 
Humiliation simmered sour in your belly, as you heard your siblings knock on the great front door. You imagined John revealing your foul little secret, making some sly comment about it as you greeted him. Might he chastise you for your outrageously licentious behaviour? Shame you for your petulant whorishness? 
Perhaps he hadn’t seen your panties at all, inconspicuous as they were. 
With a swallow you stood on the tips of your toes, fingertips barely grazing the dusty metal of the truck, you peeked through the passenger window. Eyes scoured the leather seat, between the seatbelts, below the dashboard. 
They were gone. 
You wrenched your eyes shut, wetting them so you could check again, and again – eagerly seeking a glint of white fabric anywhere in the truck’s cabin. No sign. 
With that, you knew that not only had he noticed them – he must have touched them. Must have picked them up, that sliver of pointelle cotton, must have looked at them closely enough to determine what they were. Might he have noticed the fabric was still wet, cold to the touch between his fingers? 
Your tongue ran along the back of your teeth at the thought of him holding them, feeling the material in his hands, against his skin. At the thought of him knowing it had been the only barrier between his finger and your–
“Honeybee!” Hissed your sister through sharp teeth, and you jumped – spun around on the heel of your boot with your hands pinned to your sides. 
John stood in the open front door. Arms crossed. All three of them looked dead at you. 
“Coming,” you bleated, walking towards them as casually as you could make yourself appear. Your heart was fat in your throat, and your skin was sheeny with anxious sweat and humidity.  
You caught John’s eye as you sheepishly scooped a stray curl and tucked it behind your ear. His expression was rigid as stone, eyes squinting, lips in a censorious curl under his beard. The weight of his glare was leaden and your feet felt heavy. 
Did he know what you were looking for in his truck?
There was a faint quirk in his brow, you saw, as you approached and stood slyly behind your older siblings. A glint of surprise. Perhaps agog at the bravura of showing up at his home after your transgression, bold enough to bare your face to him.
“Whole family, eh?” He asked gruffly, heavy stare only leaving you when Miles offered a pleasant chuckle. 
“Only polite,” Miles said warmly, glancing over his shoulder at you. “Lil’ miss has some making up to do, too.” 
Your cheeks turned apple-red and you fought back the scowl that tugged at your mouth. Lil’ miss. Good at calling on your father’s old patronising habits, Miles. 
John only seemed to find the comment amusing, letting out a low huff, cracking a faint smirk. 
“S’that so?” He coaxed, amused. Sharp blues fastened to you once again, and you could only pick at your fingernails. 
You held your tongue, hoping you could convey that he’s the one who needs to apologise without having to say it aloud. His smugness was unearned, you had just as much to reveal about him as he did you.
He knew you wouldn’t out yourself. You could see it in his sinking smirk.
“It’s a new day, eh?” He grunted, standing to the side and flicking his head to beckon the lot of you inside. “C’mon in, then.”
Your siblings filed in first, but you dithered by the door. John waited in the arch, thick arms crossed cavalierly over his chest, he looked down his nose at you. You hoped he’d venture in after Evelyn and you could slink in behind, but he stayed put. Waiting for you to pass him. Kept your eye as you glowered up at him, daring him to say something; to admit what he had found, to apologise for assailing you, to castigate you for your insolence. 
There was plenty you wanted to say to him, and the words itched at the very tip of your tongue. You stifled them with your teeth instead. Let out an impudent huff as you nudged past him, and he followed closely behind you, shutting the door. You felt his livid warmth on your back, heard his coarse breathing and felt it tickle your hair. The adrenaline thumping through your runny blood made your fingertips tingle, you closed them into fists. 
The foyer was grand, almost cavernous; stained walnut wainscotting on all the walls, old patterned rugs peppered every floor. The enormous staircase unfurled in the centre of the hall, second story mezzanine wrapped around its edges, ornate spindle balustrades wrapped the stairs and the loft. An enormous light fixture hung from the centre second story ceiling, fashioned of deer antlers and many coruscant lightbulbs. You wondered how long it had been there. How many Prices ago it had been made by hand out of the severed antlers of hunted game. 
Seems your siblings had been here for many meetings before, because they knew immediately where to go – put themselves in some sort of drawing room past the stairs, and you meekly followed them. Had Mr Price at your tail like a collie herding you where he wanted you.
Led you to the room containing two imposing leather sofas, facing each other, a large slab of polished wood serving as a coffee table between them. The furthest wall contained floor-to-ceiling glass cabinets, filled to the brim with upright rifles. Long and short, hunting rifles, shotguns, double-barrels. Some of them looked a hundred years old. Towering transom windows lined the eastern wall, bathing the room in the dim ashen glow of the cloudy sky outside. A spinning fan hung from the ceiling. 
You noticed that there was another man in the room, only once you had been ferried in and stood awkwardly before you decided where to sit. He sat opposite your siblings with a black brick hat on his knee. Blond-haired and brown-eyed. 
John must have noticed you staring blankly at him, because his hand landed on your shoulder. A purely cordial touch, and yet it made you wince like he had spanked you again. 
“Ah, this’s Simon,” he said amicably, “he’s my foreman.” 
Simon stood and reached over to shake your hand, silent type, and gave you a stiff nod when you slipped your hand in his and shook it. Big and calloused, like John’s. 
Seemed to be business from there on. Miles opened his briefcase on the coffee table and pulled out a manila folder, a few sheets of paper with words and numbers printed on them. Evelyn had her laptop open on her knees. John and Simon leaned back into the couch with apathy engraved in their stone faces. Seemed your siblings were the ones here to do business. They were buttering him up for something. 
You went to sheepishly sit on the couch next to Miles as he started droning on about some sale, something about acreage and borders and permits, whatever. You glanced at his papers in hopes of spotting a word or two that might have jumped out at you. 
The moment you landed in the leather, though, you winced and sucked a gust of air through clenched teeth – the mark of Mr Price’s savage hand on your bottom burned white-hot under the sudden pressure, and the incisive pain shot through you like a bullet. 
John’s murky glare was already on you when you looked across the room. 
Didn’t need to say a word to you, his lour spoke for him. He was scolding you. 
You wondered what he would say to you, if he let himself. What words his tongue formed behind his teeth as he glowered at you. Serves you right. Don’t you get caught. Does that burn feel good?
He opened his mouth to speak, and your stomach plummeted. 
“Why don’t y’go fix us some drinks, girl?” he said gravely, directly to you, crudely interrupting your brother mid-spiel. 
Your brows twitched into a bemused frown, jaw loose as you failed to summon a response to him.  
Girl? The condescension in his tone made your blood roil in your veins, turbid with shards of spite. You weren’t stupid — you knew it was a thinly veiled demand to go away. To let the grown ups talk, as if you were not one of them. 
“Mm, good idea,” Evelyn cooed calmly – but the bulgy-eyed tight-lipped look she shot you snapped behave. “I’ll have an ice water.”
“Me too,” said John, arm hung insouciantly over the back of the sofa. “Lil’ slice o’ lime would be nice, eh?”
You scoffed. “Sure,” you grumbled, vitriolic facetiousness bleeding through every word. You pushed yourself up from the couch and thundered out of the room. 
“You’re a doll,” John called after you, and you could hear the smugness coating his throat, thick as honey. 
Prick. Prick. 
You murmured it over and over under your breath as you steamed towards the kitchen, your angry boots echoing out in clunks with every step on his parquet floorboards. Only once you found your way to the kitchen entrance did you stop in your tracks, eyes raking over the cluttered counters and the open door to an outdoor veranda. 
You didn’t have to pour them drinks. You didn’t have to do anything. You were as much an adult as any of them, regardless of how egregiously they patronised you, or how many years of life they had gained on you. 
No, you could busy yourself with something else entirely. 
You had a treasure to find. 
The panties you fatuously left in his truck just to spite him. You wanted them back. 
It made your head muzzy with unease to think of him sitting across from your siblings, chatting away about something innocuous, all the while your dirty little secret was tucked away in the back of his mind. Stashing it up like a slug in the chamber of a rifle. Ready to fire it whenever the opportunity presented itself, whenever you displeased him. 
What could he have done with them? Perhaps he threw them away, tossed them in the trash where they belonged, or dumped them in the crick so he could be rid of them. Maybe he left them by the door, in anticipation of returning them. Maybe he has them in his pocket. 
You started with the coat rack by his front door. Skulking around on the tips of your leather toes, you stuck your fingers in every pocket of every jacket, no luck. 
Checked the laundry – fucking chaotic as it was in there, reeked of his sweat and the loamy smell of farm work. His boxers and sweat-stained t-shirts piled in baskets, plaid flannels tossed unlovingly over an ironing board, black triangular burns of a dropped iron painting the blue foam. 
The richly heady scent in there made you dizzy and hot on the back of your neck. Made your stomach flutter. Smelled like the barn. Like him bending you over the hay.  
No panties in there, either, and you dug through everything. Left it messier than it was when you got there, but you could be near certain he wouldn’t even notice. 
Upstairs, next. 
Crept up them as quietly as you could, begrudging the cries of the old wood as you made your way up. You noticed, as you made it to the landing, that all of the doors to old bedrooms were closed; those of his brothers, and his parents, sealed off like tombs. 
It made you swallow. The air was heavier up there, dense with dust and solitude. It was hotter, too, all of the warmth of the lower storey funnelled up the stairs and pumped into the mezzanine, and it was pyretic just to breathe it. 
One door was open, though, barely ajar. A tawny wax canvas jacket with a brown corduroy collar hung from the top of the old door. You recognised it immediately – John’s jacket. Old, worn-out, might have been his father’s, just like his hat. His bedroom, you were sure. You slithered towards it, holding your breath as devotedly as you might while submerged underwater. 
And as you got closer, you spotted it – a glimmer of white, the tongue of pointelle cotton sticking out of an open pocket on his coat. Right there. 
“Fuck y’think you’re doin’?” Came a bark from the stairs, and you jumped like a startled cat.
John came hounding towards you once he made it to the landing, and you immediately backed away from his door. You spun around to inch away, hoping you’d end up in a bathroom with a door that locked, but it became quickly obvious that you had nowhere to run. 
Exasperation radiated from him with each ragged breath – sick and tired more than furious, it made you shrink all the same. With a few short strides he was behind you, and you chirped in fright when he grabbed you by your ponytail and yanked you back like a puppy on a lead. 
He held your hair in a fist, pulling your head against his chest, angled back so you could look up at him from behind you. 
“Lookin’ for something?” He asked throatily, a low growl, accusation on his tongue. 
You yelped when he lightly tugged your ponytail, seemed to you like he did it just to make you squeak. “I was – I was just looking for the bathroom.” 
“Liar,” he grunted. 
“I’m n–”
“You’re in my good graces for now, honey,” he muttered, as his head craned beside yours, wiry beard grazing your cheek, “on account of your lil’ present.” 
Your ribs clamped shut around your lungs. Fingertips turned ice cold. Present. Such a euphemistic way to put it. A present. You froze when you felt his hand on your buttock, wide enough to cup it, fixing into place over the wound he had already left there. 
“But don’t you push your luck.”
Then he squeezed, and you shrieked, muffled quickly by a winded whimper — the pain as blinding and searing as a branding iron, shape of his hand all but cooked permanently into your skin. The palm of his hand may as well have been barbed, pierced the skin with a million little needles, it might have even hurt less. 
“That hurts,” you whined, cleaved to him by his grip on your hair. 
“Good,” he growled. 
Only then did he let you go, after twisting your body around to face the direction of the stairs. 
“Go’on,” he barked, goading you forward with a smack on your ass. “Get.” 
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You meandered ahead like it hurt to walk. 
John hoped it did. He hoped that every time you moved, every time you sat down, every time you accidently brushed it with the caress of your skirt, you thought of him. Of every apology he struck out of you. Of every line you’ve ever crossed. 
Oh, what he’d give to see it. 
He reprimanded himself every time the image crossed his mind, of your supple little ass, defaced by his punishment. He simply couldn’t help it. He imagined that the weal of his hand was raised there, pricked with plum and cherry red, a marker of his authority. Of his territory. 
He had to be rid of you. Couldn’t focus on a single word lobbed at him by your diplomat of a brother while you were in the room with him, sucking up all the air and every drop of his attention. The dramatic suck of your teeth as you landed on the brand he gave you, just rubbing it in. 
Such a little shit, you were. Intractable animal. Asked you to fix a drink, and you couldn’t even do that. 
No, you slinked around his home instead, sticking your misbehaving little fingers into every room, filling his house up with the smell of you. Good thing he caught you before you snuck into his bedroom, leaving trails of you in his only refuge. He wouldn’t be able to sleep if you had. 
He kept a pointed glare hitched on your back as he followed you, limbs and teeth braced to chase and tackle you if you dared to bolt in any direction. But, a good girl for once, you made your way to the stairs, little eyes flicking over your shoulder every now and then to check whether he was still following you. He didn’t let more than two feet stretch between his body and yours. Not stupid enough to take that risk again. 
Far less revealing dress this time. He could still see down the neckline, and you had probably made sure of that. Could see the swell of your breasts, soft and round, their rise and fall as you breathed so meekly against him. Couldn’t see your pebbled nipples through the fabric, though. Skirt was quite a bit longer. For the best. 
He guessed your sister might have told you to wear it, proper as she was. Always painfully worried about image, and yet he could see right through her and your slimy prick of a brother. 
Still had no clue what to make of you. 
Were you cognisant of the effect you had on him? Were you toying with him for your own sake, or for theirs? 
Either way, he didn’t want it. 
Your siblings waited for you at the bottom of the stairs, Evelyn with her arms crossed, and Miles gave him a suspicious glare through his pinched eyes on his way down. Mustn’t have liked the way John handled his little sister. Either too much of a coward, or too hungry for his bargain to say anything. Or, equally as likely, he was utterly blind to your exploits, enigmatic as you were. 
Didn’t matter. John could not give less of a shit about your brother’s notions. 
“Found ‘er,” he barked, watching as you grouchily wandered between the two of them and swiftly escaped through his front door. 
Evelyn pinched the bridge of her nose, an exasperated groan. “What was she doing this time?” 
John huffed. “Looking for the bathroom,” he said dryly, immediately questioning why he lied for you. So he buffered it; “Apparently.” 
“Sorry about her,” she said stiffly, it was evident you’d be receiving a scolding once the lot of you got home. “She’s – ugh. You know.” 
He had nothing to say to that. 
“Well – thanks for having us by, anyway, Jonathan,” she continued, suddenly perking up, returning to her prim and proper self. “Hope you’ll think about it? Just give us a call, will you? Or – drop by, you know, whenever. Door’s always open.”
He nodded apathetically. “Uh-huh.”
She returned with a nod of her own, a hopeful one, before she tucked her laptop under her arm and followed out after you, where you waited winsomely at the top of the porch steps. 
Miles sauntered towards him, then, thumbs tucked aloofly into the pockets of his jeans, until one hand landed on John’s shoulder. Gave him a squeeze, tighter than would be friendly. His jovial smile was translucent, and it faded fast, once the girls were out of earshot. 
“Don’t you fuck me on this, Jonathan,” he said derisively, snarled under breath. 
John chewed on nothing. His hands were in fists of their own volition. If he were to speak he’d say something regrettable, he knew himself well enough to be certain of that. So he said nothing, only glowered at the man who all but threatened him. 
“It’s the best offer we’re ever gonna get,” Miles rigidly insisted. “You know that as well as I do. We’ll be under in two years. Three if we’re lucky. This ain’t our world anymore.” 
John took measured breaths through his nose. Licked his teeth. The urge to maul the man like a bear rankled in every muscle. You probably wouldn’t forgive him, if he did such a thing. 
“You wanna keep that hand?” He asked hoarsely, monotone, through a clenching jaw. 
Miles grinned at that, as sunny as ever, before landing two genial pats on John’s shoulder. 
“S’alright,” he said, as he stepped back, fixing his black hat to the top of his head. Shot a glance at Simon, who hovered behind John like a shadow, until then unnoticed. “You’ll come around.”
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You had left your bedroom door open when you put yourself to bed that night. 
Not to let anyone in, God forbid; though you did find yourself seeing the cowboy’s silhouette in your doorframe, a shadow in your periphery. Your heart flitted in your chest before you blinked him away. 
Instead the decision was some callback to your teenagehood. You had learned at fourteen that your cast iron doorknob squealed and clattered in dispute when you twisted it; loud enough to alert your father whenever you attempted to sneak out of the house after nightfall. Through trial and error, you discovered that if you left your oaken door ajar, only slightly, it would appear closed from the corner of the hall – where daddy would peek around before barking, good night, Honeybee. 
You were an adult now, though, and your father was long gone. For a time your brother tried to adopt the habit of monitoring you, but it was futile, even in your youth. 
You confounded even yourself with your precaution. You weren’t going anywhere, were you? No rules you intended to break? 
Your toes twitched. And your fingers twiddled. You squeezed your eyes shut, as if holding them closed for long enough would trick your mind into sleep, and didn’t instead focus the entirety of your attention on the still lingering sting of Mr Price’s hand. 
You couldn’t help but circle like a vulture the memory of the ground under your knees, the hay under your elbows. The barbaric clap of his hand on your skin, the grinding of your kneecaps into the gravelly dirt on every thrust. What you daydreamed his expression might have been as he hurled his retributive hand into the bare skin of your cheek. 
Might he have been frowning? Grinning? Did he inspect the damage of his handiwork very closely? Did he let his eyes linger on your curves and valleys longer than he should have? 
What went through his mind as he let his thumb venture down the cleft of you, as he pushed the tip into your slit through your sodden gusset? Might he have been marvelling in the wetness? Repulsed by its implication? 
What was he going to do with your knickers, your present as he called it? You imagined them tangled in his fingers, tucked into his fist in his pocket. Him pinching the fabric between his thick fingers as he spoke to his ranchmen. Would he tell his foreman about it? Would he show him?
Now you were entirely awake. Glaring holes into your plaster ceiling, listening to the hammering of your heart in your ears. 
Baking alive in your bed, you were covered only by your thin cotton sheet, and even that was too hot. You sweltered in it, a torrid heat that made your hair crispy and skin itchy. Sweat beaded along your brow, clammy on the back of your neck, and no matter how you laid, you found no comfort. No relief. 
Soon, you had slipped out of bed completely. 
You had not decided on a course of action, yet you crept through the gap in your bedroom door. The moonlit hallway moaned grumpily as you slithered down the stairs, ensuring the patter of your bare feet on the hardwood was as silent as you could muster. 
Plucked your father’s old Carhartt chore coat from its hook by the back door, canvassy and speckled with mud, and pulled it over your bare arms to provide at least some protection from the night. It was longer than your floral linen nightie, short and sheer as it was. You didn’t bother with shoes, your seasoned feet were well used to tip-toeing around the prairies bare. With a careful push of the screen door you stepped out onto the veranda, following your nose without the need for a torch. 
The night air was a cool relief, gentle and calming on your febrile skin. The quiet song of crickets filled the breezeless air, the occasional cry of a coyote in the far distance. Kept at bay by the guardian dogs that littered your ranch. Sometimes you thought you could sleep out there, curled up in the grass like a barn cat, if it weren’t for the gnats. 
You knew the path to Mr Price’s property so well you could navigate it with your eyes shut. Every rock to skip over, every fallen fence post, every tree marking the way. Nonetheless the swollen moon glowed unfettered by clouds, bathing the grassy hills in ultramarine and illuminating the way as you hopped his decrepit fence. 
You had a plan. 
Knew where the knickers were. In the pocket of his canvas jacket, hung on his door. He wouldn’t be expecting you to sneak in after dark, so surely his guard would be down. He’d be sat with his feet up in his lonely sitting room, cigar hooked in his finger, watching baseball highlights or whatever else solitary men busied themselves with. You were sure he wouldn't be sleeping yet. It wasn’t even ten at night, knowing him, he probably only turned in an hour or two ago. 
His ominous homestead came into view through the cottonwood trees, as you scampered between their trunks and over the vibrant underbrush. You creeped around the front of the house, silent step after silent step, hoping to spot an open window. 
And you found one, barely open, a sash window raised only an inch — you stuck your nosy fingers between the gap, carefully lifting the heavy pane by its dark-stained trim. Slipped inside like a little burglar. 
It was dark inside. You found yourself in what looked like a study, bulky mahogany desk in the centre of the room, spinning chair tucked underneath it. It was busy, filled to the brim with clutter and signs of life – seemingly untouched, layered in dust like it had been long abandoned. You supposed a man like Mr Price didn’t give much time to studying. 
You took a single step, and froze – your chore coat rustled loudly, dangerously so, even with a mere breath it threatened to alert your reticent neighbour to your intrusion. So you cautiously slipped your arms from its roomy sleeves, and gently left it in a pile by the very window through which you had trespassed. 
Now truly silent you inched towards the foyer like a spider. Every step whisper silent, moved on the balls of your feet, swallowed shallow breaths. 
The light was on in the kitchen – must be in there, you thought, and you avoided going anywhere near it. Instead you slithered up the staircase, one by one, where the faintest amber glow poured from an open door. As you retraced your steps to the landing, along the loft, to his door – the coat was gone. 
