#wilson kin
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sp8ce-queen · 8 months ago
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he just like me fr (a freak)
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sanpape · 4 months ago
I noticed that Matt and Beth tend to (whether willingly or accidentally) create really well earned happy endings for their characters whereas Freddie and Will are really good at ending their characters on bittersweet, or even just straight up tragic notes in a way that feels incredibly fitting. If I had to put it succinctly I guess it'd be:
Matt and Beth's PCs and kin: The narrative feels inevitable but is excapable. You're out and you can heal.
Will's PCs and kin: The narrative is escapable, but not without changing you on a fundimental level. The choices you've made while escaping the narrative haunt you for life.
Freddie's PCs and kin: The narrative feels inevitable and is escapable, but it would require an incredible amount of introspection that this character simply isn't capable of.
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indigo-flowers09 · 2 months ago
Been meaning to do this but i’ve been drawing him so much recently so… meet my and @mossimiff ‘s son :3
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This is Lino! his full name is Linocut but i call him lino… If it’s not obvious lol hes based on linoleum block printmaking! I wanted to make more Ink (not really ship) kids based on different art forms and mediums :3 and since we both took a printmaking class together last year and Cross is known for his knives, Lino exists!! >w<
this is just my design btw, i think Kade has his own :3
i’ll rant about him in another post if anyone’s interested….
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housemdfever · 4 months ago
Dr. House meme I stole from Pinterest once more!
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This is literally me tho
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kining-the-evil · 1 year ago
oooh dark!Wilson giving you drugged valentine’s day chocolates?
Sweet Tooth
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Summary: it’s Valentine’s Day and James knows you have a sweet tooth
Warnings: dark fic, Yandere!james Wilson, drugging, kidnapping, slight noncon, talks of date rapes, house is aware of what’s going on, and encourages him, James thinks about assaulting reader but decides against it
House md taglist: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @flowercrowns-goodvibes
House md masterlist. Other masterlists
“Chocolates? Really? Are you in college?” James sighed as he set the small heart shaped box of candy onto his desk. He’d been hoping to get the chocolate into his desk before house found him, but of course he wasn’t lucky enough for that.
“Congratulations, you caught me. Can we get the teasing out of the way now?” James pulled his coat off as he looked over at House.
“I just want to know who the poor sap you fell for this time, wife number four?” Wilson rolled his eyes while looking at the files that had been left on his desk since he left last night. House walked over and started to lift the lid, causing Wilson to drop the file and immediately reach for the box.
House raised an eyebrow at the man. “I was just going to look-“
“Don’t.” Wilson snapped as he grabbed the box from House. “I-I don’t want you to eat any of it.”
“What? Did you poison it or something?” House attempted to joke, but when Wilson tensed up slightly his eyes widened. “Are you roofying someone?”
“I’m not roofying anyone! Don’t say that.” Wilson snapped, glancing over to the door.
“You are. I guess it’s more of college than high school then. Who are they for?”
“These aren’t drugged-“
“You’re really going to lie to me about this?” The two men stood in silence for a moment until Wilson let out a small sigh. “That’s what I thought, who are they for?”
“Dr. L/n!” Wilson snapped, annoyed.
“The pediatrician?”
“She’s an oncologist,”
“But for kids.” House pointed out.
“Believe it or not, kids can get cancer!” Wilson was getting more aggravated as the conversation went on.
“Hey, I’m not the one planing on drugging my employee, although maybe I should? Chase is a looker.”
“I’m not- it isn’t-“ Wilson struggled to come up with anything, at a loss for words.
“At least you’re taking some initiative in your life, but don’t do it on hospital grounds, something tells me Cuddy won’t approve.” House told him before walking out of the room.
You have a small smile as you left the young girls hospital room, a box of valentines in your hands. You made it a habit to bring them to all of the kids who were in the hospital to help brighten their mood.
“Dr. L/n, Dr. Wilson wanted to see you.” A nurse told you while walking past. You gave a small nod as you took a deep breath. Your boss was an odd man, he was a great doctor and got along with everyone but when he was around you he got cold and distant. You never could figure out why, but you eventually gave up on impressing your boss. As long as it didn’t affect your work you guess it wouldn’t matter.
I’m nice you got to Wilson’s office you knocked on the door and once you got the okay you pushed the door open. “Dr. Wilson? You wanted to see me?”
“Yes, come in and shut the door.” You walked in, noticing how dark it was once the door shut. The blinds were pulled and only about half the lights were on, how he got anything done like this you’d never know. You needed complete light when filling out paperwork and stuff.
