#wings of the ten
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cha-mij · 1 year ago
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Kotallo by the end of the game be like ...
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tare-otome · 5 months ago
The Wings of the Ten 3/3
On our way to Memorial Grove we pick up an energy cell and go to fight off Regalla's forces...
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To kill or spare? It's a tough choice with Kotallo standing right there. I ultimately chose to spare her, but in my next playthrough i'll probably dispatch her...certainly not because i want to collect all the weapons, no no 😅😅😅
The Wings of the Ten 1/3 The Wings of the Ten 2/3
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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#thought that sounded familiar 💀
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halfdeadhalfpaniced · 8 months ago
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Another shitty boyfriend for macaque add him to the list
“The list” If anyone was wondering is my list of macaque ships I’ve seen aka please get better taste macaque you are red flag color blind.
In no particular order
Nine headed demon ( I know it’s coming)
The Spider boys ( huntsman syntax and Goliath separately or at the same time the second has more spice)( added later I forgot them oops)
Anyone who had authority over him while he was dead kings torturers ect i think it can be one category
I recognize that some of these might not be considered shitty but they’re definitely unhealthy relationships.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
now that her girlfriend has wings again, imagining Charlie makes very good use of them, and in ways so sappy everyone else at the hotel wishes they'd just be doing normal weird stuff instead
Charlie: "Vaggie, you know what?"
Vaggie: "What sweetie?"
Charlie: "Sometimes I look out at hell and I just think WOW, I sure WISH I could see something soft and fluffy instead!"
Vaggie: "Really."
Charlie: "Yeah!! Something light... and downy... maaaaybe with the consistency of a feather pillow mixed with the universe's best hug... posssssibly scented like that one deodorant I mentioned liking once and you've mysteriously been wearing ever since..."
Vaggie: (rolls eyes) (smiles)
Vaggie: (summons her wings and drapes one comically over Charlie's entire head) "Like this, babe?"
Charlie: (muffled) (ecstatic) "I LOVE YOU SO MUFF!"
Angel Dust: "Sickening. If you gays keep this up, I'm gonna puke."
Vaggie: "What happened to your non-existent gag reflex?"
Angel Dust: "Your relationship's a bit too long-term even for it, toots. You need to put a ring on it, so's you two can start hatin' each other like a normal fuckin' couple."
Vaggie: (panicking) (dying) "VAYA! Shh- shhh!!!!
Angel Dust: "Oh fuck-"
Charlie: (still muffled) "Did he just say put a WING on it??
Vaggie: "Uh..."
Angel Dust: "Sure did, Charlie horse."
Charlie: (still under vaggie's wing) "She's already doing that though?"
Vaggie: (glaring) (spear out) "... you, are the luckiest damn man in hell."
Angel Dust: "Don't I know it, with a body like this~"
Charlie: (staying snuggled) (yet concerned) "Angel Dust, do we need to get you some glasses???"
Angel Dust: "Naw, but I might need help writin' a will after this."
Vaggie: (sloooooowly... puts away the spear)
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acomaflove · 2 years ago
Night Court Shenanigans
Feyre: I just realized that I’ve lived in the fae lands for years now…but I still have not seen a dragon.
Rhysand: That’s because dragons are extinct.
Feyre: How do you know they are extinct? Did someone really check EVERYWHERE?
Rhysand: Pretty sure we would’ve found one in the past five centuries.
Feyre: You bitches couldn’t even find the Suriel without my help. Give me a week.
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thestarsarecool · 5 months ago
So, with no musical background or talent, why did [Linda] join the group that Paul was forming?
"I loved music. I was a rock'n'roll kid, though I never sang or played keyboards or anything. It was Paul. We were up in Scotland after The Beatles had split up and he had nobody to play with, friendship-wise, so he said 'Let's get a group together' and I said Yeah because I'm always jumping in at the deep end.”
— Linda McCartney, “My evil husband forced me to sing backing vocals on Mull of Kintyre!” in New Musical Express, January 12th, 1980
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tare-otome · 5 months ago
The Wings of the Ten 2/3
Tallneck: The Shining Wastes
And here we finally see how we can override the last of the Tallnecks. We'll get you soon, my pretty~!