You would have cursed if you could speak aloud. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
You could well have turned and left, abandoned the expedition altogether and prayed he didn’t hear you escaping. But you were in deep, now. Deep enough that giving up felt like a greater risk than persevering. Sunk cost. 
He must have hung the coat on the back of his door, or maybe dumped it on the end of his bed, or tossed it over the back of a chair. Perhaps he wore it out for the day, ensuring the panties were on his person, in case you dared to commit the very crime you now did. 
With kittenish fingers on the door, you eked it open, and its old dry hinges whimpered with the movement. Peeking through, you saw the origin of the faint light was seeping from a separate room; an ensuite, likely, though his bedroom was still bathed in darkness. 
It was different than how you had imagined it. You pictured something sparse, messy, beer bottles on the chest-of-drawers and a tissue box by the bed. A bachelor suite. 
Instead, it was well-kept. A painting of a pine-coated landscape hung over his bed, framed in ornately carved wood. His bed was made, an old hand-made quilt folded over by the head, and a plaid woolen blanket draped over the end. Little picture frames sat in a line on his dresser, too dark to see of who – but there were three of them, so you could guess. Two brothers and a pair of parents. 
His room smelled of him, warm and musky, rich with the terpenic scent of chypre cologne and cigar smoke. It made your mouth water. 
Then, you found them. 
Your little cotton knickers. Hung from the brass knob of the top drawer of his dresser. Bright white against the darkly stained pine. 
You swallowed and it went down your throat like broken glass. He hadn’t even hidden them. Brazenly hung them on display for anybody to see. 
Foolish of him. 
You glissaded towards the chest-of-drawers, plucked them from the knob with shaky fingers, and triple checked they were yours. And they were, absolutely – you could tell by the little satin rose of pink ribbon that adorned the front of them. 
Relief rinsed you warm and sweet once they were bundled in your hand, objective achieved. Yours again. You only needed to–
“Adding burglary to the list, are you?”
The rumbling voice blurted out from behind you and you sprung from the ground like a rabbit, squealing in the shock that wracked you. 
You swivelled in a blink with your heart in your throat, facing the man who had caught you. Still shaking with adrenaline, you could scarcely wrangle your tongue to utter a single word in your defence. 
“I’m – they’re–”
“Didn’t expect that,” he drawled. 
It was difficult to make him out, the tall silhouette of the prodigious man against the light of his ensuite bathroom, broad shoulders rocking as he sauntered in your direction. You watched in silence as he tucked in the tongue of the powder-blue towel wrapped around his hips. His tousled hair was wet and spiked – freshly showered, you guessed, the benzoin scent of his soap lingered in the air around him. 
“I’m – I’m not burg – burgling,” you stammered, finally finding your words, you straightened your spine. “I’m taking them back.” 
“No you’re not,” he grumbled, edging towards you, heavy thuds with each arrogant step. 
You were frozen in place. Shivering as though cold. Toes digging into the hardwood like it might fall out from beneath you. 
The moonlight glaring through his open window barely illuminated him on his approach; carving out the valleys of his gladiatorial chest, thick pectorals cast shadows over the well-padded abdominals of his bare stomach. His fuzzy towel sat precariously low on his hips, your impudent stare couldn’t help but trace the damp brown curls that trailed down from his navel. 
“They’re not yours,” you disputed, balling the soft panties in your fist and tucking your arms behind your back in a juvenile effort to hide them from him. 
Only once his face was doused in the silver light from the window could you make out his features; lids hung low over dark eyes, goading lips in a stern curl under his beard. 
“Yeah, they are,” he challenged, low voice oozing scorn. A shrinking foot away from you, you felt the heat of him radiating out from him, licking at your skin with warm little tongues. “They were a gift.” 
Your brows knit together as you endeavoured to stand your ground, tilting your head back so that you could glower up at him. You wrestled with yourself for any defences and found none. Nothing to say for yourself, no excuse to muster, no dispute to mount. 
“They were not a gift,” was all you said, puerile as you were. 
“Then they’re a fine,” he grunted, smirk fading, reaching a sturdy arm towards and around you. 
His indignant hand gripped your bicep, reeling it out from behind your back and pulling it towards him with absurd ease. You resisted – attempted to, at least – but any resilience in your arm was quick to falter, and he presented your balled fist palm-up like you had offered the prize to him of your own volition. 
Skittish eyes darted from your hand to his steely lour, you imagined yourself flipping a coin. 
Admit defeat; relinquish your cotton sin to its new owner, embolden him with your acquiescence, and find a way to live with the knowledge of their presence in his pocket. Or, better yet – snatch your knickers in a tight fist and scurry into the night, throw them into the woodburner when you get home, and pretend none of it had ever happened. 
Landed on tails. You impulsively yanked your fist from his grip, ducked past him with a hop and a skip, before bolting on your shaky legs towards his bedroom door. 
But as if he had readily anticipated that very move, predictable as you were, his thick arms had snatched you up before you had even noticed your capture. You squeaked in dispute, his arms like pythons constricted around you so tightly that they forced a desperate mewl from your throat. He riveted you firmly against his chest, tips of your toes barely grazing the hardwood beneath you.
Jaw pressed to the side of your head, his breathing was warm and strained against the burning shell of your ear.
“You want them back,” he rumbled, the barbarity in his voice sending cold terror down the nape of your neck. “You wear ‘em.”
Sipping quick and shallow breaths, you didn’t dare wriggle or buck in defiance of him. Not this time. There was a threat in his tone, ferine yet forthright, oozing from his throat like molten iron.
“Y-” you stuttered dizzily, heart thundering in your ears. “You want me to put them on?”
“Uh-huh,” he answered, cocksure, the vibration of his frayed voice prickled in your skin.  
He released you, then, and you dropped to your bare feet with a quiet thud. Fist clenched tightly around your ball of cotton, you sucked in a quivering breath before daring to move.
He crossed his arms imperiously, sniffed gruffly, already impatient. “Put ‘em on.” 
You nervously unfurled the white floral fabric from between your fingers. Checking them briefly to ensure you didn’t put them on back-to-front, you spread the waistband, and began to lean forward. 
“Other ones off first,” he groused, and you blinked at him over your shoulder. 
“I’m-” you began, cutting yourself off with a swallow as you meekly turned to face him. Warm blood rushed to the apples of your cheeks. “I haven’t got any on.”
You swore a smirk tugged at the corner of his ever-severe mouth, but he simply let a hoarse breath out through his nose. Letting your confession float unchallenged in the turgid air between you. 
“You’re a real troublemaker,” he chided, through gritted teeth. “Aren’t you.”
“I’m not,” you retorted, feeble and unpersuasive.
“No?” He sneered. “You break into my house in that pathetic little dress and no panties on, and you wouldn’t call that making fuckin’ trouble?”
“Put them on.”
His order was as hard and piercing as a bullet, and it turned your blood runny as water, flooding hot into the most illicit parts of you.
Made obsequious, you followed his command. Bent forward and stepped your first toe through the leg of your panties, delicately placing your foot back to the floor, then followed the other. 
You drew careful air through wet lips as you shimmied the thin fabric up your thighs, forced to lift the slippery hem of your nightie as you adjusted them around your hips, a gentle snap as you flick the elastic of the hem to fix it over your unmarred cheek. You winced as the gusset sat flush with your pussy, cringing at the knowledge they had already been worn – they were dry, now, at least, no longer sodden with lust and sweat. Satisfied with their positioning, you floated the thin skirt back down to cover them, stroking your hips to settle the fabric. 
John stood across from you with his wide hand over his mouth, thumb and forefingers rubbing his cheeks as if releasing some tension in his grinding jaw. The rigid muscles of his arms strained and twitched under his ruddy skin. Tension visible from where you stood. 
With a huff, he straightened his spine, and your stare jumped to the long weight under his towel. Dawned on you that he wore nothing underneath it. Suddenly felt light-headed.
He grunted. “Show ´em to me.”
Your lips parted just slightly, toes curled, you obliged him. With impish fingers you clutched the lacy hem of your slip, coaxing it upward, you folded it into pleats in your fists. Up, up, up. The cool of the air between your legs was almost a relief. 
He inched forward. Closer to you. 
“Turn around.”
Sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, and worried for a moment you might chew it off. With your skirt hitched up, you spun around slowly on the tips of your toes until your nose was a few inches from his dresser. 
You felt his warm breathing on the top of your head, he was behind you. Sandwiched you between his body and his chest-of-drawers. Your only hope of escape was to do what you were told. 
With his thumb he grazed the hem of your panties where it sat against your disfigured cheek, and the sudden sting made you twitch.
“S’that hurt?” He asked roughly, and for a delirious moment you thought you might have heard some tenderness in his tone. 
You nodded flimsily. “Yes.” 
“Mh,” he grunted, whole hand ghosting over the sore skin as if to feel the texture of your wound on his palm. “Didn’t teach you a thing, did it.” 
“What was it s’posed to teach me,” you breathed, careful with your words. 
His paw raked over your side, fixing at your hip. “To stay the fuck away.”
“I can–” You panted, tongue heavy in your mouth, “I can go away. I can go.” 
His domineering hands were at your waist, the hem of your little dress scooped up with them. 
“Not now, you won’t.” 
Your stomach turned to lead. 
Suddenly possessed by the skittish need to bolt, you lurched to the side to un-wedge yourself from between him and the dresser – let out a squeal when he predictably ensnared you with leviathan arms. He wrangled you like cantankerous livestock, growling as he wrestled you until your back landed against the drawers. 
“Mister–” You yelped tightly, all air squeezed out of you by his restraint.
“Play stupid games, girl,” he snarled, “Y’win stupid prizes.” 
You whimpered, blinking up at him through fluttering lashes, a hair's breadth away from you. His eyes were almost sinister, pinned to you, inky black pools blown wide in the darkness. Predatory. 
“I’m sorry—” you squeaked, flustered and winded. 
Almost cracked a smirk. “Too late for that.”
Even as he threatened you, you were helplessly magnetised to him. His harsh glare oozed hatred and hunger and it made your heart buzz like a bee trapped in the cage of your ribs. He pinned you forcefully to his chest-of-drawers, a brass knob pressed into your spine, and like a broken filly your resistance turned to butter. Unctuous and supple. 
You weren’t certain whether he had sensed your capitulation, or if he simply steamrolled ahead in his blind paroxysm whether you liked it or not. His titanic hands had you by the thighs, and he jounced you up, propping you up on the very edge of a drawer that stuck out a mere inch from the dresser. You chirped as the hard wooden edge cut into your raw bottom – hurt less, somehow. Distracted. 
He kept your thighs jammed tightly together by his legs, and used a single hand to cuff both of your wrists, pinned them to your sternum. 
Your vision was blurry, skin burning so hot you could sear something on it – you looked down, and his towel had been shirked from his hips, cock landed heavy on your belly. 
Heavy, the operative word – you could see the flesh of your belly pillowing out around its trunk, thick and lengthy, shaft leading down to a bed of dark curls at the base of his stomach. Your throat swelled shut as you stared at it, dizzy at the sight, as he hooked two fingers into the waistband of your knickers.
He yanked the front of your panties down with impatience, unveiling your mound and making the taut elastic cut into the flesh of your hips. Didn’t pull them off all the way, though, only allowed himself enough room to feed his cock through the gap between your cunt and the gusset of your underwear.  
The lips of your pussy spread like petals as he wedged his cock between them, and your breath lodged in your throat – but he didn’t pierce you with it, not at that angle. The aperture between your cunt and thighs was tight, tight enough for him to gain traction, and it made you whimper. 
Only once the round head of his cock was buried in the valley of your pussy did you realise how slick you were. Mortifyingly so. Your syrup had pooled there, undisturbed until he split you open, and now you painted his shaft with it. 
He cracked a proud smile. Canines caught the glint of moonlight. His breathing turned ragged and you felt it on your open lips, sucking down the hot air he exhaled, and it made you feel drunk. 
“Feral little thing, ain’t ya?” He growled, grinding his cock out of the slit of your thighs before driving it back in, the friction of his shaft against your clitoris made your eyes flutter shut.
You only let out a little mewl in reply, trapped against the hard dresser that shook and clattered with every movement. He fucked the fissure between your thighs and cunt in earnest, and it was somehow embarrassing; that he refused to grant you the dignity of fucking you properly, of surfeiting your starved cunt with even an ounce of real attention. He gripped his cock by the base of his shaft and guided it into the slim gap, offering you only the chafing of his iron-hard length against your pebbled clitoris as he rutted.
It was barely satisfying, but it made you twitch and shiver with a neglected pleasure – just enough to turn you syrupy sweet, not enough to truly sate the little creature in you that put you in this very predicament. You tried to tighten your thighs, firmer than they were already, in the desperate hope that it might augment the pressure of his cock burnishing your slit, might drive it in at the right angle to break into you. 
But it wasn’t about you. Your enjoyment was inconsequential to him. 
This was your punishment. 
You could tell he approached the zenith of his own pleasure as his breathing became frayed and arrhythmic, and his thrusts unsteady – he stilled, large fist gripping his cock, and while his blunt head was still tunnelled into your knickers, he began to shuck his dick from its base, jerking off into the gap. 
It was mortifying – besides the denigration itself, of having him masturbate himself with you – the downright pitiful desperation you were dripping with. Coating his cock in it and yet remaining ignored. The tingles of an orgasm fluttered around you like a butterfly you could not catch, coiled up and unwinded over and over with every inward and outward rake of his shaft. 
You had no freedom to move while you were entangled with him; legs pinned shut and feet dangling off the ground, hands manacled to your chest so tightly your fingertips went cold. You had no option but to take what little he gave you. 
He let out a stifled groan, and you gasped when you realised he was coming — you watched his face as he finished himself, as you felt his come pump into the gusset of your panties, filling up the gap between your lips as he chased a few final ruts. You felt his cock jolt with the aftershocks of his climax, and he rested the entirety of his weight against you, forcing the rest of the air out of your feverish lungs. His jaw was viciously tight, huffing through his nose like a bull, and his squinting blue eyes were glued to you. Lucent with spite and a potent satisfaction. 
“Don’t make a damn fuss,” he muttered wryly, short-winded.
You whined as he tugged his cock from between your thighs, returning your knickers to their chaste position with a snap of the elastic over your mons.   
“You shouldn’t have – have done that–”
He all but snorted at that, as he stepped back from you – let you fall to your feet from where he had jammed you against the drawers. Kept your hands shackled together, though. “What else did you come here for, then, eh?”
My panties stayed unspoken, because it would have been a lie. 
You flinched when he raised his free hand, but he only grazed your jaw with his thumb. “Wanted a fuck, did you?”
Your head nodded itself despite your lack of instruction. Subconscious. Too humiliating to confirm of your own will. 
“Ain’t gonna happen,” he grunted, as he finally released your cuffed hands, dropping down to pick up the towel he had left in a pile on the floor. 
You moaned, rubbing your tender wrist, light-headed after the blustering outburst. Felt his come between your folds, slippery and hot, it escaped through the groin of your knickers and ran down the inside of your thigh. 
“Why not,” you whinged, quietly, as though hopeful he wouldn’t hear it. 
“Gotta earn it,” he jeered. “I ain’t rewarding your fuckin’ behaviour.” 
You wouldn’t tell him even this was a reward, in itself. The frustration was blistering hot, thumping in your temples. “I hate you.” 
“I bet,” he snorted, as he fixed his towel around his waist once again. “G’on. Go home.”
You scowled at him, lips curled and brows knitted tight. You wanted to throw something at him. 
“Fine,” you griped, as you reached under your dress to pull down your defiled knickers. 
“Don’t you dare,” he snapped. “You keep ‘em on and you walk in ‘em.” 
Your jaw went slack. “Are you serious?”
“Does it look like I’m jokin’?” 
It didn’t. Not a bit. He wore that same rigid face that sunk in his features every time he scolded you, lips in a line under his dense beard, brows flat and heavy over his squinting eyes. Somehow made more severe while he was without a shirt, you could see every ireful twitch of the worn muscles that rippled under his sun-baked skin. He could hurt you worse, if he wanted to. The thought makes you sweat. 
“Fine,” you groaned, again, and you impudently rammed him with your shoulder as you stormed past him and out of his bedroom door. 
You heard his low chortle on your way out, but he didn’t call out for you. No more snide remarks. You bashfully returned to the dark study, picked up your father’s chore coat, and slipped out the same window you had broken into. 
The walk back was sticky and uncomfortable. Suddenly you felt like buzzing insects were hovering around you, landing on your skin, hoping to poke in and suck you dry. The baying coyotes sounded closer than before, just over the hill. The moonlit air wasn’t cool enough to mollify your temper. The wheaten grass was sharp and splintery under your bare feet. The come in your gusset was viscid and gooey, glued between your thighs with every step. 
Yet, you were grotesquely proud of it. Wearing the evidence that Mr Price wasn’t as mighty as he purported to be. He didn’t ride a high horse. He came in your panties and made you walk in it, as a punishment. 
Truly depraved man. You knew that confidently, now. If he thought he had deterred you, he was sorely mistaken. 
You didn’t bother being quiet when you finally returned home after a slow and sulky walk through the night. Dumped your jacket on the floor by the back door rather than hanging it on its hook, trudged up the crying stairs and shut your door with a clank once you got to your bedroom. You tore the linen sheet off your bed and left it astray, before falling immediately into your mattress, flat on your stomach. 
You fell straight to sleep.
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a/n: far be it from me to insert a political statement into my cowboy porn, but as a non-american depicting a sanitised rural USA, i feel the need to make clear my stance on everything happening over there (and the ripple effects it is having on the rest of the world): fuck trump and all his nazi partymen, fuck everyone who voted for him, and fuck every non-american who would have if they could. if you are supportive of or ambivalent about the oligarch-cum-drinking, bold-faced-fascist ideology of he and his ilk, just know that every breath you take is a fucking waste of oxygen. and if you're upset by that sentiment then fuck you too. no middle ground on this! love ya 
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77 notes ¡ View notes
jiniretracha ¡ 23 hours ago
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠? - 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 (𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬)
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pairing: lee felix x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smut, angst!!!
summary: You worked at Kim Publishing, a place you could call home since the very start. But when it faced bankruptcy, your beloved company was forced to merge with Bang Editorials an evil empire with no vision on anything that Kim Publishing represented. And that's how you met your nemesis: Felix Lee. The bane of your existence. But everything fell into place like the pieces of a puzzle when your bosses had a marvellous idea: a new position as manager director, who had to submit their report in order to be chosen for the job. And your archenemy had the same purpose as you did: get that job one way or another.
word count: 3.7k
ps: I came with a new series totally and utterly inspired/based on The Hating Game. Pls feel free to let me know if you wanna be on this series taglist !
masterlist // series masterlist // ko-fi
𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 - 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
That night, you put on a dress and heels. You did your makeup nicely and smiled at yourself in the mirror. 
You did remember when was the last time you had dressed up for someone. It was a week ago. For him.
For Felix.
The worst part was that you had dressed up for revenge, but for revenge from what exactly? Was it revenge, really? Or was it just a made up lie inside your head?
It probably was, knowing for a fact that you came to face the reality that you did like-
Hold up.
No, that’s not it. 
It couldn’t be. Right?
You jumped up in your place when you heard your phone ringing loudly on the bed. 
Your heartbeat quickened as you ran towards it, grabbing it and clicking on the button to accept the call.
“Hello?” you said slightly out of breath.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m outside” 
Wooyoung. Because of course. He was the one taking you out on the date. 
“Oh… right. I’ll be right out, Woo. Just give me a second” you told him, trying to fake the niceness of your tone. 
“Great, see you!”
You hung up and placed your phone inside your purse. You gave one last look to yourself in the mirror and inhaled deeply. When you exhaled, you squared up your shoulders and reassured yourself that everything would work out in the end. 
Wooyoung had taken you out to a restaurant located on the rooftop of a building in the center of Seoul. He had really outdone himself and you felt incredibly bad knowing you weren’t on the same page as he was, but you did your best to make him believe you were. 
“The view here is so amazing, Woo. Wow” you told him, curling your spaghetti on your fork. “It’s very romantic, may I say”
“Not just romantic. Historical” he said with a smirk. “This building belongs to the city and it has a view of the river where a couple of centuries ago, the emperors would throw the bodies of their enemies in” he wiggled his eyebrows.
Yikes, you thought as you downed your wine. 
“They count like 12 thousand bodies at least, which is crazy if you ask me, but I know that a lot of them were- like- eaten by fish or some sort of shit like that” he continued and you just stopped paying attention to him. “Just picture it and tell me if it isn’t fucking crazy”
“No, I am picturing it” you said with a fake smile, “So… anyway, how is work going for you?”
“Everything’s going well” he nodded. “...I guess”
“Why do you say that?” you asked him, with a frown.
“Well, Bang Seojun is very demanding with editing” he confessed with a tired sigh, placing his forehead on his palm as he looked up at you through his eyelashes. “I just can't seem to meet his standards, but if you know… you get that promotion-”
“I will definitely free you from your misery, don’t you worry” you promised and he let out a little grateful smile. 
“Um… hey! I brought you something” he said, remembering something and then digging his hand inside his pocket. 
“Oh, Woo, that’s so thoughtful. Thank… you” you trailed off when you saw he was holding a card.
