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i want you.
remus lupin x fem!reader | masterlist
summary ༄ remus x best friend!reader -- or in which you're in love with your best friend, but he's not exactly in love with you back... angst
word count ༄ 3.2k
nora’s notes ༄ eeek my first writing post!! i'm so excited. this is kind of bad but IDC part two will be coming and i swear will be better written okay enjoy!! mwah 💘
“moony!” you sing-song as you twirl into his dorm, lips spread into a wide grin. “we’re leaving for hogsmeade, hurry up.”
he’s on his bed, glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose as he glances up from his book, suppressing a smile when he sees you. “hi, y/n.”
he embodies the word comfort, you think. he’s wearing one of his trademark warm wool sweaters, an empty mug of tea by his knee, gray blanket draped across his lap, and that smile. it would be the death of you, you were sure of it.
“hi,” you respond, clasping his book and setting it onto his bedside table. “c’mon, everyone’s waiting for us downstairs.”
he sighs so deeply you think he might crack a lung, and loops his pointer finger through one of the belt loops of your jeans to pull you onto his bed. “do we have to?”
as much as you’d like to stay here with him, you also want to buy more chocolate frogs, so you spring back up, tugging at his hand. “yes, please. i’m low on my candy stock.”
he groans, letting you pull him off of his bed and out of the dorm. “your sweet tooth is killing me.”
you shrug. “that’s what you signed up for when you said yes to being friends in first year. now you’re just living with it.”
he just hums in agreement, letting you wrap your arm around his. remus lupin, your best friend. he’s the kindest man you’ve ever met, let alone known. it would be a lie to say you weren’t completely and utterly in love with him, and even more of a lie to say you hadn’t been since before you were a teenager, even if you didn’t understand it then. but, alas, as soon as you’d admitted it to yourself, you also resolved to never, ever tell him. you were sure he didn’t feel the same about you, and why would you carelessly toss away the best friendship and most understanding person ever just for some feelings?
and so, you waited and hoped, prayed that it would go away. you would move on and keep your friendship.
and, of course, you didn’t.
“y/n!” james calls once he sees the two of you walking down the stairs to where the rest of the marauders are waiting. “finally.”
“we sent you up like ten minutes ago,” peter complains, frowning.
you shrug. “oops.”
remus shifts his arm to settle around your waist, nudging you in front of him. “well, we’re here now, so get a move on.”
you thread the hand he placed on your stomach with your own, thumb rubbing circles onto his. he smiles down on you, and that smile, oh, lord. you could see it a million times and never have enough. you’d jump over bridges to have him watch you like that all the time. you’d sell your soul to be his, really and truly. and the worst part is, you have no shame about it. merlin, you’re in love.
jelly beans or chocolate frogs, that is the question. you glance at one, then the other, then the other again. your shoulders slump. it’s too hard of a decision. you’re about to cave and get both when you feel warm arms wrap around your waist, a chin settling onto your shoulder. without looking, you press a kiss to remus’ cheek. “hi.”
“hi,” he replies, inhaling your scent, nose tucked between your ear and your hair.
“chocolate frogs or jelly beans?” you ask anxiously, holding up the two in front of you. “or both?”
“both,” he agrees with you, and you can feel the tension slowly leaving him as he stands behind you, entwined with you.
you nod, happy with his judgment, about to speak when someone beats you to it.
��remus?” a voice yells from behind, excitement coloring her tone.
you know who this is without looking too, but you wish you didn’t. remus slowly stands back to his whole height, and the sudden absence of his warmth makes you shiver. you turn just as he does, even if you don’t want to see the girl beaming at him.
you know her, of course you do. doesn’t everyone know celeste huxley, the most beautiful hufflepuff to grace hogwarts’ campus? angels sing when she walks past, men and women fall to her feet in her wake. she’s worshiped, adored. okay, you’re being dramatic, but still.
you hate her.
you hate her silky hair, her evergreen smile, her cesspool of kindness.
