#will there be danger conga?
greyias · 9 months
SWTOR-Tumblr Annual Holiday Party
SWTOR Holiday Party - Star Forge Server
Saturday, December 30th -  4:00 PM ET / 3:00 PM CT  / 1:00 PM PT / 9:00 PM GMT
Countdown // Translate to your timezone
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Come on out this Saturday for some cross-faction fun! For the fifth(!) year in a row, we’ll be throwing snowballs at each other on scenic, but chilly, Ilum. Grab your snowballs/snowball cannons/tinsel bombs for a little holiday get-together!
We’ll be meeting up on Ilum on the Eastern Ice Shelf at the twin frozen lakes, which is south of the Imperial Base Camp, and east of the Republic Way Station.
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Type /cjoin TumblrChat to shout at people long distance, or you can whisper me on the name “Greyias” if you need some help finding where we’re at. (Whispers will only work on Pubside unfortunately, only because of cross-faction restrictions)
Need to grab some snowballs? Head over to the Master of Ceremonies on your respective faction’s fleet and purchase the snowball item.
Come on out, we’d love to see you!
And now, look under the cut for some of our really silly, 100% optional, party traditions we sometimes indulge in:
Ugly Life Day swtor Sweater Challenge
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A lot of the lowbie chest pieces on the starter planets (like the Nerfherder tunic), also dye really well. Truly the potential in-game are practically endless.
White Bantha Gift Exchange
Find or bring some random in-game object to exchange with some unwitting bystander another partygoer! The more useless, unique, or hilarious the item, the better!
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Use the in-game trade function to exchange the “gift” to someone live! Alternately you can mail it to your recipient of choice, the but it can sometimes take up to an hour for it to be delivered.
The only catch with this activity that I can tell is that you have to be on the same faction in order to trade with or mail another player. Because apparently rival factions must be at war, or something lame like that. Like the name of the game is Star Wars or something. 
Again, both of these are 100% optional (so is the snowball fight for that matter), you can just come and hang out with us if that’s all you want to do! The goal is for us to have fun and hang out with each other in-game as a community, so as long as you have fun, that’s all that matters! ♥
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rad-batson · 2 years
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Here’s some more about the game :D for your reading pleasure @portal-to-oblivion (Based on this post)
Freestyle Checkers: A Tim and Damian Special OR “How can we make talking to people a competition?”
They are sneaky. They are underhanded. They will do anything to win.
Originally, this was a ploy to get Bruce to ban them from the galas. Over the coming months, however, they begin to enjoy attending. A little too much.
Tim starts a conga line and convinces everyone on his team to join before marching them to Damian’s side.
Damian subtly moves the tables just an inch or two to the right all night until the whole room has switched seating arrangements.
After a particularly eventful game, Bruce now requires them both to empty their pockets and walk through a metal detector before entering the ballroom.
Tim uses his role as company heir to befriend everyone on his team and then introduce them to one another. He accidentally started a coup once.
Damian uses his puppy eyes to woo the guests into doing his bidding and avoid punishment.
He also sets fire to the curtains.
They are repeatedly caught giving death glares to each other from across the ballroom…but that’s normal. What’s not normal is the two giving death glares to a seemingly random guest at the same time. (She was only going to say hello to Maxine. Why does she feel like she’s in mortal danger?)
Tim spikes the punch with a hint of laxatives so everybody sticks to the bathrooms on Damian’s side.
Several games in, Damian finds a loophole in the rules. Even if the pieces can’t know they’re in a game, that doesn’t mean others can’t. He pays several catering staff to form a physical barrier between certain guests and places. Tim is livid and demands the loophole be written out.
Damian, after stealing a woman’s expensive watch: “Oh, I think I saw it at table seven! Here, let me take you there :)”
Tim makes a kid cry at table 20 so everyone will avoid that side of the room.
Tim: “To the left now, y’all! Left again! Right foot two stomps! Keep going left!”
Every other batfamily member has joined the game at least once, both as a piece AND as a player. On a particularly boring night, it was Tim v. Damian v. Steph v. Jason v. Duke. Every attendee was an unwilling participant. Including Bruce.
Damian is the reason death threats are no longer allowed for the game.
Tim: “Oh, you don’t want to talk to Nicole. Did you hear what she said about Leandra last night? The drama!”
Damian, tugging a guest’s arm: “Hey, is your blue Mercedes parked outside?” Guest: “Oh, hi sweetie :) Yes, why do you ask?” Damian: “It exploded.”
Damian studies the attendance sheet, makes a mental list of who eats what kind of dessert according to previous galas, then chooses all the guests who he knows like chocolate. Suddenly, there’s a surprise chocolate fountain on Tim’s side!
Tim studies the attendance sheet then figures out their addresses, hacks into their Facebook, stalks their Friends list, makes a chart of who is on good and bad terms, then chooses his team based on that.
Both of the above methods listed fail spectacularly
Damian: “So…I win.” Tim: “Damian, this is a hostage situation.” Damian: “But they’re lined up on your side. I win.” Tim: You know, I’m starting to think you set this up.”
He did.
During one particular night, a Wayne benefactor figures out what’s going on and tries to expose them so they team up, completely ruin his public reputation, and get him banned from all future galas to preserve the game.
No matter how hard he tries, Bruce cannot stop them from playing.
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crimeronan · 26 days
Horrible thing to happen to (amnesia whammy’ed) Hunter: inner Hunter being basically destroyed because Luz as a concept is so central to his sense of self that without her it’s just. Not really there anymore?
The mental image in my mind is like. A mosaic of shards suspended in the air in the shape of a golden guard shell. Who doesn’t really know what’s going on but is So, So, scared, confused and disoriented. It’s like a ghost.
Anyway the memory retrieval gang(tm) has to go on the prerequisite memory retrieval trauma conga line(tm). But there is no guide there is no explanation for anything. At first. But as the mystery (the very obvious situation) of what’s happened unravels and some more recent surface level memories come up, the inner Hunter starts to get more and more Not Having A Good Time. And frantic. He doesn’t want them to See This. He doesn’t know what it is behind that next painting but he Knows that They Can’t Know.
I don’t have a good way to end this. The mental image of Hunter (re)experiencing his worst trauma greatest hits one after another in front of an audience and desperately still trying to protect Luz from his Horrors(tm) is captivating me.
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also imagining luz getting darius and raine up to speed as quickly as possible because she probably has the best sense of the kind of things they might find.... both of them are horrified and have to rapidly suppress their own feelings about the situation.
on raine's end: i KNEW something was wrong. i should have been more insistent, i should have done something, i should have intervened sooner
on darius's end: he could have told me. he must have KNOWN he could have told me. did he not know that?? why The Fuck did he not tell me??
also i'm very very Very soft for luz doing her best to communicate with the inner hunter, even when he's at his most insubstantial. then as he gets more solid, he starts interacting more with the mindscape, which mainly means fighting them.
luz being like "i KNOW, but we're trying to HELP." and then eventually realizing that hunter isn't targeting darius or raine with Nearly the same persistence as her.
if she's in the worst of her guilt spiraling then it's Possible she'd go "oh, he saw me kill belos, he thinks i'm dangerous".... but i think she'd more likely put two and two together. because she realizes he's not trying to Hurt her, he's just trying to pin her where she is and keep her out of the memories
she's like "...you don't want me to look?" and he just. wraps his arms tighter around her. and she's like.
okay. i won't look. darius, raine, can you go on ahead?? come back and get me if you can't repair a memory yourselves. i'm gonna stay here with him.
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: swearing
AN: happy ghostbusters day!
I hummed happily when ray kissed my head. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around his neck. Ray chuckled before kissing me softly.
