#will I ever stop being mad at people who keep insisting he's gay?
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awesomechocolatesauce · 1 year ago
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So, I found this comment on a video where Neil Newbon, the voice actor of Astarion, confirms that Astarion is, in fact, pansexual. Not gay, but pansexual, and this person still feels the need to try to debunk it, then has the gall to be like "IT FEELS LIKE GAY ERASURE TO MAKE A CLEARLY GAY MAN BI/PAN FOR MARKETING PURPOSES" when they were literally spouting bi/pan erasure just because Astarion is theatrical and talks about men.
So... who's going to tell them that Astarion flirts with Shadowheart and Lae'zel, too? Who's going to tell them that relying on stereotypes is bad?
"It's so weird to watch Astarion romance videos with a female Tav". Well, it shouldn't. He's pansexual. If you can't stomach it, that's your problem.
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catszu · 11 months ago
Writing Random Prompts Until I Improve Pt. 2
Prompt: Two people lost in a forest
Atsumu watches the twig underneath Sakusa’s foot snap with a satisfying crunch. 
“We’re definitely lost.” He says, shoving his hands deep within the pockets of his gym shorts. His legs itch where they’ve been rubbed by the various plant life on the overgrown trail. They’ve been out here for hours at this point. Far longer than they should have been. However, neither of them wanted to admit that they fucked up, so here they are, walking in the direction that they think the campsite is in.
“We are not lost.” Sakusa huffs. “The campsite is just down the mountain, how can we be lost if we just need to walk down.” He points in the vague direction of the slope of the hill they’re on. 
Atsumu eyes him skeptically from his position next to him. “I don’t know how we managed it, Omi. I jus’ know that we did.” 
Sakusa’s face pinches in displeasure. “We did not.”
“We absolutely did.” He insists. 
They stand at an impasse, surrounded by nature that was supposed to help them bond, staring hatefully at one another. 
Ever since Sakusa fucking Kiyoomi joined the Jackals last month, they fought like cats and dogs. Atsumu was having a great time, he always took immense pleasure from driving that stony expression on Sakusa’s face to something a little more unhinged. And Sakusa, the bastard, gave as much as he got. It didn’t have to make sense to everyone, just them. 
The rest of the team just didn’t understand their dynamic. They’ve known each other for years and have been frenemies ever since. 
So what if they fought, it was their thing. And if they made out against the cool metal of the lockers until their lips were bruised, that was their business. Although the team didn’t know that minor detail. Captain Meian tiredly explained that their little tiffs were driving the team mad and they couldn’t take it anymore. They sent both him and Sakusa on this rapport building hike to “inspire good sportsmanship.” 
It was a load of shit but also, he’d take a good excuse to get Sakusa alone and kiss that prissy pout right of his lips. 
That is pretty much what Atsumu was running with until about an hour ago when the exploring stopped being fun and Sakusa’s pouty lips started to get a little less cute. 
Atsumu sighs, watching Sakusa continue to make long strides down the slope. “We’ve been walkin’ down fer hours Omi-Omi. I don’ think yer ingenious plan is workin’.” 
Atsumu is right, he knows that he is. They walked this direction for so long now that his feet are aching and he’s pretty sure there are insects crawling in places they absolutely shouldn’t. Yet, they still haven’t made it back to their team. However, Sakusa favors ignoring him and continues to walk mindlessly in the same direction as before. 
Atsumu hustles his pace to catch up and grabs Sakusa by one of his arms, slick with sweat. “Omi,” he pleads. “Ya’ve got ta listen ta me.” Atsumu watches the perspiration on the back of Sakusa’s neck bead and trail down into the collar of his shirt. “It’s dangerous ta be out here for much longer.” He squeezes the pale arm that he’s holding. “We need help. Or a real plan! But ya can’t keep draggin’ us farther away from where we started.” 
Sakusa swivels around, eyes narrowing in a chilling glare. “What do you suppose we do, Miya? Our phones are fucking dead and there’s no one else for miles but us. Who the hell do you think is going to help us? God?”
Atsumu blinks. “That’d be real nice but I don’t think that particular one likes the gays.” 
“Clearly.” Sakusa nods. “I wouldn’t be stuck in a fucking forest with you of all people if god gave an iota of a shit about me.” 
“I think ‘m the best person ta be stuck with ya right now. Imagine Hinata or Bokuto.” Atsumu gets shivers just thinking about it. Sakusa may leave the forest, but his two brothers in chaos would be buried here. 
His attempt at comforting Sakusa falls flat as he withers under the unimpressed silence he receives in return. 
Well then. 
Ever the optimist, Atsumu pushes past him. “We should just make a camp and stick it out. It’ll get dark soon and I don’t think ya want ta be trying ta walk around a dark forest.”
“Make a camp out of what? Twigs?” Sakusa asks, incredulous. “Shall we make a bed out of these dried crunchy leaves and feast on the weeds?”
Atsumu waggles his fingers at him and smiles. “Now yer talkin’.” 
Sakusa's frown deepens. “I hate you. I really do.” 
He rolls his eyes, surveying the area for something to start building shelter with. He was a boy scout for 3 days with ‘Samu when he was 9. He learned some things. “Ya only have me with ya right now. Would it kill ya to make nice for a second?” Atsumu asks while he wrangles some large and flat leaves from their stem. He puts them in a small pile and looks at Sakusa standing behind him with limp arms and a sour face. 
“Ya could make yerself useful and try to find somethin’ ta start a fire with.” 
Sakusa’s face seemed to drop more, falling into a would-be-cute-if-not-for-the-circumstance pout. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for, Atsumu.” He whines, or at least Atsumu imagines that’s what a whine would sound like from someone as prideful as Sakusa Kiyoomi. 
Ah, he forgot. Sakusa is a city boy through and through. “Fine, bastard. Why don’t ya sit on that log over there and just look pretty. Don’t ya worry ‘bout it. I’ll do everythin’.” He gestures to the stump across from him. 
Sakusa sits with a petulant huff and crosses his legs delicately one over the other. He always sat so pretty even when he had dirt smudged across his forehead and his clothes are drenched in sweat. 
It was annoying. 
Atsumu loved it. 
He grit his teeth and got to work, with all the knowledge of a nine year old boy scout that was forced to be there by his tired mother. He remembers almost nothing but Sakusa seems to put faith in him as he watches Atsumu work from his place on the stump. For some reason, it makes Atsumu want to try harder. He knows that Sakusa is uncomfortable, ridiculously so. He’s extremely impressed that Sakusa has withheld his complaints about it for as long as he did. However, it looks like it wasn’t going to last, if his constant shifting meant anything. 
An uncomfortable Sakusa Kiyoomi was worse than an angry one because at least when he was angry, Sakusa made it clear. When he was uncomfortable and scared, he was frighteningly silent. They passed the time in utter silence, their only company the faint noises of the wildlife around them. 
He’s so focused that he nearly misses Sakusa when he speaks. 
“What if no one finds us?” 
It’s a scary thought and Sakusa’s sorrowful whisper made it even worse. Atsumu pauses what he’s doing, turning his entire body to face him. 
He looks okay. Albeit, uncomfortable. But physically, he doesn’t look all that different from how he usually does. If it wasn’t for the master class he’s taken in all that is Sakusa Kiyoomi since he was 15, he probably wouldn’t notice it at all. But he did. And it broke his heart. 
Sakusa’s eyes are slightly wide as he takes in their rapidly darkening surroundings. His eyes flick from one spot to another, unable to stay still. His hands, which are delicately folded in his lap, are shaking like a leaf, his knuckles white from the pressure he’s putting on them to keep them still. It’s pointless. He trembles anyway, his whole entire body is. He could be cold, with the sweat drying on his skin, but Atsumu knows that he isn’t. He knows that isn’t what this is. 
Atsumu stands, dusting the dirt off his knees and then wiping them on his soiled clothes. He walks until he’s standing directly in front of Sakusa, who doesn’t look up. He crouches down, becoming eye level with Sakusa’s wobbling chin. 
Atsumu’s heart pangs inside his chest. “Hey. Hey.” he coos. “Ya think no one cares where we are?” He wraps a single tanned hand around the top of Sakusa’s and runs soothing circles over the mole placed directly in the middle of his hand. “Havin’ a twin brother has some perks ya know? I hate ‘im but somehow he always knows when I need ‘im the most. And I do. I really do right now, so I know he knows.” Atsumu squeezes the cold, pale hand. “Even if he doesn’t, we’ve got other people too, yeah? I won’t let ya die here, Kiyoomi. I promise.” 
Sakusa takes a trembling breath, a wet laugh escaping him. “You really think your twin telepathy will save us?” 
“Don’t ya dare knock it when it’ll be the reason we’re out of this hellscape.” 
There’s a distant howl in the background. It sounded far but it was still enough to make them both jump. He was starting to panic too but he wouldn’t show it, not when the man in front of him looked two seconds away from tears. Sakusa’s eyes sparkled in the dim light and when he squeezed his eyes shut, Atsumu saw one small tear roll down his cheek. 
Something cracks inside of him, flooding him with warmth. He gathers Sakusa’s face between his palms, squishing his pale cheeks together. “We’re gonna be okay.”  He promises. He keeps his voice as steady and even as possible. “Nothin’ is gonna happen to us, it’s probably just a bird.” He lies, Sakusa is looking at him with desperation in his eyes, hanging on to every absurd word that he’s saying. And Atsumu, he’s not really sure what he’s saying, just that he can’t stop talking because it’s the only thing keeping Sakusa together. 
Sakusa hiccups, a sob shaking through him. “I’m scared, Atsumu.” 
Atsumu kisses Sakusa’s wobbling bottom lip. His knees hurt where they dig into the rocks on the ground, and he’s pretty sure that he’s losing feeling in his toes. He’s cold and exhausted. But it doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters. Atsumu presses more gentle kisses into the skin around Sakusa’s mouth, one after the other. He moves his hands from Sakusa’s lap to his arms, rubbing soothing circles into the delicate skin of his arms. Atsumu nudges him forward and Sakusa follows eagerly until he’s settled directly in Atsumu’s lap.
It’s a little absurd, Sakusa is huge. But he’s an even bigger baby so Atsumu doesn’t really mind all that much. He holds him and rocks them both slightly. Sakusa buries his face in Atsumu’s neck and they both don’t say a word. 
It gets darker. Soon, they’re completely encompassed with only the faint light of the moon glowing above them. Atsumu admires it. At home, all the way in Hyogo, he could see the stars every single night from his backyard. He spent hours and hours in their treehouse with Osamu and at one point, Atsumu knew the names of every single constellation. 
After moving to the city. he’s since forgotten them. But he wonders if he did remember any at all, would some be the same as he’s looking at now?
“Hey, Omi.” 
Sakusa merely hums against the skin of his neck in acknowledgement and Atsumu has to suppress the urge to hunch his shoulders from how much it tickled. “The stars are real pretty right now,” he says, rubbing Sakusa’s back. “I think ya should look at ‘em with me.” 
He feels him raise his head, his dark curls grazing against Atsumu’s jaw as he looks up. Atsumu has always thought that Sakusa was beautiful, even when he was a gangly high schooler with bad fashion sense. Up close, Atsumu thinks he’s breathtaking. 
He asks before he can think twice about it. “Wanna go on a date with me?”
Sakusa blinks, eyes still trained upwards at the sky before he slowly lowers his gaze, leveling Atsumu with those unnerving dark eyes. Atsumu doesn’t move. Doesn’t breathe. He just stares back, meeting Sakusa exactly where he is. 
“You don’t have to ask me that.” he says, eying Atsumu with a confused glare. “We’re literally already dating, we go out all the time and you have never asked.” 
Atsumu wheezes. “What? Since when have we–I never–when did we?” he stumbles over his own words. He can feel his brain melting as the gears turn rapidly in his brain. 
Sakusa looks affronted. “What do you mean when? Since we kissed. For the first time.” He raises a brow as Atsumu continues to stare at him. “In the locker rooms?”
Atsumu just gapes at him. He wishes he could do literally anything else but he can’t. He’s been dating Sakusa Kiyoomi this entire time and didn’t know?!
Sakusa seems to catch on. “Oh my god.” He whispers, covering his mouth with one of his thin hands. He scrambles to get out of Atsumu’s lap, shoving his bony elbows into Atsumu’s sternum. 
Words finally come to him. “Noooo. NO. Wait a damn minute–Ow!” Atsumu tries and fails to wrangle an extraordinarily uncooperative, curly-headed sea urchin back into his lap. Sakusa is mumbling to himself and Atsumu can tell that the tips of his ears are red, even in complete darkness. Atsumu is laughing and he shouldn’t be because he is just so cute and Atsumu is so unbelievably happy. 
“Omi-Omi. Baby.”
“Shut the fuck up.” 
“It’s not a big deal!” Atsumu tries, sitting up to follow Sakusa. 
“Not that–” Sakusa scoffs. “Not that big of a deal?” He asks. 
“It’ll be funny, eventually”
“How did you not know?!” Sakusa cries, “I don’t let anyone touch me. Ever. Suddenly we are making out against the locker rooms and you think it’s just casual?” He looks alarmed for a moment and then wounded. “Have you–oh god. Have you been sleeping with other people?” 
Atsumu chokes. “Wha–”
“Oh my god.” Sakusa sits directly on the forest floor. “Oh god. I think I might actually be sick.” 
“What the fuck? What the fu–NO” He shouts. Atsumu shuffles towards Sakusa. “Omi. Kiyoomi. My Omi-Omi, I have not touched a single hair on another person’s head since bein’ with ya. I swear!” 
He wouldn’t even want to. He’s waited for Sakusa since they were 15 years old. He would have waited even longer but it appears he never needed to. Atsumu swipes a hand through his hair. “Ya really gotta work on yer communication skills, Omi. Jesus. How was I s’posed to know how ya felt if ya don’ tell me?” 
“I suppose that’s true.” Sakusa relents. “How embarrassing.” 
Atsumu laughs and laughs. Eventually Sakusa does too. Though, his laughter is breathy and low while Atsumu’s laughter is always loud and bright. He likes the contrast of them, Omi has always been his opposite in everything, even the physical. He likes them just fine that way. Not everyone gets them and maybe they bicker more than they should, but Atsumu thinks they’re perfect. 
Just like this. 
Suddenly, light floods in between them, swinging back and forth before the sound of boots crunching on the dried leaves rings out. 
“Miya? Sakusa? Is that you?” 
Atsumu can’t make out who’s talking to them before they call out again. “Hey, guys! I found them!” 
A blanket is being wrapped around his shoulders and Atsumu watches as the entire team rushes forward. Bokuto and Hinata are crying and he thinks that Inunaki might be as well. There’s also several forest rangers with industrial flashlights pointed at Atsumu’s makeshift shelter. 
“Boy scouts.” He says weakly, laughing a little. 
They do make it down the mountain and Meian (the one who found them after hearing them laugh) apologized profusely the entire way down. Atsumu gave him shit the entire time, but the truth of it was that he didn’t mind at all. 
He went into the forest without a boyfriend and came back with one. So in his books, it was pretty alright. 
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mazepunner · 2 years ago
my tmr headcannons
this is a work of disaster i am bringing over from my alarming twitter. my headcannons. all together. enjoy.
while minho runs the maze, he's thinking of everyone back in the glade, individually, and why he needs to keep going for them.
alby once got in a huge screaming match with gally over who should be second in command.
gally has a soft spot for newt and they've accidentally fallen into really deep conversations by the campfire.
when newt did his leg thing alby let him pick which job he wanted.
zart once started a food fight and alby threw him in the pit for wasting food.
ben once knocked a candle over and burned one of the huts down.
gally concussed himself on the job and actually shut up for a week.
chuck once called out for his mum in his sleep and everyone heard but nobody ever acknowledged it.
nobody ever told newt that they'd finished mapping the maze.
gally once got so mad he threw a hammer and alby put him in the pit for a week.
gally was the pit's most frequent visitor.
during an argument at a keeper's meeting, winston once told newt that "not everyone got to pick their jobs" and newt walked out.
winston immediately came out and apologised and there was a bit of crying, some confessions, and hug. from then, winston and newt really saw eachother eye-to-eye.
in ben's legendary hut fire of '85, gally threw his 'trade secret' drink on it and made it much much worse.
still on the topic of the hut fire, alby froze and didn't know what to do, while newt barked orders and managed to get it under control. people called him 'fire chief' for weeks.
jeff hated his job.
newt has insomnia and alby used to stay awake and keep him company as they walked around the glade.
minho used to just come and sit beside newt without saying anything and somehow that meant so much to both of them.
alby swore once and everyone threatened to throw him in the pit.
minho snores.
gally is janson's son or nephew i haven't decided.
when newt started working in the fields everyone came up and either hugged him or gave him a pat on the back and he teared up.
zart once fell on his head while trying to do a cartwheel and everyone thought he was dead until he got up and did another once, successfully, with the others all screaming at him to stop.
alby used to have this little spot in the deadheads where he'd go to have a breather and everyone knew just to leave him alone.
gally got sick once and lost his voice and minho took the opportunity to insult him until he got punched.
newt is gay.
newt had a crush on alby but never ever would have told him ever because he didn't think it was relevant to their situation and nothing would ever come of it.
newt found out he was allergic to sheep when wckd sent one up in the box and he had a sneezing fit every time he walked past it. 
he'd insist he was fine until his eyes swelled up and winston realised what was going on and yelled "kill the sheep!"
gally and newt once got so drunk at a bonfire that they waltzed together.
it ended abruptly when gally tripped and they both almost fell into the fire.
minho and alby caught them and alby yelled at everyone to go to bed.
zart can draw. really really well.
when chuck first arrived he didn't speak for two days.
newt once fell asleep on alby at the bonfire and everyone just let him
they had glade-wide games of hide and seek and it was chaos
ben once ate a bug and was worried he'd get superpowers
gally's excuse for quitting being a runner was that he got bored
if someone's having a rough time, frypan arranges their breakfast into a little picture before giving it to them
alby's scared of mice
newt's double jointed in a lot of ways and it freaks alby out but zart loves it
ben replaced newt as a runner.
chuck once sat in some mud and gally lent him a shirt to tie around his waist to cover it up until he could fix it
when ben replaced newt they both found it hard to talk to each other
and minho literally only talked to ben about running and had no patience for anything else... to begin with
zart kept trying to come up with his own catch phrase and was always cycling through them
frypan gave everyone a safety briefing before they started work in the kitchen, mentioned it to gally once and he started doing the same with the builders
winston always slept in and had to be woken up by alby or newt
gally built the homestead before he had a growth spurt, so all the doorways are too low for him
when thomas got stung, teresa and chuck stayed by his side the whole time
and during that time chuck told teresa that he wanted to see his parents again
newt once said alby's name in his sleep and minho heard and starting laughing so loudly that everyone woke up
ben once sneezed on alby and everyone screamed and ran
gally once tripped on a fence and fell into the pig pen
ben decided he was going to give frypan a night off and cook for everyone. the kitchen caught fire.