and you hate yourself more for hating her. she’s never been mean to you a day in her life, she couldn’t be mean to anyone even if she tried. but still. she’s who you’ve tried to be your whole life. she is the blueprint, the model with cherry-red high heels you wobble and blister your feet in. she has all Os on her OWLs, victoria’s secret hair, people who love on her like a celebrity. and she’s fucking obsessed with your best friend, of course. she could have anyone in the world, and she picked him. why couldn’t she love sirius or james, like half the girls at the school? why did she have to want remus?
and the worst part is, she deserves him. he deserves someone as perfect as he is, even if that’s celeste.
as you swallow down your hatred, you realize she’s started to pull remus away from you, pulling on his sleeve towards the jelly slugs, and you almost lob your stupid chocolate frog at her head. tears sting your eyes and you try your best to blink them back as you watch remus watch you, only half-listening to her blabber. he knows you hate her, and the most sheepish, guilty look comes over his face. you ignore him, putting your candy back, too upset to think about eating it. luckily, you spot sirius in the corner and quickly try to make your way over him when you’re pulled back.
remus has got ahold of your belt loops again, and you watch him whisper something to celeste before gently removing her hand from his sweater and pulling away. he chose you now, but for how long? the thought chills you, goosebumps prickling your skin, your heart.
“dove,” he says quietly by your ear. “what happened to your candy?”
“didn’t want it,” you mumble, walking towards sirius.
“why not?” he’s dancing around the topic, and both of you know it.
“not hungry.”
“i’m sorry.”
“s’not your fault,” you say. you’re not mad at him, you could never really be mad at him, but you’re upset nonetheless. you push away towards the black-haired boy perusing the shelves. “siri, you done?”
you link arms with your other friend, leading him out of honeyduke’s, leaving remus trailing behind.
“hi dove.” a voice, and its accompanying owner, peeks out from the doorway into your dorm. “may i come in?”
“hi rem,” you say in response, beckoning him in, putting your book to the side to let him crawl onto you. “can’t you always?”
his shoulders sag slightly, slumping into your bed as soon as he reaches it. his head is in your lap, and he closes his eyes once you begin to massage his scalp with your fingers, pressing a kiss to your exposed hipbone next to him.
you don’t say anything, you just let the silence dance between the two of you.
he’s so pretty. you brush some of his sandy strands out of his face to let yourself just admire him. the towering giant and all his gentleness. your fingers trace the outlines of his face, the scars that decorate it, all the way down to his right pinky, where he has the cutest tattoo.
i love you is all you want to say. the words pulse at your throat, begging you to let them free. but you can’t. you can’t lose him. anyone else, sure, you would do it. but not him. not remus, your remus.
when he wakes, groggy but grounded, you have a hot cup of tea ready by your bed, ready for his consumption. you hand it to him as soon as he’s fully awake, pulling himself off of you to accept the mug. “i don’t deserve you, dovie.”
“don’t say stuff like that, rem. if anything, you deserve better.” you press a kiss to his cheek, smiling.
“there’s nobody and nothing better than you,” he promises, hand landing on your lower thigh to massage it gently. you smile, letting the quiet linger between the two of you a little longer before speaking up.
“you wanna talk about it?” you ask, watching him sip his tea.
he gives you the most adoring smile, and you want to put it in a box and lock it up and keep it forever. “just tired.”
“okay,” you say, searching his face to verify what he’s saying. “you can always talk to me, you know.”
“thank you.” remus is always sincere, it’s one of the things you love about him, but he seems especially sincere now. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, y/n.”
“and you are to me,” you whisper, eyes dipping to his plush pink lips. you want to kiss him so badly right now, but you know he just means it like a friend, as much as you wish it wouldn’t.
swallowing, you wipe those ideas away, choosing to rest your head against his fleece sweater-covered shoulder. he drops a kiss onto the top of your head, and you sigh in contentment. this is why you refuse to tell him you love him. you couldn’t live without these moments.
“there’s a party tonight at nine-ish,” he says softly. his thumb is rubbing circles on your knee. “sirius is dragging me along. will you come?”
you contemplate it only briefly. “i’m tired, rem. you should go, though.”