“I’m sorry I woke you.” He whispered. I ran my fingers through his hair and shook my head.
“Don’t be.” I mumbled, sleepily nuzzling into him. “I’m glad you’re home.” Ray hugged me tightly as he climbed into bed. “What was it anyway? Why didn’t you want me to go?”
“Gozer.” Ray said, waking me up.
“what?” I asked, sitting up. Ray nodded. “Gozer?!” He nodded again. “Please tell me that it’s finally taken care of.”
“yeah. Gone for good this time.” Ray confirmed.
“and the traveler?” I asked, fingers curling into his shirt. He didn’t say anything. “Raymond, tell me there wasn’t…”
“it was one time and i panicked and i thought it was going to be…not that bad.” Ray said. I rolled my eyes.
“not what I meant.” I said. “Was there a traveler?”
“not this time.” Ray said, kissing my forehead. I gave him a look. “I’m serious. There was no traveler this time.” I nodded and curled up against him.
“I’m glad you’re home. And safe.” I said, starting to drift off. Ray kissed my head again. The next morning, I got up and went to make coffee while ray slept in. He’d gotten in late and I didn’t want to force him up if I didn’t have to. I grabbed my cup and poured the coffee. I turned around to grab something from the fridge when I heard something behind me. I turned back to my cup and screamed. There was what looking like a miniature sized stay puft marshmallow man in my cup. It flipped over and waved at me before it started melting. I screamed again and scrambled back from the counter.
“what?” Ray asked as he came running into the room. “What’s wrong? Is it slimer again?” I shook my head and pointed at my cup, where a semi melted stay puft was still floating. “Oh.” Ray muttered, turning around to look at me with a sheepish look.
“Raymond!” I cried. “What the fuck is that? Why is there a tiny stay puft…” I noticed another one toddling along the windowsill. “Tiny stay pufts…” I stared at them wide eyed before looking at ray again. “Raymond Francis stantz!” I yelled. “For fucks sake! What did you do? I thought you said there wasn’t a traveler!”
“there wasn’t.” He shrugged. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. “There wasn’t. I don’t know what these are. They just kind of started happening.”
“But…it’s not…you can’t keep them ray!” I seethed. His face fell and I felt bad for a second.
“why not?” He asked, clearly upset. I ran a hand down my face.
“because we don’t know what they are or where they came from. Or what they can do.” I sighed. Ray turned back to the small group walking around our counter.
“right.” He perked up. “And we never will until I study them!”
“ray, no.” I said. “Sweetie no. You can’t…” ray stepped towards me and put his hands on my arms.
“just think…”
“what it could mean…”
“It’s dangerous…”
“just a couple days…”
“you’re not egon.” I sighed. His face fell. “Ray I know you want to find the answer to everything. But you can’t. And that’s the beauty of our work. It’s ever changing and elusive. But this…” I waved a hand towards the marshmallows currently doing the Conga. “It’s dangerous ray.” I put my hands on his chest as he sighed. “Ray…wait a minute. What were you going to do with them after you finished your research?” I narrowed my eyes at him as ray tried to step back. I held onto his shirt and tugged him back. “Raymond.”
“well uh.” He started. I let my head fall against his shoulder.
“You were going to keep them as pets weren’t you?” I sighed. Ray stayed quiet above me. “Raymond.” I groaned. Ray wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. “For fucks sale ray!” I pulled back and ray grimaced.
“I mean they are pretty stupid.” He said, trying his best to look hopeful. “It’s not like they’re going to be much of a problem. We just have to make sure they can’t get into anything dangerous.”
“fine. Fine.” I gave in. “But you take care of them. You keep them out of my coffee. And you keep them out of the bedroom.” I poked rays chest and glared at him. He laughed at me and cupped my cheeks.
“deal.” He agreed before kissing me. The sound of the garbage disposal turning on made me pull away.
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emilybeemartin · 11 months
Inktober Days 16-18
Day 16: Angel
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The story goes that a Methodist minister visiting Zion in 1916 saw this soaring, narrow slice of a peak and remarked that only angels could land there. Nowadays Angel’s Landing sees millions of ordinary angels attempting to reach the summit every year, and the photos of crammed conga lines hiking up and down are famous even outside the NPS. For those in park management, it’s become a symbol of the delicate balance we’re tasked to maintain—our dual mandate to preserve these lands unimpaired for future generations while allowing open access for the benefit and enjoyment of the people. Preservation and recreation. How to provide both? Sometimes it feels like a conundrum of Biblical proportions.
Day 17: Demon
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Demons, devils, monsters, vermin—the wolves of North America have been given many labels in the centuries after European colonization. Trapped, hunted, and poisoned to near extinction in most places, they’ve been removed for so long that in many cases we don’t know what a healthy ecosystem is supposed to look like with them in it. The most famous example of wolf reintroduction is in Yellowstone, but in some parks, like North Cascades and Glacier, wolves weren’t reintroduced by humans. Because these parks are connected to larger tracts of wilderness, wolves merely slipped back in when our backs were turned, taking up the old niche they’d been filling for ten thousand years. Now we lucky few have a chance to spy one of these shy predators in the wild, see their tracks in the soil, or hear their mournful song.
Day 18: Saddle
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Every Inktober, on my birthday, I draw myself in the prompt, usually as a witch. This year I’m back in the green and gray, and while I don’t actually patrol on horseback, this prompt gives a great nod to the Sermon on the Mount, a famous tidbit from Yellowstone’s history. Back when the park took a much different approach to wildlife management, one of the most popular things for visitors to do was attend a bear feeding program. Each night, rangers would dump the food waste from the hotel restaurants in an open garbage pit and the grizzly bears, which had learned what time to expect this each night, would swarm over the leftovers. The audience would sit in an amphitheater separated from the garbage pit by a protective ditch, and a ranger would sit astride a horse to tell the visitors all about the bears of Yellowstone. Hence, the “sermon on the mount.” The NPS has changed a lot since those days, and not just because feeding wildlife is now recognized as dangerous and damaging to man and beast. The attitude toward park programs has changed, as well. Interpreters now realize that it’s not enough to just spit facts at an audience. We’re charged with firing imaginations, provoking critical thinking, and stirring emotions to facilitate meaningful connections between the visitor and the resource. This role is what drives my love for this field. If I can inspire a visitor to explore more on their own, be curious about something new, or care more about a park's protection—that’s it. I’ve done something worthwhile.
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theclaravoyant · 4 months
a bloody kiss + buddie pleeeeeeease
AN ~ (prompt meme) idk who should apologise more for the angst this unleashed, me or you.......... also , hope yall like parallels
buddie (you can decide if it's established before this or if they were just being their usual unhinged selves bc that's the beauty of them) + bonus athena, hen and chim tw: guns, gunshot, (mostly vague) references to a school shooting
read on AO3
“Give me a gun, Sergeant, I'm going in.”
Eddie snatches a bulletproof jacket off the resources for the police response team, and starts strapping himself in. There's a second shooter, and Buck's not responding. He's always been handy in a warzone.
“Eddie, don't do this,” Hen warns.
“Save it. If it was Karen in there you'd want to do the same thing.”
“And Bobby would stop me.”
“Well, Bobby's not here. And unlike you, I know what I'm doing with a gun.”
“Do you?” Athena raises an eyebrow. “How long's it been since you last fired one of these?”
“Athena!” Hen objects to no avail as Athena hands over a pistol. Of course, they all know Athena can't throw stones when it comes to level headed responses to loved ones in danger. That's probably why it was her that Eddie asked. Mehta would have probably had him cuffed to the back of the nearest engine to keep him out of trouble.
Eddie takes the pistol, aims at an abandoned can on a bench across the road and fires. It falls to the footpath below with a tiny smoking hole.