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Ugh i'm sad there are no more Tallnecks to override! But at least we can still watch them on their imperturbable patrols 💖
And now onward, to Memorial Grove...
The Wings of the Ten 1/3
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aprill-99 · 20 days ago
“Unhinged behavior? Honey be real. That door has always been a motion activated slider and you my friend have been dancing the Macarena right in front of it without a care in the world. This was actually an incredibly foreseeable turn of events.”
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months ago
iggy has a message for you this pride <3
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demigod-of-the-agni · 11 months ago
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Sephiroth but if he was desi... he is not beating the pretty boy allegations
"Desiroth" coined by my dearest bestie @nyatimesthree 🫶 thank you babes. anyway silly video I made and posted to instagram at 5am is under the cut
he estuans on my interius until i ira vehementi (sephiroth !!)
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kora124 · 5 months ago
In the royal palace at caldera
Azula: Am I pretty or ugly ?
Tylee: oh of course your--
Zuko: Both, you're both.
Azula: ?!
Zuko: Your positively pretty ugly.
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madarah52 · 4 months ago
4th Great Ninja War incorrect quotes.
Madara, mockingly: You stand no chance of defeating the Juubi, Naruto Uzumaki. Nothing short of a God could help you now, so why don't you try praying?
Naruto, with an all too innocent expression: That's not such a bad idea, dattebane.
Black Zetsu, fearful: Wait, what is he doing?
Naruto, surrounded by a golden aura as his voice reached the heavens: ALMIGHTY PROTECTOR OF THE SUN AND SKY, I BEG OF THEE PLEASE HEED MY CRY!
(Uplifting and mystic music fades up)
Divine light shone upon the battlefield, halting Juubi's rampage as the Winged Dragon of Ra descended from the heavens in all its glorious majesty, then unleashed its fury and divine wrath upon Juubi, vanquishing it.
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dangaer · 1 month ago
considering it's going to be 4 years since i started this rp blog this year (insane im in shock) i merely have one question to ask: would you be interested in writing an oto.me route with me? a bit of a, uh, explanation below the cut:
looking at this revelation made me realise that there are a lot of tropes / archetypes / story choices in oto.me games i (and you guys) both really like and hate, and because of that - i got to thinking. what if i made a bunch of oto.me love interest based ocs? (similarly to how katsu.ro is based on an oto.me mc)
the concept i had come to mind is simple: one of those compan.ionship phone lines you can phone up and just talk to someone. they're also available to meet in person (if the characters accepting it) and will go out for dates / events with people (aka fake dating trope ... )
i take some time to create characters based off of the archetypes usually found in an oto.me game. you guys pick the character you either want to go through a love interest route with and we make the endings together through plotting, asks and writing, we can even have more friendship based routes if you're looking for a more platonic route / way out!
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 4 months ago
The Winged Servant - 12
content warnings: discussions surrounding medically induced amnesia, royal/servant whump, angel whumpee, discussions surrounding corporal punishment (torturing onyx lol), let me know if I missed anything!
prev chapter | masterlist
The guard took me down three staircases and through too many hallways to remember before opening a metal door. “They’ll be waiting for you right in here. There aren’t guards in there, but those two are plenty capable and I will be waiting out here regardless, so no funny business.” I didn’t miss the click of the lock sliding into place as the door closed.
There was a table in the middle of the room. It had a white tablecloth on it, but it looked like it was metal and sterile under that.
Kieran was waiting at the table. Kieran and… someone else. The someone else would clearly rather I didn’t know. They were wearing a mask, blue and gray and big enough to cover every inch of their face. They had loose enough clothes to hide the curves of their body and their hair was pulled back into a bun that hid the texture and length of it—even the color outside of how dark it was.
“Hi, Onyx,” Kieran said softly. “How’s your arm?”
“Good, sir,” I whispered, bowing my head slightly. “Thank you for the concern. And, um, the medical help.”