Jung Wooyoung - Graphic Designer, and it had a phone number with an email on it.
“A business card?” you asked with a disappointed tone that he did not catch. 
“For all your graphic design needs, especially if you want to win that position, I can definitely help you” he winked at you.
You left the card by the table and sighed. “Have you… have you ever thought about kissing me?” you asked him. 
Wooyoung’s eyes widened and he pulled his face back. “Well, uh… since the very first time I met you, if I’m going to be honest. You spilled coffee on my lap at my first team meeting and… I guess I just always knew I wanted to kiss you” he said, feeling his cheeks blushing. 
You then leaned over the table, grabbed his shirt and kissed the breath right out of him. His breath hitched at the back of his throat and then you pulled away with a frown.
Nothing. Fucking nothing.
Why isn’t this working?
You pulled him back into a kiss, trying to give every ounce of passion you had in yourself. This time, Wooyoung had time to kiss back, but still. 
No fluttering in your stomach.
No feeling of your toes curling.
No brain mushing.
No nothing.
You pulled back and sat your ass back down on your chair while he chuckled and brushed his thumb over his bottom lip.
“Yeah…” you sighed.
“That was…” Wooyoung smiled at you. 
A mistake.
You didn’t know why you were here. You didn’t know what exactly you could come across or what would he say if he saw you there.
But there you were.
Standing outside his house, your eyes travelling all over the door and windows, in hopes of catching a glimpse of him.
You grabbed your phone with an irritated sigh and clicked on his contact. 
You went to type in a message:
You: are you home?
But as soon as you finished typing the text, you deleted it. 
Then, you tried again.
You: hey, so I kissed him and you were right-
You quickly pressed on the delete button with an irritated sigh. 
God, what were you even doing?
This was embarrassing. You placed your phone back inside your purse and bit your lip, debating what to do.
Should I knock? Should I call him?
Your heart started pounding nervously at the possible outcomes of your actions that you pictured inside your head. 
What if he laughs at you and rejects you? What if he kisses you? What if he tells you it was all a joke and you fell for it and-
“Do you think he’s home?” a familiar low voice said from beside you and you jumped with a yelp.
Next to you, stood Felix with a humored smile. 
“What?” he asked you, nudging his chin upwards. “Are you stalking me now, Cupcake?” he asked you with a little chuckle. 
“Yeah, I just snooped around through your trash, actually” you said, wiggling your eyebrows. 
“Really?” he asked you back and you hummed, nodding your head. “And did you find anything interesting?”
You hummed in a thinking manner, continuing the game. “Nah, the usual stuff: leftovers, tissues… geriatric diapers. Exactly what I imagined from you” 
Felix laughed, showing his teeth and his eyes coming crescent shaped.
It made your heart double its size. “You should always laugh” you said almost immediately. 
“Then, you should always be funny” he replied. You just smiled, feeling your cheeks flush and you looked down at your feet, getting a little shy. “So… how was your date?” Felix asked you. “Did he roll over the last meatball at you with his nose? No- wait, don’t tell me. You did that thing from Lady and the Tramp where you both- you know, with the spaghetti-”
“No…” you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
His eyes inspected your face, trying to see the signs. “Did you kiss him?” 
“I did” you replied.
“And?” he asked, clenching his hands at his sides.
You chewed on your lip and exhaled deeply. “And… I am not going out with him anymore” you said slowly. 
He smiled and stepped closer to you.
You let him.
“Because?” he asked huskily. 
You pressed your lips together and sighed. “Because… nobody kisses me like you do” you answered truthfully.
Felix smiled and slowly he bent down a little, grasping your thighs and hoisting you up in his arms. You gasped and quickly grabbed his shoulders, wide-eyed. He let you curl your legs around his middle as his hands stayed on the back of your thighs, gripping them softly. 
He bent forward and pressed your lips on yours, taking you by surprise once again. You made a noise against his lips, something in between a moan and a groan. 
Felix nipped at your lip and pulled away. “You can’t” he exhaled.
You frowned. “What?”
“You can’t make those noises… and expect me not want to just do everything to you, Y/N” he sighed, kissing you once again, his tongue separating your lips as he dove it right into your mouth. You sucked on it while your fingers gripped on the strands of his black hair. 
You pulled away with a loud pop and smirked at him. “Are you gonna invite me in or what?” you asked him, before pressing a peck onto his lips. “I mean… you literally know mine, it’s only fair” 
Inside, Felix turned the lights on and you gasped as soon as you saw his place.
It seemed incredibly cozy. You had always tried to picture how his home would be. And it always ended up in thinking that his house would be either all white or all black, incredibly minimalist with no life in it, American Psycho style. But it wasn’t at all like what you imagined.
He had a dark green couch with a very fluffy looking white carpet underneath. He had a huge bookshelf filled with books and he had action figures there as well on display. There were plants everywhere and his kitchen looked pretty colorful.
“Wow, I really like it” you exhaled, walking around the place a bit. “You know, I half expected you to live underground or- or maybe some kind of Patrick Bateman style?” 
“Patrick Bateman? Really? Me?” he asked with a chuckle.
“You should take a look at your desk, buddy” you scoffed and he just shook his head. 
“Whatever, wanna snoop around?” Felix asked you with a smile as he took off his coat, leaving it on the couch. 
“I know you wanna. I snooped at your place, it’s only fair” he shrugged, watching you take your own coat. 
You watched as he turned around in his heel and went to turn on the kettle, making you frown.
What is he doing?
You walked towards him and placed your hands on the island. “What are you doing?” you asked him with a little frown.
Freaking deja vu.
“I’m making you some tea” he replied, his eyes not leaving the kettle as he clicked on the buttons.
“I thought… you brought me inside to, you know… do everything to me” you quoted his words.
Felix chuckled and turned around to face you. “Really?” 
“yeah, really” you nodded, mocking his tone. 
“Well, I am thirsty for some tea, so if you want some” he said and smirked evilly at you.
You narrowed your eyes and turned around, walking towards the bookcase. 
With a hum, your fingers danced over the book spines. You frowned when you realised something.
“You don’t have one single Bang Editorials book here” you told him. You gasped and turned around to look at him. “You are such a Kim Publishing kind of guy”
“No, I am not” he chuckled. “I just like those editions a little better”
“Don’t lie, I can see straight through you, Felix Lee” you scoffed, rolling your eyes and continuing snooping around the bookcase. 
You saw a book of anatomy and frowned. It was very out of character from the other books he had on the shelf. 
“Wow, you really like to learn about dicks” you joked.
He snorted and walked towards you with two cups of tea. “No, I just like to learn about everything”
“Okay, nerd”
“No, but seriously. I actually did a year of medical school” he confessed and handed you one of the cups he had in hand.
You grabbed it and then gasped. “Oh my God, that’s why Bang Seojun calls you Dr. Lee” you said with your eyes wide as plates. 
He sighed and nodded. ��To remind me of my failure to live up to my potential… I guess” he shrugged and then sipped on the tea. 
You sipped on the tea as well and then left it by the book case. “You know…” you trailed off, placing your hands on his waist and pulled him closer to you, making him smirk. “If you were a doctor, all your lady patients would have to get their heart checked every time from how hard it would beat, mm?” you chuckled.
“Shall we…” he said, leaving the cup next to yours and pulling you even closer to him with his hands on your waist. “...test the theory?”
“Of course” you said, pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiled against your lips and kissed you back, his hands coming to frame your face. You pulled away a little, letting your lips brush against each other. “I want to see your bedroom, can I?” you asked excitedly, like a little kid. 
Felix chuckled and raised his arm, pointing at the hall to your right. 
You quickly padded through the hall and stepped inside his bedroom. You looked around with a soft smile as you saw the perfectly made bed, because you weren’t expecting anything less from him. 
You gasped when you saw there was a little bed next to his, like the one that you buy for a pet.
“You have a cat?” you asked him, wide-eyed, as you locked eyes with his when he walked inside his room. 
He chuckled. “I do, yeah” he smiled. 
“Where is it?” you asked, looking around. 
“I actually just came from leaving him at petcare. I’m leaving for Chris’ wedding and I can’t leave him alone” Felix said.
“What’s his name?” you asked him.
“Cupid” he said and you let out a chuckle. “What are you laughing at?”
“You’re so adorable. Here I was thinking you were the devil’s spawn and you named your cat cupid, holy shit” you laughed. 
You then took off your shoes, and sat on his bed, putting your weight on your elbow. 
With a little smirk you patted the empty space next to you. “Come here” you murmured.
He smiled back and walked towards the bed, laying next to you in the same position you were, facing you. 
“Can I… can I ask you something?” you asked, your hand coming to twirl a loose strand of black hair from his head. 
“You already did” he smirked and you scoffed, your hand falling with a thud against the bed. “I’m kidding, go ahead”
“Okay” you said softly. “Why did you uh… quit med school?” you asked quietly. 
He chewed on his lip and exhaled softly. “Well, uh… after two semesters of immersing myself into a career that I did not choose to pursue, my father thought it would be a good idea to spend a day with me at the morgue ward. Five minutes later, the… family day ended up with me throwing up inside the stomach of a dead man” he said and you grimaced, the look on your face making him giggle. 
“That’s fair, I would’ve quit too, to be honest” you laughed with him. You then let your hand fall to his arm, caressing it. “What’s this muscle called, hm?”
“Brachioradialis” he answered immediately.
You nodded and then trailed your hand over to the muscle before his shoulder, gripping it with a bit at your lip. “And… this one?”
“Anterior deltoid” he replied.
“And… this one?” you asked again, gripping his bicep.
He chuckled. “Biceps”
“Oh, right. I knew that” you said, your cheeks flushing. “And what about this one?”
You took him by utter surprise when you pushed him on his back and swung your leg over his hip, sitting yourself directly on top of his crotch. He groaned as his hands fell automatically on your waist, gripping you tightly. 
He sat up and brought you even closer to him, if it was even possible. 
Your faces were very close to each other to the point you could feel his breath hitting directly onto your upper lip.
“Hi” you whispered, batting your eyelashes prettily at him. 
His eyes fell onto your lips. “Hey” he whispered back before kissing your lips, and you were quick to kiss him back. 
It wasn’t rushed. It was just a long peck on the lips, but it was worth more than any of the other kisses you had shared. It meant something. It had feelings poured on it. 
He nudged your nose with his and smiled. “You taste sweet”
“It might be the gloss I applied before coming over” you giggled.
“Nah, I think it’s just you” he whispered back.
You smiled and pushed him on his back again, making him groan. Your hands brushed all over his body, making you gasp at how hard the planes of his stomach were. He worked out and it made you clench around nothing. 
“Holy fucking hell, remind me to send your personal trainer some thank you flowers” you told him, making him laugh out loud. 
“I spend a lot of time in the gym. You know… having to look at you for eight hours a day leaves me with an excess of energy that I have to get rid of” he murmured sensually, massaging your thighs. 
You chuckled and bent down to press your nose on his, speaking directly on his lips. “I can help you… burn some calories if you’d like” you whispered, before pressing a little kiss on his lips. 
“Seriously?” he arched an eyebrow with a curious look. “And how would you do that?” he asked.
“Well, I had a lot of things in mind but… I think we should play a game” you said and he hummed. “It’s called ‘who can make the other cum first’?” you said and pressed a kiss to his lips. 
You sighed. “Seriously, Felix. I think we should fuck and just get it out of our system” you said, biting his lip a little as you moved your crotch against his. “And then… we can just go back to normal without that crazy sexual tension that we seem to have”
Felix looked at you in the eyes and let out a sigh, grabbing your waist. “okay, Cupcake-” he said and deposited you next to him and off of him, making you frown instantly. “I think it’s getting a little late” he said, standing up from his bed.
He walked out of his room, leaving you there on his bed, incredibly turned on by just a little rubbing with clothes on.
You followed him out of his room with a frown and holding your heels in your fingers. “Felix? What is your problem?” you asked, incredibly confused about what had just happened. “Did you not want to have sex with me?”
“I don’t know, maybe some other time” he replied, sitting on the armrest of his couch. 
“Huh? Maybe some other time? You say that when you turn down a muffin, not sex” you frowned even more. “Is this about the job?”
“Yes, it is. It’s not wise to sleep with the competition” he replied but you knew he didn’t really think that. 
You scoffed with a not so subtle roll of your eyes. “Right, ah-há. Make me beg for sex and then kick me out of your house. Nice move, Felix Lee”
“Were you begging?”
“That’s not funny!” you yelled at him. “Are you playing with me? Is that what this is?”
“I think you’re the one playing games with me, Y/N” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
You grabbed your coat and shook your head. “Okay, whatever the hell this is, I don’t want to do it anymore” you said, turning around and walking out of his house. 
You didn’t even stop until you were at least two blocks away from his house. Then, you pressed your back against the wall and let your head fall to your hands, pressing your fingers against your temples. 
On the other hand, Felix stared at the door and let out an irritated sigh.
“Good job, Felix. Go on and ruin it once again” he whispered to himself, kicking his shoes angrily from his feet.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @lattyjiji   @jeonginsleftcheek    @alrm02   @skzjiiiii   @lixies-favorite-cookie    @victoriaaf   @st4rv3lly   @noirvedette   @velvetmoonlght
i apologize if i can't tag you
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dragon-susceptible ¡ 2 days ago
Different Path Taken Ch11: Forgiveness
The second scene of this chapter is what was previously posted as a bonus scene between Skor and Runaan. The first part is that long-overdue talk for Andromeda and Rayla. Fun fact, once put together, they make the chapter exactly 3k words long.
Ram had forgiven her.  Skor had been soft with her ever since the Banther Lodge and her confrontation with the general, apparently considering that experience punishment enough for her lie.  Callisto seemed to be nonchalant about it all, treating Rayla like a team member again with no more guardedness than he used against all of them save for Skor and Runaan.
She had done something very brave and very selfless, and Andromeda just . . . 
Wanted to talk to her friend again.
It just still hurt.
“Rayla?” She asked as the princes settled down to bed and she saw the younger girl finish setting up her own tent. “Can I speak with you?”
Rayla looked startled at the request, her ears tilting back with surprise, and she had to tuck the braid Runaan had given her back behind one. “Now?” She asked.
“I mean, before you sleep.” Andromeda said, uncertain what else Rayla could be busy with at the moment, though she noticed now that her brows were furrowed and she seemed to be troubled. 
“Yeah.” Rayla took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Yeah, we can talk.  It - now’s fine.” 
Andromeda almost started at the very large presence she suddenly sensed beside her elbow as Runaan passed her.  She hadn’t noticed him get up from his tent entrance. “When you are finished,” He said lowly, “Come speak with me, Andromeda.” He looked over at Rayla. “I trust Ram has already informed you of his concerns?” 
His concerns?
Rayla nodded to her father, that troubled look back on her young face.
“Then you may come with her to discuss it or not as you wish.  I’m going to speak with Callisto and Skor before they go to bed.  Find me when you’re done.” Runaan directed the instruction back to Andromeda and slipped away to the other older assassins.
She would get the news out of him when she reported to him after, Andromeda supposed, and suppressed her curiosity for now to focus on Rayla.  She stepped away from her tent, where the princes were resting, and crossed the camp to sit on the rocks nearer Ram and Skor’s tents.  Rayla followed her and perched nearby.
“Rayla . . .” Andromeda trailed off, and rubbed her face tiredly before looking over at the girl. “You did something very brave today.” She said finally. “And I think it was wonderful of you, and I want to be so proud of you for doing it.”
Rayla shrank the longer she talked, and her ears were nearly held flat when she looked up over her knees at Andromeda. “But you’re still upset.”
“Yes.” Andromeda sighed, and adjusted her shorts so that the lines lined up with her tattoos again.
“I’m sorry.” Rayla said dejectedly. “I know I should have just killed that guard, but if I had, we never would have found the egg or started all this.  I don’t know what to think.  But I’m sorry I put us all in danger like that.  I just - I never thought about how afraid humans must be of dyin’, if they don’t know death like we do.”
Andromeda shook her head in frustration. “I’m not angry at you for not killing the soldier, Rayla.  That’s on Runaan for judging you ready when you weren’t.” She said flatly. “I’m angry that you lied about it.  If you just had told us the truth, we hadn’t taken our oath yet.  We weren’t on a timer.  We could have just waited for the next full moon when their guard eased a little, when we had more time to investigate the place; the dragons would have waited.  But you didn’t say anything, we discovered it from the soldier after we were already bound to the mission.  You were going to let us run right into a trap, Rayla!” She cried, spreading her hands. “It’s hard not to feel like you were just throwing our lives away because you didn’t want to face the consequences.”
Rayla flinched. “I didn’t mean to!” She protested. “I asked Runaan - I talked to him about what would happen if they knew we were comin’.  I didn’t know how t’ say it, because I should have been able to handle it, and I wasn’t.  I was ashamed!”
“You shouldn’t be ashamed that you had mercy, Rayla.” Andromeda said firmly, though the whole thing still sat bitterly in her chest. “You have a kind, selfless heart, and it’s what made you that little boy’s hero today.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  I just . . . It hurts that you lied to us.  What did you think we would do?  Did you really think we’d all just kill you?  That Runaan would let us kill you?”
Rayla looked down at the ground, ears pulled flat to her head. “He almost did.” She said softly. 
Andromeda blinked at her, taken aback by the statement.  She’d thought Rayla didn’t trust the rest of them, not Runaan. “What?”
“He said he wanted to speak for me, but he didn’t.” Rayla said, frowning at the ground. “If it doesn’t matter what my mistake led to, it doesn’t matter what he’s said since then.  I know how I feel about him, I know how he feels, but that didn’t matter then!  We weren’t-” She broke off and rested her face in her folded arms, just her eyes showing above them. “I didn’t want him t’be ashamed of me like my parents, an’ then, he didn’t even defend me, Callisto did, and I . . . I was scared, Andromeda.  I wasn’ afraid of dyin’, I was afraid that he hated me.”
Andromeda stared at her, and then looked over to where Runaan was talking quietly to Skor and Callisto.  She couldn’t imagine Runaan hating almost anyone, least of all Rayla. “Has he ever said anything to make you think he could?” She asked, shocked, but concerned nonetheless.
When Rayla didn’t answer right away she looked back, and the girl was picking at her own boots. “No.  It’s not his fault, it’s my parents.  I know they loved me - I thought they loved me.  But they left me for a duty they didn’t even believe in!  What am I supposed to think?  And if they didn’t, how can I expect Runaan to- to be anythin’ but my leader?” 
Her eyes were welling with tears and Andromeda’s heart went out to her despite her anger at the lie.  Oh.  Oh, this lie had nothing to do with the rest of them. “Rayla . . . you sweet child, Runaan loves you more than anything.  I know Skor suggested we kill you, but no one really expected Runaan to agree.  He didn’t.  We weren’t taking his opinion because we know what his judgment is like with you.  He would have defended you, love.  We knew that.”
For once Rayla didn’t even protest being called a child.  She wiped tears from her eyes and stared at the ground. “I’m sorry I lied.  You’re right, I should ha’ just come clean from the beginnin’, but I was so scared my failure would mean I’m just like them.  I couldn’t let that happen, an’ then I just got in too deep and it was too late.  I’m sorry.  I know I was wrong.” She hunched in on herself even further.
Oh, this poor girl.  Andromeda scrubbed her own face tiredly as she felt her own anger and frustration ease.  She was still hurt, but it made sense.  Rayla was only 15, this was her very first mission, and it was so emotionally charged for her.  If it weren’t for how poorly the village treated the children of Ghosts, and how this mission was meant to be a relatively easy strike for vengeance that would have spared her that shame, Andromeda would have thought Runaan foolish and selfish to bring her.  Of course it was going to lead to problems, if Rayla wasn’t quite ready, if she made any mistakes or hesitated even once.  She couldn’t blame the girl for being messed up by her complicated family situation.
“I forgive you.” Andromeda said clearly, and watched as Rayla looked up at her in surprise. “I’m still hurt, and it will take time before I’m okay again.  I understand why you did it, but you still hurt me.  But I also see how much my pain matters to you, and I know you wouldn’t do it again.  You might not kill the next person, but you won’t lie about it, and that’s what I was really angry about.  So I forgive you.” 
Rayla gave her a shaky smile. “Thanks, Andromeda.  I dunno if I deserve it . . . but thank ye.  Still friends?” She asked hopefully.
“Yes.  Still friends.” Andromeda leaned over and hugged her, and Rayla clung to her like she was drowning for a moment.  Yes, still friends with Rayla, though she had a few choice words for Runaan.  He needed to know how his distance was fucking with his own child. “You’re a good kid, Rayla.” They just needed to remember how young she really was.  She was of age, with her horns fully grown and stained with their adult patterns, but she was still only 15, with all the turmoil that came with, and young enough to need guidance.  It was easy to forget sometimes when her skill and talent brought her toe-to-toe with Runaan already when they trained.
“I’ve missed ye.” Rayla confessed, still leaning on her shoulder.
“I’ve missed you too, Rayla.” Andromeda hugged her tighter for a moment and smiled at her after letting her go. “And - the others are right.  You did a very brave thing today saving the toad.  I’m proud of you too.”
Rayla gave her a real smile that time. “Thanks, Andromeda.”