“i’ll stay back with you,” he decides with resolution. your heart melts, it’s sweet of him to want to stay with you, but you want him to have fun. plus, you can feel in how his body coiled with excitement when he talked about it–he wants to go.
“no, go.” you glare playfully at him. “i won’t forgive you if you don’t.”
“i’ll stay with you,” he repeats, staring right back at you. “it’s just a party. i’d stay with you forever, you know? you’re my favorite person.”
“i’ll be mad at you if you don’t go, i swear to merlin,” you egg him on, heart melting.
“no.” he’s too stubborn for his good.
“i want to be alone,” you lie. you know he wants to go and you refuse to hold him back. “i might come later on, just not at nine. i’ll be there at ten, maybe.”
“and i’ll wait for you,” he promises.
“please, remus.” you put on your saddest tone, gaze up at him pleadingly. “i just need some alone time.”
“you want to be alone?” he asks cautiously, searching for any hint you may be lying.
“yes.” you cross your toes, tucked under your quads.
he’s hesitating, and as if in perfect timing, a knock sounds at your door before a familiar head of black hair peeks through.
“moony, let’s go. leave poor y/n alone.” sirius clicks his tongue.
you push remus’ shoulder lightly, gesturing for him to go. he casts one long look at your face, as if memorizing every ridge.
“she’s not going to change while we’re gone, get a move on,” sirius groans from the door. you nod at the statement, and remus concedes.
“i’ll be here the whole time,” you promise.
“call me if you get lonely.” he makes you swear before reluctantly getting up. you kiss his hand to send him off.
you were lying when you said you would join him at nine. five minutes after he’s out the door, you’re fast asleep under the covers, the ghost of his touch comforting you.
as soon as your eyes open, you let out a sound of disappointment. you can tell you haven’t slept through the night, as none of your roommates are in their beds, and they always sleep in. the clock reads that it’s only a bit before eight forty five, and you roll over in your bed. you know you won’t be able to fall back asleep, but you try anyway, until the door slams and your eyes fly open.
it’s lily, face flushed with the cold and excitement. the second she sees you kissed by sleep, she covers her mouth. “sorry, y/n! were you sleeping?”
you wave her off. “no, i was already awake. what’s up?”
“james is going to be at the party tonight. will you come? please, please, please? i don’t want to go alone with him,” she begs. “please.”
you weigh your options: if you stay here, you’ll just lay in bed, not sleeping. you might as well go with her, you’ll see remus there too.
“okay,” you agree, and she practically drags you out of bed, she’s so happy.
even though lily’s the one who dragged you here to keep her away from james, she’s off with him in a corner within ten minutes of you getting there, leaving you in a sea of other people, alone. of course, you know most of your housemates that are stuffed into this crowded common room, but you don’t know any particular one of them enough to properly go up to and chat. you sit awkwardly on a couch for a few minutes, next to couples making out, before finally just giving up and getting ready to leave.
you saw sirius going into a bedroom with someone, so he’s out of the picture, peter’s smoking in the corner with some ravenclaws you have no interest in speaking with, james is alone with lily, and he’d kill you if you interrupted them, and you have absolutely no clue where remus is.
whatever. you walk towards the door to the girls’ dormitories, stumbling over students on the way, when you just barely catch a glimpse of sandy hair outside on a balcony. you’d know it anywhere–that’s remus. you scramble towards him, eager to see a friendly face, hand cracking the door open, when just as quickly as it came, the excitement dies in your throat.
because just behind remus is a girl you hate to see. celeste, hair floating behind her. if you blink hard enough, you see a breeze wafting through her hair as her fingers knot around remus’–your remus–neck. his hands are on the small curve of her waist, and he’s pushing her against the railing and, oh god–they’re kissing.
you let out a thick gasp and your hand slaps over your mouth. you turn and flee. they probably heard you, but they can’t maneuver through the crowd like you can. within seconds, you’re sure you’ve lost any trace of them, darting through people as you sprint outside to the outside of the castle. sure it’s past curfew, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
no one will see you now.
