#william mooney
flor4de4amor · 1 month
sigh thinking abt farmhand!ellie n bull rider!abby
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akonoadham · 2 years
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p-c-ba-dcforever · 1 year
This month brings us 60 years of the Feline Felon, Catman!
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
Action Comics 642# (cover date, March 1989) marked the end of the title running as a weekly comic as issue 643# would start publishing monthly with standard size and page count. ("Where There Is A Will...! CHAPTERS I through IV", Action Comics 642#, Comic, Event)
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
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The Richard Pryor Show.. 1977
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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The Panther's Claw (1942)
My rating: 4/10
It's fine I guess, though none of that shit the cops are doing can possibly be legal, even in the 40s. Also I think one of them affectionately calls the one black character in this a slur at one point.
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frostysfrenzy · 11 days
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a fair question
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oceanusborealis · 4 months
Population 11: Season 1 – TV Review
TL;DR – While it gets messy in the middle, it starts and ends strong, and has a fundamentally entertaining cast. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the STAN service that viewed this series. Population 11 Review – If there is one thing that Australia can do very well, it is the mystery set in the Outback. Indeed, some of my earliest TV memories are of the wild and wonderful…
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minutes1a · 9 months
muse drop.
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A Few Thoughts for "Independence Day", illustration by William Siegel in the July 1931 New Masses.
(source: marxists.org)
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theunderestimator-2 · 3 months
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Crime lords: Frankie Fix (centre) and Johnny Strike (right), founding members of Crime, "SF's First and Only Rock 'N' Roll Band' along with Ricky Williams (left), original singer for The Sleepers -and former Crime drummer- as captured by James Stark at the first Sleepers show at the Mabuhay Gardens, December 25, 1977.
According the Sleepers' bio:
"The Sleepers formed in Palo Alto, California, in 1978. Michael Belfer had been trying to form a band with his friend, Tim Mooney, and Belfer had decided he wanted former Crime drummer Ricky Williams for vocals, as "he was so awesome looking". The band released a five-track 7-inch EP in late 1978, and then broke up, with Belfer playing in Tuxedomoon and Williams co-founding Flipper, from which he was fired before the band made any recordings 'for being too weird'."
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"When I win your heart (Name), and I will win it, it will not be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me." (- Captain Killian 'Hook' Jones, OUAT) they say, then give you a smirk that was almost warm, and leave.
^ This ^ with you & the following villains :
CreepyPasta; Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jill, Nurse Ann, Offenderman, Puppeteer, Zalgo, etc.
Disney/Pixar; Captain Hook (i mean-), Charles F Muntz, Dr Facilier, Horned King, Jafar, Long John Silver, Maleficent, Professor Ratigan, Randall Boggs, Scar, Shan Yu, Shere Khan, etc.
Gotham; Edward Nygma/The Riddler, Fish Mooney, the Scarecrow, Lazlo Valentin/Professor Pyg, Victor Fries/Mr Freeze, etc.
Misc: Black Hat, Captain Hook (2002), Damien Dalgaard, Deucalion, Don Falcone (2022), Eris (S;LOTSS), Jack Bass, Lucius Malfoy, Mal/The Malevolent One (TDI;AS), Merle Dixon, Napoleon Boneparte (NATM), Owen/Wolf (TWD), Peter Hale, Spike/William Pratt, etc.
Once Upon A Time; Cruella De Vil, Hades, etc.
Horror; Candyman, Harper Alexander, Inkubus, Jerry Dandridge, Kieran Wilcox, Leslie Vernon, Mental Manny, Kenneth Chase/Jeffrey Hawk, Caleb Quinn, the Djinn, Tiffany Valentine, etc.
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders Headcanon
The Marauders (including the girls) and the Slytherin Skittles are diehard fans of Princess Diana.
So during the whole drama with Charles and Camilla, they would all be talking about how Diana deserves better.
“I MEAN SHES LITERALLY— LOOK AT HER LOOK AT HER JAMES, SHES FUCKING STUNNING!” - Lily Evans to James, Peter, and Remus who are just trying to eat their breakfast but can’t because she’s shoving a newspaper in their faces
*Sirius, Marlene, and Dorcas walk up*
“Woah there Evans, what’s got her in such a red headed mood.” (Pun intended cause it’s Sirius)
“Prince Charles confirmed his affair to Cunty Camilla.” - Remus as he sips his piping hot coffee
“WHAT?!” - Sirius black, jaw dropped as he almost face plants into the table somehow
“HOW DARE HE CHEAT ON MY WIFE!”- Marlene, snatching the paper away to get a good look
*everyone glances at Dorcas, who is totally unfazed her screaming girlfriend, seemingly sad herself as well due to the news* “has she said anything yet.”