Unfortunately, that was about when Andromeda remembered Runaan’s summons.  She glanced over to check where he was, and he was seated a little further from Skor and Callisto, obviously waiting for her.  She’d said what she really needed to say, she supposed. “Rest well, Rayla, when you do.” She settled on saying. “And I’m glad to be talking to you again.  I need to go talk to Runaan.”
“I’m comin’ with ye.  Now that the princes are asleep, I want to hear what he has to say about what Ram said.” Rayla unfolded herself, wiping her face clean, that troubled look back on her face.  Andromeda agreed, puzzled, and met Runaan near the other two, with Ram soon joining them to discuss the younger man’s suspicions.
Andromeda didn’t like the sound of them one bit, but Runaan cautioned against stressing too much and she tried to take comfort in this advice.  In the end, the others were all sent to bed with instructions to take what rest they could get.  Andromeda took the first watch, as the princes were in her tent tonight; she would wake Ram and take his tent later, and the rest of them would cycle through in that manner.  It didn’t escape her notice that Skor never left Callisto’s tent after settling them there, though, and she wondered how that would go when Ram went to wake him for his watch. 
Twenty years of this duty had made Runaan a light sleeper whenever he was outside the shelter of his home hollow - or his husband's arms - and he woke enough to be aware of it when Ram handed the night's watch over to Skor. He blinked through the darkness at them, confused for a moment. Since the addition of the children, they'd all been alternating tents; the princes stayed in the tent of the first watch, and they traded through the other five as the night went on. This time Skor showed his teeth at Ram for even ducking towards the tent he emerged from. Waking up a little further to look, it was clear enough as to why - he had been in Callisto's, and the wounded elf was still asleep inside.
As Skor went to sit on the watcher's perch and Ram obediently backed off and went to sleep in Skor's empty tent, Runaan sighed deep and low and pushed himself out of his bedroll. He needed to talk to his friend.
Skor was silent when Runaan sat down next to him, though he glanced over to acknowledge his approach.
“Callisto?” Runaan prompted softly.
Asleep. Skor signed.
Runaan raised an eyebrow at him. “Your throat?”
Shouting over the water.
“Ah.” Runaan shifted to face him, to see his hands better. “So. Callisto is worth holding a numbing spell over, but when I needed stitches a year ago . . .”
Skor rolled his eyes. “You were fine.” He signed pointedly.
“I am.” Runaan agreed, but tilted his head at his friend. “But that isn't why this was different.”
Skor didn't deny it, just cast his gaze back down from the tree to watch the occasional sign of the tracker they'd picked up over the course of the day. They had finally caught up a bit after night fell, though they weren't too daring getting closer.
Runaan watched him for a moment and then glanced back at the tent, which Skor had shut firmly behind him when he left it. He felt Skor's tension rise when he looked, and gave him another pointed look in response.
“Say what you want to say, Master of Blades.” Skor signed with a flat look through his hair.
Runaan sighed. “You are both very dear friends of mine.” He said softly. “I will not ask for details, because I do not want them if he comes to me. I will not be your go-between. But Skor, as your friend, I have to ask, are you happy?”
Skor looked at him sharply.
“You need connection so much more than he does.” Runaan met his gaze. “Are you certain you're happy with the distance he keeps?”
His friend blinked at him and then looked back at the tent, then at the forest. “You know me well, but he knows me better,” Skor replied carefully. “You are right that I need connection, but I have enough. He gives me the space to be who I am now. Yes, I am happy.”
“Even with the distance he keeps from you?”
Skor closed his eyes briefly and sighed. “He is afraid of leaving someone to grieve. I am afraid of leaving someone I love. We aren't . . . We both need time to change, before we can be more than this, Runaan.”
“You are already more than just friends, Skor. We all see it in how you care for each other.”
“I know.” Skor said, a bit sadly. “But committing is too dangerous for us both. We aren't you, Runaan, or Andromeda.”
It was somewhat true that he and Andromeda were the odd ones out. Most assassins married within the guild, fought and died together, or remained unmated until they had left it. The problem was that Runaan knew how dedicated both Skor and Callisto were to the guild, and knew in his sinking heart that neither would ever leave it. “Will you wait forever for him?” he asked softly. “If you had a chance to retire, to have the family you wanted when you were young-”
“That chance is long gone, Runaan. I lost that dream when I was sixteen.” Skor cut him off with a gesture, and touched his unmarked throat meaningfully. “Even if I left, had children, I would never be able to speak to them, tell them stories, sing them songs, the way I wanted to back then.”
“A voice is not a requirement for fatherhood, Skor.”
“No. But it was part of that dream. My hopes have changed, Runaan. Callisto is worth waiting for. If they are never ready, I will be all right, so long as I have them close to my heart.” He touched the braid that Runaan knew Callisto had placed in his hair. “Maybe one day, my friend. But not yet. We aren't ready.”
Runaan watched his face for a moment, seeing only sincerity, a bit of thoughtfulness, and sighed slowly. “I will not pry further. But things have not changed between you for nearly ten years, Skor. I truly hope you both find peace within yourselves, because watching you is beginning to be painful for me.”
Skor smirked at him broadly. “Now you know how everyone else felt when Ethari moved to the Silvergrove.”
Runaan rolled his eyes, but Skor wasn't done.
“And how Rayla feels whenever he shows to the training grounds with a new scar on his jaw from your horns.”
“Yes, yes.” Runaan's cheeks turned faintly pink under his tattoos and he cleared his throat. “I take your point.”
“Not as much as you take -”
“I'm not listening to this anymore.” Runaan pointedly looked away before Skor finished the sentence, and stood up from the branch. “I just wanted to check on you and this is how you betray me.”
When he looked back down, Skor's smile was a little more sincere. “Thank you, my friend. I am all right, I promise.”
“Good. Will you wake him for his turn on watch?”
“What do you take me for?”
“A man very much in love.” Runaan replied bluntly, and his heart ached at how Skor's smile faded a little and he looked away. “Wake me early for mine, if you insist on letting him sleep. Do not exhaust yourself for him.”
Skor nodded. “I will wake you.”
“Good night, Skor. Moon watch over you.”
Skor replied with an old, traditional sign that meant Moon watch over us all, and Runaan dropped down from the branch to return to his tent. While it comforted him that Skor seemed genuinely content with how things were, he still wished for a resolve to this dance his friends had been doing. They seemed all right, but it hadn’t escaped his notice that Skor never said he was happy. Callisto never did, either.
He couldn’t force them into it, though. He just hoped providing what little counsel he could would be enough.
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vulturevanity ¡ 1 year ago
Gonna be thinking about that comic strip a while
The smallest thing will be worth living for. This sandwich is so good I don't wanna die. My cat's fur is so soft I don't wanna die. The sun is warm on my skin. The breeze is fresh, the water is cool, the flowers are pretty, the birds are singing. There's a new episode of the show I like, there's something I want to draw, and something I want to write, and something I want to read, and something I want to experience again, and something I want to experience for the first time.
I don't wanna die.
I want to live.
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nochepsicodelica ¡ 3 months ago
"Really?" Toji asks, nudging your shoulder to wake you up, when he gets a good look at your back turned to him. His voice is slightly raspy with sleep, low in volume from its lack of use.
"Mm..." you hum in response, eyes shut as you try to ease back into slumber. You're in a curled position, your limbs wrapped around one of your extra pillows.
"Really?" Toji repeats, pawing at your shoulder, again.
"Yes, Toji," you say, quietly, not understanding what he's talking about, but agreeing just so that you can get back to sleep.
"Be serious, ma. Really?"
"What?" You ask, your tone somewhat laced with irritation, now.
It goes quiet for a few seconds, and then out of nowhere you hear the sheets rustling and the bed feels lighter. You're thinking there's no way he's so upset that he's leaving the room to sleep on the couch. He's the one who seemingly didn't want to cuddle, so you made do with what you had and grabbed a pillow.
You're snapped out of your attempt to go back to sleep when you feel your pillow trying to be yanked out of your arms.
"Let go of it," Toji mutters.
"What-" you grunt as you pull back and attempt to keep the pillow in your grasp. "What are you doing? Get back in bed, Toji." You hold on as tight as you can to the pillow that is slowly being torn out of your hands. "You're not gonna like when I let go and you're flung towards the wall."
"And you're not gonna like the punishment you earn if that happens. Let go of the pillow. Now."
You stare Toji down, holding your own against him. You know this isn't all of his strength and that he can easily rip the pillow out of your clutches, if he really wanted to, but like a dog with something it shouldn't have in its mouth, you're unwilling to do what he says.
"Listen up, doll, if you don't let go in the next five seconds, you're in for it."
"You're the one who pushed me away."
"I need to hug something to sleep comfortably."
"It's a pillow, Toji," you say, incredulously.
"You're gonna take away my source of comfort?"
"One. Let go."
"Oh my god," you groan, irritatedly. "Fine." You release the pillow, allowing Toji to take it away. You watch in disbelief as he throws it at the door so you can't get it without leaving the bed. You huff and scoot as close as you comfortably can to your end of the bed without falling off, before he returns to his side.
"Geeet back here." An arm is thrown over your waist, dragging you closer towards the center of the bed, until your back meets his front and his legs are tangled with yours. "Where are you going, huh? Still chasing after that pillow?"
"All of a sudden you wanna be close to me?" You scoff, in disbelief.
"So much attitude," he murmurs. His hand goes under your shirt, gliding up your warm skin to rest on your tummy. "Need me to give it to you all seven days, now?"
"No," you grumble.
"Well, that's what it's sounding like, to me." A kiss is planted on your shoulder. "Fix that tone, mama."
"You're so unfair. You're the one who didn't want to be held, but as soon as you noticed that I wasn't holding you, you took away my source of comfort. What did you want me to do, Toji?"
"I didn't even push you away, I rolled away in my sleep. It doesn't count."
You just hum in response, no longer in the mood to bicker about something so trivial when you could be working on getting back to sleep. A few seconds of silence go by, a spark of tension formed due to your lack of words.
"Ma?" He calls, barely pinching your soft, warm skin.
You sigh, blinking your eyes open. "What?"
"You mad?" His hand flattens on your tummy, rubbing slowly, as he waits for you to respond.
"No," you say, quiet and icy, even in its subtlety.
"That's a lie," Toji says, chuckling. "Come on, doll. What's got you all hot?"
It's hard not to melt into his touch. The kisses he presses to your shoulder only add on to the difficulty.
"Doesn't matter," you say, still trying to remain stoic.
"Yeah, it does. Now, tell me," he insists. "You're really gonna make me beg at almost two in the morning?"
"I was sleeping, and you woke me up 'cause you were butthurt over me hugging a pillow. There. Does that satisfy you?" You respond, and Toji has the audacity to laugh. You want to laugh too, but your stubbornness and pride will not easily allow you to.
"Poor baby," he coos, a mocking lilt to his tone. "You wanna tell me how to make it better?"
"You're an ass," you bite, no sharpness in your tone whatsoever.
"Ooh, I can hear that pout. You want a kiss? 'Cause I can give you one," he whispers, in your ear.
"Shut up," you mumble, trying not to give away the curling of your lips.
"You want a baby in here?" He asks, gently pressing into your stomach with his index finger.
"No! What?" You say, your giggles finally beginning to surface.
"Gotcha. Made you laugh," he says, pressing his face into the nape of your neck. He presses a kiss to the area before squeezing you in his arms, tight enough to make you groan until he eases up. "Now, tell me how to make it better. Come on, ma. It's not good to go to sleep mad."
You sigh, not wanting to argue with this annoying, yet, charming man, anymore. "Just help me get back to sleep," you mumble.
"Oh, I can do that," he says, a low chuckle homing into your ears. His hand lifts your shirt up more, aiming to get more access to your chest.
"Not like that, you perv!" You chide, pinning his hand on your mid-center. "Can you do that thing you always do?" You guide his hand down, until it rests just above your navel. He knows what you mean, and if this is what it takes for you to not be mad at him, he'll do it.
"You're like a baby that needs to be soothed to sleep," Toji murmurs, as he begins caressing your tummy, drawing little shapes on your skin that fuel your tiredness.
You huff out a laugh. "Acting like you don't drool and snore the second I start playing with your hair when you lay your head on my chest."
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maskedbyghost ¡ 4 months ago
“you are on the couch tonight, riley!” you shout, pointing a finger toward the living room. simon stands there, his jaw clenched, hands clenched at his sides, clearly unhappy but resigned.
there’s a flicker of hurt in his eyes, masked quickly with his usual steely glare. he just nods, not saying a word, as he grabs a blanket from the closet and settles down on the couch without another look your way.
the apartment feels colder without him by your side, and the silence that follows is louder than any argument. you lie in bed, your head turned to the wall, arms crossed tightly as if that could keep out the ache creeping in.
you feel miserable, thinking over the fight, wondering if you were too harsh, if maybe he wasn’t entirely in the wrong. but you bury it, refusing to let yourself soften too quickly. this isn’t the first time you two have fought; being with simon means loving him as he is, stubbornness and all.
but tonight, it feels different. minutes stretch into hours, and you find yourself glancing at the empty side of the bed, missing his warmth, the steady rise and fall of his breathing. you turn over again, clutching the pillow tighter, but it doesn’t help.
meanwhile, simon’s on the couch, one arm draped over his eyes, a sigh slipping out into the darkened room. his mind replays the fight in quiet fragments, the words that had been said, your voice still ringing in his ears.
he knows he messed up, though he’d never admit it to anyone but himself. he misses you too, even if pride keeps him rooted to the couch, where the cushions dig into his back, and sleep refuses to come.
after another endless stretch, you finally can’t take it anymore. you get up, padding softly into the living room. simon’s form is a dark silhouette against the dim light from the window, his breathing shallow, not quite asleep. he hears you but doesn’t move, as if afraid to let hope show too early.
“simon…” your voice is quiet. you see his shoulders tense before he slowly drops his arm from his eyes, looking up at you. his gaze is guarded, but there’s an unmistakable softness there, a glint of something like regret.
“can’t sleep either, huh?” he mutters, breaking the silence, his voice rough from the hours of silence.
you shake your head, and without another word, he shifts to make space. you sit beside him and lean against him, letting your head rest on his shoulder, and after a beat, his arm wraps around you, pulling you closer.
“i’m sorry baby,” he says finally, voice barely above a whisper.
“me too,” you murmur, feeling the tension melt away as he holds you tighter.
neither of you says anything more. words don’t matter as much now, not when the warmth of his arm around you feels like coming home.
@daydreamerwoah @spicyspicyliving @blackhawkfanatic
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producedbysohyun ¡ 2 months ago
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A Not So Secret Secret
Kang Dae-ho x pregnant! Reader
Summary: You and Dae-ho join the game to settle your debts, unaware at first that the other is also playing. However, there’s something Dae-ho is also unaware about.
Warnings: Reader is replacing number 222 but has no correlation with 333, Reader is pregnant, mentions of killing and stuff like that. might be slightly inaccurate I’ve only watched the show once. Not proofread.
wc: 3.2k
a/n: I’ve had this idea for awhile but wasn’t sure if anyone would read it so I’m just gonna put it out there!
Pt.2 masterlist
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You had just finished the first round in the squid games ,red light green light, and you were terrified as you sat in your bed. Why were people being shot? How are you gonna get out? What is happening? A thousand thoughts raced through your mind at once until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
You turn around and your met with the face of a worried old woman. It was Geum-Ja, the sweet woman you met during the first game.
“Are you ok?” She asked.
You nod, not exactly in the mood for talking.
Her eyes flickered down to your stomach before looking at you again. She smiled “if you need anything please let me know..”
You nod again, trying to hint at her you wanna be alone before you hear a man yelling, saying something about a vote.
The guards reply a bit after saying that there would be a vote after each game, and a vote soon commences.
“389…please cast your vote….. 388.. please cast your vote” The voice of the guard said.
You were so deep in thought that you didn’t even notice who was currently walking down the aisle to place there vote until the buzzer went off.
“Another person voted to stay…” you thought in your mind… Wait what??
You couldn’t see that well from where you were standing but you caught a glimpse of his face.
It was Dae-ho.
“No… there’s no way… why would he vote to stay.. it can’t be h-“ Your thoughts were soon cut off by the guards voice again.
“222.. please cast your vote”
Jeez how long were you thinking for… whatever it doesn’t matter… you walk down the aisle shyly, feeling everyone’s eyes on you as you press the red button with the X on it. You don’t dare to look behind you, knowing who’s face you’d immediately see.
The votes for O only kept going up and by the end of the vote, O had won.
You feel the anxiety really getting to you and retreat to your bed, trying to run away from your worries. When you get there you feel a hand grab your wrist.
“Y/n…” Dae-ho says, a slight bit of panic in his voice.
You don’t want to turn around but you force yourself to, looking up at him.
“What are you doing here???” He asks in a not so soft tone .
“I could ask you the same thing…” you reply with an attitude, still upset about him voting O.
“I came to settle our debt-“ He tries to explain.
You cut him off. “And you didn’t think of telling me??”
He sighs trying to reason with you. “Listen.. y/n… they said not to tell anyone… I couldn’t risk losing the opportunity at the time… And you can’t get upset at me when you’re literally here as well…”
You rub your face in frustration. “I’m not upset at you for being here I’m upset you didn’t tell me and even more upset you chose to stay!”
“I didn’t know you were here.. if I had known that I would’ve voted X in a heart beat… We need the money baby….” He reply’s, his tone softening.
“This money is not worth dying for…” you say as you start to walk away.
“Y/n stop….” He grabs your arm softly.
“What….” You reply.
“We aren’t done talking…” he says, pulling you back towards him.
You sigh. “What else is there to talk about”
“Why are you here..” He asks. He thinks he knows the answer but he just wants to hear it from you.
“For the same reason you are…” You half lie. Yes you are here to try and settle your debt but also to get a little extra money for the baby.
He sighs, not knowing what to say.
You just turn around and start walking away before he grabs you once again but this time pulling you into his arms.
You’re surprised but you hug him back, not realizing how much you needed it.
While hugging you, Dae-ho couldn’t help but realize that it felt different, the way your body’s pressed together wasn’t quite as comfortable as your stomach was blocking him from getting to close.
He pulled away looking down at you.
You looked away, realizing he probably noticed.
Five months before you joined the squid game you found out you were pregnant. You hid it from Dae-ho, wearing sweaters when your bump started to get a little noticeable and just saying you were cold despite it being summer, he didn’t think much of it. It was quite easy to hide because he was rarely home as he was looking for jobs.
You didn’t want to hide this from him. But you did, in fear that something would happen with your relationship as you wanted to keep the baby. You didn’t have a plan, you didn’t know when you were gonna tell him, all you knew was that you were gonna hide it for as long as possible.
Dae-ho’s hand on your arm snapped you back into reality. You look up at his worried face and just start crying, the hormones getting to you.
“Hey…. What’s going on…” He asks softly.
“I- I’m sorry-“ You stutter.
“Talk to me baby…” He puts a hand on your waist.
You back up, not wanting to be reminded that he knows now.
He keeps his distance but it kills him to see you like this.
“I’m- I’m pregnant-…” you say softly as you continue crying.
“W-“ He struggles to find his words “For how long??-…”
“Five months….” You admit.
“Why didn’t you tell me baby??” He says, still in shock.
“I’m sorry…” you continue crying into your hands.
He walks over to you and hugs you tightly.
You cry into his chest. “I thought- you would be mad..”
“Mad? Why would I be mad at you….” He asks softly.
“I don’t know….” You say, starting to calm down a little.
He continues to hold you and comfort you, silently cursing at himself for voting O, now realizing how much harder this is gonna be.
Later that evening you and Dae-ho join a group of three other boys, Gi-hun, Young-il, and Jung-bae.
You sit with the boys, your arms resting around your stomach out of habit and Jung-bae can’t help but notice.
“I’m gonna go take a quick nap..” You say to the group, your exhaustion getting the best of you.
You distinctively hear Gi-hun say something about dinner soon but just brush it off, too tired to even listen.
“I’ll be fine..” you say as you walk to your nearby bed and collapse on it.
Once Jung-bae notices you’re gone he looks at Dae-ho. “Is she um.. yk..” He asks nosily.
Dae-ho just sighs and nods and the group looks a little shocked, Feeling a newfound protectiveness for you, their new group mate.
After the group gets over the initial shock of the situation they start making a plan on what to do for the next games and how they are gonna survive as a group.
The sound of a voice saying to line up for dinner interrupts their conversation and Dae-ho goes to wake you up. You groan, not wanting to get up and slowly get out of bed before following him into the line. (He lets you go first cause he’s a gentleman 😘)
You guys get your food and go back to the spot where you were previously sitting. Right when you sat down a wave of nausea hit you and you just didn’t want to eat at all.
Dae-ho notices this. “Hey are you ok?”
You whimper slightly. “I can’t eat…”
The group looks at you concerned and Dae-ho speaks up again. “Why what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know I just feel sick…” You reply, leaning on him.
He rubs your arm softly before young-il speaks up. “You should really try to eat… the next meal won’t be till tomorrow morning… that’s probably not safe considering-“
Dae-ho cuts him off, not wanting to have you be reminded of it and get more stressed right now. “He’s right… try to eat just a little hm?”
You pout at him. “fine..”