he’s supposed to be yours. he was yours, he was yours in more than just a best friend. those nights when he fell asleep in your bed, having you wrap your arms around him for warmth, he was yours. when you always visited him post-full moon in the apothecary, and as much as he wishes to push you away, you never let him, he was yours then. when he lets you in, truly and fully, and lets himself cry against you, letting you take care of him for once. you’re the only person he’s ever let himself cry in front of.
and even though you’d deny it a million times, and you did, to sirius, to james, you’ve always hoped that he liked you back. deep down, in the parts of your soul you only ever showed to him. he didn’t have to love you, even. just like, that would be enough. anything would.
but that was too much for him, clearly.
you’re crying. tears, fat and hot, soaking the skin on your cheeks. head in your hands, letting your open palms pool the salty water. you feel nothing but yourself and the wind against the cold of the stone steps, whipping your hair around.
you squeeze your eyes shut, hoping you’re hallucinating, praying the voice you just heard wasn’t real. you couldn’t see him right now. that would be humiliating.
you crack your eye open when you hear the same voice, trying to swallow your sobs back and failing as they manifest into ugly hiccups. you’re not hallucinating. merlin damn it.
in front of you, peering up at your blotchy face, is remus lupin, your best friend. the man who’s not yours.
he’s on the step below you, but one hand snakes its way onto your knee, soothing your skin with his slender thumb, the other finding your hand to intertwine your fingers. fuck, his touch both makes you lean into him and want to throw up at the same time. his eyes are chock-full of compassion, and god, you hate it. “what’s wrong?”
his words send you blubbering into tears again, rubbing at your eyes as something splits open in your chest. “n-nothing.”
“something’s wrong, love. let me help you. let me in,” he pleads in the softest tone, and you have to fight to not give in, to wrap your arms around him and never let go. remember celeste, remember that terrible sight of his lips on hers.
“remus, leave me alone.” you’re shaking, but somewhere inside you, you find your resolve. you stand, pulling away from him, and make to run back inside the castle, but his long legs catch up to you easily, arm shooting around your waist when your knees buckle and you collapse onto the floor in sobs.
“y/n, you’re scaring me,” he says, panic accumulating in his voice. “please tell me what’s wrong and i’ll fix it, i promise. please, baby. it’s killing me hear you cry.”
you’re so close to the doors, you can see them. you stand again. “you don’t get to say that.”
“what?” his arm’s still around your shoulder and you shove it off.
“stop it! you’re so mean, remus. you don’t get to call me dove and call me baby and say stupid things like how there’s nobody better than me and i’m your favorite person and then go off and kiss other girls,” you spit out on the verge of hyperventilating. you don’t even know what you’re saying anymore. it’s just coming out, spewing out of your mouth like the vomit that’s sure to follow. but even as each word shocks you, you know they ring true. “i hate you for it. i hate you for leading me on for years when i’ve loved you since we were kids! you’re terrible, remus. i hate you.”
he’s absolutely stunned trying to process your words, and you use the momentary distraction to race back into the school, gunning for your dorm and locking it once you’re inside. the image of celeste and remus plays through your mind all night, so much that you can barely even think about how you confessed your love to him.
masterlist | next part
tags @lydiasfalling @dancingwithourhandsuntied
#nora's scribbles ᝰ.ᐟ#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#remus x reader#remus lupin angst#marauders#the marauders#x reader#harry potter#hp#marauders x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin fic#laufeysvalentine#I LOVE U!
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SIGH. babe levienjoyer is having a breakdown get the hose

#honkai starrail#honkai star rail#hsr#hsr fanart#aventurine#aventurine fanart#hsr aventurine#aventurine hsr#aventurine honkai star rail#someone put me down#I LOVE U!
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i love being spoiled😊😊 i work tirelessly i deserve it!!