there were relationships in the glade but none of them were ever 'public'
on bonfire night frypan always walked around making sure everyone was hydrated and fed and not drinking too much of gally's drink
on bonfire night gally always walked around making sure everyone was drinking too much of gally's drink
clint could sing
jeff could too and sometimes you'd be able to walk past the homestead and hear them harmonising together
ben was by far the most susceptible to gally's drink. by far.
minho was actually a super anxious person but really good at hiding it
for a week the glade had a pet caterpillar
it went missing and zart tried to launch an investigation before alby told him they needed food more than they needed caterpillars
alby remains the prime suspect on zart's list to this day
minho and newt literally ran into each other in the maze once and newt went FLYING
minho was laughing too hard to help him up
alby once called a meeting to put an end to everyone calling each other "bro" because it was "annoying and stopping work from getting done"
minho had started the trend
gally once got so annoyed with everyone that he went and sat in the box
minho checked in on the runners because he didn't want anyone losing hope
for a long time alby was the one who could really make minho smile
when newt and minho met up at the end of their routes, minho would look at newt expectantly, newt would just shake his head and then minho would pat him on the back and they'd run back to the glade in silence
newt used to give chuck his leftovers
alby fell asleep in the homestead during the day once and everyone started placing bigger and bigger items on him until zart tried to balance a table on his head and he woke up
winston really admired alby and wished he could lead as well as him
whenever frypan was sad, he would talk to alby
-there was this running joke that alby shaved every morning because he didn't want anyone to know that he was an old man
newt was initially REALLY shy
approximately 40% of them sang in the showers
frypan made special meals for anyone who'd been in the med shack that day
if anyone left rubbish lying around newt would kick it at them
zart would follow him around picking it up
minho was quietly fascinated by zart
zart was loudly fascinated by everyone
friendship bracelets were a thing for a while, thanks to zart and clint
alby would throw his arm around whoever was nearby
clint's job stressed him out big time but he couldn't imagine doing anything else. it was just really frustrating not having the resources to really help when he needed to.
if newt was in a stroppy mood he'd sit down next to someone and pull his legs up and drape them across that person's lap
in response to that: zart would smile, minho would pay no attention, alby would worry, jeff would start checking his legs over (and newt would try to kick him), and gally would laugh
oh and chuck would hug his legs
chuck secretly wanted to be a medjack but it scared him
there was one person who would always talk to whoever was upset or crying and that person was jeff
when ben and minho ran past thomas and chuck that very first time, they got to the map room and immediately cracked up laughing at thomas' face
alby was actually the best friend in that he would ALWAYS laugh at people's jokes
zart wanted to celebrate when each glader had spent a year in the glade but alby firmly told him no because it wasn't something to celebrate
but zart got frypan to sneak each person an extra helping of bacon at the bonfire when their day came around
when ben got made a runner he just subconsciously started spending all his time with minho. he was just drawn to him, wherever he was. so they ended up spending every minute of every day together.
ben was always the guy who didn't get the joke but laughed anyway
frypan was super perceptive and could always pick up on someone feeling upset or off in any way
chuck subconsciously looked up to EVERYONE. he wanted to be brave like minho, funny like zart (he always laughed at zarts jokes), smart like alby, friendly like winston, caring like newt, loyal like ben, cheerful like frypan, the list goes on
and my point is he didn't see any of this consciously but he took on little pieces of them all every time he spoke to them. they all influenced him like older brothers and helped him to feel at home, one of them.
gally did little things to make everyone feel at home. that thing he said to thomas about being "safe with us" he said to everyone in one way or another. he reminded them that the glade was their "haven" from whatever was out there
i don't believe thomas had a crush on newt "from the moment he saw him" but i think newt mesmerised him a little and once he mentioned being a runner thomas decided he was definitely worth getting to know above anyone else
there was one day when everyone had a turn styling chucks hair around the campfire
winston yells at flies
one day, when newt was sad, minho came up behind him and just starting brushing his hair until it fluffed up
chuck always had clammy hands and was subconscious about it until gally told him it just meant he was working hard all the time
oh and the fluffy hair newt thing, alby was watching and smiling from nearby as newts smile slowly grew too
ben was even more optimistic than zart and that's saying something
and minho went through moments of being SUPER pessimistic like "the world is ending" type stuff and ben would always be like "no i don't think so"
newt was honestly a pretty good runner
^but not in a competitive way, like minho was. he just quietly went out and got the job done really well.
there was a dance move known only as "the zart" and no i won't describe it
when alby cried you KNEW it was serious
they had three banishments before ben's
when newt felt sad he tried to help out more with the animals because it felt good taking care of someone else
alby arrived with a blank book and he kept a journal of every day in the glade.
zart has four aloe vera plants growing up the back of the vegetable garden and he treats them with utmost importance
they grow sunflowers and eat the seeds
gally was the one who taught chuck how to carve the little chuck doll
gally would tell people if they had food on their face
zart has a bad back
the medjacks had a little "how to-" book which was all of the information they'd learned over the years
newt wrote a sassy note in that book when he was in a bad mood one day that basically said "how to piss off newt: leave him in here, alone and bored"
clint drew little doodles around the entries
minho and alby used to have thumb wars
the runners had meetings each week to discuss anything they'd found
clint was really good at opening jars
zart and frypan figured out how to make herbal tea and they always left peppermint tea out on the kitchen bench for when newt couldn't sleep
ben and gally were mates
frypan was by far the best hugger
they all SUCKED at communicating their feelings
except for clint who's an oversharer - lena
they once had a limbo contest and jeff was the winner by far
going way back to the subject of zart being able to draw, he would stay up late drawing by candlelight before bed. and because they didn't have mirrors he drew portraits for everyone so that they could know what they looked like.
and back to the subject of newt not sleeping, sometimes he would sit with zart. zart tried to teach him to draw but newt got frustrated and found it much more relaxing to just watch zart create his magic.
and when newt was in a good mood he'd sit there making requests for zart to draw and zart would always put his own little spin on whatever newt asked for and complicate it.
like one time newt asked him to draw a cat and zart drew a whole forest of animals and hid a cat in one of the trees.
newt, minho and zart had discussions about sexuality together. nothing hugely revelatory like coming out, but enough to feel comfortable with each other and know that they could if they felt the need.
zart and newt both knew the other wasn't straight. minho gave nothing away and just said "i'm down with that" to whatever they were discussing
somewhat related to pride, newt was easily distracted by rainbows
gally became a builder because he wanted a job that kept his hands busy and that he could really keep track of his progress and see his achievements
newt and minho kept each other company whenever they sensed they needed it
one time alby told them all to shut up and go to bed, got in his hammock, it broke and it was so unexpected that nobody knew what to say
then newt quietly went "are you okay?" and zart started laughing
gally got up and silently helped alby fix the hammock before going straight back to bed
minho could keep a secret. and he knew EVERYONE'S secrets because he paid attention.
when thomas arrived they genuinely all thought he'd be a slopper and nobody doubted it
anyone who slept with their shoes on got their laces tied together by minho
once newt went to hug alby and accidentally kissed him on the cheek out of instinct, panicked, and started power walking in the other direction
minho witnessed the whole thing and immediately started crying with laughter
alby had to go after newt and check he was okay without laughing too
newts one of those people who, when he gets angry or frustrated, he tears up. and it just makes him more frustrated to he tears up even more and he hates it because he thinks people won't take him seriously if they notice.
gally and newt both fidget a lot.
oh and so does thomas but like next level fidgeting. he has to be DOING something all of the time or he can't sit still.
alby loved all of the gladers so much so so so much
winston, clint and ben were all left handed
the trackhoes used to have the worst back problems after gardening all day every day, so clint became the resident masseuse
zart used to literally have daily massages
newt always got leaves stuck in his hair
zart always stuck leaves in newt's hair
newt's favourite food was bacon. like he LOVED it and everyone else was like okay mate calm down and newt was like BACON
there was one day that little bouquets of flowers started appearing around the place and everyone knew it was zart but he never admitted to it
when minho wanted someone to know he cared about them he'd give them a little pat on the back
minho used to love taking part in the bonfire nights but as time went on he found them more and more pointless
frypan is one of those people who can really REALLY hold it together for so long. nobody gets to know if he's feeling sad until he breaks down.
alby is surprisingly good at impressions and accents
zart has a love-hate relationship with the goat: it's cute, but it can also completely destroy all of his hard work in the span of an hour
the goat had been put in the pit numerous times before newt suggested that was a bit cruel and they should tie it up outside and release it under supervision instead
newt has the biggest "okay, fuck you" face out of anyone in the glade and it comes out extra strong when he's being mocked (inspired by visro's brain)
and when newt's "fuck you" face comes out, it usually earns him a little ruffling of his hair, courtesy of minho of course
and every time, newt will swat his hand away but every time, he'll also smile
anyway that's enough about newt because clint makes necklaces
gally's biggest priority is making sure the med hut is in good shape and asking the medjacks if they need anything built or replaced
ben is the kinda person to say 'ow' even when something doesn't hurt
gally looks up to everyone (even though he literally doesn't show that ever at all, just believe me)
minho was really REALLY pissed when gally quit being a runner and they had this huge fight that they both never really got over
anyway minho doesn't know what it feels like not to constantly work hard
zart once tried to make alby a wig out of hay. alby wore it once and then didn't stop sneezing for a week
clint takes every decision and outcome to heart and jeff has to talk him down each time
after newts accident jeff forced clint to take a break because clint was convinced he was making the wrong decisions for newt
gally has ocd
they have this whole book of theories for why they're in the maze
alby contributed the least to the book because he was convinced that it didn't matter why they were there
winston was super brainy
somebody made a "caution: wet floor" sign and threw it in the pond
the bonfires were frypan's idea
zart was a big hugger
gally built crutches for newt and sanded them down until they were perfect
at first, newt was convinced he didn't need them but after a stern word from jeff about how hard gally had worked on them, newt gave in
winston is super flexible
whenever anyone's feeling down they eventually end up with a pep talk from alby or newt
gally built board games for when they had to shelter from the rain or rest inside for any reason
zart plays snakes and ladders with anyone who's willing
alby makes a point of talking to every single person on bonfire nights
newt tries to do the same but gally's trade secret recipe often gets in the way of that
because im watching tdc and minho dropping to his knees inspired me: when minho found newt in the maze he skidded to a stop on his knees beside him
when ben got stung minho tried to talk to him for hours because the others all thought he'd be the best one to get info out of him
newt had this big chat to alby about feeling bad for whacking ben in the head when he probably didn't need to and gally poked his head in and reminded newt that ben was trying to kill thomas
and newt took gally's word for it that it was okay because gally had been hit in the head so many times they'd all lost count
okay that's it for now oh my god
that was two years' worth of headcannons
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orangechickenpillow · 3 years ago
Losing my mind thinking about an Arcane Western AU. I mean think of how fun that could be?!
The scariest mother fucker in the West.
Seriously, top-tier bad guy -- smolder, cool jacket and all.
And he's got memorable scars on his face, so he'd probably have a badass nickname given to him by The Lawâ„ąïž
No one crosses him, and if they do they lose a hand (or their head) and it gets mailed back to their wife/sons/whatever.
Has a band of goons that are stupid as shit but follow him around anyway.
Exploits literally everyone.
Second scariest mother fucker in the West. Unhinged to the utmost degree.
Silco's second in command (according to her) and don't be fooled -- she waves that shit around like a flag. Gets her whatever she wants, because, threats.
Can shoot like nobody's business. Loves the theatrics of a duel, and always wins.
People tell their children ghost stories about Jinx to keep them in line.
Is a horse girl, and names all her ponies (which are just as crazy as she is - no one can ride them because they are Feral)
For sure blows up a train at some point.
Silco's actual right hand man
Sevika in a Pancho take me the fuck out
Does the Torturingâ„ąïž and runs the "Errands" (more torturing)
Definitely robs a bank at least once a week
Bar fights. All the time. Sevika enters a bar, there will be Violence
The brothel ladies love her (and she also beats the shit out of the aggressive assholes who threaten them)
Has a long-running beef with the Mayor (of what town, you ask? All of them)
The Disgruntled Cowboy whose come back from war or something
Has complex PTSD and attitude issues, but once you get to know her she’s just a big softie
Isn’t the best shot, but will still Fuck You Up
Punches her way through everything
Bar fights. Almost as notorious as Sevika, and just as destructive 
Remember those brothel ladies? Yup, they love her too (Sevika and Vi out her doing god’s work for the sapphics, am I right)
Will break like five different bones and still save some poor little town from being overrun by outlaws the next day
Wears a Lucky Hat that she’s had since the beginning of time. Will not let any other hat touch her head. Will go back for said hat even if it means risking her life. 
Thigh holster
The damn best shot in the West
Heart of gold, law-abiding citizen 
Probably the sheriff of somewhere
Wears a slouch hat (!!!) and looks damn good in it 
Would not hesitate to shoot a man in the foot. Dude is a misogynistic asshole? Oops, her finger slipped. And no one will ever know because she’s the sheriff. It’s a good system
Likes locking bad guys in the clink (definitely refers to it as “the clink”)
Has a moral dilemma when a certain Disgruntled Cowboy rides into town looking for the nearest saloon
Has a gay awakening because of beforementioned Disgruntled Cowboy and says fuck the law before riding off into the sunset
Thigh holster
The mayor that Sevika has beef with
Is that one character in all westerns and western-themed media that provides a little bit of exposition, but is otherwise unhelpful in every way possible
Insists on wearing a shiny badge even though he is not the sheriff (which Caitlyn has told him many times and he still won’t listen)
Probably takes in like five different orphans because look at them he can’t just leave them all alone
Thinks that anyone who breaks the law is a threat to his fine little town and the fine little people that live there
Probably has a mustache, idk
Definitely wears spurs even though he doesn’t have a clue how to ride a horse
Everyone teases him about this
Local chemist by day, unhinged mad scientist by night
Wishes everyone would stop coming to him with their injuries because “I am not technically a doctor and you are bleeding all over my lab equipment get outttttttt”
Anyone who manages to notice him thinks he’s a sweet little guy 
Knows how to kill and dismember a man before anyone notices a thing (...don’t ask)
Isn’t great with a gun -- but knives, on the other hand.... (again, don’t ask)
Isn’t above beating the shit out of people with his cane. Which also has a secret knife built into the handle
Has a running tab at the local saloon, which no one but himself and the owner knows about. Secretly never plans on paying it off. 
Can’t ride very comfortably because of his leg, but has a horse, whom he loves very much and always gives treats and scratches to
Thinks the mayor is hot but won’t do anything about it
Has a Sexy Pocket Watch
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nayarablueglasses · 4 years ago
hello hello hello gay panic headcanonns for kirishima, bakugo, sero, shinsou, and iida is my request i saw your denki post and wanted to give you sumn attention miss ma'am
i was honestly not expecting this!! so sorry it took this long to respond, I don't know if you can tell but i wrote these in the span of a week because i got really really busy and was inturrupted everytime i sat down to start.
also... i do apologize deeply but my shinsou hc just wasn’t turning out right and in the end i decided it’s not worth posting. my apologies ;;
so glad you enjoyed my denki x male reader!!
here you go ♡♡
kirishima’s reader really likes strawberry milk and that’s the theme of it, vv sorry if you don’like strawberry milk ;; personally it’my favourite thing ever along with coconut bread
bakugo’s has a brief mention of a kick to the chest and the following nosebleed, it doesn't go into detail but if that bothers you then please do skip ^-^
and just a little author’s note, please enjoy and let me know what you think and if there should be other warnings ♡♡
☞☆ Kirishima
oh he’s mad
i’ll tell you why
you came out of your dorm today looking sad
so of course, being a manly man, he asks you what’s wrong
you’re out of strawberry milk and didn’t realize, it seems
manly man that he is
he found some more for you
that’s not why he’s angry
your eyes lit up and you got so excited
strawberry milk is apparently one of your favourite things
so you thanked him with a hug
but no that’s not exactly why he’s angy
he’s angy because all he said was “THAKOME”
“thakome" wtfl (what the fairy lights)
he was trying to say thanks for the hug and “you're welcome” for the milk
he ran away
and then began pondering how deep in the shit called love he was
turns out he’s very deep in love shit
now what does he do
he’s not afraid to like guys especially cos you're super manly
but what if you don’t think it’s manly to like men
just his luck
you invited him to your room to play games and there’s an lgbtq+ flag on your wall
he saw an opportunity and was super casually like “heY where can i get one cos liKE i gotta represent too y’know"
your eyes lit up again, stop that
then you two got to talking about how you realized you were gay
you shared your story and asked for his
took some convincing but manly men don’t lie so he told you that you're pretty much his story
highkey you teared up a little and told him you really like him
bakugo rolled his eyes when he saw you two holding hands and was all like
“about time you two dumbasses”
you just ignored him while kiri turned red and started mumbling
☞☆ Bakugo
what is attraction
no like he really doesn’t like people
but you two were sparring, right
and you were sweaty
and you were grinning
and you kicked him in the chest ^-^ look at you i’m so proud you landed a hit on bakugo
the exact moment he fell in love
and then you rushed over and you made the saddest face he’s ever seen
you were honestly so afraid he was hurt from the face he made
“holy shit”
so maybe you must’ve kicked him in the nose, not chest
because he’s got a nosebleed
it didn’t help that you help your shirt to his nose and you were leaning all close
he may or may not have exploded a little bit of the floorboards
don’t blame him, he has no idea how to communicate with words
so when he goes to recovery girl (at your insistence) he’s pissed
why does he keep thinking about you
literally what is the point, you’re shit at fighting anyways
poor baby
he doesn’t understand this
next time he sees you he’ll literally scream, “GET OUT OF MY HEAD EXTRA, WHY AM I THINKING OF YOU ALL THE TIME”
you’re confused
kirishima will have to coach him, with plenty of quips from denki and sero
so the next time he’ll confess with kiri’s teachings in mind
☞☆ Sero
you’re trying to tell me he hasn’t done this gay panic shit before?
he knows how this goes
he’s fully content to just sit here and look at your handsome face
he was scatter rained enough
but he’s not even listening aizawa-sensei anymore
you know what i’m talking about
it’s not creepy or anything, just
“pay attention, cellophane”
oh shit
play it cool
just pretend to be actually listening for a few
it’ll be fine
he’s been through that situation so many times
at this point the whole class knows
everybody’s certain that’s aizawa’s way of wingman-ing
except you never look up on time
you catch him looking sometimes but he plays it cool and points at mineta with a grin
it works every time, mineta is always trying to perv someone >:(
he likes to imagine what would happen if he confessed
his favourite is where you butterfly kiss him
he has less nice scenarios in his head but that one always makes him smile
once in the dorm kitchens you asked him why he’s smiling
you said it super innocent and it sounded so neutral he didn’t stop himself from answering
“just because i like you”
aizawa stopped telling him to pay attention after thfe irst time he saw you holding hands in the hallways
sero will never stop smiling
what a goof but you love him
☞☆ Iida
oh boy why you gotta confuse sanic like this huh??
and when i say confused i mean he doesn’t understand this at ALL
don’t get it twisted, he knows what “gay” is
sanic just didn’t realize HE was gay
and boy is he
see, sanic is well put together
he knows exactly who he is
and then you
y o u
you gave him some art you did of him
he was like ??? thanks for the art??? when did you draw this???
he’s supportive of this new artistic talent but it’s  n e w  to say the least
so you went “oh i just look at you all the time”
you said it so casual
but you ran away after that as i would
not as fast as sanic but he wouldn’t have gone after you
because he was dumbstruck anD i MeAn he was struck dumb
you??? look at him?? aLL tHe tIME? like??
so being the responsible class rep that he is
he had an existential breakdown
came face to face with the fact that his friendly feelings towards you are’t as friendly as he’d been convincing himself
denied it
accepted it
and then ran after you in the five seconds after you ran off
oh boy words are awful because how do people confess? i don’t know but don’t ask him, because he butchered it BAD
but at least the words left his mouth
honestly this boy didn’t even stop to consider what would happen after he confessed
he just word vomited
which is why he’s extra happy when you hug him and tell him you feel the same
in more simple words of course
“i like you too, tenya!”
sonic’s in heaven please hug him some more
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melatovnik · 3 years ago
hi, can u rec other sbwy fics?
yes i most certainly can!
below under the cut is a selection of very good sbwy (and sgwy) fics, i.e., wangxian fics where wwx experiences compulsory heterosexuality. by no means is it a comprehensive list of all the excellent fics of this genre, because i'm a super slow reader and simply haven't gotten to them all yet, but these are just the ones i've read and enjoyed so far. of course, mind all tags/content warnings etc you know what's up
~ the Straight Boy Wei Ying universe series by raitala | rated E | 36K words total | i know this ask was prompted by my earlier rec of this series but i'll include it here anyway. a very charming wonderful story, with extremely massively hot sex scenes
Sit down next to me | 7K words
Lan Zhan has been in love with his tragically straight best friend Wei Ying forever. So what if some girl says Wei Ying is a bad kisser? Lan Zhan has to prove to Wei Ying that this is incorrect. Because Lan Zhan is a good friend. He out does himself.