You take small bites of your food, it’s not terrible but it’s definitely not making your nausea any better. Nonetheless you push through, knowing that you need to eat for the baby.
Dae-ho looks at you happily, glad you decided to eat.
You try to eat as much as you can before you just set the food down and lean on Dae-ho again, his presence comforting you through your sickness.
You end up falling asleep on him as the group just talks and continues their plan.
Once again, the voice on the speaker starts talking saying it’s time for bed or something. You don’t really know as you’re half asleep.
You feel Dae-ho softly guiding you off of where you were sitting and the next thing you know you’re in your bed, Dae-ho softly putting the covers over you before kissing your forehead.
“Goodnight N/N, I love you..” He says softly.
You smile sleepily at the nickname and reply. “Goodnight Dae.. I love you too..”
The rest is a blur until you finally fall asleep.
The next morning starts the same as the first. Everyone lines up to get breakfast.
You get your food, actually hungry this time and open the tin container, immediately eating everything while sitting in your bed. Dae-ho is with the group but if you’re being honest you’re not in the mood to socialize this morning so he decided to give you some space. That is until the old woman, Geum-ja, came up to you again.
“How are you feeling?” She asked sweetly.
“Better…” You reply shortly.
She holds her tin of food in her hands as she looks down at your empty one before handing you hers.
“Oh- no no it’s fine really-“ you try to reason with her, not wanting to take food from her.
“Oh don’t be silly it’s ok… You need to eat more..” she smiles as she hands you her food.
You bow, very thankful because you’re really hungry. “Thank you- you really didn’t have too..”
“Don’t mention it” she gives you a smile before her son comes over telling her to not scare him like that.
You sit there awkwardly as they talk before the old woman waves goodbye to you and smiles. You wave back at her before eating the food she gave you.
Shortly after eating the speaker says that it’s time for the first game and to follow the guards. You remember what Gi-hun told your group last night, pick the triangle. Knowing what to do for this next game, you feel pretty confident but are still nervous.
You rejoin with your group as you guys walk towards the doors into the colorful room with stairs.
You all walk in silence before Dae-ho speaks up. “You feeling better?”
You nod and reply. “Ya… I was actually able to eat so I feel alot better”
Dae-ho smiles and keeps walking up the stairs.
Everyone gets to the door and when it opens, confusion fills the room.
“This is the dalgona game.. right?” you ask Gi-hun, really confused.
He sighs and looks at you. “I don’t know what this is..”
The familiar feeling of anxiety crept back up your body but you tried to keep it at shore as everyone walked into the room.
Everyone stayed by their group as the rules for the game came over the speaker. “This game is the six-legged pentathlon. A group of five will be connected by their ankles in the order of who is gonna play the first mini game to who is gonna play the last. The Mini games consist of the following: Dakji, flying stone, gonggi, spinning tops, and Jegi. The group will complete the five mini games within the time limit and cross the finish line or they will be eliminated.”
After the announcement everyone immediately started scrambling, trying to find groups but the five of you just stayed with each other, discussing who was gonna do what.
Since your the only girl in the group everyone excepted you to know how to play gonggi but you surprisingly didn’t. Luckily for you guys Dae-ho would play it with his sisters and he get really good at it. So that was settled. Now everyone else just had to figure out what they were gonna do.
“I can do Dakji…” you said softly, not really knowing what else to do.
Everyone agreed on it and the rest of the line up was decided. You do Dakji, Jung-bae does flying stone, Dae-ho does gonggi, Young-il does spinning tops, and Gi-hun does Jegi.
Your groups discussion was soon interrupted by the first two groups going up, who soon later both lost.
As the games went on the waiting players became more immersed in watching the other players play and started cheering them on, acting as an audience.
A group finally won and everyone started cheering and jumping but you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t jump don’t jump” Dae-ho said softly, not wanting you to use your energy or stress your body out.
You listened to him but kept cheering along with everyone else. For a second, you forgot this was a game where you could die and you’re not here to have fun. That was until gun shots from the other side of the room interrupted everyone’s cheering and brought them back to the harsh reality.
After many games it was your teams turn. You were the second to last team to play therefore you had no audience which your group was sad about. You on the other hand had no room to be sad as you were internally freaking out.
Your group lined up and your ankles got chained together. Then. The game started.
Your group walks in sync to the first mini game, Dakji.
You grab square piece of paper and throw it as hard as possible at the one on the floor, and to your surprise, it flips over. The group cheered as the walked to the next mini game. Jung-bae grabbed the stone and threw it at the other one, hitting it perfectly. The group cheered again and continued walking to the next one. They all sat on the floor in-front of a small table as Dae-ho skillfully handled the gonggi. Everyone watches in amazement as they pass right away.
They get up and walk to the next mini game, spinning tops. Everything was going good until Young-il messed up. Over and over and over. At this point it just seemed like he was doing it on purpose cause how can you possibly throw it behind you?? (Bro was totally doing it on purpose 😭)
After some focusing and stressing he finally got it. But you guys had no time to spare. Everyone quickly made their way over to the next mini game. Gi-hun quickly kicked the Jegi four times before kicking it way in-front of him.
Your heart stopped. “This is it” you thought to yourself before you were yanked forward towards the finish line. Young-il had helped Gi-hun kick it last second.
You guys passed the finish line, all relieved until you saw the other team in-front of you get shot. Despite winning, this made your heart heavy, remembering the situation you’re still in.
After getting your ankles unchained all of you walked back into the room, getting stares from everyone and heating groans from people that wished more people would die.
You stayed silent the rest of the evening until the vote. Your group had collectively decided to vote for X this time. You were sure you were gonna make it out. Until you weren’t.
By the end of the vote, O won again. And even worse, Jung-bae voted for O. Your own team member!
After realizing you were gonna be stuck in this hell hole for another game you definitely didn’t feel like eating, you got up and went into the bathroom, getting sick thinking about what you saw today and just because of your pregnancy in general.
*knock knock* “are you ok y/n?” The old woman says from outside the stall door.
“Ya-“ you wipe your mouth off with toilet paper before flushing the toilet and coming out.
“Remember if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask me…” She says reassuringly.
“Thank you..” you give her a soft smile before going to wash your hands.
When you come out of the bathroom you go back over to your group and see Jung-bae sitting with them again. Dae-ho must’ve brought him back.
You sigh and sit with them.
Dae-ho looks at you concerned. “Are you ok did you eat”
“I can’t Dae…” you reply tiredly and lean on him once again.
“Cmon baby just a little…” he nudges you.
You force yourself to remember that you can’t be skipping meals now due to your baby, Before sighing. “Ok…”
You eat some of the food, the nausea surprisingly going away.
“Drink some water too..” Dae-ho reminds you.
You nod and drink your water, immediately feeling alot better, still leaning on him.
Your eyes become heavy and you distinctively hear the group talking about something to do with a fight but you don’t pay much attention and fall asleep on Dae-ho’s shoulder.
*time skip to night*
You wake up on a mattress on the floor, super confused, and look to your right and see Dae-ho sleeping under a bed on the mattress? 😭
You look to your left and see young-il and Jung-bae also under the beds on a mattress.
Confused, you sit up and see Gi-hun awake, just sitting there. You get up and walk over to him.
“I need to use the bathroom” you say quietly to him.
Gi-hun looks at you. “It’s too dangerous to go alone-“
“I’ll go with her” the old woman says from the bed above you.
You and the old woman go over to the bathroom, only to be refused entry by the guards. So the old woman being the baddie she is puts on a pretty convincing sob story before the guards finally let you guys in, another girl showing up behind you guys and asking if she should come too.
“Don’t worry she’s a woman” the old woman says and the other girl follows you guys into the bathroom.
You quickly go into a stall and just cry. You’re so scared and you just wanna go home. You wanna lay in your bed again. You don’t even care if you’re in debt you just wanna go home.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the old woman opening the door.
“Are you ok? Is your baby coming? Is it your stomach?” The old woman questions you worriedly.
“I’m so scared” you say crying more before she hugs you tightly.
“It’s ok..” she comforts you.
That’s the last thing that things feel like right now. “Ok”.
You calm down after a bit and she leads you back over to your bed.
You step in between Gi-hun and Jung-bae, who is now up, to get to your bed.
You notice the Dae-ho is literally half way on your bed so you just decide to use his arm as a pillow. He gets a little startled but immediately falls asleep after. You hold onto his arm in your sleep, him being the only way to comfort you in this hell. After a bit of thinking you slowly drift off to sleep, feeling a little better that you’re not alone in this.
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a/n: thank you for reading this took absolutely forever! I want to make a part two so let me know if you guys would be interested!!
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streetlamp-amber ¡ 7 months ago
never ending night
bruce wayne x femwife!reader
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word count: 1.7k | divider by @saradika | requests are open!
CW: pregnancy, pure fluff NOTES: hello hi i’m ailís and i’ve been meaning to start a blog where i can post some one shots that i’ve been thinking of as a way to motivate myself to finally write down my ideas so this is it. i’ll be double posting my stuff on ao3 (which you can find in my bio) and will eventually make a masterlist as well as a navigation post with a list of fandoms/characters i write for. also, english isn’t my first language.
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It was close to three in the morning when Bruce finally joined you in bed after a long night of patrolling and fighting bottom of the barrel criminals all night. He showered in the bathroom on the first floor of the manor to avoid making too much noise and waking you up, but when he finally walked in your shared bedroom, you were already awake, sitting up against the headboard.
“Darling, what are you doing still up?” Bruce asked you as he reached his side of the bed.
The room was dark par for the moonlight filtering through the gap between the curtains, meaning your husband had yet to notice the state you were in.
“Dick had a nightmare,” you answered, voice barely above a whisper due to how tired you were. “It took me two hours to get him to fall back asleep and when I finally came back here, this little one started kickboxing me and keeping me awake for another hour,” you continued rubbing your round belly in hopes of soothing your baby to finally catch some sleep.
“I’m sorry I wasn't here to help,” Bruce apologised, planting a kiss on your temple as he held you close to his body.
“It’s alright, Gotham needs you,” you dismissed, not at all angry.
“Still, you’re six months pregnant. You’re growing our child inside your body, you need all the rest you can get,” he softly argued. “I would've come home earlier but all the amateur criminals came out tonight.”
“Bruce, it’s fine,” you brought your hand up to his cheek and he leaned his head into your touch. “You’ve already been cutting your patrols shorter since we found out about the baby. As long as you keep coming back home to us, alive, then I’m not mad.”
Not knowing what to say – his gratefulness for having someone so accepting of his duty as Batman was almost overwhelming, even after all those years – Bruce kissed your palm while staring at you with the same look full of love that he has been sporting since the first time he met you six years ago.
“How’d I get so lucky to fall in love with the most understanding and selfless person I know?” He asked while grabbing your hand on his cheek, wrapping his fingers around yours and squeezing them gently.
“Now that’s a lie,” you rebutted, a loving smile on your lips, lowering your joined hands on the bed. “You’re more selfless than I am. You’re the most selfless man in the world.”
“Let’s not start this never ending argument again,” Bruce chuckled, now his turn to hold your face as he brought you in for a kiss.
You happily sighed against his lips, the feeling of home that overtook you every time you tasted them was a nice welcome in this interminable night. But the kiss was cut short as you felt your baby kick again and you let your head fall back as you groaned.
“She’s still kicking?” Bruce asked you, he couldn't see the movements under your skin due to the darkness of the room and your hand on your belly.
“We don't know it's a she,” you reminded him instead of answering. You had both decided to wait until the birth to know the gender.
“And I’m telling you, I know it's a girl,” your husband repeated for what could be the hundredth time.
You also secretly hoped it was a girl, but Dick really wanted a little brother. Bruce and you were still in the process of warming him up to the idea of a little sister and it was slowly starting to work.
“As long as she doesn't come in my room,” your eight year old son had said last week, with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his lips.
“I doubt she’ll be doing that for the first few years, chum,” Bruce reassured him, fighting off a slightly amused grin.
“And the baby will have its own room with its own toys,” you added.
“Will I still be able to play with the baby?” Dick asked after a moment, uncrossing his arms and a hopeful look filling up his blue eyes.
“Of course you will, bubs,” you said, your fingers threading through his black hair that fell over his forehead.
“But only with her toys at first, some of yours are not suited for a baby,” Bruce pointed out, ever the overprotective father.
Bruce had lowered himself down under the blanket so he could be laying head levelled with your belly, his hand now replacing yours over the bump.
“Hey trouble,” he whispered to your child and the baby kicked again, making him smile lovingly at the movement he felt under his hand. “You shouldn't be awake this late at night, you know.”
“You're one to talk,” you commented, tone almost reprimanding.
“She doesn't know that,” Bruce looked up at you as he defended himself before his gaze fell back on your belly. “Mommy is really tired,” he continued talking to your baby, his hand now rubbing soothingly over your round stomach, “and she needs her rest to do all the work so you can come out all healthy and beautiful. Well, you're definitely gonna be the most beautiful baby if you end up looking like your mother, but that's not the point.”
You smiled at the cheesy comment and your fingers found their place in Bruce’s hair, brushing through it and nails occasionally scratching his scalp.
“Your brother Dick can't wait for you to come around,” he carried on. “Said he will teach you all sorts of acrobatic tricks once you know how to walk. And he asked Alfred if he could help paint the nursery when we finally decide on a colour.”
“And I keep telling you we should do soft green,” you argued.
“I’m not changing my mind from primrose pink,” he told you with a sly grin.
“The room won’t be pink, even if it’s a girl. And that’s final,” you firmly said. Your husband will not be winning this one argument, no sir.
Bruce sighed, rolling his eyes before focusing back on your belly. “I hope you’re not as stubborn as your mother,” he whispered to the baby, as if he was having a private conversation with them and that you weren’t there. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of the many reasons why I fell in love with her, but I won’t be able to say no to you even when I have to, so it would save me a lot of reprimanding from Mommy if you’re not as tenacious as her.”
You smiled to yourself as you continued listening to your husband talk to your unborn child as you threaded your fingers through his hair, enjoying the softness it had after a shower. Bruce usually gelled his hair to appear more professional when he was working in the day, and then it would get all mixed up with his sweat under his cowl when he was working as Batman. When he would come back to you after the day was over, you would refuse to touch his hair until he had showered, the texture of the gel and sweat too gross on your fingers for you to ignore.
As Bruce continued talking to your baby, his voice started lulling the two of you to sleep. The baby hadn’t kicked in over almost ten minutes now, and the peace you had waited for so long to arrive made you aware of how heavy your eyelids were. You slowly lowered yourself down the bed, getting in a comfortable position with Bruce’s help where you could finally lay your head on your pillow and it didn’t take long for sleep to catch up on you.
At the sound of your soft, barely audible snores, Bruce turned his head away from your bump to find you asleep with your free hand raised next to your head on your pillow, the other one still tangled in his hair.
He planted a soft kiss on the exposed skin of your belly, eyes closed as he took a moment to absorb the fact that a baby that was half you and half him would be joining your world in a little more than three months. Bruce wasn't known to cry, the only time you ever saw him cry was as you walked down the aisle at your wedding, but tonight, a lonesome tear rolled down his cheek and fell on your stomach, where your child was growing, because Bruce never believed he would ever get to experience again the amount of love he hadn't felt since he was eight years old.
As he observed you, sleeping soundly with his child coming to life inside you, after you comforted Dick back to sleep, Bruce, for a moment, felt overwhelmed by all the love in his life. When he became Batman, he crossed out the idea of ever having a family (other than Alfred), of settling down with someone he loved and who loved him back.
But somehow, the universe put you on his path, as a miracle or a guardian angel or simply as an anchor to life outside of Batman, he didn't know. You walked into his home, into his life, to remind him that he, Bruce Wayne, was also deserving of love, of family, of happiness. Then Dick came along, rather unexpectedly but still no less welcomed, and Bruce started entertaining the idea of having children with you. He definitely wasn't opposed to it, but it wasn't something he wanted to jump right into, especially with Dick having just entered your lives. You were both young, he in his early thirties and you in your late twenties, you could allow yourselves a couple of years just the three of you (four with Alfred) before expanding the family.
So it was rather shocking when two months after you and Bruce had officially adopted Dick that you found out you were pregnant. It both took you by surprise but after talking through it together, you couldn't be happier. And the two of you haven't stopped being happy about this new little addition ever since.
Bruce rose up from his position next to your belly, your limp hand fell from his head as he did so, and he laid on the bed next to you. He delicately kissed your forehead, then your nose before falling back on his pillow and whispered “I love you” as he curled around your body, his hand resting on your belly as he fell asleep.
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dollfacefantasy ¡ 7 months ago
can't get started ♡
older bf!logan howlett x fem!reader
logan can't get it up one night and is humiliated. but that just means he'll have to prove he can still satisfy you.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, daddy kink, age gap (reader in 20s)
a/n: the part in dpw where he said he's got whiskey dick with the claws turned me on too much tbh
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This had never happened to Logan before.
That wasn't a lie he was telling you to make himself look less pathetic. It wasn't an affirmation he repeated in his own head to feel like he was still hot shit. It was the truth. One he would swear to on anything.
He'd never had a problem getting it up before.
Not with you, not with anyone. He thought the healing factor made him immune to whiskey dick or any kind of down-there dysfunction. But apparently not. Because the two of you finally had some time alone after being amidst the chaos of the mansion all day and his body was stalling.
The second he had the bedroom door shut, you were dragging him over to the bed and climbing into his lap. You were doing everything like usual. Your lips pressed against his, and then moved to his jawline and down his neck. Your hands glided across the firm muscles of his chest. Your hips rolled down against his lap, beckoning the appendage between his legs to reciprocate your desire.
But it just wouldn't. He tried to make it because it wasn't a matter of not wanting you. He wanted you bad. 
He grabs your chin and brings your lips back up to his mouth so he can communicate his passion wordlessly. He digs his fingers into your hips, feeling the beginnings of where your flesh swells into your ass. He envisions how you'd been prancing around the whole day, cute tits pushing against the fabric of your t-shirt and calling out for him to grab.
You're so soft and warm. The little mewls that leave your lips sound like calls of angels up above. It doesn't matter though. His cock had clocked out for the night.
"God damnit," he grumbles before brushing you off his lap and bringing his fist down against the mattress. He sighs and his head hangs.
He can already sense the look on your face. Worry, hesitation, and affection swirling into one humiliating look. He feels your hand find his shoulder, the touch tender and accepting.
"It's ok, Logan. We don't have to," you say. Your tone is so soft and gentle, and it just drives him fucking nuts.
"But you want to," he says and looks over at you. The look in your eyes kills him. He knows you don't mean it, but it looks so patronizing. As if he's an old dog about to be taken out back and old yeller'd.
"Yeah but I don't want you to force yourself. We can just cuddle," you offer, sweet as can be.
"It's not forcing, I want to do this. I want you so bad," he says and cups your cheek. He pulls you back onto his lap and nuzzles your neck. "Been thinking about this all day."
You let out a little sigh as he lays some kisses on the column of your throat, and that gives him a spark of hope. Maybe he can do this. Maybe he doesn't have to be put out to pasture just yet. The two of you make out and grind and feel each other up some more. But eventually your tits are all but in his face and his dick still doesn't have a pulse.
He huffs and pulls back. 'Fuck, I'm sorry, sweetheart," he says.
You watch him, the gleam in your eyes as adoring as ever. It was the same look you gave him when you'd have to explain a basic function of a cell phone to him.
"It's ok. You don't have to be embarrassed," you reassure and lean in to peck his cheek.
He groans and gently brushes you off. "Don't. I don't need you coddling me."
"I'm just saying. I understand," you say with conviction, hands splaying on your chest to physically convey your empathy, "It happens to lots of guys when they get older. You don't have to be ashamed of it with me."
And in that moment, he wishes he didn't have his mutation so he could just die on the spot from being utterly mortified. He'd actually have preferred if you laughed in his face and called him an old man. A sad, old, perverted fuck who decided to date some half his age even though he couldn't keep up with her appetite. If you'd told him you were gonna find someone who could satisfy you, it probably would've stung less than being talked to like a patient who doesn't know their cancer is terminal.
There was no chance in hell, you'd ever do any of that though. As much as he hated that fact right now, it was part of why he loved you.
All he does is mumble a thank you and kiss the corner of your mouth. He doesn't just cuddle you after though. He gets you off on his thigh. You were still going to cum even if he couldn't. When you're done, he holds you close and rubs your back till you're sleeping curled up to his side.
His night isn't very restful though. It's haunted with the prospect of future incidents like this, of your perception of him changing. The look in your eyes changing from admiration to pity.
He can't live with that. The next day for the two of you is super busy, but he makes sure there's a spot at the end of it for him to secure his redemption.
This time around it's him carting you away from the others once the sun is down, mouth on the curve of your neck before you even reach the bedroom. His hands grope your waist and paw at your tits. You stumble into the door, bumping it loud enough that you'd be worried about someone hearing you if they weren't all downstairs.
"Logan..." you giggle. You push your ass back against him and glance at him out of your peripheral.
"Not what you're gonna be calling me before the night is done, sweet thing," he grunts and boosts you up.
Your legs press into his sides to support yourself as he opens the door. He takes the two of you inside and kicks it shut behind him before heading to the bed and tossing you on the mattress.