“Of course. How about you come sit down, yeah? My friend here is going to stay anonymous, but you can call them Blue. We just wanted to ask you a few questions, if that’s okay?”
He was speaking so gently. As if I wouldn’t understand him if he was blunt with me. I wondered if I should tell him that I knew how to be a good servant, or if that was too irrelevant to the conversation. “Of course, sir.”
“What’s your full name?” Blue asked. They did not sound upset with me, but it was a far cry from Kieran’s soft tone.
“Onyx, Mx.”
“And… your last name?”
I glanced away, focusing my eyes on the tablecloth, tracing the gold embroidery with my eyes. “My apologies, Mx, but you would have to ask the royal family for that kind of information. I don’t know it anymore.”
“No? Why not?”
“I gave it to them, Mx, when I was seventeen. I don’t remember anything from before being a servant. It’s better this way. I'm more productive.”
Kieran and Blue stared at each other for a long moment before looking back at me. “They erased your memory?” Kieran asked slowly.
“Yes, but- but I agreed, sir. I offered to let them do it, because I wanted to become the best servant I could.”
“Okay, but your offer was before they actually did the procedure, right? So the only reason you know that you offered is because they told you.”
“Yes, sir,” I agreed. “I’m very grateful to them for telling me, since they don't usually tell me about before. As is their right, of course.”
“Jesus Christ,” Kieran whispered. “You’ve been with them this whole time, haven’t you? What did you do when they were overthrown?”
“... What?”
“When they were overthrown. Since they’re no longer royal. Did they just take you with them when they left the castle?”
This was similar to what Dr. Charlotte had said—she hasn’t ruled a country for the better part of the last decade—but it couldn’t be true. “The Rao family has ruled Sathenn for sixteen generations, sir. And I don’t- I don’t think I’d ever seen the castle before last night.”
“So you didn't work for them as an employee, or at least not after the memory thing.” Blue tilted their head. “How do you know that the Raos didn’t just grab you off the street and wipe your memory?”
I frowned. “His Highness Prince Ryan told me that I volunteered.”
“And you took his word for it. Right.” They wrote something down on their clipboard. “Did you try to leave?”
“Of course not, not on purpose,” I breathed, staring at them in shock. “I’m- I know how to be a good servant, I can be, I swear.”
“And you didn’t ever want to, or you were just too scared to? Do you understand the difference in the question I am asking?”
“I don’t… think I understand, Mx. I don’t leave because that’s what’s required of me as a servant, and I can be a good servant. It’s not about what I want or how scared I am, I just don't leave.”
“... Right.” I could not see their expression, but I didn’t think they looked convinced. “And what would happen if you did try to leave? Would you… get in trouble in some way?”
“Of course, Mx. But I know my place, I swear I do, I wouldn’t run.”
“Okay. But if you did.”
“I wouldn’t, Mx,” I insisted. “I swear. I can be good, I wouldn’t run.”
They paused for a moment, but nodded eventually. “Okay. Sure. You wouldn’t run. But do you get in trouble for other things, then? Other, smaller mistakes, maybe? Can you describe… I don’t know. Can you describe the most recent incident?”
The most recent one was… last night, despite the fact that last night felt much further away than it was. “Each morning, I bring breakfast to Her Majesty,” I explained. “Yesterday, I was late, Mx. I was punished for that.”
“What kind of punishment?”
“I usually wear a shock collar, Mx, and His Highness Prince Ryan shocked me three times. One for each minute I was late. A fair punishment.”
Blue had been scribbling on their paper, but froze as I spoke. “So you- when you say punishment, you mean corporal punishment.”
“Of course, Mx. Punishment is required for me to become the best servant I can be. How else am I supposed to learn to be better? I make much fewer mistakes than when I was new.”
Kieran was frowning at the wall, and I flinched when he turned his gaze toward me. “Tell Blue what you told me about your wing.”