If I hadn't seen such riches | 29K words
Sequel to "Sit down next to me" - if you haven't read this all you need to know is that Wei Ying thinks he is straight. He just really likes his best friend Lan Zhan. Who is incidentally a really great kisser. Who also made him come in his pants one time. Who also has a *really* big dick, which Wei Ying sucked one time, but, like, in an experimental way, not in a gay way. They are just really good friends, right? Lan Zhan is the best. Lan Zhan is crying inside.
~ Keep Up by mimilamp | rated E | 27K words | i actually just read this one today and wwhfoohgkhdghihHHHHHHhghhhhhhgh đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ INSTANT FAVE. MUST READ.
“She was going to kiss me,” Wei Ying says, muffled, into his hands.
Lan Zhan makes sure he keeps his breaths even. “Hm,” he says. Wei Ying looks up at him, wild: a little tipsy, perhaps. Confused, in a panic. His mouth is red like he’s been kissed—he hasn’t. He’s a lip biter, has a habit of picking at his dry lips, the winter sores at the corner of his mouth. It drives Lan Zhan to madness. He dreams of Wei Ying’s puffy mouth, often, sometimes with the real Wei Ying in a sleeping bag on the floor next to his bed. On mornings like those he wakes up in a cloud of embarrassment—hobbling to the bathroom at dawn, running a loud shower to hide the sounds. Wei Ying sleeps on.
“How do I—” Wei Ying starts, stops. He then lets out a single laugh, another. He says: “Oh my god. How do I kiss? Lan Zhan, how do I kiss?”
Or: Wei Ying has a girlfriend now. Wei Ying doesn't want his best friend to lag behind.
~ A Brilliant Idea by FrameofMind | rated E | 25K words | good for you wei ying
The one where Wei Ying (straight) and Lan Zhan (gay) make a shared tinder account to save money, because Wei Ying has brilliant ideas.
(Wei Ying has terrible ideas.)
~ worth it for the feeling by occultings | rated E | 8K words | they're both girls in this one! "straight" girl wei ying đŸ„°
“I’ve never gotten off with another person,” Wei Ying says that night, apropos of nothing.
~ ready to run by detectorist | rated E | 21K words | really really enjoyed the plot and atmosphere and everything in this story
“You should make a Tinder account for campaigning,” Nie Huaisang says.
Wei Ying chokes out, “What?”
“Sounds like an absolutely terrible idea,” Jiang Cheng says flatly.
“No, it’s a great idea!” Nie Huaisang insists. “You just swipe right on everyone and then send them a message about how they should vote for you. You’re hot, Wei Ying! People will definitely match with you and then you can swoop in and hit them with the politics!”
“I don’t even have Tinder,” Wei Ying protests. He’d downloaded the app in first year but had quickly deleted it after a girl responded to his message of wanna get a drink with yeah sure, what time?
“That can be easily fixed,” Nie Huaisang says.
Wei Ying downloads Tinder to help him campaign for his student union election. He gets a little more than he bargained for.
~ drop the game by martyrsdaughter | rated E | 28K words | cheerleader wwx + jock lwj + fake dating + practice kissing + insane sexual tension = me, flattened like a cartoon character after getting run over by a truck
Wei Ying grabs a pen from Lan Zhan’s desk, curling his legs into a lotus pose under the arms of the chair so he can easily spread the journal out across his lap. Even upside down, Lan Zhan can read his large, messy characters scrawled across the top: Lan Zhan + Wei Ying’s Rules for Dating.
Perhaps this was a bad idea.
~ big hands (i know you're the one) by martyrsdaughter | rated E | 8K words | WHOOF đŸ„”
“Not a big talker, hm?” Wei Ying tilts his head to one side. “That’s okay, I’ve been told I’m a good enough conversationalist for three. My tongue is multi-talented and—”
He has just enough time to feel her palm on the back of his neck and think, oh, her hands are so big, before his words are being stolen into her mouth.
~ Boy Trouble, We've Got Double by saltyfeathers | rated E | 60K words | LAN ZHAN???? BETHROTHED???? NOT TO WEI YING??????? it's less likely than you think! canonverse casefic, featuring tons of pining and wwx taking outrageous liberties with lwj's person, as is his right
Lan Zhan stands there in his immaculate, cloud-patterned Lan robes, watching him calmly, one fist tucked up against his back. “I am betrothed.”
Wei Wuxian blinks. “Are you
” He tries to laugh. Again, it sounds inhuman. “Is this about last night? Are you mad at me? I only remember some of it, Lan Zhan. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I’m sure whatever I did I was just—” He gestures uselessly. He remembers being warm in Lan Zhan’s lap. He remembers fitting snugly in Lan Zhan’s lap. Wrapping his arms around Lan Zhan’s neck. Nosing at his jaw. “
playing around.”
“This has nothing to do with you, Wei Wuxian.”
~ cherry ass wei ying (Chapter 3 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated E
wei ying is so straight he sucks lan zhan's fingers about it.
~ all(e)y (Chapter 11 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated E
prompt fill on twitter for straight boy wei ying + fake dating that ended up being too long for twitter so now it lives here in stupid silly shame. sorry the fake dating is a complete flyover state in this. to make up for it, i wrote out an entire blowjob for some reason.
~ lan zhan has fallen in fuck-love with the straight toad boy (Chapter 14 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated M | there is no chapter summary provided by the author. the title says it all, really
~ wei wuxian loves mysteries! (Chapter 15 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated G | a canonverse character exploration of wwx, set pre-CR (before wangxian first meet). soooo good
~ the mall that has it all by saltyfeathers | rated E | 8K words | 😳 wrow
She introduced herself in the food court, breathless after sprinting across it in Lan Zhan’s direction and vaulting over a table only to crash into the seat across from her, ask, “Can I have a sip?”, spring forward with both elbows on the table to wrap her burgundy lips around Lan Zhan’s smoothie straw, wrinkle her nose, and say, “What is that, kale? Not really my thing, as like, a mall goth. Oh!” A pleased, chaotic exhale. “My name’s Wei Ying.”
Lan Zhan said, after taking a moment to fully process the last forty-five seconds, “What?”
mall goth au
~ I Wish You Would by brooklinegirl | rated E | 52K words | lan zhan fucks guys, wei ying pines, and lan zhan also pines
Lan Zhan takes a breath. His hands are in fists on his thighs. He stares down at them hopelessly, then carefully unclenches them, one finger at a time, before taking another breath and reaching for his lukewarm tea. He'll go out, tomorrow. Maybe in the late afternoon. Something quick. Something easy. He'll text his brother first, the short note of when he should be home, so he'll know to track him. He'll be fine, just like he said.
~ all that and more by Euphorion | rated E | 20K words | hot hot hot! and a classic
Wei Wuxian locks his phone and puts it down, blinks at his ceiling, and picks it up again. The pictures are still there.
His first thought is that Lan Zhan meant them for someone else. That he just woke up at—he checks the timestamp—6:30 am on a Sunday and decided to go absolute full nuclear seduction option on some poor boy he met on Grindr, who would now be missing out on the best thing to ever happen to him because Wei Wuxian had a bad habit of distracting—of—oh.
Pieces of last night start to resurface and paste themselves together in his head. He winces.
~ dreaming and getting a glimmer by verseau | rated E | 27K words | THE comphet gloryhole fic
Wei Ying discovers himself.
~ wanna feel a different kinda tension by verseau | rated E | 10K words | THE comphet watching-porn-together-and-also-wwx-jerks-lwj-off-with-his-own-freshly-used-fleshlight fic
Four times Lan Zhan walks in on his roommate masturbating.
that's all for now! happy october!
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djmarinizelablog · 4 years ago
A Conversation with the Author of City Comma State, kippielovesyou/ForcedSimile
Had a short interview with the author of City Comma State, @kippielovesyou/ForcedSimile and asked her if I could share our conversation online---she said yes!
Did you know that Hange and Levi in her work was based on Spongebob and Squidward's interactions?
Read the entire transcript below:
djmarinizela (D): if i may ask, where and how did you learn to write so good? what inspired you to write city comma state?
kippielovesyou (K): i don't mind at all! it's genuinely just years of practice. i've been scribbling stories since kindergarten (i had a long standing multi part series in first grade about all my classmates). i think one thing is certain: having a strong understanding of characters whether you borrow them or they are your own is pretty key.
a lot of points [in Isayama's story] could have been better thought out or tighter. however, we all love his characters. a weak plot (or in the case of city comma state: no plot) can be ignored or forgiven if everyone loves the characters
i'll be honest, i spend a lot of time trying to understand why a character does things or reacts a certain way. and yes, sometimes, that means i act out scenes in my car while driving. it's embarrassing...
there's a lot more to it, but to me that's the most important thing
as far as how city comma state came about: i wanted to do a slow burn romance centered around levihan, but I also wanted to show how all these characters care about and support each other. i knew in the confines of the AoT world, anyone could die at any moment and that didn't work with the softer feelings i wanted people to enjoy. how can you enjoy the friendship between mike and hange if he dies? it's possible, but it upends all the warmth we were enjoying. so i wrote an AU. i wanted to keep levi with a rough background with many walls, and i wanted hange to have her own issues that they can work through together. and i love the idea of them adopting/supporting the 104th kids without the fear of sending them out to war
D: your answer is so profound and helpful, thank you so much! I can honestly say you pretty nailed it when it comes to character development---everyone has a character arc in your fic! [my next question] is about the gender discourse in your story. I know you started City Comma State pretty early in 2014, but even back then, the nonbinary identity wasn't widely known before. How were you able to flesh out the discourse on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum and play it out on the dialogues and backstories?
K: it's pretty funny, a lot of the LGBTQIA+ has always been discussed i my family. we've had gay, lesbian, trans, gnc, bi and asexual people in my family for generations, as far back as the 20s (that we're aware of). hange's gender being debated made it a prime opportunity to write such an experience, some of which is borrowed from my own life. when i read older chapters i see certain slips in dialogue where i could have made an effort to be more neutral. we're in such a binary society that sometimes even if you feel in between, it slips in. in fact, i'm sure some people might take issue with the fact that i stuck with she/her for hange. i'm not sure i'd make a different decision today. i like this version of hange the way she is, and i hope hange's nb/gnc status comes across in more than just pronouns. hange's full identity is so much more than that and that is what i wanted to explore. and i think no matter where you fall on the whole LGBTQIA+ spectrum, you are more than just the label you've chosen. yes, in this story levi is bi/pan. but i don't think he ever says that explicitly, and he avoids labels. it seems fussy to him, which feels levi. discourse would not be his thing. i think even having a debate about whether or not he was bi or pan wouldn't be something he would want to engage in, he just wants to do what he wants. instead it's heavily implied. i think we forget since so many of us experience this discourse online and want to label things that there are people who don't want to involve themselves in it. it goes back to how would this character act. for instance, based on how levi is in canon, i can see many ways to interpret his sexuality. there's cues for a lot of different takes. but levi doesn't seem like the type that would need a definitive label in order to be happy. there's many ways to interpret hange's gender (and i've written several takes, some where they're more insistent on their pronouns), but i think hange's more excited to explore life than worry too much about much about how they're addressed or how someone talks about them. maybe another character might be more caught up in labels but hange and levi not so much
D: No, don't be sorry, I am more than thankful for your answer. I really appreciate it! I don't get to have these kinds of conversations with other writers, so I am grateful for your insights.
K: a really funny anecdote for you: i loosely based the idea of my levihan off of spongebob and squidward. you know, since they start out as neighbors and hange is more invasive than levi is used to
D: that's.... a stretch. but thanks for the tidbit! was the annual star wars contest also something that you do in your family? that part as well as all the geeky references won me over tbh!
K: it was an extremely loose inspiration! but hange mowing her lawn in the middle of the night so levi wouldn't be mad at her is on par with a spongebob move. and um...my family, while they can be a little nerdy, is not nerdy enough to do the star wars tournament! i made that up entirely
i just imagined hange having eccentric family, so they have very unusual traditions that none of the children question
i'll be the first to say a lot of city comma state is unrealistic and a little bit of a domestic fantasy. there's a lot of problems with money, employment and such that hange and levi SHOULD have but that's a little too real and not what i want to be the focus of this story. like hange landing a job that gives her a day off and she doesn't suffer a severe pay cut as a result? unrealistic. but i have other things i want to tackle. plus, in canon we have humans that turn into giants and 3D maneuver gear which would probably kill its user in real life. i think making certain parts of this fanfic a little idealistic is okay
D: are there other works that influence your writing? or authors that inspire you to write?
K: There's too many influences to count. reading is so important and even things that are bad are helpful. i actually was trying to read a YA series that seemed really cool and i had to stop reading because so many things were so annoying (I won't reveal which, since i think it has a small but dedicated fandom and i don't want to rain on their parade, it is purely a taste thing to some degree). instead of being upset and thinking that I wasted my time, i took note of what made me stop reading (that is a long list of things i didn't like so i won't bother to outline each one). even if it's something as small as a fanfiction that you had to click out of, ask yourself why you stopped. Especially with fanfiction: you already like these characters, what you're looking for is usually pretty specific (a pairing, an au, a specific scenario, etc). why, when this author has ticked all your superficial boxes, did you stop reading? and when you love something as yourself why. Ask yourself why you love the source material even! do you really love the plotlines and the world or do you love the characters? Is the dialogue strong? something to also pay attention to: people in general. how do they speak, gestures, facial expressions. really listen to how people talk (Youtube podcasts are really good for this!).
i think people would be surprised, a lot of what i really like to read is very all over. from surrealist novels, to classic literature, to science fiction aimed at children (i'm finally reading animorphs after almost 20 years!). and what i write for original fiction doesn't reflect what i'm probably best known for.
D: thanks for this, Kippie! looking forward to reading more of your works!
K: i'm still amazed at the response! writing is so solitary to me and i don't really look at my numbers. it never occurred to me that people would be discussing my fic!
If you haven't read Kippie's Levihan fic yet, here's the link to get started: City Comma State
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minimitchell · 4 years ago
callumhighwayweek day 2 - “I can’t think straight around you.” (ao3 link)
“I should go. Whit will be wondering where I am.”
Ben doubts it. Whitney was surrounded by Chantelle and Lola on either side, doing their umpteenth shot for the night at the bar the last time he’d seen her, right before he followed her fiancĂ© through the heavy, wooden doors of the pub.
The Vic is packed tonight. The party they had going on for whatever reason and the regular Friday evening punters mixing together to fill the place up to the brim and no one even noticed Callum leaning down to whisper the words car lot into Ben’s ear on his way to the gents. He doubts anyone even noticed both of them are missing.
He’d sworn to himself he wouldn’t do this anymore; wouldn’t come running whenever Callum asked, or begged, him to. But it’s almost like he’s powerless when it comes to this, to him. Callum only has to look at him to get him to follow; to meet him somewhere secluded in the dark of the night; to accept the invitation to have him in his bed whenever Whitney is out or away.
He didn’t plan for it to happen again after that first time in the park and it’s obvious Callum hadn’t either. But there was this confrontation between them before the second time, a snide remark from Ben that snowballed into a full-blown argument, and before he could even get his wits about him they were tearing at each other’s clothes, pressing biting kisses onto the other’s lips. The third time started with a text from Callum saying they needed to talk and ended with Ben on his knees in the Arches.
He stopped counting after that.
Ben would love to pretend this is just about his purely selfish want for sex, a quick and easy way to get an orgasm, but it hasn’t been about that for a while now; maybe it never was. There’s nothing easy about this or about the ever-growing want to march into that building in a couple of weeks and beg Callum not to get married.
Ben Mitchell doesn’t get attached anymore and he certainly doesn’t catch feelings - only it seems he does for Callum Highway of all people.
So they meet up. They kiss, they have sex and Ben pretends he doesn’t leave a piece of his already battered heart with Callum every time he leaves him afterwards.
“‘Course. Don’t want her to think you’re playing away.”
He can barely keep the venom out of his voice; the jealousy bleeding into their conversations more and more the longer this affair between them continues. Callum might not want to label this as one, might not want to think too much about what they’re doing at all, but it’s exactly what’s been happening.
They’re sneaking around behind Whitney’s back and Callum might want to refuse to believe it, but he is actively cheating when he fucks into Ben on the couch at the car lot after basically eye fucking him across the pub the entire night at the Vic beforehand.
“Ben, come on.”
Ben masks his eye roll by looking down at the buttons of his shirt he’s still doing up again, fumbling with the little, white buttons and smoothing the fabric down when he’s done. He’s becoming more and more transparent the more they do this, have this kind of conversation with each other, he knows he is but he just can’t help it. He can’t keep pretending this is enough for him.