“Just like riding a bike.”
“Fine. But you stay behind with my guys, is that clear?” She waves over the tactical team that's gathering for a second round of responses. Mehta's on the radio calling Hen back to the paramedics. She grits her teeth.
“Eddie, if you survive this, I'm going to kill you.”
“Can't wait,” Eddie replies. Key word; if.
Reluctantly, Hen leaves. It's Athena that fixes him with a steely gaze this time.
“Behind. My guys.” She taps over his chest, like she knows that's where the St Christopher medallion rests. “Don't you forget it.”
He nods.
He nods, and falls into a vaguely familiar formation with the responding officers. Reminds himself to try not to get any of them killed if this goes the wrong way. He was really planning on rogue-manning it, but as painfully slow as it is, this is better. Athena's right; he hasn't done this for years, so he has to admit it's helpful to have three extra sets of eyes, sets of instincts to check himself against when every movement, every glinting light, feels like it could be the one to end it all.
“Where'd he say he was going, Diaz?”
“The, uh, the library,” he manages. His voice is thick, like it's trying to stop his heart jumping out of his throat at the same time. “North-west of here.”
A handful of gestures and they're on the move again. Eddie's more jittery than he expected. Of course he is: there are kids here, and Buck, and maybe he should have thought longer and harder before haunting himself forever with whatever he's about to see. If that's the price of saving him then he can't regret it – but still, he's glad when they round the corner of the next block of classrooms and read across a courtyard; LIBRARY. Classic fairytale characters are painted along the side of the building like they're in a dance, some kind of fantastical conga line, and Eddie's trying really, really hard not to notice the splash of fresh paint across Red Riding Hood. It's paint, he tells himself. It's paint, it's paint, it's – oh god, he's made a mistake.
Then the door behind them opens and he turns and aims at the drop of a hat.
And it's Buck.
“Don't shoot.”
He staggers out of the room with a little girl in his arms. She's clinging to his neck for dear life, screaming up a storm. His hand cradles the back of her head, where her perfect little plaits are smeared with blood.
“Jesus,” Eddie hisses, and drops the gun and runs in to help.
“She's okay, she's okay,” Buck assures him. “Her name is Stephanie C. There was a second shooter, she hid in the bathroom. She's okay. It's not her blood, Eddie. It's not her...”
His knees shudder and he falls against a brick pillar, shoving his free shoulder against it with all his might so that he doesn't collapse onto Stephanie. Eddie's eyes fall to the dark stain on his abdomen and he feels the colour drain from his face. He hands Stephanie off to one of the officers and scoops himself under Buck's arm.
“Stay with me,” he pleads, as Buck's feet scrabble uselessly against the pavers, trying to help his way along. They fly back through the school this time, and every time they have to pause for the point officers to clear a corner Eddie feels Buck's life slipping out of his hands. “Stay with me, Buck,” he repeats. He chants. “Just got to get you back to the truck. Not long now. Stay with me.”
They stumble off the grounds at last and Hen and Chim are already waiting with a gurney. Eddie all but falls into the back of the ambulance with him. He can't let go. His hands are covered in Buck's blood; his face; his whole uniform is. But he can't let go.
“Looks like a through and through,” Hen states, ripping packages off bandages and packing the wound. Buck groans with the pain of it, but at least he's awake. “There he is. Stay with us, Buck. How many shots, did you see?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I don't know.”
“How long was it freely bleeding?” Chim asks.
“I don't know, I don't know,” Eddie repeats. “He didn't talk about it, he came out of this building carrying a kid and then he passed out.”
“Hey, Eddie?” Buck asks drowsily. “'s Christopher okay?”
Oh. Shit.
Eddie looks at Chimney and sees it too - Back in time. Back to Shannon. Ice runs through his veins.
He smiles, in case it's the last thing Buck ever sees, and pulls the medallion out from his shirt collar.
“Christopher is fine,” he promises, pressing it into Buck's hand. “He can't wait to see you. Come back to him, okay?”
Come back to me.
He presses a kiss to Buck's lips and it tastes like blood and sweat and tears.
The monitors start screaming.
“Oh, no you don't, Buckaroo,” Chimney demands. Eddie feels a hand on his shoulder pull him back. He moves numbly. There's nothing he can do but let them work.
And start to pray.
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
Ilum Party 2023
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My turn for Ilum party pics! :D Oh, wait, nameplates off...
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that's better. Less cluttered, at least. Still chaotic, bc what's an Ilum party without utter chaos? :D
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I have some interesting angle shots from inside the party bus before it imploded 😅
story time!
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only in got interrupted by a sarlacc and a murder mystery. 😅😅
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Nerf calf made a friend!
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And Elara and @greyias' Theron can't help but gossip about their ridiculous- I mean beloved spouses.
I didn't get the shots I thought I had of the dance-off, danger conga(IT LIVES), and a few other things, but still very fun evening.
Let's see who I can remember to tag @vexa-legacy @sealeneee @shifting-waters @sassheliosazuras, @eorzeashan, @thievinghippo, @touyagirl @oolathurman
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soosoosoup · 4 months
What’s your opinion on each of The Snack Pack? (And Creek)
Do you think they should own Branch an apology for how they treated Branch for many years? (Except Prince D and Tiny, of course because they weren’t there/born yet, and I know Creek probably won’t-)
The worse part was that they liked BroZone but have been treating Bitty B! (Poor Branch!😭)
I feel like Pop Village needs to own Branch an apology. How older generation did to Branch, the fact no one takes him in just because he’s grey! (And other reason I think) which is worse. I’m not sure about King Peppy.
The new generation just went along, following older generation.
They have been treating Branch in a bad way, not just Branch! Bitty B who was once part of BroZone Band.
I’m not sure if anyone ever thanked Branch what happened during the pot scene, only Poppy did thank him. He was singing! He did it to bring the hope back! He have done so much for Pop Trolls. Not just Branch, Bitty B did!
Don’t forget about Bridget, she said she thanked him sure, but she should not say “I guess” because without him. They would have been caught sooner!
How would Viva think about what they have done to Branch?
How would Bros especially John Dory, think about them? What would they do with that?
Now about DJ Suki
Do you think she would be back? I miss her but I’m not sure if she will be back. I wonder where she went…
I know TrollsTopia showed that but I don’t feel like it’s canon and because she wasn’t in TWT and those series are not canon so yeah
so so sorry for making you wait like a couple days, been pretty busy and didn't notice 😓.
Ah, the snack pack. I must confess that I don't really think much of them 😅eheh. At least when first watching the movies, they kind of just blended into the background as more character were introduced with the sequels. But!! I am quite a fan of how they're expanded through fan works!!
Yeah pop village can be quite harmful, toxic positivity was pretty ingrained into their society. probs bc it seemingly ‘works’ for all of them. The older folk can forget the pains of the past and the young can grow up happy. But for those it doesn't ‘work on’ (branch), it is very invalidating. But I also see the harm they do as unintentional mostly. They probs think that at this point Branch must not want to be happy. For the snack pack they’re probs like 'come on man this again? just lighten up and sing along' while like totally ignoring what is burdening him. Though I mostly see that as the failing of the older generation who at the very least needed one person to step up and work through the traumas that's being buried for Branch. Could have really helped him process and cope growing up.
While it would be nice for some apologies to be given, I doubt Branch would ask for it (it would be a conga line of ppl saying sorry, yeah branch would get tired of that real quick lol). Oh and thanks you’s would be great too, maybe theyre were some and we just didn’t get to see it. That’s how i hc it anyway :)
I’m sure the bros would be very unhappy to hear B grew up as an outcast, and viva would as well, but even more so I see her being disappointed by their disregard of the possible danger of bergens & their erasing of her and the putt putts.
