#willow on disney+
goddessofmischief · 1 year
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Summary: Kit Tanthalos is a Sith apprentice - and your biggest enemy.
Kit Tanthalos had been a thorn in your side since the day you were born.
She was a princess, and so were you. She was princess of Corellia - a planet of thieves, liars, and smugglers - and you were the princess of Naboo. You stood for kindness, hope, and purity.
You two had interacted throughout the years, at various royal functions, but never held much affection for each other. Still, Kit had always seemed protective of you. She was more likely to tease you than offer a compliment, sure, but she wouldn’t let anyone push you around.
One day, all of that changed.
Kit broke her parents’ hearts and overthrew them, turning to the Sith teachings and ruling Corellia with an iron fist. She was still only an apprentice, but it was hard to tell from the level of power she held. Her master was mostly unseen, leaving Kit as a largely unchallenged presence of evil in the galaxy.
You couldn’t have been more different. Your planet flourished under your rule, and you were beloved by every citizen. You knew that no matter what happened, you would protect them, and so did they.
There was only one issue, though. They wanted you to marry.
You had a couple reasonable suitors. A few Mandalorians, a prince or two. A Lady of some considerable wealth. They were all coming to see you, today. One of them, whichever the people chose, would be staying on this planet for as long as they lived.
You didn't like that it was up to the citizens to choose your spouse, but since you were an orphan, you had no parents to select one for you, and Naboo laws refused the option of allowing you to choose for yourself.
Still... how bad could any of them be? You’d carefully reviewed the list of people attending today, and none of them were indecent, or unkind, or cruel. They were good people, people you could trust. Even if you couldn’t love them, you could at least work together to bring your planet into prosperity.
This wasn’t about you. This was about the people.
Or so you tried to convince yourself, this sunny morning, as you rode through the woods on a white horse, lightsaber hanging off your belt-
Oh, yeah. That’s the other thing.
You were a Jedi.
You supposed that’s probably why Kit hates you. You were natural enemies. You hated her for her crimes, she despised you for your tolerance. It was probably why you were so reluctant to marry, too - falling in love was strictly against the Jedi code.
You hummed to yourself some old Naboo lullaby, your horse carefully stepping over a small creek and walking nimbly to the other side. You climbed off it, brushing off your dress and beginning to pick flowers.
Suddenly, you heard a sound behind you - crunching leaves under foot. You whirled around, face to face with-
Well, guess who.
“Hey,” said Kit, dismounting her own horse. You began to back away.
“Missed you, princess. Been awhile.”
“Yeah. Um... what’ve you been up to?”
She laughed.
“What have I been up to... um, ruling the galaxy. Yeah. That, pretty much.”
Without warning, you pulled out your lightsaber, holding it to her throat.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m not here to fight,” she said warningly, pulling out her own lightsaber and holding it to your throat. “Just wanna talk.”
“I don’t believe you.”
You rush forward, trying to land a blow. She deflected your attack, grabbing your wrist and flipping you onto the ground.
You moan in pain. Kit lowers her lightsaber, still pointing it at you. She offers you her other hand. Reluctantly, you let her help you up.
“I’ll see you later, princess, alright?”
Just like that, she was gone.
You could swear you’d seen everyone in the galaxy by now, or at least all the most boring ones.
Fortunately, none of the citizens had really seemed to care for them, either. You could tell they were reading your expressions, trying to gauge who you wanted them to choose.
No one. You didn't want them to choose any of them.
A few had made it on to the next round: Jade Claymore, another Jedi knight, Graydon Hastur, a prince, and Prince Airk, Kit’s exiled brother. You’d always liked Airk, but he never seemed to show an interest in you outside of how you looked.
In just a few minutes, you would be done. In just a few minutes, you could take this ridiculous dress off. In just a few minutes-
The doors burst open.
Of course, it was Kit. Of course it was.
She stood in an imposing set of black robes, lightsaber displayed prominently at her side, red jewels gleaming at her throat. Kit strode in confidently, glancing at the crowds sitting on either side, strutting confidently up to you.
Somewhere in the distance you heard Airk mutter, “oh, shit.”
Read Chapter Two here
taglist open! please leave a comment if you liked this!
taglist: @hea-vin
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abnerkrill · 1 year
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on the announcement that Disney+ is removing a plethora of shows and films from its service, please read these tweets from Willow writer John Bickerstaff. this is not a tax writeoff like Batgirl, because these projects have already been released. this is a move designed to cut off financial support in the form of residuals, and break the spirit of the strike. here is the deadline article that lists the films/shows that will be removed.
as always, donate to the entertainment community fund, vocally support the WGA online and irl, or join a picket in a major US city if you can. let them know they can't keep getting away with things like this.
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yourstrullyme · 1 year
"binge-worthy show" man fuck that
i want my shows one episode followed by a whole ass week of going a little insane over it with the people on my phone, writing fics theorizing and going over every single scene through amazing gifs and meta, before the next ep drops and the cicle begins anew
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captainmera · 8 months
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Fashionable line-up! :)
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soyalexnajera · 2 years
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heartwide0pen7 · 2 months
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them!!!! <3 :-‘)))
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hopeymchope · 1 year
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itsnicsalad · 11 months
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rooftop party🌇🎉
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kristalldroppar · 5 months
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This was just supposed to be a sketch warmup but I ended up doing lineart 🤦‍♀️. Now I don't have time for rendering, and won't for a while.
If you wanna color it, be my guest, just dm me.
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goddessofmischief · 1 year
hey guys, I’m going to post the first chapter of my Sith! Kit Tanthalos x Reader fic soon! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist before it closes!
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philosmene · 9 days
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Soft and huggable, happy life ☀️🍃 my favorite ship golden flower
I want to practice drawing hugs, oh huntlow my dearest...
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rolling-harbinger · 1 year
They all got a tattoo of Flapjack 🥹
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itsd-man · 1 year
Luz defeating Belos is one of the most epic scenes I've ever seen, not to mention the Animation.
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stbot · 1 year
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♡judgmental girlfriends♡ 
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luzity · 2 years
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we’ll tell them... when we’re ready
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deweyduck · 1 year
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01x06 “Hooty’s Moving Hassle” | 03x02 “For the Future”
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