Callum is standing a feet away from the couch, stepping back into his jeans and flattening his hair back down so it doesn’t look like Ben ran his fingers through it while they were having sex with each other - even though that’s exactly what happened.
Looking at Callum now, Ben knows he’s easily the worst mistake he’s made since coming back to Walford; the one thing he never planned for. Not trying to help Callum find his way to himself, or kissing him that first time, he couldn’t regret that even if he tried. But letting himself go back time and time again; letting Callum touch and kiss and feel him ways he hasn’t let another man do in so long; letting himself fall for him in the process of all this.
“It’s alright. Don’t matter, does it.”
He isn’t really sure whether he’s talking about his own feelings or about Callum going back to Whitney when they both know this will happen again anyway, but it does make Callum pause in front of him, looking up to search Ben’s face for something he doesn’t really know. Ben doesn’t meet his eyes; his shoeless feet prove to be more interesting right now.
Callum takes a step forward, feet aligning with Ben’s on the ground. He’s wearing his black sneakers again already, ready to walk out the door and back to his fiancĂ©e, leaving Ben behind in the cold; nothing more than the outsider looking in.
The thought alone makes something in his stomach squeeze and turn.
“I know this is
 complicated. And I do love her...”
Callum’s voice sounds strained, pained even, so Ben holds back the snort threatening to come out of his mouth, refraining from pointing out that Callum can’t love her that much if he keeps going back to Ben, keeps telling him he misses him the second they’re back in each other’s arms. If he really loved her as much as he likes to claim in front of Ben, he wouldn’t feel the need to keep texting him in the middle of the night.
He’s getting married to a woman while Ben keeps doing everything to get him to somehow choose him - complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it.
“But with you- it’s like I can’t think straight around you.”
Callum crouches down so he’s on Ben’s eye level, one of his hands darting out to run over Ben’s thigh in front of him. His eyes are bright and sincere, expression so completely open and honest, and this is why he keeps going back. This is the Callum he can’t seem to walk away from.
Because there’s so much potential between them. Ben is sure they could be so good together if given a real chance. They feel like two puzzle pieces to him sometimes, only making sense when put together to create an entire picture.
The knowledge that they’ll never get there is sobering. And too much to think about right now.
“Unfortunate turn of-”
They huff out a quiet laugh together, heads falling forward before their eyes meet again with quiet smiles. Callum's thumb on his thigh moves back and forth, caressing the skin underneath in soothing motions. His other hand comes up to Ben’s cheek, taking it safely into the palm of his hand, and it takes every ounce of willpower for Ben not to lean into the touch.
“Just- when I’m with you, it’s like my head ain’t even working anymore. Like it doesn’t know what’s good for me. Nothing makes sense until you’re there with me. I can’t make sense of any of this.”
Ben knows that trying to convince Callum that the solution to how he feels is being true to himself and admitting he’s gay is for nought. They had this conversation, sometimes even an argument about it, a million times before and the outcome always remains the same - with Callum storming off insisting he loves Whitney and Ben getting drunk alone in the Albert, rejecting every guy that comes up to him because they aren’t the one he really wants.
It’s hopeless. And the endless cycle of it does neither of them any good.
“It’s okay. You’re gonna figure it out.”
It’s the closest thing he can say to what he wants, that doesn’t make Callum walk away in a huff. But the more he says it, the less he truly believes in it. He’s resigned; almost emotionless when he says it. Because there’s only so many reassuring words he can say when the results just don’t match.
Because while Callum does come back to him again and again to kiss the truth onto his skin, he still goes back to her every time afterwards to plan a wedding that keeps creeping closer and closer.
They are something with an expiration date, a limited lifespan.
And when the time, the ending, finally comes, Callum will be blissful and happily married and Ben will be left with a heart that’s been broken one too many times to ever be complete again.
“Please don’t be mad at me.”
Ben doesn’t think he could be even if he tried. He’s in way too deep for that.
No matter how disappointed or hurt he is by this push and pull they have going on, he knows Callum isn’t doing any of this intentionally. He knows, from deep personal experience, that his head is in a right state at the moment and he doesn’t want to add to the storm that’s already raging inside of Callum. He wants to make it better for him. If only Callum would let him.
“I’m not. Promise.”
They keep looking at each other for a long moment; no further words shared between them. Ben keeps fiddling with the hem of Callum’s shirt, running his finger along the stitching on the inside. It doesn’t take long for their eyes to drop down to each other’s mouths and when they do, the space between them becomes charged again; heat rising inside their bodies.
Callum leans forward at the same time Ben leans back and so they fall back onto the couch together, Ben pulling Callum back on top of him with hands fisted in his shirt. Their mouths meet again, tongues sliding together and hands back to wandering over each other’s bodies.
There are kisses being pressed along his jaw and down his neck and Ben can’t help but let out a low moan in response to it, his hands coming back around to mess with the buttons on Callum’s checkered shirt again.
He’s about to slip the top button free when there’s a sharp ping coming from Callum’s jacket on the floor beside them, ripping through the tension between them. It’s like a bucket of ice cold water is being dumped on them; the sharp burst of the bubble they keep creating around them.
Because Ben already knows who it is that’s texting Callum right now and it serves as another stark reminder that he’s just the other man; the bit on the side.
Callum leans away from him to unearth his phone from the floor and Ben can immediately tell by the way his face changes that there’s no round two for them right now. Instead, Callum shuffles off of him, pocketing his phone again so he doesn’t have to look Ben in the eye. It’s probably easier for him that way, Ben reckons. He can’t relate.
“It’s Whit.”
He doesn’t elaborate any further. Ben is grateful for that; he doesn’t want to hear it anyway.
He watches him while Callum shrugs his jacket back on and runs his hands over his clothes to make himself look presentable again; combing through his hair and straightening his shirt.
When he’s done he turns back to Ben, taking one, two steps to him and leans down to press a soft kiss to his cheek as a goodbye. They never say ‘bye’ or ‘see you later’; still stuck somewhere between insisting to themselves this won’t happen again and knowing they will go back to longing for each other by tomorrow.
Ben knows the moment Callum’s lips leave his cheek, leaving behind nothing but the ghost of his touch, that it’ll always be like this for as long as this thing between them continues.
Callum will text again. And Ben knows he’ll come running each and every time.
No matter how much it hurts him.
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dewitty1 · 4 years ago
Modern Love
tackytiger @tackytigerfic
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Teddy Lupin Additional Tags: Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Slow Burn, Oblivious Harry Potter, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Politics, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Songfic, Friendship, Found Family, Mentions of Cancer, References to Illness, Chemotherapy, references to canonical child abuse, references to canonical deaths, References to Depression, Drunkenness, Sad Harry Potter, Church Services, Hymns, Atheism, Kissing in Church, Religious Discussion, Light Angst, Boxing & Fisticuffs, Minor Injuries, Blood and Injury, Gay vicar, Original Character(s), Original Character Illness, Magical Theory (Harry Potter), Scars, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Minor Draco Malfoy/ Sexy Tall Vicar, Draco Kisses Someone Briefly That’s All I Promise, Magic/Muggle Relations, Jealousy, Family Drama Series: Part 1 of Modern Love
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what’s he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.
“Do you know,” he says conversationally, “when I was little, my mother used to wash my hair for me.”
“I did not know that,” Harry says gravely. “Though I can’t say I’m surprised. It was always particularly glossy-looking when we were at school.”
The disadvantage of Malfoy being so close, Harry discovers, is that it’s easy for him to find the softest bit of Harry’s tummy to pinch.
“I was actually quite a cosseted child. Spoiled rotten in fact. You may find that astonishing when you consider what a delight I was as a teenager. But my parents were busy people. My father ran the estate, and spent a lot of time in London, of course. So I didn’t see them much in the evenings. The nursery was in its own wing, naturally, and my nanny was very attentive.“
Harry snorts at that, but then thinks about tiny Draco with his face upturned toward Lucius, alight with worship, and feels a bit sad.
"So it was my favourite thing when I was small, having my mother give me a bath. It was always a very special treat. She’d sit on the floor with her sleeves rolled up and the front of her robes would get all wet and foamy from me splashing, but she never minded. And she’d keep spelling the water hot so I could stay in for as long as I wanted.”
Harry can’t imagine it. He vaguely remembers when he was tiny, standing shivering in the Dursleys’ avocado-coloured bath while Petunia sprayed him with tepid water from the shower head, scrubbed him with carbolic soap. And then after a while, she stopped even doing that. Harry used to sneak in and wash when no one noticed, used to pile his clothes in with the rest of the laundry, since he was the one doing it anyway. But he knows that as a child he was probably never all that clean. How did no one ever notice, he wonders, not for the first time. Why did no one care?
“And when I was tired and wanted to get out, she’d turn me around with my back to the edge—” Harry hears the snap of a bottle lid, smells something fresh and sharp, like the crush of sun-hot meadow grass (like Malfoy, he thinks) “—and she’d wash my hair for me.”
Then Malfoy’s hand is on Harry’s hair, and he starts to rub gentle, workmanlike circles from Harry’s crown down to his nape. He pulls his other hand back from around Harry’s body, though he stays close enough that Harry can still feel him against his back, and then he starts to work through Harry’s hair with both hands. His fingers are strong, raising bubbles at Harry’s temples, moving with pure intent through the curls that are flattened and lengthened by water, resting at his nape for a moment, gathering the curls in his fist then releasing them as he lathers, sluices, strokes.
It’s all Harry can do to keep quiet. Having Malfoy touch him like this—having anyone touch him like this—feels like too much. No one has ever laid hands on him like this, with such focus, like he’s the only thing that matters.
And he thinks of Narcissa crying at Andy’s kitchen table all those months ago, and how he had wondered why anyone would want to cry over Malfoy, of all people. How stupid he had been, how stupid and short-sighted, to think that Malfoy was unlovable just because Harry had him all neatly tidied away in his mind, relegated to uselessness by some weird little childhood rivalry. 
Malfoy is probably the most lovable person Harry can think of, it turns out—he just hadn’t known it before. And in the end, it was just a case of Malfoy deciding to let Harry love him, that was all. Once Malfoy made that decision, there was nothing Harry could have done.
And now he knows how Narcissa feels, because his eyes are smarting with the sour threat of unshed tears. He wants to cry over arguing with Malfoy, who is one of his best friends and who he’s pretty sure he’d do anything for, and when did that even happen?
Malfoy’s hands are still in Harry’s hair, and the lather is sliding down Harry’s body to puddle at their feet, and he doesn’t think anything has ever felt quite so intimate as the insistent pressure of Malfoy’s fingers on the hidden curves of bone behind Harry’s ears. Malfoy keeps talking.
“She was so gentle with me,” he says. His voice is nearly a whisper, but his mouth is so close to Harry’s ear that every word carries over the water. “She used to say, ‘I’ll take care of you, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.’” 
He tugs his fingers through the lengths of Harry’s hair, lets the water rinse him clean, then lets his hands fall to Harry’s shoulders, his thumbs moving in restless circles over the notches of Harry’s spine.
“I’ll take care of you, sweetheart,” he says again, and it means something different this time—something for the now, rather than an echo of the past—and Harry hadn’t realised how long he’d been waiting to hear that. Usually, taking care of Harry is a duty. And some people hated him for it, and even the people who didn’t ended up getting hurt, dying.
Malfoy says it like it’s easy, like it’s a gift. Like it’s not a chore at all, just a simple pleasure.
Harry lets his head fall back onto Malfoy’s shoulder, so Malfoy’s face fits snug in the curve of Harry’s throat, and Malfoy’s arms drop down to fit around Harry’s waist again. Harry isn’t sure how long they stay there, but the water starts to run cool, and the creaking pipes make a resentful thumping sound when Harry fiddles with the dial to turn the heat up.
“When I came into the shower,” Malfoy murmurs, “I was going to kiss you.”
And Harry’s blood does that dizzying swoop that sometimes happens around Malfoy, only this time it all rushes straight to his wet naked cock, and he’s hard and getting harder at just the thought of a kiss, and he wonders distantly if instead of being mad about Malfoy, he’s just going a bit mad in general. It’s been a while since he’s been with anyone, after all. And it’s been even longer than that again since he’s been with someone he likes so much.
“Only I thought
” Malfoy’s low, amused voice is a torture device this close to his ear. “I thought if I kissed you, we would probably end up fucking, Which
 you know. It might not be such a bad thing, to get it out of our systems. Right? And it would probably be really good.”
“Thanks,” Harry says distantly, absurdly.
“For you Potter, because it would be sex with me, please keep up. But then I got in here with you and I ended up talking about my fucking mother to you, telling you things I’ve never told anyone, and I could feel you getting all tense and weird about how those arsehole Muggles of yours never took care of you, let alone that prick Dumbledore who at least was supposed to be one of the good guys.”
He sighs again, moves his face away from where he’s still nuzzling Harry’s neck, and hooks his chin over Harry’s shoulder. His arms tighten around Harry’s middle.
“And I remembered that sex is easy. It’s so fucking easy, and because it would be good, it might feel like the right thing to do. But we’ve worked so hard at this, haven’t we? Yeah, I know it’s a horror to have to talk about it, but fuck it. We’re friends now, but it took so long to get here. Have you ever had to work so hard at something before?“
“Well. I mean, I did have to kill Voldemort when I was seventeen?”
“I’m including that, and I’m including your opening waltz at the Yule Ball because that was a study in despair for all concerned, including those of us who had to sit through it. Look, we took a while to get here, is what I’m saying. It probably felt like a terrible idea most of the time we were doing it. God, remember that first time at Fand’s? The first time my friends found out about you? Weasley’s birthday party? But then I didn’t even notice when the you part of it all started being something easy. And if we kiss, we have to figure the whole thing out again. So now I don’t know what to do. Because
” —the ghost of a hot breath against Harry’s ear, and the shivery feeling of Malfoy’s mouth moving close enough to touch Harry’s skin— “
 I would really like to kiss you now, and I don’t know how to feel about that.”
( â€ąà„ąâ—Ą-à„ą)-♡*âœČ*ïœĄâ‹†â™ĄàœŒ
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miskatonique · 4 years ago
since my muses are not super well known in the contemporary rpc ( and i’m too lazy to do a full about page at this very moment ) i decided to put together little posts for them that give their general backgrounds, vibes, and plot possibilities !
this is a mix of canon and headcanon, and these are subject to change / adapt as i get more used to writing the characters
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Films: Re-Animator 1985, Bride of Re-Animator 1990, Beyond Re-Animator 2003
We don’t talk about Beyond Re-Animator......
Dr. Herbert West, 24 in the first movie, 27 in the second movie, idk like 40 in the third movie. Mad scientist to the MAX. In the novelization Herbert is an orphan who gets passed around in foster homes before eventually going to undergrad at NYU and pursuing his theory about the re-animation of dead tissue. Mostly people think he’s sort of crazy until one of his articles catches the eye of Dr. Hans Gruber at a university in Switzerland, and he invites Herbert to come work alongside him. Herbert eventually grows to respect Gruber as both a mentor and father-figure.
Herbert and Gruber develop a reagent that affects re-animation in dead animal tissue but they know that for their results to be taken seriously they need to do a human trial. Dr. Gruber volunteers but the dosage of the reagent is too large, and though it brings Gruber back to life it quickly overwhelms his system and he dies again. Herbert is taken into psychiatric custody in Switzerland but is eventually released.
Herbert returns to America and specifically sets his sights on Miskatonic Medical School in Arkham, Massachusetts because one of the staff, Dr. Carl Hill, used to work with Gruber years ago, and even went on to plagiarize some of Gruber’s work and publish it in America. Herbert makes it his secondary goal to absolutely terrorize Dr. Hill, and because he’s a chaotic gremlin in human form he’s very good at it.
Herbert continues working on perfecting the reagent, rooming with Dan Cain and eventually pulling Dan into the experiments as well when Dan’s cat dies and Herbert is able to prove his research by reanimating it. Herbert isn’t perturbed when Dan’s talk with Dean Halsey goes south, and just digs his heels in and insists that the only way to truly prove that the reagent works is to reanimate a human cadaver.
Results are just as bad as you’d expect. Sure, the cadaver reanimates but it also wrecks the morgue and kills Dean Halsey. RIP. Herbert insists that they reanimate him and the dean comes back less like himself and more animalistic, trying to kill both Herbert and Dan before his daughter Meg shows up and stops him. Despite it all, Herbert manages to wriggle his and Dan out of any suspicion from the police but Dr. Hill takes an interest in Herbert’s work once he does exploratory surgery of Dean Halsey and finds out he’s technically dead.
Dr. Hill confronts Herbert in his laboratory and threatens to steal Herbert’s work and take it for his own, offering Herbert the meager honour of being his assistant. Herbert promptly murders Hill via decapitation but decides not to let his fresh corpse go to waste and reanimates both Hill’s head and his body, which come back to life and knock Herbert out and steal all of his work.
Yada yada, Herbert gets Dan to help him go after Hill, the big climax happens. Herbert is able to prove his theory about overdose by shooting up Dr. Hill’s headless body with a bunch of reagent, which backfires and Herbert is left for dead all tangled up in Hill’s intestines, but not after he ensures that his research is safe with Dan.
They never explain how Herbert survives the first movie but he sure is alive in the second movie! It’s roughly 3ish years after the first film, so he’s got his doctorate now and he’s drug Dan all the way to Peru so they can be volunteer medics in a civil war. This obviously gives Herbert an unprecedented access to fresh bodies for his experiments.
Eventually he and Dan head back to Miskatonic Hospital, where they’re able to get jobs and a creepy cute little house that used to be a mortuary so they can continue the work. Herbert is now obsessed with the reanimation of separate parts and convinces Dan to help him build an entirely new life from parts. Dan’s not on board until Herbert shows him Megan Halsey’s heart and promises that they’ll build the body around it.
Dr. Hill’s head also somehow survived the first movie and it tries to terrorize Herbert, along with a cop who’s investigating Herbert for stealing corpses. Herbert eventually kills and reanimates the cop, and then gets into even more trouble when all of the other strange creatures he’s been reanimating start coming after him because they’re being mind controlled by Dr. Hill’s nasty head ( don’t ask me okay, this script was written in literally 6 weeks it makes no sense )
Anyway Herbert and Dan successfully bring their creation to life right before getting attacked by Dr. Hill and his army of weirdos, all while Dan is having a mental breakdown because he thinks the creation is his dead girlfriend Meg. In the chaos Dan and the creation escape separately while Herbert and Hill and co. get trapped under buried rubble and are left for dead ( AGAIN ).
