#wip wednesday i guess...
quenthel · 1 year
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wip of Lyona... changed her armor design...
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blotsjunkyard · 1 month
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it's been a hot minute since i've drawn because uni and art don't go well together... and all of my existing wips are BIG so i broke down and scribbled jet and buzzcut zuko
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sibylsleaves · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @iinryer & @daffi-990
more from the next chapter of some things fall when they're meant to fall:
“So, there’s a Dodgers game this evening,” Eddie says, jiggling his car keys nervously while he waits for Buck to finish changing after their shift. He rests his gaze somewhere to the left of Buck's bare chest. “I was thinking about inviting Tommy over to watch. And I know you’re helping Chim and Maddie with wedding stuff tonight—” “Eddie,” Buck tugs his shirt over his head and looks at Eddie quizzically. “We’ve already been over this. I was never actually mad that you were hanging out with Tommy without me. I mean yeah, I guess I felt slightly excluded, but it was more about—” “Yeah, yeah I know, the giant crush you had on the guy,” Eddie says with a fond eye-roll. There. That’s something two-weeks-ago Eddie would’ve said, right? “Anyway, it’s fine,” Buck says. “You guys should be friends. I mean, you are friends. Just because we’ve been on a couple dates—well. It’s fine, is what I mean.” Eddie stands there in the locker room and feels a sudden awkwardness he doesn’t know what to do with. The thing is, he hadn’t been worried about Buck feeling excluded again. He just…he feels like he needs his permission, or something, to keep hanging out with Tommy? It doesn’t make any sense, but. This is uncharted territory for them. Not that Buck’s dating a man. That he’s dating a friend—one of Eddie’s friends. Someone Eddie actually likes. And he does like Tommy. That hasn’t changed just because he happens to be dating the love of Eddie’s life. He and Tommy had had the beginnings of a pretty solid friendship going. They’d connected on a lot of different levels, and it seems like a shame to let that go to waste just because Eddie had a life-changing realization at a supremely inconvenient time. Buck cracks a smile. There’s a small, small part of Eddie that maybe even likes Tommy a little bit more just for helping to put that glowing smile on Buck’s face. Almost as much as he hates him for it.
tagging @colonoscopys @transboybuckley @messyhairdiaz @the-likesofus @trippedandfell @bucktommys @homerforsure @glorious-spoon @eddiebabygirldiaz @devirnis @clusterbuck @buckactuallys @gayhoediaz @bibibuck @spaceprincessem @housewifebuck
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
work is paused wednesday for me, ha ha ha. yeah I'm still on a writing/reading break (aside from boyd-a-thon). but i'm dusting off a slasher snippet for your patience. we'll see what happens but night walks might be a snippet too based on poll numbers.
slasher Joel au | divider by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
ty for the tag @jennaispunk
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Joel's mom puts down her glass and clasps her hands. She looks at the two of you on the sofa, then turns her attention to you. “He was top of his class, ya know.”
You raise your eyebrows at him, but he looks at her.
“Ma.” Joel’s tone is cautionary, but his eyes are pleading.
She smiles proudly at you, ignoring him.
You try not to sound as shocked as you are when you ask, “Really?”
She nods.
“Mama,” he whispers, sits back in defeat, and wipes his hand down his whole face.
She continues, “There were a couple other boys, went in ‘round the same time – took’em three tries to get their GED." She shakes her head like that's a shame. "Three tries, at least. Joel got his on the first,” she beams. “The Warden shook his hand.”
Your heart skips a beat, and your face gets cold, but you pray it doesn't show.
Notes: if you're not in the u.s., warden most commonly implies prison warden, and GED is like a high school equivalent diploma you can do self study if you can't or don't finish at high school for whatever reason (like having to work or pregnancy or if you're in prison or juvenile detention). this is something to be proud of, but Mama slasher is kinda cray in the way she talks about "his class" and clumsy in casually referencing his time as an inmate.
Also there might be another part before this for pacing (smut at the end of both parts).
WIP Weds tagging (in spirit) boyd a thon participants and anyone who thought about booping me.
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waveoftheocean · 1 year
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vash for wip wednesday!! (idk what i'm doing but this is part of a vw reincarnation au thing that i've had on my mind for the last few months kajcjdka)
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knitting-dopamine · 7 months
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Please say rest in peace to this beautiful half of the winter stardew valley sock. You were created with love but you were created by an idiot who now can't fit you over her heel.
I'm very intimidated by the thought of restarting because it took forever and I'm not sure how to do it better. I made gauge and the floats look okay to me but they're not even close to loose enough.
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ianthedebonair · 7 months
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i haven't drawn him as consistently but boy am I munching, nibbling, and digesting this one 😭😭😭
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lazy-b1rdy · 6 months
spoilers for the wip thingy i'm making rn!!1!
here's the wip i wanted to show you guys!