You stood in front of his desk for a moment, neither of you saying anything. You shifted from foot to foot as you waited for whatever he needed, but he didn’t say anything, just sat looking at you. “Um…was there something you needed?”
“Oh! Yes, sorry. I- I needed you to fill out some…discharge papers.” He held a file out for you to take. You couldn’t help the frown on your face as you took the file. Why would he need you to come here to get these? A nurse could have easily brought it to you to sign.
“Yeah, I’ll get this done for you. Was there anything else.”
“No, I don’t think so.” Wilson quickly shook his head. You watched him for a moment before nodding yourself.
“Okay. Have a good day,” you started towards the door but the moment you touched the doorknob he said your name, making you turn back around.
“There actually was something else.”
“Oh, okay?” You stood waiting for a moment as he fumbled in his dead for a moment. Every second of silence made you more and more uncomfortable, and by the time he seemed to find what he was looking for you were ready to get out of that office as fast as you could.
“So I um… I got this for you.” Your heart sank as Wilson pulled out a heart box that you assumed was chocolate. Why was he giving you this? Did he really…?
“Oh… um, thank you.” You force a smile onto your face as you walk back to his desk. You had never felt more uncomfortable then when you took the box from your boss. It wasn’t just the authority he held over you, but you knew Wilson’s reputation. Three wife’s and multiple girlfriends, all of whom left him in a dramatic way. You did not want to be another name on that list.
Wilson stared at you as you stood there, and unsure of what else to do you opened the box and popped a piece of the chocolate into your mouth. There was nothing special about the chocolate, it was your average cheep chocolate with an odd bitter aftertaste. “It’s good, thank you.” You said once again, watching as Wilson smiled slightly, but he still seemed tenses.
“I’m glad you like it.” He stood up and walked over to where you were. “I wasn’t sure what kind you liked.” You nodded slightly, but it cause the room to spin slightly. You reached an arm out to try and stabilize yourself which led to you just grabbing onto Wilson.
“Shit…” Wilson cursed as he led you over to the couch in the room and you practically collapsed onto the bed. Your head felt foggy and the room continued to spin.
“I didn’t think you’d eat one now.” Wilson rushed out, just confusing you more. “I figured after work- I thought I had more time.” The room started to get dark and Wilson noticed, quickly bending down to look at your face. “I’m sorry, just… just sleep. Everything will be okay.” His lips continued to move but you couldn’t hear what he said as you slipped into unconsciousness.
Wilson took a step away from the bed, looking over his work. You were laid out on the bed, stripped out of your work clothes as he had to leave them behind when taking you back to his house. Your arms were tied up above your head and you were still knocked out. He wasn’t sure when you’d wake up, but he kept checking to make sure you were still alive.
He couldn’t help his eyes from looking over your body, your legs slightly crossed over each other, causing the shorts he had found in your work back riding up significantly. When changing your clothes he’d been too panicked to think about what he was seeing, but now seeing all of the exposed skin caused him to harden in his slacks.
He took a step forward, very gently running his fingers over the exposed skin on your stomach from the table top riding up. He ran his fingers down your hip and to your inner thigh, and a thought to go further ran through his head. You were so complicit, sound asleep, it would be like it never happened-
He yanked his hand away, taking multiple steps back. No, he wouldn’t go that far. He wouldn’t stoop that low as to harm you. He couldn’t. As he reprimanded himself he missed the sound of his door being opened or a person walking through the house.
“You know, you don’t have to tie her down when she’s unconscious.”
Wilson jumped as he turned to see house in the doorway to the room. For a second, Wilson thought he should try and cover you, but there was no point. House knew you were here, nothing was going to change that.
“Until she wakes up.”
“Then you pretend she agreed to the night.”
“I’m not fucking her like this.” Wilson quickly snapped. “It was just…a means of getting her here.”
House looked between them before rolling his eyes. “You think you’re in love with her?”
“I am!” Wilson snapped before lowering his voice. “What does it matter to you?”
“You did kidnap a girl.”
“Are you going to report me?” Wilson stared at house for a second, the other man saying nothing. “Exactly, you don’t have to see her anyways. I’m just-“
“You don’t have to sugar coat it, you kidnapped a girl, that’s that. Just don’t ask me to help out when you fail. I’ll visit you in jail.” As House finished Wilson saw you move slightly.
“She’s waking up, you need to leave.”
“Why? You don’t think she wants a welcome to your kidnappers home party?”