You look up at him with a coy smile, arms propping you up and one of your legs extended to entice him.
"You know... you don't have to prove anything to me, right?" you say.
"Oh, I don't?" he asks and grabs your ankle, pulling you to the edge of the bed so your hips meet, "You're too easy to please, babydoll."
Another laugh bubbles through your lips. Your legs drop to lock around his waist. "I'm just saying. It's like totally normal, and I don't want you to get all grumpy about it."
"Oh, I get grumpy, do I?" he asks as he leans over you. His large body envelopes yours on the mattress. He ducks down further to swallow your words up with kisses.
You hum into the exchange but pull back a little to finish your thought.
"Mhm, you do. And I just don't want you to feel that way cause I knew when we got together what I was getting into," you say.
Your confidence is so cute. You talk with absolute certainty, like you understand all there is to be understood about him. Like you'd known him forever and he hadn't been doing things like this for decades longer than you walked this earth.
His mouth crashes against yours again, his body weighing down on you and crushing you into the mattress. 
"You did, hm? You knew what you were getting into? You got with me thinking I wouldn't be able to give it to you how you need all the time?" he mutters against your skin.
"I didn't mean it like-"
"Didn't mean it like that? How'd you mean it then, sweetheart?"
"I dunno..."
"Doesn't sound like you knew what you were getting into to me," he breathes.
That little sentence that you'd said in an attempt to comfort him unlocked something between the two of you. He felt his cock waking up and pressing against his zipper, eager to get out and slide home. It's hard to register your clothes being pulled off when he's got his tongue in your mouth and his fingers playing with your clit. In no time at all, he's got the both of you bare and his cock nestled between your thighs.
Like he already knew, the issue last night had never been about lack of desire. And he intended to prove that to you, fuck you so good it wiped your memory of any placating word that fell from your lips.
He ruts into you hard. The mattress rocks on the bed frame and threatens to slide off. His dick is big and even though it's not a new sensation for you, each time you take it is a stretch. It's even more so when he pushes you up by the back of your knees. You whine as you're folded in half. His thrusts hit your sweet spot every time at this angle.
"Thought you knew what you were getting into?" he teases as he pistons himself in and out.
You mewl and bob your head, though you aren't sure if you're shaking your head or nodding.
"Fuckkkk, Logan. 'm sorry," you pant. Your walls squeeze tight around his shaft as your eyes close up. He made every part of your body contract and feel like it was moments from exploding.
He simply laughs at your apology. "Don't gotta be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just showing you what happens when I get older."
His balls hang heavy and swing with each motion, clapping against your ass. The heat between your legs is enough to make you squirm. Constant whimpers pour from your lips as he fucks into you without mercy.
"I know," you moan, "You fuck me better than anyone else."
"That's right," he grunts, "Nobody else could fuck you like this. Just me."
"Mhm, just daddy," you slur and cling onto him tighter. Your arms hook around his neck and keep his sweaty skin flush against yours.
"Just daddy," he repeats, his tone smooth like silk despite his raspy voice, "You don't need anyone else. Not when I can take care of you like this."
His tip prods at your cervix, making you yelp and buck. He doesn't stop though, just keeps battering into you, hammering into your warm, wet hole.
"You don't need any little boys thinking they know how to handle you," he breathes and nuzzles your neck, "Your old man can handle you just fine, make you cum whenever you need."
A strangled cry leaves your lips. Your nails dig into his back so hard that it seems like you wanted to draw blood. His words just make you melt for him. Reduce you down to a compliant jumble of flesh for him to mold and play with how he wants.
"Needa cum right now, daddy," you whine.
"I know you do, spoiled girl. You act so understanding, but I know that little pussy is aching to cum around my cock. To get filled up with my cum," he murmurs.
You nod wildly.
He chuckles at your eagerness and snaps against you even harder.
"Hold on tight, baby," he whispers.
His hips ricochet off your ass, clapping against you with intensity that borders on violent. You squeal and hang on as directed. Your whole body rocks with his momentum. Your head bobbles around like it's empty, which it is. Empty of everything but him.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck," you whimper.
"Let it out for me. Let me feel you burst, pretty girl," he grunts as he continues plowing into you.
Your body rolls. Your hips vibrate with the ecstasy release brings you. It crashes over you in one intense wave, like a gallon of liquid euphoria being poured over you. Your eyes flutter, and you bury your face in his neck like he has his in yours.
He fucks you through it. Coos in your ear too. "That's my baby. My sweet girl. Always sound so pretty when you're cumming."
One of your hands flies up to clutch at his thick, dark hair. Keeping him close keeps the words flowing.
"Getting so tight for me, fuck. No one can make me cum like you, honey. Drains me dry every fucking time."
Moments later he spurts into you, unloading thick ropes of his spend inside you. You let out another moan from that sensation alone. He growls and pants against your skin, his hands locking you in place as his hips pummel into your cunt and make sure every last drop has been released.
He lingers on you for a few moments before pulling out. His body feels loose in the afterglow. He stands at the edge of the bed and looks down at himself and then you. He knows he's gonna have to clean you up. Your inner thighs are shimmery with a mix of fluids, and the bush of dark hair at the base of his cock is in the same condition.
"Time to shower, baby?" he asks and pats your leg. You don't respond at first and he smirks. "Or did I tire you out too much?"
You whine something incoherent and shift to turn your face against the blankets. His smug look grows. He crawls over you again and nips at your jaw, rubbing his nose against your cheekbone.
"You know, it's ok, sweetheart. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's totally normal for pretty little things like you. I knew that going in."
His tone mimics your soft and understanding one from earlier. You make a little growl and swat at his bicep.
“Shut up, old man.”
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dark-raven-666 ¡ 3 months ago
Mr chopped x reader + sfw & nsfw headcanons.
He survives and has a body.
A/N: this is my first time writing nsfw so please bare with me. It's SFW until marked.!!
Art belongs to: reddeong_ on X/ Twitter
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As soon as your eyes met his,he whispered to you. "I only wanted you to be happy".
Running to his side you hold him in your arms and help him stand up. Mr. Silvair who was next to you, helped the two of you to a room where he was put it rest.
Mr. Silvair injects him with a small dosage of some kind of medicine that makes him calm down.
Hours pass and his eyes remain closed. You sitting in a chair by his bed. Your head on the bed and hand holding his.
By the time he woke up, you had fallen asleep. He looks around the room only for his eyes to settle on you.
With a quiet sigh, he holds your hand tighter, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
At his touch your eyes flutter open, molting up your arms wrap around him as you sob. " my love... Oh my dear... I thought I had lost you for good.. " you cry out quietly... His gaze softens and he wraps his arms around you. He felt so warm... His skin.. His body was cold... But the warmth came from within... It's like you could feel his love.
His hand caresses your cheek with a look that says he has yearned to do that for eternity. You mean into his palm and hold it with your hands.
As your eyes meet his once more, you can almost feel his anguish... The pain he had endured..
How he had yearned to touch you, to wrap his arms around you, to be worthy of you.
His eyes closing turn to the ceiling and tears stream down... His hand now shaking he let's out one sob and buries himself in your chest in a speed you had never seen him move in.
Loves to have you in his arms.
Feels insecure at times but you're always quick to bury those away with your touch, kisses and loving words.
Full body cuddles are a must. Now that he can wrap up around you like a koala he won't stop doing it.
Allows you to brush his hair and braid it, but NOT cut it.
Now that he can stand up he wants to go everywhere, visit every part of the world, feel, touch everything.
Now that he has this precious body he will not waste it.
Has gotten into your skin care and will continue to.
He got a bruise? It's the end of the world!
Yes he's still his dramatic self.
Very sensitive, what is this odd feeling?
I'm not even going to lie and feed your delusions, barely lasts 2-3 minutes the first like 20 times. It's all just so new.
You know how I said he wants to adventure? Yes with this too. He wants to feel his body and your body.
Sees a bit of side boob and is immediately hard and stroking himself.
Loves the feeling of his fist but boyyy does he love your mouth more.
Will not hesitate to get on his knees and whine for your mouth on him.
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simonrileysfavteacup ¡ 11 months ago
As always, Simon stumbles into your shared apartment, sighing. He drops his gear by the door, stripping himself down to his boxers. 
He walks into the living room, where the tv was on mute and a figure slept on your couch. He smiles, heading over to you, a blanket over your sleeping body. Simon stares at you for a moment before picking you up, making you stir awake. 
He smiles, “Hi lovie.”
“‘Hats me.” 
“You’re home?”
“I haven’t made dinner…”
“S’ what? Pizza place down the stree’ is open.”
“But you deserve a home cooked-”
“Lovie? Why are you s’ hot?”
You blink. “What?”
“Like burnin’ hot…what’s wrong?”
“Your burnin’, lovie.”
“I’m fine,” you lie, thrashing around in his arms. “I needa make dinner!”
“You’re sick?”
You don’t respond. 
“Bed. Now.” That was his stern voice. His lieutenant voice. “‘m orderin’ takeout.”
“Lovie,” he warns. “Don’t make me tie you t’ the bed. Now, stay there an’ rest.”
He leaves the room to order dinner. When he gets back, you’re fast asleep. 
You stir awake hours later, the TV in your bedroom on, Simon sitting next to you. He’s munching on a rice bowl. You groan, “My head hurts.”
“Have ya taken any meds?” You shake your head. He holds out a bite of his food to you. You accept it happily. “Got them rice pla’ers you love so much.”
“Thank you. I can never get old of them.”
“You should.”
“I love you so much, but I haven’t gotten old of you.” 
He rolls his eyes. “You’re gone take some meds after eatin’, ‘kay?”
You nod. “Love you, Si.”
“Love you too, lovie.”
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mostly-imagines ¡ 9 months ago
jason todd x reader
aka sober thoughts and all that
warnings: intoxication
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Jason has a thing about drinking around you. He’d kind of skirted around it for a while when you were first dating, but after a while you’d noticed he never really has more than a drink or two regardless of how much you had. The only times you ever see him drink more is when he’s downing whiskey as a pain mitigater when he needs stitches. You’d initially assumed he just wasn’t a big drinker, but eventually you’d come to realize it was more of a matter of not wanting to lose his inhibitions around you. 
You know he’s still working on trusting himself, even sober, because he’s terrified of accidentally hurting you. But you have a hard time imagining him losing control like that in any state and you’re nearly certain he’s just being hard on himself.
You’ve been falling in and out of less than peaceful sleep for the past few hours, having trouble easing yourself while your boyfriend is still out. You at least attempted to get to bed earlier tonight because for once he isn’t out fighting crime and risking injury, though you haven’t found much more luck than usual. 
You lie on your back, half ready to give up and turn on a movie while you wait.
You’re momentarily startled to hear Dick bellow out your name, no regard for the fact that it’s nearing three in the morning and you have neighbors. He’s not much of a shouter so you’re instantly on alert, worried that he or Jason are hurt.
You fumble out of bed and rush to the living room, surprised to find your fire escape empty. You turn, proceeding towards the front door, opening it cautiously. 
“Dick? What—” You don’t need to finish your question because the second you take one good look at the two of them, the state of them is immediately clear. Dick, who’s barely standing upright on his own, supports your boyfriend's weight via Jason’s arm slinged around his shoulder.
“Hey!” Dick grins at you, far more lively than he has any business being this late at night. “Sorry, couldn’t remember which apartment was yours.”
You nod pensively, “Well the perspective’s different than when you’re coming in through the window.”
He continues on past that without thought, “I’ve come to deliver,” he says, gesturing up to Jason with a bit of a strain. You’re pretty sure there were supposed to be a couple more words at the end of that sentence but you understand well enough anyway.
You nod, eyebrows raised and try to hide a smile. “Thanks, Dick.” He shifts your boyfriend off of his shoulder to lean him up against the door frame, where Jason places a majority of his weight.
You eye him warily, not confident in his steadiness. He seems to hold well enough against the heavy door though, his eyes drifting around the tiled floor. Your attention shifts to Dick, who’s clearly satisfied with a job well done and ready to go.
You tilt your head, seeing him turn away. “You good?”
“I’m great!” He calls out with a thumbs up. You watch as he staggers away, nearly missing the exit.
You look back over at Jason, who’s already staring at you with a soft gaze. “You’re pretty,” he fawns, irises blown out and flickering all over your face.
“Oh you’re drunk drunk.” You grin, watching him stumble forward a bit.
He shakes his head, looking a bit dizzy after, “Shoulda seen Tim.”
You pause mid laugh, “…Who drove you here?”
He falters at that, gaze falling to the floor. “Uh…” He winces, “Damian…”
You nod slowly, eyes wide, “We’re gonna talk about that tomorrow.”
“He’s better than you’d think.” You’d hope so. 
Well, at least he’s spending time with his brothers.
You sigh, straightening your posture in preparation for the job to come. “Alright, come on big guy,” you pull him up from his slant against the wall, hauling him into the same position he’d been in with Dick—though you’re struggling significantly more to hold him upright. “You gotta help me out here, Jay,” you grunt, trying very hard not to fold under his weight. You swat the door shut behind you, making peace with the fact that he’ll scold you in the morning for not locking it.
He presses an uncoordinated kiss to the side of your head as you try to shuffle him along, not interested in the least in easing your labor. His self discipline isn't quite gone, but his awareness of how big he is sure seems to be. 
You wobble from the heavy weight of his arm around your shoulders, holding onto him by his waist. You manage to get him to sidestep your cat, narrowly, though Salem hisses at him all the same. Jason takes no notice. You stumble into your bedroom with only about 30% of his usual balance aiding your effort.
He collapses onto the bed the second his legs hit the frame, pulling you down with him. You lie, somewhat awkwardly, on his chest as he holds you tight—probably tighter than he would if he were sober. It feels nice though.
You lie your cheek flat on his chest, relaxing against him. “What’d you guys do? Thought you were just having an easy night.”
He takes a deep breath before answering, “Raided Dick’s liquor c—” he stops, mulling over his words. “...Bruce’s liquor that was in Dick’s cabinet.” He annunciates every word in that sentence very carefully.
You squint speculatively, “Didn’t take Dick for the stealing type.”
He grumbles, “He’s not. ‘Less it’s Bruce.”
You can’t help the smile that breaks out on your face, “Aw, you really do take after your big brother, don’t you?” 
He scoffs at that, “I don’t. I’m the one who gave him the idea.” Yeah, that sounds right.
He taps on your cheek lightly and you pick your head up to find him looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
“What’s that look for?”
“Can I kiss you?” his eyes drop down to your lips, “I really wanna kiss you.” He’s nearly whispering and you feel your heart skip several beats at the feeling of his eyes on you like this.
You press a light kiss to his lips and he practically purrs.  
You pull back, admiring the serene expression on his face. “You taste like whiskey.”
“I like whiskey,” he says honestly.
You smile, nodding. “I know. Don’t know why, but..”
He leans in for another kiss but you parry, only letting his lips meet your cheek. He frowns grimly, attempting to chase your lips. 
“Lemme kiss you,” the pout on his face is adorable and while you hesitate to deny him, you retreat, resting your chin on his chest.
You smile wistfully, tracing his cheekbone, “You’re drunk, baby.”
“‘M not that drunk,” he tells you, though everything about him says otherwise.
Your hand falls flat on his shoulder. “Your eleven year old brother drove you here.”
He shrugs, “He can drive the bat…batcar? Bat…”
“Batmobile,” you finish.
“The batmobile.” he nods, as if he was seconds away from remembering. You suspect he wasn’t. 
“Bruce lets him drive it?” you question, wholly disbelieving.
Enough said.
“You’re gonna be hungover as hell in the morning,” you mumble, taking in his uninhibited demeanor.
He nods that off, “‘S okay. You’ll be here, right?”
You tilt your head, observing him chalantly. “Where else would I go?”
His arms snake tighter around you at that, giving you a little squeeze before relenting. 
“I wanna marry you,” he murmurs, brushing your hair out of your face and tucking it neatly behind your ear. 
You blink rapidly a few times, “What?” You push yourself up on his chest, sitting up on his abdomen.
“Wanna marry you.” He repeats, eyes lidded as he breathes easy under you. “You’re m’favorite person…want you t’be my wife.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat. “..You want me to be your wife?”
His lips are slightly parted and his pupils are wide as he stares up at you, taking in your features carefully. “‘Course I do.” He brings his fingers up to your cheek, touching you softly with all the wonderment of a little kid. “You’re so pretty.”
You’re quick to return, “So are you.” Especially right now.
He shuts his eyes momentarily, shaking his head morosely, “You gotta stop bein’ so nice t’me,” he lets his hand fall to rest on your thigh. “Don’t deserve it.”
“Shut up,” you lour, “You deserve it more than anybody.”
“No. Not more than you,” his hands knead at your thighs like it’s an instinct. “You deserve everything.” He closes his eyes, tilting his chin up as his head sinks further back into the pillow. “Think I’d do anything you wanted.”
He continues on, “Want you t’be happy. Wanna make you happy.”
Your face falls into an expression of dazed awe, “You do make me happy.”
He dwindles at that, “No, really happy. Take care of you. Build you a house, give you babies. Wha’ever you want.”
He paws at your thighs, trying to get you to come closer again to him. You lay back down on top of him and his hand instantly buries itself in your hair, stroking softly. “You’re just…you’re so perfect…” He turns his head to mumble against your forehead, “Feel like I dreamed you, sometimes.”
You breathe deeply against the crook of his neck, eyes feeling glassy. “I love you.” It’s all you can get out, and it’s not enough, but it’s all of it. 
“I love you,” he says like he’s trying to turn it into gospel. “So much. I love you so much, so fuckin’ much.” His words start to get lost in his weary babbling.
Your chest feels full and you can distinctly feel every beat of your heart against it. Or maybe it’s Jason’s heart. But what’s the difference?
You press a tender kiss to the nape of his neck. “You’re really sweet when you’re drunk, you know that?”
He hums lowly, head lulling against yours.
You still for a second, finding his breathing has slowed and his hand has seized its movement in your hair. His soft breaths fill the air as you press a kiss to his collarbone before settling in completely. “You’re gonna love when I tell you about this in the morning,” you whisper, letting your eyes shut too.
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💗 likes are the poor mans reblog 💗
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laufeysvalentine ¡ 2 months ago
i want you.
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remus lupin x fem!reader | masterlist
summary ༄ remus x best friend!reader -- or in which you're in love with your best friend, but he's not exactly in love with you back... angst
word count ༄ 3.2k
nora’s notes ༄ eeek my first writing post!! i'm so excited. this is kind of bad but IDC part two will be coming and i swear will be better written okay enjoy!! mwah 💘
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“moony!” you sing-song as you twirl into his dorm, lips spread into a wide grin. “we’re leaving for hogsmeade, hurry up.” 
he’s on his bed, glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose as he glances up from his book, suppressing a smile when he sees you. “hi, y/n.” 
he embodies the word comfort, you think. he’s wearing one of his trademark warm wool sweaters, an empty mug of tea by his knee, gray blanket draped across his lap, and that smile. it would be the death of you, you were sure of it. 
“hi,” you respond, clasping his book and setting it onto his bedside table. “c’mon, everyone’s waiting for us downstairs.” 
he sighs so deeply you think he might crack a lung, and loops his pointer finger through one of the belt loops of your jeans to pull you onto his bed. “do we have to?” 
as much as you’d like to stay here with him, you also want to buy more chocolate frogs, so you spring back up, tugging at his hand. “yes, please. i’m low on my candy stock.” 
he groans, letting you pull him off of his bed and out of the dorm. “your sweet tooth is killing me.” 
you shrug. “that’s what you signed up for when you said yes to being friends in first year. now you’re just living with it.” 
he just hums in agreement, letting you wrap your arm around his. remus lupin, your best friend. he’s the kindest man you’ve ever met, let alone known. it would be a lie to say you weren’t completely and utterly in love with him, and even more of a lie to say you hadn’t been since before you were a teenager, even if you didn’t understand it then. but, alas, as soon as you’d admitted it to yourself, you also resolved to never, ever tell him. you were sure he didn’t feel the same about you, and why would you carelessly toss away the best friendship and most understanding person ever just for some feelings? 
and so, you waited and hoped, prayed that it would go away. you would move on and keep your friendship. 
and, of course, you didn’t. 
“y/n!” james calls once he sees the two of you walking down the stairs to where the rest of the marauders are waiting. “finally.” 
“we sent you up like ten minutes ago,” peter complains, frowning. 
you shrug. “oops.” 
remus shifts his arm to settle around your waist, nudging you in front of him. “well, we’re here now, so get a move on.” 
you thread the hand he placed on your stomach with your own, thumb rubbing circles onto his. he smiles down on you, and that smile, oh, lord. you could see it a million times and never have enough. you’d jump over bridges to have him watch you like that all the time. you’d sell your soul to be his, really and truly. and the worst part is, you have no shame about it. merlin, you’re in love. 
jelly beans or chocolate frogs, that is the question. you glance at one, then the other, then the other again. your shoulders slump. it’s too hard of a decision. you’re about to cave and get both when you feel warm arms wrap around your waist, a chin settling onto your shoulder. without looking, you press a kiss to remus’ cheek. “hi.” 