#i love gifts#like omg!#u love me!#i love u!#now ur getting smothered in kisses!#lesbian#gl#wlw#women loving women#lesbianism#sapphic#wlw yearning#wlw post#sapphic yearning#wlw community
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if i were fairy sized i would sit on ur shoulder and pester u all day btw. where I would be very safe and nothing untoward would happen to me.
Uwa!!! You could guide me around and comment on things and if you were being too bratty I'd put you in my mouth om nom nom nom
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Please expect so much random stuff from my blog it has no theme and no purpose also you're amazing 🩷
OMGOMGG IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE IT!!!! Stand By Him is my baby and i've already started writing Terzo and Andie's fic, Naked in Manhattan.
i'm so excited to be back on tumblr and i really look forward to see what you post :))))
#yes the fic will also be music based but more so on a collection of songs outside of ghost#for variety yk#i love u!
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hellooo my beloved sel 💝 i love and miss you loads! 💐 and i hope you are doing well :)
roma my love!!!! i miss you the mooooostest 🥺🥺 i’m doing well!! thank you very much 🥺 what about you?? how are you enjoying the winter season?? i know you love this time of the year!! 🥺
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patreon post coming tomorrow dear mutuals. Today is my last day in my hometown and i want to make the most of it :)
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Me @ u whenever u post, whether it be writing or just chattin

😭😭😭😭thank u beautiful this is so nice
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📚 <3
hi my love!
midnight sun by stephanie meyers
a classic ,, what can I say
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freckles question mark ⁉️
freckles -- most-worn article of clothing?
HIII BABY HI I LOVE U 💗 anyway i feel like i reuse a lot of outfits on repeat so that there's not just ONE most-worn piece of clothing, but maybe my star necklace if jewelry counts. otherwise probably used to be my white cardigan but may have now been outranked by ur jacket
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#Anyway I’ve had A Night so I’m gonna go ahead and turn in#Sleep well everyone! Take your meds. Drink some water.#I love u!
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hey jade ! congrats on 40k ! youre amazing and i love you so much<3
thank you so much lovely!!! YOU are amazing you're always such a sweetheart ♥♥
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im helping my old high school do midsummer nights dream and I’m so excited. the costume designer is so great :)
OHOHOHO YOU DONT SAY? as we all know im in love with midsummer. with the caveat of it being structured after ntl AJWHEGAJSDGJAHSDG
#CAN U SEND ME PICS OF THE COSTUMES WHEN U GET THEM 👀#theres so much to play with designwise in midsummer i must see it immediately#I LOVE U!#ask#june
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i’m the anon who sent the mean!ellie ask and oh my lord… both lips are smiling right now I NEED HER SOOOO BAD
do u do emoji anons? cause i’d love to be 🐠 if u do<3
AHHH i’m so glad u liked it !!!!
i’ve never had an emoji anon before, i’d be so flattered for you to take it sweetheart!! 🤍🤍
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heyy 👩🏻⚖️ anon here. i’ve missed youuu ive been so busy with the new semester that I haven’t had enough time to properly read your new prompts. (but im planning on catching up on what i missed this weekend 🤭). also usually i read it before bed to help with insomnia but these days surprisingly ive been getting proper sleep so yeay me! btw i also hope you’re doing fine these days, rooting for you always, take care ♡
my lil lawyer makes an appearance 🥹💓 thank you babe! I’m glad you’re getting better sleep too I think that’s what worried me the most about you lol everything’s good here & enjoy 🌈💕🥂
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jinx and isha visit a walmart
#arcane#league of legends#art tag#real ones know ive used this meme before. in a league setting too#and now u do not shhhh#ANYWAYS! what more can i say#i love isha. i love isha and jinx maybe perhaps maybe the season kinda ended with 2 episodes of act 2 i mean what#haha what#i hope... idk what i can hope i was like in despair the week i finished act 2 HAHAHA#:( love them sm#jinx#jinx arcane#lol#jinx league of legends#isha#isha arcane#isha fanart#lol fanart#arcane fanart#jinx and isha#arcane isha#arcane jinx#DAMN WHAT MORE CAN I ADD#stupids
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