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it's still a big work in progress rn and will probably take a few days since im still tryna figure out how to colour it/what to add to it asidficlhasldicvgah,cbaskdfqwgofd
i'm already making some changes to it so yeahhhhh
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theloverstemperance · 2 months
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[badlands, 8:35am]
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rowanisawriter · 27 days
wip wednesday
thanks for the tag @retroghosting your homelander rot is spreading lmao. tagging @baejax-the-great @spineless-lobster @darlingpoppet @rosieofcorona
from an upcoming chapter of novel, where bored olympian zag makes a game of dying again and again to summon thanatos
“Are you always so… ornamented?” Thanatos asks.
Zagreus shrugs sheepishly. “Um.”
“Always coming from a party,” Thanatos says.
“Now, hold on.” Zagreus puts a hand up, the sound of his jewelry moving filling the air. “I asked you earlier how you know how to build a fire. It’s my turn for an answer.”
“Fine.” Thanatos tips the bottle of ambrosia and takes a big sip. “I learned it from watching mortals. They burn bodies here, after death. Sometimes, once I’ve collected a soul, if I have time, I’ll watch what happens after.”
He passes the bottle. Zagreus accepts, their hands touching.
“My turn,” Thanatos says. “Do you just party literally all day? Is that why you’re dressed up every time I see you?”
Zagreus glances down at his hands. Gold rings adorn each finger, inset with gems of all colors, decadence he’s suddenly ashamed of. He never gives his jewelry a second thought on Olympus. Everyone is shining and glittering and ornamented there. But down here, with Thanatos in bronze armor, his weapons laying on the ground beside him, he feels inadequate, almost silly.
“What else is there to do?” Zagreus asks, keeping his eyes on the fire. “All they do is party and fight amongst themselves and drink ambrosia and betray each other. Nothing for me to do but sit there and watch and drink.”
He takes a sip, as though to illustrate his point. The ambrosia snakes down his dry throat. It tastes like evening air today, warmed by fire, illuminated by the moon, the sounds of crickets chirping in the air.
“They,” Thanatos says.
“You referred to the Olympians as they. Not we.”
Zagreus meets his eyes as he passes back the bottle. “I guess I did.”
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mx-myth · 6 months
Thinking about an AU where post-canon liansanjiao time-travel back into the past just soon enough that the donghai battle is avoided. Everyone and their mother is confused when Li-mengzhu of the Sigu Sect and Di-mengzhu of the Jinyuan Alliance - who had previously been having a bloody feud over Shan Gudao's death - meet up and announce two days later that there's now a peace treaty is place. Jiao Liqiao is furious that dfs went over her head and that she wasn't invited. Everyone in Sigu Sect is confused - and even more so when lxy/llh declares that qiao wanmian (who everyone knows had all but officially broken up with him) is now his co-sect leader and also that they're not engaged anymore.
Meanwhile, in Tianji Manor, fdb has just started to walk. Master He and the rest of the He-Fang family are bewildered as to why his passion for martial arts has cooled, even if he's still practicing. In reality fdb is honing his personal sword style and waiting - and sure enough, a few days later, lxy/llh shows up and announces that this is the kind of disciple he's been looking for.
Two birds with one stone: the alliance between their sects means that dfs and lxy/llh help each other out (disposing of sgd and figuring out what to do about jlq) AND fdb gets to learn all of the techniques llh couldn't physically teach him because he was sick. Added bonus if seeing fdb at around ten years of age dfs and llh have to finally confront the fact that they may just - just MAYBE - might be cradle robbers. Fdb finds this hilarious. Of course no one makes a move until he's of age (though of course the entirety of Sigu Sect and the He-Fang family assume they know about the planet-sized crush he has on his shifu; slightly less people think they know about his equally huge crush on dfs) but it finally happens on dfs' birthday, some months after fdb's coming of age. Huli Jing is present, because of course llh found her again (they're all equally split on whether or not she somehow also remembers). Everyone relevant is there and giving presents to dfs; when it's fdb's turn he steps up, empty-handed, and grins, and drags him into the filthiest kiss ever known in the jianghu. There are some dramatic scandalised gasps (from li lianhua). There is some clapping (from li lianhua). There is even a wolf whistle (from li lianhua). (Everyone else is frozen.) Difang continue sucking face.
(Later, when they're alone, fdb tells them that they have to get married soon, because he wrote to the imperial palace to tell the princess why he couldn't marry her, so if they don't get married he'll be executed for lying to the emperor, maybe, so really they should just get married)
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
🕊️ WIP Wednesday (8/21)🕊️
Not sure how many I'll take this week. The depression is about to hit me with a comically oversized mallet so... You know. Uh, have a good day. <3
1. Vampire Andrew AU 2. Guardian Angel Neil AU 3. Mafia Front Restaurant AU 4. Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU 5. Mer Roadtrip AU *click the links for masterposts for each au!