“hi,” he replies, inhaling your scent, nose tucked between your ear and your hair. 
“chocolate frogs or jelly beans?” you ask anxiously, holding up the two in front of you. “or both?” 
“both,” he agrees with you, and you can feel the tension slowly leaving him as he stands behind you, entwined with you. 
you nod, happy with his judgment, about to speak when someone beats you to it. 
“remus?” a voice yells from behind, excitement coloring her tone. 
you know who this is without looking too, but you wish you didn’t. remus slowly stands back to his whole height, and the sudden absence of his warmth makes you shiver. you turn just as he does, even if you don’t want to see the girl beaming at him. 
you know her, of course you do. doesn’t everyone know celeste huxley, the most beautiful hufflepuff to grace hogwarts’ campus? angels sing when she walks past, men and women fall to her feet in her wake. she’s worshiped, adored. okay, you’re being dramatic, but still. 
you hate her. 
you hate her silky hair, her evergreen smile, her cesspool of kindness. 
and you hate yourself more for hating her. she’s never been mean to you a day in her life, she couldn’t be mean to anyone even if she tried. but still. she’s who you’ve tried to be your whole life. she is the blueprint, the model with cherry-red high heels you wobble and blister your feet in. she has all Os on her OWLs, victoria’s secret hair, people who love on her like a celebrity. and she’s fucking obsessed with your best friend, of course. she could have anyone in the world, and she picked him. why couldn’t she love sirius or james, like half the girls at the school? why did she have to want remus? 
and the worst part is, she deserves him. he deserves someone as perfect as he is, even if that’s celeste. 
as you swallow down your hatred, you realize she’s started to pull remus away from you, pulling on his sleeve towards the jelly slugs, and you almost lob your stupid chocolate frog at her head. tears sting your eyes and you try your best to blink them back as you watch remus watch you, only half-listening to her blabber. he knows you hate her, and the most sheepish, guilty look comes over his face. you ignore him, putting your candy back, too upset to think about eating it. luckily, you spot sirius in the corner and quickly try to make your way over him when you’re pulled back. 
remus has got ahold of your belt loops again, and you watch him whisper something to celeste before gently removing her hand from his sweater and pulling away. he chose you now, but for how long? the thought chills you, goosebumps prickling your skin, your heart. 
“dove,” he says quietly by your ear. “what happened to your candy?” 
“didn’t want it,” you mumble, walking towards sirius. 
“why not?” he’s dancing around the topic, and both of you know it. 
“not hungry.” 
“i’m sorry.” 
“s’not your fault,” you say. you’re not mad at him, you could never really be mad at him, but you’re upset nonetheless. you push away towards the black-haired boy perusing the shelves. “siri, you done?” 
you link arms with your other friend, leading him out of honeyduke’s, leaving remus trailing behind. 
“hi dove.” a voice, and its accompanying owner, peeks out from the doorway into your dorm. “may i come in?” 
“hi rem,” you say in response, beckoning him in, putting your book to the side to let him crawl onto you. “can’t you always?” 
his shoulders sag slightly, slumping into your bed as soon as he reaches it. his head is in your lap, and he closes his eyes once you begin to massage his scalp with your fingers, pressing a kiss to your exposed hipbone next to him. 
you don’t say anything, you just let the silence dance between the two of you. 
he’s so pretty. you brush some of his sandy strands out of his face to let yourself just admire him. the towering giant and all his gentleness. your fingers trace the outlines of his face, the scars that decorate it, all the way down to his right pinky, where he has the cutest tattoo. 
i love you is all you want to say. the words pulse at your throat, begging you to let them free. but you can’t. you can’t lose him. anyone else, sure, you would do it. but not him. not remus, your remus. 
when he wakes, groggy but grounded, you have a hot cup of tea ready by your bed, ready for his consumption. you hand it to him as soon as he’s fully awake, pulling himself off of you to accept the mug. “i don’t deserve you, dovie.” 
“don’t say stuff like that, rem. if anything, you deserve better.” you press a kiss to his cheek, smiling. 
“there’s nobody and nothing better than you,” he promises, hand landing on your lower thigh to massage it gently. you smile, letting the quiet linger between the two of you a little longer before speaking up. 
“you wanna talk about it?” you ask, watching him sip his tea. 
he gives you the most adoring smile, and you want to put it in a box and lock it up and keep it forever. “just tired.” 
“okay,” you say, searching his face to verify what he’s saying. “you can always talk to me, you know.” 
“thank you.” remus is always sincere, it’s one of the things you love about him, but he seems especially sincere now. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, y/n.” 
“and you are to me,” you whisper, eyes dipping to his plush pink lips. you want to kiss him so badly right now, but you know he just means it like a friend, as much as you wish it wouldn’t. 
swallowing, you wipe those ideas away, choosing to rest your head against his fleece sweater-covered shoulder. he drops a kiss onto the top of your head, and you sigh in contentment. this is why you refuse to tell him you love him. you couldn’t live without these moments. 
“there’s a party tonight at nine-ish,” he says softly. his thumb is rubbing circles on your knee. “sirius is dragging me along. will you come?” 
you contemplate it only briefly. “i’m tired, rem. you should go, though.” 
“i’ll stay back with you,” he decides with resolution. your heart melts, it’s sweet of him to want to stay with you, but you want him to have fun. plus, you can feel in how his body coiled with excitement when he talked about it–he wants to go. 
“no, go.” you glare playfully at him. “i won’t forgive you if you don’t.” 
“i’ll stay with you,” he repeats, staring right back at you. “it’s just a party. i’d stay with you forever, you know? you’re my favorite person.” 
“i’ll be mad at you if you don’t go, i swear to merlin,” you egg him on, heart melting. 
“no.” he’s too stubborn for his good. 
“i want to be alone,” you lie. you know he wants to go and you refuse to hold him back. “i might come later on, just not at nine. i’ll be there at ten, maybe.” 
“and i’ll wait for you,” he promises. 
“please, remus.” you put on your saddest tone, gaze up at him pleadingly. “i just need some alone time.” 
“you want to be alone?” he asks cautiously, searching for any hint you may be lying. 
“yes.” you cross your toes, tucked under your quads. 
he’s hesitating, and as if in perfect timing, a knock sounds at your door before a familiar head of black hair peeks through. 
“moony, let’s go. leave poor y/n alone.” sirius clicks his tongue. 
you push remus’ shoulder lightly, gesturing for him to go. he casts one long look at your face, as if memorizing every ridge. 
“she’s not going to change while we’re gone, get a move on,” sirius groans from the door. you nod at the statement, and remus concedes. 
“i’ll be here the whole time,” you promise. 
“call me if you get lonely.” he makes you swear before reluctantly getting up. you kiss his hand to send him off. 
you were lying when you said you would join him at nine. five minutes after he’s out the door, you’re fast asleep under the covers, the ghost of his touch comforting you. 
as soon as your eyes open, you let out a sound of disappointment. you can tell you haven’t slept through the night, as none of your roommates are in their beds, and they always sleep in. the clock reads that it’s only a bit before eight forty five, and you roll over in your bed. you know you won’t be able to fall back asleep, but you try anyway, until the door slams and your eyes fly open. 
it’s lily, face flushed with the cold and excitement. the second she sees you kissed by sleep, she covers her mouth. “sorry, y/n! were you sleeping?” 
you wave her off. “no, i was already awake. what’s up?” 
“james is going to be at the party tonight. will you come? please, please, please? i don’t want to go alone with him,” she begs. “please.” 
you weigh your options: if you stay here, you’ll just lay in bed, not sleeping. you might as well go with her, you’ll see remus there too. 
“okay,” you agree, and she practically drags you out of bed, she’s so happy. 
even though lily’s the one who dragged you here to keep her away from james, she’s off with him in a corner within ten minutes of you getting there, leaving you in a sea of other people, alone. of course, you know most of your housemates that are stuffed into this crowded common room, but you don’t know any particular one of them enough to properly go up to and chat. you sit awkwardly on a couch for a few minutes, next to couples making out, before finally just giving up and getting ready to leave. 
you saw sirius going into a bedroom with someone, so he’s out of the picture, peter’s smoking in the corner with some ravenclaws you have no interest in speaking with, james is alone with lily, and he’d kill you if you interrupted them, and you have absolutely no clue where remus is. 
whatever. you walk towards the door to the girls’ dormitories, stumbling over students on the way, when you just barely catch a glimpse of sandy hair outside on a balcony. you’d know it anywhere–that’s remus. you scramble towards him, eager to see a friendly face, hand cracking the door open, when just as quickly as it came, the excitement dies in your throat. 
because just behind remus is a girl you hate to see. celeste, hair floating behind her. if you blink hard enough, you see a breeze wafting through her hair as her fingers knot around remus’–your remus–neck. his hands are on the small curve of her waist, and he’s pushing her against the railing and, oh god–they’re kissing. 
you let out a thick gasp and your hand slaps over your mouth. you turn and flee. they probably heard you, but they can’t maneuver through the crowd like you can. within seconds, you’re sure you’ve lost any trace of them, darting through people as you sprint outside to the outside of the castle. sure it’s past curfew, but you can’t bring yourself to care. 
no one will see you now. 
he’s supposed to be yours. he was yours, he was yours in more than just a best friend. those nights when he fell asleep in your bed, having you wrap your arms around him for warmth, he was yours. when you always visited him post-full moon in the apothecary, and as much as he wishes to push you away, you never let him, he was yours then. when he lets you in, truly and fully, and lets himself cry against you, letting you take care of him for once. you’re the only person he’s ever let himself cry in front of.
and even though you’d deny it a million times, and you did, to sirius, to james, you’ve always hoped that he liked you back. deep down, in the parts of your soul you only ever showed to him. he didn’t have to love you, even. just like, that would be enough. anything would. 
but that was too much for him, clearly. 
you’re crying. tears, fat and hot, soaking the skin on your cheeks. head in your hands, letting your open palms pool the salty water. you feel nothing but yourself and the wind against the cold of the stone steps, whipping your hair around. 
you squeeze your eyes shut, hoping you’re hallucinating, praying the voice you just heard wasn’t real. you couldn’t see him right now. that would be humiliating. 
you crack your eye open when you hear the same voice, trying to swallow your sobs back and failing as they manifest into ugly hiccups. you’re not hallucinating. merlin damn it. 
in front of you, peering up at your blotchy face, is remus lupin, your best friend. the man who’s not yours. 
he’s on the step below you,  but one hand snakes its way onto your knee, soothing your skin with his slender thumb, the other finding your hand to intertwine your fingers. fuck, his touch both makes you lean into him and want to throw up at the same time. his eyes are chock-full of compassion, and god, you hate it. “what’s wrong?” 
his words send you blubbering into tears again, rubbing at your eyes as something splits open in your chest. “n-nothing.” 
“something’s wrong, love. let me help you. let me in,” he pleads in the softest tone, and you have to fight to not give in, to wrap your arms around him and never let go. remember celeste, remember that terrible sight of his lips on hers. 
“remus, leave me alone.” you’re shaking, but somewhere inside you, you find your resolve. you stand, pulling away from him, and make to run back inside the castle, but his long legs catch up to you easily, arm shooting around your waist when your knees buckle and you collapse onto the floor in sobs. 
“y/n, you’re scaring me,” he says, panic accumulating in his voice. “please tell me what’s wrong and i’ll fix it, i promise. please, baby. it’s killing me hear you cry.” 
you’re so close to the doors, you can see them. you stand again. “you don’t get to say that.” 
“what?” his arm’s still around your shoulder and you shove it off. 
“stop it! you’re so mean, remus. you don’t get to call me dove and call me baby and say stupid things like how there’s nobody better than me and i’m your favorite person and then go off and kiss other girls,” you spit out on the verge of hyperventilating. you don’t even know what you’re saying anymore. it’s just coming out, spewing out of your mouth like the vomit that’s sure to follow. but even as each word shocks you, you know they ring true. “i hate you for it. i hate you for leading me on for years when i’ve loved you since we were kids! you’re terrible, remus. i hate you.” 
he’s absolutely stunned trying to process your words, and you use the momentary distraction to race back into the school, gunning for your dorm and locking it once you’re inside. the image of celeste and remus plays through your mind all night, so much that you can barely even think about how you confessed your love to him.
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masterlist | next part
tags @lydiasfalling @dancingwithourhandsuntied
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rafesangelita ¡ 4 months ago
♡ when farmer’s!daughter!reader’s father goes out of town to visit some family, her and cowboy!rafe can’t keep their hands to themselves any longer.
warnings: reader is a little bit on the shy side, flirty banter, use of petnames, implied age gap (rafe is 7-10 years older), hint of jealous!rafe, reader refers to her father as ‘daddy’, mentions of sneaking around, slowburn (kinda?), lotsss of sexual tension, fluff, mutual pining, oral (f. receiving), fingering, finger sucking, unprotected sex, dirty talk, breeding kink, cream pie, squirting, multiple orgasms
a/n: based loosely off of the moodboard + headcanons i wrote here <3 saddle up because this is a long one lol
wc: 4.8k
“you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna help me out here?” rafe grunted, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he watched you blink away from his form. you looked up from his shirtless figure, his skin glistening with sweat as butterflies fluttered in your chest. “what do you need?” you chirped, blinking rapidly as if to shake away the thoughts of pressing wet kisses to his waistline. “a cold glass of water sounds good right now.” you obliged, rafe watching as you went up the porch stairs in your cute little boots, his eyes falling down to your backside. “fuck.” he muttered to himself.
if he knew he’d have to fight the urge to touch his boss’s pretty daughter, he would’ve hesitated in taking the job. eight months had felt like an eternity when you pranced around the farm in the prettiest dresses and shortest daisy duke shorts he’s ever seen. you came back with a glass of water, taking a sip before handing it to him. expecting rafe to turn the glass around to take a drink from the other side of the rim, your cheeks heated when he placed his mouth on the same spot your lips were on just moments ago. “thanks, sweetheart.” rafe shot you a wink, his charm making you look away shyly.
you plopped down on a nearby tree stump, a pout taking over your features as you looked at the empty driveway. your father had only been gone for a few hours, not nearly making a dent in the five days he’ll be away. “you don’t have to worry about him, y’know? he’s a strong man.” rafe decided he needed a break from being hunched over under the hood of his truck, his chest rising and falling as he took a seat on the bed of fluffy grass next to you. “i know..” you muttered, “it’s just— he’s so much older now, i worry about him.” you looked down at rafe, his eyes already trained on you.
rafe nodded. “that man can survive anything. wasn’t he in his truck when a tornado came and swept him off the ground?” you gasped, a laugh escaping your lips. “he told you that story?!” you squealed excitedly, your reaction making rafe melt into a puddle of nothing. you were too cute. “did he also tell you the part where that didn’t really happen? him and his buddy just got real close to it.” rafe’s face morphed into one of pure shock. “he lied?!” you threw your head back in laughter, a snort following shortly after. it was rafe’s turn to laugh, the sound unfamiliar to his ears.
“oh my god, excuse me. i can’t believe i just did that!” you clasped a hand over your mouth, embarrassment creeping up onto your face. the man next to you waved you off. “why would he lie about that?” rafe leaned back on his hands, giving you a full view of his chiseled abs. sighing dreamily, you shrugged. “he’s a drama queen sometimes, he likes the theatrics.” realizing that you just swooned over his muscles, rafe cleared his throat before getting back to work. he respected your father too much to give in to his filthy desires, or so he hoped.
swallowing the lump of rejection in your throat, you made your way inside where you decided to watch him from your bedroom window instead. your infatuation with this man only grew by the day, and it was becoming really hard to hide your adoration for him. all the times he slipped you a little wink when your father wasn’t looking, the playing of footsies under the table while your father ranted about the economy, the lingering stares and touches.. you weren’t crazy, you had every right to believe this man was interested in you in some way, shape, or form.
apart of you wanted to believe that rafe was trying to maintain in being a gentleman towards you, but there’s nothing you wanted more than for him to hold off all kind of honor and respect for you while he takes you however he wants. you daydreamed about being fucked in a headlock by him, along with being put into twenty other positions. letting out a sigh, you fell back on your bed, fiddling with the ribbon that was tied to the belt loop of your shorts. how on earth were you going to go about these next few days all alone with him?
night time rolled around, and rafe had just come inside for a shower. “are you hungry?” you watched as he rolled his shoulders back, cracking his neck to release some pressure of today’s labor. “yeah, but i’ll help myself. don’t worry about it, ‘sugar.” he groaned before shutting the bathroom door behind him. you knew he wouldn’t, days like this always ended in rafe knocking out as soon as he hit his bed, empty stomach or not. the only thing rafe could think about as the hot water pattered against his back, was how you were in the same house as him in nothing but a night dress.
he wondered if you’d let him hike it up your thighs.. if you’d allow him to slip his fingers underneath the soft material. so badly, he wanted to see your face twist in pleasure underneath him, he ached to see that day. rafe let out a shuddering breath, swallowing thickly as lewd images of you ran through his head. he imagined your hands trailing down his torso, those cherry red painted fingers of yours wrapped tightly around his cock. you had this man questioning everything he ever knew about being a gentlman. rafe rubbed the sides of his face, his eyes screwing shut as he attempted to get all inappropriate thoughts about you out of his head.
he remembered seeing you for the first time all those months ago. you were wearing a red gingham dress, your hair styled so pretty and neat. he knew immediately that he was in trouble when you flashed him that million dollar smile when your father introduced you two. it wasn’t long before both of you started flirting with each other, even going as far as touching each other when you didn’t have to. rafe would ‘help’ you up on your horse, his hands planted on the globes of your ass as he hoisted you onto the saddle. he swore he died and came back to life whenever you’d place a hand on him every time he made you laugh.
slowly but surely, you two were getting more bolder with your moves. while rafe was ogling your goodies more often than not, you started leaving your curtains open whenever you’d change, knowing he could see you from the view of his window. pinching the bridge of his nose, rafe quickly hurried up in the shower, feeling the need to relieve himself in his own space where he knew you’d be far away from. after washing away all the dirt and grime, he felt clean as he dried himself off, only for his peace to come crashing down when he realized he didn’t bring an extra change of clothes with him.
with no other choice but to walk out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, he tried to sneak pass you in the kitchen and out the back door, but of course he wasn’t so lucky. “i know you said you would make yourself something, but—” you turned around with a loaded dinner plate in your hand, the dish nearly slipping out of your grip when you saw the tall cowboy standing awkwardly with his hands on his hips.
your eyes trailed down his stomach, the sight of his happy trail making you swallow thickly. rafe took note of this, his heart beating in his chest as you averted your gaze elsewhere. “uhm, well i made you this.. i know it’s one of your favorites..” you placed the plate of steak and mashed potatoes on the table, turning around as you took your bottom lip between your teeth. this was absolute torture. “it looks amazing, i’ll just get some clothes on and be right back.” he held onto the towel, jogging to his place where he slipped on a pair of pajama pants and a dingy white t-shirt.
“you didn’t have to do this,” rafe took a seat at the table, his jaw ticking when you bent over the counter to grab a couple of drinking glasses, “thank you.” at this point he didn’t know if he was thanking you for the food, or the perfect view of your ass. “water?” you looked at him from over your shoulder, your cheeks heating when you saw his eyes shoot away from your backside. “a beer please.” you smiled at his answer. you should’ve known he’d pick that out after a full day of work. grabbing a bottle from the fridge, you handed it to him, his fingers brushing yours as you took a seat across from him.
“my dad makes it a lot better than i do, so—” rafe was quick to cut you off, a moan leaving his lips as he chewed. “this is.. damn!” you giggled, shaking your head. “it’s great, darlin’. truly.” he nodded approvingly, flashing you a thumbs up. you smiled that smile of yours before tasting it yourself. despite all the tension between you two, you could always count on each other to talk the other’s ear off. “wait. so you’re telling me that you’re actually from an island? why on earth would you live out in the middle of nowhere when you had the beach in your backyard?” you asked incredulously.
rafe took a swig from his beer, a bittersweet laugh leaving his lips. “i got into a ‘lotta bad shit over there. i was on some bad shit,” he sighed, “being out here brings me peace.. even if i’m breaking my back everyday.” you listened closely, giving him your full attention as he told you more about the place he was from. you learned that he used to be a filthy rich boy with a house bigger than you could ever imagine. rafe smiled softly, a solemn expression taking over his features. “it’s very nice. but i wouldn’t go back.” he leaned back in his chair.
you tilted your head at him, both of your plates empty. “no? how come?” you leaned forward, your cleavage peeking out of your neckline. eyes flickering down to your chest, rafe seemed to get flustered when he felt your foot trail up his leg. “well,” he zeroed in on your lips, “i see myself settling down out here, ‘havin some little ones.” your breath hitched, a smidge of jealousy now residing in your gut. as if he could read your mind, he caught your foot under the table, his thumb stroking your ankle. “old habits seem to die hard, huh?” rafe laughed.
pushing away the jealousy, you nodded, feeling a new profound sense of confidence with the way he was looking at you right now. “yeah, i guess i forgot we’re here all by ourselves.. ‘don’t really have to hide from anyone..” you yawned, your head falling back on your chair as your night gown rode up your thighs. just a few inches higher, and rafe would finally see what he’s been fantasizing about all this time. “yeah..” he crossed his arms, his biceps looking especially good right now. you two stayed quiet, just looking at each other as if everything was threatening to rise to the surface.
do something! you thought to yourself, hoping rafe could magically hear you and grab you from across the table. instead, he looked away, letting go of your foot before scooting out from the table. “dinner was really good, but i better head off to bed, now.” he didn’t let you say anything before he left in a haste. what. the. fuck. you got up, watching him curse to himself from the kitchen window. you couldn’t help but feel defeated. rafe was always the one pulling away from you, no matter how close you two got, he always left you high and dry.
once you cleaned everything up, and you were left lying by yourself in your bed, you decided everything would change. if he pulled away from you, surely you should do the same.