But surprise! Herbert isn’t dead! We don’t know how he survived but we do know that at some point in time Dan turned over evidence to the authorities that led to Herbert’s arrest and imprisonment. The third movie picks up with Herbert who’s been in prison for 13 years and the dumbass new hospital doctor is a fanboy of Herbert and brings in some of his reagent. Herbert basically starts a prison riot, chaos ensues, this movie is Not Good, but the important thing is that Herbert escapes prison with his work and gets to walk off free and definitely alive into the night <3
His work is EVERYTHING to him -- there have been multiple times where Herbert has put his work above his own bodily safety or chance of survival, and I guarantee he would do it again, too. Herbert is mostly focused on being able to do the impossible simply because it’s “impossible.” He’s able to convince Dan to help him because he reasons the practical applications of his reagent, like saving lives by aiding in surgeries or helping with amputations, but at the end of the day Herbert is only concerned with discovery, acclaim, and giving classical science a big ‘ole middle finger.
He can be incredibly manipulative when looking for a specific action or behavior in the people close to him. This mostly is seen in how he treats Dan, often reeling him back in with promise of how much good their work will do in the world when Dan starts to get squeamish. Herbert is also really good at finding the sorest spots in someone and pressing on them, but usually only does this when he wants to prove a point or if he really hates someone.
He gains a lot of power by seeming like the more “level-headed” person in an altercation, but he can get extremely excitable or aggressive, especially when something goes well with his research or if it’s being threatened.
He’s genuinely a good doctor, doesn’t freak out under pressure, has neutral-good bedside manner, is very decisive and isn’t afraid to make difficult decisions when it comes to a patient’s life. However, Herbert considers himself a scientist first and a doctor second. The work on reanimation will always come before anything else.
He’s a HUGE fucking nerd, he loves making puns or little zingers whenever he can fit them into a conversation. He also likes playing practical jokes, though he doesn’t do it often. He’s got a great evil giggle.
Oh he’s terrible at taking care of himself. There’s a deleted scene from the first movie where Herbert is shown to be injecting himself with a weakened version of the reanimating reagent because it helps keep his brain sharp and makes it to where he doesn’t have to sleep. What a NUT. I think he probably weans off this habit, by force or choice. His sleeping and eating habits are still pretty bad, though. Definitely the kind of person who doesn’t eat/sleep/rest unless he’s genuinely about to collapse because of it.
Oh he’s also sooooooooooo gay. gay gay gay homo sexual.
There are very few people he outright respects or enjoys spending time around, and with everyone else he is absolutely so bitchy and rude. He doesn’t give a single shit about being polite. Also ACAB.
Got any canonically dead muses? Want them to be alive again? Herbert can help with that! He’ll definitely want to make sure they stick around and observe them to see why the reagent worked so well, maybe do some extra tests, so he can also double as a really annoying, creepy roommate. Score!
Med student muses? I have a new classmate for you
Ever wondered what your muse would do if they saw someone graverobbing, or smuggling body parts into their house in the middle of the night? Do they stop him? Ask questions? Offer to help? Now’s the chance to find out!
He could always use a new assistant since Dan keeps abandoning him after every movie, jfc, loyalty is so hard to find these days
Meet-cute where one of his reanimated creations tries to murder you and he saves you from it <3
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invisibleanonymousmonsters · 5 years ago
Hb combining 1 w 37 in which steve (or bucky) is trying to mention that theyre a mobster but get interrupted by the rival gang and they have to run & end up in an alley 👀👀
1.  here’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close
37. We’re dating and I didn’t know you were a mobster/biker
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Y/N found Steve so peculiar.
This was their fifth date and Steve hadn’t so much as kissed Y/N on the cheek. He’d given her a hug after their second date, but it had been Y/N who even initiated it. Steve had placed his hand protectively on her back on their first date when a homeless man was yelling crazily on the sidewalk and started eyeing Y/N.
However, Y/N wasn’t mad about it. She was just so taken aback from it. Steve acted like men from a time when gentlemen were expected, not a rarity.
She actually preferred this slow burn. It took her awhile to trust people, men especially. Without trust, she wasn’t comfortable with intimacy, particularly physical intimacy.
Y/N just wasn’t sure if she were misreading Steve’s politeness for disinterest. Or maybe he was in the closet still, and refused to realize that maybe women weren’t for him.
But if Steve wasn’t actually interested in her, why had he insisted on taking her to dinner tonight and having their fifth date?
“I was grounded for a month after that. Mom didn’t take too kindly to me beating someone up, even if he was an asshole who was making fun of my best friend for being gay.” She told him with a nostalgic smile. 
Steve looked at her over the candlelit dinner with a amused smirk and pride in his eyes.
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” he chuckled before taking another sip of his whiskey.
“You? I would never touch a hair on your head.”
His brows raised in surprise. “Yeah? And why is that?”
“You wouldn’t hurt a fly, Steve. I can’t even imagine you losing your temper, let alone getting into a physical fight.”
His amusement dropped for a second. But he kept his cool composure.
“Well, certainly not with you,” was all he answered back. That way he didn’t feel like he was lying. No, heïżœïżœïżœd never harm her. He struggled with even imagining a scenario where he’d lose his temper with Y/N.
The dinner as a whole was almost comically pleasant and
comfortable. Y/N had never felt that unsureness or awkwardness on any of her dates with Steve that were so common in her dating life.
Steve felt like a friend first, which took all the pressure off for Y/N and made her feel like she could just be herself.
After splitting two different desserts and espresso, the waitress brought the check directly to Steve. He thanked her by using her name, which made Y/N wonder how often he came to this particular restaurant.
Steve never let her pay for literally anything: dinner, drinks, coffee. If he thought it was too late for her to take the subway home alone, he would pay for a taxi or another ride service.
Y/N tried not to let her feminist mind get upset about it. But the way Steve went about it was so smooth and unbothered that she didn’t feel like there was something expected of her in return.
“Thanks for meeting me for dinner,” he told her sweetly as helped with her jacket and lead them to the restaurant’s exit.
“Yeah, my presence is always sought after
 you’re lucky I could fit you into my demanding schedule,” she answered back so sarcastically that made him chuckle in return.
When they stepped outside, the most beautiful flurry had started. It didn’t stick to the ground and it didn’t make the air any colder. It just fell like a prop in a movie.
Y/N looked up at the sky and then smiled at Steve.
“You up for a little walk?” She asked, not ready to leave his side quite yet.
There was still so much mystery around him. She needed to solve it before she conjured up any false ideas about him.
He smiled back. “A walk sounds great.”
With Steve’s old-school manners, Y/N half expected him to offer his arm to her. But they simply walked side by side, their hands in the pockets of their coats to keep them warm.
“Are you keeping something from me?” Y/N finally blurted out after they had walked in comfortable silence for some time.
His brow furrowed. “What?”
She stopped walking and turned to face him. “You’re too perfect, Steve. You’re polite. You manage to make me feel like a lady, and just an actual respected human being. You ask me genuine questions. You pay for everything like it’s the 1930s. You haven’t tried to prematurely cop a feel – which I oddly appreciate, by the way.”
She took in a deep breath after she listed everything so quickly. “What’s your flaw, huh?”
Steve just shifted his weight.
“Are you married?”
His eyes widened. “What? No! Of course not.”
“Then do you have a girlfriend?” Y/N countered.
“No, Y/N. I’m not even seeing anyone else. Just you.”
“Are you gay?” Y/N regretted it the moment the words came out of her mouth.
Steve actually laughed at that. “I can assure you that I’m not.”
Y/N was about to continue her interrogation when Steve’s gaze went past her shoulder, clearly catching something behind her.
He muttered a curse under his breath. It was the first time she had ever heard him swear.
Without giving any warning or explanation, Steve quickly grabbed a hold a of her hand and pulled her into the nearest alleyway. Y/N yelped at the surprise of it all.
She was just about to ask what the hell was going on when she realized how close Steve was to her.
Her back was pressed against the cold brick of the building.
Meanwhile, Steve’s face was mere inches from hers.
He had yet to invade her personal space in such a way. And to Y/N’s surprise, her heart was racing from the thrill of it all instead of the anxiety it usually induced when other men did such a thing.
Steve’s eyes flickered to her lips and then dug into her gaze.
How did such a look make Y/N feel more vulnerable than any time she’d ever been naked with a man?
“Sorry–It’s just–I saw someone I knew,” he explained lamely.
Y/N nodded. “Oh, yeah? Ex-girlfriend?”
He didn’t laugh at the joke, just shook his head. “No, no.” Then he winced. “Look, I can’t – I really don’t want to lie to you.”
“Then don’t,” she retorted a bit harshly.
“I haven’t lied to you about who I am. I just conveniently left out a bit about my work.”
Y/N chuckled. “What? Are you gonna now tell me you’re some kind of New York gangster or something?”
Steve didn’t laugh once again. He swallowed. His eyes held all the answers Y/N needed.
“Holy shit,” she gasped. “You are.”
He said nothing.
It made sense, which was why Y/N knew he wasn’t pulling so weird prank on her. The money he seemed to have a plethora of. The suaveness and confident air around him. His perfectly tailored clothes.
This was the thing that made Y/N question his genuineness.
Y/N glanced back out at the sidewalk. “So, who exactly are we hiding from then? A rival gang or some shit?”
“It’s not that simple,” Steve sighed. “My
 makes me more enemies than friends.”
“Did we just avoid a shootout or stabbing?” Y/N almost laughed at how ridiculous the question sounded.
“No, of course not. We’re not sloppy.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t-I can’t have them see you. As soon as they get a look at you – or the way I look at you, for that matter – they’ll
” His words died out.
His eyes softened as he stared at her. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t really know how, to be honest. Most of the women I’ve been with had an idea of who I was before agreeing to a date.”
Y/N put her hand to Steve’s chest and forced him back a few steps.
The new space between them felt like a galaxy. 
“If this isn’t some fucked up joke–”
“It’s no joke, Y/N.” Steve interrupted her.
She took a step away from him, walking backwards slowly but keeping his stare. “So, if I walk away right now
does that end with me at the bottom of the East River?” Her voice was shaking. 
Steve’s face turned crestfallen as he realized that Y/N was now scared of him, even convinced he would kill her.
“Y/N, please believe me
I’d never hurt–I’d never touch you.”
For some reason, she believed him.
But that wasn’t enough.
She started shaking her head, still tiptoeing backwards. “I’m sorry, Steve. I-I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” He challenged.
“I can’t be some mobster wife
 or-or-or whatever I’d be to you.”
Steve’s head fell. All his exact fears were coming true. Fears that had grown when he realized he had started falling for Y/N. 
“I understand,” he replied evenly, even though it hurt like hell to say it.
“I’m sorry.” She was at the end of the alley again.
Did the moonlight and flurry have to frame her face so beautifully? Was this his punishment for all the terrible things he’s done?
“You don’t have to keep saying that,” he muttered. “I should be the one apologizing.”
Y/N just nodded shakily. “Goodbye, Steve.”
Then she turned and rounded the corner, leaving the alleyway and Steve’s sight.
He sighed and rubbed his face. His heart was beating so fast that he swore it was starting to hurt. He started pacing in the shadows of the alley, trying to control his emotions.
His back was turned to sidewalk when he heard the click of her heels hurriedly returning.
He whipped around.
And before he could ask her what the hell she was doing, her lips crashed to his.
Steve instantly reciprocated, clutching her face and pulling her even closer
He’d wanted to know what her lips tasted like as soon as he had seen her for the first time. But she scared the hell out of him and he tried to be a patient gentleman.
Y/N’s fingers weaved through his hair, tugging even, and it only drove Steve crazier.
Steve even let her shove him back against the alley wall.
His grip was tight and possessive against her waist.
Y/N couldn’t help but wonder what his grip would feel like against her naked skin.
Then she snapped out of it and quickly broke the kiss.
However, they lingered. Both of them were trying to catch their breath. It was the only sound in the alley. 
Steve pressed his forehead against hers.
And suddenly his hunger turned into a softness, a need for her.
But he knew what this was. And it wasn’t Y/N changing her mind.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N heaved. “I just had to know.”
Then she ripped herself from his arms and left the alley. For good this time.
Feedback. Feedback. Feedback. Please. Please. Please. 
(My inbox is already overwhelming.)
One-Shots Masterlist
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trekkie-in-space · 4 years ago
KakagaiWeek2020 - Day 1 - Burden
Author : JackB
Title : Taking the Burden
Rating : General Audience.
Words : 2392
Resume : Today it’s Kakashi inauguration as the new Hokage. It doesn’t matter Gai is one week out of the coma, he will attend.
Tag : Gai killed Madara AU, Injury, Long Recovery, Negotiation, talking about death, canon disabled characters, Kakashi sharp nose hc, a bit of angst and a bit of fluff
Prompt : Burden
It’s not that Gai was particularly stubborn, it’s just that he had a strong will and enough optimism to last two lifetimes. It also didn’t really matter he had been forbidden from attending Kakashi inauguration as the new Hokage. He would be there without fault.
If they didn’t want him to come, they should have wrapped it up when he was still in the coma. But now he was awake and no matter how weak and frail he felt he would still go. It didn’t matter if he barely managed to push his own wheelchair, it didn’t matter if he still couldn’t stay awake for more than a couple of hours. Those things were not important, it was just details in the end.
Getting out of the hospital without being seen by the doctors and nurses was a detail. None would risk Tsunade wrath if he dared quit the hospital and they would do everything to keep him in. Sneaking past them had been feasible, he wasn’t a jonin for nothing after all. Feasible, but exhausting in itself.
Going down the stairs on the backdoor of his level with his wheelchair had been a detail, and a terrible idea. No matter how slow and gentle he managed to pass each step, the shock would awaken pain in his whole body. He had opened the eight gates, he had defeated Madara. Enduring this pain was a detail, one that left him panting and shaking at the end, sure, but a detail nonetheless.
Pushing his wheelchair through the soft slope until he reached the Konoha’s great hall, had just been another step in his mission. One he wasn’t proud of as he barely had the strength to move. He guesses he underestimated his injuries. Thankfully an old man helped him to the main door. He was grateful for the bandage still covering his whole body and face because he would surely look pallid by now and this kind man would have rushed him back to the hospital in a second if he saw it.
The fresh air still felt good though. Beside the short five minutes walk Tsunade had given him once upon insistent request, he didn’t actually have the right to step a foot outside. Even opening the windows had been strictly controlled. It was all about ‘not getting germs from outside’ and ‘regulated environment for better healing’ or ‘not catching a cold from a damn breeze’. He had argued he was more resistant than that and they could cut him some slack. Tsunade had argued back that, for a fact, he wasn’t as resistant anymore and if he didn’t stop whining she would cut visit too. He didn’t argue for too long, because you just didn’t argue with Tsunade. Or, more likely, because he passed out pretty quickly from the excitement this argument had been. It was easier to think the former than to agree with the latter.
But those were still details in his book, not enough to stop him from attending Kakashi’s inauguration. His struggle might have made him late, but it also meant nobody was here to notice he shouldn’t be here and decide they would send him back to the hospital. Nor was there anyone to see him pathetically push his wheelchair or struggle to open absolutely every door he had to pass through. You would think opening a door in a wheelchair is not that difficult. Well, it is.
With the last shaking strength he had left he pushed himself inside the great hall. All were focused on the scene and didn’t pay attention to him. He didn’t have a great view because everybody was standing, but a kind shinobi noticed him and pushed him inside the crowd to a place that allowed him a better view. It wasn’t great, but at least he could see Tsunade-sama and Kakashi, which, in the end, is the only thing that mattered.
Despite being late the ceremony had barely begun. He focused all his attention on the scene, trying to ignore his shaking body and pushes back the dizziness. He felt awful. But well, the eight gates made it an art form to put everything else into perspective. Relatively nothing could ever be as awful as the eight gates, and if he had managed it back then it meant he could handle anything now.
It was a detail really, and after everything he had done to get there he wouldn’t collapse to exhaustion.
‘Everything I’ve done.’ Not so long ago attending this ceremony wouldn’t have been such a trouble.
Kakashi’s senses are awakened in an instant. He wrinkles his nose.
His focus shift entirely out of the ceremony.
‘He dared.’
He immediately walks to Tsunade giving her speech and touches her arm to catch her attention. She turn to him with a smile.
“Oh no, you agreed to take this burden off my hands, it’s too late to flee.. ” She whispers with a grin.
“Gai’s here !” He cut, his throat is dry and he nearly strangles while telling them. He can’t believe it. Tsunade immediately lose her smile.
“No, he can’t. He’s too weak.. ”
“Just picked up his scent.”
He can see her jaws clench and anger rouse in her eyes.
“Maito Gai !” Her tone is so terrifying that nearly everybody tense despite her anger not being directed at them. It’s just instinct.
Shizune in the front row is alert at the instant she hears the name, it’s the same for every medical-nin in the room. They all know about it, it doesn’t matter if they worked on it or not, Maito’s case is so peculiar and exceptional that it’s a recurrent talk among them, there’s so much to learn from it, and they all know he shouldn’t be here. At all.
The crowd is quick to disperse around Gai and in an instant both Tsunade and Kakashi are at his side.
“What are you doing h.. ”
“Why aren’t you in your hospital bed ?” Tsunade tone is severe. She grabbed Gai by the collar and lifted him a bit out of his chair.
Gai let out a whimper, he is barely holding, his limbs shaking to the effort. He closed his eyes an instant, feeling the dizziness come back.
‘No ! Fight it, fight it !’ He opens his eyes and stares back at Tsunade. He wants to give a small apologetic smile but can’t manage it.
At his side Kakashi and Shizune, who looked pissed off at first, are now entirely focused on calming Tsunade. He hates how people see him as fragile now. He is, so it’s fair, but he still doesn’t like it.
Tsunade ignore them and give Gai a small shake. He groans and let out a huff, suddenly afraid to receive a hit because he knows for a fact he wouldn’t be able to survive it. But he also knows she wouldn’t waste all the effort they made to keep him alive to anger.
“Why are you here ?” She knows the answer, they all know the answer, but she still needs to ask.
“Couldn’t miss the new Hokage inauguration.”
“I knew we should have done it before he woke up.” Shizune says with frustration in her voice. Clearly this has been a topic they talked about a lot.
Tsunade very carefully put in back in his chair and he can’t help but grab his chest and give a shaky breath as he settles the dizziness and nausea away. They are surrounded by all the medical-nin, all ready to intervene in case a problem occurs. But Gai would hate to take more of the spotlight than he already does. This had never been his intention. He wanted to be a quiet and proud witness.
“You know you can’t be out. Do you have any idea of the risk you’re taking ? How many infections you can get just by being there ? Your immune system is already on its knees and you’re just adding to it.” She scolds. Behind her Kakashi is weirdly silent, he is not sure if he is worried or angry and Gai doesn’t like it, maybe he is mad. Maybe he would rather not have him around. “Bring him back to his room.” She order a few medical-nin.
“No.” He stops them.
“No ?” Tsunade repeat with a chuckle. Her patience getting thin.
“No ! The risk is already taken, staying won’t add to it.” He stares at her, not backing down, despite the fact she is terrifying.
“He has a point.” Kakashi notice, taking all of Tsunade anger on himself in an instant, he takes a step back just to be careful.
“He doesn’t, risk only go higher the more he stays here. It’s out of question, he belongs in a hospital bed until I say so !” She turn to Gai. “Defeating Madara don’t give you all the right !”