“No,” Remus chimes in with a new grin, “but she’s on every headline because of her—,”
“HOLY SHIT!” - Marlene screams with wide ass eyes
“What?! WHAT,” Sirius scrambles up, peeling himself off Remus who had become his stand in comfort pillow. “let. Me. SEE!”
*sirius screams after seeing the photo, falling back dramatically as if he were fainting*
“I think I’ve died~ Mooney..Prongs… Wormtail be a dear and tell the queen she’s been decommissioned for me. I would’ve myself but Queen Di—
(They all call her that from then on)
— has killed me. Send Charles the bill.”
“THATS WHAT IM SAYING!” - Lily again
“Are you alright Lily flower—?” - James Potter being a sweetheart
“NO— no I’m not alright, our Queen has been hurt! How could I be alright?!”
Remus snorts but nods, “She’s got a point.”
And poor Peter, somehow he knows what’s going on, but simultaneously doesn’t
“But what do you think will happen to William and Harry?” -innocent Peter, who is genuinely concerned and trying to be part of the convo
Everyone stops talking, Remus spits out his drink, Sirius shoots up from the ground, and they all look at him, all with wide eyes.
“Oh no,” James winces, knowing what’s to come.
“THE BABIES” - Marlene and Sirius scream, shaking each other back and forth
“I mean there is no way he can get full custody—,”
“Oh, he won’t.” Remus said with a matter of a fact tone, “The royal family wouldn’t like the bad press.”
“And we all know that there would be a…,”
“Fucking riot.”
Meanwhile over at the Slytherin table:
“That’s it! WE’RE GOING TO WAR EARLY BOYS!” - Barty Crouch Jr
“What have you done?” - an irritated Regulus, who is obviously sleep deprived
“Me? Nothing. I heard your traitor brother and his little friends talking—,”
“Oh dear Merlin, just ignore them Barty it won’t hurt your ego I swear.” - Evan, who literally give zero fucks this early in the morning
“Firstly, it would. Secondly, that’s not what I’m fucking talking about thank you very fucking much.”
*Regulus is massaging his temples because he has a headache now from the noise and feels like dying* “Oh, out with it prick.”
“Charles— as in the Whore, Prince— publicly stated he was cheating on Diana.”
*both regulus and evan slowly looking up at him like he just called them muggle born*
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” - very confused and now angry Regulus, who was only hanging on due to the help of five cups of coffee and two hours of sleep
*Evan, totally ignoring regulus* “What did he say? Nevermind— he probably said something along the lines of time drifted us apart, ‘I’ve always loved Camilla’, or ‘I was forced into this’. I wonder if Queen Elizabeth encouraged or disagreed with all of this. Oh my Merlin— what has Diana said?! Has she done anything?!”
* barty thriving on the drama* “I don’t know for sure, but I heard something about a revenge dress—,”
“Where did they hear this?” Regulus asked, now squinting over at the Gryffindor table. “It looks like they have a muggle newspaper, I don’t see a charm on the pictures.”
“Where can we get one?” - Evan, ready to go steal the paper himself if he has too
“We are not getting one!” Barty screeched, “It’s a muggle paper, probably filthy.”
*Evan scoffs while Regulus rethinks about his friend choices, ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’ vibe*
“You do realize that you are in fact talking about a muggle right?”
“She can’t possibly be that amazing without some magic.” Barty rebuked strongly
“Whatever just go get the bloody pa—,”
*regulus slaps his hands over both their mouths before turning their heads to look over*
*all of them watch as Pandora skips into the room, quickly greeted by the marauders, and starts chatting to them before she is shown the paper*
“Quick!” *barty slaps Evan’s chest* “flag her down so she can bring the paper over.”
“Why do I have to? Your louder.” Evan retorted, slapping him back harder.
“Your her brother!”
“Well Reg is her favorite!”
“Regulus—,” *both of them turn to see regulus is already disappeared, now standing beside a sad looking Pandora, who had been given the paper by the Marauders*
*Regulus quick gives the girls hand small, comforting squeeze before coming back over to the Slytherin table with the paper in hand*
“Well?! What is it???”
“She wore a revenge dress.” - regulus said with a rare smug smirk
*evan snatched the paper and gawked with barty at the photo*
“And you’re really trying to tell me that she is all muggle?”
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antidrumpfs · 7 months
Who voted to keep Santos in the House?