Here’s Angel Neil (222):
“I don’t want to die.” Anymore. Usually.
“Good since I’m not going to let you.”
“Says the man who lit my cancer stick for me,” Andrew says, looking down at Neil’s magical fire-summoning hand.
“You smoke without my help all the time. One stupid cigarette isn’t going to turn your lungs to ash.”
“You never know. That might be the one that gets me.”
The angel ignores him. “Listen, the next time you want to antagonize your brother just tell him he’s ugly and be done with it. Don’t threaten suicide over him being annoying.”
“So I’m ugly now huh?” Andrew says with a sigh. Fucking angel. Pull him back from the edge and push him off.
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strang3lov3 · 13 days
(finally) doing WIP Wednesday!!
Tysm for the tags @alltheirdamn @evolnoomym 🫂
Here’s the first paragraph of my next fic 🩷
You don’t know it, but he can hear you. He’s been listening to the ceiling above him - your floor - creak for hours. Sometimes vigorously, sometimes gently. On and off, all night. Your bed creaks too. Soft springs groaning and squeaking as you hump your pillow, the pillow he laid his head on as you rode his cock. Can you still smell him in your blankets? Have you washed his stains off your sheets? And through the air vents, he can hear frustrated whimpering, your strangled, broken moans. Poor thing. You can’t come, can you?
Npt - @mountainsandmayhem @verstappensrealwife @katiexpunk @wethairjoel @penvisions
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like-icarus-burns · 13 days
☀️ wip wednesday ☀️
it’s still wednesday for me so i decided to write a bit and post a little of what i’ve been writing. this is for the apocalypse fic! again! it is the project that has my attention rn. it’s not a lot, but it’s more than i’ve written in a week so i’m counting it as a win
Buck made his way back towards Chris, retracing his steps from memory. As he got closer, he heard a faint shout.
“Chris?” Buck called, panic surging through him as he burst into a run. What if something happened to Chris? Why did he leave the boy alone? Eddie would never forgive him if he let something happen to his son after he got this far.
“Buck?” Chris shouted, sounding afraid.
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jtl-fics · 4 months
Good Wednesday Ash 🙃
I would like to kindly request some TBD 🤍
(PS. maybe it's already been said but what does TBD stand for? Classic abbreviation or something super mysterious like Smithy? 😅)
5/15/24 WIP Wednesday (Open) | TBD
Andrew turns back to his place and looks at the half-unpacked boxes and furniture. He dismissed it and made his way to the kitchen grabbing a frozen pizza and turning on his oven.
He has a quiet dinner by himself not bothering to unpack anything as he watches mindless reality TV before he goes up to his room. He rolls his eyes seeing his bed made.
He pulls back the covers his room filled with unpacked boxes and goes to sleep.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 4 months
the wip-iest of days
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so after a bit of delay - i.e. distraction in the another wip variety i'm back in my southern philanthropy words.
thanks ever so much (dr, alex) @theprinceandagcd & @typicalopposite for the early wednesday tag! 💚
words and lots of tags under the cut
“I have it on good authority that anyone from Texas can be a cowboy with the right attire, though that drawl of yours makes me think you wouldn’t need the clothes for it.”
“I have a friend that used to say that every Texan was one cowboy hat or flannel away from singing ‘Home on the Range.’” Percy cocks his head, and Liam elaborates, “It’s an old song we all had to learn to sing in grade school and all about ‘that cowboy life’”
“Yeah, I’m somewhat familiar with the song …” Percy trails off, and Liam seizes the opportunity to get them back on track; after all, he was promised to be allowed to play the part of the broncing buck. His fingers make quick work of undoing Percy’s fly, and he follows as Percy stands back on the floor at the side of the bed and assists Lian in pushing the not-quite-leather pants to the floor.
Liam is curious about how they can be both leather but also something else he can’t place, and he is about to ask when he realizes Pez is standing in front of him in nothing but a thong. They leave nothing to the imagination, clinging to his uncut cock, and Liam slides his finger along them, sliding one under the waistband and exposing the tip of Percy’s cock. He leans in and licks at the exposed tip, tonguing the foreskin still clinging to the head. He watches as it slides down to rest just under the tip and tongues at the frenulum there on the underside of what might be the prettiest cock he’s ever seen, and he hasn’t even seen it all. He hooks a finger in the silky thong, tugging it down to expose the rest of the cock, he really wants to get his mouth around.
💚💚no-presssure, tag ur it to @adreamareads @agame-writes @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites
@dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @jmagnabo92
@junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites
@msmarvleouswinchester @nocoastposts @piratefalls @priincebutt @softboynick
@sophie1973 @sparklepocalypse @stellarm @suseagull04 @tailsbeth-writes
@taste-thewaste @thedramasummer @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex
@wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox @indestructibleheart @everwitch-magicks
@cricketnationrise @orchidscript @cha-melodius
@captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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