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you woke up the next morning to the sound of rafe’s truck engine roaring to life. rubbing your eyes, you shielded your face from the morning sun, deciding to get your day started as soon as possible. within an hour, you were stepping outside, walking over to where rafe was smiling brightly behind the steering wheel. “i got it working, sweetheart! should we go for a ride?” damn him, he knew how much you loved to be passenger princess in his two seater-beater. you cleared your throat, already hating yourself as you said no. “i don’t think so.. i got a lot of stuff to do today.”
rafe watched you go back in the house, his jaw ticking in response. the only thing you had to do today was sit and look pretty. not to mention, for as long as rafe has been here, you never, ever, rejected going on a little drive with him. that’s how he immediately knew something wasn’t right, and he’d bet all of his money that it had something to do with last night. taking the keys out of the ignition, rafe decided that if you weren’t going to go for a ride with him, then he wasn’t going either. considering he did everything he needed to do yesterday, rafe settled for going inside to tidy up his place.
you walked around the house aimlessly, a book in your hand as you kept glancing outside to see if you could spot rafe anywhere. you didn’t. letting out a groan, you looked at the clock on the wall. it was already half past noon. you debated on whether or not you should take him some lunch, your leg bouncing as you tried to weigh out your options here. on one hand, you could bring rafe lunch, try to talk some stuff out, and on the other hand, you could just leave things be like you promised yourself you would. you knew rafe wasn’t stupid, surely he’d catch on to you soon.
just as you decided against bothering him, there was a knock at the front door. eyebrows knitting in confusion, you opened the door to see your childhood best friend, wyatt. “wyatt!” you squealed, throwing your arms around him as he pulled you close to him by your waist. “oh my, lord! when did you come back from the city?!” you welcomed him in, motioning for him to come inside. “i just finished my second semester, so i’ll be in town for a while. i drove out here just last night, ‘decided to surprise my folks.” he smiled, his expression softening once you urged him to take a seat at the kitchen table.
“i didn’t see your old man’s truck out front..” he sat down, taking his hat off and placing it on the table. “oh, yeah.. he’s out of town visiting my aunt.” you leaned back on the counter, your eyes flickering at his hair. he looked so much different now. “wow, you’re uh— you look really good.” you complimented. “yeah, i’m not lanky anymore,” wyatt laughed, “you look gorgeous as always, though.” his gaze ran down your dress, the sight of your bare thighs making him clear his throat. “well, i didn’t just want to come by and say hi, i actually wanted to ask you something—”
rafe barged in before wyatt could finish his sentence.
“who’s this?” he stared between you two, the jealousy in his blue eyes very, very evident. you smiled innocently as wyatt got up, extending a hand for rafe to shake. “hello, sir. i’m an old friend of y/n’s here, ‘was just coming to visit her.” rafe looked down at wyatt’s palm, keeping both of his hands tucked in his pockets. “well, you two might wanna hurry this up, y/n’s father doesn’t know about any visitors coming to his home.” rafe walked around him, opening the fridge for a beer. “daddy isn’t home though, isn’t he?” you spoke up, in which rafe turned around. “what was that?” he asked.
you two were glaring at each other now. “my dad isn’t here,” you repeated, “and besides, he knows wyatt. ‘thinks of him as a son, right?” rafe’s grip on his beer bottle tightened, a smile playing on his lips when he glanced over at your friend. “yeah.” wyatt nodded. rafe was seeing red, he couldn’t stand to look at you and wyatt standing so close to each other any longer. turning around, rafe listened in as wyatt asked to take you out to dinner. “aw, i would love to! what time should i be ready?”rafe shut his eyes momentarily. you said yes to wyatt too fast for his liking. “how does eight o’clock sound?”
you hummed, nodding excitedly as wyatt made his way to the front door. “alright, it’s a date then. see ‘ya!” you waved at him until his truck disappeared down the dirt road. walking back into the kitchen, rafe was staring you down as you acted like you didn’t just agree to go on a date in front of him. “what do you think you’re playing at?” he narrowed his eyes at you. “if you’re acting out because of last night—” you cut him off. “don’t talk about me ‘acting out’ when you’re the one who decided to run back to your little shed when i was giving you an open opportunity.” you cut in.
“an open opportunity to do what?” rafe’s voice was firm as he stepped closer to you, his beer long forgotten on the counter as he gripped your arm. you failed miserably at trying not to look down at his lips. “it doesn’t even matter now. you obviously don’t want it,” you softened, “don’t want me..” rafe couldn’t believe his ears. you were all that this man thought about. he woke up thinking of what pretty outfit you would wear for the day, and went to sleep wishing you were by his side. “don’t want you?” he repeated, loosening his grip on your skin. “you just have no fucking clue.” rafe stepped back.
“you’re the only thing that i want.” he laughed bitterly, shaking his head as he made his way outside to the back house. you stared at him in shock. all this time you wondered if something was wrong with you because he never made a real move to pursue you, but now all of a sudden after you agree to go on a date he wants to express how he feels? and has the nerve to walk off right after? fuck that. you pushed the back door open, the old wood slamming back against the house as rafe spun around on his heels. “so why do you walk away from me?!” you shouted, both of your chests rising and falling.
“what are you talking about?” you stepped down the stairs, shoving rafe in the chest. “why do you leave every time things start to go somewhere?” his eyes bore into yours, “i’m sick of this game of cat and mouse. have you ever thought that maybe i want you too?” those were the words rafe needed to hear before he cupped your face and dragged you off your feet. his lips were soft against your own, his calloused hands pulling you close to him as your arms wrapped around his neck. he groaned at the taste of you, his tongue slipping in your mouth before you could process what was happening.
rafe kissed you hard and slow, as if to savor you before he led you two to his place, the door barely shutting before he had you pinned to his neatly made bed. “i’ve wanted you the moment your father introduced us, that’s the truth.” he slotted himself between your thighs, cupping your tits through your dress. you moaned, his hips grinding against your clothed cunt. “why would you wait all this time then?” you whimpered when he started pressing kisses to the curve of your neck, his calloused hands feeling you up as they roamed your soft flesh. “well for starters, i have a lot of respect for your pops..”
you sighed, completely forgetting about the old man. “and?” rafe pulled the straps of your dress down until the material pooled at your waist. leaning back on his heels, rafe marveled at the sight of your bare chest, your tits looking more perfect than he imagined. “..and right now, all the respect i have is going out the door.” you cried out when he leaned down, his lips wrapping around a sensitive bud while he used his other hand to snake beneath the waistband of your panties. you blinked up at the ceiling, your hips bucking when you felt his rough fingers stroke your clit.
“that feels so good, ray.” you keened, the weight of his body providing you a sense of safety and comfort. rafe felt like he was under a spell. with your sweet voice in his ear, and his fingers working to get you soaked and ready for him, he couldn’t wait to taste you any longer. pulling away from you, rafe slid your dress and underwears off in one swift motion, a shiver running down your spine when he slowly spread your thighs apart. “you’re fuckin’ gorgeous.” he licked his lips, glancing up at your heated face. your heart bloomed in your chest, your hand finding his cheek.
“please. i’ve wanted this for eight months.” you confessed, your words sending rafe into overdrive. without another thought, rafe took your thighs and placed them on his shoulders, delving into your wetness with a groan. instinctively, your back arched up from his bed, your hands flying to rest on top of his own. you squeezed his fingers, a string of babbles falling from your lips as rafe’s tongue flicked against your sensitive bundle of nerves. rafe watched as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, your eyebrows knitting together as pure bliss etched itself onto your face.
“you okay?” rafe pressed a wet kiss to your inner thigh, wanting to make sure it wasn’t too much for you before continuing. “mhmm, yes!” you looked down, the image of rafe’s chin, lips, and even the tip of his nose glistening with your slick was now forever ingrained in your brain. smiling to himself, rafe got back to work, but this time with his fingers prodding at your entrance. “might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but i promise it’ll feel so good, baby.” you nodded, putting all your trust in him before you felt the delicious stretch of his digits inside your cunt.
“fuck!” you squealed, your thighs threatening to snap shut around his head. rafe curled his digits, your eyes screwing shut as he continuously pressed that soft spot inside of you. rafe didn’t stop his skillful movements on your clit, an unfamiliar feeling starting to swirl in your core. rafe cursed at the wet sounds emitting from your pussy, his cock hard and aching to get inside of you already. you gasped when he kept suckling on your sensitive bud, your stomach caving in when he pressed a hand to your tummy. before you could think, white hot pleasure blinded your vision, your entire body jolting as the first wave of your orgasm washed over you.
rafe felt the way you pulsed around his digits, wishing so badly that it was his cock instead. eyes flickering up to your face, he groaned when he saw the way your face twisted in pure bliss, your legs shaking as you felt the sudden urge to pull away from him. “rafe, wait!” you cried out, a sob ripping itself from your throat when a stream of wetness suddenly soaked rafe’s chin, your decadence streaming down his neck as he moaned against your cunt. you stared down at him with wide eyes, your mouth parting in suprise when he slipped his digits in his mouth.
“i- i don’t know what that was!” you gasped, cheeks heating in embarrassment. licking a final stripe up your folds, rafe smiled as he shook his head. “you just squirted, baby, get used to it.” his length rested on top of your tummy, hot and heavy, as he threaded his fingers with yours. “gonna fuck you until you’re carrying my baby..” your heart swelled, recalling his words from last night. “were you talking about me? when you said you wanted little ones..” rafe looked into your eyes, the sincerity in his gaze making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. “you’re the only woman i envision. future and present.”
cupping his face softly, you brought his lips down to meet your own, the head of his cock slipping into your entrance. you let out a shuddering breath, nodding slowly as he pushed the rest of his length inside your greedy walls. you swore you died and went to heaven when he starting rocking into you, both of you moaning in unison. “rafe?” you whimpered, gazing up at him with teary eyes, “shit— yeah, sweetheart?” the man on top of you thumbed your chin, a concerned expression taking over his features. you could tell rafe was holding back with the way he was hesitating with every thrust.
“harder, please.” you asked sweetly, rafe obliging without another thought. soon, you were a crying mess, your eyes barely staying open as rafe put you in a mating press. he was already reaching new depths in regular missionary, so when he placed your legs over his shoulders and caged you between his arms, you were hysterical as his tip kissed your cervix. “oh, god!” you screamed, your nails digging into rafe’s skin as he fucked you stupid. “can’t..” you shook your head, the feeling of his cock filling you to the hilt was increasingly becoming too much to handle.
"yes you can, sugar. look how good you're taking it all.." rafe cradled your head, making you look down at where you two were connected. you moaned at the sight, his cock shining with your slick. rafe kept his hands beneath your head, kissing you softly as his pubic bone began hitting your clit. “m’gonna make you the prettiest mommy this town has ever seen, just watch.” he chuckled, his forehead falling in the curve of your neck. you ran your fingers across his buzzed scalp, the word ‘promise?’ lingering on your tongue. “is that what you want? ‘want me to breed you until you’re all pretty and round?”
you cried out, rafe’s hips stuttering as he felt his climax creeping up on him. “yes, yes, yes—” you repeated yourself like a broken record, rafe’s name falling from your lips like a mantra. “oh, fuck!” he cursed, teeth grazing your flesh as he spilled into you, your second orgasm making you squeeze around him like a vice. rafe stilled, making sure to keep stroking your clit so he could draw out your high for as long as possible. slipping his thumb in your mouth, you shamelessly sucked on the digit as you trembled beneath him, his hot load filling you up.
you two stayed panting against each other’s mouths until your highs subsided, a light sheen of sweat coating both of your skin’s. pulling out with a grunt, rafe rolled over, pulling you with him so he could spoon you. letting out a sigh, you reveled in the warm sun streaming through his window, the light casting off of your face and illuminating the walls. “that was worth the wait, don’t you think?” if it wasn’t for the feeling of your limbs being jelly, you would’ve turned around and landed a playful smack to his chest. instead, you hummed, your eyes heavy with sleep. “we’re not keeping this from my father, rafe.”
your voice was hoarse as you spoke. “no. no, we’re not.” he kissed your shoulder. “you should probably give that guy wayne a call, ‘tell him you’re not going on that date after all.” you giggled, a shiver going down your spine as his large palm rubbed circles into your back. “wyatt, rafe. his name is wyatt. i only told him yes to rile you up.” you teased. rafe knew that, but it still pissed him off nonetheless. “i’ll cancel in a minute, ‘sir.” you used wyatt’s formalities towards rafe earlier against him, earning you a light pinch to your side. “that asshole. ‘really called me sir as if i’m that old.” he shook his head, waiting for you to disagree.
“well..” you trailed off, bursting into laughter when he attacked you with sloppy kisses.
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ariadnes-elixirs ¡ 2 months ago
thinking of an isekaied reader and a yandere noble boy...
(gn reader x male noble yandere)
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6
tw: none (?) so far, just some obsessive sounding letters
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you were currently staring at a face that wasn't yours, in a castle you've never seen, surrounded by people you don't know. you look down at you hands, now covered in jewelry you could have never hoped to afford in your previous life. your unblemished, dainty hands that have never seen a day of work.
the first couple days you spent in this body were spent in bed. you were told by the nurse that you had collapsed while leaving supper and had been asleep for several days.
your father, the count, made the estate's staff keep you in bed and well taken care of. he was a tan and muscular man with a scar across the left side of his face. at first you were intimidated by his rough appearance, especially because these settings usually accompany a stereotypically abusive family for the female protagonist.
however, you found that he was a kind and gentle man, genuinely concerned for his child's well being. his eyes soften as they turn to you, and after asking around, you found out that he has been working remotely from the estate ever since you passed out.
you found out from a maid that he was born a commoner, but excelled at combat and battle strategy. which caught the eye of the grand duke, and his daughter.
the grand duke's daughter was about the same age as him, and there were rumors floating around about them meeting in secret as children, then falling in love as they grew older.
he was able to prove his worth to the kingdom and earn his title through battle. although, it was unclear if he did this just to obtain status, or if it was to impress a certain grand duke.
your mother was usually busy tending to the estate's financial affairs, but the few times you saw her around were when she was at your bedside, reading a book in her lap while playing with a strand of your hair as you were tended to by nurses and maids.
apparently, regardless of the status your father obtained, the grand duke was insistent that his daughter was too good for him. he would shout and scream like a child about how she would marry the prince, who is now the king. when she refused to do so, he disowned her.
with your father's newly obtained title of "count" he obtained land, and greatly assisted the men and women he paid to build the estate you and your family currently live in.
your mother apparently knew that she would get disowned as soon as they made their relationship public. so, they strategically announced their engagement and wedding so that your mother could simply move in with your father as soon as she was disowned.
she usually appeared cold and didn't say much, but the way she looked at your father made you believe she had no regrets and loves him, you, and the life she has. the way your father looked at her also made you believe that he was deeply in love with her, as he borderline worshipped the ground she walked on. they were a private, yet happy couple and you were their beloved only child.
this scene was familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. you were an avid reader of "otome isekai" manga and manhwa, but nothing about this seemed familiar to you. so, when you were finally allowed to leave your bed, you tried to deduce as much as you could about where you were.
eventually, you decided to ask your parents. claiming that you were having issues with your memory since you collapsed. technically not a lie, and they looked concerned while they answered your questions one at a time. as you got up to leave, you noticed a pile of unopened letters on the windowsill of your parents' joint office.
your parents sighed as their attention shifted to what you had been staring at.
your father spoke up first, "that friend of yours has not stopped sending letters ever since he found out what happened to you," he continued, "i knew it was a mistake telling him you collapsed."
your mother expression shifted into a sly yet knowing look, "well, i can't blame the boy for being concerned. the two of you have been attached at the hip since childhood."
your father makes an abstract motion with his left arm, vaguely gesturing at the pile of letters. "we didn't want to disturb your rest or worry you, so we decided to hide the letters until you recovered." he pauses, "feel free to take them on your way out."
you walk over to the windowsill and slowly start collecting the letters. all addressed to what is now "your" name. as your eyes shift to the return address, you notice they all came from an oliver northwood.
you say your goodbyes to your parents, and make your way back to your room. once you've arrived, you set down the letters on your bed and slowly realize just how many letters he's written to you within the past four days. you begin with the earliest ones, all of which contain very sweet and concerned messages, wishing for you to recover soon.
as you keep reading, you start to feel a sense of dead wash over you as the contents of the letters become more... unsettling. shifting from statements like "i wish you a speedy recovery and can't wait to see you again!" to "every day i go without seeing your face is a day wasted. i wish i could go over there to see you, even if you 'aren't awake.'"
you push on, finally getting to the more recent letters. the contents causes a small shiver to run down your spine. "i miss you so so so so much. my darling, my love, my closest friend. please please get better soon. i feel myself slowly going insane when you aren't near me. sometimes, i feel like you are the one thing keeping me stable. please get better. please..."
you don't know this man, but the person whose body you now inhabit did.
you try to recall every male lead you could. oliver northwood... oliver northwood... doesnt sound like any male lead youve read about. you did read... so much otome isekai though. so its also possible you just cant remember.
just who is he?
please let me know if you want a continuation! :)
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st4rpiece ¡ 6 months ago
sleeping separately after an argument pt. 1
characters: luffy, zoro, usopp, and sanji x fem! reader summary: how the strawhat boys would react to you sleeping alone after an argument CW: mainly fluff, slight angst others: not proofread, lowercase intended, and pictures found on pinterest
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Monkey D. Luffy
luffy doesn't handle conflict well, especially not one with someone he cares deeply about. after the argument you guys had earlier, he would never suspected that you would sleep else where for the night.
at first, he would brush it off, thinking you just needed some space and that you would return to your shared room soon. but, as the night wore on, he'd find himself restless. constantly tossing and turning unable to lay as comfortably as before now that he was alone. luffy would eventually get up and wander over to your old room.
knowing him he’d poke your face (gently of course) while whispering, "hey, are you still mad at me?" his big eyes would reflect genuine concern and confusion. but because you were asleep you couldn’t respond, so he would get into your bed and curl up next to you, determined to be close even if you were still upset. you’d wake up the next day to a goofy grin and a sincere apology, as he was eager to make things right.
Roronoa Zoro
arguments with zoro are often intense but short-lived. so when you decide to sleep separately after a fight, zoro (like luffy) would be taken aback. however he, unlike luffy, would initially be too proud to go after you. so instead he’d brood silently, replaying the argument in his head while sharpening his swords.
you were the dramatic one. right?
as the night deepened, his stoic façade would crack, causing the gnawing sense of regret to seep in. he’d eventually get up, quietly making his way to your old room.
“babe?” his voice was uncharacteristically soft cautiously enters the room. after seeing your sleeping figure his demeanor immediately softens.
without a word, he'd lie down on the floor next to your bed, his presence a silent apology. he would wake up before you like usual but after breakfast he would pull you aside giving you a gruff but sincere apology, his actions speaking louder than his words.
God Ussop
usopp is sensitive and prone to overthinking. after any argument, he'd probably be filled with anxiety and self-doubt. which would worsen after you decide to sleep separately. he'd pace around, muttering to himself and crafting elaborate scenarios in his head of what this could mean.
is this it?
do you not love him anymore?
were you going to break up with him?
eventually, he'd muster the courage to approach you, armed with a heartfelt speech. ready to kneel beside you and pour his heart out with the promise to do better. but after walking to your old room and seeing you sleep so soundly his resolve would soften. not wanting to wake you he would leave telling himself that he’d apologize in the morning.
instead of going to bed though he would go to his factory deciding to make you a small gift to show his sincerity. he would place that along with a short an apology letter by your door. hoping to give you a better apology in the morning.
Vinsmoke Sanji
sanji would be devastated if you chose to sleep separately after an argument. unlike usopp, he wouldn’t overthink it. he knows you love him just needed some space. despite thinking that, he would never let you go to sleep upset especially not at him.
so he'd spend the majority of the night in the kitchen, preparing ingredients for tomorrow and making you a midnight snack.
with a tray of food on hand he’d softly knocks on the door of your old bedroom, his voice both gentle and cautious. “my love? i brought food. can i come in so we can talk?”
your lights were on so he knew you were up, after waiting for a minute or so he would let out a relieved sigh as you opened the door and making room for him to enter.
you guys would spend the rest of the night talking about your argument except this time with a much clearer head. once he knew that you both were on the same page he would bring you back to your share room to sleep.
hi guys! thanks for reading, this is my first attempt at writing hc so idk if i did it right lol but it was fun!! i also have a couple more characters in my draft using this idea. i’ll post them if this does well (fingers crossed).
part 2 is posted!!
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