Ahhh and Creek. He's always a joy to have, he makes things interesting lol. I think before the whole 'betraying your people to certain death' he was just a troll, a condescending troll who thought very highly of himself, but just a troll nonetheless. But yeah he’s def not a good person after all that was said and done. This guy would need to apologize for days!
DJ Suki's been missing!? how did i not notice that? Perhaps if the next movie had more snack pack suki could hopefully come back. Come back dj suki, i need to know more about you!
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diableasura · 11 months
Hawks has the potential to be the greatest kidnapper of all time and he pulled 76 people out of a building while manipulating each feather individually.
There's an anime scene where he dodges bullets and out speeds men with guns. He's faster than Endeavor, Deku, and Bakugo. He's explicitly faster than people with super speed quirks.
This manga loves for people to forget their capabilities for dramatic effect. The story nerfs or buffs people according to whatever the narrative needs at the moment.
For example, Compress was able to marble HIMSELF in the forest camp arc. Later, we see him tear his own body apart to escape his bindings and this ability is nowhere to be found.
Hawks killing Twice was one of the most ridiculous scenes in the manga because he didn't even have to talk to him. He could have kicked this guy's head in and knocked him out before he could react, and been out of there.
We saw him do this to a flasher! It takes Hawks zero effort to knock humans out. He doesn't even have to look at them.
Twice doesn't have anything that gives him extra durability and he'd go down like anyone else would. Literally the exact same sneak attack Hawks did to him in canon could have been designed to knock him out rather than cut up his muscles so Hawks could insult him, taunt him, and then give the most unconvincing recruitment speech ever.
So the guy intentionally dragged this out for an absurd song and dance to try to half assedly convince him? Why?
Anything he needed to say to Jin could have been done in a cell when Twice woke up again.
Assuming Hawks took Jin down cleanly and abducted him, he may have even been able to come back to try and take out another League member.
Like Dabi. Hawks could do some real damage if he got the drop on him. Or forget Dabi. He could have went after Himiko or Compress and left Dabi to someone who isn't weak against him.
That's the frustrating part of discourse about this.
Everyone just takes the story at face value and ignores what we've seen people do before.
This plan was stupid. Hawks is stupid. The entire situation was contrived. None of it should have happened based on who we know Hawks to be and what he's capable of, but because the author wanted to create a situation in which Hawks killed Twice, it happens this way.
It reminds me of the Zack Snyder Superman movie Man Of Steel where the author wrote Superman into a corner specifically so that he'd need to kill a guy who was about to laser eye beam a family.
So Superman snaps his neck.
He later asked "What else could he have done?"
Well, he could have gouged out his eyes, or broken the lower part of his spine, or repeatedly slammed the guy's head into the ground. He could have choked him until he lost consciousness, or dragged him under water and held him under the surface until he passed out.
All of these are a lot less lethal than snapping a guy's neck and show the character attempting to keep to his no kill policy.
We go from something 100% fatal to something that has the potential to be fatal but could not be. While still allowing him to achieve his objective.
It wraps around to Hawks again. If he was really so worried about Twice's potential danger, why wasn't his first action to chop off the guy's hands?
Overhaul got his arms ripped off and he couldn't use his power. It's known that Twice's power was in is hands.
Maiming someone is bad, but it's not as bad as murder.
This whole thing had the most limp dicked ending ever. The guy murders someone on live TV and no one gives a shit. His wings don't get burned off despite Tokoyami exclaiming that, once again showing that Dabi's not worth shit when it comes to actually killing or harming named characters. And then his character becomes about being Endeavor's hype man. He, a kid who lived with an abusive father, also does not care about his idol being an abuser.
I'm not asking for a conga line of everyone shaming these guys, but at least we could get a scene of them wanting to sit with other hero characters at the cafeteria and then everyone standing up and sitting down at a different table.
Maybe Burnin' tells Endeavor that she and the rest of the sidekicks are quitting after the war is over, because she doesn't even know who her boss is anymore.
This is what you'd see in an episode of Law and Order. Why have events happen if they mean nothing and don't lead to anything?
What's Tokoyami think about this? We don't see it. He still loves Hawks. Would Tokoyami kill a person? The story doesn't care much about Tokoyami, but it would be nice if he and Hawks discussed this.
If he doesn't think Hawks did anything wrong, would have have done the same thing in his shoes?
I feel sorry for anyone who liked Hawks. It must be painful to watch how they massacred your boy.
You covered almost everything i have issues with when it comes to hawks vs twice and the lack of relevant consequences after the first war arc.
All the people arguing that hawks had to kill twice because they can't fathom their fav actually doing something morally reprehensible is already bad enough but it becomes so much worse when, as you said, in one of his first scenes in the manga Hawks knocks a guy unconscious with his wings without even looking at him.
I read the war arc chapters as they came out weekly and when the chapter where hawks killed twice dropped i was obviously devastated and very sad for twice, but i was also so excited for what this would mean for hawks' character in the future cause at the time everyone foolishly believed horikoshi actually had something interesting to say with his character. It's obvious now he didn't.
I said it before but Hawks' story perfectly mirrors mha's story as a whole: it started out posing very interesting questions about the morality of hero society and its insidious inner workings which were covered up by a shining facade of flawlessness, but it ended up abandoning all those questions in favor of a more simplistic, easy and frankly underwhelming conclusion.
I'll never get tired of saying Hawks is a wasted character and most of his fans only like a fanon version of him they've read on ao3 cause they can't stomach the fact that he was robbed of his arc and given a horrible conclusion as endeavors bootlicker.
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lifewithchronicpain · 5 months
As far as legendary pop culture stories go, few are weirder than the Titanic “PCP chowder” incident—a real, actual event that happened during filming on the future blockbuster in August of 1996, in which at least 50 cast and crew members, including star Bill Paxton and director James Cameron, were dosed with angel dust someone slipped into the soup they were all sharing. A story told, on more than one occasion, by the late Paxton in his days making the talk show rounds, it has all the stuff of urban legend—including Cameron supposedly making himself throw up to get the drug out of his system, and Paxton riding out the high by going back to his trailer and drinking a case of beer—except with a ton of evidence and police reports to back it up.
WTF, Ihave never heard of this till now. This Vanity Fair article has more in the event itself:
For the more than 60 people who did eat the chowder, it didn’t take long for the effects to take hold. Cameron, who initially thought the shellfish might have contained “paralytic shellfish neurotoxin, which is very dangerous,” immediately stepped away from the set to vomit. “I get back to the set and nobody’s there.” he recalled in 2009, speaking to Vanity Fair’s Rebecca Keegan, reporting at the time for her book on Cameron, The Futurist. “I’m standing at the monitors, near the camera, and the room is empty. It was like the twilight zone.”
“Some people were laughing, some people were crying, some people were throwing up,” Paxton told Entertainment Weekly back in 1996. “One minute I felt O.K., the next minute I felt so goddamn anxious I wanted to breathe in a paper bag. Cameron was feeling the same way.”
Cameron remembers a Russian-Canadian P.A., who was working as a translator on set, summing it up succinctly: “I feel toxic and beside myself.”
The chaotic scene at the Dartmouth General Hospital makes for one of history’s best drug stories, even if the affected crew members didn’t know it at the time. “Eventually we all got put in these cubicles with the curtains around us, but no one wanted to stay in their cubicles,” set painter Marilyn McAvoy told Vice earlier this year. “Everyone was out in the aisles and jumping into other people’s cubicles. People had a lot of energy. Some were in wheelchairs, flying down the hallways. I mean, everyone was high!”