“It was never about that.. ”
“If he stays, we can rush the ceremony.” Kakashi proposes in a whisper.
Tsunade soften to the idea. They both want it done and out of the way as fast as possible and Gai case could allow them to break protocol. Also even if Gai protest would be fruitless in his state, she knows psychology plays a lot in successful recovery. Sending him back to the hospital after doing so much to come could actually be more detrimental to his recovery than staying would be.
She gets at his level. “I will let you stay if you promise to follow all the rules and protocols I put for your recovery after that. Deal ?” She can see at his posture and his eyes how drained he is. He is only holding out of pure spite and pride and she has to salute his will.
He holds her stare and nod. Tsunade press her lips together, ‘if he can’t even talk anymore
’ this is a bad idea.
“Fine.” She agrees but her tone is dry and severe. “We finish it in ten minutes.” She turn to Gai one last time. “Don’t come to complain if you die.” Then walks to the scene.
Gai brace himself to follow her. He is not sure he has enough strength to push his wheelchair to the front row, but thankfully Shizune is the one to push him. Kakashi gently press his hand before stepping on the scene again.
They rush the ceremony without guilt and at the instant it’s official, Kakashi rush at his side, lift him out of his chair. Tsunade is just behind.
“Hold me.” He says. It’s just a whisper and it makes Gai shiver.
He does his best to cling on him and in an instant they are out of the room and back at the hospital where doctors and nurses rush to the room as well as Tsunade who followed them.
As Kakashi lay him on the bed, he wants to say something but only manage to collapse to the feeling of Kakashi’s warms leaving him.
When he awakes again, night has fallen, only a small warm light lit up the room. Kakashi is on a chair at his side, gently falling asleep but not quite sleeping yet. A move on his part immediately rouse him up.
“You took your time.” His voice is so gentle, but also scolding, Gai can’t help but smile.
“I’ve just been out a few hours.” He says back.
“Two days actually.”
“Oh !”
Kakashi sit on the bed and grab his hand. Silent reigns between them for a moment, Kakashi gentle caress is the only thing that smooth Gai worries.
“I wanted to apologize.”
“For nearly dying a second time ? Yes, you can !” Gai frown but ignore it.
“No, for interrupting your inauguration. I didn’t mean to steal the attention. You deserved to have a proper ceremony.”
“The ceremony was proper.”
“It was rushed.”
“Which is perfect for me, you know how much I hate when it goes on, and goes on, indefinitely. You saved me here. Gave me the perfect excuse.” Gai give a small chuckle. “Plus who says I want the attention ? Feel free to steal it all, always, I don’t want it.”
“I just really wanted to see you become Hokage. It’s an honor. Congratulations.”
“It’s a burden.”
“Burden.. You’re exaggerating.” He stirs up and try to straighten but fail. His body hurt. Kakashi seeing this gently push on his chest and mutter a ‘stay’ so quiet Gai barely discern it.
“I don’t want the position.”
“Too late you took it.” Kakashi chuckles,
“I know. Everybody tells me the same. Now I have to wait until Naruto is ready to take it from me.” They pause. “You should have been the one taking the post.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m serious, you would have made a wonderful Hokage.. ”
“No, not anymore.”
“What ?”
“I can’t protect the village anymore if need be. I would make a pitiful Hokage.”
“Gai.. ”
“I’m.. Useless now.” Kakashi frown.
“Ah yes, as if the one who killed Madara could ever be useless.” Gai stare at him. “I mean it. And if you think I’m not gonna make you useful, you’re mistaken. There is more you can offer than your fighting. But for that you have to stop being so kin on reaching your grave early. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad you came to see me, but I’m the one supposed to die first.”
“Since when you’re supposed to be the one dying first ?”
“Since always.”
“As if I will let it happen.”
“I’m serious, stop scaring me by taking absurd risk.”
“It was not absurd risk.”
“It absolutely was. Nobody else would have managed that, one week out of the coma and with the injuries you have, yet you did. Nobody even knows how you managed not to die from the effort itself.” Gai scoff. “I want you by my side.” His tone changed, softer and bit hurt. He bends to him and slowly pull down his mask. “I need you by my side.” He gently presses his lips on Gai’s. He’s shaking and Gai only truly realize how worried he has been.
“I will.” Kakashi press his forehead against his. “I will always stay by your side as long as you have me.”
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catharrington · 5 years ago
A fake dating Au but it’s with Robin and Billy.
They are at a party and some guy is hounding her. Saying shit like don’t be a prude don’t be a priss. You a virgin? Let me rock your world!
And Robin god love her says something like you are so not my type, lug head.
She almost outs herself, the guy is about to ask what she means by that. She can see it on his tongue- but then Billy fucking Hargrove mad dog but right then a angel in white! He slips his denim covered arm around Robin’s waist before growling out you ain’t her type, limp dick, because I’m her fuckin type. Leave my girl alone. He smells like cigarette smoke and cheep beer and Robin kinda wants to kiss him.
They watch the other guy scamper away. Then Robin’s alone with Billy. Oh god, she’s alone with Billy. He might actually want her to kiss him?
But then- he’s pulling away. Respectfully. Rearranged his jacket a little to whip out another smoke just to put it between his lips and make it dance unlit as he speaks. “Ryan’s an asshole, wouldn’t know how to please a lady even if they ever said yes.” He starts explaining. “Saved you one there. But I have a feeling, I’ve saved you a little more, tweety bird. I have a feeling.... Ryan ain’t the only one who’s looking to please some ladies?”
Robin doesn’t know if she wants to kiss him, throw a punch, or throw up. But she’s familiar with Billy’s asshole leer around school and this isn’t it. He’s leveling her with an actual heart to heart question. And she’s just inebriated enough to nod out a quiet yes.
Billy shrugs. She comes out to him and he just fucking shrugs. Whips out his zippo lighter and burns the tip of his smoke cherry red. He says then we’ve got a good thing goin on here, huh?. With a wink. And turns to leave.
Robin’s dumbfounded. It’s not until school Monday morning when Billy’s standing by her locker waiting for her hand on his belt buckle she fully gets it.
Oh, then they’ve got a good thing going on here.
Billy flashes a real smile the band weirdo. Walks her back and forth to each class. Holds her books. Makes the rumors about him simmer down to whispers as the other students assume he’s settled down his sinful ways.
Some girls send Robin glares in the hallways but it’s much better than gosship behind the back of their hands. Or being crowded against a girls bathroom stall wanting to know why she doesn’t have anyone. Is she gay? Is she looking at them? Stop being a creep Buckley.
Monday she eats lunch with Billy and pretends to laugh when he calls Tina’s new jacket hideous. He brushes her hair behind her ear and shoves his half eaten tray towards her before skipping out to smoke. Robin braces herself for the touch, but it’s not as unwanted as she imagined it to be. He’s nice in the most unexpected of ways. But still, she watches the table brushing her hair trying to get his ghost hands off when another tray slams down.
And she’s surprised it took him half the day to put his big nose into the plan.
“Tell me,” Steve’s wide eyes are cartoon wide, “everything,” he hisses.
She rolls her eyes and says later Steve, maybe.
He doesn’t let that fly. Insisting that they are friends now and he’s trying to flip a page in his shit life by being friends with a weirdo, no offense, and so he deserves to have just a little gossip still, he’s not going to judge much.
She frowns, groans as she gets up and leads them towards the parking lot. They lean against Steve’s red BMW for two whole seconds before he’s repeating the same questions: spill it, Robs.
Robin describes the party, everything that happened and everything that happened this morning at school.
Steve gets a weird look in his eyes, glances around and down. Worrying his bottom lip as he thinks and thinks under all his big brown hair.
Robin rolls her eyes at him. Says it’s a good thing. Billy’s being helpful!
What if this is a big ploy? A trick to get you to admit secrets and then twist it on you. Out you? Steve whispers. You don’t want to think but- people do shit like that in this school.
Robin follows Steve’s eyes to where Billy’s standing with Tommy and Carol around the Camaro. the sight of Carol’s fluffy red hair if familiar. She used to be his friend, Carol did. While at the same time she used to knock Robin’s books out her hands in the hallways of middle school just so she can look down her nose while Robin crawled around the floor to collect them.
Robin shivers, but she shakes her head. Billy isn’t like that. Like them.
How do you know? Steve asks.
And Robin can remember how Steve’s face looked last year. How bruised and broken and how it was all Billy’s wild fists. But his skin is healed. And Billy didn’t leer at her at the party. This is different. She says to herself before she repeats it for Steve.
Billy’s different.
Steve doesn’t know what she means until Billy comes over and wraps his arm around Robin’s shoulders. He squeezes hard. Makes himself at home. Looks at Steve with a smile that’s way to gentle for sharp teeth and messy mustache.
Hey ya pretty boy, he greets, the words make Robin snap her head up, makes Steve scoff. You hear the good news? Billy says. And it’s code for do you know? Are you hip?
Steve looks at him dumbly, like he can’t be bothered. It was only a few short weeks ago he tried to confess to Robin, just to get set down the nicest way. It feels better though, in a way he didn’t expect, to have a friend who is so genuine to him in ways he hasn’t had before. From anyone. Robin scolds him and helps him and laughs with him where he would otherwise be alone. Outcasted. The least he can do is protect her from... from who he used to be.
But Steve knows Robin’s smarter than him. It’s one of the reasons he liked her so much. Likes her, he still likes her. Even if he doesn’t have a chance.
“I guess you guys have a... good thing goin on?” He pretends he doesn’t care. Haughty, practiced, the only flick of emotion the way his tongue wets his lips. And his hand nervously sliding though his long hair.
Billy replies to that by smiling wide and mean, sliding his tongue over his bottom lip like he does in basketball. Sends shivers up Steve’s back. Makes breath hard to get out his chest.
Robin shoves off Billy’s arm. She’s standing between them, looking left and right like she’s watching the ball in pong go back and forth on the screen. Reading the pixels. Then she smirks. Her lipstick red lips parting into a devious smirk.
Why does he call you pretty boy, Steve? She asks quickly, low, should I be jealous you’re flirting with my boyfriend?
Steve’s smug mask of annoyance cracks and slips between his fingers. He’s not quick enough to catch it. His jaw drops open. But his eyes don’t turn to Robin, he keeps watching Billy. Watches as that wild dog smirk fades and a cherry blush grows over his California sun kissed freckled cheeks.
The bells rings just then. Before either boys have a chance to reply. Robin has to stop herself from skipping into the school building.
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sierraraeck · 4 years ago
Some Things Do Change
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: Aundreya loops the rest of the team in on DeLeon’s most recent threat, and receives a phone call with unexpected news. Story twenty-three.
Category: Just a normal case. I guess a little angst and a little fluff if you look for it.
Warnings: Cussing. Mentions of hate crimes as their case. Mentions of death and murder.
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: I still know nothing about prison protocols.
I had a plan.
But this time, I was sure that it actually accounted for everything. Now that I knew DeLeon’s main motivations were to get back at me, to destroy my connection with everyone I care about, and above all take an eye for an eye, I felt better prepared.
I called and told Mateo that he needed to be on the lookout in case DeLeon came after him, and I told Deen to put some of our best people on him without him knowing. If Mateo knew I had our own people watching him, ready to step in and help protect him, he’d get mad and make sure to lose them, talking some shit about being able to take care of himself. I couldn’t have that, because as much as I trusted Mateo, I equally didn’t trust DeLeon. He could have anything in store for us.
On the other hand, I talked to Hotch about getting a protective detail for Spencer, without Spencer knowing, but he told me we would have to tell him. I really didn’t want that, having Spencer worrying about me and also about himself, so I offered to put more of my people on him, but he said no. Hotch insisted that we get the team involved this time.
Which I heavily opposed.
He didn’t care, and gracefully reminded me that it was no longer my call considering a fellow agent was in danger.
We filed into the round table room where a detail was waiting, and instead of Garcia, it was Hotch standing by the screen, ready to present everything to the group.
“What’s going on?” Spencer asked, gesturing between Aaron and the detail.
“Sit down,” Aaron commanded. We did as he said, waiting for him to continue. A couple of side eyes were passed my way, but I did my best to ignore them and appear neutral. “As you know, a man by the name of Jamar DeLeon has recently crossed the BAU desk, and it has been brought to my attention that things have been getting more serious.”
It was getting harder to ignore the fiery glances thrown my way. “Knowing his motives with Chambers, and how things nearly ended last time, we’ve hired protective detail Clyde to-”
“What does Chambers need a detail for? Wouldn’t she just use her own people?” JJ jumped in, as if I wasn’t even there.
“Detail’s not for me,” I smoothly answered. Confusion flashed across her face before Hotch answered her unasked question.
“He’s here for Reid.”
“What?” Reid asked.
“Last time, DeLeon’s endgame was an eye for an eye,” Hotch stated. “He had his sights set on you, and we are sure that you are still the target.”
“An eye for an eye?” Derek confirmed. “Because she killed Xena, right?”
“What about that other guy?” Emily stepped in, “Mateo?”
“It’s handled,” I assured. She gave me a look, but relented.
“What about Garcia?” Derek asked. “I mean, she actually got shot last time.”
“That’s true, but I don’t think he’s going to take the same approach as last time,” I said. “He already tried that and failed, so I think he’s going to go with a more personal touch this time, and as much as I love you, Penelope, you’re not his target.”
She let out an audible sigh.
“But I am?” Spencer confirmed.
“How’d you get him off the first time?” JJ asked. “Couldn’t you do that again?”
Aaron and I exchanged a look, which everyone caught, before he answered for me, “That option will no longer work.”
“And why’s that?” JJ pressed.
“It was a one time offer, and is off the table,” Hotch sternly continued, giving JJ a pointed look.
“What are you not telling us?” Derek probed.
Hotch was about to say something more when I cut him off, “It’s okay.” I looked at him, and I could tell he was silently asking me if it really was okay, and I just nodded. “My one time offer was with Agent Howard Archer.”
“So you killed him to save Spencer?” Emily quickly concluded.
I shook my head, “Not exactly. Before I joined your team, I was hiding out within my own ring. I’d just escaped from prison and was trying to stay as under the radar as I could. Somehow, Archer found me, and he wasn’t there to arrest me. He hired me to infiltrate the BAU, get rid of the vice president, and pin it on Hotch. So, I-”
“Hold on. You were working with Archer and you killed him?” Emily interjected.
“Yes, I’m getting there,” I confirmed. Hotch was staring holes into me, because while he had figured out it was me who killed Archer, he didn’t know about all of this, specifically the part where I was supposed to get him charged with murder. “After getting to know you guys, I did everything I could to stall, and Archer was about to expose me when I got put in prison, which was actually a small blessing, giving me a legitimate excuse not to follow through. He visited me in prison and slipped up, letting me know that he was in contact with, and most likely hired, Xena and DeLeon to do what I couldn’t. I wasn’t about to let that happen, so when I was given the perfect opportunity to run, I took it. I was hopeful that I could keep them off your backs long enough for me to figure out what to do. The ring and I had a plan to get Xena on our side and then take down DeLeon, but when that didn’t work-”
“You killed her,” Rossi finished. “Without a single trace.”
“Right,” I nodded.
I was about to keep going when he asked, “How did you pull that off anyway?”
“I didn’t,” I smirked slightly, not answering his question. “I was pretty beat up though, so I went to Madden’s place, the doctor. DeLeon grabbed me from there and took me to wherever it was and started live streaming. I was able to get Reid out of that because I offered him more than what he wanted.”
“Which was..?” Rossi prompted.
“He could get an eye for an eye by killing Spencer or Mateo, but what he really wanted was for me to feel as hurt as he did. I told him that I’d carry out my deal with Archer, wrecking my relationships with all of you and most likely the ring along with it.”
“That was actually pretty clever,” Emily admitted.
I shrugged, “Not clever enough. The last loose end in all of this besides DeLeon himself was Archer. He was panicking because he’d hired three of the biggest criminals in the nation to do his dirty work, and we weren’t exactly playing nice with one another. I had people following him and they told me that he was on edge and having weird phone conversations. Plus, I thought he hired people to come after me and was worried that he was in contact with DeLeon to carry out the deal and get me caught in the process. He was unreliable, so
” I didn’t need to continue. “But now, DeLeon is going to be extra pissed that I played him and I’m sure he’ll be taking a more direct course of action, hence Clyde.” I gestured toward him. They were all silent, shifting their eyes between me, Hotch, and the protective detail.
“Holy shit, Chambers,” Tara spoke up first. “What’s your plan now?”
“That’s what we brought you in to talk about,” Hotch said, gaining back control of the conversation. “We will have Clyde with Reid and will then have to wait.”
“Wait for what?” Derek asked, the discomfort apparent in his voice.
“Wait for DeLeon to make a move. We may know that he’s one of the biggest criminals, but we don’t have any proof that will hold up in court, so yes. We wait.”
“You’re just gonna let him take Reid and kill him for evidence?” Derek raised his voice.
I shook my head, “He won’t kill him. At least, not when he first grabs him. He’ll want me watching, and preferably in person.”
“We’ll give him that,” Hotch assured. “Once Chambers is in with him, we can track her and arrest him.”
“And I can handle him until you guys show up,” I said.
“I, for one, do not think this is a good plan,” JJ chimed in. “It’s super unpredictable, and-”
“I’ll do it,” Spencer casually said.
“Spencer, come on, it’s-” JJ tried again, brows knit together.
“I said I’ll do it.” His voice was strong and exuded more confidence than I’d heard in a while. I was surprised he was so willing to do it, trusting that we’d get there in time.
“Good,” Hotch said, leaving no more room for argument, “Until then, we continue with business as usual. To not raise suspicion, Clyde will be acting as a NAT who is shadowing us. Garcia, you may present the case.”
“Yes, sir,” Garcia said, making her way up to the screen. “Five men within the last two months have gone missing, their last known locations being a gay bar in downtown New Orleans.”
“So we’re thinking hate crime?” Tara asked.
“That’s what it looks like,” Rossi agreed, “Do they all match the same description?”
“Do they ever,” Garcia said, pressing buttons to bring up all five men’s faces. “Mid-thirties, white, blonde hair, and around six feet tall.”
“Wow,” Emily commented, “That screams surrogate.”
“Now we have to figure out who for. Wheels up in 30.”
The team dispersed, but I hung back to talk to Penelope. She tried to force a smile and walk past me, but I called, “Penelope?” She stopped and slowly turned around to face me. “I-I wanted to apologize. On that video, I know I said some pretty terrible things and I just-”
“No need,” she quietly stopped me. “I know you were just doing what you needed to.” She then rushed out of the room, leaving me alone. I threw my head back, and sighed as I looked up at the ceiling. That went well.
“She’s just hurting.” His voice brought my eyes to his in an instant. Spencer quirked his mouth to one side. “It’ll just take some time.”
“I hate that I was the one who did that to her,” I confided, “And on top of that, I couldn’t even prevent her from getting shot. Looks like she got the best of both worlds.”