“My wing wasn’t broken as a punishment, sir,” I explained again, not understanding the relevance. I hadn’t understood the relevance of any of these questions, but it didn’t matter, because the prince had said to do what I was told. “It was only to keep me from flying. But it’s- it’s okay, now, it barely hurts, it’s been years. His Highness Prince Cardan broke it before I gave the royal family my memories, so I don’t remember it happening.”
“That’s convenient,” Blue muttered. “Fine. Okay. Last couple questions, because I can’t stomach this for much longer. What do you know about what you were doing in the castle last night?”
I hesitated. “One of the guards said that we were breaking in.”
“Mhm. Were you aware of that before you came here?”
“... The royal family can’t break in anywhere, Mx. They’re entitled to any building they like.”
“Allow me to rephrase, Onyx. Were you or were you not aware, last night, that you came here as part of a group on a mission to kill people?”
“That’s not-” I hesitated. “They weren’t here for that. They were here for… for Kieran, they said. Anyone that they hurt was someone in the way of their rule—it’s not that they wanted to hurt people.”
“Didn’t they? I’ve seen the camera footage. You were an accessory to murder before you even got into the door. That didn’t make you hesitate at all? It didn’t surprise you enough to ask any of the Raos what you were doing here?”
Right. The guard with the purple hair. Outside, guarding the castle. Guarding Kieran. Dead, after someone had killed her, someone that had arrived in a car with me.
“No, Mx,” I said. “I didn’t- I didn’t ask. I’m not supposed to ask questions. It would be a waste of time. I’m just supposed to do what I’m told.”
Blue took a slow, measured breath. “Okay. I have good news and bad news for you, Onyx. The good news is that I think putting you on trial wouldn’t get us very far because you somehow managed not to realize that the Raos were killing people. Even after watching them kill people. The bad news is that you are ridiculously loyal to people that have been lying to you for longer than you remember existing. These people are dangerous to everything this country stands for. That makes you dangerous by proxy, regardless of your intentions or information, and we can’t exactly let you free either.”
You are ridiculously loyal to people that have been lying to you.
These people are dangerous.
“That doesn’t- it doesn’t matter if they lie,” I managed. “It doesn’t matter if they’re dangerous. It’s not the same for them, Mx. They tell me what they want me to know so that I can be the best servant possible. Sometimes that doesn’t include the full picture.”
“Why do you need to be such a good servant?” Blue asked. “Why does their comfort matter so much more than yours? They might have the best servant in the world, Onyx, but what is the point of serving them so much if they give you nothing in return?”
This was something I had asked too, once. It was years ago, when I was new and I had phrased it differently, but I remembered it. Why is my happiness less important than yours, Your Highness?
Prince Cardan had laughed and asked me how happy I thought he was. And he’d said that happiness- “Happiness serves no purpose, Mx. It doesn’t protect me or keep me safe or provide me with food. The royal family does that for me, if I do my best to be a good servant.”
“They’re not going to be the royal family ever again, you know. They’re-”
“When was the last time you ate something, Onyx?” Kieran interrupted.
Blue glared at him.
“... Last night, sir,” I answered quietly. “At dinner.”
“I think that the conversation Blue is trying to have with you would be better managed over a meal. How about we get you some breakfast?”
Blue was still glaring, and Kieran didn’t look happy. …But someone had asked me a question, and I was supposed to answer it. “Yes. sir.”
“Okay. Blue—paperwork. Try to start questioning Lucia if you have any extra time. Onyx—how do you feel about crepes?”
taglist (btw i appreciate you so so much): @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump @risk606
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szaryherbatnik · 8 days ago
Gosh darn it i was scared of bdw in the way that its branded to be a campaign with political intrigue. And i sometimes sat down staring at the bdw playlist thinking "godddd what if the political intrigue is shit......" but no its not shit. I like that along with the conflicts that come with the horn legion, personal conflicts and demon shit tm, there IS political intrigue. And im glad that mikey mixes it (especially virgil) with others types of conflicts so although its more in the background (at least now) IT ALWAYS MATTERS. Its so much fun to compare the leaders of countries. This especially goes to virgil and lotus holy fuck theyre so interesting to me. Im really beneath those wings guys.
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