Cameron, who says he was stabbed in the face with a pen by a crew member (“I’m sitting there bleeding and laughing”), watched helplessly as his crew fell apart. “People are moaning and crying, wailing, collapsed on tables and gurneys. The D.P., Caleb Deschanel, is leading a number of crew down the hall in a highly vocal conga line. You can’t make this stuff up.” (Deschanel did not respond to a request for comment, but Paxton also described conga dancing—so someone must have been at the head of that conga line.)
Holy shit, I’m glad no one got hurt and they can look back on it with humor. But fuck that must’ve been scary at the time.
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greyias · 10 months
Friends... I have the saddest news in the world
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conarcoin · 1 year
Giggeli - Penis Candles & Soaps Handmade in Kallio, Helsinki, Finland
+800 Nicknames for Penis: A Comprehensive List for Different Ways to Call a Penis
+800 Nicknames for Penis: A Comprehensive List for Different Ways to Call a Penis
Dicks can be referred to in a variety of ways. A collection of more than 800 additional words for the penis in alphabetical order is provided in this article. This list includes both common slang terminology and more uncommon and obscure words that are all related to the penis.
+800 Different Words for Penis: A Comprehensive List
Baby maker
Bald Avenger
Bald-headed giggle stick
Bally Wacker
Baseball bat
Beef bayonet
Beef whistle
Big boy
Big guy
Black mamba
Blood sausage
Blue-veined custard chucker
Blue-veined junket pumper
Bologna pony
Boom stick
Botswana beef bayonet
Bouncing Betty
Broccoli spear
Brown trout
Brutus and the Twins
Bubble gum machine
Buddah's belly button
Buffalo soldier
Bully beef
Bully stick
Bum tickler
Butt dart
Cadbury's c
Camel toe
Captain winky
Cervix sentinel
Cheese log
Chef's special
Chico stick
Christmas goose
Chuck Dickens
Cinnamon roll
Clit stick
Consolation prize
Corn dog
Cornish game hen
Cougar bait
Crimson mushroom
Crown jewels
Crème de la crème
Custard launcher
Dallas Dangler
Danger noodle
Darth Vader
Deep sea diver
Dickas Hilton
Ding dong
Disco stick
Divining rod
Dope stick
Double barrel
Double dragon
Downstairs department
Dude piston
Dumb stick
Dutch courage
Dutch rudder
Franks and beans
hammer of love
Hammer of Thor
hard drive
hatchet wound
heat-seeking missile
heat-seeking moisture missile
high hard one
hot dog
hot rod
hot sausage
Indiana Bones
Jack in the box
Jack's magic beanstalk
janitor in the hallway
jelly doughnut
Jenny Craig
jiffy stick
Jizz Launcher
John Henry
John Johnson
Juicy fruit
King Ding Dong
King Kong
King Richard
King size
King snake
King's scepter
King's sword
Krull the Warrior King
Laidy's lollypop
Lava flow
Leaky faucet
Leg of lamb
Leg of mutton
Lightning rod
Lil' bro
Lil' willy
Limber dick
Limber jimmy
Limp biscuit
Limp noodle
Limp penis
Liquor stick
Little birdie
Little bro
Little chap
Little guy
Little head
Little john
Little man
Little peter
Little soldier
Little willy
Lizard tongue
Long Dong Silver
Long dong silver
Long fellow
Long john
Long johnson
Long one
Long stick
Longfellow diller
Magic Mike
Magic stick
Magic Wand
Magic wand
Meat Scepter
Meat stick
Moby Dick
Mount Vesuvius
Mr. Happy
Mr. Winky
Mushroom Head
Nether rod
One-eye Pete
One-Eyed Monster
One-eyed monster
One-Eyed Snake
One-eyed trouser snake
One-eyed wonder weasel
Packing heat
Pencil dick
Penile appendage
Penile shaft
Penile tissue
Penile unit
Penile weapon
Pink Oboe
Pleasure Stick
Pocket Rocket
Pogo stick
Pork Sword
Private part
Purple-headed yogurt slinger
Purple-helmeted trouser snake
Purple-Helmeted Warrior of Love
Purple-helmeted warrior of love
Purple-helmeted yogurt thrower
Quiver bone
Red-capped mushroom
Root of Jesse
Rude boy
Schwetty balls
Scooby Snack
Sea monster
Secret weapon
Skin Flute
Skin flute
Spam javelin
Speed Bump
Spigot of love
Spunk gun
Spurt gun
Squirt gun
Stand up
Stone of David
Sugar stick
Super soaker
Swamp lizard
Swiss Army Penis
Swizzle stick
Tall tommy
Tasty pastry
Tazmanian devil
Tea and crumpets
Tea stick
Telescoping tower
Tent peg
testicular tissue
The anaconda
The baton
The big guy
the big vein
the bishop
The blue-veined custard chucker
The chopper
The cone
the conga
The cyclops
The ding dong
The Dipstick
The dong
The driver
The dude piston
the eye of the needle
the family jewels
the flagpole
The flesh flute
The flesh rocket
the fleshy tripod
the fuck stick
the fun rod
The grower
the head
The heat-seeking moisture missile
the hose
The joystick
the King
The knob
the little man in the boat
The love muscle
the magic wand
the main vein
The male member
the man in the boat
The meat whistle
the member
The middle leg
The mighty mite
the old boy
The old man
The one-eyed captain
The one-eyed monster
the one-eyed snake
The one-eyed wonder worm
The package
The peen
The peeper
the pendulum
the peter
The pink cigar
the pink oboe
The pipe
the piston
the pleasure pole
The poker
The pole
the pork sword
the prick
The purple-helmeted warrior
the purple-helmeted warrior of love
The python
The rocket
The rod
The salami
The sausage
The schlong
the scoop
The shaft
The shotgun
The skin flute
The snake
the spitter
the staff of life
the stick
The stiff one
The stinger
the stonker
the sword
The third leg
The tool
The trouser snake
The tube steak
the unit
The wang
the weasel
The wedge
the wee-wee
The weenie
The whopper
The wiener
The wiggle stick
the willy
the wingwang
The womb raider
The wonder worm
The woody
the worm
Third Leg
Third leg
Thrill drill
Throb knob
Throbbing gristle
Tic Tac
Tickle pickle
Time machine
Tip drill
Tip of the iceberg
Tootsie roll
Top gun
Tower of power
tractor beam
Tree trunk
Trouser Snake
Tummy banana
Tuna Can
Tuna can
Tuna torpedo
Turgid Trouser Snake
Turgid turtle
Turkey baster
Turkey neck
Twig and Berries
Twig and berries
Two ball cane
Two veg and meat
Two-legged Boa
Two-legged tripod
Umbrella handle
Uncircumcised wonder
Uncle Dick
Uncle John
Vainilla Stick
Valiant vein
Vein train
Vein train.
Veined custard launcher
VeinMaster 3000
Veiny Victor
Velvet sword
Vienna Sausage
Viking horn
Viking Staff
wand of light
wang dang doodle
War club
Weapon of ass destruction
Weapon of mass destruction
Weapon of Mass Seduction
wet noodle
White gold
White Mamba
Whoopie Stick
whopper jr.
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiggle stick
wiggle worm
Willy the one-eyed wonder worm
willy wonka
Wing wong
Winston Churchill
Wisdom Wand
Wise man
wizard sleeve
Wonder Worm
Wrecking ball
Wrist Rocket
Yam bag
Yankee doodle
Yawing Yowie
Yellow Belly
Yellow Dart
Yellow dragon
Yellow Peril
Yellow Sausage
Yellow submarine
Ygdrasil's staff
Yin-yang serpent
Yoga stick
Yoghurt Cannon
Yoghurt gun
Yoghurt pistol
Yogurt hose
Yogurt Slinger
Yogurt slinger
Yogurt thrower
Yolky poke
yoni stick
Yule log
Yum yum
Zebracorn horn
Zesty Italian
Zipper Ripper
Zipper snake
Zombie maker
Zombie stick
Zoom Stick
Zoot stick
Zygmunt Freud
Zygote poker
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battlekidx2 · 2 years
Thanks to Them Thoughts
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The first special of The Owl House’s third season recently dropped and I can say with full certainty that it hasn’t lost what made the second season so special.