“I’m serious, this is important. Get out.” Wilson ushered house out before locking the door. He leaned against it slightly, taking a breath before heading back into the room to greet you, grabbing a at to ensure you stayed quiet.
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m0nstertruckbattle · 1 year ago
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send this to bae
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fishtank-12 · 4 months ago
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us3rn4m3n0tf0und1170 · 19 days ago
Deadpool doodle on my dinner <3
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It’s lazy, but still silly :O
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maximumeffort69 · 4 months ago
^^ song. love this song sm reminds me of devi mccallion songs
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crypticemerald · 11 months ago
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From the Twitter  🤓 🤓 🤓
btw did you guys know i turned 19 which is kinda crazy
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luluthedumbo · 5 months ago
random stuff!!:
(related to 9-1-1)
favorite character?: Evan “Buck” Buckley
most kinned/relatable character?: Buck, but also some aspects from maddie and hen.
favorite duo (romantically): BUDDIE!! (eddie + buck)
favorite duo (platonically): Maddie and Buck
favorite parent + child duo? (actually related or not): Buck + Bobby
favorite trio?: Eddie, Hen and Buck
favorite season?: Season 3 (tsunammmiii)
favorite scene: buck getting struck by lightning and eddie screaming after him
favorite episode?: season 3, episode 2&3, sink or swim and the searchers
favorite quote(s)?: theres a lot of ways to be lost at sea. it’s not the same as being abandoned or stranded, those things happen beyond our control. sometimes we just take a wrong turn too close to the tide, we fight the currents back to dry land and solid ground for those who couldn’t swim. Sometimes being lost is not knowing how to get from where we are to where we want to be, were we need to be.” -Buck 9-1-1
favorite song from soundtrack?: Woman, Wolfmother
scene that most hurt you?: when buck fell after eddie and christopher hugged (the searchers)
a character you hate?: don’t really know…
someone who deserved more screen time?: taylor kelly or may grant
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xx-burn1ng-h0ll0w-xx · 15 days ago
Brought back my batim/batdr au bc I know a lot of my followers and moots will eat this up
Anyways dinner is served 🧑‍🍳🍴
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Fullbody sketch of Elliott (fuck this pic long as hell)
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Behemoth being a protective and scary dad :3
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Yeah Wilson is his bio-dad, he’s not a very good parent :(
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Elliot being awkward bc crush and Elliot sobbing lmao
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Behemoth’s Bendy/tiny form
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Behemoth fixing Elliot’s crutches bc they’re old and flimsy and break a lot
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Elliot is scared shitless of everything, but it’s a good thing he’s got a scary dad who’d kill on sight lmao
Okay anyways random facts and shit bc I want to
Elliot (if you couldn’t already tell) is very timid and anxious bc of the world he lives in and what became of it.
The loop was originally supposed to be broken, and Audrey showed up to fix everything, but she discovered Behemoth and Elliot and realized it wasn’t him that needed to be stopped, but Wilson.
Elliot is still trans, he changed his entire identity to hide from Wilson but he somehow found him at the studio and trapped him in the loop as punishment for running away from him.
Behemoth was supposed to kill Elliot, but didn’t, because Wilson told him to and he hates him so he takes care of Elliot to spite him
The story is heavily based on “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy bc apocalypse and I love the dad and son’s relationship together (+ the story made me cry like a baby)
I made Buddy Boris look more identifiable AS Buddy instead of another perfect Boris clone. (Bc he misses being human)
AAND that is basically everything I can think of rn, uhhhhh
I hope this finds the right audience bc I put a lot of work into this and it’s sort of a comfort project :3
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marc--chilton · 1 year ago
you just know they had to make up a reason for wilson to be away for house's infarction because if he was there things would have been different
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kthecritter · 5 months ago
Hi hi hi hi!!! Hello!!!
Im Iris! (From TGAAC)
Could I pretty please have a wallpaper for Iris Wilson from ace attorney? If you’re comfy with fictionkin wallpaper reqs that is <3
petre (bunny)
plush bunnies
Herlock Sholmes (or Sherlock for aesthetic)
pink and brown
Thanks for reading! Love you and hope you have a great day and are doing AMAZING!!!
Sorry for long ask btw <:3
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here you go, I hope you enjoy! awww this is so adorable, the bunnies are my favourite part (also I LOVE the style of ace attorney)
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inky-fictives · 11 months ago
BATIM Otherkin Icons
[PT: BATIM Otherkin Icons]
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Please read our intro before interacting!
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m0nstertruckbattle · 2 years ago
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would u purchase him
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