“Yes, but she knows you were trying to save her life. It’s a twisted sort of compliment that you almost couldn’t.”
“If you wanna look at it that way,” I shrugged. He was about to respond to me when my phone started buzzing.
“I’ll let you take that. Meet you by the jet in ten?”
“Sure,” I agreed, answering my phone. “Hello?”
A man’s voice came over the line. “Ms. Spade?”
I paused for a moment. Who is calling and why did they refer to me by my given last name? I contemplated answering when the man asked again, “Is this Ms. Spade?”
“Um, yes, this is she,” I replied.
“Hello, this is Todd Joseph with the DC correctional facility in Washington DC. I regret to inform you that your father, Joe Spade, has died as of 3:13 am this morning. I am very sorry for your loss. We recommend that you come down to the facility to make a decision on-”
“Any decisions can be made over the phone,” I interrupted. Under no circumstances did I want to visit a prison when I did not have to, and definitely not for my father.
“Of course, Ms. Spade. I guess my first question should be if you plan on holding a ceremony?”
Did I plan on holding a ceremony? I didn’t even think I was the right person to be asking. But there was no one else in his life, which made me the sole decision maker. “I do not.”
“Is there anything specific you would like us to do with his body? Any belongings you may want to search through?” His voice sounded calm, like this was the only thing he had to do all day, like nothing else was more important than calling Joe Spade’s estranged daughter that was the one who put him in prison in the first place to ask what she wanted to do with his dead body.
“No. Do whatever you need, but I will not be taking part in anything regarding Joe Spade,” I replied, a bit too harshly. I then hung up the phone, and hoped that he got the message and wouldn’t call me back. I leaned back against the table, feeling empty. I wasn’t sad that he was gone. He’d done nothing for me except try to kill some of the only people I care about and ruin my childhood. As messed up as it sounds, I always imagined what it would be like, the day he died. I knew that I wouldn’t care, but somewhere in my head I had the image of me feeling happy. Relieved. But he’d been so far out of my mind, that I really didn’t feel anything. It would be like if some random person called you up and told you that a complete stranger across the city died and you were supposed to make a decision about what to do next.
I felt nothing. The only thought swimming through my head was that I was officially the last Spade standing. I was it. My grandparents had died of old age, not like I knew them well, my mother was an only child and my father had a younger sister who had taken another last name and I’d never met her anyways. I am it. I officially have no family left. And I wouldn’t even consider myself a Spade.
I was drawn from my thoughts by the sound of footsteps running toward me. “Aundreya!” Spencer called. “We have to go. I thought you were going to meet me in ten?”
Have I really just been standing here for over ten minutes? “Yeah, sorry, I got distracted.”
“By that phone call?”
“I guess,” I tried to play it off, “Let’s go.” I brushed past him, grabbed my go-bag, and started jogging toward the jet.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
The case was actually pretty standard. We’d found the perp in under four days, and just had to interrogate him before we could officially arrest him.
Spencer had been eyeing me for the past couple days, and just recently, so had Emily. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but neither said anything to me, and no one else was acting off, so I let it go. Spencer and I were assigned to go in and interrogate a man by the name of Chase Terry who fit the profile to a T.
We casually walked into the room, Spencer taking the seat across from him, me standing in the corner with my back against the wall, hands in my pockets.
“Chase Terry?” Spencer started in a conversational tone. No response. “What were you doing two nights ago when Liam Parish went missing?”
“I don’t have to talk to you,” Chase stated, crossing his arms.
“You probably should,” Spencer sympathetically said, “We’re just trying to cross you off our suspect list so we can find the guy who did this.”
“And I’m supposed to believe that?” Chase asked. “You put me in handcuffs and dragged me here. You think I did it.”
“You’re right. Some of my colleagues do,” he admitted, voice still soft, “But I don’t. See, I don’t think you match the profile of an out of control, spiteful, bipolar man with daddy issues and internalized homophobia. I think you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Chase shifted in his chair and locked his jaw, “I’m not gay.”
“I didn’t say you were. So just tell me where you were two nights ago, and I’ll let you go,” Spencer offered. Chase just sat there. Then, Spencer decided to turn up the heat, voice getting a bit more frustrated, enunciating each word carefully. “Where were you two nights ago?”
Still nothing, so Spencer pushed harder. “Where were you? At home with your boyfriend?”
“I’m not gay!”
“Then why was your phone pinging off of three cell towers around the same gay bar that Liam Parish was last seen at?” Spencer had leaned in on the table, getting very close to Chase. “You were there, we know you were. What were you doing at a gay bar if you’re not gay? Answer me!” There was fire in Spencer’s eyes as Chase still had nothing to give us.
I decided to cool things down a bit, my voice skating across like ice, “Careful, because if you piss him off so much he decides to leave,” I clicked my tongue, “I’ll be the one in charge.”
“Who are you?” Chase asked, finally acknowledging my presence.
I nodded my head toward Spencer, “He asked you a question first. What were you doing at that bar?”
Right as Chase leaned back in his chair, clearly closed off to answering any questions, Spencer stood up and walked out of the room, but not before giving me a small eyebrow raise and a smirk.
My turn. I stayed leaning against the wall in the darkest corner, waiting for Chase to speak first. With the help of a perfect set up from Spencer, he did. “What’s his problem?”
“I’ve been asking myself that for years,” I feigned annoyance. “But tell me about you. Raised by a single mom, no siblings, absent father. Me too, actually.” I slowly sauntered toward the table, resting my hands on the back of the chair Spencer had just been sitting in. “He used to yell at us a lot, when he was home, which he wasn’t often. My mom finally divorced him after finding out that he was cheating on her.”
It was close enough to the truth that I could be convincing, but close enough to his truth to get his wheels turning and hopefully lips flapping.
“Your father cheated on your mother?” Chase asked, a bit skeptical.
“Yeah, and for some pretty young bitch like half his age,” I lied, allowing my voice to sound a bit more angry. “He’d been lying to us for essentially my entire life and then left us for her. God, I just wanted to tell him how much I hated him for that.”
“What a dick. Mine left us for some guy he claimed to be in love with. Can you believe that there are so many men that do that?” Chase asked, leaning back in from his seat.
“The percentages are ridiculous,” I sat down as I continued talking, “Apparently 70 percent of all marriages see at least one incident of cheating. It’s unbelievable how these people, especially men, are willing to just throw their family away for some fun one night.”
“Yeah that, or like for you and I, an entire secret life,” Chase agreed.
“I know! It just makes you so angry, doesn’t it?”
“I wanted to become an FBI agent so that I could track down my father and tell him to his face how much I hated him,” I gave a single laugh, “The look he gave me
” I pretended to revel in the feeling.
“It must’ve been nice. I haven’t been able to track down my father and do the same.” He looked like he was zoning out a little, probably imagining what he’d imagined doing a thousand times to his father, what he’d already done to men like Liam.
“I hope you get to one day. It’s an amazing feeling. But for now I guess you’ll just have to keep using men at bars instead,” I casually added, then held my breath.
He sighed. “I guess. It’ll never be as good as the real thing, though.”
“No, hurting them will never be as satisfying as digging your nails into your own father’s throat,” I snarled.
He flashed a wicked smile at the thought, clenching his fists, “Not even close,” and I knew we had him for sure. There wasn’t a single jury that wouldn’t convict him after seeing that smile and that essential confession.
“Come on, I’ll take you to our tech guru and she can help you find your father.”
“Really?” he asked, standing up. I nodded and we made our way to the exit. I motioned for him to go ahead of me, but before he could grab the handle, I shoved him up against the door. I already had the cuffs halfway around his wrists by the time he yelled, “Hey! What the hell!”
“We don’t make it a habit of helping people going to prison find their final target. Sorry.” I led him out the door while he struggled against me, practically throwing him in the precinct holding cell until he could be transferred to a more permanent one.
“Nice job,” Emily complimented. “Way to connect with his anger towards his father.”
“Thanks,” was all I offered as I walked away, barely catching the shared look between her and Spencer.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
By the time we boarded the jet, it was the middle of the afternoon and we were on schedule to get home before dinner. I was about to pull out a book in hopes that it would make me tired enough for a plane ride cat nap, but I was stopped shy by the tapping sound of wood on wood.
Spencer sat down happily across from me, setting the folded, portable chess set in the middle of us. “Want to play a game of chess?”
I looked at him with a blank face. “Why?”
“Because you enjoy playing,” Spencer answered, a bit of a question in his voice. He must’ve assumed that I would immediately say yes.
“You always beat me,” I slightly pouted.
“But you never back down from a challenge,” he reminded me.
I quickly glanced around at everyone else on the jet, and the seat Spencer used to be occupying at the opposite end. I cocked an eyebrow, “Everyone else said no, didn’t they?”
“Well, I, I uh 
 No? No. That’s not what-” he floundered.
I smiled. “Just set up the board.”
He happily obliged. We went through three games, and before we started our fourth, Rossi called over, “You just don’t know when to quit, do you?”
“Well, someone’s got to keep his genius brain occupied, and we all know it’s not gonna be you,” I joked, eyebrows raised.
“Okay, I see how it is,” Rossi smugly said, tossing his hands up in surrender, “Either way, I’m just glad I’m not you.” I rolled my eyes, and we set up for our fourth game.
And then the unthinkable happened.
I beat him. For real. I really, truely, beat him.
I couldn’t believe it, and clearly neither could Spencer because he hadn’t moved from his position, hands under his chin, elbows on the table, eyes staring at the board, so I confirmed, “Did I do it?” He slowly looked up at me, lips pressed together, confusion in his eyes and I knew. “Oh my god, I did it!”
My mouth fell open and I clapped my hands together. I reached my hand over the board, and he reluctantly took it. “Good game.”
“It really was, wasn’t it?” I rhetorically asked, staring at the board with wonder. Reid started laughing, and I had to laugh with him. We’d played so many games of chess over the years we’d known each other, and I started to give up on my promise that one day I’d beat him. “What game number is this?”
“Holy shit,” I said. “No wonder everyone on this plane thinks I’m fucking insane.”
“That’s because you are,” Rossi called over again.
“True,” I agreed, “But it paid off. Bet now you wish you were me.”
He just playfully shook his head.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
When we landed, it was almost 4pm and we decided we’d spend the next hour getting a jump start on our paperwork. We decided to go and eat together (which I somehow got invited to?), but right as we were about to leave, Spencer and Emily awkwardly stood in front of me. They didn’t make a move to get out of the way, so I just stared at them knowing damn well they were about to address the awkwardness I’d been sensing.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Emily asked.
I furrowed my brow, “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“I don’t know you just seem 
 not yourself,” Emily observed.
“I’m okay,” I told her with certainty.
“You’ve just been acting 
 I don’t know actually, you’ve been acting pretty normal,” Emily struggled, sounding a bit frustrated.
I gave her a look. “I’m confused.”
“Dull?” Spencer intervened, “Like you’re you, and you’re acting like you, but something about you seems duller than usual.”
I cocked my head to the side. There was only one thing that made this week different from all of the other weeks, which was, “My dad died.” My voice was very steady and neutral, which there was no reason for it to sound otherwise.
“What, really?” Emily was shocked, eyes going wide.
I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess it happened Tuesday night, well I mean Wednesday morning.”
She looked over at Spencer who was trying to hide the fact that he was gawking at me, and she cautiously asked, “Should we be doing anything?”
“I don’t think so.”
“No celebration?”
“Emily!” Spencer turned on her.
“What? He was a terrible guy,” Emily defended, shrugging with her palms up.
As Derek walked out of the bullpen to join the party, he added, “I’d toast to that.”
“Derek!” Spencer screeched, wide eyes trained on him.
“She’s right, though,” he replied, “Dude sucked.”
“He was still her father,” Spencer hissed.
I decided to step in, “Not really. He was more like a stranger, I didn’t know him. You know I always thought I’d be happy when this day came, but I really just don’t feel anything one way or the other about it.”
“That makes sense,” Emily nodded, “So if you’re feeling normal, does that mean we can go out for normal drinks?”
Spencer elbowed Emily, and she glared right back at him. “Yeah. Just normal, after-case drinks.”
“Fantastic, first round is on me,” Emily smiled.
“Ooh, first round of what?” Penelope asked, as she joined us in the hallway outside the elevator.
“Ask Chambers, she gets to choose,” Emily declared.
“Ugh, not fair,” Penelope whined.
“Well, her dad died, so
” Derek explained.
“Oh, seriously?” JJ asked with a little pep in her voice, joining the rest of us with Tara, Hotch, and Rossi on her trail. “Uh, congratulations?”
“Not you too, JJ,” Spencer complained. I pressed my lips together to hold back a smile. It was kind of endearing that he thought the team should be more sensitive about my feelings or whatever.
“What? I thought you hated your dad,” JJ looked to me for confirmation.
“I did,” I told her, “But I don’t really feel anything about it.”
“That must be nice,” Tara added. I nodded and couldn’t contain the small smile that pulled on my lips.
I leaned over to where Spencer was still tensely standing next to me. I whispered, “It’s okay, they’re just trying to lighten the mood. Plus, they’re kinda right.”
“I just want to make sure they’re not being insensitive,” he softened his eyes as he looked at me.
“They’re not,” I assured.
When we got to the bar and diner, Emily followed through and bought us all a round of tequila shots. Four rounds later and a few other drinks in, she announced, “I know you said normal, but I think we should go around and share our favorite memory of Joe Spade.”
I laughed in her face, “You met the man once!”
“Exactly. I’ll start,” she smiled. “My favorite moment was when we found out he’d been stalking you for months because he just wanted you to talk to him.”
“Wait, what the hell?” Tara asked.
No one answered her because JJ’s turn was next. “My favorite moment was when she calmly stared him down while he was holding on to Spencer.”
“What the actual hell?” Tara intervened again, “How am I just now hearing about this?”
She was ignored yet again when Derek said, “My favorite moment was when Aundreya kicked his ass and told him off!”
There was some hooting and hollering at that, and I just shook my head with amusement. Hey, at least they know me well enough to know I can joke about anything, especially the weird and bad things that happen to me, and feel comfortable enough to actually do it. Granted, they are kinda tipsy. “You people are truely demented.”
“Especially when you’re drunk,” Tara added.
“Like you’re so much better,” Penelope slurred, sticking her tongue out.
“Maybe not,” Tara said with a smirk, “But I bet I could still kick all of your asses on the dance floor.” Quickly, all five of them scurried in that direction, leaving Spencer talking with Hotch, like they had since the beginning, and me with Rossi. I rested my chin on my fist as I looked down the bar toward Spencer, who was gesturing with his hands and smiling at something Hotch was telling him, probably about Jack.
I’d been trying to control myself, but ever since he kissed me, and I knew that things weren’t perfect with Maeve, I found my mind wandering to him. Especially knowing everything Hotch told me about him when I was gone, and how I needed to stop running from emotionally difficult things, I just couldn’t suppress the urges to look and think about him anymore. I gave in. I gave myself hope. Which was one of the most dangerous things I’d ever done.
“So what’s with you and the kid?” Rossi said, sitting down in between me and my staring. I gave him a look and he asked, “What, you said act normal.”
“I did say that,” I grudgingly admitted.
 what’s with you and Reid these days?”
“Who said there was anything with me and Reid these days?” I fired back.
“Oh Chambers,” he faked disappointment, “You know you can’t lie to profilers.”
I sighed, “I’m not going to be a homewrecker.”
“I have news for you. You can’t be a homewrecker if there is no home to wreck,” he pointed out.
“Does everyone forget about Maeve?” I asked.
“He doesn’t talk about her,” Rossi waved it off.
“He’s a private person,” I acknowledged.
“Yeah, but you don’t understand,” he said, “He used to talk about her. Then you came back, and he stopped talking about her.”
We sat in silence for a while longer before I felt the need to voice a fear of mine since this all started again. “Do you think he’s only showing interest in me because he’s been to prison?”
“What gave you that impression?” Rossi’s voice was a mixture of confusion and what sounded like it could be boredom. Fed up, maybe?
“Come on we all know he can’t accept the good things that happen to him, so what if he's just accepting the bad ones instead? I mean he thinks Maeve deserves better, so what if settling for second place is some weird form of self punishment?” The moment I said it, Rossi narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head.
He sighed, “You’re crazy, I don’t know how you got there.”
“Exactly!” I pointed out, “I am crazy, that’s why I can’t figure out why, under any circumstance, he’d be interested in me.”
“Does it matter?” he asked, dragging the words out as he shook his head slightly. I just looked at him. “Seriously, does it matter why he’s interested in you? The reasons don’t change anything. You care about each other, so just go for it, there’s really nothing standing in your way.” I was about to protest when he repeated, “Nothing. At least, there’s nothing from his end. Is there something from yours?”
“I mean-” I struggled to voice my thoughts.
“Look, I don’t know how you act around that Mateo character,” he said and I sighed. Of course he knows that’s something I’m thinking about. “But I know how you act around him, and I know how he acts around you. Think about what you really want, Aundreya, and then just go for it, but don’t keep putting yourself, and Spencer, through this.” With that, he got up, leaving me alone with a perfect view of Spencer’s glowing face.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
When the night came to a close, we all had to get back to our places. Hotch, Rossi, and Spencer left early, Derek and Penelope got a cab, Will came to get JJ, and I drove Emily and Tara home. They said they could get a ride home like Derek and Penelope, but I insisted. Plus, I really didn’t want to go home already. It’d become a place I dreaded being at.
I opened my door to the usual sight of red on the opposite wall, and had to do a double take to actually notice.
Underneath “This isn’t over” was another three word phrase in brilliant red:
I have Spencer.
I dialed Aaron at lightning speed, “DeLeon has Spencer.”
“Get to the office now. I’ll call everyone else.” That was all he said before hanging up. I turned around to head right back out the door, and saw that someone was blocking my way. I bitterly smiled to myself as I set down my phone and started taking off my jacket.
“Haven’t you people given up yet?” I patronized. “You lose every single time.”
“It’ll work eventually,” a low, booming voice responded.
“Maybe, but,” I narrowed my eyes. He took a step toward me as I delivered a single spin kick to the side of his head, locating two more guys in my peripheral vision, “Not this time.”
Series Taglist
@justanothetfangirl @kris-stuff @blameitonthenight21 @wooya1224 @unded-bride @swiftingday @dezzxmx
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shigarakis-fifth-hand · 5 years ago
Mha Scenarios
@drbumpkin said:
May I have separate headcanons for being the sibling of Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya? 🙏 They can be younger or older 
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You’re his older sister, so of course you two fight a lot
It’s not because you two have stuff to argue about, but because you two are so different
You’re this beautiful, calm, confident young lady who managed to become a hero by 20 and have your own hero agency by 30
All your parents can talk about is how amazing you are
It’s fair to say that you’re a lot more like your father than mother
Bakugo hates talking about you to his friends, since you’re all his parents talk about
It’s honestly where a lot of his confidence issues come from
You are kind though, so it’s hard for him to be mad at you for that
When you come home from college, he stays far away
He hates how happier your parents are with you than him
He’s not jealous though, he knows you deserve it more
He doesn’t talk to you for awhile when he’s in middle school, until you get hurt from a villain attack
You’re in a 3 week coma, and he comes everyday
Since you can’t respond, he tells you about everything going on in his life
“I went out running today and I saw Deku training on that dumpy beach.”