I don’t think I’m in the minority when I say I was disappointed that the third season got shortened to three specials but I wanted to come in hopeful for what these specials could bring. The Owl House proved to me in its second season just how phenomenal it could be within a limited time frame with episodes like Eda’s Requiem, Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door, and Hollow Mind. I know that the situation is different but it’s proof just how much this show knows how to tap into the emotional core of its characters, stories, and relationships in 22 minutes.
This episode does the same thing by digging into the core of Camila, Luz, and Hunter. 
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Camila is a character that had the fandom split and in my opinion received way too much hate. She was a single mother doing her best with a specific set of struggles due to the point she was in her life and the circumstances surrounding the start of the series. This episode understands that Camila loves her daughter and wants to do right by her but parenting rarely has a perfect answer. 
Camila’s choices are given more context and shown in a different light. I was already in the camp that believed Camila was a loving parent that made some mistakes because she’s only human, but this episode solidified it.
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The nightmare Camila has about halfway through the episode is a poignant way to explore the concept of generational trauma and trying to break that cycle.
Luz found a community that will accept her the way she is and a place where her strengths can flourish. Once Camila has had time to grapple with the reality that Luz went to the demon realm by her own choice and she gets to see just how good this place has been for her she embraces it.
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She even wants to go to the demon realm with Luz so she can be a part of that aspect of Luz’s life as well (and look out for her daughter in a very dangerous situation). It’s just a really touching portrayal of motherhood.
That’s actually the part I’m the most upset we missed out on due to the shortened season. Seeing Camila be a supportive mother to Luz and give Amity and Hunter their first real experience with a caring parent is something I would have loved to see considering how much their abusive/complicated home lives we’ve gotten to explore over the show. (I specify Amity and Hunter because we know that Gus and Willow have loving home lives. I would still love to see Camila be a parental figure to them too)
We still have some more time. I’m hoping we’ll get to see more of surrogate mother Camila over the next two specials.
Hunter especially needs that care because he cannot catch a break.
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Season 2 and now season 3 has been one long trauma conga line for Hunter with so much of that trauma being born from his twisted relationship with Belos. 
Hunter being possessed by Belos is a very fascinating turn of events that foreshadows so many possibilities with Belos but there is one area I think could have been handled better. 
I want to touch on the scene where Hunter stood up to Belos first. This has been a long time coming. Hunter has submitted to Belos’ ideas for his future for most of his life and even after leaving the emperor’s coven he didn’t get the chance to have a confrontation with Belos where he was given the time to address this area of growth.
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Hunter finally has the chance to choose his destiny which is something he stated he was jealous Luz could do back in Hunting Palismen. Due to his journey in the human realm he has the self worth and the security to stand up to Belos for the first time in his life and it was a powerful scene because of the build up.
Hunter has gained so much that he has lacked all his life due to his time away from Belos and in the human realm. It makes this moment and his sacrifice hit all the harder because of how far this episode shows he’s come.
He has a family
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He likes who he sees in the mirror 
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He has friends who value him for who he is and not what he can do
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He can take part in his hobbies and indulge his interests 
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He no longer needs Belos like Belos tried to make him believe. He can finally be the person he was always meant to be. 
Hunter is brave, caring, and kind. No matter what Belos did or said to him he never lost those qualities. He is willing to stand up to Belos and possibly sacrifice himself to protect everything he has come to love. He has people that will extend that same care and compassion towards him.
This brings us to one of the saddest moments in the episode: Flapjack’s sacrifice.
Hunter has gone through so much and Flapjack’s sacrifice hits especially hard because Flapjack was one of the first people Hunter could rely on and probably even call a friend. 
Flapjack was important for Hunter’s development in more ways than one. He provided him with a confidant when he didn’t have anyone else and it helped him question and re-evaluate Belos’ actions in regards to palismen and wild magic. He also met him because of his first real encounter with Luz.
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It all comes full circle. He initially protected Flapjack from Belos because he knew Belos would use him as fuel/a life source but now Flapjack is willingly being exactly that for Hunter. He is now a part of Hunter. It’s a very bittersweet ending to their relationship that shows the growth and care that they each had for each other.
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That moment where Hunter stops in front of the portal and holds his hand over his heart was a short but very effective moment at conveying his grief. 
This sacrifice was very well executed in my opinion.
All of this works emotionally within Hunter’s character arc. 
However, the battle didn’t quite reach its full potential. It had incredibly fluid animation and was amazing to watch, but it wasn’t as emotional on Amity, Gus, and Willow’s end as it could have been in certain ways. 
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You could feel the conflict and pain from Luz’s end. It was made clear that she was purposefully not trying because she didn’t want to hurt Hunter and even hugged him to try and get through to him. She doesn’t want to hurt him because of how much she has come to care for him and this turmoil could be seen in every action Luz took and could be felt in her voice acting performance. 
She’s the only one you could understand the full grasp of her conflict over the fight with Hunter though. There wasn’t any of that same hesitation or desperation on anyone else’s end. You know that all of them are close to Hunter and care about him but you don’t feel the full depth until after the fight.
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These connections are really important to Hunter’s character because of how Belos isolated him prior to season 2 and I loved all the moments that showcased how important Hunter is to the group and vice versa. That’s why I decided to point out the lack of hesitation on everyone else’s part. It doesn’t break the episode (in fact the episode is great) but I thought it could have been executed a bit differently.
Hunter is one of the strongest characters in the show and the way this episode handled him was great.
This brings me to Luz.
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King’s Tide had real consequences for Luz. She feels like she couldn’t protect Eda or King and she couldn’t stop Belos or the Collector. She doesn’t know the fate of the family she left behind and she believes that everything that happened is her fault.
She’s understandably not handling it well.
Luz this episode and in a few episodes last season is used to explore grief and loss. This is explored in more ways than one through the loss of her father and her newfound family in the Boiling Isles.
Luz’s father was noticeably absent in her life at the start of the series but what happened to him wasn’t revealed until “Reaching Out” (In a fantastic scene by the way). We get even more expansion on it through Luz’s video diary entries. 
Luz was much more aware of what was happening with her family and father than she let on to her mother despite their best efforts to shield her. The way you can see the decline in her emotional state through her entries as her father’s health declines makes the process feel real. This wasn’t a quick but a slow process/struggle for the family over time until he unfortunately passed. It’s something that Camila and Luz are still struggling with. 
The process of healing isn’t linear for any of the characters. 
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It also reveals that Manny introduced Luz to the Good Witch Azura. This is really bittersweet and touches on something that this episode emphasized and that is how media and stories can help us process, heal, and feel seen in aspects of life that people struggle with.
Hunter finds connection and healing through the Cosmic Frontier character O’Bailey. Luz finds that same connection and escape through Azura. It helped her during a really hard time in her life by helping her find a connection to her father after he was gone.
It makes everything in regards to her Good Witch Azura book and hyperfixation very bittersweet and puts so much in a new light. It’s a brief but powerful moment in the episode.
The exploration of Luz’s grief in the present day is handled just as well as that short segment. It shows the repercussions on her mental health and how it trickles out in unexpected ways like her rant in class. 
But most importantly it shows how her support system understands that she’s struggling and they are there for her no matter what. They might not all know how to best handle what she is dealing with but they all give it their best and make sure they let her know that they don’t think of her as a burden.