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Alford, Missouri
Arrington, Texas
Babin, Texas
Baird, Indiana
Banks, Indiana
Bean, Florida
Biggs, Arizona
Bilirakis, Florida
Bishop, North Carolina
Boebert, Colorado
Bost, Illinois
Brecheen, Oklahoma
Buchanan, Florida
Burchett, Tennessee
Burlison, Missouri
Cammack, Florida
Carl, Alabama
Carter, Texas
Cline, Virginia
Cloud, Texas
Clyde, Georgia
Collins, Georgia
Crane, Arizona
Davidson, Ohio
DesJarlais, Tennessee
Donalds, Florida
Duncan, South Carolina
Emmer, Minnesota
Ezell, Mississippi
Fallon, Texas
Finstad, Minnesota
Fischbach, Minnesota
Fitzgerald, Wisconsin
Fleischmann, Tennessee
Fry, South Carolina
Fulcher, Idaho
Gaetz, Florida
Gallagher, Wisconsin
Good, Virginia
Gooden, Texas
Gosar, Arizona
Graves, Missouri
Greene, Georgia
Griffith, Virginia
Hageman, Wyoming
Harris, Maryland
Harshbarger, Tennessee
Hern, Oklahoma
Higgins, Louisiana
Hill, Arkansas
Huizenga, Michigan
Hunt, Texas
Issa, California
Jackson, Texas
Johnson, Louisiana
Jordan, Ohio
Kelly, Mississippi
Kustoff, Tennessee
LaMalfa, California
Lamborn, Colorado
Lee, Florida
Lesko, Arizona
Loudermilk, Georgia
Luetkemeyer, Missouri
Luna, Florida
Luttrell, Texas
Mace, South Carolina
Massie, Kentucky
Mast, Florida
McCaul, Texas
McClintock, California
McCormick, Georgia
McHenry, North Carolina
Miller, Illinois
Miller, West Virginia
Mills, Florida
Moolenaar, Michigan
Mooney, West Virginia
Moore, Alabama
Nehls, Texas
Norman, South Carolina
Ogles, Tennessee
Palmer, Alabama
Perry, Pennsylvania
Posey, Florida
Reschenthaler, Pennsylvania
Rogers, Alabama
Rosendale, Montana
Roy, Texas
Salazar, Florida
Santos, New York
Scalise, Louisiana
Self, Texas
Sessions, Texas
Smith, Missouri
Smith, Nebraska
Spartz, Indiana
Stefanik, New York
Steube, Florida
Strong, Alabama
Tenney, New York
Tiffany, Wisconsin
Timmons, South Carolina
Turner, Ohio
Van Duyne, Texas
Van Orden, Wisconsin
Walberg, Michigan
Waltz, Florida
Weber, Texas
Williams, Texas
Wilson, South Carolina
Wittman, Virginia
Scott, Virginia
Williams, Georgia
Who voted "present"?
Al Green, Texas
Jackson, Illinois
Who didn't vote?
Jackson Lee, Texas
Ocasio-Cortez, New York
Phillips, Minnesota
Crawford, Arkansas
Johnson, Ohio
Kelly, Pennsylvania
McCarthy, California
Rodgers, Washington
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movie-titlecards · 4 months
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The Monster Maker (1944)
My rating: 5/10
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croc-odette · 11 months
"In lines that “A Quality of Mercy” quotes directly from “Balance of Terror,” the Romulan commander (Mark Lenard) specifically evokes the idea of an alternate version of the story. He suggests to Kirk (William Shatner), “In a different reality, I could have called you friend.” The implication is that “Balance of Terror” takes place in an imperfect and broken world, that things did not need to play out the way that they did. There was an alternative.
“A Quality of Mercy” rejects this. In doing so, it seems to completely and fundamentally misunderstand “Balance of Terror.” Strange New Worlds is so blinded by its fetishization of Star Trek that it misses the point. It argues that the grim and downbeat conclusion to “Balance of Terror” was really a happy ending, and that hoping for anything better is foolish. For all that fans celebrate the franchise’s utopian futurism, Strange New Worlds insists that future will never be better than it was in the original series. [...]
There is a deep abiding cynicism to “A Quality of Mercy,” tied to the insistence that “Balance of Terror” must have been the best way that events could have happened simply because it was the way that it happened. As in both “Memento Mori” and “All Those Who Wander” earlier in the season, there’s a strange militarism to “A Quality of Mercy,” a rejection of humanism and optimism. Pike is a fool for trying to avoid battle with the Romulans, for trying to find a peaceful solution.
“We undertook this mission to test the strength of the Federation,” Sub-Commander (Mathieu Bourassa) states. “They showed us they lack it.” It is a sentiment echoed by the Praetor (Carolyn Scott), who notes, “If not for your weakness, we would have never known what easy targets your Federation would be.” This is as militaristic as Star Trek has ever been. Even in their darkest moments, Deep Space Nine and Enterprise argued that humanism could overcome conflict."
-Darren Mooney, A Quality of Mercy’ Traps Strange New Worlds in an Imbalance of Terror
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