“Mom is getting on my nerves about my grades, it’s not my fault I can’t get all A’s like you.”
“UA is having their test, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out of bed for it.”
“I’m just so nervous, I literally feel like I’ll kill myself if I don’t make it in, I almost don’t want to go and just avoid the rejection.”
“I think Deku cleaned up an entire beach but I might be crazy.”
“Why can’t I be calm like you? I yelled at a girl for tripping in front of me and almost making me trip. She started crying and then I yelled at her for crying.”
“I got suspended for punching a kid. How come I’m not good like you?”
“I got into UA, so why do I still feel like a nobody?”
“I want to jump off the roof of UA, but you might come back. I miss you so much.”
“I met this kid named Kirishima. He’s different from anybody else. He makes me feel like maybe life is worth living.”
“Y/n, I think I’m gay.”
“Kiri and I went on a date, he wants to meet you. You could maybe meet him when you wake up.”
“Please wake up, I can’t do this much longer.”
“Life is just awful, I’m such a jerk to everyone.”
“Please come back, I miss my study buddy. My grades are dropping fast.”
“You went to UA right? Aizawa talked about you a lot in class today, I started crying. Fuck, damn Deku tried to comfort me.”
When you finally wake up, you make eye contact with him and he immediately knows you remember everything
But you just hug him, and he hugs back even tighter while silently crying
“I love you Bakugo.”
He mumbled back, but that’s more than you ever thought he would do
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You’re his baby sister, and you two were close
The relationship of you two is not a common one, but Todoroki was never the talker
Whenever either one of you would be upset, Shoto would sit you in his lap and turn on his music in his room, simply hugging and rocking you back and forth
He’s six years older than you, and you’re the baby of the family
He was forced to watch your father abuse you when you were just a toddler, and he was a powerless teenager
Even though you were a girl, he did not go easier on you like he did to Fuyumi
You had a powerful quirk like Shoto, and he knew that you were the last child he would have a change to make the best
Endeavor had the habit of digging his nails into you whenever you stood next to him and he would get angry, as well as pushing you around whenever he got angry with someone else
Todoroki snapped at his father once when Endeavor threw a glass vase at you when he had gotten off an aggravating phone call with his hero agency and had put you in the hospital due to the extreme cuts over your body
The two guys had only stopped arguing when you fell to the floor unconscious, and forced them both to rush you to the hospital to avoid death
Todoroki lost all respect for his mother who did nothing, and took responsibility for you with his sister and brother
When Fuyumi and Natsuo left the household, and Shoto was about to leave for UA himself, the three of them were terrified for your safety
They knew that you simply weren’t safe, and your mother would not be any help for you
Fuyumi simply couldn’t take you due to her constant traveling around the world, and Natsuo knew that he was moving soon and you would be forced to switch schools
They needed a way to keep you at your school so reporters wouldn’t question it, and yet keep you away from your father
Finally, Todoroki managed up the courage to go to Aizawa, All Might, Midnight, and Present Mic
They insisted on meeting you, and immediately agreed, Midnight even wanting to take you under her wing
She was the mom you had never had, and never knew that you needed
You lived with Shoto in the dormitory, and the year he left UA was the year that you got into UA, due to the training you had done with Midnight
Your father and mother had insisted that Shoto bring you back, but that just caused Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto to threaten to go to the police which shut them up
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You are Deku’s twin sister, being the older one of course by two whole minutes
You guys are the best of friends and have been inseparable since birth
Yet you guys couldn't be more different. You got your amazing quirk when you were three. You claimed the ability to melt, reshape, and move items with your mind, a mix of your father and mother’s quirk that left you very strong
Even Bakugo was impressed, calling you his partner in crime whenever the kids at school would awe over both of the powerful quirks
Izuku, Katsuki and you are a big group of friends who do everything together, from exploring in the forest after every school day, and going into the city with your moms on the weekends
When Deku was announced to be quirkless for his entire life, you were heartbroken
You noticed how Bakugo slowly began to tease/bully Izuku more, and want to hang out with only you
“Who needs him?! Aren’t siblings supposed to have different friend groups after all? Plus, you and I will be the Dream Team when we’re older!”
It wasn’t until Izuku came home with a black eye and a cut on his lip when he confessed that Bakugo and a few of his followers had been chasing, punching, kicking, and bullying Izuku at school
The next morning in class, you stormed over to Bakugo’s desk in front of the entire class and hit him with your chemistry textbook
“You jerk! You say you’re my best friend and then you beat up my brother?! It’s not his fault he’s quirkless! It’s not anybody’s fault!”
Bakugo is standing up, embarrassed as everyone is watching and judging him from being yelled at by a girl, especially someone who everyone knew Bakugo liked
“So you’re telling me that you don’t see it?! He’s an emotional wreck of a person who is a waste of space and you know it! Just admit that we’re better than him and I’ll-”
You slap him across the face, shutting him up as he stands there, totally unknowing of what to do as you both have tears in your eyes
“I hope you hurt!! You can yourself a hero?! No, you’re a villain! I can’t believe I ever was your friend!! Forget the Dream Team Katsuki, I’m never talking to you again!”
You rip off the necklace Katsuki got you the weekend before when you guys went to a concert, and slam it into his desk before storming out, leaving him totally shocked and unaware of what to do
“Heyyy Bakugo, don’t let a girl get to you. That whore doesn’t-” One of Bakugo’s followers can’t finish his sentence as Bakugo slams his fist into his fist with all of his force, knocking out many teeth and earning Bakugo a week long suspension
Word spreads around the school quickly, and you are labeled as the boss bitch of the school, while Bakugo is somehow known as the jackass who doesn’t respect girls, Izuku going uninvolved in the gossip going around
When you meet up with Deku to walk home, you sees he’s been crying
You ask him who hurt him, ready to bitch-slap anyone, but it met by him hugging you tightly
“T-Thank you so much Y/n. I love you so much.” 
You two hug for awhile, before you walk home to be met by your loving mother
Inko never finds out about Izuku’s bullying, and you like it that way, so Izuku can forget about it when he’s home
Thanks to you, Izuku stops getting bullied and is left to be alone, everyone knowing that you’ll kill anyone who even looks at him weirdly
When your last year of high school is ending, it is announced that Bakugo, you and Izuku are the only ones who are trying to get into UA
People shoot Izuku sarcastic glances, but nobody is allowed to say anything
Izuku ends up getting his quirk from All Might, which he quickly tells you all about, and you are left to train with All Might and your brother throughout the Summer to become great for the UA entrance exam
“I promised that we’d be together forever. Even at UA, when it was thought to be impossible.”
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ashsblurbs · 5 years ago
Young love
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*Not my Gifs* This fic mentions abuse briefly and Steve’s father is homophobic. I do not us derogatory language in my stories and I don’t plan on starting now. I hope yall enjoy
Steve stood by his locker, staring at the gorgeous Tony Stark. Tony was someone that everyone wanted to know, and Steve wanted to know him so badly. He knew how to light a room up when he entered it. At the same time, he was very quiet. Only had his three friends with him and would always find a quiet corner to study new innovations. Steve kept looking forward at him and dreamed that one day Tony would see him.
Tony turned and saw Steve was looking at him. Tony’s heartbeat faster not knowing what to do. He smiled and gave a little wave. Maybe today was the day he would talk to the football star of the school. The funny thing was Steve was the talk of the town, but no one knew anything about him. He kept to himself. He didn’t have any friends at school and often would eat lunch in the art room. Tony was very curious about him but every time he tried to get close to him, Steve would always disappear.
Tony made his way over to Steve. Today was the day he was going to get Steve to talk to him.
Steve watched as Tony made his way over to him. So, beautiful with dark amber eyes and kissable lips. He sucked in a breath, slammed his locker, and ran away before Tony could get close. Why was he so scared of talking to him? Maybe because he was scared that the guy he really liked and could see himself love one day wouldn’t have the same feeling back. It was easier to run than to face his fears of rejection.
Tony stopped halfway to where he was going. He watched as Steve ran off without even a single word was spoken between them. What is with Steve Rogers? Tony huffed; he was going to have to trap Steve somewhere to talk to him. Tony really liked him and would love to get to know him better but that would be impossible if Steve kept avoiding him. He felt a clap on his back, and he turned around to see his best friend Rhodey.
“No luck.” Tony shook his head no.
“Every time. Poof, he’s gone. What am I supposed to do if he won’t stay around long enough for me to say anything?” Rhodey shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know what to do to help his friend. All the people he ever liked was willing to talk to him and not run away.
“Well, I know that he has second lunch. Sneak out of calculus and ambush him there. He would have no other choice but to stay there and talk to you.” Tony nodded his head in agreement thinking that it was the best idea he had heard in a very long time.
Steve sat his lunch down in the back corner and pulled out some paper to sketch. This was the only place he felt like he could be himself instead of someone’s perspective of him. He heard the whispers about him but here he was able to shut out all of the noise and just draw. Sometimes he would draw his feelings, other memories that he wanted to hold on to. On special days he would draw Tony. Today seemed like one of those special days.
“Hey what are you drawing?” Steve jumped back by the sudden intrusion. He looked up and say it was Tony. He took his drawing and crumpled up in a ball and shoved it into his backpack. He could never let Tony see that. It would most likely freak him out.
“Nothing just doodles.” He started to gather his stuff to leave but Tony came and laid a hand on top of his stopping him from leaving. His breathing quickened. Tony was so close to him that if he leaned a little closer, he could touch Tony’s lips.
“Would it be okay if I hung out here with you? I brought snacks?” Tony held up a brown paper bag and gave him a smile. Steve sat back down and shook his head slightly yes. Tony pulled up a seat and sat across from him. They sat in a comfortable silence. Tony pulled out a journal of his finishing a sketch of one of his new inventions. Steve pulled out his own sketched pad and started sketching the window behind Tony.
“You’re a really quiet dude.” Steve paused and put down his pencil to look up at Tony.
“Yeah, I like to keep to myself. It’s easier that way.” Tony was taken back. On the surface Steve’s life looked amazing but Tony knew that wasn’t always true. If people could see the bruises on his ribs and back from his father their delusions of the Stark family would be shattered.
“I understand.” Steve analyzed hin to see if Tony was pitying him, but he could see that somehow, he sadly did understand. “Dad abuses me.” Tony lifted his shirt up to reveal more bruises then Steve could count. He swallowed the lump that was now in his throat so as not to cry. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around the man he loved and tell him that he would never let anyone ever do that again. Tony put his shirt back down and shrugged his shoulders like it didn’t bother him and that shattered Steve’s heart.
“Your turn.”
“My father is an ass too. Found out I was gay one night and took the cigar he was smoking and burned the tip of it on several spots on my shoulder. Said that I was a disgrace to the family. Punched me in the jaw and said the only reason he wasn’t kicking me out was that I was most likely was going to get a football scholarship to Notre Dame and that would make our family look good.” Steve gritted his teeth and pierced his lips into an angry smile. Shiver ran down Tony’s body. Howard was a cruel man and Tony didn’t know what would happen to him if his father knew he was bisexual. Tony could picture his own grave. Tears welled up in his eyes and he turned away to wipe them away fast.
“Can we be friends?” Steve shook his head yes. For the rest of the lunch period, they sat in silence trying to understand what they just told each other. Steve wished he wasn’t so afraid to talk to Tony before because it was nice to have someone that understood what he was going through.
Everyday then on they met each other in the art room. They would share stories back and forth. Some would make them laugh so hard that they would get in trouble by the next-door teacher for being too loud. Other times they would tell sad stories that would lead to them holding each other while the other would cry. They really found a best friend in each other. Either one of them couldn’t imagine what life was like before they truly met one another.
“You’re trying to tell me that Star Trek is better than Star Wars.” Tony rolled his eyes.
“Yes, especially the newer ones. Star Wars is so overrated.” Tony scoffed and through his wrapper at him which Steve dodged.
“You know what you are overrated.” Steve scoffed and showed Tony his photo of him with Spock ears. Tony made a fake offended face and turned away from Steve.
“You’re so dramatic. Hey, you’re still coming to my game tonight. I would love it if you came to watch.” Tony wouldn’t miss it for the world, and it would give him a chance for him to look at Steve’s butt in his football pants.
The stadium was packed for senior night. Tony sat next to Rhodey which was mad he was dragged to this game. He told Tony he didn’t want to come to his stupid boyfriend’s game in which Tony insisted that him and Steve were just friend. Rhodey knew better.
“Number twenty-nine. Steven Grant Rogers who is being escorted by his mother, Sarah Rogers, and father, Joseph Rogers. He would continue his football career at Notre Dame where he will study law.” Tony jumped up and screamed for Steve. Steve looked up with a smile. He waved which made his father squint his eyes at his son and his son’s friend.
Once the game was over, Tony ran down to the locker rooms to congratulate Steve for the win. He also thought that this would be the night he told Steve about his feelings. He didn’t want to go another day without being able to say Steve was his. To be able to kiss him and have his arms wrapped around him. He knew if they did take the next step it would be a secret for the sake of both of their lives.
Tony waited and waited, watching as each player walked in but there was no sign of Steve. He was getting worried.
“Stop it, Dad, he is just a friend. Why can’t we just be happy that we win and not have to talk about Tony.” Steve and his father were standing behind a tree away from other’s eyes. His father gripped his arm and pulled him in real close. He had a scowl on his face and his eyes were really dark. Any other night he would be afraid but not tonight. Not when his father was not only attacking him but also Tony.
“He better be just a friend. I’ve heard the rumors around town he was a fairy and I don’t want that rubbing off on my son.” Rage boiled through Steve’s veins.
“I was one, way before I met Tony.” His father pulled back and laid a hard punch to his right eye which would most likely would cause a black eye. His father pushed him down on the ground and spat on him.
“Don’t think about coming home tonight. You know what Sunday come and get your shit. You will never be welcomed back until you grow out of this because no son of mine will be a gay.” His father turned and left leaving Steve feeling angry but at the same time hollow.
Tony was about to be on his way to find Steve when he saw him coming. He ran towards him until he saw the way he looked. Tony slowed down to take in what he was seeing. He stopped in front of him placing a hand to Steve’s eye.
“Who did this?” Steve closed his eyes and brushed past him towards the locker rooms. Tony caught his hand and pulled him back towards him. “Talk to me.”
“Can we just go somewhere just the two of us? No questions. We can just be us for a while.” Tony nodded and let go of Steve’s hand allowing him to go change. Tony didn’t have to ask any questions because already knew all of the answers.
They drove and drove. Not a single word came from either of them. The only sound was the static from the radio. Steve finally parked on top of white creek mountain. In a flash, Steve was in Tony’s arms shaking and crying. Tony rubbed his hand up down his back trying to comfort him.
“It’s okay, just let it all out. Take your time.” Steve pulled back and there was a pause between them. They stared at each other taking in each other’s features. Tony’s chest tightened. All he wanted to do was kiss Steve. He wanted to take all of his pain away. In a moment Steve grabbed hold of his face and pulled him in close kissing him hard. Tony wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck pulling him closer, so they were now chest to chest. They kept kissing each one of them running out of air but wasn’t willing to pull apart. It was like both of their pain was being melted away and being replaced by love.
Steve was the first one to pull away leaving Tony dizzy and missing his touch. Steve turned away, not in shame but more to collect himself. He knew what he was going to do next would ruin so many things but at the same time, he had nothing to lose.
“Tony, I love you. I’ve loved you ever since you walked into the art room and brighten my world up. You make my life better by just being here. I want you to be in my life.” Tony bit his lip not to cry. Everything he wanted to hear he was hearing.
“I love you too, Steve. It doesn’t make any sense, but you make me feel whole. You know I am here for you. I will protect you with my last breath.” Steve pulled him back in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around him. Steve laid his head on Tony’s shoulder looking at the night sky.
“My dad did this. My dad also kicked me out, so I have nowhere to go.” Tony planted a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
“You can stay with me.” Steve shook his head.
“I can’t do that Tony. What about your dad?” Tony shushed him.
“Don’t worry about a thing.”
For months Steve and Tony dated in secret. Steve moved in with Tony and thankfully his dad only was home about five days out of the year, so they were able to be themselves when they were at home. Jarvis loved Steve and treated him like he was his own son. Steve hadn’t seen his parents again after he went and picked up his things which was for the best. He had nothing really to say to his father anyway. For the first time, he was happy. He was just scared that the secret he was keeping from Tony would break Tony. He never wanted to hurt him. Steve came knocked onto Tony’s door.
“Come in. Steve you know you don’t have to knock.” Tony looked at Steve with a curious expression. Tony was finishing up some of his homework from MIT. He decided to start in May instead of August because he knew he would be bored while Steve was away during football training. Tony could see there was a worried look on Steve’s face and he did not like it.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Steve walked over and sat next to Tony on the bed. He picked up both of his hands and laid a kiss on both. Steve handed him his letterman’s jacket. Tony took it but still didn’t know what was happening.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner but I’m not going to college.”
“What! Is it the money because I can pay for it?” Steve shook his head no.
“No, football, Notre Dame, that was all my dad’s dream. I’ve decided to enlist in the military. I’m beginning basic training next week, and I will be leaving for my first tour in August.” Tony was taken back. He wasn’t mad that Steve decided to leave for the military he just wished Steve had told him sooner.
“What does that mean for us?” Steve knew what he had to do even if it would break his heart.
“I’m going to be gone for four years. I couldn't ask you to wait for me till I get back.”
“Yes, you can because I will.” Steve shook his head.
“No, Tony, I won’t allow it. We’re only eighteen. Go live your life.” Tony looked away not wanting to meet Steve’s eyes.
“What are you saying Steve?” Steve swallowed his tears and gathered all of his strength he could.
“We have to break up.” Steve stood up leaving Tony shaking with tears rolling down his face. Tony pulled his jacket close to his chest. This was all he had of Steve. Steve closed the door behind him, fell to the ground. He cried until not a single tear was left and he stood up to go pack his things.
Steve stood in line as he looked around at all of the other soldiers saying goodbye to their loved ones and he was alone. Then the crowd parted, and he saw Tony wrapped in his jacket. Steve and Tony met each other halfway with tears in their eyes. They stared at each other in silence taking in each other like they always did once again. Tony moved first and placed a final kiss on Steve’s lips.
“I’m going to miss you. Please don’t die.”
“I will miss you too and I will come back. Now go live your life. For me.” Steve turned around and disappeared in the crowd leaving Tony alone. How was he supposed to live a life when he no longer had the one person he wanted to live a life with, in his life.
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