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One of my favorite moments showcasing this in the episode is when Amity lets Luz know that Belos meeting the collector because of her help isn’t a failing on her part. It doesn't make her a mistake or the harbinger of doom she believes she is. She assures Luz it’s a testament to her good heart instead.
Luz’s support system doesn’t automatically make her better either. The Owl House understands there is no quick fix to depression and other mental health issues. There is no list of requirements to check off to “cure” it. It’s something that is dealt with on a daily basis.
Dealing with mental health isn’t linear just like dealing with grief isn’t linear.
I am really intrigued to see how they handle Luz’s struggles moving forward and believe that they were handled with a lot of tact in this premiere.
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This show has really come into its own. Season one was fun and had a great world and characters that drew you in but lacked a strong vision of where it wanted to go with wonky power scaling, an inconsistent level of control and influence from Belos that changed to suit the episode, and parts of the story that clashed with its core themes. I loved the season but thought there was missed potential. 
Season two came around and reached the heights I thought it was capable of and it seems like season 3 plans to do the exact same. I can’t wait for the final two episodes. If this is any indication of their quality I bet they will be amazing.
Extra thoughts
I love when Camila lets Luz sleep with her after she’s awoken from her nightmare. It’s just a really sweet mother-daughter moment.
I really liked Hunter’s cosplay and how his attachment to the character of O’Bailey speaks to the importance of representation and how it can help you heal and feel seen.
Gus definitely knows that Hunter is a Grimwalker. He purposefully introduced Hunter to a character that he could connect to and even tried to imply that he knew before Hunter covered his ears to avoid spoilers. I really appreciate their dynamic in the smaller moments of this episode.
I said it in my Hollow Mind thoughts but I’m going to say it again here: I think that Evelyn was a Calwthorne. There’s just too many clues in the show for her not to be and the Owl House has a pretty good track record of paying off obvious hints.
The best thing about this episode is how it carries over the consequences of King’s Tide. There are a few times where the tension the characters should feel to get back to the Boiling Isles gets a bit lost. The most notable example was how solving the clue they found to get them back to the isles was framed more as a way to cheer Luz up than a way to return to their families and know if they are okay. 
Yeah, the characters are sad to be away from their families but there isn’t the desperation to know about their fates that would be expected considering what happened with the day of unity and the collector. I like how this plot point was used in regards to Hunter and Luz but thought it was a bit lacking in execution and development when it comes to Amity, Willow, and Gus.
Amity, Willow, and Gus are unfortunately the ones that suffer from this section of the season being shortened. They are fun and engaging supporting characters but they noticeably don’t get the emotional focus or development that Luz, Hunter, and Camila get. I don’t dislike the choice, in fact, I think it was a smart choice to narrow the scope of the episode because it would likely become bloated and lack the strong focus and emotional core that it has.
It’s just unfortunate because Willow and Gus are not as well explored as Amity, Luz, and Hunter. Gus at least has “Labyrinth Runners” as an episode focused on him and a few episode B plots but Willow doesn’t really have her own spotlight episode. Both of her episodes “Understanding Willow” and “Any Sport in a Storm” are actually Amity and Hunter episodes respectively.
I would just like to see a bit more of Willow explored.
This is the first time Hunter has really cried in the show. He’s teared up before but never allowed himself to fully cry. It’s telling that the moment that gets to him the most, that makes him drop those walls and breaks the dam, is when Luz calls him family. It’s not traumatic or violent. It’s quiet and tender. He’s never had a family (something he mentions in Hunting Palismen) and now he does. Earth really did allow Hunter to come into his own and gain so much that he lacked all his life. 
I absolutely adore all the end credits art. Most of it is just so wholesome with my favorites being Luz teaching Camila glyphs (Camila is really committed to learning from Luz) and Flapjack tucking in Hunter (this is just so bittersweet).
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bloodanddiscoballs · 2 years
I have a somewhat embarrassing question. What is TF2.
It's not embarrassing at all! TF2 stands for Team Fortress 2, a game that was released on October 10th, 2007, by the game studio Valve. It is a first-person shooter where you pick to play as 1 of 9 mercenaries, each with their own unique skills that are separated into three separate classes:
Offense: Scout, Pyro, Soldier
Defense: Engieneer, Demoman, Heavy Weapons Guy
Support: Medic, Sniper, Spy
The game is set up so you are either on team RED or team BLU, each team holding 9 players, and you play through matches and game modes such capturing points by stealing the enemy intelligence (a physical briefcase you pick up and run with) or capturing control points and battling to defend those. There are variations of these as well as some other game modes you can choose from. It's free to play and on Steam for both Windows and Mac users. (though it was originally offered on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3).
If you ever played Overwatch, you already have an idea of how the game is set up for you, but in my opinion, TF2 is MUCH more fun.
If you want the "lore" behind the game and the characters, you should definitely check out their website. They have write ups on each character which also shows you who you might be interested in playing, as well as comics, the short films they've put out (including fan made ones for the Saxxy Awards), full descriptions of the major updates, music, and official art. You've got a beautiful 15yrs to look at that is just oozing love.
What has kept people coming back to this game for so long is in the art, the humor, and the Community Workshop - a place where you as a fan can upload your own creations for customization for the characters. TF2 is affectionately nicknamed The Hat Simulation Game/Hat Dress Up Game cause that's a secondary part of it. While you can earn and pick up different weapons for your characters, you can also unbox crates that have cosmetics inside to make your characters look fun. Things like a hot dog hat or a banana hat or reindeer antlers, all of which only serve to make your guys look goofy and fun. There's also chest pieces and the occasional shoes or little shoulder pets. A LOT of these are made by fans who then submit them to be voted on by all players, and if they get accepted into the game, you'll have a chance of unboxing them. There are taunts as well, such as conga dancing or high fives or rock paper scissors that allow you to interact with other players regardless of the team. There are even many of the maps that you play that have been made by people in the community, making TF2 something that feels like something to be interacted with as well as to be played.
While the ultimate goal of each game in TF2 is to kill the opponents and to win points, most of the games you'll end up playing include some air of messing around. There are lots of times when matches will take much longer than they need to because someone started dancing and now half the players are dancing with each other. The map 2Fort is notorious for this, and I'd say it's about 70/40 of screwing around to actually capturing intelligence. I can honestly say that TF2 is THE game to always have me laughing and enjoying myself, especially compared to other games with similar setups. It never takes itself too seriously, though if you'd like to play competitive, there is an option for that. More often than not, the palyers are fun people, and even if you run into the occasional asshole, you can just drop out of that match and find a new one pretty quickly.
TF2 has lasted as long as it has because it is, in its bones, all in good fun. It takes the whole 60s-70s era dangerous mercenaries and spies in a secret organization and cranks up the ridiculousness of that to an 11. Each of the characters are from different parts of the world, but they're all such over-the-top representations of their cultures that it becomes something a lot like a Mel Brooks-esque setup. Shakespearicles was the strongest writer who ever lived and invented the two-story building, but everyone had to use rocket launchers to get up to the second level until Abraham Lincoln invented stairs 100yrs later. Every Halloween, you have to battle Soldier's old roommate who is a powerful wizard because Soldier turned his old castle into a raccoon sanctuary. All Australians are ripped as shit, have amazing mustaches, and Australia-shaped chest hair.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 6 months
remember when thor tortured loki with the shock disc thingy while loki had spasms on the floor and it was played for laughs even though it's a horrifying thing to do. thor appeared to be enjoying himself doing that, it wasn't even "sorry brother but if I don't do this you'll betray me again" he was smiling and lecturing loki while he couldn't even speak back
Most people seem to focus on that scene and the one where Thor throws the can at Loki's face, but the scene that pisses me off is when he tries to kill Loki right after learning he's alive with the magical weapon that can kill non-squishy beings and only he can use, making jokes about his presumed dead brother right away. And to make matters worse, the dialogue implies Thor's done this before, which makes Thor look worse rather than "ehehe Thor's so clever now and can't be fooled by Loki" (the intended interpretation).
I'd not mind some confrontation, but the joke dialogue as Thor tries to kill him without even hearing him out makes Thor seem like he didn't give a shit Loki was dead. I think it adds context to why Loki might have tried to betray him in Sakaar. I had originally been like "Loki's trying to keep Thor from fighting Hela and dying." But there's also that vindictiveness/anger at Thor trying to kill him at the beginning of the movie.
Imagine you were left for dead after saving your brother's girlfriend and killing a dangerous enemy after a conga of traumatic events and the brother that supposedly mourned you tries to bash your face with Mjolnir the moment he realizes you're alive, and might have probably killed you had your secret sister not arrived. You try to talk to him but are repudiated for your attempts to make peace.
And yes, Loki tried to kill Thor in T1, but at least Loki had larger motives behind him (fearing Thor would kill him for being a Jotun) and he was crying and freaking out, which shows it was not an easy decision. The scene could have worked if the movie had not been allergic to moments of honesty and emotion.
I can make excuses for the disk use and can throwing such as:
1.They're not as squishy as us.
2.Loki was about to betray him.
But yea. Thor seems to enjoy using the disk on Loki WAY TOO MUCH. I can see why it'd upset Thor fans that prefer Thor 1&2 because he doesn't talk like the Thor from previous movies in either wording or sentiments/reactions.
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Character ask: Conner McKnight, Katherine Hillard, Carter Grayson, Rose Ortiz, Prince Phillip, and Aisha Campbell.
THANKS FOR THE ASK!!! Sorry it took me so long!! I was kinda stuck on the MMPRs heheh
Conner McKnight:
• favorite thing about them: I love his hair I literally love his hair I WANT his hair!
• least favorite thing about them: his characterisation of the “standard jock” is just… mehhh. Not a big fan, there. A lot of his personality traits come from that and I would just like to avoid him more often than not.
• favorite line: when he said Dr. O is batman *cackles*
• brOTP: Conner & Trent. Also Conner & Kira
• ПОТР: …none yet
• random headcanon: he knows he’s taking his life to shit but he just always goes :D because if someone finds out he doesn’t have everything under control, they’re gonna think of him being weak.
Also his parents are going through a divorce.
• unpopular opinion: he doesn’t feel very much like red ranger material + dr O’s presence overshadowed that for most of the season anyway.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: loved him in the SPD team up, so this:
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Kat Hilliard:
• favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• least favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• favorite line: “Oh no, they're forcing Bulk and Skull to dance the conga!”
• brOTP: Tommy & Kat (and a lot of the MMPRs in general)
• ОТР: none yet,,, I mean I know a lot of people ship her with Jason or Tommy but idk. I haven’t watched enough of MMPR to make a definite opinion of my own…? But I feel like I wouldn’t vibe with it, somehow.
• ПОТР: Kat/Kim (Sorry to those who ship it, but too much pink energy is dangerous)
• random headcanon: she’s a hopeless romantic and loves looking at the stars at night and walk barefoot on the grass and all those soft things, and hopes someday she’d get to do the same with her lover/partner. Extremely high expectations of romance, and an equally high level of optimism and hope to meet those expectations. (i hope its in character for her. like i said, my mmpr knowledge is limited..)
• unpopular opinion: she owns a licensed pistol and will not be messed with. She’s still got a little bit of… uh.. evil left in her. It’s for the better though.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: she’s so pretty abdfnsndnnr
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Carter Grayson:
• favorite thing about them: he can go fucking blast GUNS at a giant monster— i don’t think ANYTHING gets cooler than that. This man is not afraid to die and it shows.
• least favorite thing about them: I don’t like the Lightspeed rescue suits and his battilizer is another level of 😬😬😬
• favorite line: “I see you're still keeping bad company.” From the TF team up~
• brOTP: Carter & Kelsey
• ОТР: ….Very inclined to say Carter/Dana, but I don’t think they fall into the otp category.. per se?? Ship, yes, very much, but I am open to other pairings. Maybe Carter/Ryan????
• ПОТР: Carter/Chad
• random headcanon: He likes hot cocoa and marshmallows and has a sweet tooth in general. The aqua base is always STOCKED with sweet foods for him— be it gum or candies or chocolates— he NEEDS to have something sweet on his person when they’re going for battle. Half his decisions are taken on a sugar high~
• unpopular opinion: he’s reckless and might just end up paying for it. Yes it’s cool, yes it’s badass, but it’s also dangerous. *runs and hides in a corner to watch the fireworks go off*
• song i associate with them: this one. Just. So frickin FIIITSSS
Rose Ortiz:
• favorite thing about them: HER ENTRY SCENE!! Her style in that moment the first time we see her THAT IS HOW YOU LEAVE AN IMPRESSION PEOPLE!!!!
• least favorite thing about them: how they went with a “I never had a regular childhood” but how there’s nothing “different” about her because of that, except maybe a superiority complex. They did it better with Dr K. Later on in RPM, and could’ve improved on Rose if they tried something similar.
• favorite line: “You’re rich. Buy an army” i love her sass so much
• brOTP: Rose & Dax. I just think it’s the perfect “he’s going to kill all my braincells” dynamic, because while she’s smart™️, he’s got absolutely nothing on the top floor.
• ОТР: N/A
• ПОТР: Rose/Tyzonn, Rose/Dax, Rose/any guy, actually.
• random headcanon: She has a collection of fridge magnets she buys from everywhere they visit for their missions. Like they keep na hour or two to visit the local markets because “rose wants magnets” and she just puts all of them on Hartford’s fridge, which is already crowded with so much shit as it is. Spencer is the only one who really appreciates her magnets 😔💖
• unpopular opinion: the entire overdrive team acts like they’re on drugs and Rose is no exception even though everyone considers her to be the smart/sensible one. She’s just as reckless/crazy if not more XD
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: I had such a crush on her asdfghjklhgds
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Prince Phillip:
• favorite thing about them: I don’t think we have a lot of “existing royalty” characters in PR and I think this is an interesting concept DC played with, especially when he was trying to “buy” his good deeds and all that~ that entire episode was masterful!! And he really DID have a good heart!!!
• least favorite thing about them: they kept getting rid of him because he had to “run his kingdom”. Come on man— let him work at the Dino bite cafe a bit??!???? For just a couple episodes??
• favorite line: “Wait - aren't you the museum director?”
• brOTP: Philip/James Navarro. Both of them don’t show up a lot they can bond over that 😂 (ok honestly everyone who survived from S2E18 works ask brotp)
• ОТР: Prince Philip/Sir Ivan. I mean it’s basically a given at this point~
• ПОТР: Philip/Kendall
• random headcanon: he calls his pacha zord at times in Zandar and talks to him when he’s feeling lonely
• unpopular opinion:
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: love him when he’s all ruffled
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Aisha Campbell:
• favorite thing about them: I love her especially in the comics!!
• least favorite thing about them: …nothing. At all. I love her!!
• favorite line: “it’s just the place where everyone thinks we’re idiots”
• brOTP: Aisha & Billy, Kim and Tommy
• ОТР: Adam/Rocky/Aisha
• ПОТР: none yet?
• random headcanon: she takes Adam and Rocky with her every time they go to get a haircut. The three of them, they do everything together. And she even makes Adam grow his hair out~
• unpopular opinion: I didn’t want her leaving the show 😭
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them:
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